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Species Harvested, Wood Volume Removed, and a Rare Endemic Tree (Haptanthus) from a

Honduran Lowland Forest

Donald L. Hazlett1
Abstract. For at least a century, the area of tropical American lowland forests has been in decline. One reason
for this decline is logging. Logging operations in Honduras are rarely associated with botanical expeditions that
identify the timber and non-timber species. This article documents the common and scientific names of trees
harvested from a north-coast Honduran lowland forests from 1972-1979. During these nine years more than 50
tree species were harvested and more than 68,900 m3 of wood was extracted. The origins of the common names
for many of the utilized timber trees are discussed. The most exploited trees were two species of Virola (V.
koschnyi and V. guatemalensis), which comprised more than 54% of the total extracted wood volume. In second
place was Ceiba pentandra with more than 23% of the extracted wood. Huertea cf. cubensis and Sterculia
mexicana trees were cut and utilized before they were known to occur in Honduras. A previously unknown endemic
tree was collected from this logged area in 1980. This species has primitive angiosperm traits and was described
as Haptanthus hazlettii (Buxaceae) in 1989. It was presumed to be extinct several decades, but was rediscovered
in 2010. The original discovery, subsequent interest, and the current status of 44 known individuals of this endemic
and endangered species are discussed. Primitive traits and the first complete taxonomic description (with fruits)
for this taxon are included. Other little known native and endemic plants that occur in this region, especially species
with ethnobotanical uses are discussed. The forest area removed in the 1970s is now very fragmented, which
threatens the survival of endemic tree species.

Key words: Common names, Honduras, primitive angiosperm, scientific names, timber species, tropical

Especies Taladas, Volumen de Madera Extraído y un Árbol Endémico Raro (Haptanthus) de un Bosque
Hondureño de Tierras Bajas

Resumen. Por más de un siglo, el área de los bosques naturales en las tierras bajas de América tropical ha ido
disminuyendo. Una de las razones es el aprovechamiento de la madera. En Honduras es poco común que la
extracción de madera esté asociada con expediciones botánicas para identificar las especies maderables y no
maderables. Este artículo es único porque documenta los nombres comunes y científicos de los árboles
maderables aprovechados en un bosque hondureño entre 1972 y 1979. Durante estos 9 años, más de 50 especies
de árboles fueron aprovechadas y más de 68,900 m3 de madera fueron extraídos. Los orígenes de los nombres
comunes de unos árboles son discutidos. Los árboles más extraídos fueron dos especies de Virola (V. koschnyi
y V. guatemalensis) que sumaban el 54% del volumen de la madera extraída. En segundo lugar fue la Ceiba
pentanda con más del 23% de la madera extraída. Huertea cf. cubensis y Sterculia mexicana fueron cortados y
utilizados para madera antes de que fueran conocidos en la flora de Honduras. Un árbol endémico desconocido
y raro fue recolectado por la primera vez en 1980 en esta zona. Esta especie tiene características de una
angiosperma primitiva y fue descrita como Haptanthus hazlettii (Buxaceae) in 1989. Este árbol, que fue
considerado extinto por varias décadas, fue recolectado de nuevo en el 2010. El descubrimiento original, el interés
subsecuente y el estado actual de 44 individuos existentes de este árbol son discutidos. Este artículo también
resume las características primitivas e incluye la primera descripción botánica completa (con frutos) de esta
especie monotípica endémica en peligro crítico de extinción. Otras plantas endémicas de esta zona que son poco
conocidas, especialmente especies con usos etnobotánicos están discutidas. El bosque aprovechado en la
década de 1970 muy fragmentado. Por lo tanto, la sobrevivencia de muchas especies endémicas de esta zona
está amenazada.

Palabras clave: Angiosperma primitiva, árboles maderables, deforestación tropical, Honduras, nombres
científicos, nombres comunes.

1 Denver Botanic Gardens, 1007 York St., Denver, Colorado, 80206, United States. E-mail: [email protected]

DOI: 10.5377/ceiba.v53i2.2506 81 Ceiba, 2012. Volumen 53(2):81-94

Ceiba Volumen 53(2) julio-diciembre 2012

Introduction Maderera S.A.) secured a concession to selectively

remove timber trees from extensive areas of primary
Tropical lowland forests in Latin America have forest in lowland areas (200-1000 m elevation) along
been disappearing at a rapid rate for decades the Honduran north coast. This large, poorly defined
(Grainger 1993). Estimates for deforestation in area of exploitation was located east of Tela, extended
Honduras for 1976-1980, 1982, 1981-1985, and 1981- at least halfway toward La Ceiba, and was mostly north
1990 are 53,000, 70,000, 90,000, and 112,000 ha per of the higher elevations of the Cordillera Nombre de
year, respectively (Kaimowitz 1996). Deforestation Dios. The majority of this area was in the Atlántida
estimates in Honduras from 2000 and 2005 average Department, but access roads sometimes entered the
47,200 ha per year. This calculates to a 37% reduction more southern Department of Yoro. Southern portions
in Honduran forest cover between 1990 and 2005 of the TIMSA harvested area are now included, or at
(Butler 1994-2006). In 2000, the amount of primary least border, a protected area called Refugio de Vida
forest remaining in Honduras was 1.51 million hectares Silvestre Texiguat (Texiguat Wildlife Refuge).
or 14% of the total Honduran land area.
The president of the TIMSA plywood factory in the
Reasons for deforestation in Honduras include late 1970s was Pierre Ligeard (Don Pedro). I began
clearing land for cattle pastures, African oil palm work at the Lancetilla Botanical Garden in 1978, a few
plantations, firewood, mining, fire, and timber years after the TIMSA logging operation began. I
exploitation. Many other Honduran lowland forests recognized the unique opportunity to collect plants from
have been exploited for timber, especially for quality this actively logged primary forest. I met with Don
wood from mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), Pedro to request permission to collect plant specimens
Spanish cedar (Cedrela odorata), and rosewood in the logged area. As long as I did not interfere with
(Dalbergia spp.). This article documents timber species the logging operations, they allowed me to use the
utilized for plywood by TIMSA (Tela Industrial access roads to enter the forest and to make plant
Maderera S.A.) between 1972 and 1979. This is the collections.
greatest diversity of tree species ever reported as
I also asked Don Pedro if his tree-finders had
extracted and utilized for a single logging operation in
experience identifying local tree species. He was not in
touch with any of the tree finders. When I eventually
The common names, scientific names, and volume met these men, I learned that only a few had tree-
of wood utilized are reported. The origins of tree finding experience prior to their work with TIMSA.
common names for many timber and non-timber tree These few served as mentors for other members of the
species present in the logged areas are discussed. harvest crew.
Also included are ethnobotanical uses for native tree
Don Pedro complained of the lack of forest
that occur in the logged forest area.
inventory information from the forests he had
A previously undescribed, non-timber tree species permission to exploit. Without inventory data, TIMSA
discovered in the logged area, was of special interest. did their own log-peel tests to determine which species
This is an enigmatic and primitive angiosperm tree that were appropriate for plywood. TIMSA was not
was first collected in 1980, described as Haptanthus concerned with scientific names, but did keep records
hazlettii in 1989, presumed to be extinct for two on the common names and sizes of the extracted tree
decades, and rediscovered in 2010. Information about species. A large number of trees were felled for access,
Haptanthus, from its initial discovery to current but were not extracted. I was fortunate that an
monitoring efforts, are summarized. administrator gave me a copy of the common names
and volumes of the trees harvested by TIMSA from
Background 1972-1979 (Tables 1 and 2). The TIMSA harvest
operation continued into the 1980s, but I was unable to
Between 1972 and 1981, a French-owned plywood secure timber harvest data after 1979.
company called TIMSA (Tela Industrial

