Hvac Notes

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Air conditioning for people is the control of temperature, humidity, air movement and air
cleanliness, normally with mechanical means, to achieve human thermal comfort or to
achieve comfortable interior habitat conditions

Functions of Air-conditioning:

It involves control of:

1. Temperature
2. Humidity
3. Ventilation – Air movement & Air Change
4. Air Cleanliness

Comfortable Interior Temperature:

Everyone has their own idea of comfortable temperature, but considering a normal person
and density of crowd, following data gives an idea of comfortable temperatures for various
interior spaces.

Interior Spaces Temperature

• Office/ Club/ Lounge/ Reception 24.5 C

• Residence/ Hotel Room/ Guest House 24.0 C

• Shops/ super Markets/ Cinema Halls/ public Places 23.5 C

• Major Operation Theatres 21.0 C

• Computer Rooms/ Laboratories 22.0 C

• Special buildings – calibration labs, health care labs, etc 16.0 C to 20.0 C

It can be safely said that the accepted comfortable temperature under normal working
conditions is between 21.0 C to 25.0 C

Humidity is the amount of moisture in air and it varies from place and time.

Humidity when expressed in percentage as a ratio of the amount of moisture in air to the
amount that would saturate it at the same temperature is called relative humidity.

Excess of humidity leads to body discomfort. Removing the moisture from the interior
space is called dehumidification.
The desirable levels of Relative Humidity are as follows:

Interior Spaces Desired Relative Humidity

• Human comfort 55 +/- 5%

• Pharmaceutical (coating/ processing) 45 +/- 5%

• Computer and allied equipments 50 +/- 5%

• Spinning and weaving 65 +/- 5%

It can be safely said that the accepted relative humidity under normal working conditions
is between 45% to 65 %

Ventilation – Air Movement & Air Change

Certain interior spaces can be ‘locked’ – air tight with no provision for natural ventilation.


Changing the entire volume of air with outside fresh air in a cycle of one hour is termed as
“one air-change”.

Recommended air-changes for various premises are as follows:

Interior Spaces Air-change

• Office, Residence, Mini-computer, Hotel, Restaurants, 1

Clubs, Shops, Saloons

• Parlour, Lobby, Computer Suite, Class Room, etc 2

• Board Room, Cinema, Bar, Intensive Care Ward 3

• Major Operation Theatre 13 to 15

Air Cleanliness

 Suspended particles in air, out of which some are even invisible to human eye, are
called dust.
 Since most air conditioned spaces are air-tight, the entry of dust through windows is
minimum. But dust can also enter through door openings and human bodies.
 In industrial premises various type of dust is produced. A times there is a possibility
of smoke and fumes depending upon the activities taking place in the interior space.
 All dust particles, smoke, etc are unwanted and need to be controlled
 Ventilation involves supply of fresh air, cleaning of the air entering the premises, its
circulation, distribution and exhaust
The most important aspect of air-conditioning is to reduce and control the temperature of
a space to the desired levels, i.e, cool the air inside the space and then maintain its

Cooling Effect

Cooling effect can be obtained by

a) Using endothermic chemical action which absorbs heat from the system, substance
or the space to be cooled.

b) Bringing the space to be cooled in direct contact with some cooling medium (e.g.
ice), which is at much lower temperature.

c) Using a “heat pump” which extracts heat from the space, to be cooled and rejects
the heat into the surrounding.


 Refrigeration is a process of maintaining temperature of a given space lower

than that of the atmosphere (surrounding) and the method used is known as
“Refrigeration System”

Law of Refrigeration

All refrigeration systems work on the following laws, the laws are applicable to evaporator
as well as condenser.

1. Fluids while changing from liquid to vapour state “take” heat and while changing
from vapour to liquid state “give” heat.

2. During change of state, the temperature of the fluid remains constant.

3. Heat flows from higher temperature to lower temperature. If the heat is made to
flow from lower temperature to higher temperature, energy is to be spent.

4. All energies are convertible from one form to the other. E.g. a motor in a
refrigeration system converts electrical energy into mechanical energy to drive the

Important parts of a Refrigerating System

1. Evaporator: It provides a heat transfer surface, through which heat can pass from
the refrigerated space into the vaporizing refrigerant.

2. Compressor: It draws refrigerant vapour from the evaporator and compresses it to

higher temperature and pressure to enable it to be easily condensed later on. It also
maintains a continuous flow of refrigerant through the refrigerated system.
3. Motor: The motor drives the compressor. The motor and compressor are coupled to
each other.

