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Attachment 1- Project Portfolio Template



Facilitate continuous improvement

Project Portfolio
Student name:

Student ID:



Business/work area this

assessment is based on:

Leadership role and team:

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
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RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 01 March 2021
Attachment 1- Project Portfolio Template


Section 1: Identifying the continuous improvement needs of your business 4

Section 2: Systems and processes research 5
Section 3: Continuous Improvement Policy 7
Section 4: Knowledge management systems 9
Section 5: Continuous improvement tools 10
Section 6: Continuous improvement presentation development 11
Section 7: Continuous improvement presentation 12

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
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Section 1: Identifying the continuous improvement

needs of your business
Record the outcomes of your customer meeting and identify the continuous improvement needs of your

Preparing for the meeting The client meeting was planned with the help of the entire team, and
all policies and procedures were thoroughly reviewed prior to the
How did you prepare for the
meeting. The following are some of the policies that were examined:
customer meeting? What
 1. Internal Communication Policy and Procedures
information did you review?
What policies and procedures  2. Documentation Policy and Procedures
did you refer to?
 3. Staff code of conduct

 4. Performance management and planning

Outcomes of the customer After talking with the supervisor, the HRM may recommend that the
meeting case be addressed under unsatisfactory performance procedures if
an employee's performance is assessed to be below par and earlier
Document the feedback that
attempts to resolve performance issues through the PMS review and
your customer provided you
feedback talks have failed. When an employee fails to satisfy all of
with. What did this tell you
the objective Key Performance Indicators once the review is done,
about the continuous
this is considered below-standard performance. While the individual
improvement needs of your
may excel in some areas of professional competence, he or she is
aware of weaknesses in others and would benefit from targeted
training and development to address areas where improvement is

Attach: Recording of customer discussion (if assessor did not ☐

participate or directly observe)

Program Management Policy and Procedures ☐

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
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Section 2: Systems and processes research

Write your research report below.

Benefits of continuous improvement

Describe the benefits of continuous improvement to the organisation, its employees and other
The benefits of continuous improvement to the organisation, its employees and other stakeholders are
as follows: 1. Actively engaged employees. Employees become more engaged as a result of
continuous improvement. Continuous improvement is primarily intended to allow employees to
address issues that concern them while enhancing the efficiency of their work processes over time.
When employees see their ideas being developed on a regular basis, they realise how valuable they
are. When an employee suggests a change, the suggestion can be extensively investigated and, if
successful, implemented throughout the firm. This changes the employee's role and responsibilities
from passive to active in the company's operations.

Continuous improvement models

Turnover costs a lot of money. In addition to severance pay, the employer must cover the costs of
finding, hiring, and training a replacement employee for the position. In many professions, an
individual may require years of on-the-job training before earning the necessary experience to
succeed. Employee engagement and attrition rates have been observed to improve when there is a
culture of continuous development. Employees that actively contribute to the company's growth have a
sense of fulfillment and success. Employees have a better sense of belonging as a result, and there
are less reasons for them to leave the company

Building in continuous improvement

Describe strategies for incorporating continuous improvement into business systems and procedures
including performance management, organisational sustainability, health and safety and knowledge
management and to address issues within the company.

Continuous improvement tools

Continuous improvement promotes the improvement of processes as well as products. Companies
who are continually looking for ways to improve their operations will inevitably see their goods and
services increase in value. As a result, services will become more complicated and economically

Decision-making processes for supporting continuous improvement

The first step in providing exceptional customer service is to understand what the customer values and
to provide that value. A framework for determining customer values and minimising waste in the value
delivery process is provided by continuous improvement. Organizations can better relate their goods
and services to latent consumer values through continuous development. As a result, goods and
services will anticipate customers' needs before they are even aware of them.

Strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement decision-making.

1. Managers and team members should communicate expectations on a regular basis, react to them,

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
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RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
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Attachment 1- Project Portfolio Template

and seek clarification when necessary.

2. Each team member must work together to make, monitor, and promote small adjustments to
processes, programmes, and activities, one at a time, ensuring that each one sticks before moving on
to the next and improving continuously.
3. Giving employees feedback throughout the year, not only at the end of the year, helps them realise
what they do well and where they may improve.
4. Employees with unique features and abilities may be able to provide the company with innovative or
beneficial ideas for improving services and products.
5.Employees are more likely to produce if they are empowered, given the freedom to experiment, and
provided a space to try out their ideas.
6.When the work environment is excessively serious and demanding, it might suffocate creativity and
ongoing growth. When people are motivated and produce fresh and distinctive ideas, having fun at
work allows them to be more relaxed while still being productive.
7.Setting up cross-functional or continuous improvement teams to explore ideas for enhancing work
processes is a more effective way to assist workplace continuous improvement.
8.Encourage employees to think outside the box by rewarding them with tempting awards for practical
and effective ideas. This will demonstrate to all employees that the company supports work
development and creativit

Strategies for ensuring that staff are informed about continuous improvement processes and
. Encouraging employees to participate in activities that enhance long-term growth.
2. Keeping all employees informed about any changes or improvements to the way their work is done.
3. Keeping track of your workouts.
4. Make certain that all health and safety regulations are fulfilled.
5. Adherence to timetables.
6. An audit to check that they are being carried out according to the company's specifications.

