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Neural Networks:

Optimization Part 1

Intro to Deep Learning, Spring 2022

Story so far
• Neural networks are universal approximators
– Can model any odd thing
– Provided they have the right architecture
• We must train them to approximate any function
– Specify the architecture
– Learn their weights and biases
• Networks are trained to minimize total “loss” on a training
– We do so through empirical risk minimization
• We use variants of gradient descent to do so
• The gradient of the error with respect to network
parameters is computed through backpropagation
Recap: Gradient Descent Algorithm
• In order to minimize any function w.r.t.
• Initialize:

• Do

• while
Recap: Training Neural Nets by Gradient
Total training error:

• Gradient descent algorithm:

• Initialize all weights
• Do:
– For every layer compute:
• Computed using backprop

• 𝑇

• Until has converged 4

Neural network training algorithm
• Initialize all weights and biases
• Do:

– For all , initialize ,
– For all # Loop through training instances
• Forward pass : Compute Computing
– Output 𝒕 , gradient
– Divergence 𝒕 𝒕
• Backward pass: For all compute:
– 𝐖 𝒕 𝒕 , 𝐛 𝒕 𝒕
– 𝐖 𝐖 𝒕 𝒕 ; 𝐛 𝐛 𝒕 𝒕

– For all update:

𝐖 ; 𝐖

• Until has converged

• Convergence: How well does it learn
– And how can we improve it
• How well will it generalize (outside training
• What does the output really mean?
• Etc..

Poll 0
Backpropagating from the kth layer, which is the derivative for
the weights ?
 : The product of the output of the th layer and the
derivative for the affine value of the th layer (in that order)
 : The product of the derivative for the affine value at the
th layer and the output of the th layer (in that order)
 : The product of the transpose of the output of the
th layer and the derivative for the affine value of the th layer (in that
 : The product of the derivative for the affine value at the
th layer and the transpose output of the th layer (in that order)

Poll 0
Backpropagating from the kth layer, which is the derivative for
the weights ?
 𝒌 𝟏 𝒛𝒌 : The product of the output of the th layer and the
derivative for the affine value of the th layer (in that order)
 : The product of the derivative for the affine value at the
th layer and the output of the th layer (in that order)
 : The product of the transpose of the output of the
th layer and the derivative for the affine value of the th layer (in that
 : The product of the derivative for the affine value at the
th layer and the transpose output of the th layer (in that order)


• Does backprop always work?
• Convergence of gradient descent
– Rates, restrictions,
– Hessians
– Acceleration and Nestorov
– Alternate approaches
• Modifying the approach: Stochastic gradients
• Speedup extensions: RMSprop, Adagrad
Does backprop do the right thing?
• Is backprop always right?
– Assuming it actually finds the minimum of the
divergence function?

(Actual question: Does gradient descent find the

right solution, even when it finds the actual

Recap: The differentiable activation
y y

T1 x T2 x
• Threshold activation: Equivalent to counting errors
– Shifting the threshold from T1 to T2 does not change classification error
– Does not indicate if moving the threshold left was good or not

0.5 0.5

T1 T2
• Differentiable activation: Computes “distance to answer”
– “Distance” == divergence
– Perturbing the function changes this quantity,
• Even if the classification error itself doesn’t change 12
Does backprop do the right thing?
• Is backprop always right?
– Assuming it actually finds the global minimum of the loss
(average divergence)?

• In classification problems, the classification error is a

non-differentiable function of weights
• The divergence function minimized is only a proxy for
classification error
• Minimizing divergence may not minimize classification

Backprop fails to separate where
perceptron succeeds
(0,1), +1

(-1,0), -1
(1,0), +1

• Brady, Raghavan, Slawny, ’89

• Simple problem, 3 training instances, single neuron
• Perceptron training rule trivially find a perfect solution
Backprop vs. Perceptron
(0,1), +1

(-1,0), -1
(1,0), +1

• Back propagation using logistic function and

• Unique minimum trivially proved to exist, backprop
finds it 15
Unique solution exists
(0,1), +1

(-1,0), -1
(1,0), +1

• Let
– E.g. 𝑢 = 𝑓 0.99 representing a 99% confidence in the class
• From the three points we get three independent equations:

• Unique solution exists

– represents a unique line regardless of the value of 𝑢 16
Backprop vs. Perceptron
(0,1), +1

(-1,0), -1
(1,0), +1

(0,-t), +1

• Now add a fourth point

• is very large (point near )
• Perceptron trivially finds a solution (may take t2
iterations) 17
= logistic activation (0,1), +1

(-1,0), -1
(1,0), +1

• Consider backprop:
• Contribution of fourth point
to derivative of L2 error: (0,-t), +1

