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Automated Hematology Analyzer

Instructions for Use


Code No. AT833123

Date of Last Revision: January 2012
Software Version 00-17 and onward
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Introduction............................................... 1-1
1.1 Danger information in this manual............................. 1-4
1.2 Names ....................................................................... 1-5
1.3 Analysis Parameters ................................................. 1-5
1.4 Abbreviations used throughout this manual .............. 1-6
1.5 Reference Intervals ................................................... 1-7

2. Safety information .................................... 2-1

2.1 Specified conditions of use........................................ 2-1
2.2 General information ................................................... 2-1
2.3 Bar code safety ......................................................... 2-2
2.4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)......................... 2-2
2.5 Installation ................................................................. 2-2
2.6 Avoidance of infections.............................................. 2-2
2.7 Handling of reagents ................................................. 2-3
2.8 Maintenance.............................................................. 2-4
2.9 Laser ......................................................................... 2-5
2.10 Disposal of materials ................................................. 2-5
2.11 Markings on the instrument ....................................... 2-6
2.12 Personnel .................................................................. 2-8
2.13 Computer Virus.......................................................... 2-8
2.14 Use of other software ................................................ 2-9
2.15 HOST Connection ..................................................... 2-9

3. Design and Function ................................ 3-1

3.1 Overview ................................................................... 3-1
3.2 XT-2000i/XT-1800i Main Unit .................................... 3-2
3.3 Pneumatic Unit Components..................................... 3-7
3.4 Sampler Unit Components ........................................ 3-8
3.5 Information Processing Unit (IPU) ............................. 3-9
3.6 Twin Connection Manager (TCM) (Option) ............. 3-12
3.7 System Status Display............................................. 3-14
3.8 Customizing the Menu Screen ................................ 3-16
3.9 Analysis Modes ....................................................... 3-19
3.10 Methods................................................................... 3-20

4. Reagents.................................................... 4-1
4.1 General Information................................................... 4-1
4.2 CELLPACK ................................................................ 4-5
4.3 STROMATOLYSER-FB ............................................. 4-6
4.4 STROMATOLYSER-4DL ........................................... 4-7
4.5 STROMATOLYSER-4DS........................................... 4-8
4.6 SULFOLYSER ........................................................... 4-9
4.7 RET SEARCH(II) (Diluent)
RET SEARCH(II) (Dye solution).............................. 4-10
Revised March 2011

4.8 CELLCLEAN ........................................................... 4-11

4.9 Symbols used on the labels .................................... 4-12

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use I

Table of Contents

5. Work List ................................................... 5-1

5.1 Work List.................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Patient Master (Optional)......................................... 5-13
5.3 Doctor Master (Optional) ......................................... 5-20
5.4 Ward Master (Optional) ........................................... 5-24

6. Operation................................................... 6-1
6.1 Menu Function........................................................... 6-1
6.2 Startup Procedure...................................................... 6-2
6.3 Quality Control Analysis ............................................ 6-7
6.4 Analyzing Samples .................................................. 6-13
6.5 Display and Output of Analysis Results................... 6-33
6.6 Shutdown................................................................. 6-34
6.7 Timer Function......................................................... 6-39

7. Stored Data (Explorer).............................. 7-1

7.1 Starting the Sample Explorer..................................... 7-1
7.2 Sample Explorer Screen Display............................... 7-2
7.3 Validate ...................................................................... 7-5
7.4 Sort ............................................................................ 7-6
7.5 Filter........................................................................... 7-8
7.6 Find.......................................................................... 7-11
7.7 Sample Property...................................................... 7-12
7.8 Output...................................................................... 7-14
7.9 Backup..................................................................... 7-15
7.10 Restore .................................................................... 7-16
7.11 Delete ...................................................................... 7-17
7.12 Screen Layout Change............................................ 7-18

8. Data Browser ............................................ 8-1

8.1 Data Browser Operation ............................................ 8-1
8.2 Data Browser Screen ................................................ 8-2
8.3 Numerical Display...................................................... 8-4
8.4 Main Screen .............................................................. 8-5
8.5 Graph Screen ............................................................ 8-6
8.6 WBC Screen.............................................................. 8-7
8.7 RBC Screen............................................................... 8-8
8.8 Cumulative Screen .................................................... 8-9
8.9 Q-Flag Screen ......................................................... 8-13
8.10 Service Screen ........................................................ 8-15
8.11 Research (WBC) Screen ......................................... 8-21
8.12 Research (RBC) Screen.......................................... 8-22
8.13 Screen Layout Change............................................ 8-24
Revised July 2007

II Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

Table of Contents

9. Quality Control.......................................... 9-1

9.1 Control material ......................................................... 9-1
9.2 Control methods ........................................................ 9-1
9.3 Preparations .............................................................. 9-2
9.4 QC Chart Display Screen .......................................... 9-3
9.5 QC Chart ................................................................. 9-10
9.6 Quality control analysis ........................................... 9-21

10. Calibration ............................................... 10-1

10.1 Samples Used for Calibration.................................. 10-1
10.2 Establishing the Reference Values.......................... 10-2
10.3 Automatic Calibration .............................................. 10-2
10.4 Displaying the Last Sample Data ............................ 10-7
10.5 Manual Calibration .................................................. 10-7
10.6 Calibration History ................................................. 10-11

11. Instrument Setup .................................... 11-1

11.1 XT Controller Setting ............................................... 11-1
11.2 XT IPU Setting....................................................... 11-14
11.3 Option.................................................................... 11-33

12. Cleaning and Maintenance .................... 12-1

12.1 Maintenance Schedule............................................ 12-1
12.2 Daily Maintenance ................................................... 12-3
12.3 Monthly Maintenance .............................................. 12-5
12.4 Every 15000 Cycles Maintenance ........................... 12-5
12.5 As-needed Maintenance ......................................... 12-9
12.6 Supplies Replacements......................................... 12-21
12.7 Adjustment of Pressure and Vacuum .................... 12-35
12.8 XT-2000i/XT-1800i Maintenance Checklist ........... 12-41

13. Troubleshooting...................................... 13-1

13.1 Error Message List .................................................. 13-2
13.2 Troubleshooting Guide ............................................ 13-7
13.3 Test........................................................................ 13-26

14. Technical Information............................. 14-1

14.1 XT-2000i Performance and Specifications .............. 14-1
14.2 XT-1800i Performance and Specifications .............. 14-6
14.3 Possible Sample Interferences.............................. 14-10
14.4 Interface protocol................................................... 14-11
14.5 Program Version.................................................... 14-11
14.6 Functional Description........................................... 14-12
Revised March 2011

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use III

Table of Contents

15. Installation............................................... 15-1

15.1 Unpacking Checklist ................................................ 15-1
15.2 Check Before Installation......................................... 15-5
15.3 Grounding................................................................ 15-5
15.4 Installation Environment .......................................... 15-5
15.5 Installation Space .................................................... 15-6
15.6 Connect Air and Reagent Tubes ............................. 15-7
15.7 Connect Connection Cord and Power Cord ..........15-10
15.8 Hand-held Bar Code Reader (Optional) ................ 15-11
15.9 Turn Power ON......................................................15-12

16. Appendix ................................................. 16-1

16.1 IP Message.............................................................. 16-1
16.2 ID Bar Code Specifications.................................... 16-12
16.3 Body Fluid Application ........................................... 16-16

17. Warranty .................................................. 17-1

18. Index ........................................................ 18-1

Revised July 2007

IV Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

1. Introduction
The Sysmex XT-2000i and XT-1800i are automated
hematology analyzers for in vitro diagnostic use in clinical
The XT-2000i can analyze and output the results of 24
parameters of a blood sample, while the XT-1800i can do the
same for 21 parameters.
The XT-2000i performs analysis of WBCs and reticulocytes
with an optical detector block based on the flow cytometry
method, using a semiconductor laser. The XT-1800i uses the
same method for analysis of WBCs only.
RBCs and platelet count are analyzed by the RBC detector
using the Hydro Dynamic Focusing method.
Hemoglobin (HGB) is analyzed by the HGB detector based on
the SLS hemoglobin detection method.
Analysis data is displayed on the IPU.

The screens shown in this instruction are XT-2000i screens.

On the XT-1800i screens, "XT-1800i" is displayed for the
instrument name at the top left of the screen, and for the Main
Unit model name at the lower left.
Any other differences will be described in details in each

The XT-2000i and XT-1800i are compact instruments, their

operations are easily learned. For each operating step, online
help is available to support the user.

The accuracy of the analyses is ensured by an internal quality

control. Possible variations are detected quickly and can be

The XT-2000i and XT-1800i are equipped with a rinse cup -

after aspiration of a sample or control blood the probe is
automatically cleaned. It is no longer necessary to wipe the
sample probe.

Sysmex has been trying hard to keep the noise generation as

low as possible. For non-operating periods the compressor
can be switched off.

By individual settings the user can adapt the instrument to his

needs or existing laboratory conditions, respectively.

Before operating XT-2000i and XT-1800i, carefully read this

manual. Pay special attention to the safety information. Keep
Revised February 2008

this manual for future reference.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 1-1

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

For further information please contact the Sysmex

representative in your country.


• Data generated by the XT-2000i and XT-1800i is not

intended to replace professional judgment in the
determination of a diagnosis or in monitoring patient
• Operate the instrument as instructed. Reliability of test
results cannot be guaranteed if there are any deviations
from the instructions in this manual. If the instrument
fails to function properly as a result of either the user’s
operation not specified in the manual or the user’s
utilization of a program not specified by Sysmex, the
product warranty would not apply.

Contact Address

1-5-1 Wakinohama-Kaigandori
Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0073

Authorized Representative
European Representative
EC REP Bornbarch 1
D - 22848 Norderstedt, Germany
Phone: +49 40 5 27 26-0
Fax: +49 40 5 27 26-100

1 Nelson C. White Parkway,
Mundelein, IL 60060 U.S.A.
Phone: +1-847-996-4500
Fax: +1-847-996-4505

9 Tampines Grande, #06-18,
Singapore 528735
Revised November 2011

Phone: +65-6221-3629
Fax: +65-6221-3687

1-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

Ordering of Supplies and Replacement Parts

If you need to order supplies or replacement parts, please

contact your local Sysmex representative.

Service and Maintenance

Please contact the Service Department of your local Sysmex


Training courses
For further information, please contact the Sysmex
representative in your country.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 1-3

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

1.1 Danger information in this manual

Note, Important, Caution, and Warning statements are
presented throughout this manual to call attention to important
safety and operational information. Non-compliance with this
information compromises the safety features incorporated in
the analyzer.

Risk of infection
Indicates the presence of a biohazardous material or

High risk. Ignoring this warning could result in personal
injury to the operator.

Average risk. Ignoring this warning could result in property
damage. To avoid damage and incorrect measuring

Minor risk. Facts which should be observed when
operating this instrument.

Background information and practical tips.
Revised February 2008

1-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

1.2 Names
• Sysmex is a registered trademark of SYSMEX
• Cubitainer is a registered trademark of Hedwin
• ISBT128 (International Society of Blood Transfusion) is
copyrighted by and is used under License Agreement with
The fact that a trademark is not explicitly mentioned in this
manual does not authorize its use.
1.3 Analysis Parameters
The XT-2000i/XT-1800i provides results for the following
WBC Number of all leucocytes
RBC Number of all erythrocytes
HGB Hemoglobin concentration
HCT Hematocrit value: Erythrocyte ratio of
total blood volume
MCV Mean erythrocyte volume in total
MCH Mean hemoglobin volume per RBC
MCHC Mean hemoglobin concentration of
PLT Number of all platelets
NEUT% Neutrophil Percent
LYMPH% Lymphocyte Percent
MONO% Monocyte Percent
EO% Eosinophil Percent
BASO% Basophil Percent
NEUT# Neutrophil Count
LYMPH# Lymphocyte Count
MONO# Monocyte Count
EO# Eosinophil Count
BASO# Basophil Count
RDW-SD Calculated distribution width of
erythrocytes, standard deviation
RDW-CV Calculated distribution width of
erythrocytes, coefficient of variation
PDW Calculated distribution width of
MPV Mean platelet volume
P-LCR Platelet-Large Cell Ratio
PCT Plateletcrit
RET% (XT-2000i only)Reticulocyte Percent
Revised July 2007

RET# (XT-2000i only) Reticulocyte Count

IRF (XT-2000i only) Immature Reticulocyte Fraction
LFR(XT-2000i only) Low Fluorescence Ratio
MFR(XT-2000i only) Middle Fluorescence Ratio
HFR(XT-2000i only) High Fluorescence Ratio

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 1-5

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

1.4 Abbreviations used throughout this manual

CBC Complete Blood Count

dL decilitre (0.1 litre)
FCM Flow cytometry
fL femtolitre (10-15 litre)
LL lower limit
MCP Manual Cap Piercer
µL microlitre (10-6 litre)
PD pre-diluted mode
pg picogram (10-12 gram)
QC Quality Control
RH Reagent Heater
RU Reaction unit
SRV Sample Rotor Valve
UL upper limit
WB whole blood mode

Revised July 2007

1-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

1.5 Reference Intervals

Reference intervals (Normal Population Reference Ranges)
were developed for the XT-2000i/XT-1800i using normal
individuals. The range for each parameter is calculated for
95% confidence intervals.
Range for Females Range for Males
Parameter Units
n = 133 n = 182
WBC 3.98 - 10.04 4.23 - 9.07 x103/µL
Neut% 34.0 - 71.1 34.0 - 67.9 %
Lymph% 19.3 - 51.7 21.8 - 53.1 %
Mono% 4.7 - 12.5 5.3 - 12.2 %
Eo% 0.7 - 5.8 0.8 - 7.0 %
Baso% 0.1 - 1.2 0.2 - 1.2 %
Neut# 1.56 - 6.13 1.78 - 5.38 x103/µL
Lymph# 1.18 - 3.74 1.32 - 3.57 x103/µL
Mono# 0.24 - 0.86 0.30 - 0.82 x103/µL
Eo# 0.04 - 0.36 0.04 - 0.54 x103/µL
Baso# 0.01 - 0.08 0.01 - 0.08 x103/µL
RBC 3.93 - 5.22 4.63 - 6.08 x106/µL
HGB 11.2 - 15.7 13.7 - 17.5 g/dL
HCT 34.1 - 44.9 40.1 - 51.0 %
MCV 79.4 - 94.8 79.0 - 92.2 fL
MCH 25.6 - 32.2 25.7 - 32.2 pg
MCHC 32.2 - 35.5 32.3 - 36.5 g/dL
RDW-CV 11.7 - 14.4 11.6 - 14.4 %
RDW-SD 36.4 - 46.3 35.1 - 43.9 fL
RET% (XT-2000i only) 0.5 - 1.7 0.51 - 1.81 %
RET# (XT-2000i only) 0.0164 - 0.0776 0.026 - 0.095 x106/µL
IRF (XT-2000i only) 3.0 - 15.9 2.3 - 13.4 %
PLT 182 - 369 163 - 337 x103/µL
MPV 9.4 - 12.3 9.4 - 12.4 fL
* The age range for females was 21 - 41 years with a mean age of 24.5.
Revised March 2011

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 1-7

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

Sysmex recommends that each laboratory establish its
own expected reference intervals based upon the
laboratory's patient population encountered during
daily operation. Expected reference intervals may vary
due to the differences in sex, age, diet, fluid intake,
geographic location, etc. The NCCLS Document C28-
A "How to Define and Determine Reference Intervals in
the Clinical Laboratory; Approved Guideline" contains
guidelines for determining reference values and
intervals for quantitative clinical laboratory tests.

Revised July 2007

1-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 2 Safety Information

2. Safety information
2.1 Specified conditions of use

The Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i is an automated hematology

analyzer for in vitro diagnostic use in clinical laboratories.
Only human blood or artificial control blood should be run. Any
other use is regarded as non-specified.
Only reagents and cleaning solutions mentioned in this
manual are permitted for use.
The specified conditions of use also entail the observance of
the cleaning and maintenance procedures as described in this
instruction for optional performance of the instruments.

2.2 General information

• Read the manual before operating the XT-2000i/XT-1800i.
Observe all cautionary markings in the manual and on the
• Keep this manual for future reference.
• This instrument must only be operated as instructed in this
• Keep long hair, fingers and clothing away from rotating
• Should the instrument emit unusual odors or smoke, turn
the main switch OFF immediately and unplug the power
cable. Using the instrument any further bears the risk of
fire, electric shock or personal injury. Contact the Sysmex
service representative.
• Do not spill blood samples or reagents onto the XT-2000i/
Also take care not to allow any objects to fall into the XT-
2000i/XT-1800i. This could cause a short-circuit. If this
happens, turn the main switch OFF immediately and
unplug the power cable. Contact the Sysmex service
• Do not touch the electric circuits inside the instrument
especially with wet hands where there is a risk of electric
• This instrument must be connected to a power outlet of
correct voltage. Please note that the instrument must be
• Avoid damage to the power cable. Do not place any
appliances on the power cable. Do not pull on the power
• Switch the power supply to the XT-2000i/XT-1800i OFF
before connecting any additional devices (host computer,
Revised July 2007


Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 2-1

CHAPTER 2 Safety Information

2.3 Bar code safety

In patient sample identification, maximum safety of data is
required. To avoid bar code identification mistakes, check
digits should be used therefore in any case.

2.4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

This instrument complies to the following IEC (EN) standards:
• IEC61326-2-6:2005 (EN61326-2-6:2006)
• EMI (Electromagnetic Interference)
For this standard the requirements of class A are fulfilled.
• EMS (Electromagnetic Susceptibility)
For this standard the minimum requirements with regards
to immunity are fulfilled.

2.5 Installation
• The XT-2000i/XT-1800i must be installed at a dry, dust free
• It must be protected against water splashed from a faucet.
• Do not expose the XT-2000i/XT-1800i to large temperature
variations and direct sunlight.
• Avoid shocks and vibrations.
• The place of installation must be well ventilated.
• Avoid installation of the instrument near devices that cause
signal noise, such as radios, centrifugal machines, etc.
• Installation of this instrument in places where chemicals
are stored or gas can develop is not permitted.

2.6 Avoidance of infections

• In principle, all parts and surfaces of the XT-2000i/XT-
1800i must be regarded as potentially infective.
• Use of protective garments and gloves is strongly
recommended when operating, maintaining, servicing or
repairing the instrument. After completion of work, wash
hands with disinfectant.
• Never touch waste, or parts in contact with waste, with
bare hands.
• Should you inadvertently come in contact with potentially
infective materials or surfaces, immediately rinse skin
thoroughly with water, then follow your laboratory’s
prescribed cleaning and decontamination procedures.
• Control blood must be regarded as potentially infective.
When performing quality controls, use protective garments
and gloves.
Revised January 2010

2-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 2 Safety Information

2.7 Handling of reagents

• Observe the markings on the reagent's packings as well
as the information on the package inserts.
• Avoid direct contact with reagents. Reagents can cause
irritation of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes.
• Should you inadvertently come in contact with reagent,
rinse skin immediately with plenty of water.
• At eye contact, rinse at once with plenty of water and
obtain immediate medical advice. Observe the material
data safety sheet (MSDS).
• Respecting all first aid steps in your laboratory is essential.
• Avoid contact of dust, dirt or bacteria with the reagent
especially when installing new cubes.
• Reagents must not be used after their expiration date.
• Handle reagents gently to avoid bubbling. Do not shake!
Do not use directly after transportation.
• If reagent is spilled, wipe up with a damp cloth.
• If reagent was swallowed accidentally, call a doctor
• CELLPACK diluent is a good electrical conductor. If diluent
was spilled inadvertently near electrical cables or
appliances, there is a risk of electric shock. Switch the
instrument off, unplug and remove the liquid.
• CELLCLEAN is a strong alkaline cleaning material. It
should not come in contact with skin or clothing. If it
happens nevertheless, rinse skin or clothing with plenty of
water to avoid injury or damage, respectively.
• CELLCLEAN cleaning material contains sodium
hypochlorite. If CELLCLEAN makes contact with the
instrument's surfaces, it will affect the surface finish and
there is danger of corrosion. Immediately wipe up
CELLCLEAN with a damp cloth.
• Make sure the reagents used with the instruments are kept
level or below the main unit of the instrument. Do not put
reagents on top of the instrument.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 2-3

CHAPTER 2 Safety Information

Strictly follow the measures of first aid in the laboratory:
Acids: e.g. acetic-, sulfuric-, hydrochloric-, nitric- and
phosphoric acid
First aid actions:
after contact with:
Lungs - remove from exposure, rest and keep warm - in
severe cases or if exposure has been great, obtain medical
Skin - drench the skin copiously with water; - remove
contaminated clothing and wash before reuse;
- in severe cases obtain medical attention;
Blisters or burns should receive medical attention.
Mouth - Wash out the mouth thoroughly with water and
give water to drink together with milk of magnesia or milk.
- Keep patient warm and quiet.
Alkalis: e.g. sodium-, potassium-, ammonium- or calcium
Lungs - remove from exposure, rest and keep warm - in
severe cases or if exposure has been great, obtain medical
Skin - drench the skin with plenty of water; - remove
contaminated clothing and wash before reuse;
- in severe cases obtain medical attention;
Mouth - Wash out the mouth thoroughly with water; give
copious water followed by vinegar or 1% acetic acid to
drink or give copious amounts of lemon juice: - obtain
medical attention.

2.8 Maintenance
• To avoid the risk of infections, electric shock or burns, wear
gloves for all service or maintenance work. After
completion of work, wash hands with disinfectant.
• When performing maintenance, use only the tools
expressly provided for such work.
• All cleaning and maintenance procedures as described in
this manual must be observed for optimal performance.
• Install only such spare or replacement parts expressly
intended for the XT-2000i/XT-1800i.
Revised February 2008

2-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 2 Safety Information

2.9 Laser

The XT-2000i/XT-1800i contains the semiconductor laser
unit. This semiconductor laser unit is shielded with the
shield box cover, and is provided with an interlock system
that prevents laser oscillation if the cover is removed.
Do not open this cover. Only Sysmex service
representative shall open this cover.

2.10 Disposal of materials

• Disposal procedures for residual reagents, detergent and
all waste must must meet the requirements of all
applicable local regulations.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 2-5

CHAPTER 2 Safety Information

2.11 Markings on the instrument

XT-2000i/XT-1800i Front

Do not remove this CP cover when the
Main Unit power is ON.

In principle, all parts and surfaces of the
instrument must be regarded as infective.

(1) (1)

(2) (2)

(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

(1) (2)
Revised July 2007

When working with the front cover open, Do not put your fingers inside to avoid being
make sure that the stop bar is in place. injured.

2-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 2 Safety Information

XT-2000i/XT-1800i Left

- To avoid electrical shock, disconnect sup-
ply before servicing.
- For the continued protection against risk
of fire, replace only with Fuse of the spec-
(1) ified type and current rating.

6.3A 250V

Pneumatic Unit
Front View

In principle, all parts and surfaces of the
instrument must be regarded as infective.


Rear View

Do not close the air outlet on the rear of
Pneumatic Unit

- To avoid electrical shock, disconnect sup-
ply before servicing.
- For the continued protection against risk
Revised July 2007

of fire, replace only with Fuse of the spec-

ified type and current rating.
This equipment must be EARTHED.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 2-7

CHAPTER 2 Safety Information

2.12 Personnel
• This instrument may only be operated by trained
personnel having been instructed in its operation.
• Only persons who have appropriate training must perform
maintenance and repair work.

2.13 Computer Virus

Although our software has already been checked for
computer viruses, the configuration of a specific user
environment may make it prone to computer virus
infections via the Internet or a network.
We recommend that our customers consider computer
virus countermeasures that suit their computer operating
environment. Customers that use antivirus software in their
operating environment should take the following
1. Use the antivirus software to periodically check for
(1) Use antivirus software designed for your operating
system to periodically check for viruses.
(2) Disable the antivirus software during instrument
software operation as it may adversely affect
instrument operation.
(3) Disable functions that check file access.
(4) Disable firewalls and any other functions that protect
or control data transfers.
2. Do not install any software other than the antivirus
3. USB memory sticks, CD-Rs and other external memory
devices should be checked for viruses before use.
4. Do not open files attached to email or files of unknown
origin without first performing a virus check.
5. Do not download files from the Internet or other sources
that are not required for instrument operation. However,
the virus definition files used by the antivirus software
are not subject to this restriction.
6. Always check for viruses before accessing files in a
folder shared with other computers.
7. Check effectiveness of computer virus countermeasures
used on other computer systems in your laboratory, and
select the most effective for use on this instrument.
Revised December 2009

8. The customer must take sole responsibility when

connecting to an external network (for example, the

2-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 2 Safety Information

2.14 Use of other software

• Do not install any software other than that preinstalled on
the instrument. And do not run any other software on the
instrument. However, this restriction does not include the
installation of antivirus software.
• Note that we will accept no liability whatsoever for any
malfunctions arising from use of other software.

2.15 HOST Connection

When orders are downloaded from HOST, start operation
after all orders of the racks to be analyzed are completed
to be downloaded. If the analysis is started before the
downloading is completed, the analysis starts before the
order is received depending on the transfer speed. In that
case, the order is analyzed with the sample No. of the
default settings.
Revised December 2009

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 2-9

CHAPTER 2 Safety Information

Revised December 2009

2-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

3. Design and Function

3.1 Overview

1 2 3 4

6 5

1 2 3 4

8 5
(XT-2000i/XT-1800i MCP)

1 XT-2000i/XT-1800i Main Unit

Analyzes patient and control samples.
Processes data generated by the Main Unit.
3 Page Printer (Optional)
Prints lists of analysis information or results.
Revised February 2008

4 Color Graphic Printer (Optional)

Prints a hardcopy of analysis results or screen of histograms, scattergrams, etc.
5 Pneumatic Unit model: PU-17*
Supplies pressure and vacuum used by the Main Unit.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 3-1

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

6 Sampler Unit model: OPSU-10**

Supplies samples to the Main Unit automatically.
7 Data Printer (Optional)
Prints analysis data in the examination ticket format.
8 MCP (Optional) (Manual Cap Piercer) model: XT-MCP***
This is a special sample supply device for manual closed mode analysis.
* : In this instructions for use, Pneumatic Unit refers to "model PU-17".
** : In this instructions for use, Sampler Unit refers to "model OPSU-10".
*** : In this instructions for use, MCP Unit refers to "model XT-MCP".

3.2 XT-2000i/XT-1800i Main Unit

Front View



Lights up when the Main Unit enters Ready status.
2 Manual aspiration probe
Used to aspirate a sample in manual or capillary analysis mode.
3 START switch
Used to start an analysis in manual, capillary, or manual closed mode.
4 CP cover
This is the protection cover of cap piercing unit.
5 Front cover
Can be opened upwards by hand. Open the cover to inspect or clean the inside of the Main
Revised February 2008

When inspecting the inside of the Main Unit with the front cover open, be sure
to set the stop bar.
If the stop bar is not set, the cover could fall and cause an injury.

3-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

Rear View

10 4 CC

9 87 6 5
1 FBA inlet nipple
STROMATOLYSER-FB is aspirated via this nipple. Connected to the container of
2 FFD reagent inlet nipple
STROMATOLYSER-4DL is aspirated via this nipple. Connected to the container of
3 IPU connector
The communication connector with the IPU. Connected to the connector of the IPU using the
provided cable.
4 Pneumatic Unit control output connector
Used as output connector for controlling ON/OFF of the Pneumatic Unit power. Connected to
the connector on the rear panel of the Pneumatic Unit.
5 Vacuum supply nipple (VACUUM)
Connected to the vacuum outlet nipple of the Pneumatic Unit.
6 Pressure supply nipple (PRESSURE)
Connected to the pressure outlet nipple of the Pneumatic Unit.
7 RED diluent inlet nipple (XT-2000i only)
With the XT-2000i, RET SEARCH (II) diluent is aspirated via this nipple. Connected to the
container of RET SEARCH (II) diluent.
7 EPK inlet nipple (XT-1800i only)
With the XT-1800i, CELLPACK is aspirated via this nipple. Connected to the container of
8 SLS inlet nipple (SLS)
SULFOLYSER is aspirated via this nipple. Connected to the container of SULFOLYSER.
9 Waste outlet nipple
Waste fluid is discharged via this nipple. Connected to the drain or the waste container.
10 EPK inlet nipple
CELLPACK is aspirated via this nipple. Connected to the container of CELLPACK.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 3-3

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

Left View


1 Main switch
Turns the power ON and OFF.

Avoid turning this switch ON and OFF repeatedly in short duration. This will
overload the fuse and may cause a fuse blow.

2 Fuse holder
Two time-lag type fuses are installed in the Fuse Holder. Replace with the correct type of fuse
(supplied). The rating will be different depending on the instrument specification as shown
Specification Part No. Description Fuse Type
100 - 240 VAC 266-7766-3 Fuse 250V 6.3A 50T063H Time Lag

• To avoid risk of electrical shock, disconnect the power cord before replacing
the fuses.
• For continued protection against risk of fire, replace only with a fuse of the
specified type and current ratings.
Revised February 2008

3 AC power supply
Supplies power using the provided power cable.

3-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

Front Interior
8 9 10 11 8 9 10 11

7 7
6 6

1 1
2 2
5 5

4 4
3 3

(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

1 HGB detector block

Includes the HGB analyzer.
2 Sample rotor valve (SRV)
Measures the predetermined volume of the aspirated whole blood sample.
3 Whole blood aspiration motor
Drives the whole blood aspiration pump.
4 Vacuum regulator
Adjusts the bellows pressure to -0.04 MPa.
5 RBC detector block
Includes the RBC detector.
6 Pressure 0.07 MPa regulator
Adjusts the pressure to 0.07 MPa.
7 Pressure 0.16 MPa regulator
Adjusts the pressure to 0.16 MPa.
8 Trap Chamber
Prevents reagent, etc. from flowing into the compressor when a part failure has occurred in
the instrument.
9 Reaction chamber
With the XT-2000i, this chamber prepares dilution samples for analyzing WBC/BASO, 4DIFF,
and RET. The samples are retained at a constant temperature for a fixed period of time, and
are then sent to the optical detector block for analysis.
With the XT-1800i, this chamber prepares dilution samples for analyzing WBC/BASO and
4DIFF. The samples are retained at a constant temperature for a fixed period of time, and are
then sent to the optical detector block for analysis.
10 Reaction chamber mixing motor
With the XT-2000i, mixes a dilution sample for analyzing WBC/BASO, 4DIFF, and RET.
Revised July 2007

With the XT-1800i, mixes a dilution sample for analyzing WBC/BASO and 4DIFF.
11 Whole blood mixing unit
Mixes the sample from the Sampler Unit, aspirates blood, then returns the sample to the
sample rack.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 3-5

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

Left Interior

1 Sheath injector piston

Supplies a specified amount of diluted sample (1:500) to the RBC detector.
2 Air drier
Removes dust and moisture from the air (at PRESSURE side) supplied by the Pneumatic

Right Interior

1 WBC detector
Includes the WBC optical detector and Laser Unit.
2 FCM Sheath injector piston
Supplies a specified amount of diluted sample to the optical detector block.
Revised July 2007

3-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

3.3 Pneumatic Unit Components

Front View

1 Pressure 0.25 MPa Regulator

Regulates the 0.25 MPa pressure to be supplied to the Main Unit.
2 Pilot Lamp
Illuminates when the Pneumatic Unit power is ON.

Rear View
1 2


Revised July 2007

1 Pressure Outlet Nipple

Supplies pressure to the Main Unit. Connects to the pressure supply nipple of the Main Unit.
2 Vacuum Outlet Nipple
Supplies vacuum to the Main Unit. Connects to the vacuum supply nipple of the Main Unit.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 3-7

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

3 Fuse
Replace with provided time lag type fuse. The rating will be different depending on the
instrument specification.
Specification Part No. Description Fuse Type
100 - 117 VAC 266-5011-3 Fuse 250V 4A ST4-4A-N1 Time Lag
220 - 240 VAC 266-5293-0 Fuse 250V 3.15A No. 19195 Time Lag

• To avoid risk of electrical shock, disconnect the power cord before replacing
the fuses.
• For continued protection against risk of fire, replace only with a fuse of the
specified type and current ratings.

4 Power Supply Connector

Supplies power with the power supply cord provided.
5 Pneumatic Unit control input connector
The input connector for controlling the Pneumatic Unit ON/OFF. Connects to the Pneumatic
Unit control output connector of the Main Unit.

3.4 Sampler Unit Components

3 2

1 Blood volume monitoring sensor

Monitors the volume of blood in the sample tube. If the volume is insufficient, the sample
cannot be analyzed.
2 Right rack pool
This is the area where the racks are set. Up to 5 racks can be set at a time.
When you click Sampler Start on the IPU, the rack shifts to the analysis line automatically.
3 Left rack pool
The rack shifts from the analysis line to this pool.
4 Analysis line
Revised July 2007

The sample rack automatically shifts to the left to start the cycle for the next sample. On this
line, the ID is read and the sample is picked up by the mixer hand.

3-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

3.5 Information Processing Unit (IPU)

Front View

3 4

1 CRT Display
SVGA compatible multi-scan display.
2 Main Unit
Main Unit of IPU.

The IPU illustration shown is for reference only. Refer to the manual included
with the computer for the layout of connection ports and other details.
For further details contact your Sysmex service representative.

3 Keyboard
Used to input data to the IPU.
4 Mouse
Used to operate the various functions of the IPU.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 3-9

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

Rear View


6 54

1 COM 1: LP Connector
Printer connector for printing out the lists.
2 Main Unit Connector (MAIN UNIT)
Connector for the Main Unit.
3 COM 2: HOST Connector
Connector for the host computer.
4 Mouse Connector
Connector for the mouse.
5 GP Connector (GP)
Printer connector for printing out graphics.
6 Keyboard Connector
Connector for the keyboard.

Revised July 2007

3-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function


XT - [Menu]

2 File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

3 Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

4 Menu

QC Sample Explorer Data Browser

Work List Controller SysmexInsight

7 XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

1 Title display
The instrument name and display window name are shown here.
2 Menu bar
There are submenus for each menu item. A pull down menu will be displayed with a left
mouse click.
3 Toolbar
The toolbar contains those pull down submenu items that are used comparatively often. Left
clicking on a toolbar button will immediately execute the corresponding submenu action.
Inactive toolbar buttons are displayed in gray.
4 Tab
The names of windows indicating menu buttons are displayed. When there are several
windows, select a desired tab to open that window.
5 Various window boxes
Operations are performed by choosing these window boxes with a left mouse click.
6 Window area
Windows for the various operations appear in this area. One large window can be displayed,
or several windows can be display simultaneously for parallel processing and operation.
7 System status display area
The following status will be displayed:
• Sample No.
• Error message
• Main Unit status
• Analysis mode
• Discrete
• X-barM status
• Instrument ID
• Host computer connection status

Revised February 2008

The screens shown in this manual for explanation are XT-2000i screens. On the
XT-1800i screens, "XT-1800i" is displayed for the instrument name in the title
display area, and for the Main Unit name in the system status display area.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 3-11

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

3.6 Twin Connection Manager (TCM) (Option)

XT-2000 - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending


Data Browser Controller Sample Explorer

Work List QC

XT-2000i-1 12345 XT-2000i-2 67890


TCM (Twin Connection Manager) is an optional IPU unit that

connects two Main Units to one IPU. The TCM enables
centralized control of the results analyzed by two Main Units.
One Main Unit is displayed as XT-2000i-1 and the other is as
XT-2000i-2. The above display screen shows two Main Units
connected with TCM. (The same is for XT-1800i.)
Select the Main Unit to be operated in the dialog box. The
status of the first Main Unit is displayed on the left bottom and
the second is displayed on the right bottom area of the screen.

• When order inquiries are made by two Main Units to the
HOST computer at the same time, the designed
throughput (80 samples/hour) may not be obtained
depending on the HOST response speed.
• Do not use the same Rack No. when inquiring by the
tube position. The same order No. may be sent from
Revised February 2008

3-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

• The Twin Connection Manager may not be available in all
• Function keys are available on XT-2000i/XT-1800i.
Those function keys can access the following menu.
F1 (F5): Help
F2 (F6): Manual Mode Analysis
F3 (F7): Auto Mode Analysis
F4 (F8): Alarm Reset
In the case of two Main Units connected with TCM, the
function keys in ( ) are used for the second Main Unit.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 3-13

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

3.7 System Status Display

The System status display area displays icons informing about
Main Unit status, Analysis mode, Discrete, X-barM status, and
Host computer connection status.
The meaning of each icon is shown below.
Main Unit status

READY status


Analysis not possible/Not READY status



Analysis interrupt received
(Yellow) (Switching to STAT analysis)

STAT analysis not possible

Analysis mode

Manual mode

Manual closed mode

Capillary mode

Sampler mode

Discrete mode



CBC+DIFF+RET (XT-2000i only)

CBC+RET (XT-2000i only)

Revised July 2007

3-14 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

X-barM status

X-barM OFF

X-barM ON
Host computer connection status

Host computer communication possible


Communicating with host computer

Host computer communication not
(Red) possible

The Host computer connection status icon is displayed
only when Host (HC) Connect is set to ON at Host (HC)
Setting. (For setting procedure, refer to "Chapter 11,
Section 11.2, 7: Host (HC) Setting.")
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 3-15

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

3.8 Customizing the Menu Screen

Clicking on one of the menu buttons will open the window for
the corresponding function.
Menu buttons and menu tabs can be added, deleted, moved,
or the tab name can be changed on the menu screen. Thus,
operators can adapt the menu screen to their own

Adding Menu Buttons

1. Select the menu button addition tab on the menu screen.
2. With a right mouse click a menu pops up. Select "Add"
and then "Button" from this menu.
3. The Menu Button list dialog box will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending


MenuButton List
QC Sample Explorer Data Browser
Function Description
QC Analysis QC Analysis
Shutdown Shutdown
Patient Master Patient Master Screen
Ward Master Ward Master Screen
Audit Log Audit Log Screen
Data Browser Data Browser Screen
Work List Controller
Controller Screen
Sample Explorer Sample Explorer Screen
Work List Work List Screen
QC QC Screen
Doctor Master Doctor Master Screen

OK Cancel

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

4. Click the button to be added.

5. Click OK to add the menu button to the selected tab
Click Cancel to cancel the menu button and operation.

The function can be restored by adding the Menu button.

Moving Menu Buttons

Revised February 2008

1. Right click the button to be moved and select "Move" from

the right click menu.
2. A square border will appear around the menu button.
Pull the menu button to the desired location.

3-16 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

Deleting Menu Buttons

1. Right click the button to be deleted and select "Delete"
from the right click menu.
2. The selected menu button will be deleted.

Only the button, not the function is deleted.

Adding a Tab
1. Right click a tab and select "Add", then "Tab" from the right
click menu.
2. A new tab will be added behind the tab that is currently

Changing a Tab Name

1. On the menu screen, select the tab to be renamed.
2. Select "Property" from the "Edit" menu. Or, right click the
tab and select "Property" from the right click menu.
3. A Tab Property dialog box will appear with the name of the
selected tab.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending


QC Sample Explorer Data Browser

Tab Property

Work List Controller Menu

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

4. Input a new name into the tab property dialog box.

5. Click OK to change the name of the selected tab.
Click Cancel to cancel the name change operation.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 3-17

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

Moving a Tab
1. Select either tab on the menu screen.
2. Right click the tab and select "Move" from the right click
3. A square border will appear around the tab.
Pull the tab to the desired location.

Deleting a Tab
1. On the menu screen, select the tab to be deleted.
2. Right click the tab and select "Delete" from the right click
3. The selected tab will be deleted.

On screens other than the menu screen, the following
items can be customized.
(1) Column width in the list on the Work List screen
(2) Column width and display area size in the list on the
Explorer screen
(3) On the Data Browser screen, do not customize items
other than the display tab and their property.
If you wish to change the display order of tabs, replace
the display tabs by selecting "Exchange" and click the
tab whose display order should be replaced by left-
clicking. Then the two respective tabs will replace each
To change the property, change the tab display name.

Revised July 2007

3-18 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

3.9 Analysis Modes

Manual Mode

In manual mode, after mixing the sample manually the caps of

sample tube are manually removed and each sample is
aspirated via the whole blood aspiration probe.

Capillary Mode

In capillary mode, an analysis is performed after manually

diluting the sample to 1:5 dilution. This mode is used for
analyzing a minute amount of blood collected from the earlobe
or fingertip. The sample is aspirated via the whole blood
aspiration probe, and the obtained result is automatically
multiplied by 5 for reporting, which is thus comparable to the
manual mode.

Sampler Mode

The sampler automatically mixes, aspirates, and analyzes

samples without removing their caps. Up to 50 samples can
be loaded at a time and analyzed automatically.

Manual Closed Mode

In manual closed mode, the sampler is used to aspirate the
sample, without opening the cap of the sample tube. This
mode is basically the same as manual mode; however, mixing
and continuous analysis can not be performed automatically
and have to be carried out manually.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 3-19

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

3.10 Methods
Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i performs analysis based on the
Electric Resistance Detecting Method (Hydro Dynamic
Focusing Method), Flow Cytometry Method using
semiconductor laser and SLS-Hemoglobin Method. The
following is an outline of our testing principles:

1. Hydro Dynamic Focusing Method

Inside the detector, the sample nozzle is positioned in front
of the aperture and in line with the center. After diluted
sample is forced from the sample nozzle into the conical
chamber, it is surrounded by front sheath reagent and
passes through the aperture center. By passing through the
aperture center, the cells provide nice shape of cell signals.
After passing through the aperture, the diluted sample is
sent to the catcher tube.

2. Flow Cytometry Method Using Semiconductor Laser

Cytometry is used to analyze physiological and chemical
characteristics of cells and other biological particles. Flow
cytometry is used to analyze those cells and particles as
they flow through an extremely small pathway.
A blood sample is aspirated, measured, diluted to the
specified ratio, and stained. The sample is then fed into the
flow cell. This sheath flow mechanism improves cell count
accuracy and reproducibility. Since the blood cell particles
pass in a line through the center of the flow cell, the
generation of abnormal blood pulses is prevented and flow
cell contamination is reduced. A semiconductor laser beam
is emitted to the blood cells passing through the flow cell.
The forward scattered light is received by the photodiode,
and the lateral scattered light and lateral fluorescent light are
received by the photo multiplier tube. This light is converted
into electrical pulses, then making it possible to obtain blood
cell information.

3.SLS-Hemoglobin Method
The SLS-hemoglobin method is an analysis method that
makes use of the advantages of two methods.
cyanmethemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin. As with the
oxyhemoglobin method, the hemoglobin conversion speed
of the SLS-hemoglobin method is fast and the method does
not use poisonous substances, making it a suitable method
for automation. Similar to the cyanhemoglobin method, the
SLS-Hemoglobin method can also accurately measure
blood, containing methemoglobin, such as control blood.
In the SLS-Hemoglobin method, surfactants lyse the red
Revised July 2007

blood cell membrane releasing hemoglobin. The globin

group of the hemoglobin molecule is altered by the
hydrophilic alkyl group of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. This

3-20 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

induces the conversion of hemoglobin from the ferrous

(Fe+2) to the ferric (Fe+3) state forming methemoglobin,
which combines Sodium Lauryl Sulfate to become SLS-Hb
hemichrome molecule.

On XT-1800i, RET and PLT-O are not detected, however, the

same operation principle is used as XT-2000i.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 3-21

CHAPTER 3 Design and Function

Revised July 2007

3-22 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 4 Reagents

4. Reagents
4.1 General information

Observe the notes regarding handling of reagents in
chapter 2.7.
The following SYSMEX reagents are solely to be used with
SYSMEX hematology analyzers.
If using other reagents the product performance of
SYSMEX hematology analyzers cannot be guaranteed.

The following tables show the number of samples that can be

analyzed per container of reagent, and the required amounts
of reagents.

Check that there is a sufficient amount of reagent for the
number of samples to be analyzed that day. If the amount
is insufficient, prepare replacement reagent.
If the reagent is exhausted during analysis, the system
automatically stops after completion of the last sample and
alerts the operator to replace the reagent. Analysis cannot
be restarted until replacement is completed.

• Samples analyzed per Reagent Container (XT-2000i)

Capacity of 1
Reagent name Abbreviation No. of cycles
CELLPACK EPK Approx. 570 20 L
STROMATOLYSER-4DS FFS Approx. 900 42 mL*
SULFOLYSER SLS Approx. 1000 500 mL
Approx. 500 12 mL
(dye solution)
Approx. 500 1L
The number of samples indicates the number of samples that
can be analyzed in CBC+DIFF+RET analysis mode. This
number varies depending on the analysis mode. These
numbers may vary depending upon the profile and the number
Revised February 2008

of cycles performed.
* STROMATOLYSER-4DS: Each bag has a dead volume and
must be replaced every 900 cycles.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 4-1

CHAPTER 4 Reagents

• Amount of Reagent used in analysis of one sample

Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.
31 mL 33 mL 35 mL 34 mL
Approx. Approx.
2 mL 2 mL
Approx. Approx.
0.04 mL 0.04 mL
Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.
0.5 mL 0.5 mL 0.5 mL 0.5 mL
Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.
2 mL 2 mL 2 mL 2 mL
RET-SEARCH (II) Approx. Approx.
 
(dye solution) 0.02 mL 0.02 mL
RET-SEARCH (II) Approx. Approx.
 
(diluent) 2 mL 2 mL

The amount of reagent, which is needed for switch-on,
mode-change, shutdown and rinsing is not contained

• Amount of Reagent used for each Analysis Batch

Manual Sampler
CELLPACK Approx. 10 mL Approx. 11 mL

• Amount of Reagent used for Automatic Rinse (XT-2000i)

Amount used each
Amount used for
time the
Reagent name initial background
background check
is extended
CELLPACK Approx. 114 mL Approx. 35 mL
STROMATOLYSER-4DL Approx. 6 mL Approx. 2 mL
STROMATOLYSER-4DS Approx. 0.06 mL Approx. 0.02 mL
SULFOLYSER Approx. 1.5 mL Approx. 0.5 mL
STROMATOLYSER-FB Approx. 6 mL Approx. 2 mL
Revised July 2007

Approx. 0.06 mL Approx. 0.02 mL

(dye solution)
Approx. 6 mL Approx. 2 mL

4-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 4 Reagents

• Amount of Reagent used at Shutdown (XT-2000i)

CELLPACK Approx. 95 mL
CELLCLEAN Approx. 3 mL

• Samples analyzed per Reagent Container (XT-1800i)

Capacity of 1
Reagent name Abbreviation No. of cycles
CELLPACK EPK Approx. 570 20 L
STROMATOLYSER-4DS FFS Approx. 900 42 mL*
SULFOLYSER SLS Approx. 1000 500 mL
The number of samples indicates the number of samples that
can be analyzed in CBC+DIFF analysis mode. This number
varies depending on the analysis mode. These numbers may
vary depending upon the profile and the number of cycles
* STROMATOLYSER-4DS: Each bag has a dead volume and
must be replaced every 900 cycles.

• Amount of Reagent used in analysis of one sample

Reagent name CBC CBC+DIFF
CELLPACK Approx. 31 mL Approx. 33 mL
STROMATOLYSER-4DS  Approx. 0.04 mL
SULFOLYSER Approx. 0.5 mL Approx. 0.5 mL
STROMATOLYSER-FB Approx. 2 mL Approx. 2 mL

• Amount of Reagent used for each Analysis Batch

Manual Sampler
CELLPACK Approx. 10 mL Approx. 11 mL

• Amount of Reagent used for Automatic Rinse (XT-1800i)

Amount used each
Amount used for
time the
Reagent name initial background
background check
is extended
Revised February 2008

CELLPACK Approx. 120 mL Approx. 37 mL

STROMATOLYSER-4DL Approx. 6 mL Approx. 2 mL
STROMATOLYSER-4DS Approx. 0.06 mL Approx. 0.02 mL
SULFOLYSER Approx. 1.5 mL Approx. 0.5 mL

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 4-3

CHAPTER 4 Reagents

Amount used each

Amount used for
time the
Reagent name initial background
background check
is extended
STROMATOLYSER-FB Approx. 6 mL Approx. 2 mL

• Amount of Reagent used at Shutdown (XT-1800i)

CELLPACK Approx. 95 mL
CELLCLEAN Approx. 3 mL

• One package of STROMATOLYSER-4DS contains 3
bags × 42 mL of reagent.
• RET-SEARCH (II) diluent and dye solution are packed
together in one package.
• To ensure both customer safety and optimal system
performance, the manufacturer recommends that all
reagent boxes are placed at a level even with or below
the instrument base.

Revised February 2008

4-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 4 Reagents

Intended use

Diluent for use in hematology analyzers.

Storage and shelf life after first opening

Store CELLPACK at +1 to +30° C and out of direct sunlight.

If once frozen, mix it well after thawing.
If the container is unopened, it may be used up to the expiry
date stated on the reagent container.
Please refer to the product labeling (package insert or outer
package) for the open stability.


CELLPACK is a ready-to-use diluent for impedance and

photoelectrical analysis of whole blood.

Active ingredients

Sodium Chloride - 0.64%

Boric Acid - 0.10%
Sodium Tetraborate - 0.02%
EDTA-2K - 0.02%
Revised April 2010

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 4-5

CHAPTER 4 Reagents

Intended use

Diluent for use in hematology analyzers.

Storage and shelf life after first opening

Store STROMATOLYSER-FB at +30° C or lower temperature

and out of direct sunlight.
If it freezes, mix it well after thawing.
If the container is unopened, it may be used up to the expiry
date stated on the reagent container.
Please refer to the product labeling (package insert or outer
package) for the open stability.


STROMATOLYSER-FB is a ready-to-use lysing reagent to

analyze leukocytes and the basophilic granulocytes of a whole
blood sample by resistance measurement and photometric

Active ingredients

Non-ionic surfactant - 0.40%

Organic quaternary Ammonium salt - 0.1%

Revised April 2010

4-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 4 Reagents

Intended use

Diluent for use in hematology analyzers.

Storage and shelf life after first opening

Store STROMATOLYSER-4DL at +2 to +35° C and out of

direct sunlight.
Do not use reagent that may have frozen.
If the container is unopened, it may be used up to the expiry
date stated on the reagent container.
Please refer to the product labeling (package insert or outer
package) for the open stability.


STROMATOLYSER-4DL is a ready-to-use diluent for

analyzing blood by resistance measurement and photometric

Active ingredients

Non-ionic surfactant - 0.18%

Organic quaternary Ammonium salt - 0.08%
Revised April 2010

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 4-7

CHAPTER 4 Reagents

Intended use

STROMATOLYSER-4DS is used to stain the leukocytes in

diluted and lysed blood samples. It serves for the
determination of 4-part differential count (Lymph, Mono, Eo,
Neut + Baso) with selected Sysmex hematology analyzers.

Storage and shelf life after first opening

Store STROMATOLYSER-4DS in a dark place at +2 to

+35° C.
Do not use reagent that may have frozen.
If the container is unopened, it may be used up to the expiry
date stated on the reagent container.
Please refer to the product labeling (package insert or outer
package) for the open stability.

The following steps are automatically performed by the
analyzer. After sample aspiration, a part of the whole blood
sample is diluted 1:50 with lysing reagent STROMATOLYSER-
4DL and then STROMATOLYSER-4DS dye is added.
After a predefined response time the stained sample is
introduced into the detector, where forward light scatter and
side fluorescent emission are measured. From this, four
leukocyte populations are computed: neutrophil count
(NEUT#), lymphocyte count (LYMPH#), monocyte count
(MONO#) and eosinophil count (EO#), as well as neutrophil
percentage (NEUT%), lymphocyte percentage (LYMPH%),
monocyte percentage (MONO%) and eosinophil percentage

Active ingredients

Polymethine dye - 0.002%

Methanol - 3.00%
Ethylene glycol - 96.90%
Revised April 2010

4-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 4 Reagents

Intended use

SULFOLYSER is a cyanide-free reagent used for the

determination of hemoglobin. It lyses the erythrocytes and
acts upon globin of hemoglobin to from a stable hemochrome.
SULFOLYSER is intended for use on all Sysmex automated
hematology analyzers, excluding models of the CC and M

Storage and shelf life after first opening

Store SULFOLYSER at +1 to +30° C and out of direct

If it has frozen, thaw it in warm water at 30° C or below, and
mix it thoroughly before use.
If the container is unopened, it may be used up to the expiry
date stated on the reagent container.
Please refer to the product labeling (package insert or outer
package) for the open stability.


SULFOLYSER is a ready-to-use diluent for analyzing blood by

photoelectrical analysis.

Active ingredients

Sodium Lauryl Sulphate - 0.17%

Revised April 2010

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 4-9

CHAPTER 4 Reagents

4.7 RET SEARCH(II) (Diluent)

RET SEARCH(II) (Dye solution)
Intended use

RET-SEARCH(II) is intended to dilute the sample while

simultaneously staining the reticulocytes to assay the
reticulocyte concentration in blood with Sysmex hematology
RET-SEARCH(II) is a pre-packaged reagent kit consisting of
Both reagents are only used by the XT-2000i. Therefore, this
chapter 4.7 strictly applies for the XT-2000i instrument only.

Storage and shelf life after first opening

Store RET SEARCH (II) in a dark place at +2 to +35° C.

Do not use reagent that may have frozen.
If the container is unopened, it may be used up to the expiry
date stated on the reagent container.
Please refer to the product labeling (package insert or outer
package) for the open stability.


RET-SEARCH(II) is a ready-to-use diluent with a matching dye

for analysis of whole blood by resistance measurement and
photometric measurement.

Active ingredients

RET-SEARCH (II) (Diluent):

Tricine Buffer - 0.18%

RET-SEARCH (II) (Dye solution):

Polymethine dye - 0.03%
Methanol - 7.10%
Ethylene glycol - 92.80%
Revised April 2010

4-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 4 Reagents

Intended use

CELLCLEAN is a strong alkaline detergent to remove

lysing reagents, cellular residuals and blood proteins
remaining in the hydraulics of Sysmex Automated
Hematology Analyzers.

Warning and precautions

1. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

2. In case of skin contact, flush the area with water.
3. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty
of water and seek medical advice.
4. If swallowed: seek medical advice immediately.

Storage and shelf life after first opening

Store CELLCLEAN in a dark place avoiding direct sunlight

at +1 to +30° C.
If the container is unopened, it may be used up to the
expiring date stated on the reagent confainer.


CELLCLEAN is a detergent to clean the instrument, to remove

residuals of lysing reagents, cellular residuals and blood
proteins from the hydraulic systems, transducer, sample rotor
valve, whole blood aspiration tube and the HGB flow cell.

Active ingredients

Sodium Hypochlorite - 5.00%

Revised April 2010

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 4-11

CHAPTER 4 Reagents

4.9 Symbols used on the labels

IVD In Vitro Diagnostic

Consult instructions for use

LOT 1234 Lot-number

22-Nov-2000 Use by


Storage temperature

CE conformity sign as per directive


Hazardous Class in EU


EC REP Authorized representative in

the European community

Revised July 2007

4-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5. Work List
5.1 Work List
The Work List screen will be displayed when the Work List is
The Work List screen can be used to display, record, delete or
change the analysis orders; up to 1000 can be saved on the
hard disk.

5.1.1. Work List Start

The work list can be started by any one of the following

• Click the Work List button on the Menu screen.
• Select "Work List" from the "View" pull down menu on the
menu bar.
• Click the Work List button on the toolbar.

5.1.2. Work List Screen

The Work List screen displays the analysis order list in the
upper half. The edit screen for each analysis selected in the
analysis order list is displayed in the lower half.

(Basic) (PIM)

a. Analysis Order List Display

SAMPLE NO. The sample number, input by the operator

or ID bar code reader, is displayed.
PATIENT ID The patient ID, maximum 16 characters, is
Revised July 2007

Patient name The patient name is displayed.

(only PIM)

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-1

CHAPTER 5 Work List

TESTS Analysis parameters set with the Work List

screen or host are displayed.
RACK The rack number is displayed.
TUBE The tube position in the rack is displayed.
STATUS Analysis parameter status in the analysis
order is displayed as shown below:
ERROR An error occurred and the
analysis was not completed.
COMP The analysis has been
PEND The analysis is pending.
COMMENTS Information such as the condition of the
sample is displayed.

b. Patient Information (Optional)

The patient information corresponding to the patient ID is

First Name Patient's first name, maximum 20
Last Name Patient's last name, maximum 20
Sex Patient's sex
Birthday Patient's date of birth
Ward Patient's ward
Doctor Patient's attending physician's name
Comments Comments about the patient

When the patient information is to be exchanged between
the host computer and the IPU, a unique patient ID number
has to be entered.

c. Work List New Record/Edit

To make a new analysis order record, select "Auto Add" or

"Manual Add" from the "Record" menu bar, click the Auto Add
or Manual Add button on the pull down menu, or input the
analysis order directly in the column.
For editing an analysis order select the one requested from
the analysis order list.
Order information is edited in the edit screen in the lower half
of the analysis order list.
Revised July 2007

1. Input the various record items.

Click the record item to be input and input alphabetical or
numerical characters.

5-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

Sample No. Alphabet, numbers or hyphen can be used

in the sample number. A maximum of 15
characters may be used. However,
hyphens cannot be used at the beginning
or the end or used in succession. (When
the "Auto Add" is selected, a new analysis
order record is made automatically from
the selected sample number.)
Rack No. Input a rack number with up to 6 digits.
(When the "Auto Add" or "Manual Add" is
selected, a new analysis order record is
created automatically from the selected
rack number.)
Tube Pos When measuring samples in the Auto
mode, input a tube position number from 1
to 10. (When the "Auto Add" or "Manual
Add" is selected, a new analysis order
record is created automatically from the
selected tube number.)
Tests Click the combo box and select a test
profile from the list box.
Comments Input comments about the sample
(maximum 40 characters).
Patient ID The alphabet, numbers or hyphens can be
used in the patient ID. A maximum of 16
characters may be set.

Don’t use single quotation marks (’) in each patient
information record.

XT-2000i Analysis Parameters Corresponding to Discrete Analysis Selected Items

Analysis RDW-SD NEUT% RET%
Parameter RDW-CV LYMP% RET#
Discrete MONO#
Analysis EO#
Selected Items BASO#
Revised July 2007

USER SELECT Discrete setup can be used to set options from the above 30 parameters.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-3

CHAPTER 5 Work List

XT-1800i Analysis Parameters Corresponding to Discrete Analysis Selected Items

Analysis RDW-SD NEUT%
Parameter RDW-CV LYMP%
Discrete MONO#
Analysis EO#
Selected Items BASO#
USER SELECT Discrete setup can be used to set options from the above 24 parameters.

For details on the user selection, see "Chapter 11, Section
11.2: 4. Discrete".

2. Perform one of the following procedures to save the

entered item.
• Select "Save" from the "File" menu on the menu bar.
• Click Save on the toolbar.

Revised July 2007

5-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

As shown below, the combo box is used to select one from
several setting items.

Item 1
The list box contains a list of selectable items, which
appears as a pull down menu when the arrow of the combo
box is left-clicked.

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3

The rules for sorting by sample ID numbers and other

items are as follows:
(The ascending order is explained here. The descending
order is the reverse order of the ascending.)
(1) The order starts from the item with the smallest number
of digits.
(2) In case of the same numbers of digits, the items are
compared in the order from the left.
(3) The order of characters is as follows:
-, 0, 1, ... 8, 9, A, B, ... Z, a, b, ... z
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-5

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5.1.3. Sort

The analysis order list can be sorted in the order specified by


To sort:
1. Select "Sort" from the "Record" menu bar on the Work List
2. The present sort conditions will be displayed in a sort
dialog box.
XT-2000i - [ Work List Filter[All] Sort[Sample_No, Sample_NO] 5 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
101 54321 CBC+RET 999999 1 COMP test
102 54322 CBC+DIFF 999999 2 COMP test
103 54323 CBC 999999 3 COMP test
104 54324 CBC+RET 999999 4 COMP test
105 54325 CBC+DIFF 999999 5 COMP test


Prime Key Direction

SAMPLE NO. Ascending
Descending Cancel

2nd Key Direction

None Ascending
Sample No. 101 Rack No. 999999 Tube Pos 1

Tests CBC+RET 3rd Key Direction

Comments test None Ascending
Patient ID 54321
Patient Information
First Name : Birthday :

LastName : Ward :
Sex : Doctor :
Comments :

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Click the combo boxes of the Prime Key, 2nd Key, and 3rd
Key to select the sort key from the list box.
The following sort keys may be selected:
None None specified
SAMPLE NO. Sample number
RACK Rack number
TUBE Tube position
4. Select the sort direction from "Direction." The sort
directions are as follows:
Ascending Order (A, B, C, .... Y, Z)
Descending Order (Z, Y, X, .... B, A)
5. Click OK to sort the analysis order list by the sort key and
sort direction selected.
Click Cancel to cancel the set conditions.

