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Section 1: Analyse resource requirements 6

Section 2: Planning for resources 10

Section 3: Resource acquisition 22

Section 4: Evaluation 29


Section 1: Analyse resource requirements

Complete this section before the stakeholder meeting/s.

Provide an overview of the Worlducation is a social start-up that manufactures tablet computers for
business and its strategic primary school students. They not only focus on the hardware, but they
objectives and goals. also have a competitive team creating software, content and activities to
better engage and educate the students.

Strategic Priorities and objectives:

 To be well led, high performing, profitable and accountable

 Increase our reach

 Continue building deeper customer relationships

 Attract, engage and develop the best staf

Describe the regulatory and Expense policy. The purpose of this document is to outline the company’s
legislative context of the business policy on travel, other expenses, benefits, hospitality and gifts. The
that relates to managing document sets out areas of expenditure that will be funded by the
resources. company as business costs and identifies areas of expenditure where
restrictions are in place.

Procurement policy. This Policy ensures that the procurement of all goods
or services is conducted in an honest, competitive, fair and transparent
manner with consideration of quality, service, environmental and social
impacts and value for money.

Outline the specific objectives of The objective of the business unit is to “increase sales to increase
the business unit/s that you are donations to needy classrooms” and “strengthen the skills of our people,
basing this project on. to better support customers”.

E.g., business unit, project or

department that requires these

Resource 1 The resources that I am going to focus is Marketing information sheet.

These resources are related to Create rewards program to reward school
Which resource are you going to
based on number of downloads.
focus on for this project and
which activity does it relate to?

Resource 2 The resources that I am going to focus is Management system. These

resources are related to Create rewards program to reward school based
Which resource are you going to
on number of downloads.
focus on for this project and
which activity does it relate to?

Resource 3 The resources that I am going to focus is Internal staf. These resources are

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Which resource are you going to related to Create rewards program to reward school based on number of
focus on for this project and downloads.
which activity does it relate to?

Describe the stakeholders you The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has overall responsibility for creating,
need to meet with to discuss the planning, implementing, and integrating the strategic direction of an
nature and level of resource organisation. This includes responsibility for all components and
planning for all three resources. departments of a business.

A line manager is responsible for overseeing and managing employees to

Why are these stakeholders’ part
fulfill business goals. They are the main point of contact between the
of the consultation process?
management and the staf. They also provide guidance, instruction,
These may be separate motivation and feedback to the employees on a day-to-day basis.
stakeholders or the same ones for
Human resources managers supervise a company or organisation's hiring
all three resources depending on
process, from recruiting, interviewing, and hiring new staf. They help
the size and nature of the
connect executives with employees, build an employer brand, improve
employee engagement, build strategic talent resources plans.

For stakeholders, a company’s consultation process is an opportunity to

get information, as well as to educate company staf about the local
context in which a project will take place, to raise issues and concerns, ask
questions, and potentially help shape the project by making suggestions
for the company to consider and respond to.

When is this meeting/s set for? Date: 20 May 2022

Provide the details of when and Time: 08:00 – 10:00

where this meeting/s is occurring
Place: Meeting room

What are the internal capabilities An organisation capability refers to the way its people and systems work
of the business in relation to the together. A company’s culture is defined by how management fosters
resourcing requirements? talent, mindsets, and collaboration. Social and technical competencies and
capabilities intersect in diferent ways. Organisation capabilities such a
talent management, collaboration, and accountability interact with and
bring together all parts of the company.

What are the external resourcing Price is what you pay for an item, while cost deals more with what you get
requirements? for that price.

Outline any supplier or Green is the new black. Not only will energy-efficient technologies reduce
purchasing considerations, your costs in the long run, but they’ll also benefit the environment.
budget or anything else relevant
The term right quality refers to a suitability of an item for the purpose it is
to obtaining quotations here.
required. For producing the goods of best quality, the best grade of raw
material may be the right quality whereas for producing items of medium
quality, the average lowest grade may be the right quality.

