Intership of English

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Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Tung, PhD

Student: Tran Trong Nghia
Student ID: 43.01.751.177

Organization: Hoang Gia Vu Import Export & Service Trading Company Limited
Address: Number 43 Street 16, Quarter 23, Binh Hung Hoa A Ward, Binh Tan District, Ho
Chi Minh City
Mentor: Ms. Vu Thi Tram Anh

During the period of internship, I received a plenty of enthusiastic help and support that
guide and encourage me to overcome all difficulties and finish this hard but meaningful

Firstly, I would like to express thanks to the Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
and the English Department providing me with knowledge and skills to put into practice
and creating favorable conditions for me to take my internship.

Secondly, I sincerely thank to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tung, my instructor who gave me useful
guidance and advice that help me to finish my internship successfully. Without these
advices, I cannot improve my English skills and strategies in translation and interpretation

Thirdly, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Hoang Gia Vu Import
Export & Service Trading Company Limited, who gave me an opportunity to fulfill my
internship. Besides, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to Ms. Tram
Anh who gave me chances to practice translating documents and files related to import
export and service trading. She also gave me professional guidance and insightful
comments that considerably help me gain a lot of experiences in improving my skills and
strategies in English translation and interpretation.

Last but not least, I am grateful to all of my group members, who often shared my feelings
and gave me timely advice during the internship.

In short, I really thank to all people that help me to finish this internship report.

Table of Contents
I. Introduction..............................................................................................................5

II. Description..............................................................................................................6

III. Analysis & Evaluation.........................................................................................12

IV. Conclusion & Recommendation.........................................................................13

I. Introduction

During my 08 weeks of internship (from May 18th, 2020 to July 10th, 2020), I enrolled in
and was given a chance to practice translating in Hoang Gia Vu Import Export & Service
Trading Company Limited. Although the company does not specialize in translation, it
also has a specific office that is in charge of translating documents to meet the
requirements of the foreign customers.

Below is some basic information about the company:

Hoang Gia Vu Import Export & Service Trading Company Limited

Address: Number 43 Street 16, Quarter 23, Binh Hung Hoa A Ward, Binh Tan District, Ho
Chi Minh City

Having come into operation since 2017, Hoang Gia Vu Import Export & Service Trading
Company Limited is one of a leading enterprise in Vietnam. They provide clients with
high quality machinery, equipment and other spare parts.

At Hoang Gia Vu Import Export & Service Trading Company Limited, they believe that
localization is the key to globalization. They build a team of professional translators to
meet the demands of globalization of the company to connect with foreign customers.

Their mission is to provide customers with the most quality and modern machinery which
is suitable and appropriate to customers’ needs. They also connect customers with the
whole world, towards mutually beneficial results.

With a view to being one of the most prestigious company in Vietnam, Hoang Gia Vu
Import Export & Service Trading Company Limited is attempting every day to complete
their tasks efficiently and please every customers.

Having my internship here is a great opportunity, I can practice my English skills in

translation as well as gain new knowledge and experience in technology and machinery
fields that I am not used to.

II. Description
My internship lasts 08 weeks (from May 18 th, 2020 to July 10th, 2020). Depended on my
major, I was given a chance to practice translating a document or file. The subject is
primarily related to technology and machinery. I was so blissful that they often gave me
some useful advice on my subject and my future career. My 08-week internship, based on
the translation theories I have learnt at school and my experience I have gained in realistic
translation environment, is summarized in the observation scheme table below:

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

June 22nd, 2020 to June

May 18th, 2020 to

June 15th, 2020 to

June 29th, 2020 to

May 25th, 2020 to

June 8th, 2020 to

June 1st, 2020 to

July 6th, 2020 to

May 22nd, 2020

May 29th, 2020

June 12th, 2020

June 19th, 2020

July 10th, 2020

June 5th, 2020

July 3rd, 2020

26th, 2020

Technology Document Translation

Machinery Maintenance Schedule
Technology Leaflet Translation
Learn Useful Vocabularies and

