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Global Ocean Monitoring:

Recent Evolution, Current Status,

and Predictions

Prepared by
Climate Prediction Center, NCEP/NOAA
August 11, 2022
This project, to deliver real-time ocean monitoring products, is implemented
by CPC in cooperation with NOAA’s Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing Program (GOMO)

• Overview
• Recent highlights
– Pacific
– Arctic Ocean
– Indian Ocean
– Atlantic Ocean

• Global SSTA Predictions

•Pacific Ocean
– La Niña condition persisted with negative subsurface temperature anomaly reemerging
in the central-eastern Pacific Ocean.
– The negative PDO strengthened in Jul 2022, with PDOI = -2.2 .
– Marine Heat Waves (MHWs) developed in the North central Pacific and western Bering

•Arctic Ocean
– Averaged Arctic sea ice extent for July ranked the twelfth lowest in the satellite record.

•Indian Ocean
– Indian Dipole Mode Index increased substantially in Jul 2022 , with DMI = -0.9℃.
– All NMME models favor a negative IOD event during the northern hemisphere summer-
fall 2022.
•Atlantic Ocean
– Atlantic hurricane activity was quiet in July.
– NOAA updated Atlantic Season outlook on 4 Aug 2022 still expects above-normal
Atlantic Hurricane Season.
– A majority of NMME models predicted near normal SSTs to persist in the Hurricane
main development region through the whole 2022 hurricane season.
Global Oceans

Global SST Anomaly (oC) and Anomaly Tendency

- SSTs were below average across

most of the equatorial Pacific Ocean.
- Strong positive SSTAs dominated the
North Pacific.
- Positive (negative) SSTA were
present in the eastern (western)
tropical Indian Ocean.

- Positive (negative) SSTA tendencies

were observed in the eastern
(western) equatorial Pacific.
- Both positive and negative SSTA
tendencies were observed in the
North Pacific.
- Negative SSTA tendencies were
present in the equatorial and
subtropical North Atlantic Ocean.

SSTAs (top) and SSTA tendency (bottom). Data are derived from the OISSTv2.1 SST analysis, and anomalies are departures
from the 1991-2020 base period means. 5
Global Monthly SST anomaly and Marine Heat Waves

- MHWs were observed in

the Mediterranean Sea , Sea
of Okhotsk, west of Bering
Sea, north central Pacific
ocean, and the Coral Sea.

(Left panel) Monthly SST anomaly (shaded) and locations experience Marine heat waves (hatched) by the date labelled in the plot.
(right panel) SST evolution at a specific location. Green line and blue line denote the seasonal 90th percentile and daily climatology,
respectively. Shaded area denotes the periods experiencing MHW. MHW is defined as a discrete prolonged warmer than 90th
percentile of daily SST for at least 14 days. Data is derived from NCEI OISSTv2.1 and the climatology reference period is 1991-2020
Longitude-Depth Temperature Anomaly and Anomaly Tendency in 2oS-2oN

- Negative temperature
anomalies reemerged along
the thermocline in the
central-eastern Pacific
- Large positive temperature
anomalies persisted in the
eastern equatorial Indian
- Positive temperature
anomalies dominated the
upper 100m of equatorial
Atlantic Ocean.

- Negative temperature anomaly

tendency was observed along the
central-eastern equatorial
thermocline in the Pacific Ocean.

Equatorial depth-longitude section of ocean temperature anomalies (top) and anomaly tendency (bottom). Data is from the
NCEP's GODAS. Anomalies are departures from the 1991-2020 base period means.
Tropical Pacific Ocean and ENSO

Evolution of Pacific Niño SST Indices

- Except for Niño 4, the other three Niño indices

warmed up slightly in Jul 2022.