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Provide an outline of the Meeting agenda;
agenda / main discussion points
 Introduction on the meeting subject and purpose
for this meeting/s.
 Discussion about the operational activity plan
Copy and paste this row if you
are having more than one  Discussion and negotiation on the nature and level of resourcing
meeting and fill one out for each required
meeting.  The operation activity KPI’s

Complete this section after the stakeholder meeting/s.

Summarise the outcomes of the Meeting Minutes

Date: 20 May 2022
Include any decisions that were
Time: 8:00 – 10:00
made and next steps.
Location: Meeting room
Copy and paste this row if you
are having more than one Attendees
meeting and fill one out for each  Team leader
 Stakeholders

Meeting Agenda

 Introduction on the meeting subject and purpose

 Discussion about the operational activity plan

 Discussion and negotiation on the nature and level of resourcing


 The operation activity KPI’s


 The meeting purpose is to do a consultation with several stakeholders

to discuss the resources needed in the project.

 The objective of the business unit is to increase sales by creating an

advertisement content that will be put online to be seen by the
people. This will help the company to increase sales.

 The objective of the business unit is to “increase sales to increase

donations to needy classrooms” and “strengthen the skills of our
people, to better support customers”.

 The resources that I am going to focus is Marketing information sheet.

These resources are related to Create rewards program to reward
school based on number of downloads.

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

 The resources that I am going to focus is Management system. These
resources are related to Create rewards program to reward school
based on number of downloads.

 The resources that I am going to focus is Internal staf. These resources

are related to Create rewards program to reward school based on
number of downloads.

 The KPI’s for the activity are:

o Downloads increase by 2% per school.

Attach: Business documentation reviewed ☐

Recording of meeting/s if not observed in person or online by ☐

your assessor

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Section 2: Planning for resources

You need to complete all three of the plans in this section for three diferent resources.

Resource Plan 1 Marketing information sheet

Description of resource bid. A fact sheet is a one or two-page document which summarises the essential
information about a product, service or business. It is one of the simplest
pieces of writing used in marketing, public relations and corporate
communications, to give readers an orientation about a business.

Options. The resource could be obtained from inside the company or procured from
other suppliers.
Outline suitable options that
may suit

Budget and costs. The total budget for Create rewards program to reward school based on
number of downloads is $200,000
Outline the total budget and
provide a breakdown of the  Internal staf: $50,000
costs associated with this
 Marketing information sheet: $50,000
 Management system: $100,000

What are the timelines for The timeline for procuring the marketing assets for the project is 8 weeks.
identifying suitable resources
and the acquisition of this

Explain how the resource will be The procurement of the Marketing information sheet is according to the
obtained/purchased following policy and procedures set by the company by going through the procedure
policy and procedures. and sending proposal to the manager and HR department.

Explain the approval process for The approval process is an email requesting approval from the sales
this resource. manager leader and the HR manager for the plans.

Resource monitoring usage The Scope of Requirements document and Resource Evaluation Policy and
system procedures developed is on another document.

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Develop a monitoring system The resources can be monitored by implementing the resource
that can be used to monitor the management into the company. Resource management is the process of
usage and success of this planning, scheduling and allocating resources to complete a project. Project
resource in meeting business or managers are in charge of overseeing the resource management process
project objectives. from start to finish. To do so, they need to use resource management tools
and techniques. Resource management involves creating plans and
Establish a measurable Key
processes so that those resources can be managed. There are a number of
Performance Indicators (KPI).
ways to do this. You can use spreadsheets, documents, project
Show how you approached management software or a combination of all three.
establishing the KPI in a
The KPI for the management system is increase of the number of Sales
mathematical way using
Qualified Leads by 10%. Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) are a direct result of
trials. Sales teams qualify trials as Sales Qualified Leads when a lead meets
List ways to monitor the KPI certain conditions defined by the sales process. Before becoming an SQL,
including a timeframe for they are identified as a Marketing Qualified Lead.
To track the KPI, we use management KPI dashboard. When it comes to
Develop a formal policy and swift and informed senior decision-making, management KPIs are
procedure document and attach invaluable. Visually balanced and populated with essential operational
to this section (note you can metrics, our KPI tracking dashboard is equipped with actionable insights for
develop just one Resource Usage sustainable business success. The timeframe for the evaluation is 1 month.
Policy with different sections for
The formal policy and procedure are in document (Resource Usage Policy
all three resources if you would
and Procedure.docx)
like to do it this way).

