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ABS Diagnostic Codes

ABS Diagnostic
Troubleshooting Codes

Fault PLC Select

Explanation Possible Causes
Code 1M 2M


00 System OK (with vehicle traveling > 6 mph) X X ABS is fully operational. Displays “00”
when vehicle is traveling > 6mph.
01 01 Red channel wheel speed sensor wiring S1A X Indicates a wheel speed sensor or its wiring
has a short or open circuit. Disconnect the
relevant sensor and measure the resistance
between the two pins in the sensor connector
02 Red channel wheel speed sensor wiring S1B X
03 Blue channel wheel speed sensor wiring S2A X
04 Yellow channel wheel speed sensor wiring S2B X
05 Blue channel wheel speed sensor wiring S3A X
06 Yellow channel wheel speed sensor wiring S3B X Verify extension continuity and connections.
Replace sensor and/or extension cable,
if necessary.
If the Ohm meter reading for the sensor and
extension cable is not between 980 - 2350
Ohm (.98K - 2.35K Ohm). replace sensor
and/or extension cable.
07 System OK (No Active Fault) ABS ECU is fully operational. Displays “07”
when vehicle is stationary.



11 Red channel wheel speed sensor S1A X Sensor or spring clip is worn or not properly
12 Red channel wheel speed sensor S1B X adjusted, wiring open or short circuit, wheel
bearing not properly adjusted (these faults will
13 Blue channel wheel speed sensor S2A X only occur when vehicle is traveling >6 mph).
14 Yellow channel wheel speed sensor S2B X Measure the AC voltage at the sensor in
15 Blue channel wheel speed sensor S3A X question while rotating the wheel at a rate of
about one revolution every two seconds. If the
GAP TOO LARGE (gap should be kept output is not at least 200 millivolts (0.2 VAC),
to a minimum) push in the sensor until it touches the exciter
and rotate the wheel again. If this doesn’t
16 Yellow channel wheel speed sensor S3B X correct the problem, the sensor and sensor
block clip should be replaced.
Verify extension continuity and connections.
Replace sensor and/or extension cable,
if necessary.
Inspect exciter teeth for minor damage
or teeth filled with debris. Verify all exciters
have the same number of teeth.
Verify sensor and valve wiring/plumbing
is correct.

Continued on next page

Fault PLC Select
Explanation Possible Causes
Code 1M 2M



21 Red channel wheel speed sensor S1A X Loose sensor, connection, bracket or exciter,
22 Red channel wheel speed sensor S1B X damaged exciter, sensor is not properly
adjusted or has worn cable insulation, or worn
23 Blue channel wheel speed sensor S2A X sensor block clip, wheel bearing failure, wheel
24 Yellow channel wheel speed sensor S2B X bearing is not properly adjusted (these faults
will only occur when vehicle is traveling
25 Blue channel wheel speed sensor S3A X >6 mph).
26 Yellow channel wheel speed sensor S3B X Measure the AC voltage at the sensor in
question while rotating the wheel at a rate
of about one revolution every two seconds.
If the output is not at least 200 millivolts
(0.2 VAC) push in the sensor until it touches
the exciter and rotate the wheel again. If this
doesn’t correct the problem, the sensor and
sensor block clip should be replaced.
Inspect exciter teeth for minor damage or teeth
filled with debris. Verify all exciters have the
same number of teeth.
Verify tire and wheel size is large enough
for 100 tooth exciter ring. If these faults
re-occur at the same speed, inspect exciter ring
for damage. Smaller wheels and tires require
80 tooth exciter rings.
Verify sensor and valve wiring/plumbing
is correct.


NOTE: These codes are only used
31 Auxiliary Channel 1 fault (Digital Channel 1) output only supports trailer Auxiliaries.

32 Auxiliary Channel 2 fault (Digital Channel 2) output only Auxiliary Channel has an open circuit or the
ECU (Electronic Control Unit) has auxiliary
33 Auxiliary Channel 3 fault (Digital Channel 3) input only device connected and is not programmed to be.
34 Auxiliary Channel 4 fault (Digital Channel 4) input only These codes do not affect ABS performance
and do not illuminate the tractor or trailer ABS
35 Auxiliary Channel 5 fault (Digital Channel 5) input only warning lamps.

SLOW WHEEL RECOVERY For a 2M System, verify sensor and valve

wiring/plumbing is correct. Slow brake release,
41 Red valve channel X foundation brake mechanical faults, dry
bushings, broken ABS valve, restricted piping.
42 Blue valve channel X
Check for kinks and blockage etc. Incorrect
43 Yellow valve channel X airlines, wiring.

Continued on next page

Fault PLC Select
Explanation Possible Causes
Code 1M 2M

HOLD SOLENOID OPEN CIRCUIT Modulator valve solenoid failure, solenoid

connection or valve cable damage. The most
61 Red valve channel X
likely causes include: a damaged solenoid
62 Blue valve channel X or a loose solenoid connection. Disconnect the
63 Yellow valve channel X indicated solenoid and check the resistance
at the solenoid pins (3.5 to 9 Ohms).


