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Rizal as a Traveller sketches of fellow passengers and From Marseilles, Rizal boarded a

things along the way. plain bound to Barcelona. He was

Make a name as a journalist
able to reach Barcelona in June
To observe European society 16, 1882. Stayed for 3 months
Singapore because of academic calendar.
To prepare himself for the task of Observe customs of the people
the liberating filipinos from the Stop over for 2 days. He was able and spent time in the library.
Spaniards cruelty to visit botanical garden, art Described their good qualities
galleries, parks and historical such as open hearted, hospitable
spots. These things are part of and courageuous. He also writes in
May 3, 1882 history of that place. his family relatives and friends. He
Rizal is sad that he leaves his wrote his first literary piece which
country. He faced his fear of is knows as Amor patrio (Love of
Djemnah Country) there is no greater love
moving out of his comfort zone.
Rizal is telling us that we shouldn’t Boarded djemnah which is a and no other place like home. Pen
be afraid of changes. Face the French steamer. name used is laong laan. Laong
challenges. Change is inevitable. means a long time. Laan means
These changes might change us. reserved for a purpose. Both
Give us life lessons that we can combined means someone who is
During the journey, they stop over
share. kept in reserve for a purpose for a
Point Galle in Ceylon, Aden.
long time. This is like rizal.
Ceylon is shri lanka which is the
Published in manila in dyaryong
capital of colombo. Aden is
May 1, 1882 colombo.

Rizal travelled from calamba to

manila via carromata. A carriage Rizal stopped producing
Port Said at Suez canal
or kalesa. Rizals travel is a secret. nationalistic articles.
Travelled for 10 hours. Secret Another stop over
departure. Pasiano secured a Because of the opposition of his
passport under the name of Jose mother, he mother believes that
mercado having an identity of writing makes himself in danger.
June 1882.
being a native of Santa cruz. difficulty of recognition in a
Toavoid association of rizal to Naples, Italy foreign country and desire to
pasiano. Jose rizal is already finish his studies.
Rizal appreciated the panoramic
associated with father burgos, one beauty and lively people
of the three martyr priests. Which
is executed because they are After three months he moved to
implicated with cavite mutiny. madrid….
Three priests are against the He enrolled in ateneo de madrid
church and government. Rizal June 1882 for the polishing of his English
already overuse his own name. german French languages. He also
He appreciated the courtesy of the
new name which means new enrolled in academia de san
customs police. Graceful and
beginning. Fernando for practicing and
impressive building and courtesy
and refined manners of the French enhance skills in painting and
men. sculpture. He also enrolled in
Salvadora bound for Singapore schools of sans carbonel to
It took him a week to reach practice fencing.
Singapore from manila. To
entertain himself, he made
Juan Luna alas flores de Heidelberg or to the
flowers of Heidelberg.
Madrid Studio. Visit to develop his
painting technique. Also posed as
He came up with idea of writing
a model in his painting which is
novel. Noli me tangere (touch me
the blood compact where he
not) written in 1884 and able to
posed as sikatuna. Death of Wilhelmsfeld.
finish it on 1885 and published in
cleopatra where rizal posed as a
1887. Originally written in Spanish. Mountaneous village of
Green book is already translation. Heidelberg. Stayedin house of dr.
Book is inspired by uncle tom’s karl ullmer. Who helped him
cabin which is slavery of black master the german language.
Finished ¼ of noli me tangere in
americans in 19th century. He also Religious tolerance. Protestant
France. Stay was cut short. Left
wants to expose the Spanish pastor freely relates well with
paris because of high cost of living.
colonial abuse in the Philippines. catholic priests. No conflict with
Book is dedicated to the protestant pastor and catholic
Philippines. Noli me tangere is priest.
latin language. Jesus’ words to Germany
mary Magdalene in John20:17. Spent a year. 1886-1887. Visited in
Told her touch me not. Book talks Heidelberg. Next is Leipzig. July 31, 1886
about social cancers. Social issues Another is Dresden. And lastly
should not touch the filipinos. Wrote a letter to Ferdinand
Finish the half in madrid. Blumentritt. Rizal learned that
blumentritt is interested with
ethymology and Philippine
France language.
University and romantic
1883 surrounding. Met and become
Visit places and observe their lives. apprentice of Otto becker which is After 6 months, he went to
Visit opera houses boulevards the director of the university eye Leipzig.
parks churches and hospitals. hospital.
Museums libraries and galleries.

Letter to Maria and Trinidad.

