Vocabulario Ingles

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Conhecimento de

Língua Inglesa
Vocabulário e sinônimos
ABBEY (abadia)
monastery, convent.

ABHOR (aboninar)
detest, hate.

ABIDE (respeitar)
comply with, obey, observe, follow, uphold, tolerate, stand, continue, remain,
survive, last, persist.

ABOUND (abundar)
be plentiful, be abundant.

ACCOMPLISH (completar, realizar)

fulfil, achieve, succeed in, realize.

achievement, performance, effort, talent, skill, ability, expertise.

ACCORDINGLY (em conformidade)

appropriately, therefore.

ACCOUNT FOR (responder por)

explain, answer for, justify.

ACCRUE (aumentar, acumular)

result, arise, follow, collect, accumulate.

ACQUAINT (familiarizar)
familiarize, advise of, apprise of, aware of.

ACQUAINTANCE (familiaridade)
familiarity with, contact, colleague, association, knowledge of, experience of,
awareness of.

ADHERE (aderir)
stick, bond, attach.

ADO (barulho, tumulto)

trouble, bother, upset, agitation, excitement.

AFFAIR (assunto, negócio)

business, concern, matter, responsibility; romance.

AFTERWARDS (mais tarde, em seguida)

later, subsequently, next.

AIM (mirar, apontar)

point; objective, goal.

AIMLESS (sem propósito)

AKIN (parente, análogo)

similar, related, close, equivalent.

ALTHOUGH (embora, ainda que)

in spite of the fact that, notwithstanding.

AMID (entre, no meio de)

in the middle of, surrounded by, among, amongst.

AMOUNT TO (atingir)
constitute, comprise.

ANGST (temor)
anxiety, fear, worry.

APART (separadamente)
away, separately.

APPRAISE (avaliar)
assess, judge, rate, review, consider.

ASCRIBE (atribuir)
attribute, assign.

ASIDE (à parte)
apart, away, separately.

ASSEMBLE (reunir)
gather, collect.

ASSESS (avaliar)
evaluate, calculate, determine.

ASSIST (ajudar)
help, aid.

ASSORTMENT (sortimento, classificação)

mixture, variety.

ATTAIN (atingir)
achieve, accomplish, reach, obtain, procure, secure, get, earn, acquire, realize.

AUGMENT (aumentar)
increase, magnify.

AUGUST (nobre, imponente)

distinguished, respected, eminent, prestigious, renowned, celebrated, honoured.

AVAIL (servir, beneficiar)

use, take advantage of, help, aid, assist.

AWARE (ciente)
conscious of, acquainted with, familiar, alert to.

AWFUL (terrível)
disgusting, terrible, dreadful, repugnant.

AWKWARD (inapropriado)
difficult, tricky, cumbersome, inconvenient, inappropriate, embarrassing, delicate,
uncomfortable, troublesome.

BARE (descoberto, pelado)
naked, uncovered, empty, basic, essential, fundamental, plain.

BARRING (exceto)
except for, excepting.

BEACON (demarcar, sinalizar por meio de luz)

warning, light-fire, signal.

BEAR (carregar, sustentar, conduzir)

carry, bring, transport, display, exhibit, sustain, support, endure, tolerate, give
birth to, produce, yield.

BEARER (portador)
carrier, messenger, agent, holder, owner.

BEARING (porte, atitude)

posture, attitude, relevance, course, trajectory.

BEFALL (acontecer, sobrevir)

happen to, occur, come upon.

BELIE (desmentir)
contradict, discredit.

BENEATH (debaixo, abaixo)

under, underneath, below.

BENEFIT (vantagem)
good, advantage.

BESET (cercar, sitiar)

surround, encircle, plague, bedevil, afflict, torment, oppress, trouble.

BESIDE (perto, junto)

alongside, next to, parallel to, compared with, compared to.

BESIDES (além de)

in addition to, as well as, apart from, except, with the exception of; as well,
furthermore, moreover.

BESTOW (conceder)
confer on, grant, afford, endow someone with, give, donate.

BEYOND (acima de, além de)

greater than, more than, on the other side of, later than, past, after; further away.

BIAS (preconceito)

BITTER (amargo, cruel)

acid, painful, unpleasant.

BLIGHT (doença)
disease, affliction, trouble, misfortune.

BLUR (mancha, nublar)

cloud, obscure, dim.

BODE (predizer)
presage, predict, be a sign of, warn of, foreshadow.

BOND (lingação, vínculo)

friendship, relationship, association, alliance, chains, promise, pledge; join, attach,
bind, stick.

BOOKKEEPER (contador)
one who manages financial records.

BOOST (incentivar, entusiasmar)

encouragement, inspiration, stimulus, increase; improve, raise, uplift, enhance,
help, promote, encourage, stimulate.

BOTHERSOME (incomodativo)
annoying, troublesome.

BOTTLENECK (gargalo, passagem estreita)

traffic, congestion, constriction, restriction, obstruction.

BOUNCE (saltar)
rebound, spring back, ricochet, leap, jump, vigor, enthusiasm.

BOUND (preso, ligado)

tied, chained, certain, sure, compelled, connected, linked, united.

BOUNTIFUL (generoso, caridoso)

generous, magnanimous, abundant, plentiful.

BRAND (marca)
type, variety, class; mark, stamp, burn, label.

BREED (reproduzir, variedade)

reproduce; variety, type.

BREEDING (reprodução)
reproduction, pedigree.

BRIEFLY (temporariamente, resumidamente)

momentarily, temporarily, in short.