67 Red valve channel X Check the female terminals on the connector
for excessive pin spread or corrosion. Replace
68 Blue valve channel X defective hardware as required and retest.
69 Yellow valve channel X


TO GROUND Modulator valve solenoid failure or valve
cable damage. The most likely causes include:
71 Red valve channel X a damaged solenoid or a damaged cable.
72 Blue valve channel X An example of this is a worn or chafed cable
that has exposed wires contacting the trailer.
73 Yellow valve channel X


77 Red valve channel X Disconnect the indicated solenoid and check
the resistance at the solenoid pins.
78 Blue valve channel X
79 Yellow valve channel X

80 Output leakage or poor insulation on any

of the valve channels

HOLD SOLENOID SHORT CIRCUIT Modulator valve solenoid failure or valve

TO PERMANENT POWER cable damage. Indicates that the solenoid
81 Red valve channel X or its cable has a short circuit to positive power
(12 volts DC). The most likely causes include:
82 Blue valve channel X a damaged solenoid or damaged cable.
83 Yellow valve channel X Disconnect the indicated solenoid and check
the resistance at the solenoid pins.
DUMP SOLENOID OUT SHORTED If the solenoid checks out good and 80-89
TO PERMANENT POWER codes are still appearing, check the ECU
87 Red valve channel X for proper operation.

88 Blue valve channel X

89 Yellow valve channel X
90 Low supply voltage fault. This code is not X X Verify 12 VDC power source. Do Not Use
stored in memory. Battery Charger as Power Supply. ECU
minimum operating voltage is 8.5 VDC.

Continued on next page

Fault PLC Select
Explanation Possible Causes
Code 1M 2M

91 No internal ABS ECU solenoid voltage available. X X Verify permanent power is present.

92 Power input over voltage fault. X X Verify 12 VDC power source. Do Not UseBattery
Charger as Power Supply. ECU maximum
operating voltage is 16.0 VDC.

93 Short circuit on ABS ECU internal relay. X X

99 ABS corrupt memory. X X ABS ECU is defective; replace.
9A ABS corrupt memory. X X

Codes A(x) and C(x) are displayed when power PLC Select 2M: A C(x) code is common with
is applied to the ABS ECU. They should not be 4S/2M configurations that have been changed
displayed for more than two seconds; if code remains to a 2S/2M or 2S/1M. Clear codes three times
permanently displayed, replace the ECU. without interrupting power. After the third
clear - verify sensors are in the correct location
and repower.

A7 Trailer X X
Programmed for tandem or multi-axle trailer.
2S/1M - SLH on red channel
Displays current configuration.
2S/2M and 4S/2M - SLH on yellow channel

A8 Trailer X X
Programmed for dollies, single or steer axle
2S/1M - MSLH on red channel (dollies, steerable or single
trailer. Displays current configuration.
axle only)

Only display when viewing stored

fault codes.

C0 2S/1M Configuration X X S1A, S1B sensors. Red modulator. ECU is

configured as a 2M and is powered up
as a 1M. See “CC” cause below. Displays
current configuration.

C1 2S/2M Configuration X X S2A, S2B sensors. Blue, Yellow modulators.

ECU is configured as a 4S/2M and is powered
up as a 2S/2M. See “CC” cause below. Displays
current configuration.

C2 4S/2M Configuration (not a fault code) X X S3A, S2A, S2B, S3B sensors. Blue, Yellow
modulators. Displays current configuration.

C3 4S/2M Configuration (not a fault code) X X S3A, S2A, S2B, S3B sensors. Blue, Yellow
modulators. (S3A and S3B sensed lift axle).
Displays current configuration.

Continued on back page

ABS Diagnostic
Troubleshooting Codes

Fault PLC Select

Explanation Possible Causes
Code 1M 2M

CA Clear all fault codes X X Occurs when clearing fault codes with the
Info Center.

CC Clear configuration X X Only required when configured ABS System

from a 4S/2M to a 2S/2M or any 2M configured
to a 1M. Clear fault codes three times with
uninterrupted power to reconfigure.

Only display when viewing stored

fault codes.

CF Configuration fault? X X Unrecognized ABS configuration. Verify all

sensors and valve connections are correct.
Verify sufficient power.

E(x) E0 through EF are generated when internal problems exist X X

Codes within the ABS ECU. ABS ECU is defective; replace.

For more information on complete ABS Systems, see the Haldex Service Manual (L30041)
at or contact your Haldex Sales Professional.
For additional ABS Service questions, contact the Haldex Technical Support Department
at +1 800-643-2374, Option 2.

United States 816-891-2470 For additional contact information L20293

Canada 519-621-6722 or to learn more about Haldex, R11/21 P11/21 2.5M ALP
Mexico 52-81-81569500 please visit Printed in the USA

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