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October 2016

Future full1 of energy



• HPCL’S MISSION & VISION....................................................02



1. PETROL PUMP (RETAIL OUTLETS)........................................08

2. AUTO LPG...............................................................................15

3. CNG.........................................................................................20

4. KEROSENE..............................................................................24

5. LPG..........................................................................................28



7. AVIATION................................................................................46

8. PROJECTS & PIPELINES.........................................................52

9. Engineering & projects...................................................60

10. Central Procurement Organisation (CPO)..............66

11. HUMAN RESOURCES.............................................................70

12. RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT..............................................79

13. Complaint / Public Grievance Redressal


14. HPCL LOCATIONS..................................................................82

15. IMPORTANT WEBSITES.........................................................97


The main objective of Citizens’/Clients’ Charter

is to improve the quality of public services.

This is done by letting people know the

mandate of the Corporation, how to reach

Company’s officials, what to expect in terms

of services and how to seek a remedy in case

of problem.

The Citizen’s Charter by itself, does not create

any legal right, but it surely helps in enforcing

the existing rights.

As per the directives / guidelines issued by DARPG

on 30th June 2010

Mission & Vision

Our Mission
HPCL, along with its joint ventures, will be a fully
integrated company in the hydrocarbons sector of
exploration and production, refining and marketing;
focusing on enhancement of productivity, quality and
profitability; caring for customers and employees;
caring for environment protection and cultural heritage.

It will also attain scale dimensions by diversifying into

other energy related fields and by taking up transnational

Our Vision
To be a World Class Energy Company known for
caring and delighting the customers with high quality
products and innovative services across domestic
and international markets with aggressive growth
and delivering superior financial performance. The
Company will be a model of excellence in meeting
social commitment, environment, health and safety
norms and in employee welfare and relations.



A. What is Citizens’/Clients’ Charter ?

The Citizens’ / Clients’ Charter (CCC) is a written declaration by a Government

Department / Organization that highlights the standards of service delivery that
it subscribes to, avenue for grievance redress and other related information. In
other words, it is a set of commitments made by a Department to the Citizens’
/ Clients’ groups with respect to standards of service which it delivers. Though
not enforceable in the court of law, the CCC is intended to empower citizens and
clients so that they can demand committed standard of service and avail remedies
in case of non-compliance by service provider organization. This exercise, if
appropriately conceived and carried out can enthuse and enable organizations
to tune their planning, policy and performance to the needs and concerns of
citizens / stakeholders / users / clients.

B. When was it introduced by Government of India ?

Over the years, with India making significant economic progress and with
substantial increase in the literacy rate, citizens have increasingly become
aware of their rights and expect the administration not merely to respond to
their demands but also to anticipate them. Since 1996, a consensus has evolved
in the Government on effective and responsive administration. It was with this
background that in the Conference of Chief Ministers of States and UTs held
on 24, 1997, and presided over by the then Prime Minister, an Action Plan for
effective and responsive Government at the Center and State levels was adopted.
One of the major decisions taken in the Conference was that Departments would

formulate Citizens’ Charters starting with those sectors that have large public
interface. Since then various Government Departments / organizations have
made their CCCs. In the Central Government, Department of Administrative
Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) has been entrusted with the task of
coordinating and operationalizing the CCC.

Ability to deliver promised results is a necessary condition for improving the

perception of a Government, but it is not necessarily a sufficient one. Citizens
and clients also expect that results should be delivered with courtesy within a
reasonable time frame. Towards this end, in its meeting of January 28, 2010,
it was decided by the High Power Committee on Government Performance to
include Citizens’ / Clients’ Charter in the Results Framework Documents (RFDs) of
all 62 departments for the year 2010-2011.

The RFD provides a summary of the most important results that a department
expects to achieve during the financial year. The document has two objectives:

(a) To move the emphasis of the department from process-orientation to result-

orientation, and

(b) To provide an objective and fair basis to evaluate the department’s overall
performance at the end of the year. It means that departments set their own
targets consistent with those agreed with the Planning Commission and
the Ministry of Finance. These RFDs are vetted by an independent body of
non-government experts and are placed on the respective website of the
departments. RFD is part of the Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
System (PMES), approved by the then Prime Minister in 2009. For further
details visit :

C. What has been the progress in implementation of CCC ?

While Government of India introduced the idea of Citizens’ / Clients’ Charter

way back in 1997, the track record of implementation in the beginning was less

than satisfactory. In spite of strong endorsement by the Second Administrative
Reforms Commission, only a handful of departments in the State and Central
Government drafted CCCs. The quality of CCC drafts was also not very satisfactory
and most of them were drafted as a mere formality without any rigorous quality
control over the commitments. As a result, these CCC drafts were neither useful
for measuring performance of departments with respect to this important aspect
nor were there any actions specified for failing to meet the commitments listed in

D. Why were CCCs included as a mandatory indicator in RFD ?

The then Cabinet Secretary, in the year 2009, asked the Performance Management
Division (PMD) to look into the ways of improving implementation record with
respect to CCCs. It was observed that departments were not taking the CCC
exercise seriously as there was no action for non-compliance. In view of the
above findings, it was decided by the High Power Committee on Government
Performance to include development and implementation of Citizens’ / Clients’
Charter (CCC) and Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM) as mandatory
indicators in the RFDs for 2013-14 of all 62 departments.

C. Recent implementation efforts :

With the above decision, the Performance Management Division (PMD), Cabinet
Secretary, has worked closely with the DARPG to develop a set of user-friendly
Guidelines for implementing Sevottam Compliant Citizens’ / Clients’ Charter and
Grievance Redress Mechanism. These Guidelines have been further refined after
getting stakeholders’ feedback. PMD also collaborated with DARPG to organize
series of workshops on designing and implementing Citizens’ / Clients’ Charters
and Grievance Redress Mechanism in Government departments.

PMD in collaboration with National Informatics Centre (NIC) designed a software

to enable departments covered under the RFD Policy to create on-line Citizens’
/ Clients’ Charter (CCC). This is the first of its kind software which has greatly
improved the quality and made CCCs more meaningful as it lays accountability
for implementing them. To ensure effective implementation and usage of this
software, PMD organized several trainings / workshops in collaboration with NIC.

Keeping with the motto “what gets measured gets done”, PMD organized several
meetings with departments to review progress in implementing the Citizens’ /
Clients’ Charter and to get feedback on functioning of respective department’s
CCCs. These meetings were organized for all 62 departments who were requested
to present their progress to the members of the Ad-Hoc Task Force (ATF) dealing
with their department.

ATF members represent a body of non-Government experts consisting of

distinguished academicians from leading management institutes, former
Secretaries to Government of India, Chief Secretaries, private sector management
experts and former Chiefs of public enterprises. In addition to reviews by PMD
and ATF, these CCCs were also reviewed by a team from the Indian Institute of
Management, Bangalore (IIMB). The feedback on each CCC was conveyed to
respective departments and revised CCCs were incorporated accordingly.

Source: Adapted from Government of India Citizens’ & Clients’ Charter.

• What are Retail Outlets / Petrol Pumps ?
• What is available at Retail Outlets ?
• What are Petrol / Diesel / CNG / Branded Fuels ?
• What are the mandatory facilities / services available at Retail Outlets ?
• How Quality / Quantity are maintained at Retail Outlets ?
• How to lodge a complaint ?
The answers to the above queries are given below :
1. What is Petrol Pump ?
• The most common point of contact of customers with Oil Industry is the
Petrol Pump. In Oil Industry parlance, Petrol Pumps are referred to as Retail
Outlets (ROs).
• As per the existing Government policy, Petrol Pumps can be set up by Public
Sector Oil Companies as well as Private Sector Oil Companies dealing in
storage and distribution of petroleum products as per guidelines. Presently,
the Oil Companies engaged in retail business of automotive fuels are IOC,
HPC, BPC, NRL, MRPL, ONGC, RIL, Essar and Shell.

2. Products Marketed at Retail Outlets :

• Petrol, in technical language is called “Motor Spirit” (MS). It is mainly
used in passenger vehicles such as 2 / 3 wheelers and cars. At present,
HPCL markets two types of Petrol across the country, i.e. normal Petrol and
branded Petrol.
ú Normal Petrol: Normally used as a fuel for spark ignition internal
combustion engines such as passenger cars, two wheelers, three
wheelers, etc.
ú Branded Petrol: This is preferred by new generation vehicles. It is

slightly costlier than normal Petrol. It has additives for optimizing
performance of vehicles. It is sold under the brand name “poWer”.
ú poWer provides benefits like cleaning and prevention of carbon
deposits, reduced smoke / emissions, better acceleration & pick up
and smooth driving experience.
ú Ethanol Blended Petrol : The Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
has notified marketing of Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP). The Practice
of labeling on the pump is recommended for ethanol marketing.
To ensure presence of ethanol, EBMS field test is recommended in
the specification of EBMS and also under MDG. The customer can
detect ethanol by mixing 100 ml of EMBS with 30 ml of water and by
following field test procedure as described in specification / MDG.
• High Speed Diesel (HSD): HPCL markets two types of Diesel across the
country i.e. Normal diesel and Branded diesel.
ú Normal Diesel : These are used in heavy commercial vehicles,
buses, tractors, motor cars, pump sets and in various other diesel
engine driven applications.
ú Branded Diesel : This is preferred by new generation vehicles and
is sold by HPCL under the brand Name “Turbojet”, which contains
multi-functional additive that enhances the performance of new
generation vehicles and ensures peak engine performance.
• Lubricants : This is a vital product for healthy life of an engine. A lubricant
is a viscous product used in the engine for its smooth functioning. Different
grades of lubricants are needed for different engines, gear box and other
components. The RO dealer can guide on the recommended grade of
lubricant for the vehicle. HPCL regularly develops new products to cater to
different needs of the customers.
• Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): CNG is an environment friendly fuel
and available in major towns where it has been introduced depending on
availability of Grid and Gas.
ú CNG is available at select outlets of the Company in some cities.
There are also stand-alone ROs for CNG in select cities.
ú CNG can be used in vehicles which are fitted with a special kit meant
for the purpose. The vehicle needs mechanical change for its use.

ú Its availability is being gradually increased in more cities / ROs.
• Auto LPG:
ú ALPG meets BIS standard IS:14861 which has Octane Number of 88
ú ALPG is a clean and environment friendly fuel.

3. Facilities provided at Retail Outlets:

• Facilities: A Retail Outlet is not just a place for meeting fuel needs. It offers
a range of services which can be classified as under:
ú Mandatory Facilities: These are the facilities which every retail outlet
must provide. These include free air, display of working hours and
display of name and telephone number of oil company personnel
for the convenience of customers. First Aid Box, toilet and safety
equipment as per statutory requirements such as fire extinguishers
and sand buckets etc. are also available at retail outlets.
ú Other Facilities: For the convenience of customers these additional
facilities may be provided by dealers at the retail outlet premises.
These include water-coolers, convenience stores, snack bars, dhabas
and rest-rooms, bathing and washing space for truckers, telephone
facility- PCO/STD, ATM, servicing / repair shop, tyre shop, loyalty
card program etc.
• Quality: The term “quality” implies that the product you are buying is
meeting the prescribed specifications and is free from any contamination
or adulteration. The customers can ensure quality by carrying out specific
checks for different products as listed below :
ú Filter Paper Test (for Petrol)
a) Clean the mouth of the dispensing nozzle to remove stains.
b) Put a drop of petrol on the filter paper from the nozzle.
c) It should evaporate in about 2 minutes without leaving a stain on
the filter paper. (If the area of the filter paper where the drop of
MS was put remains pinkish, it is the colour of the MS and not any
stain). If a stain is left on the filter paper then there is a possibility
of adulteration.
ú Customer should immediately lodge a complaint if Filter paper is
not available at the Retail Outlet for testing of Petrol. It is the duty of
the Dealer to provide filter paper on demand by the customer.
ú Density Check (for Petrol and Diesel, including branded fuels)
a) A 500 ml jar, calibrated hydrometer, thermometer and ASTM
(American Society for Testing of Materials) conversion charts are
required to carry out density test. Hydrometer is a very simple
instrument for measuring density of any liquid, which is different
for petrol and diesel.
b) Fill about 3/4th of the jar with the product taken through nozzle of
the Dispensing unit.
c) Dip the thermometer and hydrometer in the jar and record the
temperature and density.
d) The actual density observed is then converted to density at
15 degree centigrade with the help of conversion chart. This
converted density is then compared with the reference density
taken from the density register maintained by the Retail Outlet.
ú Checks for Lubricants: Please check the seal of container, date of
manufacture and name of the manufacturer. For the convenience
of 2/3 wheeler segment, Retail Outlets generally provide self-mixing
(petrol-oil mix) dispensers, 2T dispensers and they also keep tamper
proof 2T/4T pouches.
• Quantity :
ú It is mandatory for each retail outlet to keep a calibrated 5 litre
measure, stamped by Weights and Measures Department every
year, to verify quantity.
ú Quantity can be checked with 5 liter measure. The permissible
variation due to any unforeseen malfunctioning of the dispensing
unit is 25 ml in 5 liters which is to be rectified immediately.
• Price : The selling prices of products are displayed prominently at the outlet.
Customers must ensure to take cash memo for every purchase.
• Other useful tips for customers : Meter to be set to zero before starting
delivery and final reading to be checked after delivery.

