PO07249 Low Voltage Testing Manual

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2021 • PO07249 • V11

Defines mandatory and additional testing requirements for voltage, current, polarity,
insulation resistance, neutral integrity and phase rotation on the low voltage mains
and service connections. Mandatory testing of the low voltage network and
connected installations must be conducted to mitigate safety risks to staff and the

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1. INTRODUCTION 7 4.5.8 Damaged test equipment 23

4.5.9 Leads 24
1.1 Purpose 7
4.5.10 Repair 24
1.2 Scope 7
4.5.11 Voltage Proving Unit 24
1.3 Training and Authorisation 7
1.4 Record Keeping - Cityworks 8 5. PRE AND POST INSPECTIONS 26
1.5 Service and Installation Rules 9 5.1 Pre-test visual inspection 26
1.6 Images in this manual 9 5.2 Post-test inspection 26
1.7 Reference Documents 9
7.1 OH Mains Tests 30
3.1 Hazards and risks of un-tested or incorrect 7.2 OH Services Tests 32
distribution network connections 16
3.1.1 Reversed polarity 16 8. UNDERGROUND TESTING 35
3.1.2 Low insulation resistance 16 8.1 UG Mains Tests 35
3.1.3 High impedance or open circuit 8.2 UG Services Tests 36
neutral 17
3.1.4 Earth potential rise 17
3.1.5 Incorrect phase rotation 17 9.1 Test 1 - Proximity Testing 41
3.1.6 Incorrect phasing between circuits 9.1.1 General 41
18 9.1.2 Proximity Testing Equipment
3.1.7 Voltage outside of specified Required 41
voltage tolerance 18 9.1.3 Steps for proximity testing with
Greenlee GT-12A 41
9.1.4 Escalation process for live
4.1 Personal Protective Equipment for Testing structure/enclosure 42
9.2 Test 2 - Prove de-energised 43
4.2 Labels and Tags for Testing 20
9.2.1 Prove de-energised - equipment
4.3 Test Equipment 20 required 43
4.4 Approved Test Equipment 21 9.2.2 Steps for proving de-energised 43
4.5 Safe Use of Test Equipment 23 9.2.3 Escalation process for live
4.5.1 General 23 structure/enclosure 46
4.5.2 Calibration, operational checks 9.3 Test 3 - Neutral Identification 47
and inspection 23 9.3.1 General 47
4.5.3 Guards and clearances 23 9.3.2 Neutral identification equipment
4.5.4 Storage 23 required 47
4.5.5 Cleaning 23 9.3.3 Neutral identification steps 47
4.5.6 Batteries 23 9.3.4 Escalation process if neutral
cannot be positively identified 49
4.5.7 Replacement of fuses 23
9.4 Test 4 - Neutral Integrity 49

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9.4.1 Fault Loop Impedance theory 49 9.10.8 Insulation resistance testing steps
9.4.2 Causes of high loop impedance 50 67
9.4.3 Neutral Integrity Decision Tree 51 . 70
9.5 Test 4A - Neutral Integrity by Fault Loop 9.11 Test 9 - Network Phasing 70
Impedance Tester 53 9.11.1 Phasing must be carried out 70
9.5.1 Neutral integrity by fault loop 9.11.2 Network phasing equipment
impedance - equipment required required 70
53 9.11.3 Steps for Network Phasing 70
9.5.2 Neutral integrity by fault loop 9.12 Test 10 - Phase Rotation 72
impedance steps 53
9.12.1 Phase rotation testing must be
9.6 Test 4B - Neutral Integrity by Independent carried out 72
Earth and Voltmeter 55
9.12.2 Phase rotation testing equipment
9.6.1 Neutral integrity by independent required 72
earth and voltmeter - equipment
required 55 9.12.3 Steps for phase rotation testing 72
9.6.2 Neutral integrity by independent 9.13 Test 11 - Current Measurement With a
earth and voltmeter steps 55 Tong Ammeter 74
9.7 Test 5 - Voltage testing 58 9.13.1 General 74
9.7.1 Voltage testing - equipment 9.13.2 Effective current measurement 74
required 58 9.13.3 Current measurement equipment
9.7.2 Steps for voltage testing 58 required 74
9.7.3 Voltage Tolerance 60 9.13.4 Steps for current measurement
with a tong ammeter 74
9.7.4 Voltage tolerance escalation
process 60 9.14 Test 12 - Pole Leakage Detection 75
9.8 Test 6 - Polarity Testing 61 9.14.1 General 75
9.8.1 Polarity testing – equipment 9.14.2 Pole leakage detection equipment
required 61 required: 75
9.8.2 Polarity testing steps 61 9.14.3 Steps for pole leakage detection
9.8.3 Polarity testing escalation process
63 9.15 Test 12A - Pole Leakage Detection – High
Voltage Pole with Modiewark GLM MINI 75
9.9 Test 7 - Continuity Testing 64
9.16 Test 12B - Pole Leakage Detection – Low
9.9.1 Continuity testing – equipment Voltage Pole with Modiewark GLM MINI 78
required 64
9.16.1 General 78
9.9.2 Continuity testing steps 64
9.10 Test 8 - Insulation Resistance Testing 65 10. DIRECT CURRENT (DC) TESTING 82
9.10.1 Insulation resistance tester - 10.1 Test DC1 - Prove de-energised (DC) 82
Safety 65
10.1.1 Prove DC de-energised -
9.10.2 Insulation resistance tester - equipment required 82
Controls 65
10.1.2 Steps for proving DC de-
9.10.3 Precautions when insulation energised 82
resistance testing 66
10.2 Test DC2 - Voltage Testing (DC) 85
9.10.4 Insulation resistance testing of OH
10.2.1 DC Voltage testing - equipment
and UG mains and services. 66
required 85
9.10.5 Effective insulation resistance
10.2.2 Steps for DC voltage testing 85
testing 66
9.10.6 Insulation resistance testing of de- 11. ADVANCED LOW VOLTAGE TESTING 88
energised existing cables 67
11.1 Time-resistance tests 88
9.10.7 Insulation resistance testing –
equipment required 67 11.1.1 Time-resistance testing –
Equipment required 88

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11.1.2 Steps for Time-resistance testing APPENDIX B – LABELS AND TAGS FOR
11.1.3 Low Voltage Insulation Test
Escalation Process 91 APPENDIX C – CITYWORKS




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1.1 Purpose
This manual provides the necessary information for authorised electrical workers to perform mandatory
network testing to ensure the safety of persons connected to the Evoenergy distribution system, and to
ensure a safe and reliable electricity supply to the customer.

1.2 Scope
This manual provides details of mandatory low voltage testing to be performed by electrical workers both
within the distribution network and at the network boundary. The manual does not cover specific testing
performed by specialist sections such as Protection and Quality of Supply.
It is the responsibility of all qualified electrical workers to understand and where required, perform the
processes included within this manual. Mandatory testing of the low voltage network and connected
installations must be conducted to mitigate safety risks to staff and the public.
Mandatory testing must be conducted by authorised workers holding ESI trade qualifications, and up to date
training and authorisation to perform testing as a part of the following tasks:
Installation, repair, and replacement of overhead or underground distribution network service lines
and their subsequent energisation by connection to the low voltage distribution network
Reconnection of a customer installation to the low voltage distribution network
Installation, repair, replacement and augmentation of distribution network underground or overhead
mains conductors and cables
Installation, or reconnection of distribution network overhead or ground-mounted distribution
Installation, or reconnection of low voltage distribution network switchboards
Installation, fault repair and replacement of low voltage distribution network assets
Power quality and electric shock investigations
Connection of portable generating sets to the low voltage distribution network or installation
The contents of this manual must be applied in conjunction with all other relevant policies and procedures
Worksite hazard identification
Risk assessment and control utilising appropriate SWMS, JRA and the Electrical Safety Rules
Commissioning and related network procedures

This manual has been developed to align with the requirements of

Evoenergy Electrical Safety Rules, AS4741 Testing of Connections to Low Voltage
Electricity Networks and AS3017 Electrical Installations - Verification Guidelines

1.3 Training and Authorisation

Authorisation to test the low voltage network requires training and assessment as per the Evoenergy
Electrical Safety Rules
Staff required to perform any of the tests nominated in this manual on the low voltage network must
be trained and assessed in the testing required

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In order to maintain competency, refresher training must occur annually with a theoretical and
practical assessment as required by the Evoenergy Electrical Safety Rules.
Apprentices under training can perform the testing detailed in this manual under the following
i. The apprentice has been trained in the mandatory requirements that apply to the situation as
detailed in the Electrical Safety Rules and PO0144 Apprentice Training Management Procedure,
particularly live work
ii. The supervising tradesperson deems that it is safe to do so
iii. The apprentice is under direct supervision while testing is carried out
iv. The supervising tradesperson verifies the test results prior to any connections being made

1.4 Record Keeping - Cityworks

Our goal when maintaining and working on assets is to ensure a safe and reliable network. To assist with
these safety and compliance obligations, the current inspection form in Cityworks must be utilised for LV
testing records.
This includes the proactive recording of testing information to confirm the integrity of the asset and leaving
the network safe for fellow workers and the public.
The LV testing form must be used for recording both pre work and pre commissioning testing results
The LV testing form is located in Cityworks as an inspection form
The form will be automatically generated in certain Cityworks work orders.
If there is no LV testing form in a work order or you require additional information to be captured, you
can manually create one as per Appendix B - Cityworks screenshots.

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1.5 Service and Installation Rules
The Evoenergy Service and Installation Rules and Electricity Network Boundary Code 2017 define the
network boundary and provisions for service equipment in customer enclosures. If these provisions are not
available, for example service neutral links in switchboards, Evoenergy will allow ESI trade qualified
approved test personnel to employ other measures to ensure a safe connection to the network. These
measures are for testing only and must not be used for any other purpose

This section allows approved test personnel to break the seals on meters
to gain access to terminals for testing
All broken seals must be reinstated by an Evoenergy authorised person

1.6 Images in this manual

For clarity, images in this manual have been designed to show only the required details of the test being
performed, while noting key requirements such as whether the Service Protection Device (SPD) is in or out,
main switch is on or locked and tagged off and expected values. It is up to Evoenergy workers to assess by
inspection the configuration of the installation in the location that they are testing and determine the LV test
points. This can include:
1. The line and load side of the SPD 5. The Network Boundary
2. The main switch/open point 6. The UG PoE/Switchboard
3. The main earth location 7. The OH PoA/OH connection point
4. LV apparatus connections 8. LV mains connections

1.7 Reference Documents


AS 4741 Testing Of Connections To Low Voltage Electricity Networks

AS/NZS 3017 Electrical Installations - Verification Guidelines
AS/NZS 3000 Wiring Rules
AS 61010 Safety Requirements For Electrical Equipment For Measurement, Control and
Laboratory Use
AS60038 Standard Voltages
Electricity Network Boundary Code 2017
Evoenergy Service and Installation Rules
Electrical Safety Rules
Earthing Construction Manual
Standard Supply Voltage for LV Systems
Lock Out/Tag Out Procedure
Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Apprentice Supervision Procedure

