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Five major challenges

hindering security
token adoption on
Identity | Compliance | Confidentiality
Governance | Finality

Five major challenges hindering security token adoption on Ethereum

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Five major challenges hindering security token adoption on Ethereum

Executive summary
Security token standards, and ERC 1400 in particular, go a long way
towards making security tokens more viable. They eliminate the need for
technical due diligence and provide securities-specific features on
general-purpose blockchains.

However, it’s become clear as the industry with the requirements of modern capital
has evolved that five keystone issues with markets. To address these gaps, Polymath
asset tokenization on general-purpose has spearheaded the creation of Polymesh, an
blockchains need to be addressed in order institutional-grade permissioned blockchain
to align the functioning of the blockchain built specifically for regulated assets.

2 4

Compliance Governance

1 Five Major
Challenges 5
Identity Finality

Five major challenges hindering security token adoption on Ethereum

1. Identity
Securities issuance and transfer require a
known identity, but most chains are built for
pseudonymity. Polymesh uses a customer
due diligence process to ensure all actors
on the chain are verified and transactions
are authored by permissioned entities.

2. Compliance
Solutions built on top of general-purpose
blockchains struggle with processing the
complex logic needed to comply with
regulations. Polymesh builds compliance
into the chain, enabling faster processing
and lower protocol fees that can scale as
demand and complexity of regulation grows.

3. Confidentiality
Most market participants need their
position and trades to remain confidential,
but anyone can see holdings on general-
purpose blockchains. Polymesh has
engineered a secure asset management
protocol that enables confidential asset
issuance and transfers.

4. Governance
Contentious forks in the chain present
significant legal and tax challenges for
tokens backed by real assets. Polymesh
uses an industry-led governance model to
prevent hard forks and guide the evolution
of the chain.

5. Finality
Ethereum's probabilistic finality prevents
the blockchain from serving as a golden
record for asset ownership. By creating
assets at the protocol layer, Polymesh is
able to provide a simplified approach to
transfers and deterministic finality.

Five major challenges hindering security token adoption on Ethereum

Landscape and background

The early days of The quest to establish
tokenization security-specific
Fabian Vogelsteller and Vitalik Buterin
established the ERC 20 standard in November
To tackle this problem, Polymath brought
2015 and it’s the foundation of most tokens to
together 25 companies including custodians,
this day. But ERC 20 simply wasn’t designed
lawyers, exchanges, auditors, KYC providers,
for security tokens. This created a number
former regulators, and transfer agents to
of problems—for one thing, organizations
propose a unified standard for security tokens
couldn’t rely on ERC 20 to enforce KYC for
on Ethereum. The goal was to ensure that
secondary trades, which does not bode well
the token’s code met specific requirements
for certainty of ownership, an up-to-date cap
in order to allow organizations to integrate it
table, or a recovery mechanism in the event of
without costly and time-consuming technical
a lost private key.
due diligence. This standard, ERC 1400, has
since been adopted by organizations including
Numerous entities tried to overcome
ConsenSys and BNP Paribas.
these issues with proprietary standards.
Implementations include the DS protocol
ERC 1400 acts as an umbrella of standards
from Securitize, R-Token from Harbor, T-Rex
and addresses requirements specific to the
from Tokeny and ST20 from Polymath.
management of securities, including the
This multitude of implementations created
ability to conserve UBO rights for custodied
friction for the rest of the industry. Chiefly,
assets. In addition, ERC 1400 resolves some
custodians, exchanges, and other participants
of the challenges surrounding security token
needed to perform extensive due diligence
management by automating transfer control
on the code associated with the tokens
(including the need for KYC verification)
themselves, in addition to the standard
and corporate actions (including capital
business due diligence. Security tokens
distribution or voting).
were intended to bring efficiency and reduce
complexity, and adding this additional barrier
ERC 1400 brought together some of the best
was counterproductive.
minds in the industry to address the landscape
as it stood at the time, but recognizing that
regulation continues to evolve, ERC 1400 was
designed to be modular so new functionality
could be added as required.