• Malpractices / Unauthorized Activities : In case a citizen comes across any of
the following possible malpractices, he/she may contact Company’s Officer
whose name & contact number is displayed at the Retail Outlet.
ú Adulteration : There is a Possibility of adulteration, by mixing
cheaper homogeneous products in petrol or diesel. Adulterated
product will definitely affect the performance of vehicle. In such
case, one should carry out the filter paper / density check as
explained above.
ú Short Delivery: Although all dispensing units (Machines delivering
petrol / diesel) are annually calibrated and sealed/stamped by
Weights & Measure Department and also periodically checked by
the Company Officer, there could be a possibility of tampering or
machine malfunctioning. As mentioned earlier, a citizen has the right
to check the quantity delivered with a duly calibrated and stamped
5-litre measure available at petrol pump.
ú Overcharging: The dealer is not allowed to overcharge for the
product sold. The prices of products are always displayed at the
retail outlets. One must ensure to take a cash memo for every

4. Cashless Transactions
HPCL has been in the forefront to promote Cashless economy. Various
initiative taken by HPCL to facilitate easy payment options for customers are as
under :
• Cashless Transactions across Retail outlet network include Loyalty/
Credit Cards / Debit Cards and Mobile Wallets.
• Multiple Wallet options available at Retail Outlets, namely Paytm,
Freecharge, Mobikwik, Ola Money, mRupee, SBI e-Buddy, Jio
Money, Airtel Money, Idea Money, UDIO Wallet, Vodafone Mpesa.
• Micro ATMs in partnership with IDFC Bank and Oxigen, are available
at many retail outlets
• Cash at POS at 700+ outlets
• ICICI has launched an QR code based UPI solutions for all HPCL

outlets in Delhi and Mumbai, which allows money transfer between
any two bank accounts by using a smartphone.
• FASTag rolled out by NHAI for Electronic Toll Collection, HPCL
dealers are authorized to sell and recharge FasTags to customers.
• HPCL Official Website hosts list of Outlets providing Cash at POS and
list of outlets with cashless modes of transactions for information to
customers, list of new outlets get updated on a daily basis
• Charges and incentives for Digital Transactions.
[a] HPCL offers 0.75% Incentive for all Digital Payments at Petrol
Pumps. This will be in the form of “Cash Back”, which will be
credited to the card holder’s Bank Account.
[b] There are no charges on debit card transactions at HPCL petrol
pumps. In case, any such charge is levied on the usage of
Debit Card, then the customers may please take up with their
respective Bank who has issued the Debit Card. HPCL will not
be responsible for such Charges.
[c] For Credit Cards, a maximum of 1% of Convenience fee will be
charged by the Bank to the Customers.

5. Safety – Our utmost concern :

• Petroleum products are highly inflammable and are, therefore, dangerous
if not handled properly. Their handling is strictly governed by Petroleum &
Explosives Safety Organization (PESO) Rules. A Petrol Pump is a licensed
premise and all activities are carried out with strict adherence to PESO Rules.
• For the safety of all concerned, the following precautions must be observed:
ú Switch off the engine before taking delivery of fuel (to avoid possible
fire caused by spillage of fuel)
ú Please DO NOT smoke within the Petrol Pump premises.
ú Never light a match stick within the Petrol Pump premises.
ú It is advisable to get off the vehicle while refuelling.
ú It is not advisable to carry petrol / diesel in plastic / glass bottles.

6. Complaints :
• For any unsatisfactory service or product, customer may please bring it to the
notice of the dealer immediately or in his absence, the Manager. However,
if the explanation given by the Dealer or Manager is not satisfactory, a
customer can record the complaint in the Complaint and Suggestion Book
available at each petrol pump or contact Company’s Sales Officer on phone.
• A written complaint can also be sent to Company’s Sales Officer, Regional
Office or a complaint can be lodged through helpline - 1800 2333 555 or
155233. Contact details are displayed at each Retail Outlet. Complaint can also
be lodged through Website - or
• Each complaint received by letter, through the website or entered into
the Complaint / Suggestion book is investigated by Company Officer and
suitable action is taken to resolve the complaint.

7. Selection of Retail Outlet Dealer :

After identifying the location for setting up retail outlet dealership, HPCL releases
an advertisement in newspapers [one English and one Hindi/Vernacular] inviting
applications from candidates belonging to the category for which the location is
reserved. The eligibility criteria, terms & conditions, and procedures for selection
are described in the advertisements as and when they are released and in the
“Brochure for Selection of Dealers for Regular & Rural Retail Outlets”. The
Brochure is available on our The same
can also be obtained from our Retail Regional Office on payment of Rs. 100/=.
Application can be made only in the prescribed format for the locations advertised
by HPCL. Completed applications have to be submitted to the concerned Regional
Office within the time limit as stipulated in the advertisement.
HPCL has got 63 Retail Regional Offices across the country. Please contact
the nearest Regional Office for any further information on the Retail Business
activities by HPCL.
For more details, please visit our website or

• What is Auto LPG ?

• What are the advantages / availability of Auto LPG ?

• Why should we not use detachable LPG cylinders in Vehicles ?

• What is Auto LPG conversion kit, its components and functions ?

• Is it mandatory to get the endorsement on Registration of Vehicle after fitting

Auto LPG Kit ?

The answers to the above queries are given below:

1. Why Auto LPG (ALPG ) :

• In India, LPG has been officially recognized as an auto fuel in 2002 with
due amendments of all relevant Acts / Rules by the Central and State
governments. Use of LPG as automotive fuel is an age-old practice in various

• Advantages of Auto LPG :

ú ALPG is a clean & environment friendly fuel.

ú ALPG meets BIS standard IS:14861 which has Octane Number of 88


ú ALPG fitment in vehicles is safe.

ú Less pollution and smooth running.

ú Availability in major cities and towns.

• Availability of Auto LPG :

ú ALPG is available at various retail outlets of HPCL. The details of

Auto LPG Dispensing Stations (ALDS) are available on our website-

ú The details of operating ALDS including that of Private Marketers
can also be accessed from the website:

• Operation of Auto LPG Dispensing Stations (ALDS) :

ú ALDS installation is governed by the guidelines of Petroleum &

Explosive Safety Organization (PESO).

ú Auto LPG is a freely priced product with no government controls/

subsidy. Each company can fix the price of ALPG based on its own
commercial considerations.

ú Auto LPG is delivered on volumetric basis.

ú The quality of Auto LPG is governed by IS: 14861.

ú Auto LPG Dispensers are periodically calibrated using a master

calibration kit.

ú In case of any grievance regarding quality and quantity of Auto LPG

delivered, the customer can make a complaint to the Sales Officer
of the company whose contact details are displayed at the ALDS.

• Why should we not use detachable LPG cylinders in vehicles ?

ú As per CMVR 115 C, only fixed Auto LPG tank with its safety gadgets,
approved by PESO, is allowed in motor vehicles.

ú Use of cylinders, other than approved ALPG fixed tank, is highly

unsafe and prohibited under law.

ú Auto LPG tank shall neither be replaced by domestic/commercial/

industrial LPG cylinder nor with the cylinders containing any other

• General instructions for motorists :

ú LPG being highly inflammable, any hot work (welding/gas cutting/

brazing etc.) on the body or other parts of LPG driven vehicle should
only be done by trained staff at authorized work shop.

ú Repair of LPG tank is not permitted under any circumstances.
However, repair/maintenance of Auto LPG system and its
components should be carried out at authorized workshops. Ideally,
repairs should be done by the same Retrofitter who has originally
fitted ALPG system to the vehicle.

ú Auto LPG tank and the piping system should be checked regularly
for any leakage. The Auto LPG Cylinder has to be tested periodically
in line with statutory requirements.

ú In case of leakage in the LPG system, cut off LPG supply and park the
car in open area, away from ignition sources. Move all the people to
a safe distance from the vehicle, opposite wind direction and seek
assistance of nearest authorized installer / workshop.

ú Do not use domestic or any other detachable LPG cylinder as auto

fuel, as it is a punishable offence under Law and is also highly unsafe.

ú Auto LPG re-fueling to the vehicle tank should be done only at the
authorized ALDS, through the dispensing nozzle. Do not fill domestic
LPG or any other gas in a LPG tank.

ú Domestic LPG does not meet Octane requirement of Auto LPG and
it may damage Engine in the long run.

ú After refueling LPG, please ensure that the dust plug is inserted back
on the filler valve.

ú It is recommended to run the vehicle 5-7 KMs in petrol mode after

every 100-150 Kms run in LPG mode, to keep the petrol system in
good condition.

ú It is a good practice to put the selector switch in neutral position for

a while before switching over to LPG. Switching over directly from
petrol mode to LPG may lead to engine stalling or backfire due to
mixing of both fuels.

ú Never tamper with any of the components in the LPG system.

ú Any other safety recommendation by vehicle / kit manufacturer

should be strictly followed.

• Auto LPG conversion kit, its components and functions :

ú LPG conversion kit: ALPG conversion kit is a complete system

assembly for converting a vehicle to run on LPG on bi-fuel mode. It
has mainly three parts:

ú ALPG tank with its accessories fixed in the boot of the car. For
3-wheeler vehicles, the auto LPG tank is installed under the driver’s

ú LPG delivery system through Vaporizer - Regulator and Ventura


ú LPG control mechanism - Closed loop system (ECU, stepper motor

/ Injector(s), Emulator and Oxygen sensor etc.) or open loop system
(manual power screw without any feedback mechanism)

• Auto LPG Tank (ALT) and accessories :

ú Auto LPG tank is a metallic cylinder or a container of suitable

capacity for filling LPG to be used as fuel for Spark Ignition (S.I.)
motor vehicles. The tank should be approved by Chief Controller
of Explosives under Gas Cylinders Rules 1981 and must meet the
requirements as per IS:14899 (as amended from time to time)

ú Unlike normal LPG cylinder, each auto LPG tank is fitted with Multi-
Function Valve for protection of the vehicle system and safety of the
passenger and surroundings. It is an assembly for mounting on auto
LPG tank for filling and withdrawal of LPG along with safety devices

a) Automatic fills limiter
b) Service value
c) Excess Flow Check Valve
d) Pressure Relief Valve
e) Fusible Plug
f) Content Gauge
g) Non-Return Valve on fill connector
ú Multi-function, Valve Assembly shall conform to latest Indian
Standard (amended from time to time) and approved by Chief
Controller of Explosives, PESO).

2. Approval of Transport Authority :

After installing Auto LPG kit in your vehicle, it is mandatory for you to get its
registration book endorsed by the local RTO.


1. Specifications of CNG :

The broad range of the various Natural Gas compositions of C1, C2 and C3 is
82.43 to 99.10, 19m 7, 27 to 0.90 and 3.47 to 0.000 respectively. The average
calorific value (Kcal/SCM) is 8150 to 8950.

2. Advantages of CNG :

• Safety: Lighter than air hence, in case of leakage there is no dangerous

accumulation of gas as it disperses in the air. It is unlikely to ignite due to
High ignition temperature and Narrow range of ignition. It has lowest injury
and death rate per vehicle mile. CNG cylinders are structurally most sound
and pass the severest of tests.

• Environmental Protection: The burning of CNG does not leave behind any
impurities, Sulphur (S), Lead (Pb), and Aromatic Polycyclic Hydrocarbons. It
leaves very low level of polluting gaseous emissions without smell and dust.
In comparison to other fossil fuels, CNG prevents the reactive processes
which lead to the formation of Ozone (O3) in the troposphere.

• Economical: It is cheaper than conventional fossil fuels. It’s payback period

is short.

• Technical: CNG has a very high anti-knock index (more than 120 ON). It
does not require refining plant or any additive doses and can be used
immediately after it is produced. It has no evaporation leaks and spills like
other fuels, both during re-fueling and feeding of the car. Its combustion
produces a very low quantity of carbon deposits (permits a longer life of
lubricant oil).

3. CNG for Automobiles -

• HPCL along with other Oil PSUs has taken initiatives to introduce CNG as a
clean fuel to reduce/control the vehicular emission.

• All types of vehicles can run on CNG by installing CNG kits. CNG kit is an
assembly of many components required to run existing vehicle on CNG.
There are few basic components, which are common in all types of kits,
irrespective of the vehicles such as CNG storage cylinder, high pressure
tube, pressure regulator, pressure gauge, change over switch, high pressure
tube fittings, refueling receptacle and air fuel mixer.

• Major components of CNG kit for carburetor fitted petrol vehicle are Pressure
Regulator, Petrol Solenoid Valve with manual over rise switch (Stops petrol
flow when operating on CNG); On-Off valve and refueling connector (Opens
or stops gas flow to the regulator and includes a refueling device); Control
Module / Change-over Switch (Electronic control component with fuel
selection switch); CNG level Indicator (LED Indicator); Gas Air Mixer; CNG
cylinder with valve, vapor bag and bracket; Petrol hose; Low-pressure gas
hose; Ignition advance processor; High pressure gas tube; Wire harness;
NRV (Non Return Valve) in petrol return line; Pressure gauge.