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Ø Phase
Ω Ohm
MΩ Megohm - 1 Million ohms.
∞ Infinity, Infinite
≈ Approximately Equal
< Less than
˃ Greater than
Active (or active conductor) – Any conductor that is maintained at a difference of potential from the neutral
or earthed conductor.
Apparatus – Equipment, instruments, conductors and/or combinations of, for the supply, transformation,
consumption and measurement of electricity
Authorised Worker - means a worker with technical knowledge or relevant trade experience who has been
approved, in writing, or has the delegated authority to act on behalf of Evoenergy, to perform the duty
Bonded means connected together in such a manner as to ensure that all bonded parts are maintained at
the same electrical potential.
Cable – A conductor, or two or more conductors laid up together either with or without fillings, reinforcements
or protective coverings.
Cable core OR core– The conductor within a cable including its insulation but not including any mechanical
protective covering. May be referred to as a ‘tail’ at ends of cable
Competent - means the ability to perform particular tasks and duties to the standard of performance
expected in the workplace. Competency requires the application of specified skills, knowledge and attitudes
relevant to effective participation for completing a task.
Conductor – means a wire, cable, bar, tube or form of metal designed for carrying electric current.
Consumer mains – Those conductors between the point of supply and the main switchboard as defined by
the ACT Service and Installation Rules.
Cross – Two conductors transposed. Also see Roll
De-energised – Not connected to any source of electrical supply, but not necessarily isolated, earthed,
discharged or out of commission.
Discharged - means having been connected to the general mass of earth in such a manner as to remove
any residual electrical energy in a conductor or conducting object.
Earth potential rise (EPR) – A voltage difference between a reference point and a system earth. EPR may
cause hazardous voltages on equipment, apparatus, structures or enclosures.
Electrical installation – Electrical equipment installed for the purpose of conveyance, control, measurement
or use of electricity, where electricity is supplied for consumption. It includes electrical equipment supplied
from a distribution network or a private generating system.
Electricity distribution network – means an interconnected system or transmission and/or distribution
conductors and electrical apparatus (see Mains).
Electrical equipment – Wiring systems, switchgear, control gear, accessories, appliances, luminaires, and
fittings used for such purposes as generation, conversion, storage, transmission, distribution or utilisation of
electrical energy.
Energised – Connected to a source of electrical supply, or subject to hazardous capacitive or induced

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Existing - apparatus that has previously been in service
Exposed conductive part – A conductive part of electrical equipment which:
Can be touched with the standard test finger as specified in AS/NZS 3100: and
Is not a live part but can become live if basic insulation fails
Hazard – A source of potential harm.
Independent earth – An effective earthed reference point used for testing purposes, spaced a minimum of 2
metres away from any conductive object embedded in the ground connected to the system under test.
Indication only – Output of a test device that does not provide a precise or measured value
Inspection – Examination of an electrical installation using all the senses in order to ascertain correct
selection and proper erection of electrical equipment.
Integrity – The state of being sound, unimpaired and fit for service.
Isolated – Disconnected from all possible sources of supply by means that both prevent unintentional
energisation of the apparatus and are assessed as a suitable step in the process of making safe for access
JRA – Job risk assessment as per procedure PO06100 Job Risk Assessment
Known earth – A network earthing point as described in Section 6.1 of the Electrical Safety Rules
Known live source – A conductor known to be energised at a voltage of ≈230 volts AC
Low voltage (LV) – A nominal voltage exceeding 50 Volts AC or 120 Volts ripple free DC, but not exceeding
1000 Volts AC or 1500Volts DC.
Main earthing conductor – A conductor connecting the main earthing terminal/connection or bar to the
earth electrode or to the earthing system at the source of supply
Mains – A cable or conductor in the electrical distribution network that has more than one service connected
to it, excluding tee connected fused underground service cables
May – Indicates the existence of an option.
Meter Protection Device (MPD) – A fuse or other protection and isolation device located on the un-metered
side of the installation intended for the isolation and protection of the meter and its associated customer
Multiple Earthed Neutral (MEN) system – A system in which the neutral conductor is connected to the
general mass of earth at multiple locations within the electricity network and electrical installations.
Must or must not - is to be interpreted as ‘mandatory’.
Network – Electrical distribution system
Network Area – Where an installation is supplied directly from a pit or pillar, the clearly defined area on a
customer’s main switchboard or PoE where network service protection devices and dedicated neutral link
are installed
Network boundary – The boundary between the electrical distribution network and a consumer’s premises
as defined by the Electricity Network Boundary Code 2017
Network connected - The electrical installation is connected to the distribution network.
Neutral conductor – Conductor of a low voltage system which is earthed at its origin.
Network not connected – No conductor of the electrical installation including the neutral, is connected to
the distribution network.
New - apparatus that has not previously been commissioned
Open Point - A break in the circuit. The open point is open if the network is not connected, there is a gap or
opening in the conductors or a mechanical apparatus has been opened.

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Overhead Line - means any aerial conductor or exposed conductors with associated supports, insulators
and other apparatus erected, or in the course of erection, for the purpose of the conveyance of electrical
energy, excluding poles or supporting structures or anything in an electrical station.
Phasing – The identification by testing of active conductors of the same phase and differing phases
Point of Attachment (PoA) – The point at which aerial conductors or cores of a service line are terminated
on a consumer’s structure.
Point of Entry (PoE) – The point at which the underground service is terminated in a customer’s structure.
Point of supply – The junction of the electricity distribution network conductors with the consumer’s
electrical installation.
Polarity – The voltage of a conductor relative to another conductor or the general mass of earth.
PPCE – Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment as per PO0605 Personal Protective Clothing and
Reasonably practicable - means that which is, or was at a particular time, reasonably able to be done to
ensure health and safety, taking into account and weighing up all relevant matters including:
the likelihood of the hazard or the risk concerned occurring;
the degree of harm that might result from the hazard or the risk;
what the person concerned knows, or ought reasonably to know, about the hazard or risk, and ways
of eliminating or minimising the risk;
the availability and suitability of ways to eliminate or minimise the risk; and
after assessing the extent of the risk and the available ways of eliminating or minimising the risk, the
cost associated with available ways of eliminating or minimising the risk, including whether the cost
is grossly disproportionate to the risk.
Reversed polarity – A dangerous condition that exists when active and neutral conductor connections are
transposed resulting in a direct connection of a bonded or earthed conductor to an energised conductor.
Risk – The possibility that harm (death, injury or illness) might occur when exposed to a hazard
Roll – A transposed conductor connection in a cable joint leading to either incorrect polarity and/or incorrect
phasing and rotation
Rotation – Rotation of a three phase supply
CCW –Phases A – B – C in a counter clockwise direction
CW– Phases A – B – C in a clockwise direction
Service – A dedicated radial cable or conductor, that may be installed underground or overhead, between
the network point of connection and the customer’s network boundary.
Service neutral link – Labelled neutral link in customer installation (meter box or point of entry) for the
termination of the service neutral. As per Service and Installation Rules
Service Protection Device (SPD) – The first protection device located on the network side or forming part of
the Connection Point
Should – Indicates a recommendation.
Source of supply – Where used in relation to any electrical installation, the generator, convertor,
transformer or group of generators, convertors, or transformers, to which the supply mains conveying the
electricity to that particular electrical installation are connected and that generates, converts, or transforms
the electrical energy supplied to that electrical installation.
Testing – Implementation of measures of an electrical installation or distribution network by means of which
its effectiveness is proved.
Touch current – Electric current that passes through the human body when it touches one or more
accessible parts of electrical equipment or electrical installation, under normal or fault conditions.

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Touch voltage – Voltage appearing between simultaneously accessible parts.
Verification – All measures by means of which compliance of an electrical installation or distribution network
with the relevant Australian and business standards is checked.
Voltage – Differences of potential normally existing between conductors and between conductors and earth
as follows:
Extra low voltage Not exceeding 50V AC or 120V ripple free DC
Low voltage Exceeding extra low voltage, but not exceeding 1000V AC or 1500V DC
High Voltage Exceeding low voltage

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3.1 Hazards and risks of un-tested or incorrect distribution network

Electrical workers have a duty of care to all people to protect them from the effects of incorrect connections
within and to the electricity distribution network.
Incorrect connections can cause some or all of the following consequences:
Yourself, colleague, customer, contractor Supply quality issues
or member of the public receiving an Unplanned network outages
electric shock causing injury or death
Financial loss from unavailability of
Damage to the customer’s installation or embedded generation
Fines, penalties, suspension and
Disciplinary action against individuals or cancellation of Construction Occupation
teams in accordance with the Relevant License imposed by Worksafe ACT,
Enterprise Agreement ACCESS Canberra or the ACT Chief
Fines for legal and compliance breaches Electrical Inspector

Reputational damage Damage to the environment

3.1.1 Reversed polarity

Risks posed by reversed polarity:
– The neutral conductor is at active potential and the connection of the neutral to the earth at the
MEN point causes earth potential rise (EPR) where the earthed metallic components of the
installation and connected appliances become live causing electric shock
– Circuit protective devices will open the neutral, not the active, causing a dangerous situation of a
circuit or appliance to have a connected, unprotected active and an open circuit neutral
– RCDs may fail to operate in the event of earth leakage, potentially leading to an electric shock
– The installation’s main earth conductor and/or equipotential bond may burn off leaving the
installation in a dangerous situation with no reference to earth
– Voltages may move outside the voltage tolerance, causing damage to equipment
– In the event of any of the above situations, network circuit protective devices are unlikely to
Reversed polarity risk mitigation:
– Identify all of the conductors prior to energisation by testing as described in this
– Confirm polarity by post energisation tests
– Proximity test conductive structures and enclosures prior to access and after re-
3.1.2 Low insulation resistance
Risks posed by low insulation resistance:
– Short circuit upon energisation, causing fire, electric shock, equipment damage and unplanned
– Electric shock from step touch or transfer potential

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– Higher operating temperature in cables and equipment, leading to insulation failure, reduced
service life, unplanned outages, fire, electric shock
Low Insulation resistance risk mitigation:
– Cables and equipment must be tested in accordance with this manual to ensure
insulation resistance readings equal to or greater than the minimum values
specified in Table 7 prior to energisation

3.1.3 High impedance or open circuit neutral

Risks posed by high impedance or open circuit neutral:
– The return current flows through the earthing system causing a voltage rise in the earthing
system. This causes earthed metallic components of the installation and connected appliances to
become live causing electric shock
– Temperature rise in high impedance joints can cause fire
– The installation’s main earth conductor and /or equipotential bond may burn off leaving the
installation in a dangerous situation with no connected earth leading to failure of protective
equipment to operate causing fire and electric shock
– Voltages may move outside the voltage tolerance, causing damage to equipment
Open circuit and high resistance neutral risk mitigation:
– Neutral integrity must be verified by testing in accordance with this manual
– Proximity test metallic structures and enclosures prior to access and after work is
3.1.4 Earth potential rise
Risks posed by earth potential rise:
i. Electric shock from metallic equipment bonded to earth
ii. Burnt off main earth connection to premises
Earth potential risk mitigation:
– Identify all of the conductors prior to energisation by testing as described in this
– Confirm polarity by post energisation tests
– Proximity test metallic structures and enclosures prior to access and after work is
3.1.5 Incorrect phase rotation
Risks posed by incorrect phase rotation:
– Three phase motors will attempt to rotate in the opposite direction than was intended. This can
lead to equipment not operating, failure of rotating equipment and significant danger to the
operators and the public.
Incorrect phase rotation risk mitigation:
– Test and record phase rotation prior to de-energisation, verify rotation upon re-
– Do not energise three phase circuits where phase rotation cannot be verified.