- Negative Niño3.4 weakened slightly in Jul, with

Niño3.4 = -0.6C.
- Compared with Jul 2021, the western-central and
southeastern tropical Pacific were cooler in Jul
- The indices may have slight differences if based on
different SST products.
Niño region indices, calculated as the area-averaged monthly mean SSTAs (oC) for the specified region. Data are derived from the
OISSTv2.1 SST analysis, and anomalies are departures from the 1991-2020 base period means. 9
Tropical Pacific: SSTA, SSTA Tend., OLR, Sfc Rad, Sfc Flx, 925-mb & 200-mb Winds

SSTAs (top-left), SSTA tendency (top-right), Outgoing Long-wave Radiation (OLR) anomalies (middle-left), sum of net surface short- and long-
wave radiation, latent and sensible heat flux anomalies (middle-right; positive means heat into the ocean), 925-mb wind anomaly vector and its
amplitude (bottom-left), 200-mb wind anomaly vector and its amplitude (bottom-right). SST are derived from the OISSTv2.1 SST analysis, OLR
from the NOAA 18 AVHRR IR window channel measurements by NESDIS, winds and surface radiation and heat fluxes from the NCEP CDAS.
Anomalies are departures from the 1991-2020 base period means. 10
Equatorial Pacific Sea Surface Salinity(SSS) Anomaly

-Positive (negative) SSS anomaly

presented east (west ) of 140E
during 2010, 2011, 2016,2017,
2020, 2021 La Nina events.

- Positive SSS anomaly continued

and enhanced slightly in the
western-central equatorial Pacific

Sea surface salinity (SSS) anomalies are derived from Blended Analysis of Surface Salinity (BASS) V0.Z (Xie et al. 2014). Since June 2015, the BASS
SSS is from in situ, SMOS and SMAP; before June 2015,The BASS SSS is from in situ, SMOS and Aquarius. Data is available at 11
Multiple Ocean Reanalysis: Temperature anomaly at Equator

Equatorial Pacific SST (℃), D20 (m) and TAUX (dyne/cm 2) Anomalies

- Negative SSTA weakened in the eastern Pacific , while enhanced in the western-central Pacific in Jul 2022.
- Strong easterly surface wind prevailed over the western-central Pacific in July, consistent with the re-emergence
of negative D20 anomaly in the eastern Pacific Ocean. 13
MJO Activities

850-hPa Velocity Potential and

Wind Anomalies

Equatorial Pacific Ocean Temperature Pentad Mean Anomaly

- Weak negative
temperature anomaly
appeared near the
central Pacific
thermocline (160º E-
140ºW) in the middle of
Jul, and then
propagated eastward.
- Positive anomaly in the
eastern Pacific deceased
gradually in the last six
- Subsurface cooling in
GODAS was stronger
than that in TAO.
Evolution of Equatorial Pacific Surface Zonal Current Anomaly (cm/s)

- Anomalous westward currents dominated in the equatorial Pacific both in OSCAR and GODAS since Feb 2022.
- Anomalous westward currents enhanced rapidly in Jul 2022.
NINO3.4 Heat Budget

- Observed SSTA tendency

(dT/dt) in Nino3.4 region (dotted
black line) switched to a negative
phase in Jul 2022.
- Zonal advection (Qu, reg line )
term is the primary dynamical
processes contributing to the
negative tendency.

Qu: Zonal advection; Qv: Meridional advection;

Qw: Vertical entrainment; Qzz: Vertical diffusion
Qq: (Qnet - Qpen + Qcorr)/ρcph;
Qnet = SW + LW + LH +SH;
Qpen: SW penetration;
Qcorr: Flux correction due to relaxation to OI SST

Huang, B., Y. Xue, X. Zhang, A. Kumar, and M. J. McPhaden, 2010 : The NCEP GODAS ocean analysis of the
tropical Pacific mixed layer heat budget on seasonal to interannual time scales, J. Climate., 23, 4901-4925.
North Pacific & Arctic Oceans

Last 3- month North Pacific SST, OLR, and uv925 anomalies

Weekly SST anomaly and MHWs in the North Pacific

- MHWs developed in
the north central Pacific
and the west of Bering
Sea in the late July.
- Considerable amount
of anomalously warm
waters persisted near
the coast of California.

