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1. What is the Collection framework in Java?

Collection Framework is a combination of classes and interface, which is used to
store and manipulate the data in the form of objects. It provides various classes such
as ArrayList, Vector, Stack, and HashSet, etc. and interfaces such as List, Queue,
Set, etc. for this purpose.
2. What are the main differences between array and collection?
Array and Collection are somewhat similar regarding storing the reference
of objects and manipulating the data, but they differ in many ways. The main
differences between the array and Collection are defined below:
 Arrays are always of fixed size, i.e., a user cannot increase or decrease the
length of the array according to their requirement or at runtime, but in
Collection, size can be changed dynamically as per need.
 Arrays can only store homogeneous or similar type objects, but in Collection,
heterogeneous objects can be stored.
 Arrays cannot provide the ‘ready-made’ methods for user requirements as
sorting, searching, etc. but Collection includes readymade methods to use.
3. What is the difference between Collection and Collections?
The differences between the Collection and Collections are given below.
 The Collection is an interface whereas Collections is a class.
 The Collection interface provides the standard functionality of data structure
to List, Set, and Queue. However, Collections class is to sort and synchronize
the collection elements.
 The Collection interface provides the methods that can be used for data
structure whereas Collections class provides the static methods which can be
used for various operation on a collection.

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4. Explain various interfaces used in Collection framework?

Collection framework implements various interfaces, Collection interface and Map

interface (java.util.Map) are the mainly used interfaces of Java Collection
Framework. List of interfaces of Collection Framework is given below:

1. Collection interface: Collection (java.util.Collection) is the primary

interface, and every collection must implement this interface.


public interface Collection<E>extends Iterable

Where <E> represents that this interface is of Generic type

2. List interface: List interface extends the Collection interface, and it is an

ordered collection of objects. It contains duplicate elements. It also allows
random access of elements.


public interface List<E> extends Collection<E>

3. Set interface: Set (java.util.Set) interface is a collection which cannot

contain duplicate elements. It can only include inherited methods of
Collection interface


public interface Set<E> extends Collection<E>

Queue interface: Queue (java.util.Queue) interface defines queue data

structure, which stores the elements in the form FIFO (first in first out).


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public interface Queue<E> extends Collection<E>

4. Dequeue interface: it is a double-ended-queue. It allows the insertion and

removal of elements from both ends. It implants the properties of both Stack
and queue so it can perform LIFO (Last in first out) stack and FIFO (first in
first out) queue, operations.


public interface Dequeue<E> extends Queue<E>

5. Map interface: A Map (java.util.Map) represents a key, value pair storage

of elements. Map interface does not implement the Collection interface. It can
only contain a unique key but can have duplicate elements. There are two
interfaces which implement Map in java that are Map interface and Sorted

5. What does the hashCode() method?

The hashCode() method returns a hash code value (an integer number).

The hashCode() method returns the same integer number if two keys (by calling
equals() method) are identical.

However, it is possible that two hash code numbers can have different or the same

If two objects do not produce an equal result by using the equals() method, then the
hashcode() method will provide the different integer result for both the objects.

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6. What is the need for overriding equals() method in Java?

The initial implementation of the equals method helps in checking whether two
objects are the same or not. But in case you want to compare the objects based on
the property you will have to override this method.

7. What do you understand by fail-fast?

The Iterator in java which immediately throws ConcurrentmodificationException,
if any structural modification occurs in, is called as a Fail-fast iterator. Fail-fats
iterator does not require any extra space in memory.

8. What are the advantages of the Collection Framework in Java?

Below table contains the major advantages of the Java Collection Framework:

Feature Description

The collection framework provides highly effective and

performance efficient data structures that result in enhancing the speed
and accuracy of a program.

The code developed with the collection framework is easy to

maintainability maintain as it supports data consistency and
interoperability within the implementation.

The classes in Collection Framework can effortlessly mix with

reusability other types which results in increasing the code

The Collection Framework in Java allows the developers to

customize the primitive collection types as per their
Extensibility requirements.

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9. How to convert ArrayList to Array and Array to ArrayList?

We can convert an Array to ArrayList by using the asList() method of Arrays class.
asList() method is the static method of Arrays class and accepts the List object.
Consider the following syntax:


We can convert an ArrayList to Array using toArray() method of the ArrayList class.
Consider the following syntax to convert the ArrayList to the List object.

List_object.toArray(new String[List_object.size()])

10. What do you understand by BlockingQueue?

BlockingQueue interface belongs to the java.util.concurrent package. This interface

enhances flow control by activating blocking, in case a thread is trying to dequeue
an empty queue or enqueue an already full queue. While working with the
BlockingQueue interface in Java, you must remember that it does not accept a null
value. In case you try to do that it will instantly throw a NullPointerException. The
below figure represents the working of the BlockingQueue interface in Java.