Hazlett: Species Harvested, Wood Volume Removed, and a Rare Endemic Tree (Haptanthus)

Table 1. The volumes and names for the 19 most frequently tree species harvested by TIMSA (Tela Industrial
Maderera S.A.) from 1972 to 1979. These species had at least 100 m 3 of wood extracted over 8 years. Scientific
names with an asterisk were not verified with botanical specimens. Data provided by TIMSA.

Timber Species Total (m3)

1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 - (% of
Scientific & Common Name total)
Virola koschnyi Warb. & Virola
guatemalensis (Hemsl.) Warb. 1,174 5,739 2,889 5,021 6,782 4,836 5,491 5,084 37,016 - 54
caobina, sangre
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.
36 740 1,109 1,012 794 1,957 2,907 5,809 14,364 - 23
Sterculia mexicana R. Br.
2 493 424 579 243 686 730 843 4,000 - 6-7
*Mortoniodendron anisophylum
(Standl.) Standl. & Steyerm. 4 185 391 589 74 290 213 299 2,045 - 3-4
Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.)
Oken 0 249 3 248 301 251 129 68 1,249 - 2-3
*Eschweileria hondurensis Standl.
0 25 0 540 148 237 194 57 1,200 - 1-2
cuero de toro
Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.)
S.F. Blake 0 134 0 0 141 309 282 225 1,091 - 1-2
Gordonia fruticosa (Schrad.) H.
Keng 0 0 0 57 23 114 717 100 1,011 - 1-2
Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess
0 138 0 150 118 366 74 8 854 - 1-2
María, Santa María
Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemño
0 118 0 389 54 83 76 103 823 - 1-2
curtidor, nance de montaña
Simarouba amara Aubl.
[= S. glauca] 2 78 0 0 0 183 173 245 681 - 1-2
negritón, aceituno
Pinus caribaea Morelet
0 0 0 124 45 28 474 0 671 - 1-2
Vochysia guatemalensis Donn
Sm. 10 103 0 13 0 264 101 133 624 - < 1
San Juan
*Tapiriira guianensis Aubl.
0 31 0 9 10 170 106 5 331 - < 1
piojo, mata piojo
Swietenia macrophylla King
0 291 0 0 0 3 0 0 294 - < 1
Macrohasseltia macroterantha
(Standl. & L.O. Williams)
0 20 0 4 15 151 43 0 233 - < 1
L.O. Williams
tempisque, hoja ancha
Huertea cf. cubensis Griseb.
0 21 0 127 10 22 24 12 216 - < 1
Cedrela odorata L.
0 105 0 14 0 0 0 0 119 - < 1
cedro, cedro real
Vochysia ferruginia Mart.
10 37 55 0 0 0 0 0 102 - < 1
San Juan de costa
Mix of ca. 25 taxa (Table 2) 9 418 0 220 340 362 627 16 1,992 - 3-4
Totals (m3) 1,247 8,925 4,871 9,096 9,098 10,312 12,361 13,007 68,916

Ceiba Volumen 53(2) julio-diciembre 2012

Table 2. The volumes and names for about 25 taxa of trees that were infrequently harvested in 1973. This was a
year when unidentified trees were tested for possible use as plywood and was the only year when common names
and volumes were available for little-utilized species. The volume of little-utilized trees in 1973 was about 30% of
1,992 m3, the total volume of infrequently harvested timber (Table 1). Scientific names with an asterisk were not
verified with botanical specimens. Data provided by TIMSA (Tela Industrial Maderera S.A.).

