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School: Grade Level: 3

AUGUST 22, 2022 Quarter: FIRST

A. Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of the school rules and regulations.
Prepare an essay on the importance of following school rules and
B. Performance Standard
Identify the different school rules and regulations to maintain a peaceful
C. Learning Competency
and orderly learning environment.
II. Content School Rules and Regulations
III. Learning Resources

A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. Procedures
1. What are the different activities that you do at home?
2. Do your parents ask you to do those things?
A. Review of Previous Lesson
3. Do you obey your parents’ order? Why?

Picture Study
Observe and Describe

1. What do boys do in picture A?

2. What should we have to avoid them from fighting?
3. Is our classroom the same as that in Picture A?
B. Establishing purpose for the Lesson

4. What can you say about pictures C and D?

5. What should a school/classroom have in order to have a
peaceful and orderly learning community?

C. Presenting examples/instances of the 1. What do boys do in picture A?

new lesson 2. What should we have to avoid them from fighting?
3. Is our classroom the same as that in Picture A?

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4. What can you say about pictures C and D?
5. What should a school/classroom have in order to have a
peaceful and orderly learning community?

Classroom Rules
 The teacher facilitates learning in classrooms and
students follow instructions.
 Be punctual for all classes and have all necessary
D. Discussing new concepts and equipment.
practicing new skills #1  Behaviors which interrupt learning or distract others are
not acceptable.
 Respect the rights of others and their property.
 Speak respectfully at all times.

E. Discussing new concepts and What are the different ways of maintaining a safe, peaceful and orderly
practicing new skills #2 learning community?

True of False
1. School rules and regulations should be followed.
F. Developing Mastery 2. When you observe that your classmates create disturbance
(Leads to Formative Assessment) inside the room you will join them.
3. When students respect one another, they will love one another.

G. Finding practical applications of You observe that some of the students from other sections use to fight
concepts and skills in daily living with their classmates. As
Fill the blanks.
School rules and regulations are __________ to maintain a safe learning
environment. Each student should _________ one another to avoid
H. Making generalizations and
incidence of bullying. When the school learning community has
abstractions about the lesson
________ and ________ every one will be safe.

rules regulations respect policies

A. Which of the following maintains a safe and orderly learning
community? Write your answers on your quiz notebook.

1. Maintain a conducive teaching and learning environment.

2. Consumption of food and sweet drinks are strictly not allowed
in the classroom.
3. Show consideration to others by keeping the noise level low.
I. Evaluating learning 2.7.4 Update the class notice boards regularly.
2.7.5 Use of all forms of electronic gadgets is prohibited unless
they are required for lessons, e.g. calculators for Math and
Electronic Dictionaries.

J. Additional activities for application Prepare a five-paragraph essay on the importance of having school rules
or remediation and regulations.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
_____# of learners who earned 80% above
the formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who require
_____# of learners who require additional activities for remediation
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remediation lesson work?
_____Yes _____No
No. of learners who have caught up
_____# of learners who caught up the lesson
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
_____# of learners who continue to require remediation
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies _____Experiment _____ Role Play
worked well? Why did these work? _____Collaborative Learning
_____ Differentiated Instruction
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_____Lecture _____Discovery
Why? _____Complete IMs
_____Bullying among pupils
F. What difficulties did I encounter _____Pupils’ Behavior/Attitude
which my principal or supervisor can _____Colorful IMs
help me solve? _____Unavailable Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD)
_____Science/Computer/Internet Lab
_____Localized Videos
G. What innovation or localized
_____Making big books from views of the locality
materials did I use/discover which I
_____Recycling of plastics for contemporary arts
wish to share with other teachers?
_____Local musical composition

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