(Left panel) Weekly SST anomaly (shaded) and locations experience Marine heat waves (hatched) by the date labelled in the plot.
(right panel) SST evolution at a specific location. Green line and blue line denote the seasonal 90th percentile and daily climatology,
respectively. Shaded area denotes the periods experiencing MHW. MHW is defined as a discrete prolonged warmer than 90th
percentile of daily SST for at least 14 days. Data is derived from NCEI OISSTv2.1 and the climatology reference period is 1991-2020
Subsurface Temperature Anomaly in the North-Central Pacific

- Positive subsurface
temperature anomaly
in the North central
Pacific has persisted
since 2018.
- Subsurface warming
in recent months is the
strongest event since

Two Oceanic PDO indices
SST-based PDO (Wen et al. 2014: GRL)
- The negative phase of PDO
has persisted since Jan 2020
with PDOI = -2.2 in Jul 2022.

- Negative H300-based PDO

index has persisted 69
months since Nov 2016, with
HPDO = - 2.1 in Jul 2022.
- SST-based PDO index has
H300-based PDO (Arun and Wen 2016:Mon.Wea.Rev.) considerable variability both
on seasonal and decadal time

- H300-based PDO index

highlights the slower
variability and encapsulates
an integrated view of
temperature variability in the
upper ocean.

SST-based PDO is defined as the 1st EOF of monthly ERSST v3b in the North Pacific for the period 1900-1993. PDO index is
the standardized projection of the monthly ERSSTv5 SST anomalies onto the 1st EOF pattern. H300-based Pacific Decadal
Oscillation is defined as the projection of monthly mean H300 anomalies from NCEP GODAS onto their first EOF vector in
the North Pacific. PDO indices are downloadable from 22
Arctic Sea Ice; NSIDC (

- Average Arctic sea ice extent for July 2022 was 8.25 million square
kilometers, ranking twelfth lowest in the satellite record.
NCEP/CPC Arctic Sea Ice Extent Forecast 24
Indian Ocean

Evolution of Indian Ocean SST Indices

- Negative Indian Ocean Dipole

Mode index (DMI) enhanced
substantially in Jul 2022 , with
DMI = -0.9℃.

Indian Ocean region indices, calculated as the area-averaged monthly mean SSTA (OC) for the SETIO [90ºE-110ºE, 10ºS-0] and WTIO [50ºE-70ºE,
10ºS-10ºN] regions, and Dipole Mode Index, defined as differences between WTIO and SETIO. Data are derived from the OIv2.1 SST analysis, and 26
anomalies are departures from the 1991-2020 base period means.
Last 3-month Tropical Indian SST , OLR & uv925 anomalies

CPC Indian Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Website

- Real time updates for

• Climate Forecast including
NMME SST spatial maps and
IOD time series.
• Ocean Monitoring Products
• Atmospheric variables,
including OLR, winds at 850mb
and 200mb.

- Plots are available at

• 7-day
• 30-day
• 90-day
• Monthly
• 3-monthly

Contact Wassila Thiaw [email protected]

NMME Forecasts in the Indian Ocean

- All NMME models favor a

negative IOD event during
the northern hemisphere
summer-fall 2022.

Tropical and North Atlantic Ocean

Evolution of Tropical Atlantic SST Indices

- Both TNA and TSA indices cooled down in

Jul 2022.
- Positive ATL3 index switched to a negative
phase in Jul 2022, with ATL3 = - 0.2℃.

Tropical Atlantic Variability region indices, calculated as the area-averaged monthly mean SSTAs (OC) for the TNA [60OW-30OW, 5ºN-20ON], TSA
[30OW-10OE, 20OS-0] and ATL3 [20OW-0, 2.5OS-2.5ON] regions, and Meridional Gradient Index, defined as differences between TNA and TSA. Data 31
are derived from the OISSTv2.1 SST analysis, and anomalies are departures from the 1991-2020 base period means.
Tropical Atlantic Ocean: SSTA, SSTA Trend, TCHP,OLR,UV200,UV200-UV850, Heat Flux and RH Anomalies

Monthly SST Anomaly in the Atlantic Ocean

- Different SST datasets

display anomalies of
different sign in the MDR.

