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Teachers' Guide

Grade 6
(To be implemented from 2015)

Department of Social Sciences

National Institute of Education
Sri Lanka
Web site:
E-mail: [email protected]

Grade 6
Techer's Guide

First Printing 2014

© National Institute of Edcation

ISBN ..............

Department of Social Sciences

Language,humanities and social Sciences
National Institute of Edcation

Web site :

E-mail : [email protected]

Printed by ( Press
National Institute of Education
Sri Lanka

Message from the Director General ……………….

The first phase of the new competency based curriculum, with 8 years curriculum cycle was introduced
to secondary education in Sri Lanka in 2007 replacing the existed content based education system
with basic objective of developing the national level competencies recommended by the National
Education Commission.
The second phase of the curriculum cycle to be introduced to grades 6, and 10 starts from 2015.
For this purpose, National Institute of Education has introduced a rationalization process and
developed rationalized syllabi for these grades using research base outcomes and various suggestions
made by different stakeholders.
In the rationdalization process, vertical integration has been used to systematically develop the
competency levels in all subjects from fundamentals to advanced levels using the bottom up approach.
Horizontal integration is used to minimize the overlapping in the subject content and to reduce the
content over loading in the subjects to produce more students friendly and implementable curricular.
A new format has been introduced to the teachers’ guide with the aim of providing the teachers with
the required guidance in the areas of lesson planning, teaching, carrying out activities and measurement
and evaluation.
These guidelines will help the teachers to be more productive and effective in the classroom.
The new teachers’ guides provide freedom to the teachers in selecting quality inputs and additional
activities to develop the competencies of the students. The new teachers’ guides are not loaded
with subject content that is covered in the recommended textbooks. Therefore, it is essential for the
teacher to use the new teachers’ guides simultaneously with the relevant textbooks prepared by
Education Publication Department as reference guides to be more aware of the syllabi.
The basic objectives of the rationalized syllabi and the new format of teachers’ guide and newly
developed textbooks are to bring a shift from the teacher centered education system into a student
centered and more activity based education system in order to develop the competencies and skills
of the school leavers and to enable the system to produce suitable human resource to the world of
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of Academic Affairs Board and Council
of National Institute of Education and all the resource persons who have immensely contributed in
developing these new teacher guides.

Director General
National Institute of Education

Message from Ven. Deputy Director General ……………….

Learning expands into a wider scope. It makes life enormous and extremely simple. The human
being is naturally excellent in the skill of learning. A country when human development is considered
the main focus uses learning as a tool to do away with malpractices identified with intellect and to
create a better world through good practices.
It is essential to create valuable things for learning and learning methods and facilities within the
aphere of education. That is how the curriculum, syllabi, teachers’ guides and facilitators join the
learning system.
Modern Sri Lanka has possessed a self-directed education system which is a blend of global trends
as well as ancient heritage.
It is necessary to maintain the consistency of the objectives of the subject at the national level.
However, facilitators are free to modify or adapt learning teaching strategies creatively to achieve
the learning outcomes, competency and competency level via the subject content prescribed in the
syllabus. Therefore, this Teachers’ Guide has been prepared to promote the teachers’ role and to
support the students as well as the parents.
Furthermore, at the end of a lesson, the facilitators of the learning-teaching process along with the
students should come to a verification of the achievement level on par with ones expected exam by
a national level examiner, who evaluates the achievement levels of subjects expected. I sincerely
wish to create such a self-progressive, motivational culture in the learning-teaching process. Blended
with that verification, this Teachers’ Guide would definitely be a canoe or a raft in this endeavor.

Deputy Director General

Faculty of Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences

Instruction and Approval Academic Affairs Board, National Institute of
D.H. Chandima Nishani Dharmapala Senior Lecturer
Department of Social Sciences

Subject Specialist assistance

(Professor Malanie Edagama) University of Sri Jayawrdanapura (Retired)
(Professor Swarna Jayaweera ) University of Sri Colombo (Retired))
Professor Asoka Jayasena University of Sri Peradeniya (Retired)
(Professor Elsie Kotalawala) The Open University of Sri Lanka (Retired)
Professor Indrani Munasinghe University of Sri Colombo, (Professor Emeritus of
Professor Raj Somadewa Post Graduate Institute of Archeology
Professor Pathmasiri Kannangara University of Sri Jayawrdanapura

Panel of writing (External)

D.A.A.Sirisena In-service Advisor
Zonal Education Office, Tabhuttegma
S.Kamaradeen In-service Advisor
Zonal Education Office, Kakirawa
K.S. Ranjanie In-service Advisor
Zonal Education Office, Horana
W.A.Piyasilee Teacher service
Sri Rahula Central Collage, Alawwa
A.Indrani Teacher service
Convent of the Child Jesus National School,
H.M. Nalin Bandara Teacher service
Kuruvita central collage, Kuruvita

Panel of writing (Internal)

D.H. Chandima Nishani Dharmapala Senior Lecturer
Department of Social Sciences
W.Samanthi S. Gunawardana Assistant Lecturer
Department of Social Sciences

Panel of Translation
Dr.Anuththaradevi Widyalankara University of Colombo
M.A.P. Munasingha Chief Project Officer (Retired)
National Institute of Education
C.S.Kumarapperuma Zonal Educational Office,Sri Jayawardanapura
Instructions to use the Teachers' Guide

It has been implemented that the subject History in the School curriculum as a core-Subject
from 2007, will function as the same from year 2015 allocating two periods for grade 6-9
and three periods for grade 10-11 weekly. It is suggested to prepare assessments for G.C.E.
(O/L) Examination based on the syllabus prescribed for grade 10 and 11.

The syllabus of History for grade 6-11 has been designed under competency based approach
including 20 competencies. The Teachers’ Guide, prepared for the implementation of the
curriculum, consists of two sections such as the syllabus and the guidance to implement the

The subject matter and the methods that are used to study the subject matter are equally
important when mastering the expected competencies within the students through the subject,
History. In fact some exemplary activities covering a part of the subject content are included
in the Teachers’ Guide. Teachers are free to develop those activities or to prepare new
activities using their creativity cater to the needs of the students in the classroom. It is to be
carefully considered that directing the students to study the required subject matter in order
to achieve the objectives of the subject, History, providing learning opportunities which should
at least 50% of practical based activities.

