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Presentation Outline

Taekwondo is a martial art independently developed over 20

centuries ago in Korea. Over the many years it has become a
popular international sport. The main feature of Taekwondo is that it
is a free-fighting combat sport using the bare hands and feet to
repel the opponent. Taekwondo literally means the way of kicking
and punching. It consists of sharp strong angular movements with
free flowing circular movements to produce a balance of beauty
and power. With the addition of Taekwondo's trademark kicking
techniques it is a complete system of self defense and personal
improvement. All of its activities are based on the defensive attitude
that originally developed for protection against enemy attacks.
Keep In Mind:

The most important fact about Taekwondo is that it is not

only a superior art of self-defense, but of the mind as well.
It gives its practitioners self-confidence that provides an
advantage over weaker opponents. This mental
characteristic along with the physical ability is beneficial
to the mental life of individuals as well as to their families
and friends. With its practical means of self defense, its
complete regiment of physical conditioning, and its aid to
improved concentration and mental performance,
Taekwondo offers a total fitness program integrating
mind, body, and spirit.

objective players and equipment rules and scoring

the objective is to land kicks age, gender and weight can rules and regulations, and a
and punches upon the scoring be considered into finding the point earning system
zones of your opponent right opponent for an even


In Taekwondo competition, the object is to land kicks and

punches upon the scoring zones of your opponent. These are
the the torso and the head and both kicks and punches must be
accurate and powerful, as light tapping kicks are not counted by
scorers (or electronic scoring systems in major competitions).
At the end of the three rounds of the match, the player with the
most points is declared the winner, but the match can end early
by one player knocking the other player out.
All Taekwondo practitioners, whether competitors or not are at
all times expected to uphold the five tenets of Taekwondo. These
are courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and
indomitable spirit.
player visual

The white taekwondo uniform that competitors
wear is often called a gi, but technically that is the
Japanese name for a martial arts uniform and the
proper Korean term is a dobok. A coloured belt is
tied round the middle of the dobok and the colour
signifies the grade of the practitioner.

The belt system goes from white for beginners

through to yellow, green, blue, red and then black
for more experienced practitioners. Black belts
then receive their ‘dan’ grades as they progress
further in their experience and expertise. In a
Taekwondo match, each competitor wears several
pieces of protective equipment and these are:

Head guard
Chest (trunk) protector Hand protectors
Groin guard Shin guards
Forearm guard Mouth guard
Pointing system
Scoring in a Taekwondo match is simple. A player gets:

one point two points

basic attack to the opponent’s torso spinning kick to the opponent’s torso

In major competitions, electronic scoring systems are used that are

placed within each player’s chest protector and are adjusted to take
three points into account of the weight category of the fight. For head kicks (and
kick to the head fights where electronic scoring is not used), a panel of 4 judges push
a button when they see a scoring point. When at least 3 judges agree,
then a point is awarded.
Once a Taekwondo match is over (at the end of the 3 x
2 minute rounds), the winner is the fighter that has the
most points. If both fighters have the same amount of
points, then an extra round is fought called the golden
point round. In this round, the first fighter to score a
point is declared the winner.

Taekwondo matches can be won earlier if one fighter

knocks the other out or if one fighter is disqualified for a
rule breach.
Important rules of the

1- Don’t wear jewellery or watches during


2- Tie your hair if you have long hair; use a hair band
if you have mediumlength hair during training.
3- Keep your finger and toe nails short for
4- Don’t chew gum while training. It is not only
disrespectful to your Master and your classmates but
it is also a choking hazard.

5- Make sure to wear all your sparring gear

including your mouth guard and groin guard in
sparring classes (especially in Competitive
Sparring Classes).
Important rules of the

5- Make sure to wear all your sparring gear

including your mouth guard and groin guard in
sparring classes (especially in Competitive
Sparring Classes).
6- Use goggles or protective cover over your
prescription glasses in sparring classes
(especially in Competitive Sparring Classes).

7- Don’t use excessive force when sparring younger

students or lower belts.

8- If you have any injury, tell your instructor before

class begins. If you areinjured during class, report it to
your Master or Instructor right away.
Important rules of the

9- Don’t stand on the benches in the viewing

area and change rooms or on the barchairs at
the Snack Shack.

10- If you see anything unsafe or you feel unsafe,

report it to your Master orInstructor right away
Taekwondo Rules and

Taekwondo matches should be contested by

competitors of the same sex and the same
weight ctegory

The competition area is a mat that measures 8

meteres squared.

Taekwondo matches are contested over 3 x 2

minute rounds with a rest of 1 minute between
Taekwondo Rules and
Each fighter attempts to knockout their opponent
or score points bylanding blows on their
opponent’s torso or head. Kicks are allowed
toboth to the torso and head, whilst punches are
only allowed to the body.Below the waist is not a
permitted target

If a fighter and their coach think that a point has

been missed or that a mistakehas been made,
they can make a protest. A video replay is then
looked at by judgesand a decision is made
Taekwondo Rules and
6. Fighters can lose points by the way of
penalties. These can be incurred by actionssuch
Punching to the face
Attacking with the knee
Attacking below the waist
Stepping out of the ring with both feet
Turning your back on your opponent
Pushing, holding or grabbing your opponent
Feigning injury
Taekwondo Rules and

The match is won by the fighter who knocks their

opponent out or whohas the greater number of
points at the end of the three rounds.

If the match is a draw, a golden point round is

fought, with the fighterlanding the first scoring
point being declared the winner
Notable Taekwondo Practitioners

Chuck Norris. Muhammad Ali. Chloe ruce

American martial artist and American professional English stuntwoman and
actor. boxer, activist, entertainer, actress.
poet and philanthropist.
Group. 4

Harry Obien
Jonalyn Tambiado

Karla Zeill Peñaredondo

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