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Prosper Baseball and Softball Association

Local Rulebook

1. General Principles.

The Prosper Baseball and Softball Association (PBSA), formerly the Prosper Little League, is the recreational
baseball and softball association approved by the Town of Prosper. PBSA plays all or most of their games on
Town of Prosper fields and is dedicated to developing players with good sportsmanship in a competitive
environment for all teams while having fun.

2. Administration.

a. The PBSA By-Laws provide for a Board of Directors to run PBSA.

b. The Board of Director Positions are:
i. President: The President is a Director who is generally responsible for gathering the
Board of Directors and for oversight over the daily operations of the league.
ii. Vice-President: The Vice-President is a Director who acts as President when President is
absent or unreachable. There are two (2) Vice-Presidents, one for Baseball (the Baseball
Commissioner) and one for Softball (the Softball Commissioner).
iii. Secretary: The secretary acts as registrar and coordinator for league administration.
iv. Treasurer: The Treasurer has custody of the corporate funds and securities, shall cause
full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements to be kept and shall deposit all
monies and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the PBSA as may be
ordered by the Board of Directors and render to the Board of Directors whenever they
shall require financial status of the PBSA.
v. Coaching Coordinator: The Coaching Coordinator approves and assigns coaches to
teams in the Rec League.
vi. Player Agent: The Player Agent is responsible for all draft day activities and advocating
on behalf of players.

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Prosper Baseball and Softball Association
Local Rulebook
vii. League Directors: The League Directors oversee the coaches, players, and gameplay
rules within each division: Generally, there will be a League Director for League Play
Divisions 5U, 6U, 7U, 8U, 9U, 10U, 12U, and 14U. There will also be a League Director
for the Spikes and Pride.
viii. Equipment Manager. The equipment manager is responsible for procuring, distributing
and tracking all PBSA equipment.
ix. Concessions. The concessions manager is responsible for all duties in running and
operating the concession stand. This includes procuring the necessary suppliers,
assigning volunteer and paid staff, and crediting/paying the staff.
x. At-Large Positions. There are At-Large positions that help out with varying duties such
as Board Member on Duty, awards, sponsorships, pictures, ceremonies and other Board
c. The Board of Directors are generally organized as follows:
i. Disciplinary decisions are made by the President, respective Vice President, and
Coaching Coordinator for coaches and parents, and by the President, respective Vice-
President, and Player Agent for players.
ii. Operational Decisions are made by the Executive Committee comprised of the
President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Coaching Coordinator and Player
iii. There are several additional groups for pictures, awards, sponsorships and ceremonies.

3. Baseball.

a. Leagues.
i. PBSA offers a single league, called “League Play,” for recreational play which is the
primary focus of the association. PBSA also offers competitive Tournament-based teams
for both Baseball and Softball, called the Spikes and Pride respectively. All players
registered for League Play are assigned to a team and can participate in baseball and/or
softball. Spikes and Pride teams are formed via open tryouts on an annual basis with
seasonal tryouts to fill vacant roster spots.
ii. Ages for all baseball divisions are determined by the players age as of 05/01/2021,
called the players League Age. Ages for all softball divisions are determined by the
players age as of 12/31/2020, called the players League Age.
iii. Uniforms and Equipment. A team jersey and hat are provided for all registered players.
Game balls are provided to the Head Coach of each team to be used in League games.
Players are responsible for their own glove, bat, baseball pants, socks, belt, shoes, and
any other optional equipment.

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Prosper Baseball and Softball Association
Local Rulebook

b. League Divisions.

League Play Divisions (Birthdates set for Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 Seasons)
Division Overview 5U T-Ball 6U Beg. 7U Coach 8U Adv. 9U Kid 10U Kid 12U Kid 14U Kid
Coach Pitch Coach Pitch Pitch Pitch Pitch
Pitch Pitch
5/1/16 5/1/15 5/1/14 5/1/13 5/1/12 5/1/11 5/1/09 5/1/07
4/30/18 4/30/16 4/30/15 4/30/14 4/30/13 4/30/12 4/30/11 4/30/09
MUST be Worn by Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Coaches at all
Play Up 1 year[2] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
See Rule See Rule See Rule See Rule See Rule See Rule See Rule See Rule
Defensive Playing
§ 3.d.xxxii § 3.d.xxxii § 3.d.xxxii § 3.d.xxxii § 3.d.xxxii § 3.d.xxxii § 3.d.xxxii § 3.d.xxxii
Scores and
Standings Kept No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

The birthdates are for the 2021 Fall and 2022 Spring seasons.

A player may play up one year in any division, but it is strongly discouraged. Players that ask to play up on their own
accord are likely to be the first players moved down to other divisions to fill out teams.

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Prosper Baseball and Softball Association
Local Rulebook

c. Team and Division Formation.

i. Parent Choice. Parents may choose to have a player play up one division in League Play
(i.e., a player league age 9 can choose to play in 10U).
ii. League Play teams (where scores and standings are kept) are formed pursuant to
assessments and a draft (when the season permits) as more particular described in Rule
5.h., with parents allowing the players to return to the same team the following season.
League Play teams (where scores and standings are not kept) are formed by their
League Director, with oversight by PBSA, who will take into account kids that want to
play with each other and other factors.
iii. Playing Up
1. PBSA may assign teams up (or move down if a team chose to play up) at its sole
discretion, at any time.
2. Teams or Coaches that attempt to “game” the system by not providing accurate
information to PBSA or playing in divisions significantly below their team’s
ability are subject to disciplinary action by PBSA, including without limitation,
forfeiture of all playing right without return of fees paid.
d. Baseball Local Rules. The PBSA follows the USSSA rules except as modified in this document.
USSSA rules follow the MLB National League rules, except as modified by USSSA Rules.
i. This table provides an overview of the baseball rules:

League Playing Rules

Playing 5U T-Ball 6U Beg. 7U Coach 8U Adv. 9U Kid 10U Kid 12U Kid 14U Kid
Rules Coach Pitch Coach Pitch Pitch Pitch Pitch
Pitch Pitch
Game 50 60 75 75 90 105 105
90 minutes
Time minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes
3 4 6 6 6 6 6 7
of Innings
Game Hard Hard See Rule See Rule See Rule See Rule See Rule See Rule
Duration Stop Stop 3.d.iii 3.d.iii 3.d.iii 3.d.iii 3.d.iii 3.d.iii

60' 60' 60' 60' 65' 65' 70' 80'

N/A N/A 30’ 30’ 46' 46' 50' 54'
Runs Per N/A 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Rule in N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
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Local Rulebook

League Playing Rules (contd.)