In fact the preparation of this teachers’ Guide is expected to achieve the objectives of the
subject History producing a set of students who are suitable for a new world full of
competencies. In this regard we kindly request you to direct us your constructive ideas and

Syllabus Committee

Content Page

Message from Director Genaral iii

Message from Rev. Deputy Director General iv

Project Team v

Instructions to use the Teachers' Guide vi

Syllabus viii - xx

Instructions for Learning Teaching process

6.1 Introduction of History 1- 5

6.2 The Early Human 6 - 15
6.3. Ancient Civilisations of the world 16 - 20
6.4 Early Settlement of Sri Lanka 21 - 23
6.5 Our Great Kings 24 - 37


Grade 6

(To be Implemented from 2015)

Department of Social Sciences

National Institute of Education
Sri Lanka
w w
01. Introduction

History as a discipline has been playing an important role as a core subject in the school curriculum since 2007 with the aim of producing patriotic, spirited
citizens capable of identifying and protecting nation’s identity facing global vicissitudes.

While respecting those objectives, the curriculum of the history subject was revised in consonance with the education reforms mooted to be effected from
2015. The curriculum of history from grade 6 to 11 was compiled under 20 relevant competencies based on the national common objectives and the related
competency levels.

This grade 6 syllabus is a result of this approch. It is to be implemented from 2015 and its contents are framed on five competencies. It presents for study,five
themes including the origin and background of human civilization and early settlements in Sri Lanka and the period of Anuradhapura kindom.
National Goals
The national system of education should assist individuals and groups to achieve major national goals that are relevant to the individual and

Over the years major education reports and documents in Sri Lanka have set goals that sought to meet individual and national needs. In the
light of the weaknesses manifest in contemporary education structures and processes, the National Education Commission has identified the
following set of goals to be achieved through education within the conceptual framework of sustainable human development. The National
Education Commission sees the realisation of these goals as its vision for the education system.

(i) Nation building and the establishment of a Sri Lankan identity through the promotion of national cohesion, national integrity, national unity,
harmony, and peace, and recognizing cultural diversity in Sri Lanka’s plural society within a concept of respect for human dignity.

(ii) Recognising and conserving the best elements of the nation’s heritage while responding to the challenges of a changing world.

(iii) Creating and supporting an environment imbued with the norms of social justice and a democratic way of life that promotes respect for human
rights, awareness of duties and obligations, and a deep and abiding concern for one another.

(iv) Promoting the mental and physical well- being of individuals and a sustainable life style based on respect for human values.

(v) Developing creativity, initiative, critical thinking, responsibility, accountability and other positive elements of a well- integrated and balanced

(vi) Human resource development by educating for productive work that enhances the quality of life of the individual and the nation and contributes
to the economic development of Sri Lanka.

(vii) Preparing individuals to adapt to and manage change, and to develop capacity to cope with complex and unforeseen situations in a rapidly
changing world.

(viii) Fostering attitudes and skills that will contribute to securing an honorable place in the international community, based on justice, equality and
mutual respect.
(Extracted from : National Education Commission report, 2003)
Basic Competencies

The following Basic Competencies developed through education will contribute to achieving the above National Goals.

(i) Competencies in Communication

Competencies in communication are based on four subsets: Literacy, Numeracy, Graphics and IT proficiency.

Literacy : Listen attentively, speak clearly, read for meaning, write accurately and lucidly and communicate ideas effectively.
Numeracy : Use numbers for things, space and time, count, calculate and measure systematically.
Graphics: Make sense of line and form, express and record details, instructions and ideas with line form and colour.
IT proficiency: Computeracy and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in learning, in the work environment and in
personal life.

(ii) Competencies relating to personality Development


- Generic skills such as creativity, divergent thinking, initiative, decision making, problem solving, critical and analytical thinking, team work,
inter – personal relations, discovering and exploring ;
- Values such as integrity, tolerance and respect for human dignity;
- Emotional intelligence.

(iii) Competencies relating to the Environment

These competencies relate to the environment: social, biological and physical.

Social Environment : Awareness of the national heritage, sensitivity and skills linked to being members of a plural society, concern
for distributive justice, social relationships, personal conduct, general and legal conventions, rights,
responsibilities, duties and obligations.
Biological Environment : Awareness, sensitivity and skills linked to the living world, people and the ecosystem, the trees,
forests, seas, water, air and life – plant, animal and human life.
Physical Environment : Awareness, sensitivity and skills linked to space, energy, fuels, matter, materials and their links with
human living, food, clothing, shelter, health, comfort, respiration, sleep, relaxation, rest, wastes and

Included here are skills in using tools and technologies for learning, working and living.

(iv) Competencies relating to preparation for the World of Work

Employment related skills to maximize their potential and to enhance their capacity
to contribute to economic development.
to discover their vocational interests and aptitudes,
to choose a job that suits their abilities, and
to engage in a rewarding and sustainable livelihood.

(v) Competencies relating to Religion and Ethics


Assimilating and internalising values, so that individuals may function in a manner consistent with the ethical, moral and religious modes of
conduct in everyday living, selecting that which is most appropriate.

(vi) Competencies in Play and the Use of Leisure

Pleasure, Joy, emotions and such human experiences as expressed through aesthetics, literature, play, sports and athletics, leisure pursuits and
other creative modes of living.

(vii) Competencies relating to ‘ learning to learn’

Empowering individuals to learn independently and to be sensitive and successful in responding to and managing change through
a transformative process, in a rapidly changing, complex and interdependent world.

(Extracted from : National Education Commission report, 2003)

Objectives of Teaching History

It is hoped that by following the history curriculum in grades 6-11, following objectives could be achieved.

1. Realizing the changes occurred through out history while undestanding historical evolution and trends.

2. Understanding the present and forseeing the future through the study of past.

3. To be a loyal citizen while safeguarding the national heritage and keeping the national identity.

4. To deal with national problems with balanced mind.

5. To respect other cultures.


6. Applying to practical life the rational knowledge and temper brought about through chronology, criticism, sources and cause-effect relationship.

7. To characterise the biographies of important historiccharacters.

8. To enhance the ability to face the global challenges with an insight into how global and historical trends affected the history of Sri Lanka.

