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1. is anything for which a separate measurement is required.

(a) Cost unit
(b) Cost object
(c) Cost driver
(d) Cost centre

2. Which of the following is true about Cost Control?

(a) It is a corrective function
(b) It challenges the set standards
(c) It ends when targets achieved
(d) It is concerned with future

3. Cost units used in power sector is:

(a) Kilo meter (K.M)
(b) Kilowatt-hour (kWh)
(c) Number of electric points
(d) Number of hours

4. Processes Costing method is suitable for

(a) Transport sector
(b) Chemical industries
(c) Dam construction
(d) Furniture making

5. Distinction between direct cost and indirect cost is an example of classification

(a) By Element
(b) By Function
(c) By Controllability
(d) By Variability

6. The advantage of using IT in Cost Accounting does not include:

(a) Integration of various functions
(b) Stock needs to be reconciled with Goods Received Note
(c) Reduction in multicity of documents
(d) Customised reports can be prepared.

7. A taxi provider charges minimum ` 80 thereafter ` 12 per kilometer of distance

travelled, the behaviour of conveyance cost is:
(a) Fixed Cost
(b) Semi-variable Cost
(c) Variable Cost
(d) Administrative cost.


8. A Ltd. has three production department, and each department has two machines,which
of the following cannot be treated as cost centre for cost allocation:
(a) Machines under the production department
(b) Production departments
(c) Both Production department and machines
(d) A Ltd.

9. Which of the following is an example of functional classification of cost:

(a) Direct Material Cost
(b) Fixed Cost
(c) Administrative Overheads
(d) Indirect Overheads.

10. Ticket counter in a Railway Station is an example of

(a) Cost Centre
(b) Revenue Centre
(c) Profit Centre
(d) Investment Centre

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (b)

7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (b)



1. Direct material can be classified as

(a) Fixed cost
(b) Variable cost
(c) Semi-variable cost.
(d) Prime Cost

2. In most of the industries, the most important element of cost is

(a) Material
(b) Labour
(c) Overheads
(d) Administration Cost

3. Which of the following is considered to be the normal loss of materials?

(a) Loss due to accidents
(b) Pilferage
(c) Loss due to breaking the bulk
(d) Loss due to careless handling of materials.

4. In which of following methods of pricing, costs lag behind the current economic
(a) Last-in-first out price
(b) First-in-first out price
(c) Replacement price
(d) Weighted average price

5. Continuous stock taking is a part of

(a) Annual stock taking
(b) Perpetual inventory
(c) ABC analysis.
(d) Bin Cards

6. In which of the following methods, issues of materials are priced at pre-determined

(a) Inflated price method
(b) Standard price method
(c) Replacement price method
(d) Market price method.

7. When material prices fluctuate widely, the method of pricing that gives absurd
results is
(a) Simple average price
(b) Weighted average price
(c) Moving average price
(d) Inflated price.


8. When prices fluctuate widely, the method that will smooth out the effect of
fluctuations is
(a) Simple average
(b) Weighted average
(c) FIFO
(d) LIFO

9. Under the FSN system of inventory control, inventory is classified on the basis of:
(a) Volume of material consumption
(b) Frequency of usage of items of inventory
(c) Criticality of the item of inventory for production
(d) Value of items of inventory

10. Materials are issued to and from one process to another, on the basis of:
(a) Material Transfer Note
(b) Material Requisition Note
(c) Bill of Materials
(d) Purchase Requisition Note

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (b)

7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (b)



1. Idle time is the time under which-

a) Full wages are paid to workers
b) No productivity is given by the workers
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

2. Cost of idle time due to non- availability of raw material is-

a) Charged to overhead costs
b) Charged to respective jobs
c) Charged to costing profit and loss account
d) None of the above

3. Time and motion study is conducted by-

a) Time keeping department
b) Personal department
c) Payroll department
d) Engineering department

