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Stage 3
Annotated Bibliography: Organizational Table

Student Name:Victor

Topic: the recovery of the tourism industry post Covid-19

Journal Article No. 1

The good, the bad and the ugly on COVID-19 tourism recovery

Guide Questions Answers

A. What is the aim/focus Covid-19 tourism recovery to forecast the impact of the tourism industry, the progress of
of the study? the vaccine after government policy supports the industry's recovery, and substantive
insights on how to establish and implement an effective decision-making framework to
ensure a rapid response to accidents that threaten the financial sustainability of its

B. Identify which specific

focal point this study

C. Write at least two Quotes:

specific quotes from this According to Jones, P (2022), “i The UK government correctly recognized that
article that are useful. For COVID-19 will continue to offer obstacles in its Tourism Recovery Plan” (A
each quote, explain how Review of the UK’s Tourism Recovery Plans Post COVID-19 para. 3)
it will help you develop
your focal point/s.
Apply APA citation style
for direct quotes (author's First, there is now a debate of the possible economic repercussions of the present
surname, year, page COVID-19 epidemic. Second, it analyzes two approaches for forecasting tourism demand
number, and quotation and demonstrates that they perform similarly. Finally, we demonstrate the significance
marks). of training sets in machine learning models, demonstrating how various training sets can
give different findings, leading researchers to alternative conclusions.


According to Huan (2021), “Using a multi-perspective approach to evaluate the impact of

crises has important practical implications for economic actors that still look forward to
starting with phase one recovery.” (The good, the bad and the ugly on COVID-19 tourism
recovery Conclusions para. 1)


According to the research, the COVID-19 pandemic will inflict losses of around 50% next
year, and that these losses would persist until at least next summer, slowing down
tourist growth for up to 15 years. Furthermore, we show that the worst-case scenario
anticipates a decline in visitor numbers in the following months, implying that the tourist
industry should brace itself for a deepening crisis.

Journal Article No. 2

Tourism and COVID-19: Impacts and implications for advancing and resetting industry and research

Guide Questions Answers

A. What is the aim/focus It assists professionals and scholars in better understanding, managing, and evaluating
of the study? covid-19's tourism effect and transformation availability, as well as discussing why and
how covid-19 becomes a transformation opportunity.
B. Identify which specific
focal point this study

C. Write at least two Quotes:

specific quotes from this According to Sigala,(2020), “COVID-19 resulted in numerous socio-cultural, economic
article that are useful. For and psychological impacts on various tourism stakeholders, some of them for years to
each quote, explain how stay. Consequently, the pandemic has created a ‘fertile’ new context whereby tourism
it will help you develop researchers can conduct research with valuable end-user benefits.” (Tourism and COVID-
your focal point/s. 19: Impacts and implications for advancing and resetting industry and research
Conclusions para. 1)

Apply APA citation style

for direct quotes (author's
surname, year, page
number, and quotation

Stimulate tourism scholars to see covid-19 as a transformation opportunity to change

their way of thinking in designing and conducting research, and let Tourism Institutions
reset the criteria and indicators for their incentive and evaluation purposes, and the role
and impact of tourism research.


According to Sigala,(2020), “The COVID-19 impacts on tourism employment create

further pressures on tourism education that has severely affected by the pandemic.”
(Tourism and COVID-19: Impacts and implications for advancing and resetting industry
and research Conclusions para. 4)


Tourism students and graduates must also consider internships, recruitment, and
difficult career routes. Tourism projects and universities are seeing a drop in student
enrollment, business and government financing, and research funding. New approaches
and resources must be developed in order to undertake research on social alienation
while also respecting the mental health and privacy of stakeholders affected by covid-19.
It is also critical to study teaching challenges, such as how to make tourism course design
and delivery more "flexible," agile, and updated in order to equip graduates with
adaptable and transferable skills to various sectors.

Journal Article No. 3

International Tourism and COVID-19: Recovery Strategies for Tourism Organisations

Guide Questions Answers

A. What is the aim/focus Border closures and lockdowns do not constitute a long-term realistic method to
of the study? combating the epidemic. The economic fallout might be far greater than any of the
coronavirus infection's negative consequences. Globalisation and the technology
revolution have given us numerous instruments that should now be utilised properly to
pave the way for post-viral tourism.
B. Identify which specific
focal point this study

C. Write at least two Quotes:

specific quotes from this
article that are useful. For According to Strielkowski(2020), “One of the effective recovery strategies for tourism
each quote, explain how organisations in the post-viral world might be allowing the people with antibodies
it will help you develop against the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus to travel freely.” (International Tourism and
your focal point/s. COVID-19: Recovery Strategies for Tourism Organisations Conclusions para. 1)

Apply APA citation style

for direct quotes (author's
surname, year, page
number, and quotation Explanation:
One critical question would remain: how to distinguish between individuals who have
been healed and those who have contracted COVID-19 and are immune? Some crooks or
opportunists would almost certainly try to cheat in order to be among the first group of
post-viral coronavirus-free visitors. Technology may be useful in this case, just as it is in
the fight against the coronavirus.



