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MBA Fourth Semester MODEL QP- KEY Performance Management and Appraisal-MU0007/B0934 (2 Credits) Question Number 1 to 20 Marks Question

n Question Number 21 to -31 Marks Question Question Number to 31 - 38 Marks Question Statement and Options: 1 Mark questions Q.1. If an employees ____ was found to be less than ideal, a cut in pay would follow on the other hand if better than expected pay rise was in order. (a)Attendance (b)Performance (c)Timing (d)Work ___Usually refers to a meeting to review and evaluate performance, involving supervisor and employee. Often done once a year (a)Performance Planning (b) Ranking Scales (c) Performance Review (d)Performance management Q.3. Appraisal results are used, either directly or indirectly, to help b determine : (a)Bonus (b)reward outcomes (c)Intelligence (d)Work performed The ability of an organization to maintain focus on the external c environment of the organization, particularly on performing while continually adjusting and aligning itself to respond to those needs and influences. This is called: (a)Leadership capacity (b)Organisational capacity (c) Adaptive capacity (d)Learning capacity __ is information relevant to how well results are being achieved. And it should be timely, feasible and understood. (a)Result (b)Appraisal b




(c)Acknowledgement (d) Feedback


In the presence of invalid paradigms, assumptions, or perceptions, the system suffers from __when trying to deal with dilemmas that result from the conflict of common sense and the faulty beliefs. (a)Dissonance (b)Dilemma (c)cognitive dilemma (d) cognitive dissonance


__________ is the systematic process by which an agency c involves its employees, as individuals and members of a group, in improving organizational effectiveness in the accomplishment of agency mission and goals. (a)Recruitment (b)Organisational Development (c) Performance management (d)Training and development


The term used to define, the process,

where a manager

intervenes to give feedback and adjust performance is:

(a) Performance coaching (b)Performance guidelines (c) Performance appraisal (d) Performance planning








members of groups, for their performance and acknowledging their contributions to the agency's mission.


(b)Team building (c) Rewarding (d)Acknowledgement Q.10. _______ is about locating and rectifying defects in processes to c improve efficiency and therefore performance (a)Analysis (b)Rectification (c) Six Sigma (d)Kan Ben Q.11. Performance management methodology was made popular by a Kaplan and Norton in their excellent book named as (a) The Balanced Scorecard published by Harvard Business School (b) The Balanced Performance (c) Management Methodology (d)Management Appraisal published by Harvard Business School


Today's ____seem to change much more rapidly than in the past. b Many experts have strong reservations about the numerous measurements that must be taken in performance management. (a)Society (b)organizations (c)Culture (d)Weather



__________is a method by which the performance of an c employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost and time). (a)Training (b)Examination (c) Performance appraisal (d)Performance management Effective performance appraisal systems contain two basic d systems operating in conjunction (a)Information system and feedback system

(b) Information system and evaluation system (c)Feedback system and appraisal system (d) Evaluation system and feedback system Q.15. The greatest advantage of rating scales is that they (a)Are standardised and unstructured (b) Are numerical and graphical (c)Are standardised and prescribe (d)Are prescribed and unstructured b


In __________the supervisor places employees into a particular c classification such as "top one-fifth" and "second one-fifth". If a supervisor has ten employees, only two could be in the top fifth, and two must be assigned to the bottom fifth (a)Classification (b)Number ordering (c)Group rank ordering (d)Critical incidents


The method in which the supervisor lists employees from highest b to lowest. The difference between the top two employees is assumed equivalent to the difference between the bottom two employees is called (a)Group ranking (b) Individual ranking (c)Rating (d)Hierarchy


The rater is given a checklist of the descriptions of the behavior of the employees on job. The checklist contains a list of statements on the basis of which the rater describes the on the job performance of the employees.