4. Identify, which one of the following, does not account for increasing labour
a) Job satisfaction
b) Motivating workers
c) High labour turnover
d) Proper supervision and control

5. Labour turnover is measured by-

(a) Number of persons replaced/ average number of workers
(b) Numbers of persons separated / number of workers at the beginning of the year
(c) (Number of persons replaced + number of persons separated) / (number of persons at
the beginning + the number of persons at the end of the year)
(d) None of the above

6. Labour productivity is measured by comparing-

(a) Actual time and standard time
(b) Total output with total man-hours
(c) Added value for the product with total wage cost
(d) All of the above
7. Employee cost includes-
a) Wages and salaries
b) Allowances and incentives
c) Payment for overtime
d) All of the above


8. If the time saved is less than 50% of the standard time, then the wages underRowan
and Halsey premium plan on comparison gives-
a) More wages to workers under Rowan plan than Halsey plan
b) More wages to workers under Halsey plan than Rowan plan
c) Equal wages under two plans
d) None of the above

9. Standard time of a job is 60 hours and guaranteed time rate is ` 0.30 per hour. What
is the amount of wages under Rowan plan if job is completed in 48 hours?
a) ` 16.20
b) ` 17.28
c) ` 18.00
d) ` 14.40

10. Important factors for control of employee cost can be-

a) Time and Motion Study
b) Control over idle time and overtime
c) Control over employee turnover
d) All of the above

11. Out of the following methods attendance is marked by recognizing an employeebased

on physical and behavioural traits-
a) Punch Card Attendance method
b) Bio- Metric Attendance system
c) Attendance Register method
d) Token Method

12. If overtime is required for meeting urgent orders, the overtime premium should be
charged as-
a) Respective job
b) Overhead cost
c) Costing P& L A/c
d) None of above

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (d)

7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (a)



1. “Fixed overhead costs are not affected in monetary terms during a given period by a
change in output”. But this statement holds good provided:
(a) Increase in output is not substantial
(b) Increase in output is substantial
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

2. The concept of ‘idle capacity of plant’ as used in cost accounting is its:

(a) Best capacity for normal production
(b) Capacity used for standard setting
(c) Theoretical maximum capacity
(d) Capacity below which production should not fall

3. The allotment of whole items of cost-to-cost centres or cost units is called:

(a) Overhead absorption
(b) Cost apportionment
(c) Cost allocation
(d) None of the above

4. Primary packing cost is a part of:

(a) Direct material cost
(b) Production Cost
(c) Selling overheads
(d) Distribution overheads

5. Director’s remuneration and expenses form part of:

(a) Production overhead
(b) Administration overhead
(c) Selling overhead
(d) Distribution overhead

6. Which of the following is not the classification of overhead based on its functionality?
(a) Production overhead
(b) Administration overhead
(c) Fixed overhead
(d) Selling overhead

7. Bad debt is an example of:

(a) Distribution overhead
(b) Production overhead
(c) Selling overhead
(d) Administration overhead


8. Normal capacity of a plant refers to the difference between:

(a) Maximum capacity and practical capacity
(b) Practical capacity and normal capacity
(c) Practical capacity and estimated idle capacity as revealed by long term sales trend.
(d) Maximum capacity and actual capacity

9. The difference between actual factory overhead and absorbed factory overhead will be
usually at the minimum level, provided pre- determined overhead rate is based on:
(a) Maximum capacity
(b) Direct labour hours
(c) Machine hours
(d) Normal capacity

10. Identify among the following a scientific and accurate method of factory overhead
(a) Percentage of direct material cost method
(b) Percentage of direct labour cost method
(c) Percentage of prime cost method
(d) Machine hour rate method.

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (c)

7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10 (d)



1. Generally, for the purpose of cost sheet preparation, costs are classified onthe basis
(a) Functions
(b) Variability
(c) Relevance
(d) Nature

2. Which of the following does not form part of prime cost:

(a) Cost of packing
(b) Cost of transportation paid to bring materials to factory
(c) GST paid on raw materials (input credit cannot be claimed)
(d) Overtime premium paid to workers.

