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Compiled by: Barrie Barnardt Authorized by ANTHONY PEARSE Document No. MASTER
Revision No. 00 Page No. 1of 16
Date last issue 06/06/2016 Date. 06/06/2016


SANS (ISO) 22000:2018


For the purpose of the Company Food Safety Management System, the definitions given in
ISO 22000:2018 apply.

The Food Safety Management System used within the Company, supplemented by hygiene
requirements, in order to produce safe and legal products. It has been designed to meet the
requirements of ISO 22000 and the BRC/IOP Standard.

ISO 22000
The standard fully known as SANS ISO 22000:2018


Food Safety determining purchases are products or services used by the Company that form
part of, or come in direct contact with, finished goods. Consumable items are not included.

The term Department Manager refers to any or all of the following:
Sales Director
Production Manager
Operations Manager


Compiled by: Barrie Barnardt Authorized by ANTHONY PEARSE Document No. MASTER
Revision No. 00 Page No. 2of 16
Date last issue 06/06/2016 Date. 06/06/2016

An employee holding one of the following job titles granted permission by a Company
Director to purchase Food Safety
Determining goods or services:
Managing Director
Production Manager
Operations Manager
Food Safety Control Manager
Production Controller
Maintenance Supervisor


An employee who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the FSMS and compliance
with the FS Standard. This position is currently assigned to the Operations Manager. He is
also the Management Representative for the ISO 22000 FSMS

An employee who is responsible for the control of the FS Standard. This position is currently
assigned to the Production Manager. His deputy is the Food Safety Control Manager.

The Compan s Opera ing Procedure Manual.


A committee, chaired by the Production Manager, and consisting of the Operations
Manager and every Supervisor provides a forum for consultation between management and
employees on all aspects of health, hygiene and food safety.

Primary Scope
Implementation of all applicable national and international legal regulations (food
legislation, health, working safety, labour law, environment etc.)
Food Safety Management
Product Safety

1.1. Food Safety System Manual: This manual describes WINPAK FS Management System. It
includes WINPAK Food Safety System policy and describes how it is implemented and sustained
throughout the organization. The systems core elements are described with references to the key
organizational procedures. In hi In e na ional S anda d, he e m p od c applie o he p od c o
service intended for, or required by, a customer or the product/service realization processes.

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1.2. Purpose: The purpose of WINPAK Food Safety Management System is:

a) to ensure product and service Food Safety continue to meet the highest standards demanded by
the organization and expected by its customers.

b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including
processes for continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to our customer.

c) WINPAK conforms to the regulatory controlling body for the printing industry, namely PIFSA.

1.3. Scope:

WINPAK Food Safety Manual specifies the requirements of its Food Safety management system in
accordance with ISO9001-2008 to:

a) Demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products that meets customer requirements, and

b) Aims to enhance customer satisfaction through effective application of its system, including
processes for continual improvement of its system and the assurance of conformity to customer

“The Company specialises in the manufacture & supply of plain and printed self-adhesive
(PSM) Labels printed on a diverse range of substrates”


It is the Policy and Mission of WINPAK to:

Maximise customer satisfaction through timely delivery of commercially

acceptable product that meets customer requirements at a competitive price.

Continually improve the effectiveness of the Food Safety Management System.

Produce safe and legal products that comply with applicable legal requirements.