Scientific Name or Family Common Name m3

Nectandra / Ocotea / Persea aguacatillo, aguacate del monte 80.5
Vatairea lundellii (Standl.) Killip ex Record amargoso 58.1
Brosinium alicastrum Sw. masica 48.9
Podocarpus oleifolius D. Don ex Lam. ciprés 41.2
Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. indio desnudo 27.4
*Gordonia brandegeei H. Keng cuero de toro 25.1
Symphonia globulifera L. f. barillo, varillo 24.0
Unidentified retintón 19.1
*Ampelocera hottlei (Standl.) Standl. manteco 17.8
Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D. Don tambor 16.2
Guarea glabra Vahl or G. grandifolia DC. carbón 15.7
Tetrorchidium rotundatum Standl. San Juan Guayapeño 13.1
Zanthoxylum sp. cedro espino 10.6
Unidentified opiojante 10.2
Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth or *Hyeronima oblonga (Tul.)
Müll. Arg. nance del monte 9.6
Cupania glabra Sw. cola de pavo 9.3
Ficus sp. higuero 4.7
Unidentified Sapotaceae gigante 4.5
Manilkara sp. or Pouteria sp. níspero 4.1
Unidentified ocotillo 3.9
Juglans sp. nogal 3.0
Unidentified Sapotaceae zapotón 2.0
Spondias mombin L. jobo 2.0
Terminalia amazonia (J.F. Gmel.) Excell in Pulle naranjo 2.3
Ilex discolor Hemsl. guayabillo, limoncillo 1.0
Subtotal: wood volume harvested in 1973 only 454.3
Total: All infrequently-harvested /tested species (1972-1978) = 1,992.0

Hazlett: Species Harvested, Wood Volume Removed, and a Rare Endemic Tree (Haptanthus)

Methods Virola species were easily identified due to their red

sap (Figure 1), the reason for the common name
TIMSA provided lists of tree common names and sangre (blood). In 1979, Virola seeds were collected
cubic meter amounts of trees that arrived to the from the logging areas and were planted into the
plywood factory between 1972 and 1979. Five trips to Lancetilla arboretum. In 2015, Virola guatemalensis,
the logged area were made in 1979 and 1980 (March planted in 1979, was growing and had a diameter of 21
to May) to collect plant material in order to verify the cm (ca. 8 inches), a diameter increment of about 0.6
scientific names for the common names on TIMSA lists cm per year. The Virola trees harvested were often
(Tables 1 and 2). In addition, plant material was over 1.0 m in diameter (Figure 1). It is estimated that
collected from other tree species discovered in the many of the Virola trees harvested by TIMSA were at
logged areas. least 200 years old.


TIMSA knew from the onset that Virola was

excellent for plywood, but had little reliable information
about other native trees that could be used for plywood.
In search for additional logs, at least 50 species were
harvested, transported to the factory, and peeled. This
trial-and-error method identified six species as the
most available and suitable for plywood - the first six
species listed on Table 1. These six species comprised
nearly 90% of the 68,916 m3 of wood extracted from
these forests from 1972 to 1979 (Table 1).
The TIMSA factory created a pile of harvested trees
that were deemed as unsuitable for plywood. Among
these were trees with valuable wood, such as
granadillo or rosewood (Dalbergia spp.) and paleto
(Dialium guianensis). There was no sawmill or market
available for these native hardwood trees. No records
were kept of the species or for the number of trees
(dozens were seen in piles) that were extracted from
forests and transported to the plywood factory –only to
be discarded as unsuitable for plywood.
The most sought after and harvested trees were
Virola koschnyi and V. guatemalensis (Myristicaceae).
Over half of the total wood volume extracted over 8
years was from these two species (Table 1). The wood
from both of these Virola species is similar. This wood,
with a density in the range of 0.40-0.48 g/cm3, works
well for plywood, and dries to a rich brown color. The
in-roads into the primary forest were, in large part,
arranged to access areas with clusters of large Virola
trees. Virola koschnyi trees, the most common of the
two species, were more common at lower elevations.
The less frequently harvested V. guatemalensis was Figure 1. Virola koschnyi (sangre) is oozing sap at a
more common at higher elevations. TIMSA did not Tela Industrial Maderera S.A. (TIMSA) logging site in
distinguish which Virola species was harvested. Some 1979. This tree was estimated to be over 200 years old.
of the trees may also have been Virola sebifera Aubl. The sandy soils are difficult to reforest.
Ceiba Volumen 53(2) julio-diciembre 2012

The third most utilized timber was ceibo or kapok

(Ceiba pentandra: Malvaceae), which comprised 23%
of the total wood extracted. Ceiba wood (0.23 g/cm3) is
about half as dense as Virola wood. Ceiba wood was
used for the inside plywood layers. TIMSA kept no
record of the locations where Ceiba, or any other trees,
were harvested. Large Ceiba trees are scarce in the
primary forests, but large Ceiba trees were frequent
and readily visible in many north-coast pastures. This
visibility allowed TIMSA to locate and harvest large
Ceiba trees from pastures. It was easier to purchase
trees from local landowners than to build an in-road to
access an occasional Ceiba tree in the primary forest.
Prior to the TIMSA logging operation it was easy to
count dozens of large Ceiba in pastures, on both sides
of the road, between San Pedro Sula and La Ceiba. It
seemed that landowners had protected these majestic
trees, sacred to the ancient Maya, as shade for
livestock or for sentimental reasons. In the early 1980s,
I saw 5 trees being removed by TIMSA. Many other
Ceiba trees were also removed from pastures. In 2013,
I counted only 10 Ceiba trees in roadside pastures
between El Progreso and Tela, most were small.
The fourth most exploited species was guanillo
(Sterculia mexicana: Malvaceae), which comprised 6-
7% of total wood extracted in eight years (Table 1). Like
Ceiba, this less dense wood was used for the interior
layers of plywood. Sterculia mexicana was one of
several tree species from trees in this harvest area that Figure 2. A Sterculia mexicana (guanillo) tree in the
was not known to occur in Honduras prior to this study Lancetilla arboreum in 2012. This native tree, planted
(Hazlett 1979). This is an example of a tree that was in 1979, grew from seeds collected in 1979 from the
exploited before it was known to occur in Honduras. Tela Industrial Maderera S.A. (TIMSA) logging site. In
Seeds from this tree species were collected and were 2012, this tree was 36 cm in diameter (dbh).
planted into the Lancetilla arboretum in 1979 (Figure
2). In 2012 two guanillo trees planted in 1979 had a
diameter of 61 cm (24 inches) and 36 cm (14 inches), The sixth most exploited species was laurel (Cordia
an annual diameter increment of 0.7 to 1.0 cm per year alliodora: Boraginaceae), which comprised 2-3% of the
(Figure 2). This species has less dense wood than total amount of wood extracted in eight years (Table 1).
Virola, which helped explain its more rapid growth. This second-growth tree is well known and it is often
utilized for its high quality lumber.
The fifth most exploited species was barrenillo
(Mortoniodendron anisophylum: Malvaceae), which The above six trees comprised nearly 90% of the
comprised 3-4% of the total amount of wood extracted total volume of wood extracted from these forests over
in eight years (Table 1). Prior to its use for plywood, this eight years. Each of the remaining 13 trees on Table 1
large tree was seldom collected in Honduras. It was not and 25 taxa on Table 2 contributed less than 1% to the
possible to verify the scientific name for this species, total volume of wood extracted. Among these little-
so its determination remains as probable. The M. used species were readily identified trees from higher
anisophylum name is based on the common name elevations, such as Juglans (nogal) and Podocarpus
barenillo, a name that is similar to barillo, a common (ciprés de montaña). The identification of infrequently
name for Symphonia globulifera. It was determined, extracted trees was not possible because no leaf
however, that the barrenillo cut by TIMSA was not S. material was seen. A few infrequently harvested trees
Hazlett: Species Harvested, Wood Volume Removed, and a Rare Endemic Tree (Haptanthus)