Approval request for proposal To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Proposal of resource acquisitions

Dear Ben,

Attached to this email is the proposal of the resource acquisition that I

create in order to obtain Marketing information sheet to be used to Create
rewards program to reward school based on number of downloads. Please
review the proposal. I am waiting for your approval for these acquisitions.

Best regard,


Risk and contingency planning

Complete the table to assess risks and develop contingencies for resources you are planning for.

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Potential risks Planned Response

Risk associated with the acquisition or How will you mitigate the risk?
implementation of the resource

Overpaying for the target company. focusing on your company’s overall strategy and overarching
acquisitions fail to create value for goals behind the deal is essential in building a foundation based
shareholders between 70-90% of the time. on avoiding overpayment.

Overestimating synergies, Synergies in Once you have worked out what you believe the synergies are,
themselves are too often given as the you should reduce that number - common practice is dividing
reason for an acquisition, when they should by two - this will allow you to maintain a conservative stance
be just one of several factors. regarding deal synergies.

Attach: Scope of Requirements document ☐

Approval request for proposal (email) ☐

Resource Evaluation Policy and procedures developed ☐

Relevant policies and procedures related to the resource ☐

(workplace documentation or from the simulation pack)

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Resource Plan 2 Management system

Description of resource bid. A management system is the organising framework that enables companies
to achieve and sustain their operational and business objectives through a
process of continuous improvement. A management system is designed to
identify and manage risks—safety, environmental, quality, business
continuity, food safety (and many others)—through an organised set of
policies, procedures, practices, and resources that guide the enterprise and
its activities to maximise business value.

Options. The resource could be obtained from inside the company or procured from
other suppliers.
Outline suitable options that
may suit

Budget and costs. The total budget for Create rewards program to reward school based on
number of downloads is $200,000
Outline the total budget and
provide a breakdown of the  Internal staf: $50,000
costs associated with this
 Marketing information sheet: $50,000
Management system: $100,000

What are the timelines for The timeline for procuring the marketing assets for the project is 8 weeks.
identifying suitable resources
and the acquisition of this

Explain how the resource will be The procurement of the Management system is according to the policy and
obtained/purchased following procedures set by the company by going through the procedure and
policy and procedures. sending proposal to the manager and HR department.

Explain the approval process for The approval process is an email requesting approval from the sales
this resource. manager leader and the HR manager for the plans.

Resource monitoring usage The Scope of Requirements document and Resource Evaluation Policy and
system procedures developed is on another document.

Develop a monitoring system The resources can be monitored by implementing the resource

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

that can be used to monitor the management into the company. Resource management is the process of
usage and success of this planning, scheduling and allocating resources to complete a project. Project
resource in meeting business or managers are in charge of overseeing the resource management process
project objectives. from start to finish. To do so, they need to use resource management tools
and techniques. Resource management involves creating plans and
Establish a measurable Key
processes so that those resources can be managed. There are a number of
Performance Indicators (KPI).
ways to do this. You can use spreadsheets, documents, project
Show how you approached management software or a combination of all three.
establishing the KPI in a
The KPI for the management system is increase of the number of Sales
mathematical way using
Qualified Leads by 10%. Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) are a direct result of
trials. Sales teams qualify trials as Sales Qualified Leads when a lead meets
List ways to monitor the KPI certain conditions defined by the sales process. Before becoming an SQL,
including a timeframe for they are identified as a Marketing Qualified Lead.
To track the KPI, we use management KPI dashboard. When it comes to
Develop a formal policy and swift and informed senior decision-making, management KPIs are
procedure document and attach invaluable. Visually balanced and populated with essential operational
to this section (note you can metrics, our KPI tracking dashboard is equipped with actionable insights for
develop just one Resource Usage sustainable business success. The timeframe for the evaluation is 1 month.
Policy with different sections for
The formal policy and procedure are in document (Resource Usage Policy
all three resources if you would
and Procedure.docx)
like to do it this way).

