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com Auditing Services, Methods & Tools

US Aura v6 RiskMates

June 2016
Index of Reference Materials Introduction - RiskMates (RMs)

2 Introduction and Index of Reference Materials Summary

3 Benefits This reference material contains the RiskMates (RMs) developed for use in
conjunction with the Aura v6 Risk Library. The Aura v6 Risk Library includes inherent
5 Business Combinations
risks (i.e., what could go wrong/likely sources of potential misstatements) which may
7 Capital & Equity occur in business processes common in a manufacturing client. There is one RM for
each business process, and each business process contains several sub-processes. The
8 Derivatives and Hedge Accounting RMs may be helpful to engagement teams as they complete the migration of their
LSPMs to Aura v6, as well as to assess completeness of risks identified by
10 Financing engagements.
11 Intangible Assets & Goodwill
Purpose of the RiskMates
13 Payroll
While the RM are consistent with the related information included in the Library Risk
14 Period-end Financial Reporting Extract Report available on Spark, engagement teams may find the pdf format helpful
when migrating to the risks within the new Aura v6 Risk Library. The sector specific
16 Production & Inventory risks that are included in the Aura v6 sector libraries may be accessed through Aura v6
or the Library Risk Extract report.
17 Property, Plant & Equipment
The library risks included in the RMs do not reflect a complete listing of all risks that
19 Purchasing & Payables
may be appropriate on an engagement. Engagement teams may find that it is
20 Revenue & Receivables appropriate to use the library risks, tailor library risks, aggregate or disaggregate risks
or add custom risks based on their engagement specific circumstances.
22 Self-Insured Liabilities
As previously discussed in Aura v6 webcasts and training courses, engagement teams
23 Share-based Compensation Awards have invested considerable time and effort in recent years improving the specificity of
the risks in their LSPM templates, particularly risk associated with estimates. It is
25 Taxes
important that specific risks included in the existing LSPM Templates are
27 Treasury - Cash & Investments appropriately transitioned to Aura v6. This transition requires judgment and should
be discussed with more senior engagement team members.
30 Information Technology General Controls
Each RM has specific risks for each sub-process within a business process and
process-wide risks that do not necessarily relate to a specific sub-process. These
process-wide risks include segregation of duties, system interfaces, changes to master
file data, etc.

The Risk Mates typically contain 6 standard risks for estimates. These standard risks
include one combined risk and five disaggregated risks. The combined risk is intended
to be used for less complex estimates. For significant, more complex estimates,
engagement teams may select the disaggregated risks, and tailor them for their
engagement specific facts and circumstances. Estimates risks within the Risk Mates
are indicated by an asterisk “*”. Refer to PwC Audit 5161.01 and 5161.02 for further
guidance on auditing estimates.

Aura v6
Benefits RiskMate (1 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

BEN100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BEN102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BEN103. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data - Benefits recorded in the general ledger and/or the systems are incomplete or inaccurate - Benefits
accounts may not be correctly mapped BEN104. Duties are not appropriately segregated –
Process-wide BEN101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Process-wide
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V between the sub-ledger and the general Benefits
the general ledger or sub-ledger -
considerations Benefits
ledger - Benefits
BEN105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with considerations
the applicable financial reporting framework, or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
are not consistently or appropriately applied -

Pension & OPEB


Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

BEN200. Key benefits data for participants is not BEN217. Actuarial gains and losses (immediate BEN233. Informal arrangements on postemployment
completely or accurately input in benefits recognition) on pension liabilities are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V benefits exist but are not accurate, complete C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
standing data (e.g., dates of birth and accounted for, presented or disclosed and appropriately valued
employment with entity, or leaving the entity,
BEN218. Other post employment benefits (including BEN234. Benefit payments to members do not exist, are
contribution amounts and percentages, entitled C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
medical and dental benefits) are not identified, recorded in duplicate, are not complete or
amounts or benefit terms)
and are not accurately and completely recorded accurate, or are not recorded in the correct
BEN201. Accounting model for plan is not appropriate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BEN219. *Model, input data and assumptions used to
(e.g., defined benefit, defined contribution)
estimate other post employment benefits C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BEN202. Modifications, settlements, curtailments and (including medical and dental benefits) are not
new benefits plans are not identified timely and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V reasonable
accounted for appropriately
BEN220. *Model used to estimate other post employment
BEN203. Modifications, settlements, curtailments and benefits (including medical and dental benefits) C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
new benefits plans are not accurately and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V is not appropriate
completely recorded in standing data (e.g.,
BEN221. *Input data used to estimate other post
participant data and benefit terms)
employment benefits (including medical and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BEN204. New benefit plans, modifications, settlements, dental benefits) is not complete and accurate
curtailments and termination benefits are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BEN222. *Assumptions used to estimate other post
appropriately authorized C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
employment benefits (including medical and
BEN205. Defined contribution plan - Employer and/or dental benefits) are not reasonable
employee contributions to the plan are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BEN223. *GAAP applied to estimate other post
authorized, or have not been accurately,
employment benefits (including medical and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
completely and timely recorded
dental benefits) is not appropriate
BEN206. Employer and/or employee contributions to the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BEN224. *Calculations supporting the other post
plan have not been accurately calculated
employment benefits (including medical and
BEN207. Pension & OPEB - Plan contributions, dental benefits) valuation are not
amendments, settlements and curtailments are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V mathematically accurate
not authorized, accurately and completely
BEN225. Termination benefits (including one-time/once-
recorded, recorded in the correct period or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
off termination benefits) are not authorized, did
supported by documentation
not occur, or were not identified and/or
BEN208. Pension & OPEB - Prior service costs and/or completely recorded
projected benefit obligation are not accurately
BEN226. *Model, input data and assumptions used to
and completely recorded and presented
estimate termination benefits (including one- C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BEN209. *Pension & OPEB - Model, input data and time/once-off termination benefits) are not
assumptions used in actuarial valuations are not reasonable
BEN227. *Model used to estimate termination benefits C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BEN210. *Pension & OPEB - Model used in actuarial (including one-time/once-off termination
valuations is not appropriate benefits) is not appropriate
BEN211. *Pension & OPEB - Participant data submitted BEN228. *Input data used to estimate termination
to actuaries is not complete and accurate benefits (including one-time/once-off termination
benefits) is not complete and accurate
BEN212. *Pension & OPEB - Assumptions used in
actuarial valuations are not reasonable BEN229. *Assumptions used to estimate termination
benefits (including one-time/once-off termination C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BEN213. *Pension & OPEB - Actuarial calculations
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V benefits) are not reasonable
supporting the defined benefit valuation are not
mathematically accurate BEN230. *GAAP applied to estimate termination benefits
(including one-time/once-off termination C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BEN214. *Pension & OPEB - GAAP applied to determine
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V benefits) is not appropriate
the value of defined benefit valuation is not
appropriate BEN231. *Calculations supporting the termination
benefits (including one-time/once-off termination C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BEN215. Pension & OPEB - Actuarial gains and losses
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V benefits) valuation are not mathematically
on pension liabilities are not accurately
recorded in the general ledger
BEN232. Entity participation in multiemployer plan might C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BEN216. Actuarial gains and losses (immediate
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V not be appropriately accounted for and
recognition) on pension assets are not
appropriately accounted for, presented or

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 3 of 30
Aura v6
Benefits RiskMate (2 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

BEN100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BEN102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BEN103. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data - Benefits recorded in the general ledger and/or the systems are incomplete or inaccurate - Benefits
accounts may not be correctly mapped BEN104. Duties are not appropriately segregated –
Process-wide BEN101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Process-wide
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V between the sub-ledger and the general Benefits
the general ledger or sub-ledger -
considerations Benefits
ledger - Benefits
BEN105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with considerations
the applicable financial reporting framework, or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
are not consistently or appropriately applied -

Adjustments &
Pension assets
period-end close -

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

BEN300. Fictitious pension asset investments are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BEN400. Adjustments posted are not authorized,
recognized complete, accurate, recorded in the correct C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
period, supported with documentation, or are
BEN301. Entity did not appropriately separate between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
recorded in duplicate - Benefits
pension plan and entity assets
BEN401. Employee benefit transactions and balances are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BEN302. Pension plan investments are not appropriately
not appropriately classified, presented or
BEN303. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BEN402. Pension plan assets are not appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
estimate the value of pension plan assets are
disclosed (e.g., levelling of investments)
not reasonable
BEN403. Allocation of benefit expense to FSLIs is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BEN304. *Model used to estimate the valuation of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V appropriate
pension plan assets is not appropriate
BEN404. Employee benefit expenses and obligations C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BEN305. *Input data used to estimate the value of
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V incurred in foreign currency are not translated at
pension plan assets is not complete and
the correct exchange rate
BEN306. *Assumptions used to estimate the value of
pension plan assets are not reasonable
BEN307. *GAAP applied to estimate the value of pension
plan assets is not appropriate
BEN308. *Calculations supporting the pension asset
valuation are not mathematically accurate
BEN309. Pension plan assets valuations are not
completely and accurately recorded
BEN310. Pension asset valuations provided by custodian
are not complete and accurate
BEN311. Pension asset valuations provided by fund
managers are not complete and accurate
BEN312. The Net Asset Value (NAV) reported by
investment managers is not accurate
BEN313. Actuarial gains and losses on pension assets
are not appropriately accounted for, presented
or disclosed
BEN314. Investment income earned on pension plan
assets is not complete, accurate, recorded in
the correct period or did not occur
BEN315. Controls at the pension asset custodian are not
designed and/or operating effectively

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 4 of 30
Aura v6
Business Combinations RiskMate (1 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

BUS100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data - Business recorded in the general ledger and/or the applicable financial reporting framework, or are not
Combinations accounts may not be correctly mapped consistently or appropriately applied - Business
Process-wide between the sub-ledger and the general Combinations Process-wide
BUS101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
considerations the general ledger or sub-ledger -
ledger - Business Combinations considerations
Business Combinations
BUS103. Duties are not appropriately segregated - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
Business Combinations

Business Combination

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)
BUS201. Transactions are not appropriately authorized C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS211. Acquisition-related costs are not complete, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS401. Property, plant and equipment acquired C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BUS222. *Input data used to estimate the fair value C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
recorded in the correct period, did not occur, or do not exist of assets acquired and liabilities assumed
BUS202. Entity personnel do not have sufficient is not complete and accurate
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V are inappropriately capitalized or expensed
knowledge or experience to properly evaluate BUS402. Liabilities, including contingent liabilities, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
and account for business combinations BUS286. Identifiable finite and indefinite-lived intangible C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V assumed do not exist BUS249. *Input data used to estimate the fair value C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
assets (including goodwill) arising on acquisition of tangible assets acquired is not
BUS277. Experts used in the accounting for business C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS217. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V complete and accurate
are not completely and accurately recorded
combinations are not sufficiently competent or assumed are not appropriately measured
objective BUS287. Working capital accounts arising on acquisition C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V and recognized at something other than BUS250. *Input data used to estimate the fair value C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
are not completely and accurately recorded fair value (e.g., income taxes, employee of intangible assets acquired is not
BUS278. Differences in the financial reporting framework C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V complete and accurate
benefit plans)
between the acquirer and acquiree are not BUS288. Inventories arising on acquisition are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
identified and/or appropriately considered completely and accurately recorded BUS403. The determination of whether the BUS251. *Input data used to estimate the fair value C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
business combination transaction is of liabilities assumed is not complete and
BUS279. The acquisition date has not been appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS289. Property, plant and equipment arising on C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V accurate
taxable or non-taxable is not appropriately
determined acquisition are not completely and accurately
determined BUS223. *Assumptions used to estimate fair values
recorded C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BUS280. The accounting acquirer has not been C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V of assets acquired and liabilities assumed
BUS404. The determination of the tax status (e.g., C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
appropriately identified BUS290. Other tangible assets arising on acquisition are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V are not reasonable
corporation, LLC, partnership) of the
not completely and accurately recorded
BUS281. Pre-existing relationships have not been C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V acquired enterprise(s) is not accurate or BUS252. *Probability assumption of meeting
appropriately identified and accounted for BUS291. Liabilities, including contingent liabilities, arising not performed C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V performance target(s) used to estimate
on acquisition are not completely and accurately the fair value of contingent consideration
BUS282. Assets acquired, including intangible assets, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS405. Book to tax temporary differences are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
recorded is not reasonable
and liabilities assumed are not properly identified, appropriately measured and
recorded using the applicable functional BUS292. Projects not yet under development and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V recognized BUS253. *Assumptions used to estimate fair values
currency of the entity to which those assets and projects already completed are inappropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BUS406. Tax rates used to calculate deferred taxes of identifiable finite and indefinite-lived
liabilities are assigned included in IPR&D recognized C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
are not reasonable intangible assets acquired are not
BUS283. Goodwill created by acquiring a foreign C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS293. Defensive intangible assets (i.e., assets with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V reasonable
BUS407. The assessment of the tax impact of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
operation is not properly measured in terms of value the acquirer does not intend to use) are BUS254. *Discount rate assumption used to
contingent consideration or transaction C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
the foreign entity’s functional currency based on not appropriately recognized estimate the fair value of contingent
costs has not been properly performed
the exchange rate at the date of acquisition consideration is not reasonable
BUS294. Contracts, including leases, sales contracts, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BUS408. Uncertain tax positions and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BUS203. Determination of purchase consideration C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V and supply contracts, are not appropriately BUS255. *Assumptions used to estimate fair values
indemnifications are not identified, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
(including consideration transferred, non- evaluated for favorable or unfavorable terms of working capital balances acquired are
appropriately measured and recognized
controlling interests and previously-held compared to current market transactions not reasonable
interests) is not complete and accurate, or does BUS409. Deferred taxes related goodwill/bargain C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BUS295. Modifications to the provisions of lease C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS256. *Assumptions used to estimate fair values
not reflect foreign currency impacts purchases are not identified, appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
agreements are not appropriately evaluated in of inventories acquired are not
measured and recognized
BUS204. Purchase price allocation schedules are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V determining the impact on lease classification reasonable
mathematically accurate BUS218. Determination of useful lives and pattern C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BUS296. Intangible assets and liabilities meeting the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS257. *Assumptions used to estimate fair values
of depreciation/amortization of acquired C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BUS284. Exchange or settlement of share-based awards C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V criteria for separate identification from goodwill of property, plant and equipment acquired
assets, including indefinite-lived, is not
in a business combination are not appropriately (e.g., reacquired rights, defensive intangible are not reasonable
authorized or allocated to the pre- and post- assets, contracts with favorable or unfavorable
business combination periods terms) are not completely and accurate BUS303. Guarantees of the acquiree are not BUS258. *Assumptions used to estimate fair values C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
recognized identified, or completely and accurately of liabilities assumed, including contingent
BUS206. Bargain purchase gains are recorded before C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V liabilities, are not reasonable
accounted for
appropriate reassessment of the fair value of BUS297. Indemnification assets and are not recognized C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
acquired assets and assumed liabilities at the same time the indemnified items are BUS219. Assets or liabilities do not reflect an BUS259. *Base year financial information (i.e., C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
recognized and measured on the same basis as appropriate valuation premise (e.g., historical financial information) used to
BUS207. Allocation of goodwill to reporting units is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V estimate the fair values for assets
the indemnified item market participant)
appropriate acquired and liabilities assumed is not
BUS214. Tangible and intangible assets (including C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS221. *Model used to estimate fair values of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V accurate
BUS208. Transactions are not appropriately identified, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V goodwill) and liabilities arising on acquisition of assets acquired and liabilities assumed is
accounted for and recorded as a business BUS260. *Assumptions used to estimate revenue
subsidiaries are not completely and accurately not appropriate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
combination (as opposed to an asset growth rate or revenue amounts used to
acquisition) BUS246. *Model used to estimate fair values of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V estimate the fair values of assets
BUS215. Pushdown accounting is not done appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V tangible assets acquired is not
BUS209. Transactions to be accounted for separate from C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V acquired and liabilities assumed are not
appropriate reasonable
the business combination are not completely or BUS298. Identifiable finite and indefinite-lived intangible C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accurately identified assets acquired do not exist BUS247. *Model used to estimate fair values of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS261. *Assumptions used to estimate gross
intangible assets acquired is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BUS285. Allocation of intangible and tangible assets to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS299. Working capital balances acquired do not exist C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V margin growth rate or gross margin
appropriate amounts used to estimate the fair values
asset groups is not appropriate
BUS400. Inventories acquired do not exist C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS248. *Model used to estimate fair values of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V of assets acquired and liabilities assumed
liabilities assumed is not appropriate are not reasonable

