Syndesmosis Good

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A c u t e an d C h ro n i c I n j u r i e s

to the Syndesmosis
a a b,
Paul J. Switaj, MD , Marco Mendoza, MD , Anish R. Kadakia, MD *

 Syndesmosis  Tibiofibular  Chronic syndesmosis  Syndesmotic  Disruption
 High ankle sprain

 Stable syndesmotic injuries do not require surgical stabilization and can be treated with
protected weight bearing. Advanced imaging demonstrating an intact deltoid ligament
with preservation of the interosseous ligament and posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament
is associated with a stable injury.
 Unstable syndesmotic injuries require operative stabilization. The use of a suture button
device may be appropriate in the setting of a length-stable fibula.
 Use of a suture button device in the setting of a Maisonneuve injury may not provide
sufficient coronal and sagittal stability and should be used with caution in these cases.
 Anatomic reduction of the syndesmosis is critical to providing improved outcomes, and
direct visualization should be considered in addition to obtaining a contralateral lateral
radiograph to assess the reduction.
 Chronic syndesmotic diastasis requires restoration of the mortise and can be performed
with graft reconstruction or arthrodesis. The use a graft has been successful in limited clin-
ical series and may offer stability without limiting the motion of the fibula and theoretically
may improve function and decrease the risk of ankle arthritis compared with syndesmotic


Understanding of the anatomy of the normal syndesmosis is essential in both interpre-

tation of diagnostic imaging and therapeutic management.

Distal Tibiofibular Joint

A syndesmosis is defined as a fibrous joint in which 2 adjacent bones are linked by a
strong membrane or ligaments. The distal tibiofibular joint comprises the convex

Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Northwestern University–Feinberg School of Medicine,
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, 676 North Saint Clair, 13th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611, USA;
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Northwestern University–Feinberg School of Medicine,
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, 259 East Erie, 13th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Clin Sports Med 34 (2015) 643–677
0278-5919/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
644 Switaj et al

medial aspect of the distal fibula and the concave lateral aspect of the distal tibia,
known as the incisura fibularis. Direct contact facets, which are very small and
covered with articular cartilage, between the distal tibia and the fibula, are present
in approximately three-quarters of patients.1
The size and shape of the incisura fibularis play an important role in ankle injury,
and have been investigated using cadavers and computed tomography (CT). The
anterior tibial tubercle is typically larger than the posterior tubercle and prevents for-
ward translation of the distal fibula. In 97% of normal cases, the fibula is situated
either anteriorly or centrally in the tibial incisura.2 This posterior joint space width
is significantly wider than the central and anterior joint spaces.2 The axis of the distal
tibiofibular joint was found to be, on average, 32 externally rotated in relation to the
transmalleolar axis.3
Significant variance in this bony anatomy exists between individuals.4 However,
there is minimal difference between ankles of the same person, with tibiofibular inter-
vals not varying by more than 2.3 mm and the rotation of the fibula not varying by more
than 6.5 .4 Because of significant anatomic variation between individuals, using a pa-
tient’s contralateral ankle for comparison provides a precise definition of normal tibio-
fibular relationships.

Ligamentous Structures
The distal tibiofibular syndesmosis consists of 3 distinct ligaments that act to statically
stabilize the distal tibiofibular joint.5–7

Anterior tibiofibular ligament

This multilayered ligament extends obliquely from the anterolateral tubercle of the
distal tibia on average 5 mm above the articular surface to the longitudinal tubercle
located on the anterior border of the lateral malleolus. The inferior fibers can be viewed
arthroscopically as they cover the anterolateral corner of the ankle and anterolateral
dome of the talus.

Posterior tibiofibular ligament

This ligament consists of a deep and superficial component. The superficial portion
extends obliquely from the lateral malleolus to a broad attachment on the posterolat-
eral tibia tubercle. The deep component is the transverse ligament, which is some-
times referred to as a separate ligament. This portion is thick and strong and
originates from the round posterior fibular tubercle, inserting on the lower part of
the posterior border of the tibial articular surface. This deep portion is more transverse
and acts as a labrum, deepening the tibial articular surface.

Tibiofibular interosseous membrane and ligament

This membrane spans most of the length of the lower leg between the tibia and fibula.
The ligament is a pyramidal thickening of the distal membrane that terminates just
superior to the anterior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL) and posterior tibiofibular ligament
(PITFL), helping stabilize the talocrural joint during loading.

Blood Supply
The vascular supply to the syndesmosis has been examined in a singular study. The
posterior branch of the peroneal artery is the predominant blood supply to the poste-
rior syndesmotic ligaments. The anterior branch of the peroneal artery, which is the
predominant blood supply to the anterior ligaments, perforated the interosseous
membrane on average 3 cm proximal to the ankle joint. Thus, this vascular supply
would be at considerable risk of insult with a syndesmotic injury, which could explain
Acute and Chronic Injuries to the Syndesmosis 645

why syndesmotic injuries are associated with slower healing rates than other ankle
ligament injuries.8


The understanding of ankle biomechanics is critical to the formulation of rational treat-

ment plans for syndesmotic pathology. Ankle motion requires rotation and translation
of the fibula at the level of the syndesmosis.9 Dorsiflexion of the ankle results in an
average of 2.5 of external rotation of the fibula, whereas plantarflexion results in
less than 1 of internal rotation.9 In normal individuals, external rotation force causes
external rotation, medial translation, and posterior displacement of the fibula through
the syndesmosis.10 The intact syndesmosis prevents lateral fibular translation during
weight bearing, enabling the fibula to bear 10% to 17% of the weight-bearing load dur-
ing gait.11 In anatomic specimens, the relative importance of the individual syndes-
motic ligaments to syndesmotic stability was found to be 42% for the transverse
ligament and PITFL complex (33% and 9%, respectively), 35% for the AITFL, and
22% for the interosseous ligament.12 Disruption of the syndesmotic complex disrupts
the articular congruity and places increased weight-bearing forces to the tibiotalar
articulation, resulting in a nonphysiologic increase in external rotation of the talus.13
The talar shift results in decreased tibiotalar contact surface,14,15 which may lead to
secondary degeneration of the joint.
Injury Mechanisms
A variety of mechanisms individually or combined can cause syndesmosis injury. The
patient often poorly recalls the mechanism, which is in contrast to the classic inversion
ankle sprain. The most common mechanisms, individually and particularly in combina-
tion, are external rotation and hyperdorsiflexion.16 Injuries to the syndesmotic com-
plex can occur in isolation or with associated fractures. They can occur with any
type of fracture but are most commonly associated with pronation-external rotation
and supination-external rotational (SER) fractures and proximal fibular fractures (Mai-
sonneuve injuries),17,18 although the exact mechanism of these fractures have been
called into question in recent years.19


Although injuries to the ankle are extremely common, injuries to the syndesmotic com-
plex are uncommon, comprising 1% to 10% of all ankle sprains.20–22 The incidence is
poorly defined but has been reported to be 6445 syndesmotic injuries per year in the
United States when using emergency room and inpatient data. This rate will most likely
continue to increase, especially given the expanding utilization of MRI and a height-
ened awareness in sports medicine. The highest rate of injury was found in patients
aged 18 to 34 years.23 The injuries may occur more frequently in athletes, with 2
studies reporting that greater than 20% of acute ankle sprains in athletes demonstrate
syndesmotic disruption.22,24 Sports at a considerable risk involve immobilization of the
ankle in a boot, such as skiing and hockey,25–28 and in collision sports, such as foot-
ball, wrestling, rugby, and lacrosse.29–32
The diagnosis of syndesmotic injury is based on the mechanism of injury, manifesting
symptomology, a thorough physical examination, and radiographic findings. Impor-
tance must be placed on each one of those facets to make the correct diagnosis.
646 Switaj et al

Isolated Syndesmotic Injuries

Clinical evaluation
In the absence of fracture, patients with syndesmotic injuries typically complain of
persistent pain on weight bearing or an unusually long period of recovery after the
initial injury. The clinical history should include the mechanism of injury, delineation
of any prior ankle injuries, and direct location of pain. Any history of an eversion mech-
anism should prompt the physician toward consideration of a syndesmotic injury.