4. Safety -

• Safe Refilling instructions are displayed for all CNG Vehicles at CNG Station.

• Safety symbols and cautionary instructions displayed all around.

• Safety leaflets / stickers developed for awareness on specific occasions.

• Safety leaflets / stickers developed and distributed.

5. Precautions to be taken during servicing and repairing of CNG
vehicles :

• Always refer to the supplier’s/OEM’s manual for the trouble-shooting guide

and do not do it yourself.

• In case of vehicles undergoing repairs involving welding, or heat application

to any part (within 1.5 m) of the cylinder, the cylinder should be emptied and
degassed first.

• Do not install LPG, Propane or any other cylinder in place of a CNG cylinder.
It is illegal and unsafe.

For emergency handling of any CNG leak, users must be aware of the location
and operation of cylinder valve, master shut-off valve and burst disc in the
CNG system. Study of the system and ask your mechanic to identify these
parts for you.

• Workshop, carrying out the kit fitment, should be able to demonstrate

these operations to the end user’s satisfaction. It is advisable to operate the
vehicle occasionally on petrol to ensure that the petrol system remains in
good working conditions.

Other Precautions:-

• In case of leakage in fuel system, vehicles shall not be parked within 6 mtrs.
periphery of any source of ignition or fire.

• In case of vehicles undergoing repairs involving welding, or heat application

to any part (within 1.5 mtrs.v) of the cylinder, the cylinder should be emptied
and degassed first.

• The CNG kit installed in the vehicle should be insured along with vehicle
accessories. The motorist should notify the insurance company to provide

insurance on the CNG system, for which additional premium may be charged
by the insurance company.

• Motorists should take the insurance cover for the additional CNG kit system.

• Installation of CNG in the vehicle is required to be endorsed in the Vehicle

Registration Certificate by local RTO.

6. For more information, visit:

• What is Kerosene ?

• What is PDS Kerosene ?

• How it is distributed ?

The answers to the above queries are given below:

1. What is Kerosene ?

Kerosene is a middle distillate product and is primarily used in India for cooking
and illumination purposes. Due to socio-political considerations, Kerosene has
been classified as a common man’s fuel and keeping this in view, the price of
Kerosene sold through Public Distribution System (PDS) is subsidized. In Oil
Industry parlance it is called SKO (Superior Kerosene Oil)

How is it distributed ?

• The quarterly quota for each State is decided by MOP & NG.

• The entire distribution of Kerosene within the States / UTs is monitored and
controlled by the Food and Civil Supplies Authority of the respective States
/ UTs.

• In the distribution of Kerosene, HPCL is responsible for making the product

available to their dealers as per their allocation. HPCL dealers distribute
the uplifted SKO to retailers under the direction of Food and Civil Supplies
Authorities who also decide the entitlement to each ration card holder.

Role of Retailers (Ration Shops / Fair Price Shops) :

• Kerosene being an essential commodity under the PDS, the retailers (ration
shops) are required to maintain adequate stock of the same for distribution
to ration card holders.

2. Kerosene Prices :

PDS Kerosene must be sold at the declared price and the consumers are not to
pay price over and above the declared price.

3. In case of Complaints :

• Complaints concerning overcharging, black marketing and non-availability

of PDS Kerosene can be lodged with the concerned State Civil Supplies
Authorities for investigation and necessary action. In case the redress is not
made by the Civil Supplies Authority, the complaint can be forwarded to
the District Collector or Secretary, Food & Civil Supplies Department of the

• Complaints involving HPCL dealers can also be lodged with us for resolution
as described under section Complaint / Public Grievance Redressal

• In addition, feedback can also be registered through our website:

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is an environment friendly fuel used widely in household
kitchens, industries and commercial establishments. This chapter restricts to LPG
supplied under Public Distribution System for household cooking.

The Product ‘LPG’

LPG stands for liquefied petroleum gas. LPG marketed by us under the brand name
‘HP Gas’ conforms to Bureau of Indian Standards specification no. IS 4576. It can be
easily liquefied at atmospheric temperature under moderate pressure. LPG in its pure
form is colourless and odourless. However, compounds are added to give it a distinct
smell so that if leaked, it can be easily detected.

LPG Installation
LPG is used in domestic household through an installation. A typical LPG installation
consists of a cylinder, pressure regulator, LPG Hose and a gas stove. The equipment
should conform to the following standards:

Sr. No. Equipment Standards

1 LPG Cylinder IS 3196 (Part 1): 2006 and IS 3196 (Part 3)
2 Pressure Regulator IS 9798 : 1995
3 Suraksha LPG Hose IS 9573 : 1998
4 Gas Stove IS 4246: 2002
LPG meant for household use is currently marketed by PSU Oil companies in cylinders
of 14.2 Kg & 5 kg. capacities. For identification between household (PDS) & non-PDS,
the household cylinders are painted in SIGNAL RED colour. Cylinders in Oxford Blue
colour with a signal Red band carry non-subsidised LPG meant for use in commercial
and Industrial establishments.

Tare/gross weight, test date, serial number, ISI monogram, Oil marketing company’s

name & logo, year of manufacture etc. are embossed / painted on the cylinder. Each
Pressure Regulator (PR) also carries a serial number.

The liquid LPG vaporises at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature flows out
of cylinder to the burner head of the gas stove in air-gas mixture, in a proportion that
gets ignited when lit with a match-stick.

Public Distribution System for LPG Marketing in India

LPG meant for use as cooking fuel in household kitchens, is marketed by the Public
Sector Oil Companies, at a price declared or controlled by the Government of India.
As per Govt. of India notification dated 07.03.2014, effective 01.04.2014 each domestic
consumer is entitled to 12 subsidized LPG cylinders of 14.2 Kg / 34 cylinders of 5 Kg in
a financial year at subsidized rates. Ordinarily, only one cylinder will be given to each
beneficiary every month. Beyond the subsidized entitlement, the consumers can avail
LPG cylinders at domestic non-subsidized rates.

Govt. of India has extended exemption of custom & excise duties and concession in
VAT even on the non-subsidized LPG cylinders meant for domestic use, making them
cheaper than the non-domestic/Commercial LPG cylinders.

Non-domestic consumers in the following categories shall also be treated at par with
domestic consumer for entitlement of subsidized LPG cylinders: –

• Government/Municipal Hospitals for whatever purpose they take.

• Supplies to all school and colleges whether for hostels or for mid-day meal

• Canteens attached to Government Offices (Govt. includes State Govt. and local
bodies and their installation and Guest Houses etc.)

• Messes of Police, BSF and CISF in addition to kitchens and messes of the Defence

• Canteens run on cooperative basis under Cooperative Societies Act.

• Laboratories attached to schools, colleges & research institutions.

• Charitable institutions registered under the Societies Act.

• Red Cross Society all branches.

For non-domestic commercial, Industrial, Automotive usage etc. LPG is sold at non
subsidized price.

Distribution Network
PSU Oil Companies have a well spread network of distributors to service LPG
consumers in the country. Expansion of distributor network is a continuous
process. Currently, there are two types of public distributor formats viz. Regular
LPG distributorships & Rajiv Gandhi Gramin LPG Vitrak (RGGLV). Appointment of
distributors is through public advertisements. Details of eligibility criteria and selection
procedure are available on our website .

Services rendered by the distributors to LPG consumers are given below:

1. Release of New LPG Connections & Additional Cylinder (Double Bottle Connection).

2. Facilities for booking LPG refill.

3. Refill Delivery – Two modes of cylinder delivery are in practice.

(a) LPG distributors deliver filled cylinders at the registered address to the
customers residing in their normal area of operation and collect empty
cylinders. Only under exceptional conditions, filled cylinders deliveries on
cash-any-carry basis (non-home delivery) are permitted & customers are
entitled to applicable rebate on “Cash-and-carry” supplies.

(b) RGGLV- customers have to collect filled cylinders from the LPG storage
godown at declared RSP. Customers are not entitled to any rebate for
“Cash-and-carry” supplies.

4. Transferring/Terminating the LPG connection – when a customer shifts residence

outside the distributor’s area or service reasons.

5. Safe custody of LPG connection : Piped Natural Gas (PNG) customers, customers
using LPG through ‘Reticulated’ system and customers who do not intend to use
the cylinder for reasonably long time can hand over their LPG Cylinder/s & DPR
to the distributor and obtain a ‘safe custody’ voucher along with refund of the
security amount.

6. Change in the Name of connection - in case of demise of the LPG connection holder
or transfer within family, regularisation of LPG connection for which document
is in someone else’s name, regularisation of connection against genuine LPG
equipment (cylinder/DPR) held without documents as per procedure approved
by HPCL.

7. Preferred Time Delivery: LPG Distributors offer a “Preferred Time LPG Delivery
Scheme” to facilitate consumers especially working men and women to get
delivery of LPG refill as per their convenience for a small premium.

8. Time frame for services rendered by HP Gas distributors to the consumers:

Service Conditions Timeframe

Registration for a) Above 18 years of age Immediate
new domestic LPG b) No member of the household
connection has LPG connection under
PDS or PNG connection
c) Residing in the distributor’s
operating area
d) Produce & submit proof of
residence & identity, Know
Your Customer (KYC) form #
Release/installation a) Intimation in writing by the Seven working days
of new Connection/ distributor of Maturity of turn
DBC b) Produce & submit proof of
residence & identity
c) Submit Standard

d) Deposit security amount##
e) Hot plate inspection
(purchased from source other
than the LPG distributor)
after payment of prescribed
Inspection charges##.
f) Inter/intra Oil Co. de-
duplication check**
Acceptance of refill When no previous refill order is Immediate
booking pending
Delivery of refill Availability of stocks* Seven working
Leakage complaint Intimation to distributor/ Immediate guidance
emergency service cell at contact point.
Preparation of TV a) Surrender of loaned One working day
& refund security equipment (cylinder/s & PR)
deposit in good condition
b) Submission of original SV (in
case SV is lost an affidavit in
lieu thereof)#
Change of name in a) Eligibility as applicable for One working day.
case of death new LPG connection
b) Death Certificate of customer
c) Succession certificate /
Standard undertaking#
d) Produce & submit proof of
residence & identity, Know
Your Customer (KYC) form
e) Subsidized Cylinders drawn
by original consumer shall be
counted and only the balance
entitled to the transferee.
f) Satisfy de-duplication

Transfer of a) Eligibility as applicable for One working day
connection new LPG connection
within family / b) Consent letter from customer
Regularisation c) Standard undertakings #
d) Produce & submit proof of
residence & identity, Know
Your Customer (KYC) form
e) Subsidized Cylinders drawn
by original consumer shall be
counted and only the balance
entitled to the transferee.
f) Satisfy de-duplication
* Endeavour to deliver within two working days at all times except in
circumstances beyond control viz. Natural calamities, strikes, absenteeism,
transport breakdowns, Govt. directives, shortage of product availability etc.
** One household is entitled only one subsidized domestic LPG connection.
Inter/intra Oil. Co. de-duplication check shall be carried out by OMCs for
verifying information provided by the consumer. In case any information
furnished by the customer is found incorrect, the connection shall be
cancelled and security deposit forfeited. HPC reserves the right to initiate
action against such customer under applicable legal provisions.
#formats of documents available on website
## Rates of approved security deposit, tariff & service charges available at
our website

Customer Relations
A Toll Free telephone number 1800 2333 555 is available to customers between 8 AM
and 8 PM for any queries, suggestions or complaints related to their LPG connection.

HPCL has 32 LPG Regional Offices. Customer Service Cell functions at each Regional
Office during office hours on all working days. Customers are welcome to call on

telephone or personally visit the Cell for assistance/grievance redressal. Details of the
Cell are available with the distributor and also at our

Customers can meet the Sales Officer during their periodic visits on pre-determined
days at LPG distributorships for resolution of their queries /complaints.

Emergency Service
Distributors render prompt assistance in case of gas leakage and other complaints.
The telephone numbers are mentioned on the refill cash memos, displayed at the
distributor’s showroom and also available on the Oil Companies websites. The Services
rendered by the distributor for attending to leakage complaints are free of charge.

Expectations from the Customer

Users need to follow safe operating practices while using LPG. These are given below:

Simple rules of usage

• Cylinder must be always kept in vertical position, away from any source of heat
and in a ventilated place.

• The hot plate should always be placed on a platform (made of non-flammable

material) above the cylinder level.

• Always remember to switch off the pressure regulator when the stove is not in
use, especially at night. Never tamper with or try to repair the cylinder or allied
equipment yourself.

• Make sure all parts of the installation are in good condition. If anything seems
wrong with any part, distributor’s trained mechanic may be called.

• It is safer to wear cotton clothing while working in the kitchen. Use of dupatta,
sari or cloth to handle utensils could be a fire hazard.

• Wearing a fire retardant apron while cooking is a safe practice.

• Children must be kept away from the installation while cooking.

• Use only ISI marked HOT PLATES.

• Never leave the hotplate unattended while in use as the burner’s flame could get
extinguished due to overflow of cooking material or even with gust of wind. This
would lead to leakage of Gas from the burner. The accumulated gas could get
ignited by the second/other burner in operation or any other source of ignition,
resulting in fire.