Approval request for proposal To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Proposal of resource acquisitions

Dear Ben,

Attached to this email is the proposal of the resource acquisition that I

create in order to obtain the Management system resources to be used to
Create rewards program to reward school based on number of downloads.
Please review the proposal. I am waiting for your approval for these

Best regard,


Risk and contingency planning

Complete the table to assess risks and develop contingencies for resources you are planning for.

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Potential risks Planned Response

Risk associated with the acquisition or How will you mitigate the risk?
implementation of the resource

Weak due diligence practices. When assembling your diligence team be sure it includes a
broad range of knowledge and experience for the deal at hand.
Poor due diligence practices simply go
While general traits will be common to all teams - expertise in
against the nature and definition of due
business, legal and financial matters - the best assembled
diligence, but time and again, deals are
diligence teams are those that are more specific to the deal and
negatively afected by teams failing to be
the company’s industry.
prepared for legal due diligence and lacking
diligence experience and expertise.

Integration shortfalls (M&A integration risk) The first logical step toward improving integration practices is
to have members of the due diligence team become part of the
M&A practitioners are generally in
integration team. This creates continuity and streamlines
agreement that post-merger integration is
information thus reducing redundant work and tasks.
the most complex part of any transaction.

Attach: Scope of Requirements document ☐

Approval request for proposal (email) ☐

Resource Evaluation Policy and procedures developed ☐

Relevant policies and procedures related to the resource ☐

(workplace documentation or from the simulation pack)

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Resource Plan 3 Internal staf

Description of resource bid. An employee is an individual who works for someone else in exchange for
compensation. The exact nature of an employee arrangement is important,
since the applicability of payroll taxes and the responsibility for their
remittance depends on whether someone is an employee. Thus, a person
who performs services for a business may be categorised in one of the
following ways.

Options. The resource could be obtained from inside the company or procured from
other suppliers.
Outline suitable options that
may suit

Budget and costs. The total budget for Create rewards program to reward school based on
number of downloads is $200,000
Outline the total budget and
provide a breakdown of the  Internal staf: $50,000
costs associated with this
 Marketing information sheet: $50,000
 Management system: $100,000

What are the timelines for The timeline for procuring the marketing assets for the project is 8 weeks.
identifying suitable resources
and the acquisition of this

Explain how the resource will be The recruitment of the Internal staf is according to the policy and
obtained/purchased following procedures set by the company by going through the procedure and
policy and procedures. sending proposal to the manager and HR department.

Explain the approval process for The approval process is an email requesting approval from the sales
this resource. manager leader and the HR manager for the plans.

Resource monitoring usage The Scope of Requirements document and Resource Evaluation Policy and

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

system procedures developed is on another document.