4. Condenser: It provides a heat transfer surface through which heat passes from
refrigerant into the surrounding.

5. Miscellaneous: The other associated components are Suction Line, Discharge Line,
Receiver, Liquid Line and expansion valve, etc.

The refrigeration cycle uses a liquid, called as refrigerant, to move heat from one place to

In this system following fundamental processes are completed in one cycle.

i) Compression

ii) Condensation

iii) Expansion
iv) Vaporization

1. The vapours at low temperature and pressure enter the compressor, where they
are compressed which raises their temperature as well as pressure.

2. The vapours after leaving the compressor enter condenser, where they are
condensed into high pressure liquid.

3. This high pressure liquid now passes through expansion valve, where it is throttled
down to low pressure and low temperature.

Finally it passes on the evaporator, where it absorbs heat from the surrounding and is
again vapourized to start the next cycle.

1. Compressor: The function of compressor is to compress the vapours of the working

fluid (refrigerant) and to raise its temperature and pressure so that it can easily be

2. Discharge Line: The discharge line delivers the high temperature and pressure
vapour from compressor to the condenser. This is also called as ‘hot gas line’.

3. Condenser: It condenses the high temperature and pressure refrigerant vapours,

allows heat transfer and cools the refrigerant.

4. Receiver Tank: The receiver tank is the storage tank for condensed liquid vapour to
maintain its constant supply to the evaporator.

5. Liquid Line: It carries the liquid refrigerant to expansion (throttle) valve.

6. Expansion (throttle) Valve: It supplies required quantity of the liquid refrigerant to
the evaporator. It controls the flow of refrigerant.

7. Evaporator: It provides a heat transfer surface through which heat can pass from the
refrigerated space into vapourising refrigerant.

8. Suction Line: The suction line delivers low pressure vapours from evaporator to the
suction inlet of compressor.

In selecting a suitable air conditioning system for a particular application, one needs to
consider the following:-

• System constraints: Cooling load, Zoning requirements, Heating and ventilation

• Architectural Constraints: Size and appearance of terminal devices, acceptable noise

level, Space available to house equipment and its location relative to the conditioned
space, acceptability of components obtruding into the conditioned space

• Financial Constraints: Capital cost, Operating cost, Maintenance cost

• DX Systems (Direct Expansion systems)

• Window air conditioners

• Split AC systems

• VRV systems

• Chilled Water systems

• Air Cooled Chilled water systems

• Water Cooled Chilled water systems

• In a Split Unit the Air supply unit (Indoor unit) and the Outdoor unit are two
separate entities

• A Window Air conditioner is a compact unit where all the components are within
one casing
Split AC system VRV system

One outdoor unit to one indoor unit One outdoor unit for multiple indoor units

Total load of 10 units will be the sum Total load of 10 units will be 70 to 80%. So electric
total. Electric power required is as per 10 power is 20 – 30 % less

Not very efficient Lower running costs for the same tonnage

Initial costs are very low Initial costs are high

Need of Ducts

• To direct the conditioned air to the desired space, some type of carrier is needed.

• These air carriers are referred to as ducts.

• They are made of many different type of materials which are fire resistant.

Principal of working of Ducts

• Air ducts work on the principle of air pressure differential.

• When a difference in pressure is present, air will move from the place of high
pressure to the low pressure area.

• When this pressure difference is greater, the air flow will be faster than the
pressure areas are nearer the same.

• The type of duct systems that we are concerned with in most air conditioning
installations are low pressure.

• A low pressure duct system is one which conveys air at velocities less than 2000
fpm and a static pressure in the duct of 2 in. water column or less.


• Circular, rectangular or square cross section.

• Economic point of view, circular ducts are preferred, because, the circular shape
can carry more air in less space.
• The circular shape means that there are reductions in the amount of duct material,
duct surface, friction and insulation as compared to other duct shapes.

• As far as appearance is concerned, the rectangular duct is preferred because, it

presents a flat surface i.e. easier to work with on the finished surface of the room

Material for Ducts

• Ducts are available in a wide variety of materials, including galvanized iron,

aluminium, PVC, sheet metal, fibre glass, tiles and cement.

• Plastic ducts are commonly used because of their flexibility and resistance to heat

• Tile ducts are suitable for slab construction.

Different materials used for Insulating Ducts:

Fibre Glass:

• Fiberglass (or fiber glass)—which consists of extremely fine glass fibers—is one of
the most commonly used insulation materials.

Mineral (rock or slag) Wool:

• Rock wool - a man-made material consisting of natural minerals like basalt or


• Slag wool - a man-made material from blast furnace slag (the scum that forms on
the surface of molten metal).

