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Functional Drinks:
Targeting Gut Health
with Beverages
briefing series

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Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3
The Gut Gateway........................................................................................................................ 4
Biotic Boom ................................................................................................................................ 4
The Fermentation Factor ............................................................................................................ 5
Dietary Demands ........................................................................................................................ 5
Personalized Solutions ............................................................................................................... 6
The Benefits of Beverages .......................................................................................................... 6
Processing Probiotics .................................................................................................................. 7
Label Consciousness ................................................................................................................... 7

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Briefing Series | Functional Drinks | May 2021 2 ● INNOVA MARKET INSIGHTS

Today’s holistic-minded consumers seek big-picture approaches to their health and
wellness, so they’re increasingly invested in products that support both the body and mind.

Furthermore, they’re looking for personalized solutions that speak to their specific needs.
Research by ADM found that 84% of consumers believe mental health is as important as
physical wellbeing, and 31% of consumers are now purchasing items tailored for their

With scientific knowledge advancing, gut health’s importance has moved to the forefront
as key to meeting these various demands. “Consumers have a greater understanding of
the foundational role that the gut microbiome may have on individual aspects of health,
such as metabolic health, immune function, and the impact on overall emotional
wellbeing,” explains June Lin, ADM global vice president of marketing, health and
wellness. “Research is uncovering how factors associated with the gut microbiome can

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influence the human immune system, which has exciting implications for functional foods
and beverages.”

Briefing Series | Functional Drinks | May 2021 3 ● INNOVA MARKET INSIGHTS

The Gut Gateway
Joanna Wozniak, global business manager at Lallemand Food Probiotics, calls the gut “the
gateway to our system,” affecting how we digest, feel, and function.

Accordingly, digestive health is a widespread consumer concern, says Vicky Davies, global
marketing director of performance and active nutrition at FrieslandCampina Ingredients.
“One-quarter of consumers globally suffer from digestive health issues,” Davies explains.
“Scientific research has advanced massively in recent years, and we are beginning to have
a much more comprehensive understanding of the role our gut plays in overall wellbeing.”

In addition, consumers now realize that digestive health problems can affect anyone, not
just those with “unhealthy” lifestyles. Davies notes that gut health can be affected by many
factors, such as medicine, diet, lifestyle, stress, and even gender.

Today’s consumers prefer to tackle potential problems in a preventative way, with more

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natural solutions. “More people are seeking food and beverages positioned around
digestive health, and they’ll pay a premium for them,” Davies says.

Biotic Boom
In the wake of COVID-19, ADM research has found that consumers are more interested in
prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics and their interplay with the gut microbiome. Lin
notes that they’re seeking functional ingredients to help sustain energy, improve cognitive
function, enhance mood, complement fitness goals, target specific dietary needs, and
bridge nutritional gaps. Beverage formulations are particularly amenable to the
incorporation of functional ingredients, making them nutrient-dense delivery systems.

Davies agrees that probiotics, as well as pre- and postbiotics, have various applications,
with potential benefits across the wellbeing spectrum. “Probiotics are certainly the hero
ingredient when it comes to formulating new products for gut health,” she says.
“Consumers already have some understanding of the benefits of probiotics, we have seen
wide acceptance of them in yogurt, for example, so there is a huge opportunity for brands
to capitalize on this interest and create novel products, such as beverages, that leverage
their benefits.”

To encourage the growth of probiotics, FrieslandCampina Ingredients has developed

Biotis GOS (galacto-oligosaccharides), the company’s prebiotic derived from cow’s milk.
“In addition to supporting healthy digestive function, our most recent clinical trials show
that Biotis GOS can influence the gut microbiota composition by encouraging the growth
of beneficial bacteria, leading to potential health benefits, such as a reduction in feelings of
stress and anxiety and improved sleep, through the gut-brain axis,” Davies explains.

Lallemand also offers probiotics and postbiotics that work with the gut-brain axis, boosting
mood and improving psychological signs related to stress. Lin points to increasing clinical
research that links factors associated with the gut microbiome to other aspects of wellness,
such as weight management, immune function, and cognition, in addition to emotional
wellbeing. “Our BPL1 probiotic and HT-BPL1 postbiotic have undergone human clinical
studies that have shown positive results on factors that are associated with metabolic
health, such as a reduction in waist circumference and BMI,” Lin notes.

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The Fermentation Factor
Karen Dhanraj, technical marketing and sales manager for Lallemand Bio-Ingredients,
believes that fermentation is another strong new trend. “Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are
commonly used to ferment foods such as dairy for beverages. And it has been shown that
consumption of fermented foods is often associated with numerous health benefits,
resulting from fermentation-associated modifications to food components,” Dhanraj
explains. “LAB-fermented foods may also have enhanced nutritional and functional
properties due to the transformation of carbohydrates and proteins, which result in
bioactive or bioavailable end products.”

Some of these bioactive molecules may have gut health benefits, and beverages are an
ideal way to deliver fermented ingredients for gut health. For example, Lallemand Gastro-
AD is a food supplement based on non-GMO soy fermented by the Lactobacillus strain L.
delbrueckii R-187 (Rosell-187).

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Dhanraj points to its safe and effective use for the management of symptoms of
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), including heartburn, gastric pain, vomiting, and
nausea, with extra nutritional benefits from fermented soy.

Dietary Demands
For vegan consumers, or those struggling with common health issues like lactose
intolerance, high cholesterol, or allergies to dairy proteins, Wozniak recommends that gut
health beverages incorporate non-animal milk based products.

“Plant based beverages with probiotics that can help with plant protein digestibility are a
great combination,” she says. “Documented probiotics for the immune system and gut
health can complement the beverage’s health value.”