Signed: Da e
Anthony Pearse
Managing Director

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The Company has established, documented, implemented and maintains a FSMS designed
to conform to ISO22000. The Company has determined that the Low Hygiene Risk Category
of the Food Safety standard is applicable to the Company as it manufactures packaging that
does not come into direct contact with high-risk food products. Specifically, the Company
has identified the processes needed for the FSMS and their application throughout the
Company. Appendix A shows the sequence and interaction of these processes together with
the Section numbers within the OPM that are applicable to ensure that both the operation
and control of these processes are effective, and that they can be monitored, measured
(where applicable) and analysed.
The Compan s managemen is commi ed o main aining a ha ard and risk management
system. This system consists of a multi-disciplinary team backed by external expertise when
considered necessary. They are led by a person suitably trained in hazard analysis and risk
management techniques. They are responsible for reviewing and identifying critical control
points within our system and assessing the following areas: microbiological, foreign objects
and chemical (e.g. taint, odour, allergen, component transfer) contamination, legality and
defects critical to consumer safety of products manufactured by the Company.
The Company has established, implemented and maintains procedures and work
instructions covering all aspects of the Standards, together with personnel responsible for
each procedure and their training required. The Company declares that it is not knowingly
directly or indirectly involved in the following activities:
Illegal logging or rade in illegal ood or fores prod c s
Violation of traditional and human rights in forestry operations.
Des r c ion of high conser a ion al es in fores r opera ions
Significan con ersion of fores s o plan a ions or non-forest use.
In rod c ion of gene icall modified organisms in forestry operations.

The documentation exists as three main levels:
This Food Safety Manual.
Operating or Management Procedures that span the full range of Food Safety related
activities. Together these comprise the Operating Procedures Manual (OPM).
The Systems Manual, such as Machine Set-Up Instructions, Maintenance
Instructions, Colour Matching Instructions, Packaging Specifications and Test
Methods Manual.
The Food Safety Manual is issued in two forms:
As a document loca ed on he Compan s eb si e for both
existing and potential customers to view.
As an internal PDF/Word file for he se of he Compan s emplo ees
All documents determined by the Company as necessary for the planning and operation of
the FSMS are identified and controlled. These documents are reviewed and approved

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before issue. Procedures exist to ensure that only the latest approved issues are in use, and
that pertinent issues of necessary procedures are available where required. In addition,
procedures exist for the control of obsolete documents. All these procedures cover printed,
typed or computerised documents or data.
All records are legible and in a clear and unambiguous form. They are securely stored, but
are readily accessible as and when required. Full details, including the different types of
record and their minimum retention times, are contained in documented procedures.
Records are kept to demonstrate that:
Specified requirements have been met for each customer order and delivery, and if
there is a non-conformance, the corrective actions taken.
Company products are traceable both to raw material batches and other Food Safety
records, and to the processing conditions under which they were made.
The FSMS has been operated as planned.


The Managing Director is committed to the development and implementation of the FSMS
and to continually improve its effectiveness. This is illustrated by the establishment of the
Food Safety Policy, regular communication to employees of the importance of meeting
customer requirements, legal requirements and the establishment of Food Safety
objectives. The Managing Director also chairs management reviews and ensures that
appropriate resources are available.

The Managing Director is instrumental in ensuring that procedures are in place to ensure
ha c s omer s req iremen s are both determined and met with the aim of enhancing
customer satisfaction.


The Managing Director has defined and authorized the documentation of the Food Safety
Policy & Mission Statement for the Company. This Food Safety Manual and other
documented procedures and instructions describe how this policy is put into effect. This
includes the keeping of records to demonstrate that we have achieved the required policy,
that our Food Safety system has been operated as laid down, and that it has been subjected
to the required internal audits and review.
In addition, our FSMS pro ides a frame ork o es ablish and re ie he Compan s Food
Safety objectives. Adherence to this policy requires a company-wide approach as it covers
almost every aspect of our business. This policy must be understood and acted upon by
everyone concerned, and it is made known to all members of the company through:
Permanent display on all main notice boards.
Company training programmes, including induction training.

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Internal Food Safety audits, the summarised results of which are subject to
management review.

The Managing Director has ensured that Food Safety objectives, including those that are
needed to meet requirements for product, are established at relevant functions and levels
within the Company. These objectives are measurable and consistent with the Food Safety
At Management Review meetings all the requisite Food Safety planning is performed to
improve the effectiveness of the FSMS and to ensure that any changes made do not affect
the integrity of the system.


