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Essential Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
SHARED READ "Maria Celebrates Brazil" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Vocabulary/Inflectional Endings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Visualize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Beginning, Middle, End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Character, Setting, Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
WRITING Respond to Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Research and Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
ANCHOR TEXT Analyze Big Red Lollipop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
WRITING Respond to Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
PAIRED SELECTION Analyze ”A Look at Families” . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Author's Craft: Captions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Make Connections/Research and Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
WRITING Realistic Fiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

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Essential Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
SHARED READ "Little Flap Learns to Fly" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Vocabulary/Root Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Visualize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Use Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Key Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
WRITING Respond to Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Research and Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
ANCHOR TEXT Analyze Help! A Story of Friendship . . . . . . 52
WRITING Respond to Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
PAIRED SELECTION Analyze "The Enormous Turnip" . . . . . . . . . . 56
Author's Craft: Theme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Make Connections/Research and Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Tim Beaumont



Essential Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
SHARED READ "Families Work!". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Vocabulary/Synonyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Ask and Answer Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Key Details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
WRITING Respond to Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Research and Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
ANCHOR TEXT Analyze Families Working Together. . . . . . . . 76
WRITING Respond to Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
PAIRED SELECTION Analyze “Why We Work”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Author's Craft: Photographs and Captions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Make Connections/Phrasing and Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
WRITING Expository Essay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

PBNJ Productions/Blend Images




• Expository Text: "Community Heroes". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

• Fantasy: "If Squirrels were Rabbits" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

• Focus on Genre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

• Synonyms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
• Write a Book Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
• Respond to the Read Aloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
• Connect to Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

• What Did You Learn? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Research and Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
LAMB/Alamy Stock Photo

Talk About It
Essential Question
How are families around the world
the same and different?

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction

In some places, families celebrate a spring holiday called TU


COLLABORATE Holi. They use powder to show the colors of blooming
Talk with a partner about what is happening in the
picture. How are your family celebrations the same? How
are they different? Write your ideas on the chart.

Same Different 2/Alamy
Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 1
Asking questions helps you
figure out what you want
to learn, or your purpose

for reading. Write your
questions here.

As you read, make note of:

Interesting Words

Key Details Essential Question

How are families around the
world the same and different?
Read about a family from Brazil.

2 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction



Paragraph 1
Character, Setting, Events
Draw a box around
the characters. Where
are they?

Paragraph 2
Beginning, Middle, End
Circle what Maria's
Maria and her family are in their bright, parents want her to do in
hot kitchen. “Please, Mãe, por favor!” the beginning of the story.
Maria begs. Reread

Mãe speaks Portuguese. This is the Author's Craft

language of Brazil. “No matter how much Why does the author
use Portuguese words in
you beg or plead, you must go to practice. the story?
The parade is next week.”

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 3

SHARED READ “It’s not fair,” says Maria in English.
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE Mãe does not know a lot of English.
Read Maria is surprised when she asks, “What is
Paragraphs 1-3
not fair about going to practice? You must
Beginning, Middle, End
Circle what Maria says do the right thing.”
about going to practice.
“Ana invited me to her house,” Maria
Draw a box around the
reason she feels this way. answers. “I want to go!”
Paragraph 4 Pai says, “Maria, the parade is
Visualize important. People from around the world
Underline details that
help you picture the come to see it. They try our food,
parade. What can the see how we dress, and how
family share there? we live. It is a chance for us
to share our culture.”


Author's Craft
How does the author use
dialogue to show the way
each character feels?

4 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction

“I know but I really want to see Ana,”
says Maria.
Pai says, “Maria, you can see Ana Read
Paragraphs 1-2
another time. They are giving out costumes Character, Setting, Events
at practice today.” Draw a box around what
Maria can do another time.
Maria thinks about her father’s words.
What important event is
Pai is right. She and the other children have happening today?
worked hard for a year. They practiced their
dance steps over and over. They even made
their own bright colorful costumes.

Paragraph 3
Inflectional Endings
Circle the ending added to
practice. Underline what
the children did over and
over to do it better.
Janet Broxon


Author's Craft
Why does the author
describe Maria's thoughts?

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 5

“You’re right,” Maria says to her father.
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE “I’ll go to practice. I’ll tell Ana I cannot
Read visit her.”
Paragraph 1
Beginning, Middle, End One week passes. Lots of people line the
How does Maria feel streets. The children in Maria’s group are
about going to wearing their sparkling costumes. They
practice now?
know each dance step.
They dance to
the beat.

Paragraph 2
Character, Setting, Events
Underline the two
sentences that tell when
and where the parade
takes place.

Author's Craft
Why does the author use
an illustration to support
details about the setting?

6 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction

The crowd moves aside as they make
their way down the street. FIND TEXT EVIDENCE
When the crowd moves away, Maria
Paragraph 2
sees a woman with a camera. She is hurrying. Visualize
The woman scurries by Maria. She puts her Circle the person Maria
camera to her eye. Maria smiles from ear to sees when the crowd moves
away. Underline details
ear. She is excited to be in the parade. Click! that help you picture what
The woman takes a picture of Maria. the character is doing.
Maria is proud of her hard work!
Beginning, Middle, End
How does Maria feel about
going to practice at the
end of the story?

Use your notes and
think about the events
in the beginning,
Janet Broxon

middle, and end of

"Maria Celebrates
Brazil." Summarize the
important events.

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 7

Vocabulary fair
We are fair and treat everyone the
Talk with a partner about each word. same.
Then answer the questions. What is one way to be fair at school?
Mia moved aside to let her brother pass.
Why do you move aside on a sidewalk?

We invited the school to watch our
culture Tell about an event you were invited to.
A parade in February is part of the
culture of Brazil.
What is an important event in your culture?

My friend speaks more than one
What language do you want to learn?

Build Your Word List In your

writer’s notebook, write a definition
for an interesting word you picked on
page 2. Use a dictionary to help you.
8 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction

c t io n a l E n d in gs
plead Inf le
My little brother will plead
with me to play with him. To understand the meaning of a word,
you can separate the root word from the
What is something you might plead for?
ending, such as -ed or -ing.


I'm not sure what hurrying means. To
hurry means to "move quickly." The
scurries ending -ing can mean “something
The squirrel scurries up the tree. happening right now.” I think hurrying
What other animal scurries in nature? means “moving quickly right now.”

Maria sees a woman with

a camera. She is hurrying.

share Your Turn Use the endings to figure out

I will share my orange with the meaning of the word below in “Maria
my friend. Celebrates Brazil.”
What is something you can share with
a friend? wearing, page 6

Janet Broxon
Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 9
Visualize Quick Tip
To help you visualize,
When you visualize, you use the author’s words to form pay attention to
pictures in your mind about a story. words that tell about
actions, or what
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE people do. Words
When you read the last sentence on page 5, use the that describe the
way something looks
author’s words to help you visualize the costumes.
or sounds will also
help you.
Page 5

Maria thinks about her father’s words.

Pai is right. She and the other
I reread, “They even made
children have worked hard for
their own bright colorful
a year. They practiced their
costumes.” I can picture in
dance steps over and over.
my mind the bright colors of
They even made their own
the costumes. This helps me
bright colorful costumes.
visualize what their costumes
are like.

Your Turn Reread the second paragraph on page 6.

COLLABORATE What details help you picture the parade and Maria’s
group of dancers?

10 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction


Beginning, Middle, End Readers to Writers

Writers organize
“Maria Celebrates Brazil” is a realistic fiction story. stories with a
The characters, settings, and events are made up, but beginning, middle,
they could really happen. A realistic fiction story has a and end. A story
with three clear parts
beginning, a middle, and an end. helps readers follow
the main events
and understand the
I can tell that “Maria Celebrates Brazil” is realistic fiction characters. You can
because the characters, settings, and events could be plan a story you
real. The story has a beginning, middle, and end. write in this way.

Page 4
Beginning, Middle, End
In the beginning of the story, Maria wants to
skip practice and go to a friend’s house. Her
parents remind her why practice is important.

Your Turn How does the author show

COLLABORATE Maria’s feelings about going to practice
change in different parts of the story?