1-e is the actual

achievable value

= logistic activation

• For very large positive , (where )

• as
• exponentially as
• Therefore, for very large positive

(0,1), +1

(-1,0), -1
(1,0), +1

(0,-t), +1

• The fourth point at does not change the gradient of the L2

divergence near the optimal solution for 3 points
• The optimum solution for 3 points is also a broad local minimum (0
gradient) for the 4-point problem!
– Will be found by backprop nearly all the time
• Although the global minimum with unbounded weights will separate the classes correctly 20
(0,1), +1

(-1,0), -1
(1,0), +1

(0,-t), +1

• Local optimum solution found by backprop

• Does not separate the points even though the
points are linearly separable! 21
(0,1), +1

(-1,0), -1
(1,0), +1

(0,-t), +1

• Solution found by backprop

• Does not separate the points even though the points are linearly
• Compare to the perceptron: Backpropagation fails to separate
where the perceptron succeeds 22
Backprop fails to separate where
perceptron succeeds

• Brady, Raghavan, Slawny, ’89

• Several linearly separable training examples
• Simple setup: both backprop and perceptron
algorithms find solutions 23
A more complex problem

• Adding a “spoiler” (or a small number of spoilers)

– Perceptron finds the linear separator,
– Backprop does not find a separator
• A single additional input does not change the loss function
significantly 24
A more complex problem

• Adding a “spoiler” (or a small number of spoilers)

– Perceptron finds the linear separator,
– Backprop does not find a separator
• A single additional input does not change the loss function
– Assuming weights are constrained to be bounded 25
A more complex problem

• Adding a “spoiler” (or a small number of spoilers)

– Perceptron finds the linear separator,
– For bounded , backprop does not find a separator
• A single additional input does not change the loss function
significantly 26
A more complex problem

• Adding a “spoiler” (or a small number of spoilers)

– Perceptron finds the linear separator,
– For bounded , backprop does not find a separator
• A single additional input does not change the loss function
significantly 27
A more complex problem

• Adding a “spoiler” (or a small number of spoilers)

– Perceptron finds the linear separator,
– For bounded , backprop does not find a separator
• A single additional input does not change the loss function
significantly 28
So what is happening here?
• The perceptron may change greatly upon adding just a
single new training instance
– But it fits the training data well
– The perceptron rule has low bias
• Makes no errors if possible
– But high variance
• Swings wildly in response to small changes to input
• Backprop is minimally changed by new training
– Prefers consistency over perfection
– It is a low-variance estimator, at the potential cost of bias
Backprop fails to separate even when

• This is not restricted to single perceptrons

• An MLP learns non-linear decision boundaries that are
determined from the entirety of the training data
• Adding a few “spoilers” will not change their behavior

Backprop fails to separate even when

• This is not restricted to single perceptrons

• An MLP learns non-linear decision boundaries that are
determined from the entirety of the training data
• Adding a few “spoilers” will not change their behavior

Backpropagation: Finding the separator
• Backpropagation will often not find a separating
solution even though the solution is within the
class of functions learnable by the network

• This is because the separating solution is not a

feasible optimum for the loss function
• One resulting benefit is that a backprop-trained
neural network classifier has lower variance than
an optimal classifier for the training data
Poll 1

Minimizing the (differentiable) loss function will also minimize classification error, true or false

 True
 False (true)

Poll 1

Minimizing the (differentiable) loss function will also minimize classification error, true or false

 True
 False (true)

The Loss Surface
• The example (and statements)
earlier assumed the loss
objective had a single global
optimum that could be found
– Statement about variance is
assuming global optimum

• What about local optima

The Loss Surface
• Popular hypothesis:
– In large networks, saddle points are far more
common than local minima
• Frequency of occurrence exponential in network size
– Most local minima are equivalent
• And close to global minimum
– This is not true for small networks

• Saddle point: A point where

– The slope is zero
– The surface increases in some directions, but
decreases in others
• Some of the Eigenvalues of the Hessian are positive;
others are negative
– Gradient descent algorithms often get “stuck” in
saddle points 36
The Controversial Loss Surface
• Baldi and Hornik (89), “Neural Networks and Principal Component
Analysis: Learning from Examples Without Local Minima” : An MLP with a
single hidden layer has only saddle points and no local Minima

• Dauphin et. al (2015), “Identifying and attacking the saddle point problem
in high-dimensional non-convex optimization” : An exponential number of
saddle points in large networks

• Chomoranksa et. al (2015), “The loss surface of multilayer networks” : For

large networks, most local minima lie in a band and are equivalent
– Based on analysis of spin glass models

• Swirscz et. al. (2016), “Local minima in training of deep networks”, In

networks of finite size, trained on finite data, you can have horrible local
• Watch this space…
Story so far
• Neural nets can be trained via gradient descent that minimizes a
loss function

• Backpropagation can be used to derive the derivatives of the loss

• Backprop is not guaranteed to find a “true” solution, even if it

exists, and lies within the capacity of the network to model
– The optimum for the loss function may not be the “true” solution

• For large networks, the loss function may have a large number of
unpleasant saddle points or local minima
– Which backpropagation may find

• In the discussion so far we have assumed the
training arrives at a local minimum

• Does it always converge?

