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9. Which of the following is a functional unit within a
division, necessary for specialization?
Ph.D RCrim CSP B. Units
D. Division
10. Which management functions below include hiring,
COVERAGE: firing and training of personnel?
✓ Police Organization and Administration with A. Staffing
Police Planning (4.5%) B. Organizing
C. Directing
✓ Industrial Security Management (2.0%) D. Planning
✓ Police Patrol Operation with Police 11. A police officer with a supervisory responsibility over
Communication System (4.0%) the other police officers of lower rank is a _____.
✓ Police Intelligence (4.0%) A. Sworn Officer
B. Ranking Officer
✓ Police Personnel & Records Management C. Superior Officer
(4.5%) D. Commanding Officer
✓ Comparative Police System (1.0%) 12. Which of the following is an unlawful use of violence
and intimidation especially against civilian, creating an
1. What is that provision of the constitution mandating atmosphere in the pursuit political gain?
the creation of the PNP? A. Transnational crime
A. Article VI, Section 16 B. Organized Crime
B. Article XVI, Section 16 C. Hostage taking
C. Article XVI, Section 6 D. Terrorism
D. Article XIV, Section 6 13. When a citizen decides to complain against a police
2. This law merged all the police, jail and fire service into office because of any abuse of authority, he must file his
the Philippine Constabulary-Integrated National Police? complaint to what office?
A. Act 175 A. NAPOLCOM
B. Act 255 B. PLEB
C. P.D. 765 C. IAS
D. R.A 6975 D. DILG
3. What is the orderly and physical movement of 14. During de-briefing , the supervisor is listening to the
elements or units of the PNP? intelligence officer discussing his ____.
A. Responding A. Interpretation with the news about a hostage
B. Assignment taking.
C. Deployment B. Personal identification
D. Designation C. Observation and experiences while doing
4. When the utilization of the elements of the PNP for the intelligence work and its functions.
purpose of preservation of lives, the protection of D. Educational background
properties , the enforcement of laws and maintaining 15. Which of the following appointments is given to
peace and order, all of these refers to _____. police applicants with the upgrade general qualifications
A. Assignment to be members of the police organization?
B. Deployment A. Permanent
C. Duties and responsibilities B. Temporary
D. Employment C. Optional
5. There are how many deputies assigned to the chief D. Compulsory
PNP to assist him in the performance of his duty 16. In the city of Makati, the highest police official is the
effectively? _____.
A. Three A. Police Superintendent
B. Five B. Police Director
C. Four C. Chief of Police
D. Two D. Chief Superintendent
6. In Makati police headquarter, there are about 2,000 17. In the tri-bureau of the DILG, which of the following is
police officers for the entire city and being supervised by NOT included?
the chief of Police. What principle as applied by the COP A. BJMP
in handling the group? B. PPSC
A. Command responsibility C. BFP
B. Delegation of authority D. PNP
C. Chain of command 18. This institution exercises the control and supervision
D. Span of attention over the PNP units during elections.
7. What criteria for promotion that refers to the overall A. COMELEC
length of service in the present rank? B. NBI
A. Government service record C. AFP
B. Personal record D. DILG
C. Time-in-grade 19. In the PNP Application Processing System , the
D. Length of service in the PNP process of removing undesirable and unqualified
8. When a qualified applicant of a certain profession and applicants is called _____.
accepted in the PNP with the initial rank of Inspector, A. Selection
this is referring to _____. B. Recruitment
A. Lateral entry C. Appraisal
B. Political entry D. Training
C. Collateral entry 20. Who was the first Director General of the Philippine
National Police ?
A. Gen. Lamberto Javalera B. NAPOLCOM
B. Gen. Antonio Torres C. Women’s desk
C. Gen. Cesar Nazareno D. Investigation
D. Gen. Rafael Crame 31. In Makati police headquarter, there are about 2,000
21. Who is the father of Military Espionage? police officers for the entire city and being supervised by
A. Sir Robert Peel the chief of Police. What principle as applied by the COP
B. Sir Jayson Espejo in handling the group?
C. Sir Arthur Wellesley A. Command responsibility
D. Frederick the Great B. Delegation of authority
22. Who is the author of the well known book entitled “ C. Chain of command
The Art of War”, a Chinese philosopher who then D. Span of attention
became a successful general by applying the principles 32. In planning the budget for an operating unit of the
written in this book? police agency, logically, what is the FIRST step to put
A. Dong Zhongshu into consideration?
B. Sun Tzu A. Forecast of workload
C. Confucius B. Request for a bigger budget
D. Mao Tse Tung C. Prioritize the activities to be acted upon.
23. In the present PNP organizational structure, there D. Forecasting of personnel allowances.
are how many directional staff are assigned or under the 33. What objective stated below is not included in police
chief PNP? personnel management?
A. 10 A. To uphold the vision and mission of the PNP
B. 8 B. To procure personnel with inappropriate police
C. 12 qualification and eligibility.
D. 15 C. To maintain the effective strength of the PNP.
24. Every PNP personnel receives this recognition after D. To improve the benefit of all performing police
completing 20 years of honorable and faithful service personnel
_____. 34. What is the specific and measurable ways of
A. Medalya ng kagitingan accomplishing of goals of any organizations?
B. Medalya ng paglilingkod A. Philosophy
C. Medalya ng katapangan B. Objective
D. Medalya ng kabayanihan C. Mission
25. What AWARD will be given to Police Lieutenant D. Vision
Jayson Espejo after rescuing a 5-year old boy held 35. Which global threat to law enforcement brought
hostage in pasay city bus station but unfortunately he about by globalization , created opportunity for global
was shot by the hostage taker and died while in the professional criminals which can only be addressed
hospital? trough?
A. Honesty A. High technical security installations on ports of
B. Posthumous entries and exits
C. Police service B. Rigid transborder security
D. Meritorious service C. Transbording policies
26. In order to determine the supervisor’s span of D. Transnational professional network and
control, which of the following has to be taken into cooperation
consideration? 36. Baguio City maintains a police force with a total
A. The number of cases to work on with the manpower of 2000 officers and men. How many PLEB
supervisors. must be established?
B. He has the knowledge of the number of A. Two (2)
subordinates who will directly report to him/her. B. Three (3)
C. The objectives and goals to be accomplished C. Four (4)
D. The total number of supervisors to handle a D. Five (5)
group. 37. Captain AstalaVista is a commissioned officer of the
27. Jayson Espejo was put into jeopardy for a certain Armed Forces of the Philippines. What is his equivalent
crime and was not given a due process of law instead, rank in the PNP?
he was processed through the use of boiling water to A. Police Captain
ascertain his guilt. If you are Jayson Espejo, what do you B. Chief Inspector
call that kind of system? C. Senior Inspector
A. Lex talionis D. Superintendent
B. Trial by ordeal 38. What is the length of service of a PNP member
C. Regular trial before he would be qualified for optional retirement?
D. Moonlighting A. 5 years
28. who among the following is known as the “Father of B. 10 years
Modern Policing System” ? C. 15 years
A. Sir William Parker D. 20 years
B. Sir Allan Pinkerton 39. It is the law which states that a police member who
C. Sir Edgar Hoover becomes permanently disabled receives monthly
D. Sir Robert Peel pension.
29. Who serve as ex-officio of the National Police A. Republic Act Nr. 6975
Commission ? B. Republic Act Nr. 8551
A. AFP Chief C. Republic Act Nr. 4864
B. DILG Secretary D. Republic Act Nr. 6040
C. Chief PNP 40. It is a kind of promotion given to PNP personnel by
D. NBI Director virtue of exhibited act of courage and extra-ordinary
30. In the present set up of the Philippine National gallantry beyond the call of duty.
Police, which is responsible to attend to crimes or A. Regular
complains involving chastity? B. Permanent
A. DSWDIN C. Temporary
D. Meritorious A. 30 days
41. The British statesman Sir Robert Peel in 1829 B. 90 days
established the London Metropolitan Police, which C. 60 days
became the world’s first modern organized police force. D. 180 days
In memory of him, all policemen in England are 52. A PNP member shall be separated or retired if he will
called______. not be promoted for how many consecutive years?
A. COPS A. 5 years
B. Bobbies B. 8 years
C. Sheriff C. 10 years
D. Shire D. 3 years
42. It is otherwise known as Police Act of 1966 which 53. When may age, height and weight requirement be
created the office of the Police Commission that was waived?
later called National Police Commission under the office A. If the applicant has MNSA and has completed a
of President. formal education.