This method is called as : (a) Critical Incidents Methods (b) Paired Comparison (c)Checklist methods (d) Straight Ranking Method


To eliminate the element of bias from the raters ratings, the a evaluator is asked to distribute the employees in some fixed categories of ratings like on a normal distribution curve. The rater chooses the appropriate fit for the categories on his own discretion. This method is known as: (a)Forced Distribution (b) Paired Comparison (c) Checklist methods (d) 360 Degree Feedback


Appraisal results are used, either directly or indirectly, to help determine (a)Bonus (b) reward outcomes (c)Intelligence (d)Work performed

2 Marks questions:


A typical appraisal system could be designed on one of the a following: Which one among them is correct: (a) Confidential report, Report by supervisor, Self-appraisal by the individual, value-added comments by the supervisor (b) Confidential report, attendance report ,performance report (c) Report by supervisor, Confidential report, attendance report (d) value-added comments by the supervisor , attendance report Goal setting helps increase___ by enabling people to focus on the requirement; it minimizes frustration and enables __ (a)Time Management, Pay (b)Employee satisfaction, Productivity (c)Pay, Time Management (d) Productivity, employee satisfaction d



Conduct ongoing __ and __ to track performance (a)Interview, measurements (b)Observations, measurements (c) Observations, draft (d) Interview, draft Organizational effectiveness is always a matter of comparison Organizational effectiveness is multi-dimensional Organizational effectiveness is a social construction More effective organizations are more likely to use correct management practices


Select the best option: (a)These are the few organisational appraisal modules (b) These are few of the fundamental propositions given by Herman and Renz (2002) as an overviews to the concept of organizational effectiveness (c)These are few training module for an organisation (d)These are the fundamental rules of employees effectiveness


i) Performance Management goals must include summary c comments that support rating. ii) Rate each goal according to HHSS guidelines. Select the option which represent goal evaluation process (a)only i is applicable (b) only ii is applicable (c)both i & ii (d)both are not applicable


From time to time, organizations find it useful to summarize a employee performance. This can be helpful for looking at and comparing performance over time or among various employees. This is done because: (i)Organizations need to know who their best performers are. (i) Organizations wants to develop a work culture Select the best option: (a)Only i inference is true (b)Both the inferences are true (c)Only ii inference is true (d)Both the inference are not applicable


________ has historically been about strategic performance b management, while ________ has been about operational performance management. (a)Scorecard, Six Sigma (b)Balanced Scorecard, Six Sigma (c)Appraisal, Six sigma (d)Appraisal. Scorecard


The strategy and process of managing a business. by trying to b optimize resources and processes at all levels :

(i)Performance management and strategic management (ii)Performance management (iii)Strategic management (iv)Appraisal management Select the correct option (a) i option is correct (b) ii option is correct (c)i and iv is correct (d) iii option is correct


Selective ___ is the human tendency to make private and highly b subjective ___ of what a person is "really like", and then seek evidence to support that view (a)Perception, appraisal (b) Perception, assessments (c) Selection ,appraisal (d) Approach ,assessment It is very important that employees recognize that negative____ b feedback is provided with a constructive ____ (a)emotional ,design (b) appraisal, intention (c)appraisal, design (d)emotional ,appraisal The primary objectives of an appraisal are: b (i)To assess past performance (ii)To identify training needs (iii)To increase interaction among colleagues (iv)To set and agree on future objectives and standards (v)To facilitate the achievement of the goals. Select the correct option: (a)i ,ii iii and iv



(b)i, ii, iv and v (c)i ii iii and v (d)All of the above

4 Marks Questions


Match the following: : (a) A way of evaluating staff by 1.Performance planning comparing them to each other, so there is a best, a second best, and so on. (b) The process of addressing performance difficulties by first trying to help, then setting up increasingly consequences reach the for strong failure levels to 3.Ranking Scales of 2.Performance Appraisal


performance. (c) The process of

communication manager results and in

between employee that

MUTUAL 4.Performance Management UNDERSTANDING of what the employee is to be doing during the next period of time

(d) The larger process of defining 5.Progressive Discipline what employees should be

doing, ongoing communication during the year, linking of

individual organization evaluation

performance needs, of appraising

to and the

performance. (e) The regular (usual annual) process where an employees performance for the year is assessed by manager and/or by the employee.