3. A Ltd. received an order, for which it purchased a special frame formanufacturing,

it is a part of:
(a) Direct Materials
(b) Direct expenses
(c) Factory Overheads
(d) Administration Overheads

4. Salary paid to plant supervisor is a part of

(a) Direct expenses
(b) Factory overheads
(c) Quality control cost
(d) Administration cost

5. Depreciation of director’s laptop is treated as a part of:

(a) Administration Overheads
(b) Factory Overheads
(c) Direct Expenses
(d) Research & Development cost.

6. A manufacture has set-up a lab for testing of products for compliance with
standards, salary of this lab staffs are part of:
(a) Works overheads
(b) Quality Control Cost
(c) Direct Expenses
(d) Research & Development Cost.

7. Audit fees paid to auditors is part of:

(a) Administration Cost
(b) Production cost
(c) Selling & Distribution cost
(d) Not shown in cost sheet.


8. Salary paid to factory store staff is part of:

(a) Factory overheads
(b) Production Cost
(c) Direct Employee cost
(d) Direct Material Cost.

9. Canteen expenses for factory workers are part of:

(a) Factory overhead
(b) Administration Cost
(c) Marketing cost
(d) None of the above.

10. A company pays royalty to State Government on the basis of production, itis treated
(a) Direct Material Cost
(b) Factory Overheads
(c) Direct Expenses
(d) Administration cost.

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (b)

7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (c)



1. Under the Non-integrated accounting system

(a) Same ledger is maintained for cost and financial accounts byaccountants
(b) Separate ledgers are maintained for cost and financial accounts
(c) (a) and (b) both
(d) None of the above

2. Notional costs
(a) May be included in Integrated accounts
(b) May be included in Non-integrated accounts
(c) Cannot be included in Non-integrated accounts
(d) None of the above

3. Under Non-integrated accounting system, the account made to completedouble entry

(a) Stores ledger control account
(b) Work in progress control account
(c) Finished goods control account
(d) General ledger adjustment account

4. Integrated systems of accounts are maintained

(a) In separate books of accounts for costing and financial accountingpurposes
(b) In same books of accounts
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above

5. Under Non-integrated system of accounting, purchase of raw material isdebited to

which account
(a) Material control account / stores ledger control account
(b) General ledger adjustment account
(c) Purchase account
(d) None of the above

6. Under Non-integrated accounts, if materials worth ` 1,500 are purchased fora special
job, then which account will be debited:
(a) Special job account / work in process account
(b) Material control account
(c) Cost control account
(d) None of the above


7. Which account is to be debited if materials worth ` 500 are returned to vendorunder

Non-integrated accounts:
(a) Cost ledger control account
(b) Finished goods control account
(c) WIP control account
(d) None of the above

8. Which of the following items is included in cost accounts?

(a) Notional rent
(b) Donations
(c.) Transfer to general reserve
(d) Rent receivable

9. When costing loss is ` 5,600, administrative overhead under-absorbed being ` 600,

the loss as per financial Accounts should be
(a) ` 5,600
(b) ` 6,200
(c) ` 5,000
(d) None of the above

10. Which of the following items should be added to costing profit to arrive atfinancial
(a) Over-absorption of works overhead
(b) Interest paid on debentures
(c) Income tax paid
(d) All of the above

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (a)

7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (a)



1. Different businesses in order to determine cost of their product or service
offering follow:
(a) Different methods of Costing
(b) Uniform Costing
(c) Different techniques of costing
(d) None of the above

2. In order to determine cost of the product or service, following are used:

(a) Techniques of costing like Marginal, Standard etc.
(b) Methods of Costing
(c) Comparatives
(d) All of the above

3. Unit Costing is applicable where:

(a) Product produced are unique and no 2 products are same
(b) Dissimilar articles are produced as per customer specification
(c) homogeneous articles are produced on large scale
(d) Products made require different raw materials

4. In case product produced or jobs undertaken are of diverse nature, thesystem of

costing to be used should be:
(a) Process costing
(b) Operating costing
(c) Job costing
(d) None of the above

5. Job Costing is:

(a) Applicable to all industries regardless of the products or servicesprovided
(b) Technique of costing
(c) Suitable where similar products are produced on mass scale
(d) Method of costing used for non- standard and non- repetitive products.