Playing Rules 5U T- 6U Beg. 7U 8U Adv. 9U Kid 10U Kid 12U Kid 14U Kid
Ball Coach Coach Coach Pitch Pitch Pitch Pitch
Pitch Pitch Pitch
Players on Field All 10 10 10 9 9 9 9
Runners Can
No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Lead Off
Bunting No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Balls Safety Safety Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
Lineup Batting per 6 Note 5 Note 6 Note 6 Note 6 Note 6 Note 6 Note 6
N/A Free Free Free Free Free Free Free
Dropped 3rd
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes
Steals Allowed No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Infield Fly Rule
No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
in Effect
No No No No No No Yes Yes
Umpire(s) 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2
Runners 1 Base
1 Base @ @ own @ own @ own @ own @ own
Advance on No @ own
own risk risk risk risk risk risk
Throw to 1st risk
1 Base
Advance on 1 Base @ @ own @ own @ own @ own
@ own Note 1 Note 2
Plays in Fair own risk risk risk risk risk
Coach Pitching
N/A Note 3 Note 4 Note 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A
1 1 No No
Called Balks N/A N/A N/A N/A
warning warning warning warning

Playing Rule Notes

Note 1 Runners may advance until ball is controlled by an infielder in the infield.
Note 2 Runners may advance until the umpire determines the play is over.
The batter will receive three (3) pitches. If a batter does not hit the ball into fair territory
Note 3
after three (3) pitches, the batter will hit the ball off the tee.
Note 4 The batter shall receive a maximum of six (6) pitches or three (3) swinging strikes.

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Prosper Baseball and Softball Association
Local Rulebook
Playing Rule Notes
6U will bat in a continuous order. Kids will bat until the earlier of three (3) outs or all
Note 5
kids have batted.
Continuous batting order. Players can be added or removed from the lineup and will not
Note 6 be counted as an out as an out as long as the team has nine (9) players. If less than nine
(9) players, its an out.

ii. Mercy Rule. PBSA mercy rules adhere to § 7.03.B-1, which, as of 2020, are:
Length of Game Run Differential Inning
6 innings 15 3rd inning
6 innings 8 4rth inning
7 innings 15 3rd inning
7 innings 12 4th inning
7 innings 8 5th Inning

iii. New Inning. A new inning begins upon the third out of the prior inning. The new inning
will be played if (a) the division time limit had not expired prior to the start of the new
inning (e.g., upon the third out of the prior inning), (b) the maximum number of innings
hadn’t been reached yet, or (c) the run rule is not applicable.
iv. Extra Innings. In the event a game is tied after the maximum number of innings has
been played AND five (5) or more minutes remains on the clock, one extra innings will
be played; however the new inning will be played by placing the players on all bases
(using the last three batters for the batting team in the prior inning) with one (1) out.
v. Slash Bunting. No slash bunting allowed. If there is a slash bunt, the ball is dead and the
batter is automatically out and ejected from the game. The umpire shall warn the
coach, and any subsequent slash bunting is an automatic ejection.
vi. Bats. Bats must adhere to USSSA Rule § 7.01, which as of the 2017 rules requires all bats
for 14U and younger divisions to adhere to USSSA 1.15BPF Mark or BBCOR.50 certified
mark. Bats may be 2 ¼”, 2 5/8” or 2 ¾”. On January 1, 2018, for 14U only, the rule
changes to a maximum drop 5 (-5) with the official USSSA 1.15 BPF mark permanently
stamped. This applies to all players in 14U whether they are league age 13 or 14.
vii. Catcher Equipment. Protective equipment shall include: protective catcher’s helmet
with face mask, chest protector and shin guards. The catcher must wear protective
equipment at practices, games, or when warming up a pitcher. In all kid pitch divisions,
catcher’s mitts must be used.

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Prosper Baseball and Softball Association
Local Rulebook
viii. Kid Pitch Limitations. PBSA rules on kid pitching are as follows:

League Age Pitches Allowed Per Day

17-18 105
13 - 16 95
11-12 85
9 - 10 75
7-8 50

Rest Requirements: Pitchers League Ages 7 to 16

Number of pitches Number of calendar days of rest
in a day before pitching again
61+ 3
41 to 60 2
21 to 40 1
1 to 20 0

1. Enforcement: To ensure that pitching rules are strictly followed, PBSA imposes
a number of other strict requirements:
a. Each coach is responsible to track pitch counts.
b. Each coach must provide the current pitch count for any pitcher when
requested by either manager or any umpire, and notify the umpire-in-
chief when a pitcher has reached the pitch limit, who will, in turn, notify
the pitcher's manager that the pitcher must be removed.
c. Failure of the pitch count recorder to notify the umpire-in-chief, and/or
the failure of the umpire-in-chief to notify the manager does not relieve
the manager of his/her responsibility to remove the pitcher when that
pitcher is no longer eligible to pitch.
d. Violation of the rule results in the following repercussions, or other
repercussions as determined by PBSA:
i. First offense - Coach and player are ejected from the game
(current rules state that a coach that is ejected for any reason is
automatically suspended for one game and that remains in effect
which means the coach is out an additional game). Pitcher is not
allowed to pitch the next game after the required rest.
ii. Second offense -- Coach and player are ejected from the
game. Coach is suspended for an additional two
games. Pitcher is not allowed to pitch for the next two games
after the required rest.

