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Version Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.0

IICA Computer Education

New Addition
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Tally.ERP 9 Assignment
Version Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.0

Company Creation
Company Info (Alt +F3) Create Company

Name : J.K. India Pvt. Ltd.

Address : Your Locality and City Name

Statutory Compliance for : India

State : Uttar Pradesh

Pin Code : Optional

Telephone : 22454570

Email Address : Optional

Maintain : Accounts with Inventory

Financial Year from : 01/04/2020

Books beginning from : 01/04/2020

Tally Vault Password : Not Applicable

Press Ctrl +A for quick saving

Modify a company
To modify a company go to Company Info (Alt +F3) → Alter

Delete a company
To delete a company go to company info (Alt + F3) → Alter, then press Alt +D to delete a company
IICA Computer Education 3

Ledger Creation:

Gateway of Tally → Accounts info → Ledger → Create

Create the following ledger and assign opening balance: (Closing Balance of financial year 2019-2020)

F11 Feature: to maintain bill wise details for Debtors and Creditors turn option

“Maintain Bill wise Details” in Accounting Features (F1)

Sl. No. Ledger Name Ledger Group Debit Amount Credit Amount

1 Capital A/c Capital Account 1000000

2 General Reserve A/c Reserve & Surplus 50000

3 Capital Reserve A/c Reserve & Surplus 30000

4 Profit & Loss A/c Primary * 82000

5 Loan from ICICI A/c Secured Loans 2000000

6 SBI (O/D) A/c Bank O/D A/c 25000

7 Supreme InfoTech Sundry Creditors 30000

8 Anirban Pvt. Ltd. Sundry Creditors 32000

9 O/s Salary A/c Outstanding Expenses * 25000

10 O/s Rent A/c Outstanding Expenses * 12000

11 Furniture & Fixture A/c Fixed Assets 1500000

12 Computer A/c Fixed Assets 106000

13 Machinery A/c Fixed Assets 900300

14 NSC A/c Investment 75000

15 Adv. Salary A/c Loan & Advanced (Assets) 5000

16 Roy InfoTech Sundry Debtors 38000

17 Globe Infosys Sundry Debtors 31000

18 Cash A/c Cash In Hand * 32000

19 State Bank of India A/c Bank Account 228000

IICA Computer Education 4

* Profit & Loss A/c & Cash A/c are already created just alter and put the opening balance
* Outstanding Expense group is not listed so it should be create.
Group Creation
Gateway of Tally → Accounts Info → Group → Create
Name : Outstanding Expenses
Under : Current Liabilities
Creditor and Debtors Bill Detail:

Supreme InfoTech 30000 Cr.

Date Name C.Days Amount Dr/Cr

01/08/2019 SG/101 15 12000 Cr

02/12/2019 SG/102 15 18000 Cr

Anirban Pvt. Ltd. 32000 Cr.

Date Name C.Days Amount Dr/Cr

01/09/2019 AR/202 15 17000 Cr

01/01/2020 AR/208 15 15000 Cr

Roy InfoTech 38000 Dr.

Date Name C.Days Amount Dr/Cr

01/09/2019 RT/121 15 18000 Dr

01/01/2020 RT/122 15 12000 Dr

15 8000 Dr

Globe Infosys 31000 Dr.

Date Name C.Days Amount Dr/Cr

01/09/2019 GI/001 15 12000 Dr

01/01/2020 GI/002 15 19000 Dr

View the report

Display → Statements of Accounts → Outstanding → Receivable or Payable
IICA Computer Education 5

Stock Group, Stock Category, Godowns, Unit of Measure and Stock Item Creation:

Stock Group Creation

Gateway of Tally → Inventory Info → Stock Group → Create
Name Under
Mobile Primary
Tablet Primary
Laptop Primary

Stock Category Creation: -

Press F11 → Inventory Features (F2) turn on the option “Maintain Stock Categories”
Gateway of Tally → Inventory Info → Stock Categories → Create
Name Under
Mi Primary
OPPO Primary
VIVO Primary
Samsung Primary

