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Republic of the Philippines


National Capital Judicial Region
Pasay City, Branch ____


versus For: ESTAFA ART. 315 PAR. 2(D) AND
BLG 22


The testimony of the witness, Ms. Alice Wonderland, is

respectfully offered in order to prove that the Accused has committed
the crimes charged against him.

It is respectfully prayed that the Court admit this Judicial Affidavit

of Ms. Alice Wonderland as the Direct Examination of the witness in
order to expedite the proceedings.

Direct Examination Questions

1. Good day, Mme. Witness, for the record, please state your
name and other personal circumstances.
A: I, Alice Wonderland, Filipino, of legal age, residing at 2201 Bay
Gardens Condominium, Diosdado Macapagal Blvd., Pasay City.

2. How are you related to the private complainant, Mr. Winnie

A: I am his secretary.

3. Mme. Witness, do you recall if you have executed any

document in relation to this case?
A: Yes, I have. I executed a Judicial Affidavit in relation to this case.

4. Do you have a copy of this document, Mme. Witness?

A: Yes, I do.

Your Honor, we respectfully manifest that the witness handed a

document entitled Judicial Affidavit.

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5. Mme. Witness, what relation does this document have with
the document entitled Judicial Affidavit you mentioned
A: It is the same one.

6. On the last page of this Judicial Affidavit there appears a

typewritten name ALICE WONDERLAND, and above the said
typewritten name is a signature. Whose signature is this that
appears above the name ALICE WONDERLAND?
A: It is mine.

We also respectfully move, Your Honor, that the Court mark the
Judicial Affidavit and the succeeding pages as Exhibits “H” to “H-4” for
the prosecution and the signature of the Witness as Exhibit “H-5.”

7. Now, Mme. Witness, as the secretary of Mr. Winnie Pooh,

can you tell us what you know about the transaction that
happened between him and the accused?
A: I intend to present my testimony on the situation that Mr. Piglet Pink
has a transaction with Mr. Pooh to which the latter issued checks.

8. What details can you tell us about the transaction?

A: On May 14, 2018, I saw Mr. Piglet Pink came to the house of Mr.
Pooh to inquire about the jewelries.

9. How many jewelries are these, and what are its

specifications, if you know, Mme. Witness?
A: Two pieces of gold bracelet.

10. What are the reasons for the inquiry, if you know, Mme.
A: Mr. Piglet Pink’s sister is having a birthday.

11. Can you explain to us what happened after such inquiry?

A: Mr. Piglet Pink seemed to be interested with the jewelries. Mr. Pooh
told Mr. Piglet Pink that he can comeback anytime to purchase the

12. What could be the price of such jewelries, if you know,

Mme. Witness?
A: Each bracelet costs Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand pesos in
Philippine currency. In sum, it costs One Million Five Hundred Pesos.

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13. After Mr. Pooh offered the purchase of such jewelries,
when did Mr. Piglet Pink came back?
A: He came back on May 16, 2018.

14. Can you tell the Court what happened on that day, if you
now, Mme. Witness?
A: Mr. Piglet Pink expressed his desire to purchase the jewelries. He
asked Mr. Pooh if he can pay using post-dated checks.

15. What was the reaction of Mr. Pooh when Mr. Piglet Pink
offered to pay using post-dated checks?
A: Mr. Pooh seemed to be adamant. However, Mr. Piglet Pink assured
that his bank account is fully funded.

16. How do you say so that Mr. Piglet Pink made such
A: He bragged about being a high roller at Okada. He told Mr. Pooh that
he can even make their transaction legal by executing a Promissory Note
on the same day.

17. What happened next?

A: Mr. Pooh handed to Mr. Piglet Pink the two (2) jewelries and
thereafter, Mr. Piglet Pink executed a Promissory Note.

18. I am showing you a Promissory Note PN No. 001111 dated

May 16, 2018 executed between WINNIE POOH and JUAN
PIGLET PINK. Could you tell the relation of this document to
the one you mentioned earlier?
A: Yes, this is the same Promissory Note that I am referring to.

Your Honor, the witness has identified PN. No. 001111. Let these be
marked as Exhibit “B”.