Develop a monitoring system The resources can be monitored by implementing the resource
that can be used to monitor the management into the company. Resource management is the process of
usage and success of this planning, scheduling and allocating resources to complete a project. Project
resource in meeting business or managers are in charge of overseeing the resource management process
project objectives. from start to finish. To do so, they need to use resource management tools
and techniques. Resource management involves creating plans and
Establish a measurable Key
processes so that those resources can be managed. There are a number of
Performance Indicators (KPI).
ways to do this. You can use spreadsheets, documents, project
Show how you approached management software or a combination of all three.
establishing the KPI in a
The KPI for the management system is increase of the number of Sales
mathematical way using
Qualified Leads by 10%. Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) are a direct result of
trials. Sales teams qualify trials as Sales Qualified Leads when a lead meets
List ways to monitor the KPI certain conditions defined by the sales process. Before becoming an SQL,
including a timeframe for they are identified as a Marketing Qualified Lead.
To track the KPI, we use management KPI dashboard. When it comes to
Develop a formal policy and swift and informed senior decision-making, management KPIs are
procedure document and attach invaluable. Visually balanced and populated with essential operational
to this section (note you can metrics, our KPI tracking dashboard is equipped with actionable insights for
develop just one Resource Usage sustainable business success. The timeframe for the evaluation is 1 month.
Policy with different sections for
The formal policy and procedure are in document (Resource Usage Policy
all three resources if you would
and Procedure.docx)
like to do it this way).

Approval request for proposal To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Proposal of resource acquisitions

Dear Ben,

Attached to this email is the proposal of the resource acquisition that I

create in order to obtain the Internal staf to be used to help staf with
Creating rewards program to reward school based on number of
downloads. Please review the proposal. I am waiting for your approval for
these acquisitions.

Best regard,


Risk and contingency planning

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Complete the table to assess risks and develop contingencies for resources you are planning for.

Potential risks Planned Response

Risk associated with the acquisition or How will you mitigate the risk?
implementation of the resource

Inadequate supplier selection processes Create a robust vendor sourcing strategy

In high-performing businesses, the days of What do you want from your vendors? The easiest way to
procurement meaning "choose the mitigate risk is to develop a clear set of standards that you
cheapest available option" have long gone. require vendors to meet before you'll work with them.
Things have also progressed beyond the
notion of ensuring procurement teams get
"value for money."

Inefective supplier and supply chain Develop metrics for measuring supplier performance
If you're going to invest time in fostering a strong relationship
If you're going to do a significant volume of with your suppliers, you should ensure you have a means of
work to find amazing suppliers and build a measuring their performance, too.
robust supply chain, it stands to reason that
you should subsequently manage and
strengthen those links.

Attach: Scope of Requirements document ☐

Approval request for proposal (email) ☐

Resource Evaluation Policy and procedures developed ☐

Relevant policies and procedures related to the resource ☐

(workplace documentation or from the simulation pack)

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Section 3: Resource acquisition

Resource 1 acquisition Marketing information sheets

Summarise the process you went At the beginning, developed the proposal for the acquisition of the
through to receive quotations resources needed for the activities. Submit the finished proposal to the
for this resource. relevant department manager for approval. After the approval of the
proposal, the company will allocate the resources needed or you can obtain
the resources from the supplier.

Organisational compliance All the resources requested to the company is according to the operation
activity plan and permission to related department has been granted.
How did you adhere to your
organisational procurement
policy and procedures when
receiving quotations?

Timelines The timeframe to acquire the resource is 8 weeks. To meet the timeline,
you planned for:
How did you meet the timelines
you planned for? Use A Project Planning Tool

It’s always surprising to see that some organisations still stick to

conventional methods for deadline management. Email, spreadsheets, and
sticky notes plastered on desks and PC monitors are things of the past, and
they’re certainly not the best ways to work on projects and remain efficient
in this day and age.

Quotations Marketing information sheet:

List the suppliers/vendors you  Marketing department

received quotations from
 External marketing consultant
Attach these quotations to this
 Other marketing companies
section of your portfolio

Supplier preference and I prefer to obtain the marketing information by asking for help from the
recommendation marketing department. By utilising the marketing department skills, we can
develop the necessary marketing information sheet at a cheap expense.
Which supplier do you prefer
and why? Summarise your Email:
reasons here.
To: [email protected]

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Develop an email outlining your From: [email protected]
recommendations to the
Subject: Recommendations
relevant manager and attach
this. Dear Ben,

Good morning, I want to inform you of my advice. I prefer to obtain the

marketing information by asking for help from the marketing department.
By utilising the marketing department skills, we can develop the necessary
marketing information sheet at a cheap expense.