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 5 of 30
Aura v6
Business Combinations RiskMate (2 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

BUS100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data - Business recorded in the general ledger and/or the applicable financial reporting framework, or are not
Combinations accounts may not be correctly mapped consistently or appropriately applied - Business
Process-wide between the sub-ledger and the general Combinations Process-wide
BUS101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
considerations the general ledger or sub-ledger -
ledger - Business Combinations considerations
Business Combinations
BUS103. Duties are not appropriately segregated - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
Business Combinations

Business Combination Adjustments & period-end close -

Accounting Business Combinations

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

BUS262. *Assumptions used to estimate operating expense BUS224. *GAAP applied to estimate the fair value of assets acquired and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS300. Adjustments posted subsequent to closing the general ledger (e.g., C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
growth rate or operating expense amounts used to liabilities assumed is not appropriate top-side or late adjustments) are not authorized, complete, accurate
estimate the fair values of assets acquired and liabilities C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V and supported with documentation - Business Combinations
BUS225. *Calculations supporting fair values for assets acquired and
assumed are not reasonable liabilities assumed are not mathematically accurate BUS301. Contingencies and commitments of the acquiree are not identified, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BUS263. *Assumptions used to estimate capital expenditures C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V or completely and accurately accounted for
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS226. Measurement period adjustments are not complete and accurate
growth rate or capital expenditure amounts used to BUS302. Financial statement classification, presentation and disclosures
BUS276. Errors, new events/circumstances, or information received after the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
estimate the fair values of assets acquired and liabilities C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V related to business combinations, non-controlling interests and
assumed are not reasonable measurement period are inappropriately treated as measurement
changes in ownership interests of parent in subsidiaries are not
period adjustments
BUS264. *Assumptions used to estimate depreciation expense complete or accurate
growth rate or depreciation expense amounts used for BUS227. Expenses, including compensation expenses, are not appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BUS303. Guarantees of the acquiree are not identified, or completely and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
proper add back to estimate the fair values of assets authorized or allocated to the pre- and post business combination
accurately accounted for
acquired and liabilities assumed are not reasonable periods

BUS265. *Contributory asset charges used to estimate the fair C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BUS228. All contingent considerations are not identified and appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
values for intangible assets acquired are not reasonable accounted for

BUS266. *Tax rates used to estimate the fair values for assets BUS232. *Model used to estimate the fair value of contingent assets or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
acquired or liabilities assumed are not reasonable liabilities is not appropriate

BUS267. *Discount rate assumption (including peer companies BUS233. *Input data used to estimate the fair value of contingent assets or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
used) used to estimate the fair values for assets liabilities is not complete and accurate
acquired is not reasonable or does not reconcile to the BUS236. *Assumptions used to estimate the fair value of contingent assets C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
entity's WACC or liabilities are not reasonable
BUS268. *Terminal growth rate used to estimate the fair values for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS237. *GAAP applied to estimate the fair value of contingent assets or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
assets acquired is not reasonable liabilities is not appropriate
BUS269. *Obsolescence factor used to estimate the fair value of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS240. *Calculations supporting the fair value of contingent assets or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
developed technology acquired is not reasonable liabilities are not mathematically accurate
BUS270. *Royalty rate assumption used to estimate the fair C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V BUS241. Non-controlling interests in the profit or loss and net assets of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
values for intangible assets acquired is not reasonable subsidiaries are not identified and are not accurately presented in
BUS271. *Tax amortization benefit assumptions used to estimate the consolidated financial statements in accordance with GAAP
the fair value of intangible assets acquired (e.g. BUS242. Non-controlling interests are not properly classified as liabilities, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
trademarks, customer relationships, etc.) are not temporary equity or permanent equity
BUS243. Changes in ownership interests (e.g., non-controlling to controlling) C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
BUS272. *Division of revenue between branded and unbranded C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V are not identified or accounted for appropriately
products used to estimate the fair values for intangible
assets acquired (e.g. trademarks, etc.) is not reasonable BUS244. Tax considerations, including for impact on existing NOL C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
or is based on data that is not reliable carryforwards, are not appropriately addressed

BUS273. *Allocation of revenue between customer groups used to BUS245. Cash flow presentation of the business combination, including non- C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V cash investing and financing transactions, is not appropriate
estimate the fair values for intangible assets acquired
(e.g. trademarks, customer relationships, etc.) are not
reasonable, is not appropriate, or is based on data that
is not reliable
BUS274. *Attrition rate assumption used to estimate the fair value C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
of customer relationship intangibles acquired is not
reasonable or is based on data that is not reliable
BUS275. *Assumptions used to estimate the fair values of leases C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
and leasehold improvements acquired are not

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 6 of 30
Aura v6
Capital & Equity RiskMate – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

EQ100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V EQ102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not EQ104. Duties are not appropriately segregated -
master file data - Capital & Equity recorded in the general ledger and/or the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
Capital & equity
accounts may not be correctly mapped
Process-wide EQ101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to EQ119. Accounting policies are not in accordance with Process-wide
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V between the sub-ledger and the general
the general ledger or sub-ledger - the applicable financial reporting framework, or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
considerations Capital & Equity
ledger - Capital & Equity are not consistently or appropriately applied - considerations
Capital & Equity
EQ103. Transaction records transferred between
systems are incomplete or inaccurate -
Capital and Equity

Equity transactions Adjustments & period-end close -

Capital & Equity

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

EQ200. Share issuances are not authorized, do not EQ218. Financial instrument transactions and balances EQ300. Adjustments posted are not authorized,
exist, are not complete or accurate, recorded in impacting Share capital and other equity complete, accurate, recorded in the correct
the correct period, or are recorded in duplicate accounts are not complete, accurate or period, supported with documentation, or are
appropriately recorded and disclosed recorded in duplicate - Capital & Equity
EQ201. Cumulative translation adjustments are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accurately recorded, not presented properly EQ219. Share-based payments transactions and EQ301. Basic and diluted earnings per share are not
within equity, or disclosed properly within the balances impacting Share capital and other accurately calculated or disclosed
financial statements equity accounts are not complete, accurate or EQ302. Capital and equity transactions (e.g., issuances, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
appropriately recorded and disclosed treasury stock, etc.) and other equity balances
EQ202. Shares issued are not appropriately classified C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
between equity and/or liabilities (e.g., common EQ221. Tax implications of equity transactions (eg. C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V are not appropriately classified, presented or
shares, preference shares, convertible CTA, windfall tax benefits, pension changes) disclosed
preference shares, etc.) are not complete, accurate or appropriately EQ303. ESOP transactions, preferred stock, warrants,
recorded C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
EQ203. Preferred stock transactions are not properly and other equity instruments impacting earnings
measured, accounted for, recorded, classified per share are not complete, accurate or
or disclosed appropriately recorded and disclosed
EQ204. Share-based awards are not authorized, do not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V EQ304. ESOP transactions, preferred stock, warrants, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
exist, are not complete or are not accounted for and other equity instruments impacting share
accurately or recorded in the correct period capital and other equity accounts are not
complete, accurate or appropriately recorded
EQ205. Impact of tax windfall associated with share- and disclosed
based awards is not appropriately reflected on
the statement of cash flows
EQ206. Allocation of Share-based compensation C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
expense to FSLIs is not appropriate
EQ208. Corporate actions (e.g., stock splits and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
dividends) are not accurately recorded in the
proper period
EQ209. Securities issued in transactions are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accurately valued
EQ210. Share issuance costs are not authorized, or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accurately measured or classified
EQ211. Beneficial conversion features are not identified, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
valued or accounted for accurately
EQ212. Dividend transactions and balances are not
authorized, complete, accurate or recorded in
correct period
EQ213. Shareholder notes or other receivables (e.g.,
loans to parent company) are not complete or
appropriately accounted for
EQ214. Share repurchases and treasury stock sales or
retirements are not authorized, do not exist, are
not complete and accurate or are not recorded
in the correct period
EQ215. Repurchase and other features within share-
based awards have not been appropriately
evaluated for the impact on classification
between equity and liability
EQ216. Financing transactions and balances impacting
Share capital and other equity accounts are not
complete, accurate or appropriately recorded
and disclosed
EQ217. Benefits transactions and balances impacting
other equity accounts are not complete,
accurate or appropriately recorded and

PwC RiskMates 7 of 30
Aura v6
Derivatives RiskMate (1 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

DRV100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V DRV102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not DRV104. Transaction records transferred between
master file data - Derivatives and recorded in the general ledger and/or the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
systems are incomplete or inaccurate -
hedge accounting accounts may not be correctly mapped Derivatives and hedge accounting
Process-wide C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V between the sub-ledger and the general Process-wide
DRV101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to DRV105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
considerations the general ledger or sub-ledger -
ledger - Derivatives and hedge accounting the applicable financial reporting framework, or considerations
Derivatives and hedge accounting are not consistently or appropriately applied -
DRV103. Duties are not appropriately segregated -
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Derivatives & Hedge Accounting
Derivatives and hedge accounting

transactions Hedge accounting

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

DRV200. Derivative transactions and terms are not DRV300. Hedge accounting is applied even though the
authorized, or completely and accurately hedge accounting requirements (e.g., initial
recorded or recorded in the correct period effectiveness test being documented) are not
DRV201. Contractual terms of debt/equity issuance,
investment purchases, sales contract, etc. are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V DRV301. Use of the short cut method to apply hedge
not appropriately captured and summarized for accounting is not appropriate
further accounting analysis
DRV302. Hedging designation is not conducted at the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
DRV202. Entity personnel do not have the experience to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V inception of the contract
evaluate complex transactions for embedded
DRV303. Hedge effectiveness tests (prospective and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
derivative accounting
retrospective) are not performed accurately or
DRV203. Fictitious derivative transactions are recorded C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V timely
DRV204. A fictitious counterparty may be created and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V DRV304. Results of the hedge effectiveness tests are not
transacted with appropriately determined, and resulting C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
transactions are not complete, accurate or
DRV205. Embedded derivatives within host contracts are
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V recorded in the correct period
not appropriately identified for derivative
analysis at contract inception or on contract DRV305. *Model, input data and assumptions used to
modification estimate the fair value of the hedged item are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
not reasonable
DRV206. Embedded features are inappropriately
considered clearly and closely related to the DRV306. *Model used to estimate the fair value of the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
host contract, or inappropriately considered out hedged item is not appropriate
of scope
DRV307. *Input data used to estimate the fair value of the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
DRV207. Contracts to buy or sell non-financial items C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V hedged item is not complete and accurate
intended for use within the business (where the
DRV308. *Assumptions used to estimate the fair value of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
normal purchase/sale exception was elected)
the hedged item are not reasonable
are not appropriately accounted for
DRV309. *GAAP applied to estimate the fair value of the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
DRV208. Derivative transactions are not completely, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
hedged item is not appropriate
accurately or timely derecognized upon transfer,
settlement or expiration DRV310. *Calculations supporting the estimate of fair
value of hedged item are not mathematically
DRV209. Amounts related to derivatives transactions
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V accurate
recognized in equity are not reclassified
completely, accurately or timely to the DRV311. Discontinuation of hedge accounting is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
statement of operations appropriately accounted for
DRV210. Required documentation for derivative contracts DRV312. Hedge transactions are not appropriately
accounted for under the normal exception does categorized (i.e., fair value, cash flow, foreign
not exist currency)
DRV211. New derivatives that are not eligible for normal C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
exception receive normal accounting treatment
DRV212. Derivatives accounted for under the normal
exception are not physically delivered per the
terms of the originally executed contract

