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Time Intended Learning Outcomes BTIs Content Suggested Teaching Learning Suggested Assessment BTIs

Allotment (ILOs) Activities

Weeks 1- At the end of these weeks, the 1. Speech Arts – An Overview Oral participation as formative
4 preservice teacher (PST) should be assessment on concepts of
to: 1. Concepts of Speech and speech and communication
• • 1.1.1
a. 2. Levels of Context of Role Play/Acting Performance
discuss major concepts in 1.1.1 Lecture discussion and review on on the sounds, communication
Communication the process, levels, and modes of
speech and communication (A) 3. Modes of Communication 4. modes and processes simple
– contexts, modes, communication through filling in a • simulations, and public speaking
Review on the 1.7.1
processes, and the • Concept Map tasks (focusing on Confidence,
segmentals and Communication Process Correct Use of Speech Sounds
suprasegmentals; recognize 5. Review on Speech Drills and exercises on speech and Suprasegmentals, and
public speaking as a Sounds sounds and effective voice Discourse and Strategic
relevant linguistic activity in 1.1.1 6. Focus on the elements (use of contrast drills, Competence Shown)
society; and express speech (A) Suprasegmentals as tongue twisters, rhyming songs,
c. vocal exercises, etc.)
arts through sound drills, Tools for Speech and Group Slogan synthesis on

communication modes and Theater – Stress, Pitch, relevance of Public Speaking
processes simple Volume, Enunciation, etc. Role play/acting on simple
1.7.1 (focusing on Creativity, Theme
simulations, and public 7. Public Speaking situations with focus on changes
(B) • and Meaningfulness, Medium
speaking tasks. in stress, pitch, volume, Used, Oneness of Idea) 1.1.1
enunciation, and other voice
elements (i.e. acting like a
grandparent with low volume and
flexible small voice, delivering the
valedictory speech)

Slogan making about public
speaking as a relevant linguistic
activity in society
Weeks At the end of these weeks, the pree
servic 2. Creative Speech Productions Pairing Discussions on the Short objective quiz on the types of
5-9 to: teacher (PST) should be able procedure and application of the creative speech productions
1. Impromptu, creative speeches
• • 1.1.1
a. Extemporaneous, Process Assessment on the
discuss the procedure and Memorize, and Sample Video viewing of speech preparations for creative speech
application of these different 1.1.1 Manuscript Speaking productions, debate, and oral production presentations
creative speech productions for (A) and group interpretation • 1.1.1
2. Argumentation and Debate
English language study; • Individual Performance
b. 3. Speeches for Special
explain the connection of these Completing a matrix to distinguish (Impromptu, Extemporaneous,
speeches to other macro skills 1.1.1 the similarities and differences of Memorize, or Manuscript Speech,
and their contextual situations; 4. Oral Interpretation various types of oral and group Speeches for Special Occasion,
(A) • 1.7.1
and 5. Storytelling interpretations Oral Interpretation – Storytelling,
c. •
perform creative speech 6. Interpretative Reading Interpretative Reading,
productions with proper verbal 7. Declamation Various Speech Productions with Declamation, Monologue)
and non-verbal communication 1.7.1 8. Monologue proper verbal and non-verbal presentations with plan and script
strategies in relation to English (B) 9. Group Interpretation
language teaching activities. 10. Readers’ Theater •
11. Chamber Theater communication strategies in (focusing on
12. One Playlet relation to English language Originality/Appropriateness of
teaching activities Script, Confidence, Use of Public
• Speaking Elements,
Group planning and Gestures/Bodily
implementation of creative oral Actions/Costumes/Props, and
interpretations of adapted Language Mechanics)
appropriate texts for children/
adolescents Group Performance (Debate,
Readers’ Theater, Chamber
• Theater, and/or Playlet)
Organization of a Speech Festival 1.7.1
by the whole class • presentation (focusing on
Originality/Appropriateness of
• Script, Confidence, Teamwork,
Feedbacking of instructor on actual
individual and group performances
Actions/Costumes/Props, and
Language Mechanics)
Class discussion on the role of
• speech activities to enhancement
of skills in English Language Class Portfolio of Original Scripts
teaching and learning Produced/Performed

