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Core Rules Supplement

Design: Byron D. Molix

System Design and Development: Chris Pramas, et al

Original Game Concepts: E. Gary Gygax and the early contributors of TSR.
Cover image by Christian Nuack, colored by Jack
Rear image modified from photo taken by Jirka Matousek

Mystara Logo designed by Thorfinn Tiat

Names and concepts herein are copyrighted by their respective owners and this does not constitute a challenge to the
ownership of said names and concepts. The unique text of this document is copyrighted (C)2011 and this document is
produced for fans’ personal use and may not be bought or sold.
You also become a novice in the Unarmed Style
Mystic talent.
Mystics are philosopher warriors who specialize LEVEL 2
fully in unarmed and unarmored combat. While Stunt Bonus: You become faster and react better
they don't ignore weapons training they rely to your opponents in combat. You can perform
instead on their own skill and coordination. Also the Lightning Attack stunt for 2 SP instead of the
called monks in other contexts, mystics are usual 3.
somewhat rare but are more common in LEVEL 3
Ochelea on the Isle of Dawn and in Sind. While Martial Discipline: Choose a particular martial
mystics seem to have spell-like abilities, they are discipline. You may ignore the requirement for
not spellcasters and are not subject to any learning this talent or advancing it. This
spellcasting penalties or bonuses such as spell particular Talent is considered your Martial
stunts. Mystics crave knowledge of the self as Fighting Style.
much if not more than obscure knowledge of the New Talent: You become a novice in a new
world, and their fighting capabilities mimic this. talent or gain a degree in a talent you already
Dexterity, Perception, Willpower Energy Resistance: You gain +3 bonus to resist
Secondary Abilities magic spells and breath weapons that deal
Communication, Constitution, Cunning, Magic, energy damage. You likewise gain a +3 bonus to
and Strength overcome hazards such as freezing cold, and
25 + Constitution + 1d6
Catlike Grace: Your ability to move with agility
Brawling plus any two of the character’s choice.
and grace is astounding. You only incur half the
Typically this will be from this list: Axes,
normal damage from any fall and otherwise gain
Bludgeons, Heavy Blades, Spears, or Staves.
a +1 bonus to any test made to keep your
CLASS POWERS New Ability Focus: You now gain one of the
Mystics gain the following powers at the following ability focuses: Cunning (Research),
specified level. Dexterity (Calligraphy) or Perception (Empathy)
LEVEL 1 New Talent: You become a novice in a new
Mind and Body: Your limbs are considered talent or gain a degree in a talent you already
brawling weapons or light shields as needs be to have.
qualify for talents. You may use any Style talent LEVEL 6
that applies when unarmed. New Specialization: You may choose one
Heightened Awareness: You are extremely specialization for your class. You gain the novice
aware of your surroundings. You can perceive all degree of its specialization talent.
corporeal opponents within a radius equal to LEVEL 7
your Perception in yards. This negates the attack Four-Way Defense: You are perceptive enough
bonus of a backstab attempt, but will not reveal to find holes in every attack, even when being
the exact location of an invisible foe. attacked by many foes at once. Enemies that
Furthermore you always add half your outnumber you by less than 3 to 1 do not gain
Perception to your Defense (round normally). attack bonuses against you.
This bonus is negated when you are bound, New Talent: You become a novice in a new
unconscious or asleep. talent or gain a degree in a talent you already
Starting Talents: You become a novice in one of have.
the following talents: Chirurgy, Lore or Music.