Janet Broxon
Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 11
Character, Setting, Events Quick Tip
The setting is
A character is a person or an animal in a story. The important because
setting of a story tells when and where a story takes it helps you to
place. The events are what happens. understand the
characters and events.
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE Look at the chart.
Dance practice takes
As I read pages 2 and 3 of “Maria Celebrates Brazil,” I
place one week
learn who the characters are, where the story begins, before the parade.
and what the characters are doing. This explains why
Maria's parents want
her to go.

Character Setting Events

Maria The family’s kitchen one Maria tells her parents she
Mãe week before the parade wants to miss dance
Pai practice. Her parents want
her to go to practice.

Your Turn Continue rereading the story. Fill in the

COLLABORATE information in the graphic organizer about the
characters, settings, and events. Then talk with
your partner about an example of why the setting
is important.

12 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction


Character Setting Events

Maria The family’s kitchen one Maria tells her parents she
Mãe week before the parade wants to miss dance
Pai practice. Her parents want
her to go to practice.

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 13

Respond to Reading Quick Tip
Use these sentence
Talk about the prompt below. Think about how the starters to help you
COLLABORATE author shows what is important to Maria and to her organize your text
parents. Use your notes and graphic organizer. Try to evidence.
include new vocabulary in your response. At the beginning of
the story, Maria…
In the middle of
the story, Maria’s
How does the author show that family members work father…
together to make good decisions? At the end of the
story, Maria…

Grammar Connections

Remember to begin
the first word of
each sentence with
a capital letter. Use
a period at the end
of each sentence to
show the end of a

14 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction




Internet Search Using Keywords Quick Tip
Think about research
Keywords will help you find facts quickly. Keywords are questions for your
important words you use when talking or writing about poster. Ask what
a topic. When you do an Internet search, keywords tell you want to learn.
These questions will
the search engine what to look for.
help you figure out
Imagine you want to find information about family the keywords to
use in your Internet
celebrations in Brazil. What keywords could you use?


Make a Poster With a partner, make a poster that

COLLABORATE shows how foods are the same and different around the
world. You could focus on:
1. one kind of meal, such as breakfast.
What do people eat for
2. one kind of food, such as bread. breakfast in France?
What keywords can the
3. the most popular foods from different countries. author type into a search
engine to find the answer?

What is your topic?

Discuss the keywords you can use for your Internet search.
Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 15
Big Red Lollipop
How does the author show the way Rubina Literature Anthology:
feels when Sana and Ami do not understand pages 10–31

her problem?
Combine Information
Talk About It Look at the illustration on page 12. Talk Look back at page
COLLABORATE with a partner about how you think Rubina feels. 11. Why is going to
a birthday party
Cite Text Evidence Write clues from the text and the
important to Rubina?
illustration where the author shows Rubina's feelings. Use text evidence
to support your
Clues from the Text Clues from the Illustration response.

Rubina’s Feelings

Write The author shows Rubina is feeling



16 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction


How does the author use an illustration to help Quick Tip

you understand the way Rubina feels toward
As you read, use
Sana in the middle of the story?
these sentence
starters to talk about
Talk About It Look at the illustration on pages 20–21 of
how Rubina feels.
COLLABORATE the Literature Anthology. Talk about what it shows.
Rubina compares her
Cite Text Evidence What clues from the text and the sister to…
illustration help you understand how Rubina feels? Rubina’s face looks…

Clues from the Text Clues from the Illustration Make Inferences
Why does Rubina
use the word "rat" to
describe how quickly
Sana moves?

Write The text and illustration help me understand that



Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 17
How does the author help you understand Quick Tip
Rubina's traits?
Authors use words
and illustrations to
Talk About It Reread page 28. Talk with a partner describe the traits
COLLABORATE about what Rubina thinks and does. of characters. Some
traits describe how
Cite Text Evidence Complete the chart with what a character looks,
Rubina thinks and what she does when her sister is such as tall. Other
invited to a party. traits describe things
about a character
that you cannot see,
What Rubina Thinks What Rubina Does such as brave.

Make Inferences

Why do you think it

is difficult for Rubina
to do the right thing?

Write The author helps me understand that Rubina is

18 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction


Respond to Reading Quick Tip

Use these sentence
Discuss the prompt below. Think about how the author frames to organize
COLLABORATE shows Rubina's thoughts and feelings in different parts your text evidence.
of the story. Use your notes to respond to the prompt. At the beginning
of the story, Rubina
At the end of the
How does Rubina’s relationship with her sister Sana story, Rubina feels…
change from the beginning of the story to the end?

Choose a text. Read
the first two pages. If
you don't understand
five or more words,
choose another text
that will let you read
for a longer amount
of time. Fill in your
writer's notebook
with the title, author,
genre, and your
purpose for reading.

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 19

A Look at Families
Literature Anthology:
Families around the world do pages 32–35
some things the same. They have
differences, too. Let's take a look Reread the first paragraph.
Underline two sentences about
at how families in different
families around the world. What
cultures live. will you look at as the text
All families need homes. Some continues?
families live in large cities. They 
might live in tall apartment

buildings. Many families live in the
same building. Reread paragraph 2. Draw a box
around what all families need.
Circle details that tell about where
some families live.
©Kentaroo Tryman/Johner Images RF/age fotostock


Talk with a partner about how

people in large cities may live.
Use the details in the text and the
photograph to support your ideas.

20 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction



Reread the paragraph. Draw a
Some families live near water. box around the author's definition
Some families live in houses on stilts. of stilts. Look for the stilts in the
Stilts are tall poles. They keep the photograph.
homes safe from water. Why do some families live in
houses on stilts? Underline the text
evidence. Write your answer here.


Ask and answer questions about the

different kinds of homes people live
in around the world. Support your
ideas with details from pages 20–21.
You may also make connections to

Paul Taylor/The Image Bank/Getty Images

your own experience or to other
texts you have read.

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 21

Why does the author tell about families from Quick Tip
many parts of the world?
The author shows
that families have
Talk About It Reread pages 32–35 in the Literature the same needs and
COLLABORATE Anthology. What does the author tell us about families? activities around
the world. Make
Cite Text Evidence Write details from the text that connections between
show how all families are the same. the families you read
about and your own

All families…

Write The author wants to explain that

blue jean images/Getty Images


22 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction
Captions Quick Tip
Authors use
Captions are words that tell about a photo, map, photographs
or other text feature. Authors use captions to give and captions in
information about what appears in the text feature. expository text
to help you to
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE understand the topic.
Authors often use
Look back at the photographs and captions on page 32
captions to point
in the Literature Anthology. What did you learn from out an important
the captions? detail shown in a


Your Turn Look back at the photos and captions on

COLLABORATE page 33. How do the captions help you to understand
the purpose of these photographs?

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 23

What have you learned from the selections and song Quick Tip
about friends and families doing things together?
Use these sentence
starters to talk about
Talk About It Read the song. Talk about what the song friends and families:
says about being with friends. How is this like being Friends are like
with family? family because…
Cite Text Evidence Circle a clue from the song that My family spends
time together…
tells you how friends are like family.
Write This song and the selections I read help me

understand that

 The More We Get Together

The more we get together, together, together

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.

For your friends are my friends, and my friends
 are your friends,
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.

— German Folk Song

Shutterstock/Monkey Business Images

24 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction




Present Your Work Quick Tip
Pause after each
With your partner, plan how you will present your poster point so that your
COLLABORATE to the class. Use the Presenting Checklist to help you audience can follow
improve your presentation. Discuss the sentence starters important ideas.
below and write your answers. Remember, it’s
okay if you make
a mistake! Take a
breath and keep

Presenting Checklist

I will practice my
I will look at my
I will speak clearly
and slowly.
An interesting fact I learned about foods around the I will make sure
everyone can see
our poster.
world is
I will listen
carefully to
 questions from the

I would like to know more about

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 25
Expert Model
Features of Realistic Fiction Literature Anthology
pages 10-31
Realistic fiction is a story that could happen in real life.
• The characters act and speak like real people.
• The narrator uses words that tell sequence, or the
order of events.
• The story has a beginning, middle, and end.

Analyze an Expert Model Studying Big Red Lollipop

will help you learn how to write realistic fiction. Reread
page 25. Answer the questions below.
How do you know that time has gone by in the story?



How does the author show that Sana has a problem?



