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Cover: Nathan Love, Erwin Madrid

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Essential Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
SHARED READ “Lighting Lives” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Vocabulary/Synonyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Ask and Answer Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Photos and Captions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Author’s Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
WRITING Respond to Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Research and Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
ANCHOR TEXT Analyze Biblioburro:
A True Story from Colombia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
WRITING Respond to Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
PAIRED SELECTION Analyze “Landing on Your Feet” . . . . . . . . . . 20
Author's Craft: Time Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Make Connections/Research and Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
WRITING Personal Narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Alison Wright/Corbis
Digital Tools Find this eBook and other resources at my .mheducation .com
Essential Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
SHARED READ “Starry Night”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Vocabulary/Compound Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Reread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Point of View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
WRITING Respond to Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Research and Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
ANCHOR TEXT Analyze Mr . Putter & Tabby
See the Stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
WRITING Respond to Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
PAIRED SELECTION Analyze “Day to Night” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Author's Craft: Heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Make Connections/Research and Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Essential Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
SHARED READ “They’ve Got the Beat!” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Vocabulary/Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Ask and Answer Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Bar Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Main Idea and Key Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
WRITING Respond to Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Research and Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
ANCHOR TEXT Analyze Many Ways to Enjoy Music . . . . . . . . 76
WRITING Respond to Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
PAIRED SELECTION Analyze “A Musical Museum” . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Author's Craft: Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Make Connections/Intonation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
WRITING Expository Essay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84




• Narrative Nonfiction: "Landing the Eagle". . . . . . . . . . . . 94

• Fiction: "A Shower in the Sky". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

• Focus on Genre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

• Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
• Write a Personal Narrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
• Respond to the Read Aloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
• Connect to Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

• What Did You Learn? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Research and Inquiry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
jianying yin/Getty Images

Essential Question
Talk About It
Essential Question
How can people help out
their community?

Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction

This garden was once an empty lot filled with garbage. TU


COLLABORATE Neighbors thought of a solution to this problem. They
cleaned up the lot and planted a garden.
Talk with a partner about what is happening in the picture.
What are some ways you can help out in your community?
Write your ideas on the web.

Ways to Help Out

Superstudio/The Image Bank/Getty Images

Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 1
Asking questions helps you
figure out what information
you want to learn.
Write your questions here
to gain information.

As you read, make note of:

Interesting Words: 
Essential Question

How can people help out

Independent Picture Service/Alamy; (inset) Debby Tewa

Key Details:  their community?

 Read to learn how one person is

helping people in her community.

2 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction

When Debby Tewa was your age, her NARRATIVE NONFICTION
home had no electricity. She could not
flip a light switch to read at night. She lit a FIND TEXT EVIDENCE
candle. She could not cook on a stove or
Paragraph 1
in a microwave oven. Her family cooked Author's Purpose
over a fire. Underline what the author
explains about Debby's
Debby lived in Arizona. When she was home at your age. Circle
ten, she moved to a new home. Her new how she read at night and
home had electricity! She could turn on a how her family cooked.
lamp and use a phone. She liked it! Paragraph 2
Combine Information
Debby Tewa lived
in a home that had How did Debby's life
small windows like change when she was ten?
this one. There was
not a lot of light.


Author's Craft
How does the author help
you understand what
Debby's home was like
when she was your age?
Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 3
SHARED READ As she grew, Debby
realized she wanted to learn
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE more about solar power.
Read Solar power is electricity
Paragraph 1
that comes from the Sun.
Author's Purpose
Underline details that
Solar panels are put on
explain the way people the roof of a building. The
use solar panels. sunlight hits these panels
Paragraph 2 and turns into electricity.
Ask and Answer Questions
Ask a question about Debby thought a lot
where Debby went to about solar power. Then
work. Write it below. she had an idea! She was
 excited. She went to work for a
company that provided solar power

to people’s homes. She believed

(b) Bernhard Lang/Photographer’s Choice/Getty Images; (tl) Debby Tewa

 it would be a good solution
Circle text evidence that for people who had no
helps you to answer it. electricity. Debby likes
Reread solving problems!
Author's Craft
How does the author use
punctuation to show when
Debby was excited?
4 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction
Debby also thought of people in NARRATIVE NONFICTION
villages like the one she lived in as a
child. The people in these small towns FIND TEXT EVIDENCE
did not have any electricity. Solar Read

power would work well there because Paragraph 1

there is a lot of sun in Arizona. Debby Circle a word with almost
decided to help these families get the same meaning as
solar power. villages. What did Debby
decide to do for families in
To get a family started, Debby helps places without electricity?
them borrow money from a bank to
Solar panels are
now used on buy the panels. After they get the
many homes.
money from the bank, they have some 
time to pay the money back. And the

good news is there is no cost for using
the sun’s power! Author's Purpose
Underline the sentence
that explains how Debby
helps a family buy panels.

Author's Craft
How does the author help
(tl) Ellen McKnight/Alamy

you understand why solar

energy is a good solution
for people Debby helps?
Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 5
SHARED READ Debby travels across lands outside cities in
Arizona and New Mexico. She travels
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE to the countryside. She helps Hopi and
Read Navajo people get solar power.
Paragraph 1
Photos and Captions Debby believes deeply in her work and
Draw a box around insists that families learn about how solar

bkgd) Luc Novovitch/Alamy; (l) Alison Wright/Corbis

information that tells power can help them. They are happy to do
about the photograph.
what she demands. Debby also travels to
What does Debby do
schools and summer camps to teach Hopi
when she travels to the
countryside? children about solar energy.

Debby helps many

Hopi people.

Paragraph 2
Ask and Answer Questions
Underline text evidence
that answers the question:
How does Debby help
Hopi children?

6 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction

Debby drives her truck from place to NARRATIVE NONFICTION
place. It is lonely with no one riding along.
Then she thinks about how exciting it was FIND TEXT EVIDENCE
to use electricity for the first time. Now Read

families can do the things you do without Author's Purpose

thinking about them. They can heat their Circle the description of
what it is like when Debby
homes or turn on a light! Debby says she is
drives from place to place.
“lighting up people’s lives.” Underline what Debby
thinks about.
Use the most
important details from With a partner, read aloud
"Lighting Lives" to page 7. Use the author's
orally summarize how ideas and end punctuation
Debby Tewa helps her to guide your expression.
community get electricity.

Author's Craft
What does Debby mean
when she says she is
"lighting up people's
lives"? Why does the
author include this quote?

Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 7

Vocabulary countryside
The countryside is full of grass
Use the sentences to talk with a and trees.
partner about each word. Then answer What else may be in the countryside?
the questions.

We walked across the street. 
What are other things you can walk across?
Kate has an idea for the class project.
Name an idea you have for a game to play.

I like to borrow books from the library.
What can you borrow from a friend?
 Mom insists we wear our seatbelts.
What is something your teacher insists that
 you and your classmates do?

Build Your Word List  Choose a

word that you noted while reading.
Use a print or digital thesaurus to look
up synonyms for the word. Use one pair
of synonyms in your own sentences.
8 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction

lonely Synonyms
The boy was lonely when his
Synonyms are words that have almost
friend moved away.
the same meaning. Big and large are
When have you felt lonely? synonyms.

 I read that Debby “insists that families
learn about how solar power can help
solution them” and “They are happy to do what
Dylan found a solution for his she demands.” Insists and demands are
problem. synonyms. They both mean “asks for
What is a solution for spilled milk? something in a strong way.”

Debby believes deeply in her work
 and insists that families learn about
how solar power can help them. They
villages are happy to do what she demands.
Few people live in the small
villages on the mountain. Your Turn  Think of a synonym for these
What would it be like to visit a small words in “Lighting Lives.”
home, page 3 

Alison Wright/Corbis
power, page 4 

Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 9

Ask and Answer Questions Quick Tip

Stop and ask yourself

Asking yourself questions helps you think about questions about
information in the selection. You can ask yourself difficult information
questions before, during, and after you read. that you have read
or heard. Then
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE reread to find the
answers to your
As I read page 4 of “Lighting Lives,” I ask myself
“What is solar power?” I will reread and look at the
photos to find the answer to this question.
Page 4

As she grew, Debby realized she I read that solar power is

wanted to learn more about solar power. electricity that comes from the
Solar power is electricity that comes from Sun. From this, I understand
the Sun. Solar panels are put on the roof that solar panels use energy
of a building. The sunlight hits these from the Sun.
panels and turns into electricity.

Your Turn  Write a question about how solar power can

COLLABORATE help people. Reread the parts of the selection that help
you to answer it.

10 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction


Photos and Captions Quick Tip

Pay close attention
“Lighting Lives” is narrative nonfiction. It tells a true to the photos and
story about a person by a narrator. It can have text captions. Authors
features, such as photos and captions. use photographs and
captions to help you
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE understand the key
details in a text.
I can use what I read to tell that “Lighting Lives”
is narrative nonfiction. A narrator tells about a real
person, Debby Tewa.