6. The production planning department prepares a list of materials and stores

required for the completion of a specific job order, this list is known as:
(a) Bin card
(b) Bill of material
(c) Material requisition slip
(d) None of the above

7. Batch costing is a type of:

(a) Process costing
(b) Job Costing
(c) Differential costing
(d) Direct costing

8. Batch costing is similar to that under job costing except with the difference that
(a) Job becomes a cost unit.
(b) Batch becomes the cost unit instead of a job
(c) Process becomes a cost unit
(d) None of the above

9. The main points of distinction between job and contract costing includes:
(a) Length of time to complete.
(b) Big jobs
(c) Activities to be done outside the factory area
(d) All of the above

10. Economic batch quantity is that size of the batch of production where:
(a) Average cost is minimum
(b) Set-up cost of machine is minimum
(c) Carrying cost is minimum
(d) Both (b) and (c)

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (b)

7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (d)



1. In case product produced or jobs undertaken are of diverse nature, the system of
costing to be used should be:
a) Process costing
b) Operating costing
c) Job costing
d) None of the above

2. The production planning department prepares a list of materials and stores

required for the completion of a specific job order this list is known as:
(a) Bin card
(b) Bill of material
(c) Material requisition slip
(d) None of the above

3. Job costing is similar to that under Batch costing except with the differencethat
a) Job becomes a cost unit.
b) Batch becomes the cost unit instead of a job
c) Process becomes a cost unit
d) None of the above.

4. The main points of distinction between job and contract costing includes:
a) Length of time to complete
b) big jobs
c) Activities to be done outside the factory area
d) All of the above

5. In job costing which of the following documents are used to record theissue of
direct material to a job’:
a) Goods received note
b) Material requisition
c) Purchase order
d) Purchase requisition

6. Which of the following would best describe the characteristics of contractcosting:

(i) homogeneous products;
(ii) customer driven production;
(iii) short period of time between the commencement and completion ofthe cost unit
(a) (i) and (ii) only
(b) (ii) and (iii) only
(c) (i) and (iii) only
(d) (ii) only


7. The most suitable cost system where the products differ in type of materials and
work performed is :
a) Job Costing
b) Process Costing
c) Operating Costing
d) None of these.

8. Which of the following statements is true:

a) Job cost sheet may be used for estimating profit of jobs.
b) Job costing cannot be used in conjunction with marginal costing.
c) In cost plus contracts, the contractor runs a risk of incurring a loss.
d) None of these.

9. Which of the following statements is true:

a) In job costing method, a cost sheet is prepared for each job.
b) A production order is an order received from a customer for particularjobs.
c) in contract costing, the contract which is complete up to one fourth of the total
contract, one-fourth of the profit should be transferred to Profit & Loss Account.
d) In contract costing profit of each contract is computed when the contract is

10. Which of the following statements is true:

a) Job cost sheet may be prepared for facilitating routing and schedulingof the job
b) Job costing can be suitably used for concerns producing uniformly any specific
c) Job costing cannot be used in companies using standard costing
d) Neither (a) nor (b) nor (c)

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (d)

7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (d)



