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4x4 Indoor Soccer Rules

(Updated December 11, 2008)

Current High School Federation Rules will govern play. Intramural policies, procedures, eligibility requirements,
etc., and specific rule modifications will take precedent.

FIELD: Basketball Courts located in the Kinesiology, Wellness, and Recreation Center (KWRC).
1. Each team shall consist of four (4) players. There will be NO goalkeeper. Teams must have at least a minimum of two
(2) players at the designated time of the contest or the game will be forfeited. GAME TIME IS FORFEIT TIME. All
teams must be “Ready to Play” at the scheduled time of the match.
2. The maximum a team roster may have will be six (6) players. NO EXCEPTIONS.
3. NO VARSITY SOCCER PLAYERS are eligible to participate on any team. If a listed Varsity Soccer player participates
for an Intramural Indoor Soccer team, then that team WILL FORFEIT any games played and will be subject to removal
from the Intramural program.
4. There is no limit on the number of substitutes. Substitutes may be made at any time. A substitute may not enter the court
until the player substituting is completely off the court and signaled in by the official. All substitutes MUST ENTER
from the half court area. Penalty: Failure to substitute from the correct area and signaled by official will result in a
Yellow Card being issued and indirect kick will be taken at the point of the infraction.
1. A player shall not wear anything that is dangerous to another player on the field (i.e. loose chains, rings, watches,
headwear that contains any hard, stiff material including billed hats or items containing exposed knots). ALL
JEWELRY MUST BE REMOVED. Participants wearing illegal equipment will be required to sub off (whether a sub
is available or not) until the next substitution opportunity after the jewelry is removed. Any type of cast is considered
illegal equipment. Braces must be covered and padded. All shin guards made of hard substances (plastic etc.) must be
covered entirely by stockings.
2. Players must wear athletic type shoes that cover the foot completely. The Intramural Sport Supervisor will have final
judgment on legal footwear.
3. Shin guards – For safety reasons, shin guards are highly recommended but not required.
4. Teams are required to wear jerseys with numbers. If a team does not have jerseys with numbers, the Recreational Sports
Department will provide pennies with numbers for any player of a team who is not compliant.
5. Indoor soccer balls will be used. Soccer balls will be provided by the Recreational Sports Department.
1. The game shall consist of two (2) equal periods of eighteen (18) minutes each; with a two (2) minute half-time. The
clock will only stop if the referee has to discontinue the game or if a player is injured. Additional time will be added to
clock by the discretion of the official for injury (a maximum of one (1) minute shall be added to the game clock).
2) The choice of ends or possession of ball is determined by the flip of a coin prior to game time.
3) There will be a designated area, marked off with green floor tape, where NO PLAYER SHALL ENTER THIS AREA.
Since the game will consist of NO goalkeepers, a team may place a player in front of or surrounding taped area to protect
the goal; however, this person will not be able to use their hands to stop any goal or cross into this area to prevent a ball
from being scored. Penalty: An automatic goal will be given to the opposing team and the player will receive an
automatic YELLOW CARD.
4) NO SLIDING is allowed. Players may not leave their feet or slide when executing a tackle. Any infraction of this rule
will result in an indirect free kick for the opposing team. Penalty: The player who is called for sliding will receive an
automatic YELLOW CARD.
5) Ties: All games in the regular season will in a tie.
6) Playoffs: ALL games will be played until a winner is determined. The two teams shall play one-five minute overtime and
if the game is still tied, then the two teams will play a second five-minute overtime period. ALL overtime games shall be
decided by the GOLDEN GOAL. If the game is still tied after two overtime periods, then both teams will go to a sudden
death one-on-one shootout.
Sudden Death Shootout Rules
• A coin flip will determine which team will go first (choices are defense or offense).
• A member of the offensive team, at half court, shall wait for the referee’s whistle to begin the shootout.
• A member of the defensive team shall not be any closer than three (3) yards to the offensive player prior to the
whistle beginning the shootout.
• Once the whistle blows, the offensive player will have NO more than ten (10) seconds to try to score a goal
against the defensive player.
• The shootout can end by the following ways:
o Offense scores a goal against the defense;
o The ball goes out of play during the shootout;
o Or if the offensive player fails to score a goal during the ten (10) second timeframe.
• During the shootout, only one player may participate once on offense and defense; therefore, as an example, a
team cannot use the same person to play defense on every shootout. The team must rotate a new player on every
change of possession.