The Managing Director is ultimately responsible for the Food Safety of all products and
services supplied by the Company. In consultation with senior management he authorises
changes to the Food Safety Policy, objectives and the FSMS. All of the Compan s emplo ees
are involved in the FSMS and can assist the Company in meeting its Food Safety objectives.
Specific areas of responsibility are covered within the OPM. Line of authority and
interrelation of all personnel are shown on the Organisation Chart.
The Management Representative has full responsibility and authority from the Managing
Director to ensure that the requirements of the FSMS are established, implemented and
maintained. The Management Representative reports on the performance of the system
and any need for improvement, as part of the Management Review. It is the responsibility
of the Management Representative to promote the awareness of customer requirements
throughout the Company. The Management Representative is also responsible for liaison
with any external party on matters relating to the FSMS. The FS Team Leader has specific
responsibility for the implementation and monitoring of the FSMS. The Managing Director
communicates the effectiveness of the FSMS via senior management and the Management


O erall responsibili for Food Safety/product safety and legal compliance
Pro ision of s fficien reso rces for main aining and constantly improving the
management system
Reg lar e al a ion of he effec i eness of he s s em b in ernal a di s and he
management review
Defini ion and follow-up of Food Safety targets
Nomina ion of one member as he managemen represen a i e ac ing as primar con-tact
for Food Safety/product safety and legal compliance
Se ing of Food Safety goals for the sites

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Food Safety Management:

The General Manager assigns selected duties of establishing, monitoring, updating and
improving the Food Safety Management System. Specific responsibilities include:
1. Constant improvement of FS management system and adaptation to market/legal
2. Maintenance of FSMS level documents or elements of management system
3. Implementation and maintenance of processes for systematic detection, analysis
and improvement of internal and external defects
4. Organization of external and internal audit programme
5. Generation and documentation of FS Management Review
6. Food Safety reporting/follow-up of Food Safety targets

Site Management:
Responsibili for Food Safety/product safety and legal compliance of the site
Implemen a ion of he requirements of the FS Manual
Pro ision of s fficien reso rces for Food Safety/product safety
Genera ion and con in o s impro emen of he site-specific elements of the management
Achie emen of si e specific Food Safety goals
Appro al of he si e management review as input for the FS Management Review

Site Food Safety Manager:

The General Manager assigns selected duties to the elected Food Safety manager,
1. Maintenance of local elements of Food Safety/product safety management system
according to implemented standards
2. Performance of internal audits
3. Food Safety control
4. Calibration of test equipment
5. Handling of internal and external defects
6. Evaluation of the supplier performance in cooperation with local Purchasing
7. Generation of management review for the site
8. Initiation and monitoring of preventive and corrective actions

The FSMS is reviewed at least annually by means of a minuted review meeting chaired by
the General Managing. The review assesses the FSMS for its continuing suitability, adequacy
and effectiveness in satisfying all the requirements of the standards that make up the FSMS
together the Company's Food Safety Policy and objectives. Opportunities for improvement
to the FSMS and the need for any changes are also considered. All senior managers attend
the meeting, plus co-opted members as required. In case of special needs, the General
Managing may call an extraordinary meeting. The agenda will vary according to

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circumstances, and is detailed within the OPM. The Management Representative is

secretary to, and prepares minutes of, the meeting.


The Company has determined and provided resources needed to implement and maintain
the FSMS and continually improve its effectiveness and to enhance customer satisfaction by
meeting customer requirements. The Company seeks to ensure manufacturing equipment is
well maintained and operated to agreed procedures and instructions, by trained and
conscientious employees, in a suitable environment. Emphasis is placed on ensuring that all
resources, whether they are buildings, plant, fixtures or equipment, are procured and
maintained to ensure a high level of hygiene, and subsequently minimisation of risk, within
the Company. All new installations of equipment will be properly specified prior to purchase
and be of suitable design so that it can effectively be cleaned and maintained. It will also be
tested and commissioned prior to use in a production environments and a maintenance
programme established. Security and access control ensure only appropriate personnel are
admitted to sensitive areas of the premises and that contamination risks are minimised.
Transport, storage and distribution of raw materials and finished product is undertaken in
order to minimise the risk of contamination or malicious intervention.