had common names, such as opiojante and retintón, the flowers of oranges, lemons, and other citrus. The
that were previously unreported. diminutive name azajarillo (small azahar) appears to
refer to the white, presumably aromatic flowers that
Discussion seasonally fall to the ground from high in the canopy.
The cedar and cedro tree common names were
Tree Common Names. The common names for most
imported from Europe. These names are used in the
of the harvested timber species were consistently
Bible for the Cedars of Lebanon (Cedrus). The word
linked to scientific names (Tables 1 and 2). Common
cedar is derived from Latin (cedrus) and Old French
names that were not definitively verified to a scientific
(cedre), a reference to aromatic and reddish wood. In
name are identified on these tables by an asterisk. A
temperate regions of the New World the cedar name
few of the common names for extracted timber species
became used for gymnosperms species with red,
may have been recently contrived: for example, cuero
aromatic wood (Juniperus, Libocedrus, Tsuga). In
de toro (bull hide), agujo (needle), retintón (a cracking
Tropical America the cedro name was also applied to
sound), and gigante (gigantic). The cuero de toro name
aromatic, red wood, but in this case it was for
was said to refer to bark texture or to a tree with bark
angiosperm, not for gymnosperm trees.
that is difficult to remove. The agujo name seemed to
refer to Xylopia, a tree with spines on its trunk. The self- The best known and perhaps the first tropical
explanatory name gigante suggested a large, but American tree to be called cedro (or cedro real) is
unknown tree. Finally, the unidentified retintón may Cedrela odorata (Spanish or cigar-box cedar). The
refer to a tree that makes a cracking sound, perhaps cedro name for Cedrela odorata (Meliaceae) became a
when it is felled. model for the common names of other tropical trees.
As in Europe and North America, a cedro derived
The best-known and most consistently used
common name in tropical America is used for trees with
common name for a timber species in Honduras is
red, aromatic wood. Unlike in Europe and in North
caoba (mahogany). The caoba name has no literal
America, in tropical American the pinnately compound
translation, but it is believed to be a word from Taíno
leaf type, the leaf type of Cedrela odorata, is also part
(indigenous Arawak peoples of the Caribbean). Austin
of the model for other common names derived from
(2004) reported that the English word mahogany may
cedro. Honduran trees with common names derived in
also be derived from Taíno words, in this case from
this fashion include: cedro macho (Carapa guienensis:
mogno and maho, words that refer to strong fibers. The
Meliaceae), cedro espino, teta (Zanthoxylum:
caoba name became well known soon after mahogany
Rutaceae), cedro negro (Juglans: Juglandaceae),
trees (Swietenia mahogonii) were exploited in the
cedrón (Quassia amara: Simaroubaceae), cedrillo
Antilles, especially in Cuba. The caoba name
(Mosquitoxylum jamaicense: Anacardiaceae) and the
continued to be used when large stands of Swietenia
TIMSA harvested cedrillo (Huertea cubensis:
macrophylla were discovered elsewhere, such as in
Tapiscaceae). Similar common names for
British Honduras (now Belize) and in Honduras. The
taxonomically different trees, all with pinnately
caobina common name for Virola is a marketing
compound leaves and reddish wood, is an example of
strategy, a descriptive name coined to link the lesser-
a folk taxonomy based on leaf morphology and wood
known wood of Virola with that of the high-quality wood
properties. It is also a compliment to the identification
from caoba (mahogany).
skills of local tree finders.
The tempisque common name, used in this forest
The cedrillo common name was known before
for Macrohasseltia macroterantha, is the same
botanists realized that Huertea cf. cubensis was
common name used for Sideroxylon capiri. Tempisque
present in Honduras (Hazlett 1981). As soon as cedrillo
is derived from Náhuatl (tentl: lip and pitztic). These
was identified as a quality timber species, a small
indigenous words may refer to sticky lips that can occur
plantation of Huertea was established in Lancetilla in
after you eat these fruits.
1979. In 2015, these 37 year old trees ranged in
The common name azajarillo for the large Gordonia diameter from 12 to 16 cm (5 to 6 in) to 25 to 30 cm (10
fruticosa (Theaceae) trees is the diminutive of azahar. to 12 in). This is a diameter increment of 0.3 to 0.8 cm
The word azahar is derived from the Arabic word zahr per year, somewhat slower than the 0.7 to 1.0 cm
(flower) and azzahár (white flower). Spanish use the annual diameter increment for two Sterculia mexicana
word azahar for white, aromatic flowers, especially for trees and similar to the growth rate for a Virola.