1. The type of process loss that should not be allowed to affect the cost ofgood
units is:
(a) Abnormal loss
(b) Normal loss
(c) Seasonal loss
(d) Standard loss
2. 200 units were introduced in a process in which 20 units is the normal loss.If the
actual output is 150 units, then there is:
(a) No abnormal loss
(b) No abnormal gain
(c) Abnormal loss of 30 units
(d) Abnormal gain of 30 units
3. 100 units are processed at a total cost of ` 160, normal loss is 10%, & scrap units are
sold @ ` 0.25 each. If the output is 80 units, then the value of abnormal loss is:
(a) ` 2.50
(b) ` 16
(c) ` 17.50
(d) ` 17.75
4. When average method is used in process costing, the opening inventorycosts are:
a) Subtracted from the new costs
b) added to the new costs
c) Kept separate from the costs of the new period
d) Averaged with other costs to arrive at total cost
5. Spoilage that occurs under inefficient operating conditions and is ordinarily
controllable is called:
(a) Normal spoilage
(b) Abnormal spoilage
(c) Normal defectives
(d) None of the above
6. An abnormal gain in a process occurs in which of the following situations?
(a) When the actual output is greater than the planned output.
(b) When actual loss is more than the expected.
(c) When actual loss is less than the expected loss
(d) When normal loss is equal to actual loss.
7. The value of abnormal loss is equal to:
(a) Total cost of materials
(b) Total process cost less realizable value of normal loss
(c) Total process cost less cost of scrap
(d) Total process cost less realizable value of normal loss - value of transferred out goods.


8. Inter-process profit is calculated, because:

(a) a process is a cost centre
(b) each process has to report profit
(c) the efficiency of the process is measured
(d) the wages of employees are linked to the process profitability.

9. The Cost of each process comprises the cost of:

(a) Material cost
(b) Labour cost
(c) Factory overhead
(d) All of the above

10. A process account is debited by abnormal gain, the value is determined as:
(a) Equal to the value of normal loss
(b) Cost of good units less realizable value of normal loss
(c) Cost of good units less realizable value of actual loss
(d) Equal to the value of good units less closing stock

11. Lean Labs develops 55mm film using a four-step process that moves progressively
through four departments. The company specializes in overnight service and has the
largest drug store chain as its primary customer. Currently, direct labor, direct
materials, and overhead are accumulated by departments.
The cost accumulation system that best describes the system Lean Labs isusing
(a) Operation costing.
(b) Activity-based costing.
(c) Job-order costing.
(d) Process costing.

12. When compared with normal spoilage, abnormal spoilage:

(a) Arises more frequently from factors that are inherent in themanufacturing process.
(b) Is given the same accounting treatment as normal spoilage.
(c) Is generally thought to be more controllable by purchase department than
production department.
(d) Is not typically influenced by the "tightness" of production standards.

13. Assume 550 units were worked on during a period in which a total of 500 good units
were completed. Normal loss consisted of 30 units; abnormal loss 20 units. Total
production costs were ` 2,200. The company accounts for abnormal spoilage
separately on the income statement as loss due to abnormal loss. Normal loss is not
accounted for separately. What is the cost of the good units produced?
(a) ` 2,080
(b) ` 2,115
(c) ` 2,200
(d) ` 2,332


14. A Limited uses process costing systems and inspects its goods post manufacturing.
An engineer noticed on May 30 the following:
Good units completed 15,000
Normal loss (units) 300
Abnormal loss (units) 100
Unit costs were:
Material ` 2.50
Conversion costs (Labour & overheads) ` 6.00
The number of units that company would transfer to its finished goods stock and the
related cost of these units are:
(a) 15,000 units transferred at a cost of ` 127,500
(b) 15,000 units transferred at a cost of ` 130,050
(c) 15,000 units transferred at a cost of ` 135,000
(d) 15,300 units transferred at a cost of ` 130,050

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (c)

7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (b) 11. (d) 12. (d)
13. (b) 14. (b)



1. In sugar manufacturing industries molasses is also produced along with sugar.

Molasses may be of smaller value as compared with the value of sugar and is known
(a) Common product
(b) By- product
(c) Joint product
(d) None of them

2. Method of apportioning joint costs on the basis of output of each joint product at
the point of split off is:
(a) Sales value method
(b) Physical unit method
(c) Average cost method
(d) Marginal cost and contribution method