Ways of collecting feedback to inform continuous improvement

1. Comment boxes 2. Exploratory customer interviews 3. Feedback through the company website 4.
Organised email feedback 5. Social media 6. Usability Tests

Ongoing mentoring and coaching processes that can be used to ensure that staff are able to
implement and support continuous improvement processes.
1. Identifying the need A continual procedure that can be carried out through performance evaluation
or workplace observation. With the learner, the coaching method and learning objectives can be
discussed. 2. Explaining Clearly and logically describing what is required. 3. Demonstration Individual
coaching sessions in which the learner is demonstrated how to do the desired skill or behaviour while
also functioning as an active role model in their regular job responsibilities, if relevant. 4. Providing
opportunity for practice Observing the learner, providing individual practise time during work hours,
and encouraging practise outside of work hours are all things that can be done. 5. Giving feedback
Constructive criticism, practical counsel, and technique correction are all used. Assuring that the
Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
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RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
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Attachment 1- Project Portfolio Template

student is praised for their efforts while also pointing out areas for improvement.

Strategies for ensuring continuous improvement in sustainability.

1. Double-check that the plan is clear and that the metrics are in sync. 2. Increase leadership
engagement and commitment
2. 3. Adapt to Change. 4. Provide Applied Training Just-In-Time. 5. Incorporate Fun and
Reinforcement! 6. A Final Thought.

A discussion of strategies for knowledge management and suitable strategies

A good knowledge management strategy should: 1. Contribute to the organization's overall objectives.
2. Maintain a healthy balance of people, procedures, and technology. 3. Develop organisational
competencies in a timely manner. 4. Encourage collaboration by using shared processes and
technologies. 5. Create actual results to change people's perceptions of knowledge management

Two strategies for improving insights and experiences from business activities
1.Connect with all of your clients, especially your greatest ones, and always aim to get closer to them.
2. Take a step back and look at things from a different angle.

Reference list ☐

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
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RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
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Attachment 1- Project Portfolio Template

Section 3: Continuous Improvement Policy

Use this template to develop your Continuous Improvement Policy. Alternatively, if your organisation has
a standard template for policy development, work into that document.

The goal and policies of an organisation serve as the foundation for its growth and usefulness. The
vision of the goal to be achieved is the purpose; policies are the plans of action or administration
procedures that will make that vision a reality.

The scope statement's goal is to drive policy creation by providing a description of the proposed policy
and ensuring that persons who a policy may affect are identified, evaluated, and involved

Continuous improvement principles

Principle 1: Improvements are built on tiny modifications, not simply substantial paradigm leaps or
innovations. Principle 2: Employee suggestions are valued. Principle 3: Incremental improvements are
often affordable to execute. Principle 4: Employees take ownership and are participating in the
change. Principle 5: Improvement is reflective

Continuous improvement model and implementation

One of the most often used techniques for the continuous improvement model is the plan-do-checkact
(PDCA) cycle, which consists of four steps: • Make a change plan: Identify an opportunity and make a
change plan. • Do: Begin with a small-scale modification. • Check: Analyze the results of the
modification using data to see if it made a difference. • Act: If the adjustment was effective, scale it up
and evaluate your outcomes on a regular basis. Restart the cycle if the change did not work.

Tools to support the continuous improvement process

List the tools which are relevant to the implementation and support of this procedure. Don’t forget that
you will develop two of these tools later in this assessment.
The following five tools should be included in these process improvement execution roadmaps:
1. Process Baselining and Process Comparisons.
2. Flowcharting.
3. Value-Stream Mapping.
Cause and Effect Analysis.
5. Hypothesis Testing

Knowledge management systems

List the knowledge management systems which are relevant to the implementation and support of this
procedure. Don’t forget that you will develop two of these systems later in this assessment.

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
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RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
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Attachment 1- Project Portfolio Template

List the knowledge management systems which are relevant to the implementation and support of this
procedure. Don’t forget that you will develop two of these systems later in this assessment.
Knowledge management systems can be divided into three categories:enterprise wide knowledge
management systems, knowledge work systems, and intelligent techniques.

