Science Matters Volume B - Term 1-2

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Humans have a multicellular organism, therefore some cells are located far from oxygen and

nutrient sources. In order to maintain the health of each cell, the human body needs a transport
system to ensure the appropriate transfer of oxygen and nutrients.
Furthermore, as cells are active, they produce waste, in the form of Carbon Dioxide, which also
needs to get evacuated. Therefore, a transport system is required to allow the cells
to evacuate the waste
1. How to create an high oxygen environment
2. How to maintain a high oxygen environment
3. How to measure a high oxygen environment

water salt


Blood vessels Veins


Red Blood cells

Carbon Dioxide sugar (glucose)

Carbon dioxide
mineral salt


Isaac is trying to figure out if dipping potato strips in different types of solution
will affect their size
Dilute salt solution

Distilled water

Concentrated salt solution

Large proportion of cells will be in contact with the water, meaning that
results should be more visible if any

1. Replicate the experiment one or two more times

2. allow more time
3. Consider the weight of the strip over size
The product water activity is lowered when salt dehydrates the food through the process of osmosis.
In essence, the salt around the outside of the food draws water molecules out and
replaces them with salt molecules until the amount of salt is equal inside and out

Fungi requires water to grow and since it has the same concentration of water as unsalted
raw meat, lowering the concentration will prevent it from growing.
adding salt creates a transfer of water (through osmosis) which will deprive the meat from the water that
fungi will use to grow

As we breath, we expell carbon dioxide. This gaz doesn’t accumulate, instead it

gets diffused in the air (from high concentration to low concentration)

Carbon dioxide is expelled through out mouth. It gets in contact with the Oxygen and
gets mixed with the oxygen particules. The reason is diffusion, otherwise the carbon dioxide
would stack up and we would breath the carbon dioxide that we exhale
Red blood cell needs to travel and therefore isn’t rigid (so that it can pass through multiple shapes
of tubes. Their rigid shape (from anemia) prevents their function from being performed properly

Yes it is true. Adding healthy red blood cell may help the transport of oxygen.

Alan’s blood shouldn’t be donated as the red blood cells are not ideal for the transport of oxygen.
Alan should avoid playing sports and other activity that requires an efficient blood transport
Lungs are required for the oxygenation of the blood. If the lungs are infected, the blood may not be able
get the oxygen from the lungs

The organs require oxygens, but if the blood isn’t carrying enough oxygen, our brain will tell
the heart to beat faster in order to acquire the needed level of oxygen to the organs

The blood transfusion won’t help in most case as the problem isn’t the blood, but the lungs.
However, there may be a correlation between the blood affecting the
lungs resulting in this infection, but unlikely

The xylem is in charge of transporting water. Therefore the Xylem (Y) will be stained red

Phloem Xylen

Sugar Water
Carbohydrates give you the daily energy you need.

Fats are helpful when the body needs to regulate their temperature. In a cold
environment, we can only survive by keeping warm so we choose a diet rich in fats
as it helps the body stay at its normal temperature

Proteins’ function is to help the rebuilding/repairing of cells. Rani

needs to repair/rebuild his cells
** We use the word soluble in this case as the simpler molecule will
eventually travel through a liquid medium.

Protein digestion requires the enzyme “Protease” and

this enzyme isn’t present in the mouth.
Amylase is the enzyme coming from the salivary
glands. It breaks down Starch (a large carbohydrate)
into Maltose

If the ingredients were the issue then

everybody who ate the cake would be likely
to suffer the same diagnosis.

A is totally false
C is not correct from the context because Nuggets
are not fiber
D is not pinpoint the issue of swallowing, it is
discussing digestion

Carbohydrates are mostly digested in the small intestine

Fats are digested by the enzyme “lipase” which is also present in the small
Proteins are broken down in the stomach.
Vitamins are mainly broken down in the Small Intestine (even though the book
doesn’t really mention it)

The small intestine is the last contact with Enzymes and therefore the
end of it (start of Large Intestine) announces the completion of
The food arrives to the stomach when it is
already chewed into smaller pieces. Once
in the stomach it will get in contact with
Hydrochloric Acid and Protease which will
break down large complex proteins into
smaller simpler proteins

Water and Oil

won’t mix
Soap acts
similarly to an
Enzyme which will
break down the fat
by mixing with it

Every type of food goes through each part of the digestive system
Enzymes can indicate the organ as enzymes are
located at certain specific parts