- NSST was cooler than

OISST v2.1 in the northern
tropical Atlantic Ocean.

NMME Forecasts in the Atlantic Ocean
Hurricane Main Development Region
(90ºW-12ºW, 9ºN-21.5ºN)

- A majority of NMME models

predicted near normal SSTs to
persist in the Hurricane main development region through
the whole 2022 hurricane
Updated 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook ( 4 Aug 2022)

- NOAA updated Atlantic hurricane season outlook slightly decreased the likelihood of an above-
normal Atlantic hurricane season to 60%.
- Several atmospheric and oceanic conditions still favor an active hurricane season, including La
Nina conditions, weaker tropical Atlantic trade winds, an active west African Monsoon, and
likely above-normal SSTs.
- Uncertainty factor: SSTs have been varying on both sides of normal in hurricane main
development region during the past 2 months.
2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season Activities

- No tropical storms
developed since July 3.

-By 10 Aug 2022, three

tropical storms formed.

NAO and SST Anomaly in North Atlantic

- NAO was near-normal in Jul

- The positive SSTAs in the mid-
high latitudes of the North
Atlantic Ocean were evident since

Monthly standardized NAO index (top) derived from monthly standardized 500-mb height anomalies obtained from the NCEP CDAS in 20ON-90ON.
Time-latitude section of SSTAs averaged between 80ºW and 20ºW (bottom). SST are derived from the OIv2.1 SST analysis, and anomalies are 37
departures from the 1991-2020 base period means.
ENSO and Global SST Predictions

CFSv2 and NMME SST predictions
CFSv2 IC:Aug for 2022 ASO NMME IC:Aug for 2022 ASO
ts/CFSv2/CFSv2seasonal.shtml 39
IRI/CPC Niño3.4 Forecast : July 2022

- A majority of models predict SSTs to

remain below-normal at the level of a weak
La Niña until early winter (Nov-Jan) with
63% likelihood.

- NOAA “ENSO Diagnostics Discussion” on

11 August stated that “La Niña is expected
to continue, with chances for La Niña
gradually decreasing from 86% in the
coming season to 60% during December-
February 2022-23 ”.
Individual Model Forecasts: ENSO neutral or borderline La Nina

EC: IC= 1 Aug 2022

JMA: Updated 10 Aug 2022

Australian BOM: Updated 30 Jul 2022 UKMO: Updated 11 Jun 2022

Oceanic ENSO Presursors: WWV & CTP



Warm water volume (WWV) is defined as an average of D20 anomaly across the equatorial Pacific (120o E – 80o W, 5o S-5o N)
(Meinen and McPhaden 2000). Central tropical Pacific (CTP) index is calculated as the averaged D20 anomaly in the central
tropical Pacific (160o W-110o W, 10o S-10o N) (Wen et al. 2014). The monthly D20 data is obtained from the Real-time Ocean
Reanalysis Intercomparison Project( ). 42
Nino3.4 Index Evolution in two-year La Ninas since 1950 (MICHELLE L'HEUREUX)

Three-year history of sea surface temperatures in the Niño-3.4 region of the tropical Pacific for 8 previous
double-dip La Niña events. The color of the line indicates the state of ENSO for the third winter (red: El
Niño, darker blue: La Niña, lighter blue: neutral). The black line shows the current event. Monthly Niño-3.4
index is from CPC using ERSSTv5.
Evolution of Monthly Mean TAUX & SST Anomaly across [5S-5N]

Data source: NCEP R2 reanalysis 44

Evolution of Monthly Mean D20 & SST Anomaly across [5S-5N]

Data source: NCEP R2 reanalysis 45

CFS Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) Index Predictions from Different Initial Months

- Latest CFSv2
predicts the
negative phase
of PDO will
through northern
Spring 2023.