In leipzig, rizal worked as a
1885-1886 Described Germany as a country. proofreader. Somneone who edit,
Work as an apprentice in optical Germany is country of order and revise, books and writeups.
clinic of Louise de weckert since obedience. Students as Needed to work to augment his
rizal specializes in optalmology. affectionate respectful modest allowance. Translated german
and not boastful. German women Spanish and other European
Rizal learned the actual are tall south and blonde. German languages.
performance of high operation. women are serious and not afraid
Updated recent studies on the to communicate with men. Open
ailment of the eyes. Various minded. Diligent. After two days, moved to berlin
technique of eye operation.
To supplement his studies and
language of science in university of
berlin. Wants study and observe
Neckar river. Colorful flowers the political and economic
Remind of hometown calamba. conditions of Germany. Customs
Inspired to write poem entitled of people. Berlin boulevard, join
the circles of famous german Leitmeritz Bohemia Ulm
scientists and scholars. Such as
Train station Ferdinand Ulm cathedral which is largest and
anthropological society,
blumentritt was there to pick tallest cathedral in Germany.
ethnological society and
them up. They described family as
geographic society. Complete and
hospitable and appreciate his wife
publish noli me tangere. Schedule
as a good cook. Baden
activities. Morning works in clinic.
Evening attends in lectures. Stuttgart
Practiced his language in speaking
and before he sleep he continues Prague Colorful houses.
in writing the novel. Tomb of Copernicus. Famous
astronomer during time of rizal.
Museum of natural history. Rhein fall
November 1886 Bacteriological laboratories. Most beautiful fall in Europe
Famous cave. One of the cave is
Rizal is penniless. Late allowance
san juan de nepumoceno.
in the Philippines. Crack failure.
Forced to sell his books in a Switzerland
second hand bookstore. He
Brunn Schaffhausen
became sick
Rizal realized he forgot his Basel
diamond stick pin at the room Bern
December 1886 they stayed in blumentritts place.
Wrote a latter to blumentritt. Sent Lausanne
Maximo viola
it back to rizal.
Offered loan him money. Finance
the book noli me tangere. Leman lake
Greatest novelist which is
March 21, 1887 Stayed 15 days. Decided to part
Norfenfals. Meet norfenfals.
ways. July 23 1887. Viola return
Rizal’s first novel was published.
back to Barcelona and rizal went
Galley proof is the very first copy
to Italy.
of the book. Not edited not Danube river ends rizal’s stay in
Germany. Lintz

Turin milan Venice and Florence

Grand tour in Europe Salzburg

May 11, 1887

Eternal city. St peter square,
Dresden Try famous beer. Assumed that Vatican church. Decided to return
munich beer is best beer in in philippoines.
With maximo viola Germany
Visit dr adolf meyer. Same doctor
in Dresden. Wrote letter to
blumentritt telling his intention of Nuremberg
visiting blumentritt. Manufacture beautiful dolls
First homecoming Noli me tangere that they own their land.
Tenants of their own land.
August 1887 Governor general Emilio terrero
 Absence of good faith on the
summon rizal to malacanang
Warned him the uproar of the part of the estate
because of his novel. He explained
friars caused by his book. Spanish
that he just exposed the truth. He
friars are upset with his book.
didn’t advocate subversive. He
Marred rizal’s happy days in
asked rizal to give him a copy.
Knew rizals life is in danger. He
Reasons: to operate on his assigned young Spanish lieutenant 1. Death of his older sister,
mother’s eyes. To serve people jose caviel de Andrade. olimpia
who have longed been oppressed
2. the groundless tales
by the Spanish tyrants. To find out
circulated by his enemies.
for himself how the noli me
Rizals enemies were powerful. Ust
tangere and his other writings
committee of the faculty did their
were affecting the filipinos and the
own study. Not satisfied so they Compelled rizal to leave calamba
Spaniards in the
asked permanent commission of
inquire why Leonora rivera 1. his presence in calamba
censorship to study the book.
remained silent. was jeopardizing the
Recommended the ban of
importation…. Made the book safety and happiness of
popular. his family and friends.
From rome spent 34 days in ship. 2. He could fight better his
Ship has 50 passengers. Other enemies and serve his
passengers were englighmen country’s cause with
Attackers of rizal’s novel
germans Chinese Japanese and greater efficacy by writing
Frenchman. Hes the only filipino Anti rizal pamphlets. 8 pamphlets in foreign countries.
passenger. He served as written by friars. Attacking rizals
interpreter during the travel. reputation. Sold daily in front of
the church. Himno al trabajo (hymn to labor)

Poem Asked by the townfolk of

August 5, 1887
Rizal became more contentious….
Arrival in the Philippines. In manila
Picture Portraying the dignity of manual
nothing changed. No progress.
Same situation since h first went
 Dominican friars doesn’t just
own a part, they already own Rizal bade goodbye to his country
the whole calamba hacienda. for the second time
Filipinos in the place are
already tenants of own land. He wasn’t able to have glimpse of
Established medical clinic. First
 Products are going to Leonor rivera.
patient is his mother. Turned out
good. People called him dr. Dominican fathers. Small parts
ulliman because he came from go to lieutenants
Germany. 900 to 5000 patients.  Dominican friars are just
Also bult a gymnasium. getting money. They are really
Encouraged European sports. To rich. They don’t share with
avoid vices. he gave importance to anyone.
the youth.  The land and natives RIZAL’S SECOND TRAVEL
cultivated. Cleared… false
document informing them

