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MicroFATE Character creation ä If the Aspect can hind the character in a dice roll, sub-

tract -1 from result, or -2 if it’s their High Concept. If

an Aspect is hindering the character in a dice roll, the
an even more minimalist Fate To create a character in MicroFATE, you must de-
player can choose an automatic fail and earn 1 Fate
fine three Aspects and one Stunt. Also, a character has Point instead rolling the dice.
their Refresh and Fate Points and Stress and Conditions
+ Original text, translation, revision and layout +
A character can spend only 1 Fate Point per Aspect
Lu Cavalheiro
in a given dice roll. They can spend more Fate Points in
other Aspects. Fate Points can be spent after dice being
Refresh and Fate Points rolled.
+ License + Aside those uses, a player can spend 1 Fate Point
CC-BY-SA 4.0 Internacional Character Refresh says how many Fate Points they to declare a fact in a scene they are, like an item or a will start game session, no matter how many they had person existence in a given place, as long as they can
when last one finished. Default Refresh value is 3. relate their declaration to one of their Aspects.
+ Synopsis +
MicroFATE is a simplification of Fate RPG rules whose purpose is to To check if and how an Aspect is affecting a dice
provide to players a fast and quick game without, however, leaving Aspects roll, use the narrative common sense. Often, if it’s hard
two of rules distinctive elements out: Aspects and Fate Points. to see how an Aspect is affecting a dice roll, most of
An Aspect is a short phrase describing something times it isn’t affecting.
+ ISBN + unique or remarkable about the character. Aspects are
978-65-00-48482-3 always true, and their trueness must may help and mud-
dle them. A character has three Aspects: Stunt
ä High Concept: says who the character is. Examples: Ad-
A Stunt is a special ability a character can use on a
venturer archaeologist, Cosa Nostra Boss;
This work is based on Fate Core System and Fate Accelerated ä Trouble: says what brings some complications to char-
specific situation. It may come from special equipment,
Edition (found at, products of Evil
acter’s life. Examples: Paralysing fear of snakes, Unre- super or alien powers, magic, psionics, whatever. Un-
Hat Productions, LLC, developed, authored, and edited by Leonard less a Stunt description says otherwise, using it doesn’t
strictedly good;
Balsera, Brian Engard, Jeremy Keller, Ryan Macklin, Mike Olson,
Clark Valentine, Amanda Valentine, Fred Hicks, and Rob Donoghue, ä Free Aspect: says an additional character trait. Exam- require spending Fate Points.
and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution ples: Friends in high society, Will do anything to protect Each character starts with one Stunt that Player
3.0 Unported license ( their wife.
must create and GM should approve. If a player wants
0/). Fate™ is a trademark of Evil Hat Productions, LLC. The Powered Aside characters, every thing in MicroFATE that
by Fate logo is © Evil Hat Productions, LLC and is used with permis-
more Stunts, they may reduce their Refresh by one to
matters for the narrative has at least one Aspect related purchase a Stunt. However, no Player can reduce their
sion. The Fate Core font is © Evil Hat Productions, LLC and is used
with permission. The Four Actions icons were designed by Jeremy to it. Characters can use those Aspects like theirs, as Refresh to less than 1 this way.
Keller. long as they know said Aspect existence.
Every Stunt should follow one of two templates be-
In MicroFATE, Aspects can be used for: low:
MicroFATE was published and supported by RPGWorld – http ä If the Aspect can help the character in a dice roll, add +1
ä Stunt Name: Character can add +2 on dice rolls in a kind
to result. If the player spends 1 Fate Point, add +3 in- of action under specific circumstances;
stead. Once per game session, a character can use their ä Stunt Name: Character can do an action they normally
High Concept this way for free; just couldn’t do it.
ä If the Aspect can help the character in a dice roll, the
player can spend 1 Fate Point and reroll the dice and Where kind of action should be one of Fate Four
keeping the new result, even if it’s worse than original Actions, and specific circumstances says in what circum-
dice roll. Once per session, a character can use their stance the Stunt can be used. Do an action they nor-
High Concept this way for free; mally just couldn’t do it means an action that narrative
logic determines be impossible to be done by that char- their action, they will roll against an Opposition, a dice Turn is over, and the last one to act in the past turn will
acter. GM may add elements to better explain a Stunt roll made by the one opposing to their action. choose who will start the next turn.