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Prosper Baseball and Softball Association
Local Rulebook
iii. Third offense. Coach and player are ejected. Coach is
suspended for the remainder of the season. Pitcher is not
eligible to pitch the next 3 games after the required rest.
2. Other Pitching Rules
a. Pitcher to catcher ban: any pitcher who delivers 41 or more pitches in a
game may not go behind the plate to play catcher for the remainder of
the day.
b. Catcher to pitcher ban: Any player who catches more than 3 innings
may not pitch for the remainder of the day.
c. Multiple games: Players may not pitch in more than one game in a day.
Pitches in suspended/regulation tie games are charged against pitcher's
eligibility. If suspended games are resumed on another day, pitchers of
record at time game was suspended will be allowed to pitch to the
extent of their eligibility for that day if they have rested the proper
amount of days.
d. Completion of pitching to batter: If a pitcher reaches the pitch-count
limit for their age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to
throw until the batter reaches base, is thrown out, or the third out is
made to complete the half-inning.
e. Rest Threshold: If a pitcher reaches a day(s) of rest threshold while
facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the
following conditions occurs:
i. That batter reaches base
ii. That batter is retired
iii. The third out is made to complete the half-inning
f. The pitcher will only be required to observe the calendar day(s) of rest
for the threshold he/she reached prior to that at-bat, provided that
pitcher is removed before delivering a pitch to another batter. For
example, if a pitcher had 39 pitches prior to an at-bat, then pitched to
another batter and complied with the obligations above (i.e., was
removed after that at-bat), then the pitcher is required to have one day

ix. Forfeits . A minimum of 8 players are needed to start a game. Ten minute grace period
from game time until a forfeit is called. A game is “on the clock” at scheduled game
time. When a game is started with 8 players, you must have at least 8 players at all
times. For any team that doesn’t have enough players, there will be an automatic out
for 9th missing player (i.e., a team with 8 players will receive an out for both the 9th
batter if in a league that plays 9 player. The 10th Player does not require an out).
Having only 7 players will result in a forfeit. All games resulting in a forfeit will be
scored 7-0 with the team that forfeit the game receiving a score of 0 and the winning
team receiving a score of 7.

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Prosper Baseball and Softball Association
Local Rulebook
x. Pool Players Pool players are allowed with the following purpose/restrictions:
1. PBSA Player Pool Purpose. The goal of the PBSA Player Pool is to prevent
forfeiture and rescheduling of games. Whenever possible, pool players will be
drawn from the next lower division. The goal is to provide a win-win experience.
The team that needs additional players can play as scheduled. Pool players also
gain experience playing against tougher competition.

2. Expressing interest in playing as a pool player. During the registration process,

players may sign up to be added to their respective player pool. There is no
additional cost involved to be a pool player, and there is no limit to the number
of games a player may participate as a “pool player”.

3. Pool player fulfillment. The league will provide a process for coaches to
communicate a need for pool players as soon as they become aware of the
need. The league director for that league or their designated representative will
attempt to find an available pool player for that game time and put that parent
of the pool player in contact with the coach.

4. General pool player rules

a. Pool players will come from the next lower "A" league division
whenever availability permits
b. Pool Players are assigned by the League Director for each division.
Coaches cannot pull who they want. LD will notify both teams via email
and coach with pool player must present it at the game pool player in
playing in.
c. Coaches may NOT request or recruit pool individual pool players.
d. Pool players must bat last and play outfield
e. Pool players should be dressed in their original team’s uniform and
must be identified as a pool player in team’s line-up.
f. All minimum defensive inning rules apply equally to pool players.
g. Up to 2 pool players may be used for any game.
h. More than 2 pool players on a team will result in the game being
officially recorded as a forfeit. In this case, the game will still be played
as long as minimum number of players is satisfied.
5. As a courtesy, all coaches should notify the other team and PBSA as soon as
they know they do not have enough players.

xi. Cleats. No metal cleats in any division.

xii. Sliding.
1. No head first sliding except when returning to a base. The umpire will call the
player out for any violation of this rule.
2. The “No Contact” rule will be in effect, meaning:

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Prosper Baseball and Softball Association
Local Rulebook
a. If a player initiates contact with a defensive player, and it is deemed to
be intentional, the player will be called out and ejected from the game.
This “ejection” does not require a one game suspension to be served.
b. If the “No Contact” rule is called, the player is deemed out prior to
achieving the base.
c. If the umpire feels that the contact was unintentional, the runner shall
only be declared out.
d. “No contact” shall not be interpreted as “MUST SLIDE”. When enforcing
this rule, the umpire shall judge the runner’s intent. If there is a play
being made, it is the responsibility of the runner to avoid contact with a
defensive player, even if the defensive player is out of position and
“obstructing” the runners‟ path. If there is no play being made, then the
runner does not have to “get down”, but rather must avoid contact.
e. Consequently, if the defensive player, without the ball, alters the
runner’s path in this situation, the runner SHALL NOT be called out for
leaving the base path in order to avoid contact. The umpire would then
call obstruction, or at the very least, warn the defensive player about
“being in the path”.
xiii. Protests. The head coach for a team may protest any game for a decision by PBSA. In
order to protest, the head coach must inform the head umpire prior to the conclusion of
the game, and pay the PBSA official a non-refundable review charge of $100 in cash
before games are completed for that night.
xv. Game Safety. The safety of the players will be prime consideration. At the direction of
the umpires or League Directors, a game will be shortened due to weather or conditions
potentially harmful to the players (i.e. insufficient light). Lightning in the vicinity will be
grounds for shortening a game. The umpire will impose a 15 minute (maximum) game
delay before canceling a game.
xvi. Rainouts. Incomplete games or “rain outs” will be made up if possible. The decision to
make up games will be determined by the Scheduling Director, taking into account field
and time availability. Some games may not be made up.
xvii. Lineup Exchange. Coaches shall exchange line-ups at least 10 minutes before the start
of a game. Line-up cards must include both player jersey numbers and player name.
xviii. Official Scorekeeper. The Home Team shall provide the Official Scorekeeper.
xix. Scoreboard. The Visiting Team is responsible for: A) Retrieving the scoreboard
controllers and first aid kit from the concession stand prior to the game (or one parent
taking a driver’s license or car keys to the concession stand if the controller is already at
the field). B) Running the scoreboard during the game.