France Rizal’s letter to Mariano Ponce,

Hongkong London, October 12 1888
Biarritz he finished his novel, El
Hongkong is a british colony. Filibusterismo after his failed  I shall always be at the service
Warmly welcomed by Jose Maria proposal to Nellie Boustead of my country and what my
Basa. He studied their customs. fellow countrymen think I can
One of which is their religion. do I shall do.
 Rizal went home to the
School in Calamba – Colegio de
November 1891 to June 1892 Philippines for the second
time on June 26, 1892.
Rizal’s family joined him in
He immediately went to
hongkong before the Christmas of
Malacañang Palace to look for
1891. Rizal established his medical Valentin Ventura – helped publish the Governor-General to ask
clinic. Rizal received a duplicate El Filibusterismo. Rizal gave him pardon for his family and the
copy of his licentiate in medicine the original manuscript possible agreement for the
that allowed him to practice his
Borneo settlement.
profession freely. He wrote and
printed the constitution of the La El Filibusterismo is dedicated to Propaganda movement –
liga Filipina (The Philippine Gomburza because they are the advocate reforms
League) he contributed articles in symbol of people that are
the british newspaper, The oppressed by Spanish La Liga Filipina ( The
Hongkong Telegraph. He stayed governments in the philippoines Philippine League)
for 7 months
 Unus Instrar Omnium (One
like all – motto
El Filibusterismo means “the
Japan subversive” or “the reign of greed” Main objective is to establish
No one accommodates him. reforms in the country
Stayed in Spanish legation.
Legation is an embassy but it is Spain Ex-communicated- excluded from
headed and managed by a participating in the sacraments
The Propaganda movement want
minister. He was impressed by and services of Christian
to bring change to the society.
their culture and their value of church
Family was ejected and went to
honesty. hongkong. Leonor rivera’s letter
He was believed to be a protestant
of marriage to another man.

United States of America La solidaridad- the official organ of Community is suffering a disease
the propaganda movement. Rizal called Malaria
Extra one week which he spent at declined because it was against his
the port. America is the ideology. He concucted local medicinal
land par excellence of freedom but
only for the whites (Zaide, 2012).
Borneo Can accommodate two patients
Slavery is still rampant at that
time. Sandakan- a province in north He operated his mother’s eyes for
borneo the third time.
Catalan- used in northeast of Mediterranean seas, he is
spain implicated with the said event,
he was arrested and kept
Rizal will memorize 5 root words prisoner in the ship,
every night
At end of the year, total 1825 Fort Santiago
words of the language 17 days after arrested, preliminary
investigation began, defense
It gives him advantage, serves as council was Don Luis Taviel de
interpreter to his fellow Andrade
Masonry- a civic movement
promoting fraternity
Malay Language
Lingua France of the community RIZAL AND HIS PHILOSOPHICAL
visayan and subanon IDEOLOGIES
For him to communicate to people LIBERALISM- freedom for
freely and easily and to do individual
business with them Rationalism- belief or theory
where opinion and action
should be based on reason
Irrigation dams and tanks if they and knowledge rather than
wanted to bring down water religious believe or emotional
from spring response
From spring in the mountain, they
built a dam and using pipes Deism- religion of nature form of
they use it to bring it down to rational theology that
the town emerged from free thinking
Lightning system- coconut oil Europeans in the 17 and 18
lamps centuries. They believe
religious truth should be
Inventor- net weaving used to subjective, authority of human
catch fishes reason rather than divine
Finitudeness- limitations