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3.1.6 Incorrect phasing between circuits
Risks posed by incorrect phasing between circuits:
– The closing of an open point in the network with incorrect phasing will cause a short circuit fault
between two phases that will create an arc flash. The arc flash can cause electric shock and
burns to people in the vicinity and the short circuit can cause significant damage to equipment
and unplanned outages
Incorrect phasing between circuits risk mitigation:
– Ensure that phasing across open points is carried out upon initial and re-
energisation of circuits connected to an open point
3.1.7 Voltage outside of specified voltage tolerance
Risks posed by voltage outside of tolerance
– Damage to insulation of cables, conductors and equipment both in the network and connected
customer installations
– Damage to equipment, particularly electronics
– Higher currents being drawn by equipment leading to fire or premature equipment failure
– Unwanted circuit breaker tripping
– Poor performance or failure of equipment
Voltage outside of specified tolerance risk mitigation
– Calibrated voltage tester used for polarity and voltage testing
– Verification of measured voltages at customer installation

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4.1 Personal Protective Equipment for Testing

PPCE items below are MANDATORY and are the MINIMUM requirements as per the PPCE matrix and
Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment.
• Safety uniform.
• Low voltage insulating electrical gloves with arc-rated outer gloves.
• Safety glasses, face shield or goggles.
• Safety helmet.

Further PPCE controls identified during the JRA process must be utilised to
control hazards identified.

4.2 Labels and Tags for Testing

Testing requires the installation of identification, out of service and danger tags. These tags are listed in
APPENDIX B. Installation requirements can be found in Evoenergy procedure Lock Out/ Tag Out Procedure
- PO0677 and the Electrical Safety Rules

4.3 Test Equipment

Test instruments and equipment used in the Evoenergy distribution network must be approved by
Evoenergy; AND
be rated CAT IV as per AS61010-0.31 to the voltage of the network that will be tested +20%. For low
voltage test instruments this will be 300 volts for single phase test instruments and 600 volts for
instruments measuring across multiple phases. CAT IV ratings must apply to the test instrument and
to the associated test leads and probes. The CAT IV rating is to prevent instrument failure leading to
flashover and electric shock, caused by voltage transients
CAT IV rating must be verified by type test certificates
be calibrated in accordance with Evoenergy procedure Tools Equipment Testing and Inspection -
contractors test equipment is subject to the above conditions and details of test equipment must be
submitted to Evoenergy for approval which must be given in writing prior to any testing occurring

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4.4 Approved Test Equipment
Below are examples and are not considered the only fit for task equipment approved by Evoenergy
Proximity tester Independent earth; Fault loop impedance tester
Greenlee GT12A Proximity Pacific Test Equipment - CABAC T2726 Neutral
Tester Trailing Earth Lead integrity tester
Stock No 1194595 Stock No 1187960 Stock No 1197103

Tong ammeter/voltage
Voltage proving unit; Phase rotation tester;
Fluke 374 Tong Ammeter
Fluke PRV 240 Voltage SEW 890 PR Phase Indicator
Stock No 1191074 Proving unit
Stock No 1189237
Stock No 1203582

Temporary load bank. Pole leakage detector

Insulation resistance and
continuity tester T mac Temporary Load Test Pole Leakage Detector (PLD)
Kyoritsu 3132A Insulation Stock No 1197114
Resistance and Continuity Stock No 1197147
Stock No 1197125

Non-calibrated voltage testers including test lamps are NOT an Evoenergy approved
means for testing the LV Network

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Stock No 1209885

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4.5 Safe Use of Test Equipment
4.5.1 General
Low voltage test instruments must be selected, used, stored and maintained in a way that minimises the
chance of failure while testing on energised sources and prevents testing from causing hazards to people
and property. Recommendations from manufacturer instructions for safe use, maintenance and storage,
must be followed.
4.5.2 Calibration, operational checks and inspection
Calibration must occur in accordance with the Evoenergy procedure Tools Equipment Testing and Inspection
- PO06150 and Appendix A. Calibration, operational checks and inspection
4.5.3 Guards and clearances
Test equipment may have integral guarding and barriers that prevent operator inadvertent contact with live
parts, add creepage distance, and prevent the test probe from causing a short circuit.

Manufacturer guards, barriers or covers must not be altered or tampered with.

4.5.4 Storage
Test equipment is sensitive to environmental conditions and to mechanical damage and must be stored as
per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
The tester, test leads and components should be stored in the supplied protective case, kept dry and away
from heat and sunlight and in a place where the equipment cannot fall or be crushed.
Test equipment must not be left on the dashboards of vehicles. Equipment must be stored where it will not
be subjected to mechanical damage
4.5.5 Cleaning
Test equipment is sensitive to chemicals and must only be cleaned as per the manufacturer’s
recommendations. Dust may be removed with a soft cloth, slightly dampened with water with tester turned
4.5.6 Batteries
Batteries must be in good condition for test apparatus, it is recommended spare batteries be carried for test
equipment. To prevent batteries with differing amounts of charge being used all batteries must be replaced
at once.
4.5.7 Replacement of fuses
Fuses may only be replaced with parts that meet the manufacturer specification (noted in the instruction
4.5.8 Damaged test equipment
Where a piece of test equipment or its accessories are found to be faulty or unserviceable, the item shall
have an Out of Service Tag attached and the item removed from service as per Lock Out/Tag Out
procedure PO07244. In these circumstances, any Worker is authorised to attach an Out of Service tag. The
Out of Service Tag shall be prominently displayed and clearly labelled with contact name, phone number,
date and details of why the tag has been applied – for example, a description of what is wrong with the item.
Out of Service Tags shall be attached using a zip tie or other method that will prevent the tag from being
inadvertently removed.

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4.5.9 Leads
The integrity of test leads is essential to the safe operation of test equipment. Some test apparatus such as
multimeters and clamp meters have removable leads, should these leads require replacement, correct leads
must be procured. Correct leads will be rated CAT IV as per AS61010-0.31 to the voltage of the network that
will be tested +20% and approved by the manufacturer`. For low voltage test instruments this will be 300
volts for single phase test instruments and 600 volts for instruments measuring across multiple phases. Test
leads must be shrouded at the meter end and have removable or retractable tip guards as a minimum
4.5.10 Repair

Repair of test equipment must only be conducted by manufacturer approved service


4.5.11 Voltage Proving Unit

The Fluke PRV240 voltage proving unit provides both AC and DC functionality. Ensure that your tester is
proven on the appropriate voltage that you will be testing for.

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If the pre or post-test inspection identifies defects or hazards that are likely to cause electrical shock or
damage to property, or may impact the safety or integrity of the tests, revisit JRA and assess the
identified risks and applicable controls. If these risks cannot be adequately mitigated by the
implementation of controls, testing should not proceed and your supervisor must be notified.

5.1 Pre-test visual inspection

A visual inspection must be carried out before, or in association with, testing in order to prevent electrical
shock or damage to property.
The following is a list of items that must, where applicable, be included as part of the pre-test visual
The location is correct Connections are correct, complete and
mechanically sound
Isolation is correct
Alternative supplies are identified and
Labels are installed
No visible damage to equipment Persons and animals are clear of any
Equipment is ready for testing object that may become energised during
Wiring is complete with no visible damage
Workers notified of testing in progress

5.2 Post-test inspection

An inspection must be carried out on the completion of testing to ensure that the test location is left in a safe
The following is a list of items that must be included as part of the post-test inspection:
Neutral identification tags have been All covers removed for testing are
installed on overhead neutral conductors undamaged, in place, and secured
identified as part of testing (sealed) if required
Ensure all test equipment has been Check all connections and terminations
removed related to the work are correctly
mechanically tightened. All connections
Danger tags are applied if required and
must be secondary validated by a
removed if redundant
combination of visual inspection and tug
Ensure the neutral is connected prior to or pull tests
installation energisation All enclosures are secured and locked if
All temporary markings have been required
removed Danger and out of service tags are fully
All required test results recorded on filled out and applied where required
testing form

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All tests listed in this document follow the basic principles of sufficiently trained
workers being able to assess the correct test points, use the correct equipment,
perform condition checks, and set up and use test equipment as per below

Must follow the Evoenergy Life Saving Rules

Mandatory PPCE must be worn during testing see Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Must proximity test conductive structures and enclosures before contact
JRA must be completed - including review and implementation of controls from relevant SWMS in
accordance with Job Risk Assessment
Be able to identify the network boundary if at a customer installation
Can correctly assess test points
Pre and Post inspections must be completed
Test equipment must be fit for task and in working order
Test equipment must be installed correctly for adequate test results
Test equipment must be set on correct setting/range for the test being completed
Must be trained and qualified and up to date in the test being applied
Can understand and verify tests and processes listed in this manual
All connections must be correctly tightened and pull tested

The test personnel should expect a result and if the measured result is not as
expected, take appropriate action.

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2021 • PO07249 • V11 29
This section applies to testing to allow safe energisation of overhead works related to conductoring, pole
changes, service replacement, relocation and reconnection.

7.1 OH Mains Tests

All test results must be recorded in Cityworks.


1. Complete JRA, including review and implementation of controls from relevant SWMS in accordance with
PO06100 Job Risk Assessment (pre-start) including mandatory PPCE
2. Perform Test 1 - PROXIMITY. OR Test 12 – POLE LEAKAGE DETECTION for pole inspectors
3. Perform Pre-test inspection
4. Perform Test 10 – PHASE ROTATION.
On mains if service neutrals remain unbroken
On each service if neutral broken


5. Perform Test 2 - PROVE DE-ENERGISED.

Any voltage may indicate alternative supplies are present. Alternate supplies must
be isolated prior to the installation being energised

6. Perform Test 8 – INSULATION RESISTANCE TESTING for in-service cable baseline results
7. Install LV bonders as per Earthing Construction Manual


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8. Ensure cable ends are disconnected at each end/connection point
9. Remove bonders for testing as per Earthing Construction Manual
11. Check and confirm equipment/apparatus is safe to energise.


12. Perform Test 3 - NEUTRAL IDENTIFICATION and attach neutral identification tag
13. Perform Test 6 – POLARITY.
14. Perform Test 5 – VOLTAGE TESTING
15. Perform Test 10 - PHASE ROTATION.
16. Perform Test 9 – NETWORK PHASING.
17. Connect all cable ends as required by network.
18. Perform Test 1 - PROXIMITY.
19. Complete Post-test inspection.

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7.2 OH Services Tests

The network boundary at an overhead Point of Attachment (PoA) is the customer

side of the Service Fuse Holders and the customer side of the House Service
Connector as per the Electricity Network Boundary Code 2017

All test results must be recorded in Cityworks.

Mandatory testing must be performed at the PoA end of the service


1. Complete JRA, including review and implementation of controls from relevant SWMS in accordance with
Job Risk Assessment (pre-start) including mandatory PPCE
2. Perform Test 1 - PROXIMITY.
3. Perform Pre-test inspection.
4. Perform Test 10 - PHASE ROTATION.

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5. Perform Test 2 - PROVE DE-ENERGISED.

Any voltage may indicate alternative supplies are present. Alternate supplies must
be isolated prior to the installation being energised


6. Ensure cable ends are disconnected at each end/connection point.

8. Check and confirm equipment/apparatus is safe to energise
9. Confirm PoA end of service remains open.



11. Perform Test 6 – POLARITY.
12. Perform Test 5 – VOLTAGE TESTING.
13. Perform Test 10 - PHASE ROTATION.
14. Voltage test between the service neutral and the installation neutral to ensure 0 Volts
15. Voltage test colour to colour across the service fuse holders (between the service and the consumer
mains) to ensure 0 Volts.
16. Connect service neutral.
17. Perform Test 4 - NEUTRAL INTEGRITY. At switchboard (preferred) or at PoA.
18. Connect neutral conductor.
19. Replace service fuses.
20. Perform Test 1 – PROXIMITY.
21. Complete Post-test inspection.

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8.1 UG Mains Tests

All test results must be recorded in Cityworks.