BROAD (amplo, categórico)

wide, extensive, general, obvious, pronounced.

BROADLY (de um modo geral)
in general, as a rule, mainly, predominantly, widely.

BRUISE (contusão)
lesion, injury; injure.

BUCK (protestar)
resist, oppose.

BUFFER (tampão)
barrier, shield; absorb, soften.

BUFFET (serviço de iguarias)

cold table, self-service meal, cafe, cafeteria, restaurant; strike, hit, afflict, trouble,
harm, bother, torment.

BULGE (bojo, saliência)

protuberance, rise, increase.

BURY (esconder, sepultar)

hide, cover, enfold, embed, sink, absorb, occupy, engage.

BY VIRTUE OF (por causa de)

because of, as a result of, through, as a consequence.

CAPITULATE (render-se)

CAST (jogar, calcular)

throw, toss, register, record, emit, give off, choose, select; type, sort, variety,

CAVEAT (precaução)
warning, caution, condition, stipulation, provision, qualification.

CEASE (cessar)
come to an end, suspend.

CHAMPION (vencedor)
winner, gold medalist, advocate, proponent; advocate, promote, defend, support.

CHARACTER (caráter)
personality, nature.

CHERISH (apreciar)
adore, love, treasure, prize.

CHORE (tarefa)
task, job, duty.

CIRCUMVENT (enganar)

CLAIM (reclamar, declarar)
state, argue, declare.

CLEANSE (limpar, purificar)

clean, clear, purify, purge, absolve.

CLEAR-CUT (nítido, preciso)

definite, distinct, clear, well defined, precise, explicit, unequivocal.

CLOTHE (vestir)
dress, cover, envelop.

COALESCE (aglutinar)
merge, unite, combine, consolidate.

COARSE (rude, grosseiro)

large, rough, vulgar, rude, common, indelicate, improper.

COGENT (convincente)
convincing, compelling, strong, powerful.

COMMIT (cometer, fazer)

carry out, do, perpetrate.

COMMITMENT (compromisso)
responsibility, obligation, duty, dedication, devotion, promise.

COMMITTED (leal, fiel)

devout, devoted, dedicated, loyal, faithful.

COMPANION (companheiro)
associate, partner, friend, helper, assistant, complement, counterpart.

COMPASS (limites)
scope, range, limits, parameters, bounds.

COMPEL (forçar)
force, pressure, push, demand.

COMPELLING (convincente)
convincing, persuasive, strong.

COMPLAISANT (complacente)
willing, acquiescent, cooperative, compliant, obedient.

flattering remark; speak highly of, speak well of.

COMPRISE (compreender, conter)

consist of, be made up of.

CONTEMPLATE (observar, contemplar)

look at, view, regard.

CONTEMPT (desprezo)
disrespect, disgust, disregard.

CONVEY (transmitir, enviar)
transport, carry, communicate, relate, reveal.

CRAVE (almejar, desejar)

desire, want, wish, yearn for.
worm one’s way, go on hands and knees, be full of, overflow with.

CREASE (prega, dobra, ruga)

fold, line, ridge, wrinkle.

CUE (deixa)
signal, sigh, indication; word, gesture.

CUMBERSOME (incômodo)
inconvenient, heavy.

DARING (ousado)
audacious, intrepid, brave.

DAUNT (assustar)
discourage, intimidate.

DEARTH (escassez)
lack, deficiency, insufficiency, inadequacy.

DECEIVE (enganar)
cheat, trick, defraud, be unfaithful to.

DECEPTIVE (enganoso)
misleading, illusory, distorted, dishonest.

DEFIANCE (desobediência)
resistance, opposition, disobedience.

DELVE (cavar, examinar)

search, hunt, investigate, enquire, probe, explore, research.

DEMAND (pedido, exigência)

request, command, order.

DEMISE (morte)
death, end, break-up.

DEPARTURE (partida)
leaving, going, deviation, digression, shift, variation.

DEPICABLE (detestável)

DEPICT (representar)
represent, picture, illustrate, describe.

DESPISE (menosprezar)

detest, hate, execrate.

DESPITE (apesar de)

in spite of, notwithstanding, regardless of, even with.

DETRIMENTAL (prejudicial)
harmful, damaging.

DEVICE (dispositivo)
implement, gadget, utensil, tool.

DEVISE (inventar, planejar)

conceive, work out, formulate, design, create, produce, develop, discover.

DEVOID (livre, isento)

free, empty, vacant, deprived, destitute, lacking, without.

DIEHARD (intransigente)
hard-line, reactionary, conservative, traditionalist, intransigent, inflexible.

DIMINISH (reduzir)
decrease, decline, reduce, subside, abate.

DISBELIEVE (descrer)
not believe, doubt.

DISCLOSE (divulgar)
reveal, divulge.

DISENTANGLE (desembaraçar)
untangle, unravel, undo, untie, remove, disengage, disconnect.

DISFAVOUR (desgosto)
disapproval, dislike, displeasure, dissatisfaction.

DISGUISE (disfarce)
hide, camouflage.

DISQUIET (inquietação)
worry, anxiety, perturbation; perturb, agitate, upset.

DOOM (sentença)
destruction, fate, sentence.

DOUBLY (duplamente)
twice as, even more, especially.

DRAG (arrastar, puxar)

haul, pull, become tedious, pass slowly, resistance.

DRAW (desenhar, arrastar, persuadir, concluir)

sketch, delineate, outline, draft, pull, drag, heave, move, go, come, proceed, close,
shut, attract, interest, win, capture, deduce, infer, conclude, derive, gather, glean;
lottery, tie, attraction, lure, temptation, charm, seduction.