Learn How To Use Computer-

Machinery Leaflet Translation

Learn How To Use Specialist

assisted Translation

Plans Translation



Writer x x x x x x x x
Source Language

Grammar x x x x x x x x



Reader x x x x x x x x

Grammar x x x x x x x x





x x x x x x x x



e translation

Transference x x x x x x x x


Cultural equivalent x x x x x x x x

Functional equivalent x x x x x x x x

Descriptive equivalent x

Synonymy x x


Shifts or transpositions
Modulation x x

Recognized translation

Translation label


Componential analysis
Reduction and

Notes, additions,
Textual x x x x x x x x

Referential x x x x x x x x

Cohesive x x x x x x x x

Natural x x x x x x x x

In the sixth week of my internship (from June 22 th, 2020 to June 26th, 2020), I was asked to
give a draft translation of a concert planning. When I see the original at first, I was a bit
nervous since this is the first time I have ever translated in this field and this kind of paper
contains a lot of new vocabularies and word phrases that I do not know how to translate
them properly, naturally and understandable to readers. Then my mentor gave me some
helpful advice on translating such kinds of text. He said since this is a specialist source, I
would have to find correspondent word in a specialist dictionary. The following extract
will illustrate this clearer:

Source Language:

At the Hard Rock Cafe, like many organizations, project management is a key planning
tool. With Hard Rock’s constant growth in hotels and cafes, remodeling of existing cafes,
scheduling for Hard Rock Live concert and event venues, and planning the annual
Rockfest, managers rely on project management techniques and software to maintain
schedule and budget performance.

“Without Microsoft Project,” says Hard Rock Vice-President Chris Tomasso, “there is no
way to keep so many people on the same page.” Tomasso is in charge of the Rockfest
event, which is attended by over 100,000 enthusiastic fans. The challenge is pulling it off
within a tight 9-month planning horizon. As the event approaches, Tomasso devotes
greater energy to its activities. For the first 3 months, Tomasso updates his Microsoft
Project charts monthly. Then at the 6-month mark, he updates his progress weekly. At the
9-month mark, he checks and corrects his schedule twice a week.

Early in the project management process, Tomasso identifies 10 majors’ tasks (called
level-2 activities in a work breakdown structure, or WBS) 1: talent booking, ticketing,
marketing/PR, online promotion, television, show production, travel, sponsorships,
operations, and merchandising. Using a WBS, each of these is further divided into a series
of subtasks. Table 3.8 identifies 26 of the major activities and sub activities, their
immediate predecessors, and time estimates. Tomasso enters all these into the Microsoft
Project software.2 Tomasso alters the Microsoft Project document and the time line as the
project progresses. “It’s okay to change as long as you keep on track,” he states.

The date of the rock concert itself is not the end of the project planning. “It’s nothing but
surprises. A band not being able to get to the venue because of traffic jams is a surprise,
but an ‘anticipated’ surprise. We had a helicopter on stand-by ready fo fly the hand in,”
says Tomasso.

On completion of Rockfest in July, Tomasso hand his team have a 3-month reprieve
before stating the project planning process again.

Target Language:

Tại Hard Rock Cafe, giống như nhiều tổ chức, quản lý dự án là một công cụ lập kế hoạch
quan trọng. Với sự phát triển không ngừng của Hard Rock, trong các khách sạn và quán cà
phê, tu sửa lại các quán cà phê hiện có, lên lịch cho buổi hòa nhạc và địa điểm tổ chức sự
kiện Hard Rock Live, và lên kế hoạch cho Rockfest hàng năm, các nhà quản lý dựa vào
các kỹ thuật và phần mềm quản lý dự án để duy trì lịch trình và hiệu suất ngân sách.