Certain food digest quicker than other, it may be hard to tell. Also when you
sleep your body doesn’t digest as quckly

A isn’t very specific and also doesn’t include a purpose for the hydrochloric acid from Bowl B.
B is not true because carbohydrates are not digested by protease
D is not true because if the effect of water was the point of the study then we could have added
more water in the second Bowl (or less)
Carbohydrates gives energy. However, some carbohydrates may need to be broken down before being able to be used

for energy. For that reason, I would suggest Fruits that have a high content of Maltose, Glucose, Sucrose (etc…) which

are already in the form of broken down molecules. Other Carbohydrates such as Starch need to be broken by amylase

first, which would slow down the process

Sucrose, Glucose and Maltose for Mashed Apple and Cellulose for the Kailan Leaves

Mashed Apple sample should taste sweet

Glucose, sucrose and maltose taste sweet as they are types of sugars

Cellulose contains maltose but we needs to be broken down, which is why it may take time to taste the

Carbohydrates give energy. However fruits are the best choice because Fruits have already
broken down molecules of sugar which means that it can be absorbed quicker
The Carbohydrates that are not being used (no working out) which convert into fat. For that
reason, it is likely that the person increases his amount of Fat in his body

The antacids would neutreulize the hydrochloric acid. The hydrochloric acid has 2 functions. First it helps the killing
of bacterias and secondly, it also helps the Protease with the breaking down of proteins.

For these reasons, I would predict a slower digestions of Proteins as well as a slightly higher likelyhood of food

The Oesophagus’ purpose is to make sure that the food from the food can travel quickly to the stomach without a
chance of piling up (choke). This is the reason why the Oesophagus is muscular, so that is can contract and give the
flow of food. (For example, we can eat food upside down, our muscles with the oesophagus will force the food
opposite to gravity.)

The Muscles of the Oesophagus are strong enough to push the food down without the need of gravity. In the example
above I lined out the fact that we can also eat upside down
X Mouth


Stomach Y


Z Small Intestine Large Intestine


No product of Digestion means that no molecules were broken down. The reason is that Oil is made of Fat
which is broken down is the Small Intestine (pancreatic juice)

Iodine reacts to starch (longer and more complex carbohydrates). In this experiment we are testing for the breaking
down of starch. Basically, since Iodine reacts with complex carbohydrates, as they get broken down the Iodine will
react less. Since the Fluid from Part A contains amylase, it will break down the leaf into simpler carbohydrates and
therefore will not react as much
Oesophagus Stomach

Anus Large Intestine Small intesting

Fatty Acids are the product of the digestion of fats by the lipase. Therefore the experiment is
focusing on finding out the rate at which Lipase digests Fats

The reaction only occurs when the molecules are not broken down yet. It is safe to assume that all
the molecules would be broken down after a few hours, leaving no potential reaction possible
False. Digestion is finished in the Small Intestine way before reaching the Anus

True. The blood is absorbing the digested food from the Small Intestine (Whichis R)

False. The food is only in Semi-solid state in the stomach as it was previously chewed. However, once
the food leaves the stomach is not in semi-solid states

False. Digestion is finished in the Small Intestine therefore it cannot occur in the Large Intestine

False. Q is the stomach and only proteins get broken down there (not carbohydrates). However
the stomach does produce a liquid that kills bacteria called the Hydrochloric acid


Not true. The small intestine contains 2 digestive juices, the pancreatic juice as well as the intestinal juice

It is inappropriate for 2 reasons.

1) Uncooked chicken may have bacterias that may be transmitted to the cooked chicken increase the risk
of food poisoning
2) Money has a lot of bacterias on it which may also be transmitted to the cooked chicken also slightly
increasing the risk of food poinsoninig
Osmosis (which is a type of diffusion)

Simpler protein molecule passes through a membrane to reach the blood stream. This is taking place in the small
intestine. Once the proteins are in the bloodstream, it will be transported to the multiple organs/cells of the body.

A simple substitute for teeth would be a blender. I would suggest that we

blend the food into a semi-liquid state so that it can be swallowed easily

Since Starch is broken down in the mouth into Maltose, it means that maltose tastes sweet

Eggs are Proteins and Proteins are broken down by the Protease, which isn’t located in the mouth. For that
reason, I predict that the eggs will not taste sweet as there is not chemical reaction that breaks it down into
glucose, maltose or similar.
Carotene is a proteins that affect the pigmentation (color) of the cell.