Five major challenges hindering security token adoption on Ethereum

Beyond that, it became clear as the industry

Gaps in functionality evolved that five keystone issues with asset
left by standards tokenization on general-purpose blockchains
needed to be addressed in order to align
Despite these advances, standards can the functioning of the blockchain with the
only take us so far. While ERC 1400 goes a requirements of modern capital markets.
long way towards making Ethereum more
suitable for securities, as a general-purpose In order to address these gaps, Polymath has
chain, there are still gaps in functionality spearheaded the creation of Polymesh, an
and scalability. institutional-grade permissioned blockchain
built specifically for regulated assets. Because
Firstly, on Ethereum, digital assets are ERC 1400 has been so widely adopted,
programmed using smart contracts and as Polymesh has been able to use market
a result, custodians, exchanges and other feedback to build on the foundation created
market participants have to integrate each by the standard. Polymesh streamlines
asset into their environment individually. ERC antiquated processes and opens the door
1400 makes this process much more efficient to new financial instruments by solving
by standardizing the token configuration challenges with the public infrastructure
and eliminating the need for technical due through five key design principles built into
diligence, but there is still room to make the the base layer of the chain, rather than as
process faster and more automated. external add-ons.

Five major challenges hindering security token adoption on Ethereum

#1 Identity
Challenge Solution
Securities issuance and Polymesh uses a customer
transfer requires a known due diligence process to
identity, but most chains ensure all actors on the
are built for pseudonymity. chain are verified.
Regulation dictates that securities must be Before interacting with the chain, every
associated with an identity. However, user must validate their identity. Polymesh
general-purpose blockchains were built for streamlines this process by creating a single
censorship resistance and pseudo- identity on the chain for each real-world
anonymity. This ethos makes it very difficult individual or organization and then attaching
to meet compliance requirements around attestations to their identity as needed. This
identity verification and to fulfill modular two-stage approach to identity
Know-Your-Customer (KYC) obligations. verification allows for efficient onboarding as
well as specific checks.
Stage 1 - Onboarding
blockchains were
Firstly, every user validates their identity
built for censorship through a basic customer due diligence

resistance and (CDD) process that verifies their name,

date of birth, and place of residence in
pseudo-anonymity. real-time. Once complete, any accounts
a user creates, or assets they hold or
transfer, will be securely and confidentially
As a result of this mismatch in intention, a
connected to this identity.
number of issues arise on
public blockchains:
Stage 2 - Attestations
Next, attestations can be used to layer
Token holders can subvert rules by holding
in additional identity verification or due
assets under multiple digital identities
diligence actions as needed. Attestations
can be thought of as on-chain evidence
Users can carry out Sybil attacks by
verifying an attribute of a user’s identity
creating many pseudonymous
(i.e. residency, accreditation, or KYC status)
digital identities and are used to automate compliance rules
around ownership and transfer.
Transactions are validated by
operators with unknown credentials
Details on Polymesh identity can be found here.
in unknown locations

Five major challenges hindering security token adoption on Ethereum

#2 Compliance
Challenge Solution
Security tokens are subject Polymesh builds compliance
to a growing number of into the chain, enabling
regulations, but general- faster processing and lower
purpose blockchains protocol fees that can scale
struggle with the complex as demand and complexity
logic needed to comply. of regulation grows.
Security tokens are subject to a myriad of Compliance requirements are constantly
regulations and we expect these to grow in evolving, and they vary depending on the
number and complexity. Many capital markets jurisdiction and asset in question. Polymesh
participants have implemented proprietary gives issuers the flexibility to set rules around
solutions, but they require manual intervention ownership and transfer requirements based
and are yet to deliver the end-to-end on their specific needs. This includes token-
automation that’s necessary for automated based criteria (i.e. buy or sell lockups tied to
compliance. when a token was issued) as well as identity-
based criteria (i.e. residency).
Polymesh gives issuers
Once the issuer inputs preferences and
the flexibility to restrictions, Polymath’s technology automates
set rules around their enforcement. In short, before permitting

ownership and transfer a transfer to take place, Polymesh checks

to ensure all requirements are met and
requirements based on whether the buyer and seller have the right
their specific needs. attestations tied to their identity.