• Fry Pan / Pressure Cooker should be placed in a manner so that their handle is
away from the flame.

• Plastic items must be kept away from the gas stove.

• Rubber tube is the weakest link in a LPG connection. It must be regularly checked
and changed immediately in case any visible cracks / damage are noticed. Use of
“SURAKSHA” LPG hose sold by LPG distributor is recommended for its enhanced
safety features and longer life. Rubber Tube, if used, must be ISI approved.

• As a rule, the rubber tube must be replaced every two years and ‘Suraksha’ LPG
hose every five years.

• The safety cap must always be put on the valve of the unused cylinders, whether
full or empty.

At the time of Refill Delivery

At the time of taking refill delivery, customer must satisfy himself/herself with the
condition of the cylinder seal and weight. Once having acknowledged receipt of
cylinder with seal intact, correct weight & in good condition, there shall be no scope for
dispute with regard to the same. The deliveryman will break open the seal in presence
of the customer and check that the cylinder is sound and fit for use. Customers must
get the cylinder connected to the regulator (DPR) and have the installation checked
for proper functioning, even for the additional cylinder. LPG Distributor’s deliveryman
carries a weighing scale. Please get your cylinder weighed every time before receipt.

Inspection of the LPG Installation
Customers must insist on a mandatory inspection of their LPG installation once in 2
years, by the trained mechanic. This service is available on payment of the requisite
charges approved by the Oil Company. This will help in safe up keep of the domestic
LPG installation.

In case of Leakage
In the rare event of Leakage or in case there is smell of gas:

• Turn the pressure regulator (DPR) knob to the ‘OFF’ position.

• Put out all sources of fire in the kitchen / vicinity such as agarbatti and pooja lamp

• Do Not light matchstick/lighter. Do Not switch ‘On’ or switch ‘Off’ any electrical
switches (including main switch). Remember that electrical switches and dry cell
torches generate spark while switching on or off.

• Open all doors and windows for ventilation

• Get in touch with the distributor / the Emergency Service Cell after office hours
and on Sundays and holidays.

In the event of accident

All registered LPG consumers are covered under an insurance policy taken by the PSU
Oil Companies.

In case of the unfortunate event of an accident, the customer must immediately inform
the distributor in writing. The distributor then informs the concerned Oil Company and
the Insurance Company about the same. The distributor will offer assistance to the
customer in completing the formalities of insurance claims arising out of the accident.

In addition to the above, all LPG distributors also have Third Party Liability Insurance
to cover losses in the event of an LPG accident.

Customer Obligations
• Customers must abide by the terms and conditions under which the LPG
connection has been released to them. These are printed on the reverse of
Subscription Voucher and contained in the undertaking submitted at the time of
release of the connection.

• Customer must adopt safe practices while using LPG.

• Customers must not accept LPG cylinders from any source or persons other than
the LPG distributor with whom they are registered.

• Customers are not permitted to exchange with others or loan to others, the
cylinders / DPR given to them as this creates possibility for a spurious cylinder /
DPR finding its way into the system. Spurious cylinders/DPRs do not conform to
the stringent quality standards and are a potential safety hazard.

• Customers should follow conservation tips while using LPG to save fuel.
Conservation tips are available on the .

• The use of LPG is regulated by LP Gas (Regulation of Supply & Distribution) Order
of the Govt. of India. As per this order:

LPG connection is issued only in the name of any adult member of the household
by a Government Oil company under the public distribution system. “Household”
means a family consisting of husband, wife, unmarried children and dependent
parents living together in a dwelling unit having common kitchen.

An existing customer of domestic LPG connection of a Government Oil Company,

who desires to avail PNG connection, is obliged to either surrender the domestic
LPG connection or convert it to domestic non-subsidized category within sixty
days from the date of obtaining PNG connection.

• Customers holding more than one LPG connection in a household kitchen,

whether of the same oil company or of different oil companies, can retain only
one connection. The additional connection/s, if any, must be surrendered to the
distributor and refund of the deposit amount obtained.

• As & when customers availing Piped Natural Gas (PNG) connection or LPG
connection through ‘Reticulated’ system in their household, the existing domestic
LPG connection must be surrendered with the distributor. The distributor will
issue ‘TV’ for ‘Safe Custody’ and refund of deposit amount. Details of the same
are given in the website PNG customers can
however retain the LPG connection but use only domestic non-subsidized LPG
cylinders for the same

Lubricants, GREASES & Specialties

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited has attained the leadership position in

sales of lubes and lube base oils combined together during the financial year 2013-14.
HPCL owns and operates the country’s largest single site Lube Base Oil Refinery with
a production capacity exceeding 450000 MT p.a. with capability to produce Group I, II
and III grades. HPCL manufactures a wide range of lubricants and specialties primarily
at seven Lube manufacturing plants across India, which meet the diverse technical
requirements of the automotive, industrial, electrical and marine sectors in addition to
products designed for use in specialised applications.

Lubricants & Greases

Lubricants (also generically referred to as “Lubes”) in its simplest term is a substance
used to reduce the friction between two moving surfaces, aimed at reducing wear and
tear of the components and improving its efficiency. Lubes find application in almost
all walks of life, starting with lubrication of motor vehicles, railway locomotives, ships,
aeroplanes, agricultural pump sets, generator sets, heavy earth moving equipment
like excavators, all industrial units such as power plants, steel plants, cement plants
etc. Lubricants typically comprise of 85 – 95 % base oils fortified with performance
specific additives required for the targeted application.

In addition to the primary function like reduction of friction and transmission of power,
there are vast numbers of specialized applications which require specially customized
lubricants. These include lubes for pneumatic equipment, thermic fluids, cutting oils,
rust preventive oils and many more.

Lubricants are generally classified into major groups as given below :

• Automotive Lubricants

• Industrial Lubricants, including related Specialties

• Marine Oils

• Process Oils

Automotive Lubricants are further divided into Diesel Engine Oils, Petrol Engine Oils,
Automotive Specialties and Automotive Greases. A number of automotive oils are
also used in industrial units, e.g., engine oils and greases. Marine Oils, as the name
signifies, are used in vessels and power plants, where engines are typically of higher
capacity running on heavy fuels and are more powerful, hence they require special
types of oils.

Industrial Lubricants, as the name signifies, are used for industrial applications. This
segment can be sub-divided into industrial oils, industrial specialties and industrial
greases. Speciality grades include oils used for heat transfer operations, in metal
cutting, forming, drawing operations etc., as well as for heat treatment of metal

Process Oils are often included in lubricant sales statistics. These are oils which are
included as raw materials in processes, for instance as plasticizers for the rubber
industry. They are also used as medium for carrying the pigment in certain grades of
printing inks etc., Process Oils are bracketed with Lubricants as they are also mostly
petroleum based products from oil refining process.

HP Lubes Marketing

Lubes and greases are marketed by HPCL under the umbrella ‘HP Lubes’. HPCL blends
close to 500 different grades and markets more than 900 Stock Keeping Units (SKUs),
which covers a wide range of automotive and industrial applications.

Major automotive grades include our Milcy range of Diesel Engine Oils (HP Milcy Turbo
Tech, HP Milcy Turbo Star, HP Milcy No. 1, HP Milcy Synthetic, HP Milcy Turbo, HP
Milcy Super, HP Milcy 40, etc.), Cruise range of oils for passenger cars running on Petrol
(HP Cruise, HP Cruise Classic), Racer range of oils targeting 2/3 wheelers (HP Racer 2
for 2-stroke engine, HP Racer 4 for 4-stroke engines) and HP Gasenol for passenger

cars and three wheelers running on CNG/LPG engines, HP Kisan Shakti for agricultural
pump sets, HP Gear Drive series for automotive gear oils and HP Kisan Shakti. In
the industrial segment, well known brands include HP Enklo series for hydraulic
applications, HP Parthan series for industrial gears, HP Turbinol series for Turbines, HP
Hycom grades for compressors, HP Koolkut and HP Trimofin series as cutting oils, HP
Hytherms for thermic fluids and many more. The range of greases include products
for automotive and industrial applications like HP AP3 Grease, HP Lithon, HP Tisona,
etc., Products for special applications include Horticulture, Mineral Oil range for Apple,
Tea, Grapes, Rubber, Coolant for Railways, Brakes Oils, etc., Products include several
grades manufactured in association with many of the country’s prestigious OEMs e.g.,
M/s Bajaj Auto, M/s Tata Motors etc., More details can be viewed at www.hplubes.

HP Lubes are available at more than 13864 HPCL petrol/diesel Retail Outlets in the
country (as on 31.3.2016) as well as numerous bazaar retailers serviced through our
213 Lube Distributors network. HP Lube CFAs serve the needs of the MSME industries
supplementing direct marketing to major industries and institutions by dedicated HPCL
Regional Offices whose details are available on the HP website.

Performance Standards and Quality Assurance of HP Lubes and Lube

Specialties products:

HPCL aims to ensure that its esteemed customers get products of the desired quality
and quantity through robust product design and manufacturing process complemented
by stringent quality control checks at various stages. The steps include the following:

• Product R&D : HP lube products are formulated through painstaking R&D

practices to ensure superior performance in the field, wherein performance
enhancement additives and raw materials are identified and sourced from
trustworthy transnational and Indian manufacturers. Products are developed
by R&D to meet applicable standards e.g., BIS standards. After the product
has passed the performance requirements under laboratory conditions, it is
exposed to rigorous field trials under HPCL supervision or jointly with OEMs
for establishing its performance under actual field conditions including severe

weather and operating conditions. Product accreditations are thereafter obtained
from international and Indian institutions and bodies concerned e.g., American
Petroleum Institute (API), Japan Lubricating Oil Society(JALOS), ZF, MB, MAN,
Volvo (VDS), RDSO, DGMS, ERDA, CPRI etc., Product Data Sheets / Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available for HP lube customers on demand.

• Manufacturing: Base Oils, additives, other raw material, packages have to pass
stringent quality checks before being accepted for production, with the tests
carried out by at duly equipped QC labs staffed with trained professionals. The
products are manufactured at plants according to the laid down procedures and
formulations, with the process monitored and controlled through professional
plant teams. The finished products are released for marketing only after passing
the applicable QC tests. Lube plants are equipped with automatic weight based
filling machines for ensuring accurate product quantity in the container which
are supplemented by random checks for monitoring the pack weights at regular

• Logistics and storage : Lubes movement from plants is carried out through trucks
and tankers which are checked prior to filling and sealed before despatch to
receiving locations or customer sites. HPCL depots undertake required checks
while receiving the products into their godown or yards, wherein the storage is
as per standards set for the lube package concerned.

Recommended due diligence for buyers :

• Automotive and other original equipment manufacturers (OEM) recommend

the specification of the lubes to be used in their machines, which are according
to their equipment design requirements, component metallurgy etc. Users
are advised to comply with OEM specifications while selecting the product
for purchase, which are usually provided in the OEM’s owner’s manual, OEM
websites etc., HPCL Regional Office teams are available for further guidance on
product selection, if required.

• Please check the pack prior to purchase, for ensuring that it is in proper sealed
condition. HPCL endeavours to make available packs which are securely sealed
with appropriate sealing / tamper-evident features for ensuring that its lube
products reach customers in good condition.

• HPCL packages below 26 litre container display the MRP of the pack and
customers are requested to check the same at the time of purchase. Tampering
with the printed MRP on the pack by any party is not permitted and customers
are requested to inform HPCL if such issues are observed at the time of purchase
of HPCL lubes packages.

• Like all popular brands, HP Lubes also have copy-cat ‘me too’ type of products
in the market, which mimic the branding and colour scheme of HPCL brands.
Customers are advised to check for the genuineness of the pack at the time of

How to provide Feedback / Register Complaints ?

Each pack of lubes (other than drums) displays the details of address / telephone
number / email ID as under where feedback / complaint can be registered.

Senior Manager - Branding
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
Retail Lubes, 2nd Floor, Hindustan Bhavan,
8, S. V. Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400001.
Telephone: 022 - 22637000
Toll Free : 1800 120 4725
Email: [email protected]

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited is in the business of supplying Aviation
Turbine Fuel (ATF) JET A-1 to airlines. HPCL provides ATF fuelling services to Aviation
industry through its business unit, “HP Aviation”. Presently HPCL provides fuelling
services to Domestic and International customers at 35 airports across India.
ATF is supplied to both civil as well as defense aircrafts.
Our network covers all the major airports in India. HPCL has plans to expand it further.

List of airports, where HPCL is extending refueling services are given below:

• Delhi (T1 & T3 Terminal) • Mumbai

• Chennai • Kolkata
• Trivandrum • Cochin International Airport
• Bangalore (New International Airport) • Hyderabad (New International Airport)
• Guwahati • Ahmedabad
• Goa • Amritsar
• Pune • Jaipur
• Coimbatore • Calicut
• Trichy • Bhubaneshwar
• Tirupati • Vishakhapatnam
• Mangalore • Belgaum
• Jammu • Dehradun
• Lucknow • Juhu
• Indore • Rajahmundry
• Vijaywada • Hubli
• Varanasi • Bhuj
• Naliya • Mohali (Chandigarh)
• Dharamshala (Gaggal)
Fuelling activities are carried out by us at all airports except Open Access Airports
and hospitality locations.
At Delhi Airport (Terminal-3), Mumbai Airport, Bangalore International Airport
and Hyderabad International Airport, we have contracts in place with into-plane
concessionaires for into-plane refueling.