Journal Article No. 4

Tourism in a Post-COVID-19 Era: Sustainable Strategies for Industry’s Recovery

Guide Questions Answers

A. What is the aim/focus The major findings show that the COVID-19 epidemic alted travel patterns and habits in
of the study? terms of philological and economic variables. the COVID-19 epidemic altered travel
patterns and habits in terms of philological and economic variables. Travelers' propensity
to travel, as well as the circumstances and preferences for holiday places, are influenced
by psychological variables, most notably the fear of infection. People will avoid traveling
in big groups and being in congested areas, at least in the medium term. The host
destination's hygiene and health conditions might be critical elements in travel
selections. When faced with a wary consumer, tourism firms (such as transportation,
lodging, and catering) should improve their hygienic standards to regain trust.
Furthermore, communication is critical in these difficult times to combat tourists' dread
and anxiety.
B. Identify which specific
focal point this study

C. Write at least two Quotes:

specific quotes from this According to Orîndaru, A., Popescu, M. F., Alexoaei, A. P., Căescu, Ș. C., Florescu, M.
article that are useful. For S., & Orzan, A. O. (2021), “Due to the need to overcome the periods of lockdowns and
each quote, explain how keep the industry on a float, governmental (special layoff schemes, access to particular
it will help you develop bank loans or subsidies, support liquidity) and business measures adopted have been
your focal point/s. primarily focused on supply-side policies.” (Tourism in a Post-COVID-19 Era: Sustainable
Strategies for Industry’s Recovery Conclusions para. 1)

Apply APA citation style

for direct quotes (author's
surname, year, page
number, and quotation

The 2019 coronavirus illness has an impact on people's travel patterns and habits. People
will avoid large-scale and congested travel at least in the medium future. The sanitation
and health quality of the reception location might be important determinants in travel
decisions. To regain the trust of clients, T & T Enterprises (such as transportation,
lodging, and catering) should enhance hygienic conditions even more. Economic
variables are associated with a decrease in household income, an increase in the
inclination to save, or the uncertainty of economic prospects. As a result, the
government need specific policies to assist individuals.


Journal Article No. 5

Reviving tourism industry post-COVID-19: A resilience-based framework

Guide Answers

A. After Covid-19, revitalize global tourism. This study covers four important aspects for building industrial
What is flexibility: government responsiveness, technical innovation, a sense of belonging in the community, and
the customer and employee trust. I believe that by utilizing this inclusive flexibility, tourism can be transformed
aim/fo into a new global economic order characterized by sustainable tourism, social welfare, climate action, and
cus of local community participation, which provides a framework for future research in this area.


C. Quotes:
at least According to Sharma, G. D., Thomas, A., & Paul, J. (2021), “The tourism industry was seen as a major
two cause and carrier of the novel coronavirus that triggered the outbreak of COVID-19. The
unsustainable practices of the industry didn't help the cause of sustainable living
quotes worldwide. ” (Reviving tourism industry post-COVID-19: A resilience-based framework Conclusions para.
from 1)
useful. casa_token=mshM3Wb3znwAAAAA:LBRhKo-dx8QBOCf8RsO-
For jopD2L6ONMo2A16MyHad483gpUahNVZ_F9TDCO-l-HTSIGYxeuJTyCI.
explain Explanation:
how it
will I think that, with the support of a flexible approach from governments, market players, technological
help developers, and the industry's labor force, tourism will finally flourish in a more sustainable manner after
you the pandemic.
p your
. Quotes:

for Explanation:
e, year,
, and

APA reference

Fotiadis, A., Polyzos, S., & Huan, T. C. T. (2021). The good, the bad and the ugly on COVID-19 tourism recovery. Annals
of Tourism Research, 87, 103117.

Orîndaru, A., Popescu, M. F., Alexoaei, A. P., Căescu, Ș. C., Florescu, M. S., & Orzan, A. O. (2021). Tourism in a Post-
COVID-19 Era: Sustainable Strategies for Industry’s Recovery. Sustainability, 13(12), 6781.

Sigala, M. (2020). Tourism and COVID-19: Impacts and implications for advancing and resetting industry and
research. Journal of business research, 117, 312-321.

Strielkowski, W. International Tourism and COVID-19: Recovery Strategies for Tourism Organisations. Preprints 2020,
2020030445 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202003.0445.v1). 

Sharma, G. D., Thomas, A., & Paul, J. (2021). Reviving tourism industry post-COVID-19: A resilience-based
framework. Tourism management perspectives, 37, 100786.

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