A. Republic Act Nr. 4846 B. If the applicant passed the waiver examination.
B. Republic Act Nr. 4864 C. If the number of qualified applicants fall below
C. Republic Act Nr. 4648 the minimum annual quota.
D. Republic Act Nr. 4468 D. Upon order of the President and confirmation of
43. Who organized the thief catchers that involve using the C,PNP.
thief to arrest/ catch another thief? 54. Which of the following is not included in the powers
A. Henry Fielding of the city or municipal mayor in their participation in the
B. Jonathan Wild administration of the PNP?
C. King Louis Xiv A. Operational supervision and control
D. Henry Allen B. Integrated Area Public Safety Plans
44. It is a method whereby policemen on patrol may C. Administrative Disciplinary Power
interview within the bounds of law suspicious D. Appoint and dismiss PNP members
personalities at random in order to serve as a deterrent 55. It is a situation where the subject under surveillance
to those intended to commit a crime. becomes aware that he is under observation and
A. Street questioning identifies the observer.
B. On-the-spot questioning A. Burnt out
C. Interval questioning B. Made
D. Interrogatory questioni C. Either A or B
45. Graduates of the PNPA are conferred with the D. Neither A or B
degree E. SANA ALL
A. BS Police Science 56. What is the required age for the grant of waiver of
B. BS Criminology age recruitment for initial appointment in the PNP?
C. BS Security Administration A. Not below 25 nor over 35 years of age
D. BS Public Safety B. Not below 20 nor over 35 years of age
46. In the shoulder loop of police officer “Y”, C. Not below 21 nor over 30 years of age
embroidered are 3 silver sampaguita clusters, what then D. SANA ALL
is the rank of “Y”? 57. What is the other term for Monthly Retirement
A. Police Major Benefits (MRB) ?
B. Brigadier General A. Lump sum
C. Police Captain B. Pension
D. Lieutenant Colonel POLICE COLONEL C. Allowance
47. Dhipa Tuhli applied as Patrolman particularly at the D. Reward
National Headquarters-Crime Laboratory Service. In this 58. What is the first animal used by the American to
case, who will be the appointing authority? spy?
A. Chief of the Crime Lab. A. Dog
B. President of the Philippines B. Dolphin
C. Chief of the ASUs and OSUs C. Geese
D. Chief of the PNP D. Blowfly
48. Who was recognized as the Father of the Philippine 59. Which of the following is prohibited when conducting
Constabulary? foot patrol?
A. Brig./Gen. Rafael Crame A. Do not establish a set of pattern
B. Col. Lamberto Javalera B. Walk systematically on the beat while on patrol.
C. Brig./Gen. Henry Allen C. Take a smoke or a drink while on patrol.
D. Capt. George Curry D. SANA ALL
49. Which of the following actions that deals with 60. Any lose or impairment of the normal functions of the
possible problems that may arise and trying to discuss mental and physical faculties of any PNP member is
possible and available course of action? called ____.
A. Casing A. Injury
B. Investigation B. Disability
C. Planning C. Accident
D. Organizing D. Sickness
50. To recognize the equal rights of women to enter in 61. Which of the following PNP operational support unit
the PNP, how many percent is allotted for them in the is tasked to enforce the R.A 6539, the Carnapping Act
PNP of its annual recruitment quota? of 1972 and formerly known as Traffic Management
A. 25 Group?
B. 15 A. MMDA
C. 20 B. Civil Security Group
D. 10 C. CIDG
51. A PNP member charged for grave felonies D. Highway Patrol Group
punishable by 6 years 1 day or more is put under 62. The 3 members of the current Board examiners for
preventive suspension for how many days? Criminology of the PRC are:
A. Dr. George O. Hernandez 71. _________________ is a protégé of August Vollmer
Atty. Ramil A. Davao who authored a book entitled “Police Administration”
Dr. Ruben A. Teresa which became the unofficial bible of police administration
B. Atty. Samuel A. Gabao and influenced two generations of police chiefs.
Atty. George O. Fernandez A. Edgar Hoover
Dr. Rubin A. Sta Teresa B. William Parker
C. Dr. Ruben A. Teresita C. O. W. Wilson
Atty. Ramil A. Juabaw D. August Vollmer
Dr. Jorge A. Fernandez 72. The fourth man in command of the PNP is the
D. Atty. Ramil G. Gabao _______.
Dr. Ruben A Sta. Teresa A. DDG for operation 3RD IN COMMAND
Dr. George Q. Fernandez B. Chief, Directorial Staff 4TH IN COMMAND
63. Technical Sergeant in Military rank is equivalent to C. DDG for administration 2ND IN COMMAND
PNP rank which is; D. Chief, PNP 1ST IN COMMAND
A. SPO1 73. A citizen`s respect for _______ develops his respect
B. SPO2 for the police.
C. SPO3 A. Law
D. PO4 B. Government
64. Employees should receive order from one superior C. Community
only. D. Leaders
A. Unity of command 74. An act Transferring the PNPA and NPTI from PPSC
B. Span of Control to PNP.
C. Chain of Command A. RA 11279
D. Authority and Responsibility B. RA 11200
65. What is the first stage of recruiting and selecting C. RA 5487
police personnel for Patrolman and Patrolwoman? D. RA 9346
A. Submission and acceptance of application 75. AstalaVista is a graduate of High School and he
folders 2ND passed the entrance examination in the Philippine
B. Preparation and proper approval of quota National Police Academy. After graduation he shall have
allocation IST the rank of ______.
C. Complete character and background A. Inspector
investigation 5TH B. Lieutenant
D. Complete physical, medical and dental C. Police Lieutenant
examination 6TH D. PO1
E. Physical agility test 7TH 76. The City and Municipal Mayor shall choose the Chief
F. Preliminary interview 3RD of Police from a list of _____ eligible recommended by
G. Psychiatric/Psychological examination 4TH the PNP Provincial director:
H. Final committee interview 8TH A. six
66. It refers to the number of officers or subordinates B. five
that a Superior supervises without regard to the C. Three
effectiveness or efficiency of the supervision. D. four
A. Span of Control 77. The head of the IAS shall have a designation of
B. Unity of Command ______?
C. Chain of Command A. Director General
D. Command Responsibility B. Solicitor General
67. This planning includes a face to face interactions C. Inspector General
with the people who are to be affected, it also include D. IAS General
field surveys and interpersonal dialogue marked by a 78. The maximum tenure of office of the Chief of PNP or
process of mutual learning is called; the Director General of the PNP is;
A. Incremental planning A. 4 years
B. Transactive planning B. 56 years
C. Sypnoptic planning C. 6 years
D. Strategic planning D. 21 years
68. It identifies the role of police in the community and 79. Waivers for initial appointment in the PNP may be
future condition in state waived in the following order:
A. Visionary Plans A. age, height, weight & education
B. Strategic Plans B. age, weight, height & education
C. Synoptic Planning C. height, education, weight & age
D. Incremental Planning D. in any order
69. When responding to call for police assistance due to 80. The age requirement for new PNP applicants must
planted or found explosives, what immediate actions not be less than twenty-one (21) years of age. The
should the patrol officer will do? Maximum age requirement for PNP applicants using the
A. Scrutinize the item if it is an explosive or not. lateral entry program is ____.
B. Dispose the item immediately to avoid further A. 35 years old
injury to happen. B. 30 years old
C. Never attempt to handle, call for Explosive C. 31 years old
Ordinance Disposal Team. D. 46 years old
D. Call to the Tactical Operation Center for proper 81. _____ is given to any PNP member who has
procedure to be followed, after investigating the exhibited act of conspicuous and gallantry at the risk of
item. his life above and beyond the call of duty.
70. The highest rank in the BJMP is __________. A. Meritorious Promotion
A. Four star general B. Special Promotion
B. Director C. Regular Promotion
C. Chief Superintendent D. On-the-Spot Promotion
D. Director General
82. PNP members under the waiver program but is 93. When the distribution of a plan is classified as “B”, it
dismissed for failure to comply with the requirements can is a need to know for:
re-apply to the PNP? A. All units
A. True B. Selected units
B. False C. Very selected units
C. Absolutely Yes D. Few Only
D. Absolutely No 94. In police parlance, “S.O.P.” stands for?
83. A PNP member who acquired permanent physical A. STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURES
disability in the performance of his duty and unable to B. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES
further perform his duty shall be entitled to a lifetime C. SPECIAL OPERATION PROCEDURES
pension equivalent to: D. SPECIAL OPERATING PROCEDURES
A. 50% of his last salary 95. It refers to the Anti – Crime Master Plan of PNP.
B. 70% of his last salary
C. 60% of his last salary A. Master Plan Sandigan Milenyo
D. 80% of his last salary B. Master Plan Sandugo
84. The theory X and Y is a human motivation created C. Master Plan Banat
by? D. Master Plan Saklolo
A. Isaias Alma Jose 96. In SWOT analysis, “W” means:
B. Gen Arthur McArthur A. Vulnerabilities
C. Douglas McArthur B. Threats
D. Douglas McGregor C. Intelligence
85. Refers to the distinctive physical device of metal and D. Win
ribbon, which constitute the tangible evidence of an 97. The largest organizational unit within a large
award: Department is;
A. Medal A. Bureau
B. Awards B. Division
C. Decorations C. Section
D. Ribbons D. Unit
86. What is the highest rank in Indonesia police force? 98. It refers to the performance of an act that ought not
A. Police General to be done.(paggawa ng katiwalian)
B. Commissioner A. Feasance
C. Rastra Sewakottama B. Misfeasance
D. Commissioner General C. Malfeasance
87. It is a special higher police in Japan which is D. Nonfeasance
equivalent to the FBI, combining both criminal 99. The NCRPO, have five (5) District offices. What
investigation and counter- espionage functions. would be the equivalent rank of the District Director?