The Company seeks to develop and maintain a high level of Food Safety and hygiene
consciousness within the organisation and to ensure all personnel have the appropriate
training and skills for their individual roles within the Food Safety system.
Personnel performing work affecting conformity to product requirements are competent on
the basis of appropriate education and training together with relevant skill and experience.
Each Department Manager, together with the Management Representative, is responsible
periodically for identifying training needs in his/her department, and providing for the
training of all personnel, who manage, perform or verify work-affecting Food Safety. They
are also responsible for ensuring that personnel with the appropriate level of training and
skills only carry out specific activities, which affect Food Safety and that those personnel are
aware of the relevance and importance of how the con rib e o he compan s Food
Safety objectives. Details of training experience are held in either computer files of hard
copy. This programme of identification and training is also reviewed and evaluated, in
summary, at the Management Review. In addition, the Management Representative has
responsibility and authority to ensure that trained personnel, who are independent of direct
responsibility for the work being performed, carry out internal Food Safety audits.
A high level of personal hygiene is expected in order to minimise the risk of product
contamination and health conditions likely to adversely affect product safety are monitored
and controlled. Suitable protective clothing is worm where deemed appropriate.

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All managers within the company shall ensure that any absenteeism is dealt with and that
any key staff are covered by suitable replacements.

The Company has determined those resources that are needed to achieve conformity to
product requirements, including buildings, workspace and associated utilities, equipment
used in product manufacture and supporting services.
Computer systems are held in a secure environment, adequately controlled and regularly
backed up. Back-ups are also maintained off-site for further protection.

The Company has taken into account the work environment needed to ensure conformity to
product requirements.
Procedures are in place to ensure adequate space, layout and process flow in order to
prevent any cross-contamination and that the staff facilities are sufficient for the number of
personnel. In addition housekeeping, cleaning and waste disposal procedures ensure that
the environment is suitable for the production of product that is suitable for direct food
contact. A pest control procedure is in place and regularly maintained. Utilities used in the
production and storage areas are maintained.



The Company has planned and developed the processes needed for product realization,
which are consistent with the requirements of other processes of the FSMS. Consideration is
given to:
Any existing documented procedures that form an integral part of the Food Safety
The identification and acquisition of any controls, processes, equipment (including
monitoring and measuring equipment), fixtures, resources and skills that may be
needed to achieve the required Food Safety.
Ensuring the compatibility of the production process, installation, servicing,
inspection and test procedures and the applicable documentation.
The updating, as necessary, of Food Safety control and testing techniques, including
the development of new instrumentation.
The identification of any measurement requirement involving capability that exceeds
the known state of the art, in sufficient time for the needed capability to be
The identification of suitable verification at appropriate stages in the realisation of
product, the clarification of standards acceptability or all features and requirements,
including those that contain a subjective element.
The identification and preparation of Food Safety records.

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The Compan seeks o ens re ha all c s omers req iremen s are f ll nders ood i h
regard to all incoming orders, specifications and artwork. The sequence of events, from
receipt of an order, through to its acceptance and processing is defined in the OPM. Within
these procedures, steps are taken to ensure that:
The Company determines requirements related to the product for each order
received from a customer.
All req iremen s are re ie ed and defined prior o he Compan s commi men o
supply product and that these are agreed with the Customer.
Any new specified requirements differing from those originally on offer are resolved.
The company has the correct raw materials, trained operators, suitable production
and appropriate systems and procedures for the order to be completed. If the
required capability to produce the order is not immediately available, action must be
taken to acquire it, to re-negotiate or decline the order.
That legal requirements applicable to the product can be met.
All orders are acknowledged.
Records of every review are kept.
Customer complaints are recorded, together with other feedback.