3. In the Net realisable value method, for apportioning joint costs over thepoint
products, the basis of apportionment makes use of:
(a) Selling price per unit of each of the joint products
(b) Selling price multiplied by units sold of each of the joint products
(c) Sales value of each joint product less further processing costs ofindividual products
(d) Both (b) and (c)

4. The main purpose of accounting of joint products and by- products is to:
(a) Determine the opportunity cost
(b) Determine the replacement cost
(c) Determine profit or loss on each product line
(d) None of these

5. Under net realizable value method of apportioning joint costs to joint products,
the selling & distribution cost is:
(a) Added to joint cost
(b) Deducted from further processing cost
(c) Deducted from sales value
(d) Ignored

6. Which of the f ollowing i s a co-product:

(a) Diesel and Petrol in an oil refinery
(b) Edible oils and oil cakes
(c) Curd and butter in a dairy
(d) Mustard oil and Sunflower oil in an oil processing company.

7. Which of the following is an example of by-product
(a) Diesel and Petrol in an oil refinery
(b) Edible oils and oil cakes
(c) Curd and butter in a dairy
(d) Mustard seeds and mustard oil.

8. Which of following method can be used when the joint products are of unequal
quantity and used for captive consumption:
(a) Technical estimates, using market value of similar goods
(b) Net Realisable value method
(c) Physical Units method
(d) Market value at split-off method.

9. Which of the following statement is not correct in relation to Co-products:

(a) Co-products may also have joint products
(b) Costing for co-products is done according to process costing method
(c) Co-products do not have any by-products
(d) Co-products are treated as a separate cost object for costing purpose.

10. When a by-product does not have any realisable value, the cost of by-product is:
(a) Transferred to Costing Profit & Loss A/c
(b) By-product cost is borne by the good units
(c) By-product cost is ignored
(d) By-product cost is determined taking value of similar goods

11. SG Ltd manufactures two products from a joint milling process. The two products
developed are Mine support (MS) and Commercial building (CB). A standard
production run incurs joint costs of ` 1,00,000 and results in 60,000 units of MS and
90,000 units of CB. Each MS sells for ` 200 per unit,and each CB sells for ` 450 per
unit. Assuming no further processing work is done after the split-off point, the
amount of joint cost allocated to Commercial building (CB) on a physical quantity
allocation basis would be:
(a) ` 60,000.
(b) ` 1,80,000.
(c) ` 2,25,000.
(d) ` 1,20,000.

12. For the purpose of allocating joint costs to joint products, the sales priceat point
of sale, reduced by cost to complete after split-off, is assumed tobe equal to the:
(a) Joint costs
(b) Sales price less a normal profit margin at point of sale
(c) Net sales value at split off
(d) Total costs.

13. Kay Company manufactures two hair care lotions, L and S, out of a joint process.
The joint costs incurred are ` 6,30,000 for a standard production run that generates
1,80,000 gallons of L and 1,20,000 gallons of S. L sells for ` 240 per gallon, and
S sells for ` 390 per gallon.
If additional processing costs beyond the split-off point are ` 140 per gallon for L
and ` 90 per gallon for S, the amount of joint cost of each production run allocated
to L on a physical-quantity basis is:
(a) ` 340,000.
(b) ` 378,000.
(c) ` 232,000.
(d) ` 580,000.