1. Complete JRA, including review and implementation of controls from relevant SWMS in accordance with
Job Risk Assessment (pre-start) including mandatory PPCE
2. Perform Test 1 - PROXIMITY
3. Perform Pre-test inspection
4. Perform Test 10 – PHASE ROTATION.
On mains if service neutrals remain unbroken
On each service if neutral broken


5. Perform Test 2 - PROVE DE-ENERGISED.

Any voltage may indicate alternative supplies are present. Alternate supplies must
be isolated prior to the installation being energised

6. Perform Test 8 – INSULATION RESISTANCE TESTING for in-service cable baseline results
7. Install LV bonders as per Earthing Construction Manual

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8. Ensure cable ends are disconnected at each end/connection point

9. Remove bonders for testing as per Earthing Construction Manual
10. Perform Test 7 – CONTINUITY TESTING
12. Confirm cables connected at one end
13. Check and confirm equipment/apparatus is safe to energise



15. Perform Test 6 – POLARITY
16. Perform Test 5 – VOLTAGE TESTING
17. Perform Test 10 - PHASE ROTATION.
18. Perform Test 9 – NETWORK PHASING
19. Connect all cable ends
20. Perform Test 1 - PROXIMITY.
21. Complete Post-test inspection.

8.2 UG Services Tests

The network boundary at an underground point of entry is the customer side of the
service fuses and the customer side of the service neutral link as per the Electricity
Network Boundary Code 2017

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All test results must be recorded in Cityworks.


1. Complete JRA, including review and implementation of controls from relevant SWMS in accordance with
Job Risk Assessment (pre-start) including mandatory PPCE
2. Perform Test 1 - PROXIMITY.
3. Perform Pre-test inspection
4. Perform Test 10 - PHASE ROTATION.

2021 • PO07249 • V11 38


5. Perform Test 2 - PROVE DE-ENERGISED.

Any voltage may indicate alternative supplies are present. Alternate

supplies must be isolated prior to the installation being energised

6. Perform Test 8 – INSULATION RESISTANCE TESTING for in-service cable baseline results


7. Ensure cable ends are disconnected at each end/connection point

9. Perform Test 7 – CONTINUITY TESTING
10. Check and confirm equipment/apparatus is safe to energise


11. Confirm cables connected at one end

13. Perform Test 6 – POLARITY
14. Perform Test 5 – VOLTAGE TESTING
15. Perform Test 10 - PHASE ROTATION.
16. Perform Test 4 - NEUTRAL INTEGRITY.
17. Voltage test between the service neutral and the installation neutral to ensure 0 Volts
18. Voltage test colour to colour across the service fuse holders (between the service and the consumer
mains) to ensure 0 Volts. (checking for alternate supply difference of potential)
19. Connect service neutral
20. Replace service fuses
21. Perform Test 1 – PROXIMITY.
22. Complete Post-test inspection

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9.1 Test 1 - Proximity Testing

Appendix A – Non-contact test

Appendix B – Indication only

9.1.1 General
Proximity testing must be conducted:
on approach to conductive structures/ enclosures such as meter boxes, PoE enclosures, padmount
substations, conductive poles (see 9.14 Test 12 Pole leakage detection), roof gutters, riser brackets
etc. Conductive elements mounted to non-conductive poles should also be checked
after the energisation of equipment within or connected to the conductive structure/enclosure, or in
the vicinity of equipment that may be energised.
at conductive structures near to fallen conductors such as fences and hand rails
Proximity testing is a non-contact, indication only test for the presence of a hazardous voltage in a
conductive structure or enclosure prior to physical contact being made by a worker.
The proximity detector is only effective on AC and will indicate a voltage has been detected when the tip of
the device is placed in the proximity of 50-1000 Volts. The tip should be on or near the object being tested
As it is a non-contact device that utilises capacitive coupling to detect voltage, it can be affected by adjacent
live equipment. If a live structure or enclosure is detected, verify the voltage present with a voltmeter and
independent earth. If a voltage is present the worker must control the hazard by isolation or barricading,
danger tag the isolating equipment, notify your supervisor and record in Cityworks

Proximity testing is not a suitable method to prove de-energised.

Test 2 - Prove de-energised is the only approved method to prove
a LV cable, conductor, apparatus or structure is de-energised for access.

9.1.2 Proximity Testing Equipment Required

PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment - PO0605
Greenlee GT12A Proximity Tester

9.1.3 Steps for proximity testing with Greenlee GT-12A

1. Visually inspect the tester for any damage, if damage is identified, remove tester from service, install out
of service tag and report to supervisor
2. Turn tester on, LED in tip will flash every two seconds confirming ON status and battery OK condition. If
LED remains on or instantly turns off – replace batteries

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Hold the start button until LED in tip flashes once – this enables the beeper. If start
button is held until the LED in the tip flashes twice – beeper is disabled.


3. Where reasonably practicable, test the proximity tester on known source

4. The red LED in the tip will flash continuously while the device beeps at the same rate if an AC voltage
between 50 and 1000 Volts is present
5. If the device does not detect an AC voltage between 50 and 1000 Volts, the LED in the tip will continue
to flash at a rate of once every two seconds and there will be no beeping
6. If the instrument does not perform as described in point 5 above: replace batteries and re-test. If
instrument still does not perform as inspected, remove from service, report and replace.
7. To test a conductive structure, place tip of instrument on or as near as possible to structure, hold for 3
seconds and move to another location on the structure. Test either side of hinged and bolted sections.
8. The red LED in the tip will flash continuously while the device beeps at the same rate if an AC voltage
between 50 and 1000 Volts is present
9. If the device does not detect an AC voltage between 50 and 1000 Volts, the LED in the tip will continue
to flash at a rate of once every two seconds and there will be no beeping
10. After use, inspect instrument for any damage and test instrument again on a known live source to verify
9.1.4 Escalation process for live structure/enclosure
>50 volts 1. Notify anyone on-site that may contact the structure or
enclosure and take steps to prevent any person coming
FOUND TO BE LIVE in contact with the structure
TEST voltmeter and independent earth, also test structures and
enclosures in close proximity that may be connected to
the local earthing system

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9.2 Test 2 - Prove de-energised

Live test
Test before you touch

All low voltage cables, conductors and equipment must

be proven de-energised prior to being worked on

This test must be conducted in the following circumstances:

Prior to the access of LV equipment as per Energised Low Voltage Works Manual
Prior to the application of LV bonders as per the Earthing Construction Manual
Prior to working on pilot cables
When a proximity test on a structure or enclosure has indicated a voltage is present
As required by the Electrical Safety Rules
9.2.1 Prove de-energised - equipment required
PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Pacific Test Equipment - Trailing Earth Lead
Fluke 374 Voltage tester
Fluke PRV 240 Voltage Proving unit
Insulating materials (e.g. LV insulating mats/covers) where required as identified in the JRA or
relevant SWMS, and applied per Evoenergy procedures
9.2.2 Steps for proving de-energised Structures and enclosures
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks
2. Ensure tester is switched to the correct function and range for AC voltage, e.g. 0-600V
3. Test the voltage tester on a known low voltage source or approved proving unit
4. Install independent earth at a minimum distance of 2 metres from any conductive object embedded in the
ground connected to the system under test and connect to voltage tester lead

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5. Voltage test between enclosure/structure and independent earth, note that coatings on such equipment
such as paint may affect the reading so find an inconspicuous area to use the point of the test probe to
dig in or scratch coating

6. Test the voltage tester on a known low voltage source or approved proving unit

7. Isolate and danger tag if voltage present and record any measured voltage.

Investigate or report issue as per 9.2.3 Escalation process for live structure/enclosure Electrical apparatus
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks
2. Ensure tester is switched to the correct function and range for AC voltage, e.g. 0-600 volts
3. Test the voltage tester on a known low voltage source or approved proving unit.

4. Install independent earth at a minimum distance of 2 metres from any conductive object embedded in the
ground connected to the system under test and connect to voltage tester lead

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5. Voltage test between independent earth and neutral, and, independent earth and each phase. A reading
of 0 volts must be indicated on the voltage test device

6. Disconnect independent earth and voltage test between each phase until each combination is tested. A
reading of 0 volts must be indicated on the voltage test device.

7. Prove voltage tester on known low voltage source or approved proving unit

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9.2.3 Escalation process for live structure/enclosure
IF TEST 2 > 6 volts 1. If reasonably practicable, isolate source immediately and notify
CONFIRMS Network Controller 02 62707557 or call Evoenergy Call Centre
OR 2. Apply locks and or danger tags at point of isolation
STRUCTURE 3. Re-test Test 2 - PROVE DE-ENERGISED at point originally
IS LIVE tested
4. Revisit JRA, include the voltage level found with isolation and
testing as the control
5. Investigate and repair if reasonably practicable, or call
supervisor for assistance
6. Record relevant information, take photographs and report
incorrect polarity to supervisor and in Guardian
IF ISOLATION 1. Notify anyone on-site that may contact the structure or enclosure
IS NOT and take steps to prevent any person coming in contact with the
REASONABLY structure
PRACTICABLE 2. If you are working alone, call your supervisor for assistance
3. Notify Low Voltage Network Controller 02 62707557 or call
Evoenergy Call Centre 131093
4. Guard the structure to prevent persons from receiving a shock
until the site can be de-energised, rectification works are
completed and the structure is re-tested and proven safe to
5. Record relevant information, take photographs and report
incorrect polarity to supervisor and in Guardian

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9.3 Test 3 - Neutral Identification

Live test
Do not break neutral until actives are opened

9.3.1 General
The distribution network neutral conductor must be identified, confirmed by testing and tagged prior to any
connection being made to the network neutral. Active conductors must be identified by testing to ensure
correct phases present and voltage is within tolerance

The neutral conductor must be the FIRST conductor to be connected

and the LAST to be disconnected in all circumstances

9.3.2 Neutral identification equipment required

PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Pacific Test Equipment - Trailing Earth Lead
Fluke 374 Voltage tester
Fluke PRV 240 Voltage Proving unit
Insulating materials (e.g. LV insulating mats/covers) where required as identified in the JRA or
relevant SWMS, and applied per Evoenergy procedures
Neutral identification tags
9.3.3 Neutral identification steps
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks
2. Ensure voltage tester is switched on the correct function and voltage range for AC voltage, e.g. 0 – 600
3. Test and verify the voltage tester on a known live low voltage source or approved proving unit.

4. Install independent earth at a minimum distance of 2 metres away from any conductive object embedded
in the ground connected to the system under test and connect independent earth to voltage tester lead
5. Isolate supply.

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6. Voltage test between each core or conductor to the independent earth
0 Volts should be measured between a neutral conductor and an independent earth

230 volts between any phases and the independent earth

230 volts between any phases and neutral

7. Once identified, the neutral must be tagged by a neutral identification tag.

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9.3.4 Escalation process if neutral cannot be positively identified


1. Do not energise installation until neutral can be identified
UNABLE TO 2. Apply danger tags/ lock to prevent inadvertent energisation
IDENTIFY NEUTRAL 3. Ensure test equipment is operational
CONDUCTOR 4. Re-test installation
5. If neutral still cannot identified, contact supervisor for assistance

9.4 Test 4 - Neutral Integrity

Live Test
Neutral integrity is critical in maintaining a safe network

The integrity of an electricity distribution system neutral is essential to ensure the safety of persons, and
Neutral integrity testing is used to:
Confirm that the neutral has been correctly identified
Identify ineffective neutral connections
Neutral integrity must be tested in the following circumstances:
After installing, jointing, re-terminating or replacing UG or OH services and network mains
When a high neutral to earth voltage is measured
Electric shock investigation
Investigation of power quality complaints such as high, low, large deviations (flicker) or phase
voltage imbalances.
This manual details two tests to verify the integrity of the neutral connected to an installation, both may be
required depending on results of fault loop impedance test, see 9.4.3
Test 4A - NEUTRAL INTEGRITY BY FAULT LOOP IMPEDANCE utilises a fault loop impedance test device
to measure the impedance of the neutral circuit between the installation and the transformer that supplies it.
(voltage) difference between the neutral conductor and independent earth with a voltmeter.