DRAWBACK (fracasso, desvantagem)

disadvantage, limitation, trouble, difficulty.

DRAWN (preocupado)
exhausted, tense, worried.

DREAD (medo, temor)

fear, be afraid of, worry about; fear, apprehension, trepidation, anxiety, disquiet;
frightful, terrible, horrible.

DREADFUL (terrível)
terrible, frightful, horrible, grim, dire, unpleasant, outrageous, shocking.

DRILL (treinar, perfurar)

instruction, training; bore a hole in, perforate.

DUB (batizar)
call, label, nickname.

DWELL (habitar)
reside, live, be settled, be housed, stay.

EAGER (ansioso)
enthusiastic, avid, impatient, desirous of, wishing.

EDGE (borda, extremidade)

border, extremity, limits.

EFFORTLESS (sem esforço)

easy, simple, undemanding.

ELATION (exaltação)
euphoria, happiness, delight.

ELUDE (esquivar-se)
evade, avoid, escape from.

ELUSIVE (ilusório)
difficult to find, evasive, fugitive, ambiguous.

EMBELLISHMENT (embelezamento, ornamentação)

decoration, adornment, beautification, enhancement.

EMBEZZLE (usurpar, defraudar)

misappropriate, steal, thieve.

EMBEZZLEMENT (desvio, desfalque)

misappropriation, theft, stealing, robbery, appropriation.

EMBODY (personificar, sintetizar)

realize, represent, incorporate, include, contain, emcompass.

EMPLOY (empregar, cargo)

hire, occupy, apply.

ENCOMPASS (circundar, incluir)

contain, have within, surround, enclose.

ENDEAVOUR (tentativa, esforço)

try, attempt, aspire, aim; effort, venture, struggle, enterprise.

ENDOW (doar, favorecer)

pay for, provide, supply, invest, give, bestow.

ENFORCE (reforçar, impor)

impose, apply, administer, implement, execute, force, compel, coerce.

ENGENDER (procriar, causar)

cause, give rise to, lead to, result in, produce, generate.

ENHANCE (melhorar)
increase, intensify, augment, improve, complement.

ENLIGHTEN (esclarecer, iluminar)

inform, notify, illuminate.

ENLIST (alistar)
join up, recruit.

ENSUE (resultar)
result, follow, develop, proceed, succeed, happen, take place.

ENTAIL (acarretar, ocasionar)

involve, require, need, demand, produce, result in, lead to.

ENTICE (instigar, atrair)

tempt, lure, attract, convince.

ENTITLE (habilitar, intitular)

qualify, authorize, permit, title, name.

ENVISAGE (considerar, contemplar)

foresee, predict.

ENVISION (antever)
visualize, imagine, picture.

ESPECIALLY (especialmente)
mainly, mostly.

ESPOUSE (casar-se)
adopt, embrace, accept.

EVADE (evitar, escapar)

avoid, escape.

EVENTUAL (consequente, conclusivo)

final, ultimate, concluding.

EVENTUALLY (consequentemente, finalmente)
in the end, in due course, by and by, in time, after some time, finally, ultimately.

EVOLVE (desenvolver)
develop, progress, advance, grow, expand, change, transform, adapt.

EXCEEDINGLY (excessivamente)
extremely, exceptionally, very.

EXEMPT (isento)
free, not subject, excused, absolved; excuse, release, absolve.

EXERT (exercer, desempenhar)

apply, employ, use, utilize, try hard, strive.

EXPERTISE (conhecimento)
skill, knowledge, mastery, ability.

EXPLOIT (utilizar, proeza)

utilize, use, make use of, abuse, impose; adventure, achievement.

EXQUISITE (extraordinário)
beautiful, lovely, elegant, superb.

EXTRANEOUS (acessório, externo)

irrelevant, external.

FACILITY (local, espaço)
provision, space, means, potential, equipment, advantage, convenience,
establishment, aptitude, talent.

FADE (desbotar, desaparecer)

become pale, lose colour, whiten, disappear, vanish, evanesce.

FAITH (fé, confiança)

trust, belief.

FAITHFUL (fiel, devotado)

loyal, true, devoted.

FANCY (imaginar, fantasiar, afeição)

wish for, desire, thirst for, find attractive.

FAR-FETCHED (improvável)
improbable, unlikely.

FASHION (estilo, maneira)

manner, way, style.

FATHOM (sondar, examinar a fundo)

understand, comprehend, work out.

FEASIBLE (possível, praticável)

practicable, workable, achievable, realizable, viable, attainable, realistic, suitable.

FIERCE (feroz, violento)

ferocious, savage, aggressive.

FIERY (ardente, fogoso)

burning, vivid, intense, deep, explosive.

FIGMENT (ficção, invenção)

invention, creation, illusion.

FIGURE (número, estatística, valor)

statistic, number, quantity, price, cost, value, calculations, computation, person,
individual, diagram, illustration, drawing; feature, appear, calculate, work out,
reckon, compute, determine.

FLATTER (lisongear)
compliment, gratify, delight.

FLATTERING (lisonjeiro)
admiring, pleasing, gratifying, favourable.

FLAW (defeito, falha)

defect, blemish, fault, imperfection, deficiency, weakness, inadequacy,
shortcoming, limitation.

FLING (arremessar, caso)

throw; good time, affair.

FLOUNDER (ter dificuldades, debater-se)


FLUSH (rubor, enrubecer, robustez)

blush, go red, colour; drive, force.