26 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction

Plan: Brainstorm Quick Tip

As you brainstorm,
Generate Ideas You will write realistic fiction about think about a
a family. Use this space for your ideas. Draw and problem a family
brainstorm words that describe the characters, setting, member might have
or an event that
and events you might write about.
can make family
members feel closer.

Shutterstock/bogdan ionescu
Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 27
Plan: Choose Your Topic Quick Tip
Your audience, or
Writing Prompt Write realistic fiction about a readers, may include
character in a family. Show how the character's feelings your classmates or
change. Complete these sentences to get started. family. Think about
how to make your
ideas interesting and
My characters are ______________________________
fun for them to read.

At the beginning of the story, ____________________


In the middle, _________________________________


At the end, _


Purpose and Audience Some authors write realistic

fiction to entertain their audience. They may also want
to show how people learn and grow. Think about why
you chose your characters. Then explain the purpose
andresr/E+/Getty Images

for writing your story in your writer’s notebook.

28 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction


Plan: Organization Quick Tip

Some words and
Develop Sequence Authors think about the order, phrases help show
COLLABORATE or sequence, of events in a story. Read the chart below. that the story is
Write first, next, and last to show the sequence of moving from one
part to the next. You
can use words like
first, later, then, after
, the backyard gate is open. that, when, finally,
and in the end.
Annie’s puppy is gone!

, Mom and Dad help look for Daisy.

They hear a bark.

, they see Annie’s friend Gina. She is holding

the puppy! “Daisy wanted to visit my yard,” Gina laughs.

Plan In your writer’s notebook, make a chart like the

one above. Fill it in with details about what happens at
the beginning, middle, and end of your story.

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 29

Descriptive Details The author of “Maria Celebrates
COLLABORATE Brazil” uses details to describe the characters and setting
in the beginning of the story.

Maria and her family are in their bright, hot

kitchen. “Please, Mãe, por favor!” Maria begs.
Mãe speaks Portuguese. This is the language of
Brazil. “No matter how much you beg or plead, you
must go to practice. The parade is next week.”

Use the paragraphs as a model to start writing. Think

about details that describe your setting. Include
descriptive details in the words your characters speak.




Write a Draft Look over the chart you made. Use it to

help you write your draft in your notebook. Remember
to use details that describe, or tell about, your
characters, settings, and events.
30 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction

Revise Quick Tip

Strong openings can
Strong Openings A strong opening grabs your attention describe a problem
and makes you want to find out what happens next. a character faces,
Read the story opening below. Then revise it. Add details or has, in the story.
Think about details
about the character and his problem to make readers
that show what
interested in the story. the character feels
about the problem.
Dialogue, or what a
Tim had slept late. He needed to make a picnic for Father's Day. character says, can
show strong feelings.
Outside his bedroom window, there were clouds.

Grammar Connections
���������������������������������������������� Pay attention to your
end punctuation
marks. Use question
marks at the end
of questions. Use
exclamation marks
when you write
sentences that show
a strong feeling.

Revise It’s time to revise your draft. Include a strong

opening that makes your reader want to find out what
happens next.

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 31

Revise: Peer Conferences Quick Tip
Use these sentence
Review a Draft Listen carefully as a partner reads his starters to discuss
COLLABORATE or her work aloud. Begin by telling what you liked about your partner’s work.
the draft. Ask questions and make suggestions to give I enjoyed your story
the writer ideas for making the writing stronger. opening because…
How about adding
Partner Feedback Write one suggestion that you will details about…
use in the revision of your story. I have a question
Based on my partner’s feedback, I will _____________

______________________________________________ Revising Checklist

______________________________________________ Does my story fit

my purpose and
After you finish giving each other feedback, reflect on audience?
the peer conference. What was helpful? What might Does it include
you do differently next time? details?
Does it have a
______________________________________________ strong opening?
Does the story
______________________________________________ have a beginning,
middle, and end?
Revision Use the Revising Checklist to help you figure
out what text you may need to move, add to, or delete.
Remember to use the rubric on page 35 to help you
with your revision.
32 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction

Edit and Proofread Grammar Connections

When you revise

When you edit and proofread, you look for and correct your writing,
mistakes in your writing. Rereading a revised draft make sure that
several times will help you catch any errors. Use the you capitalize the
first word in every
checklist below to edit your sentences. sentence. Be sure to
use the correct end
Editing Checklist punctuation for all of
your sentences.
Are all sentences complete sentences?
Do all questions end with question marks?
Do sentences that show strong feelings, such as excitement,
end with exclamation marks?
Do statements end with periods?
Are all the words spelled correctly?

List two mistakes you found as you proofread your story.

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 33

Publish, Present, and Evaluate Presenting Checklist
Sit up or stand
Publishing Create a clean, neat final copy of your story. up straight.
You may add illustrations or other visuals to make your Look at the
published work more interesting. audience.
Speak slowly and
Presentation Practice your presentation when you are clearly.
ready to present your work. Use the Presenting Checklist Speak loud
to help you. enough so that
everyone can hear
Evaluate After you publish and present your story, use you.
the rubric on the next page to evaluate your writing. Answer questions
using details from
1 What did you do successfully? _________________ your story.



2 What needs more work? _____________________



34 Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction


Listening When you listen actively, you pay close Listening Checklist
attention to what you hear. When you listen to other
Make eye contact
children's presentations, take notes to help you better with the speaker.
understand their ideas. Listen for details
What I learned from .........................................................'s about characters.
presentation: Listen for
details about a
beginning, middle,
______________________________________________ and end.
Questions I have about .........................................................’s Identify what the
speaker does well.
Think of questions
you can ask.

4 3 2 1
• tells a lively, realistic • tells a story about a • tries to write realistic • does not focus writing
fiction story about a character in a family fiction but details are on the genre or topic
character in a family • begins with a strong unclear • lacks an opening
• begins with a strong, opening • lacks a strong opening • does not sequence
detailed opening • has a beginning, • makes an effort to events into a
• has a clear beginning, middle, and end sequence events and beginning, middle,
middle, and end • has few errors create a beginning, and end
• is free or almost free middle, and end • has many errors that
of errors • has many errors that make the story hard
distract from the to understand
meaning of the story

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction 35

Essential Question
Talk About It
Essential Question
How do friends depend on
each other?

36 Unit 1 • Fantasy
These friends are using a map. They are helping each
COLLABORATE other find out where they are on the map. There are
many ways we depend on our friends.
Talk with a partner about how friends depend on
each other, or help each other. Then write your ideas
on the web.

Friends Depend on
Each Other

Lisa Sciascia/fStop Images/Getty Images

Unit 1 • Fantasy 37
A prediction is a guess
about what will happen Little Flap
in a story. Use the title
and illustrations to make
a prediction.

to Fly
As you read, make note of:

Interesting Words
Essential Question

Key Details How do friends depend on

each other?
Read how Little Flap depends
on his friends.

38 Unit 1 • Fantasy

Little Flap was happy living in his nest. His FIND TEXT EVIDENCE
friends, Fluff and Tuff, lived in the nest next to Read

him. Every morning they sang songs together. Paragraph 1

Their parents brought them worms to eat. Draw a box around details
One day Fluff asked, “Can we get our that help you visualize why
Little Flap is happy living
own worms?”
in his nest.
Tuff said, “We can if we learn to fly.” Paragraphs 2-4
Key Details
Fluff said, “Yes! Let’s learn to fly.” Underline what Fluff wants
to get. What must the
little birds do first?


Author's Craft
How does the author use
dialogue to show what the
little birds want to do?
Tim Beaumont

Unit 1 • Fantasy 39

Use Illustrations
What does Little Flap look
like? Use the illustration to
describe his traits.

Paragraphs 2-3
Key Details
Circle why Fluff wants the Little Flap peered over the edge of his nest.
birds to practice flapping
It was very high up. When he looked down,
their wings. What do Tuff
and Little Flap do? the ground seemed very far away. He felt
scared! He was too afraid to tell his friends
about his fear so he kept his feelings a secret.
Fluff said, “Let’s practice flapping our
wings. It will make them strong. Watch.”
Author's Craft
What details help you Tuff and Little Flap watched Fluff.
understand the way Little Then they copied her actions.
Flap feels?
40 Unit 1 • Fantasy


Paragraph 1
Root Words
Find the word asked.
Circle the word without
the ending -ed. Circle the
question Little Flap asks.
Paragraphs 2-4
Soon it was time to fly. Little Flap could no Key Details
longer keep his feelings a secret. He asked, Underline Fluff's idea. How
“Will I fall? I don’t want to get hurt.” can Little Flap depend on
his friends?
Tuff said, “You can depend on Fluff and me.
We’re your friends.”
Fluff said, “I have an idea. We will go first and
show you how. Then you can try. If you fall, Tuff
and I will rescue you.”
Tuff said, “Yes, we can save you!” Tuff and
Fluff jumped out of the nest. They flew! Reread

Author's Craft
Little Flap looked down nervously. He still
How does the author use
felt uneasy, but he felt braver with his friends. dialogue to show the birds
Tim Beaumont

“Okay,” he said. “Let’s try!” are good friends?