The sort conditions will be displayed in the Work List

screen title bar.
Revised July 2007

XT-2000i - [Work List Filter[ALL] Sort[ Sample_No, Sample_NO] 5 Record(s)]

File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

5-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5.1.4. Filter

The data type displayed in the analysis order list can be


To set Filter:
1. Select "Filter" from the "Record" menu bar on the Work
List screen.
2. The present filter conditions will be displayed in a filter
condition input dialog box.
XT-2000i - [ Work List Filter[All] Sort[Sample_No, Sample_NO] 5 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
101 54321 CBC+RET 999999 1 COMP test
102 54322 CBC+DIFF 999999 2 COMP test
103 54323 CBC 999999 3 COMP test
104 54324 CBC+RET 999999 4 COMP test
105 54325 CBC+DIFF 999999 5 COMP test


All OK

Sample No. 101 Rack No. 999999 TubeCancel

Pos 1

Comments test
Patient ID 54321
Patient Information
First Name : Birthday :

LastName : Ward :
Sex : Doctor :
Comments :

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Set the filter conditions in the filter condition input dialog

The following conditions can be set:
All Displays all analysis orders.
Pending Displays pending analysis orders.
4. Click OK to display the analysis order list according to the
conditions set.
Click Cancel to cancel the set conditions.

The filter conditions will be displayed in the Work List

screen title bar.
XT-2000i - [Work List Filter[ALL] Sort[ Sample_No, Sample_NO] 5 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Revised July 2007

Click the Pending button on the toolbar to display a list of

pending analysis orders.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-7

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5.1.5. Find

The analysis order specified from the analysis order list can be

To find:
1. Select "Find" from the "Edit" menu bar on the Work List
2. The find dialog box will be displayed.

(Basic) (PIM)

3. Input search conditions.

As search conditions, Sample No., Patient ID, First Name,
Last Name, Ward and Doctor (the underlined items are
available only to PIM) can be input.
All the items can be input.


"∗" and "?" can be used as wildcards so that the entire

word need not be spelled out.
?: "?" is used in place of one character.
Example: When "99?99" is input, "99099" to "99999"
are selected.
∗: "∗" is used in place of character strings. However "*"
may only be used at the end of a string.
Example: When "99*" is input, "99000" to "99999" are

4. Click PREV. to start a search up from the cursor position

on the sample information list.
Revised July 2007

Click NEXT to start a search down from the cursor position

on the sample information list.

5-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5. The analysis order that matches the various search

conditions will appear at the cursor position. If no analysis
order matches the search conditions, the cursor will not
move from its original position.
6. To continue a search with the same search conditions,
click PREV. or NEXT.
Click CLOSE to end a search.

5.1.6. Backup

A recorded analysis order can be backed up in a file.

To backup:
1. Select "Backup" from the "Record" menu bar on the Work
List screen.
2. The backup file selection dialog box will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [ Work List Filter[All] Sort[Sample_No, Sample_NO] 5 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
101 54321 CBC+RET 999999 1 COMP test
102 54322 CBC+DIFF 999999 2 COMP test
103 54323 CBC 999999 3 COMP test
104 54324 CBC+RET 999999 4 COMP test
105 54325 CBC+DIFF 999999 5 COMP test

Save As ?

Save in: 31 2 Floppy (A:)

Sample No. 101 Rack No. 999999 Tube Pos 1

File name: [1999-02-19-09-59][21-5].smp Save
Save as type: SampleFiles (*.smp) Cancel
Comments test
Patient ID 54321
Patient Information
First Name : Birthday :

LastName : Ward :
Sex : Doctor :
Comments :

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Select a file to be backed up.

4. Click Save to backup all recorded analysis orders to the
selected file.
Click Cancel to cancel backup.

The C:drive is used for the system program. Use the
A:drive (floppy disk) for data backup.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-9

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5.1.7. Restore

The analysis order list can be restored.

To restore:
1. Select "Restore" from the "Record" menu bar on the Work
List screen.
2. The restore file selection dialog box will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [ Work List Filter[All] Sort[Sample_No, Sample_NO] 5 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
101 54321 CBC+RET 999999 1 COMP test
102 54322 CBC+DIFF 999999 2 COMP test
103 54323 CBC 999999 3 COMP test
104 54324 CBC+RET 999999 4 COMP test
105 54325 CBC+DIFF 999999 5 COMP test

Open ?

Look in: 31 2 Floppy (A:)


Sample No. 101

File name: Rack No. 999999 Tube Pos 1 Open

Tests CBC+RET Files of type: SampleFiles(*.smp) Cancel

Comments test Open as read-only

Patient ID 54321
Patient Information
First Name : Birthday :

LastName : Ward :
Sex : Doctor :
Comments :

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Select the file to be restored.

4. Click Open to restore the Work List from the input file
Click Cancel to cancel the restore procedure.

Restore will delete all contents recorded in the previous
Work List. Please, always create a backup (see 5.1.6.
Backup) of current Work List before restoring data from a
backup file.

Restore is to restore backup data from a floppy disk to the
analysis order list.
Revised February 2008

5-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5.1.8. Download

Analysis orders can be downloaded from the host computer.

To download:
1. Select "Download" from the "Record" menu bar in the
Work List screen.
2. The download dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [ Work List Filter[All] Sort[Sample_No, Sample_NO] 5 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
101 54321 CBC+RET 999999 1 COMP test
102 54322 CBC+DIFF 999999 2 COMP test
103 54323 CBC 999999 3 COMP test
104 54324 CBC+RET 999999 4 COMP test
105 54325 CBC+DIFF 999999 5 COMP test


1 Rack No. 6 Rack No. OK

2 Rack No. 7 Rack No.
3 Rack No. 8 Rack No.
4 Rack No. 9 Rack No.
Sample No. 101 Rack No. 999999 Tube Pos 1
5 Rack No. 10 Rack No.
Comments test
Patient ID 54321
Patient Information
First Name : Birthday :

LastName : Ward :
Sex : Doctor :
Comments :

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. In the download dialog box, input the Rack No. of the

analysis order to be downloaded. Up to six characters can
be input for the Rack No.
4. Click OK to download from the host computer the analysis
order corresponding to the Rack No.
Click Cancel to cancel the download procedure.

For details, see "Chapter 16, Section 16.3: Communication
Specifications of Analysis Information with Host
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-11

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5.1.9. Delete

A selected analysis order can be deleted from the recorded

analysis order list.

To delete:
1. Select the order to be deleted.
2. Select "Delete" from the "Record" menu bar, or click the
Delete button on the toolbar.
3. The delete dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [ Work List Filter[All] Sort[Sample_No, Sample_NO] 5 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
101 54321 CBC+RET 999999 1 COMP test
102 54322 CBC+DIFF 999999 2 COMP test
103 54323 CBC 999999 3 COMP test
104 54324 CBC+RET 999999 4 COMP test
105 54325 CBC+DIFF 999999 5 COMP test


Do you really want to delete?
Sample No. 101 Rack No. 999999 Tube Pos 1

Comments test
Patient ID 54321
Patient Information
First Name : Birthday :

LastName : Ward :
Sex : Doctor :
Comments :

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

4. Click OK to delete the selected order from the analysis

order list.

Multiple analysis orders cannot be selected nor deleted at
a time.
Revised July 2007

5-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5.2 Patient Master (Optional)

The Patient Master screen will be displayed when the Patient
Master is started.
The Patient Master screen can be used to display, record,
delete or change the patient information items; up to 5000 can
be saved on the hard disk.

5.2.1. Start the Patient Master

Click the Patient Master button on the Menu screen to start

the Patient Master.

When the Patient Master button is not registered on the
Menu screen, add it to the screen by referring to "Chapter
3, Section 3.8 Adding Menu Buttons".

5.2.2. Patient Master Screen

The Patient Master screen displays the patient information list

in the upper half, and the edit screen for the patient information
selected from the list is displayed in the lower half.
Patient information is selected from the list in the upper half
and is edited in the lower edit screen.
XT-2000i - [ Patient Master 1 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
PATIENT ID FIRST NAME LAST NAME Sex Birthday Ward Doctor Patient Comment
1234567890 N*ncy G*ldmn Female 1972/04/02 I Dr. S*ith HPC Test

Patient ID 1234567890

First Name N*ncy Birthday 1972/04/02

LastName G*ldmn Ward I

Sex Female Doctor Dr. S*ith

Comments HPC Test

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-13

CHAPTER 5 Work List

a. Patient Information List Display

PATIENT ID Patient ID, maximum 16 characters

FIRST NAME Patient's first name, maximum 20
LAST NAME Patient's last name, maximum 20
SEX Patient's sex
BIRTHDAY Patient's date of birth
WARD Patient's ward
DOCTOR Patient's attending physician's
PATIENT COMMENT Comments about the patient are

b. Patient Master New Record/Edit

To make a new patient information record, select "Auto Add" or

"Manual Add" from the "Record" menu bar, click the Auto Add
or Manual Add button on the pull down menu, or directly input
the information in the column.
For editing patient information click the patient information to
be edited in the patient information list.
Patient information is edited in the edit screen in the lower half
of the patient information list.

1. Input the various record items.

Click the record item to be input and input alphabetical or
numerical characters.
Patient ID Alphabet, numbers or hyphens can be
used in the patient ID. A maximum of 16
characters may be used. (When the "Auto
Add" is selected, a new patient information
record is created automatically from the
selected patient ID.)
First Name Alphabet can be used. A maximum of 20
characters may be used for the first name.
Last Name Alphabet can be used. A maximum of 20
characters may be used for the last name.
Birthday Input the date of birth in the YYYY/MM/DD
Ward Click the combo box and select a ward that
has been recorded in the Ward Master.
Sex Click the combo box and select Male or
Doctor Click the combo box and select a doctor
who has been recorded in the Doctor
Revised July 2007

Comments Input comments about the patient.

5-14 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

Don’t use single quotation marks (’) in each patient
information record.

2. Perform one of the following procedures to save a record

• Select "Save" from the "File" menu bar.
• Click Save on the toolbar.

c. Sort

The patient information list can be sorted in an order specified

by keywords.

To sort:
1. Select "Sort" from the "Record" menu bar on the Patient
Master screen.
2. The present sort conditions will be displayed in the sort
dialog box.
XT-2000i - [ Patient Master 1 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
PATIENT ID FIRST NAME LAST NAME Sex Birthday Ward Doctor Patient Comment
1234567890 N*ncy G*ldmn Female 1972/04/02 I Dr. S*ith HPC Test


Prime Key Direction

PATIENT ID Ascending
Descending Cancel

2nd Key Direction

None Ascending

3rd Key Direction

Patient ID 1234567890
None Ascending
First Name N*ncy Birthday 1972/04/02
LastName G*ldmn Ward I
4nd Key Direction
Sex Female Doctor Dr. S*ith
None Ascending
Comments HPC Test Descending

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Click the combo boxes of the Prime Key, 2nd Key, and 3rd
Key to select the sort key from the list box.
The following sort keys may be selected:
None None specified
FIRST NAME Given name
Revised July 2007


4. Select the sort direction from "Direction" and click. The
sort directions are as follows:

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-15

CHAPTER 5 Work List

Ascending Order (A, B, C, .... Y, Z)

Descending Order (Z, Y, X, .... B, A)
5. Click OK to sort the patient information list by the sort key
and sort direction selected.
Click Cancel to cancel the set conditions.
d. Find

The patient information specified from the patient information

list can be searched.

To find:
1. Select "Find" from the "Edit" menu bar on the Patient
Master screen.
2. The find dialog box will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [ Patient Master 1 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
PATIENT ID FIRST NAME LAST NAME Sex Birthday Ward Doctor Patient Comment
1234567890 N*ncy G*ldmn Female 1972/04/02 I Dr. S*ith HPC Test


Patient ID PREV.
First Name NEXT
Patient ID 1234567890 Ward CLOSE

First Name N*ncy Doctor Birthday 1972/04/02

LastName G*ldmn Ward I

Sex Female Doctor Dr. S*ith

Comments HPC Test

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Input conditions.
Patient ID, First Name, Last Name, Ward and Doctor can
be input as search conditions.


"∗" and "?" can be used as wildcards so that the entire

word need not be spelled out.
?: "?" is used in place of one character.
Example: When "99?99" is input, "99099" to "99999"
are selected.
∗: "∗" is used in place of character strings. However "*"
may only be used at the end of a string.
Example: When "99*" is input, "99000" to "99999" are
Revised July 2007


5-16 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

4. Click PREV. to start a search up from the cursor position

on the patient information list.
Click NEXT to start a search down from the cursor position
on the patient information list.
5. The patient information that matches the various search
conditions will appear at the cursor position. If no patient
information matches the search conditions, the cursor will
not move from its original position.
6. To continue a search with the same search conditions,
click PREV. or NEXT.
Click CLOSE to end a search.

5.2.3. Backup

Recorded patient information can be backed up in a file.

To backup:
1. Select "Backup" from the "Record" menu bar on the
Patient Master screen.
2. The backup file selection dialog box will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [ Patient Master 1 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
PATIENT ID FIRST NAME LAST NAME Sex Birthday Ward Doctor Patient Comment
1234567890 N*ncy G*ldmn Female 1972/04/02 I Dr. S*ith HPC Test

Save As ?

Save in: 31 2 Floppy (A:)

Patient ID 1234567890
File name: Patient Save
First Name N*ncy Birthday 1972/04/02
Save as type: Patient Files (*.pat) Cancel
LastName G*ldmn Ward I

Sex Female Doctor Dr. S*ith

Comments HPC Test

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Select a file to be backed up.

4. Click Save to backup all recorded patient information to
the selected file.
Click Cancel to cancel backup.
Revised February 2008

The C:drive is used for the system program. Use the
A:drive (floppy disk) for data backup.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-17

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5.2.4. Restore

The patient information list can be restored.

To restore:
1. Select "Restore" from the "Record" menu bar on the
Patient Master screen.
2. The restore file selection dialog box will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [ Patient Master 1 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
PATIENT ID FIRST NAME LAST NAME Sex Birthday Ward Doctor Patient Comment
1234567890 N*ncy G*ldmn Female 1972/04/02 I Dr. S*ith HPC Test

Open ?

Look in: 31 2 Floppy (A:)


Patient ID 1234567890 File name: Patient Open

First Name N*ncy Files of type: Birthday

Patient Files(*.pat) 1972/04/02 Cancel

LastName G*ldmn Ward

Open as read-only I

Sex Female Doctor Dr. S*ith

Comments HPC Test

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Select the file to be restored.

4. Click Open to restore the Patient Master with the input file
Click Cancel to cancel the restore procedure.

Restore will delete all contents recorded in the previous
Patient Master. Please, always create a backup (see
5.1.6. Backup) of current Patient Master before restoring
data from a backup file.

Restore is to restore backup data from a floppy disk to the
patient information list.
Revised February 2008

5-18 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5.2.5. Delete

Patient information can be deleted from the recorded patient

information list.

To delete:
1. Select the information to be deleted.
2. Select "Delete" from the "Record" menu bar, or click the
Delete button on the toolbar.
3. The delete dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [ Patient Master 1 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
PATIENT ID FIRST NAME LAST NAME Sex Birthday Ward Doctor Patient Comment
1234567890 N*ncy G*ldmn Female 1972/04/02 I Dr. S*ith HPC Test


Do you really want to delete?
Patient ID 1234567890

First Name N*ncy Birthday 1972/04/02

LastName G*ldmn Ward I

Sex Female Doctor Dr. S*ith

Comments HPC Test

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

4. Click OK to delete the selected patient information from

the patient information list.
Click Cancel to cancel the delete operation.

Multiple records of patient information cannot be selected
nor deleted at a time.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-19

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5.3 Doctor Master (Optional)

The Doctor Master screen will be displayed when the Doctor
Master is started.
The Doctor Master screen can be used to display, record,
delete or change the doctor name items; up to 99 can be
saved on the hard disk.

5.3.1. Start the Doctor Master

Click the Doctor Master button on the Menu screen to start

the Doctor Master.

When the Doctor Master button is not registered on the
Menu screen, add it to the screen by referring to "Chapter
3, Section 3.8 Adding Menu Buttons".

5.3.2. Doctor Master Screen

The Doctor Master screen displays the doctor name list in the
upper half, and the edit screen for the doctor name selected
from the list is displayed in the lower half.
The doctor name is selected from the list in the upper half and
is edited in the lower edit screen.
XT-2000i - [ Doctor Master 1 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
NO. Dr.
3 Dr. S*ith

No. 3

Doctor Name Dr. S*ith

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Revised February 2008

a. Doctor Name List Display

NO. doctor number

Dr. doctor's name (maximum 20 characters)

5-20 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

b. Doctor Master New Record/Edit

To make a new doctor name record, select "Auto Add" or

"Manual Add" from the "Record" menu bar, click the Auto Add
or Manual Add button on the pull down menu, or input the
name directly in the column.
For editing a doctor name click the name to be edited in the
doctor name list.
The name is edited in the edit screen in the lower half of the
doctor name list.
1. Input the various record items.
Click the record item to be input and input alphabetical or
numerical characters.
No. A one or two digit number is input. (When
the "Auto Add" is selected, the number is
automatically assigned.)
Doctor Name Alphabet can be used. A maximum of 20
characters may be used for the doctor

Don’t use single quotation marks (’) in each patient
information record.

2. Perform one of the following procedures to save a record

• Select "Save" from the "File" menu bar.
• Click Save on the toolbar.

5.3.3. Backup

Recorded doctor name list can be backed up in a file.

To backup:
1. Select "Backup" from the "Record" menu bar on the Doctor
Master screen.
2. The backup file selection dialog box will be displayed.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-21

CHAPTER 5 Work List

XT-2000i - [ Doctor Master 1 Record(s)]

File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
NO. Dr.
3 Dr. S*ith

Save As ?

Save in: 31 2 Floppy (A:)

No. 3

Doctor Name Dr. S*ith doctor

File name: Save

Save as type: Ward Files (*.dct) Cancel

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Select a file to be backed up.

4. Click Save to backup all recorded doctor names to the
selected file.
Click Cancel to cancel backup.

The C:drive is used for the system program. Use the
A:drive (floppy disk) for data backup.

5.3.4. Restore
The doctor name list can be restored.
To restore:
1. Select "Restore" from the "Record" menu bar on the
Doctor Master screen.
2. The restore file selection dialog box will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [ Doctor Master 1 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
NO. Dr.
3 Dr. S*ith

Open ?

Look in: 31 2 Floppy (A:)


No. 3
File name: doctor Open
Doctor Name Dr. S*ith
Files of type: Ward Files(*.doc) Cancel
Revised February 2008

Open as read-only

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

5-22 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

3. Select the file to be restored.

4. Click Open to restore the Doctor Master with the input file
Click Cancel to cancel the restore procedure.

Restore will delete all contents recorded in the previous
Doctor Master. Please, always create a backup (see 5.1.6.
Backup) of current Doctor Master before restoring data
from a backup file.

Restore is to restore a backed up data in a floppy disk to
the doctor name list.

5.3.5. Delete

A selected doctor name can be deleted from the doctor name


To delete:
1. Select the name to be deleted.
2. Select "Delete" from the "Record" menu bar, or click the
Delete button on the toolbar.
3. The delete dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [ Doctor Master 1 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
NO. Dr.
3 Dr. S*ith


Do you really want to delete?
No. 3 Cancel

Doctor Name Dr. S*ith

Revised February 2008

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-23

CHAPTER 5 Work List

4. Click OK to delete the selected doctor name from the

doctor name list.
Click Cancel to cancel the delete operation.

Multiple doctor names cannot be selected nor deleted at a

5.4 Ward Master (Optional)

The Ward Master screen will be displayed when the Ward
Master is started.
The Ward Master screen can be used to display, record, delete
or change the ward items; up to 99 can be saved on the hard

5.4.1. Start the Ward Master

Click the Ward Master button on the Menu screen to start the
Ward Master.

When the Ward Master button is not registered on the
Menu screen, add it to the screen by referring to "Chapter
3, Section 3.8 Adding Menu Buttons".

5.4.2. Ward Master Screen

The Ward Master screen displays the ward name list in the
upper half, and the edit screen for the ward name selected
from the list is displayed in the lower half.
The ward name is selected from the list in the upper half and is
edited in the lower edit screen.
Revised February 2008

5-24 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

XT-2000i - [ Ward Master 4 Record(s)]

File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
NO. Ward
12 I
13 I
14 I
15 I

No. 12

Ward Name I

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

a. Ward Name List Display

NO. ward number

Ward ward name (maximum 20 characters)

b. Ward Master New Record/Edit

Select "Auto Add" or "Manual Add" from the "Record" icon or

click the Auto Add or Manual Add button on the pull down
menu to make a new ward name record.
For editing a ward name, click the name to be edited in the
ward name list.
The ward name is edited in the edit screen in the lower half of
the ward name list.
1. Input the various record items.
Click the record item to be input and input alphabetical or
numerical characters.
No. A one or two digit number is input. (When
the "Auto Add" is selected, the number is
automatically assigned.)
Ward Name Alphabet can be used. A maximum of 20
characters may be used for the ward

Don’t use single quotation marks (’) in each patient
information record.
Revised February 2008

2. Perform one of the following procedures to save a record

• Select "Save" from the "File" menu bar.
• Click Save on the toolbar.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-25

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5.4.3. Backup

Recorded ward name list can be backed up in a file.

To backup:
1. Select "Backup" from the "Record" menu bar on the Ward
Master screen.
2. The backup file selection dialog box will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [ Ward Master 4 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
NO. Ward
12 I
13 I
14 I
15 I

Save As ?

Save in: 31 2 Floppy (A:)

No. 12

Ward Name I [1999-02-19-09-59][21-5].wad

File name: Save

Save as type: SampleFiles (*.wad) Cancel

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Select a file to be backed up.

4. Click Save to backup all recorded ward names to the
selected file.
Click Cancel to cancel backup.

The C:drive is used for the system program. Use the
A:drive (floppy disk) for data backup.

5.4.4. Restore
The ward name list can be restored.
To restore:
1. Select "Restore" from the "Record" menu bar on the Ward
Master screen.
2. The restore file selection dialog box will be displayed.
Revised February 2008

5-26 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 5 Work List

XT-2000i - [ Ward Master 4 Record(s)]

File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
NO. Ward
12 I
13 I
14 I
15 I

Open ?

Look in: 31 2 Floppy (A:)


No. 12
File name: Open
Ward Name I
Files of type: SampleFiles(*.wrd) Cancel

Open as read-only

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Select the file to be restored.

4. Click Open to restore the Ward Master with the input file
Click Cancel to cancel the restore procedure.

Restore will delete all contents recorded in the previous
Ward Master. Please, always create a backup (see 5.1.6.
Backup) of current Ward Master before restoring data from
a backup file.

Restore is to restore a backed up data in a floppy disk to
the ward name list.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 5-27

CHAPTER 5 Work List

5.4.5. Delete

A selected ward name can be deleted from the ward name list.

To delete:
1. Select the name to be deleted.
2. Select "Delete" from the "Record" menu bar, or click the
Delete button on the toolbar.
3. The delete dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [ Ward Master 4 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
NO. Ward
12 I
13 I
14 I
15 I


Do you really want to delete?
No. 12 Cancel

Ward Name I

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

4. Click OK to delete the selected ward name from the ward

name list.
Click Cancel to cancel the delete operation.

Multiple ward names cannot be selected nor deleted at a
Revised July 2007

5-28 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

6. Operation
6.1 Menu Function
Screen Name Menu Submenu Menu Function
Menu File Open Open the Data Browser
Close Close the window
Save Save the presently selected item record
Print... Print the screen
Log Off Logoff (return to the Logon screen)
Exit Quit the application
Edit Select All Select all records
Find Display the search window
Property Change the tab title
View Toolbar Display or hide the toolbar
Status Bar Display or hide the status bar
Menu Start Menu
QC Start QC
Work List Start Work List
Sample Explorer Start Sample Explorer
Data Browser Start Data Browser
Record Sort Realign the displayed records (To sort condition input dialog)
Filter Select displayed record.(To filter condition input dialog)
Auto Add Assign sample No., rack No., and tube position automatically, and
add new record
Manual Add Assign only the rack No. and tube position automatically, and add
new record
Delete Delete selected record
Backup Backup selected record to a floppy disk
Restore List up information saved to a floppy disk
Download Download from the host computer
First Move to the top record
Upper Move to the prior record
Lower Move to the next record
Last Move to the last record
Action Validate Validate the displayed sample
Pending List Display the pending work list
Last20 Display the newest 20 samples
Report Host (HC) Transfer the selected search results to the host computer (HC)
Ticket (DP) Print the selected search results on a ticket printer (DP)
Report (GP) Print the selected search results on a report printer (GP)
Ledger (LP) Print the selected search results on a ledger printer (LP)
Setting Date Format Start Setting/System
Auto Validate Start Setting/Auto Validate
Auto Report Start Setting/Auto Output
Discrete Start Setting/Discrete
Analysis Ordering Start Setting/Analysis Ordering
User Administration Start Setting/User Administration
Host (HC) Setting Start Setting/Host (HC) Setting
Report (GP) Setting Start Setting/Report (GP) Setting
Ledger (LP) Setting Start Setting/Ledger (LP) Setting
Reference Interval Start Setting/Reference Interval
Units Start Setting/Item Attributes
DP Setting Start Setting/DP Setting
DP Format Start Setting/DP Format
Window Cascade Display all presently opened windows in cascade style
Tile Display parallels in above, up, under, left and right
Revised July 2007

Arrange Icons Arrange the icons in rows

Split Split window display
Help About XT-2000i (XT-2000i only) Display the application version (To version display dialog)
About XT-1800i (XT-1800i only) Display the application version (To version display dialog)
Analyze Help Open the Help dialog box

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-1

CHAPTER 6 Operation

6.2 Startup Procedure

6.2.1. Checks prior to operation

a. Reagent Check
Check that there is a sufficient amount of reagent for the
number of samples to be analyzed that day. If the amount is
insufficient, prepare replacement reagent. If the reagent is
exhausted during analysis, the system automatically stops
after completion of the last sample and alerts the operator to
replace the reagent. Analysis cannot be restarted until
replacement is completed.

If a message appears prompting the operator to replace
the reagent, replace the empty reagent with new reagent.
If the replacement sequence is executed with a small
amount of remaining reagent, air bubbles may form and
cause the background values to be higher.

• Replacing the Reagent

• Only use reagents that have been left at room
temperature (15 - 30°C) for at least 24 hours.
• When using a reagent which may have been frozen,
observe the precautions listed on the package insert. In
some cases, correct analysis may not be possible.
• When replacing the reagent container, make sure that no
dust contacts the cubitainer spout kit. Don’t touch the
spout kit. Adhering dust may prevent correct analysis
• After opening a reagent container, make sure that no
substance such as dust, dirt, or bacteria enters the
container. These substances may prevent correct

After replacing the reagent, perform the background check

several times. Check that the background counts are below
the criteria (see page 6-5), then start the sample analysis.
Revised February 2008

b. Printer Paper
Make sure that there is a sufficient amount of printer paper for
the day's samples.

6-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

c. Instrument
Check the tubing and cables. Make sure that the tubing is not
bent, and that the power cord is securely plugged into the

d. Sampler
Make sure that there are no racks in the analysis line. Remove
any rack from the line. Make sure that the left and right rack
pools and the analysis line are clean.

e. Waste Fluid
Discharge any waste fluid that has been collected in the waste
container (if applicable).
For the waste fluid discharging procedure, see "Chapter 12:
Cleaning and Maintenance".

6.2.2. Turning ON the Power

Turn ON the power switches in the following order: Printers →

IPU → Main Unit (only after the IPU program, Logon screen

The power for the Pneumatic Unit is controlled by the Main
Unit. Therefore there is no need to separately turn the
power for the Pneumatic Unit ON/OFF.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-3

CHAPTER 6 Operation

6.2.3. Logging On to the IPU

1. Turn the IPU power ON. The Windows 2000 system starts
and logs on automatically.
2. The XT-2000i program starts (XT-1800i program for the
XT-1800i), and the Logon dialog box appears.
XT-200i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending


QC Sample Explorer Data Browser

XT IPU Logon

User Name OK
Work List Controller SysmexInsight
Password Exit

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Enter your user name and password, then click OK. You
will be logged on with the user name and password
entered, and can perform the operations allowed with the
authority set for that user.
To cancel log on and exit the program, click Exit.

• When this system is shipped from the factory, it is
possible to log on with the user name "Admin." The
password is included in the database software CD case.
Check the "shipping password" and enter it.
• Before using the system, set user names, passwords,
and operating authorities. Also change the "Admin"

For the procedures for setting/changing passwords and
operating authorities, see "Chapter 11: Instrument Setup".
Revised February 2008

User names and passwords are important items for controlling

the instrument. Be sure to manage them correctly.
If you have forgotten your user name or password, contact the
user administrator or your Sysmex service representative.

6-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

6.2.4. Self Test

When the Main Unit power is turned ON, the following

operations are performed in this order: self-check, Main Unit
control program download, initialization of mechanical and
hydraulic parts, a rinsing sequence, waiting for temperature
stabilization, and a background check. If an error message
appears during this flow of operations, see "Chapter 13:

Waiting for temperature stabilization

The temperatures of the reaction chamber and reagent heater
are displayed in the Temperature Monitoring dialog box. The
system waits for these to stabilize at their target temperatures.
When they have stabilized at their target temperatures, the
Temperature Monitoring dialog box is closed automatically. If
the box has not closed 30 minutes after the power was turned
ON, there may be a problem with the instrument. If this
happens, turn the power OFF and contact your Sysmex
service representative.

Background check
After the temperature has stabilized, a background check is
WBC 0.1 [×103/µL] performed by repeating background analysis for a maximum of
3 times. If the background value is at or below the values
DIFF-WBC 0.2 [×103/µL]
shown in the table at the left, the background check is
RBC 0.02 [×106/µL] completed.
HGB 0.1 [g/dL] If the background values are not at or below the acceptable
values, a "BACKGROUND ERROR" results, and a Help dialog
PLT 10 [×103/µL] box appears.
PLT-O 10 [×103/µL] Values for parameters not at or below the acceptable values
are displayed in red in the Background Check dialog box.
(PLT-O is for the XT-2000i.) XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
Help - XT-2000i-1
Error List OK
<Background Error >

Reset Alarm
QC Sample Explorer Data Browser

Work List Controller SysmexInsight

Execute Autorinse menu.
Press the[OK] key.
Revised February 2008

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-5

CHAPTER 6 Operation

Even if the values are not at or below the acceptable
values, analysis can still be done by clicking Cancel on the
Help dialog box. The measured values may be higher and
there may be parameters for which correct analysis results
cannot be obtained. To proceed analysis without
acceptable background values is not advisable though!

The sample ID number for the background check data is
Of the background check data, the data which is not at or
below the acceptable values is handled as a sample error
(Func.). For details, see "8.2, 3: Error Display in Chapter

If the background values are not at or below the acceptable

value, clicking OK on the Help dialog box will close the dialog
box and start automatic rinse. If the background values still do
not drop to or below the acceptable values, see "Chapter 13:

6.2.5. Auto Output Settings Check

If Auto Output is necessary, check that the instrument is set for

automatic transmission/printing before starting analysis. See
"Chapter 11: Instrument Setup."

Revised July 2007

6-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

6.3 Quality Control Analysis

Always perform a Quality Control prior to operation - before
samples are analyzed - as described in Chapter 9 Quality

Control samples are analyzed by the X or L-J Control

programs, and the data is stored in a quality control file. Follow
the manufacturer’s instructions for handling the control

X Control analyzes the control sample twice in succession
and uses the average of the results as the control data. L-J
Control uses the analysis results obtained from a single
analysis as the control data.
To display the results of QC analysis, see "4. Display of QC
Analysis Results" in this chapter.

Quality control data is stored in the specified quality control

file. Before performing quality control with the Main Unit, see
"9.6: Quality Control Analysis in Chapter 9."

The XT-2000i/XT-1800i has two kinds of quality control

methods. Choose the control method meeting your
laboratory’s internal regulations.

X Control
Two consecutive analyses are performed (repeat
determination) and the mean of them is compared with the
expected range.

Levey-Jennings control
Only one control blood analysis is performed (detection be
separate operation) and compared with the expected range.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-7

CHAPTER 6 Operation

6.3.1. QC Analysis: Manual Mode

Follow the procedure below to perform QC analysis in manual

1. Check that the READY LED on the Main Unit is lit. If it is
not lit, there is a possibility that an error has occurred.
2. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will be displayed.
3. Double-click the QC Analysis icon on the Controller
The Select QC File dialog box will appear.
To register a QC file, see "9.6: Quality Control Analysis in
Chapter 9."
4. A list of the registered QC files is displayed in the Select
QC File dialog box, in the order of their QC file numbers.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration

Select QC File - XT2000i-1

Auto Calibration Files
Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting
Calibration OK
NO. LOT NO. Mode Exp.Day Level Type
2 QC-20070802 Manual 02/03/24 Level2 Control Cancel
11 QC-2740802 Manual 01/12/15 Level1 Control
22 QC-12740802 Close 01/12/16 Level2 Control
32 QC-13230802 Close 02/02/03 Level2 Control

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

5. Select a QC file and click OK or Cancel.

OK The QC file selection is confirmed and the
Select QC File dialog box is closed. The QC
Analysis dialog box appears.
Cancel The QC file selection is canceled and the Select
QC File dialog box is closed.

The analysis mode changes according to the contents of
the selected QC file. From the Select QC File dialog box,
select a QC file in which the analysis mode is set to
Revised February 2008


6. See "1: Manual Mode in Section 6.4 Analysis Mode

Procedures" and analyze the control sample.

6-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

Risk of infection
Be sure to wear gloves when analyzing the control sample.
Because there is a potential of infection by pathogens,
wash your hands with an antiseptic solution after work is

6.3.2. QC Analysis: Sampler Mode

L-J Control can be performed in sampler mode if either a

control sample is used, or if the bar code label for the QC file is
affixed to the sample tube. Follow the procedure below to
perform quality control analysis in sampler mode.
1. Check the volume of the control sample.
Required sample volume 1.0 mL or more
Aspirated sample volume Approx. 150 µL

2. Affix the bar code label.

In order for the bar code to be read correctly, the label
must be affixed in the proper position.
For the position to affix the bar code label, see "3: Sampler
Mode in Section 6.4 Analysis Mode Procedures".
3. See "4: Sampler Mode in Section 6.4 Analyzing Samples",
and analyze the control sample.
After analysis is completed, the results are automatically
stored as control data in the file designated by the bar

6.3.3. QC Analysis: Manual Closed Mode

Quality control analysis can be performed in closed mode if

control sample is used. Follow the procedure below to perform
QC analysis in closed mode.
1. Check that the READY LED on the Main Unit is lit. If it is
not lit, there is the possibility that an error has occurred.
2. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen.
The Controller Menu will be displayed.
3. Double-click the QC Analysis icon on the Controller
The Select QC File dialog box will appear.
Revised February 2008

To register a QC file, see "9.6: Quality Control Analysis in

Chapter 9."
4. A list of the registered QC files is displayed in the Select
QC File dialog box, in the order of their QC file numbers.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-9

CHAPTER 6 Operation

XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]

File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration

Select QC File - XT2000i-1

Auto Calibration Files
Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting
Calibration OK
NO. LOT NO. Mode Exp.Day Level Type
2 QC-20070802 Manual 02/03/24 Level2 Control Cancel
11 QC-2740802 Manual 01/12/15 Level1 Control
22 QC-12740802 Close 01/12/16 Level2 Control
32 QC-13230802 Close 02/02/03 Level2 Control

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

5. Select a QC file and click OK or Cancel.

OK The QC file selection is confirmed and the
Select QC File dialog box is closed. The QC
Analysis dialog box appears.
Cancel The QC file selection is canceled and the Select
QC File dialog box is closed.

The analysis mode changes according to the contents of
the selected QC file. From the Select QC File dialog box,
select a QC file in which the analysis mode is set to

6. See "4: Closed Mode in Section 6.4 Analysis Mode

Procedures" and analyze the control sample

Revised July 2007

6-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

6.3.4. Display of QC Analysis Results

When quality control analysis is completed, the analysis

results are displayed in the QC Analysis dialog box.
According to the quality control method set with the IPU, either
the Xbar Control dialog box or the L-J Control dialog box
For X control, the data in the Mean column in the Xbar Control
dialog box is used as control data.
For L-J control, the analysis values in the L-J Control dialog
box are used.

• Xbar Control dialog box

(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

• L-J Control dialog box

(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)
In the QC Analysis dialog box, the data items which exceed
Revised February 2008

QC control upper or lower limits are shown with a yellow

Data items which exceed QC control upper or lower limits by 3
times or more are shown with a red background.
For details, see "9.6: Quality Control Analysis in Chapter 9."

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-11

CHAPTER 6 Operation

Click Graph to display and check the newest data which was
analyzed for quality control.

When the control data has been displayed, click OK or

OK The QC Analysis dialog box is closed and the
control data is plotted on the quality control chart.
Cancel The Cancel Confirmation dialog box appears.
Yes The Cancel Confirmation dialog box is
closed. The analysis data is discarded
and the QC Analysis dialog box is closed.
No The Cancel Confirmation dialog box is
closed. The screen returns to the QC
Analysis dialog box.

6.3.5. XM Control
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will be displayed.
2. Double-click the X-barM icon on the Controller Menu.
The status of the current XM settings are shown in the X-
barM dialog box.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration

Auto Calibration Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting

X-barM - XT-2000i-1

X-barM OK

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. To execute XM control, click the On button. To cancel, click

the Off button.
4. After settings are made, click OK or Cancel.
OK The settings are saved and the dialog box is
Cancel The settings are canceled and the dialog box is
Revised July 2007

6-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

6.4 Analyzing Samples

6.4.1. Specimen requirements

Type of specimen
Blood specimens should be collected either by venepuncture
for processing in whole blood mode or micro sampling by skin
puncture for capillary mode processing. For micro sampling
the blood can be obtained from the ear lobe or finger of an
adult (preferable the latter) or from the heel of an infant.
Ideally, large drops of blood should exude slowly but
spontaneously, and only the very gentlest squeezing is
permissible. If it is necessary to squeeze firmly to obtain
blood, the results are unreliable.

Conditions of collection
Venepuncture specimens should be collected into EDTA
anticoagulant (K2-EDTA or K3-EDTA) and processed within 4
hours of collection. If specimens cannot be processed within 4
hours, they should be refrigerated at 2 - 8°C. Before
processing refrigerated specimens should be allowed to warm
up to room temperature (minimum 15 minutes), then mixed,
preferably by rotation, for at least 2 minutes.

Micro-sampling specimens may be diluted directly into the

diluent without utilization of anticoagulant, or may be collected
into micro-collection devices with EDTA anticoagulant for
dilution at a later time.

All performance claims given in this manual were
generated using specimens in EDTA anticoagulant.
Results may be affected by the use of other
anticoagulants. Therefore, each laboratory should develop
protocols for handling specimens collected in these

Stability of whole blood specimens

When the specimen is left unrefrigerated for more than 4
hours certain changes occur within blood cells, which may
produce misleading results of clinical significance.
Erythrocytes swell, the MCV increases, as does the RDW-SD.
Platelets also swell resulting in an increased MPV and P-LCR.
The total WBC count may decrease and the reliability of the
Revised July 2007

electronic differential leukocyte count diminishes. The degree

of change is variable depending on the specimen and
temperature at which it is stored. These changes are largely
prevented by storage at 2 - 8°C.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-13

CHAPTER 6 Operation

a. Whole Blood Mode

A minimum of 1.0 mL whole blood is required in the sample
The sample quantity should be matched with the anticoagulant
The sample tube should have a max. height of 82 mm
including cap.
b. Capillary Mode
A minimum of 40 µL whole blood is required to make a
prediluted sample. Analyzing in capillary mode requires a 1:5
dilution sample.
To dilute a sample proceed as follows:
1. Clean a container (Erlenmeyer flask, beaker or similar
thoroughly with CELLCLEAN.
2. Rinse the container with distilled water.
3. With a syringe, fill CELLPACK into the cleaned container.
4. With a transfer pipette, measure 160 µL CELLPACK and
dispense into a micro-tube.
5. Collect 40 µL blood with a capillary tube and dispense into
the micro-tube.
6. Put a cap on the tube and mix thoroughly.

Prepare only one sample at a time. If the diluent is filled in
advance, there is a risk of evaporation or contamination.
Incorrect measuring results may result.

6.4.2. Manual Mode

Analysis in manual mode can be performed when the system
is in READY status. Operation in this mode requires the
operator to manually mix the sample, remove the cap, and set
the sample tube in place. Follow the steps below to process
the sample.

1. Collect and prepare the sample.

2. Input the sample ID number, and set for manual mode and
3. Analyze the sample.

a. Collecting and Preparing the Sample

Draw the specified amount of blood (corresponding to the
amount of EDTA anticoagulant) from a vein. (Also, see "6.4.1.
Specimen requirements".)
Revised February 2008

Use a sample tube of length 75 mm or less. The sample

volumes are shown below.
Required sample volume 1.0 mL or more
Aspirated sample volume Approx. 85 µL

6-14 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

b. Inputting the Sample ID Number, and Setting for Manual Mode and Discrete
Before analyzing, follow the procedure below to input the
sample ID number.
1. Check that the system is in READY status.
Check that the READY LED is lit.

2. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The

Controller Menu will be displayed.
3. Double-click the Manual Sample No. icon on the
Controller Menu, or click the Manual button on the toolbar.
The Manual Sample No. dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1] XT-1800i - [Controller - XT-1800i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration
Replacement Replacement

Manual Sample No. - XT-2000i-1 Manual Sample No. - XT-1800i-1

Auto Calibration Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting Auto Calibration Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting
CalibrationSample No. 123456789012345
OK Calibration Sample No. 123456789012345

CD Cancel Cancel
Discrete R Discrete

Mode Mode
Manual Capillary Closed Manual Capillary Closed

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

4. Input the sample ID number.

5. Check the discrete setting. If it is necessary to change the
setting, click the appropriate "Discrete" to set it.
6. If the analysis mode is not set to Manual, click Manual for
"Mode" to set it.
7. When all settings are completed, click OK or Cancel.
OK The input sample ID number, discrete, and
analysis mode are confirmed, and the dialog
box is closed.
Cancel The input sample ID number, discrete, and
analysis mode are canceled, and the dialog box
Revised February 2008

is closed.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-15

CHAPTER 6 Operation

If zero is set as the sample ID number, the analysis results
will not be stored.
If the sample ID number is set to zero, a warning beeping
is sounded during sample aspiration.

• A maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters and hyphens
may be entered for the sample ID number.
• If the Realtime Request (Manual Mode) [Sample ID]
setting is made, then after the sample ID number is input,
the system will prompt the operator to enter the order for
• If an automatic increment is set for the sample ID
number of each analysis, then the system will not prompt
for entry of the analysis order and patient information.

Risk of infection
Be sure to wear gloves when analyzing the samples.
Because there is a potential of infection by pathogens,
wash your hands with an antiseptic solution after work is

c. Analyzing the Sample

1. Mix sample thoroughly.
Revised February 2008

6-16 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

2. Remove the cap carefully so as not to spatter blood.

READY LED 3. Hold the opened sample tube under the sample probe, so
that the probe immerses into the sample.

The sample probe should not contact the tube’s bottom,
which would prevent proper aspiration of the sample.

4. Press the start switch. The sample is aspirated.

5. When the READY LED turns off (and two short beeps
sound), remove the sample tube.

If the sample is removed beforehand, the analysis cannot
be correctly performed.
Take care not to bend the sample probe.

The sample probe is automatically cleaned. There is no need

to wipe the sample probe.
After completion of the analysis the hydraulic system is rinsed,
the status display reads "Rinsing".

When removing the sample tube, move it straight
downwards to avoid bending the manual aspiration probe
and causing blood to spatter.

Remove the sample tube within 3 seconds after the
READY LED turns off. After 3 seconds, the manual rinse
cup is lowered.
Revised February 2008

6. When the READY LED turns on again, prepare the next

sample. Repeat the process detailed above.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-17

CHAPTER 6 Operation

If sample ID numbers are not set, they are automatically
assigned sequentially (automatic increment function),
unless the last position is an alphabetical character.

6.4.3. Capillary Mode

Capillary mode analysis is possible when the system is in

READY status. Operation in this mode requires the operator to
manually dilute the sample, mix it, remove the cap, and set the
sample tube in position. Follow the steps below to process the

1. Collect and prepare the sample.

2. Prepare the sample for capillary analysis (1:5 dilution).
3. Input the sample ID number, and set for capillary mode and
4. Analyze the sample.

a. Collecting and Preparing the Sample

Using CELLPACK dispensed ahead of time, dilute the sample
to a 1:5 ratio. (Also, see "6.4.1. Specimen requirements".)

The sample volume is as shown below.

Required sample volume 40 µL or more
Aspirated sample volume Approx. 85 µL

b. Preparing the Sample for Capillary Analysis (1:5 dilution)

1. Rinse a diluent dispensing container (Erlenmeyer flask,
beaker, etc.) with CELLPACK to remove dirt and dust.
2. Dispense CELLPACK into the diluent dispensing
3. Use a pipette (160 µL) to dispense 160 µL of CELLPACK
into the microtube.
4. Use a pipette (40 µL) to dispense 40 µL of blood sample
into the microtube.
Revised February 2008

6-18 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

5. Cap the microtube and mix well.

Risk of infection
Be sure to wear gloves when preparing a sample for
capillary analysis.
Because there is a potential of infection by pathogens,
wash your hands with an antiseptic solution after work is

Platelet agglutination tends to occur quickly in the 1:5
dilution sample. Perform analysis immediately after adding
the blood to make the diluted sample. Prepare diluted
samples one at a time for each analysis. If the diluent is
dispensed too much ahead of time, measurement errors
will result from evaporation and contamination.

Prepare the following materials when making the 1:5 dilution

• Diluent (CELLPACK)
• Microtube (MT-40 or similar item)
• Pipette [40 µL] (SMI Micro Pettor 40 µL, type 1058-D40, or
similar item)
• Pipette [160 µL] (SMI Micro Pettor 50 - 250 µL, type 1200-J,
or similar item)
• Diluent dispensing container (Mayer, beaker, etc.)
• Diluent dispensing tool (syringe or similar item)

c. Inputting the Sample ID Number, and Setting for Capillary Mode and Discrete
Before analyzing, follow the procedure below to input the
sample ID number.
1. Check that the system is in READY status.
Check that the READY LED is lit.
Revised February 2008

2. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The

Controller Menu will be displayed.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-19

CHAPTER 6 Operation

3. Double-click the Manual Sample No. icon on the

Controller Menu, or click the Manual button on the toolbar.
The Manual Sample No. dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1] XT-1800i - [Controller - XT-1800i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration
Replacement Replacement

Manual Sample No. - XT-2000i-1 Manual Sample No. - XT-1800i-1

Auto Calibration Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting Auto Calibration Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting
Calibration Sample No. 123456789012345 OK Calibration Sample No. 123456789012345 OK

Cancel Cancel
Discrete R Discrete

Mode Mode
Manual Capillary Closed Manual Capillary Closed

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

4. Input the sample ID number.

5. Check the discrete setting. If it is necessary to change the
setting, click the appropriate "Discrete Mode" to set it.
In capillary mode, only CBC or CBC+RET can be set for
the XT-2000i, and only CBC can be set for the XT-1800i.
6. If the analysis mode is not set to Capillary, click Capillary
for "Mode" to set it.
7. When all settings are completed, click OK or Cancel.
OK The input sample ID number, discrete, and
analysis mode are confirmed, and the dialog
box is closed.
Cancel The input sample ID number, discrete, and
analysis mode are canceled, and the dialog box
is closed.

If zero is set as the sample ID number, the analysis results
will not be stored.
If the sample ID number is set to zero, a warning beeping
is sounded during sample aspiration.

Revised February 2008

A maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters and hyphens

can be entered for the sample ID number.

6-20 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

d. Analyzing the Sample

Risk of infection
Be sure to wear gloves when analyzing the sample.
Because there is a potential of infection by pathogens,
wash your hands with an antiseptic solution after work is

1. Mix microtube thoroughly.

2. Remove the cap carefully so as not to spatter blood.

READY LED 3. Hold the opened sample tube under the sample probe, so
that the probe immerses into the sample.

The sample probe should not contact the tube’s bottom,
which would prevent proper aspiration of the sample.

4. Press the start switch. The sample is aspirated.

5. When the READY LED turns off (and two short beeps
sound), remove the sample tube.

If the sample is removed beforehand, the analysis cannot
be correctly performed.
Take care not to bend the sample probe.

The sample probe is automatically cleaned. There is no need

to wipe the sample probe.
Revised February 2008

After completion of the analysis the hydraulic system is rinsed,

the status display reads "Rinsing".

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-21

CHAPTER 6 Operation

When removing the sample tube, move it straight
downwards to avoid bending the manual aspiration probe
and causing blood to spatter.

Remove the sample tube within 3 seconds after the
READY LED turns off. After 3 seconds, the manual rinse
cup is lowered.

6. When the READY LED turns on again, prepare the next

sample. Repeat the process detailed above.

If sample ID numbers are not set, they are automatically
assigned sequentially (automatic increment function),
unless the last position is an alphabetical character.

6.4.4. Sampler Mode

Sampler mode analysis can be performed when the system is

in READY status for manual mode. During operation in this
mode, sample mixing, aspiration, and analysis are all
performed automatically. Follow the steps below to process
the samples.

1. Collect and prepare the sample.

2. Input the sample ID number, rack number, and sample tube
position (if a bar code is not used).
3. Analyze the sample.
Revised February 2008

6-22 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

a. Preparing the Sample

(1) Collecting the sample
Draw the specified amount of blood (corresponding to the
amount of EDTA anticoagulant) from a vein. (Also, see "6.4.1.
Specimen requirements".)

The required sample volumes for analysis are shown below.

Diameter of sample tube
12 mm 15 mm
Required sample volume 1.0 - 5 mL 1.0 - 7 mL
Aspirated sample volume Approx. 150 µL

For sampler analysis and manual closed analysis, use the

evacuated blood collection tubes listed below.
Diameter a: 12 - 15 mm
Length b: 75 mm
c: Max. 82 mm


Use sample tubes with a length of 75 mm and diameters of 12,
Adapter 13, 14, or 15 mm. If the diameter of the tubes is less than 14
mm, attach adapters to the rack.
Sample tube diameter Adapter
12 mm No. 58
13 mm No. 56
14 mm None
15 mm None
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-23

CHAPTER 6 Operation

To use VENOJECT II blood sample tubes, stopper No. 167
(367-2309-1) is required. For details, contact your Sysmex
service representative.

(2) Affix the bar code label.

In order for the bar code to be read correctly, the label must be
affixed in the proper position. Affix the bar code label as shown
in the figure below.
When setting the sample tubes in the rack, position them so
that all the bar codes are visible through the slits in the rack.
The rack number bar code labels come in sets of 2 sheets
each. Affix the other bar code label to the side of the rack for
confirmation purposes.
• Sample tube • Rack
(Sample ID number bar code label) (Rack number bar code label)
Second Tube First Tube

Affix label so that the Rack

bar code enters a range Right

indicated by A.
61 mm

21 mm

21 mm
16 mm

Area for blood volume

sensor (Do not affix
bar code label here.) Affix the rack label between the first and
the second tubes, aligning to the top of the rack.

Affix the bar code label so that the bars on the label are
arranged horizontally when the rack is placed on the
If the bar code label is affixed slanted, the potential of an
incorrect reading of the bar code label will be increased.
Revised July 2007

6-24 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

Sample tubes with multiple labels, or labels which are not
flat and smooth against the tube, may cause interference
with sampling. The sampler is likely to jam, and in extreme
circumstances, the sampler may not be able to properly
release the tube back into its original rack position. This
could result in sample misidentification. To prevent this
occurrence, it is recommended that no more than two
labels be placed on the sample tube. Also, it is important
to assure that the labels are flat and smooth against the
tube, without creases or flaring.

• Affix the rack number bar code label so that it is aligned
with the positions of the bar code labels on the sample
• If the bar code label is affixed in the blood volume sensor
area, the blood volume cannot be correctly monitored.
• To prevent instrument damage and ensure that the tube
can be properly handled, make sure that the bar code
label does not extend past the bottom of the sample

b. Inputting Sample ID Number, Rack Number, and Sample Tube Position

(if bar code is not used)
If an ID bar code reader is not used, the sample ID number
must be input manually before analysis is performed.
1. Check that the system is in READY status.
Check that the READY LED is lit.

2. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The

Controller Menu will be displayed.
Revised February 2008

3. Double-click the Sampler Sample No. icon on the

Controller Menu, or click the Sampler button on the tool
The Sampler Sample No. dialog box will appear.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-25

CHAPTER 6 Operation

XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1] XT-1800i - [Controller - XT-1800i-1]

File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration
Replacement Replacement

Auto Calibration Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting Auto Calibration Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting
Manual Sample No. - XT-2000i-1
Calibration Manual Sample No. - XT-1800i-1

Sample No. 123456789012345 Sampler Start Sample No. 123456789012345 Sampler Start
Rack No. 1 Tube Position 1 Cancel Rack No. 1 Tube Position 1 Cancel

Discrete Discrete

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

4. Input the sample ID number.

5. Check the rack number and tube position number for the
initial sample. To make changes, click on the item to set
and then enter the numeric value.
6. Check the discrete setting. If it is necessary to change the
setting, click the appropriate "Discrete" to set it.

TUBE POS. NO. 9 10

6 7 8
3 4
5 Note:
1 2
• A maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters and hyphens
can be entered for the sample ID number.
• If alphabet letters or hyphens are used for the sample ID
number, the numbers following the final letter or hyphen
are advanced in sequence automatically. (1A-B98 is
followed by 1A-B99 and 1A-B00.)
• Only numbers can be input for the rack number and
sample tube position number.
• The rack number (RACK NO.) is advanced in sequence
each time a rack arrives at the analysis line.
• The sample tube position number indicates the location
of the sample tube on the rack.
• Because the initial value is 1, this setting is not needed
when starting analysis with the sample on the left side of
the rack.
Revised February 2008

6-26 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

c. Analyzing the Sample

1. Insert the sample tubes into the rack, and set the rack on
the right rack pool of the sampler.
A maximum of 5 racks can be set.

If a sample is left in a stable condition for 4 hours or more,
and its blood cells and plasma have separated, then
correct results may not be obtained due to insufficient
mixing of the sample. If such samples are to be analyzed,
manually mix them thoroughly by hand before setting them
in the sampler.

2. After a rack is set in the sampler, click Sampler Start or

Cancel on the Sampler Sample No. dialog box.
Sampler Start The input sample ID number, rack
number, tube position number, and
discrete are confirmed. The Sampler
Sample No. dialog box is closed and the
Rack Number/Tube Position
Confirmation dialog box appears.
Cancel The input sample ID number, rack
number, sample tube position number,
and discrete are canceled. The Sampler
Sample No. dialog box is closed.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration

Auto Calibration Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting
Manual Sample No. - XT-200i-1
Sampler Start - XT-2000i-1
Sample No. 123456789012345 Sampler Start
Sample No. 123456789012345 OK
Rack No. 1 Tube Position 1 Cancel
Sample No. 1 Tube Position 1 Cancel
Discrete CBC

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-27

CHAPTER 6 Operation

3. Check the rack number and tube position number in the

Rack Number/Tube Position Confirmation dialog box.
Then click OK or Cancel.
OK The Rack Number/Tube Position Confirmation
dialog box is closed and sampler analysis starts.
Cancel The Rack Number/Tube Position Confirmation
dialog box is closed and the screen returns to
the Sampler Sample No. dialog box.

Sampler analysis is not possible if closed mode is
selected. First return to manual mode before beginning
closed mode analysis.

4. When all of the racks have moved to the left rack pool of
the sampler, the READY LED turns on.

• Do not touch or remove the Cap Piercing Unit cover
during sampler operation.
There is the danger of injury resulting from the
mechanical parts. (If the cover is removed, the monitor
switch is activated and analysis stops.)
• Do not push the rack to the analysis line during sampler
• Do not touch the rack on the analysis line during sampler
• Make sure there is no dirt or foreign substance on the
bottom of the rack. Also make sure there is no breakage
or deformation of the rack.

If the Sampler Sample No. dialog box is opened during
sampler analysis, the Sampler Start button will be
changed to a Sampler Stop button.
Clicking Sampler Stop will stop the sampler, allowing
STAT analysis (manual or capillary analysis).

6.4.5. Performing STAT analysis during sampler analysis

Revised February 2008

1. Open the Sampler Sample No. dialog box and click

Sampler Stop.
The Sampler Sample No. dialog box closes, the sampler
stops, and the system enters STAT READY status. Manual
or capillary analysis is possible.

6-28 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

2. Either open the Manual Sample No. dialog box and input
the sample ID number for STAT analysis, or else use the
hand bar code reader (optional) to read the bar code.
3. Analyze the sample by following the same procedure as
for ordinary analysis.
4. When STAT analysis is completed, and the system has
returned to STAT READY status, open the Sampler
Sample No. dialog box. The button will have changed to a
Sampler Restart button. Click this button to resume
sampler analysis.

6.4.6. Manual Closed Mode

Manual closed mode analysis can be performed when the

system is in READY status. Operation in this mode requires
the operator to manually mix the sample and set each sample
for analysis onto the rack or MCP (optional). Follow the
procedure below to process the samples.

1. Collect and prepare the sample.

2. Input the sample ID number, and set for manual closed
mode and discrete.
3. Analyze the sample.

a. Preparing the Sample

Draw the specified amount of blood (corresponding to the
amount of EDTA anticoagulant) from a vein. (Also, see "6.4.1.
Specimen requirements".)

Use a sample tube of length 75 mm. The sample volumes are

shown below.
Required sample volume 1.0 mL or more
Aspirated sample volume Approx. 150 µL

For sampler analysis and manual closed analysis, use the

evacuated blood collection tubes listed below.
Diameter a: 12 - 15 mm
Length b: 75 mm
c: Max. 82 mm

Revised February 2008

To use VENOJECT II blood collection tubes, stopper No.

167 (367-2309-1) is required. For details, contact your
a Sysmex service representative.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-29

CHAPTER 6 Operation

b. Inputting the Sample ID Number and Setting for Manual Closed Mode and Discrete
1. Check that the system is in READY status.
Check that the READY LED is lit.

2. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The

Controller Menu will be displayed.
3. Double-click the Manual Sample No. icon on the
Controller Menu, or click the Manual button on the toolbar.
The Manual Sample No. dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1] XT-1800i - [Controller - XT-1800i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration
Replacement Replacement

Manual Sample No. - XT-2000i-1 Manual Sample No. - XT-1800i-1

Auto Calibration Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting Auto Calibration Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting
Calibration Sample No. 123456789012345 OK CalibrationSample No. 123456789012345 OK

CD Cancel Cancel
Discrete R Discrete

Mode Mode
Manual Capillary Closed Manual Capillary Closed

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

4. Input the sample ID number.

5. Check the discrete setting. If it is necessary to change the
setting, click the appropriate "Discrete" to set it.
6. If the analysis mode is not set to Closed, click Closed for
"Mode" to set it.
7. When all settings are completed, click OK or Cancel.
OK The input sample ID number, discrete, and
analysis mode are confirmed, and the dialog
box is closed.
Cancel The input sample ID number, discrete, and
analysis mode are canceled, and the dialog box
Revised February 2008

6-30 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

If zero is set as the sample ID number, the analysis results
will not be stored.
If the sample ID number is set to zero, a warning beeping
sounds during sample aspiration.

A maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters and hyphens
may be entered for the sample ID number.

c. Analyzing the Sample (when the Sampler is Attached)

1. Manually mix the sample tube thoroughly.
Insert it into the farthest left position in the rack (sample
tube position number 1).

Mixing is not done automatically in closed mode. Be sure
to mix the sample manually before analyzing.

2. Set the rack at the farthest inside position of the sampler

right rack pool.

3. Press the START switch to start analysis.

READY LED The rack is automatically transported to the aspiration
position. The sample is aspirated and analyzed.

switch Caution!
Do not touch or remove the Cap Piercing Unit cover during
sampler operation.
Revised February 2008

There is a potential of injury resulting from the mechanical

(If the cover is removed, the monitor switch is activated and
analysis stops.)

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-31

CHAPTER 6 Operation

4. When the READY LED turns on, remove the remaining

racks from the analysis line. Prepare the next sample and
repeat steps 1 - 3.

d. Analyzing the Sample (when the Optional MCP is Attached)

1. Manually mix the sample tube thoroughly.

Mixing is not done automatically in closed mode. Be sure
to mix the sample manually before analyzing.

2. Open the MCP cover and set the sample tube in place.

3. Close the MCP cover and press the START switch.


switch • Be sure to close the MCP cover. Analysis cannot be
started if the cover is open.
• Sample aspiration is underway while the READY LED is
flashing. Do not open the MCP cover during this time.
(If the cover is opened, the process of returning the
sample tube to the MCP is stopped. A warning message
appears and the alarm sounds.)