All design and development work performed is at the express request of customers. The
sequence of events, from receipt of an enquiry, through to the approval of design work is
defined in the OPM. Within these procedures, steps are taken to ensure that:
The Company determines requirements related to the design and development of
product for each order received from a customer.
Customer supplied artwork is reviewed and any minor amendments required to
produce a practical solution are agreed. Unless special arrangements are made
proofs are agreed by the customer before any work starts.
Any new specified requirements differing from those originally on offer are resolved.
Appropriate records are kept.

It is Company policy to ensure that only approved suppliers are used to provide Food Safety
Determining raw materials and services. All purchased products, out-work and services
should conform to specified requirements. To implement this policy, the Company operates
an Approved Suppliers List, backed by evidence of Food Safety assurance approval, to
ensure that purchase orders are only placed with those suppliers capable of meeting our
specified requirements. The Approved Suppliers List is maintained on a computer system
and periodically updated from records of supplier performance and supplier complaint
procedures. The amount and nature of receiving inspection required for a particular
material or service is based on evidence of control exercised at source, proven performance

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and documented evidence of Food Safety conformance. When a product or service is

obtained from a new supplier or a supplier who for other reasons is not on the Approved
Suppliers List, sufficient precautions are taken to verify that specified requirements have
been met.
Depending on the product or service ordered, purchase documents contain sufficient and
relevant data clearly to describe the specified requirements for that particular item.
Purchase documents are reviewed and approved for this before their release. When it is
necessary to place an order verbally or by telephone, this is immediately confirmed in
writing. The purchase document will then confirm that this is written confirmation of a
previous verbal order, and provide adequate reference to this. The purchase document is
subject to the same controls for content, review and approval as an original written order.
Systems exist that prevent the purchase of non-Food Safety certified product to be used in
products supplied with an appropriate claim.
All materials and out-work are inspected on receipt to the degree necessary to verify that
they conform to specified requirements. That degree is determined by the Food Safety
Control Manager and Authorised Buyer and depends on the nature of the material, its
intended use and whether the supplier appears on the Approved Suppliers List. If, in case of
special need, tests are required that cannot be carried out in-house, arrangements for
outside testing are made.
Materials and outwork are only released for urgent production before being cleared under a
Positive Recall Procedure.
This ensures that the material is clearly marked and that it can be recalled if it is later found
to be defective. If the Company, or one of its customers, intends to perform verification at a
s pplier s premises, we will state the intended verification arrangements and method of
product release on a Purchase Order.


All operations related to the production planning and manufacturing of product are carried
out under controlled conditions.
Various documents lay down procedures for planning and manufacturing product through
the plant, for monitoring of products and processes, for compliance with specifications and
standards, for criteria of workmanship and for the degree of inspection and testing
required. These include:
Detailed instructions for the choice of raw materials (including FSC certified product
if applicable), and for the manufacture, inspection, testing and packaging of every
General procedures for plan opera ions are as per SOP s
More detailed technical and work instructions such as Machine Set-Up and Running
Instructions, Colour Matching Instructions, Packaging Specifications and
Maintenance Instructions. These documents are held separately from the OPM.
Further instructions for maintenance and operator instructions are held in machine
manuals for each machine.

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Where results of processes cannot be fully verified by subsequent monitoring or