They allowed him to leave dapitan Limited curriculum- schools are

because he volunteered as a church related, focused on
medical doctor in cuba Christian doctrine, obedience
to friars, mode of learning is
September 2 1896- the Katipunan memorization
headed by Andres Bonifacio
attacked San Juan Teachers had no prestige-
Prestige- widespread respect and
When Katipunan attacked san admiration towards someone
juan, rizal heard the news
when they are still in
and to witness the lifestyle of the
two countries.
MODULES Spain (1882 - 1885)
France (1883, 1885 - 1886)
Rizal arrived in Barcelona on June
16, 1882 and stayed there for Prior to his medical practice in
three months. He went on to Paris, Rizal went to France on June
Trivia: observe the customs of the people 17 to August 20, 1883, for a short
and spent most of his time in the summer vacation. Attracted by the
Riza had his first stop over in library. In his observation of this place, he went on to visit places to
Singapore when he left the foreign soil, he began to see the observe their way of life. He
Philippines for the first time. He Philippines in a different manner. visited opera houses, boulevards,
stayed there for two days and His essay Amor Patrio (Love of parks, churches, hospitals, and
started observing its culture, Country) portrayed that there was other Significant places, and spent
traditions, and their way of life. no greater love and no other place most of his time at the museums,
like home. As he wrote: ...we in libraries, and galleries. In the fall
the foreign land, dedicate our first of 1885, Rizal went back to Paris to
RIZAL AS A TRAVELER accounts to our has gain more knowledge in
always been said that love is the ophthalmology and practiced in
most potent force behind the the clinic of Dr. Louis de Weckert.
I love my country, but I fled from most sublime deeds; very well, of In his pastimes, he spent his time
her. Nothing links me to the world all loves, the love of country is in Juan Luna’s art studio to
but a few beings and a home. Yet, what produced the greatest, the improve his painting techniques
I abandoned them without bidding most heroic, the most and served as model together with
them goodbye. My country disinterested. On November 3, their other compatriots in Lunas
breezes hide my sighs; her springs 1882, he moved to Madrid and paintings. He went back to this
keep tiny drops of my tears; in her enrolled in the Universidad Central place in 1888 and 1889
leaves, in her palms, in her trees de Madrid where he enrolled and respectively during his second
have been etched my plaints and finished Medicine and Philosophy sojourn to Europe.
memories. A sweet death she and Letters, the same courses he
offers me. Yet away from all I love, started, but left unfinished, at
in a strange land, among people University of Santo Tomas. Aside Germany (1886 — 1887)
indifferent and unknown, I cry not from his academic courses, he
for her. I am afraid, terror- took lessons in languages and in Acquiring enough knowledge in
stricken, at the sight of her the arts. During his pastime, Rizal Paris, Rizal decided to stay in
unwelcome arms. read a lot of books in different Germany. He arrived in
academic fields; wrote a lot of Heidelberg, a German city on
- Jose Rizal (May 3, February 3, 1886. He worked at
articles and poetries; went to
1882) practice strenuous sports, and the University Eye Hospital of the
started writing his first novel, the University of Heidelberg under the
Noli Me Tangere. He also visited directorship of Dr. Otto Becker. In
historical places, joined students; his idle times, he attended
demonstrations, and joined lectures, visited scenic places such
Finally decided to study in Europe, as castles, theaters, churches and
different associations --- the
Rizal left the Philippines for the the romantic Neckar river in which
Circulo-Hispano Filipino (Hispano-
first time and moved to Spain. For he wrote his poem A Las Flores de
Philippine Circle) and the
five years (1882 — 1887) in Heidelberg (To the Flowers of
Brotherhood of Masons. When he
sojourn, he stayed in the three Heidelberg) reminding him of his
finished his academic courses,
European countries — Spain, hometown, Calamba. He
Rizal went to Paris and Germany
France, and Germany. befriended Dr. Karl Ullmer, a
to practice his medical profession
Protestant pastor who taught him they went for a grand tour in laymen. The report, as turned out,
the German language. During this Europe. brought the same findings with
time, Rizal also started writing that of the committee of the
Ferdinand Blumentritt, an church and they added: ...that the
ethnologist who later became his B. FIRST HOMECOMING importation, reproduction, and
best friend. After six months and a circulation of this pernicious book
week, he left Heidelberg and went After acquiring enough knowledge in the islands be absolutely
to Leipzig on August 9, 1886. in Europe, Rizal decided to go prohibited. Rizal became more
There, he attended lectures in home. He arrived in his homeland contentious when he revealed the
history and psychology at the after thirty-four days of travel deplorable condition of Calamba
University of Leipzig. He went on (from July 3 to August 5, 1887). He Hacienda. His findings were the
translating Schiller s William Tell was welcomed by his family who following:
for the Filipinos to learn from the later helped him establish his
story of Swiss independence and medical clinic. He started his
Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy mission of treating the failing
a. The Estate of the Reverend
Tale for his nephews and nieces. eyesight of his mother. He also
Dominican Fathers is not situated
After almost two months in established a gymnasium for the
in this locality but in fact
Leipzig, Rizal decided to move to young to drive them away from
constitutes the whole town.
Dresden and met Dr. Adolf B. vices. His literary prowess
Meyer who recommended him to continued as he translated the b. The products of the Estate have
different scientific societies in poems of Von Wildernath into increased...and diminished
Germany. Two days after, he went Tagalog. Meanwhile, his remarkably for the tenants.
to Berlin. In this place, Rizal monumental work, the Noli Me
c. The Estate, not spending
worked in the clinic of Dr. Karl Tangere became controversial to
anything for the town’s welfare,
Ernest Schweigger and he also his readers in the Philippines in
not contributing either to festivals
became member of which he was requested to visit
or to schools, or to the
Anthropological Society, Governor General Emilio Terrero.
development of agriculture or to
Ethnological Society and the After explaining his side that he
public improvements.
