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Engineering Procedure

SAEP-1152 18 March 2020

Approval Procedure for Ready-mixed Concrete and Asphalt Mix Designs
Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee

Summary of Changes (rev. 24 Feb. 2020) ............... 2
1 Scope ................................................................ 3
2 Conflicts and Deviations ................................... 3
3 References........................................................ 3
4 Terminology/Acronyms ..................................... 4
5 General Requirements ...................................... 4
6 Asphalt .............................................................. 6
7 Concrete ........................................................... 7
Appendices .......................................................... 11
Revision History ..................................................... 12

Previous Issue: 24 February 2020 Next Revision: 24 February 2025

Contact: elbanb0a Page 1 of 12
©Saudi Aramco 2020. All rights reserved.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152
Publish Date: 18 March 2020
Next Revision: 24 February 2025 Approval Procedure for Ready-mixed Concrete Mix Design

Summary of Changes (rev. 24 February 2020)

Paragraph Change Type

No. Technical Change(s)
Number (New, Modification,..)
Modified to include approval of asphalt mix
1 Title Modification
Scope covers precast and prestressed concrete
2 1.1 New
structures and approval of asphalt mix design.
A relocated batch plant shall request an approval
3 5 Modification
for the use of a previously approved mix design.
A pre-approved mix design does not require an
approval from BP&CTU when used by another
4 5.1 Modification
project or contractor. PID and SAPMT shall
ensure the mix is not expired.
Procedure requirements for concrete are
5 5, 6, 7 Modification restructured according to sequence of work
activities and approval process.
Asphalt mix approval process is added to the
6 6 New
Requirements for approving a concrete mix
7 7.6 New
design based on historical records.
Requirements for monitoring performance of a
8 7.7 New
concrete mix production.

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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152
Publish Date: 18 March 2020
Next Revision: 24 February 2025 Approval Procedure for Ready-mixed Concrete Mix Design

1 Scope

The purpose of this Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure is to administer the process
of submitting, evaluating, and approving new and pre-approved asphalt and concrete
mix designs.

This procedure covers only concrete mixes described in 09-SAMSS-097 and SAES-Q-001
Table 2, precast and prestressed concrete structures described in SAES-Q-012, and
asphalt mixes described in SAES-Q-006. Other special mixes and mixes using Mobile
Volumetric Batch Plants shall be submitted to Consulting Services Department (CSD)-
Civil Group through a CRM.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed in writing to the EK&RD

Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure
SAEP-302, Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement.

3 References

Unless stated otherwise, all codes and standards referenced shall be the latest issue
(including Revisions and Addenda). When industry codes and standards, or Saudi
Aramco standards are required for use by project specification they shall become a part
of this engineering procedure.

3.1 Saudi Aramco Documents

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
SAEP-85 Suppliers Evaluation and Approval
SAEP-302 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
SAES-Q-001 Criteria for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures
SAES-Q-006 Asphalt and Sulfur Extended Asphalt Concrete Paving
SAES-Q-012 Criteria for Design and Construction of Precast and Prestressed
Concrete Structures
Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications
09-SAMSS-088 Aggregates for Concrete

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Publish Date: 18 March 2020
Next Revision: 24 February 2025 Approval Procedure for Ready-mixed Concrete Mix Design

09-SAMSS-097 Ready-mixed Portland Cement Concrete

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American Concrete Institute
ACI 214R Guide to Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete
ACI 301 Specifications for Structural Concrete
ACI 311.5R Batch Plant Inspection and Testing of Ready-mixed Concrete
American Society for Testing and Materials
ASTM C94M-17a Standard Specification for Ready-mixed Concrete
ASTM C470 Standard Specification for Molds for Forming Concrete Test
Cylinders Vertically
ASTM C1077 Standard Practice for Laboratories Testing Concrete and
Concrete Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for
Laboratory Evaluation
ASTM D2041 Standard Test Method for Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity
and Density of Bituminous Paving Mixtures
International Organization for Standardization
ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and
Calibration Laboratories

4 Terminology/Acronyms
APIU: Area Projects Inspection Units
BP&CTU: Batch Plants and Civil Testing Unit
CA: Proponent - Construction Agency
CSD: Consulting Services Department (Saudi Aramco)
CRM: Customer Relationship Management
IA: Proponent - Inspection Agency
ME: Maintenance Engineer
MSAER: Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements
SA: Saudi Aramco

5 General Requirements

5.1 Approval of a mix design shall not be construed as authority for deviation from
Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements (MSAER) and project specifications.