Fault loop impedance (ZLN) measures of the impedance of the entire loop including the
active (line), neutral and transformer winding. Separate neutral impedance and line
impedances measured by some instruments may be used to assist in identifying the
cause of a high fault loop impedance reading.

9.4.1 Fault Loop Impedance theory

The multiple earthed neutral system (MEN) requires a low impedance neutral to maintain the neutral and
earth at the same potential and to ensure adequate fault current flows to operate protective fuses and circuit
breakers in the event of a phase to earth fault at an installation.
Loop impedances should be kept as low as possible to ensure operation of upstream protective devices.

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Values of fault loop impedance, ZLN for standard services should be below 0.5Ω.
Direct sub fed commercial services should be below 0.2Ω
See 9.4.3. Neutral Integrity Decision Tree for values and escalation process.

9.4.2 Causes of high loop impedance

High loop impedance can be caused by one, or a combination of factors listed below,
Loose connection
– Incorrect connector for size of cable. – Loosened by vibration, wind etc.
– Connector not correctly installed – Mechanical failure of connector or
fastener (over tightened, faulty etc.)
– Thread bound up prior to reaching full
level of conductor compression – Connector not correctly installed
– Shear-bolt sheared before reaching – Cables/conductors not twisted in
specified torque tunnel terminals
High resistance/open circuit connection
– Incorrect connector i.e. aluminium only – Failure of teeth to pierce insulation
on copper conductor, bi-metal installed and make adequate contact with
the wrong way around with copper to conductor
aluminium and aluminium to copper
– Copper above aluminium in bare
– Failure to make neutral connection overhead arrangement degrading
– Cables/conductors not inserted into
connector far enough to make – Arcing from insulation breakdown
adequate contact degrading conductor
– Moisture ingress into sealed – Crimped with incorrect or faulty tool or
connection (HSC) dies
– Poor contact or burnt fuse/fuseway – Broken conductor or connector
– Transformer fault
Voltage drop
– Long circuit length from substation with large voltage drop in mains and service

Checking connections:
Measuring voltage drop across a connector, should 0V, any volts dropped are a result of impedance from a
poor connection see image above.

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9.4.3 Neutral Integrity Decision Tree Neutral integrity for services NOT directly connected to a substation

ZLN < 0.5Ω ZLN 0.5-0.7Ω ZLN > 0.7Ω Legend

ZLN Test 4A-Loop
Impedance of line Neutral
through transformer winding
VNE Test 4B -Service Neutral
VNE > 6V to Independent Earth Voltage
Test NE Voltage Test N-E Voltage IN Test 4B- Neutral Current
VNE > 6V
VNE VNE IE Test 4B – Main Earth
VNE ≤ 6V Red Arrows
Where red arrows occur, the
cause of non-compliant results
should be investigated and
VNE ≤ 6V * Complete Connection IE > 50% repaired. 9.4.2, provides a guide
and Energise Test Line & to causes of high loop impedance.
N-E Current. 1Ø Re-test and if results improve to
Connection Only acceptable levels follow the green
IN > 50% Escalation
If the cause of non-compliant
DO NOT ENERGISE results, cannot be determined or
Record Results repaired, report all test results to
Record Results Record Results Record results Record results
Quality Supply Officer who will
Danger Tag Danger Tag Danger Tag
determine whether further
investigation is required. The
Supervisor will determine repair
and replacement options in
conjunction with the Quality of
Report to Quality Report to Quality Supply Officer and relevant SME`s
Report to Quality Report to Quality of
of Supply Officer
of Supply Officer Supply Officer for of Supply Officer *Current Split
Notification purposes and Supervisor and Supervisor
and Supervisor This test is only applicable to
single phase installations.

2021 • PO07249 • V11 51 Neutral integrity for services DIRECTLY connected to a substation

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9.5 Test 4A - Neutral Integrity by Fault Loop Impedance Tester

Live test

9.5.1 Neutral integrity by fault loop impedance - equipment required

PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
CABAC T2726 Neutral integrity tester
Insulating materials (e.g. LV insulating mats/covers) where required as identified in the JRA or
relevant SWMS, and applied per Evoenergy procedures
9.5.2 Neutral integrity by fault loop impedance steps
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks
2. Install independent earth at a minimum distance of 2 metres away from any conductive object embedded
in the ground or connected to the system under test and connect independent earth to voltage tester lead
3. Isolate the supply to the installation and disconnect the service neutral from the installation (MEN break).
For meter box and PoE, disconnect the service neutral conductor NOT the MEN link.
For PoA, Terminate the service in the house neutral connector, leave the consumer mains out.
Remove one of the consumer main shear-bolts and temporarily replace with the approved test bolt.

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4. Connect and test the fault loop impedance as per the following:
E terminal (green), via green test lead, to an independent earth AS4741 mentions that the earth
reference shall be an effective independent earth. The installation may be used as the independent
earth, if the earthing system is proven to be isolated from the neutral.

N terminal (blue), via black test lead, to service neutral (for PoA, connect alligator clip to head of test
L terminal (red), via red test lead, to each service phase

5. Record the impedance values in Cityworks.

6. If the measured value is above the values in 9.4.3 Neutral Integrity Decision Tree, the result must be
approved by the Quality of Supply Officer.

Do not re-energise the installation until advised that it is safe to do so. If reasonably
practicable visually inspect the service and mains between the installation and the
transformer, pay particular attention to connections and terminations being loose,
burnt, damaged or missing

7. If an issue on the neutral is identified and rectified, re-perform this test to verify neutral integrity, keep any
failed connectors or components and raise a Guardian incident, including relevant information and
8. Restore the service neutral (remove test bolt and replace with shear-bolt from house neutral connector
for PoA) – ensure all connections under test are re- tightened and pull tested.

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9. Perform Post-test inspection

9.6 Test 4B - Neutral Integrity by Independent Earth and Voltmeter

Live Test
Used in conjunction with fault loop impedance testing

9.6.1 Neutral integrity by independent earth and voltmeter - equipment required

PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Pacific Test Equipment - Trailing Earth Lead
Fluke 374 Tong Ammeter
Fluke PRV 240 Voltage Proving unit
Insulating materials (e.g. LV insulating mats/covers) where required as identified in the JRA or
relevant SWMS, and applied per Evoenergy procedures
9.6.2 Neutral integrity by independent earth and voltmeter steps
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks
2. Ensure voltage tester is switched to the correct function and voltage range for AC voltage, 0 – 600 V
3. Test and verify the voltage tester on a known low voltage source or approved proving unit.

4. Install independent earth at a minimum distance of 2 metres away from any conductive object embedded
in the ground or connected to the system under test
5. Perform Test 6 - Polarity to confirm the polarity of the supply is correct
6. Isolate the supply and disconnect the neutral.

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7. PART A - Measure and record the voltage between the supply neutral and the independent earth

8. Measure and record the voltages between

i. each phase and neutral;

ii. each phase and independent earth.

9. Measure the current on the main earth with an approved tong ammeter and record the result. If access is
not available – escalate to Quality of Supply

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10. PART B - Install an approved load bank so that it is the only load on the service (individually on each
phase) Use the test bolt for house neutral connector if testing at PoA.

11. Measure and record the voltage between the supply neutral and the independent earth

12. Measure and record the voltages between

i. each phase and neutral and;

ii. each phase and independent earth.

13. PART C - Measure the currents flowing through both the supply neutral and the main earth.

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The neutral must be carrying more than 50% of the total current to be considered acceptable

9.7 Test 5 - Voltage testing

Voltage testing is essential to ensure:
The state of energisation of any cable, conductor or piece of equipment
The correct polarity of cable cores and conductors prior to energising a customer installation or at
any point within the network
The voltage supplied to a customer installation is within the voltage tolerance defined in AS60038
and AS61000.3.100
9.7.1 Voltage testing - equipment required
PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Pacific Test Equipment - Trailing Earth Lead
Fluke 374 Voltage tester
Fluke PRV 240 Voltage Proving unit
Insulating materials (e.g. LV insulating mats/covers) where required as identified in the JRA or
relevant SWMS, and applied per Evoenergy procedures
9.7.2 Steps for voltage testing
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks
2. Ensure tester is switched to the correct function and range for AC voltage, 0-600 Volts
3. Test and verify the voltage tester on a known low voltage source or approved proving unit.
4. Install independent earth at a minimum distance of 2 metres away from any conductive object embedded
in the ground connected to the system under test and connect independent earth to voltage tester lead
5. Voltage test between each phase, and neutral cable conductor, to independent earth. See 9.7.3 for
acceptable voltage tolerances.

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6. Disconnect independent earth and then voltage test between each conductor until each combination of
pairs is tested. See 9.7.3 for acceptable voltage tolerances

7. Record results in Cityworks

8. Prove voltage tester on known low voltage source or approved proving unit

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9.7.3 Voltage Tolerance
The nominal voltage for a low voltage system in Australia, in accordance Australian Standard AS60038 is:
230 Volts measured from a phase to earth or neutral and
400 Volts measured between any two phases.
The voltage tolerance is +10%, -6% of the nominated supply voltage.

Non-compliance with the Australian Standard voltage tolerances listed

in Table 5 may cause damage to network and customer’s equipment

Australian Standard Voltages and Voltage Tolerances for Low Voltage Systems
N to E Independent Earth and Supply Neutral 0 volts 0 – 6 volts
Ø to E Independent Earth and Supply Active(s) 230 volts 216 – 253 volts
Ø to N Supply Neutral to Supply Active(s) 230 volts 216 – 253 volts
Ø to Ø Supply Active/s 400 volts 376 – 440 volts
Ø to Ø Supply Actives of same phase 0 volts 0 – 30 volts

9.7.4 Voltage tolerance escalation process


VOLTAGE >253 volts, A - N Perform neutral integrity (Test 4A), record results on
TOLERANCE Cityworks form, note date, time and weather conditions.
Forward form to Quality of supply for action

<216 volts, A - N Perform neutral integrity (Test 4A), record results on

Cityworks form, note date, time and weather conditions.
Forward form to Quality of supply for action

3∅ VOLTAGE > +10%(23v), 9. Perform neutral integrity (Test 4A)

BALANCE -6%(14v), ∅ - ∅ 10. Forward form to Quality of supply for action

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9.8 Test 6 - Polarity Testing

Live Test
Essential test for proving neutral

In order for polarity testing to be effective the neutral at the installation being tested must be separated from
the earthing system at the PoE/PoA. The earth reference for testing purposes is achieved by the use of an
approved independent earth or system earth as denoted in the earthing hierarchy described in the Electrical
Safety Rules.
Polarity testing is essential to ensure:
The prevention of electric shock by identifying conditions where active and neutral conductors have
been incorrectly connected (transposed).

Note: If the neutral is to be disconnected from the earthing system at an

the actives must be de-energised first

The transposition of active and neutral conductors will result in the energisation of the
earthing system and consequently the energising of exposed conductive parts
connected to the earthing system.

9.8.1 Polarity testing – equipment required

PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Pacific Test Equipment - Trailing Earth Lead
Fluke 374 Voltage tester
Fluke PRV 240 Voltage Proving unit
9.8.2 Polarity testing steps
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks
2. Ensure tester is switched to the correct function and range for AC voltage, 0-600 Volts
3. Test and verify the voltage tester on a known low voltage source or approved proving unit.