4. When the READY LED turns on, remove the MCP sample
tube. Prepare the next sample and repeat steps 1 - 3.

To use sample tubes with 15 mm diameter, the adapter
must be removed.
For details, contact your Sysmex service representative.
Revised February 2008

6-32 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

6.5 Display and Output of Analysis Results

6.5.1. Display of Analysis Results

Detailed information about the analysis results is displayed on

the Data Browser screen.
For the selection method and the display contents, see
"Chapter 8: Data Browser."
XT-2000i - [Data Browser] XT-1800i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05 Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05
Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21 Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R) Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
Principal Items WBC Differential Principal Items WBC Differential
Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL
WBC 37.06 * 10^3/µL NEUT# 30.16 * 10^3/µL WBC 37.06 * 10^3/µL NEUT# 30.16 * 10^3/µL
RBC 5.04 10^6/µL LYMPH# 4.10 * 10^3/µL RBC 5.04 10^6/µL LYMPH# 4.10 * 10^3/µL
HGB 14.8 g/dL MONO# 2.10 * 10^3/µL HGB 14.8 g/dL MONO# 2.10 * 10^3/µL
HCT 45.2 % EO# 0.57 * 10^3/µL HCT 45.2 % EO# 0.57 * 10^3/µL
MCV 89.7 fL BASO# 0.13 * 10^3/µL MCV 89.7 fL BASO# 0.13 * 10^3/µL
MCH 29.4 pg MCH 29.4 pg
MCHC 32.7 g/dL Item Data Unit MCHC 32.7 g/dL Item Data Unit
PLT 223 * 10^3/µL NEUT% 81.3 * % PLT 223 * 10^3/µL NEUT% 81.3 * %
RDW-SD 45.9 fL LYMPH% 11.1 * % RDW-SD 45.9 fL LYMPH% 11.1 * %
RDW-CV 14.1 % MONO% 5.7 * % RDW-CV 14.1 % MONO% 5.7 * %
PDW 9.2 fL EO% 1.5 * % PDW 9.2 fL EO% 1.5 * %
MPV 9.0 * fL BASO% 0.4 * % MPV 9.0 * fL BASO% 0.4 * %
P-LCR 15.3 % P-LCR 15.3 %
PCT 0.26 % Flag(s) PCT 0.26 % Flag(s)
RET% 17.8 %%
Imm Gran? PLT Clumps? Imm Gran? PLT Clumps?
RET# 8.97 10^4/µL
Left Shift? Left Shift?
IRF 14.3 % Neutro+ Neutro+
LFR 94.5 % Lympho+ Lympho+
MFR 4.8 % Mono+ Mono+
HFR 0.7 % Leuko+ Leuko+

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

6.5.2. Output of Analysis Results

If automatic transmission/printing settings have been made,

then graphic printing, data printing, and host computer output
are performed for the analysis results.
If automatic transmission/printing settings have not been
made, the operator must select the data to output and the
output destination. See "Chapter 8: Data Browser."
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-33

CHAPTER 6 Operation

6.6 Shutdown
When shutdown is performed, the detector and dilution line
are cleaned. Shutdown should be performed after completing
a day’s analysis, or after continuous operation of the
instrument. At a minimum it should be performed once every
24 hours or after measuring 500 samples.

Be sure that cleaning is done by performing shutdown.
Failure to do so may prevent correct analysis results.
During shutdown, use no detergent other than

If the instrument is turned OFF without executing a
Shutdown, deposits may build up in the instrument causing
measuring errors.

6.6.1. Shutdown of the Main Unit

1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will be displayed.
2. Double-click the Shutdown icon on the Controller Menu.
The Shutdown dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration

Shutdown - XT-2000i-1
Auto Calibration Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting
Calibration The Shutdown process will take about 15 minutes. Cancel
Please set CELLCLEAN to the
then press Start SW.

Do not use and detergent excpt CELLCLEAN.
Shutdown process is in progress

Revised February 2008

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

To cancel shutdown, click Cancel on the Shutdown dialog

box. The system will return to READY status.

6-34 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

3. As shown in the figure, set CELLCLEAN in position at the

READY LED manual aspiration probe. When it is in position, press the
START switch.
Aspiration is taking place while the READY LED is flashing
and a buzzer is sounding. Do not remove the CELLCLEAN
START during this time.

CELLCLEAN is a strong alkaline detergent. Take care to
prevent it contacting your body or clothing. There is a
potential that it may harm skin or damage clothing. If it
should somehow contact your body or clothes,
immediately rinse with large volumes of water.

4. When the READY LED turns off and the beeping stops,
remove the CELLCLEAN.

When removing the CELLCLEAN container, move it
straight downwards to avoid bending of the manual
aspiration probe and causing CELLCLEAN to spatter.

5. The Main Unit shutdown sequence will begin. The

shutdown sequence takes approx. 15 minutes.
6. After the shutdown sequence is completed, the Shutdown
dialog box will be closed and the Power Off dialog box will
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending


QC Sample Explorer Data Browser

Power Off - XT-2000i-1

Work List Controller Please power off the Analyzer.


Revised July 2007

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

7. If analysis is completed, turn off the power to the Main

IPU can still be used.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-35

CHAPTER 6 Operation

To continue analysis without turning off the power to the
Main Unit, click Restart on the Power Off dialog box.
The Power Off dialog box will be closed and the Main Unit
will be restarted.

Revised July 2007

6-36 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

6.6.2. Logging Off from the XT-2000i/XT-1800i Program

To change the current user name, first log off from the XT-
2000i program (XT-1800i program for the XT-1800i), and then
log on again.
1. Select "Log Off" from the "File" menu bar.
The Log Off Confirmation dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending


QC Sample Explorer Data Browser


Work List Controller SysmexInsight OK

Do you really want to Logoff ?

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

2. Click OK or Cancel.
OK The user is logged off and the Logon dialog box
Cancel Log off is canceled.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-37

CHAPTER 6 Operation

6.6.3. Shutdown of the IPU

1. To exit the IPU application, select "Exit" from the "File"
menu bar.
The Exit Confirmation dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending


QC Sample Explorer Data Browser


Work List Controller SysmexInsight OK

Do you really want to exit ?

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

2. Click OK or Cancel.
OK Exits the application.
Cancel Cancels the application exit.
3. To also exit Windows 2000 click the Start key on the
screen’s taskbar to display the pull-down menu. Select
"Shut Down."
The Windows 2000 Shut Down dialog box will appear.
4. Select "Shut Down" by clicking on the combo box. The IPU
power will be turned OFF.
If "Restart" is selected, the XT-2000i program (XT-1800i
program for the XT-1800i) Logon dialog box will appear
after the restart procedure is finished.
If "Standby" is selected, the unit maintains the data in its
memory and enters a power-saving mode.
If "Log Off" is selected, the current user is logged off, and
the Windows 2000 Logon dialog box appears.

With some models of PC, the power may not be turned
OFF automatically when "Shut Down" is selected.
Revised July 2007

6-38 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 6 Operation

6.7 Timer Function

If there is no operation of the Main Unit within the set period of
time, the power to the Pneumatic Unit is automatically turned
OFF. For setting procedures, see "Chapter 11: Instrument

Restoring the Pneumatic Unit

• Press the START switch to restore the Pneumatic Unit

READY LED compressor.

If the Main Unit is not operated for 3 hours or longer, it will
perform auto rinsing when it is restored.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 6-39

CHAPTER 6 Operation

Revised July 2007

6-40 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

7. Stored Data (Explorer)

When the Sample Explorer is started up, the Sample Explorer
screen is displayed.
A list of the two types of analysis data will appear on the
• LAST 20 SAMPLES This is a list of the analysis data on
the last 20 samples.
• STORED SAMPLES These are the samples stored on
hard disc. The analysis data of up
to 10,000 samples can be

7.1 Starting the Sample Explorer

1. The Sample Explorer can be started up in one of the
following procedures:
• Click the Sample Explorer button on the Menu screen.
• Select "Sample Explorer" from the "View" menu bar.
• Click the Explorer button on the toolbar.
2. When started up, the Sample Explorer will display the
analysis data list. To change:
• Select "Last20" on the "Action" menu bar.
• Click the Last 20 button on the toolbar.

• Samples with the ID No.=0 or samples with counts
having values below the blank limits will be in the Last
20, however they will not go into Stored Data. Criteria for
Blank data is as follows:
WBC < 1.00 x 103/µL
RBC < 0.30 x 106/µL
HGB < 1.0 g/dL
PLT < 20 x 103/µL
Background counts will appear in both Last 20 and
Stored Data.
• The QC analysis data is stored automatically.
• If the number of stored samples exceeds 10,000
samples, the oldest data will be erased automatically.
• When new analysis data is received from the Main Unit,
the last samples (new data) will be automatically
indicated in the "Last 20" list.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 7-1

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

7.2 Sample Explorer Screen Display

The Sample Explorer screen displays a sample information list
in the upper left position of the screen.
Patient information selected from the list appears on the lower
left area, and analysis results of numerical values are
displayed on the right hand side of the screen.
The sample information list consists of the tabs of Sample
Inf., CBC, DIFF, RET (XT-2000i only), Patient Inf. The
common items described below are displayed in the left area
of each tab screen.

The tabs of Sample Inf., CBC, DIFF, RET (XT-2000i only),
and Patient Inf. can be turned over by using the [←] and
[→] keys or by mouse clicking on the appropriate tab.

XT-2000i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)] XT-1800i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL
990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 % 990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 %
990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL 990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL
990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg 990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg
990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL 990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL
990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104 990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104
PLT 223 10^3/µL PLT 223 10^3/µL
990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103 990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103
990311-2 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:46:26 102 RDW-SD 45.9 fL 990311-2 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:46:26 102 RDW-SD 45.9 fL
990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44 101 RDW-CV 14.1 % 990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44 101 RDW-CV 14.1 %
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 MPV 10.4 fL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 MPV 10.4 fL
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32 98 NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32 98 NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL
311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL 311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 EO# 0.57 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 EO# 0.57 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:48 93 BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:48 93 BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:16 92 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:16 92
NEUT% 81.3 % NEUT% 81.3 %
LYMPH% 11.1 % LYMPH% 11.1 %
Sample lnf. CBC DIFF RET Patient lnf. MONO% 5.7 % Sample lnf. CBC DIFF Patient lnf. MONO% 5.7 %
EO% 1.5 % EO% 1.5 %
Patient ID : 1234567890 BASO% 0.4 % Patient ID : 1234567890 BASO% 0.4 %
RET% 17.8 %%
First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 RET# 8.97 10^4/µL First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02
IRF 14.3 %
Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I
Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith
Comments : Test Comments : Test

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

Sample Information List Display

• Common Display Items

1) V
Displays whether sample has been validated or not. A "V"
will appear for validated data.

"Validation" is to judge if the analysis result may be output
Revised July 2007

to external devices as a report.

7-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

2) Analysis Mode.
Displayed when capillary mode analysis or closed mode
analysis are performed.
C Capillary mode analysis
P Closed mode analysis
No display Other than Capillary or Closed mode analysis

A sample number of up to 15 digits is displayed. Suffixing
the sample number will be a letter which represents the
A Automatically Assigned
B Bar coded
M Manual Set-up
C Communicated with Host Computer
W Work list

4) OUT
Displays the data that is not yet printed or output. The
letter disappears after successful printout or output.
D Data Printer
G Graphic Printer
H Host Computer

• The output results may not be reflected for 40 seconds at
the maximum.
• When the last 20 samples display/stored samples
display is chosen, the output results are reflected

5) P/N
Indicates Positive or Negative judgment. Spaces are
displayed for Negative sample.
D Diff
M Morph
C Count

6) Action
Displayed when there is an action message.
RET (XT-2000i only)
To obtain more accurate platelet count, add
RET to the discrete, and perform the analysis

7) ERR
Func. Indicates analysis error other than ID read
Revised July 2007

Result Indicates analysis error caused by the sample
aspiration, such as "Sample Not Asp Error,"
"Low Blood Volume," and "Low Count Error."

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 7-3

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

• Sample Information

Displays the date when the sample results were obtained.

Displays the time when the sample results were obtained.

3) Seq.
Displays the sequence number within the day.

Displays the rack number of the analyzed sample.

Displays the tube position in the rack in sample analysis

Displays the distribution error in two ways.
R RBC Distribution Error
P PLT Distribution Error

7) IP (WBC)
Displays WBC IP Message Flag Number.
See "Chapter 16, Section 16.1: IP Message".

8) IP (RBC/RET) (XT-2000i)
IP (RBC) (XT-1800i)
With the XT-2000i, this item displays the RBC/RET IP
Message Flag Number.
With the XT-1800i, this item displays the RBC IP Message
Flag Number.
See "Chapter 16, Section 16.1: IP Message".

9) IP (PLT)
Displays PLT Message Flag Number.
See "Chapter 16, Section 16.1: IP Message".

Displays contents of the "Discrete" test.
1. CBC
3. CBC + DIFF + RET (XT-2000i only)
4. CBC + RET (XT-2000i only)
5. HGB + HCT + WBC
6. CBC8
7. PLT

Displays comments about the sample.
Revised July 2007

12) Name
Displays the name of the Main Unit which analyzed the
sample. (The Main Unit name can be set here.)

7-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

13) Instrument ID
Displays the ID of the Main Unit which analyzed the
sample. (The ID cannot be changed.)

• RET (XT-2000i only)
Displays the data of each parameter.
A mark may be added at the end of data.
For the mark, see "Chapter 8, Section 8.4: Main Screen".

• Patient Information (Optional)

Displays the recorded information of the patient whose
sample was analyzed.
Patient ID
Patient Name
Patient Comment

When the last samples are selected from the Sample

Information list, "***Latest Sample***" will appear on the line
XT-2000i - [Sample Explorer *** Latest Sample *** [ CAL-CAL-06] Filter[ALL] Sort [DDate DESC , TTime DESC] 18 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

7.3 Validate
"Validation" is to judge if the analysis result may be output to
external devices as a report.

Validate Operation Instructions

1. Select samples to be validated from the Sample
Information list on the Sample Explorer screen.
2. Select "Validate" from the "Action" menu bar, or click the
Validate button on the toolbar. "V" will appear on the left
end of the Sample Information list.

• After validation, sample information such as sample No.
Revised February 2008

cannot be changed. If you wish to change the sample

information, click the Validate button to cancel the
• Validation cannot be executed in the sample information
list of the last 20 samples.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 7-5

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

Only the validated analysis result can be output.
The validation can be performed manually. However, you
can set the system to validate automatically when the
specified conditions are satisfied.
(For details, see "Chapter 11, Section 11.2: 2. Auto

7.4 Sort
Sort a list of sample information by the desired keyword.

Sort Operation Instructions

1. Select "Sort" from the "Record" menu bar on the Sample
Explorer screen.
2. The current sort conditions will be displayed on the Sort
Conditions Input dialog box.
XT-2000i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)] XT-1800i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL
990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 % 990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 %
990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL 990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL
990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg 990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg
990311-5 A DH Sort 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL 990311-5 A DH Sort 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL
990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104 990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104
PLT 223 10^3/µL PLT 223 10^3/µL
990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103 990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103
RDW-SD 45.9 fL RDW-SD 45.9 fL
990311-2 A DH DMC Prime Key 1999/03/11Direction
14:46:26 102 990311-2 A DH DMC Prime Key 1999/03/11Direction
14:46:26 102
990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44
101 OK RDW-CV 14.1 % 990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44
101 OK RDW-CV 14.1 %
311-906010 A DGH DATE 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL 311-906010 A DGH DATE 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL
311-906010 A DGH 11:58:32
1999/03/11 Descending 98 MPV 10.4 fL 311-906010 A DGH 11:58:32
1999/03/11 Descending 98 MPV 10.4 fL
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 CancelP-LCR 28.9 % 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 CancelP-LCR 28.9 %
311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 % 311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 %
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH
2nd Key 1999/03/11
11:55:48 93 311-901110 A DGH
2nd Key 1999/03/11
11:55:48 93
LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH 11:55:16
1999/03/11 Ascending 92 311-901110 A DGH 11:55:16
1999/03/11 Ascending 92
TIME MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL TIME MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL
Descending EO# 0.57 10^3/µL Descending EO# 0.57 10^3/µL
Sample lnf. CBC DIFF RET Patient lnf. BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL Sample lnf. CBC DIFF Patient lnf. BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL
NEUT% 81.3 % NEUT% 81.3 %
Patient ID : 1234567890 3rd Key Direction LYMPH% 11.1 % Patient ID : 1234567890 3rd Key Direction LYMPH% 11.1 %
MONO% 5.7 % MONO% 5.7 %
None Ascending EO% 1.5 % None Ascending EO% 1.5 %
First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02
Descending BASO% 0.4 % Descending BASO% 0.4 %
Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I RET% 17.8 %% Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I
RET# 8.97 10^4/µL
Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith IRF 14.3 % Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith
LFR 85.7 %
Comments : Test MFR 11.9 % Comments : Test
HFR 2.4 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

3. Click either the combo boxes of the Prime, 2nd Key or the
3rd Key to select the sort key in the list box.
The following sort keys can be selected:
None None specified
SAMPLE NO. Sample number
DATE Date of sample analysis
TIME Time of sample analysis
4. Select the sort direction from "Direction" and click. The
sort directions are as follows:
Ascending Order: (A, B, C,.....Y, Z)
Revised July 2007

Descending Order: (Z, Y, X, .....B, A)

7-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

5. Check OK to line up a list of sample information in the set

key and sort direction.
Click Cancel to cancel the set-up condition.

The sort conditions will be displayed in the Sample

Explorer title bar.
XT-2000i-[Sample Explorer [ CAL-CAL-06] Filter[ALL] Sort [DDate DESC , TTime DESC] 18 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

It is impossible to sort the sample information list of the last
20 samples.

As shown below, the combo box is used to select one from
several setting items.

Item 1
The list box contains a list of selectable items, which
appears as a pull-down menu when the arrow of the
combo box is left-clicked.

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3

The rules for sorting by sample ID numbers and other

items are as follows:
(The ascending order is explained here. The descending
order is the reverse order of the ascending.)
(1) The order starts from the item with the smallest number
of digits.
(2) In case of the same numbers of digits, the items are
compared in the order from the left.
(3) The order of characters is as follows:
Revised February 2008

-, 0, 1, ... 8, 9, A, B, ... Z, a, b, ... z

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 7-7

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

7.5 Filter
Select the type of data that you wish to display on the sample
information list.

Filter Operation Instructions

1. Select "Filter" from the "Record" menu bar on the Sample
Explorer screen.
2. The current filter conditions will be displayed on the Filter
Conditions Input dialog box.
XT-2000i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)] XT-1800i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Filter Filter
Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
Use Filter Use Filter
QC-9025060 Date
A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 Reference
32 IntervalWBC 37.06 10^3/µL QC-9025060 Date
A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 Reference
32 WBC
Interval 37.06 10^3/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL
Today 1999/03/15 10:15:20
Interval HGBOutside 14.8 g/dL QC-9025060Yesterday
Today 1999/03/15 10:15:20
Interval HGB 14.8 g/dL
990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 % 990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 %
990311-7 Validate
A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 QC
107 MCV 89.7 fL DC
990311-7 Validate
A DH 1999/03/11 14:53:24 QC
107 MCV 89.7 fL
990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 Sample(s) Not Displayed
QC MCH 29.8 pg 990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 Sample(s) Not
QC Displayed
MCH 29.8 pg
990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105
Validation Validated MCHC 32.7 g/dL Validation Validated MCHC 32.7 g/dL
990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104 990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104
Discrete PLT 223 10^3/µL Discrete PLT 223 10^3/µL
990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103 990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103
990311-2 Error
A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:46:26 102 RDW-SD 45.9 fL 990311-2 Error
A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:46:26 102 RDW-SD 45.9 fL
990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44 101CBC
CBC+RET 14.1 % 990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44 CBC
101 RDW-CV 14.1 %
Error Occurred
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL Error Occurred
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32 98
MPV 10.4 fL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32
98 MPV 10.4 fL
ID Bar-Code
Bar-Code Reader
Reader Error
Error ID
ID Bar-Code
Bar-Code Reader
Reader Error
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97USER
SELECT P-LCR 28.9 % 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97
311-906010 M DGH Occurred
1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 % 311-906010 M DGH Occurred
1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 %
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL
Analysis Error
311-901110 A DGH Error Occurred
1999/03/11 11:55:48 93 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL
Analysis Error
311-901110 A DGH Error Occurred
1999/03/11 11:55:48 93 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:16 92
Patient ID 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:16 92
Patient ID
MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL
Positive/Negative Positive/Negative
Patient ID 1111 EO# 0.57 10^3/µL Patient ID 1111 EO# 0.57 10^3/µL
Sample lnf. CBC DIFF RET Patient lnf. BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL Sample lnf. CBC DIFF RET Patient lnf. BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL
Positive Positive
NEUT% 81.3 % NEUT% 81.3 %
Patient ID : 1234567890 LYMPH% 11.1 % Patient ID : 1234567890 LYMPH% 11.1 %
Diff. Positive MONO% 5.7 % Diff.
Diff. Positive MONO% 5.7 %
First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 EO% 1.5 % First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 EO% 1.5 %
Count Positive Count
Count Positive
BASO% 0.4 % BASO% 0.4 %
Last Name : G*ldmn
Morph. Positive Ward : I RET% 17.8 %% Last Name : G*ldmn
Morph. Positive Ward : I RET% 17.8 %%
RET# 8.97 10^4/µL RET# 8.97 10^4/µL
Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith IRF 14.3 % Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith IRF 14.3 %
Output Output
LFR 85.7 % LFR 85.7 %
Comments : Host(HC)
Test Not Outputed MFR 11.9 % Comments : Host(HC)
Test Not Outputed MFR 11.9 %
HFR 2.4 % HFR 2.4 %
Report(GP) Not Outputed Report(GP)
Report(GP) Not Outputed
Ticket(DP) Not Outputed Ticket(DP)
Ticket(DP) Not Outputed

OK Cancel OK Cancel
XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345

(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

3. Set the Filter conditions in the Filter Condition Input dialog

box as follows (applies to all conditions set).
Use Filter
Used to set whether to use the filter function.

• It is impossible to execute the filter operation in the
sample information list of the last 20 samples.
• When the Use Filter check box is not selected, all
sample data will be displayed, regardless of other

Displays samples analyzed and obtained on a given date.
If the combo box is clicked, an analysis date can be
chosen from the list box.
Date can be input directly using the key board.
Revised February 2008

Input an old analysis date in the left combo box, and a new
analysis date in the right combo box.

7-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

Displays samples for which validation is set as a condition.
Validated Displays validated samples.
Not Validated Displays not-validated samples.

Displays samples for which error is set as a condition.
Not Occurred Displays samples in which
Analysis Error or ID Bar code
Reader Error did not occur.
ID Bar code Reader Error
Occurred Displays samples in which an ID
Bar code Reader Error occurred.
Not Occurred Displays samples in which an ID
Bar code Reader Error did not
Analysis Error
Occurred Displays samples in which an
Analysis Error occurred.
Not Occurred Displays samples in which an
Analysis Error did not occur.

Displays samples for which Positive/Negative judgment is
set as a condition.
Positive Displays Diff. positive samples.
Negative Displays Diff. negative samples.
Positive Displays Count positive samples.
Negative Displays Count negative
Positive Displays Morph. positive
Negative Displays Morph. negative
Displays negative samples.

Do not select the Positive/Negative check box if you wish
to display regardless of the flags.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 7-9

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

Displays samples for which data output is set as a
Host (HC)
Output Displays only samples whose
data has been sent to the host
Not Output Displays only samples whose
data has not been sent to the
host computer.
Report (GP)
Output Displays only samples whose
data has been printed on GP.
Not Output Displays only samples whose
data has not been printed on GP.
Ticket (DP)
Output Displays only samples whose
data has been printed on DP.
Not Output Displays only samples whose
data has not been printed on DP.

If the Output checkbox is not checkmarked, all the samples
are displayed, which have not been output to any of the
device yet.
If none of the checkboxes (Output, HC, GP, DP) is
checkmarked, all the samples regardless of the output are

Reference Interval
Displays samples for which reference interval is set as a
Inside Displays samples which are
within the reference interval.
Outside Displays samples which are out
of the reference interval.
Not Displayed Does not display QC samples.
Displayed Displays QC samples.

QC sample is data of control blood which was analyzed in
the QC menu.
Revised February 2008

Displays samples of specified discrete.
Patient ID
Displays samples of specified patient ID.
Up to 16 characters can be input.

7-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

4. Click OK and a sample information list giving set analysis

conditions will be displayed.
If Cancel is clicked, the set conditions will be canceled.

The Filter Conditions will be displayed in the Sample

Explorer screen title bar.
XT-2000i-[Sample Explorer [ CAL-CAL-06] Filter[ALL] Sort [DDate DESC , TTime DESC] 18 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

7.6 Find
Search the information list for the sample that you wish to find.

Find Operating Instructions

1. Select "Find" in the "Edit" menu bar of the Sample
Explorer screen.
2. The Find Input dialog box will be displayed.

(Basic) (PIM)

(The above screen shows a case for XT-2000i. On the screen for XT-1800i, discreet including
RET item cannot be set.)

3. Input search conditions.

As search conditions, Sample No., Patient ID, First Name,
Last Name, Ward and Doctor (the underlined items are
available only to PIM) can be input.
All the items can be input.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 7-11

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)


"∗" and "?" can be used as wildcards so that the entire

word need not be spelled out.
?: "?" is used in place of one character.
Example: When "99?99" is input, "99099" to "99999"
are selected.
∗: "∗" is used in place of character strings. However "*"
may only be used at the end of a string.
Example: When "99*" is input, "99000" to "99999" are

4. Click PREV. to start a search up from the cursor position

on the sample information list.
Click NEXT to start a search down from the cursor position
on the sample information list.
5. The patient information that matches the Sample No. will
appear at the cursor position. If no patient information
matches the Sample No., the cursor will not move from its
original position.
6. To continue a search with the same search conditions,
click PREV. or NEXT. Click CLOSE to end a search.

7.7 Sample Property

Change the information for a specified sample in the sample
information list.

To change sample information, cancel the validation
function first. When a sample is validated, the information
cannot be changed.

Sample Property Operation Instructions

1. Click a sample in the list whose information you wish to
2. Select "Property" from the "Edit" menu bar.
3. The Sample Property dialog box will appear.
Revised February 2008

7-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

XT-2000i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)] XT-1800i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL
990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 % 990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 %
990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL 990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL
990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg 990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg
990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL 990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL
990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104 990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104
PLT 223 10^3/µL PLT 223 10^3/µL
990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103 990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103
990311-2 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:46:26 102 RDW-SD 45.9 fL 990311-2 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:46:26 102 RDW-SD 45.9 fL
990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44 101 RDW-CV 14.1 % 990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44 101 RDW-CV 14.1 %
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32 98 MPV 10.4 fL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32 98 MPV 10.4 fL
Sample Property Sample Property
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 P-LCR 28.9 % 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 P-LCR 28.9 %
311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 % 311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 %
311-901110 A DGH Sample No. 311-9060104
1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 OK NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH Sample No. 311-9060104
1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 OK NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:48 93 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:48 93 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH Auto Increment1999/03/11 11:55:16 92 Cancel MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH Auto Increment1999/03/11 11:55:16 92 Cancel MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL
EO# 0.57 10^3/µL EO# 0.57 10^3/µL
Sample lnf. CBC DIFF RET Patient lnf. Sample lnf. CBC DIFF Patient lnf. Pos->Neg
BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL
Patient ID NEUT% 81.3 % Patient ID NEUT% 81.3 %
Patient ID : 1234567890 LYMPH% 11.1 % Patient ID : 1234567890 LYMPH% 11.1 %
MONO% 5.7 % MONO% 5.7 %
First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 EO% 1.5 % First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 EO% 1.5 %
BASO% 0.4 % BASO% 0.4 %
Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I RET% 17.8 %% Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I
RET# 8.97 10^4/µL
Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith IRF 14.3 % Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith
LFR 85.7 %
Comments : Test MFR 11.9 % Comments : Test
HFR 2.4 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

4. Decide which content in the Sample Property dialog box

you wish to change.
Following information can be changed:

Sample No. The sample number can be

Enter new sample number.
ID information By selecting information from the
combo box under the "Sample
No." column, the ID information
can be changed.
Auto Increment A
ID Reader B
Manual Setting M
Host Setting C
Work List W
Pos->Neg The sample information can be
changed from positive to

Don’t use single quotation marks (’) to Sample No., and
Patient ID.

5. If OK is clicked, the entered sample information will be

If Cancel is clicked, the changes entered will be canceled.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 7-13

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

• When sample information is changed, the identification
of analysis data changes. Therefore, be careful when
changing sample information.
• It is impossible to change sample information in the
information list of the last 20 samples.

7.8 Output
Select a sample from the sample information list of stored data
displayed on the Sample Explorer screen, and send its
analysis data to HC, DP, GP, or LP.
XT-2000i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)] XT-1800i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help
Host(HC) Host(HC)
Ticket(DP) Ticket(DP)
Help Manual Sampler save
save Report(GP)
menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save Report(GP)
menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL
990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 % 990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 %
990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL 990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL
990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg 990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg
990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL 990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL
990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104 990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104
PLT 223 10^3/µL PLT 223 10^3/µL
990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103 990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103
990311-2 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:46:26 102 RDW-SD 45.9 fL 990311-2 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:46:26 102 RDW-SD 45.9 fL
990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44 101 RDW-CV 14.1 % 990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44 101 RDW-CV 14.1 %
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32 98 MPV 10.4 fL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32 98 MPV 10.4 fL
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 P-LCR 28.9 % 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 P-LCR 28.9 %
311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 % 311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 %
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:48 93 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:48 93 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:16 92 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:16 92
MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL
EO# 0.57 10^3/µL EO# 0.57 10^3/µL
Sample lnf. CBC DIFF RET Patient lnf. BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL Sample lnf. CBC DIFF Patient lnf. BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL
NEUT% 81.3 % NEUT% 81.3 %
Patient ID : 1234567890 LYMPH% 11.1 % Patient ID : 1234567890 LYMPH% 11.1 %
MONO% 5.7 % MONO% 5.7 %
First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 EO% 1.5 % First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 EO% 1.5 %
BASO% 0.4 % BASO% 0.4 %
Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I RET% 17.8 %% Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I
RET# 8.97 10^4/µL
Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith IRF 14.3 % Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith
LFR 85.7 %
Comments : Test MFR 11.9 % Comments : Test
HFR 2.4 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

1. Select a sample to be output from the validated samples

included in the sample information list of stored data on
the Sample Explorer screen.

"Validation" is to judge if the analysis result may be output
to external devices as a report.

2. Select and click an instrument you wish to use from the

"Report" menu bar to start output.
Host (HC) Sends data to Host Computer.
Ticket (DP) Sends data to connected data
Revised February 2008

Report (GP) Sends data to connected graphic
Ledger (LP) Sends data to connected line

7-14 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

• It is impossible to send data to external devices in the
sample information list of the last 20 samples on the
Sample Explorer screen.
• Select "Print" from the "File" menu bar to send data
indicated on the screen to GP.
• The output results may not be reflected for 40 seconds at
the maximum.
• When the last 20 samples display/stored samples
display is chosen, the output results are reflected

Do not use a hard copy obtained by the "Print Screen"
function, for reporting to the physician.
When "Print Screen" key is pressed while the screen is
being drawn for the next sample, a correct patient result
may not be printed.

7.9 Backup
Back up analysis data in a file.

Backup Operation Instructions:

1. Select one or more samples to be backed up on the
Sample Explorer screen.
2. Select "Backup" from the "Record" menu bar.
3. Backup File Selection dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)] XT-1800i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL
990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 % 990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 %
990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL 990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL
990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg 990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg
990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL 990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL
990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104 990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104
PLT 223 10^3/µL PLT 223 10^3/µL
990311-3 A DH DMC Save As 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103 ? 990311-3 A DH DMC Save As 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103 ?
990311-2 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:46:26 102 RDW-SD 45.9 fL 990311-2 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:46:26 102 RDW-SD 45.9 fL
990311-1 M DH DMC Save in: 311999/03/11
2 Floppy (A:) 14:45:44 101 RDW-CV 14.1 % 990311-1 M DH DMC Save in: 311999/03/11
2 Floppy (A:) 14:45:44 101 RDW-CV 14.1 %
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32 98 MPV 10.4 fL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32 98 MPV 10.4 fL
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 P-LCR 28.9 % 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 P-LCR 28.9 %
311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 % 311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 %
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:48 93 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:48 93 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:16 92 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:16 92
MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL
EO# 0.57 10^3/µL EO# 0.57 10^3/µL
Sample lnf. CBC DIFF RET Patient lnf. BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL Sample lnf. CBC DIFF Patient lnf. BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL
File name: [1999-02-19-09-59][21-5].smp Save File name: [1999-02-19-09-59][21-5].smp Save
NEUT% 81.3 % NEUT% 81.3 %
Patient ID : 1234567890 Save as type: LYMPH% 11.1 % Patient ID : 1234567890 Save as type: LYMPH% 11.1 %
SampleFiles (*.smp) Cancel MONO% SampleFiles (*.smp) Cancel MONO%
5.7 % 5.7 %
First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 EO% 1.5 % First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 EO% 1.5 %
BASO% 0.4 % BASO% 0.4 %
Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I RET% 17.8 %% Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I
Revised February 2008

RET# 8.97 10^4/µL

Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith IRF 14.3 % Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith
LFR 85.7 %
Comments : Test MFR 11.9 % Comments : Test
HFR 2.4 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 7-15

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

4. Click Save to backup all the selected analysis data.

Click Cancel to cancel the backup operation.

The C:drive is used for the system program. Use the
A:drive (floppy disk) for data backup.

7.10 Restore
Restore analysis data.

Restore Operation Instructions:

1. Select "Restore" from the "Record" menu bar on the
Sample Explorer screen.
2. Restore File Selection dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)] XT-1800i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL
990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 % 990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 %
990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL 990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL
990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg 990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg
990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL 990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL
990311-4 A DH DMC Open 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104 ?
PLT 223 10^3/µL
990311-4 A DH DMC Open 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104 ?
PLT 223 10^3/µL
990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103 990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103
990311-2 A DH DMC RDW-SD 45.9 fL RDW-SD 45.9 fL
Look in: 2 Floppy (A:) 14:46:26
311999/03/11 102 990311-2 A DH DMC Look in: 2 Floppy (A:) 14:46:26
311999/03/11 102
990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44 101 RDW-CV 14.1 % 990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44 101 RDW-CV 14.1 %
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11
[1999-05-27-10-53][05278262].smp 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11
[1999-05-27-10-53][05278262].smp 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32 98 MPV 10.4 fL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32 98 MPV 10.4 fL
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 P-LCR 28.9 % 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 P-LCR 28.9 %
311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 % 311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 %
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:48 93 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:48 93 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:16 92 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:16 92
MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL
EO# 0.57 10^3/µL EO# 0.57 10^3/µL
File lnf.
Sample lnf. CBC DIFF RET Patient name: Sample Open BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL Sample lnf. CBC DIFF Patient lnf.File name: Sample Open BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL
NEUT% 81.3 % NEUT% 81.3 %
Files of type: SampleFiles(*.smp) Cancel LYMPH% 11.1 % Files of type: SampleFiles(*.smp) Cancel LYMPH% 11.1 %
Patient ID : 1234567890 Patient ID : 1234567890
MONO% 5.7 % MONO% 5.7 %
Open as read-only Open as read-only
First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 EO% 1.5 % First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 EO% 1.5 %
BASO% 0.4 % BASO% 0.4 %
Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I RET% 17.8 %% Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I
RET# 8.97 10^4/µL
Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith IRF 14.3 % Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith
LFR 85.7 %
Comments : Test MFR 11.9 % Comments : Test
HFR 2.4 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

3. Select a file to be restored.

4. Click Open to restore the analysis data.
Click Cancel to cancel the restore operation.

When over 10000 samples are restored, the oldest data
will be deleted in order of the analysis date.
Revised February 2008

Restore is to restore backup data from a floppy disk to the
analysis order list.

7-16 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

7.11 Delete
Delete analysis data stored on the computer hard disk.

Delete Operation Instructions

1. Select (click) a sample to be deleted from sample
information list of stored data on the Sample Explorer
2. Select "Delete" from "Record" menu bar, or click the
Delete button on the toolbar.
3. The Delete dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)] XT-1800i - [Sample Explorer [ 311-906010] Filter[LAST20] Sort[DATE Desc.TTIME DESC] 18 Record(s)]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:24:23 32 WBC 37.06 10^3/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:1553 31 RBC 5.04 10^6/µL
QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL QC-9025060 A DGH 1999/03/15 10:15:20 30 HGB 14.8 g/dL
990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 % 990311-8 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:54:33 108 HCT 45.2 %
990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL 990311-7 A DH DC 1999/03/11 14:53:24 107 MCV 89.7 fL
990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg 990311-6 A DH DM 1999/03/11 14:49:30 106 MCH 29.8 pg
990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL 990311-5 A DH 1999/03/11 14:48:40 105 MCHC 32.7 g/dL
990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104 990311-4 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:54 104
PLT 223 10^3/µL PLT 223 10^3/µL
990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103 990311-3 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:47:09 103
990311-2 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:46:26 102 RDW-SD 45.9 fL 990311-2 A DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:46:26 102 RDW-SD 45.9 fL
990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44 101 RDW-CV 14.1 % 990311-1 M DH DMC 1999/03/11 14:45:44 101 RDW-CV 14.1 %
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:59:07 99 PDW 11.9 fL
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32 98 MPV 10.4 fL 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:32 98 MPV 10.4 fL
311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 P-LCR 28.9 % 311-906010 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:58:00 97 P-LCR 28.9 %
311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 % 311-906010 M DGH 1999/03/11 11:57:28 96 PCT 0.23 %
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 OK NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:56:20 94 OK NEUT# 30.16 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH Do you 1999/03/11
really want to delete?93
11:55:48 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL 311-901110 A DGH Do you 1999/03/11
really want to delete?93
11:55:48 LYMPH# 4.10 10^3/µL
311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:16 92 Cancel 311-901110 A DGH 1999/03/11 11:55:16 92 Cancel
MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL MONO# 2.10 10^3/µL
EO# 0.57 10^3/µL EO# 0.57 10^3/µL
Sample lnf. CBC DIFF RET Patient lnf. BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL Sample lnf. CBC DIFF Patient lnf. BASO# 0.13 10^3/µL
NEUT% 81.3 % NEUT% 81.3 %
Patient ID : 1234567890 LYMPH% 11.1 % Patient ID : 1234567890 LYMPH% 11.1 %
MONO% 5.7 % MONO% 5.7 %
First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 EO% 1.5 % First Name : N*ncy Birthday : 2001/04/02 EO% 1.5 %
BASO% 0.4 % BASO% 0.4 %
Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I RET% 17.8 %% Last Name : G*ldmn Ward : I
RET# 8.97 10^4/µL
Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith IRF 14.3 % Sex : Female Doctor : Dr. S*ith
LFR 85.7 %
Comments : Test MFR 11.9 % Comments : Test
HFR 2.4 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

4. Click OK to delete the selected analysis data in the sample

information list.

• Analysis data is deleted regardless of validation.
• To delete a specified sample, at first search for the type
of data that you wish to display on the sample
information list using the filter function (See "Section 7.5:
Filter" in this chapter:)
• It is impossible to delete data in the sample information
list of the last 20 samples.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 7-17

CHAPTER 7 Stored Data (Explorer)

7.12 Screen Layout Change

• To change a screen size, select a border line on the sample
information list, analysis data, or patient information section.

• Change of sample information list

The items displayed in the sample information list can be
changed if necessary.

1. Right-click at any place on the sample list.
2. A small menu will appear. Select "Property" from the
3. Select the item you wish to change on the Property
screen, and perform the change.
• Common display item
Displayed in the left of each tab.
Items can be added and/or deleted.
• Tab setting
A new tab can be added and/or deleted.
It is possible to change the order.
• Display item
The items on the currently-displayed tab screen can be
To change the item displayed on each screen, display the
screen on which you wish to change, move the cursor to
the sample information list, and display the Property
4. To return the changed item to the original setting, select
"Initialize" from the menu displayed in step 2.
After the system restarts, the screen will be initialized.

Revised July 2007

7-18 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

8. Data Browser
The Data Browser displays details of the analysis results, such
as sample numerical data, scattergrams and flag information.
The Data Browser displays in two ways:
• Last 20 Sample Displays the data of the last 20
samples analyzed.
• Stored Sample Displays the data of a specified
sample stored on the computer
hard drive.

To select a sample you wish to display, see "Chapter 7,
Section 7.5: Filter".

8.1 Data Browser Operation

1. The Data Browser can be started up in the following
• Click Data Browser on the menu screen.
• Select "Data Browser" in the "View" menu bar.
• Click the Browser button on the toolbar.
• Click the Open button on the toolbar of the Sample
Explorer screen.
• Double-click the data you wish to display in the sample
information list on the Sample Explorer screen.

2. When the Data Browser is started up, information for the

analysis data will be displayed on the Data Browser
To change the screen between stored sample data and
last 20 samples data, click the Last 20 button on the
toolbar of the Sample Explorer screen.
Each time the Last 20 button is clicked, the display will
switch between stored data and last data.

When the stored sample data is displayed, the Data

Browser screen will display sample data which has been
specified in the Sample Explorer list.
When the last 20-sample data is displayed, the Data
Browser screen will display analysis data of the last 20
samples only including data which is not saved as a stored

Revised July 2007

Data which is not saved as stored sample are analysis

data of sample ID No. 0 or Blank data.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 8-1

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

If the [↑] key is pressed while the Data Browser displays a

sample in the stored data, data of the previous sample in
the list will be displayed.
If the [↓] key is pressed, data of the following sample in the
list will be displayed.
If the [PageUp] key is pressed, data of the most recent
sample on the top of the list will be displayed.
If the [PageDown] key is pressed, data of the oldest
sample at the bottom of the list will be displayed.
The Data Browser screen is composed of numerous sub-
screens. These can be changed by clicking a tab.
When [←] and [→] keys on the computer keyboard are
pressed while the Data Browser screen is displayed, the
screen will turn over to the next tab.

• When new analysis data is received from the Main Unit,
the data of last sample will be displayed automatically in
the "Last 20" list.
• On the Data Browser screen, it is impossible to switch
the display between last data and stored data by clicking
the Last 20 button on the toolbar.
• After clicking the tab, display specified sample data by
pressing the [↑], [↓], [PageUp], and [PageDown] keys on
the Data Browser screen.
• After clicking the tab, switch the screen by pressing the
[← ]and [→] keys on the computer keyboard while the
Data Browser screen is displayed.

8.2 Data Browser Screen

Sample information, Positive/Negative and error information
will be displayed on the Data Browser screen above the tabs
for analysis data.

The common display parameters on the Data Browser
screens will now be explained in this section. Please see
the following sections in order to access display contents
on the other tab screens.

1) Sample Information
Displays sample information of the analyzed sample.
Sample No. Sample Number
Revised February 2008

Pat. ID Patient ID number

Name (Optional) Patient Name
Birth (Optional) Patient date of birth
Sex (Optional) Gender
Ward (Optional) Ward

8-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

Dr. (Optional) Doctor Name

Comment Sample Comments
Date Date of Analysis
Time Time of Analysis
2) Positive/Negative Display
Positive This appears at the upper left
corner of the screen if analysis
data or cell morphology is
abnormal. Double-click "Positive"
to display the type of abnormality
as follows:
DIFF Abnormal Indicates abnormality in WBC
differential parameters.
MORPH Abnormal Indicates abnormal cell
COUNT Abnormal Indicates abnormality in blood cell
Negative This appears at the upper left
corner of the screen if there are no
abnormalities or analysis errors
(except ID read error).
3) Error Display
This appears underneath "POSITIVE/NEGATIVE" if an
analysis error has occurred. The type of abnormality is
displayed as follows:
Func. Indicates an analysis error other than ID
read error.
Result Indicates an analysis error caused by the
sample aspiration, such as "Sample Not
Asp Error," "Low Blood Volume," and "Low
Count Error."
Error Indicates error details when "Error"
displayed in red is double-clicked.
4) Action Display
Indicates a message for action.
Double-click the "Action" in red to display the details of the
action to be taken.
Count RET-CH (XT-2000i only)
To obtain a more accurate platelet
count, add RET to the discrete, and
perform the analysis again.
Delta Check Failure Indicates abnormality in the Delta

5) Analysis Mode Display

Displayed in highlighted characters on the left of the
sample No. when capillary mode analysis or closed mode
analysis is performed.
Revised July 2007

C Indicates that capillary mode analysis is

P Indicates that closed mode analysis is

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 8-3

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

When the last samples are displayed, "***Latest

Sample***" will appear on the line bar.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser *** Latest Sample ***
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

8.3 Numerical Display

The following indications may be added to the analysis data.
The indication appears behind the data.
(1) +, - Indicates that the result is outside the patient limits.
(2) @ Indicates that the result is outside the linearity limits.
(3) * Indicates that data is unreliable, and may be
affecting the value.

The priority ranking of the above indications is: (2), (3), (1).

In the event of an abnormality in the analysis data due to an

analysis error, the cause of the abnormality will be displayed
as follows:
(1) Analysis cannot be done "----": Indicates that data won’t
appear due to an analysis
(2) Over the Limits "++++": Indicates that data exceeds
the display limit.
(3) No order given " " (Blank): Indicates that there are no

The following indications may be added to the analysis data.

The indication appears behind the data.
"&": Indicates that data was corrected due
to a particular interference, such as
RBC fragments.
PLT&(XT-2000i only): Indicates that data reported was the
optical PLT value (PLT-O), because
the impedance PLT value was
considered to be unreliable.
Revised February 2008

8-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

8.4 Main Screen

All numerical data, sample information and flag information will
be displayed on the Main screen. To display the Main screen,
click the Main tab.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser] XT-1800i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05 Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05
Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21 Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R) Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
Principal Items WBC Differential Principal Items WBC Differential
Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL
WBC 37.06 * 10^3/µL NEUT# 30.16 * 10^3/µL WBC 37.06 * 10^3/µL NEUT# 30.16 * 10^3/µL
RBC 5.04 10^6/µL LYMPH# 4.10 * 10^3/µL RBC 5.04 10^6/µL LYMPH# 4.10 * 10^3/µL
HGB 14.8 g/dL MONO# 2.10 * 10^3/µL HGB 14.8 g/dL MONO# 2.10 * 10^3/µL
HCT 45.2 % EO# 0.57 * 10^3/µL HCT 45.2 % EO# 0.57 * 10^3/µL
MCV 89.7 fL BASO# 0.13 * 10^3/µL MCV 89.7 fL BASO# 0.13 * 10^3/µL
MCH 29.4 pg MCH 29.4 pg
MCHC 32.7 g/dL Item Data Unit MCHC 32.7 g/dL Item Data Unit
PLT 223 * 10^3/µL NEUT% 81.3 * % PLT 223 * 10^3/µL NEUT% 81.3 * %
RDW-SD 45.9 fL LYMPH% 11.1 * % RDW-SD 45.9 fL LYMPH% 11.1 * %
RDW-CV 14.1 % MONO% 5.7 * % RDW-CV 14.1 % MONO% 5.7 * %
PDW 9.2 fL EO% 1.5 * % PDW 9.2 fL EO% 1.5 * %
MPV 9.0 * fL BASO% 0.4 * % MPV 9.0 * fL BASO% 0.4 * %
P-LCR 15.3 % P-LCR 15.3 %
PCT 0.26 % Flag(s) PCT 0.26 % Flag(s)
RET% 17.8 %%
Imm Gran? PLT Clumps? Imm Gran? PLT Clumps?
RET# 8.97 10^4/µL
Left Shift? Left Shift?
IRF 14.3 % Neutro+ Neutro+
LFR 94.5 % Lympho+ Lympho+
MFR 4.8 % Mono+ Mono+
HFR 0.7 % Leuko+ Leuko+

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)
Principal Items
The XT-2000i program displays numerical data for a total of 20
The XT-1800i program displays numerical data for a total of 14
The graphical SD bar indicates the range of normality. There
is a green cursor in the SD bar, which turns red if the upper or
lower limit is exceeded.

The normality range used in the SD bar varies with the
reference interval. For the setting of the reference interval,
see "Chapter 11, Section 11.2: 11. Reference Interval".

WBC Differential
This displays the WBC 5 differential count as well as the ratio
of that numerical data and a graphical display on the SD bar. A
green cursor in the SD bar turns red if the upper or lower
reference interval is exceeded (UL or LL).

Flag (s)
Displays IP message of WBC, RBC/RET (XT-2000i), RBC (XT-
1800i), and PLT. Suspect messages are displayed prior to the
Revised February 2008

abnormal ones. If there are too many display items for these
columns, a scroll bar is displayed at the right-hand side of the
(For details, see "Chapter 16, Section 16.1: IP Message".)

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 8-5

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

8.5 Graph Screen

All numerical data, sample information, flag information,
scattergrams and histograms will be displayed on the Graph
screen. To display the Graph screen, click the Graph tab.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser] XT-1800i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05 Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05
Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21 Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R) Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
Items WBC Differential DIFF WBC/BASO Items WBC Differential DIFF WBC/BASO
Item Data Unit Item Data Unit Item Data Unit Item Data Unit
WBC 37.06 * 10^3/µL NEUT# 30.16 * 10^3/µL WBC 37.06 * 10^3/µL NEUT# 30.16 * 10^3/µL
RBC 5.04 10^6/µL LYMPH# 4.10 * 10^3/µL RBC 5.04 10^6/µL LYMPH# 4.10 * 10^3/µL
HGB 14.8 g/dL MONO# 2.10 * 10^3/µL HGB 14.8 g/dL MONO# 2.10 * 10^3/µL
HCT 45.2 % EO# 0.57 * 10^3/µL HCT 45.2 % EO# 0.57 * 10^3/µL
MCV 89.7 fL BASO# 0.13 * 10^3/µL MCV 89.7 fL BASO# 0.13 * 10^3/µL
MCH 29.4 pg MCH 29.4 pg
MCHC 32.7 g/dL Item Data Unit MCHC 32.7 g/dL Item Data Unit
PLT 223 * 10^3/µL NEUT% 81.3 * % PLT 223 * 10^3/µL NEUT% 81.3 * %
RDW-SD 45.9 fL LYMPH% 11.1 * % RET RDW-SD 45.9 fL LYMPH% 11.1 * %
RDW-CV 14.1 % MONO% 5.7 * % RDW-CV 14.1 % MONO% 5.7 * %
PDW 9.2 fL EO% 1.5 * % PDW 9.2 fL EO% 1.5 * %
MPV 9.0 * fL BASO% 0.4 * % MPV 9.0 * fL BASO% 0.4 * %
P-LCR 15.3 % P-LCR 15.3 %
PCT 0.26 % Flag(s) PCT 0.26 % Flag(s)
RET% 17.8 %%
RET# 8.97 10^4/µL
IRF 14.3 %
MFR 4.8 %
HFR 0.7 %

250fL 40fL 250fL 40fL

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)
The XT-2000i program displays numerical data for a total of 20
The XT-1800i program displays numerical data for a total of 14

WBC Differential
Displays the WBC 5 differential numerical and ratio data.

Displays scattergrams of DIFF, WBC/BASO, and RET (XT-
2000i only).
The vertical and horizontal axes are divided into five equal
When the scattergram is double-clicked, it will be enlarged.

Displays particle size distributions of RBC and PLT.
When the distribution graph is double-clicked, it will be

Flag (s)
Displays IP messages of WBC, RBC/RET (XT-2000i), RBC
(XT-1800i) and PLT. Suspect messages are displayed prior to
the abnormal ones.
If there are too many display items for these columns, a scroll
bar is displayed at the right-hand side of the screen.
Revised July 2007

8-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

8.6 WBC Screen

WBC related numerical data, sample information, flag
information and scattergrams will be displayed on the WBC
To display the WBC screen, click the WBC tab.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05

Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
WBC Flag(s)
Item Data Unit LL UL
WBC 2.36 10^3/µL

WBC Differential
Item Data Unit LL UL
NEUT# 1.13 10^3/µL
LYMPH# 0.93 10^3/µL
MONO# 0.06 10^3/µL
EO# 0.24 10^3/µL
BASO# 0.18 10^3/µL

Item Data Unit

NEUT% 47.9 %
LYMPH% 39.4 %
MONO% 2.5 %
EO% 10.2 %
BASO% 7.6 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

The graphical SD bar indicates the range of normality. There
is a green cursor in the SD bar, which turns red if the upper or
lower limit is exceeded

The normality range used in the SD bar varies with the
reference interval. For the setting of the reference interval,
"see Chapter 11, Section 11.2: 11. Reference Interval".

WBC Differential
Displays WBC 5 differential numerical and ratio data. The SD
bar graphically displays numerical data with the extent of
normality. There is a green cursor in the SD bar which turns
red when the upper or lower limit is exceeded. A pie chart
showing the analysis data in accordance with the WBC
classification ratio is displayed.
By using the Pie Chart, a balance of the differential value can
be checked at a glance.
Revised February 2008

Displays scattergrams of DIFF and WBC/BASO.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 8-7

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

The vertical and horizontal axes are divided into five equal
When the scattergram is double-clicked, it will be enlarged.

Flag (s)
Displays IP messages of WBC. Suspect messages are
displayed prior to the abnormal ones.
If there are too many display items for this column, a scroll bar
is displayed at the right-hand side of the screen.

8.7 RBC Screen

RBC related numerical data, sample information and flag
information, scattergrams and histograms will be displayed on
the RBC screen.
To display the RBC screen, click the RBC tab.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser] XT-1800i - [Data Browser]
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Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05 Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05
Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21 Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R) Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
Items Flag(s) RET Items Flag(s)
Item Data Unit LL UL RBC/RET Item Data Unit LL UL RBC
RBC 5.04 10^6/µL RBC 5.04 10^6/µL
HGB 14.8 g/dL HGB 14.8 g/dL
HCT 45.2 % HCT 45.2 %
MCV 89.7 fL MCV 89.7 fL
MCH 29.4 pg MCH 29.4 pg
MCHC 32.7 g/dL MCHC 32.7 g/dL
PLT 223 * 10^3/µL PLT 223 * 10^3/µL
RDW-SD 45.9 fL PLT-O RDW-SD 45.9 fL
RDW-CV 14.1 % RDW-CV 14.1 %
PDW 9.2 fL PDW 9.2 fL
MPV 9.0 * fL MPV 9.0 * fL
P-LCR 15.3 % P-LCR 15.3 %
PCT 0.26 % PLT PCT 0.26 % PLT
RET% 17.8 %%
RET# 8.97 10^4/µL
IRF 14.3 %
LFR 94.5 %
HFR 0.7 %

250fL 40fL 250fL 40fL

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)
The XT-2000i program displays numerical data for 19 RBC-
related parameters.
The XT-1800i program displays numerical data for 13 RBC-
related parameters.
The graphical SD bar indicates the range of normality. There
is a green cursor in the SD bar, which turns red if the upper or
lower limit is exceeded.

The normality range used in the SD bar varies with the
reference interval. For the setting of the reference interval,
see "Chapter 11, Section 11.2: 11. Reference Interval".
Revised February 2008

Scattergrams (XT-2000i only)

Displays scattergrams of RET and PLT-O.

8-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

The vertical and horizontal axes are divided into five equal
When the scattergram is double-clicked, it will be enlarged.

Displays particle size distributions of RBC and PLT.
When the distribution curve is double-clicked, it will be

Flag (s)
Displays IP messages of RBC/RET (XT-2000i), RBC (XT-
1800i) and PLT. Suspect messages are displayed prior to the
abnormal ones.
If there are too many display items for these columns, a scroll
bar is displayed at the right-hand side of the screen.

8.8 Cumulative Screen

The Cumulative screen uses the patient ID to call up the
previously analyzed patient's data corresponding to the
analyzed or specified sample, and displays the changes over
To display the Cumulative screen, click the Cumulative tab.

• In the case data of previous samples is stored, only
results older than the reference will be displayed.
Data of newer samples will not be displayed even if they
are included in the Sample Explorer list.
• Past data is searched using the patient ID. This means
that only data for which a patient ID has been registered
(using the Work List) is displayed.
• The radio buttons are to select on the multiple items, and
are displayed as follows:
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
For example, when the circular icon of Item 2 is left-
clicked, the black dot in the circular icon of Item 1 will
disappear and the dot will be displayed in the circle of
Item 2. This displays that the selected item has been
changed from Item 1 to 2.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 8-9

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

Delta Check
Based on the Patient ID as a keyword, analysis results are
evaluated by the program whether the result is abnormal or
variance between the latest and the previously analyzed data
exceeds the limits.
Check Sample Indicates that the wrong sample may have
been analyzed.
Check Film Indicates that a significant change is found
and the sample smear should be checked.

• Utilize delta check for the four items of WBC, HGB, MCV,
and PLT.
• If the last analysis was performed more than four days
before, WBC judgment is not performed.
• "Check Sample" is displayed prior to "Check Film."

8.8.1. Cumulative Numerical Screen

The changes in analysis data over the time will be displayed

as a numeric list on the Cumulative Numerical screen. To
display the Cumulative Numerical screen, click the Numerical
radio button.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05

Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
CBC Numerical Graph Scattergram/Distribution
Cumulative Data
Data 03/11 03/11
Delta check
Time 11:58 11:59
WBC 7.55 7.63
RBC 4.82 4.77
HGB 14.1 14.1
HCT 40.9 40.5
MCV 84.9 84.9
MCH 29.3 29.6
MCHC 34.5 34.8
PLT 213 219
RDW-SD 42.9 43.4
RDW-CV 14.0 14.1
PDW 12.5 10.4
MPV 9.3 9.5
P-LCR 31.3 23.3
PCT 0.31 0.33

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

Analysis Data Display Parameters

Click the combo box to select the test profile.

Cumulative Data
The reference data for analysis is either the latest data or data
Revised July 2007

specified from the list of the Sample Explorer.

Up to six sets of results will be displayed along with the latest
data or the specified data.

8-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

8.8.2. Cumulative Graph Screen

The changes in data over the time will be displayed as a

graphic display on the Cumulative Graph screen. To display
the Cumulative Graph screen, click the Graph radio button.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05

Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
CBC Numerical Graph Scattergram/Distribution
Cumulative Data
Data 04/01 04/01 04/01 05/27 10/05 Max Delta
Time 15:14 16:30 16:30 11:05 17:18 Min Check

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

Analysis Data Display Parameters

Click the combo box and select the test profile.
All the selected parameters can be displayed using the right
scroll bar.

Cumulative Data
The reference data for analysis is either the latest data or data
specified from the list of the Sample Explorer.
Up to six sets of results will be displayed along with the latest
data or the specified data.

The upper/lower limit of the graph cannot be changed.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 8-11

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

8.8.3. Cumulative Scattergram/Distribution Screen

The changes in data over time will be displayed as a

scattergram and distribution curves on the Cumulative
Scattergram/Distribution screen. To display the Cumulative
Scattergram/Distribution screen, click the Scattergram/
Distribution radio button.

XT-2000i - [Data Browser]

File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05

Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
CBC Numerical Graph Scattergram/Distribution
Cumulative Data
Data 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11 03/11
Time 11:54 11:55 11:55 11:56 11:57 Check




XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

Analysis Data Display Parameters

Click the combo box to select the test profile.

Cumulative Data
The reference data for analysis is either the latest data or data
specified from the list of the Sample Explorer.
Up to four sets of results will be displayed along with the latest
data or the specified data.

Even when a Scattergram or a Distribution curve are
double-clicked on the Cumulative Scattergram/Distribution
screen, it will not be enlarged.
Revised February 2008

8-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

8.9 Q-Flag Screen

The Q-Flag screen displays the Positive/Negative levels as a
bar chart for the specified 14 suspect flags taken from the
sample information list of the Sample Explorer.
To display the Q-Flag screen, click the Q-Flag tab.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05

Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)

Blasts? Imm Gran? Left Shift? Atypical Ly? NRBC? Abn Ly/L_Bl? RBC Lyse Res?

210 300 300 0

RBC Agglut? Turb/HGB? Iron Def? HGB Defect? Fragments? PLT Clumps? PLT C(S)?

70 80 80 80 10 20

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

Suspect IP messages for Q-Flags

Display IP messages
Blasts? Blasts?
Imm Gran? Immature Gran?
Left Shift? Left Shift?
Atypical Ly? Atypical Lympho?
Abn Ly/Bla? Abn Lympho/Blasts?
RBC Lyse Res ? RBC Lyse Resistance ?
RBC/RET (XT-2000i)
RBC (XT-1800i),
Display IP messages
RBC Agglut? RBC Agglutination?
Turb/HGB? Turbidity/HGB Interf?
Iron Def? Iron Deficiency?
HGB Defect? HGB Defect?
Fragments? Fragments?
Display IP messages
Revised July 2007

PLT Clumps? PLT Clumps?

PLT C(S)? PLT Clumps(S)?

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 8-13

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

In the bar chart, NEGATIVE judgments of the sample are
displayed in green, and POSITIVE judgments are displayed in
red. In the Sample Judgment Information area below the
histogram, judgment values are displayed. These values
range from 0 - 300, in increments of 10. When judgment is not
or cannot be performed, the reason is indicated as "Discrete"
or "Error" underneath the bar chart.

This border line distinguishes

Values above this level are regarded
Values below it are NEGATIVE.

Following is the reason for each message:

Discrete Indicates no items used for judgment are
Blank Indicates flag judgment preconditions are not
met due to the reasons of low measurement
values such as WBC, RBC and PLT.
Error Indicates no flag judgment due to measurement
error of items used for judgment.

Please note the Q-Flag feature of the XT analyzers are
designed with adjustable settings capable of being
customized to meet the individual requirements of your
This procedure must be performed by an authorized
Sysmex representative working closely with your
laboratory personnel. When Q-Flag settings are adjusted,
the performance characteristics for sensitivity and
specificity of sample flagging may also change.
Therefore, it is the responsibility of your authorized
laboratory staff to appropriately validate and approve
potential changes in performance characteristics resulting
from adjustments in Q-Flag settings.
Appropriate documentation related to validation and
approval should be retained as an integral part of your
Revised July 2007

ongoing Quality Assurance program.

8-14 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

8.10 Service Screen

Service data of samples selected in the Sample Explorer list
will be displayed on the Service screen. To display the Service
screen, click the Service tab.