Best regard,


Describe how you arranged the At the beginning, developed the proposal for the acquisition of the
delivery / receival of the resources needed for the activities. Submit the finished proposal to the
resource and the processes relevant department manager for approval. After the approval of the
followed for allocation. proposal, the company will allocate the resources needed or you can obtain
the resources from the supplier.
Attach any evidence here as part
of the process E.g., emails /
receipts or delivery
documentation, internal
communication to staff. To: [email protected]

If using the case study, you don’t From: [email protected]

actually need to purchase and Subject: Resources allocation.
receive the resource but you can
Dear Bobby,
make assumptions and develop
emails or internal Good morning. I want to inform you that the marketing information sheet
communications about that you requested has been finished. You can directly go to marketing
allocation as part of the department for the to receive the compiled marketing information sheets.
simulation. Good luck.

Best regards,


Attach: Quotations obtained ☐

Email recommending preferred supplier ☐

Evidence of resource allocation

Resource 2 acquisition hardware/software

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Summarise the process you went At the beginning, developed the proposal for the acquisition of the
through to receive quotations resources needed for the activities. Submit the finished proposal to the
for this resource. relevant department manager for approval. After the approval of the
proposal, the company will allocate the resources needed or you can obtain
the resources from the supplier.

Organisational compliance All the resources requested to the company is according to the operation
activity plan and permission to related department has been granted.
How did you adhere to your
organisational procurement
policy and procedures when
receiving quotations?

Timelines The timeframe to acquire the resource is 8 weeks. To meet the timeline,
you planned for:
How did you meet the timelines
you planned for? Use A Project Planning Tool

It’s always surprising to see that some organisations still stick to

conventional methods for deadline management. Email, spreadsheets, and
sticky notes plastered on desks and PC monitors are things of the past, and
they’re certainly not the best ways to work on projects and remain efficient
in this day and age.

Quotations Management system:

List the suppliers/vendors you  Existing resource from the company

received quotations from
 New resource from company’s partner
Attach these quotations to this
 New resources from internet shopping
section of your portfolio

Supplier preference and I prefer to obtain the necessary Management system resources from the
recommendation company’s partner. The company need to update its equipment and what’s
better than buying it from a partner.
Which supplier do you prefer
and why? Summarise your Email:
reasons here.
To: [email protected]
Develop an email outlining your
From: [email protected]
recommendations to the
relevant manager and attach Subject: Recommendations
this. Dear Ben,

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Good morning, I want to inform you of my advice. I prefer to obtain the
necessary Management system resources from the company’s partner. The
company need to update its equipment and what’s better than buying it
from a partner. This is cheaper than hiring new consultant to developed the
new management system.

Best regard,


Describe how you arranged the At the beginning, developed the proposal for the acquisition of the
delivery / receival of the resources needed for the activities. Submit the finished proposal to the
resource and the processes relevant department manager for approval. After the approval of the
followed for allocation. proposal, the company will allocate the resources needed or you can obtain
the resources from the supplier.
Attach any evidence here as part
of the process E.g., emails /
receipts or delivery
documentation, internal
communication to staff. To: [email protected]

If using the case study, you don’t From: [email protected]

actually need to purchase and Subject: Resources allocation.
receive the resource but you can
Dear Bobby,
make assumptions and develop
emails or internal Good morning. I want to inform you that the new management system has
communications about been developed by the company. You can find more information about the
allocation as part of the new management system from the IT department. Good luck.
Best regards,


BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Resource 3 acquisition Internal staf

Summarise the process you went At the beginning, developed the proposal for the acquisition of the
through to receive quotations resources needed for the activities. Submit the finished proposal to the
for this resource. relevant department manager for approval. After the approval of the
proposal, the company will allocate the resources needed or you can obtain
the resources from the supplier.

