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Low-cost Automatic Alcohol/Hand Sanitizer

Dispenser: Developed against Covid-19

A Descriptive-Experimental Research Paper Presented

to the Faculty of the

Senior High School Department


Camiling, Tarlac

In fulfillment of the Requirements

For Work Immersion/Capstone Project


Dave Matthew B. Libiran

May 2022



There is a strict evaluation everywhere to control the corona disease and

spread to the nation. At the year of 2020, the whole world is going through a

pandemic due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which was first spotted in

December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Since this virus is highly contagious, the

World Health Organization (WHO) provided some guidelines to reduce its

community transmission.

At this time, DepED are implementing limited face to face due to the low

average infection rate in the Philippines. Schools are the one that affected this

pandemic. Students are not in school but in their home instead. When the limited

face to face starts there are problem in lack of necessity in equipment like the

automatic hand sanitizer dispenser. The dispenser mostly cost 2000 pesos in the

market and it is very in demand.

The hand sanitizer dispenser plays a significant role to allow individuals to

wash/rub their hands while on the go. A sanitizer dispenser can be made touchless

automatic in different ways since various types of sensors can be used to sense the
proximity. Sanitization means cleaning or sterilizing an object or body part like

hands or whole body.

The researcher want to conduct this study to make a fully touchless and

automated hand sanitizer and help the community and especially for the school in

the lack of necessity of equipment through making this low cost automated hand


Statement of the problem

The study aimed to create or make a hand sanitizer which is fully touchless

and automated using the low-cost components. This study seeks to answer the

following question:

1. How may be described the low cost alcohol/hand sanitizer dispenser

in terms of:

a. performance

b. quality

c. affordability?

2. What distance of the hand can activate the infrared sensor?

3. How long will the battery lasts?

Hypothesis of the study

- There is no significance difference in terms of performance between the low

cost automatic alcohol dispenser and the manufactured one

- There is significance different in terms of affordability and longevity of

battery between the low cost automatic alcohol dispenser and the

manufactured one

Significance of the study

The study will help to make a very effective and low cost alcohol/hand

sanitizer dispenser for the community and as well as in schools. The outcome of the

study will benefit to:

To the students. It will provide a better hand sanitizing machine to avoid the

spreading virus through hands or physical contact.

To the school. It will provide an equipment that is low cost and very efficient

for everyday doing.

To the DepED. It will provide an idea to come up a very much cheaper

equipment to help all the schools to have a automated alcohol dispenser in each


To the community. It will provide and help those area that cannot buy a very

expensive equipment.
To the future researchers. It will provide a information on how to come up

or innovate the automated alcohol dispenser to very cheaper than the manufactured


Scope and Limitations

This study will be conducted help to make a low cost and very effective

alcohol dispenser.

The respondents of this study will be the residents of Brgy. Managos,

Bayambang, Pangasinan. I will pick (20) twenty randomly selected within the

barangay. The study will describe the bamboo made alcohol dispenser in terms of

quality, performance, and the affordability.

Definitions of Terms

Affordablity. It is referred to the price of the product whether it is low or high

Alcohol. It is use to designed for application to the hands to inactivate

microorganisms and/or temporarily suppress their growth

Automated. It is operated by largely automatic equipment

Dispenser. It is an automatic machine or container which is designed to release a

specific amount of something

Equipment. It is the necessary items for a particular purpose

Performance. It is referred to the how quickly sensors activated the dispenser

Quality. It is referred to the durability of the dispenser

Sanitizing. It is to make clean and hygienic or disinfect


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

The Automatic Sanitizer Dispenser is an infrared motion sensor-based

dispenser. It used to dispense any alcohol-based sanitizer. It has a touch-less

operation, which make people more confident about the sanitations process. In the

time of the world pandemic COVID 19, the automatic hand sanitizer dispenser is an

essential product to kill the effect of corona virus (Techinstro, 2021)

According to Souma Joy (2021) using sanitizer dispenser it will prevent

chances of getting sick in our daily interactions with people and germs. Hand

sanitizer dispenser also handy in water scarce areas. The sanitizer dispenser can

conserve water.