A. Toku A. Regional Director
B. Tokko B. Chief of Police
C. Tocko C. Provincial Director
D. Tokuo D. Chief, Directorial Staff
88. Known as Napoleon’s eye, he conducted counter 100. NCRPO is divided into five district offices. Which of
intelligence against spies, who utilized deceit and the following is not included?
blackmail to gain information. A. Pasay City Police District
A. Karl Schulmeister B. Manila Police District
B. Karl Sculmeister C. Western Police District
C. Carl Sculmeister D. Northern Police District
D. Karl Suhlmeister 101. The head of the National Capital Regional Police
89. This term refers to the period when a police officer is Office shall assume the position of NCR director with the
actively engaged in the performance of his duty. rank of.
A. off duty A. Chief Superintendent
B. on the way B. Superintendent
C. on call C. Director
D. on duty D. Chief Inspector
90. The word “police” was derived from the Greek word 102. How many Deputy Director General ranks are there
_______, which means government of the city. in the PNP?
A. politia A. 1
B. polis B. 2
C. politeia C. 3
D. police D. 4
91. The national headquarters of the PNP is located in 103. Planning, controlling and ______ are the three
Quezon City. It was named after the 1st Filipino Chief of fundamental process of police administration.
the Philippine Constabulary. A. Organizing
B. Supervising
A. Brig Gen Rafael Crame C. Directing
B. Col. Lamberto Javalera D. Coordinating
C. Col. Antonio Torres 104. Under which of the following broad management
D. Gen. Cesar Nazareno function is “liaison” most properly classified?
92. Planning as a management function is to be done in A. Planning
the various levels of PNP organization. Broad policy B. Controlling
based from laws directives, policies and needs in C. Organization
general is the responsibility of___________. D. Coordinating
A. Legislative Branch 105. When there is only one survivor, one plan for a
B. Chief, PNP group of personnel assigned to an activity with a
C. Directorate for Plans common objective or goal, there is _____.
D. Dep. Dir. For Administration A. Span of Control
B. Unity of command dedicated to his work and able to receive various awards
C. Chain of command in the PNP.
D. Command Responsibility 114. What eligibility was utilized by Mr. Astala Vista in
106. What is the minimum police-to-population ratio? applying in the PNP?
A. 1:2 A. PD 907 C. RA 6506
B. 1:500 B. RA 1080 D. PD 1184
C. 1:1000 115. What year will Mr. Astala Vista can compulsorily
D. 1:7 retire in the PNP?
107. The city of Masaya has approximately A. December 2, 2049 C. December 2, 2052
750.000 people, based on nationwide average B. October 19, 2052 D. October 19, 2051
under Section 27 of R.A 6975 police-to- 116. How many percent would be the monthly retirement
population ratio, how many police officers pay of Mr. Astala Vista?
should be deploy in that city? A. 77.5 % C. 50%
A. 1000 B. 2.5 % D. 85%
B. 500 117. Uniformed members of the PNP shall have the
C. 2000 option to receive in advance and in lump-sum his/her
D. 1500 retirement fee for the first;
108. Which agency of the government that confirms A. 5 years
quota allocation for PNP personnel recruitment, B. 3 years
selection and appointment? C. 10 years
A. PNP Directorate for Personnel and Records D. 20 years
Management 118. P/EMSGT Junnelll was ordered to probe the
B. Civil Service Commission alleged involvement of some police officer in extra -
C. National Police Commission judicial killing. What police function does he belong ?
D. Department of the Interior and Local A. Primary functions
Government B. Operational Unit
109. In times of war or other national emergency C. Administrative functions
declared by the Congress, the president may extend D. Service Unit
such term of office of the Chief PNP from _______ 119. A new PNP applicant shall undergo a Basic Recruit
depending on the gravity of the situation Training or Known as PSBRC. What does PSBRC
A. One month to six months stands for?
B. Six months A. Public Safety Basic Recruit Course
C. One year B. Public Safety Basic Recruitment Course
D. Six months to one year C. Police Safety Basic Recruit Course
110. The first head of the metropolitan police force that D. Police Single Bully Recruit Course
earned the title as “the Father of Modern Policing 120. If the annual quota for 2019 is 10,000. How many of
System” the annual quota is allocated for women?
A. Edgar Hoover A. 20%
B. August Vollmer B. 10%
C. Allan Pinkerton C. 100
D. Sir Robert Peel D. 1000
111. The Law that created the Manila Police 121. Field Training Program shall last for a period of
Department, enacted on July 31, 1901 months.
A. RA 4864 A. 1 year
B. ACT 225 B. 6 months
C. ACT 183 C. 18 months
D. ACT 175 D. 12 months
112. The Law that empowered the police commission 122. Which among the following is qualified as per the
To conduct entrance and promotional examination educational requirement in PNP?
for police members. A. Espejo, a graduate of associate in Criminology
A. RA 6040 B. AstalaVista, a holder of Driver`s License
B. RA 157 C. Junel, a holder of BS Accountancy
C. RA 5487 D. Baby, holder of 72 units in BS Education
D. PD 765 123. The following are the principles
113. Police General Jayson Espejo was appointed as Robert Peel except?
Chief of the PNP on November 21, 2017 and retired on A. every police must sell himself to the people
February 21, 2019. After six months from his retirement, B. fast distribution of news to the people is
the President decided to appoint him as secretary of the essential
DILG. Is the appointment valid? C. absence of is the best proof of efficiency
A. Yes, because he the former Chief, PNP D. policemen were considered as public officials
B. No, because his appointment is within one year from 124. As you advanced in rank, you move from being
his retirement more of a “doer” to being more of a “thinker”. The former
C. Yes, because there is already a lapse of six months in the sentence may be equated to:
from his retirement A. Tactics
D. No, because the appointment of secretary of DILG B. Mission
needs the concurrence of congress C. Strategy
D. Vision

CASE: Mr. Astala Vista was born on October 19, 1996 125. This SOP prescribes the basic procedures to be
he wants to fulfill his dream to become a police officer, observed by all PNP Units and mobile patrol elements in
he studied and was able to finish a BS Criminology in a the conduct of visibility patrols.
reputable institution on May 1, 2017 and he was able to A. SOP 1
successfully enter the PNP on December 2, 2018. He B. SOP 2
was appointed in various position in the PNP, he was C. SOP 3
D. SOP 4
126. The Medium range plan covers a period of more or 138. The organizational structure of the PNP is
less A. Line
A. 1 year B. Functional
B. 5 years C. Staff
C. 3 years D. Line and Staff
D. 6 years 139. The secretary of the DILG is being assisted by two
127. When the police plan can accomplish the purpose undersecretaries:
or its goal, then, the plan is A. One for operation and one for administrative
A. Feasible B. One for local government and one for peace and
B. Suitable order
C. Acceptable C. One for peace and order and one for operation
D. Flexible D. One for operation and one for Supervisor
128. In police operational planning the use of the wedge 140. The NAPOLCOM Exercise what power to the PNP.
squad and diagonal or deployed line would be probably A. Administrative Control and Operational
used for: Supervision
A. Arm confrontation B. Plans and Program formulation
B. Civil Disturbance C. Examine and audit PNP
C. Relief Operation D. Establish a uniform crime reporting
D. VIP Security 141. The NAPOLCOM is an agency attached to the
129. Which of the following is the best indicator of a DILG for policy coordination, its composed of:
police organization’s efficiency? A. DILG Secretary as Ex-Officio Chairperson;
A. Given the goodwill and actives support of the B. Four (4) Regular Commissioners;
people C. Chief of the PNP as Ex-Officio member;