7) Mercy Rule: If any team is ahead by five (5) goals, the game will be called at the five (5) minute warning. If a team is
ahead by eight (8) goals at half-time or anytime in the second half, the game shall immediately be declared over.
1. The ball is out of play:
a. When it completely leaves the Basketball court boundaries. These boundaries are marked by the maroon edge
outlining the court. Play will be restarted at the point on the court nearest where the ball left the court. The ball can be
kicked into play in any direction by a player who is facing the field of play. A goal cannot be scored from such a kick.
• Last touched by offense: goal kick
• Last touched by defense: corner kick
b. When the ball touches any part of the backboard or basketball components;
c. When the ball hits any fixtures connected with the ceiling;
d. When the referee has stopped the game.
2. The ball is in play at all other times including:
a. When it rebounds from a cross-bar, or post.
b. When it rebounds off the referee who is in the field of play.
1. A goal may not be scored directly from a kick off.
2. Players from the opposing team may not be within three (3) yards of the ball.
3. Ball may be kicked any direction.
When administering the corner kick, the whole of the ball shall be placed on the adjacent corner to the goal. The ball may not
be removed, and the ball must be kicked from that position.
a. A goal may not be scored directly from such a kick. Opposing players shall not approach within three (3) yards of
the ball until it is in play.
PENALITIES (Free Kicks vs. Indirect Kicks)
1. When a player is taking a free or indirect kick,
a. Opposing players must be three (3) yards from the ball until it is kicked, unless standing on their own goal line
between the goal posts.
b. ALL kicks are INDIRECT, regardless of foul committed or type of kick; therefore, a goal cannot be scored
unless someone touches it.
c. Indirect free kicks are awarded and taken from the point of the infraction:
a. If the ball is played next by the kicker following a kickoff, a free kick, a goal kick, or a corner kick.
b. If a player fairly charges into an opponent when neither is within playing distance of the ball.
c. If a player who is not in possession of the ball intentionally obstructs an opponent who is attempting to
play the ball.
d. For dangerous play (i.e. High kick)
e. If the game is stopped for misconduct of a player and no other restart takes precedence.
Teams are responsible for knowing and understanding the Team Sportsmanship Rating System. Conduct before,
during, and/or after an Intramural contest will be included in the rating (refer to attachment)
1. Any incident involving more than 1 player from each team could result in the game being called a double forfeit (i.e.,
bench clearing, or team fights).
2. The captain may talk to the officials while he/she is on the field concerning questions of rule interpretations if done
within the rules and in a sportsmanlike manner. Rule interpretations are the only question that may be directed to an
official. Discussion of judgment calls may not be directed toward the officials by either the players or captains. Any
other participants, spectators or coaches who question the referee may receive a caution (yellow card).
3. If play is stopped by reason of a player being ordered from the field for an offense without a separate breach of the law
(approving equipment) having been committed, the game shall be resumed by an indirect free kick awarded to the
opposing team from the place where the infringement occurred.
player, regardless if the team has a substitute or not, must sit out for a minimum of two (2) minutes; therefore, a team will
play down a player for the minimum of two (2) minutes. Once the two minutes has expired, then player may come back
into the game upon waiting for the official’s signal.

Co-Recreational Rules
The following rules stated above shall be enforced including the following listed below:
1. The game is played with two teams of four (4) players each. Two (2) players must be present in order for a team to be
eligible to start and continue a game.
a. Co-Rec GAMES: At a minimum, there needs to be one member of the opposite sex. The maximum of
any one sex on the field will be two (2) players.
2. Scoring
• If a male scores a goal, it counts as one point.
• If a female scores a goal, it is two points.
• In order for a goal to count as two points, a female must be the LAST person to have touched the ball.
• If there is any question of who was the last person to touch the ball, it will be one point. This is an official’s
judgment call.
3. Female Possession
• EVERY time a team crosses midfield on an offensive possession, a female must touch the ball before a goal
can be scored.
• A NEW possession starts and another girl touch is required if the following occurs:
ƒ A goal kick
ƒ A foul on the offense
ƒ The balls goes across midfield
ƒ A female touch can occur on a free kick, corner kick, or possession during a live ball.
ƒ If a team scores before a female touch occurs, a goal kick will be awarded to the defense.
4. Mercy Rule: If any team is up by more than seven (7) goals, game will be called at the five (5) minute warning. If
any team is up by more than ten (10) goals, the game will be called immediately.

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