To test the hypothesis I would keep the carrot intake constant but would
administer it to a different person and observe any similar/different result

The food, proteins in particular, won’t be sufficiently digested before entering

the small intestine. This may have implications on the digestion process as the
food may be too solid when passing down.

Eat smaller more frequent meals as the stomach wouldn’t be able to handle the same quantity all at once

An organ is a part of the human body (or organism) that has a

specific function. An example of a digestive system orggan would be
the stomach

A tissue is a group of cell that have the same characteristics and properties.
An example of tissue found in the human digestive system would be the stomach lining.
Woman’s breast isn’t correlated to fertility.
Nothing was metionned about the men.

Hormonal imbalance is a problem as hormones triggers the menstrual cycle

Menstruation Fertile Period
Uterine Lining

Fallopian Tubes


A woman is still able to reproduce as the eggs from the ovary of the unblocked fallopian tube would still work

Further Thickening of the uterine lining

Growth and repair of the uterine lining

Fertile Period

The woman is evacuating the unfertilized egg as well as the uterine lining built for the fertilization

When the woman ovulates, an egg is released and starts to travel down the fallopian tubes to eventually lay on the uterine lining

Ovulation is the start of the fertile period. If a woman wants to make a family she
plan accordingly

The previous egg was gone with the menstruation and the new egg has yet to be
released as ovulation hasn’t started in this new cycle

Fertilisation refers to the fusion of the male sex cell (sperm) and the female egg
Tail / Flagellum

Sperms are required to swim as when they are released in the vagina they
need to swim/travel to the uterus and the falloians tubes.

Their function is “fertilization”. They both possess the genes of each

parent and the fusion of the two cells creatres a new offspring.

Low sperm count equates to lower fertilization probability as there are less “candidates” and the “Path” is perilous.
Each egg cell contains a different genetic package with different dominance. (Each gene contains
variants and some variant are dominant which means they override the other variants of the same gene).
This dominancy is dictated by the 2 egg cells. So if the two cells are different then the genetic
dominance will be different resulting in different physical characteristics.

Each egg cell contains a different genetic package with different dominance. (Each gene contains
variants and some variant are dominant which means they override the other variants of the same gene).
This dominancy is dictated by the 2 egg cells. So if the twins are a produce of the same egg cells then
they will share the similar characteristics

A disease causes by the genetic patrimony of one of the parent / ancestor

The parents had the diseases from the genetic patrimony. Since Sexual Reproduction allows
for the passing down of genes, the parent infected simply transferred the disease during the
fertilization process
The book isn’t 100% accurate as STI requires one of the partner to be infected

AIDS (actually HIV at first) is not that easy to contract as it requires a heavy fluid exchange.
Sexual Intercourse can lead to the HIV/AIDS infections

Spermicide Condom IUD




Female Male Female Female

Most Effective Method: Vasectomy
Least Effective method: Rhythm Method

Rhythm Method’s success depends on knowing the cycle and having intercourse during the non-fertile
period. However, a woman’s menstrual cycle is sometimes unpredictable as many factors may affect
the hormones triggering ovulation. In short, you cannot predict accurately a cycle’s irregularities.

Vasectomy is considered a long-term / permanent contraception method. As it cannot be reversed easily, a

couple will not be able to have children. This is why we only advise males to get a vasectomy if they don’t want
children anymore, not to simply wait until they are ready.

Abstinence, avoiding sexual intercourse, is the most effective

method as it simply cannot fail. There is no possible
fertilization is there is no intercourse
The total number of abortions goes from 13753 to 13140, which means that we have a descending trend.

Family not accepting the baby and the parents

Inability to fulfill their professional/academic goals

Family may resent the union because of it.

STI’s can be transmitted especially within the teenagers community from lack of information on the matter


Sperms are blocked at the entrance of the Uterus. Since the Fusion (Fertilisation) can only take place
in the uterus or. further in the fallopians tubes, there cannot be fertilisation

More People with AIDS converts to more potential exposure to HIV

More Depression from lack of acceptance
More Medical Coverage
Potential babies born with HIV

Testing — This informs infected people so that they don’t spread

Education — Informing People with STI will increases the use of protection

Pre-Cum can occur before ejaculation which is basically a small release a sperm cell
which can fertilize an egg during the fertile period

Unicellular are organisms made of only one single cell

Battery Cell Voltmeter

Switch Ammeter

Bulb Rheostats

I = V/R


In Circuit B.
The reason is that resistance are in parallel (circuit B), which lowers the total
resistance --> With less resistance the current increases making the bulb Z

rate of flow Energy

I = V/R

Ammeter Voltmeter

Ampere Volt Ohm

Increasing the length of the wire increases resistance and
therefore lowers the current but increase the voltage.