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 8 of 30
Aura v6
Derivatives RiskMate (2 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

DRV100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V DRV102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not DRV104. Transaction records transferred between
master file data - Derivatives and recorded in the general ledger and/or the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
systems are incomplete or inaccurate -
hedge accounting accounts may not be correctly mapped Derivatives and hedge accounting
Process-wide C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V between the sub-ledger and the general Process-wide
DRV101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to DRV105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
considerations the general ledger or sub-ledger -
ledger - Derivatives and hedge accounting the applicable financial reporting framework, or considerations
Derivatives and hedge accounting are not consistently or appropriately applied -
DRV103. Duties are not appropriately segregated -
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Derivatives & Hedge Accounting
Derivatives and hedge accounting

Valuation - Derivatives & Adjustments & period-end close -

Hedge Accounting Derivatives & Hedge Accounting

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

DRV400. Initial valuation or valuation adjustments are not DRV415. *Assumptions used to estimate subsequent DRV500. Adjustments posted are not authorized,
authorized, completely or accurately recorded, (e.g., period end) valuation of derivatives or complete, accurate, recorded in the correct
recorded in the correct period, supported with embedded derivatives are not reasonable period, supported with documentation, or are
documentation, or are recorded in duplicate recorded in duplicate - Derivatives and hedge
DRV416. *GAAP applied to estimate the subsequent C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V accounting
DRV401. All contracts that generate inception value are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
(e.g., period end) valuation of derivatives or
not identified and the inception value is not embedded derivatives is not appropriate DRV501. Presentation, classification and disclosure of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
recorded or recorded accurately (including hedges is not appropriate
DRV417. *Calculations supporting subsequent (e.g., C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
necessary reserves on the inception value) DRV502. Hedge transactions are not appropriately
period end) valuation of derivatives or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
DRV402. Hedges accounted for using Critical Terms C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V embedded derivatives are not mathematically reflected in the statement of cash flows
Match (ASC 815-20-25-84) fail to meet the accurate DRV503. Derivatives transactions and balances are not
requirements at inception or as a result of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
DRV418. Third party pricing sources or prices obtained appropriately classified, presented or disclosed
subsequent changes C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
from third-party pricing sources are not reliable, (e.g., netting or offset, levelling disclosures,
DRV403. Collateral accounts posted by the entity C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V reasonable or comparable with other third-party qualitative disclosures or letters of credit, etc.)
counterparty are not effectively controlled or sources DRV504. ISDA and master netting arrangements are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
collateral does not exist adequately evaluated and summarized for
DRV419. Valuation techniques used by third-party pricing C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
DRV404. Collateral posted by the entity is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V sources are not appropriate purposes of determining right of offset
appropriately presented or disclosed DRV508. Definitions applied by management in C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
DRV420. The Company's historical prices of trades are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
DRV405. *Model, input data and assumptions used to not accurate, which could result in inaccurate determining the classification (Level 1, 2, 3) are
estimate the initial valuation of derivatives are historical spread relationships between prices at not in accordance with ASC 820 - Derivatives
not reasonable different delivery locations being considered in DRV509. Transfers in and transfers out of Level 3 are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
fair value measurements inaccurate or incomplete
DRV406. *Model used to estimate the initial valuation of
derivatives or embedded derivatives is not DRV421. Counterparty specific credit adjustments (e.g., C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
appropriate credit risk, performance risk, etc.) are not
appropriately accounted for
DRV407. *Input data used to estimate the initial valuation C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
of derivatives or embedded derivatives is not DRV422. Funding valuation adjustments are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
complete and accurate appropriately accounted for
DRV408. *Assumptions used to estimate the initial C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V DRV423. Market changes are not monitored resulting in C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
valuation of derivatives or embedded contracts being accounted for as derivatives
derivatives are not reasonable that fail to meet the definition of a derivative
DRV409. *GAAP applied to estimate the initial valuation C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
of derivatives or embedded derivatives is not
DRV410. *Calculations supporting initial valuation of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
derivatives or embedded derivatives are not
mathematically accurate
DRV411. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
estimate subsequent (e.g., period end)
valuation of derivatives or embedded
derivatives are not complete, accurate and
DRV412. *Model used to estimate subsequent (e.g., C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
period end) valuation of derivatives or
embedded derivatives is not appropriate
DRV413. *Input data (including observable and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
unobservable inputs) used to estimate period
end valuation of derivatives or embedded
derivatives is not complete and accurate
DRV414. *Observable and unobservable inputs (including C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
level 1, level 2, level 3 inputs) and adjustments
for measurement uncertainties used in
determination of fair value of investments in
debt and equity are not accurate, consistent and

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 9 of 30
Aura v6
Financing RiskMate – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

FIN100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V FIN102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not FIN104. Duties are not appropriately segregated –
master file data (e.g., interest rates, recorded in the general ledger and/or the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
other items) - Financing accounts may not be correctly mapped
Process-wide C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V between the sub-ledger and the general
FIN110. Accounting policies are not in accordance with Process-wide
FIN101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to the applicable financial reporting framework, or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
considerations the general ledger or sub-ledger -
ledger - Financing are not consistently or appropriately applied - considerations
Financing Financing
FIN103. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
systems are incomplete or inaccurate -

Debt management Adjustments & period-end

close - Financing

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

FIN200. All debt agreements, including lease FIN215. *Model, input data and assumptions used to FIN300. Adjustments posted are not authorized, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
agreements, and related transactions are not estimate fair value of debt and complex complete, accurate, recorded in the correct
authorized, do not exist, are not identified or are instruments are not reasonable period, supported with documentation, or are
not accounted for accurately or timely recorded in duplicate – Financing
FIN216. *Model used to estimate fair value of debt and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
FIN201. Terms and conditions of debt and other complex instruments is not appropriate FIN301. Debt transactions, balances and related C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
financing agreements are not identified, collateral are not appropriately classified,
FIN217. *Assumptions used to estimate fair value of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V presented or disclosed (including disclosure of
analyzed, or accurately accounted for at
debt and complex instruments are not fair value)
FIN202. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V FIN302. Lease transactions and balances are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V FIN218. *Input data used to estimate the fair value of
estimate fair value of notes payable and long- appropriately classified, presented or disclosed
debt and complex instruments is not complete
term debt contracted at non-market rates at FIN303. Debt is inappropriately classified as short-term/
and accurate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
initial recognition are not reasonable C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V long-term (e.g.. based on current payments,
FIN219. *GAAP applied to estimate the fair value of debt intent to refinance, revolving credit facilities,
FIN203. *Model used to estimate fair value of notes C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V and complex instruments is not appropriate covenant violations)
payable and long-term debt contracted at non-
market rates at initial recognition is not FIN220. *Calculations supporting the estimate of fair FIN304. Collateral posted by the entity is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
appropriate value of debt and complex instruments are not appropriately identified, presented or disclosed
FIN204. *Assumptions used to estimate fair value of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V FIN305. Cash flows associated with debt restructurings
notes payable and long-term debt contracted at FIN221. Leases are incorrectly classified, are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
(e.g., gain or loss on repayments, deferred
non-market rates at initial recognition are not complete or are not accounted for accurately or charges) are incorrectly classified in the
reasonable timely statement of cash flows
FIN205. *Input data used in the determine fair value of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V FIN222. Debt and lease transactions are not
notes payable and long-term debt contracted at appropriately authorized
non-market rates at initial recognition is not
FIN223. Allocations of interest expense to other FSLIs
complete and accurate
(e.g., capitalized interest to PP&E, Investment
FIN206. *GAAP applied to estimate the fair value of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Properties) are not correctly recorded
notes payable and long-term debt contracted at
FIN224. Collateral accounts posted by the entity
non-market rates at initial recognition is not
counterparty are not effectively controlled, or
collateral does not exist
FIN207. *Calculations supporting the estimate of fair C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
FIN225. Benefits transactions and balances impacting
value of notes payable and long-term debt
financing accounts are not complete, accurate
contracted at non-market rates at initial
or appropriately recorded and disclosed
recognition are not accurate
FIN226. Capital & Equity transactions and balances
FIN208. Interest expense (including amortization of
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V impacting Financing accounts are not complete,
discounts, premiums, issuance costs, etc.) is
accurate or appropriately recorded and
not complete, accurate, recorded in the correct
period or did not occur
FIN209. Discounts and premiums are not complete, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accurate, recorded in the correct period or did
not occur
FIN210. Issuance costs are not complete, accurate,
recorded in the correct period or did not occur
FIN211. Components of complex debt instruments (e.g., C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
debt with equity features, embedded
derivatives, etc.) are not identified or properly
classified and measured initially and
FIN212. Modifications and extinguishments are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
authorized, or are not properly identified,
complete or accounted for accurately or timely
FIN213. Debt and convertible debt extinguishment costs
are not completely and accurately recorded
FIN214. Entity is not in compliance with debt covenants C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
or other conditions

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 10 of 30
Aura v6
Intangible Assets & Goodwill RiskMate (1 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

GW103. Unauthorized changes are made to master C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW107. Duties are not appropriately segregated - GW110. Entity personnel do not have sufficient
file data - Intangible Assets and Goodwill Intangible assets and goodwill knowledge or experience to properly evaluate
and account for intangible assets
GW104. Unauthorized entries can be posted to the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
GW108. Accounting policies are not in accordance with
Process-wide general ledger or sub-ledger - Intangible the applicable financial reporting framework, or GW111. Experts used in the accounting for goodwill are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Process-wide
Assets and Goodwill are not consistently or appropriately applied - not sufficiently competent or objective
considerations Intangible Assets & Goodwill considerations
GW112. Experts used in the accounting for intangible C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
GW105. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW109. Entity personnel do not have sufficient C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V assets are not sufficiently competent or
recorded in the general ledger and/or the knowledge or experience to properly evaluate objective
accounts may not be correctly mapped and account for goodwill
between the sub-ledger and the general
ledger - Intangible Assets and Goodwill

Initial cost basis Amortization Valuation & impairment

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)
GW200. Costs capitalized are not appropriate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW300. Classification of intangible assets C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW400. Indicators of change in the carrying value C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW403. *Assumptions used to estimate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
based on project stage as indefinite-lived is not of the asset are not appropriately and realizability of software to be sold are not
appropriate timely identified - Intangible Assets & reasonable
GW201. Internally generated intangible assets C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Goodwill
do not qualify for recognition GW301. Amortization of intangible assets C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW404. Determination of asset groupings/cash C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
is not appropriately presented in GW436. Data used to determine whether there are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
generating units is not accurate
GW202. Capitalizable costs (e.g., labor, interest, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V the financial statements indicators of change in the carrying value
etc.) related to internally developed GW405. Determination of reporting units is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
of the asset is not complete or accurate -
intangible assets are not complete, GW302. Amortization expense is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V correct
accurate or recorded in the correct complete, accurate, recorded in
GW447. The valuation method used to determine C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
period the correct period, or is recorded GW401. Annual impairment tests are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V the fair value of a reporting unit's
in duplicate performed
GW203. Acquired intangible assets are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V individual assets and liabilities for
recorded completely, accurately or in GW303. Useful lives of assets are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW402. Order of impairment testing is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V purposes of Step 2 is not consistent with
the correct period, or separate appropriate performed appropriately method applied in purchase accounting
identifiable assets are inappropriately
GW305. *Model used to estimate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW437. The qualitative assessment to evaluate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW408. Re-allocation of goodwill to reporting units C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
amortization of intangible assets potential impairment of goodwill (e.g. Step upon change in structure is not done
GW204. Intangible assets are not separable or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V is not appropriate 0) has not been appropriately performed appropriately
the entity does not have legal or
GW306. *Assumptions used to estimate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW438. For reporting units with zero or negative C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW409. Goodwill is not appropriately tested for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
contractual ownership of the acquired
amortization of intangible assets carrying amounts, the qualitative impairment following the disposition of a
intangibles prior to recording
are not reasonable assessment of goodwill is not performed portion of a reporting unit
GW205. Subsequent expenditure on intangible C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V appropriately
GW307. *Input data used to estimate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW448. Individual assets, including intangible C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
assets are not recorded completely,
amortization of intangible assets GW439. Assignment of assets and liabilities to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V assets, and liabilities, including those not
accurately or in the correct period
is not complete and accurate reporting units is not consistent with how currently recorded, are not properly
GW206. Costs are improperly capitalized prior to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V a reporting unit's fair value is determined identified and valued in the step 2
GW308. *GAAP applied to estimate the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
technological feasibility or is otherwise inappropriate analysis for goodwill
amortization of intangible assets
GW207. Costs are capitalized after the product C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V is not appropriate GW440. Method used to assign assets and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW410. *Calculations supporting the realizability C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
is available for general release to liabilities that benefit multiple reporting of software to be sold are not
GW309. *Calculations supporting the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
customers units (e.g., intangible assets, pension mathematically accurate
estimate of amortization of
obligations, corporate assets and
GW208. Maintenance and customer support C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V intangible assets are not GW411. Impairment expense is not complete, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
liabilities) may not be reasonable or
costs are improperly capitalized accurate accurate, recorded in the correct period,
or is recorded in duplicate - Intangible
GW209. Product enhancements costs are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW441. The determination of whether the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Assets and Goodwill
inappropriately expensed
reporting unit would be sold in a taxable
GW449. Impairment expense is not accurately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
GW210. Disposals of intangible assets and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V or non-taxable transaction is not
attributed between controlling and non-
related gains or losses, are not appropriately determined
controlling interests
authorized, complete, accurate, or
GW442. Deferred taxes originating from temporary
recorded in the correct period C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW413. *GAAP applied to estimate realizability of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
differences related to the reporting unit’s
software to be sold is not appropriate
GW211. Costs related to internal use software C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V assets and liabilities are not properly
are not recognized in accordance with included in the carrying amount of the GW414. *Model used to estimate impairment for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
the applicable financial reporting reporting unit intangible asset / goodwill is not
framework appropriate
GW443. *Model used to estimate the fair value of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
GW216. Determination of useful lives and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V the reporting unit used in the impairment GW415. *Input data used to estimate realizability C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
pattern of amortization of capitalized assessment for goodwill is not reasonable of software to be sold is not complete and
costs related to internally developed accurate
GW444. *Input data used to estimate the fair value
intangible assets is not appropriate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
of the reporting unit used in the GW416. *Model used to estimate realizability of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
impairment assessment for goodwill is not software to be sold is not appropriate
complete or accurate
GW417. *Input data used to estimate impairment C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
GW445. *Assumptions used to estimate the fair C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V of goodwill/intangibles assets is not
value of the reporting unit used in the complete or accurate
impairment assessment for goodwill are
GW419. *Assumptions (e.g., forecasts and growth C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
not reasonable
rate, discount rate, terminal growth rate)
GW446. Goodwill balances are not appropriately used to estimate the impairment of
allocated to the disposal group and/or goodwill/intangible assets are not
assets held-for-sale reasonable