8.10.1. RBC, PLT

Click the combo box to select the RBC, PLT display mode.
RBC and PLT data of samples selected in the Sample
Explorer list will be displayed. The Main Unit name is
displayed in the Name area.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05

Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
RBC,PLT Name: XT-2000i
Service Data
RBC and PLT Sampling Data Analyzed Data
R-MFV 56.5 fL PCT 2.8 %
PDW-CV 1000.0 L-RBC 0.00 10^6/µL
733 0 558 0
737 0 564 0 S-RBC 0.00 10^6/µL L-MCV 0.0 fL
723 0 561 0 S-MCV 0.0 fL L-RDW 0.0 fL
729 0 565 0 S-RDW 0.0 fL PLT-I 29.2 10^3/µL
741 0 556 0
P-MFV 8.8 fL
741 0 587 0
752 0 596 0 Discrl
742 0 580 0 RBC-LD 4 PLT-LD 1
747 0 585 0
744 0 607 0 RBC-MD
733 0 570 0 RBC-UD 49 PLT-UD 29
752 0 597 0
603 0 477 0 HGB
0 0 0 0 Sample 31.60 Blank 16.86
9483 7408
(*11) (*3)
Temp. 24.2 Clog 95


XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

RBC and PLT Sampling Data

In the RBC and PLT columns, cell counts taken every second
are displayed. This data is to monitor a sudden occurrence of
noise. If the variance between the maximum and minimum of
cell counts in comparison to the total sampling cell count
exceeds the specified range the "Sampling Error" message
will be displayed. The total cell counts are calculated by
multiplication of the values within the parentheses so that the
total particle count falls into the range of 0 to 9999.

Analyzed Data
R-MFV Most frequently occurring value in the RBC
distribution in the RBC DC channel. (Unit: fL)
PDW-CV Parameter for factory adjustment (Expressed
as %)
S-RBC Parameter for factory adjustment
S-MCV Parameter for factory adjustment (Unit: fL)
S-RDW Parameter for factory adjustment
Revised February 2008

P-MFV Most frequently occurring value in the PLT

distribution in the PLT DC channel. (Unit: fL)
PCT Platelet-crit. (Expressed as %)
L-RBC The RBC count of the larger red cell distribution
out of the 2 peak RBC distributions.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 8-15

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

L-MCV MCV of the larger red cell distribution out of the

2 peak distributions. (Unit: fL)
L-RDW Parameter for factory adjustment
PLT-I Parameter for factory adjustment

RBC-LD The position of LD (lower discri) for the RBC is
indicated with the bin number between 0 and
RBC-MD The position of MD (middle discri) for the RBC,
to divide into large and small MCVs, is
indicated with the bin number between 0 and
RBC-UD The position of UD (upper discri) for the RBC is
indicated with the bin number between 0 and
PLT-LD The position of LD (lower discri) for the PLT is
indicated with the bin number between 0 and
PLT-UD The position of UD (upper discri) for the PLT is
indicated with the bin number between 0 and

Sample Optical density of A/D-converted sample.
Blank Optical density of A/D-converted blank.

Temp. Temperature (°C) of RBC detector.
Clog. Numerical value indicating degree of clogging
(detected electrically) of the RBC detector.

RBC The size distribution abnormal flag is displayed
if the RBC size distribution is abnormal.
PLT The size distribution abnormal flag is displayed
if the PLT size distribution is abnormal.
Revised July 2007

8-16 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

8.10.2. WBC/BASO

Click the combo box to select the WBC/BASO display mode.

WBC/BASO data of selected samples in the Sample Explorer
list will be displayed. The Main Unit name is displayed in the
Name area.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05

Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
WBC/BASO Name: XT-2000i
Service Data
WBC/BASO Sampling Data Scattergram Sensitivity


583 602
591 622 BASO-Y 1242 BASO-WY 68.4
592 490
637 0
628 0 Analyzed Data
600 0
5345 WBC# 763 10^3/µL

Laser Current

LD driver 82.63

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

WBC/BASO Sampling Data

In the WBC and BASO columns, cell counts taken every 0.5
second are displayed. This data is to monitor a sudden
occurrence of noise. If the variance between the maximum
and minimum of cell counts in comparison to the total
sampling cell count exceeds the specified range the
"Sampling Error" message will be displayed. The total cell
counts are calculated by multiplication of the values within the
parentheses so that the total particle count falls into the range
of 0 to 9999.

Scattergram Sensitivity
BASO-X WBC average value in X-axial direction.
BASO-Y WBC average value in Y-axial direction.
BASO-WX WBC distribution width in X-axial direction.
BASO-WY WBC distribution width in Y-axial direction.

Analyzed Data
WBC# WBC count (Unit: ×10^3/µL)

Laser Current
LD driver Electrical current value used by the LD driver
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 8-17

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

8.10.3. DIFF

Click the combo box to select the DIFF display mode. DIFF
data of selected samples in the Sample Explorer list will be
displayed. The Main Unit name is displayed in the Name area.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05

Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
DIFF Name: XT-2000i
Service Data
DIFF Sampling Data Scattergram Sensitivity


0 0 DIFF-Y 0 DIFF-WY 0.0
0 0 NEUT-X 0 LYMPH-X 0.0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 Analyzed Data
0 Number of Abnormal Cell
(*1) WBC#(DIFFch) 0 Area1 0
Area2 0
Delta-WBC 0.000
(DIFF/WBC) Area3 0

Laser Current PMT(V)

LD driver 0.00 SFL 0

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

DIFF Sampling Data

In the DIFF columns, cell counts taken every 0.5 second are
displayed. This data is to monitor a sudden occurrence of
noise. If the variance between the maximum and minimum of
cell counts in comparison to the total sampling cell count
exceeds the specified range the "Sampling Error" message
will be displayed. The total cell counts are calculated by
multiplication of the values within the parentheses so that the
total particle count falls into the range of 0 to 9999.

Scattergram Sensitivity
DIFF-X WBC average value in X-axial direction.
DIFF-Y WBC average value in Y-axial direction.
NEUT-X NEUT average value in X-axial direction.
NEUT-Y NEUT average value in Y-axial direction.
DIFF-WX WBC distribution width in X-axial direction.
DIFF-WY WBC distribution width in Y-axial direction.
LYMPH-X LYMPH average value in X-axial direction.
LYMPH-Y LYMPH average value in Y-axial direction.

Analyzed Data
WBC# (DIFFch) WBC count analyzed at DIFFch.
Delta-WBC (DIFF/WBC) The ratio of WBC count analyzed
at DIFFch by WBC count analyzed
at WBC/BASOch.

Number of Abnormal Cells

Revised July 2007

Area 1 Abnormal cell area number 1

Area 2 Abnormal cell area number 2
Area 3 Abnormal cell area number 3

8-18 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

Laser Current
LD driver Electrical current value used by the LD driver

SFL Lateral fluorescent light CH photomultiplier tube
voltage value

8.10.4. RET (XT-2000i only)

Click the combo box to select the RET display mode. RET
data of selected samples in the Sample Explorer list will be
displayed. The Main Unit name is displayed in the Name area.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05

Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
RET Name: XT-2000i
Service Data
RET Sampling Data Scattergram Sensitivity
RBC-X 389 RBC-WX 64.3
1551 RBC-Y 1662 RBC-WY 24.1
1497 RET-X 822
RET-Y 1940
1415 Analyzed Data
572 RBC-O# 449 THR 74
9381 Delta-RBC 0.860 THR-H 17
(*6) (RBC-O/RBC-I)
PLT-O 23.0 UPP 1
(PLT-O/PLT-I) 0.788 W-Area 75
PLT Blank 0 RBC Fragment 68
Unclassified 0 WBC Fragment 0

Laser Current PMT(V)

LD driver 82.63 SFL 562

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

RET Sampling Data

In the RET column, cell counts taken every 0.5 second are
displayed. This data is to monitor a sudden occurrence of
noise. If the variance between the maximum and minimum of
cell counts in comparison to the total sampling cell count
exceeds the specified range the "Sampling Error" message
will be displayed. The total cell counts are calculated by
multiplication of the values within the parentheses so that the
total particle count falls into the range of 0 to 9999.

Scattergram Sensitivity
RBC-X RBC average value in X-axial direction.
RBC-Y RBC average value in Y-axial direction.
RET-X RET average value in X-axial direction.
RET-Y RET average value in Y-axial direction.
RBC-WX RBC distribution width in X-axial direction.
RBC-WY RBC distribution width in Y-axial direction.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 8-19

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

Analyzed Data
RBC-O# RBC count in optical analysis.
Delta-RBC (RBC-O/RBC-I) The ratio of RBC count in optical
analysis by the RBC count in the
electric resistance analysis.
PLT-O Platelet count in optical analysis.
Delta-PLT (PLT-O/PLT-I) The ratio of PLT count in optical
analysis by the Platelet count in
electric resistance analysis.
PLT Blank Parameter for factory adjustment.
THR Parameter for factory adjustment.
THR-H Parameter for factory adjustment.
UPP Parameter for factory adjustment.
W-Area Parameter for factory adjustment.
RBC Fragment Parameter for factory adjustment.
WBC Fragment Parameter for factory adjustment.
Unclassified Parameter for factory adjustment.

Laser Current
LD driver Electrical current value used by the LD driver.

SFL Lateral fluorescent light CH photomultiplier tube
voltage value

8.10.5. HARDWARE (Parameter for factory adjustment)

Click the combo box to select the HARDWARE display mode.

HARDWARE analysis data of selected samples in the Sample
Explorer list will be displayed. The Main Unit name is displayed
in the Name area.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05

Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
HARDWARE Name: XT-2000i
Service Data
Counters Pressure

Counter 2586 Shutdown 26 Timing(Sequence) 1 2 3

SRV 4996 Rinse 23 0.25MPa 0.2564 0.2444 ----
Piercer 105 0.16MPa 0.1557 0.1537 ----
0.07MPa 0.0696 0.0672 ----
Sheath Syringe -0.07MPa 0.0639 0.0660 ----
WBC 6284 RBC 5031 -0.04MPa 0.0397 0.0397 ----

Temperature Oscillate Time

Reaction Chamber 41.7
Laser 4692.6
40-deg. Liquid Heater 47.1
FCM Detector-deg. 0.0
FCM Sheath-deg. 0.0
Environment 25.6

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Revised July 2007

Counter Total number of operations in Main Unit.
SRV Number of sampling valve operations after

8-20 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

Piercer Number of piercer operations after replacing.

Shutdown Number of operations after performing a
Rinse Number of operations after performing a rinse
Sheath Syringe
WBC Number of WBC Sheath Syringe operations.
RBC Number of RBC Sheath Syringe operations.

Reaction Chamber Temperature of the Reaction
40-deg. Liquid Heater Temperature of the 40°C Reagent
FCM Detector-deg. Temperature of the FCM Detector.
FCM Sheach-deg Temperature of the FCM Sheach.
Environment Temperature of surroundings
(Room Temperature).

Pressure data at optional monitor timing

Oscillate Time
Laser Laser oscillation total time. (HH:MM)

8.11 Research (WBC) Screen

WBC-related numerical data for research, sample information,
flag information, and scattergrams will be displayed on the
Research (WBC) screen.
To display the Research (WBC) screen, click the Research
(W) tab.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05

Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
Item Data Unit
WBC 7.77 10^3/µL

Extended Differential
Item Data Unit
IG# 0.00 10^3/µL
NEUT#& 4.97 10^3/µL
LYMPH#& 1.72 10^3/µL
MONO# 0.01 10^3/µL
EO# 1.08 10^3/µL
BASO# 0.70 10^3/µL
OTHER# 10^2/µL

Item Data Unit

IG% 0.0 %
NEUT%& 63.9 %
LYMPH%& 22.1 %
MONO% 0.1 %
EO% 3.9 %
BASO% 9.0 %
Revised July 2007

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 8-21

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

Displays WBC numerical data.

In the event of an abnormality in the analysis data due to an

analysis error, the cause of the abnormality will be displayed
as explained in Chapter 8.3 Numerical display.

Extended Differential
Displays the WBC 6 differential count as well as the numerical

Indications that may be added to the analysis data are

explained in Chapter 8.3 Numerical display.

Parameters for research are displayed on the Research
screen. The analysis result cannot be used as data for

Displays scattergrams of DIFF and WBC/BASO.
The vertical and horizontal axes are divided into five equal
When the scattergram is double-clicked, it will be enlarged.

Flag (s)
Displays IP message of WBC. Suspect messages are
displayed prior to the abnormal ones. If there are too many
display items for these columns, a scroll bar is displayed at the
right-hand side of the screen.

8.12 Research (RBC) Screen

RBC-related numerical data for research, flag information,
scattergrams, and histograms will be displayed on the
Research (RBC) screen.
To display the Research (RBC) screen, click the Research (R)
Revised February 2008

8-22 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

XT-2000i - [Data Browser] XT-1800i - [Data Browser]

File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05 Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05
Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21 Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R) Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
Items Flag(s) RET RET-EXT Items Flag(s)
Item Data Unit RBC/RET Item Data Unit RBC
RBC 4.75 10^6/µL RBC 4.75 10^6/µL
RBC-O 4.54 10^6/µL HGB 14.1 g/dL
HGB 14.1 g/dL HCT 40.3 %
HCT 40.3 % MCV 84.8 fL
MCV 84.8 fL MCH 29.7 pg
MCH 29.7 pg MCHC 35.0 g/dL
MCHC 35.0 g/dL RDW-SD 43.1 fL
RDW-SD 43.1 fL RDW-CV 14.0 %
RDW-CV 14.0 % PLT-O PLT 213 10^3/µL
PLT 213 10^3/µL PDW 8.5 fL
PLT-I 275 10^3/µL MPV 9.5 fL
PLT-O 216 10^3/µL P-LCR 15.8 %
PDW 8.5 fL PCT 0.20 %
MPV 9.5 fL
P-LCR 15.8 %
PCT 0.20 %
RET# 2.14 10^4/µL
IRF 3.5 %
LFR 96.5 %
MFR 3.5 %
HFR 0.0 %
250fL 40fL 250fL 40fL

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)
The XT-2000i program displays numerical data for a total of 22
The XT-1800i program displays numerical data for a total of 13

Scattergrams (XT-2000i only)

Displays scattergrams of RET, RET-EXT, and PLT-O.
The vertical and horizontal axes are divided into five equal
When double-clicked, scattergrams will be enlarged.

Displays particle size distributions of RBC and PLT.
When the distribution curve is double-clicked, it will be

Flag (s)
Displays IP message of RBC/RET (XT-2000i), RBC (XT-1800i)
and PLT. Suspect messages are displayed prior to the
abnormal ones. If there are too many display items for these
columns, a scroll bar is displayed at the right-hand side of the
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 8-23

CHAPTER 8 Data Browser

8.13 Screen Layout Change

1. Right-click the indications of parameters, scattergrams,
flags, and the pie chart. The "Move," "Delete," "Property,"
and "Initialize" menus will appear.
Move Moves and enlarges/reduces a selected
Delete Deletes a selected display.
Property Changes content and style of a selected
Initialize Initializes the whole screen layout.
2. When any other display area is right-clicked, "Add" and
"Initialize" menus will appear.
Add Displays the Add Obj dialog box.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser] XT-1800i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05 Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05
Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21 Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R) Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
Principal Items WBC Differential Principal Items WBC Differential
Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL
Add Obj Add Obj
WBC 37.06 * 10^3/µL NEUT# 30.16 * 10^3/µL WBC 37.06 * 10^3/µL NEUT# 30.16 * 10^3/µL
RBC 5.04 10^6/µL LYMPH# 4.10 * 10^3/µL RBC 5.04 10^6/µL LYMPH# 4.10 * 10^3/µL
HGB 14.8 g/dL Select Object HGB 14.8 g/dL Select Object
MONO# 2.10 * 10^3/µL MONO# 2.10 * 10^3/µL
HCT 45.2 % Grid EO# Edit Box 0.57 * 10^3/µL HCT 45.2 % Grid EO# Edit Box 0.57 * 10^3/µL
MCV 89.7 fL BASO# 0.13 * 10^3/µL MCV 89.7 fL BASO# 0.13 * 10^3/µL
Cancel Cancel
MCH 29.4 pg Scattergram IP Message MCH 29.4 pg Scattergram IP Message
MCHC 32.7 g/dL Item Data Unit MCHC 32.7 g/dL Item Data Unit
PLT 223 * 10^3/µL Distribution Pie Chart81.3
NEUT% * % PLT 223 * 10^3/µL Distribution Pie Chart81.3
NEUT% * %
RDW-SD 45.9 fL LYMPH% 11.1 * % RDW-SD 45.9 fL LYMPH% 11.1 * %
RDW-CV 14.1 % Group Q-Flag
MONO% 5.7 * % RDW-CV 14.1 % Group Q-Flag
MONO% 5.7 * %
PDW 9.2 fL EO% 1.5 * % PDW 9.2 fL EO% 1.5 * %
MPV 9.0 * fL BASO% 0.4 * % MPV 9.0 * fL BASO% 0.4 * %
P-LCR 15.3 % P-LCR 15.3 %
PCT 0.26 % Flag(s) PCT 0.26 % Flag(s)
RET% 17.8 %%
Imm Gran? PLT Clumps? Imm Gran? PLT Clumps?
RET# 8.97 10^4/µL
Left Shift? Left Shift?
IRF 14.3 % Neutro+ Neutro+
LFR 94.5 % Lympho+ Lympho+
MFR 4.8 % Mono+ Mono+
HFR 0.7 % Leuko+ Leuko+

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)
Grid Adds a title bar for each
Scattergram Adds a scattergram display.
Distribution Adds a particle distribution
Group Adds a group.
Edit Box Adds an edit box.
IP Message Adds an IP message display.
Pie Chart Adds a pie chart.
Q-Flag Adds a Q-flag.

Initialize Initializes the whole screen

Revised July 2007

8-24 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

9. Quality Control
The reliability of the XT-2000i/1800i and reagents is ensured
by quality controls. With quality controls the stability of the
measured values is monitored over an extended period of time
and problems are detected early on or prevented.
A quality control should be performed:
• Before any start of operation - prior to analyzing samples,
• at least every 8 hours during operation,
• after replenishment of components,
• after maintenance,
• if there is any doubt about the accuracy of the analysis

9.1 Control material

We recommend to use e-CHECK Level 1, e-CHECK Level 2
and e-CHECK Level 3 as control material. This is equivalent to
the Low, Normal and High level.

Do not use any other control material than e-CHECK Level
1, e-CHECK Level 2, e-CHECK Level 3. This control blood
is specially made to match to the analyzer's measuring

9.2 Control methods

The XT-2000i/1800i offers different quality control methods.
Choose the control method meeting your laboratory's internal

X Control
Two consecutive analyses are performed (repeat
determination) and the mean of them is compared with the
expected range.

Levey-Jennings control
Only one control blood analysis is performed (detection be
separate operation) and compared with the expected range.

X-barM control
The X-barM control should be run in the background, parallel
to one of the control methods mentioned above.

During daily analysis operation the average values of a

defined number of samples are calculated and saved. The X-
Revised February 2008

barM control is a flexible weighted moving average. It is used

as a means to check the functionality of the analyzer.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 9-1

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

The X-barM quality control program is based on the fact that

once the characteristics of a population have been established
for a particular institution, the parameters will remain stable
within these limits. The characteristics of the population can
be represented by the X-barM limits, which are computed
using at least 20 X-barM control data.

Limitations of X-barM Control

Normally, one control data point is plotted for each batch of 20
samples (unless otherwise specified). However, the following
data are excluded from X-barM computation:
(1) Data having sample ID No. "0" (zero).
(2) Auto calibration data and data for X-bar or L-J control.
(3) Data assumed to be a blank or auto rinse.
(4) Data that exceeds the instrument linearity range, or
unreliable data.
(5) Data reported with analysis error.
(6) Data containing a parameter displayed as "****" or "----"
because of abnormal cell size distribution.

See chapter "6.3.5 XM control" on how to set the settings of

the X-barM control.

9.3 Preparations
Control blood preparation

Control blood can contain potentially pathogenic germs.
To prevent any danger of infection always wear rubber
gloves when handling control blood. After completion of
work, wash hands with disinfectant.

1. Remove a vial of control material from the refrigerator and

equilibrate to room temperature (18-30°C) for 15 minutes
before use.
2. Place the vial between the palms and roll it back and forth
10 times (see illustration).
3. Turn the vial upside down and roll 10 more times.
4. Repeat steps 2. and 3. eight times or a total of 2 minutes.
Revised February 2008

9-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

Examine the bottom of the vial and assure that mixing is
complete by confirming that there is no pellet of cells
adhering to the bottom of the vial before performing the
Wipe threads of cap and vial with clean lint-free tissue
before replacing cap. Recap vial tightly. Store the control
blood at 2-8°C in an upright position.

9.4 QC Chart Display Screen

The QC Chart Display screen is used to display various
information for QC and to make QC settings.
By switching the tabs in the QC Chart Display screen, 5 types
of QC charts are displayed.

9.4.1. Executing QC Chart

1. The QC chart screen is displayed by any of the following

• Click the QC button on the Menu screen.
• Select "QC" from the "View" menu bar.
• Click the QC button on the toolbar.
2. The Radar screen will be the first tab to appear when the
QC chart screen is displayed. (For the radar screen, see
"Section 9.5.1. Radar Screen" in this chapter.)
3. The QC chart is made up of 5 pages of screens selectable
by clicking the respective tab. The screens will change
when the tab is clicked.

9.4.2. QC Chart Screen

1) Shift
There are three types of shifts for each user. The desired
shift is selected by clicking the combo box.
Shift1, Shift2, Shift3, or All Shifts can be selected.
(For the Shifts, see "Section 11.2.6. User Administration in
Chapter 11: Instrument Setup".)

2) QC Chart
Click the Radar, Control, X-barM, OTHER1, or OTHER2
Revised February 2008

tabs of the QC chart screen to switch between QC


3) File Info. (at the bottom of the QC chart screen)

Displays a list of QC file information.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 9-3

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

4) Setting (at the bottom of the QC chart screen)

Executes general QC settings.

5) Save (at the bottom of the QC chart screen)

Saves both the lot information and QC data to the floppy

6) Load (at the bottom of the QC chart screen)

Loads both the lot information and QC data from the floppy

9.4.3. File Information

A list of file information can be displayed according to the

analysis type.
1. Click the File Info. button.
The File Information dialog box will appear. 20 QC files
comprising the current and new lot files as well as for open
and closed mode can be stored in total.
XT-2000i - [QC]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

File Information
Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
Inst. ID: XT-2000i-1 Mode: Manual
Shift: All Shifts
Radar e-CHECK X-barM
Material OTHER1
Level LotOTHER2
File Lot No. Exp.Day Date From To
Material Information
Inst. ID: Level1 Current File01
XT-2000i-1 QC-71000810 2007/10/25 2007/10/26 2007/10/26
Material Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day
Level: Level2
e-CHECK Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30
Mode: Manual New File11 QC-72000810 2007/10/25

Level2 Current File02 WBC
New File12 QC-71000813 2007/10/26 2007/10/26
BASO% 2007/10/26

Level3 Current File03 QC-72000812 2007/10/25

MCH New File13
PCT QC-73000812 2007/10/25

OTHER1 None Current
RBC-O File07 RET#

New File17 IRF

OTHER2 None Current File08




Restore File Info. Setting Save Load

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

2. When the Twin Connection Manager is provided, click the

Inst. ID combo box to select the instrument that you wish
to display a list of file information for.
3. Click the Mode combo box, and select the analysis mode
that you wish to display the list of file information for.
4. Click Close to close the dialog box.

Revised February 2008

It is impossible to change any file information on the File

Information screen. To set or change file information, see
"Section 9.5.5. Lot No." in this chapter.

9-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

9.4.4. Setting
Set the QC overall settings such as X or L-J.

a. Control Method
1. Click the Setting button.
The Setting dialog box will be displayed.
2. The Control Method setting screen will be the first to be

XT2000i - [QC]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Shift: All Shifts

Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2
Control Material Information
Method X-barM Limit Setting
Inst. ID: XT-2000i-1
Material Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day
Level: Level2
e-CHECK Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30
Mode: Manual Control Method







BASO-X HFR MFR OK Cancel Apply

Date of QC analysis: Time:

File Info. Setting Save Load

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3 Click the radio button to select the QC method.

X-bar This method performs two consecutive
analyses of control blood, and takes the mean
(average) value as control data.
L-J This method takes the data from a single
analysis of control blood as the control data.
4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Sets the new settings and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the dialog
Apply Sets the new settings.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 9-5

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

b. XM
1. Click the Setting button.
The Setting dialog box will be displayed.
2. Click the X-barM tab.
The XM Setting screen will be displayed.
XT2000i - [QC] XT1800i - [QC]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Shift: All Shifts Shift: All Shifts

Setting Setting
Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2 Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2
Control Material Information
Method X-barM Limit Setting Control Material Information
Method X-barM Limit Setting
Inst. ID: XT-2000i-1 Inst. ID: XT-1800i-1
Material Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day Material Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day
Level: Level2 Level: Level2
e-CHECK Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30 e-CHECK Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30
Mode: Manual X-barM Setting Mode: Manual X-barM Setting

Number of CBC Samples 20 Number of CBC Samples 20

RDW-CV HGB Number of DIFF Samples 20 RDW-CV HGB Number of DIFF Samples 20
Number of RET Samples 20 BASO% LYMPH% BASO% LYMPH%







BASO-X HFR MFR OK Cancel Apply BASO-X HFR MFR OK Cancel Apply

Date of QC analysis: Time: Date of QC analysis: Time:

File Info. Setting Save Load File Info. Setting Save Load

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

3. Execute the XM setting.

Sets the number of samples in a batch by discrete.
4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Sets the new settings and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the dialog
Apply Sets the new settings.

Revised February 2008

9-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

c. Limit Setting
1. Click the Setting button.
The Setting dialog box will be displayed.
2. Click the Limit Setting tab.
The Limit Setting screen will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [QC]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Shift: All Shifts

Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2
Control Method Information
X-barM Limit Setting
Inst. ID: XT-2000i-1
Material Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day
Level: Level2
e-CHECK Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30
Mode: Manual
Limit Setting Auto Limit Setting
Differential(#) PLT-O 2SD NEUT#
Ratio(%) 3SD






BASO-X HFR MFR OK Cancel Apply

Date of QC analysis: Time:

File Info. Setting Save Load

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Execute the Limit setting.

Limit Setting Sets the limit display method.
Differential (#) calculates the QC
limit value as a numeral value with
regard to the average value
Ratio (%) calculates the QC limit
value as a percent with regard to the
average value (TARGET).
Auto Limit Setting Sets the Auto Limit Condition.
2SD: Sets the control limit as SD × 2
(or when set, CV × 2).
3SD: Sets the control limit as SD × 3
(or when set, CV × 3).
4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Sets the new settings and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the dialog
Apply Sets the new settings.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 9-7

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

9.4.5. Save

Save the lot information and QC data to a floppy disk.

1. Insert a floppy disk to the drive A: and click the Save
2. The Save dialog box will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [QC] XT-1800i - [QC]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Shift: All Shifts Shift: All Shifts

Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2 Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2
Material Information Material Information
Inst. ID: XT-2000i-1 Inst. ID: XT-1800i-1
Material Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day Material Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day
Level: Level2 Level: Level2
Control Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30 Control Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30
Mode: Manual Mode: Manual
Save As ? Save As ?
RDW-CV HGB Save in: 31 2 Floppy (A:) RDW-CV HGB Save in: 31 2 Floppy (A:)


File name: [1999-02-19-09-59][21-5].smp Save File name: [1999-02-19-09-59][21-5].smp Save
Save as type: QCFiles (*.qcf)RET# Save as type: QCFiles (*.qcf)
Cancel Cancel




Date of QC analysis: Time: Date of QC analysis: Time:

File Info. Setting Save Load File Info. Setting Save Load

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

3. Input the name of the file that you wish to save.

4. Click Save to save all recorded lot information and QC
data under the input file name.
Click Cancel to cancel the save operation.

The C:drive is used by the system program. Use the
A:drive (floppy disk) for data saving.

Revised February 2008

9-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

9.4.6. Load

Load the lot information and QC data from a floppy disk.

1. Insert a floppy disk to the drive A: and click the Load button.
2. The Load dialog box will be displayed.
XT2000i - [QC] XT1800i - [QC]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Shift: All Shifts Shift: All Shifts

Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2 Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2
Material Information Material Information
Inst. ID: XT-2000i-1 Inst. ID: XT-1800i-1
Material Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day Material Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day
Level: Level2 Level: Level2
Control Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30 Control Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30
Mode: Manual Mode: Manual
Open ? Open ?
Look in: 3 2 Floppy (A:) NEUT% Look in: 3 2 Floppy (A:) NEUT%
[1999-05-27-10-53][05278262].smp BASO# NEUT# P-LCR PLT-O
[1999-05-27-10-53][05278262].smp BASO# NEUT#


File name: Open File name: Open
Files ofRBC-O
type: QCFiles(*.qcf) Cancel Files of type: QCFiles(*.qcf) Cancel
Open as read-only Open as read-only



Date of QC analysis: Time: Date of QC analysis: Time:

File Info. Setting Save Load File Info. Setting Save Load

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

3. Select the name of the file that you wish to load.

4. Click Open to display the saved lot information and QC data.
Click Cancel to cancel the load procedure.

When the load is executed, the saved lot information and
QC data are loaded from the floppy disk, and are displayed
temporarily, the message "Data loaded from a saved file is
being displayed." will appear in the upper right of the
screen. When the QC Chart screen is closed and opened
again, the current lot information and QC data will
XT-2000i - [QC] XT-1800i - [QC]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Shift: All Shifts Data loaded from a saved file is being displayed. Shift: All Shifts Data loaded from a saved file is being displayed.
Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2 Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2
Material Information Material Information
Inst. ID: XT-2000i-1 Inst. ID: XT-1800i-1
Material Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day Material Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day
Level: Level2 Level: Level2
Control Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30 Control Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30
Mode: Manual Mode: Manual







Revised February 2008



Date of QC analysis: Time: Date of QC analysis: Time:

File Info. Setting Save Load File Info. Setting Save Load

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 9-9

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

9.5 QC Chart
Within the tabs, the QC chart is displayed according to its
function and type of control blood. It consists of the Radar
Chart screen that displays a list of the last QC data and the
Line Graph screen that display the cumulative data. It is
possible to switch between screens by clicking the respective

9.5.1. Radar Screen

The Radar screen displays a list of the last QC data using the
radar chart. The Radar screen is displayed first after executing
the QC program. When another screen is displayed, click
Radar to return to the radar chart.
XT-2000i - [QC] XT-1800i - [QC]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Shift: All Shifts Shift: All Shifts

Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2 Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2
Material Information Material Information
Inst. ID: XT-2000i-1 Inst. ID: XT-1800i-1
Material Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day Material Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day
Level: Level2 Level: Level2
Control Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30 Control Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30
Mode: Manual Mode: Manual










Date of QC analysis: Time: Date of QC analysis: Time:

File Info. Setting Save Load File Info. Setting Save Load

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)
Inst. ID Select the Main Unit.
Level Select the level of the control blood
displayed in the radar chart.
Mode Select the analysis mode of the
control blood displayed in the radar
Material Information Displays the information of the file
selected. Revised February 2008

9-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

9.5.2. e-CHECK/OTHER1/OTHER2 Screen

The Control, OTHER1, and OTHER2 screens display the QC

data measured in line graphs.
Click each tab to display the corresponding graph. It is also
possible to display both current lot data and new lot data in the
same graph by choosing Current + New from the Lot combo
box. In case of connecting two analyzers (optional), it is
possible either to display each QC data individually or both QC
data in the same graph.
XT-2000i - [QC]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Shift: All Shifts

Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2
Inst. ID: Level: Material Information
XT-2000i-1 Level2 Instrument ID Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day
Lot: Mode: XT-2000i-1 Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30
Current+New Manual

Target 1999/05/27 Data Mean Data Mean
LL 10:18 CV CV
2.69 0.011
RBC 2.66 2.65 2.66
2.63 0
7.1 0.02
HGB 7.0 7.0 7.0
6.9 0.3
21.4 0.13
HCT 21.1 21.2 21.1
20.8 0.6
80.7 0.40
MCV 79.5 79.8 79.5
78.3 0.5
26.6 0.14
MCH 26.3 26.4 26.3
26.0 0.5

Lot Setting Control Data

Lot No. Delete
Change Lot Target/Limit New Vial Delete All Undelete Display Order

File Info. Setting Save Load

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

At the top of the screen:

Inst. ID Select the Main Unit.
Level Select the level (file) of the control
blood to display in the line graph.
Lot Select the lot (Current and/or New)
of the control blood to display in the
line graph.
Mode Select the analysis mode of the
control blood to display in the line
Material Information Displays the information of the
control blood displayed in the line
At the bottom of the screen:
Change Lot Switches lots.
Lot No. Sets new lot information or
changes lot No.
Target/Limit Sets the target and limit for the file
displayed in the chart. See
"Section 9.5: 4. Target/Limit" in this
Revised February 2008

New Vial Sets a vertical line in Blue that
indicates the change of the vial at
the cursor position, indicated by a
green cursor line.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 9-11

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

Delete Deletes the QC data on the cursor

Delete All Deletes all QC data in the file
currently displayed.
Undelete Cancels the previous delete or
delete all step.
Display Order Changes the display order of

When the data is deleted, the data will disappear on the
screen. However, the data remains in the internal cache
memory until closing the QC Chart screen or changing the
current screen, and it is possible to undo the delete. The
confirmation screen is displayed when closing or changing
the current screen. After closing or changing the screen, it
is impossible to undo the deleting.

9.5.3. XM Screen

Click the X-barM tab to display the XM screen for each

XT-2000i - [QC]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Shift: All Shifts

Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2
Inst. ID: XT-2000i-1 Order: CBC
Target 1999/03/01 Data Mean
LL 18:47 CV
76.9 6.40
WBC 57.7 64.5 57.7
38.5 11.1
48.0 5.99
RBC 30.0 25.8 30.0
12.0 20.0
13.5 2.08
HGB 7.2 6.3 7.2
0.9 28.9
5.9 1.03
HCT 2.9 1.8 2.9
0.0 35.5
1.7 0.29
MCV 0.8 0.7 0.8
0.0 36.3
5.71 0.90
MCH 3.01 3.70 3.01

Control Data
Target/Limit Delete Delete All Undelete Display Order

File Info. Setting Save Load

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

Inst. ID Select the Main Unit.

Order Changes the display of the analysis
profile indicated by the parameters
in the line graph.
Target/Limit Sets the target and limit for the file
Revised February 2008

displayed in the chart. See

"Section 9.5.4. Target/Limit" in this
Delete Deletes the QC data on the cursor

9-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

Delete All Deletes all QC data in the file

currently displayed.
Undelete Cancels the previous delete or
delete all step.
Display Order Changes the display order of

The definition of abnormality in the X-barM Chart is the
same as X/L-J control chart. For the detail of this definition,
refer to "9.6.3 Troubleshooting: Control Chart Definition".

9.5.4. Target/Limit

Set targets and limits for the file displayed.

Click the Target/Limit button on the bottom of the chart

screen to display the Set Target/Limit dialog box.
Instrument ID and file information will be displayed in the
upper section of the dialog box.

There is no Target/Limit button on the Radar screen.

XT-2000i - [QC]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Set Target/Limit
Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Shift: All Shifts

Inst. ID : XT-2000i-1 Level : Level1(New) Exp. Day : 2007/10/25
Lot No. : QC-72000810 Mode : Manual
Inst. ID: XT-2000i-1 Order: CBC Manual Setting
UL Limit Target Upper Limit Unit SD
RBC Target
4.80 5.04 10^6/µL
10^6/ Item 1999/03/01 WBC Data Mean
LL 18:47 CV
HGB 14.3 15.5 g/dL 6.40
76.9 Target 57.7
WBC 57.7 39.8 45.0 % 64.5 57.7
38.5 11.1
MCV 82.4 90.0 fL Limit Range(#) 19.2 #
48.0 5.99
MCH 29.5 31.1 pg 25.8 30.0
RBC 30.0
MCHC 12.0 33.6 36.8 g/dL 20.0
PLT 13.5 213 237 10^3/µL 2.08
RDW-SD 7.2
41.9 44.7 fL 6.3 7.2
0.9 Variable Target 28.9
RDW-CV 13.2 14.4 % 1.03
HCT 2.9 9.0 10.2 fL 1.8 2.9
PCT 0.0 0.21 0.25 % Auto Setting 35.5
MPV 1.7 10.0 10.8 fL 0.29
MCV 0.8 0.7 0.8
P-LCR 0.0 20.5 28.9 %
Read Assay 36.3
WBC 5.71 7.26 8.02 10^3/µL 0.90
NEUT% 3.01 51.1 53.1 % 3.70 3.01
LYMPH% 31.3 32.1 % 3.00

MONO% 4.1 5.3 %

EO% 10.8 12.4 % OK Cancel
BASO% 7.3 Control Data 8.9 %
NEUT# 0.00
Target/Limit Delete 0.01 10^3/µL
Delete All Undelete Display Order

File Info. Setting Save Load

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Revised February 2008

a. Manual Setting
1. Click a parameter in the list you wish to set.
The selected parameter will be displayed in the Manual
Setting column on the right side of the dialog box.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 9-13

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

2. Input set values for "Target" and/or "Limit Range".

On the Limit Range column, "%" indicates the ratio
method, and "#" indicates the numeral method. See
"Section 9.4.4. Setting, 9.4.4.C. Limit Setting" in this

b. Variable Target
Variable Target Function
The variable target function serves to calculate a control target
value automatically from the data stored in the control file.
The variable target function operates in both the X-barM and
X-bar/L-J control programs when the target value is set at
space. The variable target value calculated by this function
does not appear in the "Set Target/Limit" dialog box. It
appears only in the Target column of the QC charts.

How Target Values are Calculated

Here the target value calculation operation is explained in an

example using an empty file (file with no control data).
In this example, the parameter selected is RBC, the target is
set at 0 and the limit (%) is set at 2.3%. The limits above and
below this target are calculated from the following equation.
(The limit values thus obtained are rounded up. UL = upper
limit, LL = lower limit.)
Range (UL and LL) = Target X Limit(%) / 100
(1) 4.5 million is input as the first RBC control data. The
variable target will be set at 4.50, and the QC Chart will
show the values in the figure below.

N=1, UL-TARGET=0.11

UL 4.61
RBC 4.50
LL 4.39

First Control Value

Revised July 2007

9-14 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

(2) 4.45 million is input as the second RBC control data. The
variable target remains the same, because the
denominator (N-1) in the equation X/N-1 is 1 in this

N=2, UL-TARGET=0.11

UL 4.61
RBC 4.50
LL 4.39

Second Control Value

(3) 4.52 million is input as the third RBC control data. The
variable target changes to 4.48 (= (4.50 + 4.45) / 2).

N=3, UL-TARGET=0.11

UL 4.59
RBC 4.48
LL 4.37

Third Control Value

(4) 4.21 million is input as the fourth RBC control data. The
variable target, calculated using all three of the previous
control data, changes to 4.49 (= (4.50 + 4.45 + 4.52) / 3).

N=4, UL-TARGET=0.11

UL 4.60
RBC 4.49
LL 4.38

Fourth Control Value

Revised July 2007

The variable target function is useful for setting control target

values when the instrument is monitored using control blood
(the analyzed values for which, unlike calibrator, are not
reliable in an absolute sense).

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 9-15

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

Variable Target Function and Erroneous Data

To ensure that the variable target function operates smoothly,

control data that exceed the preset control limits by a factor of
3 should not be entered in the QC Charts.



5.60 Control data chart entry upper limit

UL 5.20 Upper control limit (UL)
RBC 5.00 Target
LL 4.80 Lower control limit (LL)
4.40 Control data chart entry lower limit

Assume that the control limits are the values given above. If
the control data is 5.21 million, the data on the L-J or Xbar
dialog box are shown with a yellow background, but the data
can be entered on the chart. If the control data is 5.61 million
however, it should not be entered on the QC Chart, and the
data on the L-J or Xbar dialog box are shown with a red

Setting Variable Target

1. Click a parameter you wish to set in the list.
2. Click the Variable Target button.
Variable target is set to the selected parameter. The
Target column of the set parameter becomes blank.

When Variable Target is selected for quality control, set
the limit manually, or read the assay value from the floppy
When "Current + new" is selected in the Lot column, the
target and limit range cannot be changed or set using the
Target/Limit button. Select a lot you wish to change or
Revised February 2008

Multiple parameters in the list can be selected.

9-16 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

c. Auto Setting
1. Click a parameter in the list to select.

Multiple parameters in the list can be selected.

2. Click the Auto Setting button.

The Auto Setting dialog box will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [QC]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Set Target/Limit
Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Shift: All Shifts

Inst. ID : XT-2000i-1 Level : Level1(New) Exp. Day : 2007/10/25
Lot No. : QC-72000810 Mode : Manual
Inst. ID: XT-2000i-1 Order: CBC Manual Setting
UL Limit Target Upper Limit Unit SD
RBC Target
Auto Setting 5.04 10^6/
10^6/µL Item 1999/03/01 WBC Data Mean
LL 18:47 CV
HGB 14.3 15.5 g/dL
76.9 Target 57.7 6.40
WBC 57.7 39.8 45.0 % 64.5 57.7
38.5 Select Data Lot Information
MCV 82.4 90.0 fL Limit Range(#) 19.2 #11.1
MCH 48.0
29.5 Target 31.1 Inst.
pg ID: XT-2000i-1
25.8 30.0
RBC 30.0
MCHC 12.0 33.6 36.8 Lot
g/dLNo.: QC-72000810 20.0
PLT 13.5 213 237 10^3/µL 2.08
Level: Level1(New) 6.3 7.2
RDW-SD 0.9 41.9 44.7 fL Variable Target 28.9
RDW-CV 13.2 14.4 Mode:
% Manual
HCT 2.9 9.0 10.2 fL
Exp. Day: 2007/10/25 1.8 2.9
PCT 0.0 0.21 0.25 % Auto Setting 35.5
MPV 1.7 10.0 10.8 fL 0.29
MCV 0.8 0.7 0.8
P-LCR 0.0 20.5 28.9 %
Read Assay 36.3
WBC 7.26 OK
8.02 10^3/µL Cancel
5.71 0.90
NEUT% 3.01 51.1 53.1 % 3.70 3.01
LYMPH% 31.3 32.1 % 3.00

MONO% 4.1 5.3 %

EO% 10.8 12.4 % OK Cancel
BASO% 7.3 Control Data 8.9 %
NEUT# 0.00
Target/Limit Delete 0.01 10^3/µL
Delete All Undelete Display Order

File Info. Setting Save Load

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Click the Target and/or Limit check box to select the

4. Click OK to automatically calculate the target or limit of the
selected data based on all the analysis data stored in the
current file.
Click Cancel to cancel the auto calculation procedure.

Automatic calculation is executed on the basis of the limit
which was set in "Section 9.4.4. Setting, 9.4.4.C. Limit
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 9-17

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

d. Read Assay
1. Insert the e-CHECK assay floppy disk into the floppy disk
2. Select parameters for which you wish to read in the assay
value from the list. Normally, select all parameters.
3. Click the Read Assay button. The Read Assay dialog box
will appear.
The lot information to be changed will be displayed on the
right hand of the dialog box.
4. Click the Target and/or Limit of the check box to select the
5. Click OK to read the assay values from the floppy disk
delivered together with control blood.
Click Cancel to cancel the read procedure.

9.5.5. Lot No.

New lots can be recorded. Lot information can be recorded by

manually setting or reading the settings from a floppy disk.

The files which have been set or changed in the Lot No.
dialog box are recorded to the New Lot.

a. Manual Setting
1. Click the Lot No. button.
The Lot No. dialog box will be displayed.

Revised July 2007

9-18 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

2. Input lot information.

Lot No. Input the control blood lot number.
Exp. Day Input the control blood expiration date.
3. Click OK to confirm and close the Lot No. dialog box.
Click Cancel to cancel the record procedure and close the
Lot No. dialog box.

• Do not register a same lot No. to multiple lots.
• If a same lot No. is registered to multiple lots, data may
not be plotted to the target lot.

b. Read Disk
1. Click the Lot No. button.
The Lot No. dialog box will be displayed.
2. Insert the assay disk into the disk drive.
3. Click the Read Disk button. The Read Assay dialog box
will be displayed.
4. The list of files stored on the assay disk will be displayed.
Select the desired file by clicking.
5. Click the radio button of the parameter you wish to read.
Lot No. Reads the control blood lot number.
Exp. Day Reads the control blood expiration date.
6. Click OK to execute reading and return to the Lot No.
dialog box.
Click Cancel to cancel reading and return to the Lot No.
dialog box.
7. Click OK to confirm and close the Lot No. dialog box.
Click Cancel to cancel the record procedure and close the
Lot No. dialog box.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 9-19

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

9.5.6. Change Lot

For each lot of control blood information is saved. To convert
the new lot into a current lot proceed as follows.
1. At the IPU open the QC menu. The online help will be
2. Choose the Control tab.
3. Choose the level of the control material to be read.
4. Choose the mode. (Closed or Manual)
5. Click on the Change Lot button. The message "Current
Lot Data will be Replaced By New Lot Data." is displayed.
6. Click on Yes.
7. Insert the floppy disk the data are to be saved to, or
choose the relevant folder on the hard disk.
8. Specify a file name.
9. Click on Save.

• The quality control should be measured at all three levels
and both manual and closed mode (according to local
• When the change lot is executed, QC data of the current
lot file is lost. If necessary, save QC data on a floppy
disk, and then execute the change lot. Since the data of
all the QC files are saved, two or more floppy disks may
be required.

Up to 300 QC results can be stored for each lot.
Revised February 2008

9-20 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

9.5.7. Display Order

Change the display order of parameters.
1. Click the Display Order button.
The Display Order dialog box will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [QC]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Shift: All Shifts

Display Order
Radar Control X-barM OTHER1 OTHER2
Inst. ID: Level:Parameter OrderMaterial Information
XT-2000i-1 Level2 Instrument ID Level(Lot) Lot NO. Exp. Day
Lot: Mode: HGB XT-2000i-1 Level2(Current) QC-90740600 00/05/30
HCT Move Up
Current+New Manual
MCHC Data Mean Data Mean
PLT 1999/05/27
LL 10:18 CV CV
RDW-SD 0.011
2.69 Move Down
2.65 2.66
2.63 PDW 0
PCT 0.02
HGB 7.0 MPV 7.0 7.0
6.9 P-LCR 0.3
21.4 WBC 0.13
HCT 21.1 NEUT% 21.2 21.1
20.8 LYMPH% 0.6
80.7 MONO% 0.40
MCV 79.5 EO% 79.8 79.5
78.3 BASO% 0.5
26.6 NEUT# 0.14
MCH 26.3 LYMPH# 26.4 26.3
26.0 0.5

Lot Setting OK Cancel

Control Data
Lot No. Delete
Change Lot Target/Limit New Vial Delete All Undelete Display Order

File Info. Setting Save Load

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

2. The list will be displayed in the present order.

Select the parameter to be changed (reordered).
3. Click the Move Up or Move Down button to change the
order of the selected parameter.
Move Up The selected parameter scrolls up by one
Move Down The selected parameter scrolls down by
one line.

9.6 Quality control analysis

Control blood is analyzed by the X or L-J Control programs,
and the data is stored in a quality control file. Follow the
manufacturer's instructions for handling control blood. This
section explains how to prepare and handle a quality control
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 9-21

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

9.6.1. QC File Preparation

Before analysis of a QC sample, make sure the QC file is
prepared accordingly (see Chapter 9.5.4. Target/Limit, d. Read
Assay). Control blood files consist of two lots, "Current" and
"New". In both files QC analysis results are stored depending
on the respective control material used, e.g. if control material
of the current lot is analyzed, results will be stored in the
current file. Therefore, the current lot contains QC results of
the actual lot in use while the new lot file contains data and
results of the lot to come.
During a lot change, all analysis data of the new lot is shifted
to the current file while hitherto data of the current file is
deleted. Before auto-deletion of the old QC data, you will be
prompted to save these data on floppy disk during a lot
change (see Chapter 9.6.4. Change Lot). Normally, analysis
data should only be stored temporarily in the new lot file.

1) New lot record

Record control blood information of the lot in which quality
control is started. For details, see "Section 9.5: 5. Lot No."
in this chapter.
2) Target/limit setting
Set the target and limit of new lot files in which quality
control is started. For details, see "Section 9.5: 4. Target/
Limit" in this chapter.

Immediately after the lot change, default value is set to the
target / limit. Be sure to set the target and limit values
again after recording a new lot.

9.6.2. Control Blood Analysis

For details on the control blood analysis, see "Chapter 6,

Section 6.3: Quality Control Analysis".

When analyzing the samples for interlaboratory test
survey, remove a check mark for [Unregistered QC
Sample] in the QC sample setting.
Revised February 2008

See "Chapter 11, Section 11.1: 1. Sampler Stop

Conditions" for more information.

9-22 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

9.6.3. Troubleshooting

This section explains actions against errors which occur

during quality control analysis.

Control Chart Definition

In the XT-2000i/XT-1800i, the Levey-Jennings Method is used

as a basic principle for reading the QC Charts. This method
consists of the following operation: If the latest control data
point is outside the control limits, the last 20 (including the
latest) data points are searched for a point that is outside the
same limit as the latest data point. If such a point is found, the
data is judged to be abnormal. If no such point is found, X/L-
J control is repeated, and if the result of the repeat control is
inside the control limits, the quality control is not judged
abnormal. Naturally, if the repeat control result is outside the
same limit as the previous result, the quality control is judged

The definition of this abnormality in a control chart is the
same also at X-barM chart.

• How abnormality is displayed

If the quality control is judged abnormal, the relevant

parameter name appears backlit.

Example displays: Abnormality judged

Latest data


20 data points

Quality Control Error Display

Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 9-23

CHAPTER 9 Quality Control

Example displays: No abnormality judged

Latest data


20 data points
Quality Control No-Error Display

If the QC limits have been exceeded, and data is displayed

with a red background, click on the Graph in the QC analysis
dialog box and check the analysis data. Click OK in the QC
analysis dialog box to plot the data on the QC chart. Use the
radar chart to check the parameters for which errors have
occurred. Check the detailed data on the dotted-line graph.
Click Cancel in the QC analysis dialog box to close the box
without plotting the data.

9.6.4. Change Lot

Analyze control blood of the new lot according to the

procedure mentioned above. Compare the current lot and the
new lot with a certain amount of data stored in the new lot file.
After checking that there is no problem with control data, click
the Change Lot button, and move the analysis data of control
blood from the new lot file to the current lot file.

When the lot is changed, all the control data of the current
lot is erased. Before the change operation, data should be
stored on an external memory device.
Revised February 2008

9-24 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

10. Calibration
Calibration is performed to compensate for any reproducible
inaccuracies of the system. The HGB and/or HCT values are
corrected by a calibration value.

In automatic calibration the reference values of 5 samples

are entered. The instrument determines the calibration value

In manual calibration the calibration value must be calculated

according to a designated formula and entered.

The Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i needs to be calibrated:

• before initial operation (carried at by the Sysmex service
• when quality controls show deviations in the same direction
which are determined repeatedly;
• when a major component, such as the sample rotor valve,
has been replaced.

Calibration needs not to be performed at specific intervals.
Follow the internal laboratory regulations for performing a
calibration, if existing.
Abnormal QC data due to instrument problems, reagent
degradation, or deterioration of control blood cannot be
eliminated by calibration.

10.1 Samples Used for Calibration

For calibration, use five or more samples of fresh normal blood
meeting the following conditions:
• Blood of a healthy person who is not taking any medicine;
• Blood added with an appropriate quantity of anticoagulant;
• Per-sample whole blood volume to exceed 2 mL;
• HGB value to exceed 10.0 g/dL;
• HCT value to be within 35.5% and 55.5%.

Revised February 2008

Control blood is not suitable for calibration.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 10-1

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

10.2 Establishing the Reference Values

As reference values for calibration HGB and HCT values are
determined on another, calibrated instrument.

Recommended measuring methods:

HGB: Determination of hemoglobin concentration (DIN
HCT: Determination of the concentration of blood
corpuscles in blood (DIN 58933)

Each sample should be analyzed at least three times.
Mark or number the samples and make notes of the values

10.3 Automatic Calibration

In the XT-2000i/XT-1800i, five or more fresh, normal blood
samples are used for automatic calibration of HGB and HCT

10.3.1. Executing the Automatic Calibration Program

1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen.
The Controller Menu will be displayed.
2. Double-click the Auto Calibration icon in the Controller
The Auto Calibration window will appear.

Check that the status of the Main Unit is READY or STAT
If the status of the Main Unit is not READY or STAT
READY, the error sound is made and the window will not
Revised February 2008

10-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]

File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
Auto Calibration

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis

Reference Shutdown
Analyzer Auto Rinse Reagents
Comparison Maintenance Service
1 Cancel

Manual Calibration Auto 3
Calibration Calibration History ErrorLog X-berM Setting


Compensation Rate
Current New
HGB 100.0 %
HCT 100.0 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. The following contents are displayed in the Auto

Calibration window.
No. Displays the number of the calibration
Reference For entering the reference values
obtained using the standard method.
Analyzer Displays the data obtained at the Main
Unit to be used for automatic calibration.
Comparison Displays the ratios of the reference
values to the data obtained at the Main
Reference Displays the average value of the
reference values which were input.
Analyzer Displays the average value of the
data analyzed at the Main Unit.
Comparison Displays the average of the ratios of
the reference values composed with
the data obtained at the Main Unit.
Compensation Rate
Current Displays the current compensation
New Displays the newly-calculated
compensation rate.

10.3.2. Entering Reference Values

1. Double-click to select the Reference column to enter
A cursor appears in the selected Reference column.
Revised July 2007

2. Enter the HGB or HCT reference value obtained by the

standard method.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 10-3

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

3. To confirm the entered value, press the Enter key or

double-click on the next Reference column to enter.

When one or more reference values of HGB and HCT are

set, each average is calculated automatically, and
displayed in the Average row of the Auto Calibration
When the sample has been already analyzed, the
compensation rate is calculated automatically, and is
displayed in the Compensation Rate New column.

10.3.3. Analysis

When all target values have been entered, the instrument is

ready for analyzing:
1. Click to select a line in which to display the analysis data.

If you select a line in which analysis data is already
displayed, the displayed data will be overwritten.

2. Carry out the analysis in manual or manual closed mode.

Analyze samples in succession.

It is important to analyze the sample belonging to the
reference value. The values of the sample to be analyzed
are indicated by the underline cursor.

Discrete becomes CBC automatically during the automatic
calibration analysis.

3. After completion of analysis, the analysis result will

appear, and the cursor will move to the next line.

When one or more samples of HGB and HCT are

Revised February 2008

analyzed, each average is calculated automatically, and

displayed in the Average column of the Auto Calibration

10-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

When the values have been already set, the compensation

rate is calculated automatically, and is displayed in the
Compensation Rate New column.

10.3.4. Exclude

When the compensation rate is far away from 100% because

of insufficient mixing or an analysis error, data can be
excluded from calibration calculation. If necessary, excluded
data can be restored.

1. Exclusion
1. Click the Calibration Data No. checkbox to select the
appropriate. When the box is selected that data is
The averages of the reference value, analysis value, and
compensation rate will be calculated again and newly

2. Canceling the Exclusion

1. Click the Calibration Data No. checkbox again to deselect
it. When the box is deselected, the excluded data is
The averages of the reference value, analysis value, and
compensation rate will be calculated again and displayed.

10.3.5. Updating calibration values

Update the compensation rate to the new compensation rate

calculated from the averages of the reference value and
analysis value.
1. Click OK or Cancel.
OK Applies the compensation rate calculated at
automatic calibration to the instrument, makes
an addition to the calibration history, and closes
the Auto Calibration window.
Cancel Displays the Cancel Confirmation dialog box.
Yes Cancels changes to the compensation
rate, and closes the Cancel Confirmation
dialog box and the Auto Calibration
No Closes the Cancel Confirmation dialog
box, and returns to the Auto Calibration
Revised February 2008


Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 10-5

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]

File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
Auto Calibration

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis

Reference Shutdown
Analyzer Auto Rinse Reagents
Comparison Maintenance Service
1 Cancel

Manual Calibration Auto 3
Calibration Calibration History ErrorLog X-berM Setting

6 Are you sure to exit?

Compensation Rate
Current New
HGB 100.0 %
HCT 100.0 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

• The comparison is calculated as follows:
Comparison = --------------------------- × 100(%)
• The new compensation rate is calculated as follows:
New compensation rate (%) =
Current comp. rate (%) × Avg. comp. rate (%)
• The OK button is not valid (appears in gray) if the new
compensation rate exceeds the allowable range shown
A calibration error is displayed, if
• the value determined by the analyses exceeds 105%
or is less than 95%;
• the new calibration value exceeds 120% or is less
than 80%.
• Manual calibration can be carried out when the
difference between the new compensation rate and the
current compensation rate exceeds ±5%, but the new
compensation rate must be within 100±20%.

2. Reanalyze the sample used for calibration with the XT-

2000i/XT-1800i. Confirm that the analysis value is within
the allowable range and does not vary greatly from the
reference values.
Recalibrate if HGB and HCT values are consistently higher
Revised February 2008

or lower overall than the reference value. If, after re-

calibration, the analysis value are still outside the
allowable range, or if abnormal data is found, check the

10-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

samples for abnormalities such as abnormal blood

coagulation, blood cell morphology, patient medicinal use,
and old blood. If no abnormality is found in the samples,
contact your Sysmex service representative.

10.4 Displaying the Last Sample Data

1. Click Graph from the Auto Calibration window. The Graph
display dialog box appears, displaying the newest data
obtained by automatic calibration.
2. To close the Graph display dialog box, click OK from the
dialog box.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1] XT-1800i - [Controller - XT-1800i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
Auto Calibration Auto Calibration

Graph Graph

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis

Reference Shutdown
Analyzer Auto Rinse Reagents
Comparison Maintenance Service Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis
Reference Shutdown
Analyzer Auto Rinse Reagents
Comparison Maintenance Service
WBC 6.39 10^3/µL NEUT# 3.16 10^3/µL DIFF Replacement WBC/BASO OK WBC 6.39 10^3/µL NEUT# 3.16 10^3/µL DIFF Replacement WBC/BASO OK
No. No.
RBC 4.82 10^6/µL LYMPH#
HGB HCT 2.63
HGB 10^3/µL
HGB HCT 2.63
HGB 10^3/µL
HGB 1 14.5 g/dL MONO# 0.29 10^3/µL Cancel HGB 1 14.5 g/dL MONO# 0.29 10^3/µL Cancel
HCT 42.0 % EO# 0.25 10^3/µL HCT 42.0 % EO# 0.25 10^3/µL
2 2
Manual Calibration Auto 3
Calibration History ErrorLog
10^3/µLSetting Graph MCV
Manual Calibration Auto 3
Calibration History ErrorLog
10^3/µLSetting Graph
MCH 30.1 pg NEUT% 49.5 % MCH 30.1 pg NEUT% 49.5 %
MCHC 4 34.5 g/dL LYMPH% 41.2 % MCHC 4 34.5 g/dL LYMPH% 41.2 %
PLT 5 425 10^3/µL MONO% 4.5 % RET PLT 5 425 10^3/µL MONO% 4.5 %
6 EO% 3.9 % 6 EO% 3.9 %
RDW-SD 40.0 fL RDW-SD 40.0 fL
7 BASO% 0.9 % 7 BASO% 0.9 %
RDW-CV 12.5 % RDW-CV 12.5 %
PDW 8 10.2 fL PDW 8 10.2 fL
MPV 9 9.4 fL MPV 9 9.4 fL
P-LCR 10 19.1 % P-LCR 10 19.1 %
PCT Average 0.40 % RBC PLT PCT Average 0.40 % RBC PLT
PCT Compensation
0.40Rate% Compensation Rate
RET# 5.78 Current
10^4/µL New Current New
HGB 5.7 100.0 % 250fL 40fL HGB 100.0 % 250fL 40fL
LFR 94.3 %
MFR HCT 100.0 % HCT 100.0 %
5.3 %
HFR 0.4 % OK OK

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

10.5 Manual Calibration

With manual calibration, calibration can be done by entering
HGB and HCT calibration values obtained by calculation.

10.5.1. Calculating the Calibration Value

1. Analyze five to ten samples, three times each, by the
standard method to obtain the mean HGB and HCT
2. Mix the same samples sufficiently and analyze them in
manual or manual closed mode with the Main Unit (XT-
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 10-7

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

3. When there is a difference between the data obtained by

XT-2000i/XT-1800i analysis and the reference values
obtained by the standard method, calculate new
calibration values using the following equation:
New compensation ratio =
Reference mean
Current compensation ratio × ---------------------------------------------
Instrument mean

Average of HGB values gained by the reference method =
15.6 g/dL
Average of HGB values from XT-2000i/XT-1800i analysis =
15.5 g/dL
Previous calibration value of HGB = 100.0%

Calculation of the new calibration value:

100 x (15.6/15.5) = 100.65% (100.7% rounded off)

The calibration value of HGB has increased by 0.7% and

needs to be set at 100.7%.

10.5.2. Executing the Manual Calibration Program

1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen.
The Controller Menu will be displayed.
2. Double-click the Manual Calibration icon in the Controller
The Manual Calibration dialog box will appear.