Không có dự án của Microsoft, Chris nói, Phó chủ tịch của Hard Rock, Chris Tomasso,
không có cách nào để giữ nhiều người trên cùng một trang. Tomasso phụ trách sự kiện
Rockfest, với sự tham gia của hơn 100.000 người hâm mộ nhiệt tình. Thách thức đang kéo
nó đi trong một kế hoạch 9 tháng chặt chẽ. Khi sự kiện đến gần, Tomasso dành năng lượng
lớn hơn cho các hoạt động của mình. Trong 3 tháng đầu tiên, Tomasso cập nhật biểu đồ
Microsoft Project của mình hàng tháng. Sau đó, ở mốc 6 tháng, anh ấy cập nhật tiến độ của
mình hàng tuần. Ở mốc 9 tháng, anh kiểm tra và sửa lịch trình của mình hai lần một tuần.

Đầu quá trình quản lý dự án, Tomasso xác định 10 nhiệm vụ chính (được gọi là hoạt động
cấp 2 trong cấu trúc phân chia công việc, hoặc WBS) 1: đặt chỗ tài năng, bán vé, tiếp thị /
PR, quảng bá trực tuyến, truyền hình, sản xuất chương trình, du lịch, tài trợ , hoạt động và
bán hàng. Sử dụng WBS, mỗi trong số này được chia thành một loạt các nhiệm vụ. Bảng
3.8 xác định 26 trong số các hoạt động chính và hoạt động phụ, tiền thân trực tiếp của
chúng và ước tính thời gian. Tomasso nhập tất cả những thứ này vào phần mềm Microsoft
Project.2 Tomasso thay đổi tài liệu Microsoft Project và dòng thời gian khi dự án tiến
triển. Ngay lập tức, bạn có thể thay đổi miễn là bạn tiếp tục theo dõi.

Ngày của buổi hòa nhạc rock không phải là kết thúc của kế hoạch dự án. Cẩu Nó không có
gì ngoài sự ngạc nhiên. Một ban nhạc không thể đến địa điểm vì kẹt xe là một điều bất
ngờ, nhưng là một bất ngờ được dự đoán trước. Chúng tôi đã có một máy bay trực thăng ở
chế độ chờ sẵn sàng để bay trên tay, Tom nói.

Sau khi hoàn thành Rockfest vào tháng 7, Tomasso đã cho nhóm của mình nghỉ 3 tháng
trước khi nêu lại quy trình lập kế hoạch dự án.

In the last week, week eighth (from July 06th, 2020 to July 10th, 2020), I was in charge of
translating a company document. This was the most challenging yet the most rewarding
translation so my mentor just saved the last for best. The document was very long and full
of terms in technology. And this was also the translation that I could learnt skills and
strategies in translation the most. Below is the extract:

Source Language:

The Cranston Construction Company is a small Mississippi construction company that

undertakes building projects of a medium-to large-scale nature based on local and
statewide needs. Although the company is capable of operating outside of its native state,
it usually does not bid on out-of-state business. It maintains an office with a small staff and
usually has several construction projects going on at the same time. Cranston has just
received the contract for construction of a new humanities building on the campus of
Northern Mississippi State University.

Although the university and the State Building Commission are pleased to have completed
negotiations for the new building, a significant task lies ahead for Mr. Daniel Cranston, the
president of Cranston Construction Company. He must select a project manager and
arrange for allocation of necessary resources for construction. He must then work with the
project manager to develop a schedule for constructing the building in order to assist in the
timely decision–making that involves financial needs and shifting of equipment from other
job sites.

Mr. Cranston decides that the detailed planning, layout, and scheduling can be provided by
his project manager. The project manager will further be delegated total authority for the
construction operations, the execution phase of the project. Based on past experience, Mr.
Cranston makes up a job breakdown with approximate costs (shown in Table 1). Since the
bid was for over $1 million, these costs represent company targets and are confidential.
Although Cranston does not have significant experience with critical path analysis, he also
makes up the activity list and time allowances (shown in Table 2). These time allowances
represent the span between the earliest date he thinks each activity can begin and the latest
date by which each should end.