Geographical Society of Berlin. He only exposed the truth but did not
also took private lessons in French, advocate subversive ideas, the d. The discouragement of the
observed their customs, touring governor general had to assign a farmers on seeing that the lands
the place and attended lectures in bodyguard for his security they have so laboriously cultivated
the University of Berlin. It was in (knowing the influence of the and cleared are taken away
Berlin when Rizal's health church that condemns his work. arbitrarily for the futile reasons or
suffered because of lack of Finding that there was nothing without reasons.
nourishment due to the late wrong with the novel, the
governor general asked the e. The absence of good faith on
arrival of his allowance from the the part of the Estate (NHI, 2007).
Philippines. Maximo Viola became committee of the church for
his savior when he arrived before examination and the result: it was
Christmas day. Having seen his heretical, impious, and scandalous
in the religious order, and anti- With this, Rizal was asked by his
situation, Viola loaned some
patriotic, subversive of public family to leave the Philippines to
money for his day-to-day expenses
order, injurious to the government avoid the resentment of the friars.
and agreed to finance the
of Spain and its function in the Prior to his departure, he was
publication of his first novel, the
Philippine islands in the political asked by the townsfolk of Calamba
Noli Me Tangere. On March 21,
order. Unsatisfied with the to write a poem entitled Himno Al
1887, his novel was published. As
findings of the committee, General Trabajo (Hymn to Labor),
a sign of his gratitude to Viola,
Terrero sent the novel to the portraying the dignity of manual
Rizal gave the galley proof of the
Commission of Censorship which work and so, Rizal set forth for his
published novel. On May 11, 1887,
was composed of priests and second journey abroad.
Filipina (The Philippine League) cholera epidemic from the Far
and contributed articles in the East. It was only after a week
British newspaper, The Hong Kong when they were allowed to land in
C. SECOND JOURNEY ABROAD Telegraph. the city. He stayed in San
(1888 - 1892) Francisco and later he took a trip
across the American continent. He
Six months after his homecoming, traversed Nevada, Utah, Colorado,
Japan (1888)
Rizal was forced to leave the Nebraska, Chicago, and New York.
country on February 3, 1888. This On February 22, 1888, Rizal left He recorded in his diaries the
marked his second journey Hong Kong for Japan. Ile arrived in scenic and historic places of the
abroad. He stayed in Hong Kong, Yokohama after six days. Even different American states including
Japan, America, London, Paris, though he was away from the the Statue of Liberty. Despite the
Spain, Belgium, and a short trip to Philippines, he was closely beautiful sceneries, and rapid
Borneo. monitored by the Spanish material progress of America, the
authorities. The secretary of culture of racial prejudice was very
Spanish Legation, Juan Perez apparent. When his friends asked
Hong Kong (1888, 1891 — 1892) Caballero invited him to stay at him about his travels most
the legation. Realizing that he had especially his impressions about
Rizal stayed in the British colony, nothing to hide from the Spanish
Hong Kong and stayed there for America, he uttered: America is
authorities, he accepted the the land par excellence of freedom
days. He was welcomed by his invitation. His life in Japan was as
friends, and he stayed in Jose but only for the whites (Zaide,
ordinary as in the other countries 2012).
Maria Basa’s residence. During his he visited. He observed the
stay, he studied the lifestyle, lifestyle of the people, studied the
language, and customs of the language, the Japanese arts, and
Chinese people. He also made a England (1889 1889)
enjoyed the villages and other
trip to Macao and stayed there for historical places. He was also After his travel in America, Rizal
two days. He went on to visit the deeply impressed with the culture went to London to continue his
famous places including the Grotto of the Japanese people most search for knowledge and ways to
of Camoens. Rizal went back to especially the value of honesty. help the outrageous conditions of
this place when he decided to go Having not felt the presence of the Filipino people. He arrived in
back to the Philippines in 1891. He love since he left the Philippines in England on May 24, 1888 and
temporarily stayed there for seven 1882, he opened his heart to Usui stayed as guest at the house of Dr.
months (from November 20, 1891, Seiko (O-SeiSan), a Japanese girl Antonio Ma. Regidor. He boarded
to June 21, 1892) because of the who, like him, had the same in the Beckett residence since it
sad news from home wherein his inclination in the arts. However, Was a Walking distance to the
family had to be deported to Hong their love did not last long because British Museum. Here he met
Kong. His family joined him before he decided to leave the place after Gertrude, the eldest daughter of
the Christmas of 1891 Here, Rizal his forty-five days stay. He left the Becketts and they were linked
established his medical clinic and Japan on April 13, 1888, to the together through their passion of
was able to receive a duplicate United States of America. the art. He enclosed himself in the
copy of his Licentiate in Medicine British Museum spending his time
that allowed him to practice his reading history books about the
profession freely. He was able to Philippines. With this, he went on
United States of America (1888)
operate his mother once again. He to annotate Antonio de Morga’s
became known medical Rizal arrived in America after Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas
practitioner in the Crown Colony. fifteen days (April 28, 1888) from (Historical Events of the Philippine
Rizal’s literary prowess did not Japan. The ship. that carried him Islands) that was published in
stop him. He wrote and printed to America was on quarantine Mexico in 1609. On the 31st of
the Constitution of the La Liga because of the news about the
December 1888, the Asociacion La opened. Fascinated by the
Solidaridad (Solidaridad grandeur of the event, he
attended the opening and was
Association) was inaugurated in
able to organize different Belgium (1890, 1891)
Barcelona, Spain where Rizal was
associations for his paisanos
made as the honorary president. As he reached Brussels after Paris,
(compatriots), the Kidlat Club, the
Two months after, the La he became busy in writing his
Indios Bravos, and the Sociedad
Solidaridad, the patriotic second novel. He also kept on
R.D.L.M. He also proposed the