CFS Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index predictions from the latest 9 initial months. Displayed are 40 forecast members (brown) made four times
per day initialized from the last 10 days of the initial month (labelled as IC=MonthYear) as well as ensemble mean (blue) and observations (black).
Anomalies were computed with respect to the 1991-2020 base period means. PDO is the first EOF of monthly ERSSTv3b anomaly in the region of
[110oE-100oW, 20oN-60oN]. CFS PDO index is the standardized projection of CFS SST forecast anomalies onto the PDO EOF pattern.
Data Sources (climatology is for 1991-2020)

Ø NCEP Weekly Optimal Interpolation SST (OI SST) version 2 (Reynolds et al. 2002, historical
Monthly Ocean Briefing achieves ,Ocean briefing and GODAS web pages prior July 2022)
Ø Staring July 2022, NCEI Daily OISSTv2.1(Huang et al. 2021) replaced NCEP Weekly OISST
data in the Monthly Ocean Briefing PPT , Ocean Briefing and GODAS web pages)
Ø Extended Reconstructed SST (ERSST) v5 (Huang et al. 2017)
Blended Analysis of Surface Salinity (BASS) (Xie et al. 2014)
Ø CMORPH precipitation (Xie et al. 2017)
Ø CFSR evaporation adjusted to OAFlux (Xie and Ren 2018)
Ø NCEP CDAS winds, surface radiation and heat fluxes (Kalnay et al. 1996)
Ø NCDP/DOE Reanalysis II (R2) winds and heat fluxes ( Kanamitsu et al. 2002)
Ø NESDIS Outgoing Long-wave Radiation (Liebmann and Smith 1996)
Ø NCEP’s GODAS temperature, heat content, currents (Behringer and Xue 2004)
Ø Aviso altimetry sea surface height from CMEMS
Ø Ocean Surface Current Analyses – Realtime (OSCAR)
Ø In situ data objective analyses (IPRC, Scripps, EN4.2.1, PMEL TAO)
Ø Operational Ocean Reanalysis Intercomparison Project

❖ Drs. Arun Kumar, Zeng-Zhen Hu and Jieshun Zhu : reviewed

PPT, and provide insightful suggestions and comments

❖ Dr. Pingping Xie provided the BASS/CMORPH/CFSR EVAP


❖ Dr. Wanqiu Wang provides the sea ice forecasts and maintains
the CFSv2 forecast archive

Please send your comments and suggestions to:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Backup Slides

Evolution of Pacific Niño SST Indices

- Relative Niño3.4 index is defined as the

conventional Niño3.4 index minus the SSTA
averaged in the whole tropics (0º-360º,
20ºS-20ºN), in order to remove the global
warming signal. Also, to have the same
variability as the conventional Niño3.4
index, the relative Niño3.4 index is
renormalized (van Oldenborgh et al. 2021:
ERL, 10.1088/1748-9326/abe9ed).

Relative Niño3.4 data updated monthly at:
Last three months SST, OLR and uv925 anomalies

SSTAs (top-left), SSTA tendency (top-right), Outgoing Long-wave Radiation (OLR) anomalies (middle-left), sum of net surface short- and long-
wave radiation, latent and sensible heat flux anomalies (middle-right; positive means heat into the ocean), 925-mb wind anomaly vector and its
amplitude (bottom-left), 200-mb wind anomaly vector and its amplitude (bottom-right). SST are derived from the OISSTv2.1 SST analysis, OLR
from the NOAA 18 AVHRR IR window channel measurements by NESDIS, winds and surface radiation and heat fluxes from the NCEP CDAS.
Anomalies are departures from the 1991-2020 base period means. 51
Equatorial Pacific SST (℃), HC300 (℃), u850 (m/s) Anomalies

- Negative SSTA weakened in the eastern Pacific , while enhanced in the western-central Pacific in Jul 2022.
- Strong easterly surface wind prevailed in the western-central Pacific in July, consistent with the negative H300
anomaly re-emergence in the central-eastern Pacific Ocean. 52
Tropical Indian: SSTA, SSTA Tend., OLR, Sfc Rad, Sfc Flx, 925-mb & 200-mb Wind Anom.