Unit 1 • Fantasy 41
Paragraph 1
Underline words that help
you visualize the actions
the birds do together.
Paragraphs 3-4

Key Details
Circle what Fluff and
Tuff tell Little Flap. Why
do they say these things?

The three birds stood together on the

branch. They counted, “One! Two! Three!”
Then they flapped their wings fast and
jumped. Little Flap lifted into the air.
Author's Craft
How does the author show
“You’re flying just right!” said Fluff.
Fluff and Tuff's excitement? “You’re flying perfectly!” said Tuff.

42 Unit 1 • Fantasy
All three little birds landed in a patch FANTASY
of soft, green grass.
Little Flap said, “Now I know I can Read
always depend on you, Fluff and Tuff! Paragraphs 1-2
Key Details
You are my friends.”
Underline the sentence
Then he found a big, juicy worm that describes the birds'
and shared it with his friends. safe landing. Circle what
Little Flap then says.
Now Little Flap likes flying!
Paragraph 3
Make Inferences
How does the author show
that Little Flap is a good
friend to Fluff and Tuff?

Summarize "Little Flap
Learns to Fly." Then talk
about your prediction
on page 38. Use the
illustrations and title to Fluency
help you explain why your Take turns reading the
prediction was correct or page aloud. How does the
needed to be changed. author help you express
Tim Beaumont

Little Flap's feelings?

Unit 1 • Fantasy 43
Vocabulary depend
Nick and Maria depend on Dad to help
Talk with a partner about each word. them learn to ride a bike.
Then answer the questions. How do you depend on family members?
The girl’s actions helped her team win.
What actions help you do well in school?
Maya waited nervously for her running
race to begin.
What did you wait nervously for?
Our dog is afraid of thunder.
What is something you are afraid of?

The dog peered through the hole in
the fence.
What did you see when you peered out of the
Build Your Word List Choose an classroom window?
interesting word that you noted.
Look up the word's meaning and
pronunciation using a dictionary online.

44 Unit 1 • Fantasy

perfectly Root Words

The ball is perfectly round.
To understand the meaning of a word
What is something that is perfectly
flat? you do not know, try to separate the root
word from an ending, such as -ed or –ing.


I'm not sure what landed means. I'll split
the root word land from the ending –ed.
rescue Land can mean “to move down onto
We saw the boy rescue the the ground.” The ending –ed means this
cat from the tree. action happened in the past. So, landed
What is another word for rescue? means "moved down onto the ground."

All three little birds landed in a

patch of soft, green grass.
Mandy whispered a secret to
me. Your Turn Use the root word to figure out
What is special about a secret? the meaning of another word in the story.
jumped, page 41

Unit 1 • Fantasy 45
Visualize Quick Tip
Pay attention to
When you visualize, you form pictures in your mind words that tell how
about the characters, setting, and events in the story. something looks,
feels, or sounds. This
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE will help you visualize
After reading page 40 of "Little Flap Learns to Fly," I the story.
know Little Flap is thinking about flying. What words
does the author use to help readers visualize the nest?

Page 40 I read that the nest

"was very high up" and
Little Flap peered over the edge of his the ground "seemed very
nest. It was very high up. When he looked far away." From these
down, the ground seemed very far away. details, I can visualize
the nest.

Your Turn Reread page 43. What words help you

COLLABORATE visualize where the birds land?

46 Unit 1 • Fantasy

Use Illustrations Quick Tip

When reading a
“Little Flap Learns to Fly” is a fantasy story. It is a fantasy story, ask
made-up story with characters who could not be real. questions such
Often fantasy stories have illustrations that show the as: How are the
characters like
characters, setting, and events.
real people or real
animals? How are
they not? What
I can use what I read to know that the story has made-up illustrations show
characters that could not be real. This story is a fantasy. things that could not
happen in real life?
Page 38

A prediction is a guess
about what will happen Little Flap In this illustration, I see Little Flap wearing
clothes. I know birds in real life do not wear
in a story. Use the title
and illustrations to make

clothes. This must be a fantasy story.

a prediction.

to Fly
Your Turn Use illustrations to help you
As you read, make note of: COLLABORATE find an event that could not happen in
Interesting Words
Essential Question
real life. Tell why this story is a fantasy.
Key Details How do friends depend on
each other?
Read how Little Flap depends
on his friends.

38 Unit 1 • Fantasy

Program: CR20 Component: SR

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Vendor: Lumina Grade: 2

Unit 1 • Fantasy 47
Key Details Quick Tip
Illustrations can help
You can find important information in a story by looking you understand key
for key details in the illustrations and the text. details in the text.
They can also show
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE details that are not
As I read page 40 of “Little Flap Learns to Fly,” I can in the text.
look at the illustration and read the text to find a key
detail about the characters and events.

Little Flap is
afraid to fly.

Your Turn Continue reading the story.

COLLABORATE Does Little Flap learn to fly? Use your
notes to help you list the key details
in your graphic organizer.
Tim Beaumont

48 Unit 1 • Fantasy

Detail Detail Detail

Little Flap is
afraid to fly.

Tim Beaumont
Unit 1 • Fantasy 49
Respond to Reading Quick Tip
Use these sentence
Talk about the prompt below. Think about important starters to help you
COLLABORATE details the author shows in the text and illustrations. Use organize your text
your notes and graphic organizer. evidence.
Little Flap feels…
An illustration
How does the author show that Little Flap can depend
Tuff and Fluff say…
on his friends?
Another illustration

Grammar Connections
Use a before nouns
that start with a
consonant. Use an
before nouns that
start with a vowel.
a bird
an eagle

50 Unit 1 • Fantasy



Ask Questions Quick Tip
You can tell
To learn about a topic, ask questions about what you information about
want to know. Sometimes you can talk to people to find a time a friend
answers to your questions. This is called informal inquiry. helped you to solve
a problem, learn
You are going to research the topic of how friends something new, or
depend on each other. What questions can you ask just feel better about
classmates about a time they depended on a friend?

"We Depend on Friends" List In a small group, ask

COLLABORATE and answer questions about how we depend on friends.
Take notes on the answers. Together, create a list of
each group member's response. Illustrate the list with a
You will answer questions and tell information. Write
ideas about an event that you will tell the group.

Image Source/Punchstock
Unit 1 • Fantasy 51
Help! A Story of Friendship
What does the dialogue at the beginning of the Literature Anthology:
story tell you about Mouse and Hedgehog? pages 36–57

Talk About It Reread pages 37–38. Discuss the dialogue, Quick Tip
COLLABORATE or what Mouse and Hedgehog talk about.
Text evidence is an
Cite Text Evidence Write about what the two example from a
text. It can be words
characters say about Snake.
or phrases used to
answer questions
Mouse Says Hedgehog Says about the text. Use
text evidence to
support your ideas.

Make Inferences
An inference is a
best guess based
on text evidence, or
details. Do you think
Hedgehog and Snake
are good friends?
Use text evidence to
Write The dialogue helps me understand explain your answer.

52 Unit 1 • Fantasy

How does the author show Mouse's feelings after Quick Tip
he is rescued?
As you read, use
these sentence
Talk About It Reread page 51. Talk about what Mouse frames to talk about
COLLABORATE says and does. how Mouse feels.
Cite Text Evidence What details on page 51 tell you Mouse looks…
the way Mouse feels? Write the text evidence. Mouse says…

Detail 1 Detail 2 Combine Information

Details you already
read will help you
understand events
in the story. Why
is Mouse surprised
that Snake has saved
him? Use details
from pages 48–50 to
explain your answer.