The Ammeter would show the same reading as in previous position.

This is a Circuit in series meaning that the current is identical a each
point of the circuit.




1 2 3

Energy = Power x Time
1.2 kW x 168 hour = 201.6 kWh

Cost = Power x cost per kWh

1.8 kW * 9 h * .30 $/ kWh = 4.86 $

To test the hypothesis she needs to calculate the cost per hour. She needs to
calculate the number of hours she used the AC and divide her bill by that
number. Do the same for the other bill and now you can compare the results

Don’t stick objects (even if non-

metallic) inside a plugged appliance

Don’t stick objects (even if non-

metallic) inside a plug.

DO NOT use appliances if their wire is

Energy = Power x Time
In case 1 (Storage heater) The heating system needs to be ON 20 minutes prior therefore the system will be on for 20 min +
10minx4 = 60 min = 1h —> Energy = 3kW * 1h = 3kWh
Case 2 (Instant heater) —> The heating system only needs to be ON when used, therefore only 40 minute is required
40 min = 2/3 hours
Energy = 3kwh * 2/3h = 2kWh

Water Storage heater may be beneficial if a lot of people live in the house. The reason is that the stored water will
remains hot for longer which may reduce the electrical bill.
However, if only 1 person lives in the house, then it would take 20 minutes to heat up the water storage for only 1 use,
which will be a waste

Metal Casing wire

Electrocution Fire




Burn/melt Close
Kettle A because the power rating represents the conversion from Electrical Energy to other form of energy per unit of time. Since Kettle
A has a high rating, it will convert electrical energy quick

Energy = Power x Time

Time = 15 min = 1/4 hour
Power = 2kW. (2,000 W)
Energy = 2kW * 1/4 h = .5 kWH

Cost = Energy * cost/Energy

Energy = Power x Time
Power = 2 kW
Time = 30 min = 1/2 hour
Cost/Energy = 30 cents/ kWh
Energy = 1kWh
Cost = 1kWh * 30cents / kWh = 30 cents

I predict nothing will happen since Kettle B seems to have a plastic (insulating) casing
Resistance in the wire generates heat. I suspect that the wire is made a material that
would increse the resistance and therefore the heat produced.

Call an electrician instead of replacing the wire alone

Fuse needs to be replaced as the Circuit Breaker doesn’t. However

their role is similar as they are both about cutting/closing the circuit

No electrocution possible as the electricity will be confined to the wire

Electrocution is possible as there is a possibility that the faulty live wire is touching the case and
therefore delivering Current to the metal casing instead of the electrical system of the kettle.
Therefore, when someone touches the case they may receive a shock

Unplug the appliance when not using them/ fixing them

No touching appliance with wet hands.

Neutral Wire

It isn’t safe as the body could be used to close the

circuit ending up in electrocution

Both Connected to the “x” wire OR Bot h Conected to the “y” wire

Bedroom would be a great location. You can either turn on the light from the wall
near the door OR turn it on/off from the switch near the bed
Decreased Increased

Outward Inward



*Fiber is a type of carbohydrate

Volt (V)

Grind the food into smaller chucks so that it can easily pass down the Oesophagus without
getting blocked/ stucked along the path


Breaking down Large carbohydrates (Starch) into maltose at an early stage for quick
acquisition of enegery (nutrients)
Watering the food to help it travel down the oesophagus with less friction
The Oesophagus is a long muscular tube connecting the mouth to the stomach. Once swallowed,
the ball of food is squeezed by the muscles so that it moves downward. The process of pushing
down is done once the ball of food is in the stomach.

not present
gone (digested)


formed (created)


* I’m not 100% what the partially permeable membrane is made of. In the event that the
maltose is small enough it may pass through and therefore the water will become
sugary by osmosis (maltose is a form of sugar). However, if this design is a model of the
digestive system then the small intestine membrane doesn’t allow Maltose to enter
therefore the water doesn’t acquire sugar via osmosis.
Male condoms prevent sperm from entering the vagina
Female condoms prevent sperm from entering the Uterus

The IUD (Intra Uterine Device) can be used as a contraception method by femails

1W of power means it converts 1 Joules of Electrical Energy per Second

Cost = Energy x rate

rate is 20 cent / kWh

Let’s now calculate the energy —> Energy = Power x time

Power = 1.4 kW
Time = 15 minutes = 1/4 hour. (we need to convert to hour because the rate of cost is in hours.