FOIST (fraudar, impingir)

impose, force, thrust.

FORECAST (previsão)
predict, prediction.

FOREFATHER (antepassado)
ancestor, antecedent, progenitor.

FOREGO (adiantar-se, renunciar)

forgo, do without, go without, give up, renounce, surrender.

FOREGOING (antecedente)
preceding, aforesaid, aforementioned, previously mentioned, earlier, previous.

FOREMOST (dianteiro, principal)

leading, principal, prime, greatest, supreme, most important.

FORESEE (prever)
anticipate, predict, forecast, envisage, envision.

FORESHADOW (indicar, anunciar)
indicate, suggest, anticipate.

FORESIGHT (previsão)
forethought, vision, anticipation, prudence, care, caution, precaution.

FOREWORD (prefácio, advertência)

preface, introduction, prologue, preamble.

FORFEIT (confisco, penalidade)

lose, be deprived of, sacrifice; punishment.

FORGE (tramar, forjar)

form, build, establish.

FORGO (renunciar, abandonar)

do without, give up, renounce, surrender.

FORMER (anterior, primeiro mencionado)

first-mentioned, first.

FORTH (adiante)
out, outside, away, ahead, forward, onwards, until now.

FORTHCOMING (próximo, prestes a chegar)

imminent, ready, available.

FORTHRIGHT (franco, correto)

frank, direct, honest, straightforward, sincere.

FORTHWITH (imediatamente)
immediately, at once, instantly, promptly.

FOSTER (encorajar, estimular)

encourage, promote, stimulate.

FOUNDER (fundador)
originator, creator, father, architect, developer.

FREE REIN (liberdade)


FRINGE (imediações, orla)

perimeter, border, edge.

FRUITION (gozo, realizção)

fulfilment, realization, success, completion, conclusion.

FULFIL (satisfazer, desempenhar, realizar)

achieve, attain, perform, accomplish, meet, satisfy, comply with, conform to.

FULFILLED (satisfeito)

FURNISH (forncecer, mobiliar)

supply, provide, equip, give, offer.

FURTHER (adicional)
also, additionally, in addition, besides.

moreover, further, additionally, besides.

GAZE (contemplar)
stare, look fixedly, scrutinize; regard, inspection, scrutiny.

GLANCE (vislumbre, relance)

look briefly, glimpse.

GLIMPSE (relance)
glance, brief look.

GLOW (brilhar, satisfação)

shine, radiate; radiance, light, pleasure, satisfaction.

GLOWER (olhar ameaçador)

glare, give a someone a black look.

GNAW (atormentar)

GRANT (permissão)
allow, accord, permit, give, award, bestow on, provide with, admit, accept,

GRASP (compreender, agarrar)

hold, understand, comprehend, follow.

GRIP (segurar)

GROSS (grosseiro, faturar)

obese, corpulent; earn, make.

HANDFUL (punhado)
a few, a small number.

HANDICAP (defeito, desvantagem)

disability, defect.

HANDSOME (lindo, formoso)

good-looking, attractive, elegant, substantial, considerable.

HARBOUR (abrigar, refúgio)

dock, haven, refuge, safe; hide, protect.

HARNESS (controlar, explorer)
equipment; control, exploit, utilize, use, make use of.

HENCE (portanto)
consequently, therefore, thus, so, accordingly.

HENCEFORTH (daqui por diante)

from now on, hence, subsequently, hereafter.

HEREAFTER (para o futuro)

from now on, after this.

HIGHLIGHT (sobressair, sublinhar)

high point; underline, call attention to.

HINDRANCE (obstáculo)
impediment, obstacle, barrier, restriction, limitation, complication, difficulty,

HINT (sugestão)
clue, suggestion, inkling, tip; imply, insinuate, suggest, indicate.

HITHERTO (até agora)

previously, formerly, earlier, before, so far, until now.

HOOP (arco, anel, argola)

ring, circle, loop.

HOWEVER (contudo)
nevertheless, nonetheless, but, still, yet, though, although, despite that, anyway.

HUGE (imenso)
enormous, vast, immense, large, massive, colossal.

HUMBLE (humilde)
respectful, submissive, modest, poor, ignoble, ordinary; humiliate, demean,
degrade, defeat, beat.

IMPAIR (danificar)
have a negative effect on, damage, harm, diminish.

IMPAIRMENT (defeito)
disability, abnormality, defect, dysfunction.

IMPENDING (iminente)

INCREASINGLY (progressivamente)

INCURSION (invasão)
attack, invasion.

INDEED (realmente)
as expected.

INEPT (incapaz)

INGENIOUS (original, talentoso)

inventive, creative, original, innovative, intelligent.

INNERMOST (profundo)
central, middle, internal; deepest, private, secret, hidden.

INSET (suplemento, folha extra)

something inserted, a small picture, map, inserted within the border of a larger

INSIGHT (discernimento)
intuition, discernment, perception.

INSURE (por no seguro, garantir)

provide insurance for, assure, protect, guarantee, warrant.

INTERLOCK (entrelaçar)
interconnect, interlink, engage, mesh, join, unite, connect.

INTERSPERSE (espalhar, difundir)

mix, scatter, disperse, spread.

INTERVENE (sobrevir, acontecer)

occur, happen, take place, get involved, interfere.

INVOKE (invocar)
cite, refer to, appeal to.

JUMBLE (confusão)
confusion, mess.

KINDLE (acender, estimular)
light, ignite, stimulate, inspire, stir (up), excite, evoke, provoke, fire.

KNIT (unir)
unite, unify.

LEAN (inclinação)
incline, have a preference for.