Ceiba Volumen 53(2) julio-diciembre 2012

Other common names utilized by TIMSA workers few examples are nance de montaña (Hyeronima
would describe the fruit, sap, bark or wood of a tree. alchorneoides), guayaba de danto (Chrysophyllum
The masica name (Brosinium alicastrum) is from the mexicanum), higuero (Ficus spp.) and zapotillo
Spanish word masa (flour, water and lime mixed to (Couepia polyandra).
make dough). The masica tree has a fruit (breadnut)
Two large categories of plant common names are
that has long been used, since Mayan times, to make
based on a tree use for carbón (charcoal) and Catholic
a type of flour. The guanillo name is difficult to decipher.
saints. A rhyming Mexican poem recognizes these
It appears to refer to a tree with relatively soft wood. It
names and uses ‘Hasta los palos del monte tienen su
may be a modified diminutive of guarumo (Cecropia
destinación; unos nacen para santos y otros para hacer
sp.), a tree with similarly lobed, but larger leaves. The
carbón’ (Mexican minstrel ca 1845). [English
agujo (needle) name refers to Xylosma, a tree with
translation: Even the mountain trees have a destiny:
needle-like thorns on the trunk. I was told by TIMSA
Some are born to be saints - others to be charcoal.]
sawyers that cuero de toro (bull hide), a common name
for Eschweilera hondurensis (and other trees), was Many Honduran trees have common names based
based on the fact that its bark is difficult to remove. on their use as carbón (charcoal). Trees with carbón in
Bark texture may also be a reason of this common their common name tend to have dense enough wood
name, since species of Caprinus, Ulmus, and to make acceptable charcoal. Their common names
Cassipourea in Honduras are sometimes called cuero can refer to the color, texture or shape of the charcoal.
de toro (Nelson 2008). Trees in these genera have bark A few examples (Nelson 2008) are: carbón blanco,
that may suggest a bull’s hide. The amargoso (bitter) carbón de Comayagua or carbón chele (Mimosa
common name for Vatairea lundellii, a reference to the tenuiflora: Fabaceae), carbón macho or carbón negro
bitter taste of the wood from this tree, appears to be a (Guarea glabra: Meliaceae) carbón montón (Matayba
well-established name. oppositifolia: Sapindaceae), carbonera (Consolida
orientalis: Ranunculaceae), and carbonera del monte
Animals have inspired common names for trees.
(Petrea volubilis: Verbenaceae). These trees are in
Among these is zorra (fox) for the bipinnately
different genera, different plant families, and often have
compound leaves of Jacaranda. With a bit of
other common names. This is a case where common
imagination, these leaves may resemble a foxtail. In
names are based on use for charcoal production, not
like fashion, the compound leaves of Cupania may
on vegetative morphology.
resemble a turkey tail (cola de pavo). Another tree with
large compound leaves is Schizolobium parahyba. In There are at least 15 Catholic saint names used for
this case, the tree is called tambor (drum), a name that Honduran plants (Nelson 2008). These saints, with the
may be associated with the use of its wood to make number of plants with their name in parenthesis,
drums. include: San Antonio (4), San Andrés (3), San Carlos
(3), Santa Catarina (2), Santa Elena (1), San José (1),
A large category of plant names for native tree
Santa Lucia (2), San Martin (2), Santa Marta (7), San
species are those that refer to cultivated trees. For
Ramón (1), Santa Rosa (1), Santa Teresa (2), and San
example, there are many native trees with common
Sebastian (2). Most of these are herbs or ornamental
names derived from aguacate (Persea americana).
Among these names are, aguacate de anís (Persea),
aguacatón, agucatillo, aguacate colorado, aguacate The two saints most often used for Honduran plants
negro, aguacate picapica (Ocotea sinuata), and are Santa María (9) and San Juan (11). Given the
aguacate de monte. Aguacate derived common names importance of Santa María, mother of Jesus, it is not
are not used only for one genus or species. They are surprising that nine plants honor María. It is less clear
often used for different Lauraceae genera, many of why 11 plants, most of them trees, are named for San
which are very similar in appearance. These genera Juan (Saint John). Eight Honduran trees called San
include Persea, Nectandra, Ocotea, and Phoebe. Juan, or a related name, are: San juan arenillo (Ilex
Other examples are the well-known tropical fruit trees discolor), San juan campano, San juan arenillo or San
called nance (Byrsonima crassifolia), higos (Ficus juan areno (Ilex tectonica), San Juanillo (Dendropanax
spp.), sapote or zapote (Pouteria spp.), guayaba arborea), San Juan de Costa or San Juan peludo
(Psidium guajaba), and níspero japonés (exotic (Vochysia ferruginia), San Juan de pozo, San Juan de
Eriobotrya japonica). These names are often modified agua or San Juan de charco (Vochysia
and used as names for native trees that look similar. A guatemalensis), San Juan areno, San Juan arenillo or
Hazlett: Species Harvested, Wood Volume Removed, and a Rare Endemic Tree (Haptanthus)