Energy = 1.4 x 1/4 = .35 kWh. (notice the units)

Cost = .35 kWh x 20 cents/kWh. = 7 cents


Transports water and mineral salts to multiple parts of the plants

Transports food to multiple parts of the plant

The weight from gravity

Yes the apparatus can be used to compare the masses of objects even on the moon.
Comparing masses doesn’t involve calculating them. The gravitational acceleration has decreased, thus
the weight of each object has also decreased, but “mass” is proportional to the gravitational acceleration
and the comparison still possible

All items in the fridge are sitting on the shelf (not floating)
The fridge and the boy are pushed towards the ground

The bottle is not falling down because of the friction applied on its surface from the boy’s fingers

The fridge door has little magnets on it. Magnets stick to other metals because of the Magnetic force
Force Matter (atoms)


Spring a beam

The submerged part of the ship where water is in contact. Also the rest of the body of the ship is
also in contact with air which incolves contact force as well.

She needs to record the height Before the first passenger boards AND before she
boards (after everyone else). If there is a different AND it matches the different that she
observed when comparing with the morning, she will have proven her hypothesis
Earth gravity is about 10 m/s^2
Weight is measured in Newton which is based of kg. So we need to convert 500g into .5kg.
Finally we calculate the weight and find that W = gravity * mass = 5 N
Diagram A

Since weight is proportional to mass we can simply take the mass on earth and multiply
is with 2.6 times the gravity of earth (10 m/s^2)
W(Jupiter) = 1.75kg. * 2.6 * 10 m/s^2 = 45.5 N
The air pressure always tries to remain the same. When the bulb is released, the volume inside the
bulb increases which forces the air to either expand or to fill the excess of volume with the liquid.
Because the expanding the air requires a lot of energy, the liquid moves up the tube to fill the
amount of volume that was created when we released the bulb.

Distance = Speed x time

meter = meter x second
It is to limit the friction cause of my seat belt. The pad of leather is smoother and
therefore will scratch less. It may also have an alternative purpose which could be
to limit the pressure felt by the strap by increase the surface of contact.

The force of pressure pushes the water outwards. The greater the force, the greater
the horizontal speed. Therefore the hole with the most water above it will shoot the
furthest as it will experience more force (pressure)
Smaller Larger

Higher Smaller



Turning Effect of the blade around B

The closer to point of pivot in a lever, the more force being applied at the point

There is a larger surface area so the force of pressure from the weight is
less. The weight is distributed along the surface area. If the force
becomes small enough the shoe will not sink in the snow

Ice Skating shoes have a very little surface of contact which increases the pressure felt on the surface.

Skating shoes reduce friction as there isn’t a large surface area

to grip on. Also, as pressure increases the ice melts under the
blade and in turn also lowers the friction
The air pressure in the plane at high altitude is less than on land. The air in the bottle when
sealed doesn’t have a lot of pressure. When the bottle is on land however, the air pressure
outside is greater than the air pressure inside the bottle which make the air outside push the
walls of the bottle

Seal a bottle and plunge it underwater. The pressure surrounding is much higher than the
pressure inside making it crushed

The bottle would get even more crushed and probably break as the water
pressure is much bigger than air pressure.

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total time = 400/48.4 = 8.26 m/s

Many forces are acting on the car. Mainly the force of his weight making it increase velocity but also
the small force of friction caused by the air around and from the rotating parts of the wheels.
Technically the force was always acting, but now all the forces of frictions (tired,
rotating parts, wind) have a greater impact on the movement as there is no more

Time = Distance / Speed = 80 (m) / 5 (m/s) = 16 seconds

The greatest pressure exerted happens when the smaller face is in contact with the mud.
The smaller surface seems to. be “B” therefore face “B” would exert the greatest

Following the same logic as above, the smallest pressure would come
from face “C” as it has the largest surface area in contact with the med

Does the mud becomes more packed (more pressure) with depth?
We can collect a sample of 1cm^3 of the sand at each depth of depression and compare their mass.
If the mass is greater for larger depth, that means that the sand becomes more packed and therefore
harder to sink through

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