newspaper of the association was promoting his native language as
establishment of another
founded. The newspaper well as defending his countrymen
association, the Asociacion
portrayed the nationalistic against their opponents in La
International de Filipinistas
ideologies of the Filipinos abroad Solidaridäd. He continuously
(International Association of
including Rizal. Aside from his revealed the oppressing practices
Filipinologists) and the founding of
regular contribution to the La of the Spaniards in his country
a Filipino College in Hong Kong,
Solidaridad he was also asked to most especially when he received
these, however, failed. Though
contribute articles in Trubner’s the news about the persecution of
both of which did not
Record, a journal devoted to Asian his family in Calamba because of
materialized, he proved still his
studies where he published two of the unreasonable rents collected
irresistible love to his race and to
his works -- Specimens of Tagalog by the friars, He also planned of
his Country’s immediate needs.
Folklore and Two Eastern Fables. establishing a school on top of a
His articles in La Solidaridad
became more critical than usual. hill in Calamba (Ocampo, 2008).
He became more radical and He wanted the Filipino youth to
France (1888, 1889, 1891) daring which really brought direct study here under his directorship.
effect to his opponents. The He wanted the Filipino youth to
As he continued annotating de
newspaper became his voice in enjoy the same privilege he had
Morga’s historical book in London
portraying the different situations experienced through education.
in 1888, Rizal went to visit Paris for
of his country beginning from the Despite his hectic schedule, he still
a week to look for more historical
poor governance of the Spaniards went through his ordinary routine
books about the Philippines in
to the possible future of the of practicing his medical
Bibliotheque National (National
Filipinos. In 1891, after all the profession and going to the
Library). It was in this same library
adversities he experienced in gymnasium and armory for
where he spent most of his time
Madrid, he went to Biarriü, a recreation. He also had a short
when he decided to stay in this
resort city, for vacation. There, he affair with Suzanne Jacoby Thill,
gay city of France. Moreover, it
stayed in the winter residence of the niece of the Jacoby sisters who
was also in this place where he
the Boustead family. Being free owned the boarding house where
published his annotation of de
now with the shadows of Leonor he stayed. In the middle of April
Morga’s Sucesos which he
Rivera, he courted Nellie and 1891, he went back to this place
dedicated to the Filipinos for them
asked her hands for marriage but and finally decided to retire from
to become knowledgeable of their
unfortunately, the proposal failed. the Propaganda Movement.
glorious past. During his leisure
Though frustrated in his marriage Simultaneously, he stopped
times, he frequented various
proposal, he was able to finish his writing articles for La Solidaridad
establishments where he
second novel, the El though many were asking him to
harnessed his gymnastic and
Filibusterismo, as a consolation. continue. Rizal moved from
fencing skills. Furthermore, he
Brussels to Ghent to look for a
spared some of his time visiting
publishing house for the printing
the house of his paisanos
of his second novel. He had the
(compatriots). During his stay in
same fate during the publication
this city, the Universal Exposition
of his first novel — he ran out of
(which was the unveiling of the
fund. He pawned his jewelries and
Eiffel Tower on May 6, 1889) was
the money he expected from his
friends did not arrive. However, an However, the group already
unexpected help coming from decided that there should be a
Valentin Ventura made the leader called Responsable. Rizal
printing of his second novel won the first two elections but did MODULE 8
possible. On September 18, 1891, not reach the required two-thirds
the El Filibusterismo came off the of votes. Hence, Mariano Ponce RIZAL AS A PROFESSIONAL
press. As a sign of gratitude and as appealed to their compatriots to
a symbol of friendship, he gave vote for Rizal. For the third time,
the original manuscript and an Rizal obtained the required two- Trivia:
autographed printed copy to thirds of votes, but he declined to Rizal won in a lottery with the
Ventura, the same act he did to take the position because of his winning number 9736 with the
Viola. Rizal dedicated his second ideology. In 1896, Rizal gave his amount of P2,600.00. He sent
novel to the three Filipino martyrs service to the Spanish government some to his parents and he used
— GOM-BUR-ZA, the symbol of to help the people in Cuba. some in acquiring lands in Talisay
oppressed Spanish governance in However, before his arrival in and cleared it to make it valuable
the Philippine Islands. Barcelona, he was held as a through the help of his students.
prisoner on board because of his More so, Joselito Dalman
possible connection to the Aseniero, one of his students,
Spain (1888, 1890 -1891, 1896) revolution lifted by the Katipunan. became the first governor of the
This marked his third and last trip Province of the Zamboanga in
While he was busy annotating de abroad.
Morga’s historical work, he visited 1925.
Madrid and Barcelona for any
possible news about political
reforms in the Philippines. During
his visit, he met Marcelo H. del While Rizal was in Hong Kong, he  I shall always be at the service
Pilar and Mariano Ponce, the twin thought of establishing a Filipino of my country and what my
towers of the Propaganda colony in a rich British-owned fellow countrymen
Movement. He went back to island, the North Borneo (now think I can do I shall do.
Madrid in 1890 to seek help for his Sabah, Malaysia). This plan was
family in the Philippines. He went associated in the present - Rizal’s Letter to Mariano Ponce,
on to call the Ministries of condition of farmers in Calamba London, October 12, 1888
Colonies and other former wherein they were dissociated
members of it, but he was from their farmlands. He went to
unsuccessful. Added to his visit Sandakan on March 7, 1892, REASON OF HIS ARREST
adversities were the letters to make a survey of the place and Rizal went home to the Philippines
Coming from his brother-in- law, negotiate with the British for the second time on June 26,
Silvestre Ubaldo, informing him authorities for possible 1892. He immediately went to
that his family in Calamba has settlement. The British North Malacañang Palace to look for the
received a copy of Ejectment Borneo Company was willing to Governor-General to ask pardon
Order. He also received a heart- offer, 100,000 acres of land for for his family and the possible