9. Enhancing knowledge about time and space.

10. Identification of sites through historical information.

Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcome Period

1. Introducing history • It clarifies, what history is ? 04

Develop critical thinking 1.1 It underscores that history
through the study of 1.1 The past story of man • It summons facts in support of
sources that help to build is the story of mankind from the proposition that history
up history the past to the present reveals the past story of

1.2 Builds history through 1.2.1 How the past story of man is built • Introduces the source
objects used by man • Explains history through
1.2.2 Measurement of time • Measures time by various
Illustrates the evolution of methods

human development
2.1 Ilustrates the origin of 2. The early human • Explains that man emerged
life forms and the advent of 2.1 Environment that led to the, birth of 10
human due to environmental long after the origin of the earth
factors • origin of man long after the • Illustrates that plants and animals
origin of earth appeared before the advent of
• Various animals lived on land humans
and in water before the origin of
• Explains the environment in which
man (with the aid of pictures)
• The periods in which such humans emerged
animals lived
• The nature of the environment
that led to the birth of man (with
the aid of pictures)
Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcome Period

2.2 Illustrates how physical 2.2 Evolution of man through • Explains human evolution
features changed in the physical features (origin of living
• States the reasons for the
evolution of man beings from the primative man to
the birth of the modern man-with evolution of man
aid of pictures) • Shows that the advent of
man was a result of long
process through ages.
2.3 Modern man – (Changes in man in • Illustrates different
2.3 Explains the changes in
response to geographical factors - environmental conditions
physical features in
through pictures) • Explains the physical features of
adopting to the natural
man in relation to different
environment in relation to
environmental conditions.

the modern man.

2.4 Developing the skills to 2.4 Cultural evolution of man • Illustrates the challenges
explain how early humans • Challenges confronted by the
confronted by the early man
overcame the challenges in ancient man.
• How the ancient man faced • Explains how they dealt with
comparison to present day
challenges challenges
• Illustrates how present day
challenges can be met in the
light of examples of the past
Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcome Period

3. Ancient civilizations in the world • Explains what civilization is 10

Illustrate the evolution 3.1 Explains the ancient 3.1 Introducing of civilizations • Explains the basic features of a
of human development civilizations in the world • referring to ancient civilizations civilization
in the world

3.2 Marks ancient civilizations 3.2 Ancient civilisations in the world • Naming the ancient world
prevailed in the world and • geographical location and
their geogrophical chronology
distribution on a map • Marks the sites of civilizations
on a map
• Explains the locations of

3.3 Illustrates the examples 3.3 The gifts that the world inherited • Indicates the progress of the
that can be drawn through from the ancient civilizations ancient civilizations
• Presents facts for the ancient
the development of the nature of civilizations
ancient civilizations for • Illustrates the examples that
the present can be drawn from ancient
Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcome

Ilustrates of the evolution .1 Explains early settlements 4. Early settlements of Sri Lanka • Illustrates the areas where 09
4.1 The first settlements the settlements spread
of human development in Sri Lanka, and the
• Expansion of the earliest
diversity by time and settlements • Introduces the basic
space • The basic features of the earliest features of the early
settlements settlements
.• Exsistence of an advanced • Explains that the early man
(through pictures) lived adopting to different
• Emergence of cities environmental zones in the

5.1.1 Inquires how prince • Details the childhood of

Inquires the greatness
5. Our great kings king Pandukabhaya 03
of past monarchs of Sri Pandukabhaya ascended
5.1 King Pandukabhaya • Shows the challanges that
Lanka appreciating their the throne surmounting the 5.1.1 Childhood
challenges confronted Prince
biographies and national
• Explains the exampory
features of overcoming
challenges from the
character of Pandukabhaya
Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcome Period

5.1.2 Examines the 5.1.2 Assumption of kingship • Explains how Pandukabhaya

5.1.3 Administration
achievements of king adcended the throne
Panduk-abhaya • Explains the administration
of king Pandukabhaya
• Explains the greatness of
king Pandukabhaya

5.2.1 Illustrates the introduction 5.2 King Devanampiya Tissa • Explains how Buddhism was
of Buddhism to Sri Lanka 5.2.1Introduction of Buddhism to Sri introduced to Sri Lanka

and service of king Lanka • Describes how Buddhist

Devanampiya Tissa • Establishment of Buddhism in Sri dipensation was
regarding the establishment Lanka established in Sri Lanka
of Buddhism in Sri Lanka • Explains the service of
king Devanampiya Tissa

5.2.2 Contributions of Buddhism • Points out the legacies of

5.2.2 Develops good qualities Buddhism
• Explains how a moral society
through the influence of
was developed
Buddhism in building up • Illustrates examples from the
a moral society past to build up a virtuous
Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcome Period

5.3.1 Illustrates the greatness • Explains the justice and
of king Dutugamunu 5.3 King Dutugamunu compassion of king Elara
5.3.1 Childhood • Describes the career of king
• King Elara Kavantissa
• Service of king Kavantissa
• Explains the greatness of
• Uniting of the country by king
Dutugamunu king Dutugamunu

5.3.2 Appreciates the religious

service of king 5.3.2 Construction of temples • Explains king Dutugamunu’s
Dutugamunu by
religious service
internalising his good
qualities • Uses examples from the past

for a virtuous society at present

5.4.1 Appreciates the greatness

of king Valagamba and 5.4 King Valagamba • Explains how king 03
• Accession to the throne Valagamba ascended the
internalises examples from
• Constructing the Abhayagiri Stupa
his life throne.
and Temple
• Writing down of the canon
• Describes king Valagamba's
(Tripitaka) in books religious activities
• Illustrates examples from the
life of king Valagamba
Competency Competency Level Subject Content Learning Outcome Period

• Illustrates how king Vasabha 03

5.5 Explains the achievements
5.5 King Vasabha ascended the throne
of king Vasabha • Accession to the throne • Explains the administration of
• Economic activites king Vasabha
∗ Construction of large scale tanks • Explains his economic

5.6 Illustrates the greatness of

king Mahasen 5.6 King Mahasen • Describes irrigation activities 03
• Economic acrivities of king Mahasen
∗ Construction of large scale tanks • Illustrates technical skills in

∗ Construction of Jetavanarama construction of tanks

• Explains the activities of king
5.7 Illustrates the services of
king Dathusena 5.7 King Dhatusena
• Accession to the throne • Illustrates how king 03
• Economic service
Dhatusena assumed kingship
∗ Contribution to irrigation works
• Erection of theBuddha image at
Avukana • Explains the economic
activities during his reign
• Explains the religious activities
of king Dhatusena
Instructions for LearnigTeaching prosses
6.1 Introduction of History
This unit seeks to address the following: What is history? How is history constructed? How the long
periods of history are measured?