Godowns Creation:
Press F11 → Inventory Features (F2) → turn on the option “Maintain Multiple Godowns”.
Gateway of Tally→ Inventory Info → Locations→ Create
Name Under
KANPUR Primary

Unit of Measure Creation:

Gateway of Tally→ Inventory Info → Unit of Measure → Create
Name : Pcs
Under : Primary

Stock Item Creation

Gateway of Tally → Inventory Info → Stock Item → Create
Item Name Group Category Quantity Rate Value
OPPO A9 Mobile OPPO 7 14500 101500
Godown Quantity Rate Per Amount
KANPUR 4 14500 Pcs 58000
GHAZIABAD 3 14500 Pcs 43500
IICA Computer Education 6

Item Name Group Category Quantity Rate Value

Samsung B310E Mobile Samsung 11 1400 15400
Godown Quantity Rate Per Amount
KANPUR 6 1400 Pcs 8400
GHAZIABAD 5 1400 Pcs 7000

Item Name Group Category Quantity Rate Value

OPPO F19 Mobile OPPO 5 28000 140000
Godown Quantity Rate Per Amount
KANPUR 3 28000 Pcs 84000
GHAZIABAD 2 28000 Pcs 56000

Item Name Group Category Quantity Rate Value

NOKIA 150 Mobile NOKIA 10 1900 19000
Godown Quantity Rate Per Amount
KANPUR 5 1900 Pcs 9500
GHAZIABAD 5 1900 Pcs 9500

Item Name Group Category Quantity Rate Value

VIVO Y30 Mobile VIVO 5 7000 35000
Godown Quantity Rate Per Amount
KANPUR 3 7000 Pcs 21000
GHAZIABAD 2 7000 Pcs 14000

Item Name Group Category Quantity Rate Value

Redmi Note 9 Pro Mobile Mi 4 14950 59800
Godown Quantity Rate Per Amount
KANPUR 2 14950 Pcs 29900
GHAZIABAD 2 14950 Pcs 29900

To view closing stock amount in Balance sheet automatically active the following option in Company Features
(F11) → Accounting Feature (F1) → Integrated Accounts and Inventory → Yes
View the report [From “Gateway of Tally” menu]
Balance Sheet [Rs. 3286000]
Stock Summary [Rs. 370700]
IICA Computer Education 7

Business Transaction:

Accounting Vouchers → Payment (press F5)

1. Paid O/s Salary (Rs. 25000) on 01/04/2020 from State Bank of India Chq.No. 100001.
2. Paid O/s Rent (Rs. 12000) on 01/04/2020 from State Bank of India Chq. No. 100002.
3. Company clear the dues of Supreme InfoTech of Rs. 20000 from State Bank of India (Chq. No. 100003)
on 01/04/2020
4. Payment made for advertisement of Rs. 5000 to Arnab publisher on 01/04/2020.
View the report [From “Gateway of Tally” menu]
Balance Sheet [Rs. 3224000]
Profit & Loss A/c [Rs. 5000], Nett – [Rs. 5000]
Display → Trial balance [Rs. 3229000]
[Cash – Rs. 27000], [SBI- Rs. 171000], [Creditor-Rs. 42000], [Debtors- Rs. 69000]

Accounting Vouchers → Receipt mode (press F6)

1. Received Rs. 31000 from Globe Infosys against their pending bill by an UTI cheque and deposit into
State Bank of India on the same day. (Cheque No. 123456, Dt. 02/04/2020)
2. Received a cheque of Rs. 30000 (Chq. No. 654321) on 02/04/2020 of Allahabad Bank from Roy InfoTech
against their pending bills and deposited into State Bank of India on the same day.
3. NSC matured and gets a cheque of Rs. 10000 (Chq.No. 234562) on 02/04/2020 and deposited into
company bank Account (SBI).
4. A Loan of Rs. 200000 is taken of Kunal (UTI bank Chq. No. 654321) Dt. 02/04/2020 and deposited in
State Bank of India.
View the report [From “Gateway of Tally” menu]
Balance Sheet [Rs. 3249000]
Profit & Loss A/c [Rs. 25000], Nett – [Rs. 20000]
Display → Trial balance [Rs. 3454000]
[Cash – Rs. 27000], [SBI- Rs. 532000], [Creditor-Rs. 42000], [Debtors- Rs. 8000]