Organisational compliance All the resources requested to the company is according to the operation
activity plan and permission to related department has been granted.
How did you adhere to your
organisational procurement
policy and procedures when
receiving quotations?

Timelines The timeframe to acquire the resource is 6 weeks. To meet the timeline,
you planned for:
How did you meet the timelines
you planned for? Use A Project Planning Tool

It’s always surprising to see that some organisations still stick to

conventional methods for deadline management. Email, spreadsheets, and
sticky notes plastered on desks and PC monitors are things of the past, and
they’re certainly not the best ways to work on projects and remain efficient
in this day and age.

Quotations Staf:

List the suppliers/vendors you  Hire new staf

received quotations from
 Hire external consultant
Attach these quotations to this
 Recruit existing staf in the company
section of your portfolio

Supplier preference and I prefer to recruit existing staf in the company. You can recruit internal staf
recommendation at a cheaper budget rather than hire a consultant or hire a new employee
to help with the activity.
Which supplier do you prefer
and why? Summarise your
reasons here.
Develop an email outlining your
To: [email protected]
recommendations to the
relevant manager and attach From: [email protected]

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

this. Subject: Recommendations

Dear Ben,

Good morning, I want to inform you of my advice. I prefer to recruit existing

staf in the company. You can recruit internal staf at a cheaper budget
rather than hire a consultant or hire a new employee to help with the

Best regard,


Describe how you arranged the At the beginning, developed the proposal for the acquisition of the
delivery / receival of the resources needed for the activities. Submit the finished proposal to the
resource and the processes relevant department manager for approval. After the approval of the
followed for allocation. proposal, the company will allocate the resources needed or you can obtain
the resources from the supplier.
Attach any evidence here as part
of the process E.g., emails /
receipts or delivery
documentation, internal
communication to staff. To: [email protected]

If using the case study, you don’t From: [email protected]

actually need to purchase and Subject: Resources allocation.
receive the resource but you can
Dear Bobby,
make assumptions and develop
emails or internal Good morning. I write you this email to inform you that you can find several
communications about of the staf that you could recruit in the HR department. You can choose
allocation as part of the which staf will suit you best to help with the activity. Good luck.
Best regards,


BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Section 4: Evaluation

Resource 1 evaluation

Provide an overview of the level The performance of the marketing information sheet is very helpful. With
of performance of the resource the marketing information sheet, we are able to create a reward program to
according to the data reviewed. reward school based on number of downloads and increase the customer
satisfaction and brand image.

Has the resource been used in The new marketing information sheet is in line with the project
line with the product specifications and fulfilled all the requirements needed in this project.
specifications and
product/service standards?

How has the resource usage The budget used to develop a new management system for the project is
been used according to the within the limit stated in the operational plan. There are no budget
budget for this resource? Were overruns happening while developing the new management system.
there any budget overruns?
Explain reasons if this was the

Suggest improvements to work Don’t try to do your own, delegate

practices that could increase
Unless you are a master of all trades within your industry, you should
efficiency of this resource.
almost never work on a single project alone. Why? Because unless it’s super
simple and straightforward, it may require a diferent set of expertise that
you may not be so good at.

Give yourself down time

Mental health is a real problem, and sometimes, after long periods of time,
it is possible to ‘burn out’ from your work or feel unmotivated. Luckily, you
don’t need to work 8 hours straight on a daily basis, allowing you plenty of
time during your working hours to take a break and recharge.

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Does a corrective action need to NA
be taken in relation to this
resource? If yes, summarise this
here and then implement it.
Attach evidence of this
implementation in this section.

Note: There only needs to be

one corrective action taken for
one resource. Write NA here if
you have taken this for another

Attach: Evidence of corrective action (1 only in total) ☐

Formal report developed for management ☐

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Resource 2 evaluation Management system

Provide an overview of the level The new management system has been performing very good. With the
of performance of the resource new system, we are able to tract, manage and record all of the rewards
according to the data reviewed. program to reward school based on number of downloads.