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Prosper Baseball and Softball Association
Local Rulebook
xx. Warmups. Pre-game warm ups – Each team shall get at least five (5) minutes of infield
practice prior to each game. However, if there is less than ten (10) minutes available,
team warm ups may be denied by the umpire. Infield practice is not allowed on game
fields until ten (10) minutes prior to game time. All other warm ups shall be conducted
in designated areas away from parents and other children.
xxi. No practices on Game Fields. At no time are practices permitted on a prepared or
closed game field by PBSA coaches or players. Violation of this rule will result in a
mandatory one game suspension.
xxii. Catcher Readiness. Coaches are encouraged to make sure that their catcher is ready for
the next inning, as to speed up play. In an effort to expedite the catcher’s preparedness,
a designated runner may be used for the catcher when the catcher is on the base pads
with 2 outs. In this case, the designated runner will be the offensive player who was the
2nd out.
xxiii. Player Uniforms. A player must wear a team jersey in all games. A player will not be
allowed to play in any game if they are not “in uniform” (uniform includes jersey and
pants that match the team). In addition, jerseys must be tucked in. Violation of uniform
rules will result in the violator being allowed to conform or be removed from the game.
Softball players are exempt from wearing a cap. They can choose to wear a hair band or
have their hair pulled back.
xxiv. Coach Uniforms. On the field coaches are encouraged to be dressed in the team
uniform jersey or apparel matching team colors.
xxv. Throwing the Bat. – Bat throwing is potentially dangerous to the catcher, umpire and on
deck hitter.
1. Players who throw their bat or batting helmet in disgust will be immediately
ejected from the game.
2. If a bat is accidentally thrown (per umpire’s judgment); the offensive team will
receive one warning. Any subsequent violation will result in the batter being
called out.
3. If any thrown bat strikes the catcher or umpire, the umpire may call the batter
out without warning.
xxvi. Illegal Players. Penalty for use of an ineligible/illegal player shall be immediate forfeit of
the game in which the player in question is playing. At minimum, the head coach shall
be suspended for one game and therefore ineligible to participate in the next scheduled
game played by that team.
xxvii. Season Tie-Breaker Rules. In the case of a season record tie, the following criteria (in
order listed) will be used to determine end of season standings as well as tournament
seeding where applicable:
1. Head-to-Head Play
2. Runs Against-Season
3. Runs For-Season
4. Coin Toss

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Local Rulebook
xxviii. No Tobacco Usage. Smoking or use of tobacco products in the presence of children is
prohibited. This includes games, practices and any and all PBSA related events.
xxix. No Alcohol/Drugs. Using, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal
drugs in the presence of children is prohibited. This includes games, practices and any
and all other PBSA related events.
xxx. Dugout Rules. The number of coaches/parents within the dugout shall be strictly
enforced. Only coaches approved by PBSA are allowed in the dugout. Unapproved
adults residing within the dugout or playing field shall be asked to exit the field or
dugout. Failure to do so can result in ejection from the field and/or forfeiture of game.
xxxi. Minimum Playing Time. For all teams, coaches must ensure that all kids get minimum
playing time that must minimally meet this criteria:
1. 5U and 6U must play all defensive innings.
2. For 7U and above, and to the extent feasible,
a. Each player should play a minimum of two defensive innings.
b. No player may sit out defensively two consecutive innings.
c. No player may sit out a second time on defense until all players have sit
out, except that a coach may keep in a pitcher; provided however that
when that pitcher is finished, the pitcher player must sit out defensively
the next immediate inning (i.e., the pitcher may stay in at another
position when removed in the middle of an inning, but must sit out the
next time the team comes out defensively).
d. All players should play at least 1 inning in the infield per game unless
player/parents request not to.
xxxii. Stealing Home. Batters are not allowed to swing the bat if a runner on 3rd is stealing
home. Doing so will result in the batter and runner both being called out.
xxxiii. Coach Pitchers. In all Coach Pitch divisions, coach pitchers must leave the field
immediately after the ball is put into play.
xxxiv. Coach Pitch Distance. In Coach Pitch Divisions, the pitching coach will pitch from a
minimum of 30 feet from the back of Home Plate.

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Prosper Baseball and Softball Association
Local Rulebook

4. Softball.

a. Leagues.
i. PBSA offers a single league, called “League Play,” for recreational play which is the
primary focus of the association and plays inter-league games. PBSA also has
competitive, tournament-based teams called “Pride”.
ii. Ages are determined by the player’s age as of December 31st, 2021.
iii. Uniforms and Equipment
1. PBSA provides jerseys to all League players and Game Balls to all Head
Coaches to be used in games.
2. Players are responsible for pants, socks, belt, cleats, glove, bat, helmet
w/facemask, equipment bag, and fielding masks.
3. Fielding masks are required for pitchers in all divisions (5U/6U can wear
helmet w/ facemask); Fielding masks are strongly encouraged for all
players in all divisions.
b. League Divisions

League Play Softball Divisions

6U 8U 10U
5U Beginning Coach Modified 12U 14U
Division Tee Ball Coach Pitch Pitch Kid Pitch Kid Pitch Kid Pitch
Beginning Birthdate 01/01/16 01/01/15 01/01/13 01/01/11 01/01/09 01/01/07
Youngest Birthdate 12/31/17 12/31/16 12/31/14 12/31/12 12/31/10 12/31/08
Can a player move up one No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
age bracket?
League badges MUST be Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
worn by Coaches at all
Minimum Defensive See Rule § See Rule § See Rule § See Rule § See Rule § See Rule §
Playing Time 4.d.xxxii. 4.d.xxxii. 4.d.xxxii. 4.d.xxxii. 4.d.xxxii. 4.d.xxxii.
Scores and Standings Kept No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

c. Team and Division Formation.