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (d)

7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (b) 11. (a) 12. (c)
13. (b)



1. Composite cost unit for a hospital is:

(a) Per patient
(b) Per patient-day
(c) Per day
(d) Per bed

2. Cost of diesel and lubricant is an example of:

(a) Operating cost
(b) Fixed charges
(c) Semi-variable cost
(d) None of the above

3. Cost units used in power sector is:

(a) Kilo meter (K.M)
(b) Kilowatt-hour (kWh)
(c) Number of electric points
(d) Number of hours

4. Absolute Tonne-km. is an e xample of:

(a) Composite units in power sector
(b) Composite unit of transport sector
(c) Composite unit for bus operation
(d) Composite unit for oil and natural gas

5. Depreciation is treated as fixed cost if it is related to:

(a) Activity level
(b) Related with machine hours
(c) Efflux of time
(d) None of the above

6. Jobs undertaken by IT & ITES organizations are considered as:

(a) Project
(b) Batch work
(c) Contract
(d) All the above

7. In Toll Road costing, the repetitive costs include:

(a) Maintenance cost
(b) Annual operating costs
(c) None of the above
(d) Both (a) and (b)


8. BOT approach means:

(a) Build, Operate and Transfer
(b) Buy, Operate and Transfer
(c) Build, Operate and Trash
(d) Build, Own and Trash

9. Pre-product development activities in insurance companies, include:

(a) Processing of Claim
(b) Selling of policy
(c) Provision of conditions
(d) Policy application processing

10. Which of the following costing method is not appropriate for costing of educational
(a) Batch Costing
(b) Activity Based Costing
(c) Absorption Costing
(d) Process Costing

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (a)

7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (d)



1. Under standard cost system the cost of the product determined at the beginning of
production is its:
(a) Direct cost
(b) Pre-determined cost
(c) Historical cost
(d) Actual cost

2. The deviations between actual and standard cost is known as:

(a) Multiple analysis
(b) Variable cost analysis
(c) Variance analysis
(d) Linear trend analysis

3. The standard which is attainable under favourable conditions is:

(a) Theoretical standard
(b) Expected standard
(c) Normal standard
(d) Basic standard

4. The standard most suitable from cost control point of view is:
(a) Normal standard
(b) Theoretical standard
(c) Expected standard
(d) Basic standard

5. Overhead cost variances are:

(a) The difference between overheads recovered on actual output - actual overhead
(b) The difference between budgeted overhead cost and actual overhead cost.
(c) Obtained by multiplying standard overhead absorption rate with the difference
between standard hours for actual output and actual hours worked.
(d) None of the above

6. Which of the following variance arises when more than one material is used in
the manufacture of a product:
(a) Material price variance
(b) Material usage variance
(c) Material yield variance
(d) Material mix variance


7. If standard hours for 100 units of output are 400 @ ` 2 per hour and actual hours
take are 380 @ ` 2.25 per, then the labour rate variance is:
(a) ` 95 (adverse)
(b) ` 100 (adverse)
(c) ` 25 (favourable)
(d) ` 120 (adverse)

8. Controllable variances are best disposed-off by transferring to:

(a) Cost of goods sold
(b) Cost of goods sold and inventories
(c) Inventories of work–in–progress and finished goods
(d) Costing profit and loss account

9. Idle time variance is obtained by multiplying:

(a) The difference between standard and actual hours by the actual rate of labour per
(b) The difference between actual labour hours paid and actual labour hours worked by
the standard rate
(c) The difference between standard and actual hours by the standard rate of per hour
(d) None of the above.

10. Basic standards are:

(a) Those standards, which require high degree of efficiency and performance.
(b) Average standards and are useful in long term planning.
(c) Standards, which can be attained or achieved
(d) Assuming to remain unchanged for a long time.

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (d)

7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (d)



1. Under marginal costing the cost of product includes:

(a) Prime costs only.
(b) Prime costs and variable overheads.
(c) Prime costs and fixed overheads.
(d) Prime costs and factory overheads.

2. Reporting under marginal costing is accomplished by:

(a) Treating all costs as period costs.
(b) Eliminating the work-in-progress inventory account.
(c) Matching variable costs against revenue and treating fixed costs asperiod costs.
(d) Including only variable costs in income statement.

3. Period costs are:

(a) Variable costs.
(b) Fixed costs.
(c) Prime costs.
(d) Overheads costs.