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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152
Publish Date: 18 March 2020
Next Revision: 24 February 2025 Approval Procedure for Ready-mixed Concrete Mix Design

5.2 A relocated batch plant shall request a new approval for the use of a previously
approved mix design.

5.3 All inspection measuring and test equipment shall be calibrated by Saudi Aramco
approved calibration agency.
Commentary Note:
Any testing or calibration agency that is ISO/IEC 17025 accredited, as shown in their
accreditation scope with calibration included, shall be accepted.

5.4 Requests related to mix design approval shall be submitted to BP&CTU through CRM
by SAPMT after verification of APIU or IA.

5.5 BP&CTU shall inform the manufactures of any update in appendices shown within this
procedure. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to submit up-to-date completed
forms for approval to the Company.

5.6 New Mix Design

5.6.1 A new mix design is required when a proposed mix has no established record
indicating that it meets all the requirements of applicable standards or
specifications. It is also required when there is a change in type, source or
quantity of the constituent parts of a previously approved mix design, or when
central mixer or concrete truck mixer -in case of dry mix- are modified.

5.6.2 All quality tests on raw materials shall be performed by a Saudi Aramco
approved independent laboratory.

5.6.3 Blending and proportioning data including test records shall be made available
upon Saudi Aramco's request.

5.6.4 BP&CTU shall assign the approved mix design a unique Mix Identification (ID)
Number with validity date and state any limitations in Appendix B for concrete
and Appendix E for asphalt.

5.6.5 A new mix design shall be submitted to Saudi Aramco Inspection

Department/Batch Plants & Civil Testing Unit (BP&CTU) for approval after
obtaining the required final test results for that mix design

5.6.6 BP&CTU shall be notified in writing at least 7 working days prior to conducting
a plant trial.

5.6.7 The Area Projects Inspection Unit (APIU) or the IA is required to:
a. Verify the status of the submitted mix design prior to approval.
b. Verify if the test reports of the constituent parts of the subject mix design
are up-to-date.

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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152
Publish Date: 18 March 2020
Next Revision: 24 February 2025 Approval Procedure for Ready-mixed Concrete Mix Design

c. For concrete, verify if the concrete exposure environment, per SAES-Q-001

Table 2, of the proposed mix design corresponds with the project's exposure
environment. The project's exposure environment is based on the Soils /
Geotechnical Investigation Report, and shall be submitted with the review
request to verify compliance to the exposure requirements of SAES-Q-001
Table 2.
d. For asphalt, verify applicability of SEAC as per SAES-Q-006.
Commentary Notes:
The Batch Plants and Civil Testing Unit monitors and maintains a list of all
approved batch plants and mix designs kingdom wide.
All mix designs shall be available at Contractor work site office for review at
any time by the authorized Saudi Aramco Inspector.
e. Witness full-scale plant trial when delegated by BP&CTU.
f. Refer to the Flow Chart of the approval process in Appendix G.

5.7 Pre-approved Mix Design

5.7.1 For a mix design with an established Mix ID Number the constituent tests shall
be up-to-date. If raw materials test reports are not updated based on the
frequency set forth in 09-SAMSS-088 and 09-SAMSS-097 for concrete, and
SAES-Q-006 for asphalt, the mix design shall not be accepted.
Commentary Notes:
Batch plants are required to perform periodic tests on the constituent parts in
according to the above mentioned standards.
Test reports shall be regularly submitted to the Area Projects Inspection Units
(APIU). APIU furnishes the BP&CTU of the test results for their review and
consolidation. If a batch plant is not periodically submitting the required tests
(performed by a Saudi Aramco-approved independent testing laboratory), to the
Inspection Department, the proposed mix design will be returned without
approval, even if it has an established Mix ID Number.

5.7.2 Mix design with established Mix ID Number shall be submitted for approval at
least 3 working days prior to start of work to the relevant Area Projects
Inspection Units (APIU) or Proponent - Inspection Agency (IA), Joint Venture
Inspection Team as applicable.

6 Asphalt

6.1 Mix materials and proportioning shall meet the requirements of SAES-Q-006.

6.2 New Mix Design

6.2.1 A new asphalt mix design shall be submitted using Appendices D, E, and F.

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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152
Publish Date: 18 March 2020
Next Revision: 24 February 2025 Approval Procedure for Ready-mixed Concrete Mix Design

6.2.2 The minimum documents to be submitted to BP&CTU for the mix approval are
batch print-out document, mandatory tests, calibration of batch plant weighting
scales, CSD review report-as applicable. Additional document(s) can be
requested if deemed necessary.