Approach for Supplies :
One can contact us for refueling requirements of aircraft at above airports where HPCL
is operating or at the following address :

HP Aviation Hub
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited,
Chennai Airport,
Pallavaram Cantonment
Chennai - 600 043
Phone: 089396688
Email us at [email protected]

One can also contact our Station Manager at the airports where we have facilities, for
addresses log on to

ATF price applicable for the day is available on our website:

Customers can also reach us on :

Quality Control System :

The Jet Fuel manufactured / supplied by us conforms to :

• BIS specification IS: 1571: 2008. (Latest Issue)

• International standard specification DEFSTAN 91-91 (Latest Issue)

All the refueling facilities at Civil Airports operate under the license of the Director
General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) conforming to Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR)

HPCL has a robust system to inspect and control the quality of ATF from the time it
leaves Refinery till it is delivered to the aircraft. All locations have advance filtration
systems and use internally epicoated tanks with floating suctions so that the fuel
supplied to the customer meets the approved quality at all times. Trained manpower
is available with locations to carry out daily as well as periodical Quality Control checks

of ATF. Adherence to operating standards and product quality is verified with strict
adherence to inspection schedules.

At Open Access airports, Fuel hydrant facility operations and Into-plane (ITP) refueling
is carried out through authorised third parties trained to handle ATF and operational

Health, Safety and Environment :

All the Aviation Service Facilities are constructed with a view to provide safe, reliable and
quality service to our customers. Adequate storage capacity, pumping arrangements
and allied facilities with trained manpower ensure that ASF meets the expectations of
the customers.

The facilities are well equipped to take care of all the safety requirements. All the ASF
facilities are regularly inspected on all operational parameters by internal as well as
by external agencies like DGCA, IATA Fuel Quality Pool, Domestic and International
Airline customers.

Feedback System :

We have comprehensive system of interaction with our customers to get their feedback
and suggestions.

On-line feedback form is available on our Corporate website :

Complaint Resolution :

A Customer who wishes to register feedback or complaint about fuel or service may
lodge the same by any one of the following methods

• Buyer can write the feedback / complaint on ADR (Aircraft Delivery Receipt),
which is handed over by our staff (or ITP agency staff) at the time of refueling.
• Buyer can contact HPCL’s Location in-charge / Officer at the airport and
convey verbally or in writing. Alternatively, they can send an e-mail to
Location in-charge whose e-mail ID/phone No. is available on at our website :

• Buyer can write the feedback / complaint on our Corporate :

• Buyer can also send a communication to the following officer:

DGM - Aviation (Mktg)

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited,
Aviation SBU, Ground Floor, Hindustan Bhavan,
8, S. V. Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400001.
Phone: 022-22637452
Email : [email protected]

Projects & Pipelines Department
How a Contractor can get registered for Supply/Work Contracts/Services with HPCL?

Where is the Application for Registration available ?

What is the procedure for inviting bids from Contractors and Suppliers ?

Where is the information regarding tenders floated and Contracts awarded

available ?

Whom to be contacted in case of complaints/suggestions regarding malpractices at

Project sites?

What are the preventive measures being undertaken towards safety and security the
Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines ?

How to provide information in case of untoward incident at the pipelines location ?

The answers to the above questions are given below :

1. Vendor Registration for Contractors / Suppliers :
Category of jobs for which registration can be done:

Based on the requirement of the project and user group, Vendor Registration is
done. Following categories are available for registration:

1.1 Works Contract : Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Laying of

Pipelines, Railway siding, Automation Consultancy, miscellaneous services

1.2 Pipes, Steel plates, Pumps, Valves, Pipefittings, Filters and strainers,
Firefighting equipment, Personal protective equipment (PPE), Firefighting
hoses, Flow meters & gauges, Power cables, DG Sets, HT LT Panels,
Transformers, PLC System, Automation Instrument & Equipment etc.

2. Mode of Registration :
2.1 Enlistment / Registration of the vendor is done through giving press
advertisement in the leading news papers on pan India basis. The
advertisements are given on periodic basis. The application form is on line
available on Corporation’s website, with complete details and instructions for
registration. The link can be accessed thru
com under the section tenders & contracts.

2.2 Online applications are invited from suitable vendors who are technically
competent and financially sound to supply material and provide services
at optimal cost within specified time frame, as per desired quantity, quality
and specifications.

2.3 Any vendor who is interested in getting enlisted/registered with the

Corporation is required to submit on-line application under the applicable
category along with relevant documents.

2.4 The applications received for various categories are scrutinized by Vendor
Management Committee (VMC) and the response to the vendor who has
requested for enlistment is communicated by Vendor Management Officer

The applications are examined by the committee for the following points:

a) Vendors’ capabilities.
b) Turnover: The Audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss accounts of
last 3 years of the vendors should be used as tools
c) Size of organization and facilities available
d) Geographical location
e) Financial standing
f) Reputation
g) Trade experience
h) Dependability etc.

2.5 Updation of Vendor list :

2.5.1 Vendor list is maintained by Vendor Management Officer (VMO) of

respective purchase department which is reviewed and updated
from time to time.

2.5.2 Vendor Management Officer also reviews and updates profile of the
vendor viz; any change in address, increase/ decrease in capacity,
change in work location etc after due approvals from VMC, wherever

3. Inviting Tender Bids :

3.1 Based on the requirement and value of the tender, two types of tenders are
invited viz. Limited or Public Tenders.

3.2 Limited tenders are invited for categories of work where sufficient registered
suppliers / contractors are available. Proximity of supply source is kept in
view while inviting limited tender enquiries.

3.3 Public tenders are invited by giving notice inviting tenders which are
published through Press advertisements for higher value jobs and also in
case where the registered bidders are not available for a particular job.

3.4 Details of tender enquiries issued are uploaded on Corporation’s website:

3.5 MSE Registered Units:

3.5.1 The following points are applicable in case of MSE units :

a) Exempted from tender fee, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).

b) Shall be allowed to supply 20% of the total tendered value if
participating MSEs quote price within L1+15%.
3.5.2 The above are subject to fulfilling of the below mentioned criteria:

a) The unit should be registered as per the Govt of India Gazette

notification vide D.O.21(1)/2011-M.A. dated 25.04.2016
b) Udyog Adhar Registration for MSEs is acceptable.

3.6 Opening of Bids :

3.6.1 In case of Physical tenders, Tender Boxes are maintaned by

respective Purchase Departments at Corporate Office, Marketing
Headquarters, various Zonal offices, Regional offices and major
locations, for depositing Tender related document. Bids documents
received after the due date and time are not accepted.

3.6.2 Opening of tenders : All tenders, whether public or limited, are

opened by the authorized officers in the presence of the intending
tenderers or their authorised representatives.

3.6.3 In case of E-procurement; Opening of unpriced bids is electronically

done by designated officers, in online e-procurement system in
secured mode. In case of e-tenders participating bidders can witness
the opening of Bids online.

4. Award of Contract :
Contract is awarded by placing Purchase order on the technically and commercially
lowest acceptable bidder. The approval for awarding the contract is obtained from
appropriate committee, in line with Procurement Manual, as per the financial limit
of the contract. Information of all the contracts awarded are also made available
on the HPCL website

5. Redress of Grievances:
Online Grievances can be lodged through our website:

6. In case of complaints :
Complaints against unfair practices pertaining to execution of contracts etc. can
be lodged with P & P Headquarters at Mumbai, at the address given below:

Deputy General Manager - Deputy General Manager -
Engineering & Projects Department Pipeline Projects
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
2nd Floor, Gresham Assurance Bldg., 1st Floor, Hindustan Bhawan,
Sir P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400001. 8, S. V. Road, Ballard Estate,
Phone : 022-22608508, Mumbai 400001.
Email : [email protected] Phone : 022-22654110,
Email : [email protected]

7. Preventive measures undertaken towards Safety & Security of

Cross Country Petroleum Pipelines :
• Each station / sectionalizing valve stations / Cathodic Protection (CP) Stations
are provided with round the clock security.

• Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) has been

installed for effective monitoring and controlling of cross-country pipelines.
The Leak Detection System (LDS) which is part of SCADA is provided to
detect leak spot on pipeline.

• Director General of Resettlement (DGR) sponsored Security Agencies are

deployed for carrying out security / line patrolling. In case where DGR has
not sponsored agencies, PSARA registered security agencies are deployed.

• Line patrolling of the Right Of User (ROU) of the pipeline is carried out during
day and night by security. GPS based Security personnel tracking system
to enhance effectiveness of Line walkers has been introduced. Staggered
line patrolling is followed to avoid predictability. For this purpose sufficient
number of line walkers are deployed and also security supervisors are
making random checks of ROU. Also, Corporation’s Officers are carry out
line walking once in a quarter.

• Surprise night inspections and mock incident simulation tests are being
carried out regularly to check the efficacy of line walkers and corrective
actions are taken wherever necessary.

• CCTVs have been installed at all Stations, Sectionalizing Valve Station and
Cathodic Protection (CP) Stations and monitored by Control Room Officers.

• Night Vision Binoculars have been provided for better security and
surveillance of the pipelines.

• To increase awareness, periodic meetings are held with Police at District /

State Level.

• Industry coordination meeting on Onshore Security Coordination with DG

of Police of the State OF Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, Andra Pradesh and
Maharashtra are being carried out regularly.

• Interactions with villagers are also held through regular meets and programs
to enhance awareness.

• Reward scheme to motivate informers has been implemented.

• Pipeline Integrity Management program and practices have been developed

to manage pipeline integrity.

• OFC based dedicated telecommunication system is in place for effective and

quick communication between the stations / Sectionalizing valve stations /
Cathodic Protection (CP) Stations.

• Mock drills are carried out in coordination with District Authorities for
emergency preparedness.

8. To provide information of any untoward incident at the Pipeline

Location :
For reporting any untoward incident, route markers with contact details are
provided along the route of the pipelines.

“TOLL FREE” number viz. 1800 180 1276 has been displayed. Public can use this
toll free number to provide information.

Engineering & Projects

Engineering and Projects Department of HPCL undertakes construction of new

petroleum depots/terminals, revamping of existing storage depots/terminals, office
buildings and residential accommodation of HPCL employees.

HPCL abides by the directives of Central Vigilance Commission and Government of India
regarding the procurement policies to be adopted and has transparent mechanism in
place. HPCL has also adopted Integrity Pact which is a part of tender for all high value

As a part of the above construction activity, suppliers/contractors are engaged for

contracts and services required for completion of the projects.

The following queries shall arise in the process:

How a Contractor can get registered for Supply/Work Contracts/Services with HPCL
and what are the different categories of jobs for which HPCL invites bids from suppliers/

Where is the Application for Registration as vendor available?

What is the procedure for inviting bids from Contractors and suppliers?

Where is the information regarding tenders floated and Contract awarded available?

Whom to be contacted in case of complaints/suggestions regarding malpractices at

Project sites?

The answers to the above questions are as mentioned below:

1. Vendor registration for contractors/ suppliers:


requirement of the project and user group the Vendor registration is done.
Following categories are available for registration:

1.1 WORKS CONTRACT: Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Pipeline,

Automation, Consultancy, Railway siding works, miscellaneous services,

1.2 SUPPLY CATEGORIES: Pipes, Steel plates, Pumps, Valves, Pipefittings,

Filters and strainers, Loading Arms for tank truck and tank wagon, Firefighting
equipment, Personal protective equipment (PPE), Firefighting hoses, Flow
meters & gauges, Power cables, DG Sets, HT LT Panels, Transformers,
Electrical light fittings, PLC System, Automation Instrument & Equipment

2. Mode of retgistration:

2.1 Enlistment / Registration of the vendor is done through giving press

advertisement in the leading news papers on Pan India basis. The
advertisements are given on periodic basis. The application form
is available on line on Corporation’s website, with complete details
and instructions for registration. The link can be accessed through under the section tenders & contracts.

2.2 On line applications are invited from suitable vendors who are technically
competent and financially sound to supply materials and provide services
at optimal cost within specified time as per desired quantity, quality and

2.3 Any vendor who is interested in getting enlisted/ registered with the
Corporation is required to submit the online application under the applicable
category along with the relevant documents.

2.4 The applications received for various categories are scrutinized by Vendor
Management Committee (VMC) and the response to the vendor who has

requested for enlistment is communicated by Vendor Management Officer

The applications are examined by the committee for the following points:

a) Vendors’ capabilities

b) Turnover: The Audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss accounts of
last 3 years of the vendors should be used as tools

c) Size of organization and facilities available

d) Geographical location

e) Financial standing

f) Reputation

g) Trade experience

h) Dependability etc.

2.5 Updation Of Vendor List:

2.5.1 Vendor list is maintained by Vendor Management Officer (VMO) of respective

purchase department which is reviewed and updated from time to time.