Physical examination
Physical examination findings include tenderness and swelling over the anterolateral
aspect of the syndesmosis.33–36 This finding is distinctly different in quality from the
contralateral lower extremity. The patient may have reduced passive dorsiflexion.37
Tenderness of the deltoid ligament may also be noted. In patients with complaints
of instability, physical examination may denote a normal anterior drawer and inversion
stress test, increasing suspicion of a syndesmotic injury over a lateral ankle sprain. In
addition, the proximal fibula can be palpated to assess for a Maisonneuve-type injury.
The physical examination can be performed 5 days after injury without compromising
diagnostic accuracy and causing less discomfort to the patient.38,39
Stress tests are also useful in the diagnosis of syndesmotic injuries. Pain, rather than
fibular translation, should be the outcome measure of these tests, because very small
amounts of displacement are actually conferred by the physical examination maneu-
vers.40 The external rotation stress test can be performed either by sitting while
placing the knee in 90 of flexion and applying an external rotatory force on the foot
or standing with a single limb stance on the affected side and then rotating the
body externally41,42 (Fig. 1). This test causes the greatest amount of displacement
of the fibula when biomechanically analyzed.40 A positive test result occurs if pain if
reproduced in the syndesmosis.30,41 The squeeze test involves compressing the prox-
imal fibula to the tibia above the level of the calf, which may separate the bones
distally.43 The test result is positive if pain is elicited in the distal tibiofibular joint29
(Fig. 2). The crossed legged stress test entails crossing the injured leg over the non-
injured legged in the seated position followed by applying a downward pressure to the
knee of the injured leg.44 The fibula translation test places an anterior-to-posterior
force on the fibula, and the result is considered positive if this translation causes
pain at the level of the syndesmosis.42 Lastly, the stabilization test is performed by
tightly taping circumferentially just proximal to the ankle joint to stabilize the syndes-
mosis. The test result is positive if the patient has less pain with activities such as
standing, walking, and jumping after the taping.45
The reliability and accuracy of these specialty tests are limited, and these tests
should be used in conjunction with further imaging and/or arthroscopy.46,47 The
external rotation stress and the squeeze test demonstrated high specificity, but low
sensitivity, when using MRI to confirm the diagnosis.48,49 Intrarater reliability was
high for the squeeze, Cotton, dorsiflexion range of motion, and external rotation tests.
Interrater reliability was good for the external rotation tests and fair-to-poor for other
tests.50,51 Thus, the physical examination should always be used in accordance
with the clinical history, as the clinician cannot rely on a single test to make the diag-
nosis. If an injury is suspected, additional diagnostic tests should be considered
before making a final diagnosis.

Initial radiographic evaluation

Plain radiographs Typically, anteroposterior (AP), lateral, and mortise views of the
ankle are used to evaluate the integrity of the distal tibiofibular joint and to assess
Acute and Chronic Injuries to the Syndesmosis 647

Fig. 1. External rotation stress test for evaluation of a syndesmotic injury. One hand is
placed at the mid-calf to stabilize the leg. The foot is then grasped and taken from internal
rotation (A) to maximum external rotation (B). Pain with external rotation indicates syndes-
motic injury.

for fractures. Views of the proximal tibia and fibula are obtained if a Maisonneuve injury
is suspected (Fig. 3). Occasionally, an avulsion fracture at the posterior tibial tubercle
can be seen on the lateral view.41
When attempting to define abnormal radiographic relationships, it is important to try
to describe the normal appearance. Harper and Keller52 first described the normal re-
lationships of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis in 12 normal cadavers 1 cm proximal
to the plafond. The tibiofibular clear space (TFCS) on the AP and mortise views should
normally be less than 6 mm. The tibiofibular overlap (TFO) should normally be greater
than 6 mm on the AP view and greater than 1 mm on the mortise view. The medial clear
space (MCS) should be less than or equal to the superior joint space. Measurements
on lateral radiographs to assess the syndesmosis have not been well defined. Croft
and colleagues53 showed with high reliability that 40% of the tibia was anterior to
the fibula at 1 cm above plafond. However, the rotation of the limb can significantly
influence each of these measurements54 except for the TFCS on the AP view.55
Recent studies have found great variability in the radiographic measurements of
normal patients.54,56 A study in patients without known clinical or radiographic evi-
dence of abnormality found that the mean TFCS was 4.6 mm on the AP view and
4.3 mm on the mortise view, whereas the mean TFO was 8.3 mm on the AP view
and 3.5 mm on the mortise view. It was also demonstrated that a lack of overlap on
the mortise view may represent a normal variant.56 MRI studies have demonstrated
that the TCFS and TFO did not correlate with syndesmotic injury, and MCS greater
648 Switaj et al

Fig. 2. Squeeze test to assess for syndesmotic injury. Pain distally at the syndesmosis with
medial/lateral compression at the mid-calf is suggestive of injury.

than 4 mm may correlate with disruption of deltoid and tibiofibular ligaments.57,58

Thus, relying solely on these measurements may result in both failure to treat and over-
treatment of patients. Therefore, because of the variability among different individuals,
comparison views of the contralateral extremity and advanced imaging are an impor-
tant diagnostic tool for confirmation of clinical suspicion of syndesmosis disruption.56
Although plain weight bearing radiographs can show abnormalities, frank diastasis
without fracture or applied stress is a rare occurrence.54,55,59 External rotation stress
or gravity stress views may be used to confirm latent diastasis.13,60 Late disruption is
best visualized on the lateral radiographs, with posterior displacement of the fibula.13
Computed tomography Owing to the questionable reliability of plain radiographic pa-
rameters and the difficulty in detecting subtle injuries, advanced imaging is frequently
used. The recent literature has investigated the normal anatomic morphology as visu-
alized on CT scan, focusing on the axial cuts.35 CT is more sensitive than radiography
for detecting mild diastasis.61 Fibular malrotation is still difficult to assess, because
there has been no standardized method for measurement.62,63 Knops and col-
leagues62 investigated multiple measurement methods for rotational malreduction
and found the angle between the tangent of the anterior tibial surface and the bisection
of the vertical midline of the fibula at the level of the incisura to be fairly reliable and
Acute and Chronic Injuries to the Syndesmosis 649

