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Francis Parochial School

Talisay, Camarines Norte
Technology and Livelihood Education 8
1st Quarter Module 4
Name: _______________________________ Date: __________________

Year/Section: _______________________ Score: _________________

Topic: Nail care

Time Frame: 8 hours

I. Introduction:
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a planned system of working to prevent illness and injury in
the workplace. It involves recognizing and identifying hazard and risk. Health and safety procedure is
the responsibility of all persons in the beauty service industries.

II. Competency:
 Practicing occupational health and safety procedures

III. Specific Objectives:

 Identify the protective outfit for nail care.
 Identify the hazard and risk in the salon
 Explain work place hazard and risk
 Observe preventive precaution in the workplace.

IV. Lesson Inputs:

A. Additional source of learning
K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
Technology and livelihood Education
Beauty Care (nail care services)
Learning Module pages 62 -83

V. Learning Activity:

Name: ______________________________________ year/section: ________________________

A. True or false. Write T in the blank if the statement is true, and F if false.
______1. The client to home service is responsible for the environment hazards in their own home.
______2. Every chemical substances has a safe level and unsafe level or exposure.
______3. The use of disposable single-use gloves is not the only effective way to minimize risk.
______4. To lower the risk of exposure to vapors and dust, use pressurized sprays, as they are easy to
______5. Ingredients of nail products such as polymers and methacrylates may cause respiratory
irritation and may trigger asthma attack.
______6. Nail technicians have the lowest tendency of getting occupational overuse syndrome.
______7. The manicure table should be low enough to avoid back injuries.
______8. Your chair height should be set so that your feet are flat on the floor with one foot slightly in
front of the other, and your thighs should be horizontal.
______9. Sanitizers can be used in metals and plastic implements.
______10. Ultrasonic cleaner is used to disinfect or sterilize implements.

Directions: Choose the word from the box given below to complete the sentences.

reduction burns slips microorganism clear

health injury illness airborne syndrome

1. Disinfection does not remove all ___________________ but reduces the population to safe levels.
2. Person identifying the risk of harm from an____________________of hazard in a salon should be aware of the
OHS procedures.
3. Cleaning is the removal of soil and a __________________ in the number of micro-organisms from equipment
surfaces by washing in detergent and warm water.
4. Keep all escape routes and fire exits__________________ and make regular checks to ensure these cases.
5. During a________________ , trip or fall accident, injury may be caused by over stretching joints, bones and
6. Personal protective equipment is clothing equipment designed to be worn by a nail technician or salon
workers to protect them from risks of injury or___________________________.
7. Electrical shock can result in electrocution_______________________ and injuries from falls.
8. _______________ effects of some hazardous substances include skin irritation, coughs, asthma, sensitization,
poisoning and cancer.
9. Carpal tunnel________________ is a type of compression neuropathy, a nerve damage caused by compression
and irritation of the median nerve in the wrist.

10. MCL is a peak or maximum concentration of an______________to which most worker could be safely

VI. Assessment:

Name: ____________________________________ year/section___________________

B. Answer the following questions:

1. How do hazards and risk affect the workers performance?

2. How can you create a hazard-free and risk-free environment for workers and clients?

Prepared by:
Jayson D. Quierra
T.L.E. Teacher


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