B. Manned by highly qualified personnel D. A member of the bar chosen by IBP; and
C. Managed by efficient supervisors E. Any barangay captain in the locality.
D. Receiving adequate pay and allowances A. A, B, C and e C. A,C, and D
130. Police Planning is an integral element of good B. A, B, and C D. A, B, and D
management and – 142. The term of office of the four (4) Regular
A. Business administration Commissioners is _________?
B. good police decision-making A. At least Six years
C. Prediction B. Six years without re-appointment
D. performance C. Six years with re-appointment
131. Flow of authority form top to bottom. D. At the pleasure of the President
A. Chain of Command 143. Suspect that steal with pre-conceived plans and
B. Chain of Custody takes anything from the company for economic gain is a
C. Unity of Command _____.
D. Span of Control A. Natural pilferer
132. Direction that is provided on a one-on-one Basis is B. Intruder
called? C. Casual pilferer
A. Administration D. Systematic pilferer
B. Management 144. When was the latest amendment of the
C. Supervision implementing rules and regulations of Private Security
D. Organization Agency?
133. The following are the three broad goals of the A. October 9, 1990
police organization, EXCEPT: B. October 4, 1999
A. To protect lives and properties C. October 9, 1994
B. To insure public safety D. October 9, 1998
C. To maintain peace and order 145. What is required for security guards to undergo
D. To arrest suspected criminal authorized training unit for a certain period of time ?
134. With respect to orders and commands, it may be A. Pre-Licensing Course
said that: B. Security Supervisory Course
A. Supervisors would do well to explain why, when C. Security Officer Training Course
issuing orders. D. Re-Training Course
B. Orders should be personal, not impersonal 146. Which of the following is a deliberate action of an
C. Orders should direct, not segregate. organization trough subversion, obstruction, disruption or
D. Orders must be complete and detailed. destruction against an adversary?
135. A supervisor’s Span of Control is generally A. Surveillance
determined in terms of: B. Deception
A. Number of subordinates directly reporting to him C. Interrogation
B. Number of superiors to whom one report D. Sabotage
C. Number of superiors from whom he takes orders 147. Dr. AstalaVista decided to have his house
D. Number of task assigned renovated, he asked his contractor to use steel for the
136. The reason why a police officer appears in court as gate and windows, good quality locks for the doors and
a witness has to be in complete uniform is to show his grills for the windows in order to prevent unauthorized
respect to the court and to his: entry, what type of security Dr. AstalaVista is
A. Position/Rank considering?
B. Profession A. Personal
C. Superior B. Physical
D. Comrades C. Industrial
137. P/CPL Astalavista and P/CPL Espejo report to the D. Personnel
same supervisor. This is the principle of ______: 148. This is an activity which is intended to build an
A. Unity of Command organization against the enemy to ensure loyalty among
B. Chain of Command the members through stringent background investigation
C. Span of Control _____.
D. Delegation of Authority A. All of these
B. Police background investigation A. Fire hydrant
C. Police counter intelligence B. Hydraulic
D. Infiltration activity C. Sprinkler system
149. When the president of Japan visits the Philippines , D. Fire extinguisher
what protection is provided to prevent harm, kidnapping, 160. As a General Rule, High powered firearms are not
assassination, and similar act? allowed to possess except when there is an upsurge of
A. Special security lawlessness and criminality as determined by proper
B. High risk security authority, but shall not exceed ______ of the total
C. Human security number of security guards.
D. VIP security A. 50%
150. In providing security to an industrial complex, what B. 20%
is the first line of physical defense ? C. 30%
A. Window barrier D. 10%
B. Communication gadgets 161. The vault door should be made of steel at least
C. Perimeter __________ in thickness?
D. Security guard housing /GUARD CONTROL STATION A. 7 inches
151. Manila peninsula is a 5-star hotel in the city of B. 9 inches
Makati , one of the security used is the deployment of C. 6 inches
guard forces in order to provide protection to their guests D. 20 feet or more
and facilities. This kind of security is considered as 162. The importance of the firm or installation with
_____. reference to the national economy security
A. Human A. Relative vulnerability
B. Industrial B. Relative program
C. Physical C. Relative criticality
D. Personnel D. Relative security
152. When are security guards deputized by the PNP 163. Private security agencies have to be registered with
Chief or local mayor to have police authority within their the:
assigned area of responsibility? A. SEC
A. When there is an employee’s strike B. DTI
B. When the company is in retrenchment C. PADPAO
C. During times of emergency D. PNP, SAGSD
D. When there is a crime committed inside the 164. To deny outsiders from visual access in a certain
establishment facility what must be constructed.
153. A company owned protective alarm with unit in a A. Full view fence
nearest police station of fire department. B. Solid fence
A. Proprietary Alarm C. Chain link fence
B. Auxiliary Alarm D. Multiple fences
C. Central Station System 165. A private security Guard who is escorting a big
D. Alarm By Chance System amount of money or cash outside his area of jurisdiction
154. How is one classified if he steals primarily because shall be issued with a-
of irresistible urge due to unexpected opportunity and A. Firearms
little chance of detection? B. Duty Detail Order
A. Systematic pilferer C. Mission Order
B. Ordinary pilferer D. None of These
C. Casual pilferer 166. What is the duration of the Basic Security Guard
D. Unusual pilferer Course?
155. Which of the following should be excluded as major A. 150 Hours
divisions of security? B. 48 Hours
A. Personal security C. 72 Hours
B. Personnel security D. 300 Hours
C. Physical security 167. Barbed wire fences standard wire is twisted, double
D. Document Security strand, 12 gauge wire with 4 point barbs spaces in an
156. What is the minimum age in order to quality for the equal part. Barbed wire fencing should not be less than
issuance of a security guard licence in order to exercise ___ high excluding the top guard.
the profession ? A. 8 feet
A. 21 B. 9 feet
B. 18 C. 7 feet
C. 16 D. 6 feet
D. 25 168. Who exercises the power to remove, for cause,
157. Which of the following is a fact-finding probe to license issued to security guards.
determine a plant’s adequacy and deficiency in all A. Any of these
aspects of security? B. Secretary, DILG
A. Security survey C. Chairman, NAPOLOCOM
B. Security education D. C/PNP
C. Security guidance 169. What type of alarm is best suited for doors and
D. Security awareness program windows?
158. It is designed against threat vehicle or car bomb A. Photoelectric
and normally installed permanently at the perimeter of B. Audio detection
the facility. It has no moving parts. C. Metallic foil
A. Passive barrier D. Vibration Alarm
B. Active barrier 170. A mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic
C. Structural barrier device designed to prevent entry into a building, room
D. Perimeter barrier container, or hiding place, and to prevent the removal of
159. Built-in overhead device that emits liquid case of items without the consent of the owner
excessive heat in a room like fire or hot smoke. A. Padlocks
B. Code Operated A. Sodium vapor lamp
C. Locks B. Mercury vapor lamp
D. Lever Locks C. Incandescent lamp
171. A type of protective alarm system where the central D. Quartz lamp
station located outside the installation. When the alarm 182. The susceptibility of a plant or establishment to
is sounded, it will notifies the police and other agency damage, loss or disruption of operations due to various
A. Local Alarm system hazards.
B. Central Station System A. Relative vulnerability
C. Auxiliary System B. Relative susceptibility
D. Proprietary C. Relative criticality
172. It is placed on the floor in such a position that tellers D. Relative security
may activate the alarm by placing the front of their foot to 183. Security Clearance is a certification by a
engage the activation bar responsible authority that the person described is
A. Bill traps cleared to access and classify matters at appropriate
B. Knee or Thigh Buttons levels. Interim clearance will remain valid for a period
C. Foot Rail Activator of____ from the date of issuance.
D. Foot buttons A. 1 year
173. The following Firearms are allowed to be issued to B. 4 years
a private security guard under normal condition: C. 2 years
A. I. Cal.50; D. 5 years
B. II. Cal.45; 184. The term used in England for lock pickers,
C. III. Cal .38; safecrackers and penetrators of restricted areas or
D. IV. Magnum .22; and room.
E. V. 12 Gauge Shotgun A. Peterman
B. Superman
A. II, III, IV C. Spiderman
B. III, IV, V D. Batman
C. II, III, IV, V 185. The tenure of a security guard is:
D. I, II, III, IV, V A. Six Months
174. What is the required capital investment for B. Co-terminus with the service contract
organization of private security agency? C. Two years
A. P 500,000 D. Contractual
B. P1,000,000 186. Every registered PSA are mandatory to give surety
C. P 100,000 bond which shall answer for any valid and legal claims
D. P 50,000 against such agency filed by aggrieved party. How much
175. One who steals with preconceived plans and takes is the Surety bond of PSA with 500-799 guards.
away any or all types of items or supplies for economic A. 50, 000
gain? B. 150, 000
A. Normal Pilferer C. 100, 000
B. Casual Pilferer D. 200, 000
C. Regular Pilferer 187. What type of investigation involves all aspect and
D. Systematic pilferer details about the circumstances of a person?
176. The metallic container used for securing documents A. partial background investigation
or small items in an office or installation refers to: B. complete background investigation