LEND (emprestar)
loan, let someone use, give, bestow, confer, provide, supply, contribute.

LIAISON (associação)
cooperation, contact, association, connection, collaboration, alliance, mediator,
(love) affair, relationship, romance.

LIFT (erguer, melhorar)

raise, boost, improve, enhance, clear, vanish, dissolve, cancel, remove, amplify,
raise; elevator, (car) ride, drive, stimulus, push.

LIKEN (comparar)
compare, equate, draw an analogy between, link, associate.

LOAD (carga, recarregar)

delivery, plenty, commitment, fill (up), pack, insert, place.

LONER (introvertido)
recluse, introvert.

LONG (longo, extenso, almejar)

lengthy, extensive; yearn, hunger, thirst, be desperate.

LOSS (perda)
mislaying, misplacement, forgetting, deprivation, disappearance.

LOUSY (terrivel)

LUDICROUS (absurdo)
absurd, ridiculous.

LUMP (pedaço)
piece, mass, block; combine, group, unite.

LURE (tentação)
tempt, attract, induce.

MERGE (consolidar, fundir)

MERIT (merecimento)
excellence, quality, credit, value, eminence, advantage; deserve, be worth.

MILD (leve, suave)

gentle, tender, sensitive, sympathetic, tranquil, serene, slight, faint, vague.

MISFIRE (falha)
go wrong, fail.

MISLEAD (iludir)
deceive, delude, misguide, misinform.

MISMATCH (contradição)
inconsistency, contradiction, discrepancy.

MISUNDERSTAND (equivocar-se)
misinterpret, misconceive.

MOREOVER (alem disso)

besides, furthermore, in addition.

MORTIFY (humilhar)
embarrass, shame, horrify.

MOTLEY (mesclado, diverso)

miscellaneous, varied, diversified, heterogeneous.

MUDDLED (confuso, bagunçado)

in a mess, in disorder, confused.

MULL (cogitar)
ponder, consider, think about, reflect on, contemplate.

MUSTER (juntar)
assemble, gather, collect.

NEATLY (primorosamente, asseadamente)
methodically, systematically, cleverly, elegantly, skilfully, expertly.

nonetheless, even so, however, but, still, yet, though, despite that.

NEWLY (recentemente)

NORMALCY (normalidade)
regularity, state of being normal.

NOTEWORTHY (notável)
notable, interesting, significant, important, impressive, outstanding, unique,
special, unusual, extraordinary, singular.


despite, nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, although.

NOVEL (novo, original)

book; new, original, unusual.

NUB (essência)
central point, core, heart, essence.

NUISANCE (aborrecimento)

annoyance, inconvenience, bore, bother, problem, trouble.

NULL (inválido)
invalid, cancelled, characterless.

OATH (juramento)
vow, pledge, promise, affirmation, guarantee, dirty word, vulgarity.

OBLIVIOUS (distraído)
unaware, unconscious.

ON PURPOSE (intencionalmente)

ONGOING (em progresso)

in progress, going on, taking place, advancing, unfinished.

ONSET (principio)
start, beginning.

ONWARD (progressivamente)
forward, further; advancing, progressing.

OUTCLASS (ultrapassar, exceder)

surpass, be superior to.

OUTCOME (resultado)
result, consequence, conclusion.

OUTGROWTH (protuberância)
protuberance, swelling, excrescence.

OUTLINE (esboço)
profile, form, line, delineation, diagram, sketch, rough idea, thumbnail, summary;
define, delineate, draft.

OUTLOOK (ponto de vista)

point of view, opinion, expectations.

OUTNUMBER (superar em número)

exceed in number.

OUTPOURING (expansão, fluxo)

outflowing, flux.

OUTSET (início)
starting point, beginning.

OVERALL (geralmente)
general, universal, complete.

OVERAWE (intimidar)

intimidate, daunt.

OVERBEARING (dominante)
dominating, autocratic, tyrannical, despotic, oppressive.

OVERCOME (conquistar, vencer)

defeat, beat, conquer.

OVERLOOK (negligenciar, passar por alto)

miss, neglect, ignore, have a view of.

exaggeration, overemphasis.

OVERTURN (transformar, virar)

turn over, cancel, reverse, overrule, abrogate.

OVERWHELM (esmagar)
submerge, inundate, defeat, conquer, overcome.

OVERWHELMING (imenso, muito forte)

very large, enormous, immense, very strong, forceful, uncontrollable, compelling.

OWING TO (devido a)
because of, due to, as a result of, as a consequence of, thanks to.

PACE (velocidade)
step, rate, speed, velocity.

PALE (pálido)
post, boundary, improper; white, pallid, light, dim, faint, weak; lose colour, lose

PARAMOUNT (supremo, superior)

most important, of greatest importance, uppermost, main, central, major.

PAVE THE WAY (preparar)

prepare (the way) for, get ready for, lay the foundations for.

PAVE (calçar, pavimentar)

tile, surface, flag.

PERTAIN (concernir, pertencer)

concern, relate to, be connected with, refer to, belong to, exist, prevail.

PERVADE (penetrar)
permeate, spread through, fill, penetrate.

PERVASIVE (penetrante)
prevalent, extensive, universal, general.

PINPOINT (determinar)

point, spot; precise, strict, exact; identify, determine, discover, detect.

PITFALL (perigo, armadilha)

danger, risk, difficulty.

PLAGUE (tormento, calamidade)

infestation; afflict, torment, trouble.

PLASTERING (estuque, estucar)


PLEAD (alegar, confessor-se)

beg, implore, claim, use as an excuse, argue, state.