San Juan guayapeño (Tetrorchidium rotundatum), San Lacmellea standleyi (Apocynaceae) has been
Juan, San Juan sanpedrano (Tabebuia donnel-smithii), again collected from Atlántida (Pico Bonito) and from
and San Juan (Tabebuia ochracea). Two herbs, both Yoro by Nelson and Evans after 1979. This tree has
called San Juanillo, are Lobelia cardinalis and Bonellia pyramidal spines on its trunk, edible fruits and palatable
macrocarpa. Also, Habenaria eustachya and Sobralia latex. It occurs in lowland forests from Belize to
macrantha orchids are called San Juan. Colombia. In Colombia it is known as palo de vaca (cow
tree), lechoso (milky), teta leche (milk teat: conical
The reason why the San Juan common name is so
spines) or lechemiel (milk-honey). Indigenous settlers
well represented is unclear. A closer look at this saint
of Guahibos and Sikuanis in the silvan zones of
may help determine why this name is so popular. Saint
Orinoquía eat Lacmellea fruits and drink its latex. The
Francis de Assisi is the patron saint of animals and
fruits are said to have a flavor reminiscent of mangos
nature, but there are no Mesoamerican plants named
and are used in Colombia to make jellies, ice cream,
in his honor. Meanwhile, Saint John is the Saint for
and wine. Because of these uses, the chemical and
Charity, not necessarily a reason to honor plants or
nutritional value of Lacmellea standleyi has been
trees with his name. Early Spaniards may simply have
investigated (Soto Chavarro et al. 2013). These
had a fondness for Saint John.
authors reported that milk tree fruits were edible at all
Another possibility that could explain the frequent stages of development, but the fruit alkaloid content
use of the San Juan name for plants relates to declined (less bitter) and lycopene contents increased
Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort), a well-known as they ripened. The lechemiel name (milk-honey) is a
European plant. This herb produces yellow flowers reference to the sweet, milky sap that is consumed by
around June 24, a day that is celebrated in Spain by people as a snack or whenever milk from domestic
Catholics as St. John’s birthday. Spaniards living in the animals is in short supply. This use of this tree has not
New World may have remembered the association of been studied in Honduras, but it is a candidate for
St. John’s day with yellow flowers. However, no yellow plantation trials in the Lancetilla arboretum.
Hypericum perfoliatum were in the New World.
Observant Spaniards may have assigned the San Juan Endemic and Monotypic Haptanthus. The most
names to various trees with yellow flowers, such as interesting plant collected from the TIMSA logged area
Vochysia and Tabebuia trees, that were in flower was a primitive angiosperm that was described as
around the end of June. This speculative explanation Hapthantus hazlettii. It took 30 years for this unusual
does not explain the San Juan name for plants without and primitive tree to be correctly classified in the
yellow flowers. taxonomic hierarchy. It may still be moved to another
evolutionary branch. I first collected this tree in a steep
Newly Discovered Trees. Plant collections from the ravine in 1980. It was not seen again until 2010
primary forests harvested by TIMSA included new (Shipunov and Shipunov 2011). Shipunov and
records for the Honduran flora and a previously Shipunov indicated that Haptanthus was first collected
undescribed species (Hazlett 1979). Among these “almost by accident”. They were unaware that this tree
were: 1) Guarea tonduzii D. DC. (Meliaceae), a tree was very much collected on purpose. Even though
which occurs from Mexico to South America; 2) lowland tropical forests have many tree species, it is
Huertea cf. cubensis Griseb. (Tapisciaceae); 3) often difficult to collect quality plant specimens. This is
Lacmellea standleyi (Woodson) Monachino because flowers and fruits tend to be unavailable in a
(Apocyaceae); 4) Meliosma anisophylla Standl & L. towering canopy. For this reason, field trips were
Williams (Sabiaceae), an infrequent tree reported arranged to visit recently logged areas, where canopy
previously from Panama by Paul Allen (1956); 5) plant material from felled trees was more available.
Mollinedia guatemalensis Perkins (Monimiaceae), a
On April 8, 1980, I collected flowering material of a
small tree which occurs in Mexico, Guatemala and
tree, later to be named Haptanthus, from a small tree
Honduras; 6) Ormosia velutina Rudd. (Fabaceae), a
in a steep ravine. I spent most of the next day in an
tree with red and black seeds which occurs from Belize
unsuccessful effort to assign it to a family. It did not key
to Costa Rica, and 7) Sterculia mexicana R. BR.
well, but my best guess was Euphorbiaceae. I thought
(Malvaceae). Huertea and Sterculia, exploited for
it was unusual, because it had no petals, but I did not
timber, were discussed previously. The most unusual
realize how unusual it really was. I made a trip a few
tree collected from this logged area was described as
months later to the Field Museum of Natural History in
Haptanthus hazlettii.
Ceiba Volumen 53(2) julio-diciembre 2012