Check that the status of the Main Unit is READY or STAT
If the status of the Main Unit is not READY or STAT
READY, the error sound is made and the dialog box will not
appear. Revised July 2007

10-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]

File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Service

Manual Calibration Auto Calibration Calibration History ErrorLog X-berM Setting

Manual Calibration - XT-2000i-1

Compensation Rate
Current New OK

HGB 100.0 100.0 % Cancel

HCT 100.0 100.0 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. The following are displayed in the Manual Calibration

dialog box.
Current Displays the current calibration value for
New Enter a new calibration value for HGB.
Current Displays the current calibration value for
New Enter a new calibration value for HCT.

10.5.3. Entering the Calibration Values

1. Click to select the HGB or HCT New column.
2. Enter the new calibration value.

The entered calibration value can only be in the range of
80.0 to 120.0 and can be entered to one single decimal

10.5.4. Updating Calibration Values

1. After entering the calibration value, click OK or Cancel.
OK Applies the entered calibration value to the
instrument, makes an addition to the calibration
history, and closes the dialog box.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 10-9

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

Cancel Cancels changes to the calibration value, and

closes the dialog box.

The OK button is not valid (appears in gray) if the entered
calibration value is not within the range of 80.0 to 120.0.

2. Reanalyze the sample used for calibration with the XT-

2000i/XT-1800i. Confirm that the analysis value is within
the allowable range and does not vary greatly from the
reference values.
Recalibrate if HGB and HCT values are consistently higher
or lower overall than the reference value. If, after re-
calibration, the analysis value are still outside the
allowable range, or if abnormal data is found, check the
samples for abnormalities such as abnormal blood
coagulation, blood cell morphology, patient medicinal use,
and old blood. If no abnormality is found in the samples,
contact your Sysmex service representative.

Revised February 2008

10-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

10.6 Calibration History

The calibration history display screen shows a maximum of 10
calibrations in the order of occurrence.
Older calibrations will automatically be deleted if the total
number of calibrations exceeds 10.
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen.
The Controller Menu will be displayed.
2. Double-click the Calibration History icon in the Controller
The Calibration History screen will appear.

When data of the Manual Calibration is selected, the

screen display appears as follows:
XT-2000i - [Calibration History - XT-2000i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Calibration History Calibration Data

Reference Analyzed Comparison
2001/12/04 16:01:46 Admin 100.0 102.3 HGB-HCT-01
2001/12/04 15:48:35 Admin 100.0 100.0 HGB-HCT-02
2001/12/04 10:53:59 Admin 100.0 100.0
2001/12/04 10:46:54 Admin 100.0 100.2 HGB-HCT-03
2001/11/30 19:05:32 Admin 103.0 98.1
2001/11/30 18:41:48 Admin 100.0 100.0
2001/11/30 18:35:08 Admin 90.0 110.0 HGB-HCT-05
2001/11/28 16:46:58 Admin 98.0 97.9
2001/11/28 15:46:14 Admin 99.0 98.0
2001/11/28 15:29:47 Admin 95.0 100.0 HGB-HCT-07




Compensation Rate
Current New
HGB 90.0 100.0 %

HCT 110.0 100.0 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

When data of the Auto Calibration is selected, the screen

display appears as follows:
XT-2000i - [Calibration History - XT-2000i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Calibration History Calibration Data

Reference Analyzed Comparison
2001/12/04 16:01:46 Admin 100.0 102.3 HGB-HCT-01 13.2 34.0 12.7 34.3 103.9 99.1
2001/12/04 15:48:35 Admin 100.0 100.0 HGB-HCT-02 13.4 33.1 12.7 34.4 105.5 96.2
2001/12/04 10:53:59 Admin 100.0 100.0
2001/12/04 10:46:54 Admin 100.0 100.2 HGB-HCT-03 13.4 34.0 12.7 34.3 105.5 99.1
2001/11/30 19:05:32 Admin 103.0 98.1
HGB-HCT-04 12.6 33.9 12.6 34.5 100.0 98.3
2001/11/30 18:41:48 Admin 100.0 100.0
2001/11/30 18:35:08 Admin 103.0 98.1 HGB-HCT-05 12.7 33.9 12.7 34.2 100.0 99.1
2001/11/28 16:46:58 Admin 98.0 97.9
HGB-HCT-06 13.1 33.9 12.6 34.2 104.0 99.1
2001/11/28 15:46:14 Admin 99.0 98.0
2001/11/28 15:29:47 Admin 95.0 100.0 HGB-HCT-07 13.1 33.9 12.7 34.3 103.1 98.8
HGB-HCT-08 13.6 33.9 12.6 34.2 107.9 99.1

HGB-HCT-09 12.6 33.0 12.6 34.4 100.0 95.9

HGB-HCT-10 12.6 33.0 12.6 34.2 100.0 96.5

Average 13.0 33.7 12.7 34.3 103.0 98.1

Compensation Rate
Current New
Revised July 2007

HGB 100.0 103.0 %

HCT 100.0 98.1 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 10-11

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

10.6.1. Output

Output of data selected in the Calibration history can be

carried out.
1. Select a data to be output from the Calibrator Calibration
History screen.
2. Select the type of output you wish to use from the "Report"
menu bar to start output.
Ledger (LP) Sends data to connected line printer.
XT-2000i - [Calibration History - XT-2000i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help
Help Manual Sampler save
save Report(GP)
menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
Calibration History Calibration Data
Reference Analyzed Comparison
2001/12/04 16:01:46 Admin 100.0 102.3 No.1
2001/12/04 15:48:35 Admin 100.0 100.0 No.2
2001/12/04 10:53:59 Admin 100.0 100.0
2001/12/04 10:46:54 Admin 100.0 100.2 No.3
2001/11/30 19:05:32 Admin 103.0 98.1
2001/11/30 18:41:48 Admin 100.0 100.0
2001/11/30 18:35:08 Admin 90.0 110.0 No.5
2001/11/28 16:46:58 Admin 98.0 97.9
2001/11/28 15:46:14 Admin 99.0 98.0
2001/11/28 15:29:47 Admin 95.0 100.0 No.7




Compensation Rate
Current New
HGB 81.7 82.0 %

HCT 93.6 93.6 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

Revised February 2008

10-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

10.6.2. Backup

Back up calibration history data in a file.

Backup Operation Instructions:

1. Select data to be backed up on the Calibrator Calibration
History screen.
2. Select "Backup" from the "Record" menu bar.
3. Backup File Selection dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [Calibration History - XT-2000i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Calibration History Calibration Data

Reference Analyzed Comparison
2001/12/04 16:01:46 Admin 100.0 102.3 HGB-HCT-01
2001/12/04 15:48:35 Admin 100.0 100.0 HGB-HCT-02
2001/12/04 10:53:59 Admin 100.0 100.0
Save As ?
2001/12/04 10:46:54 Admin 100.0 100.2 HGB-HCT-03
2001/11/30 19:05:32 Admin Save in: 103.0 312 Floppy (A:)
2001/11/30 18:41:48 Admin 100.0 100.0
2001/11/30 18:35:08 Admin 90.0 110.0 HGB-HCT-05
2001/11/28 16:46:58 Admin 98.0 97.9
2001/11/28 15:46:14 Admin 99.0 98.0
2001/11/28 15:29:47 Admin 95.0 100.0 HGB-HCT-07
File name: [XT-2000i^A1033][2000-10-25_16-56] Save
Save as type: Calibration Data Files (*.cad) Cancel


Compensation Rate
Current New
HGB 90.0 100.0 %

HCT 110.0 100.0 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

4. Click Save to backup all the selected analysis data.

Click Cancel to cancel the backup operation.

The C:drive is used for the system program. Use the
A:drive (floppy disk) for data backup.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 10-13

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

10.6.3. Restore

Restore Calibration history data.

Restore Operation Instructions:

1. Select "Restore" from the "Record" menu bar on the
Calibrator Calibration History screen.
2. Restore File Selection dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [Calibration History - XT-2000i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Calibration History Calibration Data

Reference Analyzed Comparison
2001/12/04 16:01:46 Admin 100.0 102.3 HGB-HCT-01
2001/12/04 15:48:35 Admin 100.0 100.0 HGB-HCT-02
2001/12/04 10:53:59 Admin 100.0 100.0
Open ?
2001/12/04 10:46:54 Admin 100.0 100.2 HGB-HCT-03
2001/11/30 19:05:32 Admin Look in: 103.0 98.1312 Floppy (A:)
2001/11/30 18:41:48 Admin 100.0 100.0
2001/11/30 18:35:08 Admin 90.0 110.0 HGB-HCT-05
2001/11/28 16:46:58 Admin 98.0 97.9
2001/11/28 15:46:14 Admin 99.0 98.0
2001/11/28 15:29:47 Admin 95.0 100.0 HGB-HCT-07
File name: Open
Files of type: Calibration Data Files (*.cad)
SampleFiles(*.smp) Cancel
Open as read-only


Compensation Rate
Current New
HGB 90.0 100.0 %

HCT 110.0 100.0 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Select the file to be restored.

4. Click Open to restore the analysis data.
Click Cancel to cancel the restore operation.

When over 10 data are restored, the oldest data will be
deleted in the order of the analysis date.

Revised February 2008

10-14 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

10.6.4. Delete

Delete calibration history data stored on the floppy disk drive.

Delete Operation Instructions:

1. Select data to be deleted from Calibration History list of
stored data on the Calibrator Calibration History screen.
2. Select "Delete" from the "Record" menu bar, or click the
Delete button on the toolbar.
3. The Delete dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [Calibration History - XT-2000i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Calibration History Calibration Data

Reference Analyzed Comparison
2001/12/04 16:01:46 Admin 100.0 102.3 HGB-HCT-01
2001/12/04 15:48:35 Admin 100.0 100.0 HGB-HCT-02
2001/12/04 10:53:59 Admin 100.0 100.0
2001/12/04 10:46:54 Admin 100.0 100.2 HGB-HCT-03
2001/11/30 19:05:32 Admin 103.0 98.1
2001/11/30 18:41:48 Admin 100.0 100.0
2001/11/30 18:35:08 Admin 90.0 110.0 HGB-HCT-05
2001/11/28 16:46:58 Admin 98.0 97.9
2001/11/28 15:46:14 Admin 99.0 98.0 OK
2001/11/28 15:29:47 Admin 95.0 100.0 HGB-HCT-07
Do you really want to delete?




Compensation Rate
Current New
HGB 90.0 100.0 %

HCT 110.0 100.0 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

4. Click OK to delete the selected calibration history data in

the Calibration History list.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 10-15

CHAPTER 10 Calibration

Revised July 2007

10-16 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11. Instrument Setup

By individual settings the users can adapt the XT-2000i/
XT1800i to their needs or existing laboratory conditions,

Upon initial operation some settings need to be updated,
e.g. the current date and time. (See Chapter 11.2 XT IPU
Settings.) The XT-2000i/XT1800i's pre-set programs
cannot be re-set.

11.1 XT Controller Setting

This program is for the settings of the XT-2000i/XT1800i Main
Operation of the XT Controller Setting
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen.
The Controller Menu will be displayed.
2. Double-click the Setting button in the Controller Menu.
On the XT-1800i screen, there is no PLT Switching tab. In
addition, Flag Formula (RBC/RET) appears on the XT-
2000i screen but Flag Formula (RBC) appears on the XT-
1800i screen.
11.1.1. Sampler Stop Conditions
To set the sampler stop conditions, sampler analysis will be
interrupted if an abnormality (pre-set sampler stop conditions)
occurs on the instrument and/or samples.
1. Click the Sampler Stop Conditions tab.
2. The current sampler stop conditions will be displayed on
the Sampler Stop Conditions screen.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]
XT Controller
File Edit ViewSetting
Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Instrument ID Flag Formula(WBC) Flag Formula(RBC, RET)

Flag Formula(PLT)
Manual Samplersave menu QC
Alarm Sound Selecting
work list explorer browser
PLT Switching
save Auto Manual delete Upper Lower
Auto Manual last20 validate pending
Sampler Stop Conditions Sampler Limit Setting ID Reader Pneumatic Unit

Sampler Stop Conditions Sensor

Help Blood
Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Sensor
Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Service
X-barM Limit Error Replacement
Sampler Stop Conditions
L-J Limit Error Inadequate Sample
ID Read Error
Aspiration Sensor
Rack ID Read Error Sampler Stop Conditions
Manual Calibration Auto Calibration Calibration History ErrorLog X-berM Setting
Low Count Error Aspiration Error

Control Expired Error

QC Sample
Out of Limit Range
Unregistered QC Sample
Revised February 2008

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Option OK Cancel Apply


Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-1

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

3. Set each parameter by clicking on the check box. If turned

ON, this particular sampler stop mode is activated when
the corresponding conditions are met.
The following Sampler Stop Conditions can be set:
X-barM Limit Error X-barM control error has occurred.
L-J Limit Error L-J control error has occurred.
ID Read Error Sample ID number cannot be read.
Rack ID Read Error Rack ID number cannot be read.
Low Count Error Abnormally low sample count was
Control Expired Error An expired control blood sample
was analyzed.
Out of Limit Range A sample has exceeded the
upper or lower limit values of the
Sample Limit Setting.

Blood Sensor
Sets whether to use the sensor for monitoring blood
volume during sampler analysis.
When the check box is ON, the sensor is used.
Inadequate Sample If the check box is ON,
the sampler analysis is
interrupted when a
sample of insufficient
blood volume is
Aspiration Sensor
Sets whether to use the sensors, at front and rear of the
sampling valve, for monitoring blood aspiration status
during sampler analysis.
When the check box is ON, the sensor is used.
Aspiration Error If the check box is ON,
the sampler analysis is
interrupted when an
aspiration error

• When you know in advance that a sample (such as of a
dialysis patient) whose blood is very watery, deactivation
of the blood volume sensor and the blood aspiration
sensor is recommended.
• The blood sensor and aspiration sensor are not used
during manual analysis.
Revised February 2008

11-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

QC Sample
Unregistered QC Sample
Sets whether or not the sample is assumed to be a QC
sample when a sample, with a sample number starting
with "QC" but not registered in the QC file, is to be
Placing a check mark in the check box will assume that
this sample is not a QC sample, and will interrupt
sampler operation when this sample is detected.
Removing the check mark from the check box will
assume that this sample is a QC sample. However,
results from this sample will not be plotted on the QC

When analyzing the samples for interlaboratory test
survey, remove the check mark in the check box for
Unregistered QC Sample.

4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.

OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

11.1.2. Sampler Limit Setting

The upper and lower limits can be set for analysis interruption.
By specifying the Out of Limit Range for Sampler Stop
Conditions, the sampler analysis can be interrupted if there is
a sample exceeding the upper or lower limits that are set.
1. Click the Sampler Limit Setting tab.
2. The current settings are displayed on the Sampler Limit
Setting screen.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1] XT-1800i - [Controller - XT-1800i-1]
XT Controller
File Edit ViewSetting
Record Action Report Setting Window Help XT Controller
File Edit ViewSetting
Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Instrument ID Flag Formula(WBC) Flag Formula(RBC, RET) Flag Formula(WBC) Flag Formula(RBC) Flag Formula(PLT) Alarm Sound Selecting
Flag Formula(PLT) Alarm Sound Selecting PLT Switching Sampler Stop Conditions Sampler Limit Setting ID Reader Pneumatic Unit Instrument ID
Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower
Auto Manual last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
Sampler Stop Conditions Sampler Limit Setting ID Reader Pneumatic Unit
LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT RBC 2.00 ~ 6.00 10^6/µL WBC 2.00 ~ 20.00 10^3/µL
RBC 2.00 ~ 6.00 10^6/µL WBC 2.00 ~ 20.00 10^3/µL HGB 6.0 ~ 20.0 g/dL NEUT# 0.00 ~ 7.50 10^3/µL
Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Service Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Service
HGB 6.0 ~ 20.0 g/dL NEUT# 0.00 Replacement~ 7.50 10^3/µL HCT 20.0 ~ 56.0 % LYMPH# 0.00 Replacement~ 4.00 10^3/µL
HCT 20.0 ~ 56.0 % LYMPH# 0.00 ~ 4.00 10^3/µL MCV 75.0 ~ 115.0 fL MONO# 0.00 ~ 0.80 10^3/µL
MCV 75.0 ~ 115.0 fL MONO# 0.00 ~ 0.80 10^3/µL MCH 23.0 ~ 40.0 pg EO# 0.00 ~ 0.50 10^3/µL
MCH 23.0 ~ 40.0 pg EO# 0.00 ~ 0.50 10^3/µL MCHC 29.0 ~ 38.0 g/dL BASO# 0.00 ~ 0.20 10^3/µL
Manual Calibration Auto Calibration
MCHC 29.0 ~ 38.0 ErrorLogg/dL X-berM
Calibration History Setting
BASO# 0.00 ~ 0.20 10^3/µL Manual Calibration Auto Calibration
PLT 30
Calibration History
~ 500 ErrorLog
X-berM Setting
NEUT% 27.0 ~ 74.0 %
PLT 30 ~ 500 10^3/µL NEUT% 27.0 ~ 74.0 % RDW-SD 25.0 ~ 75.0 fL LYMPH% 12.0 ~ 55.0 %
RDW-SD 25.0 ~ 75.0 fL LYMPH% 12.0 ~ 55.0 % RDW-CV 10.0 ~ 20.0 % MONO% 0.0 ~ 16.0 %
RDW-CV 10.0 ~ 20.0 % MONO% 0.0 ~ 16.0 % PDW 5.0 ~ 30.0 fL EO% 0.0 ~ 8.0 %
PDW 5.0 ~ 30.0 fL EO% 0.0 ~ 8.0 % PCT 0.10 ~ 0.40 % BASO% 0.0 ~ 2.0 %
PCT 0.10 ~ 0.40 % BASO% 0.0 ~ 2.0 % MPV 5.0 ~ 20.0 fL
MPV 5.0 ~ 20.0 fL P-LCR 10.0 ~ 70.0 %
P-LCR 10.0 ~ 70.0 %

RET% 0.00 ~ 99.99 %

RET# 0.0000 ~ 0.9999 10^6/µL
IRF 0.0 ~ 100.0 %
Revised February 2008

LFR 0.0 ~ 100.0 %

MFR 0.0 ~ 100.0 %
HFR 0.0 ~ 100.0 %

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Option OK Cancel Apply XT-1800i-1 123456789012345
Option OK Cancel Apply

(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-3

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

3. Input values for the UPPER LIMIT and LOWER LIMIT of

the desired items.
4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

11.1.3. ID Reader

Set the ID bar code reader and the check-test mode.

1. Click the ID Reader tab.
2. The current settings and check digits are displayed on the
ID Reader screen.

3. The ID bar code reader can now be set up. The operation
method and check digit of the ID bar code reader available
for the setting are as follows:
ID Reader Sets whether or not to connect the bar
code reader.
If the check box is ON, it is set to be

Use the check-digit as much as possible.
If the check-digit cannot be used, the potential of incorrect
reading of the bar code label may be increased.
Revised July 2007

11-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

• If ID bar code reader is set not to be connected, then
none of ID Reader conditions can be set, and settings
cannot be applied.
• Check-digit calculation method for CODE128 and
ISBT128 is fixed to Modulus-103.

ID Reader Conditions

Tube ID Sets whether or not to read the tube ID

number. If the check box is ON, it is set to
be read.

If ID bar code reader is set not to read, then the check digit
conditions as well as the setting cannot be set and applied.

ID Digits Sets the number of digits for the tube ID. If

a tube bar code label of more or less digits
is read, this tube ID will be handled as an
ID Read Error.

In patient sample identification, maximum safety of data is
required. To avoid bar code identification mistakes, check
digits should be used therefore in any case.

ITF Sets the application of ITF bar

code check digit. If ON, only
Modulus-10 can be selected.
CODABAR/NW7 Sets the application of
CODABAR/NW7 bar code check
If turned ON, Modulus-11, W-
Modulus-11, Modulus-16 or
Modulus 10 may be selected.
CODE 39 Sets the application of CODE 39
bar code check digit.
Revised February 2008

If turned ON, Modulus-43 may be


Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-5

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

JAN/EAN/UPC Sets the application of the JAN

bar code check digit. If turned
ON, only the Modulus-10 mode
can be selected.

For the Code 128, check digit is fixed to Modulus-103

Rack ID Sets whether or not to read the RACK ID

Turn check box on to set to read.

If ID bar code reader is set not to read, then the check digit
conditions as well as the setting cannot be set and applied.

CODABAR/NW7 Uses CODABAR/NW7 bar code.

(The check digit is Modulus-16.)
CODE39 Uses CODE39 bar code. (The
check digit is Modulus-43.)

For the reading code selection, set up to 3 types among
When all of ITF, CODABAR/NW7, CODE39 and JAN/EAN/
UPC are set, JAN/EAN/UPC cannot be used.

4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.

OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.
Revised June 2011

11-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.1.4. Pneumatic Unit

If the machine is left unused for a certain period of time after
last sample analysis, the Pneumatic Unit power will
automatically be turned OFF and the instrument enters the
stand-by mode. The timer operation time can be set.
1. Click the Pneumatic Unit tab.
2. The current timer operation time will appear in the
Pneumatic Unit screen.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]
XT Controller
File Edit ViewSetting
Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Instrument ID Flag Formula(WBC) Flag Formula(RBC, RET)

Flag Formula(PLT)
Manual Samplersave menu QC
Alarm Sound Selecting
work list explorer browser
PLT Switching
save Auto Manual delete Upper Lower
Auto Manual last20 validate pending
Sampler Stop Conditions Sampler Limit Setting ID Reader Pneumatic Unit

Help Pneumatic Offtimer

Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Service

10 minute(s)

Manual Calibration Auto Calibration Calibration History ErrorLog X-berM Setting

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Option OK Cancel Apply


3. Click on the arrow keys of the combo box to set the

Pneumatic Off timer. Set it within a range of 1 to 30
4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

Set time within a range of 1 to 30 minutes. A value out of
range cannot be set.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-7

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.1.5. Instrument ID
The name for the Main Unit can be set here. In addition, the
Instrument ID can also be checked, but not changed.
1. Click the Instrument ID tab.
2. The current instrument name will be displayed on the
Instrument ID screen.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]
XT Controller
File Edit ViewSetting
Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Flag Formula(PLT) Alarm Sound Selecting PLT Switching

Sampler Stop Conditions Sampler Limit Setting ID Reader Pneumatic Unit
Help Manual Samplersave
save menu QC Auto Manual delete Upper Lower
work list explorer browser
Auto Manual last20 validate pending
Instrument ID Flag Formula(WBC) Flag Formula(RBC, RET)

Help Identification
Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Service

Nick Name: XT-2000i-1

Manual Calibration Auto Calibration ID:
History ErrorLog X-berM Setting

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Option OK Cancel Apply

3. Up to 13 alphabetical characters or 6 Chinese characters
can be entered in the "Name" box.
4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

The Instrument ID cannot be changed.
The Instrument ID is a code that can identify each unit, and
is used by Sysmex service operations.
The Instrument ID is a fixed code that is set at the
production stage.
Revised February 2008

11-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.1.6. Flag Formula (WBC)

The WBC abnormal IP message judgment limits can be set in
this mode.
An abnormal IP message flag will be displayed when data
exceeds the preset limit due to abnormal blood condition.
1. Click the Flag Formula (WBC) tab.
2. The limits currently set will be displayed on the Flag
Formula (WBC) screen.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]
XT Controller
File Edit ViewSetting
Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Flag Formula(PLT) Alarm Sound Selecting PLT Switching

Sampler Stop Conditions Sampler Limit Setting ID Reader Pneumatic Unit
Help Manual Samplersave
save menu QC work list explorer browser
Auto Manual delete Upper Lower
Auto Manual last20 validate pending
Instrument ID Flag Formula(WBC) Flag Formula(RBC, RET)

WBC Abnormal Flags

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Service
Neutropenia: NEUT# < 1.00 10^3/µL or NEUT% < 0.0

Neutrophilia: NEUT# > 11.00 10^3/µL or NEUT% > 100.0 %

Lymphopenia: LYMPH# < 0.80 10^3/µL or LYMPH% < 0.0 %

Manual Calibration Lymphocytosis:
Auto Calibration Calibration History
LYMPH# > ErrorLog
4.00 X-berM
10^3/µL or Setting
LYMPH% > 100.0 %

Monocytosis: MONO# > 1.00 10^3/µL or MONO% > 100.0 %

Eosinophilia: EO# > 0.70 10^3/µL or EO% > 100.0 %

Basophilia: BASO# > 0.20 10^3/µL or BASO% > 100.0 %

Leukocytopenia: WBC# < 2.50 10^3/µL

Leukocytosis: WBC# > 18.00 10^3/µL

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Option OK Cancel Apply

3. Set whether to perform flagging for each message. Turn
ON the check box to perform the message flagging.
4. Input parameters. Set # (absolute value), in the present
unit written behind the number, and % (percentage) within
the range of 0.0 - 100.0.

When in default mode, judgments are based on the
individual figures.
To make the judgment by percentage, change the setting
of the numerical condition always to be false, while at the
same time setting the percentage condition to the desired
Examples of a judgment based on percentage:
Neutropenia: NEUT#<0.00 NEUT%<20.0
Neutrophilia: NEUT#>999.99 NEUT%>85.0
For the default value, see "Appendix, Section 20.1: IP
Revised February 2008

5. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.

OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-9

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.1.7. Flag Formula (RBC/RET) (XT-2000i)

Flag Formula (RBC) (XT-1800i)

The RBC and RET (XT-2000i only) abnormal IP Message

judgment limits can be set in this mode.
An abnormal IP message flag will be displayed when data
exceeds the preset limit due to abnormal blood condition.
1. With the XT-2000i, click the Flag Formula (RBC/RET) tab.
With the XT-1800i, click the Flag Formula (RBC) tab.
2. The limits currently set will be displayed on the Flag
Formula (RBC/RET) screen (XT-2000i), or on the Flag
Formula (RBC) screen (XT-1800i).
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1] XT-1800i - [Controller - XT-1800i-1]
XT Controller
File Edit ViewSetting
Record Action Report Setting Window Help XT Controller
File Edit ViewSetting
Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Flag Formula(PLT) Alarm Sound Selecting PLT Switching Sampler Stop Conditions Sampler Limit Setting ID Reader Pneumatic Unit Instrument ID
Sampler Stop Conditions Sampler Limit Setting ID Reader Pneumatic Unit Flag Formula(WBC) Flag Formula(RBC) Flag Formula(PLT) Alarm Sound Selecting
Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower
Auto Manual last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save menu
save QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower
Auto Manual last20 validate pending
Instrument ID Flag Formula(WBC) Flag Formula(RBC, RET)
RBC Abnormal Flags
RBC, RET Abnormal Flags
Anisocytosis: RDW-SD > 65.0 fL or RDW-CV > 20.0 %
Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample
Reticulocytosis: RET%No. QC >
Analysis 5.00Shutdown
% or Auto RET#
Rinse >Reagents
0.2000 Maintenance
10^6/µL Service Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Service
Replacement Replacement
Microcytosis: MCV < 70.0 fL
Anisocytosis: RDW-SD > 65.0 fL or RDW-CV > 20.0 %
Macrocytosis: MCV > 110.0 fL
Microcytosis: MCV < 70.0 fL
Manual Calibration Auto Calibration Calibration History ErrorLog X-berM Setting Manual Calibration Hypochromia:
Auto Calibration MCHC
Calibration History <
ErrorLog g/dL
29.0 X-berM Setting
Macrocytosis: MCV > 110.0 fL
Anemia: HGB < 10.0 g/dL
Hypochromia: MCHC < 29.0 g/dL
Erythrocytosis: RBC > 6.50 10^6/µL
Anemia: HGB < 10.0 g/dL

Erythrocytosis: RBC > 6.50 10^6/µL

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Option OK Cancel Apply XT-1800i-1 123456789012345
Option OK Cancel Apply

(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

3. Set whether to perform flagging for each message. Turn

ON the check box to perform the message flagging.
4. Enter limit value for the parameters, in the present unit
written behind the number.

For Anemia and Erythrocytosis, flagging is not set in
default mode. (See Chapter 16.1 IP Message.)

5. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.

OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.
Revised February 2008

11-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.1.8. Flag Formula (PLT)

The PLT abnormal IP Message judgment limits can be set in

this mode.
An abnormal IP message flag will be displayed when data
exceeds the preset limit due to abnormal blood condition.
1. Click the Flag Formula (PLT) tab.
2. The limits currently set will be displayed on in the Flag
Formula (PLT) screen.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]
XT Controller
File Edit ViewSetting
Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Sampler Stop Conditions Sampler Limit Setting ID Reader Pneumatic Unit

Instrument ID Flag Formula(WBC) Flag Formula(RBC, RET)
Help Manual Samplersave
save menu QC work list explorer browser
Auto Manual delete Upper Lower
Auto Manual last20 validate pending
Flag Formula(PLT) Alarm Sound Selecting PLT Switching

PLT Abnormal Flags

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample
Thrombocytopenia: PLT#No.< QC Analysis
60 Shutdown
10^3/µL Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Service

Thrombocytosis: PLT# > 600 10^3/µL

Manual Calibration Auto Calibration Calibration History ErrorLog X-berM Setting

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Option OK Cancel Apply

3. Set whether to perform flagging for each message. Turn
ON the check box to perform the message flagging.
4. Enter limit value for the parameter.
5. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-11

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.1.9. Alarm Sound Selecting

The sound of the Main Unit alarm can be set here.

1. Click the Alarm Sound Selecting tab.

2. The currently selected alarm type is shown on the Alarm
sound selecting screen.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]
XT Controller
File Edit ViewSetting
Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Sampler Stop Conditions Sampler Limit Setting ID Reader Pneumatic Unit

Instrument ID Flag Formula(WBC) Flag Formula(RBC, RET)
Help Manual Samplersave
save menu QC Auto Manual delete Upper Lower
work list explorer browser
Auto Manual last20 validate pending
Flag Formula(PLT) Alarm Sound Selecting PLT Switching

Alarm Sound Selecting

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Service
Alarm1 Test Replacement

Reset Alarm

Manual Calibration Auto Calibration Calibration History ErrorLog X-berM Setting


XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Option OK Cancel Apply


3. Click the Alarm 1, Alarm 2, or Alarm 3 radio button to

select the type of alarm sound.
To check the selected alarm sound, click Test. After
checking, click Reset Alarm to stop the alarm sound.
4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.
Revised February 2008

11-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.1.10. PLT Switching (XT-2000i only)

The criteria for switching from PLT-I to PLT-O in the RET

analysis can be set in this mode.
1. Click the PLT Switching tab.
2. The current settings will be displayed on the PLT Switching
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]
XT Controller
File Edit ViewSetting
Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Sampler Stop Conditions Sampler Limit Setting ID Reader Pneumatic Unit

Instrument ID Flag Formula(WBC) Flag Formula(RBC, RET)
Help Manual Samplersave
save menu QC Auto Manual delete Upper Lower
work list explorer browser
Auto Manual last20 validate pending
Flag Formula(PLT) Alarm Sound Selecting PLT Switching

PLT Switching
Help Manual<
PLT Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis
0 10^3/µL Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Service

Manual Calibration Auto Calibration Calibration History ErrorLog X-berM Setting

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Option OK Cancel Apply

3. When the RET channel is analyzed, set the criteria for

switching from PLT-I (platelet count obtained from the PLT
histogram) to PLT-O (platelet count obtained from the RET
When the criteria is net and therefore is larger than PLT,
PLT-O is adopted.

When the RET channel is not analyzed under the condition
mentioned above, a message for action will appear. For
the message, refer to "Chapter 7, Section 7.2: Sample
Explorer Screen Display".

4. Enter limit value as switching criteria.

5. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-13

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.2 XT IPU Setting

IPU environmental settings can be set in the XT IPU setting.

Operation of XT IPU Setting

Select each item in the XT IPU Setting by selecting the item

from the "Setting" menu bar. After the XT IPU Setting program
has been opened, items can also be selected by switching
between the tabs.

11.2.1. Date Format

The date format can be set with this function.

The date format has the following three styles:
yyyy/mm/dd: Year Month Day
mm/dd/yyyy: Month Day Year
dd/mm/yyyy: Day Month Year
1. Select "Date Format" from the "Setting" menu bar.
2. The current date format setting will be displayed on the
Date Format screen.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Menu Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories

Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format
Date Format Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration

General Date Format

QC Sample Explorer Data Browser


Work List Controller

Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Press the radio button to set the desired date format.

4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.
Revised February 2008

11-14 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.2.2. Auto Validate

Automatic validation can be set in this mode.
1. Select "Auto Validate" from the "Setting" menu bar.
2. The current setting conditions will be displayed on the Auto
Validate screen.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Menu Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories

Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format
Date Format Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration

Auto Validate
QC Sample Explorer Data Browser
All Samples


Negative + Unmarked

Work List Negative

Controller + DeltaCheckNegative

Negative + Unmarked + DeltaCheckNegative

Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Click the desired conditions for automatic validation by

turning ON the according radio button. The setting
parameters are as follows:
None No automatic validation of
All Samples All samples will be validated.
Negative Only negative samples will be
Negative+Unmarked Only negative and unmarked
samples will be validated.
Only negative and Delta Check
negative samples will be
Only negative and unmarked
Delta Check negative samples
will be validated.
4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-15

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

"Validation" is to judge whether the analysis result may be
output to external devices as a report.
Only the validated analysis result can be output. (The
analysis result which has not been validated cannot be
The validation can be performed manually.
However, by setting the automatic validation, the unit will
automatically validate the analysis data which satisfies the
set conditions.

11.2.3. Auto Output

In Auto Output settings, the following output setting can be
• DP (Print on ticket Printer)
• GP (Print on Report Printer)
• HC (Output to Host Computer)

Auto Output cannot be set for data which has been output

1. Select "Auto Output" from the "Setting" menu bar.

2. The current settings will be displayed on the Auto Output
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Menu Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories

Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format
Date Format Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration

Auto Output Conditions

QC Sample Explorer Diff.Posi

Negative Data Browser Morph.Posi Count Posi. Error QC Data
DP: Output Output Output Output Output Not Output
GP: Output Output Output Output Output Not Output
HC: Output Output Output Output Output Not Output

Work List Controller

Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Revised July 2007

11-16 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

3. Click the output device to turn ON the check box.

If the output device is not checked, sample selection
cannot be performed.

4. Click on the data type to either output or not output

analysis results to the selected output device. Output
sample data conditions may be set to overlap though.
Sample output data can be set as follows:
Negative Sample analysis data, which neither
exceed set reference intervals, nor reveal
any analysis errors.
Diff. Posi. Sample analysis data having the blood
classification "abnormal".
Morph. Posi. Sample analysis data having the blood
morphology "abnormal".
Count Posi. Sample analysis data having an
abnormal count.
Error Sample analysis data in which an
analysis error has occurred (other than an
ID bar code read error).
QC Data Sample analysis data of the quality

Even if the error parameters are set not to be output,
sample data with an analysis error will be output if the
sample is classified "to be output" regarding other criteria.

5. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.

OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

11.2.4. Discrete
The operator has the possibility to define a "User Select" test
profile found in the tests combo box of the Work List Screen.
For details, see "Chapter 5, Section 5.1.2.C. Work List New
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-17

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

1. Select "Discrete" from the "Setting" menu bar.

2. The current Discrete parameters will be displayed on the
Discrete screen.
XT-2000i - [Menu] XT-1800i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Menu Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories Menu Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories
Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format
Date Format Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration Date Format Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration

Discrete Parameters Discrete Parameters

QC RBC Sample Explorer
RDW-CVData BrowserLYMPH# RET# QC RBC Sample Explorer
RDW-CVData BrowserLYMPH#
Work List
MCHC Controller LYMPH% Work List
MCHC Controller LYMPH%

Option OK Cancel Apply Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

3. Click the desired analysis parameter to turn ON the check

4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

11.2.5. Analysis Ordering

Analysis order inquiry method can be set.

1. Select "Analysis Ordering" from the "Setting" menu bar.
2. The current ways of registering and inquiring orders will be
displayed on the Analysis Ordering screen.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Menu Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories

Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format
Date Format Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration

Analysis Ordering

QC Key : Sample
ExplorerID Rack No./Tube Pos.
Data Browser

Realtime Request (Manual Mode) [Sample ID]

Realtime Request (Auto Mode) [Key]

Work List Controller
Revised February 2008

Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

11-18 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

3. Click the desired parameter to turn ON the check box.

Analysis orders can be given and called in the following
Key Selects whether analysis order is requested by
Sample ID or by Rack No./Tube Pos.
Realtime Request (Manual Mode) [Sample ID]
A key for the real time request of the Analysis
Ordering for Manual Analysis is Sample ID.
Realtime Request (Auto Mode) [Key]
A key for the real time request of the Analysis
Ordering for Auto Mode is the [key] that is set of
[Sample ID] or [Rack No./Tube Pos.]
4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

As for the batch inquiry for each rack, see "Chapter 5,
Section 5.1: 8. Download"

11.2.6. User Administration

Settings related to each user can be set in this mode.
1. Select "User Administration" from the "Setting" menu bar.
2. All registered users will be displayed on the User
Administration screen.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Menu Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories

Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format
Date Format Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration

Logon Name: Admin

QC Logon Name
Sample Explorer
NameBrowser Operator Information Property
Admin Adminnistrator Built-In User
Add User

Delete User

Work List Controller

Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Click the button for the program you wish to access. The
various button functions are as follows:
Revised July 2007

Property Opens a list showing the properties of the

selected user.
Add User Adds a new user.
Delete User Removes a user from the list.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-19

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

• Unauthorized persons will not be able to access areas
they are not authorized to use.
• The unit has a built in user program in the default mode
labeled Admin (System Supervisor) and Sysmex
(service representative). These programs cannot be
• The Add User and Delete User programs can only be
accessed by a user with assigned access rights.

4. If either Property or Add User are clicked so the property

screen will be displayed.
Authority to use operations is set in the Logon Name,
Operator Name, Operator Info and permissions.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Menu Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories

Set Function
Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format
Date Format Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration
Logon Name: Admin Operator Name: Administrator OK
Logon Name: Admin
Operator Info.: Built-In User Cancel
QC Logon Name
Sample Explorer
NameBrowser Operator Information Property
Permission Adminnistrator Built-In User
Add User
User Permission System Permission
Change Password Basic QC Operation Delete User
Change Password Modify QC / Cal
Work List Controller
Reserch Items Operation
Analysys Permission Modify Settings
Instrument Analysis Modify Operator Settings
Order Entry / Update
Select Shift
Accept Results
Modify / Delete Results Shift1
Output Results

Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

Persons other than users with Tech Codes and Supervisor
rights won't be able to change properties or make new
Contents of the Admin and Sysmex users cannot be

The Operator Name and Operator Info contain reference
Revised February 2008

information. Settings can be made in the Logon Name

parameter without data input in these two categories.

11-20 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

Turn ON each setting check box to initiate operation-rights.

These rights can be set as follows:

User Permission (Rights to change the user

registration list)
Change Password change of the password

Analysis Permission (Sample analysis operation

Instrument Analysis Sample analysis
Order Entry/Update Analysis registration
Accept Results Validation of analysis results
Modify/Delete Results Analysis data changes and
Output Results Output to printers or host

System Permission (Operation rights for things other

than sample analysis)
Basic QC Operation Perform QC tests and check
QC charts
Modify QC/Cal All QC and Cal operations
Research Items Operation Use research function
Modify Settings Setting modifications
Modify Operator Settings User registration

Select Shift
When the XT-2000i/XT1800i is operated under the shift
system, a shift can be set for each user in order to perform
quality control of each shift.
You can refer to the chart for each shift in the QC menu.
Shift1 Select Shift1
Shift2 Select Shift2
Shift3 Select Shift3
5. Click either OK or Cancel after making settings.
OK Save changed settings, return to User
Administration screen.
Cancel Delete changed settings, return to User
Administration screen.
6. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-21

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.2.7. Host (HC) Setting

The host computer output interface conditions can be set in
this mode.
1. Select "Host (HC) Setting" from the "Setting" menu bar.
2. The current host computer setting conditions will be
displayed on the Host (HC) Setting screen.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Menu Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format

Date Format Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration
Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories

Host(HC) Connect

QC SampleCOM2
Serial: Explorer Data Browser TCP/IP

Interface Setting Interface Setting

Port Settings Option HOST ID Address
Baud Rate: 2400 Class: Class B 1 1 1 1
Work List Controller
Code: 7-Bit Interval: 2 Port: 500

Stop Bit: 2-Bit


Parity Bit: Even Sysmex Standard

Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Enter settings for the host computer. Host computer

interface parameters can be set as follows:
Host (HC) Connect Sets connection to host computer.
Connection is done by turning ON
the check box.

If not turned ON, neither interface settings can be selected,
nor can set content be applied.

COM Port Sets port in which the host computer
connection is made.
Click the combo box and then select.
Baud Rate Sets transmission speed.
19200/38400 BPS)
Click the combo box and then select.
Code Sets length of data-bit.
Revised February 2008

Click the combo box and then select.
Stop Bit Sets length of stop-bit.
Click the combo box and then select.

11-22 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

Parity Bit Sets parity check format.

Click the combo box and then select.
Class Sets transmission format.
(Class A/Class B/ASTM)
Click the combo box and then select.
Interval Sets intervals in transmission to host
(0/1/2/3/5/7/10/15 sec.)
Click the combo box and then select.

TCP/IP Standard protocol used for connection to the host


Host IP Address Sets IP address of the host computer.

Port Sets port No. set by the host
Format Sets the communication format for
TCP/IP connections with the host
Click the combo box and then
*1 Any one of following 3 format types can be selected.
(1) System standard:
The same format as the output of the conventional host
(2) ASTM E1381-95/E1394-97 standards:
In accordance with ASTM E1381-95/E1394-97
(3) ASTM E1381-02/E1394-97:
In accordance with ASTM E1381-02/E1394-97
*2 If ASTM communication is performed, TCP/IP is
4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

11.2.8. Report (GP) Setting

Connection with the graphic printer can be set in this mode.

1. Select "Report (GP) Setting" from the "Setting" menu bar.
2. The current report printer connection conditions will be
displayed on the Report Printer (GP) Setting screen.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-23

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Menu Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format

Date Format Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration
Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories

Connect Setting

QC Sample Explorer
Report(GP) Data Browser

Work List Controller

Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Set the connection to the report printer.

Report (GP) Connect Turn ON the check box to initiate
4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

11.2.9. Ledger (LP) Setting

Connection with the list printer can be set in this mode.

1. Select "Ledger (LP) Setting" from the "Setting" menu bar.
2. The current list printer connection conditions will be
displayed on the Ledger Printer (LP) Setting screen.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Menu Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format

Date Format Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration
Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories

Connect Setting

QC Sample Explorer
Ledger(LP) ConnectData Browser

Work List Controller

Revised July 2007

Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

11-24 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

3. Set the connection to the ledger printer.

Ledger (LP) Connect Turn ON the check box to initiate
4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

11.2.10. Categories (Optional)

In the Categories setting screen, to set the age ranges and

sex for every reference interval group.
Limit values for a category appropriate to the data analyzed
are automatically applied to the data by using the patient
information. (This function will be effected only for a program
which has the patient information function.)
In the absence of any information about age/sex, or if none of
the categories 1-7 are applicable, then the universal limits are

1. Select "Categories" from the "Setting" menu bar.

2. The currently set mark limits, age ranges and gender will
be displayed on the Categories screen.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Menu Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format

Date Format Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration
Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories

Setting the Categories

Age Lower Age Upper
QC Year Month
Sample Explorer DataWeek
BrowserYear Month Week Sex
Group1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Both

Group2 0 0 1 0 1 0 Both

Group3 0 1 0 1 0 0 Both
Work List Controller
Group4 1 0 0 12 0 0 Both

Group5 12 0 0 60 0 0 Male

Group6 12 0 0 60 0 0 Female

Group7 60 0 0 999 0 0 Both

Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Click the appropriate group to turn ON the check box.

4. Select the Age Lower or Age Upper, and input the mark
limit desired.
Click the combo box and select Both, Male or Female to
Revised July 2007

enter gender conditions.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-25

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

Categories that are not needed can be deactivated by
turning off the check box.

5. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.

OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

11.2.11. Reference Interval

The upper and lower abnormal reference interval can be set in
this mode. Each parameter's analytical data that exceeds this
set range, will have a "+" or "-" displayed behind that data.
Also, analytical data output to DP, GP and HC will be judged
abnormal depending on its selected limits.
Reference intervals are categorized in eight categories with
age and gender set in each place. An abnormal judgment is
made based on which category suits the patient’s age and
gender; this is automatically done with available patient
1. Select "Reference Interval" from the "Setting" menu bar.
2. The current reference intervals will be displayed on the
Interval screen.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Date Format
Menu Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration
Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories
Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format

Category: Group1

Item LL(-) UL(+) Unit Setting Reference Interval

QC Sample Explorer Data Browser
WBC 3.00 15.00 10^3/µL
RBC 2.50 5.50 10^6/µL
HGB 17.0 26.0 g/dL Item: WBC
HCT 26.0 50.0 %
MCV 86.0 110.0 FL Upper Limit: 15.00
MCH 26.0 38.0 pg
Work List Controller31.0 37.0 g/dL
PLT 50 400 10^3/µL Lower Limit: 3.00
RDW-SD 37.0 54.0 FL
RDW-CV 11.0 16.0 %
PDW 9.0 17.0 FL
MPV 9.0 13.0 FL
P-LCR 13.0 43.0 %
PCT 26.0 50.0 %
NEUT# 3.70 7.20 10^3/µL
LYMPH# 1.00 5.00 10^3/µL
MONO# 0.00 1.40 10^3/µL
EO# 0.00 0.60 10^3/µL

Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Revised July 2007

11-26 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

3. Click the appropriate category combo box and then select.

Group 1 - Group 7 or Universal may be selected.

Universal is used for reference interval of data whose age
or sex cannot be specified.

4. Click the parameter to be set. Upper Limit and Lower

Limit of that parameter will be displayed on the Setting
Reference Interval screen.
5. Enter the text box of the Upper Limit or Lower Limit and
put in the desired limit values. By selecting the following
parameter, the newly set limits will be automatically
adopted to the list.

If abnormal judgment is not needed, set the lower limit to
[0] and the higher limit to [99.99] or the like. Additionally,
Group 1 - Group 7 may be deactivated (see Chapter
11.2.10 Categories).

6. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.

OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-27

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.2.12. Units

The units for display and print can be set in this mode.
1. Select "Units" from the "Setting" menu bar.
2. The current unit and display format will be displayed in the
Units screen.
XT-2000i - [Menu] XT-1800i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Date Format
Menu Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration Date Format
Menu Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration
Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories
Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format

Item Data Format Unit Item Data Format Unit

Unit Setting Unit Setting
WBC ***.** 10^3/µL WBC ***.** 10^3/µL
RBC Sample Explorer Data Browser
**.** 10^6/µL QC
RBC Sample Explorer Data Browser
**.** 10^6/µL
HGB ***.* g/dL Item: WBC HGB ***.* g/dL Item: WBC
HCT ***.* % HCT ***.* %
MCV ***.* FL MCV ***.* FL
MCH ***.* pg Data Format: ***.** MCH ***.* pg Data Format: ***.**
MCHC ***.* g/dL MCHC ***.* g/dL
PLT **** 10^3/µL PLT **** 10^3/µL
Work List Controller Work List Controller
RDW-SD ***.* FL RDW-SD ***.* FL
RDW-CV ***.* % Unit: 10^3/µL RDW-CV ***.* % Unit: 10^3/µL
PDW ***.* FL PDW ***.* FL
MPV ***.* FL MPV ***.* FL
P-LCR ***.* % P-LCR ***.* %
PCT **.** % PCT **.** %
DIFF# ***.** 10^3/µL DIFF# ***.** 10^3/µL
DIFF% ***.* % DIFF% ***.* %
RET# **.** 10^3/µL
RET% **.** %
IRF ***.* %

Option OK Cancel Apply Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

3. Select the parameter to be set from the list on the left side
of the window.
4. Click the Unit combo box and select the units to be

• The selected parameter will be displayed in the list below
• The display in Data Format will change to the selected
• The Unit displayed in the combo box will change in
accordance with the selected parameter.

5. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.

OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

Revised February 2008

After saving the new settings, restart the Main Unit.

11-28 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.2.13. Ticket (DP) Setting

Use this program for the DP setting.

1. Select "DP Setting" from the "Setting" menu bar.
2. The current ticket printer interface conditions will be
displayed on the Ticket (DP) Setting screen.

3. Set the ticket printer interface conditions. The following

conditions can be set:
Ticket (DP) Connect Selects whether printer is
connected or not. If the check
box is ON, the printer is

In case the Ticket Printer is not connected to the
instrument, neither the printing format can be set, nor set
contents be used.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-29

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

Model Select the printer to be connected

from the combo box.
Sample No. Length Establishes the number of digits
in the sample number.
Date Print Type Sets date print type.
Delimiter of Date Selects style to be used for
printing the date. The following
styles may be chosen:
/ (ex. 98/8/1), space (ex. 98 8 1),
No space (ex. 9881)
Decimal Point Sets whether or not to print
decimal points.
MCV Print Format Sets MCV print format.
Not Round Off
Prints with the number of the
digits currently displayed.
Round Off
Prints with the lowest
significant digit rounded off.
WBC Print Format Sets WBC print format.
Not Round Off
Prints with the number of the
digits currently displayed.
Round Off
Prints with the lowest
significant digit rounded off.
Top Margin, Char Pitch,
Line Pitch For the TM-U295P type printer,
these will adjust the print position
4. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.
OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

As for the printer type, set either of the following:
(1) DP-510 type: Ticket printer
However, it is possible that a new printer may be
connected because of a model change.
(2) DP-490 type: Z-fold printer
However, it is possible that a new printer may be
connected because of a model change.
(3) TM-U295P type: Ticket printer
However, it is possible that a new printer may be
Revised July 2007

connected because of a model change.

11-30 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.2.14. Ticket (DP) Format

Set the ticket printer format.

1. Select "DP Format" from the "Setting" menu bar.
2. The current format will be displayed on the Ticket (DP)
Format screen.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Date Format
Menu Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration
Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories
Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format

Item Name Printed Row Co...

Date All 0 2
QC Sample Explorer AllBrowser
Data 0 11 Item Conditions
Sample No. All 1 3
Abn. Mark All 1 2
ID Mark All 1 16 Printed
WBC All 3 0
RBC All 4 1 Print Condition
HGB All 5 1
HCT All 6 1 All
All Negative
Work List Controller All 7 1
MCH All 8 1
MCHC All 9 1
PLT All 10 1 Print Position
RDW-SD All 3 16
RWD-CV All 4 16 Row: 0
PDW All 5 16
MPV All 6 16 Column: 0
P-LCR All 7 16
PCT All 8 16
NEUT# All 11 15
LYMPH# All 12 15
MONO# All 13 15
EO# All 14 15
BASO# All 15 15
NEUT% All 11 1

Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

Since the entire settings cannot be shown on one screen,
use the scroll-bar to display the hidden parts.

3. Click the setting items to be set from the list.

4. Set printing conditions for the selected item in the Item
Condition Screen, which are as follows:
Printed Sets whether or not to print selected
Print Condition Sets print condition of selected
All Prints all samples comprising the
selected parameter.
Negative Prints Negative samples only
comprising the selected parameter.
Print Position Sets print position in the ticket.
Row Indicates the line number to be printed.
Column Indicates the column number to be
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-31

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

• If a mistake is made when setting Row or Column, it
may result in a printing error. Be sure to set Row and
Column correctly. Cases may arise, even if settings are
within the possible set ranges, when printing may not
function. This may be the result of printer adjustments or
the length of paper used.
• For Row, be sure to set each analysis parameter digit
count as high as possible.
• It is necessary to set the printing space in the Date Print
Type and Delimiter of Date areas.
• It is necessary to set the printing space in the Sample
No. Length box.
• Be sure the printing space does not overlap other

5. After completing the settings, click OK, Cancel, or Apply.

OK Saves the new settings and closes the window.
Cancel Cancels the new settings and closes the
Apply Saves the new settings.

For details, contact your Sysmex service representative.

Revised July 2007

11-32 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

11.3 Option
If you click the Option button on the Setting screen, the Option
dialog box will be displayed.
Functions such as saving setup data, reading setup data,
returning to default and printing setup data can be performed
in this mode.

11.3.1. XT Controller Setting Option

Setting data of the XT-2000i/XT1800i Controller can be saved,

read and printed. The setting can be also changed to the
1. Click the Option button on the XT Controller Setting
2. The Option dialog box will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]
XT Controller
File Edit ViewSetting
Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Instrument ID Flag Formula(WBC) Flag Formula(RBC, RET)

Flag Formula(PLT)
Manual Samplersave menu QC
Alarm Sound Selecting
work list explorer browser
PLT Switching
save Auto Manual delete Upper Lower
Auto Manual last20 validate pending
Sampler Stop Conditions Sampler Limit Setting ID Reader Rneumatic Unit

Sampler Stop Conditions Sensor

Help BloodSensor
Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Service
X-barM Limit Error Replacement
Sampler Stop Conditions
L-J Limit Error Inadequate Sample
ID Read Error
Aspiration Sensor
Rack ID Read ErrorXT Controler Data Setting
Sampler Stop Conditions
Manual Calibration Auto Calibration
Calibration History ErrorLog X-berM Setting Close
Low Count Error Aspiration Error
Backup Print
Control Expired Error
QC Sample
Out of Limit Range
Unregistered QC Sample
Set Default

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345
Option OK Cancel Apply

(The above screen is the XT-2000i screen. On the XT-

1800i screen, there is no PLT Switching tab. In addition,
Flag Formula (RBC/RET) appears on the XT-2000i
screen where Flag Formula (RBC) appears on the XT-
1800i screen.)
3. Click a button in the Option dialog box. The functions of
the buttons are as follows:
Backup Saves all the current setting data in the
Main Unit to a floppy disk.
Restore Reads all setting data on the floppy disk,
set them for the system setting.
Set Default Returns all setting data of the Main Unit
to the factory defaults.
Revised July 2007

Print Prints all current setting data of the Main


Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 11-33

CHAPTER 11 Instrument Setup

4. After operation, click Close to close the Option dialog box.

Settings should be backed up periodically.

11.3.2. XT IPU Setting Option

Setting data of the IPU can be saved, read and printed. The
setting can be also changed to the default.
1. Click the Option button on the XT IPU setting screen.
2. The Option dialog box will be displayed.
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual
XT IPU Sampler
Setting save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Menu Host(HC) Setting Report(GP) Setting Ledger(LP) Setting Categories

Reference Interval Units Ticket(DP) Setting Ticket(DP) Format
Date Format Auto Validate Auto Output Discrete Analysis Ordering User Administration

General Date Format

Option yyyy/mm/dd
QC Sample Explorer Data Browser
IPU Setting
Backup Print

Work List Controller Restore

Set Default

Option OK Cancel Apply

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

3. Click a button in the Option dialog box. The functions of

the buttons are as follows:
Backup Saves all the current setting data in the
IPU to a floppy disk.
Restore Reads all setting data on the floppy disk,
and uses them for the system resetting.
Set Default Returns all setting data of the IPU to the
factory defaults.
Print Prints all current setting data of the IPU.
4. After operation, click Close and the Option dialog box will

Revised July 2007

Settings should be backed up periodically.

11-34 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

12. Cleaning and Maintenance

To ensure proper functioning of the XT-2000i/XT-1800i, it is
necessary to periodically clean and service the instrument.
Perform maintenance according to the schedule below and
record the results in the Maintenance Checklist (see "16.

To avoid the risk of infections, electric shock or burns, wear
gloves for all cleaning or maintenance work. After
completion of work, wash hands with disinfectant.
Observe all warnings to avoid electric shocks and burns.

12.1 Maintenance schedule

• Daily
Execute shutdown. (Detector chamber and dilution line are
cleaned automatically.)

• Monthly
Clean the sampler right rack pool, left rack pool, analysis
line, and sample rack.

• Every 15000 Cycles

Clean the sample rotor valve. (The message "Clean the
SRV" is displayed.)

• As-needed maintenance
Remove fluid from the trap chamber.
Clean the manual rinse cup.
Clean the sample rotor valve tray.
Clean the piercer tray.
Remove clogs. (Clog removal sequence)
Clean the RBC detector aperture.
Remove flowcell air bubbles in the optical detector block.
Clean the flowcell in the optical detector block.
Replace the waste container.
Clean the lower tray of the manual aspiration probe.
Rinse the waste chamber.

• Supplies Replacements
Replace reagents.
Replace the piercer.
Revised February 2008

Replace the hand clipper.

Replace rubber plate No. 39.
Replace fuses.

• Adjustment of Pressure and Vacuum

Adjust the Pressure to 0.25 MPa

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-1

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

Adjust the Pressure to 0.16 MPa

Adjust the Pressure to 0.07 MPa
Check the Vacuum in the Pneumatic Unit
Adjust the Vacuum to 0.04 MPa

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
Stop Bar the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall over and cause
an injury.

Revised July 2007

12-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

12.2 Daily Maintenance

12.2.1. Execute Shutdown
Deposits in the instrument can cause measurement errors.
This is why the detector chambers and diluted sample lines
must be cleaned. Otherwise correct results may not be
obtained. Execute shutdown every 500 samples or when a
day’s analysis is completed. Perform this procedure at least
once every 24 hours if the instrument is turned on

If more than 500 samples are analyzed without shutdown
being performed, the system will display a message
prompting the operator to perform shutdown.
The Shutdown sequence takes approx. 15 minutes.

1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The

Controller Menu will be displayed.
2. Double-click the Shutdown icon on the Controller Menu.
The Shutdown dialog box will appear.
XT-2000i - [Controller - XT-2000i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Maintenance Manual Calibration

Shutdown - XT-2000i-1
Auto Calibration Calibrator Calibration History Precision Check Precision Check List ErrorLog XberM Setting
Calibration The Shutdown process will take about 15 minutes. Cancel
Please set CELLCLEAN to the
then press Start SW.

Do not use and detergent excpt CELLCLEAN.
Shutdown process is in progress


XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

To execute shutdown, use CELLCLEAN only.

To cancel shutdown, click Cancel on the Shutdown dialog

box. The system will return to READY status.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-3

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

3. Set CELLCLEAN to the manual aspiration probe as

READY LED shown in the figure; then press the START switch.
While the READY LED is blinking and the buzzer is
sounding, aspiration is in progress. Keep holding
CELLCLEAN in the current status.

CELLCLEAN CELLCLEAN is a strong alkaline detergent. Take care not
to have it adhere to your skin or clothes. If your skin or
clothes should come in touch with it, wash it away using
plenty of water. Otherwise, it can damage your skin or

4. After the READY LED turns OFF and buzzer stops,

5. The shutdown sequence in the Main Unit will start.
6. After the shutdown sequence is completed, the Shutdown
dialog box will be closed and the Power Off dialog box will
XT-2000i - [Menu]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending


QC Sample Explorer Data Browser

Power Off - XT-2000i-1

Work List Controller Please power off the Analyzer.



XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

7. If you wish to complete the analysis, turn OFF the Main

Unit power in the current status.

To continue analysis without turning off the power of the
Main Unit, click Restart on the Power Off dialog box.
The Power Off dialog box will be closed and the Main Unit
Revised July 2007

will be restarted.

12-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

12.3 Monthly Maintenance

12.3.1. Clean the Sampler Right Rack Pool, Left Rack Pool, Analysis Line, and Sample

If the sampler right rack pool, left rack pool, analysis line, or
sample rack is dirty, wipe them clean with a damp cloth.

12.4 Every 15000 Cycles Maintenance

12.4.1. Clean the Sample Rotor Valve

If the No. of samples analyzed reaches 15000 samples, clean

the valve by the following procedure.

Risk of infection
When cleaning the sample rotor valve, always wear gloves.
After completion of operation, wash hands with
disinfectant. If your hands are contaminated by blood, etc.,
infection of bacteria or the like can occur.

Since CELLCLEAN is a strong alkaline detergent, take
care not to have it adhere to your skin or clothes. If your
skin or clothes should come in touch with it, wash it away
using plenty of water. Otherwise, it can damage your skin
or clothes.

After cleaning the sample rotor valve, when the analyzed
sample exceeds 15000 samples, a message prompting the
operator to perform maintenance will appear when the
power is turned ON.

The sample rotor valve is an important component of the
analyzer. Scratches on the valve surfaces can cause
leakage and incorrect analysis results. Exercise due care
Revised February 2008

when dismantling and cleaning the valve disks.

Take care not to loosen or bend any of the tubes.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-5

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

To make cleaning easier use a soft toothbrush and
warmed-up detergent (CELLCLEAN).

1. Turn OFF the Main Unit power and wait for several
2. Open the Main Unit front cover.

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

3. Remove the tray from the sample rotor valve.

Sample rotor


Manual 4. Gently pull down the rinse cup using both hands. Make
aspiration probe sure the rinse cup is removed completely, otherwise the
sample probe could be damaged when removing the SRV.
Manual rinse cup

If the manual rinse cup is not completely removed from the
manual aspiration probe, there is a possibility that the
manual aspiration probe may bend when the sample rotor
valve is removed.
Revised February 2008

12-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

5. Remove the fixing screw.



6. Remove the entire sample rotor valve.

Do not pull out the valve excessively. This is to prevent too
much force from applying to the tube that is connected to
the rear fixed valve.

Sample rotor valve

7. Disassemble the 3 disks by moving and turning them

against each other.

When disassembling the valve fluid can leak from the
tubes. To prevent current leakage and the risk of electric
shock, wipe off using a clean cloth.