• Develop critical thinking through the study of sources that help to build up history

Competency Level

1.1 It underscores that history is the story of mankind from past to the present.

No. of Periods: 02

Learning outcomes

• Itclarifieswhatishistory?
• It summons facts in support of the proposition that history reveals the past story of

Instructions for lesson planning

Plan the lesson using the subject matter given below

1.1 The past story of man

• Explains that history is the study of mankind who lived in earlier times.
• Determining that past consists of bygone times and that it begins with the origin of man
on earth up to the day before.
• Constructing the story of history tracing efforts of man to meet the basic social
needs in the period under study
• Explains that all things which exist at present have a past
• Explains the fact that history is created by man
• In order to explain what is history, write an essay about the history of the school'
Do this as an individual activity
Gather information about the history of the school
The reasons that led to the foundation of the school, the pioneers who founded the
school, the earliest teachers and students, the progress of the school.
Encourage students to collect pictures of early buildings and people who contributed to its

Quality inputs

• Sources that required to find out the history of the school

Instructions for assessment and evaluation

Assess the above mentioned activity using the criteria given below.

• Describes the history of the school

• Appreciates of the founders of the school.
• Substantiating that ‘History is what man said and did’ in reference to the school
• Clarity and creativity in writing the essay
• Sharing of knowledge with others in the class

Competency Level

1.2 Builds history through objects used by man

No. of Periods: 02

Learning outcomes

• Introduces the source

• Explains history through sources
• Measures time by various methods

Instructions for lesson planning

Plan the lesson using the subject matter given below
1.2 How the past story of man is constructed.

• Identifying sources as those that provide evidence that enables explanation of what did or
• Identifying of sources that facilitates to learn what occurred in the past
• Shows the variations of the sources that help to learn history
1. Literary sources
Various documents that has been written in earlier times books, legends, Folk lore,
Folk Songs

2. Archaeological sources:
Inscriptions, utensils used by man in the past, old buildings, statues, coins, pottery etc.
Completion of a table with the aid of a source covering the subject matter stated above
• Use this as an individual activity
• W rite on the black board while having a discussion with the students about the
sources that help to build up the history of the school
• Ask students to copy the following table in their notebooks inserting the
sources written on the blackboard
Literary sources Archaeological sources

Quality inputs

• Grids that are used to show the literary sources and archaeological sources

Instructions for assessment and evaluation

For the assessment and evaluation of the above activity use the following criteria.
• Naming of the sources
• Indicates the diversity of sources
• Constructs the history relying on sources
• Participates in teacher-pupil discussion
• W orks Cooperatively

1.3 Measuring the time

The principal methods in current usage to determine time
• Christian Era • Buddhist Era • Shaka Era • HijriEra
Explains the beginning of these specific eras
• Anna Dominis - Birth date of Jesus christ
• Buddhist Era - The date of Passing away of the Buddha
• Shaka era - Marking the defeat date of the Shakas by
King Gauthamiputhra
Shathakarni who ruled the W estern India

• HijriEra - Marking the journey of Prophet Mohammed from
Mecca to Madina
Explaining the Terms before Christ (BC) and Anna Dominos (AD)
Explaining how the time of an occurrence is indicated by using these eras
Explaining the difference between AD and Buddhist era
• Indicating several events with reference to the different eras.
• Indicating several events given above in AD and Buddhist era
Conduct this as an individual activity
Instruct students to indicate the year of the following
eventsin AD/Buddhist era/Hijri era in their note books.
1. The year of the passing away of Buddha in A D
2. The birth year of Jesus Christ in Buddist era
3. The year of birth of Prophet Mohammed in AD and Buddhist era
4. The year of your birth in AD and Buddhist era
5. The present year in AD, Buddhist era and Hijri era
(Read the text book for this activity)

Quality inputs

Calendars showing different methods used to indicate time

Instructions for assessment and evaluation

Assess and evaluate the above activity using the following criteria.

• States the different methods used to indicate time

• Explains the usage of BC and A D
• Explains the difference between AD and Buddhist Era
• Indicates various events in AD, Buddhist Era and Hijri Era
• W orks cooperatively with each other.

6.2 The Early Human
The formation of the earth occurred, billions of years ago. It cooled thereafter and solidified, creating an
environment that allowed life. Long after the origin of earth, plants emerged followed by the advent of
aquatic and land animals. After another long period man emergedonearth. This unit describes the process
of how the body features of humans evolved in order to adopt to the environment in which they lived and
how they evolved in to their present human form.

• Illustrates the evolution of human development

Competency level
2.1 Illustrates the origin of life forms and the advent of human due to environmental

No. of Periods : 03
Learning outcomes
• Explains that man emerged long after the origin of the earth
• Illustrates that plants and animals appeared before the advent of humans
• Explains the environment in which humans emerged

Instructions for lesson planning

Plan the lesson using the subject matter given below

2.1 Environment where humans emerged.
- The conditions on earth before the advent of man
• Origin of the Earth
There are several versions on the origin of Earth. At the beginning it should have been
composed of an extreme hot substance which eventually evolved into a cold environment.
Describes that this evolution had been over a very long period of time.

• Explanation of emergence of humans long after the origin of the Earth.

The ages when animals and life forms existed in water and on land before the evaluation of man
Explain using pictures as much as possible
The age of early life forms in water arthropods, fishes, insects, reptiles .....etc.

• The nature of the environment that influence6d the appearance of man

- Much colder weather
- Extinction of many animals due to excessive cold
- Emergence of warm weather conditions

Ask the students to compile a folio of pictures that help to understand the sequential formation of
the earth and the emergence of living organisms such as plants ,animals and man in oder to cover
the subject content.

• Perform this task as a group activity

• Distribute the task sheet in Annexe 01 and pictures in the
Annex 02 to each group
• Displays the students performances on the wall.

Annexe 01

Early Dinosaur Mammoth Appearance

living age age of man
forms (ice age)

• Draw this picture on an A3 sheet or a Bristolboard

(allowing for pictures to be pasted)
• Prepare one for each group
• Cut and paste the pictures in Annex 02 to construct the chronological sequence.
• Display completed chart on thewall

Assess and evaluate the above activity using the criteria given below
• Describes the live environment before appearance of humans
• Orders the live environment chronologically
• States the appearance of man as a result of different
processes that occured over a longer period of time
• W orks in a team spirit.
• Volunteers to clarify with informations.

Competency Level
2.2 Illustrates how physical features changed in the evolution of man.