Accounting Vouchers → Contra mode (press F4)

1. Cash withdrawn Rs. 15000 from State Bank of India on 01/05/2020.

2. Deposited Rs. 5000 to State Bank of India on 01/05/2020.
3. Open a bank account in UTI Bank for Rs. 10000 on 01/05/2020.
4. Transfer Rs. 5000 from UTI Bank to State bank of India on 01/05/2020.
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View the report [From “Gateway of Tally” menu]

Balance Sheet [Rs. 3449000]
Profit & Loss A/c [Rs. 25000], Nett – [Rs. 20000]
Display → Trial balance [Rs. 3454000]
[Cash – Rs. 27000], [Bank- Rs. 532000], [Creditor-Rs. 42000], [Debtors- Rs. 8000]

Accounting Vouchers → Journal mode (press F7)

1. Adjust the advance salary (Rs. 5000) with current salary on 02/05/2020.
2. Purchase furniture worth of Rs. 10000 from Singhal Plywood on 02/05/2020.
View the report [From “Gateway of Tally” menu]
Balance Sheet [Rs. 3454000]
Profit & Loss A/c [Rs. 25000], Nett – [Rs. 15000]
Display → Trial balance [Rs. 3464000]
[Cash – Rs. 27000], [Bank- Rs. 532000], [Creditor-Rs. 52000], [Debtors- Rs. 8000]

Cost Centre and Cost Categories

Go to Company Feature (F11) Accounting Features (F1) → activate the following options:
a) Maintain Cost Centre→ Yes
b) More than one Payroll/Cost Categories → Yes

Create the following Cost Categories:

Accounts Info → Cost Categories → Create
Cost Categories Name
Phone No.

Accounts → Cost Centre → Create

Categories Name Under
Phone No 2289-0001 Primary
Phone No 2289-0002 Primary
Agent Sanjay Primary
Agent Rahul Primary
IICA Computer Education 9

Voucher Entry
1. Paid a consolidate telephone bill of Rs. 2500 on 31/05/2020 (Rs. 1500 for 2289-0001 and of Rs.
1000 for 2289-0002) by cheque No. 100004 of State Bank of India.
2. Paid agent commission of Rs. 3500 on 31/05/2020 (Rs. 2500 for Sanjay and Rs. 1000 for Rahul).
View the report [From “Gateway of Tally” menu]
Balance Sheet [Rs. 3448000]
Profit & Loss A/c [Rs. 25000], Nett – [Rs. 9000]
Display → Trial balance [Rs. 3464000]
[Cash – Rs. 23500], [Bank- Rs. 529500], [Creditor-Rs. 52000], [Debtors- Rs. 8000]

Purchase & Sales Entries with GST

Goods and Service Tax (GST)

Go to company Features (F11) → Statutory & Taxation (F3) →
Active “Enable Goods & Service Tax (GST)” and “Set/Alter GST details” Fill in the following details given

State : Uttar Pradesh

Registration Type : Regular
Applicable from : 01/07/2017

Create the following purchase and sales ledgers:

Accounts Info → Ledger → Create
Ledger Name Under Group Inv. Values are aff. Is GST Applicable Type of Supply
Purchase Purchase Account Yes Applicable Goods
Sales Sales Account Yes Applicable Goods

Create the following GST Ledgers:

Accounts Info → Ledger → Create
Ledger Name Under Group Type of Duties & Tax Tax Type
CGST Duties & taxes GST Central Tax
SGST Duties & taxes GST State Tax
IGST Duties & taxes GST Integrated Tax
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Create the following party ledgers:

Accounts Info → Ledger → Create
Ledger Under Bill State GST
Name Group wise Set/Alter GST Details
Details GST Registration GST/UIN Party
Details type Type
Singhal Sunder Yes Uttar Yes Regular 09GBTPR8597B1Z5 Not App.
Traders Creditors Pradesh
Hindustan Sundry Yes Delhi Yes Regular 07AAAGM0289C1ZL Not App.
Pvt Ltd Creditors
Manish Sundry Yes Uttar Yes Regular 09UIOPL8526A6Z6 Not App.
Mobile Debtors Pradesh

Stock Group Creation

(Go to F12-Configuration → 1. Allow HSN/SAC details - Yes
2. Show all GST tax Types - Yes
Inventory Info→ Stock group→ Alter
Name : Mobile
Under : Primary
Should quantities of Items be added : Yes
Set/Alter GST Details : Yes
Description : Mobile
HSN : 8517
Taxability : Taxable
Integrated Tax : 18%
Central Tax : 9%
State Tax : 9%

If you have given GST details under stock group then you don’t need to put the GST Details in stock Item.
Purchase Registered Person:
Note: If the registered person goods purchase in other state (Inter-state purchase) than IGST is to be
applicable and goods purchase in local state (Intra State purchase) than CGST and SGST are applicable.

1. Purchased 10 Pcs. OPPO F19 @ Rs. 19900, 10 Pcs VIVO Y30 @ Rs.12200, 10 Pcs. Redmi Note 9 Pro@
Rs.12950 from Hindustan Pvt. Ltd.(Delhi) GST is also adjusted (IGST) [Bill No. BL/HPL/01 Dt.
IICA Computer Education 11

2. Purchased 5 Pcs OPPO F19 @ Rs. 19600, 5 Pcs VIVO Y30 @ Rs.12000, 5 Pcs Redmi Note 9 Pro@
Rs.12950 from Singhal Traders (UP) CGST & SGST is also adjusted. [Bill No. BL/ST/01 Dt. 02/06/2020]

Sales Registered Person:

Press F12 (Configuration)→ Statutory Options: Allow entry of rate inclusive of tax for stock item: Yes
3. Sold 10 Pcs OPPO F19 @ Rs. 24000 (MRP) incl. of Tax to Manish Mobile Gallery (UP) CGST & SGST is
also adjusted [Bill No. BL/MDS/01 Dt. 02/02/2020].

Sales Unregistered Person or cash sales:

Note: If the value of cash sales or unregistered dealer sales exceeds Rs. 50000/- provide the buyers name,
address and state name.
4. Cash sales 2 Pcs VIVO Y30 @ Rs.15000 (MRP) incl. of Tax to Jasan Sen, (UP) CGST & SGST is also
adjusted. [Billl No.- BL/CSH/01]
5. Cash Sales 3 Pcs Redmi Note 9 Pro@ Rs.15500 (MRP) incl. of Tax to Ajay (Delhi) & IGST is adjusted. [Bill
No. – BL/CSH/02]

Create a Tax Invoice using Voucher Type and Voucher Class

Create a Voucher type for “Tax Invoice”
Gateway of Tally → Inventory Info → Voucher Type → Create
Name Type of Abbr.
Tax Invoice Sales Sale

Create a Voucher type for “Tax Invoice”

Name of Class Intra state@18%
Exclude these group -
Include these group -
Default Accounting Allocation for each Item in Invoice
Ledger Name Vat /Tax Class Per% Round. Round. Overwrite
Meth. Limit
Intrastate 100% No
Additional Accounting Entries
Ledger Name Type of Value Basic Round. Round. Remove If
Calculation Meth. Limit Zero
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Round off As Total Amount Normal 0.50 Yes
Rounding Round
Pass the following entries using Voucher Type “Tax Invoice” and Voucher Class GST@ 18%
1. Sold 2 Pcs OPPO F19 @ Rs. 24000 from GHAZIABAD Godown in Cash on 02/03/2018 with 18% GST. Bill
no. [bill/sal/03]

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