Because this functionality is built into the core

Built on top of the chain, these layer 2
of the chain rather than as an add-on, even
applications can automate key steps, but as
very complex compliance requirements can be
users begin to layer on successive rules, the
automated efficiently (and cost-effectively) at
number and complexity can push the chain to
its computational limits. This drives up costs
and processing time, which in turn limits the
Details on Polymesh compliance can be
potential to innovate and automate.
found here.

Five major challenges hindering security token adoption on Ethereum

#3 Confidentiality
Challenge This is done through MERCAT, which stands for
Mediated, Encrypted, SeCure Asset Transfers,
Most market participants and represents a new protocol for securely
need their position managing assets in a confidential and auditable
and trades to remain way by using a hybrid design approach
that combines zero-knowledge proofs with
confidential, but anyone restrictions enforced by trusted mediators,
can see holdings on general- such as the asset issuer or exchanges.

purpose blockchains. The cryptography behind MERCAT is quite

complex, but the experience for the issuers,
Capital markets participants value confidentiality investors, and other market participants
and privacy, regardless of their size or purpose. remains simple. Issuers on Polymesh are
Financial institutions must protect client given the option to make transactions with
information to comply with privacy requirements their security token confidential during
and safeguard their own financial interests. Non- configuration.
reporting entities, usually with a small pool of
shareholders, often do not want any ownership Just by pressing a few buttons, Polymesh
or transfer information to become public. can provide:
On general-purpose blockchains, layer 2
Transfer Amount Confidentiality
solutions can be used to make transactions and
balances confidential, but they come with an Transfer amounts and account balances
unworkable compromise—to add transaction are kept confidential through the use of
privacy, they must sacrifice the ability to zero-knowledge proofs that prove validity
automate compliance checks or ownership of the transfer and resulting balances.
Asset Confidentiality
Not only is the price and quantity of
an asset confidential, the asset type
Polymesh has engineered a transferred is also kept confidential, which
secure asset management enables users to maintain private portfolios.

protocol that enables Auditability

confidential asset issuance Users can provide audit rights to the
and transfers. trusted parties to view transaction details
without removing the privacy of those
Because Polymesh is intended for securities, it transactions or disclosing any other user
makes it possible to transfer and hold assets secrets such as the cryptographic private
keys or asset spending key.
confidentially, while still automating compliance
checks and cap table updates.
Details on confidentiality can be found here.
Five major challenges hindering security token adoption on Ethereum

#4 Governance
Challenge Solution
Contentious forks in the Polymesh uses an industry-
chain present significant led governance model to
legal and tax challenges for prevent hard forks and guide
tokens that are backed by the evolution of the chain.
real assets. Polymesh addresses the challenges general
Governance can be a difficult topic for any purpose blockchains face with governance
blockchain, but this is especially true for by building it into the core of the blockchain.
security tokens, where the chain is not only This comes to life through the approach to
the source of truth for potentially billions of upgrades and on-chain governance.
dollars, but must also allow investors, issuers,
and capital markets participants to fulfill their Upgrades
regulatory obligations. Normally, blockchains are susceptible to
forks during upgrades. Polymesh is built
Because of its decentralised nature, when on Substrate Framework, which provides
there is a disagreement, a blockchain can be Forkless Runtime Upgrades. Unlike other
split into two separate chains—known as a frameworks, this allows for seamless
fork—which can expose major legal and tax upgrades on the chain to avoid the risk
challenges for tokens backed by real assets. of hard forks. Without getting into the
technical details, this means the ability
If an investor owns one ounce of tokenised
to upgrade Polymesh is a feature of the
gold, they will not get a second ounce of gold
blockchain itself, with any changes to the
when the blockchain forks and the asset is
chain recorded directly on the chain itself.
duplicated, because the extra gold doesn’t
exist in the real world. As a result, a blockchain
for securities must have a governance process Governing Council
that can mitigate contentious forks. In addition, Polymesh relies on a council
of key stakeholders to review Polymesh
Improvement Proposals (PIP) submitted
Polymesh addresses by committees or token holders, find
consensus, and chart a path forward for its
the challenges general future development. The ability to direct
purpose blockchains the evolution of mission-critical software
presents a major leg up over a traditional
face with governance ‘vendor’ relationship and provides a means
by building it into of steering the chain past potential issues
or disagreements.
the core of the
blockchain. Details on Polymesh governance can be found here.
Five major challenges hindering security token adoption on Ethereum