11. What are concurrent Collection Classes?

Java 1.5 Concurrent package (java.util.concurrent) contains thread-safe collection

classes that allow collections to be modified while iterating. By design Iterator
implementation in java.util packages are fail-fast and throws
ConcurrentModificationException. But Iterator implementation in
java.util.concurrent packages are fail-safe and we can modify the collection while

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iterating. Some of these classes are CopyOnWriteArrayList, ConcurrentHashMap,

12. What is the difference between ArrayList and Vector?

ArrayList is not synchronized. ArrayList is not a legacy class. ArrayList increases

its size by 50% of the array size. ArrayList is not ‘thread-safe’ as it is not

Vector is synchronized. Vector is a legacy class. Vector increases its size by

doubling the array size.

13. What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList?

ArrayList uses a dynamic array. ArrayList is not efficient for manipulation because
too much is required. ArrayList is better to store and fetch data. ArrayList provides
random access.
LinkedList uses a doubly linked list. LinkedList is efficient for manipulation.

LinkedList is better to manipulate data. LinkedList does not provide random access.

14. What is the difference between Iterator and ListIterator?

Iterator traverses the elements in the forward direction only whereas

ListIteratortraverses the elements into forward and backward direction.

The Iterator traverses the elements in the forward direction only. The Iterator can be
used in List, Set, and Queue. The Iterator can only perform remove operation while
traversing the collection.

ListIterator traverses the elements in backward and forward directions both.

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ListIterator can be used in List only. ListIterator can perform ,add, remove,and set
operation while traversing the collection.

15. What is the difference between Iterator and Enumeration?

The Iterator can traverse legacy and non-legacy elements. The Iterator is fail-fast.
The Iterator is slower than Enumeration. The Iterator can perform remove operation
while traversing the collection.

Enumeration can traverse only legacy elements. Enumeration is not fail-fast.

Enumeration is faster than Iterator. The Enumeration can perform only traverse
operation on the collection.

16. What is the difference between List and Set?

The List and Set both extend the collection interface. However, there are some
differences between the both which are listed below.

 The List can contain duplicate elements whereas Set includes unique items.
 The List is an ordered collection which maintains the insertion order whereas
Set is an unordered collection which does not preserve the insertion order.
 The List interface contains a single legacy class which is Vector class whereas
Set interface does not have any legacy class.
 The List interface can allow n number of null values whereas Set interface
only allows a single null value.

17. What is the difference between HashSet and TreeSet?

The HashSet and TreeSet, both classes, implement Set interface. The differences
between the both are listed below.

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 HashSet maintains no order whereas TreeSet maintains ascending order.
 HashSet impended by hash table whereas TreeSet implemented by a Tree
 HashSet performs faster than TreeSet.
 HashSet is backed by HashMap whereas TreeSet is backed by TreeMap.

18. What is the difference between Set and Map?

The differences between the Set and Map are given below.

 Set contains values only whereas Map contains key and values both.
 Set contains unique values whereas Map can contain unique Keys with
duplicate values.
 Set holds a single number of null value whereas Map can include a single null
key with n number of null values.

19. What is the difference between HashSet and HashMap?

The differences between the HashSet and HashMap are listed below.

 HashSet contains only values whereas HashMap includes the entry (key,
value). HashSet can be iterated, but HashMap needs to convert into Set to be
 HashSet implements Set interface whereas HashMap implements the Map
 HashSet cannot have any duplicate value whereas HashMap can contain
duplicate values with unique keys.
 HashSet contains the only single number of null value whereas HashMap can
hold a single null key with n number of null values.

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20. What is the difference between HashMap and TreeMap?

The differences between the HashMap and TreeMap are given below.

 HashMap maintains no order, but TreeMap maintains ascending order.

 HashMap is implemented by hash table whereas TreeMap is implemented
by a Tree structure.
 HashMap can be sorted by Key or value whereas TreeMap can be sorted
by Key.
 HashMap may contain a null key with multiple null values whereas
TreeMap cannot hold a null key but can have multiple null values.

21. What is the difference between HashMap and Hashtable?

 HashMap is not synchronized. HashMap can contain one null key and
multiple null values. HashMap is not thread-safe, so it is useful for non-
threaded applications. HashMap inherits the AbstractMap class.
 Hashtable is synchronized. Hashtable cannot contain any null key or null
value. Hashtable is thread-safe, and it can be shared between various threads.
Hashtable inherits the Dictionary class.