Fig. 3. Mortise ankle radiograph (A) does not demonstrate significant radiographic abnor-
mality. A thorough examination noted pain within the proximal leg and a full length tib/fib
radiograph demonstrates the presence of a proximal fibula fracture (B). This finding is
highly suggestive of a Maisonneuve injury.

accurate. Just as with plain radiography, CT imaging has demonstrated variability in

the anatomy of the syndesmosis between individuals.64 Thus, bilateral imaging can
be extremely useful.65,66 Even after plain radiographs have demonstrated diastasis
of the syndesmosis, CT scan can be a useful adjunct on the bony anatomy to guide
surgical planning.
MRI In the setting of nondiagnostic radiographs, the use of MRI is superior to obtain
the diagnosis of a syndesmotic injury, especially on the T1 and T2 axial images67
(Fig. 4). MRI has excellent sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative
predictive value, and accuracy at diagnosing syndesmotic disruption.68 In a series
of 78 patients, Han and colleagues69 reported MRI to be 90% sensitive and 94.8%
specific in diagnosing syndesmotic injury, using arthroscopic findings as a definitive
diagnostic standard. In a similar study by Oae and colleagues,70 MRI demonstrated
100% sensitivity and 94% specificity for AITFL disruption and 100% specificity and
sensitivity for PITFL injury. MRI can be used to grade the injury and may be useful
in predicting the time of disability, with involvement of the PITFL possibly signifying
a more severe injury.71 Although MRI is sensitive and specific for syndesmotic injuries
using standard protocol at 3.0 T,68 it is not predictive for instability because it is a static
test.49 In addition, injury to the tibiofibular syndesmosis has a significant association
with several secondary findings on MRI, including anterior talofibular ligament injury
and osteochondral lesions.72,73

Multiple classification systems have been described.31,45,74 Most use clinical findings
and plain radiographic interpretation, but no current classification uses anatomic
location or MRI findings. There is a general agreement that there are 3 grades of injury
(I–III). Grade I injuries have a stable syndesmosis with normal results on radiographs
and may manifest with mild clinical symptoms and tenderness at the distal tibiofibular
joint. Grade II indicates complete AITFL and interosseous ligament (IOL) disruption.
650 Switaj et al

Fig. 4. Axial T2 fat-saturated image of a patient with a complete tear of the AITFL. Note the
complete absence of the ligament in the anterior aspect of the tibiofibular joint space
(white arrow).

Radiograph results are normal, and the provocative test results are positive. Unfortu-
nately, there is no consensus regarding the stability of this injury pattern. The authors’
preference for this injury depends on the status of the deltoid ligament. In the setting of
an injury to the deltoid, stabilization of the syndesmosis is performed. If the deltoid
ligament appears intact based on MRI, then conservative treatment in a controlled
ankle motion (CAM) walker is initiated. Grade III injuries represent complete disruption
of the AITFL, PITFL, IOL, and deltoid ligament. The distal tibiofibular joint is unstable
and requires operative stabilization.

Syndesmotic Injuries with Associated Fractures

Fractures of the malleoli should increase clinical suspicion for syndesmotic injury.
Although syndesmotic instability has been shown to occur more commonly in
pronation-external rotational ankle fractures with high fibular fractures (36%–
60%),75,76 it also occurs in 17% to 45% of unstable SER ankle fractures with lower
fibula fractures.65,77–81 Multiple studies have attempted to predict syndesmotic
disruption based on fracture pattern. Syndesmotic injury has been positively corre-
lated with transverse fractures of the medial malleolus and bimalleolar fractures.82
Choi and colleagues83 found that in SER patterns, fracture height (distance between
the lowest point of the fracture and the plafond) greater than 7 mm and MCS greater
than 4.5 mm were significant preoperative factors associated with syndesmotic injury.
The presence of a posterior malleolar fracture is the equivalent of a bony disruption of
the PITFL (Fig. 5). Therefore, the authors advocate either direct fixation of the posterior
malleolus or syndesmotic stabilization in this setting. Although not all patients do
poorly without fixation, late posterolateral subluxation of the talus is extremely difficult
to treat and should be avoided if possible. Fixation of the posterior malleolus in the
Acute and Chronic Injuries to the Syndesmosis 651

Fig. 5. Lateral radiograph (A) of a patient with a history of an ankle sprain with a subtle
finding of a posterior malleolar fracture (arrow). MRI was performed to evaluate the syndes-
mosis with evidence of complete disruption of the AITFL (arrowhead) with fluid within the
syndesmosis itself (B). Patient was appropriately treated with open reduction and internal

setting of a Weber B fibular fracture typically mitigates the need for additional syndes-
motic fixation presuming all other bony fixation has been completed. However, in the
setting of a Weber C fibular fracture, rotational stability to the fibula may not be
restored with fixation of the posterior malleolus, and additional stabilization of the syn-
desmosis with either a screw or suture button device is considered.
Because plain radiographic findings are often inadequate for diagnosing syndes-
motic disruptions in malleolar fractures and injuries can happen across all fracture pat-
terns,57,65,79 the diagnosis depends on thorough intraoperative assessment. This
evaluation can be performed using an external rotation test or Cotton hook test under
fluoroscopy.84 In the external rotation stress, the tibia is stabilized and an external
rotation force is applied to the medial aspect of the forefoot and lateral aspect of
the hindfoot. Fluoroscopy is used to evaluate for MCS widening. The hook, or lateral
stress, test uses a bone hook applied to the lateral malleolus to assess for greater than
2 mm of lateral movement of the lateral malleolus.85 There is evidence to suggest that
assessment of the fibula on the lateral radiograph may improve both the accuracy of
the hook test86 as well as the external rotation test.13 The fibula demonstrates maximal
motion in the sagittal plane with disruption of the syndemosis that is increased with
concomitant deltoid disruption that lends more strength to the argument that ante-
rior/posterior stress testing of the fibula is superior to isolated coronal plane stress
testing. Pakarinen and colleagues84 prospectively compared these 2 intraoperative
tests with a standardized 7.5-Nm external rotation stress test as a reference. Although
tests showed excellent interobserver agreement and specificity, both also had poor
sensitivity. A prospective cohort study showed that widening with stress external rota-
tion was significantly greater than with lateral fibular stress and appreciable on stan-
dard fluoroscopic views.87 However, these results must be taken in the context of
biomechanical evidence to suggest that the hook test with a 100 N force and visual-
ization of widening of the TFCS is superior in differentiating syndesmotic disruption
from isolated deltoid ligament injury in a Weber B ankle fracture model.88,89 Thus,
652 Switaj et al

even if the external rotation stress may demonstrate significant widening, this may
represent a deltoid ligament injury based on biomechanical data; this underlies the
point that the clinician needs to use all available techniques to accurately diagnose
a syndesmotic injury.
Lastly, as noted previously, due to individual anatomic differences, using a patient’s
contralateral ankle for comparison provides a precise definition of their normal tibiofib-
ular relationships under stress examination.66

