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study of the. 1, . Phie peper dn not en.attonpt to pregent os exheusti stete of subvoreion in the Ulster Defenee Regiment (UDA): civen the Aintted stete of our kmouledge ir this field, and the tack of evant Antolligonce, such a tonk vould rot bo possible at the procoat tine, ‘Phe reper will qxenine the ovidenso snd intnllizence availuste to us. In end vith due copmi— well docusented creas Lixited juigcrente will be ned srnoe of the dangers dnvelved, an attenpt will by cade to cxtrapolate | from thie position, im order to draw conclusions relevant to the IDR-as a whole. One of the objectives the paper mey well achieve is to. point ‘up how linited our knowledge is in thie field. : 2. Tho besic sources for the poper. have beon: : Q, Questionsatzes put to MRUDE, SD, and 12 Int and-fy Cop ‘be Am examination of 12 Int and Sy Coy records of UDR personnel, end reports on arco 1osse0 c+ An exarination of the details of subvirsive tracer on UDR personnel held ty ¢ Int/sy - BQxT 4, Discussion with 650 1 Int/Sy (MYT) following his visite to ‘UDR battantons o, Intelligence xeports BUSTOMIGAL ic) Biskonor> s 3. The UDR cams into being on 1 Apri] 1970, It was forced Collowing ‘the socorneniations of the Jumt Report (in 1969) thet the Ulster Special Constatwlary (*BY Syaciale); vhs vere 100 Protestant, sold te atbnanted, and © nov leony recruited, ‘non-denoninations}, part ties forse, under) ‘the 000 Merthern Ireland, be act up. In fact the percentage of Catholic! rerzers hes contimully declined since the forsation ef the roginent, see “ : wise fp ‘er arp amore niLseusseatly etanda ut Jusé ander 48 (suo samen A). 40 The VOR G6 Orotaised ditto 11 Battalions ond 59: Shepechea there: are oe ‘fio batsalions dn Zolfast and ‘the recaindor aover eouity ox avb-coumty” erees, Seven of thy 11 Battelions are.cerionded by Rucvlar Cocending Otticora, To-aléstion the Testing Kagoro, ‘hartenmater; Rogizental sexgonnt Fajors, Chief Gloria, und Siginier M80s axe also Remularee ‘There are a outer of 'Conrate' (full tine UR) posts in euch unit, including Adjutente, Peranant Steer Inctreetors, Secusity Guarda, ots, any of the officor and senior ‘renk Conretes cre exRogulene, Tho reveindor 2 ore partetiners, Their eain toaus are custding key points, prtrelling;."” | and ourveillance, end ramiing Veliicle Check Pointe. They do mot operate. oY sub-rachine guns. The current strength of tho Recinent is 7910, fe 18 aus mens suoTeaIoN mms wy 5. Since the first doys of the UDR the dangers of raising 2 loral foxes fron the tuo conmuncties, at a tine of Sntereorsused strise, mis been clenrly recognised, snd cech sprlicant hay been subjocted to o security vetting prosebt, sovevar, felloring-the impetus given to the ronrusting of Protestant para-military and extremist croups by the imposition of direct. vue (tho UA dn sertiovlar wan epticated to have a etength of 4,000 ~ 6,000 wecbere in Bettast plus 15,000 supportere by Septezber 1972) tho problen of, Advided loyalties ssonget WOR recruits becaie more reskeds Joint °° Sexberchin of tha UDA (vtich hod objectives intonsotibie with those of <5i6) - end Yoo UDR booze jedonyroad, and at the ease tine tne rato of TOR woopens © lossee Greatly inoronseds Subequentiy « iaiter of Ubi Berbers with traces in other subversive orgunieations: nave: ‘cone to pote.

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