Chicago and to the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. anthers ca. 2.5 mm; the larger branches bearing
Louis with the purpose to identify this tree. One of the stamens at 1-3 mm long internodes proximally in
botanists at Missouri thought the flowers were opposite arrangement but transitioning to alternate
deformed because of disease, but they were not. I felt distally. Each stamen subtended by a solitary deltoid
better when several very experienced tropical botanists bract 0.5-1.0 mm.
were also unable to assign this plant to a family. I left
this unique specimen at MBG and it was eventually Fruits: Capsular, 45-60 × 10-12 mm, ellipsoid, bearing
sent to the Smithsonian herbarium for identification. 3 equally-spaced rounded longitudinal ridges ca. 0.5-
Nine years later, it was described as Haptanthus 1.0 mm high; dehiscence is septicidal, into 3 valves,
hazlettii (Goldberg and Nelson 1989). Goldberg and greenish. Seeds 2.5-3.0 × 3-4 mm, pyriform,
Nelson considered it to be close to Euphorbiaceae or corniculate, brownish.
Buxaceae, but it did not fit well into either family. These
authors suggested that it might merit its own family: Habitat: In steep ravines or riparian areas of lowland
Haptanthaceae. Everyone agreed Haptanthus was tropical forests 100 to 600 m elevation.
unique enough to be the only species in its newly
established genus (monotypic). For this reason, it was Taxonomic notes: An inflorescence may occur at up
also difficult to assign Haptanthus to any of the to 10 nodes per branch, with more inflorescences on
established plant families. branches well exposed to sunlight. Doust and Stevens
(2005) suggested that the two flattened structures (ca.
Once the scientific community was aware that
1.0-1.4 mm) at the apex of the anther are either tepals
Haptanthus existed, (1989), there was considerable
with bilocluar introrse stamens, or foliose introrse
interest in this tree. This interest was due in large part
stamens. This unique structure is one reason
to the primitive floral characteristics of this plant.
Haptanthus is monotypic (having only one species in
Among these were a monoecious habit, axillary
the genus), was given the name Haptanthus, and was
flowers, opposite leaves, and no perianth. A complete
proposed as Haptanthaceae, a monotypic family.
description of H. hazletti follows:
Since Haptanthus had traits hypothesized to occur
Taxonomic Description of Haptanthus hazlettii only in very primitive angiosperms, there was much
interest in finding more plant material. Within a month
Habit: Plants monoecious. Shrubs or small trees, 5-8 of the Goldberg and Nelson publication, I had several
m. Stems 5-7, the lower arising ca 0.5 m above base, formal requests for Haptanthus plant material for
the larger 10-12 cm dbh. Branches arching, ca. 1 m anatomical and molecular studies. Those that made
long. requests for material were unaware that only one tree
of this species had ever been seen, nine years
Leaves: Opposite, glabrous, mesophytic, venation previously, and no fruits were known.
pinnate, secondary veins somewhat impressed.
In an effort to find additional Haptanthus trees,
Petioles 5-10 cm. Blades 10.0-13.5 × 4.0-5.6 cm,
especially fruits, I revisited the type location with Felix
elliptic, base rounded, apex acuminate, margins entire.
Coe in 1991. Felix and I went with “Chevo”, an expert
tree finder, to the exact steep ravine where this plant
Inflorescence: Inflorescence axillary, mostly of 1
was first collected in 1980. Eleven years later, in 1991,
central carpelate flower subtended by (0) 2‒6
this ravine had no trees and had been replaced by
staminate branches. Flowers glabrous, greenish
grass for a pasture. In addition, the land for several
yellow; perianth absent. Carpelate flowers: Solitary or
kilometers around this type location had also been
rarely 2 per node; 9-10 mm including 4-5 mm pedicel
deforested– disheartening to say the least. This entire
above 3.5-4.5 mm stipe, subtended by a whorl of
area had been dense forest 11 years earlier. The
deltoid bracts ca. 0.5 × 1.0 mm; style lacking; stigma
inroads created by TIMSA had allowed ranchers and
lobes 3 and diverging, 3-4 × ca. 1 mm but maturing to
their cattle to access previously inaccessible areas. We
5-6 mm in mature fruit and becoming brownish. Ovary
searched many of the small forest patches and nearby
unilocular; placentation parietal with 3 placentas;
ravines, but did not locate any Haptanthus trees.
ovules 18-20. Staminate flowers: Subtending the
Another unsuccessful expedition to search for
central carpelate flower on 1-3 pedunculate branches;
Haptanthus, funded by National Geographic Plant
6-7 mm long; stamens 2-6, sessile; filaments ca. 5 mm,
Exploration grant, was made by Allan Brant and myself
Hazlett: Species Harvested, Wood Volume Removed, and a Rare Endemic Tree (Haptanthus)

in 1994. Honduras botanists also made excursions to four known Haptanthus locations were monitored in
this area, but none were successful. Haptanthus 2014. Funding has not been available to monitor all
hazlettii was though to be extinct. sites in every year. The discovery of these additional
Haptanthus trees and the first description of its fruits
Despite the lack of more plant material, academic
was published by Bejarano (2015). Bejarano also took
interest in Haptanthus continued. Goldberg and Alden
photographs of trees, flowers, and fruits that were used
(2005) closely examined the morphology and anatomy
to produce a botanical illustration of Haptanthus
of herbarium specimens, but without more material
hazlettii (Figure 3).
they could not confidently assign it to any known plant
family. Doust and Stevens (2005) also examined the As of 2015, only four small groups of Haptanthus
available material and published a reinterpretation of its trees are known. These have 2, 5, 13 and 24
staminate flowers. Mabberley (2008) and Nelson individuals, for a total of only 44 trees. All four of these
Sutherland (2008) assigned Haptanthus hazlettii to groups occur in Atlántida Department. Indeed, the
Haptanthaceae, a monotypic plant family. long-term survival of this species is very uncertain. All
four Haptanthus locations are within 12 km of each
In 2010, two Haptanthus trees were rediscovered
other. They occur in riparian areas along the Leán
by Alexey Shipunov (2011). These were at a location
River (río Leán), the Mezapa River (río Mezapa) or
called Matarras, about 1.0 km south of the type locality.
along tributaries of these rivers.
He used images from Google Earth to identify patches
of trees in ravines and riparian areas near the type The few remaining Haptanthus trees could easily
location. Molecular analyses on collected plant be cut for firewood because they occur in small patches
material, still no fruits, led Shipunov to confirm that of forest surrounded by pastures. Minimal fruit
Haptanthus was a basal endicot (a primitive production, observed for only 2 of 44 trees, places even
angiosperm), best assigned to a basal position in the more doubt on the long-term ability of Hapanthus to
Buxaceae (Shipunov and Shipunov 2011). Shipunov survive en situ. Meanwhile, nothing is known of its
spent little time in Honduras, but he did encourage Ciro pollination biology: the identity of pollinators, (perhaps
Navarro and Luis Bejarano from the Lancetilla primitive insects), their abundance, mode of attraction,
Botanical Garden to continue the search for or effectiveness.
Haptanthus trees. In pursuit of this goal, Navarro and
Academic interest in Haptanthus has diminished
Bejarano met with local foresters, showed them
greatly since it was rediscovered in 2010. Since 2012,
photographs, and enlisted their help in the search for
the chances have increased that Haptanthus will be
more individuals of this enigmatic species.
extirpated from the few locations where it still occurs.
Local foresters were soon successful in finding If Haptanthus had not had primitive traits, of special
additional Haptanthus populations. In 2010 Alonso interest among taxonomists, it would not have inspired
Portillo located seven Haptanthus trees by a stream the plant expeditions that led to its rediscovery.
that enters into the Jilamito River – near the Texiguat
There are at least 270 endemic plant species in
protected area. Bejarano and Navarro went with
Honduras (Nelson 2001). Many of these endemics are
Portillo to better explore the Jilamito area, and counted
rare and of special interest, but very few have inspired
24 trees. Also in 2010, Efraín Aguilar first located seven
botanical research or expeditions. This is in large part
additional Haptanthus trees by a stream in Los Olivos
due to no or very little funding for botanical work in
(South of Mezapita). A subsequent visit by Aguilar with
Honduras. Two Honduran endemic plant species,
Arnaldo Contreras tallied six more trees for a total of 13
known only from their type collections, that have not yet
trees at this location. In 2011, Contreras found another
had expeditions to relocate individuals are Stenanona
five trees by a stream in La Sirena. The only trees with
hondurensis G.E Schatz, F.G. Coe & Maas and
fruits were two of the trees at the La Sirena area. Since
Stenanona turbercula G.E. Schatz & Maas
2011 no additional trees have been reported. In 2012,
(Annonaceae). These endemic species were collected
including the two located by Shipunov, a total of 44
while searching for Haptanthus.
Haptanthus plants had been discovered. Two of the

