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Answer 1 :


Customer Satisfaction:

Customers are everyone who receives goods or services from the company. Customer
satisfaction is a metric used to assess how pleased customers are with a company's goods,
services, and abilities. A business can decide how to adjust or improve its goods and services
by using data on customer satisfaction, such as surveys and ratings. The satisfaction of a
company's consumers must be its first priority. This holds true for commercial enterprises,
retail and wholesale establishments, governmental agencies, service providers, charitable
organizations, and every division within an organization.

Customer Retention:

Client retention is a metric that gauges a company's capacity to retain customers over time
and gauges customer loyalty. While most customer relationships start with a first encounter,
customer retention numbers are linked to a customer's first purchase and encompass all future
interactions. Following the measurement of client retention, businesses can utilize this
feedback to do data analysis on aspects of customer success and customer experience. An
organization might use a reported decline in customer retention as an example to determine
the fundamental cause and modify its product offerings.

Concept and Application:

As an owner of a 5 star Hospitality brand in India having 100 hotels, I would like to suggest
an IT based software, named ORACLE, to help manage my customer base including
customer Satisfaction & Customer Retention strategies.

1. Customer relationship management (CRM) software

Relations are key to providing excellent customer service. Furthermore, a CRM system
assists you in creating and maintaining these connections. In order to identify sales prospects,
coordinate marketing initiatives, customize messages, and keep track of service concerns,
CRM software gathers prospect and current customer data into a single database.

Client service, sales, marketing, and other departments of your company have access to every
customer profile thanks to CRM. Because of the data a CRM system gathers, this enhances
communication throughout the entire organization, helps sales and service teams give better
customer support, and even helps develop goods and services.

2. Chat Software.

Customers and service representatives, whether real or virtual, may engage online through
chat with ease and convenience. A chat window, which functions similarly to a text message,
appears on your website or mobile application and encourages users to talk. It enables clients
to swiftly have their queries addressed and problems fixed.

There are two forms of chat technology: live chat, in which customer care representatives
speak with clients in real time, and chatbots, which employ artificial intelligence (AI) to
comprehend, parse, and reply to client inquiries.

3. Knowledge Management Software.

A knowledge base, which is a repository of papers and data, is an affordable approach to

make it easier for consumers to find solutions to problems or inquiries. Commonly asked
questions, how-to guides, and troubleshooting instructions are generally included in
knowledge bases.

By organizing the material in a searchable style with knowledge base software, consumers
may quickly discover what they're searching for, freeing up staff members' time to
concentrate on clients who need a higher level of care.

4. Helpdesk and call center software.

Customers may seek support with this kind of software, which also aids customer care
personnel in maintaining organization so that problems can be fixed promptly. Companies
that generate software or other goods that require a lot of customer assistance should use help
desk solutions.

Following a customer's contact with the help desk, the customer service system creates a
support ticket, links it to the client's past interactions, and assigns it to a customer care
representative. The representative contacts the client via their preferred method of contact
when the problem has been fixed.

5. Shared Inbox Software.

A shared inbox is more than just an inbox; it's a location where support staff may view the
same emails and collaborate on solving problems. The results? team organization, email
response, and satisfied clients.

Every conversation you have with a client is an opportunity to expand your company. For
unmatched customer care and an exceptional client experience, let Oracle assist you in
implementing the appropriate customer service software.

• Integration of customer devices and all departments for easy management.

• Scalability, which enables cloud systems to expand as quickly as the business.

• The most up-to-date features and technology, without the constant need for capital inputs.

Low prices allow them to just pay for what they consume.

• More in-depth understanding of the requirements, tastes, and behaviors of their clients,
enabling them to consistently enhance the services they offer.

• Mobility. The cloud enables mobile customer service access via smart phones and other
devices, which is a terrific method to guarantee ease of access.