8. Clean the rotor valve using distilled water or 1:10 dilution

of CELLCLEAN detergent. Make sure to clean them with
distilled water after cleaning with CELLCLEAN.
9. Clean the contact surfaces of the two outer disks with a
moist cloth, using distilled water or a CELLCLEAN dilution.
10. Make sure the valve contact surfaces are free from dirt or
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-7

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

11. Put the discs, one after the other, on the guide pin. Note
Guide pin for rotor valve the following:
• The contact surfaces must be wet.
• The notches on both outer valve disks must face
Stopper upward.
• The pin of the centre valve disk must be positioned at
an angle and between the two stoppers, else
malfunction will occur.
Metal knob
• The pin of the rear valve disks must fit on the flattened
(Viewed from the left side) section of the centre valve disk.
12. Install the fixing screw. Ensure it is in correct position.
13. Push the screw in and tighten it.
14. Replace the rinse cup and push it up against the stop.
15. Re-mount the SRV tray to the original state.
16. Close the front cover.
17. Turn ON the power of the Main Unit. Background check
will start automatically. Make sure that all background
values are within tolerance.
18. Make sure by quality control that the instrument has no
performance problem.

If you spill reagents on the coated surface of the
instrument, immediately wipe it off using wet cloth or the

19. Reset the SRV counter. Refer to "Chapter 13,


Revised February 2008

12-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

12.5 As-needed Maintenance

12.5.1. Remove fluid from the Trap Chamber

At the end of each day's analyses, check the fluid level in the
trap chamber; then discard any fluid that has collected.

Risk of infection
When discarding the trap chamber fluid, always wear
gloves. After completion of operation, wash hands with
disinfectant. If your hands are contaminated by the liquid,
infection of bacteria or the like can occur.

If fluid collects everyday, there may be a problem. Contact
your Sysmex service representative.

1. Turn OFF the Main Unit power and wait for several
2. Open the Main Unit front cover.

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

3. Turn the trap chamber clockwise and remove it.

4. Discard the fluid, then reattach the chamber.
Make sure there is a loosely moving float inside.
5. Close the Main Unit front cover.
Trap chamber

Revised February 2008


Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-9

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

12.5.2. Clean the Manual Rinse Cup

If blood adheres to the manual rinse cup or any clogging is

found, clean the manual rinse cup by the following procedure.

Risk of infection
When cleaning the manual rinse cup, always wear gloves.
After completion of operation, wash hands with
disinfectant. If your hands are contaminated by blood, etc.,
infection of bacteria or the like can occur.

1. Turn OFF the Main Unit power and wait for several
2. Open the Main Unit front cover.

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

Manual 3. Gently pull down the rinse cup using both hands. Make
aspiration probe sure the rinse cup is removed completely, otherwise the
sample probe could be damaged when removing the SRV.
Manual rinse cup

4. Remove the manual rinse cup in the order of (1), (2) and

Revised February 2008


Manual rinse cup

12-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

5. Wash the manual rinse cup with tap water.

6. Make sure that no dirt remains in the manual rinse cup

and wipe off moisture.

7. Reassemble the manual rinse cup in reversed order of

Install so that the small tubes pass behind the manual
rinse cup.

(3) 8. Gently push up the manual rinse cup to the very end using
both hands.

Manual rinse cup
Make sure that the rinse cup is pushed all the way up with
the manual aspiration probe inserted.
If the power is turned on with the manual rinse cup at a
lower position, an error will occur, making it impossible to
continue operation.

12.5.3. Clean the Sample Rotor Valve Tray

If in the sample rotor valve tray salt and/or dirt has
accumulated, clean the tray by the following procedure.

Risk of infection
When cleaning the sample rotor valve tray, always wear
gloves. After completion of operation, wash hands with
disinfectant. If your hands are contaminated by blood, etc.,
infection of bacteria or the like can occur.
Revised February 2008

1. Turn OFF the Main Unit power and wait for several

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-11

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

2. Open the Main Unit front cover.

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

3. Remove the sample rotor valve tray.

Sample rotor
When removing the tray, take care not to loosen the pipette
fixing screw.
If an analysis is made with the screw loosened, air bubbles
can enter the pipette and affect the data.

Pipette fixing screw 4. Clean the sample rotor valve tray using tap water.
5. Make sure that no dirt remains in the sample rotor valve
tray and wipe off moisture.
6. Install the sample rotor valve tray to its original position.

After installing the tray, make sure that the pipette fixing
screw is not loose.
If an analysis is made with the screw loosened, air bubbles
can enter the pipette and affect the measurement.


Install the sample rotor valve tray properly as to the face/
bottom and direction.

7. Close the Main Unit front cover.

Revised February 2008

12-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

12.5.4. Clean the Piercer Tray

If in the piercer tray salt and/or dirt has accumulated, clean the
piercer tray by the following procedure.

Risk of infection
When cleaning the piercer tray, always wear gloves. After
completion of the operation, wash your hands with
disinfectant. If your hands are contaminated by blood, you
might be infected by pathogen, etc.

1. Turn OFF the Main Unit power and wait for several
2. Open the Main Unit front cover.

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

3. Remove the CP cover.

4. Remove the piercer tray.


5. Clean the piercer tray using tap water.

Tray 6. Make sure that no dirt remains in the piercer tray and wipe
off moisture.
7. Install the piercer tray to its original position.
8. Install the CP cover.
9. Close the Main Unit front cover.
Revised February 2008

12.5.5. Remove Clogs (Clog Removal Sequence)

If clogs in the RBC detector have resulted in an error, follow

the procedure below to execute the clog removal sequence.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-13

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

1. When an error resulting from clogs in the RBC detector

has occurred, the Help dialog box opens automatically and
the error message is displayed on the Error List.
2. Select the error "RBC Clog Error" from the Error List on
the Help dialog box and click OK. The RBC detector clog
removal sequence will start.
During the clog removal sequence, the Remove Clogs
dialog box appears.

You can also execute the clog removal sequence by the

following procedure.
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen.
The Controller Menu will be displayed.
2. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
3. Double-click the Remove Clogs icon on the Maintenance
The RBC detector clog removal sequence will start.
During the clog removal sequence, the Remove Clogs
dialog box appears.

12.5.6. Clean the RBC Detector Aperture

If clogging of the aperture cannot be removed by executing the

clog removal sequence, clean the RBC detector aperture by
the following procedure.

Risk of infection
When cleaning the aperture, always wear gloves. After
completion of the operation, wash your hands with
disinfectant. If your hands are contaminated by blood, you
might be infected by pathogen, etc.

a. Cleaning the left side of the aperture

1. Turn OFF the Main Unit power and wait for several
2. Open the Main Unit front cover.
Revised February 2008

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

12-14 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

3. Open the RBC detector cover by loosening the fixing

screw on top.

4. Place a cloth underneath the detector chamber to collect

any leaking fluid.

5. Turn the left sheath nozzle of the detector chamber slightly

Sheath nozzle to the left to carefully remove it.

Never touch the detector when the power of the Main Unit
is turned ON.
Otherwise, electrical shock may result.


As a sheath nozzle is easy to bend, do not drop or apply

impact on it. When removing the detector chamber or
sheath nozzle, take care not to apply excessive force to
the tube that is connected to the detector chamber.
Otherwise, correct analysis may not be performed.

6. Apply CELLCLEAN on the brush provided, and dab by

lightly prodding the brush against the aperture.

Be sure to use CELLCLEAN only.

After using the brush, wash it in water thoroughly to
remove CELLCLEAN before storing it.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-15

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

7. Insert the sheath nozzle into the detection chamber and

turn it to the right to relock it in place.

When closing the detector cover, take care not to bend the
tube. If the tube is bent, correct analysis may not be

8. Close the detector cover and tighten its fixing screw. Then
close the Main Unit front cover.
9. Turn ON the power of the Main Unit.
10. Background check starts automatically. Make sure that all
background values are within tolerance.

b. Cleaning the right side of the aperture

When clogs are not removed after cleaning the left side of the
aperture, clean the right side of the aperture as well by the
following procedure.
1. Turn OFF the Main Unit power and wait for several
2. Turn the lid on the right side of the detector slightly to the
left to remove it.

3. Apply CELLCLEAN on the brush provided, and dab by

Aperture lightly prodding the brush against the aperture.

Be sure to use CELLCLEAN only.

4. Replace the right lid of the detector and turn it to the right
to relock it in place.
Revised July 2007

5. Close the detector cover and tighten its fixing screw. Then
close the Main Unit front cover.
6. Turn ON the power of the Main Unit.

12-16 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

7. Background check starts automatically. Make sure that all

background values are within tolerance.

12.5.7. Remove Flowcell Air Bubbles in the Optical Detector Block

If aggregation status seen in the scattergrams generated by

analysis in the optical detector block worsens air bubbles may
adhere to the flowcell of the optical detector block. In this case,
execute the flowcell air bubble removal sequence by the
following procedure.
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen.
The Controller Menu will be displayed.
2. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
3. Double-click the Remove Air Bubbles icon on the
Maintenance screen.
The flowcell air bubble removal sequence will start.
During the flowcell air bubble removal sequence, the
Remove Air Bubbles dialog box appears.

12.5.8. Clean the Flowcell in the Optical Detector Block

When the message "Execute Rinse Flowcell" is displayed, the

flowcell in the optical detector may be dirty. In this case,
execute the flowcell rinse sequence by the following
1. When an error resulting from dirt in the optical detector
has occurred, the Help dialog box opens automatically and
the error message is displayed on the Error List.
2. Select this error from the Error List on the Help dialog box
and click OK. The flowcell cleaning sequence will start.
During the flowcell cleaning sequence, the Rinse Flowcell
dialog box appears.

Also, the sequence can be executed according to the

procedure described below.
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen.
The Controller Menu will be displayed.
2. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-17

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

3. Double-click the Rinse Flowcells icon on the

Maintenance screen.
The flowcell cleaning sequence will start.
During the flowcell cleaning sequence, the Rinse Flowcell
dialog box appears.

12.5.9. Replace the Waste Container (Optional)

Risk of infection
When replacing the waste container, always wear gloves.
After replacing, wash hands with disinfectant. If your hands
are contaminated by blood, etc., infection of bacteria or the
like can occur.

When using a used reagent container as the waste
container, make sure to clearly mark that it is the waste

a. When the optional waste sensor unit monitoring function is used

When the message "Exchange Waste Tank" is displayed,

replace the waste container by the following procedure.
1. Turn OFF the Main Unit power and wait for several
2. Prepare an empty waste container and remove the cap.
3. Remove the cap of the full waste container, and pull out
the cap straight up keeping the tubes connected.
4. Insert the cap with the tubes to a new waste container
straight in, and tighten the cap.

b. When an empty container is used

Revised February 2008

1. Turn OFF the Main Unit power and wait for several
2. Prepare an empty waste container and remove the cap.
3. Remove the tube from the full waste container.

12-18 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

4. Insert the tube into a new waste container, and fix it using
Tube a tape or the like.

ste If you are using an empty reagent container as waste tank,
it must be clearly marked as such.

12.5.10. Clean the Lower Tray of the Manual Aspiration Probe

If in the lower tray of the manual aspiration probe salt and/or

dirt has accumulated, follow the procedure below to clean it.

Risk of infection
When cleaning the lower tray of the manual aspiration
probe, always wear gloves. After replacing, wash hands
with disinfectant. If your hands are contaminated by blood,
etc., infection of bacteria or the like can occur.

1. Remove the lower tray of the manual aspiration probe.

2. Clean the tray using tap water.
3. Make sure that no dirt remains in the lower tray and wipe
off moisture.
4. Install the lower tray of the manual aspiration probe to its
original position.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-19

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

12.5.11. Rinse the Waste Chamber

1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The

Controller Menu will be displayed.
2. Double-click the Maintenance icon, then the Rinse Waste
Chamber icon.

3. Set CELLCLEAN to the manual aspiration probe as shown

in the figure; then press the START switch.
While the READY LED is blinking and the buzzer is
sounding, aspiration is in progress. Keep holding
CELLCLEAN in the current status.

CELLCLEAN is a strong alkaline detergent. Take care not
to have it adhere to your skin or clothes. If your skin or
clothes should come in touch with it, wash it away using
plenty of water. Otherwise, it can damage your skin or

Revised July 2007

12-20 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

12.6 Supplies Replacements

12.6.1. Replace Reagents

If a reagent amount becomes insufficient during analysis, the

instrument stops automatically after completing the last
analysis and the Help dialog box opens. The error messages
below are displayed on the Error List. Replace only the
indicated reagent with new reagent. After replacement,
execute the reagent replacement sequence for the according
reagent from the Reagents Replacement dialog box.
Error Message New Reagent
Replace Container EPK CELLPACK
Replace Container RED RET SEARCH (II)
(XT-2000i only) (Diluent, dye solution)
Replace Container SLS SULFOLYSER
XT-2000i - [Maintenance - XT-2000i-1] XT-1800i - [Maintenance - XT-1800i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Drain Waste Fluid Rinse Waste Remove Air Bubbles Rinse Flowcell Cap Piercer SRV Rinse Cup Motor Mixing Motor RBC Sheath Motor Drain Waste Fluid Rinse Waste Remove Air Bubbles Rinse Flowcell Cap Piercer SRV Rinse Cup Motor Mixing Motor RBC Sheath Motor
Chamber Chamber

Reagents Replacement - XT-2000i-1 Reagents Replacement - XT-1800i-1

FCM Sheath Motor WB Aspiration Motor Rack Feed Out Rack Move Rack Feed In Reagent Remove Clogs Sensor Counter FCM Sheath Motor WB Aspiration Motor Rack Feed Out Rack Move Rack Feed In Reagent Remove Clogs Sensor Counter
Replenishment Replenishment
SLS RED Cancel SLS Cancel
Barcode Barcode

Reagents Replacement is in progress. Reagents Replacement is in progress.

0% 0%

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)
Follow either of the procedures below to display the Reagents
Replacement dialog box.
• Select the according error from the Error List on the Help
dialog box and click OK.
• Double-click the Reagents Replacement icon on the
Controller Menu.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-21

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

Keep the cap provided on the reagent container. The cap
is needed to seal the empty container when the container
is discarded.
Once the tube is connected, do not pull on it with
unreasonable force when replacing the reagent or at other

1. On the Reagents Replacement dialog box, place

checkmarks in the boxes of the reagents for which to leave
a record of replacement.

If the replace reagent message is displayed when the
Reagents Replacement dialog box is opened, checkmarks
will be automatically placed in the boxes of the reagents
which require replacement.

2. Click OK or Cancel.
OK The Reagents Replacement dialog box is
closed and the reagent replacement sequence
is executed.
Cancel Reagent replacement is cancelled and the
Reagents Replacement dialog box is closed.

If FFS or RED (XT-2000i only) requires replacement, the
Reagent Replacement Warning dialog box will appear
when OK is clicked.
Click OK or Cancel on the Reagent Replacement Warning
dialog box.

OK The Reagent Replacement Warning and

Reagents Replacement dialog boxes are closed
and the reagent replacement sequence is
Cancel The Reagent Replacement Warning dialog box
is closed and the screen returns to the
Revised November 2011

Reagents Replacement dialog box.

12-22 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

• Aspiration cannot be executed if insufficiency of the
reagent is not detected.
• Do not spill reagent onto the instrument. If reagent does
spill, wipe off immediately with a wet cloth. The floor
may be faded.
• After unpacking, be sure not to allow dust or dirt to come
in touch with the reagent. Use it within 30 days.
Otherwise, correct analysis results may not be obtained.
Revised November 2011

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-23

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance


SULFOLYSER (SLS) Replacement Procedure
1. Prepare a new reagent and confirm that its expiration date
has not expired.

• Leave the reagent at room temperature (15 - 30°C) for at
least 24 hours before using.
• In handling a reagent that may have frozen, follow the
precautions given on the package.
• When replacing the reagent container, take care not to
have dust, etc. adhere to the cubitainer spout kit. If dust,
etc., adheres to the kit, reagent might get contaminated.
• After unpacking, take care to prevent entry of dirt, dust,
and bacteria.

2. Remove the new reagent container cap.

3. Remove the cap of the empty reagent container, and pull
the cubitainer spout kit straight up.
4. Insert the cubitainer spout kit straight into the new reagent
container and tighten the cap.

• Take care not to grasp the tube dipping into the reagent
and not allow dust, etc. to adhere to the tube. If dust, etc.
adheres to the tube, wash it away with reagent in use
before mounting. Otherwise, contamination might occur
and correct analysis results may not be obtained.
• Take care not to spill reagent. If it spills, wipe it off
immediately using wet cloth, etc.

5. Open the Reagents Replacement dialog box and execute

the reagent replacement sequence.
For details about the Reagents Replacement dialog box,
refer to "Section 12.6: 1. Replace Reagents" in this

• Aspiration cannot be executed if insufficiency of the
reagent is not detected.
Revised July 2007

12-24 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

b. STROMATOLYSER-4DS (FFS) Replacement Procedure

1. Prepare a new reagent and make sure its expiration date
has not expired.
2. Open the front cover.

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

3. Remove the empty STROMATOLYSER-4DS bag from the

4. Remove the cap of the empty STROMATOLYSER-4DS
bag, and pull the pipe out straight up.
5. Open the cap of new STROMATOLYSER-4DS bag, insert
the pipe straight in, and close the cap.
6. Insert it back into the holder.
7. Close the Main Unit front cover.
8. Open the Reagents Replacement dialog box and execute
the reagent replacement sequence.
For details about the Reagents Replacement dialog box,
refer to "Section 12.6: 1. Replace Reagents" in this

(Dye solution) The FFS must be replaced about every 900 analysis (at
STROMATOLYSER-4DS the time when the FFS counter indicates 1800) when the
The above figure shows the XT- according error appears. Make sure to check the FFS in
2000i. The RET SEARCH (II) the Reagents Replacement dialog box and click OK after
dye solution is not set with the replacing the FFS and resetting the FFS counter.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-25

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

c. RET SEARCH (II) (Diluent, Dye Solution) (RED) Replacement Procedure (XT-2000i only)

When replacing RET SEARCH (II) dye solution, always
wear gloves. If dye solution comes in touch with your skin,
it will stain your skin yellow, and the stain will be hard to
remove. Should it adhere to your skin, immediately wash
your skin with disinfectant, then with soapy water.

• RET SEARCH (II) diluent and RET SEARCH (II) dye
solution should be replaced at the same time.
• If dye solution spills by any chance, wipe it off using cloth
- preferably moistened with alcohol. This is to prevent
discoloration of the instrument coat.

1. Prepare a new reagent, and make sure that its expiration

date has not expired.
2. Remove the cap of a new RET SEARCH (II) diluent.
3. Remove the cap of the empty RET SEARCH (II) diluent
and pull the cubitainer spout kit out straight up.
4. Insert the cubitainer spout kit straight into the new RET
SEARCH (II) diluent and tighten the cap.
Loosen Tighten
5. Open the Main Unit front cover.

Empty New When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

6. Remove the empty RET SEARCH (II) dye solution bag

from the holder, remove the cap, and pull the pipe out
straight up.
7. Remove the cap of a new RET SEARCH (II) dye solution
bag, insert the pipe straight into it, and tighten the cap.
Revised July 2007

12-26 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

8. Insert it back into the holder.

Insert the RET SEARCH (II) dye solution bag all the way
into the holder. If it slants, air bubbles could enter, making it
impossible to obtain correct analysis results.

9. Close the Main Unit front cover.

10. Open the Reagents Replacement dialog box and execute
the reagent replacement sequence.
For details about the Reagents Replacement dialog box,
refer to "Section 12.6: 1. Replace Reagents" in this

Aspiration cannot be executed if insufficiency of the
reagent is not detected.

12.6.2. Replace the Piercer

When sampler analysis (piercing operation) exceeds 30000

cycles, replace the piercer, the message "Change Piercer" will
be displayed then.

Risk of infection
When replacing the piercer, always wear gloves. Also, after
completion of the operation, wash your hand with
If your hands are contaminated by blood, etc., infection of
bacteria or the like can occur.

When piercing has exceeded 30000 cycles, the piercer
needle tip will wear out or may break. It is recommended to
replace the piercer when the number of the sampler
analysis (piercing) reaches 30000 cycles.
However, depending on the using method or conditions,
the piercer could wear out before reaching 30000 cycles.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-27

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

a. Removing the Piercer

1. Turn OFF the Main Unit power and open the front cover.

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

Fixing screw
2. Loosen the fixing screws and remove the CP cover.

CP cover

3. Remove the tubes and rubber joint which are connected to

Rubber joint the rinse cup and piercer.
Rinse cup

Another tube is fitted inside one of the tubes. The
replacement part of this inner tube is attached to the new
piercer set. Remove the inner tube together with the outer

4. Install the fixing board to the piercer using three screws.

Piercer fixing board

Be sure to install the piercer fixing board. The piercer
needle may pop out during operation and cause injuries.
Revised February 2008

12-28 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

5. Loosen the fixture lock screw, remove three screws which

Fixing screws
fix the rinse cup.

Fixture lock

6. Remove the piercer and dispose it.


Piercer support

b. Installation

1. Set a new piercer to the slider and piercer support, and

Slider tighten the fixture lock screw.

After tightening the fixture lock screw by hand, retighten it
with a screwdriver.

Piercer support

Fixing screw
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-29

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

2. Loosen slightly the screw A on the piercer fixing board.

Rinse cup Slide the rinse cup and press it against the slider surface,
then fix the rinse cup with three fixing screws.

Press the rinse cup against this face.

3. Remove three screws on the piercer fixing board and

Piercer fixing board remove the board.

4. Attach the tubes and rubber joint which are connected to

Rubber joint the rinse cup and piercer.
Rinse cup 5. Install the CP cover.

When installing the CP cover, take care not to have a tube
caught or bent.

Tube 6. Close the front cover.

7. Reset the piercer cycle counter.
See "Chapter 13: Troubleshooting".
Revised July 2007

12-30 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

12.6.3. Replace the Hand Clipper

If the hand clipper is deformed and unable to hold the sample

tube any more, replace it in the following procedure:

Risk of infection
When replacing the hand clipper, always wear gloves.
Also, after completion of operation, wash your hands with
If the hand is contaminated by blood, etc., infection of
bacteria or the like can occur.

1. Turn OFF the Main Unit power and open the front cover.

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

2. Loosen the fixing screws and remove the CP cover.

3. Remove the hand clipper fixing screws (2 places) and
remove the hand clipper.
Loosen 4. Install a new hand clipper to the original position.
Hand clipper
for mixing 5. Install the CP cover.

When installing the CP cover, take care not to have the
tube caught or bent. Otherwise, correct analysis may not
be performed.

6. Close the front cover.

Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-31

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

12.6.4. Replace Rubber Plate No. 39

If the hand clipper becomes slippery and is unable to hold the

sample tube any more, replace the anti-slip rubber plate No.
39 in the following procedure:

Risk of infection
When replacing the rubber plate No. 39, always wear
gloves. Also, after completion of operation, wash your
hands with disinfectant.
If your hands are contaminated by blood, etc., infection of
bacteria or the like can occur.

1. Turn OFF the Main Unit power and open the front cover.

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

2. Loosen the fixing screws and remove the CP cover.

3. Remove the hand clipper fixing screws (2 places) and
remove the hand clipper.
4. Remove the rubber plate No. 39.
Rubber plate No. 39
Hand clipper 5. Install the new rubber plate.
6. Install the hand clipper to the original position.
7. Install the CP cover.

When installing the CP cover, take care not to have the
tube caught or bent. Otherwise, correct analysis may not
be performed.

8. Close the front cover.

Revised February 2008

12-32 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

12.6.5. Replace Fuses

Over current protection fuses are used in the Main Unit and
Pneumatic Unit. When a fuse is blown, replace it by the
following procedure.

Be sure to disconnect the power supply cord before
replacing the fuse. This is to prevent electrical shock

1. Turn OFF the power of the Main Unit and IPU. Unplug the
power cord of the unit whose fuse is to be replaced.
2. Remove the fuse cap holder.
Fuse To remove the fuse cap holder, use a flathead screwdriver
or similar tool to push up its claw.
Fuse cap holder 3. Replace the fuse and attach the fuse cap holder.

Claw For a continued protection against risk of fire, use the fuse
of the specified type and rating only.

Main Unit
Specification Part No. Description Fuse Type
100 - 240 VAC 266-7766-3 Fuse 250V 6.3A 50T063H Time Lag

Pneumatic Unit
Specification Part No. Description Fuse Type
100 - 117 VAC 266-5011-3 Fuse 250V 4A ST4-4A-N1 Time Lag
220 - 240 VAC 266-5293-0 Fuse 250V 3.15A No. 19195 Time Lag
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-33

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

12.6.6. Supplies and Replacement Parts

a. Reagents List
Part Number Part Number
Part Number
for Asian- for North-
for European Description Volume
Pacific American
Customers Customers
884-0871-1 884-0871-1 884-0871-1 CELLPACK (PK-30L) 20 L
944-0461-3 944-0461-3 944-0461-3 STROMATOLYSER-FB (FBA-200A) 5L
984-1771-2 984-1771-2 984-1771-2 STROMATOLYSER-4DL (FFD-200A) 5L
984-1721-6 984-1721-6 984-1721-6 STROMATOLYSER-4DS (FFS-800A) 3 × 42 mL
904-1131-7 904-1131-7 904-1131-7 SULFOLYSER (SLS-210A) 3 × 500 mL
RET SEARCH (II) (RED-700A) diluent 1L
984-1621-1 984-1621-1 984-1621-1
(XT-2000i only) dye 12 mL
834-0162-1 834-0162-1 834-0162-1 CELLCLEAN (CL-50) 50 mL

b. Replacement Parts
Part Number Description Refer to
971-0581-8 Piercer Set No. 1 Chapter 12, Section 12.6, 2
366-1792-2 Holder No. 56 (White) Chapter 6, Section 6.4, 3
366-1789-1 Holder No. 58 (White) Chapter 6, Section 6.4, 3
073-2754-7 Sample Rack (5/Pack) PM (White) Chapter 6, Section 6.4, 3
923-8108-0 Hand Clipper S#4 Assy (C8/XT) Chapter 12, Section 12.6, 3
368-0079-6 Rubber Plate No. 39 Chapter 12, Section 12.6, 4
Fuse 250V 4A ST4-4A-N1
266-5011-3 Chapter 12, Section 12.6, 5
(Pneumatic Unit, 100 - 117V Specifications)
Fuse 250V 6.3A 50T063H
266-7766-3 Chapter 12, Section 12.6, 5
(Main Unit, 100 - 240V Specifications)
Fuse 250V 3.15A No.19195
266-5293-0 Chapter 12, Section 12.6, 5
(Pneumatic Unit, 220 - 240V Specifications)
462-3520-5 Transducer Brush No. 1 (with cap) Chapter 12, Section 12.5, 5

12.6.7. Checking Cycle Count

To ensure that the instrument functions in its best condition, it

is recommended to replace the instrument parts periodically in
addition to the regular customer maintenance. For details,
please contact your local Sysmex service representative.

<Recommended frequency>
The counter of FCM sheath syringe is 450000 times, or once
in 2 years and 6 months, whichever comes first.
Revised May 2011

<Subject Parts>
Seal in the FCM Sheath Syringe, because the seal is a
wearing and consumable part.

12-34 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

12.7 Adjustment of Pressure and Vacuum

For the accuracy of analyses it is very important to have the
pressure and vacuum from the Pneumatic Unit correctly
adjusted at the Main Unit.
The set points are:
Pressure: 0.25 MPa ± 0.01 MPa
0.16 MPa ± 0.001 MPa
0.07 MPa ± 0.001 MPa
Vacuum: -0.04 MPa ± 0.001 MPa

For initial operation adjustment is done by the Sysmex
service engineer.

The pressure and vacuum are monitored by pressure sensors.

If any of the values exceeds tolerances, an error message is

If no problems are found, follow the procedure below to

display the instrument’s status for pressure and vacuum on the
IPU screen and adjust them.

Start with checking all tubes and connections for cracks or
leaks. If such damage can be ruled out, continue with the
adjustment of pressure and vacuum, respectively.

12.7.1. Display the Pressure or Vacuum

1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen.
The Controller Menu will be displayed.
2. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
3. Double-click the Sensor icon on the Maintenance screen.
The Sensor dialog box will appear.
The Sensor dialog box displays the temperatures,
Revised February 2008

pressures, and other sensor data for each part of the Main

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-35

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

XT-2000i - [Maintenance - XT-2000i-1]

File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Sensor - XT-2000i-1

Pressure Temperature
Drain Waste Fluid Rinse Waste Remove Air Bubbles Rinse Flowcell Cap Piercer SRV Rinse Cup Motor Mixing Motor
Close RBC Sheath Motor
0.25 MPa 0 Reaction Chamber 0

0.16 MPa 0 40-deg. Liquid Heater 0

0.07 MPa 0 FCM Detector-deg. 0

FCM Sheath Motor WB Aspiration Motor Rack Feed Out Rack Move Rack Feed In Reagent Remove Clogs Sensor Counter
-0.07 MPa 0 FCM Sheath-deg. Replenishment 0

-0.04 MPa 0 Environment 0

Barcode Laser Current HGB

LD driver 0 mA Convert 0


XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

12.7.2. Adjust the Pressure to 0.25 MPa

This pressure is used to drive the sample rotor valve and the
master valves.
1. Open the Sensor dialog box.
Refer to "Section 12.7.1. Displaying the Pressure or
2. Loosen the fixing screw for the 0.25 MPa regulator on the
Fixing screw Pneumatic Unit.


3. To adjust the pressure, turn the adjustment knob while

watching the pressure display on the Sensor dialog box.
To increase the pressure, turn the knob clockwise.
Normal range: 0.25±0.01 MPa

Adjusting knob Information!

Always adjust pressure so as to increase to the
predetermined level. If the pressure is too high, lower it
Revised February 2008

below that level once; then raise it to the set level.

Always wait a little while to have the sensor adapt to the
new setting before continuing with the adjustment.

12-36 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

4. Check that the pressure displayed on the Sensor dialog

box is within the pressure range.

5. If it is not within the specified range, repeat steps 3 and 4.

Adjust so that the displayed pressure is within the
specified range.
6. When the adjustment is completed, tighten the fixing
screw while taking care not to allow the adjustment knob to

12.7.3. Adjust the Pressure to 0.16 MPa

This pressure is used to supply sheath reagent to the detector

1. Open the Sensor dialog box.
Refer to "Section 12.7.1. Displaying the Pressure or
2. Open the Main Unit front cover.

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

3. Pull out the knob for the 0.16 MPa regulator to release the
High lock.
4. To adjust the pressure, turn the adjustment knob while
watching the pressure display on the Sensor dialog box.
To increase the pressure, turn the knob clockwise.

Normal range: 0.16±0.001 MPa

Adjustment knob
Always adjust pressure so as to increase to the
predetermined level. If the pressure is too high, lower it
below that level once; then raise it to the set level.
Always wait a little while to have the sensor adapt to the
new setting before continuing with the adjustment.
Revised February 2008

5. Check that the pressure displayed on the Sensor dialog

box is within the specified pressure range.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-37

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

6. If it is not within the specified range, repeat steps 4 and 5.

Adjust so that the displayed pressure is within the
specified range.
7. When the adjustment is completed, press the adjustment
knob for the 0.16 MPa regulator to lock it.
8. Close the Main Unit front cover.

12.7.4. Adjust the Pressure to 0.07 MPa

This pressure is used to discharge waste fluid and mix the

1. Open the Sensor dialog box.
Refer to "Section 12.7.1. Displaying the Pressure or
2. Open the Main Unit front cover.

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

3. Pull out the knob for the 0.07 MPa regulator to release the
4. To adjust the pressure, turn the adjustment knob while
Low High watching the pressure display on the Sensor dialog box.
To increase the pressure, turn the knob clockwise.

Normal range: 0.07±0.001 MPa

Adjustment knob
Always adjust pressure so as to increase to the
predetermined level. If the pressure is too high, lower it
below that level once; then raise it to the set level.
Always wait a little while to have the sensor adapt to the
new setting before continuing with the adjustment.

5. Check that the pressure displayed on the Sensor dialog

box is within the specified pressure range.
Revised February 2008

6. If it is not within the specified range, repeat steps 4 and 5.

Adjust so that the displayed pressure is within the
specified range.
7. When the adjustment is completed, press the adjustment
knob for the 0.07 MPa regulator to lock it.

12-38 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

8. Close the Main Unit front cover.

12.7.5. Check the Vacuum in the Pneumatic Unit

The Pneumatic Unit vacuum cannot be adjusted at all. Its

current value is displayed on the sensor dialog box, vacuum
-0.07 MPa and should be monitored regularly. If the vacuum
becomes less than -0.05 MPa, perform the following
1. Pinch the tube that runs from the Pneumatic Unit to the
Main Unit. If the vacuum increases to -0.05 MPa or more,
there is leakage in the Main Unit. Contact your Sysmex
service representative.
2. Check the tubes between the Main Unit and the
Pneumatic Unit or inside the Pneumatic Unit. If any of
them is disconnected, connect it securely.

After a long period of use, the vacuum decreases
gradually. In such cases, the vacuum pump may need to
be repaired or replaced. Contact your Sysmex service

12.7.6. Adjust the Vacuum to -0.04 MPa

This vacuum is used to transfer fluid between the chambers.

1. Open the Sensor dialog box.
Refer to "Section 12.7.1. Displaying the Pressure or
2. Open the Main Unit front cover.

When working with the front cover opened, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an

3. Loosen the locking nut for the bellow unit, situated on the
left front side below the RBC detector block.
4. To adjust the pressure on the bellow unit, turn the
Low adjustment knob while watching the pressure display on
Revised July 2007

the Sensor dialog box. To increase the pressure, turn the
Locking nut knob clockwise.
Adjustment knob

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 12-39

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

Normal range: -0.04±0.001 MPa

Always adjust pressure so as to increase to the
predetermined level. If the pressure is too high, lower it
below that level once; then raise it to the set level.
Always wait a little while to have the sensor adapt to the
new setting before continuing with the adjustment.

5. Check that the pressure displayed on the Sensor dialog

box is within the specified pressure range.
6. If it is not within the specified range, repeat steps 4 and 5.
Adjust so that the displayed pressure is within the
specified range.
7. When the adjustment is completed, tighten the locking nut
while taking care not to allow the adjustment knob to
8. Close the Main Unit front cover.

Revised February 2008

12-40 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

Revised July 2007

Month Year
Daily: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Execute shutdown



Procedure: Date/Int. Date/Int. Procedure: Date/Int. Date/Int.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

Check trap chamber fluid level Clean sample rotor valve
Clean manual rinse cup
Clean sample rotor valve tray REPLACEMENTS:
12.8 XT-2000i/XT-1800i Maintenance Checklist

Clean piercer tray Date/Int. Date/Int.

Remove clogs (Clog removal sequence) Replace reagents
Clean RBC detector aperture Replace piercer
Remove flow cell air bubbles in optical detector block Replace hand clipper
Clean flow cell in the optical detector block Replace rubber plate No. 39
Clean lower tray of the manual aspiration probe Replace fuses

Procedure: Date/Int.
Clean sampler right rack pool, left rack pool,
analysis line, and sample rack

CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance
CHAPTER 12 Cleaning and Maintenance

Revised July 2007

12-42 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

13. Troubleshooting
On a complex instrument such as the XT-2000i/XT-1800i,
different errors can occur. When the Main Unit is affected in
this way, the Help dialog box appears automatically at the IPU.
The Help dialog box displays an Error List, showing the errors
which occurred, in order of priority.
XT-2000i - [Data Browser] XT-1800i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending
Help - XT-2000i-1 Help - XT-1800i-1
Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05 Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05
Error List
Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. OK Time 17:21 Error List
Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. OK Time 17:21
Rack Move
NameError 2 Comment Rack Move
NameError 2 Comment
Cancel Cancel
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R) Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
Reset Alarm Reset Alarm
Principal Items WBC Differential Principal Items WBC Differential
Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL
WBC 37.06 * 10^3/µL NEUT# 30.16 * 10^3/µL WBC 37.06 * 10^3/µL NEUT# 30.16 * 10^3/µL
RBC 5.04 10^6/µL LYMPH# 4.10 * 10^3/µL RBC 5.04 10^6/µL LYMPH# 4.10 * 10^3/µL
HGB 14.8 g/dL MONO# 2.10 * 10^3/µL HGB 14.8 g/dL MONO# 2.10 * 10^3/µL
HCT 45.2 % EO# 0.57 * 10^3/µL HCT 45.2 % EO# 0.57 * 10^3/µL
MCV 89.7 fL BASO# 0.13 * 10^3/µL MCV 89.7 fL BASO# 0.13 * 10^3/µL
MCH 29.4 pg MCH 29.4 pg
MCHC 32.7 g/dL Item Data Unit MCHC 32.7 g/dL Item Data Unit
PLT 223 * 10^3/µL NEUT% 81.3 * % PLT 223 * 10^3/µL NEUT% 81.3 * %
RDW-SD 45.9 fL LYMPH% 11.1 * % RDW-SD 45.9 fL LYMPH% 11.1 * %
RDW-CV 14.1
Action % MONO% 5.7 * % RDW-CV 14.1
Action % MONO% 5.7 * %
PDW Reposition
9.2 fL rack and restart sampler.
EO% 1.5 * % PDW Reposition
9.2 fL rack and restart sampler.
EO% 1.5 * %
MPV 9.0 * fL BASO% 0.4 * % MPV 9.0 * fL BASO% 0.4 * %
P-LCR 15.3 % P-LCR 15.3 %
PCT 0.26 % Flag(s) PCT 0.26 % Flag(s)
RET% 17.8 %%
Imm Gran? PLT Clumps? Imm Gran? PLT Clumps?
RET# 8.97 10^4/µL
Left Shift? Left Shift?
IRF 14.3 % Neutro+ Neutro+
LFR 94.5 % Lympho+ Lympho+
MFR 4.8 % Mono+ Mono+
HFR 0.7 % Leuko+ Leuko+

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)

The highest-priority error is also displayed on the Status
Bar at the bottom line of each IPU display screen.

When the alarm is sounding because an error has occurred,

click Reset Alarm on the Help dialog box to stop the alarm

In order to clear the error, first select the error in the dialog box
by clicking on it. An explanation of the error and the
countermeasures will appear below the Action header.
Clicking OK will display the screen to execute the error
correction, or else the screen necessary for the error
Follow the countermeasures which are displayed under the
Action header.
If Ready status is still not restored, see "Section 13.2
Troubleshooting Guide" and take the appropriate actions for
Revised March 2011

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-1

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error Log

The error log displays a maximum of 100 errors in order of

their occurrence.
Older errors will automatically be deleted if the total number of
errors exceeds 100.
The error log consists of the error messages and the error
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen.
The Controller Menu will be displayed.
2. Double-click the Error Log icon on the Controller Menu.
The Error Log screen will appear.
XT-2000i - [ErrorLog - XT-2000i-1]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345

13.1 Error Message List

13.1.1. Alphabetical Error Message Index

-0.04 MPa ERROR 13-9

-0.07 MPa ERROR 13-8
0.07 MPa ERROR 13-8
0.16 MPa ERROR 13-8
0.25 MPa ERROR 13-8
Background Error 13-20
Blood Asp Sensor Error 13-16
Chamber EPK Error 13-12
Chamber FCM Sheath ERR 13-12
Clean the SRV 13-25
Close FCM Detect Cover 13-24
Control Entry ERR 13-24
Revised March 2011

Control Expired 13-24

Data Error 13-23
DIFF Sampling Error 13-21
DIFF-CH Error 13-22

13-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Env Temp High 13-10

Env Temp Low 13-10
Env Therm Sens ERR 13-11
Exchange Waste Tank 13-13
Execute Rinse Flowcell 13-25
Execute Shutdown 13-25
FCM Detector Temp High 13-10
FCM Detector Temp Low 13-10
FCM RU Temp High 13-9
FCM RU Temp Low 13-9
FCM RU Therm Sens ERR 13-10
FCM Sheath Motor Error 13-14
FCM Sheath Sens ERR 13-11
FCM Sheath Temp High 13-10
FCM Sheath Temp Low 13-10
FCM TD Therm Sens ERR 13-10
Hand Init Position ERR 13-19
Hand Lower Position ERR 13-19
Hand Move Position ERR 13-19
Hand Upper Position ERR 13-19
HGB Drain Error 13-22
ID Read Error 13-24
L-J Limit Error 13-24
Laser Power Error 13-23
Laser Tube Aged 13-23
Low Blood Volume 13-14
Low Count Error 13-21
Mixing Motor Error 13-14
PLT Sampling Error 13-21
PLT-CH Error 13-22
Pressure Lower Error 13-9
Rack Feed In Func Error 13-17
Rack Feed In Init. ERR 13-17
Rack Feed Out Func ERR 13-18
Rack Feed Out Init. ERR 13-18
Rack Full Error 13-20
Rack ID Read Error 13-24
Rack Move Error 1 13-18
Rack Move Error 2 13-18
Rack Move Error 3 13-18
Rack Removed* 13-18
Rack Shift Home Pos. ERR 13-17
RBC Bubble Error 13-21
RBC Clog Error 13-21
RBC Sampling Error 13-21
RBC Sheath Motor Error 13-13
RBC-CH Error 13-22
Revised March 2011

Replace Container EPK 13-12

Replace Container FBA 13-12
Replace Container FFD 13-12

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-3

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Replace Container FFS 13-12

Replace Container RED (XT-2000i only) 13-12
Replace Container SLS 13-12
Replace Piercer 13-25
RET Error (XT-2000i only) 13-22
RET Sampling Error (XT-2000i only) 13-21
RET-CH Error (XT-2000i only) 13-23
RH Temp High 13-9
RH Temp Low 13-9
RH Therm Sens ERR 13-10
Rinse Motor Error 13-14
Sample Not Asp Error 13-15
Sampler Start ERR (BSNS) 13-20
Set Piercer Cover 13-17
Short Sample 13-16
Tube Clamp Error 13-20
Tube Inv. Position ERR 13-19
Tube Sensor Error 13-19
Waste Chamber 1 Error 13-13
Waste Chamber 2 Error 13-13
WB Asp Motor Error 13-13
WBC/BASO Sampling Error 13-21
WBC/BASO-CH Error 13-22
Xb Limit Error 13-24
Xm Limit Error 13-24
*: When the MCP (optional) is used, the same
error message is displayed.

13.1.2. Functional Error Message List

1. Pressure and Vacuum Errors

0.25 MPa ERROR 13-8
0.16 MPa ERROR 13-8
0.07 MPa ERROR 13-8
-0.07 MPa ERROR 13-8
-0.04 MPa ERROR 13-9
Pressure Lower Error 13-9

2. Temperature Errors
RH Temp High 13-9
RH Temp Low 13-9
FCM RU Temp High 13-9
FCM RU Temp Low 13-9
FCM Detector Temp High 13-10
FCM Detector Temp Low 13-10
Env Temp High 13-10
Env Temp Low 13-10
Revised March 2011

FCM Sheath Temp High 13-10

FCM Sheath Temp Low 13-10
RH Therm Sens ERR 13-10
FCM RU Therm Sens ERR 13-10
FCM TD Therm Sens ERR 13-10

13-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Env Therm Sens ERR 13-11

FCM Sheath Sens ERR 13-11

3. Chamber Errors
Replace Container EPK 13-12
Replace Container SLS 13-12
Replace Container FBA 13-12
Replace Container FFD 13-12
Replace Container FFS 13-12
Replace Container RED (XT-2000i only) 13-12
Chamber EPK Error 13-12
Chamber FCM Sheath ERR 13-12
Waste Chamber 1 Error 13-13
Waste Chamber 2 Error 13-13
Exchange Waste Tank 13-13

4. Motor Errors
WB Asp Motor Error 13-13
RBC Sheath Motor Error 13-13
FCM Sheath Motor Error 13-14
Rinse Motor Error 13-14
Mixing Motor Error 13-14

5. WB Aspiration and Dilution Errors

Low Blood Volume 13-14
Sample Not Asp Error 13-15
Short Sample 13-16
Blood Asp Sensor Error 13-16

6. Sampler Operation Errors

Set Piercer Cover 13-17
Rack Feed In Func Error 13-17
Rack Feed In Init. ERR 13-17
Rack Shift Home Pos. ERR 13-17
Rack Removed* 13-18
Rack Move Error 1 13-18
Rack Move Error 2 13-18
Rack Move Error 3 13-18
Rack Feed Out Func ERR 13-18
Rack Feed Out Init. ERR 13-18
Hand Init Position ERR 13-19
Hand Move Position ERR 13-19
Hand Upper Position ERR 13-19
Hand Lower Position ERR 13-19
Tube Inv. Position ERR 13-19
Tube Sensor Error 13-19
Tube Clamp Error 13-20
Rack Full Error 13-20
Revised March 2011

Sampler Start ERR (BSNS) 13-20

*: When the MCP (optional) is used, the same
error message is displayed.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-5

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

7. Analysis Errors
Background Error 13-20
RBC Sampling Error 13-21
PLT Sampling Error 13-21
WBC/BASO Sampling Error 13-21
DIFF Sampling Error 13-21
RET Sampling Error (XT-2000i only) 13-21
RBC Bubble Error 13-21
RBC Clog Error 13-21
Low Count Error 13-21
HGB Drain Error 13-22
RET Error (XT-2000i only) 13-22
WBC/BASO-CH Error 13-22
DIFF-CH Error 13-22
RBC-CH Error 13-22
PLT-CH Error 13-22
RET-CH Error (XT-2000i only) 13-23
Data Error 13-23

8. Laser Errors
Laser Tube Aged 13-23
Laser Power Error 13-23
Close FCM Detect Cover 13-24

9. ID Errors
ID Read Error 13-24
Rack ID Read Error 13-24

10. QC Errors
Xm Limit Error 13-24
L-J Limit Error 13-24
Xb Limit Error 13-24
Control Expired 13-24
Control Entry ERR 13-24

11. Maintenance Errors

Replace Piercer 13-25
Execute Shutdown 13-25
Clean the SRV 13-25
Execute Rinse Flowcell 13-25
Revised March 2011

13-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

13.2 Troubleshooting Guide

• Errors are classified as follows:
1. Error caused by analysis failure
Analysis-Data of an abnormal status is displayed and
stored. When all sequences have been completed, the
system automatically enters the Ready status.
<Analysis Error> and "Check Stored Data" will be
2. "Not Ready" error
Sample analysis that are in progress will continue, but
when all analysis sequences have been completed, the
instrument will stop.
"Not Ready" and error messages will be displayed.
3. Error caused by analysis failure/"Not Ready" error
There are two cases: (1) Analysis data of an abnormal
status is displayed and stored, or (2) An error message
alone is displayed. When all analysis sequences have
been completed, the instrument will wait without
executing the following analyses. The system enters
Ready status after confirming that the abnormal
condition no longer exists.
"Not Ready" and <Analysis Error> will be displayed.
If an error occurs during a sampler analysis, <Analysis
Error> and "Check Stored Data" will be displayed.
4. Message urging caution
If an analysis can be performed, but caution should be
applied, an according message will be displayed.
When the need to act with caution no longer exists, the
message will disappear.
5. Emergency stop
If such an error occurs, the analysis operations will
immediately be discontinued, and all sequences will
Then the message prompting you to turn OFF the power
will appear. To restore the system, turn the power OFF,
wait for at least 10 seconds, and then turn it ON again.
• Sample data comprising an error will be displayed in
"****" or "----."
Revised March 2011

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-7

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

13.2.1. Pressure and Vacuum Errors

Error message: Probable Cause

0.25 MPa Error • 0.25 MPa pressure adjustment error
• Inadequate pressure in the Pneumatic Unit
Not Ready
Category: • Pressure leakage from tube or nipple
Analysis Error Corrective Action
1. Adjust pressure to 0.25 MPa. (Refer to "Chapter 12,
Section 12.7: Adjustment of Pressure and Vacuum".)
2. Check the Pneumatic Unit power cord connection.
3. Check the tube connection and nipple looseness
Error message: Probable Cause
0.16 MPa Error • 0.16 MPa pressure adjustment error
• Defective 0.16 MPa regulator
Not Ready
Category: Corrective Action
Analysis Error 1. Adjust pressure to 0.16 MPa. (Refer to "Chapter 12,
Section 12.7: Adjustment of Pressure and Vacuum".)
2. If adjustment of 0.16 MPa pressure fails, the regulator is
probably defective. Contact your Sysmex service
Error message: Probable Cause
0.07 MPa Error • 0.07 MPa pressure adjustment error
• Defective 0.07 MPa regulator
Not Ready
Category: Corrective Action
Analysis Error 1. Adjust pressure to 0.07 MPa. (Refer to "Chapter 12,
Section 12.7: Adjustment of Pressure and Vacuum".)
2. If adjustment of 0.07 MPa pressure fails, the regulator is
probably defective. Contact your Sysmex service
Error message: Probable Cause
-0.07 MPa Error • Inadequate vacuum in the Pneumatic Unit
• Pressure leakage from tube or nipple
Not Ready
Category: Corrective Action
Analysis Error 1. Check the tube connection and nipple looseness.
2. The Pneumatic Unit is probably defective. Contact your
Sysmex service representative.
Revised March 2011

13-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

-0.04 MPa Error • -0.04 MPa vacuum adjustment error
• There is fluid in the Pneumatic Unit trap chamber.
Not Ready
Category: • Pressure leakage from tube or nipple
Analysis Error Corrective Action
1. Adjust vacuum to -0.04 MPa. (Refer to "Chapter 12,
Section 12.7: Adjustment of Pressure and Vacuum".)
2. Drain fluid from the Pneumatic Unit trap chamber.
(Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.5: As-needed
3. Check the tube connection and nipple looseness.
Error message: Probable Cause
Pressure Lower Error • Pneumatic Unit power is OFF during the operation.
• Pressure connection tube is disconnected.
Emergency Stop
Corrective Action
1. Check the Pneumatic Unit power switch and the power
cord connection.
2. Check the pressure connection tube.

13.2.2. Temperature Errors

Error message: Probable Cause

RH Temp High • Temperature of reagent heater is outside the regulation
RH Temp Low range.
Corrective Action
Not Ready
Category: 1. Wait until the temperature has stabilized inside the
Analysis Error regulation range.
If this error is still displayed 30 minutes after the power is
turned ON, there is probably something defective in the
system. Contact your Sysmex service representative.
Error message: Probable Cause
FCM RU Temp High • Temperature of reaction unit is outside the regulation range.
FCM RU Temp Low
Corrective Action
Not Ready 1. Wait until the temperature has stabilized inside the
Category: regulation range.
Analysis Error If this error is still displayed 30 minutes after the power is
turned ON, there is probably something defective in the
system. Contact your Sysmex service representative.
Revised March 2011

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-9

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

FCM Detector Temp High • Temperature of optical detector block is outside the regulation
FCM Detector Temp Low range.
Corrective Action
Not Ready
Category: 1. Wait until the temperature has stabilized inside the
Analysis Error regulation range.
If this error is still displayed 30 minutes after the power is
turned ON, there is probably something defective in the
system. Contact your Sysmex service representative.
Error message: Probable Cause
Env Temp High • The environmental temperature is not within the prescribed
Env Temp Low range.
Corrective Action
Not Ready
Category: 1. Set room temperature between 15 ° C and 30 ° C.
Analysis Error
Error message: Probable Cause
FCM Sheath Temp High • Temperature of FCM sheath reagent is outside the regulation
FCM Sheath Temp Low range.
Corrective Action
Not Ready
Category: 1. Wait until the temperature has stabilized inside the
Analysis Error regulation range.
If this error is still displayed 30 minutes after the power is
turned ON, there is probably something defective in the
system. Contact your Sysmex service representative.
Error message: Probable Cause
RH Therm Sens ERR • One of the thermal sensors for reagent heater might be
Status: defective.
Not Ready
Corrective Action
1. Turn the power OFF, then ON again. If the error persists,
contact your Sysmex service representative.
Error message: Probable Cause
FCM RU Therm Sens ERR • One of the thermal sensors for reaction chamber might be
Status: defective.
Not Ready
Corrective Action
Analysis Error 1. Turn the power OFF, then ON again. If the error persists,
contact your Sysmex service representative.
Error message: Probable Cause
FCM TD Therm Sens ERR • One of the thermal sensors for optical detector block might
Status: be defective.
Not Ready
Corrective Action
Analysis Error 1. Turn the power OFF, then ON again. If the error persists,
Revised March 2011

contact your Sysmex service representative.

13-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

Env Therm Sens ERR • One of the thermal sensors for detecting the outside air
Status: temperature might be defective.
Not Ready
Corrective Action
Analysis Error 1. Turn the power OFF, then ON again. If the error persists,
contact your Sysmex service representative.
Error message: Probable Cause
FCM Sheath Sens ERR • One of the thermal sensors for FCM sheath reagent
Status: temperature might be defective.
Not Ready
Corrective Action
Analysis Error 1. Turn the power OFF, then ON again. If the error persists,
contact your Sysmex service representative.
Revised March 2011

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-11

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

13.2.3. Chamber Errors

Error message: Probable Cause

Replace Container EPK • Insufficient reagent
Replace Container SLS • Defective float switch
Replace Container FBA
• Abnormality in the hydraulic system
Replace Container FFD
Replace Container FFS Corrective Action
Replace Container RED 1. Replace the reagent.
(XT-2000i only) Replace the empty reagent container with a new container.
Status: Select the error in the Help dialog box and Click OK.
Not Ready If the error persists after replacement, there is probably a
defective float switch or an abnormality in the hydraulic system.
2. Check the float switch.
3. Check the hydraulic system.
Check for bending, looseness, or tears of the tubing for the
reagent indicated by the error message. If an abnormality is
found, repair the connections or replace the affected items.
4. Check optional sensor.

• CBC and RET (XT-2000i only) analysis are still possible
when the Replace Container FFD or Replace Container
FFS error has occurred.
CBC and DIFF analysis are still possible when the Replace
Container RED error has occurred (XT-2000i only).
• When a reagent replacement error occurs during an
analysis, analysis is available in the manual mode or
capillary mode, but unavailable in the sampler mode.
For details, refer to "Chapter 6: 6.4 Analyzing Samples
6.4.2 Manual Mode" and "Chapter 6: 6.4 Analyzing
Samples 6.4.3 Capillary Mode", and change the discrete.
When analysis order inquiry is performed in the manual
mode, analysis is unavailable if "Realtime Request
(Manual Mode) [Sample ID]" checkbox is checked in the
Analysis Ordering Screen.
To uncheck, refer to "Chapter 11: 11.2 XT IPU Setting
11.2.5 Analysis Ordering".
• When a reagent replacement error occurs at start up, the
analysis is unavailable in any mode until the recovery
from the error status.
Error message: Probable Cause
Chamber EPK Error • Tubing between the reagent container and the Main Unit is
Chamber FCM Sheath ERR bent, clogged or disconnected.
Corrective Action
Not Ready
1. Check the tubing.
Revised March 2011

Then select the error in the Help dialog box and click OK to
begin reagent aspiration.

13-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

Waste Chamber 1 Error • Drain line tubing is bent or clogged.
Waste Chamber 2 Error
Corrective Action
Not Ready 1. Check the drain line tubing.
If bending or clogging is found on the tube connected to the
drain outlet nipple, clean or replace the tubing.
Especially check for dirt or clogging around the drain outlet.
After the check, select the error in the Help dialog box and
click OK to drain the waste chamber.
2. Execute "Rinse Waste Chamber". (Refer to "Chapter 12,
Section 12.5: As-Needed Maintenance".)
Error message: Probable Cause
Exchange Waste Tank • Waste container is full.
Corrective Action
Not Ready
1. Replace the waste container. (Refer to "Chapter 12,
Section 12.5: As-Needed Maintenance".)

13.2.4. Motor Errors

Error message: Probable Cause

WB Asp Motor Error • The resistance on the whole blood aspiration pump is
Status: abnormally high.
Not Ready
Corrective Action
Analysis Error 1. Check the WB aspiration pump.
Check that no fluid switch connector or tubing is touching
the upper/lower part of WB aspiration pump. Then select
the error in the Help dialog box and click OK to confirm the
Error message: Probable Cause
RBC Sheath Motor Error • The resistance on the RBC sheath injector piston is abnor-
Status: mally high.
Not Ready
Corrective Action
Analysis Error 1. Check the RBC sheath injector piston.
Check that no fluid switch connector or tubing is touching
the upper/lower part of RBC sheath injector piston. Then
select the error in the Help dialog box and click OK to
confirm the action.
Revised March 2011

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-13

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

FCM Sheath Motor Error • The resistance on the FCM sheath injector piston is
Status: abnormally high.
Not Ready
Corrective Action
Analysis Error 1. Check the FCM sheath injector piston.
Check that no fluid switch connector or tubing is touching
the upper/lower part of FCM sheath injector piston. Then
select the error in the Help dialog box and click OK to
confirm the action.
Error message: Probable Cause
Rinse Motor Error • The load on the rinse cup driving part is abnormally high.
Corrective Action
Not Ready
Category: 1. Check the rinse cup.
Analysis Error Check that no fluid switch connector or tubing is touching
the upper/lower part of rinse cup. Then select the error in
the Help dialog box and click OK to confirm the action.
Error message: Probable Cause
Mixing Motor Error • The load on the reaction chamber mixing motor is abnormally
Status: high.
Not Ready
Corrective Action
Analysis Error 1. Check the reaction chamber mixing motor.
Check that no tubing is touching the mixing motor. Then
select the error in the Help dialog box and click OK to
confirm the action.

13.2.5. WB Aspiration and Dilution Errors

Error message: Probable Cause

Low Blood Volume • Blood volume of the sample is too short for sampler
Category: operation.
Analysis Error
Corrective Action
1. Analyze in manual mode or capillary mode.
Revised March 2011

13-14 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

Sample Not Asp Error • Abnormal blood sample:
Category: Clumps present in blood sample
Analysis Error Extremely low concentration of blood
• The parts below are clogged:
Sample rotor valve
Whole blood aspiration line tubing
• Tubing in the whole blood aspiration line is disconnected from
the sampler.
Corrective Action
1. Check the whole blood sample, and reanalyze it if possible.
2. Clean the sampler piercer, SRV and whole blood aspiration
line as follows:
(1) Perform the shutdown sequence using CELLCLEAN.
(Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.2: 1. Execute
(2) When the shutdown sequence is completed, press
"Restart" button.
(3) When the Auto Rinse is completed and the system
enters Ready status, reanalyze the sample.
(4) If dirt cannot be removed completely, pour CELLCLEAN
into the test tubes and analyze this in the auto mode to
clean the piercer and the whole blood aspiration line.
(5) If the error still persists, it is assumed that the piercer is
clogged by clots; replace the piercer. (Refer to "Chapter
12, Section 12.6: 2. Replace the Piercer".)
3. Reconnect the tubing.
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Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-15

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

Short Sample • Blood volume is insufficient.
Category: The required volume of blood has not been aspirated.
Analysis Error
• Dirty piercer or whole blood aspiration line
Corrective Action
1. The required volume of blood has not been aspirated.
Analyze in manual mode or capillary mode.
2. If the "Short Sample" error persists although there is
enough sample in the test tube, it is suspected that the
piercer or the whole blood aspiration line is dirty. Clean it as
(1) Perform the shutdown sequence using CELLCLEAN.
(Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.2: 1. Execute
(2) When the shutdown sequence is completed, press
"Restart" button.
(3) When the Auto Rinse is completed and the system
enters Ready status, reanalyze the sample.
(4) If dirt cannot be removed completely, pour CELLCLEAN
into the test tubes and analyze this in the auto mode to
clean the piercer and the whole blood aspiration line.
(5) If the error still persists, it is assumed that the piercer is
clogged by clots; replace the piercer. (Refer to "Chapter
12, Section 12.6: 2. Replace the Piercer".)