Page 6

SHARED READ Debby travels across lands outside cities in Photos

Arizona and New Mexico. She travels
to the countryside. She helps Hopi and A photo shows something in the text or
Paragraph 1
Photos and Captions
Navajo people get solar power.
Debby believes deeply in her work and
gives more information about a topic.
Draw a box around insists that families learn about how solar
bkgd) Luc Novovitch/Alamy; (l) Alison Wright/Corbis

information that tells power can help them. They are happy to do
about the photograph.
What does Debby do
when she travels to the
what she demands. Debby also travels to
schools and summer camps to teach Hopi A caption gives details about a photo.
countryside? children about solar energy.

Debby helps many

Hopi people. Your Turn How do the photos and
COLLABORATE caption on pages 4 and 5 help you
Paragraph 2
Ask and Answer Questions
understand how solar panels are used?
Underline text evidence
that answers the question:
How does Debby help
Hopi children?

6 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction

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Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 11

Author’s Purpose
Authors write narrative nonfiction to answer, explain,
or describe.
When I read page 4 of “Lighting Lives,” I learned how
Debby Tewa got the idea to help others. I think this is a
clue to the author’s purpose.

Author tells how Debby Tewa
got the idea to help people
who did not have electricity
in their homes.

Your Turn  Continue reading the

COLLABORATE selection. Fill in a clue and the author’s
purpose on the graphic organizer.
Debby Tewa

12 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction


Clue Clue
Author tells how Debby Tewa
got the idea to help people
who did not have electricity
in their homes.

Author’s Purpose

Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 13

Respond to Reading Quick Tip
Use these sentence
Talk about the prompt below. Think about how the starters to help you
COLLABORATE author presents ideas in the text. Use your notes and organize your text
graphic organizer. evidence.
The author describes
Debby's home…
How does the author show how Debby Tewa is Debby had an idea…
"lighting up people’s lives"? The author explains…

Grammar Connections
_____________________________________________ Remember that a
present-tense verb
_____________________________________________ must agree with its
_____________________________________________ The children learn
about solar power.
_____________________________________________ Debby helps people.
People buy solar
_____________________________________________ panels for their



14 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction




Primary and Secondary Sources Quick Tip
In a primary source,
People use sources to find information. Primary sources a person describes
come from people's lives. Letters, photographs, and an event that he or
videos may all be primary sources. Secondary sources she was at or took
part in. The person
are written by people who studied a topic. may use I or we
when describing
Read the examples of sources below. Circle the primary what happened.
sources. Underline secondary sources.
• Photo of Fourth of July parade from 1976
• Encyclopedia entry
• Social studies textbook

History Picture Book  Research an

COLLABORATE important person or event in the
history of your town or state. Then
create a picture book about your topic
with illustrations and captions.

Discuss primary and secondary sources

you found in your research.

windujedi/Getty Images
Letters can tell us about important
people and events from long ago.

Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 15

How does the author help you to understand Literature Anthology:
Luis's idea? pages 212–233

Talk About It  Reread page 215. Discuss what Luis Quick Tip
COLLABORATE pictured in his head as he was thinking. "Biblioteca" is the
Text Evidence Complete the chart with details from the Spanish word for
illustration and text that show Luis's idea. "library" and "burro"
is the Spanish
word for "donkey."
Illustration Text Biblioburro is a
combination of the
two words.

Write  The author helps me understand 



16 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction


How does the author help you understand what Quick Tip
it was like to travel to the villages?
Use these sentence
Talk About It  Reread pages 220–221. Describe what you starters to talk about
the illustration.
COLLABORATE see in the illustration.
I see…
Cite Text Evidence  Write three details you see in the This makes me
illustration and make an inference about Luis’s travels. think…

I see I see I see

Combine Information
Look back at pages
218–219. What words
does the author
use to describe the
Traveling to the villages was… villages and hills
where Luis traveled
every week?

Write The author helps me understand that 



Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 17

What clues does the author use to show you Quick Tip
how the children felt about the books?
The author uses
illustrations to
Talk About It Reread pages 226–227. Talk about what help show how the
COLLABORATE the children were doing and how they felt. children felt about
books and reading.
Cite Text Evidence  Complete the chart with clues from
the text and illustration.

The children were… The children felt…

Write  I know how the children felt about the books


D. Hurst/Alamy

18 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction

Respond to Reading Quick Tip

Use these sentence
Discuss the prompt below. Review the story and frames to organize
COLLABORATE the illustrations for details the author gives about your text evidence.
Luis’s journey. The author describes
An illustration
How does the author use illustrations to show the shows…
Luis and the burros
difficulty of Luis's journey? head back…

_____________________________________________ Reading
Choose a text. Read
_____________________________________________ the first two pages. If
you don't understand
_____________________________________________ five or more words,
choose another text
_____________________________________________ that will let you read
for a longer amount
_____________________________________________ of time. Fill in your
writer's notebook
with the title, author,
_____________________________________________ genre, and your
purpose for reading.

Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 19

Landing on Your Feet
Literature Anthology:
Before I wake up for school, Dad is pages 234-237

already at work. He is an ironworker

Reread the text. Underline details
in the city. Ironworkers build tall
that describe the narrator's dad.
buildings and repair giant bridges.
They build with heavy metal beams What details help you understand
made of iron. When Dad comes the narrator is a young girl?
home, he likes to cook or do things �����������������������������
for our house. He also teaches
his favorite sport to kids. Dad is a �����������������������������
gymnastics coach at a community �����������������������������
center. He teaches girls like me at
the same gym where he learned
gymnastics as a boy.

Gymnastics is fun but hard to learn. Discuss why the narrator begins
(Colored pencils)Tatiana Popova/

Dad encourages us to practice to her personal narrative with details

get better. about her dad and gymnastics.

20 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction

Reread the text. Underline details
that show Ryan is concerned about
The ice pack seemed to help Dad her dad.
relax on the couch. I got pillows so
Circle details that show Ryan was
he could put his leg up. Dad said, "I
concerned about the kids at the
hope my ankle gets better soon. gym. Why does she have until
I need to coach the kids on Monday to help Dad feel better?
Monday." Now I was really worried.
Dad is always there for the kids at
the gym. I have until Monday to
help Dad feel better, I thought.


Discuss Ryan's feelings and thoughts

in the text and why she includes
these details.

Olha Ukhal/
Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 21
Why did the author write “Landing on Quick Tip
Your Feet”?
To help you
understand and
Talk About It  Reread pages 234-237 in the Literature remember important
COLLABORATE Anthology. Discuss the key details in Ryan's story. details, paraphrase
events in the story.
Cite Text Evidence  Fill in the chart with what Ryan
To paraphrase is to
describes took place Friday, over the weekend, and use your own words
Monday. to tell about what
happens. Make sure
Over the to retell the events
Friday Monday
Weekend in a way that makes
sense and in the
correct order.

The author wrote her personal narrative 


22 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction
Time Words Quick Tip
Ryan's dad told her
Ryan uses words and phrases such as "on Monday" about how he had
and "after practice" to help you understand when each hurt his ankle earlier,
event in her personal narrative story happened. or before. Time
words will help you
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE to understand when
Ryan uses the words "one Friday" and "after school" to the event had taken
tell when she was building the toy house. Circle words place.
that tell when the next thing in her story happened.

One Friday, I had free time after school. I was building

a toy house for my toy cat. When Dad came home from
work, Mom and I knew something was wrong.

Your Turn  Reread the first paragraph on page 236. How

E do you know Dad had hurt his ankle the night before?
On what day of the week did this happen?




Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 23

What have you learned about the ways people Quick Tip
help others from the selections and the poem?
Compare the
selections using these
Talk About It Talk with a partner about how sentence starters:
COLLABORATE Mouse helps the Lion. Luis wanted to…
Cite Text Evidence  Circle clues that show what the Ryan's dad helped
author thinks about helping others. their community by…
The Mouse is able
Write The selections I read and this to…
poem help me understand how 

The Mouse and the Lion
A poor thing the Mouse was, and yet

When the Lion got caught in a net,
 All his strength was no use
 ‘Twas the poor little Mouse
Who nibbled him out of the net.


— Walter Crane

24 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction




Present Your Work Our Town Quick Tip
Decide how you
With your partner, present your will introduce
COLLABORATE History Picture Book to the class. your picture book
Use the Presenting Checklist to and talk about
the primary and
improve your presentation. Discuss
secondary sources
the sentence starters and write you researched.
your answers.
An interesting fact that I learned about the topic is Presenting Checklist

 Point to the

picture as you
 read each caption.
Speak clearly and
tell about the

most important
I would like to know more about  Make eye contact
with people in the

Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 25

Expert Model
Features of a Personal Narrative Literature Anthology:
pages 234-237
A personal narrative tells a story from the writer's life.
• It is usually written in the first person.
• It has a beginning, middle, and end.
• It uses words and phrases to tell events in order.