Write I know the way Mouse feels because

Unit 1 • Fantasy 53
How does dialogue and an illustration show that Quick Tip
Mouse is thankful and no longer afraid?
Details that tell what
Mouse does or show
Talk About It Reread pages 54 and 55. Talk about what how he looks can
COLLABORATE Mouse says on page 54. Discuss what the illustration help you understand
shows on page 55. his feelings.

Cite Text Evidence Fill in the chart with details that

help you understand how Mouse feels.

Detail Detail Detail

Write I know Mouse is thankful and no longer afraid

because he

54 Unit 1 • Fantasy

Respond to Reading Quick Tip

Use these sentence
Discuss the prompt below. Think about how illustrations frames to organize
COLLABORATE help show what the characters do and how they feel. your text evidence.
An illustration shows…
Mouse looks…
How does the author use illustrations to show how Mouse feels…
talking about others can affect a friendship?
Choose a text.
In your writer’s
notebook, write the
title, author, and
genre of the book.
Set a purpose for
reading. As you read,
make a connection
to ideas in other
texts you read, or a
personal experience.
Write your ideas
in your writer’s

Unit 1 • Fantasy 55
The Enormous Turnip
Other people in their village saw the Literature Anthology:
pages 58-59
family tugging at the turnip. “Let us
help you!” they cried. “Many hands Reread paragraph 1. Circle what the
make light work.” villagers see. What do they do next?

The villagers had an idea. They held 

onto each other’s waists to make 
a chain. Together, they all pulled
Reread paragraph 2. How do the
at the turnip in the ground. Finally, neighbors pull out the turnip?
the ground rumbled, and the turnip Underline text evidence to answer.
popped out!

Talk with a partner about how the

last sentence helps show the turnip
is enormous.
Alison Jay

56 Unit 1 • Fantasy
Reread paragraph 1. Underline
The farmer chopped up the turnip. what the farmer and his wife do
His wife got a big pot. “Turnip soup with the turnip. Who are they
for all who helped!” he announced. making turnip soup for?

All the neighbors took a serving. 

“We all worked together to find a 
solution to the problem,”
said the farmer. 
“So now we all 
get a tasty meal
Reread Paragraph 2. Circle what
as a reward.” the farmer says about working


Discuss how the author uses

dialogue to explain why the farmer
and his wife share the soup.

Alison Jay
Unit 1 • Fantasy 57
What do the villagers mean when they say, Evaluate Information
“Many hands make light work”?
Do you agree that
"many hands make
Talk About It Reread pages 58 and 59 in the Literature light work"? Think
COLLABORATE Anthology. Discuss how the family depends on neighbors about your own
experiences. Can you
to help solve the problem in the folktale. think of a time this
Cite Text Evidence Fill in the chart with text evidence saying was true? Can
you think of a time it
that shows how "many hands make light work." was not true?

Page Text Evidence

Write “Many hands make light work” means

Alison Jay

58 Unit 1 • Fantasy
Theme Quick Tip
The narrator of "The
A folktale's theme is the main message the author Enormous Turnip"
wants to tell readers. An author often uses what the does not tell the
characters do and say, or dialogue, to show a theme. theme. But the
author shows that
working together is
important from what
The author uses what the villagers say on page 56 to the characters do
show why they want to help. The dialogue shows the and say.
theme about why people should work together.

“Let us help you!” they cried. “Many hands make

light work.”

Your Turn Talk about what the farmer says in the

COLLABORATE last paragraph on page 57. How does the author use
the farmer's words to show why people should work

Unit 1 • Fantasy 59
What have you learned from the selections and the Quick Tip
painting about the different ways friends depend on
Describe what the
each other? girls are doing and
how they feel using
Talk About It Look at the painting. Talk about what these sentence
COLLABORATE the girls are doing. Discuss different ways they may starters:
depend on each other. The girls are…
The girls look…
Cite Text Evidence Circle the clues from the painting
They help each
and caption that show what the girls are doing together. other…
Write The selections I read and the painting all show
Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington

This painting is called Breton Girls Dancing, Pont-Aven,

by Paul Gauguin.

60 Unit 1 • Fantasy



Present Your Work Quick Tip
Practice your
With your partner, plan presentation. Then
COLLABORATE how you will present your give each other
"We Depend on Friends" feedback about what
works and what
list to the class. After all the needs improvement.
presentations are finished, Practice will also help
discuss the sentence you build confidence.
starters below and write
your answers.
Presenting Checklist
I enjoyed learning about Hold up your work
so that everyone
can see it.
Speak clearly.
Point to the part
of the list you are
talking about.

I think a good friend is a person who

Unit 1 • Fantasy 61

Talk About It
Essential Question
What happens when families work

62 Unit 1 • Expository Text

This family is working together to make a dessert.
COLLABORATE Working together gets chores done and can be fun!
There are many ways families work together.
Talk about what is happening in the picture. Discuss how
your family works together. Write your ideas in the web.

Families Work

Eva-Katalin/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Unit 1 • Expository Text 63
Knowing why you are
reading a text can help
you focus on important
details. Write a purpose
for reading here.

As you read, make note of:

Interesting Words

Key Details Essential Question

What happens when

Comstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images
families work together?
Read about how one family
works to meet their needs.

64 Unit 1 • Expository Text

Fa m i l i e s

Wo r k !
Paragraph 1
Key Details
Ellen Yung had a busy day at work! She put a cast Underline details that tell
on a broken arm, used a bandage to cover a deep why Ellen had a busy day.
cut, and helped twenty patients. Ellen is a doctor Why do doctors like Ellen
work long hours?
for children. Customers can get sick at any time, so
pediatricians work long hours. They have hard jobs.
Ellen’s husband works long hours, too. Steve is a
firefighter. At the firehouse, he
makes sure the tools work
properly. He checks the Paragraph 2
hoses and fire trucks. At Circle flames in the text.
the fire, Steve rescues Then circle a word with
people from hot almost the same meaning.
flames and smoke. Reread
The firefighters all Author's Craft
work together to How does the author
PBNJ Productions/Blend Images

put out the fire. compare the jobs that Ellen

and Steve have?
When a fire alarm sounds,
Steve suits up quickly.

Unit 1 • Expository Text 65

At home, the Yung family works
together too. Hanna sets the table
Paragraph 1 for dinner. She also helps wash
Ask and Answer Questions the dishes. Everyone has weekly
Ask a question about a
way two family members
chores. Mom and Hanna do the
work together. dusting and mopping. Dad and her
brother, Zac, do the laundry. They wash,
dry, and fold the clothes. Mom makes a shopping
list each week. She lists items they need and things
Underline text evidence they want.
that helps you answer it. A short time ago, Zac wanted a new laptop.

(b) MIXA next/Getty Images;(t)hana/Datacraft/Getty Images

Paragraph 2 The family needed a new washing machine. They
Key Details
could only spend money on one item. Both cost
Circle details that tell why
the family decides to buy a the same. They had to choose. Clean
washing machine. clothes are needed for school and work.
A new laptop is nice, but did Zac need
it? Ellen and Steve thought
Author's Craft
about their family’s needs.
How does the author help
you understand the way They decided to buy the
a family decides to spend washing machine.
their money?
Hanna’s brother, Zac, helps with the meals.
66 Unit 1 • Expository Text
What Are Some Needs and Wants?
Needs Wants
Water Skateboard Chart
Food Video game Draw a box around the
title of the chart. Circle the
Shelter Basketball heading of each column.
Clothing Paragraph 1
Key Details
What will the family buy in
the future?
Zac knows that his parents have busy
jobs. They bring home money to pay
(l)McGraw-Hill Education/Ken Karp;(r)C Squared Studios/Photodisc/Getty Images

for their needs and wants. They needed that

washing machine. Zac still wants a laptop. Underline text evidence
The family has decided to save some money that explains how they will
be able to buy it.
each week so they can buy it in the future.
Summarize Author's Craft
Use your notes to help you Why does the author show
orally summarize the key the two photographs with
details in "Families Work!" the chart?

Unit 1 • Expository Text 67

Vocabulary chores
One of my chores is to feed our dog.
Talk with a partner about each word. What is one of your chores?
Then answer the questions.