A. Safe C. personnel security investigation
B. File room D. national agency check
C. Vault 188. What is the ratio of the security guard to their
D. None of these licensed firearm is needed after operating for six months.
177. Chain link fences must be constructed in______ A. 1:1
material excluding the top guard? B. 1:2
A. Seven feet C. 1:7
B. Four feet D. 1:1+1
C. Six feet 189. What type of gaseous discharge lamp is useful in
D. Five feet areas where insects predominate?
178. Vaults are storage devices which are usually A. Mercury vapor lamp
designed to be at least _______fire resistant. B. Sodium vapor Lamp
A. 3 hours C. Quartz lamp
B. 6 hours D. Gaseous Discharge Lamp
C. 24 hours 190. What is an act governing the organization and
D. 12 hours management of private security agency, company guard
179. A lock which is commonly installed in safe deposit force and government security forces?
boxes and is deemed pick proof since it is operated by A. RA 8574
utilizing combinations by means of a dial. B. RA 4587
A. Lever locks C. RA 5478
B. Padlock D. RA 5487
C. Combination lock 191. Wire fencing can be barbed wire, chain link or
D. Code operated locks concertina. Chain link are for ______.
180. The maximum number of firearms allowed to A. Solid structure
possess by a PSA should not exceed by___ units. B. Permanent structure
A. 30 C. Least permanent structure
B. 500 D. Semi- permanent structure
C. 70 192. The unobstructed area maintained on both sides
D. 1000 of a perimeter barrier on the exterior and interior parallel
181. What type of gaseous discharge lamp emits a blue- area to afford better observation of the installation refers
green color? to:
A. Clear zone D. Any key other than those intended by
B. Complimentary zone the owner.
193. Can natural hazards be prevented by security force WITHOUT LAWFUL CAUSE HAVE IN POSSESSION
A. Yes, by monitoring warning from the weather ADAPTED TO THE COMMISSION OF THE CRIME OR
B. No, it is an act of God and nobody can prevents it A. ARRESTO MAYOR IN ITS MAXIMUM PERIOD
C. No, but its effects which can cause damage to life TO PRISON CORRECTIONAL IN THE
and property MINIMUM PERIOD
D. Yes, by proper planning and constant drills B. RECLUSION TEMPORAL IN ITS MAXIMUM
194. A header or top guard can be best described as – PERIOD TO RECLUSION PERPETUA IN THE
A. Added protection consists of strands of barbed MINIMUM PERIOD
wire extending outward from the top of the fence C. ARRESTO MENOR
at a forty five degree angle D. PRISON MAYOR
B. Used primarily in emergencies when fence, gate 204. The minimum age requirement for Security
or building entrance is no longer secure Manager or Operator of a security agency is:
C. Constructed as a physical and psychological A. 18 but not more than 50 yrs. Old
deterrent to intruders B. 21 yrs. Old
D. Unobstructed view both for security officers C. 30 yrs. Old
inside the perimeter and for private or public D. 25 yrs. Old
patrol cars passing on the outside 205. The Normal weight of a safe is at least:
195. The extension period for a license to operate A. 500 lbs.
issued upon a PSA that lacks the required minimum B. 750 lbs.
number of guards is: C. 1000 lbs.
A. 1 month D. 600 lbs.
B. 6 months 206. PADPAO stands for:
C. 2 years A. Philippine Association of Detective and
D. 1 year Protective Agency Operators, Inc.
196. Which of the following types of lock is generally B. Philippine Alliance of Detective and Protective
used in car doors? Agency Operators, Inc.
A. Warded lock C. Philippine Association of Detective and
B. Lever lock Protector Agency Operators, Inc.
C. Disc tumbler lock D. Philippine Agencies of Detective and Protective
D. Combination lock Associations Operators, Inc.
197. It refers to any structure or physical device 207. What unit of PNP handles the processing and
capable of restriction, deterring or delaying illegal access issuances of license for private security personnel?
to an installation. A. PNP SOSIA
A. Hazard B. PNP FED
B. Perimeter Barrier C. PADPAO
C. Barrier D. PNP SAGSD
D. Energy Barrier 208. What is the most common type of human hazard?
198. When are security guards deputized by the PNP A. Sabotage
Chief or local mayor to have police authority within their B. Pilferage
assigned area of responsibility? C. Theft
A. When there is an employee’s strike D. Arson
B. When the company is in retrenchment 209. License to Operate (LTO) is a License Certificate
C. During times of emergency document which is issued by ____________ authorizing
D. When there is a crime committed inside the a person to engage in employing security guard or
establishment detective, or a juridical person to establish, engage,
199. It refers to records that are irreplaceable; direct, manage or operate a private detective agency.
reproduction of this record does not have the same A. Secretary of DILG
value as the original. B. Security and Exchange Commission
A. Vital Documents C. Chief, PNP
B. Important Documents D. President
C. Useful Documents 210. Clear Zone of _______ must be established
D. Non- Essential Documents between the perimeter barrier and structure within the
200. A new Private security agency that has been issued protected areas.
a temporary license to operate is good for how many A. 20 feet or more
years? B. 40 feet or more
A. One C. 30 feet or more
B. Two D. 50 feet or more
C. Three 211. The highest rank in security agency organizational
D. Four structure:
201. The type of fence that is primarily designed to A. Security Executive Director
allow complete visual access between two areas is: B. Chief Security Director
A. Solid fence C. Security Staff Director
B. Semi-solid fence D. Detachment Director
C. Full-view fence 212. Astalavista Baby is a security guard, after his Tour
D. Masonry Fence of Duty, what shall he do with his Firearm?
202. Which of the following is not a false key? A. Return the Firearm for safekeeping in the
A. A picklock or similar tool . company’s Vault.
B. A duplicate key of the owner. B. Turnover to the next security guard on duty.
C. A genuine key stolen from the owner. C. Bring home the firearms for easy responses.
D. Deposit the Firearm inside the drawer of the C. Counter clockwise
guards table. D. Criss-cross
213. A portable and detachable lock having or sliding 225. Which of the following is considered as the essence
hasp which passes through a staple ring or the like and of police function?
is then made fast or secured. A. Investigation
A. Lock B. Patrol
B. Padlock C. Crime suppression
C. Code Operated D. Interrogation
D. Card Operated 226. In the following statements below which is NOT
214. Security of TOP ranking Public officials. true?
A. Personal Security A. Patrol officers are assigned to work alone
B. Physical Security B. Police supervisors work long hours
C. Personnel Security C. Police supervisors are busy members in a
D. VIP Security department
215. If Jayson Espejo wants to become a SG, how many D. Police officers work most of the time with others
hours of training is needed to acquire his license as SG? 227. A highway intersection designed so as to route
A. 150 Hours traffic without interference, by means of a system of
B. 48 Hours curving ramps from one level to another in the form of a
C. 72 Hours 4-leaf clover.
D. 300 Hours A. Leaf ramp
216. The basic load of ammunition per unit of a duly B. Clover leaf
licensed firearm shall not exceed: C. Clover intersection
A. 20 loads D. Clover curve
B. 30 loads 228. Walkie-Talkies, slang term for the two-way radio
C. 25 loads systems, are designed for home and police radios.
D. 50 loads Today, it is known as two-way hand held radio (HHR) or
217. Geese is the cheapest types of animal barrier. radio transceiver. Who developed the said radio?
What is the common types of animal barrier. A. Nokia
A. BlowFly B. Motorola
B. Chicken C. Samsung
C. Guards D. Walkaton
D. Dog 229. The type of patrol that has the greatest mobility and
218. For patrol purposes, what is the geographical flexibility is called
subdivision of a municipality or city? A. motorcycle patrol.
A. Sector B. bicycle patrol.
B. Post C. automobile patrol.
C. District D. helicopter patrol.
D. Beat 230. Bicycle patrol has the combined advantage of since
219. What is the pattern of patrolling which is usually they can be operated very quietly and without attracting
performed before end of tour of duty? attention.
A. Counter-clockwise A. Mobility and wide area coverage
B. Clockwise B. Reduced speed and greater covered
C. Zigzag C. Shorter travel time and faster response
D. Clover Leaf D. Mobility and stealth
220. What is considered as the ancient warning device? 231. Small alleys like those in the squatter`s area can be
A. Bells best penetrated by the police through.
B. Siren A. Foot patrol
C. Horn B. Mobile patrol
D. Trumpet C. Bicycle patrol
221. Which of the following is the oldest type of D. Helicopter patrol
PATROL? 232. The patrol pattern which is usually done at the last
A. Canine hour of duty to ascertain that nothing happened in the
B. Horse area of responsibility of the patrol officer is:
C. Bicycle A. Clockwise pattern
D. Foot B. Counter clockwise pattern
222. Which of the following police functions with the C. Zigzag pattern
highest police visibility and omnipresence? D. Crisscross pattern
A. Patrol 233. The members of the Patrol teams shall form and
B. Traffic control assemble at the police unit headquarters at least before
C. Surveillance the start of their shift for accounting.
D. Investigation A. 10 minutes
223. In patrol operation , which of the following functions B. 20 minutes
is NOT included? C. 30 minutes
A. Response to citizen’s call for police assistance D. 15 minutes
B. Crime prevention 234. They are considered as the first to utilize dogs for
C. Crime investigation patrolling:
D. Suppression of crimes A. American
224. Police Corporal LEA is a patrol officer. While on B. Medjays
duty, she goes east while foot patrolling and turning right C. Chinese
after reaching the end of her beat and turning right after D. Egyptians
reaching the other end of the road and again turning 235. Team members of the decoy may dress themselves
right until she origin of patrolling. What patrol pattern did in a manner designed to help them blend into the
the policewoman applied? neighbourhood where they are deployed.
A. Clockwise A. Absolutely False
B. Straightway B. Absolutely Yes
C. Absolutely True B. Black Labrador
D. Absolutely No C. Newfoundland
236. It is the vintage type of patrol and still plays an D. Bloodhounds
important role in the development of officers today. 247. Which of the following is the oldest warning device?