Analyze an Expert Model Studying "Landing on Your

Feet" will help you learn more about writing a personal
narrative. Reread page 235. Answer the questions below.
How does Ryan use dialogue to tell an important detail?



How does Ryan use describing words?



26 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction


Plan: Brainstorm Quick Tip

To help you get
Generate Ideas  You will write a personal narrative started, think about
about a time you helped others. Brainstorm words and why you helped
draw pictures that tell about the times you have helped. others and how it
made you feel.

Hayati Kayhan/
Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 27
Plan: Choose Your Topic Quick Tip
Your audience
Writing Prompt  Write a personal narrative about doing may include your
COLLABORATE something good for your school, community, or the classmates or family
environment. You can also write about helping friends who do not know
about the events
or your family. Use your ideas from page 27. Complete
in your personal
these sentences to help you get started. narrative. As you
write, think about
how to present your
I helped when I _________________________________
ideas in a clear and
interesting way.

I wanted to do this because _______________________


I felt __________________________________________

Purpose and Audience  Authors may write personal
narratives to share special experiences. Think about why
you want to tell about a time you helped. Explain your
McGraw-Hill Education/Ken Karp

purpose for writing in your writer’s notebook.

28 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction


Plan: Organization
Sequence  Writers often organize personal narratives
with a beginning, middle, and end. Read the details in
the sequence chart. Circle words the writer uses to help
show when things takes place in the different parts of
the story.
Plan  In your writer’s notebook, make a Sequence chart
to organize the details in your personal narrative.

One spring day, we decided to repair the playground.

The next weekend, we had a flea market to raise money for the repairs.

By summer, we repaired the playground equipment.

Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 29

Draft Quick Tip
Think about your
Focus on an Event  The author of "Landing on Your actions during the
COLLABORATE Feet" tells how she helps her dad when he hurts his event you describe.
ankle. Reread this paragraph on page 237. Ryan focuses Add details that will
help your readers
on taking care of Dad with details about how she helped.
visualize, or picture,
what happened
Over the weekend, Mom and I stayed home with Dad. I during the event.
got fresh ice packs for his ankle, and I made him lunch and
snacks. We watched movies, and I got Dad books to read.
Grammar Connections
Even our kitty, Toast, helped. He lay across Dad to keep
him company. Past-tense action
verbs tell about
an action that has
Use the paragraph as a model to write specific details already happened.
Remember to add
about how you helped. Remember to focus on an event. -ed to most verbs to
form the past tense.
______________________________________________ I helped the adults.


Write a Draft  Look over your Sequence chart. Use it to
help you write your draft in your notebook. Remember to
use words and phrases that help your reader understand
the sequence of events.
30 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction

Revise Grammar Connections

Remember, action
Conclusion  The conclusion of a personal narrative verbs in the present
often shares how an author feels about an event. Think tense tell about an
about what you want your readers to take away from action happening
your writing.
Jen looks up and
Reread the last paragraph of the selection on page 237. watches the birds.
Think about how the author, Ryan, shares how she felt
at the end of her story.
Explain how Ryan shows how she felt after helping.


Revise  It’s time to revise your draft. Make sure you

write a conclusion that tells how you feel about what
you did.

Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 31

Revise: Peer Conferences Quick Tip
Use these sentence
Review a Draft  Listen carefully as a partner reads his starters to discuss
COLLABORATE or her work aloud. Begin by telling what you liked about your partner’s work.
the draft. Make suggestions that you think will make the I enjoyed this part of
writing stronger. your draft because…
How about adding
Partner Feedback  Write one of your partner’s suggestions more details about…
that you will use in the revision of your narrative. I have a question
Based on my partner's feedback, I will

______________________________________________ Revising Checklist

Did I write in the

first person and
include details?
After you finish giving each other feedback, reflect on
Does my personal
the peer conference. What was helpful? What might
narrative tell
you do differently next time? about an event?
Did I include a
______________________________________________ beginning, middle,
and end?
______________________________________________ Did I write a
Revision  Use the Revising Checklist to help you figure
out what text you may need to move, add to, or delete.
Remember to use the rubric on page 35 to help you with
your revision.

32 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction


Edit and Proofread Grammar Connections

When you write your

When you edit and proofread, you look for and correct personal narrative,
mistakes in your writing. Rereading a revised draft make sure you use
several times will help you catch any errors. Use the capital letters for
proper nouns. Check
checklist below to edit your sentences.
for nouns that name
specific people,
Editing Checklist places, or things.
Do all sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a
punctuation mark?
Are present-tense and past-tense forms of action verbs used
Are all the words spelled correctly?
Are proper nouns capitalized?

List two mistakes you found as you proofread your




Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 33

Publish, Present, and Evaluate Presenting Checklist
Sit up or stand up
Publishing  Create a clean, neat final copy of your straight.
personal narrative. You may add illustrations or other Look at the
visuals to make your published work more interesting. audience.
Read with
Presentation Practice your presentation when you are
ready to present your work. Use the Presenting Checklist
Speak loudly so
to help you. that everyone can
hear you.
Evaluate  After you publish and present your personal
Answer questions
narrative, use the rubric on the next page to evaluate
using details from
your writing. your story.

1 What did you do successfully? 

2 What needs more work? 

34 Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction


Listening  When you listen actively, you pay close Listening Checklist
attention to what you hear. When you listen to other
Make eye contact
students’ presentations, take notes to help you better with the speaker.
understand their ideas. Listen for details
about the topic.
What I learned from .........................................................'s
Identify what the
speaker does well.
Think of questions
you can ask.
Questions I have about ....................................................’s


4 3 2 1
• tells a lively, • tells a narrative about • tries to tell a narrative • does not focus on the
interesting narrative being helpful about being helpful topic
about being helpful • includes a beginning, • attempts to include • does not follow a
• includes a strong middle, and end a beginning, middle, logical sequence of
beginning, middle, • mostly focuses on one and an end events
and end event • tries to focus on one • does not focus on one
• focuses on one event • uses words to show event event
• uses words accurately sequence • uses a word or phrase • lacks words that show
to show sequence • has some details to show sequence sequence
• has a strong about the author’s • has a detail about the • does not tell about
conclusion and tells feelings and a author’s feelings but the author's feelings
the author’s feelings conclusion lacks a conclusion or have a conclusion

Unit 3 • Narrative Nonfiction 35


3 Talk About It
Essential Question
What can we see in the sky?

36 Unit 3 • Fiction
Talk about what is happening in the photo. What do you CI

COLLABORATE think the girl is looking at?
When you are outside, what do you see in the sky? Talk
with a partner about what you can see in the daytime
and nighttime skies. Write your ideas in the chart.

Daytime Sky Nighttime Sky

ImagesBazaar/Vetta/Getty Images
Unit 3 • Fiction 37
Use the title and

illustrations to write a
prediction about what
happens in the story.


As you read, make note of:

Interesting Words 

 Essential Question

Key Details  What can we see in the sky?

 Read about what two girls

learn when they look at the
 nighttime sky.

38 Unit 3 • Fiction
Josie and Ling were good friends. Ling FICTION
was happy Josie was her neighbor. Josie was
happy Ling lived nearby, too. FIND TEXT EVIDENCE
Josie and Ling couldn’t wait for the school
Paragraphs 1 and 2
day to end. They planned a sleepover at Josie’s Point of View
house. They were going to sleep in a tent in Circle pronouns that tell
Josie’s backyard. about Josie and Ling.
Underline why they cannot
As the class was leaving, Mr. Cortes said, wait for school to end.
“Your weekend homework is to look at the Paragraph 3
nighttime sky and explain what you saw
Draw a box around the
on Monday.” The class grumbled. “Why the details on the weekend
unhappy sounds?” Mr. Cortes asked. homework. How does the
“It will be fun looking at the sky class respond when they
get homework?
at night.”


Author's Craft
How does the author show
Mr. Cortes feels differently
from the class about the
Chris Canga

Unit 3 • Fiction 39
Paragraph 1
Compound Words
Circle the two smaller
words in outdoors. Why
are the girls delighted to
be sleeping outdoors?

The girls arrived at Josie’s house and were
Paragraph 2
delighted to be sleeping outdoors. Josie said, “I’m so
Underline text evidence happy that we get to sleep in the tent. It will be lots
that shows how the of fun.” Then Ling said, “I’ll get the sleeping bags
girls feel about doing and flashlights. I brought flashlights so we can play
homework at the time. games in the tent.”
Josie’s dad poked his head inside the tent. “Girls,
Author's Craft
it is a good time to do your homework now because
Why is the setting in
it is getting dark,” he said. “Awww,” they both
Josie's backyard at night
important to the story? complained. “Dad,” said Josie, “do we have to, now?”
“Yes, I already set up the telescope.”
40 Unit 3 • Fiction


Paragraph 1
Why does Josie say, "It's
funny that it's called
moonlight"? Circle details
that support your answer.