As customer satisfaction and retention is vital for the growth of the company and with the
growing pace for IT in today’s business era, ORACLE provides the best features with low
cost and also gives the company an insight into the customer preferences and needs. The
customer grievances can be solved 24x7 with the help of helpdesk with the chat and calling
features. It also gives the customer the benefit of easy accessing via smart phone and devices.

Answer 2:


An organization's processing, input, output, and storage equipment are all referred to as
hardware. Such gadgets include, for instance, a monitor, printer, CPU, etc. Today, every
corporate organization, large or little, possesses or rents computers. One or more computers,
whether they be in the form of laptops, tablets, smartphones, or other portable devices, can be
owned by a company or an individual. Distributed computer systems are found in distant data
centers and are used by large organizations. Mobile devices are used by these organizations
as well, and they are included into the organizational information system. The hardware of an
information system is made up of all the peripheral components, including storage discs, I/O
devices, and communication equipment. While the price of storage space and computing
power has grown over the past several years, the cost of hardware has been quickly falling.
However, commercial organizations continue to have a serious issue with the power
consumption of technology.

Concept and Application:

Here are some alternative features and benefits :

Hybrid Cloud Implementation:

Feature: One common method used by businesses to cut back on IT infrastructure
expenditures is cloud storage. The efficiency of processes, business development, and speed
to market all improve for companies that go to the cloud. It is simple to understand how using
the cloud may increase productivity and help businesses save money. Businesses might
decide to keep sensitive information in private settings while using the public cloud for less
sensitive information and apps. Hybrid cloud systems also provide an amazing degree of
scalability. To more effectively meet your company's needs, they make resource increases
simple. It's critical to pick a cloud service provider who can assist you in developing the ideal
platform for your requirements.

Benefit: Employing a hybrid cloud approach allows businesses that require additional
security to cut expenditures. Hybrid clouds, which are now the most well-liked and efficient
type of cloud computing, provide the best allocation of workloads between public and private

Consolidating Systems to Reduce Cost:

Features: By combining systems, businesses may save space, time, and money. It takes a lot
of upfront work and effort to combine several information technology solutions into a
distinctive and efficient platform. While implementing these crucial changes, it is imperative
to maintain company operations as usual. The introduction of new corporate procedures, data
transfers, and the addition or removal of particular components can all have a big influence
on how business is conducted. Each business process must be tested in advance to guarantee
that it will perform as intended once put into practice.

Benefits: Nevertheless, this tactic will make your company work more efficiently.
Additionally, it enables you to take advantage of several cost-cutting options. Your
information technology cost will be dramatically decreased by a few tiny efficiencies here
and there.

Standardize your IT Infrastructure for Savings:

Features: Standardization, a type of business process improvement, can assist in maintaining

compatibility. Additionally, it has a major impact on reducing IT costs. It could only include
giving every employee the same computer or operating system to use in order to standardize
your platforms. No one will wonder which programmed is compatible with which platform if
everyone is on the same page.

Benefits: Learning every new platform would demand a tremendous amount of effort. The
other staff members will also have an easier time resolving difficulties because they are all
familiar with the same platforms. One of the most important things you can do to reduce the
cost of IT infrastructure and training is to take this move.

Features: Virtualization involves replacing real hardware with virtual equivalents.

Companies no longer need to rely on physical servers thanks to the option to virtualize
components. In order to save money on hardware and energy, they might convert to virtual
environments. Additionally, the separation of the memory and CPUs from the rest of the
hardware in such a design frees up room and flexibility for other applications. Due to the
poor usage rates of several of these servers, hardware expenses were not minimized.

Benefits: The hardware can be shared by several apps by dividing them. Containers are an
excellent choice when extending this idea. Self-contained, portable, and lightweight runtime
environments are known as Linux containers. Hardware costs are lower since services may be
operated on the same system.


The hardware equipment that your company uses may prove to be highly expensive, and
these costs might cause a decline in production and profitability. This post has highlighted a
few strategies for avoiding the excessive expenses. They consist of switching from on-site
storage to the cloud, utilizing virtual servers, networking your hardware parts, lowering the
number of providers, and choosing affordable hardware.