• How long does it take?

• Hard to analyze for an MLP, but we can look at

the problem through the lens of convex

A quick tour of (convex) optimization

Convex Loss Functions
• A surface is “convex” if it is
continuously curving upward
– We can connect any two points Contour plot of convex function

on or above the surface without

intersecting it
– Many mathematical definitions
that are equivalent

• Caveat: Neural network loss

surface is generally not convex
– Streetlight effect

Convergence of gradient descent
• An iterative algorithm is said to
converge to a solution if the value
updates arrive at a fixed point
– Where the gradient is 0 and further
updates do not change the estimate
• The algorithm may not actually
– It may jitter around the local
– It may even diverge diverging

• Conditions for convergence?

Convergence and convergence rate
• Convergence rate: How fast the converging
iterations arrive at the solution
• Generally quantified as

– (
is the k-th iteration

– ∗ is the optimal value of

• If is a constant (or upper bounded),

the convergence is linear
– In reality, its arriving at the solution
exponentially fast
( ) ∗ ( ) ∗

Convergence for quadratic surfaces

Gradient descent with fixed step size

to estimate scalar parameter

• Gradient descent to find the

optimum of a quadratic,
starting from

• Assuming fixed step size

• What is the optimal step size
to get there fastest?

( )

Convergence for quadratic surfaces
• Any quadratic objective can be written as
( ) ( )

( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

– Taylor expansion

• Minimizing w.r.t , we get (Newton’s method)

• Note:
( )
( )

• Comparing to the gradient descent rule, we see

that we can arrive at the optimum in a single step
using the optimum step size
With non-optimal step size
Gradient descent with fixed step size
to estimate scalar parameter

• For the algorithm

will converge monotonically

• For we
have oscillating

• For we get

For generic differentiable convex


• Any differentiable convex objective can be approximated as
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )

– Taylor expansion
• Using the same logic as before, we get (Newton’s method)
( )

• We can get divergence if

For functions of multivariate inputs
, is a vector
• Consider a simple quadratic convex (paraboloid) function

– Since ( is scalar), can always be made symmetric

• For strictly convex , is always positive definite, and has positive eigenvalues

• When is diagonal:

– The s are uncoupled

– For paraboloid (convex) , the values are all positive
– Just a sum of independent quadratic functions
Multivariate Quadratic with Diagonal

• Equal-value contours will ellipses with

principal axes parallel to the spatial axes
Multivariate Quadratic with Diagonal

• Equal-value contours will be parallel to the axes

– All “slices” parallel to an axis are shifted versions of one another

Multivariate Quadratic with Diagonal

• Equal-value contours will be parallel to the axis

– All “slices” parallel to an axis are shifted versions of one another

“Descents” are uncoupled

, ,

• The optimum of each coordinate is not affected by the other coordinates

– I.e. we could optimize each coordinate independently
• Note: Optimal learning rate is different for the different coordinates
Vector update rule
( )
( )

• Conventional vector update rules for gradient descent:

update entire vector against direction of gradient
– Note : Gradient is perpendicular to equal value contour
– The same learning rate is applied to all components
Problem with vector update rule

• The learning rate must be lower than twice the smallest

optimal learning rate for any component

– Otherwise the learning will diverge

• This, however, makes the learning very slow
– And will oscillate in all directions where

Dependence on learning rate

• , ,

• ,

• ,

• ,

• ,

• ,
Problem with vector update rule

• The learning rate must be lower than twice the smallest

optimal learning rate for any component

– Otherwise the learning will diverge

• This, however, makes the learning very slow
– And will oscillate in all directions where

Dependence on learning rate

Generic differentiable multivariate
convex functions

• For generic convex multivariate functions (not necessarily quadratic), we can employ
quadratic Taylor series expansions and much of the analysis still applies
• Taylor expansion
(𝒌) (𝒌) (𝒌) (𝒌) 𝑻 (𝒌) (𝒌)
𝐰 𝑬

• The optimal step size is inversely proportional to the Eigen values of the Hessian
– The second derivative along the orthogonal coordinates
– For the smoothest convergence, these must all be equal