Ling said, “I hope this won’t take too long.” Josie
looked up and spotted a crescent moon. “Did you 
know the moon’s light comes from the sun?” said Josie. 
“It’s funny that it’s called moonlight.” “Yes,” said Ling,
who was still thinking about playing in the tent. Fluency
With a partner, practice
Josie’s dad smiled at the girls and said,
reading with intonation.
“See the stars in the sky? Those points Try to raise the tone of
of bright light can form shapes.” your voice when asking a
“You can see the Big Dipper,” he
said. “It’s a group of stars that look like a The Big Dipper
Chris Canga

giant spoon in the sky.”

Unit 3 • Fiction 41
SHARED READ Josie’s dad showed her how to look
through the telescope. “Wow, that’s more
stars than I ever dreamed of. I never
Paragraphs 2-3
imagined there could be so many.”
Reread It was Ling’s turn to look. Ling cried out,
Draw a box around what
“I see a bright light moving in the sky!”
Ling cries out when she
sees a shooting star. “That’s a shooting star!” said Josie’s dad.
Paragraphs 3-4 “This is fun,” said Ling. “I really enjoy
Sequence looking at the stars.”
Underline what Ling
says about looking at the
stars. How do her feelings
change after seeing the
shooting star?

Chris Canga

Author's Craft
How does the author use
Ling's dialogue to show her
42 Unit 3 • Fiction
“I think we’ve seen enough FICTION
of the nighttime sky,” said Josie’s
dad. “You girls can go play now.”
“Aw, Dad, can’t we keep looking?” Paragraph 1

asked Josie. “This is really fun.” Sequence

Circle what Josie's dad
“Yes,” said Ling. “We have had says the girls can do now.
an adventure already, and we
Paragraphs 2 and 3
haven’t even played in the tent yet!” Reread
“You’re right, Ling,” said Josie. Underline what Josie asks
“This has been one exciting night.” her dad. What do the girls
want to do?

Was your prediction
about the story correct? Author's Craft
Use your notes to orally How does the author show
summarize what happens the girls feel differently
in "Starry Night." about their homework

Unit 3 • Fiction 43
Vocabulary dreamed
Juan dreamed about being an actor.
Talk with a partner about each word. What is something you dreamed about?
Then answer the questions.

It's an adventure to hike in the woods.
What kind of trip would be an adventure? enjoy
We enjoy playing in the pool in the
What do you enjoy doing in the summer?

Lin is delighted to see her grandmother. 
What makes you feel delighted?
 My brother grumbled because Mom
told him to clean his room.

Name something that makes you grumble.

Build Your Word List Write a
sentence using an interesting word 
you listed on page 38. Use a dictionary
to help you.
44 Unit 3 • Fiction

moonlight Compound Words

The moonlight is very bright
when the Moon is full. A compound word is made up of two
smaller words. The meanings of the
What can moonlight help you do
at night? smaller words can help you figure out
the meaning of a compound word.

 I see the word sleepover. The first part of
this word is sleep, which means “to close
neighbor your eyes and rest.” The second part of
I went across the street to play this word is over, which can mean “at
with my neighbor. another place.” I think sleepover means
Tell about a neighbor you know. “sleeping at someone’s house.”

They planned a sleepover at
 Josie’s house.

At nighttime you can see stars Your Turn Use the smaller words to figure
in the sky. out the meaning of the compound word
What else can you see at nighttime? from page 39.

Chris Canga

Unit 3 • Fiction 45
Reread Quick Tip
Pay attention to
As you read, stop and ask yourself questions about the words that tell about
text. If you can't answer them, reread the parts you do actions and words
not understand or may have missed. This will help you that describe sensory
details, such as how
understand what you read.
something looks or
On page 41 of “Starry Night,” I am not sure what the
Big Dipper is. I will reread this part of the story to see if
I missed anything.

Page 41
When I reread that the Big
Josie’s dad smiled at the girls Dipper is a group of stars that
and said, “See the stars in the look like a giant spoon in the
sky? Those points of bright light sky and I look at the picture,
can form shapes.” The Big Dipper I understand what the Big
Dipper is.
“You can see the Big Dipper,” he
said. “It’s a group of stars that look
like a giant spoon in the sky.”

Your Turn What does Ling see when she looks through
COLLABORATE the telescope? Reread page 42 to answer the question.

46 Unit 3 • Fiction

Point of View Readers to Writers

When you read or

“Starry Night” is a fiction story with made-up characters write fiction, think
and events. A fiction story can be told by a narrator who about who is telling
is not a character in the story. This is called the third- the story. Look for
person point of view. clues, such as the
pronouns he, she, or
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE they, to figure out if
the point of view is
When I read “Starry Night, I ask myself who is telling in third person.
the story. Is it a character? Is it someone who is not part
of the story?

Page 40

Point of View
Read In third-person point of view, the narrator
uses words such as he, she, or they to tell
Paragraph 1
Compound Words
Circle the two smaller
words in outdoors. Why
are the girls delighted to the story.
be sleeping outdoors?

Your Turn  How does the author use

The girls arrived at Josie’s house and were
Paragraph 2
delighted to be sleeping outdoors. Josie said, “I’m so
COLLABORATE third-person point of view to help you
Underline text evidence
that shows how the
happy that we get to sleep in the tent. It will be lots
of fun.” Then Ling said, “I’ll get the sleeping bags understand the characters in the story?
girls feel about doing and flashlights. I brought flashlights so we can play
homework at the time. games in the tent.”

Author's Craft
Josie’s dad poked his head inside the tent. “Girls, 
it is a good time to do your homework now because
Why is the setting in
it is getting dark,” he said. “Awww,” they both
Josie's backyard at night
important to the story? complained. “Dad,” said Josie, “do we have to, now?” 
“Yes, I already set up the telescope.”

Unit 3 • Fiction

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Unit 3 • Fiction 47
Sequence Quick Tip
Authors often use
The sequence tells the order of events in the story. We signal words and
can use the words first, next, then, and last to tell the phrases such as
order of what happens. at the beginning,
later, before, in the
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE meantime, and after
to show the order of
As I read page 39 of “Starry Night,” I think about the
events in a story.
sequence of the story.

Josie and Ling plan a sleepover.

Your Turn  Continue rereading “Starry Night.” Fill

COLLABORATE in the graphic organizer to tell the sequence of
events of the story.

48 Unit 3 • Fiction

Josie and Ling plan a sleepover.




Unit 3 • Fiction  49
Respond to Reading Quick Tip

Use these sentence

Talk about the prompt below. Think about how the starters to help you
COLLABORATE author shows how the girls’ feelings change from the organize your text
beginning to the end of the story. Use your notes and evidence.
graphic organizer. In the beginning….
Josie says….
Ling says….
How does the author show that the sleepover was At the end….
different from what the girls expected? Think about
what the girls say and do.
Grammar Connections
 Use the correct verb
tense to tell when an
 action takes place.
Past tense verbs tell
about something

that has already
happened. They
 usually end in -ed.

50 Unit 3 • Fiction

Research Plan
A research plan explains how you will find sources The Night Sky
and use information. Having a plan is helpful for Moon The Big Shooting
Dipper Star
staying focused on your topic and being organized.
If you wanted to look at the nighttime sky and report
on what you saw, how could you organize your plan?

Ling and Josie did research
about the night sky. This
Moon Phase Report With a partner, make a drawing picture shows how they
COLLABORATE and write a short report explaining one phase of the recorded and organized
their data. How do you
Moon. Share your drawing and report with the class. think the drawings and
words help them?
What source can you use to learn about Moon phases?
How will you remember what the Moon phase looks like
and what it is called?


Remember to follow your research plan. Use your notes

about sources and the information you get from them.

Unit 3 • Fiction 51
Mr. Putter & Tabby See the Stars
Why does Mrs. Teaberry like to feed Mr. Putter Literature Anthology:
“most of all”? pages 238–256

Talk About It  Reread pages 242 and 243. Talk about Make Inferences
COLLABORATE how you know that the two characters like each other.
What do you
Cite Text Evidence Write clues from the text that tell understand about
you Mrs. Teaberry likes Mr. Putter more than other Mrs. Teaberry and
Mr. Putter when
people. they lose track of
time while being
Clue together?



Write Mrs. Teaberry likes to feed Mr. Putter the most

because �
52 Unit 3 • Fiction

How do you know that Mrs. Teaberry and Mr. Quick Tip
Putter are becoming better friends?
As you read, use
these sentence
Talk About It Reread page 253. Talk about what Mrs. starters to talk about
COLLABORATE Teaberry and Mr. Putter are doing. what friends do:
Cite Text Evidence  Write clues that tell that Mrs. The characters are…
This helps me see…
Teaberry and Mr. Putter are becoming better friends.