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 11 of 30
Aura v6
Intangible Assets & Goodwill RiskMate (2 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

GW103. Unauthorized changes are made to master C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW107. Duties are not appropriately segregated - GW110. Entity personnel do not have sufficient
file data - Intangible Assets and Goodwill Intangible assets and goodwill knowledge or experience to properly evaluate
and account for intangible assets
GW104. Unauthorized entries can be posted to the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
GW108. Accounting policies are not in accordance with
Process-wide general ledger or sub-ledger - Intangible the applicable financial reporting framework, or GW111. Experts used in the accounting for goodwill are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Process-wide
Assets and Goodwill are not consistently or appropriately applied - not sufficiently competent or objective
considerations Intangible Assets & Goodwill considerations
GW112. Experts used in the accounting for intangible C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
GW105. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW109. Entity personnel do not have sufficient C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V assets are not sufficiently competent or
recorded in the general ledger and/or the knowledge or experience to properly evaluate objective
accounts may not be correctly mapped and account for goodwill
between the sub-ledger and the general
ledger - Intangible Assets and Goodwill

Adjustments & period-end

Valuation & impairment close - Intangible Assets &

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

GW450. *Base year financial information (i.e., historical financial C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW468. *Treatment of intercompany or related party C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW500. Adjustments posted are not authorized, complete, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
information) used to estimate the potential impairment transactions in the evaluation of potential impairment of accurate, recorded in the correct period, supported
of goodwill is not accurate intangible assets does not represent a market with documentation, or are recorded in duplicate -
participant assumption or is otherwise inappropriate Intangible Assets and Goodwill
GW451. *Forecasted revenue growth rates or amounts used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
estimate the potential impairment of goodwill are not GW469. *Terminal growth rate used to estimate the potential C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW501. Goodwill and intangible asset transactions and
impairment of intangible assets is not reasonable C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
reasonable balances are not appropriately classified, presented or
GW452. *Forecasted gross margin growth rates or amounts GW470. *Discount rates used to estimate the potential disclosed
used to estimate the potential impairment of goodwill impairment of intangible assets are not reasonable GW503. Other intangible asset balances are not appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
are not reasonable GW471. *Tax rate used to estimate the potential impairment of allocated to the disposal group and/or assets held-for-
GW453. *Forecasted operating expenses used to estimate the intangible assets is not reasonable sale
potential impairment of goodwill are not reasonable or GW472. *Royalty rate assumption used to estimate the potential C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
consistent with forecasted growth impairment of intangible assets is not reasonable
GW454. *Forecasted capital expenditures used to estimate the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW473. *Attrition rate assumption used to estimate the potential
potential impairment of goodwill are not reasonable or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
impairment of customer relationship intangibles is not
consistent with forecasted growth reasonable or is based on data that is not reliable
GW455. *Forecasted depreciation and amortization expenses C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V GW474. *Allocation of revenue between customer groups used
used for proper add back to estimate the potential C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
to estimate the potential impairment of intangible assets
impairment of goodwill are not reasonable (e.g. trademarks, customer relationships, etc.) are not
GW456. *Working capital assumption used to estimate the reasonable, is not appropriate, or is based on data that
potential impairment of goodwill is not reasonable is not reliable
GW457. *Terminal growth rate used to estimate the potential GW475. *Tax amortization benefit assumptions used to estimate
impairment of goodwill is not reasonable the potential impairment of intangible assets (e.g.,
trademarks, customer relationships) are not reasonable
GW458. *Discount rates used to estimate the potential C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
impairment of goodwill are not reasonable GW420. *GAAP applied to estimate the value of impairment for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
goodwill/intangible assets is not appropriate
GW459. *Tax rate used to estimate the potential impairment of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
goodwill is not reasonable GW421. *Calculations supporting the estimate of impairment for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
goodwill/intangible assets are not mathematically
GW460. *Comparable companies or recent transactions in a C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V accurate
market approach used to estimate the potential
impairment of goodwill are not representative or GW422. Goodwill and intangible asset balances are not
appropriate for use in evaluating the company being translated at the correct exchange rate
valued GW476. Data used to determine whether there are indicators of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
GW461. *Control premium used to estimate the potential C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
change in the carrying value of the asset is not
impairment of goodwill is not reasonable complete or accurate - Intangible assets
GW462. *Base year financial information (i.e., historical financial GW477. Finite and indefinite-lived intangible assets are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
information) used to estimate the potential impairment reassessed each reporting period to determine whether
of intangible assets is not accurate events or circumstances continue to support the useful
life assigned
GW463. *Forecasted revenue growth rates in the discrete period
used to estimate the potential impairment of intangible GW478. Upon determining an indefinite-lived intangible asset C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
assets are not reasonable has a finite useful life, the impairment test as an
indefinite-lived intangible asset prior to commencing
GW464. *Forecasted gross margin rates used to estimate the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V amortization is not appropriately performed
potential impairment of intangible assets are not
reasonable GW479. The qualitative assessment to evaluate potential C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
impairment of intangible assets (e.g. Step 0) has not
GW465. *Forecasted capital expenditures used to estimate the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V been appropriately performed
potential impairment of intangible assets are not
reasonable GW480. *Comparable companies or recent transactions in a C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
market approach used to estimate the potential
GW466. *Forecasted operating expenses used to estimate the impairment of intangible assets are not representative
potential impairment of intangible assets are not or appropriate for use in evaluating the company being
reasonable valued
GW467. *Forecasted depreciation and amortization expense GW481. Treatment of intercompany balances in the evaluation
used for proper add back to estimate the potential of potential impairment of goodwill is inappropriate
impairment of intangible assets are not reasonable

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 12 of 30
Aura v6
Payroll RiskMate – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

PAY100. Unauthorized changes are made to PAY102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PAY104. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data (e.g., initial input and recorded in the general ledger and/or the systems are incomplete or inaccurate - Payroll
subsequent changes to payroll accounts may not be correctly mapped
PAY105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with
Process-wide records) – Payroll between the sub-ledger and the general
the applicable financial reporting framework, or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Process-wide
ledger - Payroll
considerations PAY101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to are not consistently or appropriately applied - considerations
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Payroll
the general ledger or sub-ledger - PAY103. Duties are not appropriately segregated - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
Payroll Payroll

Time recording Adjustments & period-

Payroll calculations
end close – Payroll

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

PAY200. Employees are not accurately remunerated for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PAY300. Payroll transactions relate to employees who do PAY318. *Calculations supporting the estimate for PAY400. Benefits transactions and balances
time worked (e.g., hours, overtime) or outputs not exist termination benefits, restructuring labor impacting salaries/payroll expense are
reached (e.g., production units, sales volumes), costs and similar payments are not not complete, accurate or appropriately
PAY301. Payroll transactions are not input or recorded at C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V recorded and disclosed
or the resulting expense is not authorized mathematically accurate
accurate payroll rates
PAY319. *Model, input data and assumptions used C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PAY401. Allocations of payroll costs to other FSLIs C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PAY302. Time sheets, salary changes or bonus C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V (e.g., Cost of sales, property, plant and
to estimate the vacation accrual are not
payments are not properly authorized equipment) are not accurate and
PAY303. Disbursements are not safeguarded C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V complete
PAY320. *Model used to estimate the vacation C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PAY304. Taxes and other deductions are not calculated C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V accrual is not appropriate PAY402. Adjustments posted are not authorized, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accurately, input, authorized, and accounted for complete, accurate, recorded in the
PAY321. *Input data used to estimate the vacation C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V correct period, supported with
in accordance with laws and regulations
accrual is not complete and accurate documentation, or are recorded in
PAY305. Payroll transactions that have occurred are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PAY322. *Assumptions used to estimate the duplicate - Payroll
recorded/accrued or not recorded/accrued in C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
vacation accrual are not reasonable PAY403. Payroll transactions and balances are not
correct period C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PAY323. *GAAP applied to estimate the vacation C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V appropriately classified, presented or
PAY306. Payroll costs are not recorded for all employees C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accrual is inappropriate disclosed
PAY307. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PAY324. *Calculations supporting the estimate for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
estimate bonuses, commissions and other
the vacation accrual are not
incentives are not reasonable
mathematically accurate
PAY308. *Model used to estimate bonuses, commissions C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PAY325. Payroll calculations are not accurate
and other incentives is not appropriate
PAY326. Payroll data provided to third-party C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PAY309. *Input data used to estimate bonuses, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V service organization(s) is not complete or
commissions and other incentives is not
is not accurate
complete and accurate
PAY310. *Assumptions used to estimate bonuses, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
commissions and other incentives are not
PAY311. *GAAP applied to estimate bonuses, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
commissions and other incentives is
PAY312. *Calculations supporting the estimate for
bonuses, commissions and other incentives are
not mathematically accurate
PAY313. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
estimate termination benefits, restructuring
labor costs and similar payments are not
PAY314. *Model used to estimate termination benefits, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
restructuring labor costs and similar payments
is not appropriate
PAY315. *Input data used to estimate termination C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
benefits, restructuring labor costs and similar
payments is not complete and accurate
PAY316. *Assumptions used to estimate termination C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
benefits, restructuring labor costs and similar
payments are not reasonable
PAY317. *GAAP applied to estimate termination benefits, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
restructuring labor costs and similar payments
is inappropriate

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 13 of 30
Aura v6
Period-end Financial Reporting RiskMate (1 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

PEFR100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR104. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data - Period-end recorded in the general ledger and/or the systems are incomplete or inaccurate - Period-
Financial Reporting accounts may not be correctly mapped end Financial Reporting
Process-wide between the sub-ledger and the general Process-wide
PEFR101. Unauthorized entries can be posted C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
considerations to the general ledger or sub-ledger -
ledger - Period-end Financial Reporting the applicable financial reporting framework, or considerations
Period-end Financial Reporting PEFR103. Duties are not appropriately segregated - are not consistently or appropriately applied -
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V FSLIs within Period-end Financial Reporting
Period-end Financial Reporting

Separate financial statements Business unit reporting

of component or parent entity package

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

PEFR200. Interests in all subsidiaries and affiliaties/ C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR300. All accounts and balances are not completely C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR400. Consolidation procedures (e.g., application or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
associates are not completely and accurately and accurately presented in consolidating worksheet) do not cover all entities eligible for
accounted for in separate financial statements reporting package consolidation
of parent company
PEFR301. Consolidating reporting packages are not PEFR401. Classification of investments are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PEFR201. Indicators of impairment of investments in C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
mathematically accurate appropriate (e.g., associate or subsidiary) and
subsidiaries and affiliates/associates are not consolidation method is not appropriate
PEFR302. Adjustments to reporting package are not
identified and reflected in the financial C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
authorized, complete and accurate PEFR402. Financial information of components to be C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
included in the consolidation do not cover the
PEFR303. Consolidating reporting packages do not
PEFR202. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V same period as the consolidated financial
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V contain all required disclosure notes or they
estimate impairment values of investments in statements
are not complete/accurate
subsidiaries and affiliates/associates are not
PEFR403. Differences in accounting policies/GAAP C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
complete, accurate and reasonable
between parent entity and entities subject to
PEFR203. *Model used to estimate impairment values of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V consolidation are not identified and accurately
investments in subsidiaries and affiliates/ accounted for
associates is not reasonable
PEFR404. Component financial information (including C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PEFR204. *Input data used to estimate impairment financial information in a foreign currency) is
values of investments in subsidiaries and not completely or accurately included in the
affiliates/associates is not complete and consolidation, or subsequent changes are not
accurate identified and accounted for
PEFR205. *Assumptions used to estimate impairment C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR405. Currency exchange rates are not appropriate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
values of investments in subsidiaries and or translation is not calculated properly
affiliates/associates are not complete and
PEFR406. Consolidation elimination entries of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
investments and equity, intercompany
PEFR206. *GAAP applied to estimate the impairment balances, transactions and profits are not
value of investments in subsidiaries and complete and accurate or recorded in the
affiliates/associates is not appropriate correct period
PEFR207. *Calculations supporting estimation of PEFR407. Contingencies and commitments relevant to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
impairment of investments in subsidiaries and the consolidated financial statements are not
affiliates/associates are not mathematically identified, or not completely and accurately
accurate accounted for and disclosed
PEFR208. Changes in a parent’s ownership interest in a
subsidiary and/or associate are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
appropriately accounted for in separate
financial statements
PEFR209. Disclosures in separate financial statements C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
are not complete and/or accurate
PEFR210. All transactions with related parties are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
identified and disclosed
PEFR211. Reportable segments are not completely and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accurately identified or disclosed
PEFR212. Shared costs recharged from other entities are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
not complete, accurate, recorded in correct
period, did not occur or are not appropriately
PEFR213. The basis of allocation of shared costs C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
recharged from other entities may not be