- Westerly wind
anomaly prevailed
over the eastern
Indian Ocean,
favoring further
warming in the
southeastern Indian

- SSTA tendencies
were generally
consistent with the
net heat flux

SSTAs (top-left), SSTA tendency (top-right), OLR anomalies (middle-left), sum of net surface short- and long-wave radiation, latent and sensible heat
flux anomalies (middle-right), 925-mb wind anomaly vector and its amplitude (bottom-left), 200-mb wind anomaly vector and its amplitude
(bottom-right). SST are derived from the OISSTv2.1 SST analysis, OLR from the NOAA 18 AVHRR IR window channel measurements by NESDIS, winds 53
and surface radiation and heat fluxes from the NCEP CDAS. Anomalies are departures from the 1991-2020 base period means.
North America Western Coastal Upwelling

- Both anomalous
coastal downwelling
and upwelling were
observed since mid-
Apr 2022.

(top) Total and (bottom) anomalous upwelling indices at the 15 standard locations for the western coast of North America. Derived from the vertical
velocity of the NCEP’s GODAS and are calculated as integrated vertical volume transport at 50-meter depth from each location to its nearest coast
point (m3/s/100m coastline). Anomalies are departures from the 1991-2020 base period pentad means.
- Area below (above) black line indicates climatological upwelling (downwelling) season. 54
- Climatologically upwelling season progresses from March to July along the west coast of North America from 36ºN to 57ºN.
NMME forecasts from different initial conditions

Global Sea Surface Salinity (SSS): Anomaly for July 2022

New Update: The NCEI SST data used in the quality

control procedure has been updated to version 2.1
since May 2020;
Large-scale SSS anomaly patterns remains similar to
those of the previous month. Positive SSS anomaly
over the equatorial Pacific is intensified compared to
that during the previous month. Freshen SSS anomaly
over the Caribbean sea and the central Atlantic is
enhanced, while the saltier anomaly over the western
Indian ocean off the east Africa coasts and over the
northwestern Pacific also becomes stronger, all of
which largely attributable to the fresh water flux
anomalies over the regions.

SSS : Blended Analysis of Surface Salinity (BASS) V0.Z

Precipitation: CMORPH adjusted satellite precipitation estimates
Evaporation: Adjusted CFS Reanalysis

Global Sea Surface Salinity (SSS): Tendency for July 2022

Despite the enhanced fresh

water flux anomaly tendency
over the equatorial western
Pacific and the SW Pacific ocean
off the east coasts of Australia,
soldier SSS anomaly is
enhanced slightly over the
month. Zonally-oriented
negative / positive SSS belts are
observed over the equatorial
central and eastern Pacific, a
reflection of the northward
shift of a slightly enhanced ITCZ.

Monthly SSS Anomaly Evolution over Equatorial Pacific

NOTE: Since June 2015, the

BASS SSS is from in situ, SMOS
and SMAP; before June
2015,The BASS SSS is from in
situ, SMOS and Aquarius.
•Hovemoller diagram for
equatorial SSS anomaly (5°S-
•Positive SSS anomaly
continues and enhanced
slightly over the central /
western equatorial Pacific
between 140oE and 170oW.
Negative SSS anomaly over the
eastern Pacific continues.

Pentad SSS Anomaly Evolution over Equatorial Pacific

Figure caption:
Hovemoller diagram for
equatorial (5!S-5!N) 5-
day mean SSS, SST and
precipitation anomalies.
The climatology for SSS
is Levitus 1994
climatology. The SST
data used here is the
daily dataset with its
climatology being
calculated from 1985 to
2010. The precipitation
data used here is the
adjusted CMORPH
dataset with its
climatology being
calculated from 1999 to


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