• Convergence behaviors become increasingly unpredictable as dimensions

• For the fastest convergence, ideally, the learning rate must be close to
both, the largest , and the smallest ,
– To ensure convergence in every direction
– Generally infeasible
• Convergence is particularly slow if is large

– The “condition” number

• Must be close to 1.0 for fast convergence

• Following (hidden) slides discuss solutions that “normalize the space by

stretching different directions differently to standardize optimal step size
– A big topic for optimization
– Unfortunately, infeasible for neural networks
Comments on the quadratic
• Why are we talking about quadratics?
– Quadratic functions form some kind of benchmark
– Convergence of gradient descent is linear
• Meaning it converges to solution exponentially fast

• The convergence for other kinds of functions can be viewed against this

• Actual losses will not be quadratic, but may locally have other structure
– Local between current location and nearest local minimum

• Some examples in the following slides..

– Strong convexity
– Lifschitz continuity
– Lifschitz smoothness

– ..and how they affect convergence of gradient descent

Quadratic convexity

• A quadratic function has the form

– Every “slice” is a quadratic bowl
• In some sense, the “standard” for gradient-descent based optimization
– Others convex functions will be steeper in some regions, but flatter in others
• Gradient descent solution will have linear convergence
– Take steps to get within of the optimal solution 61
Strong convexity

• A strongly convex function is at least quadratic in its convexity

– Has a lower bound to its second derivative
• The function sits within a quadratic bowl
– At any location, you can draw a quadratic bowl of fixed convexity (quadratic constant equal to
lower bound of 2nd derivative) touching the function at that point, which contains it
• Convergence of gradient descent algorithms at least as good as that of the enclosing
Strong convexity

• A strongly convex function is at least quadratic in its convexity

– Has a lower bound to its second derivative
• The function sits within a quadratic bowl
– At any location, you can draw a quadratic bowl of fixed convexity (quadratic constant equal to
lower bound of 2nd derivative) touching the function at that point, which contains it
• Convergence of gradient descent algorithms at least as good as that of the enclosing
Types of continuity

From wikipedia

• Most functions are not strongly convex (if they are convex)
• Instead we will talk in terms of Lifschitz smoothness
• But first : a definition
• Lifschitz continuous: The function always lies outside a cone
– The slope of the outer surface is the Lifschitz constant

Lifschitz smoothness

• Lifschitz smooth: The function’s derivative is Lifschitz continuous

– Need not be convex (or even differentiable)
– Has an upper bound on second derivative (if it exists)
• Can always place a quadratic bowl of a fixed curvature within the function
– Minimum curvature of quadratic must be >= upper bound of second
derivative of function (if it exists)
Lifschitz smoothness

• Lifschitz smooth: The function’s derivative is Lifschitz continuous

– Need not be convex (or even differentiable)
– Has an upper bound on second derivative (if it exists)
• Can always place a quadratic bowl of a fixed curvature within the function
– Minimum curvature of quadratic must be >= upper bound of second
derivative of function (if it exists)
Types of smoothness

• A function can be both strongly convex and Lipschitz smooth

– Second derivative has upper and lower bounds
– Convergence depends on curvature of strong convexity (at least linear)

• A function can be convex and Lifschitz smooth, but not strongly convex
– Convex, but upper bound on second derivative
– Weaker convergence guarantees, if any (at best linear)
– This is often a reasonable assumption for the local structure of your loss function
Types of smoothness

• A function can be both strongly convex and Lipschitz smooth

– Second derivative has upper and lower bounds
– Convergence depends on curvature of strong convexity (at least linear)

• A function can be convex and Lifschitz smooth, but not strongly convex
– Convex, but upper bound on second derivative
– Weaker convergence guarantees, if any (at best linear)
– This is often a reasonable assumption for the local structure of your loss function
Convergence Problems
• For quadratic (strongly) convex functions, gradient descent is exponentially
– Linear convergence
• Assuming learning rate is non-divergent

• For generic (Lifschitz Smooth) convex functions however, it is very slow

( ) ∗ ( ) ∗

– And inversely proportional to learning rate

( ) ∗ ( ) ∗

– Takes iterations to get to within of the solution

– An inappropriate learning rate will destroy your happiness

• Second order methods will locally convert the loss function to quadratic
– Convergence behavior will still depend on the nature of the original function

• Continuing with the quadratic-based explanation…

• Convergence behaviors become increasingly
unpredictable as dimensions increase

• For the fastest convergence, ideally, the learning rate

must be close to both, the largest and the
– To ensure convergence in every direction
– Generally infeasible