i. Parent Choice. Parents may choose to have a player assess to play up one age
bracket (i.e., a player league age 8 can choose to play in 10U, but a player league
age 7 cannot). The player must assess at a high enough level, as determined by the
league, to play up.
ii. League teams (where scores and standings are kept) are formed in the spring
pursuant to assessments and a draft as more specifically described in Rule 5.h., with
up to six (6) protected players. League teams (where scores and standings are not
kept) are formed by the Softball Commissioner and/or League Director, with
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Prosper Baseball and Softball Association
Local Rulebook
oversight by PBSA, who will take into account kids that want to play with each other,
same school, same subdivision, etc. Coaches will keep their teams in the fall season
and rosters will be filled by the Softball Commissioner and/or League Directors.
1. Pride teams are formed via tryout, with Coaches selecting the players for the
team. Players are not guaranteed a spot on a Pride team if they try out.
iii. Playing Up
1. PBSA may assign teams up (or move them down if a team chose to play up) at
its sole discretion, at any time.
2. Teams or Coaches that attempt to “game” the system by not providing accurate
information to the PBSA or playing in divisions significantly below their team’s
ability are subject to disciplinary action by the PBSA, including without
limitation, forfeiture of all playing right without return of fees paid.
d. Softball Local Rules. The PBSA follows the USSSA rules except as modified in this document
i. This table provides an overview of the PBSA Softball rules:

League Play Softball Divisions

6U 10U
5U Beginning 8U Modified 12U/14U
Tee Ball Coach Pitch Coach Pitch Kid Pitch Kid Pitch
Game Time 50 60 75 75 90
# of Innings 4 4 6 6 6
Game Duration Hard Stop Hard Stop See Rule 4.d.iii See Rule 4.d.iii See Rule 4.d.iii

Base Paths 60’ 60’ 60’ 60’ 60’

Pitching Distance 20’ 25’ 30’ 35’ 12U 40’ / 14U 43’
Max Runs/Inning N/A N/A 5 5 5
Mercy Rule In
N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes
Players on Field All (no catcher) 1 All (no catcher) 1 101 91 91
Outfield Behind the At least 5-10’ Must play in the Must play in the Must play in the
Positioning baseline behind baseline grass grass grass
Lineup Batting Entire lineup bats Entire lineup bats Continuous batting Continuous batting Continuous batting
each innings each inning order of entire order of entire order of entire
lineup lineup lineup
Number of Pitches Coaches’ 6 total pitches or 3 6 total pitches or 3 Coach Pitcher N/A
per at bat / Coach discretion: max of swinging strikes / swinging strikes / enters game after
Pitch Rules 3 pitches then then batter hits off Foul on 6th and all 3rd ball and
batter hits off tee the tee subsequent inherits strike
pitches extend the count; first pitch
at-bat with two strikes
must be in the
strike zone2

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Local Rulebook
League Play Softball Divisions
6U 10U
5U Beginning 8U Modified 12U/14U
Tee Ball Coach Pitch Coach Pitch Kid Pitch Kid Pitch
Loose/ Tight Bases Tight Tight Tight Tight Loose
Bunting No No No Yes (Kid Pitcher Yes
Balls 10” Safety 10” Safety 11” 11" 12"
Free Free Free Free Free
Dropped 3rd Strike N/A N/A N/A No Yes
Steals Allowed No No No Yes (except home); Yes
(includes passed one base only,
balls/wild even if there’s an
pitches) overthrow
Infield Fly Rules No No No No Yes

On-Deck Batter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Umpire(s) 0 0 1 2 2
Runners Advance 1 base @ own risk Infield: 1 base @ Infield: 1 base @ Infield: @ own risk; @ own risk
on Plays in Fair own risk own risk lead runner limited
Territory Outfield3: 2 bases Outfield3: @ own to 3rd base
@ own risk risk until ball is Outfield3: @ own
back in the infield risk
Runners Advance No No Yes (one base Yes @ own risk; Yes @ own risk
on Overthrow on limit); cannot score cannot score on
Infield Hit on overthrow overthrow
Play is Dead After an out is After an out is On an attempt to When the pitcher When the pitcher
recorded or all recorded or all get the ball back to has control of the has control of the
players reach base players reach base the pitcher ball in the circle ball in the circle
safely safely
Runners Leave No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Base When Out
Three Outs End No Clear the bases Yes Yes Yes
Inning after three outs
Illegal Pitch N/A N/A N/A Warnings only Yes, 1 warning
Hit by Pitch N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes

Only five players allowed in the infield (pitcher, first base, second base, shortstop, third base)
If the first pitch with two strikes from the coach is not in the strike zone and is not put in play, ONE additional pitch
is awarded, regardless of whether the batter swung and missed. All other pitches from the coach with two strikes
that are not fouled off will end the at bat (ball in play, swing and miss, not swinging).
Outfield hits are any ball that reaches the outfield grass or are otherwise fielded by an outfielder. In 6U, outfield
hits must occur off the coach pitcher for the runners to take a second base.

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Local Rulebook
ii. Mercy Rule. PBSA mercy rules adhere to USSSA Rules, which, as of 2020, are:
Length of Game Run Differential Inning
6 innings 12 3rd inning
6 innings 10 4th inning
6 innings 8 5th Inning

