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1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
The stranger 1 (walk) in the cold wind and snow from the train station at
Bramblehurst, 2
(carry) a small bag. He 3 (wear) a long
coat, and his wide hat 4
(pull) down over his face.
You 5
(can) see only the bright pink end of his nose through the snow.
He pushed open the door of the Coach and Horses, the only pub in Iping. He walked in and
dropped his bag.
“A fire,” he 6 (cry). “A room and a fire!” He 7 (shake)
some snow off his clothes.
Mrs Hall showed him into a private sitting room. The stranger 8 (pay) her
£2 for a room in her pub with all his meals for a week.


2 Match the words in bold with the definitions.

1 The stranger arrived in Iping in early February.
2 Mrs Hall lit a fire in the sitting room and went to the kitchen to cook the man’s lunch.
3 The fire was burning well now, and she was surprised that the visitor was still wearing
his coat, hat and gloves.
4 The snow on his clothes was melting, and there was water on the floor.
5 The top of his head, above his glasses, had a big white bandage on it.
6 I am a scientist, and I am doing some important experiments.
7 The snow was beginning to melt when the visitor’s bags and boxes arrived on the cart
from the station.
8 He took chemicals out of some of the bottles and started to mix them.

a special liquids; scientists make and use them

b made something start to burn
c a long, thin piece of material which you put around a part of your body that is hurt
d a person who you do not know
e a person who studies and does experiments; they try to learn more about the world
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f these help hands to be warm or clean

g becoming warm and becoming a liquid
h this has two or four wheels and a horse pulls it; you use it to carry things

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3 For each question, choose the correct person: A (the stranger), B (Mrs Hall) or
C (Mr Hall).
1 Who worked in his sitting room with his bottles of chemicals for the next few months? A B C
2 Who sometimes heard the sound of glass breaking? A B C
3 Who did not like the stranger and did not want him in the pub? A B C
4 Who paid Mrs Hall every week and made her happy? A B C
5 Who started work early and worked all day? A B C
6 Who explained to the people of the village that the stranger was a scientist,
and he was doing important experiments? A B C


4 Answer the questions.

1 What does Dr Cuss want to ask the stranger for?

2 Who does Dr Cuss visit after the stranger?

3 How did the stranger lose his letter?

4 What could Cuss see up the stranger’s sleeve?

5 When is the village fête?

6 Why has the stranger not paid his bill this week?

7 Where did the stranger find some money?

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5 Complete the conversation. Choose the best answers (a–h) below. There are three
extra answers.
The Invisible Man: Those are good shoes.
Thomas Marvel: 1

The Invisible Man: Don’t be frightened. I’m an invisible man.

Thomas Marvel: 2

The Invisible Man: I’m here. You’re looking through me!

Thomas Marvel: 3

The Invisible Man: Yes, I have. You can see food in my stomach for an hour or two after I’ve eaten it.
Maybe you think it’s wonderful to be invisible, but there are problems, too.
Thomas Marvel: 4

The Invisible Man: But I need your help . . . If you help me, I’ll help you. An invisible man has a lot
of power and can do a lot of things. But if you don’t help me . . .
Thomas Marvel: 5

The Invisible Man: We’ll go to the pub in Iping and you must open the sitting room door for me.
Then I’ll go in and get my clothes and books. I’ll put them in a bag and drop
them out of the window. You must carry them for me – we’ll meet on the road
to Bramblehurst.

a I do think it’s wonderful. e I’ll help you. What do you want me to do?
b You’re frightened. f Where are you?
c They’re not bad. They were a gift. g Don’t touch me or I’ll kill you.
d Am I crazy? h Let me touch you then. Have you just eaten
some bread and cheese?


6 Complete the text. Choose the correct words. There are two extra words.

newspaper pub clothes poker thief village bandage power wire

1 “An invisible man has a lot of and can do a lot of things.”

2 Now there was a heavy in the air above their heads, and neither man moved.
3 “Vicar,” the Invisible Man said to Mr Bunting. “You must take off your and
give them to me.”
4 “Stop, !” shouted Mr Hall.
5 Bunting was holding a around him. He came out of the sitting room and
ran home as fast as he could.
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6 The Invisible Man followed Mr Hall and his friends back to the .
7 Then the Invisible Man cut the telephone to Bramblehurst and left the village.


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7 Complete the text. Choose the correct words (a, b, c or d).

Early the next morning, a sailor 1 a walks back to his ship in Port Stowe, a small town
b is walking
c is going to walk
d was walking

near the sea. He turned a corner and was very 2 a angry to see some coins 3 a fly in
b invisible b flying
c surprised c flew
d frightened d flies

the air. They were moving 4 a slowly along the street, 5 a about a metre above the ground.
b slow b near
c slower c above
d slowest d on

The sailor tried to catch the money, but something hit him 6 a slow and he fell. When he got up,
b slowly
c hard
d hardly

the money was 7 a going .

b went
c gone
d to go


8 Answer the questions. Use one, two or three words.

1 Where was Dr Kemp working?
2 What pulls Marvel into the kitchen?
3 How many times does the American fire his gun into the small garden?
4 Why did Kemp go down to the kitchen?
5 What does Kemp see on the stairs?
6 Where did Kemp and the Invisible Man first meet?
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9 List the three things Griffin made invisible.