• Convergence is particularly slow if is large

– The “condition” number is small

One reason for the problem

• The objective function has different eccentricities in different directions

– Resulting in different optimal learning rates for different directions
– The problem is more difficult when the ellipsoid is not axis aligned: the steps along the two
directions are coupled! Moving in one direction changes the gradient along the other

• Solution: Normalize the objective to have identical eccentricity in all directions

– Then all of them will have identical optimal learning rates
– Easier to find a working learning rate
Solution: Scale the axes

• Scale (and rotate) the axes, such that all of them have identical (identity) “spread”
– Equal-value contours are circular
– Movement along the coordinate axes become independent
• Note: equation of a quadratic surface with circular equal-value contours can be
written as

Scaling the axes
• Original equation:

• We want to find a (diagonal) scaling matrix such that

• And

Scaling the axes
• Original equation:

• We want to find a (diagonal) scaling matrix such that

• And By inspection:

Scaling the axes
• We have

• Equating linear and quadratic coefficients, we get

• Solving: ,
Scaling the axes
• We have

• Solving for we get

Scaling the axes
• We have

• Solving for we get

The Inverse Square Root of A
• For any positive definite , we can write

– Eigen decomposition
– is an orthogonal matrix
– is a diagonal matrix of non-zero diagonal entries

• Defining
– Check

• Defining
– Check:
Returning to our problem

• Computing the gradient, and noting that is

symmetric, we can relate and :

Returning to our problem

• Gradient descent rule:

– Learning rate is now independent of direction

• Using , and

Modified update rule

• Leads to the modified gradient descent rule

For non-axis-aligned quadratics..

• If is not diagonal, the contours are not axis-aligned

– Because of the cross-terms 𝑎 𝑤 𝑤
– The major axes of the ellipsoids are the Eigenvectors of 𝐀, and their diameters are
proportional to the Eigen values of 𝐀

• But this does not affect the discussion

– This is merely a rotation of the space from the axis-aligned case
– The component-wise optimal learning rates along the major and minor axes of the equal-
contour ellipsoids will be different, causing problems
• The optimal rates along the axes are Inversely proportional to the eigenvalues of 𝐀
For non-axis-aligned quadratics..

• The component-wise optimal learning rates along the major and

minor axes of the contour ellipsoids will differ, causing problems
– Inversely proportional to the eigenvalues of

• This can be fixed as before by rotating and resizing the different

directions to obtain the same normalized update rule as before:
( ) ( )
Generic differentiable multivariate
convex functions

• Taylor expansion
(𝒌) (𝒌) (𝒌) (𝒌) 𝑻 (𝒌) (𝒌)
𝐰 𝑬

Generic differentiable multivariate
convex functions

• Taylor expansion
(𝒌) (𝒌) (𝒌) (𝒌) 𝑻 (𝒌) (𝒌)
𝐰 𝑬

• Note that this has the form

• Using the same logic as before, we get the normalized update rule
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 𝑇
• For a quadratic function, the optimal is 1 (which is exactly Newton’s method)
– And should not be greater than 2!
Minimization by Newton’s method

Fit a quadratic at each

point and find the
minimum of that

• Iterated localized optimization with quadratic approximations

Minimization by Newton’s method

• Iterated localized optimization with quadratic approximations

Minimization by Newton’s method

• Iterated localized optimization with quadratic approximations

Minimization by Newton’s method

• Iterated localized optimization with quadratic approximations

Minimization by Newton’s method

• Iterated localized optimization with quadratic approximations

Minimization by Newton’s method

• Iterated localized optimization with quadratic approximations

Minimization by Newton’s method

• Iterated localized optimization with quadratic approximations

Minimization by Newton’s method

• Iterated localized optimization with quadratic approximations

Minimization by Newton’s method

• Iterated localized optimization with quadratic approximations

Minimization by Newton’s method

• Iterated localized optimization with quadratic approximations

Minimization by Newton’s method

• Iterated localized optimization with quadratic approximations

Issues: 1. The Hessian
• Normalized update rule

• For complex models such as neural networks, with a

very large number of parameters, the Hessian
is extremely difficult to compute
– For a network with only 100,000 parameters, the Hessian
will have 1010 cross-derivative terms
– And its even harder to invert, since it will be enormous

Issues: 1. The Hessian

• For non-convex functions, the Hessian may not be

positive semi-definite, in which case the algorithm can
– Goes away from, rather than towards the minimum
– Now requires additional checks to avoid movement in
directions corresponding to –ve Eigenvalues of the Hessian
Issues: 1. The Hessian

• For non-convex functions, the Hessian may not be

positive semi-definite, in which case the algorithm can
– Goes away from, rather than towards the minimum
– Now requires additional checks to avoid movement in
directions corresponding to –ve Eigenvalues of the Hessian
Issues: 1 – contd.
• A great many approaches have been proposed in the
literature to approximate the Hessian in a number of ways
and improve its positive definiteness
– Boyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS)
• And “low-memory” BFGS (L-BFGS)
• Estimate Hessian from finite differences
– Levenberg-Marquardt
• Estimate Hessian from Jacobians
• Diagonal load it to ensure positive definiteness
– Other “Quasi-newton” methods
• Hessian estimates may even be local to a set of variables

• Not particularly popular anymore for large neural networks..

