Osvaldo's Quest

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(3) Prompt: Write a fairytale short story where the hero becomes the villain and use

different cultural values in each character.

Osvaldo’s Quest

In the land of Thistleton there lies a nobleman. Osvaldo is not your typical gentry.

He was humble and kind, treating everyone as his family. His brown eyes were

penetrating and honest. His sweetly intense gaze could make any woman swoon. His

golden complexion matched the regal hardware on his mighty sword. When he took off

his helmet, his brown ringlets cascaded around his face. In his spare time, he read to the

town's children and helped defend Thistleton from intruders. He was magnificent, almost

too good to be true.

It’s the middle of October. The Autumn harvest brings plentiful nutritious fruits

and vegetables. Osvaldo takes in the sight to see. All of the town’s people working

together to have the Annual Thistle Feast. This is the biggest event of the year and

everyone looks forward to it. Women dressed in their best raiment and men in the finest

fabrics. Usually the King joins the town’s people for the celebration, but ever since King

Octavius passed in his sleep, his brother Orson took the throne. He has missed 3 Thistle

Feast’s and the town’s people are getting suspicious. “Why hasn’t the King joined us to

feast? Is he sick?” asked a child. “No, he is not sick. The king is dealing with foreign

affairs, but he sends his well wishes.” replied Osvaldo, but the truth is, Osvaldo does not

know why the King hasn’t joined. This causes Osvaldo to get suspicious himself. “Why

haven’t I thought about this before?” he asked himself. “I must get to the bottom of this!”

he thought. With that being said, Osvaldo said goodbye to the town’s people for he has to
assist the king with an important matter. After the feast was over, Osvaldo began his

journey to the palace.

He set out at dawn. He got the horses ready, his food packed, water canteens full,

map route and compass set. It was time. The town’s people waved Osvaldo on with their

handkerchiefs as he rode into the day. First stop was the town of Guifi, the town of

Dreams. This coastal town was so unlike Thistleton. Their beaches stretched for miles of

aqua blue water and sand as white as paper. The wildlife was far from anything Osvaldo

was used to. Colorful birds swooped down and flew higher than the mountains. “Watch

out for the snakes” a man said. Osvaldo drew his sword, not expecting people until he

reached the town square. The man threw his arms up and said “Easy there, I am not here

to hurt you. I was just completing my daily hike. My name is Pulan, it means moon.”

Pulan stretched his hands out to offer solidarity. Osvaldo put his sword away and shook

his hand. “What brings you to Guifi?” Pulan asked. “How do you know I am not from

here?” Osvaldo replied. Pulan laughed “With that outfit and those weapons, you stick out

like a sore thumb.” Osvaldo began to feel self-conscious. “I am here because I need to

reach King Orson. He hasn’t shown up to any of my town’s harvest feasts and as a

nobleman, I deserve to be abreast of all situations. I suspect something wrong is afoot”

Osvaldo said. “I heard that the King doesn’t show his face because he was born with

deformities, at least that’s the rumor going around Guifi.” Pulan replied. “Hm, that would

make sense why he does not want anyone to see him, but I must find out for myself!”

Osvaldo exclaimed. “Would you mind if I join you on this journey?” asked Pulan. “Yes, I

would mind. This is a solo adventure. Besides, why would the king reveal himself to
you?” Osvaldo inquired. “Because a king should always be there for his people and tell

his people what is going on. Transparency is key.” said Pulan. “I agree with you, but I

think it's best if I go. The King knows I am a nobleman and I will get in without many

problems.” said Osvaldo. “Maolekña manggågåo ya ti manå’i, ki manå’i ya ti

ma’agradesi. That means it is better that someone asks and it is refused than it be given

and not appreciated in my language.” said Pulan. “I’m glad you see it my way, I will

return and tell you of my findings” said Osvaldo. “Adios” said Pulan as he waved the

nobleman goodbye.

Osvaldo reached the next town, Meher, the town of benevolence. He first hit the

town square and stumbled upon an outside market. So many people are buying and

selling their wares. Amazing jewels, fabrics, pottery, and more. The spices were unlike

anything Osvaldo has seen before. He starts to realize how much of the world he hasn’t

seen. Just as he dismounted his horse to get a closer look of the spices, a beautiful woman

appeared. Her eyes were green like the meadows in Thistleton. Her smile lit up the entire

forum. Men stopped in their tracks just to watch her graciously walk down the path.

Osvaldo quickly devised a plan to get her to notice him. He went to one of the vendors

near her and bought a flower. He then presented the flower with a bow and said “My

lady”. The woman blushed and accepted his flower. “My name is Osvaldo, and you are?”

Osvaldo said “Haiba. Nice to meet you” the woman replied. “You are a foreigner, where

have you traveled from?” asked Haiba “I am from Thistleton” said Osvaldo “Wow, you

have traversed a whiles away. What brings you to Meher?” Haiba inquired. “I am just

trying to see the world. Explore what other towns have to offer” said Osvaldo. “Hm, that
is interesting. Can I tell you a story?” Haiba replied “Please do” said Osvaldo. Haiba

began, “There was once an old woman who was mistreated by her four sons and

daughters-in-law. She did not express her concerns and kept those worries inside of her.

The worries turned into fat and her family taunts her more. She speaks her grievances to

an abandoned house. She spoke about her first son to the first wall and it collapsed,

unable to bear the weight of her grief. She spoke about her second son, and the second

wall crumbled to the ground. She spoke about the third son and the wall fell down.

Finally, she spoke about the fourth son and the whole house disintegrated. The woman

left the house thin and felt free.” “This was an interesting story. Why are you telling me

this?” said Osvaldo. “I know you are holding back a secret. Secrets, or whatever we hold

can create pain for us. It is when we speak that we are set free.” said Haiba “I am not

holding back a secret, I am really just here to explore.” Truth has but one color, a lie has

many.” Haiba said. “I will keep that in mind” said Osvaldo. Uncomfortable with Haiba

looking right through him. Osvaldo decided to part ways.

On his way to the next town Osvaldo was growing tired. “As soon as I reach the

next town, I am going to sleep,” Osvaldo said to himself. It was getting dark and Osvaldo

was on high alert. His arms were starting to hurt and he felt his legs going numb. Thud!

Osvaldo fell to the floor and hit his head leading him to unconsciousness. This was not a

part of the plan. Osvaldo begins to open his eyes. He looks around and is in someone’s

home. His clothes have been changed and there was tea at his bedside. His armor was

hanging on the wardrobe, cleaned and shined. Confused, Osvaldo apprehensively walked

outside the room to see who was responsible. A family was sitting on the floor enjoying
breakfast. It was a mother, father, a son and daughter. “Oh you’re finally awake!” the

mother exclaimed. The family quickly got up and bowed. Osvaldo was confused, but

decided to bow as well. “How did I get here?” Osvaldo asked. “Come, sit and eat” the

mother said. Osvaldo finished three plates of food before the mother could even get

another word out. “I found you in Aoki Forest. I was gathering berries when all of a

sudden, a chestnut horse started running down the path. I knew something had to be

wrong. I decided to follow the horse and he led me to you. I’m glad I found you before

the Yokai did.” the mother explained. “Yokai? What is that?” Osvaldo asked. “Phantoms,

ghosts, and strange apparitions. There are different types of Yokai. Some shapeshift into

animals like the Obake and some terrorize the water like the Kappa monsters.” the

mother said


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