Target Language:

Công ty xây dựng Cranston là một công ty xây dựng nhỏ ở Mississippi, đảm nhận các dự
án xây dựng có tính chất từ trung bình đến lớn dựa trên nhu cầu của địa phương và toàn
tiểu bang. Mặc dù công ty có khả năng hoạt động bên ngoài trạng thái bản địa, nhưng công
ty thường không đấu thầu kinh doanh ngoài tiểu bang. Nó duy trì một văn phòng với một
đội ngũ nhân viên nhỏ và thường có một số dự án xây dựng đang diễn ra cùng một lúc.
Cranston vừa nhận được hợp đồng xây dựng một tòa nhà nhân văn mới trong khuôn viên
của Đại học bang Bắc Mississippi.

Mặc dù trường đại học và Ủy ban Xây dựng Nhà nước vui mừng hoàn thành các cuộc đàm
phán cho tòa nhà mới, một nhiệm vụ quan trọng nằm ở phía trước đối với ông Daniel
Cranston, chủ tịch của Công ty Xây dựng Cranston. Anh ta phải chọn một người quản lý
dự án và sắp xếp phân bổ các nguồn lực cần thiết để xây dựng. Sau đó, anh ta phải làm
việc với người quản lý dự án để xây dựng một lịch trình xây dựng tòa nhà để hỗ trợ đưa ra
quyết định kịp thời, liên quan đến nhu cầu tài chính và chuyển thiết bị từ các vị trí công
việc khác.

Ông Cranston quyết định rằng kế hoạch chi tiết, bố trí và lập kế hoạch có thể được cung
cấp bởi người quản lý dự án của ông. Người quản lý dự án sẽ tiếp tục được ủy quyền toàn
bộ cho các hoạt động xây dựng, giai đoạn thực hiện của dự án. Dựa trên kinh nghiệm trong
quá khứ, ông Cranston tạo ra một sự phân chia công việc với chi phí gần đúng (thể hiện
trong Bảng 1). Vì giá thầu là hơn 1 triệu đô la, các chi phí này thể hiện mục tiêu của công
ty và được bảo mật. Mặc dù Cranston không có kinh nghiệm đáng kể về phân tích đường
dẫn quan trọng, anh ta cũng tạo ra danh sách hoạt động và phụ cấp thời gian (thể hiện
trong Bảng 2). Các khoản phụ cấp thời gian này thể hiện khoảng thời gian giữa ngày sớm
nhất mà anh ấy nghĩ rằng mỗi hoạt động có thể bắt đầu và ngày mới nhất mà mỗi hoạt
động nên kết thúc.

III. Analysis & Evaluation
Before start translating any file or document, my mentor always told me spend a little time
to decide which kind of text it belonged to so that I could choose the most suitable method
of translation. She also told me that a good translator was one that was not only fast but
also precise at the same time. In order to achieve that, a translator must have been through
lots of difficulties when translating and pile up his own experience. After all that, she
advised me to double check to make sure that was the best translation. She also advised me
to try to find out the intention of the writer and what he meant behind those words. A good
translator should not only pay attention to the words but also to the context as well to
thoroughly comprehend the text so that we can choose the best method to translate. One
more thing to consider is that a translator need to always improve their skills and find new
ways, new strategies of translating. The document need to be carefully analyzed so that a
smooth and comprehensible translation can be delivered to readers and avoid
misunderstanding the contents of the document.

During my internship, I was always eager to learn new things and luckily my mentor was
always happy to answer my questions. My language competence has been enhanced
greatly as well due to the unhesitant guidance and advice she gave me. I have learnt a lot
of vocabularies, information and gain new knowledge in legal and educational field and
know how to apply the appropriate method of translation to any kind of text. A good
translation requires both naturalness and faithfulness, so I have to learn how to combine
these two requirement in one translation.

IV. Conclusion & Recommendation
Having my internship at Hoang Gia Vu Import Export & Service Trading Company
Limited is a great opportunity for me to have a sense in a professional working
environment. Translation is not an easy pie, it requires a lot of effort and dedication.
Therefore anyone that wants to make translation a way of earning money should
concentrate on developing both knowledge and skills. Sometimes there are some
challenges that may cause discouragement and tiredness, so a translator need to acquire
practical experience as well as background knowledge. Only by practice can a translator
grasp the general idea of the text and identify the intention of the author in order for
translating it both naturally and precisely to the target language.


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