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Guide Questions:

1. What is an isometry?

An isometry is a transformation which leaves the dimension of the object and its pre-image
unchanged. It can be known as rigid transformations or distancing preserving transformations. It
comes from the Greek words isos meaning equal and metron meaning measure. 

2. Describe each of these terms in your own words: reflection, translation, rotation,
glide reflection.  Illustrate each.

 Reflection or Flip is a type of plane isometry where the object is moved into a
new position which is a mirror image of the original position in a plane.

 Translation or Slide is a type of plane isometry where the object will move or
“slide” in a fixed distance in a fixed direction.

 Rotation or Turn is a type of plane isometry where the pre-image is unchanged

but can turn to different directions which are clockwise or counterclockwise
around a fixed point.

 Glide reflection is a type of plane isometry that has two kinds of transformations
which are translation and reflection. The figure will be translated first then
reflected in a mirror line.
3. Compare and contrast these types of patterns:  rosette, wallpaper, frieze.

 Rosette patterns (R)- a finite groups of isometries which can contain just rotations
and reflections.
 Freize patterns (F)- infinitely long strip imprinted with a design given by
repeating motif. It has a translational symmetry in one direction.
 Wallpaper patterns (W)- it covers the plane and mapped onto itself by translations
in more than one direction.

Similarities and Differences:

 Rosette and Freize – Rosette patterns and freize patterns are similar in a way where they
have reflectional and rotational symmetries. The difference is that freize patterns can
apply the translational transformation however, rosette patterns cannot.

 Rosette and Wallpaper- Rosette and wallpaper patterns are similar in a way where they
both have reflectional and rotational symmetries. The difference is that wallpaper patterns
can apply the translational transformation and can go in more than one direction however
rosette patterns cannot.

 Freize and Wallpaper- Freize and wallpaper patterns are similar in way where to qualify
as both a freize and wallpaper, it must have at least a basic unit and a copy of it by
translation. They are both in an infinite number of patterns. The difference is that freize
can only go in one direction however, wallpaper patterns can go on infinitely in more
than one direction.
4. What objects around you can be classified as a rosette pattern?  frieze pattern?
wallpaper pattern?  Take a picture of each pattern and include it in your

Rosette – It is a dihedral type of rosette pattern that has a rotational and reflectional

Freize – It is an only translation type of freize group since it uses translation symmetry
right away.

Wallpaper – a type of wallpaper that uses translation symmetry in more than one

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