measurement of the product, qualified operators will carry out processes, to ensure
contract requirements are met.
Procedures exist to ensure that products are identified and traceable through all stages of
production from receipt of incoming materials or outwork, to delivery of finished labels.
Planning and other procedures also ensure that individual jobs have a unique identification.
This is traceable back to retained customer orders and artwork, and to individual raw
material batches and related test and other data, including printing plates and die formes.
Systems are provided to establish and identify the inspection and test status of product
from raw materials through to their finished state. This includes procedures for
identification and release of conforming items and who has the responsibility and authority
for this.
Special arrangements are made for all materials supplied by customers and intended for use
in manufacture or incorporation in product supplied to them. This ensures that:
Their materials are verified or inspected against requirements on receipt.
Only used in the product(s) for which they were intended.
The customer is informed of any materials which fail receiving inspection or which
are scrapped, damaged or lost at more than reasonable wastage rates.
All surplus stocks are disposed of as intended.
If supplied product is found not to meet specified requirements at the goods inwards or any
later stage, we are still required to produce labels to the original specified requirements
unless a customer concession has first been obtained.
The handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery of all products and materials are
controlled to agreed procedures to prevent damage, deterioration or loss. As the Company's
product is also used in the food and pharmaceutical industries, special hygiene regulations
are enforced and monitored. Details are contained within documented procedures.
All practicable steps are taken to identify, avoid, eliminate or minimise the risk of foreign
body, chemical or biological hazard contamination.
Samples of products are kept for a minimum of one year, together with their associated
production records. This period can be varied on request by customers.



The Company has determined what monitoring and measuring is needed, and what
equipment is required to provide evidence of product conformity to determined
requirements. Documented procedures exist to ensure monitoring and measuring
equipment is suitable for its intended purposes and are calibrated or verified, or both, to
agreed procedures and schedules.
This equipment are regularly checked and calibrated or verified to ensure their continuing
effectiveness. Individual records are kept of calibration requirements and procedures. All
equipment is selected for their suitability and precision in measuring the particular property

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under test. Adequate steps are taken to ensure that the handling, preservation and storage
of all items are such that the accuracy and fitness for use is maintained, and that these
items are safeguarded from adjustments which would invalidate the calibration setting.
Master equipment is certified and traceable to National Standards.


The Company has planned and implemented monitoring, measurement, analysis and
improvement processes to demonstrate conformity to product requirements, conformity to
the FSMS and to continually improve the effectiveness of the FSMS.
It is the intention of the Company to optimise Food Safety and production costs by
emphasising prevention of defects rather than inspection of products. Nevertheless, we
inspect and check raw materials and services, in-process work, and finished goods, against
pre-determined standards and specifications
The layout and documents of the management system reflect the process orientation of the
business activities of WINPAK. Process steps, inputs/outputs, responsibilities, interfaces,
records etc. must be defined and documented within the Management System in an
appropriate manner. The performance of the processes is measured by key performance
Continuous improvement is an important pillar of the company philosophy and therefore a
key task of all employees. In order to reassure a comprehensive approach towards
comprehensive improvement various tools are applied e.g. measurement of customer
satisfaction, Management Review, internal and external audits etc.


The measurement of customer satisfaction is performed individually by the sites and/or on
group level by the sales department. As appropriate for the respective customer and
product focus, inputs such as supplier evaluations, visit reports, review meetings, customer
satisfaction surveys shall be utilized. Moreover, the customer satisfaction is also measured
indirectly by selected internal indicators like e.g. delivery performance, complaint rate etc.

Internal audits are performed by trained internal auditors and are coordinated by the FS
Team Leader. The Food Safety Manager is responsible for the orderly and timely execution
of the Internal Audit Plan.

EXTERNAL AUDITS (Customer and Third Party)

The Food Safety Manager must arrange the orderly performance of the external
certification audit by an accredited institution. The organization of third party and customer
audits lies within the responsibility of the Company.

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There is a common system for supplier audits that is accessible within the company. The
supplier audit plan and the audit reports are available on an electronic database once a
specific audit date has been confirmed by the party/s concerned.


