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Naomy Mercedes Romani Palomino

a. 7.-hack
2.- hijacking 8.-burglar
3.- smuggling d.
4.- forgery 2.- verdict
5.- vandalism 3.- charged
6.- fraud 4.- court
7.- bribery 5.-investigating
8.- murder 6.- acquitted
b. 7.- witnesses
2.- blackmail, to blackmail 8.-fine
3.- drug dealing, drug dealer 2 READING
4.- mugger, to mug a.
5.- terrorism, terrorist 1.- E
6.- theft, thief 2.-A
7.- robber, to rob 3.-F
8.- stalking, to stalk 4.-B
9.- hacking, hacker 5.-D
c. 6.-C
2.- robbery b.
3.- stalker 1.- key in
4.-smuggle 2.-landline
5.-bribe 3.-purchase
6.-robbed 4.-require
5.-dispose of 4 MINI GRAMMAR
6.- have access to 2.-have our burglar alarm tested
7.-gather 3.-have had my car repaired
8.-go through 4.-had his house painted
3 GRAMMAR 5.-will have my rugs cleaned
a. 6.-are having a wall built
2.- had been stolen 7.-has his apartment cleaned
3.- be caught 8.-are having our kitchen redesigned
4.-punished 5 PRONUNCIATION
5.-questioned 2.-jury
6.-visited 3.-guilty
7.-was arrested 4.-blackmail
8.-is being held 6 LISTENING
9.- will be heard a.
10.-espect speaker 1: B
11- be given speaker 2: F
12.- will be stolen speaker 3: E
b. speaker 4: A
3.- is expected to be acquitted speaker 5: D
4.- are reported to have taken the president´s b.
wife 1.- F
5.- thought that the terrorists are hiding 2.-T
somewhere in France 3.-T
6.-known that the suspect is dangerous 4.-F
7.-are reported to have damaged the art 5.-F
8.- said that the police have arrested three men

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