Strategies for encouraging staff to participate in continuous improvement decision-making

1. Communicate Expectations. 2. Manage Small Improvements. 3. Give Feedback. 4. Unleash the
Potential of your Employees. 5. Celebrate Innovation. 6. Promote a Creative Work Environment. 7.
Organize Continuous Improvement Teams. 8. Reward Improvements

Processes for communicating the continuous improvement processes and outcomes

Notice to Employees This part provides employees with important and relevant information from the
executive, such as training, job vacancies, and key announcements. Contributions for the Staff Bulletin
must be permitted in advance by the contributor's relevant management before being delivered to the
communications officer for evaluation and inclusion. Intranet of E-OfficeWorx Employees can get vital
information on the intranet in a handy area. The intranet will be used by the executive team to deliver
important and timely information to the rest of the firm. It is the responsibility of the person who
submits the content to ensure that it is factually correct. All contributions must be approved in advance
by the contributor's appropriate manager. Platform for businesses to use social media (e.g. Yammer,
Facebook) Teams of individuals can use these to collaborate and communicate online on projects (for
example, sharing and commenting on work-related ideas, news, and activities).During working hours,
these platforms may not be used for personal purposes. When using social media, the Social Media
Policy must be observed

•continuously expand their expertise in their professional domains and areas of responsibility •exercise
best judgement in the interests of E-OfficeWorx •maintain enough documentation to back decisions
made •ensure outside interests do not interfere with decisions made It's possible that a report to a
senior member of staff may be required.

Relevant supporting policies and procedures ☐

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
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RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
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Attachment 1- Project Portfolio Template

Section 4: Knowledge management systems

Select two of the knowledge management systems that you outlined in your continuous improvement
strategy and develop them.

Describe the systems Knowledge management system 1

Describe both systems. How Enterprise-wide knowledge management systems use a range of
did they meet the technologies to store structured and unstructured documents,
organisation’s needs? How discover employee expertise, search for information, share
will they contribute to knowledge, and leverage data from business applications and other
continuous improvement critical corporate systems. For storing structured and unstructured
within the organisation? documents, locating employee expertise, searching for information,
spreading knowledge, and leveraging data from enterprise
Attach copies of both systems
applications and other essential corporate systems, enterprise-wide
(or links to both systems) to
knowledge management systems leverage a variety of technologies
this section of your Portfolio.

Knowledge management system 2

A knowledge work system (KWS) is a tailored system that promotes
knowledge development while also guaranteeing that knowledge and
technical skills are effectively integrated into the business.
Employees with a high level of knowledge must also look for
information outside of the company. Some examples of knowledge
work systems are as follows: Computer-aided design (CAD) and
computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems automate the
production and updating of designs using computers and
sophisticated graphical software.

Attach: Knowledge management system 1 ☐

Knowledge management system 2 ☐

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
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RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
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Attachment 1- Project Portfolio Template

Section 5: Continuous improvement tools

Select two of the continuous improvement tools that you outlined in your continuous improvement
strategy and develop them.

Describe the tools Continuous improvement tool 1

Describe both tools. How did PDCA. The PDCA cycle (short for plan, do, check, act) provides you
they meet the organisation’s with a systematic approach to testing different ideas and hypotheses.
needs? How will they The PDCA Cycle is a simple and successful approach to
contribute to continuous problemsolving and change management. It lets firms to generate
improvement within the hypotheses about what needs to change, test these ideas in a
organisation? continuous feedback loop, and gather useful knowledge and learning.
It encourages small-scale testing before altering company-wide
Attach copies of both tools (or
procedures and work techniques
links to both tools) to this
section of your Portfolio.
Continuous improvement tool 2
A Gemba Walk is a data collection approach that involves observing
and interacting with workers. It is not the time to hunt for weaknesses
in the company and bring them out to the employees. Making an
attempt to change something on the moment.To disregard comments
from employees.Gemba walks are designed to help leaders develop
their team members so that operations may be improved
consistently. Standard work by leaders can help make Gemba Walks
more successful and efficient

Attach: Continuous improvement tool 1 ☐

Continuous improvement tool 2 ☐

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
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RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
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Attachment 1- Project Portfolio Template

Section 6: Continuous improvement presentation

Develop the script and PowerPoint for your information and feedback session.