A. Automobile patrol A. Trumpet
B. Foot patrol B. Siren
C. Motorcycle patrol C. Radio
D. Bicycle patrol D. Horn
237. What is the appropriate patrol method that is most 248. X wanted to commit suicide by jumping in a 19th
ideally suited to evacuation and search and rescue floor building. Which of the following should be the first
operations? thing to do by the Patrol officer who first arrived at the
A. Motorcycle scene?
B. Helicopter A. Urge not to jump
C. Automobile B. Call nearest relative
D. Horse C. Report immediately to the Station
238. The advisable cruising speed in automobile patrol D. Clear the area
ranges from: 249. A crew which is assigned to a mobile car usually
A. 30-40 mph consist of:
B. 20-25 kph A. A driver and intelligence agent
C. 60-80 kph B. A driver and traffic man
D. 50 kph C. A driver and a recorder
239. If a patrol officer needs to respond to a crime D. A driver, a recorder and supervisor
incident faster but undetected, then the best patrol 250. Traditional foot patrolling in the Philippines was
method that he should employ is: initiated on:
A. Bicycle patrol A. November 29. 3001
B. Motorcycle patrol B. 1939
C. Automobile patrol C. August 7, 1901
D. Foot patrol D. May 17, 1954
240. Which type of patrol should be utilized in the event 251. In police communications 10-74 means:
of securing the place for bomb threat? A. Caution
B. Fire Alarm
A. Mounted patrol C. Acknowledgement
B. Marine patrol D. Negative
C. Foot patrol 252. In bomb threat the cardinal rule is
D. Canine Patrol A. Remove the bomb away from the people
241. First used by the Egyptians for patrolling. It is useful B. Detonate the bomb
in high crimes areas, dangerous search situations, C. Cover the bomb
dealing with street gangs, dispersing crowd, D. Removed the people away from the bomb
apprehending fleeing suspects, parks, schools and other 253. As a police officer, which among the following is to
large building. be saved first?
A. Dog patrol A. Child
B. Canine Assisted Patrol B. Suspect
C. K-9 Police Operations C. Victim
D. K-9 Corps D. Yourself
242. The smelling sense of dogs is ______ more 254. The ideal police response time is: 5MINUTES
sensitive than the smelling sense of human. A. 3 minutes
A. One million times B. 2 minutes
B. Ten billion times C. 10 minutes
C. One billion times D. 7 minutes
D. Ten million times 255. The percentage of police officers assigned in patrol
243. Horse Mounted Patrol is one of the best method of is:
patrol which is commonly used in: A. 15%
1. Park B. 10%
2. Beach C. 50%
3. Commercial Center D. 5%
4. Parade and crowd Patrol 256. The primary objective of Patrol forces:
A. 1 and 2 A. Law Enforcement
B. 2 and 4 B. Serve and Protect
C. 1, 2 and 3 C. Peace and Order
D. 1, 2 and 4 D. Crime Prevention
244. Among the different types of patrol, this had been 257. During night time patrol be prepare to use your
regarded to as the second oldest and its use is very flashlight and it should be held on the
minimal in cities A. Left Hand
A. bicycle patrol B. Right Hand
B. motorcycle patrol C. Strong Hand
C. automobile patrol D. Weak Hand
D. horse patrol 258. The most expensive patrol method and gives the
245. Which among the following is the busiest shift? greatest opportunity to develop sources of information is:
A. Morning Shift A. Foot Patrol
B. Afternoon Shift B. Marine Patrol
C. Dog Watch C. Mobile Patrol
D. Night Shift D. Helicopter Patrol
246. What kind of dog that has dropping ears, sagging 259. As a patrol officer, when checking suspicious
jaws, and keen sense of smell. persons, places, buildings or establishments and
A. German Shepherd
vehicles, especially during night-time, be prepared to C. Lost
use your service firearm and Flashlight should be- D. Livedrop/Drop
A. Nearby the body, to have an easy searching of E. Tailing/Shadowing
an possible target. 270. What do you call the person who engaged in
B. Remove tightly away from the body to avoid sabotage , always concealing his identity because of the
making you a possible target. consequences of his actions?
C. Close at hand to your firearm to threaten a A. Saboteur
possible adversary. B. Saboture
D. None of these C. Sabotier
260. Helicopter Patrol should have a close coordination D. Sabotuer
with the ________ 271. Police Master Seargent Jayson Espejo is assigned
A. Sea Units to gather information concerning drug dealings in Tondo
B. Air Units Manila, he disguise as a ballot vendor during night time
C. Either and an ice cream vendor in the Morning, what unit in the
D. Ground units police force he is connected?
261. Walking closed to the building at night is a tactic in A. Investigation
patrol which makes the policemen less visible during the B. Community relation
night. The primary purpose is: C. Intelligence
A. To surprise criminals in the act of committing a D. Homicide
crime 272. After spending 3days of gathering information
B. To have sufficient cover ,agent AstalaVista is said to be ‘burn-out”, as received
C. To attract less attention by his superior, this means that ______.
D. For safety of the Patrol officer A. He was able to return to his base on time
262. The arrangement of officers from top to bottom on B. He was captured and being tortured by the
the basis of rank or position and authority. suspects
A. Span of Control C. His identity has been known or revealed to the
B. Unity of Command suspects
C. Chain of Command D. He was suspended 15 days
D. Command Responsibility 273. Which of the following is an international police
263. Dictates that immediate commanders shall be organization that facilitates cross-border police
responsible for the effective supervision and control of cooperation and also support to prevent and fight
their personnel and unit. against international crimes?
A. Span of Control A. International Criminal Police Organization
B. Unity of Command B. ASEANAPOL
C. Chain of Command C. Global Police Organization
D. Command Responsibility D. International Center on Transnational Crime
264. It refers to the number of officers or subordinates 274. In Germany, what is the minimum age of a person
that a Superior supervises without regard to the in order for him to be qualified as a German Police?
effectiveness or efficiency of the supervision. A. 15
A. Span of Control B. 16
B. Unity of Command C. 17
C. Chain of Command D. 18
D. Command Responsibility 275. Team Policing is said to be originated in________:
265. Territorial units in patrol, A. Aberdeen, Scotland
except______________________. B. Lyons, France
A. Area C. Vienna. Austria
B. Sector D. London, England
C. District 276. When the evaluation rating provided by the police
D. Jurisdiction officer is A-4 which means that the information is
266. This shift has been called “DOGWATCH”. Which _______.
suggests it is the penalty box of police work.
A. Completely from reliable source and possibly true.
A. 8:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M.
B. 7:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M. B. Usually from reliable source and confirmed by
C. 3:00 P.M to 11:00 P.M other sources.
D. 11:00 P.M to 7:00 A.M. C. Possibly true and from fairly reliable source.
267. Special agent AstalaVista is talling or following the D. Completely from reliable source and doubtfully
subject/s or vehicles in order to gather needed for the on true.
going operation, he is performing _____. 277. It is a kind of Promotion granted to a candidate who
A. Surveillance meets all the basic qualification for promotion.
B. Shadowing A. Special
C. Casing B. Meritorious
D. Investigation C. Regular
268. During an intelligence, penetrating agent D. Posthumous
AstalaVista relayed a message to Police Corporal 278. Backbone of operational police radio system.
Espejo that he has been “burnt-out”, as an officer it A. Mobile Radio Net
means what? B. Police Radio Dispatcher
A. Agent AstalaVista will go back to the station. C. Operational Radio Net
B. The identity of agent AstalaVista is discovered D. Dispatched Personnel
by the suspect/s. 279. It is otherwise known as the “Anti-Wiretapping Act”
C. The operation is successful. which prohibits wiretapping in our country.
D. He was cornered and harmed by the suspect/s. A. RA 1700
269. When the subject have been aware that someone B. RA 4200
is following him. C. RA 11200
A. Burnt out D. RA 7160
B. Decoy
280. The use of an equipment or tool to listen and record 290. It refers to the most dangerous type of informant.
discreetly conversations of other people. A. Women
A. Eavesdropping B. Double Crosser
B. Bugging C. False
C. None of these D. Anonymous
D. Wire Tapping 291. Which of the following are the AUTOMOBILE
281. How will you evaluate the intelligence report of PATROL TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES except:
Agent ASTALAVISTA with an evaluation rating of D2? A. Check the police car thoroughly before leaving
the garage.
A. Completely reliable source – doubtfully true B. Establish a patrol pattern; do in irregular and
information unpredictable manner.
B. Unreliable source – probably true information C. Don’t drive too fast in general patrol.
C. Fairly reliable source – possibly true information D. During normal patrol, observe the rules of the
D. Not Usually reliable source – probably true road.
information 292. An E-3 intelligence report means:
282. Special Agent Angel AstalaVista is gathering A. The information comes from completely reliable
information from Chinese drug dealers, after 3 days , he sources and Improbable true.
has been “burnt-out”, meaning what? B. The information comes from Unreliable sources
A. He surrendered to the suspects and probably true.
B. The suspects burned him C. The information comes from Fairly Reliable
C. He was taken by the suspects sources and doubtfully true.
D. Agent AstalaVista identity is revealed and D. The information comes from Unreliable sources
discovered by the suspect and possibly true.