Combine Information

How I Know Use details you

already know about
Mr. Putter and Mrs.
Teaberry to build on
your understanding
of their friendship.

Write  I know that Mrs. Teaberry and Mr. Putter are

becoming better friends because 

Unit 3 • Fiction 53
Why does the author end the story with a new Quick Tip
note on a new day?
Look closely at
story illustrations.
Talk About It Look at the illustration on page 255. Sometimes there
COLLABORATE Discuss with a partner what Mr. Putter is holding and why. are details in the
pictures that aren't
Cite Text Evidence Write clues that show how the in the text. These
next morning might be the same and how it might be details can help you
different. understand more
about the characters
and story events.
Same Different

Write The author ends the story with a new note on a

new day to ���������������������������������������


54 Unit 3 • Fiction

Respond to Reading Quick Tip

Use these sentence

Discuss the prompt below. Think about everything the frames to organize
COLLABORATE author tells you about Mr. Putter and Mrs. Teaberry. your text evidence.
The author says that
Mr. Putter…
How does the author help you understand the The author says that
Mrs. Teaberry…
friendship between Mr. Putter and Mrs. Teaberry?
This shows…
��������������������������������������������� Reading

��������������������������������������������� Choose a text.

In your writer’s
��������������������������������������������� notebook, write the
title, author, and
genre of the book.
��������������������������������������������� As you read, make
a connection to
��������������������������������������������� ideas in other texts
you read or to a
��������������������������������������������� personal experience.
Write your ideas
��������������������������������������������� in your writer’s

Unit 3 • Fiction 55
Day to Night
Your alarm clock rings. Beep! Beep! Literature Anthology:
pages 258-261
Beep! You turn it off, stretch, and get
out of bed. You look out the window Reread paragraph 1. How does the
author grab your attention at the
and see the daytime sky. beginning? Draw a box around
The Daytime Sky the evidence. Why does the author
start the selection that way?
The sky is light today. It is blue with

white clouds and the bright Sun. The
Sun is the brightest object in the sky. 
It looks small, but that is because it

is far from Earth.
Reread paragraph 2. Underline
a sentence that tells what the
daytime sky looks like.
Sometimes the
daytime sky
has clouds. COLLABORATE

Circle the title. Talk with a partner

Marc Romanelli/Stone/Getty Images

about whether it is a good one.

Then choose a new title for the
selection together.

56 Unit 3 • Fiction

Reread the paragraph. Underline
The Nighttime Sky details about the two major
differences between the daytime
At the end of the day, you look out
sky and the nighttime sky. Write
the window before you get into them here.
bed. The sky is dark. It is nighttime.

Tonight you see part of the Moon.
Without the bright light from the 
Sun, you are able to see light from

many stars.


Talk about what you learn about

the night sky from the photograph.

The stars look like tiny

points of light, but each
one is very big.

© Russell Kord / Alamy

Unit 3 • Fiction 57
Why did the author write “Day to Night”? Quick Tip

"Day to Night"
Talk About It  Reread pages 258-261. Talk with a is an expository
COLLABORATE partner about what you learned from “Day to Night.” text. Authors write
expository texts to
Cite Text Evidence  Write facts you learned from the inform readers. To
text, then write why the author wrote “Day to Night.” figure out what an
author is trying to
inform you about,
Fact Fact Fact ask yourself "What
does the author want
me to learn?"

The author wrote this to. . .

Write  The author wrote “Day to Night” to 



58 Unit 3 • Fiction
Heads Quick Tip

Heads tell you

Expository texts often have heads that separate the text what to expect in a
into parts. The heads are usually printed in big, bold section. Sometimes
type. Authors use them to tell you what the different they give you a clue
about the section’s
sections of the text are about.
most important
ideas. When you
go back to find
Take another look at “Day to Night.” Write the section information, looking
heads on the lines below. at heads and
subheads can help
you find it quickly.

Your Turn  Look at the heads in “Day to Night” one more

COLLABORATE time. Why do you think some are orange and some are




Unit 3 • Fiction 59

How do the selections you read and the painting Quick Tip
help you understand how the sky changes from day
Describe the evening
to night? sky using these
sentence starters:
Talk About It  Talk about what you see in the sky in the
Between day and
COLLABORATE painting. Talk about what people see in the sky as it night, I can see...
changes from day to night. Without the bright
light from the Sun,
Cite Text Evidence Circle a clue in the caption that
I can see...
tells you what time of day it is in the painting.

Write  The selections and the painting show _

Digital Image: Yale Center for British Art

This painting of an evening sky by William Turner
shows daylight fading on the horizon and a comet
 in the sky.

60 Unit 3 • Fiction

Present Your Work Quick Tip
Decide how each of
With your partner, plan how you will present your you will present the
COLLABORATE Moon phase report and drawing to the class. Discuss the Moon phase. Make
sentence starters below and write your answers. sure you know how
to pronounce the
name of the phase
you are presenting.
First Quarter Moon Ask your teacher for
help if you need it.
Moon Phase:
First Quarter
Comes a week after the new moon. Presenting Checklist
Rises at noon and sets around midnight. Practice your part
alone and practice
with your partner.
Point to the
Our favorite Moon phase is _______________________ drawing as you
explain the phase
______________________________________________ of the Moon.
Speak clearly and
emphasize the
because________________________________________ most important
______________________________________________ Make eye contact
with people in the

Unit 3 • Fiction 61

3 Talk About It
Essential Question
How do you express yourself?

62 Unit 3 • Expository Text
People express themselves in many ways to show their
COLLABORATE feelings and share their thoughts. Talk about how the
boys in the photo are expressing themselves. How do you
like to express yourself? Write your ideas in the web.

Ways to Express

(c) selimaksan/iStock/Getty Images; (bkgd) Arcaid Images/Alamy

Unit 3 • Expository Text 63
Knowing why you are
reading a text can help
you focus on important
details. Write a purpose
for reading here.

As you read, make note of:

Interesting Words 

Essential Question

(l)Carrie Devorah/; (r)Christa Maniglia

Key Details  How do you express
 Read about how children
in a school chorus express

64 Unit 3 • Expository Text


the Beat!
Paragraphs 1-2
Main Idea and Key Details
Circle words that describe
Some students in New York really sing where the chorus is from.
their hearts out! That’s because they are Draw a box around places
in the school chorus at Public School 22. where they traveled to sing.
Paragraph 3
These students from Staten Island had Ask and Answer Questions
a concert at the White House. They sang Think of a question about
at a Hollywood awards show. Audiences the feelings Brianna
have clapped and cheered them on. describes. Write it here.
These kids are always asked to return. 
How does it feel to sing on stage? 
“I get nervous singing
Underline clues that help
for a big audience,”
answer your question.
Brianna Crispino recalls.
“But when I see the
joy on their faces, Author's Craft
How does the author
I get excited.”
grab your attention in the
Brianna Crispino,
Public School 22 Chorus Member opening paragraph?

Unit 3 • Expository Text 65

The P.S.22 chorus is divided into two groups.
The sopranos sing high notes. The altos sing lower
Paragraph 1 sounds. Instruments like drums sometimes keep the
Main Idea and Key Details beat. It’s important to keep the rhythm so they make
Underline the definitions the right sounds together.

Bebeto Matthews/AP Images

of the two groups of
singers. Why do all the Most adult choruses have four groups of voices.
singers keep the rhythm? Here’s a look at the number of each type of voice in
one adult chorus from Pennsylvania.

Voices in a Chorus
Paragraph 2 and Graph
Bar Graphs 18
Number of Singers

In the bar graph, circle 16

the type of voice with the 12
fewest singers. 10
Reread 6
Author's Craft 2
How does the author Soprano Tenor Bass Alto
compare the P.S. 22 chorus
with most adult choruses? Gregg Breinberg, Public School
22 chorus teacher, plays piano
to accompany the chorus.

66 Unit 3 • Expository Text

Musical Expression TEXT EVIDENCE
Being part of the chorus is hard work. The
chorus members won’t disagree. They practice for
three hours each week. Paragraph 1
Gregg Breinberg, their teacher, encourages the
The prefix dis- means
chorus to use movements. They move their hands "opposite of." Circle the
to show how the songs make them feel. “They have word with the prefix dis-.
their own movements because nobody feels music Write the word's meaning.
the same way,” he explains.
The chorus members understand that singing in

a chorus is a big job. “We just want to give it our
Paragraph 2
best!” one student says.
Ask and Answer Questions
Why does Gregg Breinberg
encourage the chorus to
Summarize use movements? Underline
Use your notes to orally text evidence to answer.
summarize the key details Reread
in "They've Got the Beat!" Author's Craft
How does the author use
a student's comment to
support ideas in the text?

Unit 3 • Expository Text 67

Vocabulary instrument
A violin is a musical instrument.
Talk with a partner about each word. What musical instruments can you name?
Then answer the questions.