No of Periods : 02
Learning outcomes
• Explains human evolution
• States the reasons for the evolution of Man
• Shows that the advent of man was a result of long process through ages

Instructions for lesson planning

Plan the lesson with referring to the subject matter give below:
2.2 Evolution of early man
Evolution of the early man deals with two aspects
.i Physical evolution
Evolutionary change of physical features
- Shape of the skull
- W alking with erect position etc.
ii. Cultural evolution (This section will be discussed in 2.4 unit)
The evolution of man to meet the needs for existence
- Production of tools
- Adoptability to the environment
- Solving the problems
- Building of Cities

Evolution of man according to physical characteristics

• The first stage of the evolution of Man
• Introducing the ape man Australopithecus
Second stage of the evolution of man
• Homo habilis
Homo erectus
Homo neanderthalensis
Modern human -Homosapiens
• The human with a developed brain
• Explaining that every human group in the present day world are descendants of this human

Drawing different stages of the evolution of man considering the subject matter given above
• Use this as a group activity

• Discuss with the students the various stages of evolution from ape man to
modern man using pictures
• Explain evolution of man as a lengthy process that occurred over a long period of time
due to many other phenomena.
• Split the class into groups and assign them activities given in

• Offer an opportunity to display the creations of the groups in the classroom after the
• Let the students know that they should describe the details of different human types
during group presentations.
• W ritethetablein Annexe 01 on the black board and insert in it the information gleaned
from group presentations.
• Review the lesson and improve the table

Quality input

Annexe 01

Activity sheet

Group 01 - Australopithecus and Homo habilis

Group 02 - Homo habilis and Homo erectacus
Group 03 - Homo erectacus and Homo neanderthalnsis
Group 04 - Homo neanderthalnsis and Homo sapiens
Facts to be considered

Special points
* Draw the two pictures depicting the special features of the body.Studythepituresgiveninthe
textbook and the vedio clip
* Explain physical features of those humans using the picture drawn
* Pictures depicting physical evolution of man

Instructions for assessment and evaluation

• Describes the special features of the human

• Draws a pictures highlighting salient features of the human
• Understands that the advent of man was the result of a long process through the ages.
• Creates communally
• Gives leadership to make the task a success

Competency Level
2.3 Explains the changes in physical features in adopting to the natural environment in relation to
the modern man

No.of Periods : 01

Learning Outcomes
• Illustrates different environmental conditions
• Explains the physical features of man in relation to different environmental conditions

Instructions for lesson planning

Plan the lesson using the subject matter given below
2.3 Change of physical features of Man due to geographical factors
(Explain the lesson using the pictures given in the text book)
Gradual spread of the Homo sapiens throughout the world
- Change of Man’s features due to variations of the environment
- Environmental factors that influence the physical characteristics
• Sunlight, dry areas
• Cold weather
• Mountains, Plains
Mongoloids, Caucasoid, Negroid astroloid and other human types with different physical
features Determining that all humans can be traced to a single origin despite varying physical
features and cultures are influenced by environment

• Prepare a booklet collecting pictures of people to illustrate those physical features differ
according to different climatic conditions.
• Conduct this as an individual activity
• Give a period of about a week to compile the book

Quality inputs :
• Pictures of human being in defferent countries

Instructions for assessment and evaluation

• Specifies the types of humans with different physical features
• Explains the environmental factors that influenced changes of physical features of man
• Prepares a pictute book with different physical features of humans
• Prepares the book creatively
• Prepares the book within the specified time frame.

Competency level
2.4 Developing the skills to explain how early humans overcame the challenges in comparison to
present day conditions

No. of Periods : 02
Learning Outcomes
• Illustrates the challenges confronted by the early man
• Explians how they dealt with challenges
• Illustrates how present day challenges can be met in the light of examples of the past
Instructions for lesson planning
2.4 Cultural evolution of man
Plan the lesson using the subject matter given below.
- Man’s evolution as per his fulfilment of requriments
- Man's environment and challenges.
The principal ages according to the tools used by man
• Paleolithicage
• Mesolithic age
• Neolithic age
Achievements of each age
Investigation of the cultural evolution of man in oder to cover the above subject matter

• Getallstudentsintheclasstoinvolveinthisactivity.
• Discuss with the students the progress of man in Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic
age with reference to achievements made in each age with regard to the fulfillment of
needs of man.
• Get students involved in activity as set out in the activity sheet (Annex 01)
• Put up Annex 02 on the blackboard and ask the students to fill in parts assigned to
each group.
• Correct the mistakes in the table and review the lesson
• Make the students copy the table in their note books

Annexe 01

Activity sheet

Palaeothic age Mesolithic age Neolithic age

Production of tools Beginning of the

Drawing pictures

Instructions for teachers

• W rite on cards, the names of ages and the achievements acquired during the various ages
shown above
• Prepare them according to the number of students in the class
• Distribute cards among all the students in the class. As per ages, divide the class into three
groups, each representing an age and the achievements realized during that age
• Fill the box assigned to each group in the table displayed on
the board

Instructions for students

• Get a card from the teacher
• Form groups according to the card they get
• Fill the relevant grid written on the blakboard in groups

Annexe 02

Achievements in the Palaeolithic Achievements in the Mesolithic Achievements in the Neolithic

age age age

Instructions for assessment and evaluation

• Specifies the ages passed by man according to the tools used
• States Man’s achievements in the respective ages
• Illustrates how humans mastered the environment in meeting their needs
• Behaves actively
• W orks in a sense of team spirit

6.3 Ancient Civilizations of the world

Over a long period of time Man evolved from a simian ancestry and transformed to its current
state. The path of this progress is known as civilization. People living in various parts of the world became
civilized at different times. The purpose of this Unit is to define civilization, introduce the attributes which
identify a specific society as having reached a civilized state and to explain the contributions of ancient
civilizations to mankind.


• Illustrates the evolution of human development

Competency level

3.1 Explains ancient civilizations of the world

No. of Periods : 03
Learning outcomes

• Explainswhat civilizationis
• Explains the basic features of a civilization

Instructions for planning lessons:

Plan the lesson using the subject matter given below.
3.1 Introduction to civilization
Explainingthatacivilizationisbornwiththetransformation ofaruralsocietyintoanurbansociety
- Explainingthatcivilisingofasocietytakesalong periodoftime
- Explainingthecharacteristicsofavillageanddescribinghowacitydiffers fromavillage
- Explainstheterm‘civilization’
- Introducingthemaincharacteristicsidentifiableinany civilizedsociety. Some of them are
given below.
1. Practisetouseletters
2. Advent of a religion embraced by majority
3. Beginning of trade with foreign countries
4. Presence of an administrative structure

Thisactivityfocussesofferanopportunitytoidentitythedifference between the early village and the city.