Issues: 2. The learning rate

• Much of the analysis we just saw was based on trying

to ensure that the step size was not so large as to cause
divergence within a convex region

Issues: 2. The learning rate

• For complex models such as neural networks the loss

function is often not convex
– Having can actually help escape local optima
• However always having will ensure that you
never ever actually find a solution
Decaying learning rate

Note: this is actually a

reduced step size

• Start with a large learning rate

– Greater than 2 (assuming Hessian normalization)
– Gradually reduce it with iterations

Decaying learning rate
• Typical decay schedules
– Linear decay:
– Quadratic decay:
– Exponential decay: , where

• A common approach (for nnets):

1. Train with a fixed learning rate until loss (or performance on
a held-out data set) stagnates
2. , where (typically 0.1)
3. Return to step 1 and continue training from where we left off

Story so far : Convergence
• Gradient descent can miss obvious answers
– And this may be a good thing

• Convergence issues abound

– The loss surface has many saddle points
• Although, perhaps, not so many bad local minima
• Gradient descent can stagnate on saddle points
– Vanilla gradient descent may not converge, or may
converge toooooo slowly
• The optimal learning rate for one component may be too
high or too low for others
Poll 2

Slide 117

Mark all true statements

 Step sizes that are greater than twice the inverse of the second derivative can cause gradient
descent to diverge (true)
 This is always a bad thing
 Gradient descent will not converge without decaying learning rates

Poll 2

Slide 117

Mark all true statements

 Step sizes that are greater than twice the inverse of the second derivative can cause gradient
descent to diverge (true)
 This is always a bad thing
 Gradient descent will not converge without decaying learning rates

Story so far : Second-order methods
• Second-order methods “normalize” the variation
along the components to mitigate the problem of
different optimal learning rates for different
– But this requires computation of inverses of second-
order derivative matrices
– Computationally infeasible
– Not stable in non-convex regions of the loss surface
– Approximate methods address these issues, but
simpler solutions may be better
Story so far : Learning rate
• Divergence-causing learning rates may not be a
bad thing
– Particularly for ugly loss functions
• Decaying learning rates provide good
compromise between escaping poor local minima
and convergence

• Many of the convergence issues arise because we

force the same learning rate on all parameters
Lets take a step back
( )
( )

• Problems arise because of requiring a fixed

step size across all dimensions
– Because step are “tied” to the gradient
• Let’s try releasing this requirement
Derivative-inspired algorithms
• Algorithms that use derivative information for
trends, but do not follow them absolutely

• Rprop
• Quick prop

• Resilient propagation
• Simple algorithm, to be followed independently for each
– I.e. steps in different directions are not coupled

• At each time
– If the derivative at the current location recommends continuing in the
same direction as before (i.e. has not changed sign from earlier):
• increase the step, and continue in the same direction
– If the derivative has changed sign (i.e. we’ve overshot a minimum)
• reduce the step and reverse direction


Orange arrow shows

direction of derivative, i.e.
direction of increasing E(w)

• Select an initial value and compute the derivative

– Take an initial step against the derivative
• In the direction that reduces the function
( )


Orange arrow shows

direction of derivative, i.e.
direction of increasing E(w)

• Compute the derivative in the new location

– If the derivative has not changed sign from the previous
location, increase the step size and take a longer step
a>1 • =


Orange arrow shows

direction of derivative, i.e.
direction of increasing E(w)

• Compute the derivative in the new location

– If the derivative has not changed sign from the previous
location, increase the step size and take a step
a>1 • =


Orange arrow shows

direction of derivative, i.e.
direction of increasing E(w)

• Compute the derivative in the new location

– If the derivative has changed sign
– Return to the previous location
• 𝑤 = 𝑤 + ∆𝑤
– Shrink the step
• ∆𝑤 = 𝛽∆𝑤
– Take the smaller step forward
• 𝑤 = 𝑤 − ∆𝑤 116

Orange arrow shows

direction of derivative, i.e.
direction of increasing E(w)

• Compute the derivative in the new location

– If the derivative has changed sign
– Return to the previous location
• 𝑤 = 𝑤 + ∆𝑤
– Shrink the step
• ∆𝑤 = 𝛽∆𝑤
– Take the smaller step forward
• 𝑤 = 𝑤 − ∆𝑤 117