19. On the last page of this Promissory Note, there appears

another typewritten name PIGLET PINK, and above the said
typewritten name is a signature. Whose signature is this that
appears above the name PIGLET PINK?
A: It is the accused’s signature.

We also respectfully move, Your Honor, that the Court mark the
signature of the accused as Exhibit “B-1”.

20. On the last page of this Promissory Note, there appears a

typewritten name ALICE WONDERLAND, and above the said

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typewritten name is a signature. Whose signature is this that
appears above the name ALICE WONDERLAND?
A: It is mine.

We also respectfully move, Your Honor, that the Court mark the
signature of the witness as Exhibit “B-2”.

21. After the execution of the said Promissory Note, what

actions have the accused done, if you know Mme. Witness?
A: Mr. Pooh, then took out a checkbook. He wrote the name WINNIE
POOH on each check.

22. How many and what are the checks did he issue, if you
know Mme. Witness?
A: Three (3) XYZ Bank checks.

23. When are the dates to which these checks he issued can be
encashed, if you know Mme. Witness?
A: They agreed that these three (3) checks are on the dates of May 23,
June 03 and August 01, all in the year 2018, respectively.

24. What are the amounts indicated on these checks, if you

know, Mme. Witness?
A: Each check has a face value of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos in
Philippine Currency.

25. After the name of the payee, the date of encashment, and
the amount was filled up, what actions did the accused do
A: Mr. Piglet Pink signed the checks.

26. I am showing to you three XYZ Bank Checks dated May

23, 2018, June 03, 2018 and August 01, 2018. Can you tell the
relation of these checks to the ones you mentioned earlier?
A: These are the same checks I am referring to.

Your Honor, the witness has identified the three (3) post-dated checks
that the accused have issued. We respectfully move that the Court
mark the checks as Exhibit “C-1”, “C-2” and “C-3” respectively.

27. After the execution of the Promissory Note and the

issuance of said checks, what happened next Mme. Witness?
A: On August 19, 2018, Mr. Pooh called my attention to serve a demand
letter to Mr. Piglet Pink.

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28. How were you able to serve this demand letter to Mr.
A: I found him inside the coffee shop of Starbucks located at Torre
Lorenzo around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. I read to him the contents of
the demand letter and gave him a copy of such letter.

29. I am showing to you a copy of the Notice of Dishonor for

Demand of Payment dated August 01, 2018. Can you tell the
relation of this letter to the one you mentioned earlier?
A: It is the same demand letter I am referring to.

30. What happened next, Mme. Witness?

A: I was tasked by Mr. Pooh to execute an Affidavit of Personal Service.

31. I am showing to you an Affidavit of Personal Service dated

August 19, 2018. Can you tell the relation of this affidavit to
the one you mentioned earlier?
A: It is the same affidavit I am referring to.

32. Lastly, Mme. Witness, on the last page of this Affidavit of

Personal Service there appears a typewritten name ALICE
WONDERLAND, and above the said typewritten name is a
signature. Whose signature is this that appears above the
A: It is mine.

We also respectfully move, Your Honor, that the Court mark the
Affidavit of Personal Service as Exhibit “E-3” and the signature of the
affiant as Exhibit “E-3-1”.

33. No further questions, Your Honor.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my

signature this 16th day of November 2018 at Pasay City.



I Atty. _________________, hereby attest that on this 16th

day of November 2019, I have personally examined the plaintiff ALICE

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WONDERLAND; and that I have faithfully recorded or caused to be
recorded the questions asked and the corresponding answers thereto
made by him. I further attest that I nor any other person herein present,
or assisting me, never coached ALICE WONDERLAND regarding her

Pasay City, November 16, 2018.

Lawyer- affiant
Counsel for Plaintiffs
Law office address
Contact No.
ROLL No. ______ d/m/y _____
PTR No. _______ d/m/y _____
MCLE Compliance No.

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 16th day of

November 2019 in Pasay City. Affiants exhibited to me their
identification cards bearing their photograph and signature, as follows:

Name ID Date/Place Issued

Alice Wonderland
Minnie Mouse IBP No.

known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing


November 16, 2018. Pasay City.

Doc. No. _____; Notary Public

Page No. _____;
Book No._____;
SERIES of 2018.


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