Role of Arthroscopy
The role of arthroscopy in the treatment of acute syndesmotic injuries is an ever-
evolving field with little support in the literature. Its primary role at present is to diag-
nose syndesmotic instability and other intra-articular pathology.72,90 Takao and
colleagues91 showed that in operative ankle fractures, arthroscopy confirmed 100%
of cases of disruption that had been identified on preoperative plain radiographs
and identified 12 additional patients with instability. A subsequent study revealed
that compared with arthroscopy for diagnosis of syndesmosis disruption, MRI had
100% sensitivity and 93.1% specificity, showing 2 false-positive cases.92


There is limited quality literature available to help the clinician make a decision in terms
of operative versus nonoperative treatment. Conditions with clinical evidence of syn-
desmotic injury without radiographic abnormality on static images and stress tests
can be treated nonoperatively (grades I and II). MRI evidence of an intact deltoid
ligament with isolated injury to the AITFL without involvement of the PITFL does not
warrant surgical intervention in the opinion of the authors.
When an appropriate diagnosis is made, nonsurgical treatment of stable injury pat-
terns has shown good results30,31 and consists of a 3-phase approach.93 The optimal
rehabilitation program for these injuries is unknown, because there is no high-quality
literature to direct the surgeon. A typical program includes a short period of non–
weight bearing, followed by restoration of mobility, strength, and function and lastly
advanced sports-specific training. An orthopedic device, most commonly a CAM
walker, to limit external rotation is often used. The length of restricted weight bearing
and advancement of activities depend on the clinical symptoms, injury severity, and
the patient’s functional presentation.45 Rest, elevation, compression, anti-
inflammatory medications, and appropriate use of therapeutic modalities such as
electric stimulation and massage should be incorporated into the treatment regimen.
After 4 to 6 weeks, transition to a lace-up ankle brace is initiated with more aggressive
physical therapy as the patient can tolerate. The lace-up brace may be used for a
further 6 weeks to minimize symptoms.
A systematic review evaluated 6 studies regarding conservative treatment of syn-
desmotic injuries.25,29–31,36,41,94 These studies involved sprains without diastasis on
radiographic examination. When compared with lateral ankle sprains, all studies
showed prolonged recovery in the syndesmotic sprain group, with a resultant delayed
return to play. Return to play is challenging, and is typically based on a functional
testing evaluation and physical examination. One study in National Hockey League
players showed a mean time to return to play of 45 days versus 1.4 days for lateral
ankle sprains.25 More severe injuries, as determined by MRI involvement of the IOL
and PITFL, were positively correlated with increased numbers of missed games and
practices.71 The number of missed competitions also correlated with the interosseous
tenderness length30 and a squeeze test with positive results.30,71 Although
Acute and Chronic Injuries to the Syndesmosis 653

syndesmotic injury is most predictive of persistent symptoms in the athletic popula-

tion,95 with correct diagnosis, function is typically good after the initial recovery period.
In syndesmotic injuries associated with malleolar fractures, those with resultant in-
congruity of the ankle mortise require surgical treatment. Proper intraoperative
assessment is paramount and was discussed in the prior section.


Patients with persistent symptoms despite conservative treatment or with higher-

grade injuries with tibiofibular diastasis benefit from operative treatment. Athletes
with grade III injuries treated operatively demonstrated similar long-term outcomes
when compared with nonsurgical patients.
Most syndesmotic injuries that occur with malleolar fractures require surgical stabi-
lization. There is some debate as to whether syndesmotic fixation is always necessary
in SER-type ankle fractures. As bony injuries heal anatomically, the ligamentous in-
juries may heal at their proper length after malleolar reduction. In 2 small prospective
randomized studies of SER ankle fractures, there was no difference in functional out-
comes scores or radiologic findings in stress-positive ankles with and without syndes-
motic fixation at 1-77 and 4-year96 follow-up. In addition, the recent literature has
investigated deltoid ligament repair instead of syndesmotic repair in bimalleolar equiv-
alent ankle fractures and found comparable subjective, functional, and radiographic
outcomes at mid-term follow up.97
However, to prevent potential chronic instability and late arthrosis, the syndesmosis
disruption is typically addressed. In the settings of fibular fracture with deltoid disrup-
tion, anatomic reduction of the ankle mortise relies on the fibula to hold the talus in
proper alignment. The presence of a syndesmotic injury prevents the fibula from facil-
itating proper alignment of the mortise, leading to recurrent talar translation. Thordar-
son and colleagues98 have shown that a 50% increase in pressure in the lateral half of
the tibiotalar joint occurs with only 2 mm of lateral talar translation.
Reduction Techniques
Once the decision has been made to proceed to address the syndesmotic injury sur-
gically, the first step is reduction of the distal tibiofibular joint. When applicable, fibular
length must be assessed and corrected appropriately to facilitate anatomic reduction
of the syndesmosis.99
Clamp placement
The syndesmosis is most commonly reduced with use of reduction clamps to
compress across the tibia and fibula (Fig. 6). If choosing to reduce the syndesmosis
with a clamp application, it is important to consider clamp trajectory and force. A
cadaveric study demonstrated small, but significant, overcompression and external
rotation displacement of the fibula when clamps were placed at 15 and 30 of angu-
lation in the axial plane, relative to the anatomic axis of the syndesmosis.100 Another
cadaveric study showed that placing a clamp in the neutral anatomic axis reduced the
syndesmosis most accurately, although minimal overcompression was observed.101
The authors use a clamp in some situations; however, they have used manual reduc-
tion and stabilization using the thumb to generate the reduction force. This is an
emerging technique that may decrease the risk of malreduction associated with a
clamp. Once the syndesmosis is felt to be reduced, a K-wire may be placed along
the syndesmotic axis to stabilize the position of the fibula. The use of a clamp at
this point allows further reduction of the syndesmosis in the coronal plane without
risking sagittal malalignment.
654 Switaj et al

Fig. 6. Intraoperative photograph demonstrating placement of a large reduction clamp to

reduce the syndesmosis. The clamp should be placed at the level of the ankle joint with the
foot held in neutral.

Assessment of reduction
Once a reduction is attempted, the next important step is the assessment of the
Assessment may be attempted indirectly via radiographic imaging. Unfortunately,
the same inaccuracies in diagnosing injuries using plain radiographs in the preopera-
tive setting exist when assessing the reduction in the operative setting. A cadaveric
study suggested that a 30 external malrotation of the fibula may result when using
TFCS, TFO, and posterior subluxation to assess reduction.102
Because of these difficulties, surgeons have attempted to compare the injured side
with a normal contralateral extremity.103,104 Although substantial variation in ankle
anatomy exists between individuals, there is little variation between contralateral an-
kles of a single individual.4 A cadaveric study using perfect lateral radiographs showed
that anterior displacement and greater than 5 mm translation were accurately
detected and that fluoroscopic comparisons to the normal ankle were helpful in deter-
mining reduction.104 In a clinical study, Summers and colleagues105 used uninjured
contralateral ankle radiographs as a template for reduction and demonstrated
anatomic reduction on intraoperative CT scan in 17 of 18 of patients.
Other investigators have suggested the use of intraoperative CT scan to improve the
reduction.106–108 Franke and colleagues108 used this technology in a consecutive
series and altered the surgical outcome in 32.7% of cases, improving reduction of
the distal tibiofibular joint in 30.7% of the total cases. Other studies have shown
that intraoperative CT reduced their posterior malreduction rate but not the anterior
malreduction rate.107 Thus, although intraoperative 3-dimensional imaging increases
cost and exposes the patient to additional radiation, it provides an intraoperative
assessment that can improve reduction.
The reduction can also be assessed directly via open reduction of the syndesmosis.
Studies have demonstrated improved accuracy of the reduction with direct visualiza-
tion of the incisura, although 15% to 16% still demonstrated incongruity on postoper-
ative CT scan.109,110 Direct repair of the deltoid ligament is Dr Kadakia’s preference
Acute and Chronic Injuries to the Syndesmosis 655

when treating syndesmotic injuries, which may improve the reduction of the fibula
within the incisura fibularis. A combination of direct visualization of the syndemosis
and incisura along with primary repair of the superficial component of the deltoid lig-
ament may minimize the risk of iatrogenic malreduction.

