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Ultimate Workout Routine

Day 1-Chest, Triceps and wrists:

Warm up-15 x 10 x 5 push ups.

Type 1-Chest

>Barbell Chest Press- 10R

Super set >Resistance Push up-5R (5-0-1-0)
3 Sets

Type 2-Chest

> Dumbbell Incline Press (70 degrees)-10R

Superset> (45 degrees)-10R
Superset> (30 degrees)-10R
3 Sets

Type 3- Tricep

> Tricep Dips- 20R x 15R x 10R x 5R

(Alternate)Close grip Bench Press- 20R x 15R x 10R x 5R

Type 4- Wrist/forearm

> Dumbbell wrist upward curl-to failure x 2 Sets

> Dumbbell wrist outward curl-to failure x 2 Sets

> Dumbbell wrist clockwise/anticlockwise turns- 15 x 2 sets

Day 2-Back, Shrugs and legs:

Warm up-15 dead lifts. (Look for best ones)

Type 1-Back

>Barbell full deadlift- 8 Reps x 4 Sets

Type 2- Back

>Dumbbell single arm Row(L)-10R

>Dumbbell single arm Row(R)-10R
4 Sets.

Type 3-Back

>Barbell bent over Row-10 Reps

Super set >Seated Rear fly- 10 Reps
3 Sets

Type 4-Shrugs

>dumbbell shrugs- 15R x 12R x 10R x 8R

Type 5- Legs

>Barbell back squat- 10R x 4 sets

Type 6-Legs

>Leg extension- 10R

Super set >Machine (calf raise)-15-20R
4 sets.
Day 3-Back, Biceps and legs:

Warm up- Pull up or Pull down- 10-15R

Type 1

>Lat pull down (Pull up) -8R

Super set >Under-Grip Lat pull down(Chin up) -8R
4 sets

Type 2

>Barbell hip thrust- 12R x 4Sets

Type 3

> Bulgarian Split squat (L)-10R

> Bulgarian Split squat (R)-10R
4 Sets

Type 4

> Dumbell alternating skater lunges -7R

Super set > Alternating side lunge -7R
Super set >Dumbbell Front Squat -7R(2-0-1-0)
3 Sets.
Day 4- Shoulder, traps and Chest.

Warm up

Military Press-15 Reps(bar only).

Type 1- Shoulder

>Barbell Military Press -7Reps

Super set >Plate front raise. -5 Reps(5-0-1-0)
5 Sets
Type 2- Shoulder

>Seated alternating Arnold press- 10R x 3sets.

Type 3-Shoulder

>Dumbbell later raise -10 Reps

Super set >Dumbbell upright row -10 Reps
3 Sets

Type 4-Chest

>Chest cable flys (or chest fly)- 12 Reps

>High plant hold- 30 Seconds
4 sets

Type 5-Traps

> Prone reverse fly, thumbs pointing up- 10R x 3Sets

Day 5-Biceps and Triceps

Warm up- Push up- 15R

Type 1- Biceps

> Ezy bar standing curl -12 Reps

Super set > Dumbell incline bicel curl -12 Reps
4 Sets

Type 2- Biceps

>Standing Dumbbell Tension Curl -10 Reps

Super set >Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls -10 Reps
Super Set >Standing Dumbbell Zottman Curls -10 Reps
2 Sets

Type 3- Tricep

>Skull Crusher with extension- 12R x 3 Sets

Type 4- Tricep

>cable machine underhand tricep pull down- 12R x 3 Sets

Type 5- Tricep

>Cable tricep rope Push down

20R x 15R x 10R x 5R


Maximum 5 minute break between each type.

Maximum 1 minute break between each set.
Only 10 second break to begin super set.

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