Yadav et al (2020) stated that hand sanitization is the most useful way to

prevent the spread of disease-causing microorganisms. Traditionally, to sanitize and

clean our hands, we are using soaps and manual hand soap dispenser. Nowadays,

due to advancement in the technology, we have optimized the health-care


Lee et al. (2020) Hand sanitizers usually operate by squirting sanitizer liquid

when one presses a pump with one’s hand. Some hand sanitizers on the market are

automatically pumped. However, sanitizer containers and pump devices are

designed to be compatible only between products produced by the same


According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), hand hygiene

encompasses the cleansing of hands by using soap and water, antiseptic hand

washes, antiseptic hand rubs such as alcohol-based hand sanitizers (ABHS), foams

or gels, or surgical hand antisepsis. Hand sanitizers as a disinfectant are in more use

today because of its ease of availability, and lack of water and time.

Related Studies

Das et al. (2020) said that the automated dispenser give its superior

performances in indoor use, it consumes low power, it is cheap and to play a key

role in contactless hand disinfection in public places and reduce the spread of

infectious diseases in society.

Sharma A S (2020) stated that alcohol based hand sanitizers are more

effective than soaps, and also easy to use. The paper also says that non contact

dispensing is again important to prevent pathogen spreading and finally, hand

hygiene is most important and must be part of our daily life.

According to Karar et al. (2020) It is important to use the good quality

sanitizer in the proper way. Alcohol-containing hand sanitizers are the most

effective, and it must be used in a dime sized amount, spreading it all your hands,

between your fingers and covering all surface area.

According to the author of DIY Easy Non-Contact Automatic Hand Sanitizer

Dispenser or Automatic Soap Dispenser With Arduino (2020) they conducted study

to see if traditional hand pump sanitizer dispensers could be contaminated. They did

this by growing bacteria in various areas of sanitizer dispensers and watching how

it grew when people used them. They discovered that all hand sanitizer dispensers

have a high level of collocation on the lever, which is in direct contact with the user's

hand. They came to the conclusion that hand sanitizer dispensers can become

contaminated with diseases and hence pose a threat to humans. It is clear how

important it is to use touchless automatic sanitizer dispensers.

An automated sensor‑based sanitizer dispenser system employs the use of

alternative component technology in the design. In the future, the system can be

used for sanitization of hands, and its ability to detect the changes in the light emitted

by LED will be very useful as well as will be considered as very efficient.

Furthermore, by applying the automated hand sanitizer dispenser technique in our

day‑to‑day life at common places to make the sanitization (Surani et al., 2021)


Research Design

The researcher will use descriptive-experimental design. This design will

describe the low-cost alcohol dispenser in terms of performance, appearance, and

price. This design also will investigate on what specific distance of the hand will

active the infrared sensor and how much time will the alcohol dispenser lasts.

Materials and Procedures


- 5V DC Pump - Battery holder

- Infrared Sensor - Soldering iron

- 1K Ohm resistor - solder wire

- wire - TIP 42c transistor

- tube

For the procedure, the researcher ordered the materials inside of the dispenser

in Shopee. For the safety of researcher, it will use PPE (Personal Protective

Equipment). First, the researcher will make a circuit diagram to guide on how to

create the hardware of the low cost automatic alcohol dispenser. Then the researcher
will start building the hardware first and the electrical circuit followed to the circuit

diagram. It will probably took one week to complete it. Then, if the hardware inside

of the dispenser will work the researcher will start build and design the casing of the

dispenser with the use of bamboo. If the casing is finished, the hardware will put

inside and the researcher will test the product.

Data Collection Procedure

To obtain the data organize, the researcher made a letter for students and

teachers in order to have a permission to give and answer the survey questionnaire

signed by Ms. Beverly D. Cabeso. Each student will be given survey questionnaire

and they will test the automatic alcohol dispenser in face to face.

Sampling Design

The researcher will use simple random sampling. The residents of Brgy.

Managos will be the respondents oh the study. The researcher will pick 20

respondents within the barangay.

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