Meeting the needs of your Provide staff with a clear direction by ensuring that work is linked with
team E-strategic Office Worx's goals and directions. b. Assist employees in
improving performance by providing: •Clarity about roles,
How does your presentation
responsibilities, and performance expectations; •Assistance in
meet the needs of your team?
identifying changes to a current staff position description document;
How have you applied your •Rewards for strong performance and assistance in improving
organisation’s policies and performance; and •Training and development relevant to individual
procedures? performance areas, professional aspirations, and longer-term
Attach a copy of your organizational needs. c. Establish an equitable and transparent
notes/script for the framework for regular and constructive conversations between
presentation and your supervisors and employees about: • Future organizational
PowerPoint to this section of developments, operational plans, and their alignment with individual
the Portfolio. work plans, goals, and priorities; •Past performance efforts, including
recognizing significant accomplishments and defining strategies to
address identified performance issues; and •Career aspirations and
long-term professional development. d. Establishing a procedure for
evaluating how high performance should be rewarded, managing
performance improvement, and recognizing high-performing

Gathering feedback Clear and consistent communication By offering regular opportunities

for open and constructive communication between employees and
Describe the strategy that you
their supervisors, the PMS provides a platform for building a common
will use to gather, analyse and
understanding between supervisors and workers regarding the
apply feedback during the
employees' role in E-OfficeWorx and performance requirements. b.
Appropriate job planning and employee development. According to
Attach any forms, surveys the PMS, planning and personnel development are two critical
and/or questionnaires that you components of increasing individual productivity and organizational
will use. performance. c. Appreciation, Rewards, and Feedback Supervisors
will be aided by the PMS in providing constructive feedback on
performance and recognizing high-quality work. d. Honesty and
transparency The PMS will aid supervisors and managers in making
objective and fair recommendations and judgments for rewarding
good performance and correcting poor performance.

Attach: Presentation notes/script ☐

PowerPoint presentation ☐

Feedback form/notes/questionnaires ☐

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
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Section 7: Continuous improvement presentation

Feedback Feedback – assessor

Summarise the feedback Feedback – assessor At the start of the review period, the employee
gathered from your assessor, will document their achievements, sources of feedback, and
during your presentation and developmental and support needs for their performance and career
from any other stakeholders. development, and will meet with the person conducting the
performance appraisal (hereafter referred to as the "supervisor") for
Attach copies of all feedback
the purposes of: •Discussing the relevance of the employee's work
to this section of your
against strategic work unit objectives and identifying core areas of
development, including but not limited to: Many work units decide
workloads as part of a group planning process, but if this is not the
case, workloads should be handled as part of the PMS.Workload
planning should consider the requirement to strike a good balance
between an employee's work life and family/social responsibilities, as
well as annual leave balance monitoring.Any additional resources
that may be necessary to enable the achievement of performance
requirements and/or training and development needs should be given
additional consideration.

Feedback – during presentation

1. Assessing career objectives and prospective career progression;
2. weighing professional development demands against the position's
core competency criteria. Feedback – other stakeholders The
supervisor and employee must submit the completed report to the
HRM Manager. Before settling on the final conclusion and official
recommendations, the relevant manager will analyse the preliminary
recommendations. If the HRM does not agree with the proposed
results, the employee and their supervisor must meet with the HRM
to discuss any concerns and offer alternatives.

Feedback – other stakeholders

The completed report must be delivered to the HRM with signatures
from all parties if it is for a probationary employee or if there is action
that needs to be taken as a result of the report. Any additional reports
are the responsibility of the respective area. The PMS results must
be kept secret at all times by all relevant parties. Outcomes
Implementation Progression in small steps Subject to the terms of the
Productivity and Rewards Program, incremental promotion will be
given. Recommendations should be acknowledged and appreciated.
The awarding of performance recognition shall be governed by the
requirements of the OfficeWorx Productivity and Prizes Program.

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
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RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
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Feedback analysis Development and Training The PMS Report includes a feedback
form that explains the specific training that is required. The Human
Analyse the feedback and
Resources Office will keep track of all training and development
summarise your conclusions.
information in order to create a training and professional development
How will you implement the
plan. If unit-specific training is required, it should be provided unit-by-
units. Dreams for the Future During the workforce planning process,
Attach copies of revised information regarding an employee's career aspirations will be
documents, tools and systems considered. Attach: Feedback from your assessor, presentation
to this section of your session participants and other stakeholders ☒ Revised documents

Attach: Feedback from your assessor, presentation session ☐

participants and other stakeholders

Revised documents ☐

Hilton Academy: Level 6, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000, Australia.
Email: [email protected] | Website:
BSBSTR502 Facilitate continuous improvement | 13
RTO: 40735 CRICOS: 03796A ABN: 24 111 139 578
Version 1.0 – Updated on 01 March 2021

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