Fixation Construct and Placement

Once a reduction is obtained and maintained, the syndesmosis must be stabilized.
There are numerous studies evaluating the technical aspects of syndesmotic fixation.
The next step is choosing an implant for fixation.

Screw composition, size, number, and cortices engaged

The traditional method, and the most common current practice,111 is stainless steel
screw fixation, although other screw compositions have demonstrated satisfactory re-
sults.112,113 The composition of the screw has not been shown to differ in biomechan-
ical testing nor does it significantly influence the radiographic or clinical outcomes; this
is true in regards to bioabsorbable screws114–116 and titanium screws.117 Bio-
absorbable screws may offer slightly increased range of motion118 and obviate subse-
quent hardware removal but have a higher incidence of foreign body reactions.118
If choosing a stainless steel screw, fixation can be achieved with 3.5- or 4.5-mm
screws. There is biomechanical evidence to suggest that the 4.5-mm screw provides
more resistance to shear stress,119 although other studies showed no biomechanical
difference.120,121 Once the screw size is selected, there has been no difference in
radiographic or functional outcomes in tricortical and quadricortical screws.117,122–125
Two screws or locking plate fixation provides stronger mechanical fixation,13,126
without translating into improved clinical outcomes.99,127,128 Multiple screws are typi-
cally considered in Maisonneuve injuries, in obese patients, or in severely osteoporotic
bone to increase construct stability.129 If screw fixation is chosen, the authors’ prefer-
ence is a 3.5-mm tricortical screw if the fibula is fixated.

Dynamic fixation
Dynamic fixation with suture-button fixation has been widely studied.130–144 A hole is
drilled through the fibula and tibia, and then a suture is passed through and secured on
both ends via a metallic button. Systematic reviews of low levels of clinical evidence
have demonstrated similar functional outcomes, with quicker return to work and less
frequent need for implant removal. A single suture button device has demonstrated
lack of sagittal stability compared with a screw and must be considered when
choosing this implant. A prospective, randomized control trial demonstrated better
clinical and radiographic outcomes with a dynamic device, with improved mainte-
nance of reduction and lower reoperation rate.131 Despite the increased cost of the
implant, the decreased need for hardware removal may confer cost-effectiveness to
this technique. Lastly, one can consider hybrid fixation with a screw and suture button
construct for severe diastasis or large athletes.

Implant placement
Once a reduction is obtained and maintained and an implant is selected, the implant
must be placed.
There is conflicting biomechanical evidence regarding placement of the implant
relative to the tibiotalar joint. One study showed that a screw placed 2.0 cm above
the tibiotalar joint resulted in less syndesmotic widening than a screw placed
3.5 cm above the joint,145 whereas another showed that fixation 3 to 4 cm above
the joint may have biomechanical advantages.146 Clinical evidence has not demon-
strated significantly different radiographic or clinical outcomes in transsyndesmotic
656 Switaj et al

or suprasyndesmotic fixation.147 Screw placement more than 4.1 cm above the

joint negatively influences patient outcomes, likely due to decreased stability at
this level or by slight bending of the fibula on insertion, causing widening at the
All evidence regarding orientation of the fixation is from cadaveric and anatomic
studies. Anatomically, the fibula sits posteriorly in the tibia, and screws should there-
fore be directed 30 anteriorly.149 This position corresponds to a line from the lateral
cortical apex of the fibula to the anterior half of the medial malleolus.150 Aberrant
screw placement may cause malreduction.100 Furthermore, the screw should be
inserted parallel to the ankle joint in the coronal plane to prevent any proximal
The sagittal position of the ankle while the implant is being placed has been
debated. An older cadaveric study suggested that dorsiflexion of the ankle may be
restricted if the ankle is not in a maximally dorsiflexed position during fixation.151 How-
ever, more recent literature does not support this.152,153 Thus, it is the surgeon’s
choice in determining the position of the ankle during fixation. However, in the setting
of a posterior malleolar fracture, the authors do not recommend dorsiflexion to mini-
mize iatrogenic posterior translation of the fibula.

Posterior Malleolar Fixation and Anterior Tibiofibular Ligament Reconstruction

There has been much interest in the role of the posterior malleolar fracture in regards
to syndesmotic stability. Syndesmotic injuries are not infrequently associated with a
fracture of the posterior malleolus. When there is a posterior malleolar fracture, the
PITFL is reliably intact and attached to the posterolateral fragment.154 Subsequently,
malreduction of this component may result in malreduction of the syndesmosis with
resultant posterolateral subluxation of the fibula. Fixation of this fragment alone con-
fers increased stability to the syndesmosis154 and equivalent functional outcomes in
small series when compared with syndesmotic screw fixation.155 This method of syn-
desmotic stabilization would also obviate removal of screw fixation from the syndes-
mosis and may allow for earlier weight bearing as a result of bony healing as opposed
to ligamentous healing. In addition, there is some limited evidence that repair or recon-
struction of the AITFL restores the stability, allows for early return to functional activ-
ities, and obviates syndesmotic screw fixation.156

Postoperative Protocol
Return to sports can be expected as early as 4 weeks after rigid fixation of an isolated
fibula fracture and up to 8 to 10 weeks after stabilization of a bimalleolar equivalent
fracture with deltoid repair. Syndesmosis fixation can take up to 4 to 6 months before
successful return to sport.

Outcomes and Complications

Satisfactory outcomes can be expected with syndesmotic fixation, even in high-level
athletes.78,127,157,158 There exist a variety of factors that can influence a patient’s sur-
gical outcome. Failure to diagnose the syndesmotic injury has been found to be a
common cause of reoperation.159 Thus, it is important for the surgeon to have a
high incidence of suspicion for injury and assess for disruption appropriately.