6.3 Pre-approved Mix Design

While request for mix design approval for new mixes requires several attachments -such
as test reports and mill certificates-, approval of a mix design with an established Mix
ID Number requires Appendix D “Request for Approval” and a copy of the approved
Appendix E “Asphalt Mix Design Data Sheet” and Appendix F “Asphalt Trial Batch

7 Concrete

7.1 A concrete mix shall meet the requirements of 09-SAMSS-097, 09-SAMSS-088, and
SAES-Q-001. Additionally, the requirements of SAES-Q-012 shall be met for precast
and prestressed concrete.

7.2 New Mix Design

7.2.1 A new mix design shall be supported by a successful full-scale plant trial
performed and certified by a Saudi Aramco approved third party testing
Commentary Note:
Calibration of all batch plant scales and uniformity test of central mixer shall be
valid prior to performing any full-scale plant trials.

7.2.2 A new concrete mix design shall be submitted using Appendices A, B, and C.

7.2.3 Saudi Aramco Project Engineer or the Operations Maintenance Engineer

verifies that Appendices B and C, as submitted by the construction contractor,
meet the project requirements.

7.2.4 The Request for Approval form (Appendix A) shall be submitted by the
construction contractor to the Area Projects Inspection Unit (APIU) or
Proponent - Inspection Agency (IA), in their area of coverage, for approval.

7.2.5 Appendix C shall be signed by a SA approved internal Batch Plant inspector;

and for pre-stressed or precast concrete the form shall be signed by a SA
approved structural engineer accredited by Saudi Council of Engineers or its

7.2.6 The minimum documents to be submitted to BP&CTU for the mix approval are
the same as in 6.2.2.

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Publish Date: 18 March 2020
Next Revision: 24 February 2025 Approval Procedure for Ready-mixed Concrete Mix Design

7.3 Uniformity Test

7.3.1 The ability of central mixer or truck mixer (in case of dry mix) to produce
uniformly mixed concrete shall be evaluated and conformed to the requirements
of ASTM C94M-17a, Table A1.1. Such test is valid for 3 years and is a
pre-requisite for new or re-trialed mix design.

7.3.2 A mix design with an expired uniformity test shall not be used, and cannot be
extended unless a new uniformity test is conducted and approved.

7.4 Full Scale Trial

7.4.1 BP&CTU is responsible for the trial approval and required to witness the full-
scale plant trial or delegate it to APIU/IA.

7.4.2 During the full scale plant trial the third party testing laboratory’s approved
technician shall perform sampling, testing, recording and verify conformance to

7.4.3 Visual inspection by BP and contractor inspectors on the elevated stationary

central mixer per ACI 311.5R is mandatory. Any major findings such as
hardened concrete, water leaks, material leftover after cleaning or any major
reason that will affect the quality of the batch material will cancel the full scale
batch trials.

7.4.4 Prior to full scale trial, Appendix C shall be submitted to BP&CTU for review
and approval.

7.4.5 Upon the completion of a successful trial batch (plant trial), the supplier is
required to immediately submit a trial batch print-out to BP&CTU.

7.4.6 Upon issuance of the test reports by the third party testing laboratory, Appendix C
shall be completed, signed, and stamped by all parties. Accordingly, the batch
plant shall fill Appendix B and have it signed and stamped. Both appendices
shall be submitted to BP&CTU for review and approval.

7.4.7 The concrete supplier shall retrieve and maintain the original records of
approved mix designs from BP&CTU.

7.5 Pre-approved Mix Design

7.5.1 A pre-approved mix design does not require an approval from BP&CTU when
used by another project or contractor. PID and SAPMT shall ensure the mix is
not expired.

7.5.2 While request for mix design approval for new mixes requires several
attachments -such as test reports and mill certificates, approval of a mix design

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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152
Publish Date: 18 March 2020
Next Revision: 24 February 2025 Approval Procedure for Ready-mixed Concrete Mix Design

with an established Mix ID Number requires Appendix A “Request for

Approval” and a copy of the approved Appendix B “Concrete Mix Design Data
Sheet” and Appendix C “Ready Mix Concrete Trial Batch Report”.