iii. New Inning. A new inning begins upon the third out of the prior inning. The new
inning will be played if (a) the division time limit has not expired, (b) the maximum
number of innings hasn’t been reached, or (c) the run rule is not applicable. If the
trailing team cannot win or tie based on the per inning run limit for that division, the
game is over when the clock expires.
iv. Extra Innings. In the event a game is tied after the maximum number of innings has
been played AND ten (10) or more minutes remains on the clock, one extra inning will
be played; however the new inning will be started by placing the player, who had the
last completed at bat in the prior inning, on 2nd base.
v. Slash Bunting. No slash bunting (a.k.a. fake bunt and swing) is allowed. If there is a
slash bunt, the ball is dead and the batter is automatically out. The umpire shall warn
the coach, and any subsequent slash bunting is an automatic ejection of the player
and coach.
vi. Bats. Bats must adhere to USSSA or USA Softball Rules, which as of the 2017 requires all
bats to be 2¼”, be marked “Official Softball”, and/or have the New USSSA 1.20 BPF or USA
Softball Mark. Tee-ball bats are allowed in 6U.
vii. Balls. Balls must adhere to USSSA Rules. 10 inch safety balls will be used for 5U/6U.
11 inch balls will be used for 8U and 10U. 12 inch balls will be used for 12U and up.
All balls will be optic yellow and must adhere to the following specifications:
Compression: Maximum of 375#
COR: 46.25 =/-0.75
viii. Catcher Equipment. Protective equipment shall include: protective catcher’s helmet
with face mask, chest protector and shin guards. The catcher must wear protective
equipment at practices, games, or when warming up a pitcher. In all kid pitch
divisions, catcher’s mitts are preferred.
ix. Kid Pitch Limitations. Softball has no pitch limits or rest requirements, but all
coaches are highly encouraged to develop more than one pitcher and use multiple
1. A kid pitcher who hits 2 batters in an inning must be removed. That kid
pitcher can re-enter the game in a later inning, but if she hits two more
batters again in an inning, she is removed for good.
x. Forfeits /Pool Players.
1. A minimum of 8 players are needed to start a game (5U/6U excluded). Ten
minute grace period from game time until a forfeit is called. A game is “on the
clock” at scheduled game time. When a game is started with 8 players, you must

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Local Rulebook
have at least 8 players at all times. For any team that doesn’t have enough
players, there will be an automatic out for each missing player (i.e., a team with
8 players will receive an out for the 9th batter/place in the order). Divisions that
allow 10 defensive players do not have to take an out for the 10th batter/spot,
as they can play with 9 defensive players. Having only 7 players will result in a
forfeit. Forfeit games will be scored 7-0.
2. For League Play, registering players can choose to be a pool player. For League
teams that need a pool player for a game (i.e., the team doesn’t have enough
regular players), a coach should contact the Player Agent and their league
director who will try to find a pool player to play. There can be no more than
two pool players used by a team, and pool players can only be used to fill the 8th
and 9th spots on the roster for that game. Pool players bat last in the lineup and
can only play the outfield.
3. As a courtesy, all coaches should notify the other team and PBSA as soon as
they know they do not have enough players.
xi. Cleats. No metal cleats in any division, only rubber/molded cleats.
xii. Sliding.
1. No head first sliding except when returning to a base.
2. The “No Contact” rule will be in effect, meaning:
a. If a player initiates contact with a defensive player, and it is deemed to
be intentional, the player will be called out and ejected from the game.
This “ejection” does not require a one game suspension to be served.
b. If the “No Contact” rule is called, the player is deemed out prior to
achieving the base.
c. If the umpire feels that the contact was unintentional, the runner shall
only be declared out.
d. “No contact” shall not be interpreted as “MUST SLIDE”. When enforcing
this rule, the umpire shall judge the runner’s intent. If there is a play
being made, it is the responsibility of the runner to avoid contact with a
defensive player, even if the defensive player is out of position and
“obstructing” the runners‟ path. If there is no play being made, then the
runner does not have to “get down”, but rather must avoid contact.
e. Consequently, if the defensive player, without the ball, alters the
runner’s path in this situation, the runner SHALL NOT be called out for
leaving the base path in order to avoid contact. The umpire would then
call obstruction, or at the very least, warn the defensive player about
“being in the path”.
xiii. Protests. The head coach for a team may protest any game for a decision by PBSA.
In order to protest, the head coach must inform the head umpire prior to the
conclusion of the game, and pay the PBSA official a non-refundable review charge of
$100 in cash before games are completed for that night.

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Local Rulebook
xv. Game Safety. The safety of the players will be prime consideration. At the direction of
the umpires or League Directors, a game will be shortened due to weather or
conditions potentially harmful to the players (i.e. insufficient light). Lightning in the
vicinity will be grounds for shortening a game. The umpire will impose a 15 minute
(maximum) game delay before canceling a game.
xvi. Rainouts. Incomplete games or “rain outs” will be made up if possible. The decision to
make up games will be determined by the Scheduling Director, taking into account
field and time availability. Some games may not be made up. Games shall be
considered complete if 3 innings were completed. A game suspended in the middle of
the 4th or later inning will revert back to the last completed inning for a final score.
Incomplete games that do not reach three complete innings will start over if
xvii. Lineup Exchange. Coaches shall exchange line-ups at least 10 minutes before the start
of a game. Line-up cards must include both player’s jersey number and player name.
xviii. Official Scorekeeper. The Home Team shall provide the Official Scorekeeper.
xix. Scoreboard. The Visiting Team is responsible for: A) Retrieving the scoreboard
controllers and first aid kit from the concession stand prior to the game (or one parent
taking a driver’s license or car keys to the concession stand if the controller is already
at the field). B) Running the scoreboard during the game.
xx. Warmups. Pre-game warm ups – Each team shall get at least five (5) minutes of
infield practice prior to each game. However, if there is less than ten (10) minutes
available, team warm ups may be denied by the umpire. Infield practice is not allowed
on game fields until ten (10) minutes prior to game time. All other warm ups shall be
conducted in designated areas away from parents and other children.
xxi. No practices on Game Fields. At no time are practices permitted on a prepared or
closed game field by PBSA coaches or players. Violation of this rule will result in a
mandatory one game suspension.
xxii. Catcher Readiness. Coaches are encouraged to make sure that their catcher is ready
for the next inning, as to speed up play. In an effort to expedite the catcher’s
preparedness, a designated runner may be used for the catcher when the catcher is
on the base paths with 2 outs. In this case, the designated runner will be the offensive
player who was the 2nd out.
xxiii. Between Innings. For kid pitch divisions, pitchers are allowed 8 warm-up pitches
during their first inning of work. For all other innings, pitchers will be allowed five
warm-up pitches, or 90 seconds from the time the final out is made. For coach pitch
divisions, coaches should assist as necessary to expedite the inning change process.
xxiv. Player Uniforms. A player must wear a team jersey in all games. A player will not be
allowed to play in any game if they are not “in uniform” (uniform includes jersey and
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Local Rulebook
pants that match the team). In addition, jerseys must be tucked in. Violation of
uniform rules will result in the violator being allowed to conform or be removed from
the game. Softball players are exempt from wearing a cap. They can choose to wear a
hair band or have their hair pulled back.