benefice in rules terms. If one of involved ones in Conflict want to harm
If a Stunt looks like too much powerful, GM may The Four Actions and the Four Outcomes other, the attacker should do an A Attack action op-
rule it costs 1 or more Fate Points per use. A too much posed by a D Defend action from attacked. If the at-
powerful Stunt, by definition, does more than a Stunt In MicroFATE, it’s possible to do four kind of ac- tacker achieve Success or Success with Style, they in-
can do, like using twice or more the same Stunt tem- tions, the Four Actions: flict on the attacked one the difference between attack
plate or using both templates at same time. ä O Overcome: overcome, solve or bypass a given situ- roll and defense roll as points of harm, and the attacked
ation; one must mitigate this harm using their Stress and Con-
ä C Create an Advantage: create or find something that
Stress and Conditions ditions. If by some reason the attacked can’t mitigate
can be used as an advantage, creating in the game an
Aspect describing said advantage with one Free invoke, all harm they suffered, they will be knocked out.
Each character has four Stress boxes. Each box that is, a right to use this Aspect once for free; Once the Conflict ends, the winner side should de-
can mitigate one point of harm, and a player can mark ä A Attack: cause any kind of harm to other character; cide what to do with the knocked out ones.
as many as they want and feel right to do, as long as ä D Defend: defend yourself or prevent any action
those boxes are unmarked. Besides Stress boxes, each against the character.
character has three Conditions: Affected whose value It doesn’t matter which action was done, there are Character evolution
is 2; Incapacitated, valued at 4; and Disabled, valued at only four possible results, the Four Outcomes:
6. Each one of those Conditions can mitigate as much ä Fail: your result is less than Difficult or Opposition. Or In MicroFATE, characters earn Milestones repre-
points of harm as their value or less. A player can mark you simply don’t did what you wanted to do, or you did senting their learning and growing. Milestones only can
as many Conditions they want and feel right to do, as it at a major cost, determined by GM; be spent at game session end.
long as they are unmarked. ä Tie: your result is equal than Difficult or Opposition.
Or you get a Boost, a temporary Aspect you can use
Stress and Conditions represent how much harm Minor Milestone
once for free and then it vanishes, or you did what you
a character has suffered. Stresses are superficial harm, wanted to do at a minor cost, determined by GM;
and these boxes are automatically cleared at the end ä Success: your result beats Difficult or Opposition by 1 A character earns a Minor Milestone at game ses-
of a Conflict. Conditions are special Aspects represent- or 2. You did what you wanted to do, no costs or boons sion end. When spending one Minor Milestone, start
ing lasting, hard to recover harm. When a character here; the recovering process as described on Stress and Con-
spend a Minor Milestone, they can start the recover ä Success with Style: your result beats Difficult or Oppo- ditions, and choose one from:
process, choosing one of those: unmark Affected Con- sition by 3 or more. You did more than you wanted to ä Rewrite your Trouble or Free Aspects;
do. More than your objective, earn a Boost related to ä Change one of your Stunts by another;
dition; reduce Incapacitated Condition to Affected if it
intended action, or an additional Free Invoke if you are ä Reduce your Refresh by 1 and add a new Stunt, as long
is unmarked; or reduce Disabled Condition to Incapaci- trying to do a C Create an Advantage action.
tated if it is unmarked. as it doesn’t reduce your Refresh for less than 1.

Conflict Major Milestone

Dice Rolls
In a Conflict, characters and their opponents want A character earns a Major Milestone when con-
When there is doubt if a character can do their in- to harm each other. In MicroFATE, Conflicts are mea- cluding an adventure. When spending one Major Mile-
tended action or not, GM can call a Dice Roll. The player sured in turns, and in each turn each one of involved stone, the character receives all the benefits from a Mi-
will roll 4dF and add all modifiers from character’s As- ones in the Conflict may have one action. Define the nor Milestone, and must choose one from:
pects and spent Fate Points. If there is no one opposing first one to act in the Conflict using the narrative. Once ä Rewrite their High Concept Aspect;
to their action, they will roll against a Difficult, a GM dic- ä Add a new Stunt without reducing your Refresh;
they resolve their action, they choose the next one to
tated target number. If there is some one opposing to ä Add 1 to your Refresh.
act, and so on until everyone have acted in this turn.

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