10 Put the things that the Invisible Man did in Chapter Six in the correct order (1–7).
a He climbed back into the room and pushed the machine over.
b Then he went down the stairs and waited.
c Then he left his room for the last time.
d He opened the window, stepped out on to a roof and waited.
e After a few minutes the men came down the stairs, and he went back up to his room.
f He put more paper in the middle of the room, moved the chairs closer to it, and started a fire.
g He moved quietly past the three men and out of his door.


11 Tick seven of the things Griffin takes from the shop in Chapter Seven.

paint for his face about twenty pounds glasses

a beard a scarf a pink nose
a big wide hat shoes bandages
about twelve pounds


12 In Chapter Seven, Kemp did not like what the Invisible Man was saying, but he said,
“I understand.” Why did he say this, do you think?

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13 Complete the sentences. Choose the correct words from the box.

where what when why

1 “I was like a man with eyes, in a city nobody could see.”

2 “My feet were cut and dirty and they left dirt and blood I walked.”
3 “I didn’t know to do next.”
4 “Then I went to the rooms they sold toys and found a wonderful pink nose.”
5 “But I woke up very early, and for a minute I didn’t know I was.”
6 “I don’t know happened to the old man. Maybe he woke up, untied the bag,
and escaped. Maybe he didn’t.”
7 “I went to another place and asked for a private room. I could eat in there, but
I left the restaurant it was beginning to snow again, and I decided to leave London.”
8 “You must understand, Kemp, I’m angry.”


14 Match the two parts of the sentences. Draw lines between them.
1 I want to go south, to a hot country a but they can smell him.
2 You understand science, b and you can help me.
3 And if anyone stops me, c I will kill them.
4 Dogs cannot see him, d and told people to lock their doors.
5 The groups of men had heavy sticks and dogs, e a man called Wicksteed was walking home.
6 Police on horses visited every house f where it is easier for an invisible man.
7 At about three o’clock in the afternoon, g and they went everywhere.


15 Complete the letter with the missing words.

You have moved against me very 1 . You have 2

me across the country. You did not want me to eat and drink, or to sleep, but I have found food and I have
.The game is beginning now. Port Burdock is not in England any more,
and England’s queen is not your 4 . Now, the Invisible Man is 5 .
of Port Burdock. This is the 6 . day of your new king, Invisible Man the First.
We will begin with a 7
. Dr Kemp will die. He can try to escape,
he can lock his doors, he can run to the police, but he will die.
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And Kemp will die today.


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16 Read the questions and choose the correct answers (a, b or c).
1 What does Kemp take from his bedroom?
a money
b a gun
c a letter
2 How does Griffin break the windows in the laboratory?
a with stones
b with an axe
c with his body
3 Who does Griffin take the gun from?
a Inspector Adye
b Kemp
c the servant
4 How many times can the gun be fired?
a four
b six
c five
5 What is Mr Heelas doing in his garden?
a looking for the Invisible Man
b running away from the Invisible Man
c sleeping
6 Why does Mr Heelas say to Kemp, “I’m sorry, but you can’t come in.”?
a It is too dangerous.
b He does not believe the stories.
c He wants Kemp to die.
7 Why could Kemp not go into the pub?
a The landlord stopped him.
b The doors were locked.
c He could not find it.
8 Why can the crowd see the young man at the end?
a He decides to stop the experiment.
b He does not want to be invisible.
c He is dead.


17 Correct the sentences from Chapter Ten. The bold words are incorrect.
1 The name of the pub is The Port Stowe.
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2 The landlord lost a lot of money and three big books.

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3 The landlord says that he has the books.

4 Dr Kemp thinks that the books are lost.

5 The landlord studies the books every day.

6 He hopes to do the experiments and be invisible one day.

7 He will keep the books secret until he is invisible.


18 Choose the correct words.

1 Griffin has been invisible since / still January.
2 Griffin was in Iping since / for months, but now he has come here.
3 In the bar, which was already / yet busy because of the fête, Mr Hall heard the window open.
4 My face was not invisible yet / still, but it was like white stone.
5 Then I left my room of / for the last time.
6 The men looked for me for / since a long time, but they did not find me.
7 He is yet / already very angry.


19 Write who, which or that.

1 Fearenside shouted at the dog, then bit the stranger’s leg before running off under
the cart.
2 He can’t remember chemicals were in the letter, so he has to do a lot more
3 She woke Mr Bunting, listened for a minute, and then got out of bed.
4 Marvel could not decide pair to put on.
5 “I’ll help you,” said Marvel, was now very frightened. “What do you want me to do?”
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6 “I was lost. I didn’t know road to take.”

7 He remembered a younger boy with very blond hair and was very good at science.
8 “I looked in the window, and it had everything I needed.”


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20 Write the passive form of the sentences.

1 Wicksteed died.

2 He broke every window.

3 He pulled his wide hat down over his face.

4 All morning in Port Stowe, he took money.

5 But the next morning, someone was knocking on the door and they woke me up.

6 He did not badly hurt the other policeman.


Total /130
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