Orange arrow shows

direction of derivative, i.e.
direction of increasing E(w)

• Compute the derivative in the new location

– If the derivative has changed sign
– Return to the previous location
• 𝑤 = 𝑤 + ∆𝑤
– Shrink the step
b<1 • ∆𝑤 = 𝛽∆𝑤
– Take the smaller step forward
• 𝑤 = 𝑤 − ∆𝑤 118

Orange arrow shows

direction of derivative, i.e.
direction of increasing E(w)

• Compute the derivative in the new location

– If the derivative has changed sign
– Return to the previous location
• 𝑤 = 𝑤 + ∆𝑤
– Shrink the step
b<1 • ∆𝑤 = 𝛽∆𝑤
– Take the smaller step forward
• 𝑤 = 𝑤 − ∆𝑤 119
Rprop (simplified)
• Set ,
• For each layer , for each :
– Initialize ,, , ,, ,
( ,, )


– ,, ,,
– While not converged:
• 𝑤 , , = 𝑤 , , − ∆𝑤 , ,
( )
Ceiling and floor on step
• 𝐷 𝑙, 𝑖, 𝑗 =

• If sign 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣𝐷 𝑙, 𝑖, 𝑗 == sign 𝐷 𝑙, 𝑖, 𝑗 :

– ∆𝑤 , , = min(𝛼∆𝑤 , , , ∆ )
– 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣𝐷 𝑙, 𝑖, 𝑗 = 𝐷 𝑙, 𝑖, 𝑗
• else:
– 𝑤 , , = 𝑤 , , + ∆𝑤 , ,
– ∆𝑤 , , = max(𝛽∆𝑤 , , , ∆ )
Rprop (simplified)
• Set ,
• For each layer , for each :
– Initialize ,, , ,, ,
( ,, )


– ,, ,,
Obtained via backprop
– While not converged:
Note: Different parameters updated
• 𝑤 , , = 𝑤 , , − ∆𝑤 , , independently
( ,, )
• 𝐷 𝑙, 𝑖, 𝑗 =

• If sign 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣𝐷 𝑙, 𝑖, 𝑗 == sign 𝐷 𝑙, 𝑖, 𝑗 :

– ∆𝑤 , , = 𝛼∆𝑤 , ,
– 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣𝐷 𝑙, 𝑖, 𝑗 = 𝐷 𝑙, 𝑖, 𝑗
• else:
– 𝑤 , , = 𝑤 , , + ∆𝑤 , ,
– ∆𝑤 , , = 𝛽∆𝑤 , ,
• A remarkably simple first-order algorithm,
that is frequently much more efficient than
gradient descent.
– And can even be competitive against some of the
more advanced second-order methods

• Only makes minimal assumptions about the

loss function
– No convexity assumption

Poll 3

The derivative of the loss w.r.t a parameter w, computed at the current estimate is positive. After taking
a step (updating the parameter by a increment dw) the sign of the derivative becomes negative. Mark
all true statements

 Rprop will revert to the earlier estimate and take a smaller step (true)
 Rprop will change direction and begin taking steps in the opposite direction

Poll 3

The derivative of the loss w.r.t a parameter w, computed at the current estimate is positive. After taking
a step (updating the parameter by a increment dw) the sign of the derivative becomes negative. Mark
all true statements

 Rprop will revert to the earlier estimate and take a smaller step (true)
 Rprop will change direction and begin taking steps in the opposite direction


• Quickprop employs the Newton updates with two modifications

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 𝑇
• But with two modifications

QuickProp: Modification 1
Within each component


𝑤 𝑤𝑘 𝑤

• It treats each dimension independently

• For

• This eliminates the need to compute and invert expensive Hessians

QuickProp: Modification 2
Within each component


𝑤 𝑤𝑘 𝑤

• It approximates the second derivative through finite differences

• For

• This eliminates the need to compute expensive double derivatives

( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )

Finite-difference approximation to double derivative

obtained assuming a quadratic

• Updates are independent for every parameter

• For every layer , for every connection from node in the th

layer to node in the th layer:

( )
( ) , ( )
, ( ) ( ) ,
, ,

( ) ( ) ( )
, , ,

( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )

Finite-difference approximation to double derivative

obtained assuming a quadratic

• Updates are independent for every parameter

• For every layer , for every connection from node in the th

layer to node in the th layer:

( )
( ) , ( )
, ( ) ( ) ,
, ,

( ) ( ) ( ) Computed using
, , , backprop

• Employs Newton updates with empirically
derived derivatives

• Prone to some instability for non-convex

objective functions

• But is still one of the fastest training

algorithms for many problems

Story so far : Convergence
• Gradient descent can miss obvious answers
– And this may be a good thing