Injury factors
There is literature indicating that syndesmotic injuries associated with trimalleolar frac-
tures have significantly lower outcomes than unimalleolar or bimalleolar frac-
tures.148,160 When compared with all operative ankle fractures not requiring
Acute and Chronic Injuries to the Syndesmosis 657

syndesmotic fixation, those requiring stabilization had worse American Orthopedic

Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) scores in function and pain and worse Short Muscu-
loskeletal Functional Assessment (SMFA) scores at 12 months.161 Litrenta and col-
leagues162 found similar findings in SER-IV ankle fractures, with small clinical
differences in SMFA and bother index but not in the AOFAS score. However, conflict-
ing evidence was presented by Kortekangas and colleagues163 in SER-IV ankle frac-
tures, who showed no clinical or radiographic differences at 4- to 6-year follow-up in
patients with syndesmotic injury compared with patients with a stable syndesmosis.
This lack of significant difference was also seen by Kennedy and colleagues164 in
Weber C ankle fractures. Worse functional results have been demonstrated in ankle
fractures that were dislocated on initial presentation.165

Patient factors
There is evidence demonstrating that increasing age negatively affects
outcome.148,160 Although diabetes mellitus and smoking did not show an effect on
loss of syndesmosis reduction, obese patients were 12 times more likely to lose
reduction than were patients with a normal body mass index166 and had poorer func-
tional outcomes.123 Wukich and Kline167 found that patients with complicated dia-
betes were 3.4 times more likely to have soft-tissue and bony complications than
patients with uncomplicated diabetes, without considering specifically syndesmotic

Surgeon factors
As discussed previously, there have been no major differences in functional or radio-
graphic outcomes between 1 and 2 screws, tricortical and quadricortical screws, or
screws of varying compositions. The literature on dynamic fixation is evolving, with
the recent high-level literature suggesting improved outcomes without the need for
hardware removal.131
The most pertinent, technical aspect of surgical treatment is the accuracy of the
reduction. This aspect has been shown to be the most important independent predic-
tor of clinical outcomes and vital in avoiding posttraumatic arthrosis.14,15,78,123,132,165
It involves first correctly diagnosing the injury, then establishing an anatomic reduction
of the syndesmosis and the fibula if there is a fracture.159 In a prospective evaluation
with minimum 2-year follow-up, Sagi and colleagues109 found that malreduced syn-
desmotic injuries had significantly worse functional outcome scores than those with
anatomic reductions.

Malreduction Despite the focus on syndesmotic injuries and the importance placed
on anatomic restoration, malreduction is still commonplace. The literature has shown
syndesmotic malreductions to occur in as many as 25.5% to 52% of pa-
tients.66,75,76,102,109,110 The malpositioning is often in the sagittal plane with anterior
displacement and internal rotation.108–110 Predictors of malreduction have been inves-
tigated, but no significant factors could be elucidated.168
Given the high rates of malreduction several strategies were noted for improving the
accuracy of reduction, including recent evidence that accuracy in reduction can be
improved using direct visualization of the reduction,109,110 contralateral radiographs
as a template,103,105 and intraoperative CT scan.106–108 In Maisonneuve injuries, a
small series demonstrated improved syndesmotic reduction with open reduction
and internal fixation of the proximal fibular fracture.169 Despite all those techniques,
there is still difficulty in obtaining and maintaining an anatomic reduction. Because
of this, dynamic implants have been investigated in malreduced cadaveric models
658 Switaj et al

and have been shown to mitigate clamp-induced malreduction in the coronal and
sagittal planes.144
By improving the reduction, the surgeon can hopefully maximize patient outcomes
and minimize need for secondary interventions.

Hardware-related complications
The syndesmosis is a dynamic articulation, and screw insertion provides a static
means of stabilization. This nonphysiologic intervention, theoretically, may result in
some degree of functional incapacity and abnormal ankle motion.170,171
Syndesmotic screws are typically left in place 12 weeks to allow for ligamentous
healing.172,173 The authors prefer screw retention for 4.5 months to decrease the
risk of syndesmotic failure after screw removal. Whether or not it is necessary to
remove the intact screw remains a subject of debate. As patients increase their weight
bearing, this causes increased shear stresses that can result in screw breakage.161 If
this screw breakage, or removal, occurs before ligamentous healing, it can result in
loss of reduction.158,174,175 One study found that 3.5-mm screws were more likely to
break than 4.0- or 4.5-mm screws but without any increased loss of reduction.176
A survey demonstrated that 65% of respondents from the Orthopaedic Trauma
Association and AOFAS routinely removed syndesmotic screws.111 However, there
is evidence to suggest that patients with retained syndesmotic screws have no
functional or radiographic deficits when compared with those with screws
removed78,161,177–179 or with broken screws that are retained.158,178–180 However,
when comparing retained broken screws with retained intact screws, there are studies
to suggest that screw removal, or hardware failure, may allow the distal tibiofibular
joint to return to normal function and improve functional outcomes. Hamid and col-
leagues178 showed that patients with retained broken screws had higher AOFAS
scores than patients with intact screws or removed screws. Manjoo and colleagues181
demonstrated similar results and also showed that there was no benefit in screw
removal in patients with loose or fractured screws. Song and colleagues182 used CT
scans to find that 8 of 9 malreductions of the syndesmosis showed adequate reduc-
tion once the screw was removed.
It is important to thoroughly consider the literature, because complications can
occur with screw removal, with Schepers and colleagues174 demonstrating a 9.2%
wound infection rate and 6.6% rate of recurrent diastasis. In conclusion, there is no
high-quality evidence to support the absolute need for routine removal of the syndes-
motic screw. Removal may be reserved for intact screws that cause hardware irritation
or reduced range of motion after 4 to 6 months or have known malreduction of the
Dynamic fixation of the syndesmosis has been reported to have cases of infection,
skin irritation, and granulomatous tissue formation necessitating secondary interven-
tion.143 These complications may occur at a lower rate in the new generation of
implants that do not have as large of a knot as the original implant, but this has yet
to be shown in the literature.

Authors’ approach to fixation

Given the lack of direct evidence to determine which mode of fixation is superior, the
authors have developed a treatment algorithm based on sagittal stability.
The deltoid ligament is treated with open repair in all cases of preoperative incon-
gruity of the mortise on nonstress radiographs. In the setting of stress-only widening
of the mortise, the deltoid is not repaired as in these cases; the authors have noted that
the deep component of the deltoid is torn without complete rupture of the superficial
Acute and Chronic Injuries to the Syndesmosis 659

deltoid ligament. Repair of the deltoid is associated with improved reduction of the
syndesmosis and decreases sagittal plane instability.
In the setting of a Weber B fracture without a posterior malleolar fracture, a suture
button device is used to stabilize the syndesmosis given the minimal sagittal instability
in these fractures as the IOM is typically intact.
In the setting of a Weber B fracture with a posterior malleolar fracture, the posterior
malleolar fracture is reduced and stabilized if amenable to fixation. The authors are
aggressive in fixation of all posterior malleolar fractures to directly restore the integrity
of the PITFL without additional syndesmotic stabilization. However, if the posterior
malleolus is reduced and not amenable to fixation, then rigid fixation with a screw is
performed to ensure sagittal stability.
Weber C fractures typically involve greater soft-tissue injury relative to a Weber B
fracture with sagittal stability compromised in most cases. Without the presence of
a posterior malleolar fracture, a suture button device is used if the deltoid ligament
is repaired. If the deltoid ligament is not repaired, sagittal instability is not minimized,
and therefore, rigid fixation with a screw or 2 suture button devices is used. Given the
cost of 2 suture button devices, the use of a screw is used in the authors’ practice.
Weber C fractures with a posterior malleolar fracture are best treated with fixation of
the posterior malleolus if possible to restore the anatomy of the incisura. Unlike a
Weber B with a posterior malleolar fracture, disruption of the AITFL and IOL occurs
in most cases. Therefore, a suture button device is used to restore rotational and cor-
onal stability. If the posterior malleolus cannot be fixated, then rigid fixation is used as
discussed earlier.
In the setting of a Maisonneuve injury, fixation of the fibula is difficult and may be
associated with injury of the peroneal nerve and is not routinely advocated. In this
setting, isolated use of suture button devices may not be provide sufficient sagittal
or axial stability despite providing coronal stability and are therefore not used in isola-
tion for this injury. However, given the improved reduction that has been noted with the
use of a suture button device, a hybrid construct with a suture button device and a
3.5-mm tricortical screw over a 4-hole plate is used. Traction is placed on the fibula
with a reduction clamp to help restore fibular length with temporary stabilization per-
formed with a 0.062 K-wire. A 4-hole plate is chosen with the most distal hole at the
level of the tibiotalar joint. The plate is fixed to the fibula using the proximal and distal
screw holes. A large reduction clamp is placed with gentle compression to ensure
fibular reduction in this setting. The suture button device is placed initially followed
by placement of the transsyndesmotic screw (Fig. 7).
Routine hardware removal is no longer performed unless the patient is noted to be