Choose the correct option : (a)a-3,b-2,c-1,d-4,e-5 (b) a-1,b-2,c-3,d-4,e-5 (c) a-1,b-5,c-4,d-3,e-2 (d) a-3,b-2,c-1,d-4,e-5


Network important

effectiveness to study


as b as

organizational effectiveness. This proposition recognise that the : (i) Effectiveness of an

organization might depend on to networking of electronic system in an organisation (ii) Effectiveness of an

organization might depend to a great extent on the effectiveness of the wide in network which of the


particular organization operates. (iii) Effectiveness of an

organization might be negatively

affected by the wide network of organizations in which the

particular organization operates.





represent the proposition :

(a)only i is applicable (b)only ii is applicable (c)i and ii are applicable (d)all of the above are applicable



Management d

process follow a systematic plan of execution. The process is divided into five parts Part I -II-III-IV-V i) Development Plan ii) Employee Comments iii)Evaluation Summary iv) Performance Goals & Evaluation v) Behaviour Expectations and Evaluation vi)Employee appraisal Goal

Select the correct flow of the process:

(a)i, ii, iii, iv, v (b)i, iv, v, vi, iii

(c)vi, i, iv, v, iii (d) iv, v, iii, i, ii Q35 The assertion is saying that when performance management is carried out with an employee, filling out the performance form and having the performance

discussion is not the highlight of the performance process -- the highlight during has the been year and ongoing occurring when the

supervisor exchanged

employee feedback

about performance. Filling out the form and having are too. If the really the

discussion measurements,

performance process is done well, the performance review discussion should include

absolutely no surprises for the employee. All feedback to him or her already should have


What inference is drawn from this statement? (i)employees are surprised at their performance review (ii)Employees are aware of their performance status (iii)Feedback has been

exchanged to them throughout the year Select the best option : (a)only i is applicable (b)i and ii are applicable (c)only ii is applicable (d)ii and iii both are applicable


Match the following (i)Rating scales (ii)Perceptual errors (iii)Rating errors (iv)self auditing

(1) According to Krein (1990), appraisers should not confront employees directly with criticism. Rather, they should aim to let the evidence of poor performance emerge "naturally" during the course of the appraisal interview (2) The spread of ratings tends to clump excessively around the middle of the scale. (3) Method offers a high degree of structure for appraisals. Each employee trait or characteristic is

rated on a bipolar scale that usually has several points

ranging from "poor" to "excellent" (4) This includes various wellknown problems of selective

perception. As well as problems of perceived meaning. Select option: (a)i -2 (b) i -3 (c) i -2 (d) i -1 ii -4 iii -3 iv-1, the correct matching

ii -4 iii -2 iv-1 ii -3 iii -1 iv-2 ii -2 iii -4 iv-3





the c

supervisor should prepare written evaluations. The supervisor

follows the steps in the appraisal conference. (i)Identify areas for improvement (ii) Communicate the evaluation (iii) Seek acceptance of the rating (iv) Secure commitment to future goals (v) Resolve any

misunderstandings Select the option which gives the chronological order Of the appraisal conference.

Select the correct option: (a) ii. iv, iii, i, v (b)iii ,i, iv, ii, ,v (c)ii, v, iii, i, iv (d)v, iv ,ii, iii, i





the c

supervisor should prepare written evaluations. The supervisor

follows the steps in the appraisal conference. (i)Identify areas for improvement (ii) Communicate the evaluation (iii) Seek acceptance of the rating (iv) Secure commitment to future goals (v) Resolve any

misunderstandings Select the option which gives the chronological order Of the appraisal conference.

(a) ii. iv, iii, i, v (b)iii ,i, iv, ii, ,v (c)ii, v, iii, i, iv (d)v, iv ,ii, iii, i

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