- Displaytotheclassthepicturesofavillageand acitygivenin
Annexe 02
- Discuss with students about the differences between an ancient village and an ancient city
- Group the students as appropriate for the activity
- Distribute the activity sheet in annex 01 to each group
- Give instructions and guidence to draw an ancient city andan ancient village
- Offer opportunity to present and exhibit the students’ works

Instructions for assessment and evaluation
• Name the characteristics of an ancient village and an ancient city
• Accepts and states that the city was built because of an ancientvillage
• Draws the pictures creatively
• W orks cooperatively in the group
• Tries to Manage the time

Quality inputs
Annexe 01 and Annexe 02

Annexe 01

Activity sheet 01
Make a drawing to highlight the characteristics of an ancient village.
- Dsplay the drawing in the class and describe

Activity sheet 02
Make a drawing to highlight the characteristics of an ancient city.
- Dsplay the drawing in the class and describe

Annexe 02


Competency Level
3.2 Marks ancient civilizations prevailed in the world and their geographical distribution on a

No. of Periods : 04

Learning outcomes
• Specifies the civilization in the world
• Marks the sites of civilizations on a map
• Explainsthelocationsofcivilizations

Instructions for planning lessons

Lead the discussion, highlighting the following:

3.2 Ancient civilisations of the world

- Explaining that the civilizations have flourished independently in different times and in
- Introducing the distribution of ancient civilizations chronologically.
- Indicating the distribution of civilizations in a map

Quality input
Get materials required to the lesson

Instructions for assessment and evaluation

Award marks using a criteria that measures the learning outcomes related to the lesson

Competency level
3.3 llustrates the examples that can be drawn through the development of the ancient

No. of Periods : 05

Learning outcomes
• Indicates the progress of the ancient civilizations
• Presents facts for the ancient nature of civilizations
• Illustrates the examples that can be drawn from ancient civilizations for the present

Instructions for lesson planning

• Explain the progress of ancient civilizations with examples
• Highlight the examples that can be drawn from the civilization

3.3. The gifts inherited to the world by ancient civilisations

Sumarian civilization
- Letter system
- Buildings
- First written law systems
- Mathematical method
- Methods of preserving dead bodies
- Construction of pyramids
- Use of hyroglifics
Indus -valleycivilization
- Urban plans (Urban civilization)
- Letter system (Pictographic script)
- Proper irrigation system

Quality inputs
Get matierials required for the lession

Instructions for assessment and evaluations

Award marks using a criteria that measures the learnning outcomes related to the lesson

6.4 Early settlements of Sri Lanka

This unit focusses on the settlements of early Homosaphians,their destribution in the country,their

• Illustrates evolution of human development.

Competency level
4.1 Explains early settlements in Sri Lanka, and the diversity by time and space

No. of Periods: 05
Learning outcomes
• Illustrates the areas where the settlements were established
• Introduces the basic features of the early settlements
• Explains that the early man lived adapting to different environmental zones in the counrty

Instructions for lesson planning

Plan the lesson on the criteria given below.
4.1 Early settlements
- Distribution of early settlements
• Migration of early human,HomoSapiens to the southern costal belt of Sri Lanka about 130,000
years ago
• Emergence of evidence for their distribution in various parts of Sri Lanka in addition to the
southern coast of Sri Lanka
• Expansion of the early human in various environmental zones
• wet zone
• dry zone
• arid zone
• Distribution areas (that have been examined Archaeologically)
• Batadombalena
• Kitulgala lena
• Pahiyangala
• Nature of the early settlements
- Selection of caves for shelter by the early human during rainy seasons.
- Making hunting spot their abode during dry seasons.
- Feeding habits
• Meat
• Vegifood- Vegetables

- Technology
• Use of rough stone tools
• Faiths,cultsandritualsandbeliefs
• Emergence of rural settlements

- Establishment of permenent colonies

A wattle and daub house built 13,000 years ago, has been
discovered in the Udarancha madama area in Ratnapura
- Agriculture being a major economic activity in the central
- Emergence of small villages and tanks in agricultural
lands along with farming
- Emergence of rural colonies
- Use of metals
- Citizens voyaging to various countries across the Indian
Ocean with the development of the rural folk life,
leading to the extension of trade.

Emergence of cities
• Background of emergence of cities
• Main cities of the country
The activity given below could be used for the main features of the emergence of cities.
Completing a form using basic characteristics of the dry zone
• Use this as an individual activity
• Put up annexe 01 in the black board and ask students to copy it in their work books
• Instruct to complete the form using the text book also

Instructions for evaluation and assessment

• Explains the features of urban civilization of dry zone
• Presents facts that caused for the development of urban civilization of dry zone
• States that even though the people lived in cities, they worked eco friendly
• Completes the model correctly
• Follows instructions correctly

Annexe 01

Urban civilization in
dry zone

Background of




Development of urban civilization





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6.5 Our Great Kings

This Unit gives a description about seven kings from king Pandukabhaya who made Anuradhapura
as the kingdom to king Dhatusena. Attention has been paid to their pious administration, greatness and the
examples that can be drawn from their rule.

• Inquires the greatness of past monarchs of Sri Lanka appreciating their biographies and
national service

5.1 King Pandukabhaya

Competency level
5.1.1 Inquires how prince Pandukabhaya accsended the throne surmounting the challenges

No. of Periods : 01

Learning outcomes
• Details the childhood of king Pandukabhaya
• Shows the challanges that confronted by Prince Pandukabhaya
• Explains the exampory features of overcoming challenges from the character of

Instructions for lesson planning

Plan the lesson using the subject matter given below:
5.1 King Pandukabhaya
• Explain the legends about Prince Pandukabhaya’s parents
- Describe the challenges that Prince faced from the begining ofhisbirth
* Taking him away from the palace as soon as he was born.
* Attempting to murder the Prince on his way to Doramadalawa
* At the time the prince was having a bath
* At the time he was playing with herdsman's children.

Quality inputs
Get materials required to thee lesson

Instructions for assessment and evaluations

Award marks using a criteria that measures the lernning outcomes relatingtothelesson.

Competency level
5.1.2 Examines the achievements of king Pandukabhaya
No. of Periods: 02

Learning outcomes
• Explains how Pandukabhaya ascended to the throne
• Explains the administration of king Pandukabhaya
• Explains the greatness of king Pandukabhaya

Instructions for lesson planning

Accession to the throne
• Examine the role played by Prince Pandukabhaya
to secure the kingship.
- Organising of troops
- W inningthebattle
- Accessing the throne by establishing Anuradhapura as the capital.
• Converting of Anuradhagrama to Anuradhapura
• Developing the city of Anuradhapura
- Establishing of village boundaries over the island.
Four suburbs, common cemetry, place of execution, hermitages, places of worship, refuges,
streets, sanitary arranagements ofthecity.