• Vanilla gradient descent may be too slow or unstable due to

the differences between the dimensions

• Second order methods can normalize the variation across

dimensions, but are complex

• Adaptive or decaying learning rates can improve convergence

• Methods that decouple the dimensions can improve

A closer look at the convergence

• With dimension-independent learning rates, the solution will converge

smoothly in some directions, but oscillate or diverge in others
• Proposal:
– Keep track of oscillations
– Emphasize steps in directions that converge smoothly
– Shrink steps in directions that bounce around..
A closer look at the convergence

• With dimension-independent learning rates, the solution will converge

smoothly in some directions, but oscillate or diverge in others
• Proposal:
– Keep track of oscillations
– Emphasize steps in directions that converge smoothly
– Shrink steps in directions that bounce around..
The momentum methods
• Maintain a running average of all
past steps
– In directions in which the
convergence is smooth, the
average will have a large value
– In directions in which the
estimate swings, the positive and
negative swings will cancel out in
the average

• Update with the running

average, rather than the current
Momentum Update
Plain gradient update With momentum

• The momentum method maintains a running average of all gradients until

the current step
( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

– Typical value is 0.9

• The running average steps
– Get longer in directions where gradient retains the same sign
– Become shorter in directions where the sign keeps flipping
Training by gradient descent
• Initialize all weights
• Do:
– For all , initialize
– For all
• For every layer :
– Compute

– Compute

– For every layer :


• Until has converged

Training with momentum
• Initialize all weights
• Do:
– For all layers , initialize ,
– For all
• For every layer :
– Compute gradient

– For every layer


• Until has converged

Momentum Update

• The momentum method

• At any iteration, to compute the current step:

– First computes the gradient step at the current location
– Then adds in the historical average step

Momentum Update

• The momentum method

• At any iteration, to compute the current step:

– First computes the gradient step at the current location
– Then adds in the historical average step

Momentum Update

• The momentum method

• At any iteration, to compute the current step:

– First computes the gradient step at the current location
– Then adds in the scaled previous step
• Which is actually a running average
Momentum Update

• The momentum method

• At any iteration, to compute the current step:

– First computes the gradient step at the current location
– Then adds in the scaled previous step
• Which is actually a running average
– To get the final step
Momentum update

• Momentum update steps are actually computed in two stages

– First: We take a step against the gradient at the current location
– Second: Then we add a scaled version of the previous step

• The procedure can be made more optimal by reversing the order of


Nestorov’s Accelerated Gradient

• Change the order of operations

• At any iteration, to compute the current step:
– First extend by the (scaled) historical average
– Then compute the gradient at the resultant position
– Add the two to obtain the final step
Nestorov’s Accelerated Gradient

• Change the order of operations

• At any iteration, to compute the current step:
– First extend the previous step
– Then compute the gradient at the resultant position
– Add the two to obtain the final step
Nestorov’s Accelerated Gradient

• Change the order of operations

• At any iteration, to compute the current step:
– First extend the previous step
– Then compute the gradient step at the resultant
– Add the two to obtain the final step
Nestorov’s Accelerated Gradient

• Change the order of operations

• At any iteration, to compute the current step:
– First extend the previous step
– Then compute the gradient step at the resultant
– Add the two to obtain the final step
Nestorov’s Accelerated Gradient

• Nestorov’s method

Nestorov’s Accelerated Gradient

• Comparison with momentum (example from

• Converges much faster
Training with Nestorov
• Initialize all weights
• Do:
– For all layers , initialize ,
– For every layer

– For all
• For every layer :
– Compute gradient

– For every layer


• Until has converged

Momentum and trend-based
• We will return to this topic again, very soon..

Poll 4

On a flat surface of constant slope momentum methods will converge faster than vanilla gradient
descent, true or false

 True
 False (correct) – momentum only changes step size

Poll 4

On a flat surface of constant slope momentum methods will converge faster than vanilla gradient
descent, true or false

 True
 False (correct) – momentum only changes step size

Story so far
• Gradient descent can miss obvious answers
– And this may be a good thing

• Vanilla gradient descent may be too slow or unstable due to the

differences between the dimensions

• Second order methods can normalize the variation across

dimensions, but are complex

• Adaptive or decaying learning rates can improve convergence

• Methods that decouple the dimensions can improve convergence

• Momentum methods which emphasize directions of steady

improvement are demonstrably superior to other methods
Coming up
• Incremental updates
• Revisiting “trend” algorithms
• Generalization
• Tricks of the trade
– Divergences..
– Activations
– Normalizations


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