2.5.2 Vendor Management Officer also reviews and updates profile of the vendor
viz; any change in address, increase/ decrease in capacity, change in work
location etc after due approvals from VMC, wherever required.

3. Inviting Tender Bids:

3.1. Based on the requirement and value of the tender, two types of tenders are
invited viz. Limited or Public tenders.

3.2 Limited tenders are invited for categories of contracts where sufficient

registered suppliers/ contractors are available. Proximity of supply source
is kept in view while inviting limited tender enquiries.

3.3 Public tenders are invited by giving Notice Inviting tender and are published
through Press advertisement for Higher value jobs and also in case where
the registered bidders are not available for a particular job.

3.4 Details of tender enquiries issued are made available on our Corporation’s


3.5.1 The following points are applicable in case of MSE units:

a) Exempted from tender fee, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).

b) Shall be allowed to supply 20% of the total tendered value if
participating MSEs quote price within L1+15%.
3.5.2 The above are subjected to fulfilling of the under mentioned criteria:

a) The unit should be registered as per the Govt of India Gazette

notification vide D.O.21(1)/2011-M.A. dated 25.04.2016
b) Udhyog Adhar Registration for MSEs is acceptable.
3.6 Opening of bids:

3.6.1 In case of Physical tenders, Tender Boxes are available for depositing
the tenders along with related documents with the Purchase
Department which includes corporate office, Marketing Head
Quarter office, various Zonal offices, Regional offices and Major
locations. Bids documents received after the due date and times
are not accepted. In case of e-tendering, bids are to be submitted

3.6.2 Opening of tenders: All tenders whether public or limited are opened
by the authorised officers in the presence of the intending tenderers
or their authorised representatives in the case of physical tenders.

3.6.3 In case of E-procurement; Opening of unpriced bids is electronically
done by designated officers, in online e-procurement system in
secured mode. In case of e-tenders participating bidders can witness
the opening of Bids online.

4. Award Of Contract:

Contract is awarded by placing Purchase order on the technically and

commercially lowest acceptable bidder. The approval for awarding the contract
is obtained from appropriate committee as per the Corporation’s policies and
guidelines depending upon the financial limit of the contract. Information
of all the contracts awarded are also made available on the HPCL website

5. Redressal Of Grievance:

Online Grievances can be lodged through our website:

6. In case of complaints: Complaints against unfair practices pertaining to execution

of contracts etc. can be lodged with Engineering & Projects Department
Headquarters at Mumbai, the address of which is given as below:

Deputy General Manager

Engineering & Projects Department
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
2nd Floor, Gresham Assurance Building
Sir P.M.Road, Fort

Central Procurement Organisation (CPO)

• What is Central Procurement Organization (CPO) and its Role in HPCL?

• What is the procedure for registration of Vendors in HPCL?

• How can Vendors locate the tenders floated by CPO?

• What is the process for Grievance Redressal in HPCL?

• How are applicable MSE procurement guidelines incorporated in HPCL?

The Answers to above queries are given below:

1. CPO and Its Role:

Central Procurement Organization (CPO) is a central body that handles a

vast majority of procurement across the organization. It is an innovative and
collaborative center of excellence, which aims to maximize value through best
in class sourcing practices and services to stakeholders, while maintaining

2. Procedure for Registration of Vendors in HPCL:

Vendors interested in registering with HPCL can visit HPCL Corporate Site and access the link under “Tenders and Contracts.”
The detailed application needs to be filled online by choosing appropriate
“Registering location” and selecting the Items / Services being offered by the
Vendor. The Instructions / interactive help available on the Vendor Registration
home page will act as a guide for completing the application formalities. The
contact details provided on the site can be used in case of any difficulty.

3. Where CPO tenders are published:

All Public Tenders floated by CPO are available under HPCL Corporate Site Existing Vendors can visit the tab “Tenders and
Contracts” under the home page and can access the Public Tenders floated by
CPO. However, new Vendors are required to register temporarily by clicking on
the appropriate link provided in the same page to access the tenders.

Limited Tenders floated by CPO are available only to those Vendors who are invited
to participate in the respective tenders. All limited tender procurement is done
from the Vendors who are in the approved List of Vendor. The Vendors interested
in getting enrolled in the approved Vendor list can apply online for registration
with HPCL through the link “Vendor Registration” which is available within the tab
“Tenders and Contracts” under home page of

4. Process of Grievance Redressed Mechanism in HPCL:

Details on the Grievance Redressal Mechanism in HPCL are under “Tenders and
Contracts” Link in the HPCL Corporate Site

5. MSE procurement guidelines:

As directed by government, MSE procurement guidelines are incorporated into

HPCL procurement policy and are being adhered to. In line with the guidelines,
20% of annual procurement in HPCL is targeted through MSEs, and out of 20%
of annual procurement from MSEs, 4% (20% of 20%) has been earmarked from
MSEs Owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs. However, in the event of failure of such
MSEs to participate in tenders or meet tender requirements, the sub target of 4%
will be met from other General Category MSEs.

To encourage participation, MSEs shall be facilitated by exempting from payment

of Tender Fee / Earnest Money Deposit, if applicable.



Right To Corporate
Information Governance

Vigilance Integrity


Human Resources

Talent Acquisition :
HPCL is an equal opportunity employer. All vacancies in HPCL arising in Management
cadre are published in all leading newspapers including leading regional language
newspapers whereas those in Non-Management cadre are published in Employment
News as well. A systematic procedure, including test/GD/interview and other HR
practices, is followed to ensure selection of right candidates.

Capability Building :
The Corporation is dedicated to enhance the competencies of employees to enable
them perform efficiently in their current and future roles. Suitable periodical training
is provided as per required areas for development of performance and potential of
the employees. Capability building aims at improving effectiveness of employees,
building cultural integration and facilitating a thriving learning organization so that
dynamic challenges of business are handled appropriately towards Corporation
achieving success.

Performance Management :
HPCL has robust Performance Management System modeled on the Balanced Score
Card System covering 100% of Management employees wherein employees are
assessed against their performance in four quadrants viz. Customer Satisfaction,
Physical /Financial, Improvement in Process and Leaning & Growth. Their career
progress is based on well-defined promotion policy which is transparently
communicated to all management employees of the Corporation. Promotion takes
place through a Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) process. All presidential
directives in this regard are implemented. With respect to Non-Executive employees

a mutually agreed upon performance appraisal system which assesses their
performance on specific attributes is already in place. Promotions for this category of
employees is based on a Career Development Policy (CDP) and implemented through
Zonal Employee Promotion Committee (EPC). HPCL has leveraged technology for
implementation of a robust IT based platform for performance assessments and
implementation of promotions.

Industrial Relations :
HPCL believes in maintaining healthy, harmonious and productive Industrial Relations.
Periodic Long Term Settlement and Career Development Policy are the guiding points
for salary fixation, working condition and career development of Non-Management
employees. Standing Orders (Non-Management Employees) and CDA Rules (applicable
for Management employees) define the model behavioral requirement of the relevant
employee groups and recourse in case of deviations. The Corporation adheres to all
relevant statutory requirements and abides by guidelines / requirements of the relevant
local authorities wherever it is working. The Corporation works towards ensuring safe
working conditions and ensures that wages and welfare facilities to contract labor
employed with contractors of HPCL are in accordance with the statutory provisions.

Compensation and Benefits :

HPCL strives to be a model employer and corporate citizen. The pay and benefits of
Management employees of the Corporation are guided by relevant DPE guidelines.
For non-management; a long term settlement is arrived through collective bargaining
with recognized Unions; and compensation packages are worked out accordingly.

Grievance Redress :
Various well defined grievance redress mechanisms are available for all categories
of employees of HPCL. An open door approach to unions ensures representation of
collective grievances of employees as well as individual cases in case of requirement.

IT enabled platform is made available to all the employees to log in his grievances
through Online application wherein the issues / queries of employees are handled by
HR Officer. Suitable escalation mechanism also exists in case the employees are not
satisfied with the resolution. Management Employee Relations Committees [MERC]
have been constituted at all Marketing Zones and both the Refineries which look into
the grievances of Officers under their jurisdiction.

Technological Initiatives :
HR in HPCL is committed to usage of scientific and contemporary knowledge for
achieving organizational vision and enhancing employee engagement & competencies.
As such wide variety of employment related aspects of employees are computerized
to enable easy to access to the employee and faster processing of various benefits.
Towards this end, the C & B claims, leave, retirement processes, transfer related
requirements etc. are already system based procedures.

Reward and Recognition :

HPCL has implemented reward and recognition schemes aimed at motivating all
employees towards higher performance. For executives in the Senior / Middle
Management, “HP ICON Awards” have been instituted since 2010 which aims to
identify and recognize People Managers i.e. Officers who place the interests of their
teams before individual contributions. For Officers in the junior management category,
“HP Outstanding Achievers Awards” have been instituted to recognize outstanding
contributions, while “HP Gaurav Awards” recognize outstanding efforts amongst Non-
Executive category of employees. While HP ICON Awards are a bi-annual affair, the HP
Outstanding Achievers Awards and HP Gaurav Awards are given away on an annual

Whistle Blower Policy :
1. Preface :

• HPCL believes in conducting its business in a fair and transparent manner

by adopting highest standards of professionalism, honesty, integrity and
ethical behavior. As such Corporation endeavors to work against corruption
in all its forms including demand and acceptance of illegal gratification and
abuse of official position with a view to obtain pecuniary advantage for self
or any other person.

• Towards this end, the Corporation has framed and adopted Conduct,
Discipline and Appeal rules and Standing Orders which govern the
conduct of Management Employees and workmen. Vigilance Dept. of the
Corporation is also empowered to initiate investigations on its own and act
on complaints received from public / employees, with regard to violation of
Corporation’s rules and procedures in the conduct of business.

• Any actual or potential violation of the Corporation’s rules, regulations and

policy governing the conduct of business is a matter of serious concern for
the Corporation. The Corporation is, therefore, committed to developing
a culture which is safe for employees - Officers and workmen can raise
concerns about instances, if any, where such rules, regulations and policy
guidelines are not being followed in furtherance of business.

• The objective of this policy is to build and strengthen a culture of transparency

and trust in the organization and to provide employees - officers and
workmen, with framework / procedure for responsible and secure reporting
of improper activities (whistle blowing) and to protect employees wishing
to raise a concern about improper activity / serious irregularities within the

2. Eligibility :

All employees of the Corporation are eligible to make “Protected Disclosures”.

3. Whistle Blower - Role & Disqualifications :

A) Role :

• The Whistle Blower’s role is that of a reporting party with reliable


• The Whistle Blower is not required or expected to conduct any

investigations on his own.

• The Whistle Blower does not have any right to participate in


• Protected Disclosure will be appropriately dealt with by the

Competent Authority.

• The Whistle Blower shall have the right to be informed of the

disposition of his disclosure except for overriding legal or other

B) Disqualifications :

• Genuine Whistle Blowers will be accorded protection from any

kind of unfair treatment / victimization. However, any abuse of this
protection will warrant disciplinary action.

• Whistle Blowers, who make any protected Disclosures, which have

been subsequently found to be motivated or malafide or malicious
or frivolous, baseless or reported otherwise than in good faith, will
be liable for disciplinary action as per the applicatble Service Rules.

• Whistle Blowers, who make three Protected Disclosures, which

have been subsequently found to be malafied, frivolous, baseless,
malicious or reported otherwise than in good faith, will be disqualified
from reporting further Protected Disclosure under this policy.

4. Protection :

The identity of the Whistle Blower shall be kept confidential

• No unfair treatment will be meted out to a Whistle Blower by virtue of his/

her having reported a Protected Disclosure under the Policy.

• Complete protection, will be given to Whistle Blower against any unfair

practice like teteliation, threat or intimidation of termination / suspension
of service. disciplinary action, transfer, demotion, refusal of promotion, or
alike including any direct or indirect use of authority to obstruct the Whistle
Blower’s right to continue to perform his duties / functions including making
further Protected Disclosure.

• If the Whistle Blower is required to give evidence in criminal or disciplinary

proceedings, arrangements will be made for the Whistle Blower to receive
connection with the above, towards travel etc. will be reimbursed as per
normal entitlements.
• A Whistle Blower may report any violation of the above clause to the
Competent Authority who shall investigate into the same and take corrective
action as may be required.
• Any other employee assisting in the said investigation shall also be protected
to the same extent as the Whistle Blower.

Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace :

HPCL believes that all its employees have the right to work with dignity which includes
the right to a gender sensitive work environment. The Corporation is, therefore,
committed to take measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination and create a healthy
work environment which enables employees to work without fear of prejudice, gender
bias and sexual harassment. The CDA Rules applicable to Management employees
and the Standing Orders applicable to workmen, accordingly list, inter alia, any act of
sexual harassment of any women at her work place as a misconduct.
Guidelines have been developed to ensure that employees strictly comply with and
adhere to the provisions of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace [Prevention,
Prohibition and Redressal] Act, 2013 [Referred hereafter as SHWW (PPR) Act].
Salient features of the SHWW [PPR] Act 2013, as adopted by HPCL are as under :

1 Prevention of sexual harassment :

• No woman shall be subject to sexual harassment at the workplace as defined


2 The ICC, in addition to redress of complaints, will also :

Recommend measures to create healthy work environment and arrange for

workshops, training programs and awareness programs, debates and display of
posters and other publicity measures, for gender sensitization of employees at
the workplace.