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 14 of 30
Aura v6
Period-end Financial Reporting RiskMate (2 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

PEFR100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR104. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data - Period-end recorded in the general ledger and/or the systems are incomplete or inaccurate - Period-
Financial Reporting accounts may not be correctly mapped end Financial Reporting
Process-wide between the sub-ledger and the general Process-wide
PEFR101. Unauthorized entries can be posted C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
considerations to the general ledger or sub-ledger -
ledger - Period-end Financial Reporting the applicable financial reporting framework, or considerations
Period-end Financial Reporting PEFR103. Duties are not appropriately segregated - are not consistently or appropriately applied -
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V FSLIs within Period-end Financial Reporting
Period-end Financial Reporting

Adjustments & period-end

Financial statement
close - Period-end Financial
presentation & disclosures

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

PEFR500. Intangible Assets and Goodwill transactions C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR514. Cash flows associated with contingent C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR600. Tax effects of consolidation activities are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
and balances impacting period-end financial consideration are incorrectly classified in the identified, measured or recorded accurately -
reporting accounts are not complete, accurate statement of cash flows Period-end Financial Reporting
or appropriately recorded and disclosed
PEFR515. Cash flows associated with advances to equity C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR601. Tax effects of consolidation activities are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PEFR501. Property, Plant & Equipment transactions and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V affiliates are incorrectly classified in the identified, measured or accurately recorded
balances impacting period-end financial statement of cash flows
PEFR602. Transactions are not posted in proper
reporting accounts are not complete, accurate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PEFR516. Cash flows associated with proceeds from a C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V reporting period
or appropriately recorded and disclosed
one-time intellectual property sale are
PEFR603. Balances and transactions are not completely C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PEFR502. Financial statements and related disclosures C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V incorrectly classified in the statement of cash
and accurately aggregated
are not complete or accurate flows
PEFR604. Adjustments posted subsequent to closing the
PEFR503. Discontinued operations are not appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR517. Cash flows associated with excess earnings C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
general ledger (e.g., top-side or late
presented and disclosed from equity affiliates are incorrectly classified
adjustments) are not authorized, complete,
in the statement of cash flows
PEFR504. Changes in accounting policies, estimates and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V accurate and supported with documentation -
errors are not appropriately disclosed PEFR518. Non-cash activity related to issuance costs C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Period-end Financial Reporting
from the completion of public offerings are not
PEFR505. Segment reporting information is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR605. Top-side entries are not revalidated C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
completely or accurately disclosed
completely and accurately disclosed periodically
PEFR519. Contingencies and commitments are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PEFR506. Functional and presentational currency of the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
identified, or completely and accurately
entity is not properly determined
accounted for and disclosed
PEFR507. Earnings per share (basic and diluted) are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PEFR520. Related party disclosures are not complete C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accurately calculated or disclosed
and accurate
PEFR508. Statement of cash flows and related notes do C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PEFR521. Significant unusual transactions are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
not completely and accurately reflect the cash
properly accounted for and disclosed
inflows/outflows for the period
PEFR509. Cash flows are not properly classified C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
according to their nature (operating, investing,
PEFR510. Non-cash items are not completely or
accurately disclosed
PEFR511. Currency exchange rate impact is not properly C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
calculated or presented on the statement of
cash flows
PEFR512. Cash flows associated with property and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
equipment still recorded as trade accounts
payable and accrued expenses are incorrectly
classified in the statement of cash flows
PEFR513. Cash flows associated with debt restructurings C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
(e.g. Gain or loss on repayments, deferred
charges) are incorrectly classified in the
statement of cash flows

PwC RiskMates 15 of 30
Aura v6
Production & Inventory RiskMate – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

INV100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V INV102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V INV104. Duties are not appropriately segregated - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data (e.g., acquisition cost, recorded in the general ledger and/or the Production & Inventory
standard cost, other calculation accounts may not be correctly mapped
Process-wide factors) - Production & Inventory between the sub-ledger and the general
INV105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with Process-wide
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V the applicable financial reporting framework, or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
considerations INV101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to
ledger - Production & Inventory are not consistently or appropriately applied - considerations
the general ledger or sub-ledger - INV103. Transaction records transferred between Production & Inventory
Production & Inventory systems are incomplete or inaccurate -
Production & inventory

Receiving Shipping Production & costing Adjustments & period-end

close - Production & Inventory

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Assertion(s)
Risk Title
INV200. Inventory quantities recorded in the inventory INV300. Goods shipped are not recorded C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V INV400. Accounting for transfer of inventory (e.g., from
system do not agree to physical quantities completely, accurately and in the INV500. Inventory quantities on hand are different from C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
raw materials to work-in-progress or finished
received correct period based on shipping the inventory records
goods) is not complete and accurate or
terms performed on a timely basis INV501. Slow-moving, obsolete or damaged goods are
INV201. Goods titled to the entity (including returns from C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V INV301. Goods sold but not yet shipped, are not identified
customers and inventory stored off-site) are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V INV401. Production, overhead costs and related
not removed from the inventory C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
completely or accurately recorded, or not variances are not appropriately and accurately INV502. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
recorded in the correct period system calculated and recorded estimate reserves related to slow-moving,
INV202. Inventory is not appropriately safeguarded INV302. Goods not titled to the entity obsolete or damaged goods are not reasonable
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V INV402. Production and overhead variances are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
(including consigned goods) are appropriately capitalized at period end INV503. *Model used to estimate reserves for slow- C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
included in inventory moving, obsolete or damaged goods is not
INV403. Production costs are not appropriately classified C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V appropriate
and are not complete and accurate
INV504. *Input data used to estimate reserves for slow- C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
INV404. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V moving, obsolete or damaged goods is not
estimate production and overhead costs and
complete and accurate
related variances are not reasonable
INV505. *Assumptions used to estimate reserves for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
INV405. *Model used to estimate production and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V slow-moving, obsolete or damaged goods are
overhead costs, and related variances is not
not reasonable
INV506. *GAAP applied to estimate reserves for slow- C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
INV406. *Input data used to estimate production and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
moving, obsolete or damaged goods is not
overhead costs, and related variances is not
complete and accurate
INV507. *Calculations supporting the reserves for slow-
INV407. *Assumptions used to estimate production and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
moving, obsolete or damaged goods are not
overhead costs, and related variances are not
mathematically accurate
INV508. Goods incorrectly valued in excess of net C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
INV408. *GAAP applied to estimate production and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V realizable value are not identified
overhead costs, and related variances is not
appropriate INV509. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
estimate accruals related to lower of cost and
INV409. *Calculations supporting production and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V net realizable value (or market) adjustments are
overhead costs, and related variances, are not
not reasonable
mathematically accurate
INV510. *Model used to estimate accruals for lower of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
INV410. Appropriate costing method is not applied, or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
cost and net realizable value (or market)
not applied correctly
adjustments is not appropriate
INV411. Inventory is not adjusted for credits due to the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V INV511. *Assumptions used to estimate accruals for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
entity (e.g., for rebates, discounts or returns), or
lower of cost and net realizable value (or
not recorded in the correct period or at the
market) adjustments are not reasonable
correct amount
INV512. *Input data used to estimate accruals for lower C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
of cost and net realizable value (or market)
adjustments is not complete and accurate
INV513. *GAAP applied to estimate accruals for lower of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
cost and net realizable value (or market)
adjustments is not appropriate
INV514. *Calculations supporting the accruals for lower C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
of cost and net realizable value (or market)
adjustments are not mathematically accurate
INV515. Adjustments posted are not authorized,
complete, accurate, recorded in the correct
period, supported with documentation, or are
recorded in duplicate - Production & inventory
INV516. Production and inventory transactions and
balances are not appropriately classified, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
presented or disclosed (e.g., between the
different classes of inventory)

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 16 of 30
Aura v6
Property, Plant & Equipment RiskMate (1 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

PPE100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PPE102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PPE104. Duties are not appropriately segregated - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data (e.g., depreciation recorded in the general ledger and/or the Property, plant & equipment
rates) - Property, plant & equipment accounts may not be correctly mapped
Process-wide between the sub-ledger and the general
PPE105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Process-wide
PPE101. Unauthorized entries can be posted C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V the applicable financial reporting framework, or
considerations to the general ledger or sub-ledger -
ledger - Property, plant & equipment are not consistently or appropriately applied - considerations
Property, plant & equipment PPE103. Transaction records transferred between Property, Plant & Equipment
systems are incomplete or inaccurate -
Property, plant and equipment

Acquisitions & capital projects Disposals & retirements

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

PPE200. Acquisitions are capitalized even though they C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PPE300. Disposals of assets and related gains or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
are not authorized, do not exist or the entity losses, are not authorized, complete, accurate,
does not have legal title or did not occur
PPE201. Asset acquisitions are not recorded accurately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PPE301. Assets held for sale are not properly classified C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
in the financial statements and are not
PPE202. Assets included in the asset register do not
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V recorded at the appropriate value
exist, are without legal title or are not readily
identifiable PPE302. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
estimate provisions associated with exit or
PPE203. Asset acquisitions are not recorded, or not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V disposal activities are not reasonable
recorded in the correct period
PPE303. *Model used to estimate provisions associated C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PPE204. Leased assets are incorrectly classified (i.e., C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V with exit or disposal activities is not
operating versus capital), are not complete or
are not accounted for accurately or timely
PPE304. *Input data used to estimate provisions
PPE205. Construction-in-progress additions are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
associated with exit or disposal activities is not
authorized, or input accurately, completely or in
complete and accurate
the correct period
PPE305. *Assumptions used to estimate provisions C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PPE206. Costs (e.g., interest) are inappropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
associated with exit or disposal activities are
capitalized or expensed
not reasonable
PPE306. *GAAP applied to estimate provisions C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
associated with exit or disposal activities is not
PPE307. *Calculations supporting provisions associated C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
with exit or disposal activities are not
mathematically accurate
PPE308. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
estimate assets retirement obligations is not
complete and accurate
PPE309. *Model used to estimate assets retirement C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
obligations is not complete and accurate
PPE310. *Input data used to estimate assets retirement C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
obligations are not complete and accurate
PPE311. *Assumptions used to estimate assets C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
retirement obligations are not reasonable
PPE312. *GAAP applied to estimate the assets C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
retirement obligations is not appropriate
PPE313. *Calculations supporting assets retirement C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
obligations are not mathematically accurate
PPE317. All asset retirement obligations may not be C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 17 of 30
Aura v6
Property, Plant & Equipment RiskMate (2 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

PPE100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PPE102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PPE104. Duties are not appropriately segregated - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data (e.g., depreciation recorded in the general ledger and/or the Property, plant & equipment
rates) - Property, plant & equipment accounts may not be correctly mapped
Process-wide between the sub-ledger and the general
PPE105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Process-wide
PPE101. Unauthorized entries can be posted C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V the applicable financial reporting framework, or
considerations to the general ledger or sub-ledger -
ledger - Property, plant & equipment are not consistently or appropriately applied - considerations
Property, plant & equipment PPE103. Transaction records transferred between Property, Plant & Equipment
systems are incomplete or inaccurate -
Property, plant and equipment

Depreciation, subsequent Adjustments & period-end

measurement, and close - Property, Plant &
impairment Equipment

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

PPE400. Depreciation expense is not complete, accurate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PPE500. Adjustments posted are not authorized, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
or recorded in the correct period, or is recorded complete, accurate, recorded in the correct
in duplicate period, supported with documentation, or are
PPE401. Asset lives are not appropriately determined C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
recorded in duplicate - Property, plant and
and reassessed equipment

PPE402. Residual value not appropriately considered in C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PPE501. Cash flows associated with property, plant and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
depreciation calculation equipment still recorded as trade accounts
payable and accrued expenses are incorrectly
PPE403. Construction in progress is not reflected as C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V classified in the statement of cash flows
placed in service in a timely fashion
PPE502. Property, plant and equipment transactions, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PPE404. Allocation of depreciation expense to FSLIs is C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V balances and related restrictions (liens, loans,
not appropriate etc.) are not appropriately classified, presented
PPE405. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V or disclosed
estimate depreciation are not reasonable PPE503. Property, plant and equipment under lease are
PPE406. *Model used to estimate depreciation is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V not appropriately presented or disclosed
PPE407. *Input data used to estimate depreciation is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
complete and accurate
PPE408. *Assumptions used to estimate depreciation are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
not reasonable
PPE409. *GAAP applied to estimate depreciation is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PPE410. *Calculations supporting depreciation are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
mathematically accurate
PPE411. Indicators of change in the carrying value of the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
asset are not appropriately and timely identified
- Property, Plant & Equipment
PPE412. Determination of asset groupings / cash C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
generating units is not reasonable
PPE413. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
estimate the carrying value of assets are not
PPE414. *Model used to estimate the carrying value of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
assets is not reasonable
PPE415. *Input data used to estimate the carrying value C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
of assets is not complete and accurate
PPE416. *Assumptions used to estimate the carrying C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
value of assets are not reasonable
PPE417. *GAAP applied to estimate the carrying value of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
assets is not appropriate
PPE418. *Calculations supporting the carrying value of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
assets are not mathematically accurate

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 18 of 30
Aura v6
Purchasing & Payables RiskMate – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