PLEASED (satisfeito)
grateful, thankful, happy, glad, delighted.

PLEASING (agradável)
nice, agreeable, pleasant, friendly.

PLEDGE (garantia, promessa)

promise, vow, word (of honour), assurance, oath; promise, swear, vow.

PLUMB (sondar)
explore, probe, search, examine.

PLUNGE (mergulhar)
dive, jump, throw oneself, fall; drive, jump.

PONDER (refletir)
think about, contemplate, consider, reflect on, review.

POSE (apresentar, propor)

present, create, raise.

POST (divulgar, anunciar)

postulate, propose, put forward, advance.

POSTPONE (adiar)
delay, defer, reschedule.

PREACH (proclamar)
give a sermon, proclaim, teach.

PRECISELY (precisamente)
exactly, accurately.

PRECLUDE (impedir)
prevent, prohibit.

PREJUDICE (preconceito, danificar)

preconceived idea, bias, harm, damage.

PRESUMABLY (por presunção)

I presume, I expect, I assume.

PREVAIL (destacar-se, prevalecer)
win, triumph, succeed, overcome.

PROBE (sindicância, provar)

investigation; investigate.

PROFILE (perfil)
side view, outline, shape, form, figure, description; describe, depict, sketch,

PROFIT (lucro financeiro)

(financial) gain, earnings, advantage, benefit.

PROFITABLE (lucrativo)
remunerative, beneficial, productive.

PRONE (propenso)
susceptible, vulnerable.

PROWESS (proeza)
skill, expertise, ability.

PUNY (raquítico, atrofiado)

undersized, inadequate, insufficient, miserable.

PURPORT (dar a entender, implicar)

claim, pretend.

PURPOSE (propósito, intenção)

reason, motivation, justification, intention.

PURSUE (perseguir, dedicar-se a)

follow, search for, seek, aspire to, hunt, chase, strive for, investigate, examine.

PURSUIT (buscar, pretensão)

aim, goal, objective.

QUARREL (disputa)
argument, disagreement, fight, dispute, wrangle; argue, fight, disagree.

QUEER (raro, excêntrico)

odd, strange, unusual.

QUELL (acalmar)
put an end to, end, calm, settle, quieten, quiet.

QUIESCENT (inativo, imóvel)

inactive, inert, motionless.

QUIRK (peculiaridade)
idiosyncrasy, peculiarity; chance, anomaly, freak.

QUOTE (citar)

recite, repeat, reproduce, cite, mention, refer to.

RAMPANT (desenfreado, rampante)
uncontrolled, intense.

RAPT (extasiado)
fascinated, captivated, gripped, enchanted, ecstatic.

RATHER (de preferência)

preferably, quite, a bit, a little, more precisely, instead.

REAR (instruir, traseiro)

bring up, care for, look after, raise, grow; back (part), tail (end).

RECALL (relembrar)
remember, bring to mind.

RECANT (retratar-se)
renounce, deny, repudiate, forswear, abjure.

RECEDE (retirar-se)
retreat, withdraw, disappear from view, fade into the distance, diminish, decrease,
abate, subside.

RECKON (calcular)
calculate, compute.

RECOIL (recuo, retrocesso)

draw back, jump back, pull back, shrink (back), have an adverse effect on; kick
back, kick.

RECOURSE (recurso)
option, possibility, alternative.

RECOVER (recuperar)
recuperate, convalesce, improve, retrieve, recuperate.

RECUR (repetir-se)
happen again, repeat, return, reappear.

REGRET (arrependimento)
be sorry about; remorse, sorrow, guilt, apology.

REIN (reprimir, refrear)

restriction, limitation, control.

RELAY (transmitir em cadeia)

broadcast, transmission; transfer, repeat, spread, circulate.

RELENT (compadecer-se)
change one’s mind, become merciful, agree to something, allow something,
concede something.

RELENTLESS (implacável)
persistent, continuing, constant, continual, non-stop, never-ending, unabating,
incessant, unceasing, endless, unending.

RELUCTANCE (resistência)
unwillingness, hesitation, doubts.

RELY (contar com)

depend, count, be confident of.

REMARK (observação)

RENDER (entregar)
give, provide, perform.

RESORT (refúgio, recurso)

holiday destination, recourse to, step, choice, alternative, option.

RESOURCE (recursos, meios)

assets, funds, device.

RETREAT (retiro, retirada, recuar)

withdraw, retire, draw back, go out, change one’s mind.

RIDDLE (charada)
puzzle, problem, question, enigma, mystery.

RIPPLE (onda, marola)

wavelet, wave, undulation, ripplet, ridge, ruffle.

RIVETED (fixo)
fixed, fascinated.

ROUGHLY (grosseiramente, aproximadamente)

violently, forcefully, harshly, unkindly, brutally, savagely, cruelly, heartlessly,
abruptly, approximately, around.

RULE OUT (recusar)

refuse, reject.

SAKE (motivo, razão)
purpose, reason.

SAVANT (sábio)
intellectual, scholar, sage, philosopher, thinker, master.

SCANT (escasso, raro)

little, minimal, limited, negligible, insufficient, inadequate.

SCARCE (escasso)

in short supply, scant, insufficient, deficient, inadequate.

SCRUTINIZE (examinar, investigar)

examine, study, investigate.

SEEMINGLY (aparentemente)

SEQUESTER (isolar)
isolate oneself, hide away.

SERENDIPITY (boa sorte)

good luck, good fortune, fortuity, providence, happy coincidence.