New Specialization Talent: You gain the New Specialization: You may choose one new
journeyman degree in the specialization talent specialization for your class. You gain the novice
you gained at level 6. degree of its specialization talent.
New Weapon Group: You learn a new weapon LEVEL 15
group of your choice. New Talent: You become a novice in a new
LEVEL 9 talent or gain a degree in a talent you already
Hidden Presence: You can hide your presence, have.
making it very difficult for enemies to perceive Universal Understanding: Given a minute to
you. You always gain a bonus to Dexterity observe a conversation, you can understand the
(Stealth) checks equal to half your Willpower gist of the exchange for the length that you
(round normally). You can also hide in plain observe. This does impart the significance or
sight once per day. attribution of names or concepts, merely the
New Talent: You become a novice in a new basics such as importance, emotional responses,
talent or gain a degree in a talent you already general scope and a general topic. You can make
have. yourself understood with the same level of
LEVEL 10 understanding through body language and tone.
Improved Awareness: Your one-ness with your LEVEL 16
surroundings has become finely honed. You may New Specialization Talent: You gain the
re-roll a Perception (Searching) check, but must journeyman degree in the specialization talent
accept the second result, and you gain a +1 you gained at level 14.
bonus to your Defense. This bonus is likewise LEVEL 17
negated if you are bound, unconscious or New Talent: You become a novice in a new
asleep. talent or gain a degree in a talent you already
New Specialization Talent: You gain the master have.
degree in the specialization talent you gained at Eight-Way Defense: You possess incredible
level 6. situational awareness and no number of enemies
LEVEL 11 may outflank you. Groups of enemies no longer
New Talent: You become a novice in a new gain attack bonuses due to numbers against you.
talent or gain a degree in a talent you already LEVEL 18
have. New Specialization Talent: You gain the master
LEVEL 12 degree in the specialization talent you gained at
Benefits of Meditation: You may use a minor level 14.
action to briefly enter a meditative state and LEVEL 19
adjust your bodily responses to fatigue and New Talent: You become a novice in a new
injury. You need to succeed at a TN 15 talent or gain a degree in a talent you already
Willpower (Self-Discipline) test, but if you do so have.
you reclaim 1+Constitution in Health. You may LEVEL 20
only do this a number of times per scene equal Epic Mystic: Pick one type of stunt (combat,
to your Willpower. exploration, or roleplaying). You gain a +1 bonus
LEVEL 13 when generating stunt points of that type.
New Talent: You become a novice in a new
talent or gain a degree in a talent you already
Mystic Talents
The following Talents are also Mystic talents.
Mystic Touch: Your attacks are considered to be
magical, and you can fight against incorporeal
Archery Style
entities such as spirits.
Dual Weapon Style
Single Weapon Style

Weapon and Shield Style

Mystics may take all Universal talents, (that is

ones that list “Mage, Rogue, Warrior” as a

Philosophical Imbalance
Mystics have a hard time gaining ground in
enlightenment if they are too distracted by
worldly pursuits, selfish behavior, and poor
personality traits. Any mystic with an ethos such
as Cruel or Mercenary, or personality traits such
as cowardice, avarice, jealousy or
uncontrollable rage suffers from imbalance after
a certain point. Imbalance starts affecting such a
character at Level 4. The character suffers a
permanent −1 penalty to Dexterity and he heals
twice as slowly as normal when doing so
naturally. If the character can correct the
imbalance the penalties go away. If not, they
worsen by 1 at Level 9, and again at Level 12.
You will notice that these are levels at which the
mystic gains class powers which require a
balanced mind.