3 Procedure for filing Complaints :

• Complaints of sexual harassment at the work place should be submitted

by the aggrieved women to the Presiding Officer of the Internal Complaints
Committee concerned in writing with contact details within a period of three
months from the date of last incident. The complaint should be enclosed in
a sealed envelope suitably superscribed - “SHWW (PPR) Complaint” and
addressed to Presiding Officer. Internal Complaints Committee with remarks
“to be opened by Addressee only”.

• Where such complaints cannot be made in writing, the Presiding Officer

of the Internal Complaints Committee, as the case may be shall render all
reasonable assistance [as provided in the SHWW (PPR) Act] to the women
for making the complaint in writing.

4 Procedure for Registration and Redressal of Complaints :

• Registration of Complaints :

The Presiding Officer/Secretary of the Internal Complaints Committee shall

log details of the complaint - Sr. No., Date of receipt, Name of aggrieved
woman, Name of respondent, in a Complaints Register specifically
maintained for this purpose. The Presiding Officer/Secretary shall also
monitor at regular intervals not exceeding 15 days, the progress made and
action taken for redressal of the compliant.

• Redress Procedure where the respondent is a regular employee of the
Corporation :

(i) The Committee shall, in cases where the aggrieved woman request
in writing that the matter be settled through conciliation, take
steps to settle through conciliation, take steps to settle the matter
between the complainant and the respondent through conciliation.
Where a settlement is arrived at, the Internal Complaints Committee
shall record the settlement so arrived and forward the same to the
Department Head concerned to take further action required.

Copies of the settlement shall be provided to the aggrieved woman

and the respondent and the matter treated as closed, i.e., no further
inquiry shall be conducted by the Internal Complaints Committee.

(ii) In case where the aggrieved woman does not desire to settle the
matter through conciliation, the Internal Complaints Committee
shall, proceed to conduct the fact finding, inquiry as to whether
there is a ‘prima facie’ case against the respondent/whether the
allegation of sexual harassment, has been proved/the allegation of
sexual harassment has not been proved.

On completion of the fact finding inquiry, the Internal Complaints

Committee shall submit its report in writing to the Disciplinary
Authority concerned as to the existence of a ‘prima facie’ case
of sexual harassment against the respondent as to whether the
allegation of sexual harassment has been proved/as to whether the
allegation of sexual harassment has not been proved.

(iii) In either case (i) or (ii) above, the ICC shall submit its report to the
Department Head concerned within a period of 30 days of registration
of the complaint.

(iv) The Department Head shall within a period of seven days of receipt
of the Report of the ICC, take further action, as recommended
by the ICC or as required in terms of the CDA Rules applicable
to Management employees/Standing Orders applicable to the
workman concerned.

Employee Engagement Initiatives :

HPCL has deployed various interventions aimed at improving employee engagement
amongst its employees and their families. These include the YUVANTAGE platform for
employees in GenY category, International Women’s Day Celebrations, Annual Sports
Meet, Annual Hindi Day, Alumni meets, Reboot, Employee Connect etc.

Corporate Social Responsibility :

HPCL as a responsible Corporate Citizen has multipronged purpose of developing and
serving the associated community, thereby enabling sustainability in achievement of
business goals. CSR activities of HPCL aspire to reach common people, especially the
under-privileged so as to facilitate improvement in the quality of they live.

Retirement Benefits :
HPCL HR is dedicated to ensure effective catering of committed post-retirement benefits
to the retired employees. Pre-retirement workshop is conducted for all categories of
employees on financial management and other post-retirement issues. Periodically
agreed pension plans and medical assistance are also in place.

HPCL HR is committed to take progressive steps continually and see a bench mark in
the industry to delighting stakeholders in a transparent and effective manner.


The dictum “Knowledge is Power” is truly applicable to the modern world and
information is the most important means to acquire knowledge.

The information in the possession of the Public Authorities, by itself does not give
any added value to the public. This information belongs to the public and held for the
benefit of the public.

UN General Assembly realized this and has resolved that the Freedom of information
is a fundamental human right and touchstone for all freedoms to which the UN is
consecrated. The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative propounds that the right to
information underpins all other human rights.

In this direction, the Right to Information Act 2005, which came into effect from 12th
October 2005, empowers the people of India with free flow of information from the

Further details are accessible at

HPCL has prepared its Information Manual as per requirements of Section 4 of the RTI
Act 2005, which is accessible at

HPCL values suggestions for development of the Information Manual. You can submit
your suggestions to the Nodal Officer, Shri P. Sadu Sunder at [email protected]

Nodal Officer as per requirements of DOPT circular No.1/32/2007-IR dated

14th November, 2007 for RTI Queries and First Appeals is DGM-RTI. He can be
contacted at HPCL, Petroleum House, 17 Jamshedji Tata Road, Churchgate, Mumbai
400020. Telephone 022 22863618.

Complaint / Public Grievance
Redress Mechanism

A consumer who wishes to register complaint about any product or service may lodge
the same by any one of the following methods:

1. Availability of Complaint / Suggestion Book at HP Gas Distributors & Petrol

Pumps: As per the MDG (Marketing Discipline Guidelines) Provisions, it is
mandatory for the dealers / distributors to maintain a Suggestion / Complaint
Book and make the same available to the customers on demand. A message
indicating availability of this book is also prominently displayed at the retail
outlets and gas agencies. The field officer goes through the Complaints Book
during the inspection, for which a specific provision has been made in the
inspection report. The complaints are attended to by contacting the complainant,
wherever necessary, by the Officers or action is taken based on input given by
the customers.

2. Display of Contact No. and Address at Retail Outlets / HP Gas Distributorships:

Contact details of the Sales Officers of the company are prominently displayed
at all the retail outlets / HP Gas Distributorships, for the benefit of customers to
contact them or write to them.

3. Toll Free Number, Call Centers: In order to have convenient, easy and effective
way to enable customers to register their complaints and follow them up, two all
India Toll Free numbers 1800 2333 555 and 155 233 are in place for registration
of complaints.

4. Web based complaints: Customers can also register their complaints through
HPC Corporate Website i.e. Once a complaint
is registered on the website it automatically goes to the concerned officer for
further action. A reply is sent to the customer by the concerned office, once it is
resolved. There is provision in the system which enables customers to view the
status of the complaint on the website.

5. Timelines for Resolution of Complaints: HPCL shall endeavor to respond to
complaints received through Toll-Free number/Web Portal within fourteen days,
except in circumstances beyond control of the Corporation viz. Natural calamities,
strikes, absenteeism, system breakdowns or in cases warranting investigation
etc. which may take longer to conclude. In such case, an interim reply would be

6. Email: The consumer who is not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint
may send email to [email protected] or [email protected] giving clear and
complete details of the complaint and nature of remedial action sought. Past
references may also be included.

7. Public Grievance:

a. Designated officers of the Corporation will be available every Friday between

4.00 PM to 5.00 PM at all major locations to hear & facilitate redressal of
grievances of the public.

b. The details of the Public Grievance Redressal Officers for redressal

of Public Grievances are available on the Corporate website: www.

c. A link has been provided on HPCL Corporate website: for registering Public Grievances on the
Government of India Public Grievances Portal (PG) viz.



Petroleum House, Hindustan Bhavan,
17, Jamshedji Tata Road, 8, Shoorji Vallabhdas Marg,
Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020. Ballard Estate,
Email: [email protected] Mumbai 400 001.
Website: [email protected]
Tel.: 022-22863900 Tel.: 022-22637000


Bhikaji Damaji Patil Marg, Post Box. No. 15,
(Old Corridor Road), Malkapuram,
Mahul, Mumbai 400 074. Visakhapatnam 530 011
Tel.: 022-25545061 Tel.: 0891-2894000


11th Floor, Tower - I, Jeevan Bharati,
124, Indira Chowk, New Delhi 110 001.
Tel.: 011-23467123

8th Floor, Core Purbanchal Bhavan, R & C Building, Thalamuthu
II, SCOPE MInar 771, Anandapur, Sir J. J. Road, Natarajan Building
Complex, Off EM-bypass Byculla, 4th Floor,
Laxmi Nagar, Koklata:700 017. Mumbai:400 008. 8, Gandhi Irwin Rd.,
New Delhi :10 092. Tel. : 033-66095200 Tel. : 022-23789000 Post Box. No. 3045,
Tel. : 011-22408300 Egmore,
Chennai:600 008.
Tel. : 044-28549744


1st Floor, Karaka Building, Ashram Road, 6th Floor, Varun Towers, Siripuram
Ahmedabad:380 009. Junction No. 1, Visakhapatnam:530 003.
Tel. : 079-26484002 Tel. : 0891-2716703

lpg Regional OFFICES
6th Floor, Core- II, Scope Plot No. 1, Nehru Enclave, P.O. Box No. 5,
Minar , District Center, Gomati Nagar, Rohtak Road, Jind
Laxmi Nagar Lucknow:226 110, (U.P.) Haryana:126102
Village - Till Shahbajpur, SIDCO Industrial Complex, Gorakhpur LPG Bottling
Post Office Loni Lane No 3, Phase-II, Plant - Boakta
District Ghaziabad (U.P.) Bari Brahmana Sahjanwa, Gorakhpur
Loni, Ghaziabad:201102 Jammu:181133 Uttar Pradesh : 273209
Moghalsarai POL Depot, Village : Dhaha
Ali Nagar - Sakaldihva Rd, P.O. Mandialan
Village Saresaar - Hoshiarpur 144105
Uttar Pradesh : 232101

P-4, Oil Installation Road, LPG Bottling Plant, Large Sector,
Paharpur, Kolkata P.B. No : 11, Jatni, Adityapur Industrial Area,
West Bengal:700088 Kusumati, Jatni, PO: Kandra,
Khurda Dist Saraikella
Odisha:52050 Jharkhand:832402
Mandir Hasaud, Patna LPG R. O. Paharpur LPG Project Site,
Raipur:492101 6th Floor, Lok Nayak Jai P-4, Oil Installation Rd.,
Prakash Bhavan Kolkatta : 700088
P.B. No.40,
Dak Bunglow Chowk
1st Floor, ARB Center,
Auto Care Center,
Indo-American More,
NH-2, Durgapur : 713206

1st Floor, HP Filling Plant, Plot No. 1, Mhalunge Ingle,
LU Gadkari Marg, Near NMMT Depot, Chakan -Talegaon Road,
Behind HP Refinery, Sector-20, Pune,
Mumbai Navi Mumbai MC Maharashtra:410501
Maharashtra:400074 Maharashtra:400705
H-1 MIDC, Plot No. 150, Near Khapri Rly Station,
Chikalthana Industrial Kundaim Industrial Estate, Wardha Road, Khapri,
Area, Kundaim, North Goa Nagpur
Post Box No. 91, Goa:403115 Maharashtra:441108
Solapur LPG RO
Plot No. F-5, MIDC
Solapur 413255

Petro Bhavan, 2nd Floor, Seaport-Airport Road, No.3&4, Whitefield Road,
New No.82 (Old# 47), Irumpanam, Mahadevapura PO,
TTK Road, Ernakulam Bangalore,
Alwarpet, Chennai Kerala:682309 Karnataka:560048
Tamil Nadu:600018
2nd Floor, 165/166, Kiadb Indl. Area, No. 171-172, Phase II
Deo Gratias Building, Belur, Dharwad SIDCO Industrial Estate
Chilimbi-Urva Stores, Karnataka:580011 Kappalur
Mangalore:560 006 Madurai 625008


NH-44, Taticherlla Village, Post Bag No 2, Industrial Dev. Area,
Vadiyampeta (Post), Cherlapally, Hyderabad Kondapalli, Krishna
Ananthapur:515 731 Andhra Pradesh:500051 Andhra Pradesh:521228
Andhra Pradesh
HP Petro Park,
Port Connectivity Road,
Visakhapatnam:530 009
Andhra Pradesh

Chara Sonipur Road, Hazira LPG Bottling Plant, Jaipur LPG R. O.
Sardav, Gandhinagar P O Ichhapore, Hazira 1st Floor,
Gujarat:382640 Surat:394510 Jeevan Nidhi-2 Lic Bldg.,
Ambedkar Circle,
Bhawani Singh Road
Bhagat Ki Kothi, Plot No 1-2, Phase-2, Near Manglia Rly Station,
Jodhpur Maneri Industrial Area, Rahulkhedi, A.B. Road,
Rajasthan:342005 Thesil Niwas, Mandla NH3, Indore
Madhya Pradesh:481886 Madhya Pradesh:453771

7th Floor, CoreII, Purbanchal Bhavan, R & C Building, Thalamuthu
SCOPE Minar 771, Anandapur, Sir J. J. Road, Natarajan Building
Complex, Off EM-bypass, Byculla, 4th Floor,
Laxmi Nagar, Koklata:700 017. Mumbai:400 008. 8, Gandhi Irwin Rd.,
New Delhi:110 092. Tel. : 033-24195701 Tel. : 022-23789000 Post Box. No. 3045,
Tel. : 011-22010601 Egmore,
Chennai:600 008.
Tel. : 044-2852771