Ceiba Volumen 53(2) julio-diciembre 2012

Figure 3. Botanical illustration of Haptanthus hazlettii with a background view of its location. Botanical illustration
by Randy Raak, based on photographs by Luis Bejarano.
Hazlett: Species Harvested, Wood Volume Removed, and a Rare Endemic Tree (Haptanthus)

Biologists agree that every living species is special, Acknowledgements. I thank Luis Bejarano (botanist
but conservation efforts tend to focus more on animals at The Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Forestales,
than on plants. In recent years, social unrest, minimal Siguatepeque, Honduras) and Wilson Zuniga (botanist
funding, and logistical difficulties have reduced at Jardín Botánico de Lancetilla, Tela, Honduras) for
biological research efforts in Honduras, especially for their comments on early drafts of this paper. I thank
plants. Plants tend to generate more empathy if they Randy Rack (Denver, Colorado) for the excellent
are primitive, like Haptanthus and cycads, or are of botanical illustration and Dr. Neil Snow for his quality
economic importance. edits to the taxonomic description for Haptanthus.
Two Honduran endemics with ethnobotanical uses,
species that deserve further study, are Monstera
madreverde Grayum & Karney (Araceae), an epiphyte
Literature Cited
from forests near San Juan Pueblo, Atlántida and
Hondurodendron urceolatum C. Ulloa, Nickrent, Allen, P.H. 1956. The Rain Forests of Golfo Dulce. Stanford
Whitef. & D. Kelly (Aptandraceae), a tree known only University Press, Stanford, CA.
form Parque Nacional El Cusuco, Cortés. The Bejarano, L. 2015. Reporte y caracterización de poblaciones,
Monstera epiphyte (Karney and Grayum 2010) has fenología y descripción del fruto de Haptanthus hazlettii,
strong, flexible aerial roots that have been utilized for una especie endémica de Honduras. Tatascán vol (25) 2.
decades to weave baskets (mimbre). The (submitted): Universidad: Escuela Nacional de Ciencias
Hondurodendron tree has an edible fruit that resembles Forestales, Siguatepeque, Honduras. 31-41.
a guayaba, a fruit that is known locally as guayabillo, Butler, R. 1994-2006. Honduras: Environmental Profile.
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hazlettii trees that were air-layered in wild populations, Goldberg & C. Nelson. Systematic Botany 30:773-778.
had young plants in the Lancetilla nursery. These Goldberg, A. and C.S. Nelson. 1989. Haptanthus, A New
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The expanse of primary forests in the Atlántida Hazlett, D.L. 1981. Change in Structure, Growth and
Department of Honduras has diminished greatly since Decomposition during Succession in a Species-Rich
the early 1970s. This article has documented 50 tree Forest in Honduras. Ph.D. Dissertation, College of Forest
taxa that were exploited for timber, including Huertea Resources, University of Washington, Seattle. 196 p.
cubensis and Sterculia mexicana, species that were Grainger, A. 1993. Rates of Deforestation in the Humid
cut and utilized before botanists were aware they Tropics: Estimates and Measurements. The
Geographical Journal 159 (1): 33-44.
occurred in Honduras. Non-timber species collected
Kaimowitz, D. 1996. Livestock and Deforestation in Central
from the TIMSA harvest area included the discovery of America in the 1980s and 1990s: A Policy Perspective.
Haptanthus hazlettii, a primitive angiosperm species Special Publication: Center for International Forestry
(Buxaceae). Resources (CIFOR), Jakarta, Indonesia.
Karney, A.P. and M.H. Grayum. 2012. A New Monstera
The primitive Haptanthus was considered to be
Species (Araceae) of Economic Importance from
extinct, but was eventually rediscovered. Nonetheless, Honduras. Economic Botany 66(2): 207-213.
the long-term survival of Haptanthus, and other Mabberley, D.J. 2008. Mabberley’s Plant-Book: A portable
Honduras endemic plants, is very much in jeopardy. dictionary of plants, their classification and uses. 3rd Ed.
Deforestation is likely to extirpate some Honduran Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
endemic plant species before they are discovered. Nelson Sutherland, C.H. 2001. Plantas descritas
Other Honduran endemics, especially those known originalmente de Honduras y sus nomenclaturas
only from one or a few collections, are likely to be equivalentes actuales. Ceiba 42: 1-71.
extirpated before they are rediscovered.
Ceiba Volumen 53(2) julio-diciembre 2012

Nelson Sutherland, C.H. 2008. Catálogo de las Plantas Ulloa, C., D.L. Nickrent, C. Whitfoord and D.L. Kellyn. 2010.
Vasculares de Honduras. Espermatofitas. Editorial Hondurodendron: A New Monotypic Genus of
Guaymuras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Secretaria de Aptandraceae. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.
Recursos Naturales y Ambiente. 97: 457–467.
Shipunov, A. and E. Shipunov. 2011. Haptanthus story:
Rediscovery of enigmatic flowering plant from Honduras.
American Journal of Applied Botany 98 (4): 761-763.
Soto Chavarro, E.L., A.M. Chicué, E. Murillo Perea and J.J.
Méndez Arteaga. 2013. Bioprospecting of Lacmellea Recibido para publicación el 19 de mayo de 2015.
standleyi fruits (lechemiel), Revista Cubana de Plantas Aceptado para publicación el 3 de noviembre del 2015.
Medicinales 18(3): 412-430.


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