22. What is the difference between Comparable and Comparator?

 Comparable provides only one sort of sequence. It provides one method

named compareTo().It is found in java.lang package. If we implement the
Comparable interface, The actual class is modified.
 The Comparator provides multiple sorts of sequences. It provides one method
named compare().It is located in java.util package. The actual class is not

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23. What is the difference between Array and ArrayList?
The main differences between the Array and ArrayList are given below.

The Array is of fixed size, means we cannot resize the array as per need. Arrays are
of the static type. Arrays can store primitive data types as well as objects.

ArrayList is not of the fixed size we can change the size dynamically. ArrayList is
of dynamic size. ArrayList cannot store the primitive data types it can only store the

24. What is the advantage of Properties file?

If you change the value in the properties file, you don't need to recompile the java
class. So, it makes the application easy to manage. It is used to store information
which is to be changed frequently.

Consider the following example.

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25. What is multithreading?

Multithreading is a process of executing multiple threads simultaneously.
Multithreading is used to obtain the multitasking. It consumes less memory and
gives the fast and efficient performance. Its main advantages are:
 Threads share the same address space.
 The thread is lightweight.
 The cost of communication between the processes is low.
26. What is the thread?
A thread is a lightweight subprocess. It is a separate path of execution because each
thread runs in a different stack frame. A process may contain multiple threads.
Threads share the process resources, but still, they execute independently.
27. Differentiate between process and thread?
There are the following differences between the process and thread.
 A Program in the execution is called the process whereas; A thread is a subset
of the process
 Processes are independent whereas threads are the subset of process.
 Process have different address space in memory, while threads contain a
shared address space.
 Context switching is faster between the threads as compared to processes.
 Inter-process communication is slower and expensive than inter-thread
 Any change in Parent process doesn't affect the child process whereas changes
in parent thread can affect the child thread.

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28. What is the purpose of wait() method in Java?

The wait() method is provided by the Object class in Java. This method is used for
inter-thread communication in Java. The java.lang.Object.wait() is used to pause the
current thread, and wait until another thread does not call the notify() or notifyAll()

Its syntax is given below.

public final void wait()

29. Why must wait() method be called from the synchronized block?

We must call the wait method otherwise it will

throw java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException exception. Moreover, we need
wait() method for inter-thread communication with notify() and notifyAll().
Therefore it must be present in the synchronized block for the proper and correct

30. What is meant by a daemon threads?

The daemon threads are the low priority threads that provide the background support
and services to the user threads. Daemon thread gets automatically terminated by the
JVM if the program remains with the daemon thread only, and all other user threads
are ended/died. There are two methods for daemon thread available in the Thread
 public void setDaemon(boolean status): It used to mark the thread daemon
thread or a user thread.
 public boolean isDaemon(): It checks the thread is daemon or not.

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31. Can we make the user thread as daemon thread if the thread is started?

No, if you do so, it will throw IllegalThreadStateException. Therefore, we can only

create a daemon thread before starting the thread.

32. What are the states in the lifecycle of a Thread?

A thread can have one of the following states during its lifetime:
 New: In this state, a Thread class object is created using a new operator, but
the thread is not alive. Thread doesn't start until we call the start() method.
 Runnable: In this state, the thread is ready to run after calling the start()
method. However, the thread is not yet selected by the thread scheduler.
 Running: In this state, the thread scheduler picks the thread from the ready
state, and the thread is running.
 Waiting/Blocked: In this state, a thread is not running but still alive, or it is
waiting for the other thread to finish.
 Dead/Terminated: A thread is in terminated or dead state when the run()
method exits.

33. What is the deadlock?

Deadlock is a situation in which every thread is waiting for a resource which is held
by some other waiting thread. In this situation, Neither of the thread executes nor it
gets the chance to be executed. Instead, there exists a universal waiting state among
all the threads. Deadlock is a very complicated situation which can break our code
at runtime

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34. How to detect a deadlock condition? How can it be avoided?
We can detect the deadlock condition by running the code on cmd and collecting the
Thread Dump, and if any deadlock is present in the code, then a message will appear
on cmd.

Ways to avoid the deadlock condition in Java:

 Avoid Nested lock: Nested lock is the common reason for deadlock as
deadlock occurs when we provide locks to various threads so we should give
one lock to only one thread at some particular time.
 Avoid unnecessary locks: we must avoid the locks which are not required.
 Using thread join: Thread join helps to wait for a thread until another thread
doesn't finish its execution so we can avoid deadlock by maximum use of join

35. What is the difference between preemptive scheduling and time slicing?

Under preemptive scheduling, the highest priority task executes until it enters the
waiting or dead states or a higher priority task comes into existence. Under time
slicing, a task executes for a predefined slice of time and then reenters the pool of
ready tasks. The scheduler then determines which task should execute next, based
on priority and other factors.