breaking letter from Leonör Rivera Filipino colonists. However, the agreement for the Borneo
telling him that he was about to settlement did not materialize settlement. He went on to visit his
marry Henry Kippings. Further, the because the governor-general of friends for possible support they
once ideal La Solidaridad shifted the Philippines at that time, could give from the various
plans and now wanted to change Eulogio Despujol, disapproved the reforms he aspired for his country.
its editorial policy which was plan. Hence, ten days after his arrival,
contrary to Rizal's political he convened them together with
ideology for it creates diversity his friends recruits in the house of
than unity among his compatriots. Doroteo Ongjungco. He dispensed
to them the objectives as well as to help improve the community
the constitution of his planned and allowed him all the liberties As a Linguist. Rizal knew different
association for Filipinos, the La except leaving the place. languages, namely, Tagalog,
Liga Filipina (The Philippine B. RIZAL AS A PROFESSIONAL Ilokano Spanish, Latin, Greek,
League). The Filipino patriots English, French, German, Arabic,
approved of its benefit to the Rizal was gifted with many talents Hebrew, Sanskrit, Catalan, Dutch,
country, and they were in unison and skills which were polished by Italian, Chinese, Japanese,
of its foundation. Herewith, they time. His giftedness was Portuguese, Swedish, and Russian.
elected their officers and had to experienced by the people of
live its motto: Unus Instrar Dapitan during his four years As an Engineer. He planned street
Omnium (One Like All). After three (1892-1896) confinement in this layouts. He provided the town
days of its foundation, Rizal was place. with water system. He also
accused of having brought with provided the town with lightning
him from Hong Kong leaflets As a Medical doctor. He rendered system.
entitled Pobres Frailes (Poor free medical services and provided
Friars), an article written against his patients with medicine and As an Inventor. Rizal’s travel from
the rich Dominican friars who had drugs. His reputation as a medical one place to another in Europe
violated their vow of poverty. doctor has become widely known had come to its fruition when he
Despite his ignorance, he was to different places. With this, he was able to witness the Skills Of
arrested and exiled in Fort was visited by wealthy patients the people. One of which was the
Santiago charging him of being an coming from other parts of the making of bricks in which he
incommunicado (ex- Philippines and even from far himself was motivated to invent a
communicated). On July 14, 1892, away Hong Kong. To shelter his wooden machine for making
he was sailed to Dapitan for his patients during their treatment bricks. He also introduced the
deportation without due trial. period, he constructed small hemp stripping machine to
Three days after, Rizal reached houses called casitas de salud to improve abaca industry so that
Dapitan, he was handed down to accommodate them. there would be an increase of
Captain Ricardo Carnicero, a production of the abaca planters.
military governor. There was an As a Farmer/Agriculturist. When
offer for him to stay in the parish Rizal won a lottery, he invested it As a Businessman. The Chinese
convent but first he had to abide in purchasing agricultural lands. merchants dominated the
with the following conditions: (a) He bought an abandoned farm in domestic trade in Dapitan. To
to retract from his religion, (b) to Talisay, a barrio near Dapitan with avoid the monopoly, he organized
perform Church rites and (c) to be an area of 16 hectares and was the Cooperative Association of
a man of religion in which he rather rocky. With the help of his Dapitan Farmers. The purpose of
totally disagreed. Hence, he chose pupils and some laborers, they which was to improve farm
to stay in the house of the cleared it and planted cacao, products, obtain better outlet for
commandant. In his stay, he coffee, coconuts, and other fruit them, collect funds for their
continuously practiced his bearing tress. Later, he bought purchase, and help the producers
profession and found time to more lands until his total land and workers by establishing a
study Malayan language and holdings reached 70 hectares store wherein they can buy prime
several Philippine dialects, which contained 6,000 abaca commodities at moderate prices
continued with his artistic pursuits plants, 1,000 coconut palms and (NHI, 2007). He also partnered
in sculpture, painting, sketching, fruit bearing trees. He also with Ramon Carreon, a Dapitan
and writing poetry. He won the introduced modern methods of merchant and they ventured into
respect and the admiration not agriculture which he had observed hemp and copra trade, lime
only of the townspeople but also during his travels such as use of industry and fishing business.
of the military governor, who gave fertilizers, the rotation of crops,
him a free reign with his ingenuity and the use of farm machines.
As a Teacher. Despite of RizaL’s As a Scientist. He collected October 3-6, 1896- he was shipped
unsuccessful plans of establishing numerous species of birds, insects, backed to Manila boarded with
a school in Hong Kong and in butterflies, shells, snakes, and the warship full of soldiers and
Calamba, he finally had it in plants which he sent to the officers
Dapitan. He had sixteen selected Anthropological and November 3, 1896- arrived in
boys who lived in his estate as Ethnographical Museum of Manila and he was transferred to
internos (interns) and charged no Dresden for identification. He had For Santiago In his Datos Para Mi
tuition fees. Instead, the boys a collection of conchology in the Defensa (Data for my Defense) he
helped him in his clinic and Philippines during the time. There responded to the following
worked in his farm. He taught were rare specimens of animals charges: rebellion, institution of La
them academic and vocational which earned him high praises Liga and masonry.
training to integrate their from European scientists who
education toward home and named them in his honor. They Regarding rebellion, he had the
community development. are the Draco rizali, a small lizard following claims:
Academically, he taught the boys popularly known as flying dragon;
the basic rudiments: reading, Apogania rizali, rare kind of beetle; 1. He advised Pio Valenzuela how
writing and arithmetic; languages Rhacophorous rizali, a peculiar absurd the movement (Katipunan)
(Spanish and English); geography frog species and Sphatolmes rizali, was, and he had always been
and good manners and right a fungus beetle. opposed to rebellion.
conduct. The lessons were