SET IN (iniciar)
begin, start.

SETTLE (resolver, determinar)

resolve, solve, fix, work, arrange.

SHAFT (poste, eixo de transmissão)

pole, rod, stick, passage.

SHED (espalhar, desprender-se)

outhouse; drop, remove, reject, discard, radiate, diffuse, disperse.

SHELTER (abrigo)
protection, refuge; protect, shield.

SHORTLY (em breve)

soon, at any moment, pretty soon.

SHROUD (encobrir, abrigar)

covering, cover; envelop, hide, mask, obscure.

SHUN (evitar, fugir)

avoid, evade, shy away from, keep one’s distance from.

SIGH (suspirar)
breathe out, exhale, rustle, whisper, lament.

SIGHT (visão, perspectiva)

vision, glimpse, opinion.

SKETCH (esboço, projeto)

(preliminary) drawing, outline, brief description, summary.

SLANT (inclinação)
slope, incline, distort.

SLIP (escorregar, pedaço de papel)

slide, drop, fall; piece of paper.

SNAP (quebrar, estalo)

break, split, crack.

SOBER (sóbrio)

not drunk, serious, sensible, thoughtful; make serious, subdue, calm down.

SORT (tipo, espécie, classificar)

type, kind, nature, variety, category, class, group; classify, categorize, assemble,

SORTIE (ataque)
foray, charge, offensive, attack, assault, onset, mission, operation.

SOUNDNESS (saúde, vigor, sanidade)

wholeness, firmness, stability, validity, trustworthiness.

SPARKLING (espumoso, brilhante, efervecente)

effervescent, fizzy, brilliant, vivacious, vibrant, lively, animated.

SPOIL (estragar, inutilizar)

damage, impair, blemish, disfigure, injure, harm, ruin, destroy.

SPOTLIGHT (reflector, evidência)

public eye; focus attention on.

SPREAD (disseminar, espalhar)

open out, scatter, disperse, disseminate; expansion, propagation.

SPUR (estímulo)
stimulus, incentive; stimulate, encourage.

SQUEEZE (espremer)
compress, extract.

STAGGER (cambaleio)
walk unsteadily; amaze, astound, astonish, surprise, startle, stun, daze.

STANDPOINT (ponto de vista)

point of view, opinion.

STANDSTILL (paralização)
halt, stop.

STARK (evidente, completamente)

sharp, evident, clear, clear-cut, well focused.

STARTLING (impressionante)
surprising, astonishing, amazing.

STEEP (excessivo, íngreme)

precipitous, abrupt, sharp, expensive, costly, excessive, exorbitant, outrageous,

STEM FROM (provir de)

have its origins in, arise from, originate from, spring from, be caused by, be
produced by.

STEPWISE (gradativamente)
gradually, in steps.

STIPEND (salário)

salary, allowance.

STIRRING (movimentado)

STRAGGLE (vaguear)
walk slowly.

STRAIGHTFORWARD (simples, direto)

uncomplicated, simple, easy, effortless, undemanding

STRAND (corda)

STREAM (fluxo, fonte)

jet, flow, efflux, succession, series.

STRESS (ênfase)
emphasis, importance; emphasize.

STRETCH (estiramento, prolongar)

be elastic, lengthen, prolong.

STRIKE (atingir, chocar-se)

hit, smack, beat, collide.

STRIKING (notável)
noticeable, obvious, conspicuous, evident, notable, remarkable, astonishing,
impressive, amazing.

STRING ALONG (acompanhar)

go along, accompany, join (up with).

STRING (cordão, sequência)

cord, chain, series, succession, sequence, conditions, qualifications; hang, suspend.

STRINGENT (severo)
severe, firm, rigid.

STRIVE (esforçar-se)
try, attempt, endeavour, aim, venture.

STUN (atordoar)
daze, stupefy, astound, amaze, astonish.

SUBSIDE (acalmar)
quieten down, calm, recede, soften, abate.

SUBTLETY (sutileza)
delicacy, subtleness.

SUFFICE (bastar)
be enough, be sufficient.

SUIT (adaptar, servir)

adjust, adapt, modify, fit.

SUMMON (convocar)
call for, request the presence of; ask, invite.

SUPPRESS (suprimir, reprimir)

subdue, repress, defeat, conquer, control, contain, censor, hide.

SURFEIT (abundância)
excess, abundance.

SURMISE (desconfiança)
guess, conjecture, suspect, deduce, conclude, speculate.

SURMOUNT (superar)
overcome, conquer, prevail.

SURPASS (exceder)
excel, exceed, transcend, outshine, overshadow.

SURPLUS (excesso)
excess, profusion, plethora, additional.

SWAY (oscilação)
shake, oscillate, govern; oscillation.

SWINDLE (fraudar, enganar)

defraud, cheat, trick, deceive; fraud, deception, artifice.

TACIT (implícito)

TACKLE (enfrentar)
get to work on, confront.

TAKEOVER (comprar, adquirir)

buy out, purchase, acquisition.

TANTAMOUNT (equivalente)
equivalent to, equal to, as good to, much the same as, comparable to.

TARNISH (manchar)
discolour, dishonour, harm, damage, ruin, disgrace.

THEREFORE (portanto)
consequently, so, as a result, hence, thus, accordingly.

from hereon, from this point.

THEREIN (nisto, nisso, naquilo)

in that respect.

THEREOF (disto, disso, daquilo)

from this, so, thus.

THOUGH (ainda que)
in spite of the fact that, although.

