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From: investigations@piconpress.

Sent: Friday, September 2, 2022 10:42 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Request for Comment

Importance: High

Dear Sheriff,

We have previously sent you a well thought out and thorough email requesting your
comment on a matter of public interest, and you ghosted us. That request also
surrounded a founded concern about disparate treatment for Commissioner Lucey
and influence used against the court to attempt to sway the outcome of a matter
before the court. We are now again asking for official comment from the Sheriff�s
Office on the following matter of public interest:

* Picon Press is in possession of responsive public records related to case

number 20-5206. This case involved an embezzlement at the Law Office of
Megan Lucey, the wife of Commissioner Bob Lucey. According to the report,
deputies were directed to this case and they met with Bob Lucey and finished a
report. They collected statements and evidence.

* At some point, the Reno Police assumed control of the case and arrested the

We would like to know the following information:

* How was the Sheriff�s Office notified that a crime occurred at the law
Did someone call dispatch and report this? Did Bob call you?

* Why was there no reporting party listed in the dispatch report or your
police report?

* The law office is in the city of Reno and this is where the crime was alleged
have occurred. Why would the Sheriff send his limited resources to the city of
Reno for a complex embezzlement case? Did Reno decline to respond? Was
this selective enforcement to favor to the commissioner?

* Is it normal for the Sheriff�s Office to begin an investigation, collect

and then turn the matter over to another agency without any
additional/supplemental reporting?

* Why was the matter turned over to Reno and who ordered this action?

* Is it true that staff within the Sheriff�s Office objected to taking the
initially, citing concerns of favoritism and disparate treatment, or the
appearance thereof? Yet they were ordered to do so anyway, because it was
Bob Lucey?

* How many active fraud cases are being investigated by the investigations
department and how many are closed without any investigation by a
detective? Simply put, what would you say to your voters and users of your
resources, who can�t get any help with any criminal act committed against
them, yet your office sent a deputy and a detective for a past tense theft in
another jurisdiction?

* Are you aware that Mr. Lucey went on record at the commission stating he has
no involvement with his wife�s law firm and that DA issued him guidance after
his wife�s firm was selected to receive grant funds every year from a VOCA
grant? Your offices police report contradicts his claimed lack of involvement.

Sheriff, we publish articles of public interest weekly. We have a large audience

they expect elected officials to be transparent and accountable. We are asking for
your comment on this matter.

Dale Long

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