Mom checks the car tires before a trip.
Who checks the mailbox in your family?
We bought a book that did not cost
a lot of money.
What is a gift that doesn't cost a lot of money?
Raul will choose a book to read to
the class.
What will you choose to read today?
Many customers visited the new store.
What can customers buy at a supermarket?

Build Your Word List Draw a box

around the word save on page 67.
Use a word web to write more forms
of the word in your writer's notebook.
You may use a dictionary to help you.

68 Unit 1 • Expository Text


jobs Synonyms
Nurse and doctor are two jobs Synonyms are words that have almost
at a hospital. the same meaning. Big and large are
What are two jobs at a school? synonyms.


On page 66, I read that Mom “lists
items they need and things they want.”
spend In this sentence, items and things are
Greg decided to spend his synonyms. I see that items are things on
money on a game. a list.
What are two things families spend
their money on?

She lists items they need and

things they want.

Your Turn Use a print or digital
My mother used tools to fix my
thesaurus to write a synonym for the
brother's bicycle.
word below.
What is a tool you saw an adult use?
jobs, page 67

hana/Datacraft/Getty Images
Unit 1 • Expository Text 69
Ask and Answer Questions
When you read, asking questions helps you think
about parts of the text you may have missed or do not
understand well.
As I read the last paragraph on page 66, I ask myself,
“Why did the family decide to buy a washing machine
instead of a laptop?”

Page 66
When I reread to answer my
A short time ago, Zac wanted a new question, I understand the
laptop. The family needed a new washing family could only buy one of
machine. They could only spend money on the things. The family had to
one item. Both cost the same. They had to make a choice.

Your Turn Think of a question you have about the

COLLABORATE selection. Reread the parts of the text that will help you
answer your question.

70 Unit 1 • Expository Text


Charts Readers to Writers

When you write

“Families Work!” is an expository text. It gives facts and expository text,
information about a topic. It can have text features, such think about how to
as photographs with captions and charts. show information in
a chart. Give your
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE chart a title. Add
headings that tell
I can tell that “Families Work!” is expository text
how the information
because it gives facts about how family members work is organized.
to meet their needs. It also has text features.

Page 67

A chart shows information in an organized

(l) McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Ken Karp, Photographer; (r) C Squared Studios/Getty Images
way that is easy to see. Facts may be in
rows and columns.

Your Turn How does the author show

COLLABORATE information in the chart?

Unit 1 • Expository Text 71

Key Details Quick Tip
Reread information
Key details are important pieces of information in a text. to decide what is
Key details can be found in the text and photographs of most important
a selection. about the topic.
This is how you
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE can determine, or
decide, a key detail
As I read and look at the photos on pages 64 and 65 of in the text.
“Families Work!” I understand that Ellen Yung works as
a pediatrician, or a doctor for kids. Her husband, Steve,
works as a firefighter. They both work away from home.

(Page 65)

Ellen is a pediatrician,
and Steve is a firefighter.

Your Turn  Continue reading "Families Work!"


COLLABORATE Then fill in the graphic organizer with key details.

72 Unit 1 • Expository Text


Detail Detail Detail

(Page 65)

Ellen is a pediatrician,
and Steve is a firefighter.

PBNJ Productions/Blend Images

Unit 1 • Expository Text 73
Respond to Reading Quick Tip
Use these sentence
Talk about the prompt below. Think about how the starters to help you
COLLABORATE author presents details and important information. organize your text
Use your notes and graphic organizer. evidence.
The author explains
that Ellen and Steve…
The family works
How does the author show how families work and
make choices about spending the money they earn?
The family decides to
buy something…
The author shows…

Grammar Connections

When three or more

items are listed, put
a comma after each
For example:
They need water,
food, shelter, and

74 Unit 1 • Expository Text



Interview Quick Tip
Describe what the
You can find out information by asking a person person does at the
questions in an interview. Suppose you want to learn job. Explain what you
how someone spends money. You could ask: What is find interesting about
the work.
your favorite thing to buy?
What other interview questions could you ask?

When you conduct an interview, take careful notes on

the responses to your questions.
Job Description Sheet With a partner, interview
COLLABORATE someone who has a job that interests you. Then
create a job description sheet with drawings or

Yunus Arakon/Getty Images

photos. Write captions or sentences describing
the pictures you show.

Choose the person you will interview:

Discuss questions you may ask about

his or her job.
Unit 1 • Expository Text 75
Families Working Together
How does the author help you understand what Literature Anthology:
Mary and her mom do on Tuesdays in the summer? pages 60–63

Talk About It Reread page 61. Why do you think the

COLLABORATE author begins the selection with the time?
Cite Text Evidence Answer the questions about the trip
Mary and her mom make with details from the text.

Where do they go? What do they do? What does Mary say?

Write The author helps me understand what Mary and

her mom do on Tuesdays 

76 Unit 1 • Expository Text



How does the author use text features to help Quick Tip
you understand who consumers are?
Use the sentence
starters to talk about
Talk About It  Look at the text features on pages 62
the text.
COLLABORATE and 63. Talk about what the sidebar and photographs
The text in the
tell about consumers.
sidebar explains…
Cite Text Evidence Write three ways that text features The chart shows…
help you understand what consumers are. The photos and
Sidebar Text Chart Photographs

Evaluate Information
How do the Gelders
earn money with the
fresh fruit they do
not sell?

Write The text features help me understand what

consumers are by 

Unit 1 • Expository Text 77




Respond to Reading Quick Tip
Use these sentence
Discuss the prompt below. Be sure to use evidence from starters to organize
COLLABORATE the text and the text features to answer the question. your text evidence.
The author explains…
The author uses…
How does the author organize information to show Text features show…
how a family farm produces food for consumers?

Choose a text.
In your writer's
notebook, write the
title, author, and
genre of the book.
As you read, make a
connection to ideas
in other texts you
read, or a personal
experience. Write
your ideas in your
writer’s notebook.

78 Unit 1 • Expository Text




Why We Work
Literature Anthology:
pages 64-65
Look around you. The things you see
have been produced, or made by a Reread the page. In paragraph 1,
person at work. These things are called underline a sentence that helps you
goods. understand the meaning of goods in
the text. In paragraph 2, circle the
Some people have jobs that provide sentence that tells the meaning of
or offer services. Services are actions services.
that people do. Does the photograph show people
producing goods or providing a
service? Explain your answer.


Discuss how the author compares

the work people do. Use vocabulary

Maskot/Getty Images
from the selection.

Unit 1 • Expository Text 79



Reread paragraph 1. Circle the
examples the author uses to describe
Some service jobs service jobs. Draw a box around
include a teacher or a details that describe the services.
food server. A teacher Reread paragraph 2. Underline
provides the service of details that tell what workers can
helping students learn. do with the money they earn. How
are workers also consumers?
A food server brings There are jobs that
provide services
food to your table at a that keep people
healthy and safe.
When people make goods or provide
services, they earn money. They can
use the money to buy more goods and
services that cost money. People who
buy things are consumers.
(t)Corbis/PunchStock; (b)Monty Rakusen/Cultura/Getty Images


Discuss why the author describes

jobs people do before explaining
that these people are also
Workers in factories produce goods like cars that people buy. consumers.
80 Unit 1 • Expository Text
Photographs and Captions Quick Tip

When you look at

Authors can use photos to help you understand the text. photographs and
Captions are the words that tell about the photos. Not read captions, think
all photographs in an expository text have captions. about details in
the text the author
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE wants to show.
Reread the text on page 79. Then look at the
photograph. Think about what the author wants to show
in the photograph. What goods are the people making
in the photograph?

Your Turn 

Unit 1 • Expository Text 81

What have you learned from the selections and the Quick Tip
photograph about families working together?
Describe what
you see in the
Talk About It Look at the photograph and read the
photograph. Use
COLLABORATE caption. Talk with a partner about what the family
these sentence
members are doing. starters.
Cite Text Evidence  Circle details in the photo and The family is…
caption that show how the family feels when they do Each family
work together. member is…
The family looks…
Write  The selections I read and this photograph
help me understand how families
Andersen Ross/Blend Images LLC

This family enjoys washing the car on a sunny day.