283. He is regarded as the "Father of Organized Military 293. The classification “Restricted”, have the folder color
Espionage". of?
A. Alexander the Great A. Red
B. Frederick the Great B. Black
C. Kharl Sculmeister C. Blue
D. Arthur Wellesley D. Green
284. There are four categories of classified matters; top 294. refers to a place, building or enclosed area where
secret, secret, confidential, and restricted. To distinguish police undercover men meet for debriefing or reporting
one against the other, their folder consists of different purposes.
colors. What will be the color of the document which A. Safe house
requires the highest degree of protection? B. Log
A. Red C. Live Drop
B. Black D. Decoy
C. Blue 295. In 2006 he was tasked to head the UN integral
D. Green Mission in Timor-Leste, he is the first Filipino police
285. What verse of the Holy Bible that includes the commissioner of a United Nation Operation.
biblical indication of the beginning of Intelligence? A. SPO2 Ester A. Marcidas
A. Number 13:17 B. Insp. Aurisa I. Mitra
B. Number 3:17 C. P/D Rodolfo A. Tor
C. Number 17:13 D. None of these
D. Number 17:3 296. The motto of Hongkong Police force:
286. What is the evaluation of an intelligence report A. Law and Order
which is “usually from a reliable source and improbable B. Safer Communities together
information”? C. Serve and Protect
A. C-5 D. We serve with pride and Care
B. B-5 297. In USA, what state are among the first to hire
C. B-3 women and minorities as police officer.
D. C-3 A. Massachusetts
287. What is evaluation of the intelligence report B. California
gathered by Agent Jayson Espejo which is “Fairly C. New York
Reliable and doubtfully true information? D. Washington
A. D-4 298. The code of secrecy of Mafia:
B. C-4 A. Omerta
C. C-5 B. Morse
D. D-5 C. Nostra Compra
288. The following must be observed during D. Cosa Nostra
surveillance: 299. INTERPOL stands for:
A. Meet the subject eye to eye; A. International Police
B. Avoid contact on the subject; B. International Organization of Police
C. Recognize fellow agent; C. International criminal Organization
D. If burnt out, drop subject and; D. International Criminal Police Organization
E. Adapt inconspicuous clothing. 300. The general Secretariat office of the INTERPOL is
A. a, c, d run by the:
B. b, d, e A. Director General
C. b, c, d, e B. Supervisor
D. a, b, c, e C. Inspector General
289. In the Intelligence function, the black list includes D. Secretary General
________ forces. 301. The first president of the Interpol.
A. Unwanted A. Oskar Dressler
B. Friendly B. Ronald K. Noble
C. Neutral C. Johann Schober
D. Unfriendly D. Aberdeen Scotland
302. It is the counterpart of Police Community Precinct in criminal offenses and who are likely to repeat these
Japan: crimes in other countries.
A. Keishi 4. Yellow Notice – used to locate missing persons
B. Koban 5. Black Notice – used to determine the identity of
C. Omerta deceased person.
D. Keiban 6. Orange Notice – to warn of an event, a person, an
303. In Japan it is not considered as a rank but it is the object or a process representing an imminent
highest position in Japan Police Organization: threat and danger to persons or property.
A. Commissioner Secretariat 7. Purple Notice – issued to provide information on
B. Commissioner modus operandi, objects, devices and concealment
C. Chairman methods used by criminals.
D. Commissioner General 8. INTERPOL–United Nations Security Council Special
304. Group of highly specialized an armed man who Notice – is issued for individuals and entities that are
inflicts fear and uses violence to accomplish their subject to UN sanctions.
objectives with a usual international scope of activity. 312. Philippine National Police’s National Operational
A. Organized Crime Support Units.
B. Transnational Crime 1. Maritime and Aviation Security Groups
C. Transnational Organized crime 2. Information Technology Management and
D. Terrorist Communication and Electronic Services
305. Is the term which refers to the holy war waged by 3. Highway Patrol and Police Community Relation
members of the Islamic religion against the Jews? Groups
A. Al Qaeda 4. Civil Security and Crime Laboratory Service Groups
B. Jihad 5. Headquarters Support, Engineering Service and
C. Mafia Training Services
D. Nuestra Costra A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 1, 2 and 4
306. An order strengthening the operational, B. 1, 3 and 4 D. 1, 3 and 5
administrative and information support system of the 313. It is a special higher police in Japan which is
PCTC. Under this EO, the centre shall exercise general equivalent to the FBI, combining both criminal
supervision and control over NACAH, ICPO, PNP or investigation and counter- espionage functions.
DILG A. Tocko
A. EO 100 B. Tukko
B. EO 465 C. Tokko
C. EO 465 D. Toko
D. EO 789 314. The following have summary dismissal powers over
307. A decree codifying the law on Illegal/unlawful errant police members.
Possession, manufacture, Dealing in, acquisition or A. District Director;
disposition of firearms, ammunitions or explosions B. Chief of Police;
A. RA 9165 C. Regional Director;
B. PD 532 D. Chief, PNP;
C. RA 8294 E. PLEB; and
308. What is the highest rank of police officer in Japan? A. a, b, d, f
A. KEISHI SOKAN B. c, d, f
B. KEISHI SO C. b, d, e
C. KEISHI KAN D. a, c, e, f
D. KEIBU-HO 315. Junneelll DeLima joined the PNP in 1996. he was
309. The founder of the Texas Rangers and known to be 29 years old then. What year will Junneelll will retire?
the “Father of Texas”. A. 2016
A. Stephen Austin B. 2023
B. Vernon Knell C. 2012
C. Dave Batista D. 2031
D. Johann Schober 316. It is a part of the PNP but enjoining an
310. Interpol has annual budget of round more than 1 independence from the PNP. It has an investigative and
billion dollars, most of which is provided through annual adjudicatory power over PNP members.
contributions by its membership. As of today there are A. Internal Affairs Service
already _____ members of INTERPOL. B. National Police Commission
A. 190 countries C. People’s Law Enforcement Board
B. 194 countries D. National Appellate Board
C. 198 countries 317. Reasons for suspension or withdrawal of deputation
D. 200 countries of local chief executives as representative of the
311. What Interpol Notice System help locate missing NAPOLCOM:
persons, often minors, or to help identity persons who A. Repeated unauthorized absences;
are unable to identify themselves. B. Abuse of authority;
A. Red Notice C. Habitual tardiness;
B. Orange Notice D. Providing material support to criminals; and
C. Yellow Notice E. Engaging in acts inimical to national security.
D. Green Notice A. I, II, III, V
INTERPOL Notice System: B. II, V, IV, I
1. Red Notice – based on the national arrest warrants, C. I, II, IV, III
are used to seek the arrest and extradition of suspects. D. I, II, III, IV, V
2. Blue Notice – used to seek information on the identity 318. Retired PNP uniformed personnel can get the lump
of persons or on their illegal activities related to criminal sum of his retirement benefits for the period of the first_.
matters. A. 3 years
3. Green Notice – are used to provide warning and B. 5 years
criminal intelligence about persons who have committed C. 6 years
D. 2 years 328. Maximum period wherein a police officer may be
319. Specific Qualifications may be waived like Age, suspended from service by the Chief PNP when it
Height, Weight and Education, only when the number of comes to Internal Discipline.
qualified applicants falls below the minimum annual A. 180 days
quota. Appointment status under a waiver program is __. B. 60 days
A. Temporary C. 90 days
B. Probationary D. 30 days
C. Permanent 329. A personnel of the police department who possess
D. Regular the power of arrest and has an oath of office:
320. No officer who has retired or is retirable within ____ A. Ranking Officer
from his compulsory retirement age be appointed as B. Superior Officer
chief of the PNP. C. Commanding Officer
A. Three months D. Sworn Officer
B. Six months 330. Those documents place on a Blue Folder are
C. One year considered as:
D. Two years A. Top Secret
321. It is being acknowledge by Federal Bureau B. Secret
Investigation and INTERPOL to be the “Asia’s Finest” C. Restricted
police force and in having, set up the foundation for the D. Confidential
social stability of Hong Kong and has won a good 331. Under the police reform and reorganization law, a
reputation as one of the safety cities in the world. Field training Program for all PNP uniformed members is
A. Philippine National Police required for permanency of their appointment consisting
B. Hong Kong Police Force of 12 months. Basic areas of actual experience and
C. Japan Police Department assignment during this period shall be on:
D. National Police Agency A. Patrol, traffic and investigation
322. Which among the following has no promotional B. Patrol, investigation and Intelligence
authority over the members of the PNP? C. Patrol, Public Relations and auxiliary services
A. Deputy Director General D. Traffic, investigation and Intelligence
B. Director General 332. In times of war or other national emergency
C. President of the Philippines declared by the Congress the President may extend
D. Regional Director such term of office from ________depending on the
323. In regard to the police planning function, it may be gravity of the situation.
said that: A. Not more than 1 year
A. Planning is essentially order giving. B. One year to two years
B. Planning is essentially decision making in C. One to six months
advance of action. D. Five months to one year
C. Policemen must plan carefully than their 333. At 48 years old, Police Brigadier General. Andres
supervisors. Matapang is due to be promoted. Who has the authority
D. The higher the job in the organization, the to promote him to his next rank?
shorter the time-lag between A. Chief, PNP
planning and execution. B. CSC
324. The National Bureau of Investigation, was C. Secretary, DILG
patterned by the Federal Bureau Investigation, it was D. President
organized by R.A. 157. What law reorganized the NBI? 334. Based on NAPOLCOM MC# 95-013, the following
A. R.A 11279 are the factors considered in promotion:
B. R.A 11200 A. Educational Attainment;
C. R.A. 2678 B. Personality traits;
D. R.A. 5487 C. Potential;
325. The IAS can recommend promotion of the D. Service reputation; and
members of the PNP or the assignment of PNP E. Physical Fitness.