We cheered for the runners in the race. 
Who have you cheered for?

 The dancer's movements are exciting.
What movements do you make when you dance?
Jack played the drums in the concert. 
Tell about a concert you saw.

Dad's favorite kind of music is jazz.
Build Your Word List Choose an What is your favorite kind of music?
interesting word that you noted
while reading. Look up its meaning in 
the dictionary. Write a sentence using
the word in your notebook. 

68 Unit 3 • Expository Text


rhythm Prefixes
We clapped to the rhythm of
the song. A prefix is a word part at the beginning
of a word. You can separate the root word
What is another word for rhythm?
from a prefix such as re- or dis- to figure
 out a word's meaning.


I’m not sure what return means. I know
sounds turn means “to move around in a circle.”
A flute can make soft sounds. The prefix re- means “again" or "back.”
What can make really loud sounds? Return means “to come around again.”

These kids are always
 asked to return .

Ken did not understand the Your Turn Use the prefix re- to help you
rules of the game. understand a word from the selection.
What can you do when a paragraph is Write the definition. Then use the word in
hard to understand? a sentence in your writer's notebook.

Carrie Devorah/
 recalls, page 65 


Unit 3 • Expository Text 69

Ask and Answer Questions Quick Tip
As you read, think
When you read, asking questions helps you think about of questions you
key details of the text that you may have missed or do have about the text.
not understand. You can reread the
text to answer your
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE questions, or keep
As I read page 67 of “They’ve Got the Beat,” I ask your questions in
mind as you continue
myself, "Why is singing in the chorus hard work?" to read.
I will reread to find the answer.

Page 67
I reread that the
Being part of the chorus is hard work. The chorus practices "three
chorus members won't disagree. They practice hours each week." This
for three hours each week. text evidence answers
my question.

Your Turn  Think of a question you have about the

COLLABORATE selection. Reread parts of the text to help you answer
the question. Write your question and answer here.

70 Unit 3 • Expository Text


Bar Graphs Quick Tip

Look at the numbers
“They’ve Got the Beat!” is an expository text. It gives facts on the left of the
and information about a topic. It has text features, such graph to find out the
as a graph, photographs, and headings. exact size of each
group of singers.
I know that “They’ve Got the Beat” is an expository text.
It gives information about real students. It has a graph
with information about a chorus.

Page 66

Sounds Good
The P.S.22 chorus is divided into two groups.
Bar Graphs
The sopranos sing high notes. The altos sing lower A bar graph uses bars to show and
sounds. Instruments like drums sometimes keep the
Paragraph 1
Main Idea and Key Details beat. It’s important to keep the rhythm so they make compare information.
Underline the definitions the right sounds together.
Bebeto Matthews/AP Images

of the two groups of

Most adult choruses have four groups of voices.
Your Turn What did you learn from
singers. Why do all the
singers keep the rhythm? Here’s a look at the number of each type of voice in
one adult chorus from Pennsylvania.

Voices in a Chorus
COLLABORATE information in the graph?
Paragraph 2 and Graph
Bar Graphs 18
Number of Singers

In the bar graph, circle 16

the type of voice with the 12
fewest singers. 10
Reread 6
Author's Craft 2
How does the author Soprano Tenor Bass Alto
compare the P.S. 22 chorus
with most adult choruses? Gregg Breinberg, Public School
22 chorus teacher, plays piano
to accompany the chorus.

66 Unit 3 • Expository Text

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Vendor: Lumina Grade: 2

Unit 3 • Expository Text 71

Main Idea and Key Details Quick Tip
Think about what
The main idea is the most important point an author the key details have
makes about a topic. Key details tell about and support in common, or what
the main idea. they all tell about.
This will help you
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE to identify the
main idea.
As I read page 65 of “They’ve Got the Beat,” I
understand a key detail about this chorus is that they
have performed at special places like the White House.

They performed at
the White House.

Your Turn  Continue rereading the selection. List the key

COLLABORATE details and the main idea in the graphic organizer.

72 Unit 3 • Expository Text


Detail Detail Detail

They performed at
the White House.

Main Idea

Unit 3 • Expository Text 73

Respond to Reading Quick Tip
Use these sentence
Talk about the prompt below. Think about how the starters to help you
COLLABORATE author presents ideas in the text. Use your notes and organize your text
graphic organizer. evidence.
The students had a
concert at…
One student says…
How does the author help you understand what being
The author explains
in the chorus is like for the students?
that the students

 Grammar Connections

 Remember to use
correct punctuation
 at the end of
your sentences.
Statements or
 commands end with
a period. Sentences
 that show strong
feeling end with an
 exclamation mark.

74 Unit 3 • Expository Text



Relevant Information Quick Tip
Remember to
Relevant information is facts and details that tell about paraphrase relevant
a topic. To identify relevant information, make sure the information by taking
fact or detail answers one of your research questions. notes in your own
words. Do not take
Read the paragraph. Circle relevant information that notes on information
answers the question: Why is the song patriotic? you already know.
You may note other
interesting facts
Everyone knows the song “Yankee Doodle.” Colonial about a topic if you
think the information
soldiers sang it with pride during the American
could be helpful.
Revolution. It was actually written by someone in the
British army. Kids in the U.S. still sing it today.

Patriotic Song Collage  With a partner, choose

COLLABORATE a patriotic song such "America the Beautiful.”
Take notes on relevant information that
answers your questions about the song. Label
the collage and write sentences about the song
using your notes.

The name of the patriotic song I will research is

SerrNovik/iStock/Getty Images

Unit 3 • Expository Text 75

Many Ways to Enjoy Music
How does the author help you sense the Literature Anthology:
excitement of a concert? pages 262–265

Talk About It Reread page 263. Discuss details that Make Inferences
COLLABORATE describe what may happen at a concert.
Remember that an
Text Evidence What words are used to describe the inference is your
concert? Write the text evidence in the web. best guess from the
text evidence. Why
does the author
want you to sense
the excitement of a


Write  The author helps me sense the excitement of the


76 Unit 3 • Expository Text

Why does the author describe watching an Quick Tip

interpreter and using technology?
Remember to read
Talk About It  Look back at pages 264–265. Discuss the captions to the
photos. Often they
COLLABORATE the details about interpreters and the technology of a
can help you identify
special chair. and understand
Cite Text Evidence  What details help you understand important details
how music can be enjoyed in different ways? Write text that are in the text.
evidence in the chart.

Interpreter Special Chair

Write  The author wants readers to understand how 


Unit 3 • Expository Text 77
Respond to Reading Quick Tip
Use these sentence
Discuss the prompt below. Think about the main idea frames to organize
COLLABORATE and the key details in the selection as you respond. your response.
This is a good title
Why is “Many Ways to Enjoy Music” a good title for The author uses…
this selection? Another reason is…

Choose a text.
In your writer’s
notebook, write the
title, author, and
genre of the book.
As you read, make a

connection to ideas
in other texts you
read, or a personal
experience. Write
your ideas in your
writer’s notebook.

78 Unit 3 • Expository Text

A Musical Museum
Literature Anthology:
Humans can hear almost every sound in pages 266–267

nature. But some animals hear sounds you

Reread the text. Underline what
can’t hear. Dogs and bats, for example,
humans can hear. Draw a box
can hear very high sounds that don’t reach around the definition of sound.
human ears. What sounds do you like to
Look back at the diagram. How do
listen to? our ears hear vibrations?
Sound is the energy things make when they
move back and forth. Those back and forth
movements are called vibrations. �����������������������������

Energy You Hear


Discuss how the diagram shows how

a person can hear a drum.

(l)Ryan McVay/Stone/Getty Images;(r)Paul Hakimata/age fotostock

Ears hear vibrations
as sound

Sound vibrations
move through air

Source of sound

Unit 3 • Expository Text 79

How does the author help you understand how Quick Tip
sound travels to your ears?
In "A Musical
Museum," the author
Talk About It  Reread page 267 in the Literature
explains how sound
COLLABORATE Anthology. Discuss details that explain what sound is.
is created and
Cite Text Evidence  Complete the chart. Write text travels to your ears.
evidence that explains how people hear sound. Pay attention to
how each detail is
connected. This will
"Back and forth movements
make the text easier
are called vibrations."
to understand.

Write  The author explains 



80 Unit 3 • Expository Text

Diagrams Readers to Writers
Label each step in
A diagram is a graphic feature used in expository texts. a diagram with a
Authors use diagrams to show the special parts of simple sentence or a
something or to explain how something works. phrase. Include only
the most important
FIND TEXT EVIDENCE information. You may
Look back at the diagram on page 267. What three number each step to
steps are shown in the diagram? show sequence, or
the correct order of
1.  the information.



Your Turn Reread the second paragraph. Discuss the

COLLABORATE information from the text shown in the diagram. What is
an example of a text detail the author did not include in
the diagram?


