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URSUA, Joshua Y.

1620 CFE
BSAc 2


1. What is the relevance of St,. Paul's letter to the Galatians (3:26-29) in the
mission of the CICM as an international community? Cite your own
experience as a recipient of this mission. (20 points) *

Saint Paul’s letter to the Galatians talks about Christians being the
children of God through faith. Each one of us, regardless of age, gender,
beliefs or state in life, once baptized are considered children of God. It also
talks about our belongingness and connection with our Almighty Father.
This significant letter is relevant to the mission of the CICM as an
international community. As the CICM missionaries possessing full faith in
God, they extend the message of God all around the world. They are a
welcoming community that despite our cultural and social differences, they
are still spreading their mission with open arms and a huge heart.
Our school, Saint Louis University, is one of the notable result of
CICM’s mission and I am benefiting from this mission, this is just one of the
many institutions brought by the CICM. My experience as a recipient of this
mission is that I am beyond grateful. I am enjoying the fruits of their
mission in a community that is very welcoming and accepting despite every
students cultural and social differences. Consequently, I am inspired and
motivated to extend my own religious missions as well. It encourages me to
attain equality and to have faith with my very purpose.
We live in a world of differences, it is one of the solid proofs that we
are unique in our own little ways. Our differences in our state in life,
whether poor or rich, our gender, our cultural beliefs and traditions; it will
not serve as a barrier to unify as one, for we are all children of God and for
we are not judged by these innate differences, but with our solid faith with
Christ Jesus.

2. The CICM mission are usually in the "frontiers", explain this CICM mission
in relation with Jesus' command in Mark 16:15. What are your concrete
ways to help the CICM mission? (20 points) *

Jesus’ command in Mark 16:15 is a striking and an impactful line, it is

as if the line was directly uttered towards the CICM missionaries. “Go into
all the world and preach the gospel of the whole creation” – this is exactly
what the CICM missionaries as an international community is carrying out.
They are exploring the world to extend the words of truth of our Lord Jesus
Cor Unum Et Anima Una or One heart, One Soul, is the line that CICM
missionaries are living up to which is an implication of unity and diversity.

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As a Louisian and a follower of the CICM mission, I have my own little ways
to help them extend their mission. One specific way is to become a role
model and example of a true missionary and that is exemplifying passion in
my work and craft, perseverance to continue being consistent about it and
having a solid faith in implementing my very purpose. Another one is to
encourage my friends and family members to follow and become a
missionary as well, this can be done through enlightening them about the
true mission of the institution and by having open conversations and
discussions that will help us both grow spiritually.
One last thing I can do to help is to encourage other people to spread
the word through word of mouth, through social media or through whatever
means of sharing there is. These small gestures to help the CICM mission
will surely have a great ang big impact when done collectively.

3. Like the disciples, you are also sent (Mt. 28: 18-20). Make your own
simple program of actions realizing that you are also sent in this time of
pandemic? (20 points) *

As a disciple and a follower of Jesus, I firmly believe in the verse from

Matthew 22:39 which states that we should love our neighbor as we love
ourselves. During these kind of uncertain times, I feel the need to extend
the love our neighbors badly need. I can express my love to my neighbors
through showing compassion and kindness to them. Here is my own
program of actions that will grab the reaching hands of those who are in
First is awareness. I believe having to acknowledge the fact that help
is needed in our country today is the first step of this program, being aware
of the happenings in our community, in the local or national level, is a way
of connecting to our fellow Filipinos. Raising awareness also sparks
discussions and open-minded conversations with our family members and
friends that can help multiply the helping hands of those who are fortunate
enough to help. Second is the actual action, we participated in our
“Community Pantry” conducted by our barangay officials, this initiative is a
space in our barangay hall where people who are unfortunate enough to
have basic needs such as rice, canned-goods and hygiene essentials are
encouraged to get some of those mentioned needs for free. People who
have extra essentials can donate while those who have less can claim those
donated essentials. Additionally, I offer my time on weekends to help
repack and prepare relief goods conducted by our organization. Lastly, my
program of helping ends with a gratitude. I pray to God about how blessed
we are to be able to survive during this hard time.
More than ever, our fellow Filipinos need our helping hands to help
them cope up with the struggles they are facing during this pandemic. As a
student struggling with online classes, I’m sure this little gestures I do for
my neighbors will surely go a long way.

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