this as an area effect from the point where you
Mystic Orders launch the attack, and compare your roll versus
the Defense of all creatures within range.
Mystics are found all over Brun, and sometimes Preferred Specialization: Balancer (Druid) or
in unexpected places. This is just a sampling of Contemplative Adept (Mystic)
mystic orders, and in certain settings such as Preferred Talent: Single Weapon Style
Sind or Ochalea, there will be different sects of
the same order. As such, there is a bit too much
Elven Mystics
to include in this supplement about possible
Mystics among the elves are extremely rare,
orders with rival schools, orders and variant
especially among the non-Sylvan elves.
teachings. Each of these dossiers, when
However, they do exist. Half the time these
complete, lists a specialization and a fighting
individuals have no mentors, even among a race
style that members of this order are likely to take
that has lifetimes measured in centuries they are
at the appropriate levels.
scattered and hard to encounter. Because of this,
most elven mystics study with human orders or
A Note on Ochealan Mystic Orders learn on their own. However, it was an elf with a
There are numerous mystic orders in Ochalea, philosophy similar to that of human mystics who
and the curiosity of mysticism undoubtedly developed the Forest Dance fighting style. A
spread to nearby Alphatia from this land. style that some elven warriors seek to master if
However, Ochalea is a small place in the Known they favor the bow over the sword.
World, few adventures tend to be set there, and Preferred Specialization: Contemplative Adept
little is known in canon about the various Preferred Talent: Forest Dance Style
orders. Thus, mystics from Ochalea should feel
free to make up the name, creed and particulars
Mystic Order of Saffron, The
of their order. It is unlikely to be called into
The mystic order of Glantri is located in Lhamsa,
question during the game.
and they own a few monasteries throughout the
Glantrian mountain chains. Focused on alchemy
The Dervishes of Ylaruam and healing, there are few high level Mystics
A sect of holy hermits, the dervishes have present here, but that does not mean they are
retreated from civilization to live lives of solitude defenseless healers. It would be disastrous to
and contemplation. They are highly respected by attempt to take them by force as they have great
the nomadic citizens of the nation and are knowledge of anatomy and have mastered a
welcomed into their tents for a meal or fighting style that locks joints, overpowers
companionship. While dervishes are not pressure points and affords them great defense
desirous of civilization, they still value the with little movement.
welfare of their nation and their fellow believers. Preferred Specialization: Harmonious Stone
Mechanically, there are two types of dervishes: Preferred Talent: Supple Reed Style
druids and mystics. While all druids of this
philosophy follow the way of the Eternal Truth
Order of the Hidden Flame, The
and revere Al-Kalim, they respect nature above
This order of hin mystics is well known by
all else. Mystics are almost variants of the class,
fellows of the Five Shires, and is almost virtually
in that they do not gain Four-Way Defense or
a secret to all others, including hin from outside
Eight-Way Defense. Instead they get a Stunt
the Shires region. They take their name from the
bonus which allows them to use the Dual Strike
blackflame, which is itself a secret of the Shires,
stunt for 2 stunt points at Level 7, and they gain
and they act accordingly in public. Most
Whirlwind Assault at Level 17
members of the order pass themselves off as
Whirlwind Assault: For 5 stunt points you can
apprentices to the keepers, or advisors to well to
make a single attack roll which affects all
do hin. Only when hin are in danger do they
opponents in normal melee range of you. Treat

show their fighting prowess. Some hin mystics New Talents: Fighting Styles
go on to become keepers of the blackflame for Mystics can take advantage of numerous pre-
their clan, giving up the quiet contemplation of existing Style talents, but there are several that
the universe for familial duty. In addition to their originate from within mystic orders. None of
standard abilities, most mid to high level hin these is restricted solely to mystic class
mystics are well versed in the uses of characters, but it is unlikely that a non-mystic
blackflame, just like most masters, all keepers could learn these talents from anywhere else but
and many sheriffs. a master ranked practitioner. Some orders teach
Preferred Specialization: Gong Warrior more than one style, particularly in Ochalea.
Preferred Talent: Hidden Fist Style
Darting Peony Style
Spiritwalkers of the Plateau Classes: Mystic, Warrior
The spiritwalkers of the Atruaghin clans are Requirement: You must have Perception and
uniquely placed as observers of nature and all of Willpower of 2 or higher and be trained in the
its splendors, and moral pacifists in a culture of Spears Group.
tribal skirmishes and sometimes bloody conflict. You are a very mobile polearm fighter, and are
A spiritwalker is someone who follows the path capable of incredible feats using such a weapon.
of the shaman and the brave at the same time. Novice: You have a great mobility when
They do not possess magic gifted by Atruaghin, maneuvering opponents. Whenever you cause
but instead discipline and insight gifted by an opponent to move 2 yards, whether by talent
contemplation and understanding of nature. or stunt, you yourself can move 2 yards as a free
These mystics, of the often insular Children of action.
Atruaghin, are the practitioners of a refined form Journeyman: You can assault groups of foes with
of melee combat. The style itself is fast, brutal, one swing or thrust. You can perform the Dual
and direct, but allows for flexibility. Lastly, the Strike stunt for 2 stunt points instead of the usual
practitioners amongst the Children rarely lift a 4 when using a spear.
hand in anger, but only in considered violence Master: You gain a +2 for any Dexterity
or defense. They value pacifism, but the world (Acrobatics), or Strength (Intimidation) test that
they live in demands conflict. involves a spear weapon. Furthermore, you gain
Preferred Specialization: Contemplative Adept +1 Defense when wielding a spear, and deal +2
Preferred Talent: Stone Tiger Style Damage with it. This last bonus is not
guaranteed when fighting with a weapon you do
not own and have not had time to practice with.
You do not gain these bonuses until you earn
Stunt Points using the brand new weapon.

