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Fall 2022 | ENGL155-01


Tuesdays and Thursdays | 09:00-10:15 | Woodang Hall 208 (교양관 208호)

Instructor: Jee Young Lee, PhD

E-mail: [email protected]
Office hours: By appointment only

Course Description
This course aims to enhance students’ overall English proficiency in an academic setting. The course
emphasizes on intensive reading in order to meet students’ academic requirements while facilitating
listening, speaking, and writing skills in an integrative manner. Through in-class discussions and
group activities, students will be given opportunities to extend their reading skills and strategies,
comprehension, presentation, discussion, and basic essay composition skills. The reading materials
will stimulate students to think critically and broaden their perspectives, which will help them perform
with better competence in diverse disciplines in college and beyond.

Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1) Comprehend the text thoroughly using various reading skills and strategies;
2) Reflect and respond to reading materials critically;
3) Present their own thoughts and opinions in an organized manner.

Course Materials
. Selected chapters of the following:
Deresiewicz, W. (2014). Excellent Sheep: The miseducation of the American elite and the way to a
meaningful life. Free Press.
Thaler, R. H., & Sunstein, C. R. (2008). Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth, and
happiness. Penguin Books.
. Other reading materials

Course Requirements
Attendance 10%
Preparation & Participation 10%
Presentation 10%
Quizzes 20%
Assignments 20%
Midterm & Final Exams 30%

Note: This syllabus is subject to change according to class size, needs of the students, and/or school
Course Schedule

Week Content Activities

Course Introduction | Overview

1 Lecture & Group Discussion
Academic Reading & Writing Skills

2 Reading 1 Lecture & Group Discussion

3 Reading 2A Lecture & Group Discussion

4 Reading 2B
Presentation & Discussion
5 Reading 2C
Presentation & Discussion
6 Reading 2D
Presentation & Discussion
7 Reading 2E
Presentation & Discussion

8 Midterm Exam on Oct 25

9 Reading 2 Wrap-up Group Task

10 Reading 3A
Presentation & Discussion
11 Reading 3B & 3C
Presentation & Discussion
12 Reading 3D & 3E
Presentation & Discussion
13 Reading 3F
Presentation & Discussion

14 Reading 3 Wrap-up Group Task

15 Writing Conventions Lecture & Group Discussion

16 Final Exam on Dec 15

*This course schedule is subject to change as needed.

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