4. Install independent earth at a minimum distance of 2 metres away from any conductive object embedded
in the ground connected to the system under test and connect independent earth to voltage tester lead
5. Ensure that the neutral under test is disconnected.

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6. Perform Test 3 – Neutral identification and mark neutral
7. Perform tests and record in Cityworks:
i. Independent earth to neutral – 0 volts

ii. Independent earth to each phase – 230 volts

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iii. Neutral to each phase - 230 volts

iv. Each combination of phase to phase – 400 volts

8. Prove voltage tester on known low voltage source or approved proving unit

9.8.3 Polarity testing escalation process

INCORRECT System voltage on
Do not energise. Apply danger tags/lock out as
POLARITY neutral conductor
Notify supervisor
Investigate and identify source of incorrect polarity by
one or a number of the following:
• Visual inspection (Pre-test)
• Continuity test (Test 7)
• Insulation resistance (Test 8)
• Voltage test at remote end (Test 5)
Rectify polarity
Re-test and confirm polarity correct
Record relevant information in Guardian

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9.9 Test 7 - Continuity Testing

De-energised test
Identifies open circuit situations

Continuity testing is conducted prior to insulation resistance testing to ensure testing there are no open
circuit cores within the cable and to identify and verify the cores have not been transposed in a cable joint or
other connection in the circuit
Continuity testing is also utilised to verify cable “colours” to ensure the correct cores are joined in an inline
joint so that correct polarity and phasing can be achieved. Insulation tape must be used to mark cores
Coloured cable cores do not guarantee that there has not been a “roll” in a cable joint
9.9.1 Continuity testing – equipment required
PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Kyoritsu 3132A Insulation Resistance and Continuity Tester
Test leads, ideally with alligator clamps for creating temporary short circuits for testing
Communication device such as mobile phone or walkie talkie for long cable runs
Insulating materials (e.g. LV insulating mats/covers) where required as identified in the JRA or
relevant SWMS, and applied per Evoenergy procedures
9.9.2 Continuity testing steps
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks
2. Isolate equipment to be tested and perform Test 2 - PROVE DE-ENERGISED
3. Ensure that the equipment under test is isolated from equipment that may affect the test results
4. Install the shorting test leads at the remote end. If a long length of cable is being tested, a second person
with a communication device may be required to operate the short circuit test leads.

5. Select the cores or conductors to be tested. Using an approved insulation resistance tester set on the Ω
setting, test between each core until each combination of pairs is tested.

Results should be within 10% of each other – if not it may indicate

a loose connection and/or a high resistance joint.
A reading of ∞ will indicate non-continuity

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9.10 Test 8 - Insulation Resistance Testing

De-energised test
Hazardous voltages may exist

Insulation resistance testing is a final step prior to energisation of cables and/or equipment and must be
carried out after the cables have been terminated and/or backfilled, the backfill compacted, the cables
clamped. It is used to prove;
Equipment is safe to energise
The apparatus, conductor, associated joints and terminations are not damaged or degrading to a
point that may cause a short in the circuit, or a current leakage resulting electric shock or
temperature rise, further damaging insulation.

Existing cables shall be insulation resistance tested upon de-energisation and

prior to re-energisation to ensure that no damage has occurred while the cable
was de-energised

9.10.1 Insulation resistance tester - Safety

Insulation resistance testers can deliver voltages hazardous to humans and can be damaging to electrical
equipment. It is essential that the person conducting the testing is fully aware of the scope of the test, i.e. all
connected equipment subject to test voltages.
Insulation resistance testing can also cause equipment, particularly cables to retain a voltage after the
testing is complete. This is due to the capacitance characteristic of combinations of conducting and
insulating materials. Long cable runs in particular can store a vast amount of energy and must be discharged
when testing is complete
9.10.2 Insulation resistance tester - Controls
As per the Electrical Safety Rules the person conducting the test must mitigate the risk of electric shock by
assessing the situation and applying applicable controls including:
Communication – Tell people that testing is to be conducted and that they must stand clear until
notified of completion
The use of safety observers – To prevent persons coming into contact with equipment under test
Insulated covers and or mats – To insulate people from equipment under test
Signage/Danger tags - To warn people of equipment under test
Secured cabinets and enclosures – Where reasonably practicable, close and lock doors to prevent
Discharge tested equipment after test – ensure that residual voltage cannot cause electric shock

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9.10.3 Precautions when insulation resistance testing
Electrical and electronic equipment can be irreparably damaged by voltages in excess of the equipment’s
rated value. Test voltages must only be applied to equipment on the Evoenergy side of the network

Fuses, circuit breakers or main switches must be opened to

prevent test voltages being applied to consumer equipment.

Cables and apparatus should not be subjected to insulation resistance tests at a test voltage that is higher
than the rated insulation value specified by the manufacturer of the equipment. This can cause damage and
premature failure of the insulation. Voltage values stated in 9.10.5 must be adhered to and care must be
taken to ensure that insulation resistance testers are set to the correct test voltage prior to testing.
9.10.4 Insulation resistance testing of OH and UG mains and services.
Insulation resistance testing of OH and UG mains and services is mandatory in the following circumstances:
Prior to energising new installations
After the installation of any new or replacement service or mains cable or apparatus
Prior to and after the replacement, augmentation, repair or relocation of service or mains cable or
When a cable or apparatus is suspected to have a fault
When there is any doubt about condition, particularly the integrity of insulation of a cable or

Note: Wet and humid conditions can lower the value of insulation resistance test

9.10.5 Effective insulation resistance testing

As this test is a resistance measurement, it is essential that the test probes and clamps make an effective
connection with the material being tested thus preventing an elevated insulation resistance reading. This can
be achieved by:
Brushing of conductors to remove contaminants and oxidisation
Being aware that dirt, oil, rust, surface coatings such as paint, powder coat, galvanisation, plating
anodising etc. can cause elevated insulation resistance readings. Select an appropriate place to
attach probes and clean surface if necessary

LV apparatus must not be tested at voltages that exceed the apparatus insulation

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CONSUMER MAINS 2 500 1 50 50 Licensed Electrician
CUSTOMER 500 1 1 1 Licensed Electrician
LV UG & OH SERVICES 500 1 100 20 Authorised Worker
LV UG & OH MAINS 500 1 100 20 Authorised Worker
LOW VOLTAGE 500 1 100 20 Authorised Worker
1. A worker with technical knowledge or sufficient experience who has been approved or has the delegated
authority to act on behalf of the electrical distribution company to perform the duty concerned
2. This testing is beyond the network boundary and not normally undertaken by Evoenergy staff
3. New is defined as apparatus that has not previously been commissioned
4. Existing applies to apparatus that has previously been in service
5. When test results do not meet the above requirements see section 11 for Advanced Testing.

Insulation resistance tests must be minimum 1 minute duration

9.10.6 Insulation resistance testing of de-energised existing cables

Network mains or service cables that are to be jointed, repaired, moved, extended or re-terminated should
be insulation resistance tested prior to works commencing. This is to provide a baseline of the condition of
the cable insulation prior to re-energisation. This will assist decision making in regard to fault-finding and re-
energisation if required after final testing (after cables have been clamped, terminated, backfilled and
compacted). There should be no reduction in insulation resistance measured after works are complete.

If the apparatus has not met expected test values, field staff and/or supervisors shall request the
engineer responsible for the asset to assess the energisation of the apparatus. This may require
additional testing and/or site information, the responsible engineer will provide the advice in writing
and with supporting information, whether or not the equipment should be energised. See 9.10.9
Insulation resistance test escalation process.

9.10.7 Insulation resistance testing – equipment required

PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Kyoritsu 3132A Insulation Resistance and Continuity Tester
Pacific Test Equipment - Trailing Earth Lead
Insulating materials (e.g. LV insulating mats/covers) where required as identified in the JRA or
relevant SWMS, and applied per Evoenergy procedures
9.10.8 Insulation resistance testing steps
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks

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2. Isolate equipment to be tested and perform Test 2 - PROVE DE-ENERGISED
3. Ensure that the equipment under test is isolated from equipment that may be adversely affected by the
testing or may affect the test results

4. Select the test voltage on the insulation resistance tester as defined in 9.10.5
5. Connect the test leads together and press test button. The result should be 0Ω. If the result is not 0,
check and replace the batteries and adjust the zero point as described in the manual for the insulation
resistance tester

6. Notify people in vicinity the type testing taking place and the equipment under test. Ensure people cannot
receive a shock from the test, implement controls identified by the JRA,

7. Perform tests and record in Cityworks

Test each combination phase to phase

Test each combination phase to neutral

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Test each combination phase to earth

Test neutral to earth

8. Discharge tested equipment, this can be done by the insulation resistance tester – refer testers cover for

9. Notify people on-site testing and discharging is complete

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9.11 Test 9 - Network Phasing

Live Test
Must be done before connecting two potential sources of supply

The paralleling of network circuits can cause serious injury. Connection of different
phases will result in a short circuit explosive/arc flash environment.

9.11.1 Phasing must be carried out

Prior to closing of links, switches and bridges that will connect one or more active phases
Across network open points after work to conductors or cabling that may affect the phases
connected to either side of the open point
9.11.2 Network phasing equipment required
PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Pacific Test Equipment - Trailing Earth Lead
Fluke 374 Voltage tester
Fluke PRV 240 Voltage Proving unit
Insulating materials (e.g. LV insulating mats/covers) where required as identified in the JRA or
relevant SWMS, and applied per Evoenergy procedures
Neutral identification tags
9.11.3 Steps for Network Phasing

Sides of test will be described as Side 1 and Side 2

1. Perform testing fundamentals checks

2. Test and verify the voltage tester on a known low voltage source or approved proving unit if known
source is not available

3. Identify the neutrals on both sides of the open point by performing Test 3 – Neutral identification.

4. Test voltage between each side (1) & (2) and record results

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i. (1) neutral to (2) neutral (0V)
ii. (1) neutral to (2) A, B, C (230V)
iii. (1) A phase to (2) A (0V)
iv. (1) A phase to (2) B (400V), C (400v), N (230V) and back to A (0V)
v. (1) B phase to (2) B (0V)
vi. (1) B phase to (2) A (400V), C (400V), N (230) and back to B (0V)
vii. (1) C phase to (2) C (0V)
viii. (1) C phase to (2) A (400V),B (400v), N (230V) and back to C (0V)

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9.12 Test 10 - Phase Rotation

Non-contact OR live test

Essential for 3 phase equipment

Phase rotation testing ensures that three phase machines rotate in the correct direction. This ensures safe
and correct operation of rotating machinery.
Three phase machinery rotating in the wrong direction can cause death or serious injury to operators, failure
of machines to operate or operate correctly. This may affect refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment,
pumps etc.

Note: Correct network phasing DOES NOT ensure correct phase rotation

9.12.1 Phase rotation testing must be carried out

After any network alteration that may alter the order of phase connections to an installation. Alterations made
on both the HV and LV networks can affect phase rotation.
For existing network installations, the phase rotation should be tested and recorded prior to being de-
energised. Phase rotation must be recorded in Cityworks.

Note: All new installations must be connected with a CLOCKWISE rotation

For reactive outages, if the phase rotation prior to loss of supply is unknown, the supply must only be
reconnected if the connected three phase equipment can be inspected to ensure correct
rotation/operation. If the there is no access or the rotation of the equipment cannot be ascertained the
service must not be connected and danger tagged until it can be proven safe to energise.