You'll lower your company's hardware expenses by putting these strategies into practice. The
surplus cash might then be used on tasks that will assist you in achieving other corporate
objectives. It will need some investigation and planning to apply the aforementioned tactics.
The short-term effort is little in comparison to the potential long-term cost savings. Using
effective budgeting methods, you may get a competitive advantage. Use these strategies to
revitalize your financial strategy and dramatically lower the cost of your IT hardware.

Answer 3a:


A modern competitive framework and an emphasis on the value of information and

communication technology (ICTs) in communities are characteristics of smart cities. Many
creative town projects have been developed with the help of the Ministry of Housing and
Concrete Affairs. But in 2015, the smart towns concept emerged as the most well-known and
modern. It is a government-led effort designed to build smart communities around the nation
that are both hospitable to residents and environmentally beneficial.

Concepts and application:

Benchmark for smart city: In my perspective, the term "smart city" currently describes a
city with a solid IT foundation. In order to offer top-notch living circumstances to all of the
inhabitants, it strives to uphold higher standards including cleanliness, dependable power, and
sufficient water supply. Jaipur will surely be used as an example of a fully developed city for
the smart metropolis project. Sanitation, healthcare, IT centers, education hubs, and a diverse
culture are all present in Jaipur. A typical Dhaba may be found at an upscale café in Jaipur.
You may visit either a grand palace or home in Jaipur, or a simple haveli. I would advise the
following adjustments in Dahod:

i. The creation of an IT district, as there is a large need for services in this area in
Bengaluru. Jaipur has advanced in terms of IT development during the past ten
years. Jaipur is home to nearly all of the IT-related sectors, which creates job
possibilities for locals and directly advances the city's transformation into an
intelligent city.
ii. Better visitor lodgings, given that Dahod is a culturally significant city with a
wealth of historic attractions to see. This method may aid Dahod's transformation
into a smart city because Jaipur has a big tourist industry.


As a result, the smart city project seeks to guarantee that cities have all the facilities required
as well as an adequate legislative framework to aid in maintaining the city's security.
However, in addition to the potential advantages of smart city development, there are also a
number of challenges that must be overcome in order to sustain these smart cities in rural
areas like India.

Answer 3b:


To make sure that towns and cities are well-equipped, this initiative was created. The
security of the communities may be upheld with the help of all the centers and law and order.
In order to take part in the intelligent town initiative, this could inspire other cities and
municipalities to enact similar laws and regulations.
Concept and Application:

Smart cities are those that have the financial resources to build infrastructure and offer a wide
range of social services. A city must have the required infrastructure in addition to clear and
transparent online processes that enable launching and operating a business easy. If this is not
done, a city's appeal as an investment location would decrease. A prudent city investor makes
investments in it to help the city, not to profit from it.

Dahod might benefit from the usage of the following cutting-edge technologies to become a
smarter city.

i. Artificial Intelligence: Because Bengaluru, the nearby city, has a strong

reputation in the information technology industry, Dahod has the potential to
become a center for synthetic intelligence technology. This will make the city
stand out from Bengaluru while also assisting in its development as a smart city.
The capability of this technology to do preventative maintenance is one of its key
ii. Geospatial technology: Smart cities use this technology to undertake increased
urbanization within the city while maintaining ecological awareness. It is the best
method for making cities more livable and ecologically sustainable.
Environmental catastrophes might also be located with it. This technology has a
high possibility of helping Mysuru, one of the cleanest cities in the nation, start
from scratch and expand sustainably because it is now under construction.


A proficient municipality can meet the requirements of its residents by using cutting-edge
technological devices. Cities are already utilizing digital technologies to better the lives of
their citizens. Conversely, the most productive cutting-edge generation permits the long-term
growth of smart cities.

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