xxv. Coach Uniforms. On the field, coaches are encouraged to be dressed in the
team uniform jersey or apparel matching team colors.
xxvi. Throwing the Bat. – Bat throwing is potentially dangerous to the catcher, umpire and
on deck hitter.
1. Players who throw their bat or batting helmet in disgust will be immediately
ejected from the game.
2. If a bat is accidentally thrown (per umpire’s judgment); the offensive team will
receive one warning. Any subsequent violation will result in the batter being
called out.
3. If any thrown bat strikes the catcher or umpire, the umpire may call the batter
out without warning.
xxvii. Illegal Players. Penalty for use of an ineligible/illegal player shall be immediate forfeit
of the game in which the player in question is playing. At minimum, the head coach
shall be suspended for one game and therefore ineligible to participate in the next
scheduled game played by that team.
xxviii. Season Tie-Breaker Rules. In the case of a season record tie, the following criteria (in
order listed) will be used to determine end of season standings as well as tournament
seeding where applicable:
1. Head-to-Head Play
2. Runs Against-Season
3. Runs For-Season
4. Coin Toss
xxix. No Tobacco Usage. Smoking or use of tobacco products in the presence of children is
prohibited. This includes games, practices and any and all PBSA related events.
xxx. No Alcohol/Drugs. Using, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal
drugs in the presence of children is prohibited. This includes games, practices and any
and all other PBSA related events.
xxxi. Dugout Rules. The number of coaches/parents within the dugout shall be strictly
enforced. Only coaches approved by PBSA are allowed in the dugout. Unapproved
adults residing within the dugout or playing field shall be asked to exit the field or
dugout. Failure to do so can result in ejection from the field and/or forfeiture of game.
xxxii. Minimum Playing Time. For all teams, coaches must ensure that all kids get minimum
playing time that must minimally meet this criteria:
1. 5U/6U must play all defensive innings.
a. No player should be in the outfield in back-to-back innings unless roster
size is greater than 10.
b. Every player must play every position during the season
2. For 8U:
a. No player can play more than three total innings at pitcher and first
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Local Rulebook
base combined
b. No player can play more than two consecutive innings at catcher
3. For 8U and above, and to the extent feasible,
a. Each player should play a minimum of two defensive innings.
b. No player may sit out defensively two consecutive innings.
c. No player may sit out a second time on defense until all players have sat
d. All players should play at least 1 inning in the infield per game unless
player/parents request not to or roster size and innings played prevent
such from occurring (catcher does not qualify as infield in 8U).
xxxiii. Chanting. Chants from the dugouts/teams cannot be derogatory or directed
specifically at an opposing player. Chants should also not occur during a play (the
pitch, the swing, or the defensive play.
xxxiv. Coach Pitchers. In all Coach Pitch divisions, coach pitchers must leave the field
immediately after the ball is put into play without interfering with the play.
xxxv. Coach Positioning.
1. 5U/6U: Four defensive coaches are allowed on the field, but must be behind
the baseline. Four offensive coaches are allowed; a pitcher, catcher, and 1st
and 3rd base coaches.
2. 8U: Two defensive coaches are allowed on the field, but must be in the
outfield in foul territory. Four offensive coaches are allowed; a pitcher, 1st
and 3rd base coaches, and a coach behind home to assist the catcher.
3. 10U and up: Coaches are not allowed on the field while playing defense.
Offensive coaches are allowed are 1st and 3rd base coaches and a pitcher
(when necessary).

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Local Rulebook

5. General Rules (Baseball and Softball)

a. Disciplinary Actions.
i. PBSA may choose to discipline coaches, players and parents whether infractions occur at
the ballpark, practice, or elsewhere that may be related to an PBSA activity.
ii. PBSA reserves the right to determine any disciplinary action necessary for the safety of
all players, parents, coaches, Board Members, volunteers, Town of Prosper officials or
employees it deems appropriate, including the suspension of coaching or attending any
PBSA games or practices for any period of time.
iii. Game Ejections.
1. When an ejection occurs, the Umpire Crew will file a report with the PBSA.
The ejected person will also file a report (100 words or less).
2. PBSA officials can also eject coaches, parents and players from a game or
3. Standard Penalty: The ejected person will not attend the remainder of the game
in which they are ejected and the next played game. This equals 2 games.
4. Any person ejected more than once is immediately and indefinitely ejected for
the remainder of the season, and must petition the Board before being allowed
to attend any other game or practice.
iv. PBSA may take disciplinary actions whenever it deems appropriate.
v. The following conduct will not be tolerated and will be cause for immediate disciplinary
1. The use of drugs or alcohol while attending an PBSA event
2. Use of profanity
3. Poor sportsmanship or uncontrollable temper; this includes throwing any type
of equipment
4. Arguing or badgering with the field officials
vi. Disciplinary actions taken by the PBSA against an individual may be shared with other
youth sports organizations and/or posted on the PBSA Website. Note: Coaches are
responsible for the conduct of their players and player’s parents and the coach can be
subject to ejection if he/she cannot control them.

b. Tournaments. PBSA will conduct an end of season tournament for all divisions where standings
are kept. PBSA may sanction other tournaments at its discretion.

c. Awards. Awards (e.g., trophies, medals, rings, etc.) will be provided as follows.
i. All players will receive a participation medal in divisions that do not keep score.
ii. For divisions that keep score, the first, second and third place teams in regular season
games will receive an award, and the first and second place teams will receive an award
for the end of season tournament (if any).