PP105. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PP107. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PP109. Duties are not appropriately segregated - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data (e.g., authorized vendor recorded in the general ledger and/or the Purchasing & Payables
list) - Purchasing & Payables accounts may not be correctly mapped
Process-wide between the sub-ledger and the general
PP114. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Process-wide
PP106. Unauthorized entries can be posted to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V the applicable financial reporting framework, or
considerations the general ledger or sub-ledger -
ledger - Purchasing & Payables are not consistently or appropriately applied - considerations
Purchasing & Payables PP108. Transaction records transferred between Purchasing & Payables
systems are incomplete or inaccurate -
Purchasing & Payables

Adjustments & period-end

Ordering Invoice processing Payments close - Purchasing &

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Assertion(s)
Risk Title
PP200. Fictitious/unauthorized or erroneous purchase PP300. Supplier invoices are not recorded C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V PP400. Payments made are not authorized and do not
orders/contracts are entered into the system or contain errors so that the amount PP500. Property, plant and equipment transactions and
relate to valid business expenses/obligations or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
recorded does not represent goods balances impacting accruals, provisions and
PP201. Purchases are not appropriately authorized C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V payees
or services received or the true other liabilities are not complete, accurate or
amount due PP401. Payments are not properly authorized or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V appropriately recorded and disclosed
PP301. Fictitious/unauthorized purchase PP501. Benefits transactions and balances impacting C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
and payable transactions are PP402. Payments are not recorded in the correct period accruals, provisions and other liabilities are not
recorded complete, accurate or appropriately recorded or
PP403. Payments are not posted to the correct sub-
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V disclosed
PP302. Purchase transactions are not ledger accounts
recorded or accrued for in the PP502. Share-based transactions and balances C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PP404. Payments are not accurately recorded C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
correct period impacting accruals, provisions and other
liabilities are not complete, accurate or
PP303. Duplicate supplier invoices can be C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V appropriately recorded and disclosed
PP503. Accruals recorded do not relate to valid C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
PP304. Credits due to the entity (e.g., for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V business expenses/obligations and are not
rebates, discounts or returns) are
payables owed by the company
not recorded, or not recorded in the
correct period or at the correct PP504. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
amount estimate accruals and provisions are not
PP505. *Model used to estimate accruals and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
provisions is not appropriate
PP506. *Input data used to estimate accruals and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
provisions is not complete and accurate
PP507. *Assumptions used to estimate accruals and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
provisions are not reasonable
PP508. *GAAP applied to estimate provisions and
accruals is not appropriate
PP509. *Calculations supporting the accruals and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
provisions are not mathematically accurate
PP510. Accruals for incurred expenses (e.g., operating
expenses, other liabilities) are not accurately
and completely accounted in the correct period
PP511. Instances of non-compliance with laws and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
regulations that may exist have not been
identified or provided for
PP512. Adjustments posted are not authorized, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
complete, accurate, recorded in the correct
period, supported with documentation, or are
recorded in duplicate - Purchasing & Payables
PP513. Accounts payable transactions and balances in C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
foreign currency are not translated at the correct
exchange rate
PP514. Related party/intercompany transactions and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
balances are not accurately and completely
recorded and disclosed - Purchasing &
PP515. Cash flows associated with property, plant and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
equipment transactions/balances still recorded
as trade accounts payable and accrued
expenses are incorrectly classified in the
statement of cash flows
PP516. Purchases and payables transactions and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
balances are not appropriately classified,
presented or disclosed

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 19 of 30
Aura v6
Revenue & Receivables RiskMate (1 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

RR100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR104. Risk of fraud in revenue recognition C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data (e.g., price lists or client recorded in the general ledger and/or the
credit limit data) - Revenue & accounts may not be correctly mapped RR105. Duties are not appropriately segregated - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
Process-wide Receivables between the sub-ledger and the general
Revenue & Receivables Process-wide
considerations RR101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to
ledger - Revenue & Receivables RR106. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V considerations
the applicable financial reporting framework, or
the general ledger or sub-ledger - RR103. Transaction records transferred between are not consistently or appropriately applied -
Revenue & Receivables systems are incomplete or inaccurate - Revenue & Receivables
Revenue & Receivables

Order processing Invoicing Construction contracts

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Assertion(s)
Risk Title
RR300. Fictitious/unauthorized or erroneous sales RR400. Invoices contain errors so that the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR500. *Model, input data and assumptions used to
orders/contracts are entered into the system amount invoiced is not equal to the RR519. Contract option might not be accounted for
estimate contract revenue to be recognized C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
amounts ordered / shipped or properly
RR301. Orders are not entered completely/accurately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V does not reflect contract status or contract
services rendered, or the calculated terms RR520. Profits or losses could be improperly recognized
total of the invoice is inaccurate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
RR302. Orders are accepted even though the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V due to inaccurate warranties, liquidated
customer's credit limit is breached or will be RR501. *Model used to estimate contract revenue to be C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
RR401. Invoice pricing is not approved or is C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V damages, and contingencies
breached recognized is not appropriate
not entered in system appropriately RR521. Changes in estimates may not be properly
RR502. *Input data used to estimate contract revenue to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
RR402. Invoices are not raised for all goods C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V assessed by management or may not be
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V be recognized is not complete and accurate
shipped or services rendered captured on a timely basis resulting in errors in
RR503. *Assumptions used to estimate contract C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V recorded amount or timing of revenue
RR403. Fictitious/unauthorized revenue and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V revenue to be recognized are not reasonable
receivable transactions are recorded RR522. Contract costs or losses incurred are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
RR504. *GAAP applied to estimate contract revenue to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V recorded to the correct contract
RR404. Revenue is recognized even though C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V be recognized is not appropriate
all revenue recognition requirements RR523. Contract costs are recorded to closed projects C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
of the applicable financial reporting RR505. *Calculations supporting the estimate of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR524. Indicators of change in the carrying value of
framework and industry-specific contract revenue to be recognized is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
retention or unbilled balances are not
considerations have not been met mathematically accurate
appropriately and timely identified
RR405. Revenue is not recognized in RR506. Contract costs or losses incurred are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR525. Billings or advances may be inaccurately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accordance with contractual terms recorded at the correct amount or in the correct
grossed up on the balance sheet
(written or verbal) period
RR406. Agreements contain multiple RR507. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
element arrangements or other estimate contract costs to complete are not
conditions that are not known or reasonable
understood RR508. *Model used to estimate contract costs to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
RR407. Allocation of the transaction price to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V complete is not appropriate
elements within a multiple element RR509. *Input data used to estimate contract costs to
arrangement is not accurate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
complete is not complete and accurate
RR408. Separate deliverables within multiple C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR510. *Assumptions used to estimate contract costs to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
element arrangements have not complete are not reasonable
been appropriately or accurately
identified RR511. *GAAP applied to estimate contract costs to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
complete is not appropriate
RR409. Revenue transactions are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
recorded in the correct period RR512. *Calculations supporting the estimate of
contract costs to complete is not mathematically
RR410. Amounts invoiced are not posted to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V accurate
the correct general ledger and/or
sub-ledger accounts RR515. Revenue might be recognized prior to the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
receipt of an executed contract
RR420. Deferred revenue is not calculated C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
properly due to incorrect billing data RR516. Contract might be inaccurately combined or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
or revenue recognized segmented due to incorrect GAAP causing
revenues to be misstated
RR421. Unbilled receivables are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
calculated properly due to incorrect RR517. Change order might be incomplete and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
billing data or revenue recognized inaccurate
RR518. Unapproved change order might be C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
inappropriately included due to error

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 20 of 30
Aura v6
Revenue & Receivables RiskMate (2 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

RR100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR104. Risk of fraud in revenue recognition C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data (e.g., price lists or client recorded in the general ledger and/or the
credit limit data) - Revenue & accounts may not be correctly mapped RR105. Duties are not appropriately segregated - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
Process-wide Receivables between the sub-ledger and the general
Revenue & Receivables Process-wide
considerations RR101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to
ledger - Revenue & Receivables RR106. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V considerations
the applicable financial reporting framework, or
the general ledger or sub-ledger - RR103. Transaction records transferred between are not consistently or appropriately applied -
Revenue & Receivables systems are incomplete or inaccurate - Revenue & Receivables
Revenue & Receivables

Adjustments & period-end

Customer returns, discounts &
Cash receipts Bad debts close - Revenue &

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Assertion(s)
Risk Title
RR600. Cash receipts are not accurately recorded C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR700. Indicators of change in the carrying C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR800. Credits due to customers and/or provisions for
value of accounts receivable C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR900. Adjustments posted are not authorized,
RR601. Cash receipts for sales incurred in a foreign discounts, warranties, rebates and other C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V balances are not appropriately and complete, accurate, recorded in the correct
currency are not translated at the correct accruals are not recorded and/or amounts are
timely identified period, supported with documentation, or are
exchange rate not recorded accurately or timely
recorded in duplicate - Revenue & Receivables
RR701. *Model, input data and assumptions C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR801. Rebates, discounts and other credits are given
RR602. Cash receipts are not posted to the correct C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V used to estimate the allowance for RR901. Accounts receivable transactions and balances C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
customer accounts/invoices to customers even though they are not
doubtful accounts are not in foreign currency are not translated at the
appropriately initiated, authorized and approved
RR603. Cash receipts are not recorded in the correct reasonable correct exchange rate
period RR802. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
RR702. *Model used to estimate the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR902. Accounts receivable balances due in period C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
estimate the provision for goods under warranty
allowance for doubtful accounts is longer than one year are not appropriately
are not reasonable and accruals for goods
not appropriate accounted for
under warranty are not complete and accurate
RR703. *Input data used to estimate the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR903. Accounts receivable balances factored or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
RR803. *Model used to estimate the provision for goods C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
allowance for doubtful accounts is assigned are not appropriately accounted for
under warranty is not appropriate
not complete and accurate RR904. Related party/intercompany transactions and
RR804. *Input data used to estimate the provision for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
RR704. *Assumptions used to estimate the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V balances are not accurately and completely
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V goods under warranty is not complete and
allowance for doubtful accounts are recorded and disclosed - Revenue &
not reasonable Receivables
RR805. *Assumptions used to estimate the provision for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
RR705. *GAAP applied to estimate the RR905. Revenue and expenses are inappropriately
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V goods under warranty are not reasonable C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
allowance for doubtful accounts is presented on either a gross or net basis
not appropriate RR806. *GAAP applied to estimate the provision for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR906. Significant revenue streams are not
goods under warranty estimate is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
RR706. *Calculations supporting the appropriately classified in the statement of
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V appropriate
estimate for the allowance for operations
doubtful accounts are not RR807. *Calculations supporting the goods under C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V RR907. Revenue and receivables transactions and
mathematically accurate warranty estimate are not mathematically C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
balances are not appropriately classified,
presented or disclosed (e.g., customer
RR808. *Model, input data and assumptions used to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V concentrations, disclosures around valuation of
estimate the accruals for customer returns, commodity contracts, multi-element
discounts, rebates and other allowances, or arrangements)
other commitments and contingencies are not
reasonable and the related accruals are not
complete and accurate
RR809. *Model used to estimate the accruals for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
customer returns, discounts, rebates and other
allowances, or other commitments and
contingencies is not reasonable
RR810. *Input data used to estimate the accruals for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
customer returns, discounts, rebates and other
allowances, or other commitments and
contingencies is not complete and accurate
RR811. *Assumptions used to estimate the accruals for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
customer returns, discounts, rebates and other
allowances or expenses, or other commitments
and contingencies are not reasonable and the
related accruals are not reasonable
RR812. *GAAP applied to estimate accruals for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
customer returns, discounts, rebates and other
allowances, or other commitments and
contingencies is not appropriate
RR813. *Calculations supporting the accruals for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
customer returns, discounts, rebates and other
allowances, or other commitments and
contingencies are not mathematically accurate

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 21 of 30
Aura v6
Self-Insured Liabilities Awards RiskMate – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

SIL100. Unauthorized changes are made to SIL102. Duties are not appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V SIL104. Transaction records transferred between
master file data - Self-insured segregated - Self-insured liabilities systems are incomplete or inaccurate - Self-
liabilities insured liabilities
Process-wide SIL103. All transactions in the sub-ledger are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Process-wide
SIL101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to not recorded in the general ledger SIL105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with
considerations C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V and/or the accounts may not be the applicable financial reporting framework, or
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V considerations
the general ledger or sub-ledger -
Self-insured liabilities correctly mapped between the sub- are not consistently or appropriately applied -
ledger and the general ledger - Self- Self-insured liabilities
insured liabilities

Valuation - Self-insured Adjustments and period-end

liabilities close - Self-insured liabilities

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

SIL200. *Model, input data and assumptions used to estimate self SIL300. Self insurance reserve balances are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
insurance reserves are not reasonable appropriately classified, presented or disclosed

SIL201. *Model used to estimate self insurance reserves is not SIL301. Adjustments posted are not authorized, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
appropriate complete, accurate, recorded in the correct
period, supported with documentation, or are
SIL202. *Input data used to estimate self insurance reserves is C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V recorded in duplicate - Self-insured liabilities
not complete and accurate
SIL302. Cash flows associated with insurance proceeds C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
SIL203. *Assumptions used to estimate self insurance reserves C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V are incorrectly classified in the statement of
are not reasonable cash flows
SIL204. *GAAP applied to estimate self insurance reserves is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
SIL205. *Calculations supporting the self insurance reserves are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
not mathematically accurate
SIL206. Claims incurred prior to the end of the period not reported C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
until after the end of the period are not considered
SIL207. Recoverables from insurance are not complete, accurate, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
appropriately accounted for in the correct period or are
recorded in duplicate
SIL208. Claims data submitted to actuaries is not complete and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
SIL209. Plan provisions are not appropriately considered in C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
actuarial calculations

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 22 of 30
Aura v6
Share-based Compensation Awards RiskMate (1 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