9.12.2 Phase rotation testing equipment required

PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
SEW 890 PR Phase Indicator
Greenlee GT12A Proximity Tester
Insulating materials (e.g. LV insulating mats/covers) where required as identified in the JRA or
relevant SWMS, and applied per Evoenergy procedures
9.12.3 Steps for phase rotation testing
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks
2. Perform Test 1 - PROXIMITY on conductive structures and enclosures associated with the equipment
being tested
3. Connect the phase rotation tester probes or clamps to the supply to be tested. The leads are coloured
red, white and blue and should be connected to the same coloured phase to be tested. If there is no
colouring on the supply being tested, i.e. all black conductor insulation, the conductors must be marked
red, white and blue with insulating tape in the following sequence: left to right, red, white, blue.

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4. Ensure that the installation is disconnected from the network while work is conducted, so that when the
network is restored, the installation remains disconnected until testing is completed and rotation can be
5. Record the phase rotation test results in Cityworks
6. When restoration of the network is completed, perform the following tests and record in Cityworks:
Test 1 Proximity test
Test 3 Neutral identification
Test 4A or 4B Neutral integrity
Test 6 Polarity test
7. Once the above tests are satisfactorily completed, re-perform step 5 to test the phase rotation.

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9.13 Test 11 - Current Measurement With a Tong Ammeter

Non-contact test
Determines circuit load

9.13.1 General
Measuring the current flowing in an active, neutral or earth conductor is useful in determining circuit load, or
current share.
The measurement of current flowing in a conductor can indicate the potential for drawing a dangerous
electric arc if the circuit is opened at a certain point or if the current flowing exceeds the rated braking current
of a piece of electrical apparatus. If the maximum rated breaking load is less than the measured current, the
load must be reduced or the circuit isolated at an adequately rated apparatus
9.13.2 Effective current measurement
The tong ammeter will only provide an accurate result if measuring one conductor's current at a time. If
measuring more than one conductor, conductors must be individually tonged and results added together for
the final overall measurement.
Ensure that the tong is fully closed when taking a measurement otherwise the magnetic circuit will not be
complete and false readings of zero or lower than actual current may occur.
9.13.3 Current measurement equipment required
PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Fluke 374 Tong Ammeter
Greenlee GT12A Proximity Tester
Insulating materials (e.g. LV insulating mats/covers) where required as identified in the JRA or
relevant SWMS, and applied per Evoenergy procedures
9.13.4 Steps for current measurement with a tong ammeter
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks
2. Perform Test 1 - PROXIMITY on conductive structures and enclosures associated with the equipment
being tested
3. Ensure tester is switched to the correct function and range for AC current
4. Ensure that the voltage test leads have both been removed from the input jacks and are not wrapped
around the tester while performing current measurements
5. Open the tong and close around the conductor to be tested and ensure the tong is fully closed and the
two halves of the tong are not misaligned. Centre the conductor between the marks on each tong

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9.14 Test 12 - Pole Leakage Detection

Non-contact test
Performed by all Worker approaching conductive structures

9.14.1 General
Pole leakage detection conducted with an approved pole leakage detector forms part of asset inspection
tasks, however may be utilised at any time that there is uncertainty about a pole having a higher potential
than the surrounding ground.
The pole leakage detection equipment is suitable only for conductive poles such as concrete, steel and CCA
treated timber and poles that have a continuous earthing conductor run down the pole such as substation
poles, poles that have surge arrestors, catenary earthing wires, or uninsulated stay wires.
9.14.2 Pole leakage detection equipment required:
PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Approved pole leakage detector
9.14.3 Steps for pole leakage detection
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks
2. Insert the earth spike into the ground a minimum of 150mm at a minimum distance of 1m away from the
3. Attach free end of earth lead to screwed terminal on earth spike assembly. Attach telescopic probe by
screwing it into the top of the instrument housing.
4. Prove the operation of the instrument by applying the probe to the test terminal on the side of the earth
spike assembly. A deflection of between 3 and 8 divisions proves correct instrument operation. If the
above deflection is not indicated by the instrument, replace the battery. Re-check for full-scale deflection,
if not achieved with a new battery, there is a fault with the instrument and it must be danger tagged and
removed from service
5. To perform leakage test, apply test probe to pole


GREEN No leakage present,
ORANGE Audible sound is heard, Hazard exists, risk assessment to determine next
ZONE Some leakage present action.
RED ZONE Audible sound Contact supervisor, System Control and prevent
There is dangerous leakage any person from approaching pole, beware that
current step potential may be caused and keep 2 metres
of exclusion around pole

9.15 Test 12A - Pole Leakage Detection – High Voltage Pole with
Modiewark GLM MINI
1. Switch the unit to the “ON” position, a Green LED power light will immediately illuminate, indicating good
battery condition and circuitry connectivity.

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2. For power pole testing place the Sensitivity Switch to HIGH (to the RIGHT) and the Sensitivity Dial to the
far RIGHT to position 12.
3. Confirm the low battery LED is still GREEN and continue to step 4. If the (orange) LED illuminates,
replace battery before use or recharge NIMH battery with approved charger and repeat steps 1 - 3.
4. Press the Self-Test Button to check the unit is operating correctly. A repeating tone will be heard
indicating a correct operation. A two second delay will occur between the self-test operation and the
normal unit detection operation. The GLM Mini is ready for operation.
5. It is recommended that regular checks using the self-test function be made before and during the safe
approach of electrical voltage testing.
6. Always hold the GLM MINI with your thumb placed on the indicated position with your arm outstretched.
This allows maximum effectiveness and detection.
7. For the initial calibration procedure on a high voltage system, it is recommended that the minimum
distance from the pole under test be 10 metres and stand directly below the conductor.
8. If trees are in close proximity or low voltage wires are below the high voltage conductors, stand at right
angles (still 10 metres from the pole) to the line and pole to enable the detection of high voltage.

Note: Electric fields from power lines can be disturbed and redirected by objects that are
A tree near a power line will lower the strength of an electric field which may cause
adjustments to the settings on the GLM Mini.
Other factors which influence the electric field and the initial calibration setup include rainy
and humid conditions.

9. After correct test instrument procedure has been carried out, raise the tester above the head and adjust
the sensitivity dial until the voltage in the line above is detected

Method: Placing your right hand on the tester as indicated use the other hand to move the
Sensitivity Dial slowly to the left until the alarm is a strong and continuous sound.

10. If Tester does not alarm If overhead mains cannot be detected by the GLM Mini at arm’s length at HIGH
12. It is our recommendation that with the self-test function showing correct battery voltage and circuit
operation, the self-test function can then be used as a dependable correct safety procedure to approach
the pole.

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Note: If the sensitivity switch and dial are adjusted correctly to pick up the live conductors.
A strong field would produce a switch setting of low sensitivity position and the sensitivity
dial would be in a position suited, to the onsite conditions. A low field would produce a
switch setting of high sensitivity position and sensitivity dial would be in a position suited,
to the onsite conditions.

11. When the overhead line conductor is located (by the activation of the alarm), lower the tester to chest
height, at this point no alarm should be heard. The overhead field will be broken and the approach to the
pole can be made. If the tester continues to alarm at chest height raise it above the head again and
adjust the sensitivity dial one position to the left to desensitise it, then repeat step 11.
Method: By leaving the hand placed on the tester with the thumb as indicated, remove the
other hand and lower the unit to chest height. Note: When using the unit on power lines where
lower voltage mains, i.e., 415V AC are beneath the HV conductors
a null or dead zone will occur. To overcome this situation, move out from beneath the HV line until
the alert tone is heard.
12. Verify the calibration of the overhead mains again to check voltage is still present and lower to chest
height where the alert tone should dissipate. The tester should not alarm in this position or pole test will
not be correct.
13. With the tester at arm’s length approach the pole to be tested.
Method: Whilst approaching the pole keep arm out stretched and your other arm beside your
body; walk calmly and slowly towards the pole, to a point where the Test Area Label is 25mm (1
inch) from pole. If the Tester alarms while approaching the pole, stop and raise the GLM mini
towards the overhead conductors to make sure the GLM Mini is not picking up overhead field, if
field is still broken above (no alert tone) proceed to step 15.
14. If the tester does not alarm there is no significant voltage running through the pole.
Method: At this point to verify results touch the pole with unit on the end marked Test Area only.
The contact will increase sensitivity.

15. If an alert signal is heard do not panic but check your results proceed to step 16.
Method: To check your results take a step back until signal has discontinued then take a step
forward to verify activation of unit. Please note the further you are away from the pole and the
tester is alarming, the higher the leakage in that pole. A set of calibration tables are available for
switch positions and voltages if required.
16. Follow standard isolation procedures with a ten-metre perimeter, assess the area around pole to ensure
no conductive material have contacted pole. I.e., Fences, machinery and water, as where you are
standing may be live.

Note: If a voltage cannot be detected by the GLM Mini at arm’s length at HIGH 12, then
three possible situations can exist:
The overhead mains are not alive.
The overhead mains voltage does not have a strong enough field to be picked up.
Low voltage mains are below the High voltage conductors causing a null.

In these circumstances it is our recommendation that because the self-test function checks battery
and circuitry it can be relied upon (after the self-test procedures have been carried out) that safe pole
approach can be carried out.

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9.16 Test 12B - Pole Leakage Detection – Low Voltage Pole with
Modiewark GLM MINI
9.16.1 General
In situations where a test is required to check the voltage leak of a pole, where low voltage (415 volts) is the
overhead supply, the following procedure is recommended.
1. Switch the unit to the “ON” position, a green LED power light will immediately illuminate, indicating good
battery condition and circuitry connectivity.
2. For low voltage pole testing place the Sensitivity Switch to HIGH (to the RIGHT) and the Sensitivity Dial
to the far RIGHT to position 12. This setting will allow testing with the Modielive mark 3 testing unit which
is supplied separately. If applicable.
3. Confirm the low battery LED is still (green) and continue to step 4. If the (orange) LED illuminates,
replace battery before use or recharge NIMH battery with approved charger and repeat steps 1 - 3.
4. Press the Self-Test Button to check the unit is operating correctly. A repeating tone will be heard
indicating a correct operation. A two second delay will occur between the Self-Test operation and the
normal unit detection operation. The GLM Mini is ready for operation.
5. It is recommended that regular checks using the self-test function be made before and during the safe
approach of electrical voltage testing.
6. Always hold the GLM mini with your thumb placed on the indicated position, with your arm outstretched.
This allows maximum effectiveness and detection.
7. For the initial calibration procedure on a low voltage mains pole keep the pole to be tested at a minimum
distance of three metres (3m) at the initial setup.
8. Place yourself directly under the low voltage line away from hazards such as trees, other electric fields
keeping a distance of 3m from the pole under test.

Note: Electric fields from power lines can be disturbed and redirected by objects that are
grounded. A tree near a power line will lower the strength of an electric field which may
cause adjustments to the settings on the GLM Mini. Other factors which influence the
electric field and the initial calibration setup include rainy and humid conditions.

9. After correct test instrument procedure has been carried out, raise the tester above the head and adjust
the sensitivity dial until the voltage in the line above is detected.
Method: Placing your right hand on the Tester as indicated use the other hand to
move the Sensitivity Dial slowly to the left until the alarm is a strong and continuous
10. If Tester does not alarm If overhead mains cannot be detected by the GLM Mini at arm’s
length, at HIGH 12. It is our recommendation that with the self-test function showing correct battery
voltage and circuit operation, the self-test function can then be used as a dependable correct safety
procedure to approach the pole.