Unit 3 • Expository Text 81

What have you learned from the selections and Quick Tip
the Japanese print about expressing yourself
A personal
through music? connection is relating
details you have
Talk About It Look at the print and read the caption. read, heard, or seen
COLLABORATE Talk with a partner about what the people are doing. to your own life.
Think about how
Cite Text Evidence  Underline text evidence in the you can describe a
caption that tells what the artist shows. Circle personal connection
instruments in the picture that some of the women you have to music.
are playing.
Write  From the selections and the Japanese print, I have
learned that expressing yourself through music can mean

BernardAllum/E+/Getty Images

 This Japanese print, called an Ukiyo-e, shows

a gathering of women playing a variety of
musical instruments.
82 Unit 3 • Expository Text
Intonation Quick Tip
Practice reading
Read aloud at a rate, or speed, that is easy for your with accuracy by
listeners to understand. Change the tone of your voice to saying each word
express meaning to listeners. Stress important words or correctly and not
leaving out any
phrases by reading them slowly. Pause for a comma or
words. If you have
period, and raise your voice at the end of a question. trouble pronouncing
a word, check the
Page 65 pronunciation in a
I see an exclamation dictionary.
Some students in New York point. I can read
really sing their hearts out! loudly to show
That’s because they are in excitement. I can Tech Tip
the school chorus at Public stress important Use an online
School 22. words, such as "the dictionary to listen to
school chorus." the pronunciation of
difficult words.
Your Turn  Turn back to page 65. Take turns reading
COLLABORATE paragraphs from “They’ve Got the Beat” with a partner.
Pay attention to your intonation so that the author's
ideas are easy to understand. Afterward, think about
how you did. Complete these sentences.

Carrie Devorah/
I remembered to 

Next time I will 

Unit 3 • Expository Text 83

Expert Model
Features of Expository Essay Literature Anthology:
pages 262–265
Authors write expository essays to give information
about a topic. Word Wise

• Expository essays give facts and information. The author uses

phrases, such as one
• It can have text features such as photos and captions. way and another
way to help you
• It has a strong opening and a conclusion. understand that
there are different
ways to enjoy music.
Analyze an Expert Model Studying "Many Ways to
Enjoy Music" will help you learn to write an expository
essay. Reread page 265. Answer the questions below.
How does the author use language to help you
COLLABORATE understand how the special chair works?



What is the author's concluding statement?



84 Unit 3 • Expository Text


Plan: Brainstorm Quick Tip

To help you get
Generate Ideas You will write an expository essay that started, think about
tells about music or a musical instrument. To begin, a favorite musical
brainstorm types of music and words related to music. instrument or a
type of music you
Draw pictures of musical instruments. You will choose want to learn more
your topic from your ideas. about. You may
also look through
books, magazines,
or websites to find
pictures and words
related to music.

Unit 3 • Expository Text 85
Plan: Choose Your Topic Quick Tip
Your readers may
Writing Prompt  Write an expository essay that tells include classmates
COLLABORATE about a type of music or a musical instrument. Go back or others who
to the ideas you brainstormed on page 85 to choose don’t know about
your topic. Think
your topic. Complete these sentences to help you about how to make
get started. the information
interesting and easy
My topic is _ to understand.


This topic interests me because ____________________



Purpose and Audience  Authors write expository

essays to teach readers about an interesting topic.
They may explain or describe information to
answer questions. Think about why you chose
your topic. Then write your purpose for writing
jianying yin/Getty Images

in your writer’s notebook.

86 Unit 3 • Expository Text


Plan: Research Quick Tip

Remember to write
Choose and Evaluate Sources  Reliable sources have source information
facts that can be proven to be correct. To evaluate so you can cite the
sources of information you can use, make sure that: sources you used.
Write the author,
• the author is an expert on your topic. title, website or
publisher, date, and
• the information is accurate and not too difficult. page numbers.
COLLABORATE Mark these types of sources as reliable or not reliable.

Sources Reliable Not Reliable

textbooks ✓
blogs or social media


education websites

Plan  In your writer's notebook, list two sources that you

can use to research your topic.

Unit 3 • Expository Text 87

Draft Quick Tip
Outline paragraphs
Paragraphs  A paragraph is a group of sentences that for your essay. Write
tell about one idea. The first word of a paragraph is a sentence that tells
usually indented. Reread page 264 of "Many Ways to what a paragraph
will be about. Under
Enjoy Music" in the Literature Anthology.
the sentence, list
What idea do the details in the paragraph tell about? details from your
notes that tell about
the idea.

Now use the paragraph as a model to write a paragraph

of your essay. Make sure the details tell about one idea.




Write a Draft  Use the information you gathered from

your sources to write a draft in your writer’s notebook.

Digital Tools
To learn more about creating an outline, watch
"Outline to Draft." Go to

88 Unit 3 • Expository Text


Revise Grammar Connections

As you revise, make
Strong Opening A strong opening will grab the reader's sure to correctly use
attention so that he or she wants to read more. A strong verbs with special
opening also states the topic of the expository essay. forms, such as have.
The past-tense form
Reread a student's opening paragraph below. Talk with of have is had.
COLLABORATE a partner about how it grabs your attention. Write your The present-tense
ideas on the lines below. forms of have are
have or has:
I/You/We/They have
What is better than banging on the drums in the middle of a music class now.
She/He has music
school day? Nothing, in my opinion. Music class is my favorite class now.

part of the day. We learn about instruments and make music.




Revise  It’s time to revise your draft. Think

about how you can write a strong opening

©KidStock/Blend Images LLC

to your essay. Make sure each paragraph
has facts that tell about one idea.
Unit 3 • Expository Text 89
Revise: Peer Conferences Quick Tip
Use these sentence
Review a Draft  Listen carefully as a partner reads his starters to discuss
COLLABORATE or her work aloud. Begin by telling what you like about your partner’s work.
the draft. Make suggestions that you think will make the Where did you find
writing stronger. the information
Partner Feedback  Write one of your partner’s Can you explain
suggestions that you will use in the revision of your text. how…
I think that it would
Based on my partner’s feedback, I will be clearer to say…

Revising Checklist
______________________________________________ Does my essay tell
about the topic?
After you finish giving each other feedback, reflect on Does each
the peer conference. What was helpful? What might paragraph tell
you do differently next time? about one idea?
Does it have a
______________________________________________ strong opening?
Does it have a
______________________________________________ conclusion?
Are the sources
Revision Use the Revising Checklist to help you figure clearly cited?
out what text you may need to move, add to, or delete.
Remember to use the rubric on page 93 to help you with
your revision.
90 Unit 3 • Expository Text

Edit and Proofread Tech Tip

If you type your
When you edit and proofread, you look for and correct text, use the “Tab”
mistakes in your writing. Rereading a revised draft key to indent each
several times will help you catch any errors. Use the paragraph.
checklist below to edit your sentences.
Grammar Connections
Editing Checklist
As you proofread,
Do all sentences end with the correct punctuation mark?
make sure you
Does the verb agree with the subject in each sentence? correctly used
Are the verbs used correctly in the past and future tenses? different types of
Is the word "have" used correctly? nouns in sentences.
Remember, a
Are all of the words spelled correctly?
collective noun
names a group that
acts as one thing.
List two mistakes you found as you proofread your text.
Our band practices
on Monday.


Unit 3 • Expository Text 91

Publish, Present, and Evaluate Presenting Checklist
Sit up or stand up
Publishing Create a neat, clean final copy of your straight.
expository essay. Add illustrations or a diagram to make Look at different
your published work more interesting. people in the
Presentation Practice your presentation when you are
Speak slowly and
ready to present your work. Use the Presenting Checklist clearly.
to help you. Speak loudly so
that everyone can
Evaluate After you publish and present your essay, use
hear you.
the rubric on the next page to evaluate your writing.
Answer questions
using facts from
1 What did you do successfully? your text.