SBC100. The entity has complex employee stock C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V SBC106. Effect of ESOP on EPS may not be C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
ownership plans appropriately reflected
SBC110. Duties are not appropriately segregated - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
SBC101. Unearned ESOP shares may not be correctly C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V SBC107. Unauthorized changes are made to master Share-based payments
recorded file data - Share-based payments SBC111. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
SBC102. ESOP debt may not be appropriately valued or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V systems are incomplete or inaccurate - Share-
SBC108. Unauthorized entries can be posted to the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
Process-wide correctly recorded
general ledger or sub-ledger - Share-based
based payments Process-wide
considerations SBC103. Dividends paid to ESOP shareholders may not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V payments SBC112. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V considerations
be correctly recorded the applicable financial reporting framework, or
SBC109. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V are not consistently or appropriately applied -
SBC104. ESOP shares are redeemed during the period C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V recorded in the general ledger and/or the Share-based Compensation
SBC105. Employee benefit transactions and reporting accounts may not be correctly mapped SBC113 Effect of ESOP on deferred income taxes may C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
may not be in compliance with the ESOP Plan between the sub-ledger and the general not be appropriately reflected
document and government oversight rules ledger - Share-based payments

Plan setup & activity Grants & assumptions Exercises & modifications

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

SBC200. The ESOP plan does not qualify under ERISA or the SBC300. All awards are not included in the awards C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V SBC400. Exercises of options do not exist or are not processed
Internal Revenue Code register and all key data for employees/third accurately, completely and in the correct period
parties is not input completely or accurately in
SBC201. Changes to the plan are not authorized or meet the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V awards register (e.g., number of options granted SBC401. Tax windfall associated with share-based awards are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
requirements of ERISA or the Internal Revenue Code and by person/party, exercise price, vesting complete, accurate or appropriately recorded
appropriately accounted for provisions, etc.) SBC402. Modifications and new award plans are not authorized, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
SBC202. Plan contributions are not accurately and completely C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V SBC301. Award grant dates are not appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V accurately and completely included in awards register
recorded in sub-ledgers, recorded in the correct period or determined and not recorded appropriately
supported by documentation
SBC302. Awards do not exist or are not approved C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V SBC403. Changes in employment/eligibility status are not accurate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
SBC203. ESOP debt repayment requirements are not met C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V in share awards register and in the accounting calculation
SBC303. Awards service and performance conditions are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
SBC204. Dividends on allocated shares are not accurately and not appropriately accounted for SBC404. Award register data is not appropriately changed for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
completely recorded in sub-ledgers, recorded in the forfeitures, cancelations, expirations and settlements
correct period or supported by documentation SBC304. Awards granted to non-employees are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
appropriately identified SBC405. Awards and performance criteria are retrospectively
changed to favorable stock-price milestones and events
SBC305. Tax considerations, including for grants to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
employees in foreign jurisdictions, are not
appropriately accounted for or are inaccurate
SBC306. Awards are not properly classified (e.g., equity- C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
settled versus cash-settled) at the grant date
SBC307. Allocation of the share-based compensation
expense to FSLIs is not appropriate

PwC RiskMates 23 of 30
Aura v6
Share-based Compensation Awards RiskMate (2 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

SBC100. The entity has complex employee stock C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V SBC106. Effect of ESOP on EPS may not be C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
ownership plans appropriately reflected
SBC110. Duties are not appropriately segregated - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
SBC101. Unearned ESOP shares may not be correctly C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V SBC107. Unauthorized changes are made to master Share-based payments
recorded file data - Share-based payments SBC111. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
SBC102. ESOP debt may not be appropriately valued or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V systems are incomplete or inaccurate - Share-
SBC108. Unauthorized entries can be posted to the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
Process-wide correctly recorded
general ledger or sub-ledger - Share-based
based payments Process-wide
considerations SBC103. Dividends paid to ESOP shareholders may not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V payments SBC112. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V considerations
be correctly recorded the applicable financial reporting framework, or
SBC109. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V are not consistently or appropriately applied -
SBC104. ESOP shares are redeemed during the period C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V recorded in the general ledger and/or the Share-based Compensation
SBC105. Employee benefit transactions and reporting accounts may not be correctly mapped SBC113 Effect of ESOP on deferred income taxes may C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
may not be in compliance with the ESOP Plan between the sub-ledger and the general not be appropriately reflected
document and government oversight rules ledger - Share-based payments

Adjustments & period-end

Pricing model Valuation - ESOP close - Share-based

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

SBC500. *Model, input data and assumptions used for initial and/or SBC600. Initial and/or subsequent measurement of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V SBC700. Share-based compensation transactions among group C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
subsequent measurement of share based payment ESOP shares are not appropriately supported entities are not properly accounted for
compensation expense are not reasonable or mathematically accurate
SBC701. Attribution period of compensation costs is not complete C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
SBC501. *Option pricing model (e.g., Black-Scholes, Binomial, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V or accurate
Lattice) and other equity instruments valuation methods
SBC702. Adjustments posted are not authorized, complete, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
are not appropriate
accurate, recorded in the correct period, supported with
SBC502. *Assumptions (e.g., term, price, risk-free rate, dividend C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V documentation, or are recorded in duplicate - Share-
yield, volatility) used to estimate the fair value of the based payments
awards are not reasonable
SBC703. Basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
SBC503. *Input data used to estimate the fair value of the awards accurately calculated or disclosed
is not complete and accurate
SBC704. Impact of tax windfall associated with share based C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
SBC504. *Calculations supporting the share based payment C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V awards is not appropriately reflected on the statement of
valuation are not mathematically accurate cash flows
SBC505. *GAAP applied to estimate share based payment C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V SBC705. Corporate actions (e.g., stock splits, dividends, etc.) are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
compensation expense and liability is not appropriate not accurately recorded in the proper period
SBC506. Fair value of goods received in share based C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V SBC706. Share based compensation transactions and balances C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
compensation that qualify for recognition is not are not appropriately classified, presented or disclosed
adequately measured

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 24 of 30
Aura v6
Taxes RiskMate (1 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

TX100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX104. Duties are not appropriately segregated – Taxes C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data – Taxes recorded in the general ledger and/or the
accounts may not be correctly mapped TX105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
Process-wide TX101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V between the sub-ledger and the general
the applicable financial reporting framework, or Process-wide
the general ledger or sub-ledger - are not consistently or appropriately applied -
considerations Taxes
ledger – Taxes Taxes considerations
TX103. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
systems are incomplete or inaccurate - Taxes

Income tax provision

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

TX200. Current income taxes are not complete, accurate, recorded in TX254. *Model used in the cash flow forecasts supporting C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX222. Tax effects of consolidation activities are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
the correct period or correctly classified the indefinite reinvestment assertion is not identified, measured or recorded accurately – Taxes
TX244. The components of total income tax expense or benefit allocated TX223. Indicators of uncertain tax positions, or changes in C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
to continuing operations are not complete and accurate (e.g., tax TX213. *Calculations in the cash flow forecasts C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V the carrying value of uncertain tax positions
effects of change in assertion related to prior years’ unremitted supporting the indefinite reinvestment assertion estimates, are not identified and accurately recorded
earnings of foreign subsidiaries) are not mathematically accurate
TX262. The unit of account is not appropriately determined C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TX201. Changes in tax laws, regulations, court rulings, etc., including TX214. *Input data used in the cash flow forecasts C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V to account for uncertain tax positions
changes in tax rates, are not identified or accurately applied supporting the indefinite reinvestment assertion is
TX263. The gross exposure associated with uncertain tax C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
not complete and accurate
TX245. Deferred taxes are not appropriately recognized or de- positions is not appropriately determined
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX255. Indefinite reinvestment assertion is not
recognized upon a change in tax status (e.g. from non-taxable to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX264. The financial statement effects of a tax position are
appropriately considered at each tier of the legal C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
taxable) not appropriately recognized when it is more-likely-
entity structure
TX246. Entity personnel do not have sufficient knowledge or experience than-not, based on the technical merits, the position
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX256. Entities are inappropriately classified as domestic will be sustained upon examination
to properly account for income taxes C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
or foreign, resulting in the misapplication of the
TX247. Experts engaged by management for specialized areas in TX225. *Model used to estimate the reserves on uncertain C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V indefinite reversal exception
income taxes are not sufficiently competent or objective tax positions is not appropriate
TX257. Contemporaneous documentation does not exist C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TX248. Non-income based taxes are inappropriately accounted for as TX226. *Input data used to estimate reserves on uncertain C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V or is insufficient to support the indefinite
income taxes tax positions is not complete and accurate
reinvestment assertion
TX249. Earnings and profit (E&P) by tax jurisdiction is not appropriately TX227. *Assumptions used to estimate the reserves on C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX258. Foreign tax credits and withholding taxes are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
determined to properly support the indefinite reinvestment uncertain tax positions are not reasonable
appropriately considered when determining the
assertion potential tax effect of repatriations of foreign TX265. Interest and penalties related to uncertain tax C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TX250. Non-U.S. source income is not properly assessed in the income positions are not properly determined and recorded
determination of the tax provision TX259. When the temporary difference will reverse, TX266. Interest and penalties are not consistently and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TX251. The blended rate approach, including any apportionment factors measurement of the tax effect of outside basis accurately presented in the financial statements
utilized, versus separate calculations to determine the tax rate is differences in foreign subsidiaries does not
TX228. *GAAP applied to estimate uncertain tax positions is C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
not appropriately supported and reassessed on a regular basis include all components (e.g., unremitted
not appropriate
earnings, items previously taxed) or is not
TX202. The enacted tax rates, including consideration of applicable tax C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V calculated correctly TX229. *Calculations supporting the estimate of reserves on C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
holidays, are not appropriately determined and applied uncertain tax positions are not mathematically
TX260. Management does not have the ability, intent or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TX204. Requirements of tax holidays, tax rulings or similar agreements accurate
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V evidence of specific plans for reinvestment of
are not complied with or not expected to be complied with undistributed earnings of a subsidiary to support TX230. Deferred taxes are not accurately measured, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TX205. Permanent differences do not exist, are not identified, are not the indefinite reinvestment assertion completely recorded or not appropriately valued
accurate, or are not recorded in the correct period TX261. Actual or deemed distributions are not evaluated TX231. Deferred tax assets are not realizable or the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TX206. The ability to indefinitely reinvest foreign earnings may not be or considered for potential impact to the indefinite valuation allowances are not recorded accurately or
supportable due to cash flow forecasts and/or the funds are not reinvestment assertion in the proper period
needed by the foreign entity TX216. Tax effects of non-routine transactions are not TX233. *Input data used to estimate deferred taxes is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TX207. Intraperiod tax allocations are not appropriately considered completely and accurately accounted for complete and accurate
TX252. The "with-and-without" calculation for intraperiod tax allocation is TX218. Tax effects of impairment charges are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX234. *Assumptions used to estimate deferred taxes are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
not mathematically accurate identified, measured or recorded accurately not reasonable

TX253. Intraperiod tax allocation rules are applied at the inappropriate TX219. Tax effects of share-based compensation awards C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX235. *Model used to estimate deferred taxes is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
level (e.g., jurisdictional, tax return) are not identified, measured or recorded appropriate
accurately TX236. *GAAP applied to estimate deferred taxes is not
TX211. Return to provision adjustments are not appropriately accounted C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
for and assessed to determine whether they represent an error TX220. Tax effects of business combination transactions appropriate
or a change in estimate are not identified, measured or recorded
TX212. *Assumptions used in the cash flow forecasts to support the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
indefinite reinvestment assertion are not reasonable TX221. Tax effects of top-side entries are not identified, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
measured or recorded accurately

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 25 of 30
Aura v6
Taxes RiskMate (2 of 2) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

TX100. Unauthorized changes are made to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX104. Duties are not appropriately segregated – Taxes C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
master file data – Taxes recorded in the general ledger and/or the
accounts may not be correctly mapped TX105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
Process-wide TX101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V between the sub-ledger and the general
the applicable financial reporting framework, or Process-wide
the general ledger or sub-ledger - are not consistently or appropriately applied -
considerations Taxes
ledger – Taxes Taxes considerations
TX103. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
systems are incomplete or inaccurate - Taxes

Income tax provision Indirect tax (VAT and other) Adjustments & period-end
close - Taxes