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Note: If the sensitivity switch and the sensitivity dial are adjusted correctly to pick up the
live conductors.
• A strong field would produce a switch setting of low sensitivity position and the sensitivity
dial would be in a position suited, to the onsite conditions.
• A low field would produce a switch setting of high sensitivity position and the sensitivity
dial would be in a position suited, to the onsite conditions.

11. When the overhead line conductor is located (by the activation of the alarm), lower the tester to chest
height, at this point no alarm should be heard. The overhead field will be broken and the approach to the
pole can be made. If the Tester continues to alarm at chest height raise it above the head again and
adjust the sensitivity dial one position to the left to desensitise it, then repeat step 11.
Method: By leaving the hand placed on the Tester with the thumb as indicated, remove
the other hand and lower the unit to chest height.

12. Verify the calibration of the overhead mains again to check voltage is still present and lower
to chest height where the alert tone should dissipate. The tester should not alarm in this position or pole
test will not be correct.
13. With the tester at arm’s length approach the pole to be tested.
Method: Whilst approaching the pole keep arm out stretched and your other arm beside
your body; walk calmly and slowly towards the pole, to a point where the Test Area
Label is 25mm from pole. If the tester alarms while approaching the pole, stop
and raise the GLM mini towards the overhead conductors to make sure the GLM mini is
not picking up overhead field, if field is still broken above (no alert tone) proceed to
step 15.
14. If the tester does not alarm there is no significant voltage running through the pole.
Method: At this point to verify results touch the pole with unit on the end marked Test Area only.
The contact will increase sensitivity.

15. If an alert signal is heard do not panic but check your results proceed to step 16.
Method: To check your results take a step back until signal has discontinued then take a step
forward to verify
activation of unit. Please note the further you are away from the pole and the tester is alarming the
higher the leakage in that pole. A set of calibration tables are available for switch positions and
voltages if required.
16. Follow standard isolation procedures with a ten-metre perimeter, assess the area around pole to ensure
no conductive material have contacted pole. E.g., Fences machinery and water, as where you are
standing may be live.

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Note: If a voltage cannot be detected by the GLM Mini at arm’s length at HIGH 12 then three
possible situations can exist:
• The overhead mains are not alive.
• The overhead mains voltage does not have a strong enough field to be picked up.
• Low voltage mains are below the High voltage conductors.

In these circumstances it is our recommendation that because the self-test function checks battery and
circuitry it can be relied upon (after the self-test procedures have been carried out) that safe pole approach
can be carried out.




IF TEST 12 > 6 volts 1. Notify anyone on-site that may contact the structure or enclosure
INDICATES and take steps to prevent any person coming in contact with the
ENCLOSURE structure
OR 2. If reasonably practicable, isolate source immediately and notify
STRUCTURE Network Controller 02 62707557 or call Evoenergy Call Centre
IS LIVE 131093
3. Apply locks and or danger tags at point of isolation
4. Revisit JRA, include the voltage level found with isolation and
testing as the control
5. Conduct Test 2 - PROVE DE-ENERGISED at point originally
6. Investigate and repair if reasonably practicable, or call
supervisor for assistance
7. Record relevant information, take photographs and report live
structure to supervisor and in Aria
IF ISOLATION 1. Notify anyone on-site that may contact the structure or enclosure
IS NOT and take steps to prevent any person coming in contact with the
REASONABLY structure
PRACTICABLE 2. If you are working alone, call your supervisor for assistance
OR TESTER 3. Notify Low Voltage Network Controller 02 62707557 or call
DOES NOT Evoenergy Call Centre 131093
HAVE 4. Guard the structure to prevent persons from receiving a shock
APPROPRIATE until the site can be de-energised and rectification works are
TRADE completed
CERTIFICATE 5. Record relevant information, take photographs and report live
structure to supervisor and in Aria

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2021 • PO07249 • V11

10.1 Test DC1 - Prove de-energised (DC)

Live test
Test before you touch

All DC cables, conductors and equipment must

be proven de-energised prior to being worked on

This test must be conducted in the following circumstances:

Prior to the access of Secondary and battery equipment as per Energised Low Voltage Works
Prior to working on secondary cables
As required by the Electrical Safety Rules
In some Evoenergy installations such as zone substations, the DC source negative is connected to
earth and there is a y+60VDC and a y-60VDC rail measuring at y120VDC across the two rails. A
negative reading carries the same potential as a positive reading and poses the same risk.
In environments where there is both AC and DC voltages present, prove de-energised tests should
be undertaken with the tester in DC AND AC voltage functions

10.1.1 Prove DC de-energised - equipment required

PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Fluke 374 Voltage tester
Fluke PRV 240 Voltage Proving unit
Insulating materials (e.g. LV insulating cable caps, mats/covers) where required as identified in the
JRA or relevant SWMS, and applied per Evoenergy procedures
10.1.2 Steps for proving DC de-energised Electrical apparatus
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks
2. Ensure tester is switched to the correct function and range for DC voltage.
3. Test the voltage tester on a known DC source or approved proving unit switched to DC, then switch both
the tester and proving unit to AC and re-test.

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4. Voltage test between a known earth, and any DC conductor and repeat test in AC volts function. A
reading of 0 volts for both AC and DC should be indicated on the voltage test device.

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5. Disconnect from known earth and voltage test between each DC conductor until each combination is
tested in both AC and DC volts. A reading of 0 volts must be indicated on the voltage test device for
each test.

6. Prove voltage tester on known low voltage source or approved proving unit switched to in both AC and
DC functions

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10.2 Test DC2 - Voltage Testing (DC)
DC Voltage testing is essential to ensure:
The state of energisation of any cable, conductor or piece of equipment
The correct polarity of cable cores and conductors and terminals
10.2.1 DC Voltage testing - equipment required
PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Fluke 374 Voltage tester
Fluke PRV 240 Voltage Proving unit
Insulating materials (e.g. LV insulating cable caps, mats/covers) where required as identified in the
JRA or relevant SWMS, and applied per Evoenergy procedures
10.2.2 Steps for DC voltage testing
1. Perform testing fundamentals checks
2. Ensure tester is switched to the correct function and range for DC voltage
3. Test and verify the voltage tester on a known low voltage source or approved proving unit switched to

4. Voltage test between each conductor or terminal and note results

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Section 11 contains details of low voltage tests that can be applied to cables and apparatus in circumstances
where additional detail is required such as:
• Where expected values have not been met during mandatory insulation resistance testing and
further diagnostic information is required for an engineering decision on insulation condition in
regard to re-energisation
• Where specific testing has requested as part of the works
• Where the responsible engineer has agreed to substitute advanced test(s) as an alternative to
mandatory testing

11.1 Time-resistance tests

Insulation resistance tests of one minute duration as described in Section 9.10 are considered a spot reading
or short-time resistance test. A further indication of the condition of the insulation can be achieved by testing
and recording readings at different intervals and over a longer time period.
The typical time resistance test used by Evoenergy is a combination of two different tests:
1. Dielectric absorption test
A one minute, four reading test at 500 volts that provides an indication of the presence of accumulated
moisture in the cable. Values are recorded at 15, 30, 45 and 60 seconds. The test is performed between
each phase and the earth connected to the remaining phases and neutral. The recorded insulation
values must steadily climb over the four readings recorded across a minute.
2. Polarisation index test
A ten minute, ten reading test at 500 volts with values recorded every minute. The test is performed
between each phase and the earth connected to the remaining phases and neutral. All three phases and
neutral are tested. The recorded insulation values must steadily climb over the ten minute period
Both tests can be carried out together as they utilise the same test connections and voltage. The two tests
may provide indication of cable moisture content and degradation of cable insulation.

It is assumed for the purpose of this testing that Test 9.10 Insulation resistance
testing has occurred and that all relevant steps from Section 9.10 have been

11.1.1 Time-resistance testing – Equipment required

PPCE as per Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
Kyoritsu 3132A Insulation Resistance and Continuity Tester
Pacific Test Equipment - Trailing Earth Lead
Insulating materials (e.g. LV insulating mats/covers) where required as identified in the JRA or
relevant SWMS, and applied per Evoenergy procedures
Test leads, ideally with alligator clamps for creating temporary short circuits for testing
A time measuring device such as a stopwatch or mobile phone

11.1.2 Steps for Time-resistance testing

1. Perform testing fundamentals checks

2021 • PO07249 • V11 88

2. Isolate equipment to be tested and perform Test 2 - PROVE DE-ENERGISED note that if a short-time
resistance test (Test 9.10) has already been performed, the cables and equipment must be discharged
prior to time-resistance testing.
3. Ensure that the equipment under test is isolated from equipment that may be adversely affected by the
testing or may affect the test results
4. Install test leads connecting the earth to the remaining phases and neutral that are not being tested
5. Select the test voltage of 500 volts on the insulation resistance tester
6. Connect the test leads together and press test button. The result should be 0Ω. If the result is not 0,
check and replace the batteries and adjust the zero point as described in the manual for the insulation
resistance tester

Ensure that insulation resistance tester batteries are in good condition to test each
phase for ten minutes. If batteries go flat during these tests, the entire test will
need to be re-done after discharging the cable or equipment.

7. Notify people in vicinity the type testing taking place and the equipment under test. Ensure people cannot
receive a shock from the test, implement controls identified by the JRA,
8. Perform the test on each active core and neutral

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9. Record the results at each interval specified by either the polarisation index or dielectric absorption test
noting Ω kΩ or MΩ and submit to the requestor.
Note that the expected values in Table 1 Section 9.10 are not normally applicable to time resistance
testing as these tests do not have a pass/fail value but show a trend in the readings over the time period.
This trend may be view numerically or graphically.

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11.1.3 Low Voltage Insulation Test Escalation Process

2021 • PO07249 • V11 91

7.0 Complete rewrite Wayne Cleland

8.0 Added neutral integrity at PoA and Wayne Cleland

amended insulation resistance testing
escalation path

9.0 Update to new template and amended Wayne Cleland

insulation resistance testing escalation
path. Inclusion of Advanced testing

10 Update to align with training package. Wayne Cleland

Minor changes

11 Updated to include Modiewark GLM Brendan Commons

MINI pole leakage test. Changed PPE
to PPC, Change PI test to Timed IR



Group Manager Strategy and 17/12/2021 17/12/2023


2021 • PO07249 • V11



PROXIMITY TESTER Check batteries Not required
Check test lead insulation
Check for damage on instrument
TONG AMMETER / Check batteries 12 months
VOLT METER Check test lead insulation
Check lead continuity
Check for damage on instrument
Prove voltage test
PHASE ROTATION Check batteries Not required
TESTER (CONTACT OR Check test lead insulation
Check for damage on instrument
INDEPENDENT EARTH Continuity check <10Ω Not required
Check connections
Inspect insulation
INSULATION Check batteries 12 months
RESISTANCE TESTER Check test lead insulation
Check for damage on instrument
Check lead continuity

FAULT LOOP Check batteries 12 months

IMPEDANCE TESTER Check test lead insulation
Check lead continuity
Check for damage on instrument
TEMPORARY LOAD Check batteries Not required
BANK Check test lead insulation
Check for damage on instrument
POLE LEAKAGE Check batteries Not required
DETECTOR Check for damage on instrument
Check probe and leads
ModieWark GLM mini Check Batteries Prior to use
Pole Tester Check for damage on instrument and at intervals
Check self test during period
of use

2021 • PO07249 • V11 93




CROSSARM Low voltage crossarms 1197422


ZIP TIE Neutral cables, cable 1197433

NEUTRAL cores and conductors

DANGER TAG Electrical apparatus Laminated-

Paper- 1204418

OUT OF Damaged or defective 1195926

SERVICE TAG test equipment

DANGER LIVE Service protection 1204649

STICKER devices when the service
has been energised

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