If the test tube is dirty or the bar code label is affixed on the
lower area than the specified position, the sampler unit
cannot detect the blood volume. Therefore, even if the
blood amount is insufficient, the aspiration will be
performed, and the "Short Sample" error will occur.
Error message: Probable Cause
Blood Asp Sensor Error • Faulty blood aspiration sensor
Status: The sensor that monitors whether blood is being aspirated
Not Ready normally during sampler operation is defective.
Corrective Action
1. Replace the blood aspiration sensor.
Contact your Sysmex service representative to replace it.
As a tentative measure, alter the sampler stop conditions to
allow sampler operation to continue.
Revised March 2011

13-16 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

13.2.6. Sampler Operation Errors

The names and positions of the various sensors fitted to the

sampler are shown below.
Rack shift Rack shift
sensor (Left) sensor (Right)
Rack feed-out initial Tube detection Rack feed-in
position sensor sensor sensor

Rack feed-in
position sensor

Rack shift home

Blood volume position sensor

Rack full sensor Rack initial position sensor

Reflection sensor
Transparent sensor
Microswitch sensor
Photo-interrupter sensor

Error message: Probable Cause

Set Piercer Cover • CP cover has not been installed.
Corrective Action
Not Ready
1. Install the CP cover.
Install the CP cover, then select the error in the Help dialog
box and click OK to confirm.
Error message: Probable Cause
Rack Feed In Func Error • Rack feed-in position sensor has malfunctioned.
• The rack moves by irresistible force during sampler analysis.
Not Ready
Corrective Action
1. Remove dirt or dust or any foreign material.
2. There may be an inconsistency between sample number
and analysis result.
Check the analysis results of all the samples inserted in the
rack on the analysis line.
Error message: Probable Cause
Rack Feed In Init. ERR • Rack feed-in position sensor has malfunctioned due to dirt or
Status: dust.
Not Ready
Corrective Action
1. Remove dirt or dust.
Error message: Probable Cause
Revised March 2011

Rack Shift Home Pos. ERR • Rack shift home position sensor has malfunctioned due to
Status: dirt or dust.
Not Ready
Corrective Action
1. Remove dirt or dust or any foreign material.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-17

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

Rack Removed • While the hand clipper is catching the test tube during
(When the MCP cover is opened sampler analysis, the rack moves by accident.
during analysis, the same error
• While the hand clipper is grasping the test tube during
message is displayed.)
analysis using the MCP, the MCP cover is opened.
Not Ready Corrective Action
1. Remove the test tube from the hand clipper, and return it to
the rack.
Reinstall the rack, and perform the analysis again.
2. Remove the test tube from the hand clipper, and return it to
the MCP.
Close the MCP cover, and perform the analysis again.
Error message: Probable Cause
Rack Move Error 1 • Rack has not been shifted.
• The rack moves by irresistible force during sampler analysis.
Corrective Action
1. Reinstall the rack, and perform the analysis again.
2. There may be an inconsistency between sample number
and analysis result.
Check the analysis results of all the samples inserted in the
rack on the analysis line.
Error message: Probable Cause
Rack Move Error 2 • While the rack stops moving during sampler analysis, the
rack moves by accident.
Corrective Action
1. Reinstall the rack, and perform the analysis again.
Error message: Probable Cause
Rack Move Error 3 • When STAT analysis is ready, the rack moves by accident.
Corrective Action
1. Reinstall the rack, and perform the analysis again.
Error message: Probable Cause
Rack Feed Out Func ERR • Rack feed-out sensor has malfunctioned due to dirt or dust.
Rack Feed Out Init. ERR
• The rack moves by irresistible force during sampler analysis.
Not Ready Corrective Action
1. Remove dirt or dust.
2. There may be an inconsistency between sample number
and analysis result.
Verify the analysis results of all the samples in the rack on
the analysis line as well as all the samples inserted in the
rack that has just been fed out.
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13-18 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

Hand Init Position ERR • Forward/backward cylinder has malfunctioned.
Hand Move Position ERR
Corrective Action
Not Ready 1. Perform test operation.
Before the test operation, remove the test tube from the
hand clipper, and return it to the rack.
Check that there are no foreign objects in the forward/
backward movement path. Then select the error in the Help
dialog box and click OK to confirm the action.
Error message: Probable Cause
Hand Upper Position ERR • Up-down cylinder has malfunctioned.
Hand Lower Position ERR
Corrective Action
Not Ready 1. Perform test operation.
Before the test operation, remove the test tube from the
hand clipper, and return it to the rack.
Check that there are no foreign objects in the up/down
movement path. Then select the error in the Help dialog
box and click OK to confirm the action.
Error message: Probable Cause
Tube Inv. Position ERR • Tube inversion cylinder has malfunctioned.
Corrective Action
Not Ready
1. Perform test operation.
Before the test operation, remove the test tube from the
hand clipper, and return it to the rack.
Check that there are no obstructions preventing the hand
agitating operation. Then select the error in the Help dialog
box and click OK to confirm the action.
Error message: Probable Cause
Tube Sensor Error • Although there is the test tube containing blood, the tube
Category: detection sensor detects that no tube is found.
Caution Message
• Although there is no test tube, the blood detection sensor
detects that blood is found.
Corrective Action
1. Remove dirt from the tube detection sensor.
2. Remove dirt from the blood volume sensor.
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Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-19

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

Tube Clamp Error • Clamping failure
Status: • Hand clipper is bent, and the test tube is not grasped
Not Ready correctly.
Corrective Action
1. Perform test operation.
Before the test, remove the test tube from the hand clipper,
and return it to the rack.
Check that there are no obstructions preventing the
clamping operation. Then select the error in the Help dialog
box and click OK to confirm the action.
2. Connect the hand clipper.
After correcting or replacing the hand clipper, perform the
test operation.
Error message: Probable Cause
Rack Full Error • Rack full sensor detects that the racks have filled up, and
sampler analysis cannot be continued.
Corrective Action
1. Remove the analyzed racks from the sampler left rack
pools or any foreign material.
Error message: Probable Cause
Sampler Start ERR (BSNS) • The rack was set to a wrong position in the measuring line to
Status: start sample analysis.
Not Ready Corrective Action
1. Remove the racks from the analysis line, and restart the

13.2.7. Analysis Errors

Error message: Probable Cause

Background Error • Mixing of air bubbles
Category: • Dirty aperture
Analysis Error
• Faulty reagent
Corrective Action
1. Perform automatic rinsing.
Select the error in the Help dialog box and click OK to
perform Auto Rinse.
2. Remove the clogging.
Double-click the Remove Clogs icon on the Maintenance
screen to execute the RBC detector clog removal
sequence. If the error still occurs, clean the detector
aperture with a brush.
(Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.5: As-Needed
Revised March 2011

3. Replace the reagent.
Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.6: Supplies

13-20 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

RBC Sampling Error • Dirty aperture
PLT Sampling Error
• Abnormal sample
Analysis Error Corrective Action
1. Remove the clogging.
Double-click the Remove Clogs icon on the Maintenance
screen to execute the RBC detector clog removal
sequence. If the error still occurs, clean the detector
aperture with a brush.
(Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.5: As-Needed
2. Perform the analysis again.
Error message: Probable Cause
WBC/BASO Sampling Error • Clogging or dirt at optical detector block flow cell
DIFF Sampling Error
• Abnormal sample
RET Sampling Error
(XT-2000i only) Corrective Action
Category: 1. Clean the flow cell of optical detector block.
Analysis Error (Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.5: As-Needed
2. Perform the analysis again.
Error message: Probable Cause
RBC Bubble Error • Clogging at RBC detector and mixing of air bubbles
RBC Clog Error
Corrective Action
Analysis Error 1. Remove the clogging from the RBC detector.
Select the error in the Help dialog box and click OK to
execute the detector clog removal sequence. If the error
still occurs, clean the detector aperture with a brush.
(Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.5: As-Needed
Error message: Probable Cause
Low Count Error • Abnormal sample
• Clogging at piercer
Analysis Error
• Clogging at sample rotor valve (SRV)
• Clogging at WB aspiration tube
Corrective Action
1. Perform the analysis again.
2. Clean the piercer.
3. Clean the sample rotor valve (SRV).
4. Clean the WB aspiration tube.
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Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-21

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

HGB ERROR • Air bubbles are mixed in HGB analysis line.
Corrective Action
Analysis Error
1. Perform automatic rinsing.
Double-click the Auto Rinse icon on the Controller Menu to
start automatic cleaning.
Error message: Probable Cause
HGB Drain Error • Draining speed of HGB cell background fluid is low.
Corrective Action
Analysis Error
1. Check the drain line tubing of HGB cell.
Check that no tubing is bent or clogged.
Error message: Probable Cause
RET Error (XT-2000i only) • Abnormal sample
• Clogging, bending, or disconnection at RED dye solution and
Analysis Error
diluent line tubing
Corrective Action
1. Perform the analysis again.
2. Check the dye solution tubing and the reagent amount.
Error message: Probable Cause
WBC/BASO-CH Error • Clogging or dirt at optical detector block flow cell
• Abnormal short sample (Insufficient samples and mixing of
air bubbles, etc.)
Analysis Error
• Abnormal sample (Platelet coagulation and settling of cold
agglutinins, etc.)
Corrective Action
1. Clean the flow cell of optical detector block.
(Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.5: As-Needed
2. Perform the analysis again.
3. Check the sample by visual inspection of a smear.
Error message: Probable Cause
RBC-CH Error • The number of RBC/PLT channel particles exceeds the upper
PLT-CH Error limit of display range due to external noise.
Corrective Action
Analysis Error
1. Interrupt the noise source.
Keep the noise source away from the Main Unit.
2. Perform the analysis again.
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13-22 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

RET-CH Error (XT-2000i only) • Abnormal sample
• Clogging at sample rotor valve
Analysis Error
• Clogging or dirt at optical detector block flow cell
• Air bubbles in optical detector block flow cell
Corrective Action
1. Perform the analysis again.
2. Clean the sample rotor valve.
3. Remove the air bubbles from the flow cell of optical
detector block.
4. Clean the flow cell of optical detector block.
(Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.5: As-Needed
Error message: Probable Cause
Data Error • Analysis result exceeds the Reference Limit set on IPU
• Abnormal sample
• Dirty aperture
Corrective Action
1. Reset the Reference Limit of IPU.
(Refer to "Chapter 11, Section 11.2: 11. Reference
2. Perform the analysis again.
3. Remove the clogging.
Double-click the Remove Clogs icon on the Maintenance
screen to execute the RBC detector clog removal
4. Perform the quality control analysis, if necessary.

13.2.8. Laser Errors

Error message: Probable Cause

Laser Tube Aged • Laser life is coming to end. (Analysis is still possible.)
Corrective Action
Caution Message
1. Turn the power OFF, then ON again. And check whether
the error has been resolved. If the error persists, contact
your Sysmex service representative.
Error message: Probable Cause
Laser Power Error • Deteriorated laser
Corrective Action
Analysis Error
1. Perform the analysis again.
Revised March 2011

If the error persists after the reanalysis, contact your

Sysmex service representative.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-23

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Error message: Probable Cause

Close FCM Detect Cover • Optical detector block cover is open.
• The sensor of optical detector block cover is defective.
Not Ready
Category: Corrective Action
Analysis Error 1. Close the cover of optical detector block. If the error
persists, the cover sensor is possibly defective.
2. Replace the sensor of optical detector block cover.
Contact your Sysmex service representative.

13.2.9. ID Errors

Error message: Probable Cause

ID Read Error • Dirty ID bar code
Rack ID Read Error
• Poorly printed ID bar code
• Incorrect position of ID bar code
Corrective Action
1. Check the ID bar code.
(Refer to "Chapter 16, Section 16.2: ID Bar Code

13.2.10. QC Errors

Error message: Probable Cause

Xm Limit Error • XM, L-J, or X control error has occurred.
L-J Limit Error
Corrective Action
Xb Limit Error
1. Check the QC chart.
2. Check the analysis data for the items that exceeded control
3. If necessary, perform calibration.
Error message: Probable Cause
Control Expired • Expiration date of control blood in use has expired.
Corrective Action
Caution Message
1. Replace the control blood with a new one.
Error message: Probable Cause
Control Entry ERR • Analysis was performed for unregistered control material.
Corrective Action
1. Enter lot information for the control material.
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13-24 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

13.2.11. Maintenance Errors

Error message: Probable Cause

Replace Piercer • It is time to replace the piercer, since 30000 cycles have been
Category: performed so far.
Caution Message
Corrective Action
1. Replace the piercer, and reset the piercer operation count.
(Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.6: Supplies
Error message: Probable Cause
Execute Shutdown • It is time to execute shutdown.
Corrective Action
Caution Message
1. Double-click the Shutdown icon on the Controller Menu to
execute shutdown.
(Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.2: Daily Maintenance".)
Error message: Probable Cause
Clean the SRV • It is time to clean the sample rotor valve.
Corrective Action
Caution Message
1. Clean the sample rotor valve and reset the counter of the
(Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.4: Every 15000 Cycles
Error message: Probable Cause
Execute Rinse Flowcell • It is time to rinse the flow cell in the optical detector.
Corrective Action
Caution Message
1. Rinse the flow cell in the optical detector.
(Refer to "Chapter 12, Section 12.5: As-Needed
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Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-25

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

13.3 Test
The XT-2000i/XT-1800i can perform test processes to self
check proper instrument operation and to determine the
causes of Main Unit errors.

A test process can only be performed when the Main Unit
is in Ready or Stat Ready status. If a process is attempted
in any other status, the error warning will be sounded at the
Main Unit and the process will not be performed. Analysis
is not possible during test process.

13.3.1. Sensor

The Sensor dialog box displays the temperature and pressure

at each part of the Main Unit, and also the data of each
The data display is updated every 0.5 seconds.
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will appear.
2. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
3. Double-click the Sensor icon on the Maintenance screen.
The Sensor dialog box will appear.
XT - [XT-2000i-1 Controller]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Pressure Temperature
Help Manual Sample No. Sampler Sample No. QC Analysis Shutdown Auto Rinse Reagents Close
Maintenance Manual Calibration
0.25 MPa 0 Reaction Chamber-deg. 0

0.16MPa 0 Reaction Heater-deg.(40) 0

Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup
0.07MPa 0 FCM Detector-deg. 0
Auto Calibration Calibration History ErrorLog XberM Service Setting
-0.07 0 Environment-deg. 0

-0.54 0
Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup
Laser HGB
Power 0 mA Convert 0

Backup Backup Backup Backup Backup

Revised March 2011

13-26 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

The following information is displayed in the Sensor dialog


0.25 MPa Indicates 0.25 MPa
0.16 MPa Indicates 0.16 MPa
0.07 MPa Indicates 0.07 MPa
-0.07 MPa Indicates source vacuum.
-0.04 MPa Indicates -0.04 MPa

Reaction Chamber Indicates temperature of
reaction unit.
40-deg. Liquid Heater Indicates temperature of
reagent heater.
FCM Detector-deg. Indicates temperature of
FCM detector block.
FCM Sheath-deg. Indicates temperature of
FCM sheath reagent.
Environment-deg. Indicates ambient

Laser Current
LD driver Indicates the laser output current

Convert Indicates HGB convert value.

Indicates the ON/OFF status of sensors No. 1 (SNS1) - 56
(SNS56). When a sensor is ON, it’s status is displayed
with a red background.

13.3.2. Counter

The Counter dialog box displays the operation cycle count (or
oscillation time for the laser) for each part of the Main Unit.
After completion of the piercer replacement or the sample
rotor valve (SRV) cleaning, reset the operation cycle by the
procedure described following.
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will appear.
2. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
Revised March 2011

3. Double-click the Counter icon on the Maintenance screen.

The Counter dialog box will appear.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-27

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

XT-2000i - [Maintenance - XT-2000i-1] XT-1800i - [Maintenance - XT-1800i-1]

File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Drain Waste Fluid Rinse Waste Remove Air Bubbles Rinse Flowcell Cap Piercer SRV Rinse Cup Motor Mixing Motor RBC Sheath Motor Drain Waste Fluid Rinse Waste Remove Air Bubbles Rinse Flowcell Cap Piercer SRV Rinse Cup Motor Mixing Motor RBC Sheath Motor
Chamber Chamber
Counter Counter

Total 11 Reset Shutdown 9 Reset OK Total 11 Reset Shutdown 9 Reset OK

Cancel Cancel
Motor WB Aspiration Motor 1 Feed
Rack Reset
Out Piercer
Rack Move Rack Feed In Reagent 6 Clogs
Remove Reset Sensor Counter FCM SheathCBC
Motor WB Aspiration Motor 1 Feed
Rack Reset
Out Piercer
Rack Move Rack Feed In Reagent 6 Clogs
Remove Reset Sensor Counter
Replenishment Replenishment
DIFF 2 Reset SRV 10 Reset DIFF 2 Reset SRV 10 Reset

RET 8 Reset WB Motor 3 Reset FFS 4 Reset WB Motor 3 Reset

Barcode Barcode
FFS 4 Reset WBC Sheath Syringe 7 Reset FBA 0 Reset WBC Sheath Syringe 7 Reset

FBA 0 Reset RBC Sheath Syringe 0 Reset FFD 0 Reset RBC Sheath Syringe 0 Reset

FFD 0 Reset Laser Oscillation Time 0:50 Reset SLS 0 Reset Laser Oscillation Time 0:50 Reset

SLS 0 Reset

RED 0 Reset

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)
The following operation cycle counts are displayed in the
Counter dialog box.
Counter Indicates the operation cycles of
the equipment in total.
CBC Indicates the operation cycles at
the CBC analysis mode.
DIFF Indicates the operation cycles at
the DIFF analysis mode.
RET (XT-2000i only) Indicates the operation cycles at
the RET analysis mode.
FFS Indicates the operation cycles of
the FFS Reagents Supply Pump
after replacement of the FFS.
FBA Indicates the cumulative
operation cycles of the FBA
Reagents Supply Pump.
FFD Indicates the cumulative
operation cycles of the FFD
Reagents Supply Pump.
SLS Indicates the cumulative
operation cycles of the SLS
Reagents Supply Pump.
RED (XT-2000i only) Indicates the cumulative
operation cycles of the RED
Reagents Supply Pump.
Shutdown Indicates the analysis cycles after
executing shutdown last.
Piercer Indicates the piercer operation
cycles after replacement of the
SRV Indicates the analysis cycles after
last SRV cleaning.
Revised March 2011

WB Motor Indicates the operation cycles of

the whole blood aspiration motor.
WBC Sheath Syringe Indicates the operation cycles of
the WBC Sheath Syringe.

13-28 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

RBC Sheath Syringe Indicates the operation cycles of

the RBC Sheath Syringe.
Laser Oscillation Time Indicates the laser oscillation
4. Click Reset for the Piercer or SRV.
The operation cycle count of the item for which Reset was
clicked is reset to 0.

Except for the Piercer and SRV, all other operation cycle
counts are for reference. They cannot be reset.

5. Click OK or Cancel.
OK Reset is confirmed and the Counter dialog box
is closed.
Cancel Reset is canceled and the Counter dialog box is

13.3.3. Rack Feed In

An operation test can be performed for Rack feed in. Set the
rack in place and perform the test.
1. Set the rack in place on the right rack pool.
2. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will appear.
3. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
4. Double-click the Rack feed in icon on the Maintenance
5. The Rack feed in test begins, allowing the sampler feed
operation to be checked.
While the rack is being fed in, the Testing Rack Feed In
dialog box appears.

13.3.4. Rack Move

A Rack move operation test can be performed to check rack

shift movement. Set the rack in place and perform the test.
1. Set the rack in place in the sampler analysis line.
Revised March 2011

2. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The

Controller Menu will appear.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-29

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

3. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller

The Maintenance screen will appear.
4. Double-click the Rack move icon on the Maintenance
5. The rack shift movement test begins, allowing the sampler
rack shift operation to be checked.
While the rack is being moved, the Testing Rack Move
dialog box appears.

13.3.5. Rack Feed Out

An operation test can be performed for Rack feed out. Set the
rack in place and perform the test.
1. Set the rack in place on the left rack pool.
2. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will appear.
3. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
4. Double-click the Rack feed out icon on the Maintenance
5. The Rack feed out test begins, allowing the sampler feed
operation to be checked.
While the rack is being feed out, the Testing Rack Feed
Out dialog box appears.

13.3.6. Cap piercer

An operation test can be performed for the cap piercing unit.

Execute this test when one of the following messages is
displayed and sampler analysis cannot be performed: "Tube
Inv. Position ERR," "Hand Init Position ERR," "Hand Move
Position ERR," "Hand Upper Position ERR," "Hand Lower
Position ERR," and "Tube Clamp Error." If the test is normally
completed, sampler analysis can be performed.
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will appear.
2. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
Revised March 2011

3. Double-click the Cap piercer icon on the Maintenance


13-30 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

4. Cap piercing operation begins, allowing the operation to

be checked.
During cap piercing test, the Testing Cap Piercer dialog
box appears.
13.3.7. Bar Code
A reading test can be performed for the bar codes affixed to
the test tubes on the rack, and for the bar code affixed to the
1. Insert the test tubes, with bar codes affixed, into the rack.
Place the rack in the sampler analysis line.
2. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will appear.
3. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
4. Double-click the Bar code icon on the Maintenance
The Bar code dialog box will appear.
5. Click Start to begin the reading test.
If there are results of a previous test displayed in this
dialog box, these results will be erased when the test
6. The test results will be displayed in the Bar code dialog
Tube Position Position of the test tube on the
rack. Rack No. indicates the rack
Rack/Sample No. Indicates the sample number or
rack number which was read.
Check Digit Indicates the check digit which
was read.
Type Indicates the type of bar code
which was read.
7. Click Close to close the Bar code dialog box.

13.3.8. WB Aspiration Motor

An operation test can be performed for the WB Aspiration

Motor. When a "WB Asp Motor Error" has occurred, the error
can be cleared by performing this test and thus achieving
normal results.
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will appear.
2. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
Revised March 2011

The Maintenance screen will appear.
3. Double-click the WB Aspiration Motor icon on the
Maintenance screen.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-31

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

4. The WB Aspiration Motor test begins.

During the WB aspiration motor test, the Testing WB
Aspiration Motor dialog box appears.
13.3.9. RBC Sheath Motor

An operation test can be performed for the RBC Sheath Motor.

When a "RBC Sheath Motor Error" has occurred, the error can
be cleared by performing this test and thus achieving normal
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will appear.
2. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
3. Double-click the RBC Sheath Motor icon on the
Maintenance screen.
4. The RBC Sheath Motor test begins.
During the RBC sheath motor test, the Testing RBC
Sheath Motor dialog box appears.

13.3.10. FCM Sheath Motor

An operation test can be performed for the FCM Sheath Motor.

When a "FCM Sheath Motor Error" has occurred, the error can
be cleared by performing this test and thus achieving normal
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will appear.
2. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
3. Double-click the FCM Sheath Motor icon on the
Maintenance screen.
4. The FCM sheath Motor test begins.
During the FCM sheath motor test, the Testing FCM
Sheath Motor dialog box appears.

13.3.11. Rinse Cup Motor

An operation test can be performed for the Rinse Cup Motor.

When a "Rinse Motor Error" has occurred, the error can be
cleared by performing this test and thus achieving normal
Revised March 2011

1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will appear.

13-32 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

2. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller

The Maintenance screen will appear.
3. Double-click the Rinse Cup Motor icon on the
Maintenance screen.
4. The Rinse Cup Motor test begins.
During the rinse cup motor test, the Testing Rinse Cup
Motor dialog box appears.

13.3.12. Mixing Motor

An operation test can be performed for the Mixing Motor.

When a "Mixing Motor Error" has occurred, the error can be
cleared by performing this test and thus achieving normal
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will appear.
2. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
3. Double-click the Mixing Motor icon on the Maintenance
4. The Mixing Motor test begins.
During the mixing motor test, the Testing Mixing Motor
dialog box appears.

13.3.13. SRV

An SRV operation test can be performed to test the sample

rotor valve (SRV).
1. Click the Controller button on the Menu screen. The
Controller Menu will appear.
2. Double-click the Maintenance icon on the Controller
The Maintenance screen will appear.
3. Double-click the SRV icon on the Maintenance screen.
4. The sample rotor valve (SRV) test begins.
During the sample rotor valve (SRV) test, the Testing SRV
dialog box appears.
Revised March 2011

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 13-33

CHAPTER 13 Troubleshooting

Revised March 2011

13-34 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

14. Technical Information

14.1 XT-2000i Performance and Specifications
Ambient temperature 15 °C to 30 °C (23 °C optimum)
Relative humidity 30% to 85%
Main Unit dimensions Width: 530 mm
(including Sampler) Height: 630 mm
Depth: 720 mm
Main Unit weight
approx. 59 kg
(including Sampler)
Pneumatic Unit dimensions Width: 280 mm
Height: 400 mm
Depth: 355 mm
Pneumatic Unit weight approx. 17 kg
Power supply Main Unit & Sampler Unit: 100 - 240 V ±10% (50 to 60 Hz)
Pneumatic Unit: 100 - 117 V ±10% (50 to 60 Hz)
220 - 240 V ±10% (50 to 60 Hz)
Power consumption Main Unit & Sampler Unit: 250 VA
Pneumatic Unit: 100 - 117 V 50 Hz 230 VA
60 Hz 280 VA
220 - 240 V 50 Hz 220 VA
60 Hz 250 VA
Protection Type Class I Equipment
Insulation co-ordination Over voltage Category II, Pollution Degree 2
EMC (Electro-magnetic This equipment is in conformity to the following IEC (EN) standard.
compatibility) IEC 61326-1: 97+A1: 98 (EN 61326: 97+A1) Electrical equipment for
measurement, control and laboratory use -EMC requirements-
-EMI (Emission) Class A
-EMS (Immunity test requirements) Minimum
Display range WBC 0.00 - 999.99 (× 103/µL)
RBC 0.00 - 99.99 (× 106/µL)
HGB 0.0 - 30.0 (g/dL)
HCT 0.0 - 100.0%
PLT 0 - 9999 (× 103/µL)
RET% 0.00 - 99.99%
RET# 0.0000-0.9999 (× 106/µL)
Background limits WBC 0.1 (× 103/µL)
DIFF-WBC 0.2 (× 103/µL)
RBC 0.02 (× 106/µL)
HGB 0.1 (g/dL)
PLT 10 (× 103/µL)
PLT-O 10 (× 103/µL)
Revised January 2008

Throughput CBC Approx. 80 samples/hour

CBC+DIFF Approx. 80 samples/hour
CBC+DIFF+RET Approx. 80 samples/hour
CBC+RET Approx. 80 samples/hour

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-1

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

Precision (Reproducibility) WBC 3.0% or less (4.0 × 103/µL or more)

Manual Mode and Sampler
RBC 1.5% or less (4.00 × 106/µL or more)
HGB 1.5% or less
HCT 1.5% or less
MCV 1.5% or less
MCH 1.5% or less
MCHC 2.0% or less
PLT 4.0% or less (100 × 103/µL or more)
RDW-SD 3.0% or less
RDW-CV 3.0% or less
PDW 10.0% or less
MPV 4.0% or less
P-LCR 18.0% or less
PCT 6.0% or less
NEUT% 8.0% or less
(30.0 NEUT% or more, WBC 4.0 × 103/µL or more)
LYMPH% 8.0% or less
(15.0 LYMPH% or more, WBC 4.0 × 103/µL or more)
MONO% 20.0% or less
(5.0 MONO% or more, WBC 4.0 × 103/µL or more)
EO% 25.0% or less, or within ±1.5 EO%
(WBC 4.0 × 103/µL or more)
BASO% 40.0% or less, or within ±1.0 BASO%
(WBC 4.0 × 103/µL or more)
NEUT# 8.0% or less (1.20 × 103/µL or more)
LYMPH# 8.0% or less (0.60 × 103/µL or more)
MONO# 20.0% or less (0.20 × 103/µL or more)
EO# 25.0% or less, or within ±0.12 × 103/µL)
BASO# 40.0% or less, or within ±0.06 × 103/µL)
RET# 15% or less
(RBC 3.00 × 106/µL or more, RET% 1 - 4%)
RET% 15% or less
(RBC 3.00 × 106/µL or more, RET% 1 - 4%)
LFR 30% or less
(RBC 3.00 × 106/µL or more, RET% 1 - 4%, 20 LFR%
or more)
MFR 50% or less
(RBC 3.00 × 106/µL or more, RET% 1 - 4%, 20 LFR%
or more)
HFR 100% or less, or within ±2 HFR%
(RBC 3.00 × 106/µL or more, RET% 1 - 4%)
IRF 30% or less
(RBC 3.00 × 106/µL or more, RET% 1 - 4%, 20 IRF%
or more)
Revised July 2007

PLT-O 6.0% or less (100 × 103/µL or more)

14-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

Precision (Reproducibility) WBC 9.0% or less (4.0 × 103/µL or more)

Capillary Mode
RBC 4.5% or less (4.00 × 106/µL or more)
HGB 4.5% or less
HCT 4.5% or less
MCV 4.5% or less
MCH 4.5% or less
MCHC 6.0% or less
PLT 12.0% or less (100 × 103/µL or more)
RET# 35% or less
(RBC 3.00 × 106/µL or more, RET% 1 - 4%)
RET% 35% or less
(RBC 3.00 × 106/µL or more, RET% 1 - 4%)
PLT-O 13.0% or less (100 × 103/µL or more)
Analysis Parameters see page 1-3
Blood Cell Count Accuracy in WBC Within ±3%, or within ±0.20 × 103/µL
Manual Mode and Sampler
RBC Within ±2%, or within ±0.03 × 106/µL
PLT Within ±5%, or within ±10 × 103/µL
Blood Cell Count Accuracy in WBC Within ±10%
Capillary Mode RBC Within ±8%
PLT Within ±12%
Blood Cell Type Accuracy NEUT% r=0.90 or more
(Indicated in correlation with LYMPH% r=0.90 or more
the control method when 100 MONO% r=0.75 or more
or more samples of normal EO% r=0.80 or more
blood are analyzed.) BASO% r=0.50 or more
Blood Cell Type Accuracy NEUT% Within ±3.0 NEUT%
(Mean value of the differences LYMPH% Within ±3.0 LYMPH%
from the analyses by the MONO% Within ±2.0 MONO%
standard instrument.) EO% Within ±1.0 EO%
BASO% Within ±1.0 BASO%
Reticulocyte Parameters RET# Within ±20% or ±1.5 × 104/µL
Accuracy in Manual Mode and RET% Within ±20% or ±0.3 RET%
Sampler Mode IRF Within ±30% or ±10 IRF%
LFR Within ±30% or ±10 LFR%
MFR Within ±30% or ±10 MFR%
HFR Within ±30% or ±5 HFR%
PLT-O Within ±7%
Reticulocyte Parameters RET# Within ±30% or ±2.5 × 104/µL
Accuracy in Capillary Mode RET% Within ±30% or ±0.5 RET%
PLT-O Within ±15%
Correlation with Reticulocyte RET# r = 0.90 or more
Parameters Accuracy RET% r = 0.90 or more
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-3

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

Linearity in Whole Blood WBC* Within ±3% or ±0.3 × 103/µL (0.00 - 100.00 × 103/µL)
Within ±6% (100.01 - 310.00 × 103/µL)
Within ±11% (310.01 - 440.00 × 103/µL)
RBC Within ±3% or ±0.03 × 106/µL (0.00 - 8.00 × 106/µL)
HGB Within ±2% or ±0.2 g/dL (0.0 - 25.0 g/dL)
HCT Within ±3% or ±1 HCT% (0.0 - 60.0 HCT%)
PLT* Within ±5% or ±10 × 103/µL (0 - 2000 × 103/µL)
Within ±16% (2001 - 5000 × 103/µL)
(Depending on the RBC density, the value may not be
within the range of the above-mentioned.)
RET% Within ±20% or ±0.3 RET% (0.00 - 23.00 RET%)
RET# Within ±20% or ±0.015 × 106/µL
(0.000 - 0.720 × 106/µL )
*The range above 310.00 × 103/µL of WBC and the range above
2000 × 103/µL of PLT are based on the verification with a stable
Linearity in Capillary Mode WBC Within ±5% or ±0.5 × 103/µL (0.00 - 440.00 × 103/µL)
RBC Within ±6% or ±0.06 × 106/µL (0.00 - 8.00 × 106/µL)
HGB Within ±7% or ±0.7 g/dL (0.0 - 25.0 g/dL)
HCT Within ±6% or ±2 HCT% (0.0 - 60.0 HCT%)
PLT Within ±10% or ±20 × 103/µL (0 - 5000 × 103/µL)
(Depending on the RBC density, the value may not be
within the range of the above-mentioned.)
Difference between Manual WBC Within ± 5% or ± 0.4 × 103/µL
Mode and Sampler Mode
RBC Within ± 2% or ± 0.02 × 106/µL
HGB Within ± 2% or ± 0.2 g/dL
HCT Within ± 2% or ± 0.3 HCT%
PLT Within ± 7% or ± 20 × 103/µL
NEUT% Within ± 5.0 NEUT%
LYMPH% Within ± 4.0 LYMPH%
MONO% Within ± 3.0 MONO%
EO% Within ± 2.0 EO%
BASO% Within ± 1.0 BASO%
Carry-over WBC 1.0% or less
RBC 1.0% or less
HGB 1.0% or less
HCT 1.0% or less
PLT 1.0% or less
Revised February 2008

14-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

Sample Stability with Time Samples with normal results at 36 and 48 hours after collection are
after Blood Collection shown below:
36 hours NEUT% Within ±8%
LYMPH% Within ±7%
MONO% Within ±3%
EO% Within ±3%
BASO% Within ±1%
48 hours NEUT% Within ±8%
LYMPH% Within ±7%
MONO% Within ±4%
EO% Within ±3%
BASO% Within ±1%

Samples should be stored at room temperature at 18 - 26°C or
in the refrigerator at 2 - 8°C. If stored in a refrigerator, samples
should equilibrate to room temperature before analysis.
Depending on the storage conditions or sample types, the
value may not be within ranges mentioned above.
Sample Volume Required Sampler Mode Approx. 150 µL
Closed Mode Approx. 150 µL
Manual Mode Approx. 85 µL
Capillary Mode Approx. 40 µL
(blood amount aspirated for dilution)
Data Storage Capacity Analysis data with histogram 10,000 samples
Scattergram 10,000 samples
Patient Information 5,000 persons
Order Information 1,000 samples
Quality Control File 25 files
Quality Control X Control (L-J control) 300 points × 20 files, 38 parameters
XM 300 points × 1 file, 42 parameters
Storage Condition Ambient temperature: -10°C to 60°C
(Transportation) Relative humidity: 95% or less (Non condensing/Keep dry)
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-5

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

14.2 XT-1800i Performance and Specifications

Ambient temperature 15 °C to 30 °C (23 °C optimum)
Relative humidity 30% to 85%
Main Unit dimensions Width: 530 mm
(including Sampler) Height: 630 mm
Depth: 720 mm
Main Unit weight
approx. 59 kg
(including Sampler)
Pneumatic Unit dimensions Width: 280 mm
Height: 400 mm
Depth: 355 mm
Pneumatic Unit weight approx. 17 kg
Power supply Main Unit & Sampler Unit: 100 - 240 V ±10% (50 to 60 Hz)
Pneumatic Unit: 100 - 117 V ±10% (50 to 60 Hz)
220 - 240 V ±10% (50 to 60 Hz)
Power consumption Main Unit & Sampler Unit: 250 VA
Pneumatic Unit: 100 - 117 V 50 Hz 230 VA
60 Hz 280 VA
220 - 240 V 50 Hz 220 VA
60 Hz 250 VA
Protection Type Class I Equipment
Insulation co-ordination Over voltage Category II, Pollution Degree 2
EMC (Electro-magnetic This equipment is in conformity to the following IEC (EN) standard.
compatibility) IEC 61326-1: 97+A1: 98 (EN 61326: 97+A1) Electrical equipment
for measurement, control and laboratory use -EMC requirements-
-EMI (Emission) Class A
-EMS (Immunity test requirements) Minimum
Display range WBC 0.00- 999.99 (× 103/µL)
RBC 0.00- 99.99 (× 106/µL)
HGB 0.0 - 30.0 (g/dL)
HCT 0.0 - 100.0%
PLT 0 - 9999 (× 103/µL)
Background limits WBC 0.1 (× 103/µL)
DIFF-WBC 0.2 (× 103/µL)
RBC 0.02 (× 106/µL)
HGB 0.1 (g/dL)
PLT 10 (× 103/µL)
Throughput CBC Approx. 80 samples/hour
CBC+DIFF Approx. 80 samples/hour
Revised January 2008

14-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

Precision (Reproducibility) WBC 3.0% or less (4.0 × 103/µL or more)

Manual Mode and Sampler
RBC 1.5% or less (4.00 × 106/µL or more)
HGB 1.5% or less
HCT 1.5% or less
MCV 1.5% or less
MCH 1.5% or less
MCHC 2.0% or less
PLT 4.0% or less (100 × 103/µL or more)
RDW-SD 3.0% or less
RDW-CV 3.0% or less
PDW 10.0% or less
MPV 4.0% or less
P-LCR 18.0% or less
PCT 6.0% or less
NEUT% 8.0% or less
(30.0 NEUT% or more, WBC 4.0 × 103/µL or more)
LYMPH% 8.0% or less
(15.0 LYMPH% or more, WBC 4.0 × 103/µL or more)
MONO% 20.0% or less
(5.0 MONO% or more, WBC 4.0 × 103/µL or more)
EO% 25.0% or less, or within ±1.5 EO%
(WBC 4.0 × 103/µL or more)
BASO% 40.0% or less, or within ±1.0 BASO%
(WBC 4.0 × 103/µL or more)
NEUT# 8.0% or less (1.20 × 103/µL or more)
LYMPH# 8.0% or less (0.60 × 103/µL or more)
MONO# 20.0% or less (0.20 × 103/µL or more)
EO# 25.0% or less, or within ±0.12 × 103/µL)
BASO# 40.0% or less, or within ±0.06 × 103/µL)
Precision (Reproducibility) WBC 9.0% or less (4.0 × 103/µL or more)
Capillary Mode
RBC 4.5% or less (4.00 × 106/µL or more)
HGB 4.5% or less
HCT 4.5% or less
MCV 4.5% or less
MCH 4.5% or less
MCHC 6.0% or less
PLT 12.0% or less (100 × 103/µL or more)
Analysis Parameters see page 1-3
Blood Cell Count Accuracy in WBC Within ±3%, or within ±0.20 × 103/µL
Manual Mode and Sampler
RBC Within ±2%, or within ±0.03 × 106/µL
PLT Within ±5%, or within ±10 × 103/µL
Blood Cell Count Accuracy in WBC Within ±10%
Within ±8%
Revised July 2007

Capillary Mode RBC

PLT Within ±12%

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-7

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

Blood Cell Type Accuracy NEUT% r=0.90 or more

(Indicated in correlation with LYMPH% r=0.90 or more
the control method when 100 MONO% r=0.75 or more
or more samples of normal EO% r=0.80 or more
blood are analyzed.) BASO% r=0.50 or more
Blood Cell Type Accuracy NEUT% Within ±3.0 NEUT%
(Mean value of the differences LYMPH% Within ±3.0 LYMPH%
from the analyses by the MONO% Within ±2.0 MONO%
standard instrument.) EO% Within ±1.0 EO%
BASO% Within ±1.0 BASO%
Linearity in Whole Blood WBC* Within ±3% or ±0.3 × 103/µL (0.00 - 100.00 × 103/µL)
Within ±6% (100.01 - 310.00 × 103/µL)
Within ±11% (310.01 - 440.00 × 103/µL)
RBC Within ±3% or ±0.03 × 106/µL (0.00 - 8.00 × 106/µL)
HGB Within ±2% or ±0.2 g/dL (0.0 - 25.0 g/dL)
HCT Within ±3% or ±1 HCT% (0.0 - 60.0 HCT%)
PLT* Within ±5% or ±10 × 103/µL (0 - 2000 × 103/µL)
Within ±16% (2001 - 5000 × 103/µL)
(Depending on the RBC density, the value may not be
within the range of the above-mentioned.)
*The range above 310.00 × 103/µL of WBC and the range above
2000 × 103/µL of PLT are based on the verification with a stable
Linearity in Capillary Mode WBC Within ±5% or ±0.5 × 103/µL (0.00 - 440.00 × 103/µL)
RBC Within ±6% or ±0.06 × 106/µL (0.00 - 8.00 × 106/µL)
HGB Within ±7% or ±0.7 g/dL (0.0 - 25.0 g/dL)
HCT Within ±6% or ±2 HCT% (0.0 - 60.0 HCT%)
PLT Within ±10% or ±20 × 103/µL (0 - 5000 × 103/µL)
(Depending on the RBC density, the value may not be
within the range of the above-mentioned.)
Difference between Manual WBC Within ± 5% or ± 0.4 × 103/µL
Mode and Sampler Mode
RBC Within ± 2% or ± 0.02 × 106/µL
HGB Within ± 2% or ± 0.2 g/dL
HCT Within ± 2% or ± 0.3 HCT%
PLT Within ± 7% or ± 20 × 103/µL
NEUT% Within ± 5.0 NEUT%
LYMPH% Within ± 4.0 LYMPH%
MONO% Within ± 3.0 MONO%
EO% Within ± 2.0 EO%
BASO% Within ± 1.0 BASO%
Carry-over WBC 1.0% or less
RBC 1.0% or less
Revised February 2008

HGB 1.0% or less

HCT 1.0% or less
PLT 1.0% or less

14-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

Sample Stability with Time Samples with normal results at 36 and 48 hours after collection are
after Blood Collection shown below:
36 hours NEUT% Within ±8
LYMPH% Within ±7
MONO% Within ±3
EO% Within ±3
BASO% Within ±1
48 hours NEUT% Within ±8
LYMPH% Within ±7
MONO% Within ±4
EO% Within ±3
BASO% Within ±1

Samples should be stored at room temperature at 18 - 26°C or
in the refrigerator at 2 - 8°C. If stored in a refrigerator, samples
should equilibrate to room temperature before analysis.
Depending on the storage conditions or sample types, the
value may not be within ranges mentioned above.
Sample Volume Required Sampler Mode Approx. 150 µL
Closed Mode Approx. 150 µL
Manual Mode Approx. 85 µL
Capillary Mode Approx. 40 µL
(blood amount aspirated for dilution)
Data Storage Capacity Analysis data with histogram 10,000 samples
Scattergram 10,000 samples
Patient Information 5,000 persons
Order Information 1,000 samples
Quality Control File 25 files
Quality Control X Control (L-J control) 300 points × 20 files, 28 parameters
XM 300 points × 1 file, 28 parameters
Storage Condition Ambient temperature: -10°C to 60°C
(Transportation) Relative humidity: 95% or less (Non condensing/Keep dry)
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-9

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

14.3 Possible Sample Interferences

Where the following are present, the white blood cell count may be reported falsely
- Leukocyte aggregation

Where the following are present, the white blood cell count may be reported falsely
- Platelet aggregation
- Lyse resistant erythrocytes
- Erythroblasts
- Erythrocyte aggregation (Cold agglutinin)
- Cryoprotein
- Cryoglobulin
- Fibrin
- Giant platelets (Platelets>1,000,000/µL)

Where the following are present, the red blood cell count may be reported falsely low.
- Erythrocyte aggregation (Cold agglutinin)
- Microcytosis
- Fragmented erythrocytes

Where the following are present, the red blood cell count may be reported falsely high.
- Leukocytosis (Lymphocytes>100,000/µL)
- Giant platelets (Platelets>1,000,000/µL)

Where the following are present, the blood cell count may be reported falsely high.
- Leukocytosis (Lymphocytes>100,000/µL)
- Lipemia
- Abnormal protein

Where the following are present, the hematocrit value may be reported falsely low.
- Erythrocyte aggregation (Cold agglutinin)
- Microcytosis
- Fragmented erythrocytes

Where the following are present, the hematocrit value may be reported falsely high.
- Leukocytosis (Lymphocytes>100,000/µL)
- Severe diabetes
- Uremia
- Spherocytosis

Where the following are present, the platelet count may be reported falsely low.
Revised August 2008

- Platelet aggregation
- Pseudothrombocytopenia
- Giant platelets

14-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

Where the following are present the platelet count may be reported falsely high.
- Microcytosis
- Fragmented erythrocytes
- Fragmented leukocytes
- Cryoprotein
- Cryoglobulin

Where the following are present, the reticulocyte count may be reported falsely high.
- Erythrocyte aggregation (Cold agglutinin)
- Giant platelets
- Platelet aggregation
- Fragmented leukocytes
- Malaria
- Howell-Jolly body

14.4 Interface protocol

Data output can be made in different formats via the serial
interface. For further information please contact the Sysmex
service representative.

14.5 Program Version

To check the current program version, proceed as follows:
Select "Help" from the menu bar and choose "About XT-2000i"
(XT-2000i) or "About XT-1800i"(XT-1800i) from the pull down
Revised August 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-11

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

14.6 Functional Description

14.6.1. Detection Principle

This instrument performs hematology analyses according to

the Hydro Dynamic Focusing (DC Detection), flow cytometry
method (using a semiconductor laser), and SLS-hemoglobin

1. Hydro Dynamic Focusing (DC Detection)

Inside the detector, the sample nozzle is positioned in front of

Front sheath Recovery tube
reagent the aperture and in line with the center. After diluted sample is
forced from the sample nozzle into the conical chamber, it is
surrounded by front sheath reagent and passes through the
aperture center.
After passing through the aperture, the diluted sample is sent
to the catcher tube. This prevents the blood cells in this area
from drifting back, and prevents the generation of false platelet
Sample nozzle Aperture The Hydro Dynamic Focusing method improves blood count
accuracy and reproducibility. And because the blood cells
pass through the aperture in a line, it also prevents the
generation of abnormal blood cell pulses.

2. Flow Cytometry Method Using Semiconductor Laser

Cytometry is used to analyze physiological and chemical

characteristics of cells and other biological particles. Flow
Blood cell cytometry is used to analyze those cells and particles as they
are passed through extremely small flows.

Flow cell Sample

A blood sample is aspirated and measured, diluted to the
specified ratio, and stained. The sample is then fed into the
flow cell.
This Hydro Dynamic Focusing mechanism improves cell count
accuracy and reproducibility. And since the blood cell particles
pass in a line through the center of the flow cell, the generation
of abnormal blood pulses is prevented and flow cell
contamination is reduced.
A semiconductor laser beam is emitted to the blood cells
passing through the flow cell. The forward scattered light and
Revised July 2007

lateral scattered light are received by the photodiode, and the

lateral fluorescent light is received by the photomultiplier tube.
This light is converted into electrical pulses, thus making it
possible to obtain blood cell information.

14-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

Lateral Fluorescent Light System


Spectral filter

Dichroic mirror

Lateral Scattered Light System

Condenser lens Photodiode

Laser diode Beam stopper

Pin hole
Flow cell

Colimeter Condenser Condenser Photodiode

lens lens lens
Forward Scattered
Beam Spot Generator Sheath Flow System Light System

(1) Forward Scattered Light and Lateral Scattered Light

When obstacles such as particles exist in the way of light, the

light beam scatters from each obstacle in various directions.
This phenomenon is called light scattering. By detecting the
scattered light, it is possible to obtain information on cell size
and material properties.
Likewise, when a laser beam is emitted to blood cell particles,
light scattering occurs. The intensity of the scattered light
depends on factors such as the particle diameter and viewing
angle. This instrument detects forward scattered light, which
provides information on blood cell size; and lateral scattered
light, which provides information on the cell interior (such as
the size of the nucleus).

(2) Lateral Fluorescent Light

When light is emitted to fluorescent material, such as stained

blood cells, light of longer wavelength than the original light is
produced. The intensity of the fluorescent light increases as
the concentration of the stain becomes higher. By measuring
the intensity of the fluorescence emitted, you can obtain
information on the degree of blood cell staining. Fluorescent
light is emitted in all directions; the XT-2000i/XT-1800i detects
the fluorescent light that is emitted sideways.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-13

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

3. SLS-Hemoglobin Method

In the past, the mainstream methods for automatically

measuring hemoglobin were the cyanmethemoglobin method
and oxyhemoglobin method. But these methods has both
advantages and disadvantages when they are used with a
large, fully automatic instrument such as the XT-2000i/XT-
The cyanmethemoglobin method was recommended by the
International Council for Standardization in Hematology
(ICSH) in 1966 as an international standard method. But since
its hemoglobin conversion speed is slow and multiple-sample
processing is an assumed requirement, this method is not
really appropriate for automatic measuring. Moreover, since it
uses cyanide compounds, which are poisonous as reagents,
the liquid waste must be treated, making the method
undesirable from an environmental perspective.
Currently, this is not an appropriate analysis method,
particularly as a large fully automatic instrument that
discharges large amounts of liquid waste.

In contrast, the hemoglobin conversion speed of the

oxyhemoglobin method is fast, as blood hemoglobin is
instantly converted into oxyhemoglobin. And since it does not
use poisonous substances such as cyanide, it is a suitable
method for performing automatic analyses. It cannot, however,
convert methemoglobin into oxyhemoglobin, which is not a
problem for normal human blood, but will result in values that
are lower than the true values for samples that contain large
amounts of methemoglobin, such as control blood samples.

The SLS-hemoglobin method is an analysis method that

makes use of the advantages of the two aforementioned
As with the oxyhemoglobin method, the hemoglobin
conversion speed of the SLS-hemoglobin method is fast and
the method does not use poisonous substances, making it a
suitable method for automation.
And since it can be used to measure methemoglobin, it can
also accurately measure blood containing methemoglobin,
such as control blood.
Revised July 2007

14-14 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

14.6.2. Hydraulic System Block Diagram


CELLPACK Optical detector block

40 µL


dye solution*
20 µL
STROMATOLYSER-4DL 20 µL Reaction chamber (1:52)
1.0 mL

RET SEARCH (II) diluent* 4.0 µL Reaction chamber (1:255)*

1.0 mL
STROMATOLYSER-FB 20 µL Reaction chamber (1:50)
1.0 mL

sheath injector
Sampler 150 µL
Whole blood
Manual 85 µL
aspiration pump
*: XT-2000i only


0.5 mL HGB Flow Cel (1:375)

SULFOLYSER Wavelength 555 mm

RBC detector 11.7 µL analysis

1 mL SRV
Hydro Dynamic Focusing (DC Detection)
2 mL
4.0 µL RBC sample chamber (1:500)


Sheath injector
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-15

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

14.6.3. RBC/PLT and HGB Analysis

1. RBC/PLT Analysis Procedure

During RBC and PLT analyses, the red blood cells and
platelets in the blood are analyzed. The procedure for
analyzing RBC/PLT is explained here.

RBC/PLT analysis reagent 1


Sample rotor valve

RBC/PLT detector

Sample tube RBC sample chamber

(blood: 4.0 µL)

1. Blood is aspirated from the manual aspiration pipette to

the sample rotor valve.
2. 4.0 µL of blood, measured by the sample rotor valve, is
diluted to a ratio of 1:500 with 1.996 mL of CELLPACK,
and then sent to the RBC sample chamber as the diluted
3. The sheath injector piston sends 11.7 µL of diluted sample
slowly to the RBC/PLT detector.
4. The RBC detector counts the RBC and PLT via the Hydro
Dynamic Focusing (DC Detection). At the same time, the
hematocrit (HCT) is calculated via the RBC pulse height
detection method.
Revised July 2007

14-16 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

2. HGB Analysis Procedure

During an HGB analysis, the amount of hemoglobin in the

blood is measured. The procedure for analyzing HGB is
explained here.

HGB analysis reagent 1 HGB analysis reagent 2


Sample rotor valve

Flow cell


Sample tube diode (LED)
(blood: 4.0 µL) HGB analyzer

1. Blood is aspirated from the manual aspiration pipette to

the sample rotor valve.
2. 4.0 µL of blood, measured by the sample rotor valve, is
diluted to a ratio of 1:250 with 0.996 mL of CELLPACK and
then sent to the flow cell. At the same time,
0.5 mL of SULFOLYSER is added to hemolyze the red
blood cells to make 1:375 diluted sample, and the
hemoglobin is converted into SLS-hemoglobin.
3. Light (of wavelength 555 nm) emitted from the light-
emitting diode passes through the lens and into the
sample in the Hgb cell. The concentration of SLS-
hemoglobin is measured as light absorbance, and is
calculated by comparison with the absorbance of the
diluent measured before the sample was added.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-17

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

3. Calculation of RBC Constants

The red blood cell constants (mean cell volume, mean cell
hemoglobin, and mean cell hemoglobin concentration) are
calculated from the RBC, HGB, and HCT.

1. Mean cell volume (MCV)

The MCV is calculated from the RBC and HCT, using the
following equation:

HCT (%)
MCV (fL) = ×10
RBC (×106/µL)

2. Mean cell hemoglobin (MCH)

The MCH is calculated from the RBC and HGB, using the
following equation:

HGB (g/dL)
MCH (pg) = ×10
RBC (×106/µL)

3. Mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)

The MCHC is calculated from the HCT and HGB, using the
following equation:

HGB (g/dL)
MCHC (g/dL) = ×100
HCT (%)

Revised July 2007

14-18 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

14.6.4. WBC Classification

White blood cells (leukocytes) can be broadly classified as

either lymphocytes, monocytes, or granulocytes. Granulocytes
can be further classified as either neutrophils, basophils, or
eosinophils, depending on the dye-affinity of the granules. The
applicable analysis procedure is explained here.

1. 4DIFF Analysis Procedure

A 4DIFF analysis is used to identify and analyze the following

white cell groups: lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils,
neutrophils, and basophils. The 4DIFF analysis procedure is
explained here.

0.980 mL 40 µL CELLPACK

Sample rotor valve

Optical detector

Sample tube Reaction chamber

(blood: 20 µL)

1. Blood is aspirated from the manual aspiration pipette to

the sample rotor valve.
2. 20 µL of blood, measured by the sample rotor valve, is
diluted with 0.980 mL of STROMATOLYSER-4DL, and
then sent to the reaction chamber as the diluted sample.
At the same time, 40 µL of STROMATOLYSER-4DS is
added to dilute the sample to a ratio of 1:52. After reacting
for about 22 seconds in this condition, the red blood cells
are hemolyzed and the white blood cells are stained.
Revised July 2007

3. The sheath injector piston sends 40 µL of diluted sample

to the optical detector block.
4. In the optical detector block, the sample is analyzed via
flow cytometry method utilizing a semiconductor laser.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-19

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

2. WBC/BASO Analysis Procedure

A WBC/BASO analysis is used to measure the number of

white blood cells in the blood, as well as the number of
basophils in the white cells. The WBC/BASO analysis
procedure is explained here.


Sample rotor valve

Optical detector

Sample tube Reaction chamber

(blood: 20 µL)

1. Blood is aspirated from the manual aspiration pipette to

the sample rotor valve.
2. 20 µL of blood, measured by the sample rotor valve, is
diluted with 0.980 mL of STROMATOLYSER-FB to a ratio
of 1:50, and then sent to the reaction chamber as the
diluted sample.
After reacting for about 14 seconds in this condition, the
red blood cells are hemolyzed.
3. The sheath injector piston sends 40 µL of diluted sample
to the optical detector block.
4. In the optical detector block, the sample is analyzed via
flow cytometry method utilizing a semiconductor laser.
Revised July 2007

14-20 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

14.6.5. WBC Analysis

1. 4DIFF and WBC/BASO Scattergrams

Forward scattered light, lateral scattered light, and lateral

fluorescent light are detected via flow cytometry method
utilizing a semiconductor laser, and two-dimensional
scattergrams are drawn.
In a 4DIFF scattergram, the x-axis represents the intensity of
the lateral scattered light, and the y-axis the intensity of the
lateral fluorescent light.
In a WBC/BASO scattergram, the x-axis represents the
intensity of the lateral scattered light, and the y-axis the
intensity of the forward scattered light.
A 4DIFF analysis scattergram displays the classified groups of
red blood cell ghosts, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils,
neutrophils, and basophils.
A WBC/BASO analysis scattergram displays the classified
groups of red blood cell ghosts, white blood cell basophils, and
other white blood cells (lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils,
and eosinophils).


Lymphocytes + Monocytes +
Neutrophils + Eosinophils
Lymphocytes Monocytes

Neutrophils + Basophils

RBC Eosinophils
ghosts RBC ghosts
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-21

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

14.6.6. RET Analysis (XT-2000i Only)

1. RET Analysis Procedure

A RET analysis is used to classify and analyze groups of

reticulocytes and platelets in the blood. The RET analysis
procedure is explained here.

RET SEARCH (II) diluent: RET SEARCH (II) dye

0.996 mL solution: 20 µL CELLPACK

Sample rotor valve

Optical detector

Sample tube Reaction chamber

(blood: 4.0 µL)

1. Blood is aspirated from the manual aspiration pipette to

the sample rotor valve.
2. 4.0 µL of blood, measured by the sample rotor valve, is
diluted with 0.996 mL of RET SEARCH (II) diluent, and
then sent to the reaction chamber as the diluted sample.
At the same time, 20 µL of RET SEARCH (II) dye solution
is added to dilute the sample to a ratio of 1:255. After
reacting for about 31 seconds in this condition, the diluted
sample is stained, becoming the analysis sample.
3. The sheath injector piston sends 2.8 µL of the stained
diluted sample to the optical detector block.
4. In the optical detector block, the sample is analyzed via
Revised February 2008

flow cytometry method utilizing a semiconductor laser.

14-22 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

14.6.7. RET Scattergram (XT-2000i Only)

RET Through flow cytometry method utilizing a semiconductor

laser, a two-dimensional distribution of the forward scattered
Mature red blood cells
light and lateral fluorescent light is drawn as a scattergram.
In the scattergram, the x-axis represents the intensity of the
lateral fluorescent light, and the y-axis the intensity of the
forward scattered light.

Reticulocytes An analysis scattergram discriminates the mature red blood

cells, reticulocytes, and platelets; and calculates the
Platelets reticulocyte ratio, reticulocyte count, red blood cell count, and
platelet count.

RET Here, the scattergram is divided into three RET zones based
LFR MFR HFR on the intensity of the fluorescent light, and the ratio of the
reticulocytes in each zone to the total number of reticulocytes
is calculated.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-23

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

Analysis Parameters

Reticulocyte Ratio:
Particle count in reticulocyte zone
RET% = × 100
Particle count in mature RBC zone + Particle count in reticulocyte zone

Reticulocyte Count:
RET# =

Low Fluorescence Ratio:

LFR = 100 – HFR – MFR

Middle Fluorescence Ratio:

Particle count in MFR zone
MFR = × 100
Particle count in reticulocyte zone

High Fluorescence Ratio:

Particle count in HFR zone
HFR = × 100
Particle count in reticulocyte zone

Immature Reticulocyte Fraction:

LFR: Low Fluorescence Ratio
MFR: Middle Fluorescence Ratio
HFR: High Fluorescence Ratio
IRF: Immature Reticulocyte Fraction

Revised July 2007

14-24 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

14.6.8. RBC/PLT Particle Size Distribution Analysis

1. RBC Particle Size Distribution

The RBC (red blood count) is a particle count found between

two discriminators, a lower discriminator (LD) and upper
discriminator (UD), which are automatically set up between
25 - 75 fL and 200 - 250 fL, respectively.
Particle size distributions are checked for abnormalities,
including abnormal relative frequencies at the different
discriminator levels, existence of two or more peaks, and
abnormal distribution widths.
The XT-2000i/XT-1800i expresses the RBC distribution width
(RDW) according to the two methods shown below.


With the peak height assumed to be 100%, the distribution

100% width at the 20% frequency level is RDW-SD. Units are
expressed in fL (femtoliters), with 1 fL equal to 10-15L.




68.26% of total distribution area With points L1 and L2 found at a frequency of 68.26% of the
total distribution area, RDW-CV is calculated from the
following equation:

L2 - L1
RDW-CV (%) = x 100
L2 + L1
(L1) (L2)
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-25

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

2. PLT Particle Size Distribution

Platelet particle size distributions are analyzed using three

discriminators: a lower discriminator (LD) and upper
discriminator (UD), which are automatically set up between
2 - 6 fL and 12 - 30 fL, respectively; and a fixed discriminator,
which is set at 12 fL.
PLT particle size distributions are checked for abnormalities,
including abnormal relative frequencies at the lower
discriminator, abnormal distribution widths, and the existence
of more than one peak.

1. PDW (PLT Distribution Width)

With the peak height assumed to be 100%, the distribution

width at the 20% frequency level is PDW. Units are expressed
in fL (femtoliters), with 1 fL equal to 10-15L.

2. P-LCR (Platelet Large Cell Ratio)

The P-LCR is the ratio of large platelets from the 12 fL

100% P-LCR discriminator or larger. It is calculated as a ratio comparing the
number of particles between the fixed discriminator and UD, to
the number of particles between LD and UD.


(LD) (12 fL) (UD)


3. MPV (Mean Platelet Volume)

The MPV is calculated from the following equation:

PCT (%)
MPV (fL) = × 10000
PLT (×103/µL)

PCT: PCT is called the platelet hematocrit or platelet

volume ratio, and is weighted toward the PLT
Revised July 2007

14-26 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

3. Particle Size Distribution Expression

The impression one receives of a particle size distribution can

vary greatly, depending on the way in which it is expressed.
The width of a particle size distribution requires particular
attention, because it can appear completely different,
depending on the expression used for the distribution.
The XT-2000i/XT-1800i utilizes a conventional particle size
distribution expression (normal expression) and a particle size
distribution expression method that enables the user to obtain
a large amount of information from the particle size distribution
intuitively (normal cell size range expression).

1. Normal Expression

With the peak of the particle size distribution set as "full scale"
(maximum height when the particle size distribution is
displayed), this method of expression normalizes and
expresses the distribution.

• Features: Patterns of particle size

distributions whose counts are
different can be viewed on the
same scale.
Widths of particle size distributions
can be compared intuitively.

• Displays Supported: RBC and PLT particle size


Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-27

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

2. Normal Cell Size Range Expression

With the peak of the cell size range found experimentally set
as full scale rather than the peak of the particle size
distribution set as full scale (maximum height when the particle
size distribution is displayed), this method of expression
normalizes and expresses the distribution. At the same time, it
repeatedly expresses the normal range of the distribution.
If, however, the peak of the particle size distribution is higher
than the peak of the normal cell size range, the expression is
made with the distribution peak set as full scale. In this case,
the normal cell size range is proportionally smaller than the
height of the particle size distribution peak.
A normal cell size range can be obtained by superposing the
particle size distributions of a large number of ordinary people
and then utilizing the region from the 10th percentile to the
90th percentile.

• Features: The viewer can intuitively see the

size of the particle count from the
particle size distribution.
If the particle size distribution
strays from the normal range, the
viewer knows instantly that the
particle size distribution pattern is

• Displays Supported: RBC and PLT particle size

distributions if settings are preset
to normal range


Revised July 2007

14-28 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

14.6.9. Main Unit Electrical System

The microprocessor in the Main Unit controls solenoid valves

and master valves in the hydraulic system, thus, it controls the
flow of the sample, reagents, and waste fluid in the hydraulic
The electrical signals received from each detector are
processed (waveform processing) at the analog unit converted
from analog signals to digital signals, and sent to the
microcomputer unit. The data is then sent from the
microcomputer unit to the IPU where the data is processed.