Has the resource been used in The new management system is working in line with the project
line with the product specifications and fulfilled all the tasks and requirements needed in this
specifications and project.
product/service standards?

How has the resource usage The budget used to recruit the employee for the project is within the limit
been used according to the stated in the operational plan. There are no budget overruns.
budget for this resource? Were
there any budget overruns?
Explain reasons if this was the

Suggest improvements to work Encourage desk cleanliness and organisation. It is proven that a messy
practices that could increase environment can slow down your performance. If you have hundreds of
efficiency of this resource. documents laying around everywhere on your desks, finding what you need
when the time comes can be a very time-consuming process.

Don’t leave tasks unfinished. Whether it's because a new and more exciting
project came along or the current one is too boring, we have all left a task
unfinished and quickly jumped onto the new project without much

Does a corrective action need to Yes, there is some problem when operating the new management system,
be taken in relation to this some of the staf does not have enough knowledge to operate the new
resource? If yes, summarise this management system. This can be solved by holding a live demonstration
here and then implement it. and mentoring the staf on how to operate the new system.
Attach evidence of this
implementation in this section.
To: [email protected]
Note: There only needs to be
one corrective action taken for From: [email protected]
one resource. Write NA here if Subject: Resources allocation.
you have taken this for another

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

resource. Dear Bobby,

Good morning. I write you this email to inform you that there are some
problems occurred during the activity. There is some problem when
operating the new management system, some of the staf does not have
enough knowledge to operate the new management system. This can be
solved by holding a live demonstration and mentoring the staf on how to
operate the new system.

Best regards,


Attach: Evidence of corrective action (1 only in total) ☐

Formal report developed for management ☐

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Resource 3 evaluation Internal staf

Provide an overview of the level The performance of the recruited Internal staf is very good. They are able
of performance of the resource to follow instruction and are very hard working. Thanks to their hard work,
according to the data reviewed. we are able to finished this activity with minimal problem occurring during
the process.

Has the resource been used in The market research information is in line with the project specifications
line with the product and fulfilled all the information requirements needed in this project.
specifications and
product/service standards?

How has the resource usage The budget used to do the market research for the project is within the
been used according to the limit stated in the operational plan. There are no budget overruns.
budget for this resource? Were
there any budget overruns?
Explain reasons if this was the

Suggest improvements to work Become a lifelong learner

practices that could increase
The world around us is evolving all the time, and so are the requirements
efficiency of this resource.
for performing well at work. What worked yesterday and made you an
expert in your field isn’t necessarily going to work tomorrow.

Ask for constructive feedback

Have you recently completed a new project and are not too sure of what to
think in regards to your work performance? Just ask your supervisor or
manager for some constructive feedback. Usually, they would be very
happy that you asked them and will gladly provide you with some things
that you can work on and compliment you on everything that you have
done right.

Does a corrective action need to Yes, there are some issues with communications during the activity. Some
be taken in relation to this of the staf has been to busy with their tasks and work to communicate
resource? If yes, summarise this regularly throughout the activity. This can be solved by holding a brief
here and then implement it. regular daily lunch meeting in order to catch up and communicate.
Attach evidence of this
implementation in this section.
Note: There only needs to be
one corrective action taken for To: [email protected]
one resource. Write NA here if From: [email protected]
you have taken this for another
Subject: Resources allocation.
Dear Bobby,

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

Good morning. I write you this email to inform you that there are some
problems occurred during the activity. There are some issues with
communications during the activity. Some of the staf has been too busy
with their tasks and work to communicate regularly throughout the activity.
This can be solved by holding a brief regular daily lunch meeting in order to
catch up and communicate.

Best regards,


Attach: Evidence of corrective action (1 only in total) ☐

Formal report developed for management ☐

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources |

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