Insulation for Ducts

Ducts are typically made out of thin metal materials that easily conduct heat. Therefore,
poorly insulated ducts in unconditioned spaces can lose through conduction, around 10%-
30% of the energy used to heat and cool structures. The heating and cooling equipment
then has to compensate for the heat loss and gain by conditioning additional air. This added
conditioning, further raises costs and energy bills.

Ducts in conditioned spaces experience minimal conductive losses and gains since they are
exposed to indoor air temperatures. However, these ducts may also require some insulation
to prevent condensation on duct walls and to ensure that conditioned air is delivered at the
desired temperature.

The impact of duct leakage depends on duct location, length, design, and pressure.

When duct is located in the conditioned space leakage is less of a factor than when duct is
located outside of conditioned areas.


Duct systems, unless properly designed, will act as large speaker tubes and transmit noise
throughout the building. The direction of airflow has little effect on the transmission of

Adequate noise control in a duct system can be achieved if the designer understands basic
noise control principles.

Sometimes even the most careful design has unanticipated acoustical properties that must
be dealt with to satisfy occupants.

Other Considerations for planning of Ducts

The different materials used for ducts systems can substantially affect the overall
performance of the systems.

The advantages of the various material choices should be evaluated and balanced with
the limiting characteristics.

Materials used for duct construction include galvanized steel, black carbon steel,
aluminum, stainless steel, copper, fiberglass reinforced plastic, polyvinyl steel, concrete,
and fibrous glass.

 The operating pressure and what is conveyed in the air stream are the
primary parameters that determine a duct system's construction method
and materials.
 Ductwork ranges from light gage galvanized steel for low pressure, 1/2 inch
water gauge, residential and light commercial applications
 To thick-walled stainless steel for high negative pressure, minus 30 water
gauge and more, to convey corrosive gases and abrasive materials.
FILTERS The purpose of an air filter is to free the air from as much of air borne
contaminants as is practicable. Filters are required for various dust free industrial

DAMPERS act as valves for the airflow. By using dampers in conjunction with thermostats
one can ensure that airflow only goes to the rooms that need it, resulting in shorter run
times for heating and cooling equipment, and less money spent on energy costs

GRILLES are decorative and perforated coverings at the end of a duct for outlet and inlet
air. The function of the grill is to provide a proper supply & air distribution to each area of
the room. It is very important that the air blown out from the grilles covers and mixes with
the air in the room

FANS are used in the system to induce pressure in the cold air and to throw the air into the
duct for it to reach the desired location


The main types of filters are

-Dry filters

Throw Away – Cheap fabric, Plastic mesh, etc

Cleanable – Good Quality fabric, coarse paper, wool, etc

-Viscous filters

Throw away – used for a specific period

Manually cleaned – need to be removed & periodically washed

Automatic – consists of a continuous moving roll coated with oil. These rolls
pass over rollers and move alternately through an oil trough as well as
through dirty air stream to be filtered

Electrostatic filters

The air is allowed to pass through oppositely charged plates connected across
12000 V direct current.

The air gets ionized into positive and negative ions which are made to pass through
another set of charged plates carrying alternate opposite charges.

Due to the high electric field between the collector plates the positive ions are
attracted and accumulated on negatively charged plates and vice versa.

The collector plates are washed periodically to clean all the dust.
-Centrifugal filters

Centrifugal filters can retain heavier particles and are hence used for industrial

Significant feature – “dual function” of retaining harmful as well as useful dust

which can be reutilized by the manufacturer.

In this filter a “whirling effect” is produced by a centrifugal pump (blower) due to

which heavy particles separate out and collect at the bottom while clean air is taken out
from the top of the filter.



• If the ducts lies within a protected shaft or the shaft itself serves as a ventilation
duct, then the duct must be filled internally with automatic fire shutters to reduce
the risk of spreading from the compartment to other.


• These dampers that are actuated by a fusible link and which may be used to
reduce the risk of fire spreading through ventilating ducts.

• They usually operate at a temperature of 70*.

• Mechanical fire dampers are of swinging type or drooping type.


• Depends from its action on the property of intumescent paint which swells to many
times its original volume when heated.

• It is completely coated with intumescent paint and in normal condition permits the
air flow through the duct. When hot gases passes through the dampers, the paint is
heated and swells to completely fill the cells of honeycomb and form a seal.

• The paint is not affected by fluff or oil paint spray or air containing 5% of so2
irrespective the air is dry or has a relative humidity of upto 95%.

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