THREAD (fio, filamento)

filament, fibre, strand, stripe, line, strip, direction, train of thought; pass, work,
ease, push, weave one’s way, make one’s way.

THRIVE (prosperar)
prosper, flourish, advance, succeed.

THROUGHOUT (por toda parte, completamente)

all over, in every part of.

THRUST (impelir, empurrar)

push, force, stick, drive, propel.

THUMBNAIL (compacto, conciso)

concise, short, succinct, to the point, compact.

TO NO AVAIL (em vão)

in vain, without success, fruitlessly, for nothing.

TORN (rompido, despedaçado)

ripped, irresolute, uncertain, unsure, undecided, in two minds.

TOUGH (robusto, durável, resistente)

durable, strong, solid, robust, hard, arduous, difficult.

TOWARDS (em direção a)

in the direction of, shortly before, around, with regard to.

TRAIT (característica)
characteristic, attribute, feature.

TREASURE (tesouro)
riches, valuables, valuable object; cherish, prize, adore, be devoted to.

TREK (viagem)
journey, trip; walk, travel.

TREND (tendência)
tendency, inclination; move, incline, tend.

TRIGGER (gatilho)
lead to, generate, begin, start.

UBIQUITOUS (onipresente)
omnipresent, ever-present, everywhere.

UBIQUITY (ubiquidade)

ULTIMATE (definitivo, elementar)
eventual, final, concluding, consequent, fundamental, basic, elementary.

ULTIMATELY (finalmente)
eventually, in the end, finally, fundamentally, basically, essentially.

UNCOVER (descobrir, revelar)

expose, reveal, unveil.

UNDERESTIMATE (subestimar)

UNDERGO (sofrer, suportar)

go through, experience, undertake, face, endure.

under, beneath, below.

UNERRING (infalível)
infallible, perfect.

UNEVEN (desigual, irregular)

irregular, unequal, asymmetrical, inconsistent, variable, unfair, unjust.

UNFLATTERING (não atraente)

unfavourable, unattractive.

UNITE (unir)
unify, join, combine, merge, mix, blend.

UNKNOWINGLY (ignorantemente)
without knowledge or awareness.

UNLIKELY (improvável)
improbable, doubtful, implausible, questionable, unconvincing, far-fetched,

UNSETTLE (transtornar, alterar)

discompose, upset, disturb, destabilize.

UNSETTLED (incerto)
aimless, purposeless, troubled, variable, uncertain, undecided.

UNSURPASSED (insuperável)
unmatched, incomparable.

UNTIDY (desarrumado)
messy, disordered.

UNVEIL (desvendar)

UPHEAVAL (confusão)
disruption, disturbance, trouble, confusion.

UPHOLD (sustentar, defender)
confirm, endorse, sustain, approve, support, maintain, preserve, protect, keep.

UPRIGHT (vertical, direito)

vertical, perpendicular, straight.

UPWARD (ascendente)
rising, on the rise, ascending, climbing, mounting.

UPWARDS (para cima)

up, upward, uphill, to the top.

URGE (induzir, encorajar, compulsão)

encourage, exhort, enjoin, entreat, implore, appeal to, beg, advise, counsel,
recommend; desire, wish, need, compulsion.

USHER (líder, condutor)

lead, conduct, guide.

UTMOST (extremo, máximo)

greatest, highest, maximum, most, uttermost, supreme, paramount, furthest,

UTTER (completo)
complete, total, absolute, perfect.

UTTERLY (completamente)
completely, totally, absolutely, entirely, altogether.

VOW (promessa)
oath, pledge, promise, assurance; swear, pledge, promise.

WAGER (aposta)

WANDER (vagar, perambular)

walk, stray, depart, diverge, deviate, digress, get lost, lose one’s way, wind, twist.

WARD OFF (desviar)

repeal, repulse.

WARD (sala, divisão)

room, department, division

WEALTH (riqueza)
prosperity, means, fortune; abundance, profusion.

WEAR AND TEAR (desgaste)

wastage, depreciation.

WHATSOEVER (o que quer que seja)


WHENCE (donde)
from which.

WHEREAS (visto que)

since, inasmuch as, while.

WHEREIN (onde)
within, in the place which; where.

WHEREVER (por toda parte onde)

in any place that.

WHET (afiar, estimular)

sharpen, stimulate, trigger, inspire.

WHITTLE (aguçar)
shape, model, reduce, diminish, weaken, compromise, impair.

committed, positive, emphatic, devoted, dedicated, enthusiastic.

WHOLESALE (por atacado)

extensively, on a large scale, indiscriminately; extensive.

WHOLLY (completamente)
completely, totally, absolutely, entirely, exclusively, solely.

WIDESPREAD (generalizado, difundido)

general, universal, worldwide.

WIGGLE (balançar)
jiggle, wag, shake, twist.

WISHAP (problema)
accident, problem, difficulty, failure.

WITHSTAND (resistir)
resist, survive, endure, face, confront.

WITLESS (sem graça)

foolish, stupid, unintelligent.

WITNESS (testemunha)
observer, spectator, proof, testimony.

WORRISOME (incomodativo)

WORTHWHILE (que vale a pena)

valuable, useful.

WOUND (onfensa, ferida)

injury, insult.

XEROX (fotocópia)
photocopy, copy, duplicate, reproduction.

YEARN (ansiar, desejar)
long, pine, desire, want, wish.

YELL (gritar)
cry out, call out, scream; cry, shout.

YET (até agora, todavia)

so far, thus far, until now, right now, already, nevertheless, nonetheless, however,
still, even, further, besides.

ZOOM (velocidade)
speed, rate.


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