Chronic syndesmotic injuries are defined as persistent widening of the tibiofibular joint
3 months after the initial injury11 and may occur secondary to malreduction or missed
diagnosis. Chronic diastasis of the distal tibiofibular joint is a cause of persistent pain
and dysfunction after a rotational ankle injury. Widening and chronic instability of the
distal tibiofibular syndesmosis has been shown to be associated with poor outcomes
and the development of osteoarthritis.93,109,183–187 The distal tibiofibular instability is
treated with various reconstruction techniques, including tightening with advance-
ment or transposition, autograft substitution, and arthrodesis. Most reconstructions
include anatomic restoration of length and rotation of the fibula in addition to address-
ing the soft-tissue hypertrophy and its mechanical impaction in the ankle joint.
660 Switaj et al

Fig. 7. Postoperative standing AP radiograph of a patient treated with Dr Kadakia’s

preferred method of a 4-hole plate with 1 syndesmotic screw and 1 suture button. Removal
of the screw can be performed at 4.5 months without any concern for fracture of the fibula.
Although rare, the complication can lead to significant disability if it occurs. At present, the
author no longer performs routine removal of hardware.

Clinical Evaluation and Physical Examination
Similar methods are used for the diagnosis of chronic injuries to the syndesmosis.
Again, the clinician must have a high index of suspicion for the injury and use
numerous physical examination techniques and radiographic modalities to make an
accurate diagnosis.

Radiographic Evaluation
Plain radiographs
Just as in acute syndesmotic injuries, plain radiography are the first step in imaging
evaluation. In the setting of a chronic syndesmotic injury, many patients present
with abnormal diastasis of the syndesmosis along with lateral talar translation and
an increased MCS (Fig. 8). In this scenario, the increase in the forces on the lateral
tibiotalar joint is greater than in either condition alone. In addition, instability may be
Acute and Chronic Injuries to the Syndesmosis 661

Fig. 8. Early failure of the syndesmotic fixation in a patient who had a concomitant fibular
fracture. Appropriate intraoperative reduction and fixation was obtained (A) with reduction
of the medial clear space (arrowhead). With failure of the syndesmosis in the postoperative
period (B), the loss of syndesmotic stability results in lateral talar translation with an
increased medial clear space (arrow).

evaluated by dynamic stress evaluation.42,69,91,92 Instability is present if there is 2 mm

or more of widening after an external rotatory stress is applied to the ankle in a neutral
CT scan is often more useful in a chronic setting when assessing for associated
bony injury, fracture healing, and presence of arthritis. CT is used preoperatively to
assess fibular length, degenerative changes within the syndesmosis or tibiotalar joint,
presence and location of a synostosis, a malreduced posterior malleolar fracture, and
presence of osteochondral lesions188 (Fig. 9). Given anatomic variations, bilateral
ankle CT scans are vital to allow the surgeon to compare angular measurements to
detect latent diastasis.189
MRI may also be obtained to aid in diagnosis and assess for intra-articular pathol-
ogy and is sensitive, specific, and accurate in the diagnosis of chronic syndesmotic
injury.69 A recent publication noted that, in the presence of positive physical examina-
tion findings, a high-intensity signal seen on coronal MRI that resembles the Greek let-
ter l was sensitive (75%) and specific (85%) for a latent syndesmotic injury with
greater than 2 mm of diastasis as seen on arthroscopy.49

Ankle arthroscopy is a useful tool in the diagnosis of chronic disruption of the distal
tibiofibular syndesmosis allowing direct visualization of the disrupted anatomy. Arthro-
scopic assessment allows for debridement of fibrous tissue interposed in the distal
tibiofibular joint as well as concomitant osteochondral defects and synovitis
(Fig. 10). In a prospective randomized trial of 20 patients, Han and colleagues69
showed no statistical difference in AOFAS scores in patients treated with arthroscopic
debridement with or without screw fixation. These findings were supported by a
662 Switaj et al

Fig. 9. CT scan of a patient demonstrating clear anterior and lateral malreduction of the

previous trial by Olgivie-Harris and Reed42 suggesting that patients’ symptoms were
secondary to hypertrophied soft tissue within the joint and not instability. Arthroscopic
debridement is best used in the setting of normal findings on radiographs without bony
abnormality or as an adjunct to a reconstructive procedure. The authors use a suture
button device in addition to arthroscopic debridement in these cases to maximize
syndesmotic stability. Isolated arthroscopic debridement is contraindicated in the
presence of frank diastasis, as the underlying deformity cannot be corrected with
arthroscopy alone.

Reconstructive techniques depend on the integrity of the distal tibiofibular ligaments,
with the goal of restoring the normal anatomy between the distal tibia and fibula in

Fig. 10. Arthroscopic view of a patient with chronic syndesmotic instability with an associ-
ated osteochondral defect (A). Note the significant synovitis and hypertrophic tissue
emanating from the syndesmosis. This image is in contrast to a normal appearance (B) of
the syndesmosis in a patient who had intra-articular fibrous scar after a low ankle sprain.
Acute and Chronic Injuries to the Syndesmosis 663