#5 Finality
Challenge In essence, settlement finality is possible
on Polymesh because of how identity,
Ethereum’s use of compliance, and governance are woven
probabilistic finality together in the core of the chain.

prevents it from serving as Identity

a golden record for asset In addition to ensuring that the buyer and
seller both have known identities, Polymesh
ownership. ensures that node operators are known
and permissioned. This is critical from a
A recent German draft law on the introduction finality standpoint, because otherwise the
of electronic securities makes it clear that question “did the transaction happen?”
“blockchain or DLT systems can only be may yield two different answers—the
used for maintaining a crypto securities mathematical one, which says there is a
register if they sufficiently ensure the finality transaction in a block that was verified and
of transactions.” In other words, for the broadcasted, and a legal one that might not
blockchain to contain a true representation tell the same story.
of ownership, it must provide deterministic
finality. But between Ethereum’s probabilistic
finality mechanism, cumbersome compliance Once a buyer and seller affirm a transfer,
automation, and the unknown identity of block the assets are ‘committed’. This solves
problems with delivery failure and pre-
authors, this just isn’t possible.
funding—the assets can’t be spent in other
transactions, but the holder doesn’t need
Solution to relinquish control in advance. Once
By creating assets at assets are locked, compliance rules are
automatically checked, and the transfer
protocol layer, Polymesh is is either wholly completed (and instantly
able to provide a simplified settled atomically) or wholly rejected (and
approach to transfers and the assets are immediately returned).

deterministic finality. Governance

Firstly, Polymesh relies on its Governing
Polymesh addresses settlement roadblocks Council to set criteria and permission
through its unique, protocol-level asset node operators. Beyond that, forkless
upgrades provide critical assurance that
transfer process. It reduces delivery failure
the transaction won’t be reverted having
without requiring prefunding and can provide
followed the wrong fork.
deterministic transaction finality through
the GRANDPA finality gadget, as well as
stringent identity verification requirements,
a comprehensive compliance validation Details on Polymesh settlement can be
framework, and a forkless upgrade process. found here.

Five major challenges hindering security token adoption on Ethereum

When it comes to creating and managing
digital securities, Polymesh’s specificity
gives it (and the applications built on it) a
distinct advantage over general-purpose

The purpose-built infrastructure is able to

address the gaps in Ethereum’s
architecture needed to align the
functioning of the blockchain with the
requirements of modern capital markets.

Security tokens have been tried

on other blockchains with varying
levels of success, but factors such
as gas fees and the principles of
anonymity meant it was always a
difficult proposition.

With Polymesh we can move beyond

those challenges.

Mike Kessler,
CEO and Founder


About Polymath
Polymath makes it easy to create, issue, and manage security tokens on
the blockchain. Over 200 tokens have been deployed using our Ethereum-
based solution and we are now in the midst of launching Polymesh, an
institutional-grade blockchain built specifically for regulated assets. It
streamlines antiquated processes and opens the door to new financial
instruments by solving the inherent challenges with public infrastructure
around identity, compliance, confidentiality, and governance.

Learn more

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