Five Dragons Style

Class: Mystic, Rogue, Warrior
Requirements: You must have Perception and
Dexterity 2 or higher, and the Dexterity
(Brawling) focus.
You have gained knowledge of fighting in the
grand tradition of the Five Dragons.
Novice: You have a highly fluid style of combat.
You gain a +1 bonus to either attack or defense.
You can change it with a free action, but can
only change it once per round. The bonus lasts
until the end of the encounter, although it

disappears temporarily if you are bound or Hidden Fist Style
immobilized. Classes: Mystic, Rogue, Warrior
Journeyman: You can unleash a flurry of blows Requirement: You must have Dexterity and
which entitles you to make a second attack as a Perception of 2 or more.
minor action. The second attack cannot generate You have great skill in misdirection and fight in
stunt points, and you only add half of your an unpredictable manner.
Strength to damage. Novice: You can enter a Hidden Fist Stance with
Master: Whenever you use the Pierce Armor an Activate action. This can appear as you wish:
Stunt or the Defensive Stance Stunt it costs you drunken stumbling, clownish clumsiness,
only 1 stunt point. Furthermore, you can trade comical luck, etc. The point is that opponents
1d6 of damage from the Mighty Blow and Lethal can’t seem to figure out what you will do next
Blow stunts for +2 penetrating damage on an which creates openings for your assaults. You
attack. Your base attack is never considered gain a +2 to Defense while in this mode, but
penetrating damage, although you could use suffer a −2 to hit a second target due to your
Pierce Armor to maximize that damage’s antics.
potential as well. Journeyman: Your attacks are now incredibly
unpredictable and more dangerous for it. You
Forest Dance Style can perform the Mighty Blow or Lethal Blow
Classes: Mystic, Rogue, Warrior stunt for 1 or 3 stunt points respectively when in
Requirements: You must have Perception and Hidden Fist Stance.
Dexterity 2 or higher, and be trained in the Bows Master: You can enter or leave Hidden Fist
Group. Stance using a free action although you can only
You have mastered fighting with bow in hand. change your stance once per round.
Novice: You are fluid motion in combat. You Furthermore, your mastery of a loose posture
may move 2 yards whenever you hit a target gives you the equivalent of 2 natural armor
with an arrow, even if in melee. versus attacks you are aware of.
Journeyman: Your bow is not just a ranged Similar Styles: Drunken Boxing is practiced in
weapon. You can use your Bow as a Club in Ochalea.
melee combat. It still uses the Dexterity (Bows)
focus to hit, but uses Dexterity instead of Stone Tiger Style
Perception on the attack. Doing so does not Classes: Cleric, Mystic, Rogue, Warrior
have a chance to break your bow, although it Requirement: You must have Perception and
can be disarmed or directly damaged by a foe in Willpower of 2 or more.
melee with you. You have learned the highly refined art of
Master: You are deadlier with a bow in your targeted violence known to the Spiritwalkers.
hands than a sword. Whenever you use the Novice: Your melee strikes are swift, efficient
Mighty Blow or Lethal Blow stunt with a bow and vicious. You deal an additional 2 penetrating
attack, on a target within 6 yards distance, you damage to any humanoid you hit with a pierce
automatically halve the target’s armor. If you use armor, mighty blow, lightning attack or lethal
the Pierce Armor stunt with one of these strikes blow stunt. Creatures with more natural armor
they retain only one fourth of their armor total. than your Willpower are immune to this effect.
Furthermore, you always deal +3 damage when Journeyman: Your novice ability now applies to
using arrows on targets within short range. all living creatures, given the single immunity
ascribed to sufficient natural armor.
Furthermore, whenever you roll doubles and
stunt points are generated, your total is
increased by +1 stunt point.
Master: You have now mastered the swift and
vicious strike. You can perform the Lightning
Attack and Mighty Blow stunts for 1 stunt point