82 Unit 1 • Expository Text

Phrasing and Accuracy Quick Tip

As you read, circle
Phrasing is reading groups of words together to sound words that you
like talking. Reading with accuracy is reading without do not know or
making mistakes. Some texts with difficult words and understand. Look for
ideas may take reading several times before you can clues in the text and
read them with accuracy and phrasing. illustrations about
their meaning.
Page 66

A short time ago, Zac wanted a

Tech Tip
new laptop. The family needed a As you read, ask
new washing machine. They Use an online
yourself: Does that
could only spend money on one dictionary to listen
sound right? Does to unfamiliar words
item. Both cost the same. They that make sense? and learn how to
had to choose.
pronounce them.

Your Turn Go back to page 65. Take turns reading the

COLLABORATE page with a partner. If a word is unfamiliar, try to figure
it out. Ask whether the word sounds right and makes
sense. Then reread the page to your partner focusing on
phrasing and accuracy. Complete these sentences.

I was able to 

Next time I will 

Unit 1 • Expository Text 83

Expert Model
Features of an Expository Essay Literature Anthology:
pages 60-63
An expository essay is a kind of expository text.
Word Wise
• It gives facts about the topic.
The author uses
• It has a concluding statement or section. the names of
family members.
The names help
Analyze an Expert Model Studying "Families Working readers understand
Together" will help you learn to write an expository what each person
essay. Reread page 61. Answer the questions below. does and how the
members of the
Why does the author begin the text with a question? family work together.

How does the author show the way Mary feels about
selling the food her family grows?

84 Unit 1 • Expository Text


Plan: Brainstorm Quick Tip

Think about the
Generate Ideas You will write an expository essay people that you
about a person who works for the community. Use this see working in your
space for your ideas. Brainstorm ideas about community community. Choose
people with jobs that
workers that interest you. Write or draw your ideas.
are helpful to others.

Kali Nine LLC/iStockphoto/Getty Images

Unit 1 • Expository Text 85
Plan: Choose Your Topic Quick Tip
Your audience may
Writing Prompt Write an expository essay that include readers who
COLLABORATE explains what a community worker does. Complete these don’t know very
sentences to help you get started. much about your
topic. Think about
how to share
My community worker is information in a
clear and interesting
I think this job is important because way.

I will get information about this worker by

Purpose and Audience Authors may write to teach

others about their communities. Think about why you
chose your topic. Then explain your purpose for writing
in your writer’s notebook.

Digital Tools
To learn about how to identify your purpose and
audience, watch "Purpose of Informative Writing."
George Doyle/age fotostock

Go to

86 Unit 1 • Expository Text


Plan: Research Quick Tip

Use words such as

Develop Questions Authors may write questions they who, what, where,
want to answer in an expository essay. Read an author's when, why, and
questions in the web below. Write two more questions how as you write
questions about a
about being a firefighter.
community worker.

What equipment What tasks

do you need at work? do you do every day?


Plan  In your writer’s notebook, make a web like the

one above for your topic. Write questions that you will
answer in your essay.

Unit 1 • Expository Text 87

Draft Grammar Connections
You can combine
Sentence Types and Lengths two sentences by
COLLABORATE Writers use long and short sentences to make their joining two nouns
writing interesting and easy to read. They also use in the subject or
different types of sentences to add interest. predicate with the
conjunction and.
• A statement gives information. Mr. Ryan is a
librarian. Mrs. Garcia
• A question asks something. is a librarian.
• An exclamation shows strong feelings. Mr. Ryan and Mrs.
Garcia are librarians.
Read the paragraph below. Circle the question and
draw a box around the exclamation. Underline the
longer sentences.

The family gets up early, and they work for many

hours. What foods do they sell? They sell fruits and
vegetables. They are so delicious! One popular food is
strawberries, so they plant a lot of them.

Write a Draft Use information you gathered to write

Thomas Barwick/Digital Vision/Getty Images

a draft. Include different types of sentences. Try to use

both short and longer sentences in your draft.

88 Unit 1 • Expository Text


Revise Quick Tip

The author of
Details Authors add details, such as facts, to help “Families Work!”
readers understand ideas. Read the text below about tells us, “Ellen Yung
Steve Yung's work as a firefighter. Revise the text with had a busy day at
work!” Then the
details from page 65 that tell more about his work.
author adds specific
details that tell more
about her busy day:
Steve is a firefighter. He works at the firehouse. His job is to “She put a cast
on a broken arm…
rescue people and put out fires. and helped twenty

Grammar Connections
When two
sentences have
the same subject,
you can use and to
join the predicates
and combine the
Ellen worked today.
Revise It’s time to revise your draft. Make sure to include She helped twenty
details that help readers understand what the person patients.
does and why this work is important to the community. Ellen worked today
and helped twenty

Unit 1 • Expository Text 89

Revise: Peer Conferences Quick Tip
Use these sentence
Review a Draft  Listen carefully as a partner reads his starters to discuss
COLLABORATE or her work aloud. Begin by telling what you like about your partner’s work.
the draft. Make suggestions that you think will make the The details in your
writing stronger. draft helped me
Partner Feedback Write one of your partner’s How about adding
suggestions that you will use in the revision of your text. more information
Based on my partner’s feedback, I will Can you tell me

Revising Checklist
Does my essay
After you finish giving each other feedback, reflect on give facts about
the peer conference. What was helpful? What might the community
you do differently next time? worker?
Does it answer my
questions about
the community

Do I make a
Revision Use the Revising Checklist to help you figure
out what text you may need to move, add to, or delete.
Are there different
Remember to use the rubric on page 93 to help you with sentence types
your revision. and lengths?

90 Unit 1 • Expository Text


Edit and Proofread Tech Tip

If you type your
When you edit and proofread, you look for and correct essay, remember to
mistakes in your writing. Rereading a revised draft use the “tab” key to
several times will help you catch any errors. Use the indent the first word
of each paragraph.
checklist below to edit your sentences.

Editing Checklist Grammar Connections

Do all sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a Make sure you used
punctuation mark? commas to separate
Are all the words spelled correctly? three or more items
Are commas used correctly? in a series.
Are all sentences complete sentences? I used the colors red,
Is the conjunction and used correctly to combine sentences? white, and blue in
my poster.

List two mistakes you found as you proofread your text.

Unit 1 • Expository Text 91

Publish, Present, and Evaluate Presenting Checklist
Sit up or stand up
Publishing Create a neat, clean final copy of your straight.
expository text. As you write your draft, be sure to print Look at different
neatly and legibly. You may add illustrations or other people in the
visuals to make your published work more interesting. audience.
Speak slowly and
Presentation Practice your presentation when you are clearly.
ready to present your work. Use the Presenting Checklist Speak loudly so
to help you. that everyone can
hear you.
Evaluate After you publish and present your expository
Answer questions
text, use the rubric on the next page to evaluate your using facts from
writing. your essay.

1 What did you do successfully?

2 What needs more work?

92 Unit 1 • Expository Text


Listening When you listen actively, you pay close Listening Checklist
attention to what you hear. When you listen to other
Make eye contact
students’ presentations, take notes to help you better with the speaker.
understand their ideas. Use body
What I learned from .......................................................'s language that
shows you are
presentation: listening.
Decide which facts
are important.
Questions I have about .......................................................’s Think about
what the speaker
presentation: does well.
Think of questions
you can ask.

4 3 2 1
• uses specific facts • tells information • uses information that • most information is
about a community about a community does not relate to the not based on facts
worker's job worker's job topic from sources
• sentences vary in • sentences are • sentences are mostly • sentence length is the
length and type different lengths the same length same
• has a clear statement • has a concluding • does not have a clear • does not have a
or paragraph that statement conclusion concluding statement
concludes the essay • has few errors • has many errors that • has many errors that
• is free or almost free distract from the make the essay hard
of errors meaning of the essay to understand

Unit 1 • Expository Text 93



Spiral Review Read the selection and choose
the best answer to each question.
You have learned new
skills and strategies in
Unit 1 that will help you
to read and understand
texts. Now it is time to
practice what you have
1 Many firefighters do not get paid
• Inflectional Endings for their work. They are volunteers. They may
• Synonyms work at other jobs to make money. Their work as
• Key Details firefighters is a gift to their community.
• Character, Setting,
Events 2 Volunteer firefighters work hard to keep the
• Beginning, Middle, towns safe. They go through many hours of
End training. They get called to help people at all hours
• Charts
of the day and night. Some can be as young as
eighteen. Some are as old as eighty.
Connect to Content
3 Volunteers face the same dangers as other
• Folktale Book Report
• Respond to the Read
firefighters do. They do more than just put out fires.
Aloud They help at car crashes. They save people caught
LAMB/Alamy Stock Photo

• Technology Chart in flood waters. They hurry to help people who

become sick or hurt at home.
94 Unit 1 • Show What You Learned


4 These special helpers are part of a team.
One person drives the truck. Others put up the
ladder. Some hold the hose that sprays water
on a fire. They help each other stay safe. The
teams are like families. Some stations even
have dogs.
5 Volunteer firefighters like helping their
neighbors. The community helps them, too.
People give money for trucks and tools.
They take food to the firehouse. They thank
firefighters for their important work. In this
way, firefighters and community members
work together to keep communities safe.