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Local Rulebook
d. Registration and Refund Policy. Refunds are offered for parents that request refunds from the
Player Agent by the following dates:
i. 100% if a request is made to the President before the end of regular registration (i.e.,
extended registrations is not regular registration);
ii. 50% if a request is made to the President after the end of regular registration and
before practices start; and
iii. 0% after practices start.

e. Facility Usage. The facilities, equipment and resources of PBSA are limited to PBSA registrants
only, and shall not be used for any other purpose. For example, a coach may not use a PBSA
practice slot that includes players not registered and approved by the PBSA.

f. Safety and Weather. PBSA is committed to providing your child with not only the best sports
experience possible but also the safest possible experience. We offer these basic guidelines:
i. DROP OFF AND PICK UP – If you are unable to stay with your child during his/her game
or practice, please do not leave your child at the field, unless you are 100% certain that
there is a responsible adult (coach, another parent, etc.) who will remain there until you
pick up your child. Make sure you know what time you need to pick up your child.
ii. SMALL CHILDREN – Please keep small children with you at all times while watching a
PBSA event.
iii. BUDDY SYSTEM – If your child must walk to or from a PBSA practice or game, please
insist that they do this with a “buddy”.

g. Rainouts and Cancellations. Games may be cancelled at the Town of Prosper’s discretion. The
Town will attempt to make a determination by 3:00pm daily to cancel games due to weather or
other factors by recording a message on 972-662-8999. Several of the fields in the Town are
equipped with lightning detectors. If a lightning detector is activated during a practice or game,
all participants must immediately leave the field and go to their vehicles until the alarm stops.
Please use common sense and alert the coaches and game officials should you have a concern
with lightning in the area.

h. Assessments and Draft Rules (as applicable). For those divisions formed by the draft, the
following rules apply:
i. Assessments. When the timing of the season allows, PBSA will conduct assessments and
all players should attend those assessments. Protected players will be slotted as
compared to other players. If a protected player does not attend an assessment, they
will automatically be considered a first round choice. Any player that does not attend
the assessments will be considered first whenever the PBSA has to slot kids in lower

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Local Rulebook
ii. Divisions. Older divisions will draft first, then descending downwards to younger
divisions. PBSA will attempt to place all players in their preferred divisions, but some
players may be assigned in a lower division.
iii. Draft Order. Teams will draw numbers to determine the order of selections. At the
conclusion of each round, the draft will continue in the opposite direction of the
previous round’s selections. A team will be passed over in any round that the team has a
protected or franchised player slotted in that round.

For example, if a division has three teams named the Royals, Rangers and Reds. The
head coaches draw numbers to determine the team’s will pick in the order of Royals,
Rangers, and then the Reds. The Royals have one protected player slotted in the first
round. The Rangers have two protected players slotted in the second and third round.
The Reds have one protected player slotted in the third round. So, the draft would
precede as follows.


Team #1: Team #2: Team #3:

Royals Rangers Reds

1st Pick*
_ 1 2nd Pick** 3rd Pick**
Protected Player

5th Pick*

^ 2 6th Pick** Slotted

4th Pick**


8th Pick* 9th Pick*

_ 3 7th Pick** Slotted

Player Player

^ 4 12th Pick** 11th Pick** 10th Pick**

* The Pick automatically chooses the slotted protected player.

** The Coach may choose any unprotected player from evaluations or pick a blind draft.

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Local Rulebook
iv. Siblings
1. For siblings that are not on any team’s protected list, if one of the siblings is
drafted, then all other siblings must be drafted in the next round(s) of the draft
a. The parent’s preference is for the siblings to play in the same division.
b. The sibling(s) is not eligible to play in the lower age division.
c. If neither of the above scenarios exist and the coach elects to not draft
the sibling of a previously drafted player in the required round, the
undrafted sibling is ineligible for the remainder of the division draft.
2. For siblings on a team’s protected list, then all other siblings must be drafted in
round(s) of the draft assigned to them from their evaluation (or the preceding
round if multiple siblings are assessed at the same round slot) if:
a. The parent’s preference is for the siblings to play in the same division.
b. The sibling(s) is not eligible to play in the lower age division.
c. If neither of the above scenarios exist and the coach elects to not draft
the sibling of a previously drafted player in the required round, the
undrafted sibling is ineligible for the remainder of the draft.
v. Coach’s Siblings
1. When a Head Coach’s or Assistant Coach’s sibling is not on a team’s protected
list, then all other sibling(s) must be drafted in the assigned round(s) of the draft
a. The coach’s preference is for the siblings to play in the same division.
b. If neither of the above scenarios exist and the coach elects to not draft
the sibling of a previously drafted player in the required round, the
undrafted sibling is ineligible for the remainder of the division draft.
vi. Head Coaches must submit their protected players, by emailing the Secretary, at least
24 hours prior to the Draft date/time. Any protected players submitted after this
deadline will not be protected and will enter the normal draft.
vii. Immediately following the conclusion of the draft and before conclusion of that night’s
draft, coaches may exchange players acquired in the draft. All trades must be approved
by the PBSA Player Agent with both coaches present. Once a coach leaves the draft,
their roster is final and no other trades will be allowed.
viii. Discussion of draft order, procedures, activities and results is not permitted outside the
draft facility.
ix. No “gentlemen agreements” will be allowed, nor will a coach state that a player is
“spoken for” during the draft.
x. Coaches may not make any commitment to any player or parent / guardian about whom
they intend to draft, as there is no guarantee that another team will not select a draft
eligible player.
xi. Coaches may not, in any way, manipulate a player or parent / guardian into refusing to
play for another team.

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Local Rulebook
xii. Coaches may not state or use any tactics to discourage other coaches from drafting
certain players.
xiii. Players nor parents / guardians will be told the position in which a player was drafted.
xiv. Draft results and other materials are the property of PBSA and will be kept confidential
by PBSA.
xv. Only Board members, the respective age group League Director, the Head Coaches and
the first Assistant Coach for teams within the age group being drafted, are permitted to
attend the draft. All other parties will not be permitted to attend the draft. Players will
not be permitted to attend the draft.
xvi. Any violation of the above documented Draft Rules (along with discouraging a player to
attend the skills evaluation) by a coach will result in a penalty ranging from forfeiture of
a draft pick to dismissal of coaching duties and removal from the draft activities.
xvii. Any violation of the Draft Rules by a parent / guardian will result in their child being
removed from the draft and placed into the blind draw.
xviii. Any questions with regard to the draft procedure and results must be referred to the
PBSA President or Player Agent.

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