instead of their usual amounts. All of your Shifting Tides Style
unarmed, single and dual weapon attacks deal Classes: Cleric, Mage, Mystic, Rogue, Warrior
additional damage equal to half your Willpower. Requirement: You must have the Dexterity
Similar Styles: Shadowed Fist is practiced in (Brawling) focus.
Hule, and Unyielding Turtle is practiced in You have mastered the art of using your
Ochalea. opponent’s attacks against them.
Novice: When not severely outnumbered,
Supple Reed Style (enemies gain no more than +1 to attack you
Classes: Cleric, Mage, Mystic, Rogue, Warrior due to numbers), you can throw an attacker.
Requirement: You must have the Cunning Interrupt an opponent who is in the process of
(Healing) focus, and the Dexterity (Brawling) attacking you by making your own attack,
focus. although this roll generates no stunt points. If
Your knowledge of humanoid physiology you hit, you do no damage, but your attacker is
translates into overwhelming combat potential. considered knocked prone 2 yards away from
Novice: You have become adept at maneuvering your position and cannot attack you. This costs
attackers into position to shield your own body you your next Minor action, although you can
from further attacks. You gain +1 Defense, (up to use a major action to cover the debt. This can
a maximum of +3), against all humanoid, melee thus be done up to 3 times in a round, at the
attackers after the first each round. All those cost of all actions next round.
attacking you in melee this round suffer −1 Journeyman: Your throws are second nature to
penalty to their own Defense until the beginning you now. You can perform a Knock Prone stunt
of their next action. for 1 stunt point instead of the usual 2.
Journeyman: If you perform a disarm stunt on a Furthermore all characters you knock prone are
humanoid your size or smaller, you have the also 2 yards away from your position.
option to lock the target’s joint which prevents Master: Like the natural phenomena the style is
them from using that limb while you maintain named after, you can move swiftly out of the
the grip. The target needs to make a minor way of danger, or crash against your enemies
action and use Dexterity (Brawling) or Strength with unusually potent force. You gain +1
(Might) versus your Dexterity (Brawling) or Defense and +1 Attack against foes in melee
Cunning (Healing), whichever you choose to combat, if you are unarmed. You also deal +2
roll, to free himself. damage on all unarmed attacks.
Master: You have the capability to delay and
amplify a wound. It can be delayed up to a day.
You take a −2 penalty to hit the target, but if you
are successful the target takes double the
damage you rolled at the time of your choosing
from one round in the future to a day hence.
Only a TN 15 Cunning (Healing) or TN 17
Cunning (Arcane Lore) test can detect the
problem and solve it in the interim time.
Magical healing provides no help until after the
wound occurs.
Similar Styles: Ascendant Mist is practiced in