North West Zone Retail, 1, Nehru Enclave, Parishram Bhavan,
1st floor, Gomti Nagar, 7th Floor,
Shri Balaji Alfa Bazar, Lucknow:226 010. Fateh Maidan Rd.,
Opp Thakorbhai Desai Hall, Tel. : 0522-2307340 Opp. Babu Khan Est. Bldg,
High Street-1 Law Garden, Hyderabad:500 004.
Ahmedabad:380 015 Tel. : 040-66908050

Delhi Retail RO Bathinda Retail RO Chandigarh Retail RO


7th Floor, North Tower C/o HPCL Retail Outlet, Tel Bhawan
Scope Minar, Phoos Mandi, Plot No. 6A,
District Centre Mansa Road, Madhya Marg,
Laxmi Nagar Bathinda:151001 Sector 19B, Chandigarh
New Delhi:110092 Chandigarh:160019

Gurgaon Retail RO Jalandhar Retail RO Jammu Retail RO

104, Silverton Towers, Suchipind, Opposite Asia Hotel
1st Floor GT Road Bypass Gandhi Nagar,
Golf Course Extension Jalandhar:144009 Jammu
Road, Jammu & Kashmir:180004
Sector-50, Haryana
Panipat Retail RO Shimla Retail RO HISSAR RETAIL RO
E-22, Industrial Area, Hameer House, 3rd Floor, 2nd Floor, S.J. Tower
Court Road, Lower Chakkar, Shimla Sector 13, Tosham Road
Panipat, Haryana:132103 HP:171005 Hissar 125005

2nd Floor, Madina Manzil H.D Complex, 2nd Floor, 5th Floor, Maru Tower,
Medical College Square Janapath, G. S Road, Kanke Road,
Jail Road, Raipur:492001 Ulubari, Guwahati Ranchi:834008
Chattisgarh Dist: Kamrup (M):781007 Jharkhand
AT- Pardhiapali, 5th Floor Rajbandh, NH-2
Po : Sankarma Alok Bharati Building Durgapur:713 212
Dist:sambalpur:768 006 Bhubaneswar:751 007 West Bengal
Odisha Odisha
6, Church Lane
2nd Floor
Kolkata:700 001

Mumbai Retail RO Vashi Retail RO Vasco Retail RO


3/4, Junction of S.V. Rd & D-500, TTC Industrial Area F. L. Gomes Road
Turner Rd Vashi, Vasco da Gama
Bandra(West) Navi Mumbai:400705 Goa:403802
Pune Retail RO Aurangabad RO Indore Retail RO
3-C, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Plot No 39, Sector-G, Ground Floor, Kapas
Camp Town Centre, CIDCO Bhawan
Pune:411001 Aurangabad:431003 27A, Race Course Road,
Bhopal Retail RO Jabalpur Retail RO Solapur RO
Gautam Nagar P. O. 74 - 75 Gol Bazar HPCL Pakni Ird
Govindpura Shaheed Smarak, Near Railway Station
Bhopal:462023 Near Gangotri Apartment Pakni
Jabalpur:482002 Solapur – 413242
Post Box No. 8
Oriental Building
S.V. Patel Marg
Nagpur 440 001

Chennai Retail RO Cochin Retail RO Trichy Retail RO


Petro Bhavan, 2nd Floor P. B. NO.1601 MDSR Enclave, 2nd Floor
No 82, TTK Road Ernakulam North P. O. No. 90, Bharatidasan Salai
Alwarpet Cochin:682 018 Cantonment
Chennai:600018 Trichy:620001
Coimbtore Retail RO Kozhikode Retail RO Madurai Retail RO
H P House Elathur, Rakesh Towers, 3rd Floor
18/3, Big Bazaar Street Near Elathur Railway Bye Pass Road
Near Railway Station Station, Madurai:625010
Coimbatore:641001 Kozhikode: 673303
Nellore RO Warangal RO
Nellore Regional Office D No 1-1- 254,
H.No.16-15-986-2, Prasanth Nagar
AARVEE House Sri Sitarama Temple Road
Near Krishna Mandiram Kazipet, Warangal Dist
Children’s Park Main Road Kazipet,
Nellore – 524002 Warangal – 506004

Lucknow Retail RO Mughalsarai Retail Meerut Retail RO
Plot No.1, Nehru Enclave 2nd Floor, Village : Poota
Gomti Nagar North Square Building Vedvyaspuri,
LUCKNOW:226 010 Near IP Mall, Partapur, Industrial Estate
Shastri Nagar, Sigra Meerut:250103
Agra Retail RO PATNA Retail ro Begusarai Retail ro
85/4, Ispat Bhavan, Loknayak Jayprakash C/o : Barauni Depot
3rd Floor Bhavan NH 31,
Sanjay Place, 6th Floor, Village & Post : Papraur,
Agra:282 002 Dak Bangalow Crossing Begusarai:851210
Fraser Rd.

Dehradun Retail ro Kanpur RO VARANASI RETAIL RO

94, Govind Nagar, C/o RKPL Project Office 2ND Floor, North Square
Race Course 3rd Floor, 123/788 G-1 Building
Dehradun :248001 Plot No 52-T/15, Factory Near IP Mall, Shastri Nagar
Area Sigra
Fazalganj Varanasi – 221002
Kanpur – 208012

Ahmedabad Retail ro Jaipur Retail RO Jodhpur Retail RO
Petroleum House Tel Bhavan, Jyoti Nagar Between HPCL & IOCL
Behind Memnagar Fire Sahakar Marg Petrol Pump
Station Jaipur:302005 Bhagat Ki Kothi
Navrangpura Jodhpur:342005
Udaipur Retail RO Vadodara Retail RO Rajkot Retail ro
50, Saheli Nagar HPCL Petrol Pump Tel Bhavan, 1st Floor
Opp. New Polo Ground Ambalal Park, University Road
Udaipur:313001 Water Tank Rd. Rajkot:360005
Vadodara :390018
Kota RO
HPCL Petrol Pump
M/s Kota Service Station
Near Kotrai Choraha
Kota – 324007

Secunderabad RO Vijaywada RO Visakh Retail RO
130/1, Sarojini Devi Street Near Sai Baba Temple, Waltair Park, P. B. No.135
Next to St. Patricks High Tadepalli : 522 501 Chinna Waltair,
School, Guntur District Visakhapatnam:530 003
Secunderabad:500 003
KADAPA RETAIL RO Bengaluru Retail RO Belgaum Retail RO
Near Railway Station No.77, Old Madras Road, Rani Chennama Nagar
Cuddapah:516004 Doorvaninagar P. O. Sambhaji Road,
K. R. Puram, P. B.No. 529
Bengaluru:560 016 Belgaum : 590006
Mangalore Retail RO
1st floor ’Deo Gratias’
Chilimbi, Urwa Stores
Mangalore:575 006



Unresolved Grievances Bothering You ?
You may seek help of Directorate of Public Grievances [DPG] in resolution of
Grievances relating to Ministries / Departments and Organizations under its
Purview. In last few years, nearly ninety percent of the grievances taken up by the
Directorate have been resolved favourably.

Please read carefully the conditions listed below before lodging your grievance :
• You should have exhausted the Departmental remedies for individual grievances
• Your grievance should not relate to service matter[other than payment of terminal benefits like gratuity,
GPF etc.], a case disposed off at the level of Minister of the concerned Department, commercial contract,
a subjudice case, a case where quasi-judicial procedures and applellate mechanisms are prescribed for
decision making, RTI matter, Religious matter.
• Suggestion of any sort will not be treated as grievance.
List of Ministries /Departments/Organizations under DPG’s purview

[a] Ministry of Railways [i] Public Sector Banks

[b] Department of Posts [j] Public Sector Insurance Companies
[c] Department of Telecommunications including [k] National Saving Scheme of Ministry of Finance
[d] Ministry of Urban Development including Delhi [l] ESI Hospitals and Dispensaries directly
Development Authority, Land & Development controlled by Employees State Insurance
Office, SPWD and Directorate of Estates Corporation under Ministry of Labour and
[e] Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas [m] Employees’ Provident Fund Organization
including its Public Sector Undertakings
[f ] Ministry of Civil Aviation including Airports [n] Regional Passport Authorities under Ministry
Authority of India and Air India of External Affairs
[g] Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and [o] Central Government Health Scheme under
Highways Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
[h] Ministry of Tourism [p] Central Board of Secondary Education, Kendriya
Vidyalay Sangathan, National Institute of Open
Schooling, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Central
Universities, Deemed Universities [Central] and
Scholarship Schemes
[q] Ministry of Youth Affairs

Note : You can lodge your Contact us at :

Grievance online on our website The Secretary Directorate of Public Grievances
You may also 2nd Floor, Sardar Patel Bhawan, Sansad Bhawan, New Delhi 100001
send your grievance to us by post or Tel : 011-23743130, 011-23741228, 011-23363733
fax with complete information and Fax : 011-23345637, e-mail : [email protected]
relevant documents Website :
भारत सरकार
मंत्रिमंडल सचिवालय
लोक शिकायत निदेशालय
क्या आप अनसूलझी शिकायतों से परे शान हैं ?
आप लोक शिकायत निदे शालय के कार्य क्षेत्र के अंतर्ग़त मंत्रालयों /विभागों और संगठनों से
संबंधित शिकायतों के समाधान के लिए लोक शिकायत निदे शालय की सहायता ले सकते हैं।
पिछले कुछ सालों में , इस निदे शालय द्वारा उठाई गई लगभग नब्बे प्रतिशत शिकायतों का
संतोषजनक समाधान किया गया है ।

अपनी शिकायत दर्ज कराने से पहले कृपया नीचे दी गई शर्तों को ध्यानपूरक

्व पढें :-
• आपने अपनी शिकायतों को सम्बधित विभाग के समक्ष समाधान हे तु प्रस्तुत कर लिया हो।
• आपकी शिकायत सेवा मामले ( ग्रेच्युटी,जीपीएफ इत्यादि जैसे सेवांत हितलाभों के भग ु तान के अलावा) संबंधित विभाग
के मंत्री के स्तर पर निपटाए गए मामले, वाणिज्यिक अनब ु ं ध ,न्यायाधीन मामले . ऐसे मामले जहां निर्णय लेने के लिए
अर्द्धन्यायिक पध्दति और अपीलिय प्रक्रियाएं निर्धारिते की गई है . आरटीआई मामले, धार्मिक मामले से संबंधित न हो।
• किसी भी प्रकार के सझ
ु ाव को शिकायत रुप में नही माना जाएगा।

लोक शिकायत निदे शालय के कार्यक्षेत्र के अंतर्गत आने वाले मंत्रालयों/ विभागों/संगठनों की सूची

(क) रे ल मंत्रालय (ज) सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंक

(ख) डाक विभाग (झ) सार्वजनिक क्षेत्रों की बीमा कंपनिया

(ग) बीएसएनएल और एमटीएनएल सहित दरू संचार विभाग (त्र) वित्त मंत्रालय की राष्ट्रीय बचत स्कीम

(घ) दिल्ली विकास प्राधिकरण, भूमि और विकास कार्यालय, (ट) श्रम और रोजगार मंत्रालय के अंतर्गत कर्मचारी
सीपीडब्ल्यूडी और सम्पदा निदे शालय सहित शहरी राज्य बीमा निगम नियंत्रित ईएसआई अस्पताल और
विकास मंत्रालय | औषधालय |

(ठ) कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संग़ठन

(ङ) पेट्रोलियम और प्राकृतिक गैस मंत्रालय, इसके (ड) विदे श मंत्रालय के अंतर्गत क्षेत्रीय पासपोर्ट प्राधिकरण
सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के उपक्रम सहित

(च) भारतीय विमानपत्तन प्राधिकरण और एअर इंडिया (ढ) स्वास्थ और परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय के अंतर्गत
सहित नागर विमानन मंत्रालय केंद्रीय सरकार स्वास्थ योजना

(छ) केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड, केंद्रीय विद्यालय (ण) पर्यटन मंत्रालय
संगठन, राष्ट्रीय मुकत विद्यालयीय संस्थान,
नवोदय विद्यालय समिति, केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय (त) युवक कार्यक्रम मंत्रालय
समविश्वद्यालय(केंद्रीय) और मानव संसाधन विकास
(थ) पोत परिवहन, सडक परिवहन और राजमार्ग मंत्रालय
मंत्रालय की छात्रवत्ती
ृ स्कीमें ।

नोट: आप हमारी वेबसाइट हमसे यहां संपर्क करें :-

http:// पर सचिव
अपनी शिकायत दर्ज कर सकते है । लोक शिकायत निदे शालय
आप अपनी शिकायत, संपर्ण
ू सूचना दस
ू रा तल, सरदार पटे ल भवन, संसद मार्ग, नई दिल्ली- 110001
और संगत दस्तावजों के साथ दरू भाष : 011-23743139, 011-23741228, 011-23363733
हमें डाक/फैक्स फैक्स : 011-23345637
या ईमेल द्वारा भेज सकते है । वेब99
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are important to HPCL.

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