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)
TX267. Intercompany transactions are not properly TX300. Indirect tax obligations do not exist, TX401. Adjustments posted are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX279. Transactions with tax implications recorded C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accounted for in determining deferred taxes are not complete and accurate, authorized, complete, accurate,
through equity (e.g. hedging, foreign currency
recorded in the correct period, recorded in the correct period,
transactions, pension, etc.) have not been
TX268. Deferred taxes are not appropriately identified or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V supported with documentation, or are
appropriately recorded supported with documentation, or are
measured for temporary differences arising from recorded in duplicate – Taxes
recorded in duplicate
gains and losses on intercompany loans TX239. Tax-related credits/grants do not exist, are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
denominated in the functional currency of the complete and accurate, recorded in the correct TX405. Classification of current and deferred C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
parent tax balances, including the valuation
period, supported with documentation or are
recorded in duplicate allowance, is not accurate
TX210. Tax planning strategies are not prudent, feasible, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
properly authorized and accounted for TX404. Tax transactions and balances, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TX280. *Model used to assess estimates over transfer C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V including uncertain tax positions, are
pricing is not appropriate
TX269. Sources of taxable income used to assess the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V not appropriately classified,
realizability of deferred tax assets may not be TX281. *Assumptions used to assess estimates over presented or disclosed
complete or accurate, including whether it transfer pricing are not reasonable
represents the appropriate character (e.g., capital
TX282. *Input data used for transfer pricing is not complete C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
gain) or is properly determined by jurisdiction
or accurate
TX270. *Model used to estimate future taxable income to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX283. *Calculations related to transfer pricing are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
assess the realizability of deferred tax assets is not
mathematically accurate
TX284. Transfer pricing established may not be C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TX271. *Input data used to estimate future taxable income C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V determined to be at arm's length or otherwise
to assess the realizability of deferred tax assets is
expected to sustain a position upon examination by
not complete and accurate
US and foreign taxing authorities
TX272. *Assumptions used to estimate future taxable C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX285. *Comparable companies used to support transfer C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
income to assess the realizability of deferred tax
pricing assumptions are not representative or
assets are not reasonable
appropriate for use
TX273. *The impact of a history of losses and expectation C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX286. Contemporaneous transfer pricing documentation C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
of future losses is not appropriately assessed and
does not exist or is insufficient to provide penalty
evaluated in determining the realizability of
protection or comply with statutory requirements
deferred tax assets
TX287. The determination of whether the difference C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TX274. The scheduling of the reversal of temporary C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V between the deduction for tax purposes and the
differences is not performed or not complete or
compensation cost recognized for financial
reporting purposes results in an excess tax benefit
TX275. *Calculations of the estimate of future taxable C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V or a tax deficiency is not accurately determined or
income to assess the realizability of deferred tax calculated
assets are not mathematically accurate
TX288. Tax deductions for disqualifying dispositions are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TX276. Tax credits are not appropriately evaluated to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V not completely or accurately identified and
determine whether they will expire before recorded
consideration as sources of income used to assess
TX289. Federal tax planning strategies are inappropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
the realizability of deferred tax assets
not applied consistently to state and local
TX277. Consideration of relevant limitations (e.g., SRLY, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V jurisdictions affected by the strategies
Sections 382, 383, 384) in the determination of the
TX290. UTPs are not identified and measured for state and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
valuation allowance has not been made
local tax planning strategies
TX291. State taxes based on income are not appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TX278. Tax planning strategies (e.g., internal C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V identified and recorded (e.g. Texas Gross Margin
reorganizations, valuation chain transformation
structures) have not been appropriately accounted
for or changes have not been monitored for TX292. Federal implications of state deferred taxes are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
appropriate consideration appropriately considered
TX237. *Calculations supporting the estimate deferred C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TX293. Disclosures regarding the outside basis difference C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
taxes are not mathematically accurate and the tax liability that would be incurred if those
earnings were repatriated are not complete or
TX238. Tax implications of intercompany transactions are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V accurate or the statement that it is impracticable to
not appropriately calculated or recorded in
determine is not supportable
accordance with the transfer pricing policy and/or
the applicable financial reporting framework TX294. The gross and tax-effected values of the deferred C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
tax assets and liabilities are not appropriately
classified, presented or disclosed

PwC RiskMates 26 of 30
Aura v6
Treasury - Cash & Investments RiskMate (1 of 3) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

TRES100. Unauthorized changes are made to master file data - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES103. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
Treasury systems are incomplete or inaccurate – the applicable financial reporting framework, or
Treasury are not consistently or appropriately applied –
Process-wide TRES101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to the general C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Treasury Process-wide
ledger or sub-ledger - Treasury TRES104. Duties are not appropriately segregated – C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
considerations Treasury
TRES102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not recorded in
the general ledger and/or the accounts may not be
correctly mapped between the sub-ledger and the
general ledger - Treasury

Banking & cash management Investment transactions Valuation - Treasury

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Assertion(s)
Risk Title
TRES200. Bank accounts, balances and transactions are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES300. Investment trades and terms are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES400. Investment transactions are not initially C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
not recorded completely, TRES415. *Input data used to estimate impairment of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
fictitious recorded at appropriate amounts (e.g., not
accurately and in the correct period debt instruments is not complete and accurate
TRES201. Cash/investment transactions are not recorded at fair value)
appropriately authorized TRES301. Investments in debt and equity C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES416. *Assumptions used to estimate the impairment C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TRES401. Investments are not subsequently measured C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
securities do not exist or of investments in debt and equity are not
TRES202. Receipts, including those close to period end at appropriate amounts and valuation
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V transactions are not authorized reasonable
are not complete, accurate and appropriately adjustments are not completely and accurately
recorded TRES302. Investments are not appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
recorded TRES417. *GAAP applied to estimate the impairment of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
classified at inception in investments in debt and equity is not
TRES203. Payments, including those close to period end, TRES402. Observable and unobservable inputs (e.g., C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V accordance with the applicable appropriate
are not authorized, complete, accurate and level 1, level 2, level 3 inputs) and adjustments
financial reporting framework for measurement uncertainties used in TRES418. *Calculations supporting the impairment of
appropriately recorded C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TRES303. Reclassifications of investments C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V determination of fair value of investments in investments in debt and equity are not
TRES204. Access to wires, checks and bank accounts is C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V are not accurately recorded or debt and equity are not accurate, consistent mathematically accurate
not appropriate - Banking & cash management appropriately accounted for in and reasonable
TRES419. Accounting for securities following recognition C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accordance with the applicable TRES403. Prices obtained from third-party pricing of an other than temporary impairment is not
financial reporting framework C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
sources are not reliable, reasonable and appropriate
TRES304. Derecognition of investments is not comparable with other third-party sources C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES420. Approval and review of counterparties or trade
accurately recorded or TRES404. Valuation techniques used by third-party limits is not appropriate
appropriately accounted for in the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
pricing source are not appropriate
correct period
TRES405. *Model, input data and assumptions (e.g., C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TRES305. Access to wires, checks and bank C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V discount rate, expected cash flows and timing
accounts is not appropriate - of cash flows) used to estimate value of
Investment transactions investments in debt and equity are not
TRES406. *Model used to estimate value of investments C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
in debt and equity is not appropriate
TRES407. *Input data used to estimate value of
investments in debt and equity is not
TRES408. *Assumptions used to estimate the value of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
investments in debt and equity are not
TRES409. *GAAP applied to estimate the value of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
investments in debt and equity is not
TRES410. *Calculations supporting the valuation of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
investments in debt and equity are not
mathematically accurate
TRES411. Impairment indicators are not appropriately
and timely identified, or completely and
accurately accounted for
TRES412. Impairment of debt instruments is not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
complete, accurate, recorded in the correct
period, supported with documentation or is
recorded in duplicate
TRES413. *Model, input data and assumptions (e.g.,
discount rate, expected cash flows and timing
of cash flows) used to estimate impairment of
investments in debt and equity are not
TRES414. *Model used to estimate the impairment of C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
investments in debt and equity is not

* This represents an estimate related risk. Refer to introduction for further information.
PwC RiskMates 27 of 30
Aura v6
Treasury - Cash & Investments RiskMate (2 of 3) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

TRES100. Unauthorized changes are made to master file data - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES103. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
Treasury systems are incomplete or inaccurate – the applicable financial reporting framework, or
Treasury are not consistently or appropriately applied –
Process-wide TRES101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to the general C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Treasury Process-wide
ledger or sub-ledger - Treasury TRES104. Duties are not appropriately segregated – C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
considerations Treasury
TRES102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not recorded in
the general ledger and/or the accounts may not be
correctly mapped between the sub-ledger and the
general ledger - Treasury

Interest & dividends Lending activities Initiation

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

TRES500. Dividend and interest income from TRES600. Other receivables do not exist or are not complete C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES700. The transfer is not appropriately authorized or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V and accurate
investments in debt and equity securities approved
(including calculation of effective interest rate TRES601. Other receivables are not valued appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TRES701. Terms of transfers of assets are not identified C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
and amortization of premiums/discounts) is not
TRES602. Amortization of other receivables is not complete C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V or properly classified and measured
complete, accurate, recorded in the correct
period or did not occur and accurate TRES702. Accounting systems are not updated C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TRES603. Capital & Equity transactions and balances completely, accurately, and timely to reflect
TRES501. Gain or loss on derecognition of investments C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
impacting Notes receivable accounts are not financial assets that are part of asset transfers
in debt and equity securities is not complete,
accurate, recorded in the correct period or did complete, accurate or appropriately recorded and
not occur disclosed

PwC RiskMates 28 of 30
Aura v6
Treasury - Cash & Investments RiskMate (3 of 3) – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

TRES100. Unauthorized changes are made to master file data - C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES103. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES105. Accounting policies are not in accordance with C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
Treasury systems are incomplete or inaccurate – the applicable financial reporting framework, or
Treasury are not consistently or appropriately applied –
Process-wide TRES101. Unauthorized entries can be posted to the general C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Treasury Process-wide
ledger or sub-ledger - Treasury TRES104. Duties are not appropriately segregated – C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
considerations Treasury
TRES102. All transactions in the sub-ledger are not recorded in
the general ledger and/or the accounts may not be
correctly mapped between the sub-ledger and the
general ledger - Treasury

Adjustments & period-end

Recording and activity
close - Treasury

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

TRES800. Accounting for officer's life insurance is not in TRES813. Legal isolation opinion has not been obtained in a C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES900. Cash and cash equivalents transactions and
accordance with the applicable financial complex structured sale transaction balances in foreign currency are not translated
reporting framework TRES814. Continuing involvement is appropriately considered C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V at the correct exchange rate
TRES801. New officers life insurance policies are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES815. Gain or loss on transfers of assets is not valid and C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES901. Adjustments posted are not authorized, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accurate, recorded in the correct period, timely, accurately and completely recorded complete, accurate, recorded in the correct
supported with documentation, or are recorded period, supported with documentation, or are
in duplicate TRES816. Transfers of assets are not recognized in C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V recorded in duplicate - Treasury - Cash &
accordance with the applicable financial reporting
TRES802. Recorded changes in the cash surrender value Investments
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V framework
are not accurate, recorded in the correct TRES902. Changes in the cash surrender value ("CSV") C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
period, supported with documentation or are TRES817. Effective control of the transferor has not been C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
or contract value are not complete, accurate,
recorded in duplicate relinquished
recorded in the correct period, supported with
TRES803. Repurchase agreements are inappropriately TRES818. The transferee does not have the ability to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V documentation, or are recorded in duplicate -
offset on the balance sheet repledge or transfer acquired assets Treasury - Cash & Investments

TRES804. Journal entries for transactions not qualifying TRES819. Transferred assets have not been legally isolated C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES903. Officers life insurance is not appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V from the transferor classified, presented or disclosed
for sale accounting are not appropriate
TRES820. There is inadequate or no accounting analysis for TRES904. Restricted cash is not appropriately disclosed C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TRES805. Participation arrangements are not completely C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
identified and tracked contingencies associated with representations and
TRES905. Cash equivalents and short term investments
warranties C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TRES806. Participation arrangements are not are not appropriately classified
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES821. Collateral is not completely and accurately
appropriately analyzed for transfer accounting C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES906. Cash and cash equivalents are inappropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TRES807. Amendments to agreements are not classified in the fair value hierarchy
appropriately authorized and evaluated for TRES907. Investments in debt and equity are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
accounting implications inappropriately classified in the fair value
TRES808. Cash surrender value is not accurate, hierarchy
recorded in the correct period, supported with TRES908. Cash balances are not offset in accordance C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
documentation or recorded in duplicate with GAAP
TRES809. Life insurance policies surrendered during the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V TRES909. Cash flows are not properly classified C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
period are not recorded in the correct period, according to their nature (i.e., operating,
supported with documentation, or are recorded investing, financing)
in duplicate
TRES910. Non cash items are not completely or C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TRES810. Tax on the cash surrender value of policies C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V accurately disclosed
which are surrendered early is not accurate,
TRES911. Cash, overdrafts and investment transactions
recorded in the correct period, supported by C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
and balances are not appropriately classified,
documentation or are recorded in duplicate
presented or disclosed
TRES811. Servicing rights are valued incorrectly C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TRES912. Additional disclosures required by ASC 820 for C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
TRES812. Agreements to transfer assets are not level 3 financial instruments are inaccurate or
evaluated to determine whether they are C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V incomplete
TRES913. The definitions applied by management in
determining the classification (i.e., Level 1, 2,
3) are not in accordance with ASC 820
TRES914. Transfers in and out of Level 3 are inaccurate C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
or incomplete

PwC 29 of 30
Aura v6
Information Technology General Controls RiskMate – June 2016
Risk Title Assertion(s)

ITGC100. Duties are not appropriately C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V

segregated – ITGCs

Process-wide ITGC101. Governance of IT processes are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V Process-wide
established - ITGCs
considerations considerations

Access to
Program changes
programs and data

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

ITGC200. Application end-users bypass systems-enforced ITGC300. Unauthorized or untested changes, or the
authorization and segregation of duties controls failure to make necessary changes to
application configurations prevent systems from
ITGC201. High-risk/powerful accounts (e.g., super-user, C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V processing transaction records completely and
etc.) bypass systems-enforced authorization
and segregation of duties controls
ITGC301. Unauthorized or untested changes, or the C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
ITGC202. Improper direct changes are made to underlying
C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V failure to make necessary changes to
transaction records or master data
application programs prevent systems from
ITGC203. Weak password controls or security processing transaction records completely and
configurations allow access rights to be accurately
ITGC302. Unauthorized or untested changes, or failure to C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
make necessary changes to batch processes
prevent systems from processing transaction
records completely and accurately
ITGC303. Unauthorized or untested changes, or failure to
make necessary changes to the operating C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
system/network prevent systems from
processing transaction records completely and

Program Computer
development operations

Risk Title Assertion(s) Risk Title Assertion(s)

ITGC400. Newly implemented (or significantly enhanced) ITGC500. Inappropriate changes to, manual intervention
systems incompletely or inaccurately process in, or failures in batch processes
data (e.g. due to erroneous coding/
ITGC501. Transaction records transferred between C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
systems are incomplete or inaccurate
ITGC401. Transaction records and/or master data are not C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V ITGC502. Transaction records are lost (e.g. due to system C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
completely and accurately migrated
failure) and data is not recoverable or is
corrupted/duplicated in the recovery process
ITGC503. Unauthorized access to facilities, equipment C A C/O E/O R&O P&D V
and resources is not prevented

PwC RiskMates 30 of 30

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