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►Exam task ►Describing a diagram

►Exam focus ►Academic Module Writing Task 1

►Skills ►Understanding the diagram; introducing and summarising information in the diagram; using
the passive voice; linking your ideas together

D Introduction
Discuss these questions with a partner.
1 What are the main agricultural crops grown in your country?
2 When does the farmer plant the crop and when does s/he harvest it?
3 What other things does the farmer have to do throughout the year to make the crop successful?

El Understanding the diagram

Before you begin w riting, it is important to understand the information shown in the diagram. Look at
the diagram and the title of the diagram below, check the meaning of unknown words and discuss
questions 1-3 with a partner.
1 What process does the diagram show you?
2 How helpful is the title of the diagram?
3 Where does the cycle begin and end?

W r itin g m odule: A cadem ic Task I

If you are preparing for the general training module, turn to You must w rite at least 150 words and you are
Unit GT IA on page 74. assessed on the following:
In task I of the Academic W riting module, you may be • Task achievement: how well you answer the question
asked to describe different kinds of visual data, fo r • Coherence and cohesion: how well your answer is
example a process, how something works o r a map. organised, including how the information is linked
Although the task may look very different from the
more usual tasks of describing graphs, bar charts, pie
charts and tables, the approach you take will be very • Lexical resource: the vocabulary you use
similar and you will be assessed using the same criteria. • Grammatical range and accuracy

86 A M A S u p p le m e n t a r y P a g e s f o r W ritin g T a s k 1
Introducing and summarising the information in the diagram
A Before you begin to describe the process shown in the diagram, it is important to introduce the information
^Express m j to the reader. Rewrite the sentences below in the correct order to make simple introductory sentences.
Make sure you are
confident about 1 in a typical year / the process of growing wheat / the diagram illustrates / on a UK farm
how to write
an introductory
sentence - don't 2 on a UK farm / the stages typically involved / over the course of a year / in the production of wheat /
waste time in the
the illustration shows
exam thinking about
this for too long.

B After the introductory sentence, you should write a summary sentence describing how many stages there
are, perhaps grouping them together or naming the main ones. Rewrite the sentences below in the correct
\Express 77/7) order to make simple summary sentences.
Sometimes the
process will be in a
straight line. Other 1 three distinct times of the year / which are divided into / the cycle consists of / autumn, spring and
times it will be a late summer / seven stages
circle. When it is a
circle it is important
to decide where the 2 they involve preparing the field / there are seven stages in the cycle / taking care of the crop while it
process logically
is growing / and harvesting it
begins and ends.

Using the passive voice

A The sentences in the diagram are very repetitive, they all begin The farmer ...' Also, the reader knows it
is a farmer who does this work. Therefore we do not need to mention him or her. Your report will sound
more academic if you use the passive voice. Look at how we change the following sentence:
The farmer ploughs the field. —►The field is ploughed.

New subject BE (in the present Past participle Note: this information
simple) is not necessary
The field is ploughed (by the farmer)

B Change the sentences to the passive voice.

1 The farmer spreads the fertiliser.

2 The farmer sows the seed in the field.

3 The farmer sprays the weeds with weedkiller.

4 The farmer sprays the crop with insecticide.

5 The farmer harvests the wheat using a combine harvester.

6 The farmer sells the crop.

7 The farmer stores the crop.

Linking your ideas together
The stages of the process will usually follow one after another. You can make your writing more
Express TipJ
professional by using a variety of linking words which show the order of events. Check the meaning of
Do not link the
any unknown words and phrases below and then copy them in the correct column.
stages together
by simply using
Firstly; secondly,
Then Concurrently When ... has been done
thirdly etc. This will
make your writing After that Firstly Finally
appear simplistic Alternatively At the same time Next
and unnatural. Try Lastly To begin with First
to use a variety of It is only after this stage that First of all

A Describing what B Describing what C Describing what D Describing what E Describing

\ Express S ’ happens at the happens in the happens at happens in things that
Sometimes the beginning of middle of the the end of the parallel involve a choice
process may not the process process process
be straightforward.
In the wheat cycle
in section 2, which
two stages happen
concurrently or at
the same time?

Expressing purpose
A Study the diagram in exercise 2 and discuss these questions with your partner.
1 Why do you th ink the farmer spreads fertiliser on the field?
2 Why do you th ink the farmer spreads insecticide on the crop?
3 Why do you th in k the farmer spreads weedkiller on the crop?

B Match the answers to the questions.

a So th at the crops are not eaten by insects,
b In order to prevent the crops being eaten by insects,
c To prevent weeds from growing in the crop,
d So as to encourage strong growth.

C The sentences in B contain useful language for saying 'why' something is done. Study the sentences,
\Express Tip^ cover them with your hand and then write each one next to the appropriate structure in the table.
You may also use
'because + subject So that + subject + verb ...................................................................................................................
verb' but using
'so that...', 'in In order to + infinitive ...................................................................................................................
order to', 'to', and
'so as to sounds To + infinitive ................ '..................................................................................................
more formal and
So as to + infinitive ...................................................................................................................

D Summarise the information in the diagram on page 86 by reporting the main features.

88 A M A S u p p le m e n ta r y P a g e s fo r W r itin g T a s k 1

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