Volunteers Help Communities Communities Help Volunteers

(t)kaiskynet/; (b) Eric Isselee/

put out fires give money for trucks and tools

help after car crashes take food to the firehouse

help during floods thank firefighters for their work

Unit 1 • Show What You Learned 95

1 Why is the work of volunteer firefighters a kind of gift?
A The firefighters have other types of jobs.
B The firefighters do not get paid for their work.
C The firefighters help with burning houses.
D The firefighters face many kinds of danger.
2 Paragraph 3 is important to the passage because it —
F tells about how firefighter teams are like families
Quick Tip
G shows that the firefighters do more than put out fires
Look for important
H gives details about how firefighters are trained
details that give
J explains how firefighters help during floods information about
the main idea. Ask
3 Which word in paragraph 4 means the same as volunteers? yourself questions
A helpers that begin with
B others Who? What?
Where? When?
C teams Why? and How? The
D families answers help you
find key details.
4 The chart helps the reader understand —
F why some people become volunteers for their
G who can become a volunteer firefighter in a community
H why some communities cannot pay their firefighters
J how volunteers and their communities help each other
96 Unit 1 • Show What You Learned

Read the selection and choose the

best answer to each question.

If Squirrels
were Rabbits
1 A great storm was coming. Crow had warned
the forest animals. He said the wind would bend
trees. It would snap the branches.
2 The squirrels met under an oak tree. They were
afraid. Their nests were high in the trees. What
would happen to their homes?
3 A young squirrel named Flit spoke up. He
said if squirrels were rabbits they would be
safe. Their homes would be deep in the
ground. Flit thought the squirrels should ask
the rabbits to help them dig holes.
4 An older squirrel shook his head. He said
that squirrels and rabbits were no longer friends.
He could not remember why this was so.

5 Flit sneaked across the creek to Rabbit Village
later that day. A group of rabbits saw him coming.
Flit stopped a few feet from them. He took a deep
breath. Then he asked if they would help the
squirrels get ready for the storm.
6 The biggest rabbit hopped closer to Flit. He said
that rabbits and squirrels had been enemies for many
years. He could not remember why this was so.
7 The rabbit returned to the others. They spoke
in low voices. Then the big rabbit hopped back
to Flit. He said they would help the squirrels.
He told Flit that when animals forget why
they are enemies, they should be friends.

98 Unit 1 • Show What You Learned


1 Flit thinks that the squirrels should —

A show the rabbits how to build nests in the trees
B stay under the ground during the storm
C run away from the storm
D sneak into Rabbit Village
2 In paragraph 7, the word voices means —
F in a loud voice
Quick Tip
G listening to one voice
When you are not
H more than one voice sure of a word’s
J without a voice meaning, look for
word parts such as
3 By the end of the story, how have the feelings of the the endings -s and
rabbits changed? -ed. Take off the
A They remember why rabbits and squirrels are ending and see if you
enemies. recognize a familiar
B They believe that Flit is not telling the truth.
C They think that rabbits should not help squirrels.
D They decide that rabbits and squirrels should be

Unit 1 • Show What You Learned 99

Focus on Genre
Reread the story Help! A Story of Friendship on pages
COLLABORATE 36–57 of the Literature Anthology.
• Why do you think the author chose to use animals in
this story?

• How does the illustration on page 48 show that this is

a fantasy story?

Talk about how one or more parts of the story

Chris Bernard Photography Inc./Getty Images

could not be possible in real life. Then complete

the Graphic Organizer on page 101 to show
details that prove Help! A Story of Friendship is a
fantasy story.

100 Unit 1 • Extend Your Learning


Detail Detail Detail

Unit 1 • Extend Your Learning 101

Synonyms are words with meanings that are alike. You
COLLABORATE can use a dictionary to help you figure out if two words
are synonyms.

Look up the definition of each word listed below the Quick Tip
word bank. Use the definition to choose a synonym from
the word bank. Write the synonym on the line. To find a word in
the dictionary, look
at the first letter.
plead actions chores checks Think of where in the
alphabet the letter
movements middle, or end. Then
turn to that part of
beg the dictionary and
begin your search.


Put the words from the word bank in alphabetical order

in your writer's notebook. Know that sometimes you will
need to look to the second or third letter.

102 Unit 1 • Extend Your Learning


Write a Book Report

A book report has your opinion on something you read.
COLLABORATE With a partner, find an example of a book report online
or in print. Fill in the information from the book report:

Title: Quick Tip

Main characters: In your book report,

let readers know
Main events: what kind of story
it is. Is it funny?
Exciting? Sad? Scary?
Write about events
Opinion and reasons: in the story that
show what kind of
story it is.

Write a book report about a popular folktale you find in

a library or online. Make notes as you read the folktale.
• Name the characters and retell important events.
• Give your opinion. Do you like the folktale or not?
• Support your opinion with reasons or examples.
• Draw a picture of an event or character in the folktale.
• Conclude with a final sentence about the folktale.

Unit 1 • Extend Your Learning 103

Respond to the Read Aloud
The main events in a story are what happens in the
beginning, middle, and end. It's important to follow the
events in order to understand the characters and what
happens in the story.
Listen to "The New Kid." Quick Tip

Describe the main events. Listen carefully to
words that help show
Write about the main events in the beginning, middle, you the order of the
and end of the story. story such as then,
next, and after.


Laura Gonzalez

104 Unit 1 • Extend Your Learning

Technology Chart


Create a chart that lists a type of technology your family
uses for communication, transportation, or for fun.
The chart should include how this technology changed
people’s lives. Use print or online resources to help you
learn more. Look at the chart below as an example.
Quick Tip
Technology How It Changed People’s Lives The information in a
chart should be short
Communication: People can easily get in
cell phone touch with each other. and easy to read.
Use short phrases or
sentences in each
• First, list some types of technology your family uses. section of the chart.

• Circle items on your list that are used for

communication, transportation, or fun.
• Choose one of the items for your chart.
• Draw the chart and fill in the information.
Share the information on your chart with a
COLLABORATE partner. Discuss other technology your family
uses. Do you think using technology is
always better? Why or why not?

Chiyo Hoshikawa/amanaimagesRF
Unit 1 • Connect to Content 105
What Did You Learn?
Use the rubric to evaluate yourself on the skills that you
learned in this unit. Circle your scores below.

excellent good fair needs work

Inflectional Endings 4 3 2 1

Synonyms 4 3 2 1
Key Details 4 3 2 1
Character, Setting, Events 4 3 2 1
Beginning, Middle, End 4 3 2 1
Charts 4 3 2 1

What is something you want to get better at?

Text to Self Think about the texts you read in this unit.
COLLABORATE Tell your partner about a personal connection you made
to one of the texts. Use the sentence starter to help you.
I made a connection to . . . because . . .

106 Unit 1 • Track Your Progress




Present Your Work Quick Tip

With your group, plan how you will present your job Decide in which
order to present
COLLABORATE description sheet to the class. Discuss the sentence
the information in
starters below and write your answers. your sheet. This will
help you make sure
that everyone has
Ann the Mail Carrier a chance to share
their part of the
Ann delivers the mail. presentation.
The community needs her.
Her job earns money for Presenting Checklist
her family.
Listen when
someone else
in your group is
The part of the sheet I will present is speaking.
Be ready to speak
when it is your
turn to present.
Point to your part
of the sheet.
Speak clearly
I will explain how the words and pictures in the sheet and in complete
go together:

Unit 1 • Track Your Progress 107

Grade 2 • Unit 1

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