personnel to any key position. The statement is. A. a, c, d, e
A. Partly True B. b, e, c, a
B. Partly False C. d, b, c, a
C. Absolutely True D. a, b, c, d, e
D. Absolutely False 335. Which among the following has no promotional
326. The following are the offenses for which a member authority over the members of the PNP?
of the PNP may be charged administratively: A. Deputy Director General
A. Oppression; B. Director General
B. Misconduct; C. President of the Philippines
C. Neglect of Duty; D. Regional Director
D. Violation of law; and 336. Any PNP member shall be dismissed immediately
E. Incompetence. from the service after due notice and summary hearings
A. I, II, IV, V if it was proven that he went on AWOL for a continuous
B. I, II, III, IV period of:
C. V, II, III, I A. 30 days or more
D. IV, III, IV, I, II B. 15 days or more
327. Presume your police station will be run over by the C. 20 days or more
enemy, which among the following items you will destroy D. 60 days or more
first as it will be of value for the enemies intelligence. 337. The provincial Governor shall choose the provincial
A. Evidence Director from a list of ______ eligible recommended by
B. Radio the Regional Director, Preferable from the same
C. Grenades province, city, municipality.
D. Troop Deployment A. Three
B. Five
C. Four
D. Two B. Arthur McArthur
338. The term of office of the Chief PNP shall be for a C. Douglas McArthur
period ______? D. Douglas McGregor
A. Not exceeding four (4) years 347. It refers to a system use in big installation whereby
B. Not exceeding five (5) years a key that will open everything.
C. Not exceeding six (6) years A. Sub Master Key
D. Not exceeding three (3) years B. Master Key
339. The following are functions in a police organization, C. Change Key
EXCEPT: D. Great Grand Master Key
A. primary functions 348. Before policemen become a dispatcher he must
B. administrative functions be___.
C. secondary functions A. Voice Radio Operator
D. auxiliary functions B. Trained Formally
340. The highest rank in the BJMP is __________. C. Licensed Dispatcher
A. Four star general D. Coordinator
B. Director 349. Jayson Espejo was put into jeopardy for a certain
C. Chief Superintendent crime and was not given a due process of law instead,
D. Director General he was processed through the use of boiling water to
341. _________________ is a protégé of August ascertain his guilt. If you are Jayson Espejo, what do you
Vollmer who authored a book entitled “Police call that kind of system?
Administration” which became the unofficial bible of A. Lex talionis
police administration and influenced two generations of B. Trial by ordeal
police chiefs. C. Regular trial
A. Edgar Hoover D. Moonlighting
B. William Parker 350. Refers to the observations of person’s movements
C. O. W. Wilson is generally refers to as?
D. August Vollmer A. Burn Out
342. As per the requirement of R.A. 6975, there should B. Safe House
be how many PLEB for every 500 police personnel? C. Casing
A. one (1) D. Tailing or Shadowing
B. more than one 351. He is regarded as the Greatest Spymaster at all
C. at least one time:
D. less than one A. Frederick the Great
343. Police Lieutenant Astalavista Baby acquired his B. Akbar
American Citizenship upon the petition of his illegitimate C. Arthur Wellesley
father who is an American. What is the implication of D. Hannibal
this? 352. He wrote the book entitled “Art of War” and the
A. P. Lieutenant Astalavista can continue his police theories he set down around 490 BC remain remarkably
career as long as he maintain his residence in fresh and are required reading in the practice of
the philippines intelligence today. It basically postulated that “If you
B. P. Lieutenant Astalavista should be dismissed know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear
from the service because he failed to maintain the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but
his qualification as a police under the law not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also
C. P. Lieutenant Astalavista can have dual suffer defeat. If you know neither the enemy and nor
citizenship considering that the qualification yourself, you will succumb in every battle”.
under the law is applicable only to those police A. Sun Tzu
applicants and not those already in the service B. Isaias Alma Jose
D. P. Lieutenant Astalavista should apply as a C. Alexander The Great
police officer in America D. Robert Peel
344. A Field training Program for all PNP uniformed 353. What are the three (3) elements that must be
members is required for permanency of their present at the same time and place before a crime to
appointment. Who among the following is exempted to happen?
undergo the Field Training Program and issued a A. Motive, instrumentality and opportunity
permanent appointment? B. Opportunity, convenience and instrumentality
A. Pastor Ella Ingcad, who is appointed Sr. Inspector C. Desire planning and execution
via Lateral entry. D. Desire, opportunity and convenience
B. Atty. Ramil G. Gabao, who is appointed Sr. 354. Sir Robert Peel’s concept of modern police are
Inspector via Lateral entry. 1. Organized along military lines who are screened and
C. George Q. Fernandez, A PNPA graduate who is trained
appointed Inspector after graduation. 2. Hired on a probationary basis and deployed by time
D. Ruben A. Sta Theresa a Licensed Criminologist and area
and First Place in the Examination. 3. Accessible to the people and maintains records
345. Republic Act 6975 is otherwise known 4. Good appearance commands respect.
as____________. 5. Public security demands that every police be given a
A. Department of Interior and Local Government Act code
of 1990 A. 1, 3 and 5
B. Department of the Interior and Local Government B. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Act of 1990 C. 2 and 4
C. Department of Interior and the Local Government D. 2, 3, 4 and 5
Act of 1990 355. Why does Women’s desks was created as part of
D. Department of the Interior and the Local the PNP office?
Government Act of 1990 A. To give women an opportunity to work with the
346. The theory X and Y is a human motivation created PNP
by? B. To give equal opportunities for women pursue
A. Akbar career in law enforcement
C. To attend cases involving women and their C. Integration
children D. Hacking
D. Any of them
356. When does a permanent appointment is issued to a
POI recruit?
A. After having passed all of the selection process
B. After taking an oath as police officer
C. After the completion of PSBRC “ IF YOU WANT TO LIFT YOURSELF
D. After completion of the PSBRC and FTP UP,
357. Patrolman Jayson Espejo was appointed in the
PNP on February 2019. If the time-grade pursuant to
NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2013-501 would be applied SOMEONE ELSE. “
to him, assuming that he would be promoted regularly, ☺☺☺
he would be a Police Lieutenant for how many years in
the police service?
A. 15 years C. 20 Sir JAYSON CHRISTOPHER
B. 12 years D. 16
358. PNP Medal of Valor is granted by Mr ASTALAVISTA ☺☺☺
A. NAPOLCOM en banc
B. President of the Philippines
C. DILG Secretary
D. Chief, PNP
359. PNP Uniformed personnel, who have served at
least one (1) year of active service in the permanent
grade, for purposes of retirement pay, be retired in:
A. One rank higher than the permanent rank has
last held
B. One grade higher than the permanent grade has
last held
C. Two ranks higher than the rank last held
D. One grade higher regardless of the status of the
last grade held
360. The highest rank in the Philippine National Police
(PNP) is Police General, while Royal Malaysian Police’
(RMP) highest rank is Inspector General of Police.
Lowest rank of the PNP is called Patrolman, while RMP’
is called Constable. Japan’s National Police Agency’s
highest and lowest rank is-
A. Commissioner General – Police Officer
B. Commissioner of Police – Constable
C. General Superintendent- Officer
D. Police General- Policeman/Constable
361. If the PNP of the Philippines has Chief PNP,
Singapore Police Force is headed by_______.
A. Commissioner of Police
B. Commissioner General
C. General
D. Commissioner
362. A police officer who violates the rules on gender
sensitivity or equality more than twice shall incur a
penalty of:
A. Suspension
B. Dismissal from the service
C. Demotion
D. A or B
363. When the subject have been aware that someone
is following him.
A. Burnt out /MADE
364. America’s most famous private investigator and
founder of Criminal Investigation.
A. Allan Pinkerton
365. Which of the following is the 3 steps to money
A. Placement
B. Layering

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