• Appointing officers for the administration of the city

• Democrating areas for various ethnic groups
• Religious toleration ( towards Brahmins, Jains and Demons)
• Measures taken for economic development (constructing tanks)

Quality inputs
Get materials required to the lesson

Instructions for assessment and evaluations

Award marks using a criteria that measures the learning outcomes related to the lesson

6.5.2 King Devanampiyatissa

• Inquires the greatness of past monarchs of Sri Lanka appreciating their biographies and
national service

Competency Level

5.2.1 Iustrates the introduction of Buddhism to Sri Lanka and service of king
Devanampiya Tissa regarding the establishment of Buddhism in Sri Lanka

No. of Periods : 02

Learning outcomes:
• Explains how Buddhism was introduced to Sri Lanka
• Describes how Buddhist dipensation was established in Sri Lanka
• Emphasizes the service of king Devanampiya Tissa

Instructions for lesson planning

5.2.1 Introducing Buddhism to Sri Lanka
- Prince Tissa becoming the ruler of Sri Lanka
- Emperor Asoka was the contemporary ruler of India during the reign of
king Tissa in Sri Lanka
- King Tissa maintaining relationship with Emperor Asoka
- Arrival of the mission led by Arhat Mahinda to Mihintale
- King Devanampiya Tissa embracing Buddhism after listening to the sermon
deliverd by Arhat Mahinda and becoming the first Buddhist king of Sri Lanka

5.2.2 Establishment of Buddhist Dispensation

- Members of the royal family and other people embracing Buddhism following
- Offering of the first abode (aramaya)
- Establishment of the Order of Bhikkhus
- Bringing of the sacred Bo sapling by Theri Sanghamitta accompanied
by classrs of artisans of 18 castes
- Planting of sacred Bo sapling
- Establishment of the Order of Buddhist nuns (Bhikkhunis)
- Emergence of a society with four sector of people (four deciples)
- Construction of the first stupa
- Highlight the service of king Dewanampiya Tissa with examples

Quality inputs
Prepare the materials according to the lesson plans

Instructions for assessment and evaluations

Award marks using a criteria that measures the learnning outcomes relating to the lesson
Concepts- (four deciples) Four sector of people - Bhikkhu,Bhikkhuni,Upasaka,Upasika

Competency Level
5.2.2 Develops good qualities through the influence of Buddhism in building up a moral society

No. of Periods : 02

Learning outcomes
• Points out the inheritance of Buddhism
• Explains how a moral society was raised
• Illustrate how a virtues modern society could be built in the light of examples of the

Instructions for planning lesson

Plan the lession with reference to the following:
5.2.3 The effects of Buddhism
• Changes caused by Buddhism in various fields
Point out the following
How the Buddhism was tranformed by the essimilation of pre-Buddhist cults,
rituals and ceremonies
Explains with examples
• Organized religion
• worshipinhg of rocks and mountains - worshiping of Bodhi tree and stupa
• Offerings to the deead -Transfering of merit to the dead people
• Offerings to theGod of fire - offering of Lights
• Offeringsto Yakkas andYakkanis with food- alms givings

- Art of writing and literature

- Pattern of economy
- Folklife
- Completion of a table using the changes caused in the Sri Lankan society due to
the introduction of Buddhism
Do the following activities illustrating the above subject matter
- Do this as an individual activity
- Show the table in annex 01 to the class
- Ask the students to copy thr table using the text book
- Give necessary guidance and assistance when the activity is in progress
- Ask the students to complete the table using the text book

Instructions for Evaluation and assessment

Pay attention on the following

• Specifythe contributions inherited by Buddhism
• Appreciates the contributions inherited by Buddhism
• Completes the table correctly
• Follows the teachers’ instructions
• Completes the activity within the time frame

Quality inputs
Get materials required to the lesson

Religious Social impact Economical Art of writing

impact impact andliterature

Annexe 01
Complete the following table referring to the contributions inherited by Buddhism

5.3 King Dutugemunu

• Inquires the greatness of past monarchs of Sri Lanka appreciating their biographies and national

Competency Level
5.3.1 Illustrates the greatness of king Dutugamunu

No. of Periods : 04
Learning outcomes:
• Explains how King Elara become virtuous
• Describes the career of king Kavantissa
• Explains the greatness of king Dutugemunu

Instructions for planning lesson

Plan the lession using the subject matter given below

5.3 King Dutugemunu
• Childhood
- Parents
- Legends related to the childhood
• King Elara
- Depiction in Mahavamsa as a virtuous king
- Sense of justice and compassion towards the people
- Respecting the old tradition
• King Kavantissa
- Steps taken by king Kavantissa to overcome the contemporary challenges
- Organization of troops
- Unification of Rohana
- Bringing about economic prosperity
- waitingtillthetimeripes
• Unification of the country by King Dutugemunu
- Liberation of the country from the foreign authority was his major aim
- Organising troops and giving leadership to war
- Becoming the campaign of liberation undisputed master of whole island

Quality input

Get materials required to the lesson
Instructions for assessment and evaluation
Award marks using a criteria that measures the learning outcomes related to the lesson

Competency Level
5.3.2 Appreciates the religious service of king Dutugamunu by internalising his good qualities

No. of Periods : 01

Learning outcomes:
• Explains king Dutugemunu’sreligiousservice
• Uses examples from the past for a virtuous society at present

Instructions for lesson planning

Plan the lession using the subject matter given below

5.3.2 Construction of temples

• The service rendered by king Dutugemunu to foster Buddhism
- Construction of temples and stupas
- Mirisavetiya, Lovamahapaya, Ruwanvelisaya (watch vedio clip No:10)
- Holding the festivals on Vesak poya day
- Explain the examples that can be drawn from the life of king Dutugemunu

Quality input
Get materials required to the lesson
Instructions for assessment and evaluation
Award marks using a criteria that measures the learning outcomes related to the lesson

5.4 King Valagamba
• Inquires the greatness of past monarchs of Sri Lanka appreciating their biographies and
national service

Competency Level
5.4.1 Appreciates the greatness of king Valagamba and internalises examples from
his life

No. of Periods : 03

Learning outcomes:
• Explains the way king Valagamba ascended the throne
• Describes king Valagamba's religious activities
• Illustrate examples from the life of king Valagamba

Intructions for planning lesson

5.4 King Valagamba
• The youngest son of king Saddhatissa

• Accession to the throne

• Religious services of King Valagamba

- Construction of Abhayagiri Monastery

- Construction of Abhayagiri Stupa
- Abhayagiri stupa surpassed the Mahastupa in size
- Offeringof Abhayagiri Monastery to Kupikkala Maha Tissa Thero
- Later Abhayagiri complex became an International Education centre
- The other temples and stupas contructed by him
- W riting down of the canon (Tripitaka) in books

• Explaining the causes that induced to commit the cannon to writing

- The prolonged of Baminitiya (14 years)
- The monks who preserved cannon orally hitherto had gone abroad, and some
were dead

To prevent the vanishing of Buddhist scriptures hitherto had been handed over
orally, it was written down in books at the cave temple of Aluvihara in Matale.