As far as is possible within acceptable practices, the Company monitors information relating
to customer perception as to whether the Company has met their requirements in order to
measure the performance of the FSMS.
Periodic internal audits are performed to ensure that the FSMS conforms to planned
arrangements, i.e. the ISO 22000 S andard and he Compan s doc men ed proced res
These audits are carried out to a fixed schedule, which is prepared by the Management
Representative and confirmed at the Management Review. The Management
Representative appoints internal auditors who are independent of direct responsibility for
the work under audit. Training is carried out where necessary. A summary of audit test
results is evaluated at the Management Review.
The Company monitors and measures FSMS processes. When planned results are not
achieved, correction and corrective actions are taken, as appropriate to ensure conformity
of the product.
In order to ensure that product requirements are met, the Company inspects and tests the
product during the various stages of its travel throughout production. Records are kept
which show that such inspection and testing has been performed and who has authorised
the release of product. Unless specifically requested by a customer no work is released
without authorisation. To the greatest possible extent principles of operator inspection and
control are followed, but supplemented by routine inspections. Details are contained within
OPM. Where necessary instructions drawn up by the Food Safety/Facility Manager denote
the sampling frequency and plan, and any special tests required. In-process work is only
released for the next production stage when:
It has received positive clearance under all inspection and testing required so far, or
The stack has been marked for defective material but procedures provide for more
detailed inspection and sorting at a later production stage, or
It is released under a Positive Recall Procedure. Documented procedures state that
the Production Manager has the authority for this. At all stages, non-conforming
product is identified.
Final inspection includes verification that all earlier inspections and tests required by the
Food Safety plan have been completed and cleared, and that the label batch conforms to
specified requirements. This includes confirmation that the necessary records have been

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The measurement of customer satisfaction is performed by the sales department. As
appropriate for the respective customer and product focus, inputs such as supplier
evaluations, visit reports, review meetings, customer satisfaction surveys shall be utilized.
Moreover, the customer satisfaction is also measured indirectly by selected internal
indicators like e.g. delivery performance, complaint rate etc.


Product which does not conform to specified requirements at any stage of production, is
identified as such and segregated and controlled to prevent inadvertent further processing
or despatch. Procedures are enforced so that nonconforming product is re-worked to meet
specified requirements, or accepted, with or without repair, by customer concession, or
rejected and scrapped. Any items reworked are re-inspected according to laid down
Procedures state who has responsibility and authority for this, and how records are kept.

The Company collects and analyses data in order to measure the effectiveness and
suitability of its FSMS. This data is used to help consider if continual improvement of the
effectiveness of the FSMS can be made. Data from all sources may be used to provide
specific information as to customer satisfaction, conformity to product requirements,
characteristics and trends of processes and products including opportunities for preventive
action and suppliers.

The Company strives to improve the effectiveness of the FSMS by reviewing the Food Safety
policy, Food Safety objectives, audit results, analysis of data, corrective and preventive
actions and management review. The Company has established, documented and maintains
procedures for implementing corrective and preventative actions. These actions are
appropriate to the magnitude of the problems and commensurate with the risks
encountered. Procedures for corrective actions ensure that there are effective handling of
both customer complaints and reports of product non-conformities; that the causes are
investigated and corrective actions determined to eliminate these; that these are effectively
taken and reviewed. Procedures for preventive actions ensure that these are properly
determined and planned, and that an appropriate person is given responsibility for carrying
them out. These are minuted and reviewed at subsequent meetings until complete.
Management review includes checks for any applicable updates to legislation, scientific or
technical developments and industry codes of practice.


Preventive and corrective actions are an integral part of the handling of internal defects or
external complaints and are documented in the respective files. In addition, more

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Compiled by: Barrie Barnardt Authorized by ANTHONY PEARSE Document No. MASTER
Revision No. 00 Page No. 16of 16
Date last issue 06/06/2016 Date. 06/06/2016

systematic methods for the generation of improvement measures like statistical defect
analysis, root cause analysis, evaluation of testing data, FMEA etc. shall be applied by the
production facility wherever feasible.
The ultimate evaluation of the effectiveness of the preventive and corrective actions is
realized by the quarterly follow-up of the Food Safety key performance indicators.


WINPAK has implemented and certified a hygiene management system and GMP according
to the selected standards of the SANS10049:2012 FSMS to assure Food Safety and product
The sites are responsible for fulfilling the requirements of the selected standards like:
HACCP risk analyses
Pest Control
Hygiene rules
Cleaning procedures
Waste management
Hygiene inspections
Validation, etc.

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