Copies of the pre-approved mix design (Appendices B and C) and soil and water
analysis report in support of the Exposure Environment per SAES-Q-001 shall
be attached.
Commentary Note:
In lieu of the soil/water analysis results, project exposure criteria as established in
the project's geotechnical/soil's investigation report is acceptable.

7.5.3 For mix design renewal, a batch plant shall conduct a trial mix and submit a
request for approval at least 70 days prior to the mix expiry date.
Commentary Note:
70 days is the time required for some mix designs with 56 days compressive
strength test result, 7 days for the chloride and sulfate test results and 7 days to
review and approve the mix. For mix designs with 28 days of compressive
strength, the trial shall be conducted 42 days prior to the mix expiry date.

7.6 Historical Data to Establish Concrete Compressive Strength

7.6.1 A concrete mix design with at least 30 consecutive strength test results used in
previous projects, and certified by a Saudi Aramco approved third party testing
laboratory, can be approved based on historical data.
Commentary Notes:
Use of sample standard deviations estimated from records of 100 or more tests is
ACI 301 defines the strength test as the average of the strengths of at least two
150 by 300 mm cylinders or at least three 100 by 200 mm cylinders made from
the same sample of concrete and tested at 28 days or at test age designated for
determination of fc′.

7.6.2 The specified compressive strength shall be in the range of 2,500 psi to 5,000 psi.

7.6.3 The strength test records shall not be more than 24 months old.

7.6.4 Test records from which sample standard deviation is calculated shall;
(a) Represent materials, quality control procedures, and conditions similar to
those expected. Also, changes in materials and proportions within the test
records shall not have been more restricted than those for proposed work.
(b) Represent concrete produced to meet a specified compressive strength or
strengths within 1,000 psi of the specified compressive strength.

7.6.5 The required average compressive strength shall be calculated according to

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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152
Publish Date: 18 March 2020
Next Revision: 24 February 2025 Approval Procedure for Ready-mixed Concrete Mix Design

Table X1.1 of ASTM C94-19.

7.6.6 Concrete mix documentation shall be submitted to BP&CTU for review and
approval at least two weeks before use. The documentation shall include data
and calculation of the required average strength, and evidence of the ability of
the proposed mix to comply with the fresh and hardened concrete requirements.

7.7 Performance Monitoring

7.7.1 Control charts shall be used to reduce variability, increase concrete supplier’s
efficiency, and identify trends for proactive quality control. ACI 214R provides
guidance on the development and use of control charts.

7.7.2 The independent testing laboratory shall maintain, as a minimum, a control chart
for average range of compressive strength; this is to check uniformity of its
operations in testing sample concrete cylinders.

7.7.3 Contractor shall monitor the performance of concrete supplier, for a specific project,
through the reported control charts by the independent testing laboratory. As a
minimum, simple strength chart and moving average strength chart shall be reported.

7.7.4 The independent testing laboratory shall report the performance of the above
mentioned three charts (mentioned in paragraph 7.7.2 and 7.7.3) combined into
one diagram, so they can be evaluated simultaneously.

7.7.5 Control charts are required for concrete in continuous production over a period
of 3 months, and shall be reported to BP&CTU through the monthly monitoring
report, or as requested.

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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152
Publish Date: 18 March 2020
Next Revision: 24 February 2025 Approval Procedure for Ready-mixed Concrete Mix Design


Click the following appendices to open up the link:

Appendix A - Request for Approval (RFA) - Concrete Mix Design

Appendix B - Concrete Mix Design Data Sheet

Appendix C - Ready Mix Concrete Trial Batch Report

Appendix D - Request for Approval (RFA) - Asphalt Mix Design

Appendix E - Asphalt Mix Design Data Sheet

Appendix F - Concrete Asphaltic Trial Batch Report

Appendix G - Mix Design Approval Process Flow Chart

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152
Publish Date: 18 March 2020
Next Revision: 24 February 2025 Approval Procedure for Ready-mixed Concrete Mix Design

Revision History
18 March 2020 Editorial revision to change contact person and revised paragraph 7.7.4.
24 February 2020 Major revision. Include the process of asphalt mix approval, new requirements for monitoring
concrete mix design performance, new section to approve mix designs based on historical
records, and update the procedure to align with latest MSAERs.
25 May 2014 Revised the Next Planned Update, reaffirmed the content of the document, and reissued as
major revision.

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