RBC and PLT cell signals are sent to the applicable waveform
processing circuits of the analog unit, where noise is
eliminated and the required blood cell signals are picked up.
The digital unit converts the analog-to-digital-converted cell
signals into particle size distribution data and sends the data to
the microcomputer unit.

HGB is calculated by subtracting the light absorbance of the

diluent (background count) from the light absorbance of the
sample. As for this light absorbance, light that is passed
through the liquid is received by the photodiode, where it is
photoelectrically converted. It is then converted from analog
to digital signals, and sent to the microcomputer unit.

The blood cell signals from the optical detector block (which
analyzes 4DIFF, WBC/BASO, and RET (XT-2000i only)) can
be obtained by the process mentioned below.
Signals from the forward scattered light, lateral scattered light,
and lateral fluorescent light are sent to the applicable
waveform processing circuits of the analog unit, where noise is
eliminated and the required blood cell signals are picked up.
The digital unit converts the analog-to-digital-converted cell
signals into scattergram data and sends the data to the
microcomputer unit.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 14-29

Main Unit IPU
Detector Block Analog circuit Digital circuit Micro Computer Unit

SFL SFL Amplifier SFL

Detection A/D Conversion
Keyboard Interface
FCM SSC SSC FCM (Hand Held Bar Code Reader: Option)
SSC Amplifier Wave
Detector Block Detection A/D Conversion
Processing Serial Interface
FSC FSC Control (Host Computer)
FSC Amplifier
CHAPTER 14 Technical Information

Detection A/D Conversion Processor Peripheral LAN Interface

Interface Data Processing Serical Interface
Memory (Serial Printer)

RBC Amplifier RBC
Wave Processing A/D Conversion (Data Printer)
RBC, PLT RBC, PLT RBC (Graphic Printer)
Detector Block Detection Processing
14.6.10. Electrical System Block Diagram

PLT Amplifier PLT

Wave Processing A/D Conversion
HGB HGB Amplifier HGB HGB Counter
Detector Block Conversion

CP Unit

ID Unit I/O Interface


Temperature Control

Pressure Detection

Sensor Input
Power Supply
Motor Drive
Driver Interface

Regulator Solenoid Valve Drive

Sampler Machanism

Sampler Unit

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

Revised July 2007
CHAPTER 15 Installation

15. Installation
15.1 Unpacking Checklist
Main Unit
Part number Description
XT-2000i XT-1800i
013-2551-2 Main Unit Complete XT (XT-2000i only) 1 -
013-2552-6 Main Unit Complete XT (XT-1800i only) - 1

AA861706 CDR_ASSY No. 114 1 -

BL402334 CDR_ASSY No. 115 - 1

Reagent Supply Unit No. 2 (XT-2000i

013-2961-1 1 -

Reagent Supply Unit No. 2 (XT-1800i

013-2962-5 - 1

971-0581-8 Piercer Set No. 1 (C1/STANDARD) 1 1

343-2462-5 O-Ring No. 12 2 2

346-6568-9 Seal No. 18 1 1

421-1694-0 Bubble Sensor No. 4 1 1

368-2451-1 Rubber Packing No. 91 1 1

346-6564-4 Seal No. 14 1 1

367-1058-4 Tray No. 27 1 1

Revised January 2012

AL924697 Tray No. 132 1 1

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 15-1

CHAPTER 15 Installation

Part number Description
XT-2000i XT-1800i

AV557468 Photo-Interrupter KI3052-AA02LF 1 1

263-3081-5 Switch D3M-01K2-3 1 1

266-7766-3 Fuse 250V 6.3A 50T063H (250V 6.3A) 2 2

462-3520-5 Transducer Brush 1 1

462-2381-8 Screwdriver Phillips No. 1300#2 1 1

424-3705-2 Bottle Stand No. 17 1 1

462-3122-1 Cubitainer Cap Opener No. 2 1 1

Tube Polyurethane 1.8 mm × 3.4 mm

442-5055-4 1 1

Tube Polyurethane 4 mmID × 6 mmOD

442-5338-7 1 1

Tube Polyurethane 6 mmID × 9 mmOD

442-5340-5 1 1
10 m

Tube Pharmed 1/32 in × 5/32 in

442-6483-4 1 1
200 mm

Tube Silicone 1.5 mmID × 6 mmOD

442-5292-3 1 1
300 mm

266-4461-8 Tie Wrap CV-100 10 10

Revised March 2011


023-0941-5 1 -

15-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 15 Installation

Pneumatic Unit (XT-2000i/XT-1800i)

Part number Description
100 - 117V 220 - 240V
013-3005-7 PU-17 Complete Assembly (100 - 117V) 1 -
013-3006-1 PU-17 Complete Assembly (220 - 240V) - 1
265-4731-5 Cord Set 4622-007-0092 - 1
923-8092-8 Cord Set No.15 1 -
266-5011-3 Fuse 250V 4A ST4-4A-N1 2 -
266-5293-0 Fuse 250V 3.15A No. 19195 - 2
Sampler Unit (XT-2000i/XT-1800i)
Part number Description Quantity
013-3054-0 OPSU-10 Main Unit Complete Assembly 1
322-3918-3 OPSU-10 Cover-B 1
073-2754-7 Sample Rack (White) 1
363-2938-3 Fixing Metal No. 322 1
367-1064-7 Tray No. 33 1
321-3107-1 Connecting Rod No. 8 2
348-3927-1 Screw Binding M4 × 8 (SUS) 2
348-5018-6 Screw Hex-socket Bolt M4 × 8 (SUS) 2
348-3612-0 Screw Flat M3 × 6 (SUS) 2
Revised May 2011

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 15-3

CHAPTER 15 Installation

Supply Parts (XT-2000i/XT-1800i)

Quantity Quantity
Part number Description
(EU) (AP)

AT833123 XT-2000i/XT-1800i IFU 1 1

265-4731-5 Cord Set 4622-007-0092 1 1

923-8092-8 Cord Set No.15 - 1


003-1806-1 CDR-Sybase Assembly - 1 0

Upgrade Software Kit (Optional)

Part number Description
XT-2000i XT-1800i
283-1680-8 XT-2000i PIM Software CD-ROM Package 1 -
023-0542-7 XT-1800i PIM Software CD-ROM Package - 1
461-9693-7 XT-PIM License Agreement 1 1
TCM (Optional)
Part number Description
XT-2000i XT-1800i
461-9712-1 XT-2000i TCM License Agreement 1 -
023-1492-1 CDR 6XT21 Assembly 1 -
461-9714-8 XT-1800i TCM License Agreement - 1
023-1502-1 CDR 7XT21 Assembly - 1
MCP Unit (Optional)
Part number Description Quantity
023-0561-8 XT-MCP Complete Assembly 1
367-1064-7 Tray No. 33 1
321-3108-5 Connecting Rod No. 9 2

Packing may vary by country and slight variation from
unpacking checklist. Contact your Sysmex representative
for your specific list.
Revised May 2011

15-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 15 Installation

15.2 Check Before Installation

The XT-2000i/XT-1800i and associated equipment is installed
by your Sysmex service representative. In case relocation
becomes necessary after installation, contact your Sysmex
service representative. Problems resulting from the relocation
of the XT-2000i/XT-1800i by anyone other than a Sysmex
service representative are not covered by Warranty even
within the warranty period.

15.3 Grounding
The instrument power supply cord uses a 3-prong plug. When
the power supply socket is provided with grounding, simply
plug it to the socket.

Be sure to ground this instrument. Improper grounding
may cause electrical shock.

Six power outlets from two different sources are required
for the Main Unit, Pneumatic Unit, IPU, and printers (3
units maximum).

15.4 Installation Environment

• Operate the XT-2000i/XT-1800i within an ambient
temperature range of 15°C - 30°C (optimum temperature:
• Relative humidity should be within the range of 30% - 85%.
• If ambient temperature and relative humidity are not within
the suggested range, air-condition the environment.
• Avoid places of extremely high or low temperatures.
• Avoid a place that is exposed to direct sunlight.
• Select a well-ventilated place.
• Avoid a place close to a wireless telegraph or
communication facility where high frequency waves are
generated or radio interference can occur.
Revised January 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 15-5

CHAPTER 15 Installation

15.5 Installation Space

To secure the space required for maintenance, install the IPU
on the right side of the XT-2000i/XT-1800i.
Provide a distance of at least 50 cm behind the instrument.
Width Depth Height
Component Weight (kg)
(mm) (mm) (mm)
XT-1800i 530 500 630 Approx. 52
Main Unit
Sampler 520 220 110 (200*) Approx. 7
Pneumatic unit 280 355 400 Approx. 17
* : The height includes the tube detection sensor.

220 500



With Sampler
158 500


Revised July 2007

With MCP

15-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 15 Installation

15.6 Connect Air and Reagent Tubes

15.6.1. Connecting the Reagents Supply Unit
1. Insert the cubitainer spout kit and cap of the Reagents
Supply Unit to each reagent container, and tighten the

• Be careful not to touch, or allow dirt to adhere to any
tube that will enter a reagent. If such contaminant is
adhering, wash it off with reagent and then attach the
• Do not spill reagent. If reagent does spill, wipe off
immediately with a wet cloth. The floor may be faded.
• Use reagent within 30 days.

Keep the cap provided on the reagent container. The cap
is needed to seal the empty container when the container
is discarded.

2. Install the Reagents Supply Unit to the rear face of the

Main Unit. (Connect fluid connectors.)
Then, loosen the screws fixing the Main Unit, and install
the Reagents Supply Unit to the Main Unit.

Reagent supply unit

• If a reagent contacts to your skin, rinse the reagent off
with water immediately.
• If a reagent gets in your eyes, rinse well with a large
amount of water; then promptly see a doctor.
• Do not spill reagent onto the instrument. If reagent does
spill, wipe off immediately with a wet cloth. The floor may
be faded.
• After unpacking, be sure not to allow dust or dirt to
contact with the reagent. Otherwise, correct analysis
results may not be obtained.
• Use reagent within 30 days.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 15-7

CHAPTER 15 Installation

Once the tube is connected, do not pull on it with
unreasonable force when replacing the reagent or at other

15.6.2. Connecting the CELLPACK

1. Connect the EPK inlet nipple on the rear side of the unit
and the nipple of the cubitainer spout kit with the tube
polyurethane 4 mmID × 6 mmOD.
2. Set the cubitainer spout kit to the CELLPACK container.


15.6.3. Connecting the Waste Line

Connect the end of the tube (6 mm ID x 9 mm OD) to the drain

outlet nipple on the rear face of the Main Unit. Then connect
the other end of the tube to the waste tank in the laboratory.
If the waste tank is not available, connect it to a waste
Cut off the tube (6 mm ID x 9 mm OD) to an appropriate length
(10 m or less) for connecting. Revised February 2008


15-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 15 Installation

15.6.4. Connecting the STROMATOLYSER-4D (FFS) and RET SEARCH (II) dye solution (XT-2000i



• Before operating with the front cover open, be sure to set
the stop bar. Otherwise, the cover can fall and cause an
• When replacing STROMATOLYSER-4DS and RET
SEARCH (II) dye solution (XT-2000i only), always wear
gloves. If dye solution comes in touch with your skin, it
will stain your skin blue or yellow respectively, and the
stain will be hard to remove. Should it adhere to your
skin, immediately wash your skin with disinfectant, then
with soapy water.

• If a reagent contacts to your skin, rinse the reagent off
with water immediately.
• If a reagent gets in your eyes, rinse well with a large
amount of water; then promptly see a doctor.
• After unpacking, be sure not to allow dust or dirt to
contact with the reagent. Otherwise, correct analysis
results may not be obtained.
• Replace RET SEARCH (II) diluent and dye solution at
the same time. Otherwise, correct analysis results may
not be obtained. (XT-2000i only)
solution (XT-2000i only) does spill onto the unit, wipe it
off with a alcohol cloth to prevent color fading.

1. Take the tubing from the Main Unit, and set it into each
solution (XT-2000i only). Then set it to the fixture.


(Dye solution)
Revised February 2008

The above figure shows the XT-
2000i. The RET SEARCH (II)
dye solution is not used in the

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 15-9

CHAPTER 15 Installation

15.6.5. Connect Air Tube

1. Using the tube (4 mm ID x 6 mm OD), connect the
pressure supply nipple on the rear panel of the Main Unit
and the pressure outlet nipple on the rear panel of the
Pneumatic Unit.
2. Using the tube (4 mm ID x 6 mm OD), connect the vacuum
supply nipple on the rear panel of the Main Unit and the
vacuum outlet nipple on the rear panel of the Pneumatic
XT-2000i/XT-1800i Main Unit
Urethane tube
(4 mm ID x 6 mm OD)

Pneumatic Unit

15.7 Connect Connection Cord and Power Cord

15.7.1. Connection Cord
1. Connect the Main Unit and the IPU using the NTP (Non-
shielded Twisted-Pair cable).
2. Connect the Main Unit and the Pneumatic Unit using
connection cord No. 33.
3. Bind the tube and the connection cord No. 33 using the

15.7.2. Power Cord

1. Using the power cord, connect the Main Unit to the AC
2. Using the power cord, connect the Pneumatic Unit to the
AC Outlet.

15.7.3. IPU
Revised July 2007

1. Using the two cords provided, connect the IPU and the
2. Using the power cord provided, connect the IPU to the AC

15-10 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 15 Installation

XT-2000i/XT-1800i Main Unit


Connection Cord No. 33

Pneumatic Unit

Connect to
Power cord NTP
Connect to AC Outlet
Connect to
AC Outlet AC Outlet
Power cord
Power cord

15.8 Hand-held Bar Code Reader (Optional)

Use of a hand-held bar code reader requires the following as
shown in the hand-held bar code reader manual.

1. Connect the reader to the keyboard wedge.

2. Enter STX(02H) in the preamble column (header
character) and ETX(03H) in the postamble column
(terminal character) respectively.
3. Character-to-character delay time and Code-to-code delay
time should be set to zero.

If above settings are not done correctly, the hand-held bar
code reader will not function correctly.

Revised February 2008

Do not suffix or prefix any other characters than STX and

ETX. Doing so may cause accidental appearance of
unexpected letter strings and sudden closure of the dialog
box you are working with. Make sure that other software
applications are closed, when working with this software.

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 15-11

CHAPTER 15 Installation

15.9 Turn Power ON

To implement initial startup, service sequence has to be run.
This operation is conducted by your Sysmex Service

Revised July 2007

15-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

16. Appendix
16.1 IP Message
The IPU, displays and prints hematology information in a
format designed to aid in the separation of POSITIVE and
NEGATIVE data results. All analyzed samples without
analysis errors can be separated into a POSITIVE or
NEGATIVE category according to preset criteria.
The system bases its judgments on comprehensive surveys of
numerical data, particle size distributions, scattergrams, and
provides easy-to-understand flags/messages indicating the
instrument’s findings. These flags/messages are referred to
as "IP (Interpretive Program) messages."
XT-2000i - [Data Browser] XT-1800i - [Data Browser]
File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help File Edit View Record Action Report Setting Window Help

Help Manual Sampler save

save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending Help Manual Sampler save
save menu QC work list explorer browser Auto
Auto Manual
Manual delete Upper Lower last20 validate pending

Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05 Positive Sample No. 311-9060104 Birth Ward Date 2001/10/05
Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21 Pat. ID Sex Male Dr. Time 17:21
Name Comment Name Comment
Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R) Main Graph WBC RBC Cumulative Q-Flags Service Research(W) Research(R)
Principal Items WBC Differential Principal Items WBC Differential
Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL Item Data Unit LL UL
WBC 37.06 * 10^3/µL NEUT# 30.16 * 10^3/µL WBC 37.06 * 10^3/µL NEUT# 30.16 * 10^3/µL
RBC 5.04 10^6/µL LYMPH# 4.10 * 10^3/µL RBC 5.04 10^6/µL LYMPH# 4.10 * 10^3/µL
HGB 14.8 g/dL MONO# 2.10 * 10^3/µL HGB 14.8 g/dL MONO# 2.10 * 10^3/µL
HCT 45.2 % EO# 0.57 * 10^3/µL HCT 45.2 % EO# 0.57 * 10^3/µL
MCV 89.7 fL BASO# 0.13 * 10^3/µL MCV 89.7 fL BASO# 0.13 * 10^3/µL
MCH 29.4 pg MCH 29.4 pg
MCHC 32.7 g/dL Item Data Unit MCHC 32.7 g/dL Item Data Unit
PLT 223 * 10^3/µL NEUT% 81.3 * % PLT 223 * 10^3/µL NEUT% 81.3 * %
RDW-SD 45.9 fL LYMPH% 11.1 * % RDW-SD 45.9 fL LYMPH% 11.1 * %
RDW-CV 14.1 % MONO% 5.7 * % RDW-CV 14.1 % MONO% 5.7 * %
PDW 9.2 fL EO% 1.5 * % PDW 9.2 fL EO% 1.5 * %
MPV 9.0 * fL BASO% 0.4 * % MPV 9.0 * fL BASO% 0.4 * %
P-LCR 15.3 % P-LCR 15.3 %
PCT 0.26 % Flag(s) PCT 0.26 % Flag(s)
RET% 17.8 %%
Imm Gran? PLT Clumps? Imm Gran? PLT Clumps?
RET# 8.97 10^4/µL
Left Shift? Left Shift?
IRF 14.3 % Neutro+ Neutro+
LFR 94.5 % Lympho+ Lympho+
MFR 4.8 % Mono+ Mono+
HFR 0.7 % Leuko+ Leuko+

XT-2000i-1 123456789012345 XT-1800i-1 123456789012345


(XT-2000i) (XT-1800i)
POSITIVE (red backlight) A POSITIVE result indicates
that the sample is judged
abnormal according to preset
criteria for analysis, numerical
values and cell morphology.

The purpose of this message is to inform the operator of
sample abnormality so special measures or further
analysis can be undertaken.

NEGATIVE (green backlight) A NEGATIVE result indicates

that the sample is normal, i.e.
has no analysis errors nor IP
Revised February 2008


Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 16-1

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

This system categorizes and flags POSITIVE results as "DIFF

Abnormal", "MORPH Abnormal", and/or "COUNT Abnormal"
during WBC, RBC/RET, and PLT analysis (XT-2000i), or
during WBC, RBC, and PLT analysis (XT-1800i). These flags
appear when abnormal cell populations are detected during
computer analysis of the particle size distributions,
scattergrams, and 30 parameters (XT-2000i only - 24
parameters for XT-1800i).
DIFF Abnormal Indicates abnormality in the WBC
differential parameters.
MORPH Abnormal Indicates abnormal cell
COUNT Abnormal Indicates abnormality in the blood
cell numerical count.

These sub-categories (DIFF Abnormal, MORPH Abnormal,

and COUNT Abnormal) appear when the field of the
POSITIVE flag is double-clicked.

With the XT-2000i, the IP Message displays either an

Abnormal IP Message or Suspect IP Message whenever there
is an abnormality relating to the WBC, RBC/RET, or PLT tests.
With the XT-1800i, the message is displayed whenever there
is an abnormality relating to the WBC, RBC, or PLT tests.
Abnormal IP Message Indicates that the sample is
definitely abnormal. The IP
abnormal message criteria can be
set except for some items.
Suspect IP Message Indicates that there is a possibility
that the sample is abnormal.

Abnormal and suspect IP Messages are intended for use
only in the clinical laboratory and are not for patient
diagnosis. The purpose of the IP Message is to inform the
operator of the possibility of sample abnormality, so special
measures or further analysis can be undertaken.

The IP Message is displayed on the Data Browser screen,

Graph screen, WBC screen, RBC screen, Research (WBC)
screen, and Research (RBC) screen flag(s) area. The IP
Message categories are as follows:
Main Screen WBC, RBC/RET and PLT (XT-
WBC, RBC and PLT (XT-1800i)
Revised February 2008

Graph Screen WBC, RBC/RET and PLT (XT-

WBC, RBC and PLT (XT-1800i)
WBC Screen WBC

16-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

RBC Screen RBC/RET and PLT (XT-2000i)

RBC and PLT (XT-1800i)
Research (WBC) Screen WBC
Research (RBC) Screen RBC/RET and PLT (XT-2000i)
RBC and PLT (XT-1800i)

When IP messages are flagged, the unit will judge that the
analyzed data with the following IP messages have low
reliability because of abnormalities. The mark of "*" (or "----")
will be displayed at the right of the data.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 16-3

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

WBC Abn Scattergram
1) Lymph, Mono -- -- --
2) Neut, Eo -- --
3) Mono, Neut -- --
4) Lymph, Neut -- --
5) Lymph, Baso (DIFF) -- --
6) Mono, Eo -- -- --
7) Ghost, Baso (DIFF) -- -- -- --
8) Ghost, Lymph -- -- -- --
9) Ghost, Neut -- -- -- --
10) Ghost, NLME * * * * * *
11) BASO, NLME -- --
12) Impossibility of the -- -- -- -- --
calculation of 5DIFF
Blasts? * * *
Immature Gran? * * *
Left Shift? * *
Atypical Lympho? * * *
Abn Lympho/Blasts? * * *
NRBC? * * * * *
RBC Lyse resistance ? * * * * * *
RBC Abn Distribution
1) MP-Flag * -- --
2) Abnormal RDW-SD * -- *
3) Other abnormal * * *
Dimorphic Population -- --
RET Abn Scattergram
1) RET clustering error * * #1
2) Other Abnormality * * #1
RBC Agglutination? *
Turbidity/HGB *
Iron Deficiency?
HGB Defect?
PLT Abn Scattergram
1) Small fragments - -#1
mixed severely
2) Other * #1
PLT Abn Distribution
1) Abnormal PDW *#2 --
2) Other abnormal *#2 *
Revised July 2007

PLT Clumps? * * * * * * *
PLT Clumps (S)? * * * * * * *
: Applied when PLT&
: Applied when PLT (not PLT&)

16-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 16 Appendix


WBC Abn Scattergram

1) Lymph, Mono -- -- --
2) Neut, Eo -- --
3) Mono, Neut -- --
4) Lymph, Neut -- --
5) Lymph, Baso (DIFF) -- --
6) Mono, Eo -- -- --
7) Ghost, Baso (DIFF) -- -- -- --
8) Ghost, Lymph -- -- -- --
9) Ghost, Neut -- -- -- --
10) Ghost, NLME * * * * * *
11) BASO, NLME -- --
12) Impossibility of the -- -- -- -- --
calculation of 5DIFF
Blasts? * * *
Immature Gran? * * *
Left Shift? * *
Atypical Lympho? * * *
Abn Lympho/Blasts? * * *
NRBC? * * * * *
RBC Lyse resistance? * * * * * *
RBC Abn Distribution
1) MP-Flag * -- --
2) Abnormal RDW-SD * -- *
3) Other abnormal * * *
Dimorphic Population -- --
RBC Agglutination? *
Turbidity/HGB *
Iron Deficiency?
HGB Defect?
PLT Abn Distribution
1) Abnormal PDW * --
2) Other abnormal * *
PLT Clumps? * * * * * * *
PLT Clumps (S)? * * * * * * *
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 16-5

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

The IP Message Judgment Details

1. During normal Analysis

The IP Messages will not be displayed in the following cases:
• Quality Control Analysis Data
• Calibration Analysis Data
• Background Check Data
• Blank Data

When WBC<0.5×103/µL, no WBC Suspect Message will be

When RBC<0.5×106/µL, no messages other than the "RBC
Abn. Distrib." will be generated.
When PLT is "----," no PLT IP messages will be generated.
If errors prevent the parameters necessary for judgment from
being calculated, the IP Messages will not appear (i.e.
parameters are marked with "----" and "++++").

2. For Capillary Analysis

In addition to the conditions of normal analysis, only CBC 8
parameter data is used for judgment.

3. For Discrete Analysis

In addition to the conditions of normal analysis, the
parameters (" " [Blank]) which are not analyzed by the
user settings are not used for judgment. Please refer to the
Description of IP messages table found on pages 16-11 and
16-12 of the Appendix. The table describes which flags are
judged in the various discrete testing modes.

Because the analyzers rely on histograms and
scattergrams to judge data and provide the Interpretive
Program (IP) messages, discrete test orders that do not
include parameters derived from these histograms and
scattergrams inhibit the analyzer’s ability to judge results
and provide the IP messages. Example: A discrete order
for CBC only does not evaluate samples for blasts or
NRBCs. The IP message "Blasts?" and "NRBC?" is
judged only if "CBC + Diff" is ordered.
Error results display "****", "----.-" or "+++.+" for parameters
cannot be calculated. This can be due to analysis error
results that are too low to be reliable or results that are
above the display range. The analyzer does not judge and
Revised February 2008

display IP messages in these instances. Example: CBC +

Diff results that display "****" for the differential do not
display IP messages related to the differential parameters
such as "Blast?" or "Left Shift?".

16-6 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

The IP Message categories, meanings and judgments/formula

used by the XT-2000i/XT-1800i are listed as follows:

WBC IP Messages
Message Meaning Judgment/Formula
WBC Abn. Scattergram WBC abnormal By the clustering in the WBC/BASO
scattergram Scattergram, and DIFF Scattergram
Neutropenia Low neutrophil count NEUT#<1.00×103/µL
Neutrophilia High neutrophil count NEUT#>11.00×103/µL
Lymphopenia Low lymphocyte count LYMPH#<0.8 ×103/µ L
Lymphocytosis High lymphocyte count LYMPH#>4.00×103/µL
Monocytosis High monocyte count MONO#>1.00×103/µL
Eosinophilia High eosinophil count EO#>0.70×103/µL
Basophilia High basophil count BASO#>0.20×103/µL
Leukocytopenia Low leukocyte count WBC<2.50×103/µL
Leukocytosis High leukocyte count WBC>18.00×103/µL
Message Meaning Judgment/Formula
Blasts? Possibility that blasts are Blast cluster found in the DIFF
present Scattergram
Immature Gran? Possibility that immature Immature Granulocyte cluster found
granulocytes are present in the DIFF Scattergram
Left Shift? Possibility of left shift Cluster in the upper right of the
Granulocytes in the DIFF
Abn Lympho/Blasts? Possibility of atypical Cluster between lymphocyte and
lymphocytes and/or blasts monocyte population.
NRBC? Possibility of nucleated Spot distribution between ghosts and
RBCs present lymphs in the Diff Scattergram
RBC Lyse Resistance? Possibility of incomplete Arithmetic calculation and numerical
RBC lysing comparison are performed for a
specific analysis parameter.
Atypical Lympho? Possibility of atypical Cluster in the upper left area of the
lymphocytes Diff Scattergram
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 16-7

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

RBC/RET IP Messages (XT-2000i), RBC IP Messages (XT-1800i)

Message Meaning Judgment/Formula
RBC Abn Distrib. RBC abnormal distribution Arithmetic calculation and numerical
comparison on a specific analysis
Dimorphic Population Double-peak RBC Gap between the high and low points
distribution and shape of distribution "peak."
RET Abn Scattergram RET abnormal scattergram Clustering in the RET Scattergram
(XT-2000i only)
Anisocytosis Anisocytosis RDW-SD>65 fL
Microcytosis Microerythrocytes MCV<70 fL
Macrocytosis Macroerythrocytes MCV>110 fL
Hypochromia Hypochromia MCHC<29.0 g/dL
Anemia Anemia HGB<10.0 g/dL
Erythrocytosis Erythrocytosis RBC#>6.50×106/µL
Reticulocytosis Reticulocytosis RET%>5% or RET#>20.00×104/µL
(XT-2000i only)
Message Meaning Judgment/Formula
RBC Agglutination? Possibility of RBC Arithmetic calculation and numerical
agglutination comparison on a specific analysis
Turbidity/HGB Interf? Possibility of HGB Arithmetic calculation and numerical
interference by chylemia comparison on a specific analysis
Iron Deficiency? Possibility of iron Arithmetic calculation and numerical
deficiency anemia comparison on a specific analysis
HGB Defect? Possibility of HGB Arithmetic calculation and numerical
abnormality comparison on a specific analysis
Fragments? Possibility of fragmented Arithmetic calculation and numerical
RBCs comparison on a specific analysis
Revised July 2007

16-8 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

PLT IP Messages
Message Meaning Judgment/Formula
PLT Abn Scattergram PLT abnormal scattergram PLT-O clustering in the PLT
(XT-2000i only) scattergram

PLT Abn Distrib PLT abnormal distribution Arithmetic calculation and numerical
comparison on a specific analysis
Thrombocytopenia Thrombocytopenia PLT#<60×103/µL
Thrombocytosis Thrombocytosis PLT#>600×103/µL
Message Meaning Judgment/Formula
PLT Clumps? Possibility of PLT clumps Spot distribution in the lower area of
Diff Scattergram
PLT Clumps(S)? Possibility of PLT clumps Arithmetic calculation and numerical
comparison on a specific analysis
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 16-9

Parameters for flagging at
Flag categories in Positive/ discrete analysis
Message Message on Explorer Message on Data Message in GP print Negative check Capillary
screen (Flag No.) Browser screen CBC CBC+DIFF CBC+DIFF CBC
Morph Count Diff RET RET
WBC Abnormal WBC Abn Scattergram 1 WBC Abn Scg WBC ABN Scattergram
Neutropenia 2 Neutro- Neutropenia
Neutrophilia 3 Neutro+ Neutrophilia
Lymphopenia 4 Lympho- Lymphopenia
CHAPTER 16 Appendix

Lymphocytosis 5 Lympho+ Lymphocytosis

Monocytosis 6 Mono+ Monocytosis
Eosinophilia 7 Eo+ Eosinophilia
Basophilia 8 Baso+ Basophilia
Leukocytopenia 9 Leuko- Leukocytopenia
Leukocytosis A Leuko+ Leukocytosis
Suspect Blasts? 1 Blasts? Blasts?
Immature Gran? 2 Imm Gran? Immature Gran?
Left Shift? 3 Left Shift? Left Shift?
Atypical Lympho? 4 Atypical Ly? Atypical Lympho?
Abn Lympho/Blasts? 7 Abn L_Bl?
Ly/Bla? Abn Lympho/Blasts?
RBC Lyse resistance? 9 RBC Lyse Res? RBC Lyse Rresistance?
RBC/ Abnormal RBC Abn Distribution 1 RBC Abn Dst RBC ABN Distribution
RET Dimorphic Population 2 Dimorph Pop Dimorphic Population
RET Abn Scattergram 9 RET Abn Scg RET Abn Scattergram
Reticulocytosis A Reticulo Reticulocytosis
Anisocytosis 3 Aniso Anisocytosis
Microcytosis 4 Micro Microcytosis
Macrocytosis 5 Macro Macrocytosis
Hypochromia 6 Hypochromia Hypochromia
Anemia 7 Anemia Anemia
4. Description of IP messages

Erythrocytosis 8 Erythro+ Erythrocytosis

Suspect RBC Agglutination? 1 RBC Agglut? RBC Agglutination?
Turbidity/HGB Interference? 2 Turb/HGB? Turbidity/HGB Interf?
Iron Deficiency? 3 Iron Def? Iron Deficiency?
• IP message for flagging during analysis

HGB Defect? 4 HGB Defect? HGB Defect?

Fragments? 5 Fragments? Fragments?
PLT Abnormal PLT Abn Scattergram 4 PLT Abn Scg PLT Abn Scattergram
• Reference to flag No. on the Explorer screen
See the list shown below for the following items.

PLT Abn Distribution 1 PLT Abn Dst PLT ABN Distribution

Thrombocytopenia 2 Thrombo- Thrombocytopenia
• IP message output format for display and printing

Thrombocytosis 3 Thrombo+ Thrombocytosis

Suspect PLT Clumps? 1 PLT Clumps? PLT Clumps?
• Reference to category for Positive/Negative judgment

PLT Clumps(S)? 2 PLT C(S) PLT Clumps(S)?

: Perform flagging, : Does not perform flagging

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

Revised July 2007
Revised July 2007

Parameters for flagging
Flag categories in Positive/ at discrete analysis
Message Message on Explorer Message on Data Message in GP print Negative check Capillary
screen (Flag No.) Browser screen CBC CBC+DIFF
Morph Count Diff
WBC Abnormal WBC Abn Scattergram 1 WBC Abn Scg WBC ABN Scattergram
Neutropenia 2 Neutro- Neutropenia
Neutrophilia 3 Neutro+ Neutrophilia
Lymphopenia 4 Lympho- Lymphopenia
Lymphocytosis 5 Lympho+ Lymphocytosis
Monocytosis 6 Mono+ Monocytosis
Eosinophilia 7 Eo+ Eosinophilia
Basophilia 8 Baso+ Basophilia
Leukocytopenia 9 Leuko- Leukocytopenia
Leukocytosis A Leuko+ Leukocytosis
Suspect Blasts? 1 Blasts? Blasts?
Immature Gran? 2 Imm Gran? Immature Gran?
Left Shift? 3 Left Shift? Left Shift?
Atypical Lympho? 4 Atypical Ly? Atypical Lympho?

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

Abn Lympho/Blasts? 7 Abn L_Bl?
Ly/Bla? Abn Lympho/Blasts?
RBC Lyse resistance? 9 RBC Lyse Res? RBC Lyse Rresistance?
RBC Abnormal RBC Abn Distribution 1 RBC Abn Dst RBC ABN Distribution
Dimorphic Population 2 Dimorph Pop Dimorphic Population
Anisocytosis 3 Aniso Anisocytosis
Microcytosis 4 Micro Microcytosis
Macrocytosis 5 Macro Macrocytosis
Hypochromia 6 Hypochromia Hypochromia
Anemia 7 Anemia Anemia
Erythrocytosis 8 Erythro+ Erythrocytosis
Suspect RBC Agglutination? 1 RBC Agglut? RBC Agglutination?
Turbidity/HGB Interference? 2 Turb/HGB? Turbidity/HGB Interf?
Iron Deficiency? 3 Iron Def? Iron Deficiency?
HGB Defect? 4 HGB Defect? HGB Defect?
Fragments? 5 Fragments? Fragments?
PLT Abnormal PLT Abn Scattergram 4 PLT Abn Scg PLT Abn Scattergram
PLT Abn Distribution 1 PLT Abn Dst PLT ABN Distribution
Thrombocytopenia 2 Thrombo- Thrombocytopenia
Thrombocytosis 3 Thrombo+ Thrombocytosis
Suspect PLT Clumps? 1 PLT Clumps? PLT Clumps?
PLT Clumps(S)? 2 PLT C(S) PLT Clumps(S)?
: Perform flagging, : Does not perform flagging

CHAPTER 16 Appendix
CHAPTER 16 Appendix

16.2 ID Bar Code Specifications

By affixing the bar code label on the sample tube, the sample
ID number can be read automatically. Information taken from
the ID number can also be corrected by processing stored
data. In using a bar code, make sure it meets the bar code
label specifications applicable to XT-2000i/XT-1800i ID bar
code reader.
The specifications of the bar code label are described in this
section and in chapter "6.4.4. Sampler Mode/a. Preparing the

Acceptable Bar Codes

The types of bar codes acceptable to the instrument and the

check digit(s) are listed below.

Use the check-digit as much as possible.
If the check-digit cannot be used, the potential of the
incorrect reading of the bar code label may be increased.

1) Sample ID number
Type of Bar Code Check Digit No. of Digits
Not Used Max. 15 digits (Sample ID No.)
Modulus 10 Max. 15 digits (Sample ID No.) + 1 digit (Check digit) = 16 digits Max
Not Used Max. 15 digits (Sample ID No.)
Modulus 11
W. Modulus 11 Max.15 digits (Sample ID No.) + 1 digit (Check digit) = 16 digits Max
Modulus 16
Not Used Max. 15 digits (Sample ID No.)
Modulus 43 Max.15 digits (Sample ID No.) + 1 digit (Check digit) = 16 digits Max
JAN-13 Modulus 10 12 digits (Sample ID No.) + 1 digit (Check digit) = 13 digits
JAN-8 Modulus 10 7 digits (Sample ID No.) + 1 digit (Check digit) = 8 digits
CODE 128 Modulus 103 Max.15 digits (Sample ID No.) + 1 digit (Check digit) = 16 digits Max

• Do not use the bar code of Rack ID No. as that of
Sample ID No.
• For CODE 128, do not use the function characters.
Revised February 2008

• *: As the Start/Stop code for NW-7, use one of the

characters "A," "B," "C," "a," "b," or "c."

16-12 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

2) Rack ID No.
Type of Bar Code Check Digit No. of Digits
NW-7 Modulus 16 6 digits (Rack No.) + 1 digit (Check Digit) = 7 digits
CODE 39 Modulus 43 6 digits (Rack No.) + 1 digit (Check Digit) = 7 digits

As the Start/Stop code, use either "D" or "d."

3) Quality Control
Type of Bar Code Check Digit No. of Digits
3 digits (Fixed character string "QC-") + 8 digits (Lot No.)
CODE 128 Modulus 103
+ 1 digit (Check Digit) = 12 digits

The bar code of CODE 128 for quality control is a special
code used for the control blood of Sysmex.

Dimension of Bar Code Elements

Narrow Element ≥ 190 µm

Wide Element ≤ 1.2 mm
Narrow Element ≤ Gap between characters ≤ Wide Element

Narrow/Wide Ratio

For each character, the wide element to narrow element ratio

must comply with the following:
Narrow (MAX) : Wide (MIN) = 1 : 2.2 or more
Narrow (MIN) : Narrow (MAX) = 1 : 1.3 or less
Wide (MIN) : Wide (MAX) = 1 : 1.4 or less

PCS (Print Contrast Signal)

Reflectivity at the space – Reflectivity at the black inked bar

PCS = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reflectivity at the space
The measuring method conforms to JIS (Japanese Industrial
Standards) X 0501, "5.3 Optical Characteristic of Bar Code
Standard: PCS value ≥ 0.45
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 16-13

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

Reflection Characteristics of the Label Surface

It is possible that a laminated label cannot be read.

Irregularity and Roughness of Printing

When a bar element is magnified, the following may be

MAX observed.

MIN When the variation coefficient (S) in the width of a bar is

S = ------------------------------ × 100%
Bar element MAX
Then the variation coefficient (S) must be less than or equal to

Dimensions of Bar Code Label

Space: 2.5 mm or more (Normally, at

least 5 mm or both right and left.)
Bar Height
Bar Code Effective Length: 48 mm or less
(Optimum: 40 mm or less)
Bar Height: 20 mm or more (Rack label
Bar Code of
Effective Length Space height: 6 mm or more)

Check Digit

To improve the reliability of an ID No. read, check digit(s)

should be added.
Taking the Sample ID No. of "258416" as an example, let us
explain how to calculate the check digit for modulus 11 and
weighted modulus 11.

1) Modulus 11
1. Each digit is weighted. The weight corresponding to each
digit is as follow.

Digit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Weight 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

2. Add up the multiplied results as given below:

S = 14 + 30 + 40 + 16 + 3 + 12 = 115
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16-14 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

3. When the S is divided by 11, calculate the remainder and

obtain the complement of the remainder. This complement
will be the check digit.
115/11= 10 with remainder 5
11 - 5 = 6, thus the check digit is 6.
However, all English symbols except the numerals of 0 - 9
are regarded as 0 in calculations. Also, when S is divisible
by 11 with remainder 0 and when calculation of the check
digit results in 10, zero is entered as the check digit.

2) Weighted Modulus 11
Weighted modulus 11 has two sets of weight. When the
check digit is computed to 10 as a result of applying the first
weight set, the second weight set is applied. The result
should always be one of the 0 to 9 values. Calculation
method is entirely the same as modulus 11 except for
difference in weighting.

1. Weighing Each Digit

Weight: W12 W11 W10 W9 W8 W7 W6 W5 W4 W3 W2 W1

First Set: 6 3 5 9 10 7 8 4 5 3 6 2
Second Set 5 8 6 2 10 4 3 7 6 8 5 9

2 5 8 4 1 6
Weight 8 4 5 3 6 2
16 20 40 12 6 12

2. Add up the multiplied results as given below:

S = 16 + 20 + 40 + 12 + 6 + 12 = 106
3. When the S is divided by 11, calculate the remainder and
obtain the complement of the remainder. This complement
will be the check digit.
106/11= 9 with remainder 7
11 - 7 = 4, thus the check digit is 4.
However, all English symbols except the numerals of 0 - 9
are regarded as 0 in calculations. Also, when S is divisible
by 11 with remainder 0 and when calculation of the check
digit results in 0, zero is entered as the check digit.

For Weighted Modulus 11, weight for the 13th, 14th and
15th digits are assumed 0.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 16-15

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

16.3 Body Fluid Application


Intended Use
The Sysmex XT- Series Hematology Analyzer is a quantitative,
automated hematology analyzer and leukocyte differential
counter for in vitro diagnostic use in clinical laboratories. The
XT-Series Body Fluid Application adds a quantitative,
automated procedure for analyzing cerebrospinal fluid, serous
fluid and synovial fluid to the XT- Series, providing
enumeration of the WBCs and the RBCs.
Analysis Principle
Fluorescent flow cytometry using lateral scattered light and
lateral fluorescent light are used to determine the White Blood
Cell Count. The Direct Current (DC) detection method is used
for the Red Blood Cell Count.
Specimen Type
Cerebrospinal fluids, serous and synovial fluids with EDTA, as
Quality Control
If the same instrument is used for cell counting in peripheral
blood, then no additional controls are required for body fluid

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16-16 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 16 Appendix


Within-run precision is based on 10 consecutive
determinations of the same sample.

WBC: C.V.% < 40% (WBC: 0.05 - 0.10 x103/µL)

RBC: C.V.% < 40% or Max - Min < 0.02 x106/µL
(RBC: 0.01 - 0.10 x106/µL)
WBC: < 1%
RBC: < 1%
Background Counts
Acceptable background counts for body fluids are
WBC DIFF channel < 0.002 x 103/µL and RBC <
0.01 x 106/µL.
Reportable Results
WBC: > 0.050 x 103/µL
RBC: > 0.01 x 106/µL
Counts below the stated levels should be confirmed using an
alternate method.
1. XT Pro software is needed to ensure consistent results.
2. Results may be compromised with clotted samples and
synovial samples that contain uric acid crystals or have a
high viscosity.
3. Sample results with Error related to WBC and RBC
parameters should not be used.
4. All fluids should be tested as soon as possible after
collection. Each laboratory should perform their own
sample stability testing to determine the maximum time
limit acceptable for their laboratory.
5. The laboratory should perform additional testing if more
specific or sensitive limitation information is needed.
6. Only Manual Mode is available for body fluid sample.
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 16-17

CHAPTER 16 Appendix


Within Run Precision (Manual Mode)

Parameter Mean SD CV% Min Max

WBC(x103/µL) 0.054 0.013 23.61% 0.043 0.084

0.057 0.011 18.97% 0.043 0.073

0.064 0.011 17.05% 0.051 0.086

0.081 0.017 20.88% 0.062 0.123

0.100 0.019 19.11% 0.073 0.137

0.146 0.017 11.64% 0.119 0.159

0.157 0.009 5.5% 0.135 0.167

0.248 0.021 8.46% 0.220 0.280

0.266 0.018 6.88% 0.231 0.298

0.315 0.023 7.26% 0.289 0.362

0.316 0.022 6.84% 0.280 0.353

0.337 0.013 3.88% 0.313 0.359

0.432 0.039 8.95% 0.359 0.481

0.478 0.028 5.82% 0.441 0.526

8.930 0.131 1.47% 0.359 0.481

RBC( x106/µL) 0.01 0.003 35.14% 0.00 0.01

0.01 0.000 0% 0.01 0.01

0.02 0.000 0% 0.02 0.02

0.02 0.000 0% 0.02 0.02

0.02 0.004 19.17% 0.02 0.03

0.02 0.004 23.42% 0.01 0.02

0.06 0.005 8.47% 0.05 0.06

0.06 0.000 0% 0.06 0.06

0.13 0.004 3.29% 0.12 0.13

0.13 0.005 4.10% 0.12 0.13

0.19 0.005 2.58% 0.18 0.19

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16-18 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

Accuracy of WBC

Fluid Type Mean Minimum Maximum N= R Slope Intercept

CSF 47 1.00 1.0348 -0.0022

XT 0.128 0 1.101
XE 0.128 0 1.040

Serous 150 1.00 0.9705 0.0625

XT 4.763 0 151.219
XE 4.828 0 157.200

Synovial 33 1.00 0.9703 0.1571

XT 8.631 0 80.343
XE 8.733 0 84.447

Body Fluids 228 1.00 0.9708 0.0644

XT 4.304 0 151.219
XE 4.452 0 157.200

Body Fluids 193 1.00 0.9706 0.0766

> 0.05x103/µL
XT 5.201 0.032 151.219
XE 5.280 0.051 157.200

Accuracy of RBC

Fluid Type
Mean Minimum Maximum N= R Slope Intercept

Body Fluids 209 1.00 1.0224 -0.0028

XT 0.06 0 4.00
XE 0.06 0 3.83

Body Fluids 89 1.00 1.0205 -0.0069

> 0.01x106/µL
XT 0.14 0.01 4.00
XE 0.15 0.01 3.83
Revised July 2007

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 16-19

CHAPTER 16 Appendix


The body fluid Specimen can be analyzed with Manual Mode.

Refer to "Chapter 6 Operation" for further analysis procedure.

When analyzing samples, be sure to wear gloves and use
universal precautions. After completion of the analysis, be
sure to wash your hands with disinfectant.

• In case of analyzing body fluid specimens, use discrete
mode of below from "Discrete" of the Manual Sample No.
dialog box.
- "CBC+DIFF+RET" (XT-2000i only)
• Some anticoagulants will alter test results; therefore only
use EDTA as the anticoagulant with samples that
possibly could clot.
• Body fluid samples should be checked for clots. Samples
with clots should not be run.
• Before analyzing samples, check that the background
counts are as described in chapter of Background
Counts. If not, then perform an auto rinse or a blank
measurement in the mode "CBC+DIFF" or "CBC+DIFF +
RET(XT-2000i only)".
• After completion of analysis, select "Auto Rinse" on the
Controller menu to execute an automatic rinse and
background check. Residual blood and reagent can
cause protein to accumulate in the aspiration line and
flow cell.
Revised February 2008

16-20 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 16 Appendix


To obtain the WBC#-Diff Channel result for body fluid samples,

go into the Data Browser, click "Service" Tab, then click on the
drop down box to select "DIFF". Obtain the WBC#-(Diff Ch)
result under Analyzed data.

WBC#-Diff Channel result cannot be transmitted to printer
and host computer, however it is possible to print a
hard-copy of the DIFF-Service Data screen.

To obtain the RBC analysis result for body fluid samples, go

the Browser, Graph and screen print the RBC results. Print the
screen to keep for your records.

The results will not be saved in stored data due to blank
data. They will only be available in Last 20. It is very
important to print your results before the results are
removed from the Last 20.
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Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 16-21

CHAPTER 16 Appendix

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16-22 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 17 Warranty

17. Warranty
All Sysmex instruments are warranted against defective
material or workmanship for a period of one year, commencing
on the installation date at the customer's premises.
This warranty does not cover any defect, malfunction or
damage due to:

• Accident, neglect or wilful mistreatment of the product;

• Failure to use, operate, service or maintain the product in
accordance with the applicable Sysmex Instruction for
• Failure to use the appropriate reagents and consumables
specified for the product.

If the customer relocates the instrument or operates it at a
different location, the warranty expires. Contact the
Sysmex service representative before relocating.
Revised February 2008

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 17-1

CHAPTER 17 Warranty

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17-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 18 Index

18. Index
A Clean the Sampler Right Rack Pool, Left Rack
Abbreviations used throughout this manual ....... 1-6 Pool, Analysis Line, and Sample Rack ....... 12-5
Adjust the Pressure to 0.07 MPa .................... 12-38 Cleaning and Maintenance ............................... 12-1
Adjust the Pressure to 0.16 MPa .................... 12-37 Computer Virus ................................................... 2-8
Adjust the Pressure to 0.25 MPa .................... 12-36 Connect Air and Reagent Tubes ...................... 15-7
Adjust the Vacuum to -0.04 MPa .................... 12-39 Connect Air Tube ............................................ 15-10
Adjustment of Pressure and Vacuum ............. 12-35 Connect Connection Cord and Power Cord ... 15-10
Alarm Sound Selecting ................................... 11-12 Connecting the CELLPACK .............................. 15-8
Alphabetical Error Message Index ................... 13-2 Connecting the Reagents Supply Unit .............. 15-7
Analysis ............................................................ 10-4 Connecting the STROMATOLYSER-4D (FFS)
Analysis Errors ............................................... 13-20 and RET SEARCH (II) dye solution
Analysis Modes ................................................ 3-19 (XT-2000i only) ........................................... 15-9
Analysis Ordering ........................................... 11-18 Connecting the Waste Line ............................... 15-8
Analysis Parameters .......................................... 1-5 Connection Cord ............................................. 15-10
Analyzing Samples ........................................... 6-13 Control Blood Analysis ...................................... 9-22
Appendix .......................................................... 16-1 Control material .................................................. 9-1
As-needed Maintenance .................................. 12-9 Control methods ................................................. 9-1
Auto Output .................................................... 11-16 Counter ........................................................... 13-27
Auto Output Settings Check ............................... 6-6 Cumulative Graph Screen ................................ 8-11
Auto Validate .................................................. 11-15 Cumulative Numerical Screen .......................... 8-10
Automatic Calibration ....................................... 10-2 Cumulative Scattergram/Distribution Screen .... 8-12
Avoidance of infections ...................................... 2-2 Cumulative Screen ............................................. 8-9
Customizing the Menu Screen .......................... 3-16

Backup ....... 5-9, 5-17, 5-21, 5-26, 7-15, 10-13 D
Bar Code ........................................................ 13-31 Daily Maintenance ............................................ 12-3
Bar code safety .................................................. 2-2 Danger information in this manual ...................... 1-4
Body Fluid Application .................................... 16-16 Data Browser ...................................................... 8-1
Data Browser Operation ..................................... 8-1
Data Browser Screen .......................................... 8-2
C Date Format .................................................... 11-14
Calculating the Calibration Value ..................... 10-7 Delete ...... 5-12, 5-19, 5-23, 5-28, 7-17, 10-15
Calibration ........................................................ 10-1 Design and Function ........................................... 3-1
Calibration History .......................................... 10-11 Detection Principle .......................................... 14-12
Cap piercer ..................................................... 13-30 DIFF .................................................................. 8-18
Capillary Mode ................................................. 6-18 Discrete ........................................................... 11-17
Categories (Optional) ..................................... 11-25 Display and Output of Analysis Results ............ 6-33
CELLCLEAN .................................................... 4-11 Display of Analysis Results ............................... 6-33
CELLPACK ......................................................... 4-5 Display of QC Analysis Results ........................ 6-11
Chamber Errors .............................................. 13-12 Display Order .................................................... 9-21
Change Lot ............................................ 9-20, 9-24 Display the Pressure or Vacuum .................... 12-35
Check Before Installation ................................. 15-5 Displaying the Last Sample Data ...................... 10-7
Check the Vacuum in the Pneumatic Unit ...... 12-39 Disposal of materials .......................................... 2-5
Checking Cycle Count .................................... 12-34 Doctor Master (Optional) .................................. 5-20
Checks prior to operation ................................... 6-2 Doctor Master Screen ....................................... 5-20
Clean the Flowcell in the Download .......................................................... 5-11
Optical Detector Block .............................. 12-17
Clean the Lower Tray of the
Manual Aspiration Probe .......................... 12-19 E
e-CHECK/OTHER1/OTHER2 Screen .............. 9-11
Revised March 2011

Clean the Manual Rinse Cup ......................... 12-10

Clean the Piercer Tray ................................... 12-13 Electrical System Block Diagram .................... 14-30
Clean the RBC Detector Aperture .................. 12-14 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) .................. 2-2
Clean the Sample Rotor Valve ......................... 12-5 Entering Reference Values ............................... 10-3
Clean the Sample Rotor Valve Tray ............... 12-11 Entering the Calibration Values ........................ 10-9

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 18-1

CHAPTER 18 Index

Error Message List ........................................... 13-2 Ledger (LP) Setting ......................................... 11-24
Establishing the Reference Values ................... 10-2 Load .................................................................... 9-9
Every 15000 Cycles Maintenance .................... 12-5 Logging Off from the XT-2000i/XT-1800i
Exclude ............................................................. 10-5 Program ...................................................... 6-37
Execute Shutdown ............................................ 12-3 Logging On to the IPU ........................................ 6-4
Executing QC Chart ............................................ 9-3 Lot No. .............................................................. 9-18
Executing the Automatic
Calibration Program .................................... 10-2
Executing the Manual Calibration Program ...... 10-8
Main Screen ........................................................ 8-5
Main Unit Electrical System ............................ 14-29
F Maintenance ....................................................... 2-4
FCM Sheath Motor ......................................... 13-32 Maintenance Errors ........................................ 13-25
File Information ................................................... 9-4 Maintenance schedule ...................................... 12-1
Filter ........................................................... 5-7, 7-8 Manual Calibration ............................................ 10-7
Find .......................................................... 5-8, 7-11 Manual Closed Mode ........................................ 6-29
Flag Formula (PLT) ........................................ 11-11 Manual Mode .................................................... 6-14
Flag Formula (RBC/RET) (XT-2000i) Markings on the instrument ................................. 2-6
Flag Formula (RBC) (XT-1800i) ............... 11-10 Menu Function .................................................... 6-1
Flag Formula (WBC) ......................................... 11-9 Methods ............................................................ 3-20
Functional Description .................................... 14-12 Mixing Motor ................................................... 13-33
Functional Error Message List .......................... 13-4 Monthly Maintenance ........................................ 12-5
Motor Errors .................................................... 13-13
General information ................................... 2-1, 4-1 N
Graph Screen ..................................................... 8-6 Names ................................................................ 1-5
Grounding ......................................................... 15-5 Numerical Display ............................................... 8-4

Hand-held Bar Code Reader (Optional) ......... 15-11 Operation ............................................................ 6-1
Handling of reagents .......................................... 2-3 Option ............................................................. 11-33
HARDWARE Output .................................................. 7-14, 10-12
(Parameter for factory adjustment) ............. 8-20 Output of Analysis Results ................................ 6-33
Host (HC) Setting ........................................... 11-22 Overview ............................................................. 3-1
HOST Connection .............................................. 2-9
Hydraulic System Block Diagram ................... 14-15
Patient Master (Optional) .................................. 5-13
I Patient Master Screen ...................................... 5-13
ID Bar Code Specifications ............................. 16-12 Performing STAT analysis during
ID Errors ......................................................... 13-24 sampler analysis ......................................... 6-28
ID Reader ......................................................... 11-4 Personnel ............................................................ 2-8
Information Processing Unit (IPU) ...................... 3-9 PLT Switching (XT-2000i only) ....................... 11-13
Installation ............................................... 2-2, 15-1 Pneumatic Unit ................................................. 11-7
Installation Environment ................................... 15-5 Pneumatic Unit Components .............................. 3-7
Installation Space ............................................. 15-6 Possible Sample Interferences ....................... 14-10
Instrument ID .................................................... 11-8 Power Cord ..................................................... 15-10
Instrument Setup .............................................. 11-1 Preparations ....................................................... 9-2
Interface protocol ............................................ 14-11 Pressure and Vacuum Errors ............................ 13-8
Introduction ......................................................... 1-1 Program Version ............................................. 14-11
IP Message ....................................................... 16-1
IPU .................................................................. 15-10
Revised March 2011

QC Analysis : Manual Closed Mode ................... 6-9

L QC Analysis : Manual Mode ............................... 6-8
Laser ................................................................... 2-5 QC Analysis : Sampler Mode .............................. 6-9
Laser Errors .................................................... 13-23 QC Chart ........................................................... 9-10

18-2 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

CHAPTER 18 Index

QC Chart Display Screen ................................... 9-3 Screen Layout Change .......................... 7-18, 8-24
QC Chart Screen ................................................ 9-3 Self Test .............................................................. 6-5
QC Errors ....................................................... 13-24 Sensor ............................................................ 13-26
QC File Preparation .......................................... 9-22 Service Screen ................................................. 8-15
Q-Flag Screen .................................................. 8-13 Setting ................................................................. 9-5
Quality Control .................................................... 9-1 Shutdown .......................................................... 6-34
Quality Control Analysis ..................................... 6-7 Shutdown of the IPU ......................................... 6-38
Quality control analysis .................................... 9-21 Shutdown of the Main Unit ................................ 6-34
Sort ............................................................ 5-6, 7-6
Specified conditions of use ................................. 2-1
R Specimen requirements .................................... 6-13
Rack Feed In .................................................. 13-29
SRV ................................................................ 13-33
Rack Feed Out ............................................... 13-30
Start the Doctor Master ..................................... 5-20
Rack Move ..................................................... 13-29
Start the Patient Master .................................... 5-13
Radar Screen ................................................... 9-10
Start the Ward Master ....................................... 5-24
RBC Screen ....................................................... 8-8
Starting the Sample Explorer .............................. 7-1
RBC Sheath Motor ......................................... 13-32
Startup Procedure ............................................... 6-2
RBC, PLT ......................................................... 8-15
Stored Data (Explorer) ........................................ 7-1
RBC/PLT and HGB Analysis .......................... 14-16
STROMATOLYSER-4DL .................................... 4-7
RBC/PLT Particle Size Distribution
STROMATOLYSER-4DS ................................... 4-8
Analysis .................................................... 14-25
STROMATOLYSER-FB ...................................... 4-6
Reagents ............................................................ 4-1
SULFOLYSER .................................................... 4-9
Reference Interval .......................................... 11-26
Supplies and Replacement Parts ................... 12-34
Reference Intervals ............................................ 1-7
Supplies Replacements .................................. 12-21
Remove Clogs (Clog Removal Sequence) ..... 12-13
Symbols used on the labels .............................. 4-12
Remove Flowcell Air Bubbles in the
System Status Display ...................................... 3-14
Optical Detector Block .............................. 12-17
Remove fluid from the Trap Chamber .............. 12-9
Replace Fuses ............................................... 12-33 T
Replace Reagents .......................................... 12-21 Target/Limit ....................................................... 9-13
Replace Rubber Plate No. 39 ......................... 12-32 Technical Information ....................................... 14-1
Replace the Hand Clipper .............................. 12-31 Temperature Errors .......................................... 13-9
Replace the Piercer ........................................ 12-27 Test ................................................................. 13-26
Replace the Waste Container (Optional) ........ 12-18 Ticket (DP) Format ......................................... 11-31
Report (GP) Setting ........................................ 11-23 Ticket (DP) Setting .......................................... 11-29
Research (RBC) Screen ................................... 8-22 Timer Function .................................................. 6-39
Research (WBC) Screen .................................. 8-21 Troubleshooting ..................................... 9-23, 13-1
Restore ..... 5-10, 5-18, 5-22, 5-26, 7-16, 10-14 Troubleshooting Guide ..................................... 13-7
RET (XT-2000i only) ........................................ 8-19 Turn Power ON ............................................... 15-12
RET Analysis (XT-2000i Only) ....................... 14-22 Turning ON the Power ........................................ 6-3
RET Scattergram (XT-2000i Only) ................. 14-23 Twin Connection Manager (TCM) (Option) ....... 3-12
(Dye solution) .............................................. 4-10
Rinse Cup Motor ............................................ 13-32
Units ................................................................ 11-28
Rinse the Waste Chamber ............................. 12-20
Unpacking Checklist ......................................... 15-1
Updating Calibration Values ............................. 10-9
S Updating calibration values ............................... 10-5
Safety information .............................................. 2-1 Use of other software .......................................... 2-9
Sample Explorer Screen Display ........................ 7-2 User Administration ........................................ 11-19
Sample Property ............................................... 7-12
Sampler Limit Setting ....................................... 11-3
Sampler Mode .................................................. 6-22
Revised March 2011

Validate ............................................................... 7-5

Sampler Operation Errors .............................. 13-17
Sampler Stop Conditions .................................. 11-1
Sampler Unit Components ................................. 3-8 W
Samples Used for Calibration ........................... 10-1 Ward Master (Optional) .................................... 5-24
Save ................................................................... 9-8 Ward Master Screen ......................................... 5-24

Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use 18-3

CHAPTER 18 Index

Warranty ........................................................... 17-1

WB Aspiration and Dilution Errors .................. 13-14
WB Aspiration Motor ....................................... 13-31
WBC Analysis ................................................. 14-21
WBC Classification ......................................... 14-19
WBC Screen ....................................................... 8-7
WBC/BASO ...................................................... 8-17
Work List ............................................................. 5-1
Work List Screen ................................................ 5-1
Work List Start .................................................... 5-1

XM Control ........................................................ 6-12
XM Screen ........................................................ 9-12
XT Controller Setting ........................................ 11-1
XT Controller Setting Option ........................... 11-33
XT IPU Setting ................................................ 11-14
XT IPU Setting Option .................................... 11-34
XT-1800i Performance and Specifications ....... 14-6
XT-2000i Performance and Specifications ....... 14-1
XT-2000i/XT-1800i Main Unit ............................. 3-2
XT-2000i/XT-1800i Maintenance Checklist .... 12-41

Revised March 2011

18-4 Sysmex XT-2000i/XT-1800i Instructions for Use

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