Mystic Specializations Harmonious Stone Adept
Mystic Specialization
Contemplative Adept Harmonious Stone Adepts are a sect of mystics
Mystic Specialization who contemplate the flows of power and apply
A contemplative adept is a mystic who has that internal thinking to their own bodies. They
gained that most elusive of gifts, partial are able to stand naked before disaster and
enlightenment. She has trained her mind and come away unscathed. The Stone Adepts are
body so that her soul can be one with all and trained by exclusive monasteries and applicants
this gives her incredible levels of insight. The to this technique must travel far, and earn a
first hint that a mystic is on this path is that she measure of respect from the wise elders. Often
seems to be hard to place, whether following this requires meditation upon a rock for at least
her tracks or detecting them. As her insight a week without sustenance, or giving way to
grows it takes only a few moments for her to distractions in the environment. A mystic with
come to conclusions that might otherwise true harmony with nature will be ignored by
require long study, and eventually she becomes wild beasts and vermin, and neither heat, cold,
impossible to surprise. She has gazed at the high wind, or rain will break his meditation.
wonders of the universe, and they now peer
back out of her. Harmonious Stone Adept Talent
Class: Mystic
Contemplative Adept Talent Requirement: You must have Constitution and
Class: Mystic Willpower of 3 or higher.
Requirement: You must have Cunning and You have become the rock.
Willpower 3 or higher. Novice: You are at one with the environment.
You have mastered the inner calm and outer You never suffer any penalty to actions
focus of a master of meditation. undertaken in adverse weather, or due to uneven
Novice: You move with a light touch. You gain a terrain.
+1 bonus to Stealth checks and those who wish Journeyman: You exude harmony. Animals that
to track you suffer a -2 penalty to their roll. You are not rabid, or controlled will ignore your
take only 1d6 damage on impact if you are presence if you do not attack them. This includes
within 2 yards of a wall or other surface as you creatures such as gnats, flies, ants, and other
fall. This supersedes Catlike Grace. vermin.
Journeyman: You can enter a meditative state Master: You have achieved true mastery of
using an Activate action. While in this state you meditation, and need not ever sleep. Instead you
may not attack or run and your Speed is halved can gain all rest from a meditative trance, while
(round down), but you gain a +2 to any maintaining full awareness of his surroundings.
Cunning, Perception or Willpower Ability test
you need to attempt. You can also ignore needs Gong Warrior
such as sustenance and water for a number of Mystic Specialization
days equal to your Willpower. Gong Warriors are a group of mystics, still
Master: Your senses become almost seeking harmony with the universe, but intent
supernatural. You suffer no penalty if blinded upon reflecting their determination and
and can sense objects and invisible beings out to enlightenment on the outside, rather than
a radius equal to twice your Perception in yards. honing it as pure wisdom and self-discipline.
All who target physical ranged attacks at you They learn a technique referred to as the
suffer a -1 penalty. Resounding Blow, or Master Strike, which at first
manifests as an impressive unarmed strike. Later
they learn to extend it throughout the area, and
may make prodigious leaps. Gong Warriors tend
to wander, and it is possible to find a master

while adventuring. There are a few select
masters at various monasteries as well.
Impressing these mystics is often an exercise of
Magic Items
determination, and knowledge rather than self-
discipline. New Greater Weapon Powers