Meanwhile, when ADM research showed that fiber is the number one ingredient
consumers want to add to their diets (to boost digestion, weight management, and satiety),
the company developed Fibersol to incorporate soluble fiber into beverages.

“Fibersol is well-tolerated by consumers because it ferments in the colon at a slower rate,”

Lin explains. “It has been recognized as a low-FODMAP ingredient, a classification given to
products that can contribute to less aggravation in the gut of individuals diagnosed with
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).”

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Personalized Solutions
With ADM research showing that 49% of consumers believe every individual requires a
customized approach to diet, Lin notes that consumers want lifestyle-specific foods and
beverages, including gluten free, keto, paleo and flexitarian formulations.

“Each gut microbiome is as distinctive as a fingerprint, and personalized nutrition can help
maintain a healthy gut and help individuals meet targeted wellness goals,” she explains.

“As consumers lead increasingly busy lives, functional products that provide convenient,
balanced, and personalized solutions will continue to gain momentum.”

Davies believes that today’s consumers are also looking to treat wellness in a holistic
manner, targeting multiple aspects of health with one solution. “Personalization is a key
trend driving all areas of health and nutrition, and digestive health is no exception,” she
says. “Looking ahead, gut health solutions that are tailored to people’s lifestyles and

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specific health issues will be an area of growth.” For example, women suffer from digestive
health issues more commonly than men, and they account for an increasingly large
proportion of the active nutrition market, but relatively few products are tailored to them or
their goals.

The Benefits of Beverages

Beverages offer an ideal format for targeting gut health, as they’re convenient and easy to
incorporate into existing diets and lifestyles. Plus, they’re typically a good delivery format
for other ingredients that can be combined with probiotics, Davies says.

For example, a beverage shot that combines probiotics with whey protein can be a great
solution for the elderly or those with reduced appetites. This can help them maintain
muscle mass and mobility while supporting digestive health.

On the other hand, athletes also often report digestive health issues, so combining whey
proteins with probiotics that support digestive health with muscle recovery ingredients can
aid in better performance for them too.

Lin agrees that beverages are a quick, delicious way to consume essential nutrients.
Specifically, prebiotic fiber, probiotics, postbiotics, and whole-food ingredients can help
enhance juices, sports and energy drinks, dairy beverages, and more.

Meanwhile, Wozniak points toward two of the world’s most popular plant based
beverages, coffee and tea, as perfect carriers for probiotics. “

Tea has a longstanding reputation as an innately healthy beverage, and adding probiotics
is a great way to reinforce its benefits,” she explains. “Studies also indicate polyphenols in
green and black tea may prevent cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and slow the effects of
aging. Kombucha, a fermented solution, is another great drink for adding probiotics.”

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Processing Probiotics
Wozniak warns that, when used in beverages, probiotics must be able to survive
processing and the product’s shelf life, whether the end product is a powder or an RTD.
“The most popular probiotic strains are spore probiotics, as they have the most resistance
to stressful processing conditions,” Wozniak explains. “But manufacturers can also consider
process-protected probiotics if the beverage is in a powder for instant beverages.”

Dhanraj adds that incorporating additional nutrients in liquid form requires that the
nutrients be in a less-complex structure (i.e., a soy protein isolate instead of whole soybean
powder) that can deliver easily assimilated ingredients very quickly to the gut, without
much physical stress to the digestive system. Beverages can be ideal delivery systems for
gut health ingredients since they’re perceived as easily digestible.

“Some probiotics are less stable in heat or acidic conditions, meaning their fibers break
during processing, impacting their efficacy,” Davies says. “As a result, they’re not ideal for

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beverages.” She recommends finding solutions that are versatile, for use in a variety of
food and beverages (including RTDs and shots), with minimal effect on the taste, texture or
visual appearance of final products. This ensures it’ll work well in taste-sensitive or clear
applications, such as waters and dairy drinks.

Label Consciousness
Micah Greenhill, beverage marketing director at ADM, emphasizes that today’s consumers
“want it all” from functional beverages: from supporting their lifestyle, health, and
wellbeing (including weight management and mood) to delivering great taste and
essential nutrients. “Label-conscious shoppers want to see short lists dominated by
recognizable and wholesome ingredients that signal naturally occurring nutritional
benefits,” Greenhill notes.

ADM research also reflects that eight out of ten US consumers are engaged in sugar
reduction and, of that segment, 83% believe sugar reduction is even more important in
beverages, but they still want great taste. “Better for you beverages that satisfy flavor
cravings or provide comfort while supporting healthy digestion and other wellness goals
will be sure to gain consumer preference,” Greenhill predicts.

Meanwhile, Dhanraj adds that consumers are increasingly looking for multifunctional
beverages that are also vegan, gluten free, and clean label.

“They should provide nutrients and additional health benefits, such as immune health (i.e.,
using vitamin D and beta-glucan) or anti-stress or sleep formulations (i.e., a nighttime
product using melatonin),” she says.

While Davies agrees that reductions (such as low sugar or fewer, more recognizable
ingredients) are important, consumers are also looking for additions. “This means
combining ingredients to create targeted products that provide additional value,” she says.

“Last year, we developed a prebiotic protein water concept that combines Biotis GOS with
Nutri Whey Isolate Clear to provide a hydrating, high protein beverage that also supports
digestive health. As consumers are increasingly looking for more holistic ways to improve
their health, we expect demand for gut health solutions that provide something ‘extra’ to
keep growing.”

Briefing Series | Functional Drinks | May 2021 7 ● INNOVA MARKET INSIGHTS

Innova Market Insights | Functional Drinks: Targeting Gut
Health with Beverages | May 2021

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Briefing Series | Functional Drinks | May 2021 8 ● INNOVA MARKET INSIGHTS

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