Concepts :
Oral transmission :The buddhist scriptures were handed down orally.
Baminitiya Saya : It is a famine which lasted for 14 years.

Quality input
Get materials required to the lesson
Instructions for assessment and evaluation
Award marks using a criteria that measures the learning outcomes related to the lesson
6.5.5 King Vasabha

• Inquires the greatness of past monarchs of Sri Lanka appreciating their biographies and
national service

Competency Level
5.5. Explains the achievements of king Vasabha

No. of Periods: 03

Learning outcomes:
• Illustrates how king Vasabha ascended the throne
• Explaines the administration of King Vasabha
• Explains his economic activities

Intructions for lesson planning

Plan the lession using the subject matter given below
5.5 King Vasabha

• The first King of the Lambakarna dynasty

• Accession to the throne
- Accession to the throne by facing challenges
- Establishing a unicentric rule in the entire country
- Division of provinces
• Economic Activities
- Expansion of the village tank system prevailing at the time
- Tanks (medium scale tanks), canals ( Yodha Ela),underground aqueducts
- Constructing of an irrigation system
- Taxation

Quality inputs
Get materials required to the lesson

Instructions for assessment and evaluation

Award marks using a criteria that measures the learning outcomes related to the lesson

6.5.6 King Mahasen

• Inquires the greatness of past monarchs of Sri Lanka appreciating their biographies and
national service

Competency Level
5.6 Illustrates the greatness of king Mahasen
No. of Periods: 03

Learning outcomes:
• Describes irrigation activities of king Mahasen
• Illustrates technical skills in construction of tanks
• Explains the activities of king Mahasen

Intructions for lesson planning

Plan the lession using the subject matter given below
5.6 King Mahasen
- Accession to the throne
- Economic activities
• Construction of large scale reservoirs
- Construction of a large number of tanks including Minneri tank
• Construction of Elahera canal
- Canal was enlarged to divert and carry water to paddy fields in the north
- Carring water to tanks
• Canal was used for the transportation of goods
• His successful operation in irrigation inspired his subjects to deify him as the
God of Minneri
• Explain the religious service of king Mahasen using the facts given below:
- Construction of Jetavana Vihara encroaching on the boundaries of
Maha Vihara
- Jetavana stupa probably being the largest stupa in the whole Buddhist world at time

- Construction of ten temples

eg. Gokanna Vihara, Kalanda Vihara, Manihara Vaharaya etc.
- Folk stories relating to king Mahasen
Ask the students to make a folder containing information about king Mahasen
- Implement this as an group activity
- Instructtobringtheessentialqualityinputfortheactivitylistedin
Annex 01 on the relevent day
- Distribure activity sheets (Annex 02) among the groups and direct
the students to follows the instructions

- Give guidence and assistance when required
- If there are more students in the class, make several folders
- After making the folder decorate its first page beautifully with the assistance
- review the lesson pointing out thrstengths and weaknesses of the students’
creations appreciating the role of the local leaders who took pains for the
- Do the assessment and evaluation according to following criteria

Instructions for evaluation and assessment

• Presents information about king Mahasen
• Appreciates the service of king Mahasen renderd to the country
• Make a folder stating the informations about king Mahasen.
• Follows instructions
• Manages time

Quality inputs

Annexe 01

○ ○ ○ ○ ○
○ ○ ○ ○
○ ○ ○

○ ○ ○ ○ ○
○ ○ ○
○ ○ ○

Annexe 02

Quality inputs

• Three A 4sheets
• An A3 sheet of similar paper
(If there are more students in the class get down more materials to prepare
several folders)
• Text book and other books on King Mahasen
• Gum,felt pen and colours

Activity sheet

Group 01

• Collects facts under the topic ‘ The tanks constructed by king Mahasen’
• Fold an A4 paper into two and in one harf, write those facts only on one side
with cleare handwriting
• If possible ,beatify the work with relevant drawings or pictures
• Paste the prepared column on the second page of the folder

Activity sheet

Group 02
• Collects facts under the topic ‘ The canals constructed by king Mahasen and
• Fold an A4 paper into two and in one half, write those facts only on one side
in clear handwriting

• If possible ,beautify the work with relevent drawings or pictures

• Paste the prepaired column on the fourth page of the folder

Activity sheet

Group 03
• Collects facts under the topic ‘ King Mahasen’s religious service’
• Fold an A4 paper into two and in one half, write those facts only on one side
in clear handwriting
• If possible ,beautify the work with relevent drawings or pictures
• Paste the prepaired column on the fourth page of the folder

Activity sheet

Group 04
• Collects one or two folk tales about king Mahasen
• Fold an A4 paper into two and in one half, write those facts only on one side
in clear handwriting
• If possible ,beautify the work with relevent drawings or pictures
• Paste the prepaired column on the fifth page of the folder

• Cut the A 3 paper or the idential paper to a length so that A4 size papers can
be pasted onit
• Fold it as shown in the figure so that four A4 paper can be glued to it
• Paste the group works on the relevent pages of the folder

5.7 King Dhatusena
• Inquires the greatness of past monarchs of Sri Lanka appreciating their biographies and
national service

Competency Level
5.7 Illustrates the services of king Dhathusena

No. of Periods: 03

Learning outcomes:
• Illustrates how king assumed kingship
• Explains the economic activities during his reign
• Explains the religious activities of King Dhatusena

Subject content
Plan the lession using the subject matter given below

5.7 King Dhatusena

- Accession to the throne
• Theconditionofpoliticalinstabilityprevailedbeforehisassumptionof kingship
• Continuation of foreign rule continued for nearly 30 years
• Expelling the foreign invaders and unifying the country
• King Dhatusena was the first king belonged to the dynasty of Moriyas
- Explian the economic service of the king under the headings given below:
• Construction of resevoirs and Canals
- Explain the religious service of the king under the following headings
• Constructing temples
• Construction of Avukana statue

Quality input
Get materials required to the lesson
Instructions for assessment and evaluation

Award marks using a criteria that measures the learning outcomes related to the lesson


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