Gong Warrior Talent Flying: A flying weapon improves the user’s Style
Class: Mystic talent by one rank when used normally. With an
Requirement: You must have Magic and Activate action, it can be set upon a specific
Willpower 3 or higher. opponent. It will then fly through the air with
You have learned how to power your limbs with Speed equal to its owner’s +2 and attack that
your internal energies. opponent once per round. Flying weapons
Novice: You may use the Activate action to make cannot generate stunt points on their own attack
your next unarmed attack cause penetrating rolls, but the owner can spend his own stunt
damage. If more than a round goes by after this points on the weapon’s attacks instead. When
ability is prepared, it must be activated again. activated, the flying weapon does not increase
Your leaping distance is also increased by half- any Style talent ranks, but it does possess any
again. talents its owner does. If it defeats the opponent
Journeyman: You may instead make your it hovers nearby until assigned a new target or
unarmed strike nearly impossible to resist. Use ordered to return. Either of these options
an Activate action to prepare the strike. If you requires another Activate action.
succeed at hitting, the target must resist with
Strength (Might) versus your attack roll plus your Returning: A returning weapon always returns to
Willpower. Those that fail take your Willpower its owner’s hand if it misses after being thrown.
in damage, are knocked prone and propelled a The owner cannot catch the weapon if
number of yards backwards up to the dragon unconscious, bound or paralyzed, but otherwise
die’s value. This effect occurs instead of dealing it is a free action to catch the incoming weapon.
normal damage. You decide how far to push the If the weapon hits, and it is not shaped in a
target. manner that would make it impractical, it has a
Master: You may project your martial energy chance to return after a successful hit. Roll 1d6.
outward from your body in a circular manner. On a 5 or a 6, it returns to the owner. Otherwise
This requires a stomping motion, or a it falls to the ground nearby and must be
concentrated push with both arms. You make an retrieved as per normal.
attack roll as normal, but all enemies (and
friends whom you do not perceive) within 2 Rings, Wands and Staves
yards of your position are affected by your
attack. This may be used with any unarmed Ring of Quickness
strike effect you are capable of. Once per day the wearer of the ring can use an
Activate action to automatically cast the spell
Haste upon him or herself.
Value: 300 gp

Ring of Regeneration
This ring returns 6 Health per hour while it is
worn, but has no effect on a subject with 0 or
less Health. It also does not heal damage caused
by fire or acid damage.
Value: 400 gp

Wondrous Items Rod of Weaponry
This rod is normally shaped like and possesses
Bracelet of Cloud Walking the characteristics of a rank 6 club. With an
This string of inscribed beads looks plain at first, Activate action it can be resized to be as long as
but when worn the wearer feels a lightness in a quarterstaff, or divided into two weapons.
her step. After using an Activate action, the Each divided half can also be divided once
wearer may move through the air as if it were more, making a total of four weapons when
solid ground. Gaining altitude is the equivalent carried to the limit. The rank of all pieces of the
of moving up a hill, and the user can choose to rod is lowered by 2 for each division. Thus, it is
land from a fall of any distance as part of a a Rank 6 club or staff, a pair of Rank 4 clubs or
Move action without harm. The bracelet works staves, or a quartet of Rank 2 clubs or staves.
for 1d6 times ten minutes then lowers the user to Individual pieces can be recombined with an
the ground at a rate of 3 yards a turn. The user Activate action, but this is as simple as placing
can still control her movement until she touches the halves together and does not require code
down on something capable of supporting her works or special knowledge.
weight but cannot gain altitude. Value: 250 gp
Value: 300 gp

Bracers of the Archer

These bracers made of leather appear to be
normal archery aids, but when worn the wearer
gains skill he did not previously have. First,
when the wearer makes use of an Aim action the
range of his bow is increased by 5 yards for
Short Range and 10 yards for Long Range. A
short bow would have range of 21 and 42 yards
respectively. Second, the wearer gains +1 to any
Dexterity (Bows) test.
Value: 150 gp

Everfull Quiver
Once a full complement of arrows is stored
within this quiver, you can always pull out yet
one more arrow. The arrows replicated are all
the same as the largest number placed inside,
with the exception of magical arrows. Even
placing 20 magical arrows of exactly the same
capabilities inside will not replicate magical
arrows. Instead high quality arrows with the
same non-magical qualities as those placed
inside will be replicated instead. As the owner,
you can draw out any unusual arrow at any
time. An arrow of the most common type will
reappear to take its place.
Value: 180 gp


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