4. When sales and production (in units) are same then profit under:
(a) Marginal costing is higher than that of absorption costing.
(b) Marginal costing is lower than that of absorption costing.
(c) Marginal costing is equal to that of absorption costing.
(d) None of the above.

5. When sales exceed production (in units) then profit under:

(a) Marginal costing is higher than that of absorption costing.
(b) Marginal costing is lower than that of absorption costing.
(c) Marginal costing is equal than that of absorption costing.
(d) None of above.

6. The main difference between marginal costing and absorption costing is regarding
the treatment of:
(a) Prime cost.
(b) Fixed overheads.
(c) Direct materials.
(d) Variable overheads.

7. Under profit volume ratio, the term profit:

(a) Means the sales proceeds in excess of total costs.
(b) Here means the same thing as is generally understood
(c) Is a misnomer, it in fact refers to contribution i.e. (sales revenue - variable costs).
(d) None of the above.


8. Factors which can change the break-even point:

(a) Change in fixed costs.
(b) Change in variable costs.
(c) Change in the selling price.
(d) All of the above.

9. If P/V ratio is 40% of sales then what about the remaining 60% of sales:
(a) Profit.
(b) Fixed cost.
(c) Variable cost.
(d) Margin of safety.

10. The P/V ratio of a product is 0.60 and profit is ` 9,000. The margin of safety is:
(a) ` 5,400
(b) ` 15,000
(c) ` 22,500
(d) ` 3,600

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (b)

7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (b)



1. If a company wishes to establish a factory overhead budget system in which

estimated costs can be derived directly from estimates of activity levels, it should
prepare a:
(a) Master budget
(b) Cash budget
(c) Flexible budget
(d) Fixed budget

2. The classification of fixed and variable cost is useful for the preparation of:
(a) Master budget
(b) Flexible budget
(c) Cash budget
(d) Capital budget

3. Budget manual is a document:

(a) Which contains different type of budgets to be formulated only.
(b) Which contains the details about standard cost of the products to bemade.
(c) Setting out the budget organization and procedures for preparing abudget including
fixation of responsibilities, formats and recordsrequired for the purpose of preparing a
budget and for exercising budgetary control system.
(d) None of the above

4. The budget control organization is usually headed by a top executive whois

known as:
(a) General manager
(b) Budget director/budget controller
(c) Accountant of the organization
(d) None of the above

5. “A favourable budget variance is always an indication of efficientperformance”.

Do you agree, give reason?
(a) A favourable variance indicates, saving on the part of the organization hence it
indicates efficient performance of the organization.
(b) Under all situations, a favourable variance of an organization speaks about its efficient
(c) A favourable variance does not necessarily indicate efficient performance, because
such a variance might have been arrived at bynot carrying out the expenses
mentioned in the budget.
(d) None of the above.

6. A budget report is prepared on the principle of exception and thus-

(a) Only unfavourable variances should be shown
(b) Only favourable variance should be shown
(c) Both favourable and unfavourable variances should be shown
(d) None of the above


7. Purchases budget and materials budget are same:

(a) Purchases budget is a budget which includes only the details of all materials
(b) Purchases budget is a wider concept and thus includes not onlypurchases of
materials but also other item’s as well
(c) Purchases budget is different from materials budget; it includespurchases of other
items only
(d) None of the above

8. Efficiency ratio is:

(a) The extent of actual working days avoided during the budget period
(b) Activity ratio/ capacity ratio
(c) Whether the actual activity is more or less than budgeted activity
(d) None of the above

9. Activity Ratio depicts:

(a) Whether actual capacity utilized exceeds or falls short of the budgetedcapacity
(b) Whether the actual hours used for actual production were more or less than the
standard hours
(c) Whether actual activity was more or less than the budgeted capacity
(d) None of the above

10. Which of the following is usually a short-term budget?

(a) Capital expenditure budget
(b) Research and development budget
(c) Cash budget
(d) Sales budget

Answers to the MCQs based Questions

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (c)

7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (c)


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