2 What needs more work?



92 Unit 3 • Expository Text


Listening When you listen actively, you pay close Listening Checklist
attention to what you hear. When you listen to other
Make eye contact
students’ presentations, take notes to help you better with the speaker.
understand their ideas. Use body
What I learned from .........................................................'s language that
shows you are
presentation: listening.
Listen for key
______________________________________________ words that relate
to the topic.
Questions I have about .........................................................’s
Identify what the
presentation: speaker does well.
Ask about any
______________________________________________ facts that are

4 3 2 1
• focuses on a topic • focuses mostly on one • lacks focus on a topic • does not focus on a
related to music topic related to music • does not have a topic
• has a strong opening • introduces the topic strong opening and • does not have
and a concluding in the opening and lacks a conclusion an opening or a
statement or section has a conclusion • attempts to write conclusion
• each paragraph tells • in each paragraph, complete paragraphs • does not organize
about an idea most details relate to • has errors that ideas into paragraphs
• is free or almost free one idea distract from the • has many errors that
of errors • has few errors meaning of the essay make the essay hard
to understand

Unit 3 • Expository Text 93

Spiral Review Read the selection and choose the best answer
to each question.
You have learned new
skills and strategies in
Unit 3 that will help you
to read and understand
texts. Now it is time to
Landing the Eagle
practice what you have
1 Astronaut Neil Armstrong was sitting in a tiny
• Compound Words spaceship called Eagle. He was flying toward the
• Prefixes Moon. Neil watched as Eagle got closer to the Moon.
• Author’s Purpose Suddenly, he saw a big problem ahead. Eagle’s
• Sequence
landing computers were heading toward a field
• Main Idea and Key
of giant rocks the size of cars! He knew that this
• Photos and landing spot was unsafe. The rocks could tip over
Captions Eagle. That would damage his ship. He would be
• Point of View unable to leave the Moon forever!
2 Neil made a decision. He turned off the
Connect to Content
• Personal Narrative computers. He would steer the ship himself. He was
• Respond to the Read worried about landing the ship safely. The ship was
Aloud also almost out of fuel. Neil had to find a place to
• Community Helpers Ad land soon!

94 Unit 3 • Show What You Learned



3 Neil guided Eagle carefully past
the giant rocks. He saw a wide,
flat field up ahead.
4 “That is the place!” he thought.
Slowly, he lowered Eagle onto the
field. But his rocket boosters blew
a big cloud of dust into the air.
Neil was blinded as he guided
Eagle down.
5 Finally, Eagle’s small feet
thumped onto the Moon. Neil
breathed a sigh of relief. He
clicked his radio and sent a
happy message back home.
“Houston . . . The Eagle has

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Neil Armstrong was the first person to
walk on the Moon. He placed a flag
on the Moon to show that America’s
astronauts reached it first.

Unit 3 • Show What You Learned 95

1 In paragraph 1, the reader can use the prefix “un-” to know Quick Tip
that the word unsafe means — You can separate
A Very safe C Somewhat safe the root word from
B Not safe D Able to be safe a prefix, such as re-
or un-, to help you
2 Which sentence from the article best helps the reader figure out what the
understand that Eagle is fragile? word means.
F The rocks could tip over Eagle.
G He would be unable to leave the Moon forever!
H But his rocket boosters blew a big cloud of dust into the air.
J “Houston . . . The Eagle has landed.”
3 Which idea from the article is supported by the photograph?
A Neil Armstrong did great things for space travel.
B Eagle is difficult to fly for an astronaut.
C Neil Armstrong was worried about landing on the Moon.
D Eagle is small and can be broken easily.
4 The author wrote the article most likely to —
F convince the reader to become an astronaut
G share information about an interesting space program
H tell the reader about an important person in history
J explain how to land a spaceship on the Moon

96 Unit 3 • Show What You Learned


Read the selection and choose the best answer to

each question.

A Shower in the Sky

1 The sky grew dark. Rico was excited. Tonight was
going to be the best meteor shower of the year. Rico
had looked forward to this night for a long time. He
and his father drove to the top of a dark hill. They
lay two sleeping bags on a tarp in the grass. Then
they watched the dark sky.
2 Suddenly Rico saw a bright streak in the sky. A
meteor! It lasted less than a second. Then it was gone.
3 “I saw one!” he shouted.

Unit 3 • Show What You Learned 97

4 Rico’s father saw another and
pointed. A meteor streaked out
across the sky!
5 Rico and his father counted each
meteor. At first, they saw a meteor
every one or two seconds.
6 Then the meteors started coming
more slowly. Sometimes one minute
would pass before they saw another.
Then two minutes. More time passed.
Rico counted ten minutes before
another meteor shot across the sky.
7 “The shower is almost over,” his
father said. “You can close your eyes
now and sleep.”
8 Rico wanted to watch the starry
sky all night long. But his sleeping
bag was cozy. He closed his eyes.
Rico pictured meteors dancing across
his eyelids as he drifted off to sleep.
98 Unit 3 • Show What You Learned

1 Which detail belongs in the empty box in the chart? Rico and his father drive
to a dark hilltop.
A Rico looks forward to the meteor shower.
B Rico and his father lay out sleeping bags.
Rico sees the first meteor.
C Rico and his father count each meteor.
D Rico drifts off to sleep.
2 How do you know that the story is told in the third
person point of view?
F The narrator is a character in the story. Rico closes his eyes.

G The narrator is quoted in the story.

H The narrator plays a big role in helping Rico and Quick Tip
his father look at the sky.
The third person
J The narrator tells what the characters are doing point of view
but is not in the story. happens when a
narrator tells a story
3 Which words in paragraph 8 help you understand the about events that
meaning of eyelids? happened.

A watch the starry sky

B all night long
C closed his eyes
D meteors dancing
Unit 3 • Show What You Learned 99
Focus on Genre Quick Tip

Reread the personal narrative “Landing on Your Feet” on The first person point
COLLABORATE pages 234-237. of view happens
when someone tells
• When you read the story, how can you tell it is a their own story. A
personal narrative? What words does the author use to personal narrative is
usually written in the
show that the story is written in the first person point first person.
of view?



• What are the parts of the story that make you think it
could really take place in the real world?



Talk about how the author uses time-order words to tell

events in order. Then use the Graphic Organizer to write
down the parts of the story that happen in the beginning,
middle, and end of the story.

100 Unit 3 • Extend Your Learning



One Friday, __________________________________________________________________________


Over the weekend, ____________________________________________________________________


On Monday, __________________________________________________________________________

Unit 3 • Extend Your Learning 101

A prefix is a word part at the beginning of a word. You
COLLABORATE can separate a prefix, such as un- or dis-, from the root
word. If you know the meaning of a prefix, it can help you
figure out the meaning of many words.
Examples of prefixes and their meanings:

dis- not disagree

re- again return
un- not unfair

Read the words below. Write the meaning of each word.

Use the chart above to help.




©Marc Romanelli/Blend Images LLC


102 Unit 2 • Extend Your Learning


Write a Personal Narrative

Write a personal narrative about a musical performance.
COLLABORATE It could be about a time when you gave your own
performance or when you listened to a performance.
Here are some tips: Quick Tip
When you write a
• Your writing should be a true story.
personal narrative,
• Include details about how the event made you feel. you should write in
the first person. That
• Make sure your story has a beginning, middle,
means you should
and end. use words such as I,
• Use time-order words like first, next, and finally me, my, and we.
to help your reader know what order the events
• Use the lines below to help you get started.

Story Title: 





Unit 3 • Extend Your Learning 103

Respond to the Read Aloud Quick Tip
The main events tell about what happens in the story in Listen closely to
the beginning, middle, and end. The events help you to understand how
understand the order of the story, the characters, and one important event
the plot. can lead to another
important event.
Listen to "The Hidden Sun."
Describe what happens in the story.

Write about three of the main events.




104 Unit 3 • Extend Your Learning

Community Helpers Ad


A community helper is someone who helps other people.
COLLABORATE Community helpers may work at animal shelters or
libraries. They may fight fires or drive ambulances. Many
places use community helpers to get things done. Quick Tip

Choose a helper in your community. Imagine that you An ad has a slogan

are looking for volunteers to join your community helper. and instructions
Write an advertisement to tell people what they will about how to get
involved. It usually
do and how they will help. You can use print or online
includes information,
resources to find information for your ad. such as a website
Write the name or job of the community helper you will where you can learn
write about. more about the

What is one thing your community helper does?

Write your ideas on what your ad will look like below.

©JGI/Tom Grill/Blend Images LLC

Unit 3 • Connect To Content 105

What Did You Learn?
Use the rubric to evaluate yourself on the skills that you
learned in this unit. Circle your scores below.

excellent good fair needs work

Compound Words 4 3 2 1
Prefixes 4 3 2 1
Author’s Purpose 4 3 2 1
Sequence 4 3 2 1
Main Idea and Key 4 3 2 1
Photos and Captions 4 3 2 1
Point of View 4 3 2 1

What is something you want to get better at?

Text to Self  Think about the texts you read in this unit.
COLLABORATE Tell your partner about a personal connection you made
to one of the texts. Use the sentence starter to help you.

I made a connection to . . . because . . .

106 Unit 3 • Track Your Progress



Present Your Work Quick Tip
Decide which
With your partner, plan how you will present your
information each
COLLABORATE collage to the class. Use the Presenting Checklist to of you will share.
help you. Discuss the sentence starters below and Practice together
write your answers. before you present
to the class.

Presenting Checklist

The song makes me feel  Practice with your

partner in front of
a friend.

Point to each part
of your collage as
 you talk about it.
Stand up straight
 and make eye
contact with your
I would like to know more about  audience.
Speak clearly and
 slowly so the class
can understand

Unit 3 • Track Your Progress 107

Grade 2 • Unit 3

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