supplemented through fieldtrips in As an Artist. He made sketches of 2. He was offered help, but he
the mountains, caves, and persons and species of animals refused because if he really did
seashores. To balance it, he also collected; he helps the Sisters of something against anybody or
taught them boxing, gymnastics, Charity in painting and designing anything else, he had to prove his
swimming, wrestling and arnis. their chapel; and molded busts of innocence.
Practically, he made their learning people and statues. He wrote
functional through relating the poems about the ordinariness of 3. He could not serve as a leader
boys activities to the actual life in Dapitan, a love poem for for he was not consulted at all and
situations in Dapitan. He made Josephine and a manuscript if they made use of his name, it
them construct a dam serving as entitled Estudios Sobre la Lengua was used to do what they please.
water depository during dry Tagala (Studies on the Tagalog
seasons. More so, he taught the Language). He also has a long 4. He had no correspondence with
boys to earn their living from their debate through letter with his them (Katipunan) and if so then
labor and skill. mentor, Fr. Pablo Pastells about the letter would fall into the hands
religious views and opinions. More of the government.
As a Geographer. When his former so, Dr. Pio Valenzuela went to visit
teacher, Fr. Francisco de Paula him for consultation regarding With regards to the institution of
Sanchez visited the place, they their planned revolt against the La Liga, he defended that:
reconstructed the town plaza and Spaniards.
made a big relief map of 1. He wrote the statutes of the
Mindanao in front of the church. organization for unity, mutual
Rizal used it also as a motivating C. RIZAL’S FINITUDENESS protection, development of
tool in the teaching of geography education, defense against
to his pupils in which through its July 31,1896- Rizal left Dapitan violence and injustices, agriculture
aid, he discussed with the and commerce and
townspeople and visitors the September 2, 1896- the Katipunan implementation of reforms.
position of Dapitan and its relation headed by Andres Bonifacio
to the rest of Mindanao. attacked San Juan 2. He clarified what he meant on
the phrase to have liberties (to be
free) and to have independence Adios (My Last Farewell) hidden in thriving of national identity of the
(to be separated). a lamparilla (lamp or others Filipinos.
contest, an alcohol cooking stove).
3. He did not revive or reorganized As he marched going to his death A. RIZAL’S SOCIO-POLITICAL
it and whoever does he does not place, he described how beautiful PHILOSOPHY
know who and what changes they the day was and made some
had made. reminiscence of his school. When Rizal’s Critique on Socio- Political
they reach Bagumbayan, he made Conditions
4. He did not convoke the his last request, that is, to be shot  Remained to be medievalistic
members who met at the house of facing the firing squad but was
Mr. Ongjungco. denied. As the captain prepare his Rizal Socio-Political Reforms
men to fire, he shouted his last  Agricultural advancement
With regards to masonry, he had words, consummatum est (it is  Native’s right to govern
the following claims: finished) and tried to maneuver  Re-establish the freedom or
right as bullets penetrated his representation and freedom
1. He did not introduce Masonry in body portraying that he was never of the press
the Philippines. been a traitor to Mother Spain and  Material progress
to its colony, the Philippines.  Government must be a
2. He gave up writing and taking people’s government
part of La Solidaridad and
Masonry. MODULE 9
3. He founded associations in IDEAS PHILOSOPHY
which its common objectives were
to moralize the Filipinos and the Trivia: Rizal’s Critique on Education
political side was never under his We…fight so that there may be  Schools were church- related
direction. more justice and more liberty, and  There was no school building
for the sacred rights of man. We  Limited curriculum
4. He admitted that he wrote ask nothing for ourselves, we  Teachers had no prestige
Himno a Talisay (Hymn to Talisay) sacrifice everything for the  Education of the children was
where in the verse that they will common good, what more do we not encouraged
know how to protect their need to fear? - Rizal’s letter to
families, but he referred it to the M.H. del Pilar, Paris, June 22,1889 Rizal’s Educational Reforms
numerous incursions of the Moros  Promotion of primary
who went to Dapitan. Since his instruction
case was prejudged, the presiding RIZAL AND HIS PHILOSOPHICAL  Establishment of schools of
officer considered the trial over IDEOLOGIES arts and crafts
and after short deliberation of his Having been influenced by the  Update curriculum
case, the military court gave him philosophy of the Enlightenment
 Teachers must be trained
the verdict — death. Governor while in Europe, Rizal applied its
 Freedom of the mind
General Camilo G, de polavieja principles of liberalism,
approved the court’s decision. rationalism, and deism in his
Rizal was ordered to be shot in the writings. He used it to evaluate, to
 Division of School
morning of December 30, 1896, at criticize and to present needed
 Classroom and Laboratory
Bagumbayan (now Luneta). His reforms in the administration of
last days were spent with his the socio-political, educational,
 The Curriculum was Limited to
family and friends. He wrote and religious conditions of his
Rote Learning
letters as well as his last poem country. These were his means to
 Professors are Insulting
(originally untitled), Mi Ultimo reveal his true mission- the

6:00-6:15 Swedish gymnastics Rizal’s Critique on Religion

 Abusive, fanatic, and
6:15-6:30 Study period scandalous behavior of
8:00-10:00 Classes. On Sunday,  Friars contradict their religious
religious duties vows
 The friars interpreted the
10:00-10:30 Light buffet lunch decrees according to their
own free will and to their
10:30-11:00 Recreation, advantage
swimming, fencing, on  Lack of spiritual leadership
alternate or combined days  Religiosity of the people is to
their advantage
11:00-12:00 Study
Rizal’s Religious Reforms
12:00-12:45 Luncheon  Follow the teaching of Christ
 Faith must be accompanied by
12:45-1:45 Recreation, music, and reasons
drawing  Preachers and followers must
observe the doctrine
1:45-3:00 Study  The philosophy of Deism

3:00-5:00 Classes (on holidays

stroll till 6:15)

5:00-5:15 Tea

5:15-5:45 Gymnastics and sports

5:45-6:45 Recreation

6:45-8:00 Study

8:00-8:30 Dinner

8:30-9:30 Recreation in the parlor,

social intercourse, dancing,
and music

9:30-5:30 Sleep

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