Weeks 10- At the end
service t of these weeks, the 3. Theater Arts – An Overview Lecture discussion on the Mind map summary notes as
13 to: preeacher (PST) should be overview, history, and role of formative assessment on the
able 1. The History and Elements Theater Arts overview, history, and role of
• • 1.1.1
a. of Drama Theater Arts
2. Role of Drama and Biography reading of famous
recognize drama and 1.1.1 Theater theater artists and sharing of Skype Classroom Oral
theater as art, a social (A) 3. Theater as an Art, students’ analysis on artists’ Participation
activity, and a way of Socializing Activity, and a • history, passion, work in theater,
learning English language Way of Learning skills gained, and technicalities • Reflection Paper on Drama,
b. 1.1.1
competencies and skills; 4. Drama as a Learning Group simulation activity on Multiculturalism and the English
perform creative drama tasks Medium various creative drama styles Language (focusing on
with proper verbal and 1.7.1 using unique situations/contexts Uniqueness of Ideas,
5. Creative Drama •
non-verbal communication (B) • (i.e. Improv Comedy, Hand Organization, Language
6. Role Playing
strategies in relation to Puppets for Children’s Mechanics, Use of Theater Terms 1.1.1,
7. Improvisation and and Concepts)
English language Storytelling) 1.7.1
c. Pantomime
teaching activities; and
8. Scripted and Non- Group Creative Drama
identify the use of drama Skype-in-the-Classroom with two
Scripted Performances Performance Presentation
and theater to learn classes from different countries to
multiculturalism and other 1.7.1 9. Puppetry and Mask discuss and differentiate forms (focusing on Originality/
related themes. (B) Making and purposes of theater/drama Appropriateness of Script,
10. Multiculturalism and • • Confidence, Teamwork,
• Writing of reflection paper on ‘The Gestures/Bodily
Multifaceted Drama in the English Actions/Costumes/Props, and
Language’ Language Mechanics

Creative Drama Presentation

based on the given tasks with
proper verbal and non-verbal
communication strategies related
to English language competencies
and teaching

Weeks 14- At the end of these weeks, the

to: 4. Theater Production Inviting theater enthusiasts/
18 preservice teacher (PST) should be experienced artists to discuss the
Theatrical Process Workshop Participation
a. 1. The Theatrical Process • • 1.1.1
2. Audience and Criticism
Workshop sessions with invited Process Assessment on
3. Theater Space and Brainstorming session for class 1.1.1
explore the world of theater 1.1.1 theater enthusiasts/experienced •
Design one-act play production
– its elements, processes, (A) artists on Play Scriptwriting,
b. 4. Playwriting and
creative people in • Acting, and Producing/Directing
production, sets, script, etc.; Dramaturgy Formative Tasks towards Stage
work as a team to plan, 5. Scene Design Brainstorming session activity for Play Production (Script,
1.7.1 • Producer’s Plan, Director’s Notes, 1.1.1,
produce, and perform a 6. Theater Acting a Full Play Show including
(B) Poster and other Marketing 1.7.1
stage play appropriate to 7. Directing and Producing a planning, producing and
c. Materials, Play Bill)
English language learners; Stage Play • performing a stage play
and appropriate to English language
apply skills in writing, acting, learners Original Stage Play Production
directing, and producing an 1.7.1 Presentation (focusing on
original or adapted stage (B) • Originality/ Appropriateness of
Consultations and feedbacking
Script, Relevance to English
play with proper verbal and with instructor/invited guests on
Language and/or Issues in
non-verbal communication plans and implementation of
Society, Confidence,
strategies in relation to original Full Play Production
• Teamwork applying Theater
English language teaching
Production Elements,
activities. Full Stage Play Presentation Gestures/Bodily
applying skills in writing, acting,
Actions/Costumes/Props, and
directing, and producing an
Audience Impact)
original or adapted stage play with
• proper verbal and non-verbal
communication strategies in Metalog on One’s Experience in
relation to English language Preparing and Producing a Stage

teaching activities. Play and its Relevance to English
Language Teaching (focusing on
Organization of Ideas, Reflection
and Unique Insights, and
Language Mechanics)
Suggested References
Cooper, P., & Blake, C. (1999). Intercultural communication: Roots and routes. MA: A Viacom Company.

Diaz, Rafaela H. (2005). Speech and oral communication. Philippines: National Book Store

Fuentes, Crisanta H. (2011). World of the theatre. Davao City: The Headstart Development Center

Nine Techniques to Delivering Speech with Confidence. Retrieved on November 7, 2012.from http.www. todelivering speech.

Nuval, Evarista. (2008). Competence in oral communication and public speaking. Mandaluyong: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.

Public Speaking. Four Methods to delivering Speech. Retrieved on November 7, 2012 from – four methods- delivering speech html.

Searle, John R. (1976). A classification of illocutionary acts. Language in society 5(1), 1-23. Retrieved from

Shannon, C. & Weaver W. (1949). The mathematical theory of communication. IL: University of Illinois Press.

Solomon, D. & Theiss, J. (2013). Interpersonal communication: Putting theory into practice. NY: Routledge. Thomas, C.

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