36. What is Thread Scheduler and Time Slicing?

Thread Scheduler is the Operating System service that allocates the CPU time to the
available runnable threads. Once we create and start a thread, it’s execution depends
on the implementation of Thread Scheduler.

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37. What is context switching?

In Context switching the state of the process (or thread) is stored so that it can be
restored and execution can be resumed from the same point later. Context switching
enables the multiple processes to share the same CPU.

38. What is Thread Pool? How can we create Thread Pool in Java?
A thread pool manages the pool of worker threads, it contains a queue that keeps
tasks waiting to get executed.

A thread pool manages the collection of Runnable threads and worker threads
execute Runnable from the queue.
java.util.concurrent.Executors provide implementation of
java.util.concurrent.Executor interface to create the thread pool in java.

39. What are Executor and ExecutorService? What Are the Differences between
these Interfaces?

Executor and ExecutorService are two related interfaces

of java.util.concurrent framework. Executor is a very simple interface with a
single execute method accepting Runnable instances for execution. In most cases,
this is the interface that your task-executing code should depend on.

ExecutorService extends the Executor interface with multiple methods for handling
and checking the lifecycle of a concurrent task execution service (termination of
tasks in case of shutdown) and methods for more complex asynchronous task
handling including Futures.

40. What is race condition in Java? Given one example?

Race condition are cause of some subtle programming bugs when Java programs are
exposed to concurrent execution environment. As the name suggests, a race

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condition occurs due to race between multiple threads, if a thread which is supposed
to execute first lost the race and executed second, behaviour of code changes, which
surface as non-deterministic bugs. This is one of the hardest bugs to find and re-
produce because of random nature of racing between threads. One example of race
condition is out-of-order processing.

41. What is the difference between Java Callable interface and Runnable
The Callable interface and Runnable interface both are used by the classes which
wanted to execute with multiple threads. However, there are two main differences
between the both .
42. What is lock interface in Concurrency API in Java?

The java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock interface is used as the synchronization

mechanism. It works similar to the synchronized block. There are a few differences
between the lock and synchronized block that are given below.

 Lock interface provides the guarantee of sequence in which the waiting thread
will be given the access, whereas the synchronized block doesn't guarantee it.
 Lock interface provides the option of timeout if the lock is not granted
whereas the synchronized block doesn't provide that.
 The methods of Lock interface, i.e., Lock() and Unlock() can be called in
different methods whereas single synchronized block must be fully contained
in a single method.
43. What is the Executor interface in Concurrency API in Java?
The Executor Interface provided by the package java.util.concurrent is the simple
interface used to execute the new task. The execute() method of Executor interface

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is used to execute some given command. The syntax of the execute() method is given

void execute(Runnable command)

Consider the following example:

44. What is the synchronization?

Synchronization is the capability to control the access of multiple threads to any

shared resource. It is used:

 To prevent thread interference.

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 To prevent consistency problem.

When the multiple threads try to do the same task, there is a possibility of an
erroneous result, hence to remove this issue, Java uses the process of
synchronization which allows only one thread to be executed at a time.
Synchronization can be achieved in three ways:

 by the synchronized method

 by synchronized block
 by static synchronization

Syntax for synchronized block

synchronized(object reference expression)

//code block

45. What is static synchronization?

If you make any static method as synchronized, the lock will be on the class not on
the object. If we use the synchronized keyword before a method so it will lock the
object (one thread can access an object at a time) but if we use static synchronized
so it will lock a class (one thread can access a class at a time).

46. What is the purpose of the Synchronized block?

The Synchronized block can be used to perform synchronization on any specific

resource of the method. Only one thread at a time can execute on a particular

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resource, and all other threads which attempt to enter the synchronized block are

 Synchronized block is used to lock an object for any shared resource.

 The scope of the synchronized block is limited to the block on which, it is
applied. Its scope is smaller than a method.
47. Can Java object be locked down for exclusive use by a given thread?

Yes. You can lock an object by putting it in a "synchronized" block. The locked
object is inaccessible to any thread other than the one that explicitly claimed it.

48. What is BlockingQueue?

The java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue is the subinterface of Queue that supports

the operations such as waiting for the space availability before inserting a new
value or waiting for the queue to become non-empty before retrieving an element

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from it. Consider the following example.

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