addition to stabilizing the talus within the mortise. In the setting of a continuous AITFL,
bone block advancement has been demonstrated to be a viable option. In a prospec-
tive study, Wagener and colleagues190 osteotomized and mobilized the insertion of
the AITFL with a 1  1-cm bone block. A gutter directed medial and proximal to the
original insertion was then made in the tibia. After application of maximal compression
to the mortise with a pelvic clamp, the bone block was advanced into the gutter and
stabilized with screw fixation. The bone block was supplemented with a tetracortical
syndesmotic screw. Follow-up demonstrated improved average AOFAS scores (75–
92) in 12 patients treated greater than 2 years after initial injury with an average
follow-up of 25 months.
When the AITFL is ruptured or attenuated, reconstructive surgery using local graft or
free autogenous substitute may be used. Grass and colleagues34 used a split pero-
neus longus tendon autograft with a tricortical transfixation screw in a series of 16
patients. At an average follow-up of 16 months, 15 of 16 patients reported pain relief
and stated they would undergo the surgery again. Hamstring autograft is another alter-
native that has been performed with encouraging results.33 This technique described
by Morris and colleagues33 anatomically reconstructed the AITFL and the inteross-
eous ligament using 2 tunnels. The first tunnel was directed from slightly posterolateral
to the fibula to slightly anterior in the tibia. The second tunnel was placed anterior to
the fibula below the level of and parallel to the first tunnel. The graft was then passed
medial to lateral through tunnel 1 and finally looped over the fibula into tunnel 2. The
graft was secured medially and laterally with 15-mm interference screws. Visual
analog pain scores improved from 73 preoperatively to 19 postoperatively. No preop-
erative AOFAS scores were recorded preoperatively; however, the average postoper-
ative AOFAS score was 85.4. The graft used in this technique was 7 to 8 mm in
diameter compared with the previously described peroneus graft, which was only
3.5 mm in diameter.
Lui191 described a minimally invasive triligamentous reconstruction using 3 tunnels.
The first tunnel connects the anterior and posterior tubercle of the distal tibia, followed
by a second tunnel joining the fibular insertions of the AITFL and PITFL. The third and
final tunnel is made over the lateral malleolus and directed posteromedially above and
toward the tibial tunnel. The peroneus longus tendon is then harvested and passed
through the posterior half of the tibial tunnel exiting the third fibular tunnel reconstruct-
ing the interosseous ligament. The opposite end of the graft is passed anteriorly
through the fibular tunnel reconstructing the PITFL. Finally, the 2 ends are sutured
to each other and inserted into the anterior half of the tibial tunnel to reconstruct the
AITFL. No long-term follow-up or outcomes were recorded.
Moravek and Kadakia188 used a double-limbed hamstring allograft reconstruction
of the syndesmosis in 6 patients. In contrast to the previously described methods,
this technique primarily reconstructs the IOL and is augmented with suture button fix-
ation, which obviates a second procedure for hardware removal. The surgical algo-
rithm is presented in Box 1. A single tunnel directed at a 30 angle (posterior to
anterior) was drilled from the fibula to the anteromedial tibia. A semitendinosis allograft
is first passed medial to lateral and fixed medially with a biotenodesis screw. The free
end is then passed over the fibular bridge and fixed over the medial aspect of the tibia.
Next, the remaining graft is finally sewn to itself over a medial tibia bone bridge and
augmented with a fibular locking plate due to the high stress placed on the fibula dur-
ing graft tensioning to prevent iatrogenic fracture (Fig. 11). Although this was not the
initial technique used, following a late stress fracture, the technique was modified. A
suture button device is additionally used to decrease the stress on the allograft during
the initial phase of healing (Figs. 12 and 13). No long-term follow-up was available;
664 Switaj et al

Box 1
Surgical algorithm for the treatment of chronic syndesmotic diastasis

1. Hardware removal of prior fibular and syndesmotic fixation if present

2. Debridement of the syndesmosis and/or excision of synostosis
3. Posterior malleolar osteotomy if preoperative CT indicates a malunion
4. Transection of the deltoid ligament or medial malleolar osteotomy if malunion is present
5. Debridement of medial ankle joint gutter
6. Oblique lengthening fibular osteotomy if a shortened fibula is present
7. Reduction of the syndesmosis with a large tong clamp
8. Suture button fixation proximal to the proposed graft site
9. Doubled allograft reconstruction of the syndesmosis
10. Removal of the reduction clamp with assessment of syndesmotic reduction and stability
11. Imbrication of the deltoid ligament or reduction and fixation of medial malleolar

however, all patients reported they would undergo surgical intervention again. Before
graft placement, the syndesmosis was debrided and fibular and posterior malleolar
nonunions were corrected to facilitate an anatomic reduction of the mortise.

An alternative to syndesmotic reconstruction particularly in the setting of existing syn-
desmotic arthritis is arthrodesis. Arthrodesis has proven results that ensure long-term
stability of the distal tibiofibular joint provided that successful union occurs. However,
this eliminates the normal motion of the syndesmosis that may lead to abnormal load
to the talar articular surface with resultant risk of long-term ankle arthrosis. Incorrect
positioning in both the sagittal and coronal planes may result in further abnormal forces
to the talar articular surface. Despite the theoretic concerns regarding the abnormal talar
constraints with resultant risk of arthritis, there is some evidence to suggest the con-
trary.11,192,193 Olson and colleagues193 described debriding the distal tibiofibular joint
and stabilizing the arthrodesis with two 3.5-mm cortical screws placed in a lag fashion
through 4 cortices. At an average follow-up of 41 months, mean AOFAS scores

Fig. 11. Final appearance of the graft medially (A) and laterally (B).
Acute and Chronic Injuries to the Syndesmosis 665

Fig. 12. Preoperative mortise (A) of a patient with failure of the syndesmotic fixation status
post open reduction and internal fixation. The 6-month postoperative weight bearing
radiograph (B) demonstrates stable reduction of the syndesmosis and medial clear space.

increased from 37  15 to 87  11. Again, all associated deformities were corrected such
as fibular malunions and equinus contractures. The investigators noted an increase in the
Kellgren and Moore grade of arthritis in 2 of the 10 patients, with 1 of the 2 patients having
a normal ankle preoperatively. These results supported earlier findings by Pena and

Fig. 13. Preoperative mortise (A) of a patient with an untreated syndesmotic injury who
developed a significant synostosis. The 12-month postoperative radiograph (B) demon-
strates excision of the synostosis with stable reduction of the syndesmosis and medial clear
666 Switaj et al

Coetzee192 who also recommended arthrodesis for patients with an injury older than
6 months, severe incongruity, or a recurrence of diastasis after removal of fixation. The
authors thought this procedure should be reserved for low-demand patients (Fig. 14).
Overcompression of the syndesmosis should be avoided, as this creates a nonanatomic
mortise increasing the risk of tibiotalar arthritis.

Fig. 14. Preoperative radiographs (A) of a patient with persistent pain within the syndesmo-
sis without clear evidence of tibiotalar arthritis. CT scan (B) reveals clear evidence of tibiofib-
ular degenerative changes that precludes reconstruction. Postoperative radiographs (C)
after syndesmotic fusion with allograft to maintain the appropriate relationship of the tibia
and fibula.
Acute and Chronic Injuries to the Syndesmosis 667

Fig. 14. (continued)


Injuries to the syndesmosis are a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to the orthope-
dic surgeon. The lack of clear radiographic parameters on which to make surgical de-
cisions places greater importance on the physical examination and advanced
imaging. Lack of injury to the deltoid ligament and PITFL based on MRI imaging is a
reliable determinant to consider nonoperative treatment. Injury to the deltoid ligament
or disruption of the relationship of the tibia and fibula typically is treated with surgical
reduction and fixation. Use of the contralateral lower extremity is the most reliable in
determining the normal relationship of the tibia and fibula for the patient both preop-
eratively and intraoperatively. Sagittal instability is more critical than coronal instability
and must be taken into account when considering reduction of fixation of the syndes-
mosis. Further studies will determine the need for primary repair of the deltoid ligament
and fixation of the posterior malleolus in the setting of ankle fracture and syndesmotic
injuries. As the understanding of the longer-term outcomes following injury to the syn-
desmosis advances, a logical algorithm to the treatment of these injuries should


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